Drive Cactus Cravath of 76 Brings Many a Thrill to by Spirit Bluff, Puts the Dodgers to Rout in Quakertown Fans Under Shadow ofCoogans X?-eJporilièht& GranttenàI?/ce Alexander Scores His «Second on the Present War Situation Hell Takes First Thal Old Marshall Throws Shakespeare Alexander Again ¡Season Over Celebrate A Bad "l»ui re4els nov/ are ended" Victory of (»ves Beginning "I do to have lea Party by begin bloody thoughts" Place in Contest BBOOKI.YV IS Iv 11 KII.AI'U.I'HIA Boston Out first Ball "Let the vain ah r lip.« » e «brhpti« League Champions m>.\\ i sky potatoes" '11 . « ? roas it in Kal.ri'i i».««. « ."" 4 «1 l'a.»».-!., f Giants ah r ii o a r "If 1 must die, I will encounter darkness as a bride and hug my ml '«. « .iBaiwn-ft.'«*.. »11 Beating « -¿ o Daebart.ll>. I »1 I'* . On Horizontal Bar ., , -ret It 411 * I I : 1 llana«. 2» '01 I If In Game arms" wits* If Jll «» a« I I« I * April 20..Just aa lon*f *. 0 I > 1 » Kn«rl»m, rf ft » I 0 r Opening a box unseen ¦>>- I « »'rravath.rf... 41i » .. Philadelphia, » to the wars! Me wears his honor in Stmnal.rf ill ft » « Si-n'-Din. M I "To the wars, ray boys, « vl 0 1« St*-t..*b ««. 1 as Cactus Cravath can see the hall and Pi * «¦ACH P o FMc*-«r. k at .1«« X**«.\l*l.o*r.U>... «. »ti .* «O » that hups his kicksy-wicksy here home." ,,'..... ».}I to a bat he lhe 4 11 J Ka'!**. 4 l .411 S . « Klllirar.e .. « . II retains the power awing of ~>* Ttn riot throuKh *4 I 1 Jft «¦ "The odd« for and low alike" Dutcher McCkmd as 119 I«« J1 «S r,t after- .« raro Win From Senators high Deposes «h«if).p. «-^AfrtaiKlW.».. will come pretty close to holding his " Athletics Bluff >esterd»> * 0 I .' »» IMuTOJ .'".*¦ ft "Knpland. bound in with the triumphant sea" SI SS Mil1 Totals .Í11 « I" 1» Ï in the ef the Phillies. It ^J^aamast'* !"Mon ««n S 3 0 Rarl'I-ai. r ISO I T«Xal-, ¦-* place lineup * N»,ion*' U»*uc Sil 1 10 TVarraii 11 I 1 ï « "He is come to the testament of bleeding war" Champion Wieldcr of Indian ri.i:a«l»iph.». . « » . 1 . . *. nest*« p In Thirteen Inning Battle open purple «I S 0 '.* « . . 9.3 wan hin crashing drive into the left pomp and i nn e 1 in -wstla mnrtial 0« and pence breed cowards; hardness ever of hsrdiness is mother"- "-**"«- far **-Anr»d Twtn- l«t 1 10 IPwn-p«. . Iff f "Plenty Clubs t tua artenl «Kanari, iiarmvi. field bleachern, a drive that carried the Pelo Grounds. i e n« Ry 6 to 4 Score weakest to the wall"- latti l'.«k»rt, I,u«l»ru II«, ne run »'r«ttalh. WeMa '""at "The poes fiilatiaw \Vi,ï»i M»-rti«-» M:» beyond the mad pursuit of the great enthunien! « t-ar*a Hriutl»i. S. Brook¬ ^.^o*nnd -rr«.r Rr-v-klir.. 1 Buck Wheat, which defeated the the chill, wiad-nwept 1 he Record J «**\ -0,t of m fnr Hall«, In *r.i."f»iil.*i Rhythm Patta w all «»r* <:...-..¦. J. i"? A»»ai«d«r. lyn Lobins here this afternoon in the the cool of I .. \pril 20. Washingt«« of was in out for two . t ),..¦¦ *er.n» **TL »nd have often \«ondered where the preaHst amount rhythm Although of competition N'ielnff) «tn., » ,.u U# «lau»». »: .**" of the an«! tl II Il aaa We opening game saU JVtivau clgliih opened the season «t hoi::«- to by of «.'hick Evans- in the easy grace of years, Fred the r 4 luipln-i tr lit» ami Braa»n».«l neason in thin The score waa 4 f*!, ! c. Bmüh i. f/nirtc«i»h evidence upon th" Said in the iron play Hell, representing Time. 1 ;2. city. ' «3 to i in thir- to 2. though «-aerat«»*«!, » » I 1 0 M '""i I losing to Philadelphia -in the smashing service of McLoughlin in the bat¬ Socialer Turn Verein, of Chicago, ¦*¡L buttle i-k.. ...«Ol««e»«t«t00 0.2 the lstc Anthony Wilding Cravath the downfall a foorteea-iaaiag t4'cn innings. Singles by Thrasher, showed that he had lost none of his accomplished Two aase Ml H Thn» ha.»» of -or what? of the Bobins almost handed. TjTeut action c: »or* und a sacrifice hit ting Lajoie aingle noul ntirriag gaii Sml»n ba«»>* -Maranin.«» BaftM Bate» and Schunff But after close of Walter Johnson on the mound, *.he evidence seems cleverness by winning the horizontal H i.i home run waa the decisive stroke *£\.r with thrill« Sacrifl,i> lili--Ma**---. a«*i-rtll,>» fi. BabeiV run«. British study Too Kind hit »«on,! «««* Martjirli!» brctiRht in the winning all his bar contest in the annual gymnastic Langford in the engagement. Hin two-bane -¦ to way. ¡r«eeieus Mar»: », . ,, K wihcIiv IWt on and French flew over tne {-rand point to the centre field fence m the third occa.-'O.. N -.. (lass or -about the Wash of Amateur Athletic **. '(the arremu .Und and líame As.istant There is nothing of the grandstand player- the poseur championships the j drove home two runn and en¬ * on -Off T<«-»*u Î: eff «; inning i.nt'.'y won by W Ha*»« Na:;» De-1 a stuff. And for at the Sew York Turn . Bwton t/t Ksiao. 2 HU«, aid rj-net nin« StcreUiy Roo evclt «if the Navy stsr. There is none of that "every move picture" yet Union, held To Put Finishing abled his team to overcome a lead of "S into a tie ington 2. and thereby moved eau. 4 partmeat raised th« Stars «nd Stripes and all the rest of it Johnson heads Verein last Hell thrilled the one run which Brooklyn made in the AT. did not »« of Katar,. while the a blend of perfect rhythm, ease, grace night. York for the lead, H Satt!. "! hl« pole in eentrefield, spectators with his exhibition, earring second »tanza. No fielding chancea il«! of the hour. Washington player.', gave an exhibition the parade. Touch on Devere presented themselves, so Cactus stood the «pint 'Usa. I, I» Stilt, I mpirc. Vic««-President Mar¬ of a or a kink or any wasted effort. Johnson the total of r-'ihi points. B. Jorgensen, Zeh ¿Uturb .'*rP'- xhui 4" «if mlitaty drill. There isn't the semblance jerk out in right field, sometimes thinking shall thrc out th« tn st ball. ten Yet he has lost the former champion, finished a close ¡ and sometimes {Zum gttttn some- bepun his major league pitching earner years apo. to-tlay secontl. just standing. is Boston had The score: because his motion is so 't. tn» psrty U'lll v 4 i. v. \-.'i\i.,<>\ |i i. i no element of his blinding «peed. Mainly pitehinp There 4«.ere few unsets during the Only Five Hits the the luck the «core would have a « Boston Dark Man Outpoints with »pint with half ab r t« p» no strain is ever upon his arm. Rhythm, R. W. of the New the Robins T^tad» been ¡.gain. Rarii. II 1 " perfectly adjusted that preat put evening. Dutcher, (¿rover Alexander faced Gaanol- squared «!i«'«er, « " M nu ai bason never looks York Arhletic Club, deposed hi« club- I and scored his second victory over l*aer» Bnttle .-. wicked grounder past amone other things, means lack of waste. Rival All Through Bout o\«i :i« if mete, J. I,. McCloud, as the Indian 'hem in as many attempts. Alex wiehee wbo »*w MeGraW-i G apparently the safest aingl 4 ., i, II 0 as if lie 4vas exerting himself and jret the ball shoots projected .. club while V. i.'iat life wan one game Aad Uoe* diz off à bat. .lust how M it SbjHI If r. n 4 1 1 champion, Winsjansen, in Harlem just Brooklyn through fourteen | ¦i ] : n a rifle barrel. Turn became the he'd off the ever to ever will from Norwegian Verein, after another, and grab .gamely tnrill ville got it nobody .. 'I three hit?. In his second new on the horse. if he n.«'st hear* ¦. first of the season Johnson allowed titleholder long extra thousand dollars promised icdt of the know. Hut there he was. buck i .' Hetir» 4 I h In his game ..«,, n n ,i as Grace Athletic Club, or more victorien this *M of the lit in a and he cam«' up with the 11 i allowed two hits and the to hi« fast ball was as pronounced Fred Siebert, wins thirty-one ond flash, .i o n i ii start he jump for the e-ion. regardless was before he csptured the rope climbing honors Tham Langford, a dark man from season. "he. great one limited to belated dinnem ball. Kariden out got ... n I a was five when he was to be at his best. away " ft it years ago, supposed the third successive year, and A. W. visitors to five hita, two of which rana ^.tarned run half way to Konetchy'n comer. lijamteaon 1 . " Boston, is cussed with a kindly heart, conviction that ere the Smith and lined to 4 " I '." Nugent. National Turn Verein, re- off the hickory of the inimitable and aa ist*« will Lobert hit for tamed the else he would have lulled Bob Devere The Tea» George Stalliags in held. George Burns r .-»1 II 4 12 .Tí 1» 1 I he N. L. and Preparedness tumbling championship. irrepressible Caney Stengel. October Wilhoit right Tota:.« ....«« The follows: ta rest in the tirst round of their bout were how» iwtjX of a victory than lin«d h into centre. Herzog in for in the right summary ton's wallops non-productive, need single e.' l'ear Sir: The American Leapue has pone preparedness aope-'llmhliig- 4Von by T. Slebert. Orare Out»; at the Harlem Sporting Club last night. ever. gmntnr to the same A single .Rai Um». 0 14:, L. 4V«M»»man. 92.1 Mr-«"» V M of the Tolo doubled garden. üinliig that it was for advertising purposes and As it wus, Bob lasted the ten rounds It to the lot of Lawrence Cheney Corporal a tie with darkness fall- way. At first I had an idea only Il A. »-.-oil.!. Um». 0:OTÎ-Î. K. Ktalnmei«. fell yate meant again, rhila.l-: «i ii n «t o 0 ft 0 :-« what I would like to know PUIailelpI.i» Tunig»>nieii,.I». Ihlr.1, Mme. 0M tj. A. and must have been thankful to en-- to face Alexander. flung them S «i ft -l « « . « I 9.4 would soon fade out. Now I see my mistake. But l'un Verein, time. OO'J. Larry m*tm**m a S»efrlr>l. WeoamUttk riwrth; cape with his life. fast and «low at the wfre thing but pro- P.obertson hit one and he can «4 lit Tfcreaj beat» h" the National -keep a4vay from such U*ig h^rae.Won by V. Wlrsjaiisen. N<*Twea*t»n damp and dry, an> Darey is this: How can the older league with »<1 Herg, In the first half minute of the first but could about the (majtm* ounce of energy WS l:.i!e» Sam' doesn't V. aiA A. G, S*.1». vAntA. Phillies, not bring inauguration of the hit. Every .«.r, MM: tda «»fTl- csn refuse to do its part at such a time? Why Nnrweglu.O T V. and A. «'. »I'll fi point», at.:- Sam caught Bob with a wicked left so wished. ¿aaas tat the went like a Ju:¦ >. wltii '»% pointa, suddenly complete¬ tima a run was needed, end it just mm »trt ovnrcsft and threatening. somehow, made the stop. Tumbling ~\Vun A. W, Nugent, N»U«vial Tiim He a count and then m«. netchy. is. of ly. took short one of those days when Cravath was rLZa ens n »tin-; in the was as wonderful a stop as that of H ni' »'. ,»n.»«i rang sounds much softer than it actually far* Vewark. wiih «I», «Mata: K Dunn, fell into a clinch. at momentary Waking up the National league N". for* .4 «'. w:«h »,'V, point*. »»¦«¦<. " Sam, scandaliicd hitting curves, last ones, spitters and tatt wind and the Maranville. Nehf had given it up for over should Turn Vi «Util the he had a mutHer atm the stands Of? R. a with a sportinp history that dates back forty years Ta-iaprii.lkle. Nannial r-:n. Newark, damage done, put all the rest of the pet deliveries, and »f rain ; >rt early l.«-t. He had the sprint of his life to HiniT-k mit Just why league T"'. poli rhlnt on his and I)<*vere survived. m.iam crowd of the times should be so utt-rly insensible .»! \4"i t-. P l|,»ll. fiodaler T. punches, them right on the nose. with the biggest cover first ahead of Robertson for R. 'laaad 1 Beben«, be 80 absolutely out of focus with tinrir«,! bai In the third session had hitting ¿¡¡¿»»eked :n the en- the llenrv ne and Idnecn. Time. : 41. all understanding. There is V « hi. ago »Uli >.2<- i«,liitv II .lorgeo»««. Nor- Langford Errors were incidental to the runs au laate* Koney'a quick toss, that ended day. to the new spirit through the land is beyond »eid»ii T. V « -i. «DV» ruAtit*. samiid: Bob wabbling from right and left hooks to the woea wrapped »peeta- home l >*»«l Wtte T M C. A., wl'ii T'i'j point». of the teama, and added (kgran* th« heavily Outside «>f Ragan's ma, such a situation. «»esir. to the jaw. The next was even, and The two errore easily have been the shirt- two chances. no diagno.-ing of the pitchers. ¡na aiatt that make» Braves had only good White Sox Bunch Hits Inilioii Huh* Won hy n. W, Dutj-lier. New Tork Devere earned the fifth and sixth to the Quaker City host fig¬ tagten of dog days Jeff handed out a couple of passe« in 4 »mi ;; 4 -xviiii«. r r, m u.i.i. n«w York shooting lefts to the Tar charged jagtai Great amateur golf champion A »lui :'< 7 eeron«!: I* Stimniarlll. long Baby's ured in Brooklyn's tallies, while Fab¬ no inttitution. the tirst inning. Magee singled, start¬ "Is it true," queiies a reader, "that Britain's i*. p»»inl», Langford was winded Annan »ombre tpell of these Konet- And Defeat the Browns who won the last. Ril'jrcr. A A w IT», M i ,.>ii'U. llilrrl: J. Satigu, jaw. badly by rique'.«! omission to bang fast to the th» the fourth, and scored on Jenkins, of Troon, Scotland, '. Y. M '. .4 ni'ii 13.« r.xxrtli. hin own but after honors Bííttinf «1 war the n.annge- ing has been killed?" No. Larry pcùiu. exertions, bail wliuri he tagged George Whitted an »f |Tiis-vissgi triple to right centre. Boston Chicago, April 20, The Chicago in left with the first division of volunteers «4. ai b) Cl M Y'i^li were even in the seventh and eighth Cravath tho a martial touch to the chy's So\ in the second British championship, played 1914, Tarn Vanta, »uli .i*. -i Ri.-Mer. Kirrt l«o- at secon«! place gave ast »rrnnftd might have elinched th« game hi White hunched hits he has been wounded, lwMnlui A. w'.'li points;point«, ««vomi, J. (»«..-, rounds he showed a flash of temper out his Binâtes l.eiori game 44011 St. Louis Since that time reports have come that tSyk proper incentive to drive ¡¡dar». Ten . not been caught napping off iniuin:. and from to-day for France. 4V.-M si.le Y M « A wrlth ISH point». Uilnl. T. Bob in the lant the 7th at tho T A. vrlili *,'J and punished badly ail » bugler of Regiment third for the second ou;. In his last by n .«core of ô to 2. he is still alive. As Jenkins has been Mitring nearly three years Hanaro, Norwegian V. ajil «'.. two sessions. double. field exit, stood but -' i«, fourth. iVrikrr »on flr«t p|a«-e on lum- Two-base hits were the thing, snnT the left not a who a no-hit. no-run still intact. number .f. r quite ani four inningn Tesreau did permit Cicotte, pitched a few of those v.ho left with him arc Any Devere wns dazed and flatfooted la five were made in nnd nounded reveille. The por- trarm v. ick, wiis front, only l'araltrl l »r» Wr*i 11 Jorganien. NorwrHilaji for no fewer than .nU runner to reach first bane. The list includes Jack Graham, . bf the final round, and one solid wallop open and a représenta¬ He seven time.;, but i of best golfers have been killed. V. an I A C, »l'ii Rl-ll poim». T Rtoeen, the course of the afternoon'n activi¬ ¦A» t»«B iwung llolke walked to start the third. touched received p« England's But '-.-.¦fan Turn Yrrwii. »Uli TI 9-10 point*, sec would have finished the joh, but Ssmbo Pss- fife and drum corps that a V scores of others who were among the Brat to go. «' ties Wheat, Bancroft, Cravath, it »f the «ras the first Giant runner to see the feet support, running catch vy Norman Hunter and .il. l: MminT. \r< V'irk A C. wi'li 1)1-Il wouldn't unloose the thunderbolt. Wei th» »abject of a celebrated infield out ad¬ Collins a f« has pollita, ilr.l, C. Roium/i. l'i il», Ml. «Un 71 kert and Stengel got the doubles. and to the thrill« first stntion. McCarty's being so far the Amateur Champion escaped. r»*:»»-.- f. unli. Langford tortured the scales at 208Vi thrills aro to be of¬ ¦atuf »topped out vanced Holke and Tesreau's long single The rcoro follows: and Devere did 195 pounds. When fielding st »train» of "Yankee Doodle" ST tjcivin (A I. ) IIICACO A. I») fered Buck Wheat. The big the Held wall scored him. e the other ten-round bout page the home plate, fol- ngainst right ah r Ii ., a e ah r h o a On In Mickey made one of the grandest atjtkei ngnintt But Jeff was cut down bv Baile,* when 411 1' 0 IILelMd.rf..... I«l I I ft Being Ready Six Runs in the First Dunn Willie Astey in a fant Cherokee musicians. ii more outpointed ever seen on this field in the awi by the regimtntal tried to stretch the .. I ft I :; that this nation, trained and ready, would be far bit of made a catchen the rival baseball forcea, he single. 4 ,.'.¦-. -: ft It has been argued lighting. Astey garrison fourth inning when ho crashed into fcannwhiU Holke w th « -i The Cards and . -.'. o been concluded. Win for but Dunn had McGraw nr««i Sta! lings Kauft* strolled singled o o to into war when the present conflict has Inning finish in the last round, field standn, down ankslled by one out in the fifth. Hanney raced .i i : i .» eager jump late won his battle. the left dragging ir ' '¦ ft ft was written some ago by the 20.-Three singles, already for a home run. drawn I 7 years St. - were fcp »ingle only for Mar«ai i I best answer we have seen to this Louis, April a Bill Killifer's bid the foul linen in front of in behind first MeCarty'n puzzling «01 S lliWaiti ill n ft three bases on balls, a hit batsman, a Buck hurt his kneo pretty badly, but Til",along foul. After the catch Kauff sprinted ft s lalk.»' :« ft 1 7 l ft Hugh sacrifice hit and two errors St. benches. These play- «m «i " Keough: gave after a minute's rest resumed activities '*nt rtnpnetiv» to but Holke. who tried for sec¬ p.. :: :¦ ft 1 o ; we tvet hate met to¬ Baseball Player Gets -nitond nt ettention. grasping Ameri¬ third, "The most jicaceublc person Louis six runs in the first inning as if nothing had happened. Bancroft ond, was doubled up on Smith's return -.;.::¦' a score of ta Ian. while the band pla>ed "The: .ttAels the matt who talked softly but ever was set day, and Cincinnati lost by Rest After 642 Games a clever game, and was in the s«emed a foolhardy " ft i, Wttê played Bnnner." to Maranville. Thia t ft ft 14 i 7 to »*.. with several unusual stops. lar Spangled on the of Holke. Burrs hit .1 «I ., Tl H I, on murr than he would get. Salt Lake City, Ctah. April N. limelight p!av part And figured giving Hornsby's home run in the fifth gave in Drill King nn Floral Offering with only one out in the «ixth, but n haeea <\.\rr. rv»:-. with the. croas and the upper; the Cardinals their other run. The "Biff" Schallcr, left fielder of the San Marines it 111. Kacrlfle« And could swing Francisco baseball team of the Pacific a battalion of of nturdy artificers meanwhile M.ranvillc snatched Hei*xog"i 4«'M S« ly»l||4. Keds drove Watson from the box in the Prior to the game 'petrol .- and never wtlS whipped. to the a large across the midway and started a double This man neikr fought l{c ninth, a double, a triple, four singles Coast League, who holds the world's United States Marines went through ai berne up plate h « «'id enmed run« OS I njn» the Giants. This mt haw he looked when, he stripped. and a walk five runs, but record for participation in consecutiva the various military manoeuvres. The tal offering for play. the Giants to iii'.r«. nr »«'.li.n.T- no lilt». 1 nm in s They took him faith, producing a-1 cleverly executed national flag, dowdy's error helned ¡>uk»*»n>. he would cvu.-ii tthstn ¡mur ftipper le gripped Ame.-, went in and stopped the rally. baseball games, took his tirst layoff crowd applauded while the men went A in the ninth inning. Burns led or"" .ron. .;. I m )'uur bones follows: after having in Ml the usual left and * |;ft of the Lamb*. fitting ¡ tie l>lrt».Nalllii an«l ¡:»»r... Time, i* The score yesterday played through squads MMitetian wan offered by with a single. He stole second and got And smilingly asked you to supper." ri.MI.VNATI (N I. ST Uli IS IN. I,.) contents. right, and left front into line, speech when Gowdv threw high ah r h n a a ahrlin»» be¬ squads *ftj Bell, the bell cow rooter of the an extra base <*ue«o. It I « 1 > «IBggrSgf. H ill I 01 His recoAi for consecutive games and then the merry sailors performed »ub- to Maranville. The Rabbi* hell Georcie bit of in that uric line "They Rhaan. ib.. 4 l r -, I OBetrel. ib.... 2 1 1 no gan with the of the season of time. iñst». Colonel John Whalen, Home Run more than a minute philosophy .¦ opening in douolc out Herzog, by Young There is .% ..' s 1 O I.nng. rf 2 00 o 0 0 in run in the sec¬ the Inn moment for Mayor on third while he toss-d when he this comes as do*»» to 1 « II Mllier. th. I 1 10 1 o 1911. This season he has played Brooklyn got it« first emagnt to Kellv was deep took him on faith how he looked stripped"- Wednes¬ to start heel, totted oat the first ball and but Robertson's fly / '..«010 1 lllloriuibv. h.. 3JÎ I I« sixteen games, and wound up ond fíame. Wheat doubled Wins for the Tigers as words could arrange it. '. rt 1 tiimlte. ..4 12 1 »> 0 Sal League season was un- enough to permit. Burns to score easily telling the complete story Veale, rf ... 1 0 ti. day with a straight record of 642 and went to third on Stengel's aacri- the dirt. -". With the score Kopf. H.... 10 ! 2 2 1 K. Smith. ",. 110 1 Mow- in New York. enough without hitting Clereland, April « .. o ¦: I » li 1 S 1 1 games. fice bunt. Cutshnw fanned, but maty 'i-*tl in the ninth, Detroit men on »... 4 ht fUgar.. the ancient don of the two for the year kindly recall these details Sehneider.p o ft <> f «OiWalaon. p son n 40 Schaller had not been hitting in good rey, playing his tiret game of the year were the base-, and two drive In arranging your baseball dope Hull. 1 o o n «. «i Am»», i- «0 0 0 0 i> Mttrs. »nd Cnarles Tesreau the out, Young's 1 form and Wolverton at third walked and then stole Puzzle ««ver third Allison and went «ron 8 of their first IS games and then immediately It'ng. ti ; ft 0 II 2 recently, Manager base, .ni a*, the start. Neither Grimes Big c<>» by fer last «eason the Giants llriffi'li 0 1 'I 0 ft 0 decided a brief vacation would benefit second. Killifer threw blindly and a horn«' run. 7 4. have this you pitcher« to »hare in the Detroit winning, to won 19 of their next 21. When you fully digested him. scored. In the fifth Brooklyn ¦arriad long enough To the Cubs to thereafter TMftfc .;' « II J« I'. :. T. . IT T S ST IS 1 Wheat »f or to chare the odium Chicago Boland held Cleveland four next lesson. two runs. was safe on Will victory de- but three of them were 4viih enn then proceed to the «.allied Mowrey (Mat Bu* each in hin way con-! , April 20. Pittsburgh bunched .B»ft««<1 for S« h.-iflili-r In w-otul Inning a low throw by Stock, and Miller got » scoro of fi and a Detroit error. Morton for King In ninth luni'ig. Calls Off Its "fcnto" mightily to nn afternoon re¬ I hicago to-day by passes forced Batted Cornell an infield hit. Cheney forced Mowrey, ot W8v hit haul in the first and sixth in« wonders of this nation is that it I as never been «tnclnna'l .OOlOOOOè S.« al» »ith classy entertainment. to 1. due to the good pitchintr One of the main ft il 0 ».. but out moved up the vis¬ to three lo see how a man might ¦ I, tat. » 0 0 1 0 Interscholastic Meet Fabrique's «U*vi held fie »luggii g Gis (¦rimes, who held the visitors ninps. for its umpires. It is easy Ml»- itors' and both scored on Dau- Thi '¦«.,¦ i follow : to adopt conscription T..., haw» hit-Sh«»»n. Three-h««« -Honuhy, battery, liltributed hits through nine to is another affair. l«. him liorna nin- Hoimabr. .->'.¦»'. b««g« muta, Ithaca, N. V., -0..The annual bert's to M.VU.AMI \ Dl rill.IT A volunteer for war but 4olunteering umpire Sai-rlfl«-« hit--L»m» Hoimle pl«y April single. Tenrenu left Boston down with Demarce was wild and gave way r e l.n»ig. Miller. interscholastic track meet held two in the third on sung»; »Ii Ii |». a »!> r Ii jk> a to lo Mll!»»r. I»eft mi btae. «In usually The Phillies got wns was hv 4 ft «. 4 il ft il»'«.| HnrrulT in eight round». Each Packard, who in turn replace«! . 4 L Hr»i «a«» ",r«.r- «'In in the Cornell Athletic Asso¬ a Whit¬ «wkinglet .'¦ ' for a chance and a mi,an. 9, St. l^Hila. May by a double by Bancroft, single by "art to way to a hitter, in the eighth inning. The I'hapman. i». a 'J 0 I I |] has travelled (,000 miles looking i'li.naü. 1. Brae« on hall» «iff Bctuieidei for the safe arri- give pinch Douglass » " '. " » J S I no "So far Darcy »nn« ciation has been cancelled pres¬ ted, the lattcr's subsequent **»I»!i«d to do more «.han the original home team scored a run in the first Before Les finally discouraged there King. .'. (T IVataon, «. HI II ISIS to fight," notes an exchange. gets «»IT s,-.'i.iri.ler. 4 hit« *t run» In I i«:nl'.g; «¦¦ff Hin»* ent season. when Fabrique dropped atthavt as r on singles by Carey »nd Schalte, I. Il M II placo tir.-t station j mi» I ran In r innti.K '. tat VVaiacai. This action was taken the \aljHLnecond Cravath's accomplished quite iiiin.-ig :i .' " ft " 4 ft '1 can be accommodated at th« recruiting beyond by athletic th«JW*#)w, and two-bagger. from ... a PrawfOfd Hi 1J ft is a chance that he ruiu» In II ning»; off Ame«, no l.l'» no run» a%. Indian Jim Thorpe popped ii-mer reaching the plate II ft t»l council the because of Paskcrt and Ludcrus bn>. 4ft If It be worth looking into, anyway. in l-I 1".In« III» if plli-h-r- B. Srhne),l«»r lie« of university In fifth ¦nsl-- for Jeff in the eighth; ("hap- i, «Seagate's «ingle by daring " i : i ft the Canadian border. may By « the feeling that the nation hai first call dou?Wd*"jt' for one run. »itfnsned for in the tenth. *»1 p r. n «i o '. si» su- n n ti i « « V4amo»«. '.'. b» Ring, L*«i| Kagnn running. 1 4 I ft 4 0 iler, I: b» on tho services of its citizens, includ Mike Mowrey broke into the game \W of in his the score m lue thin! »Karanagli 1 Klun »...1 Cnaalle. Tinif 00. each these pitchers Chicago tied ft ft ft " ft IMt-liol ',n ft 1 U 0 Oil .ii«* the schoolboy athlete» who can be this aftemoon for the first time since famished n thrill or two be- op Zeider's double, an out and 10« 0 both¬ J him ¡r.nir.f useful in many ways and particularly l,e signed his contract. Although a» the Kythe of «trntegy cut sacrifice fly. In in work. sore arm, the f'hambers- com- Doyle'a ftvc runs on n tris j Knight Big Surprise agricultural ered by a Rngan, tingle handed, .nning Pittsburgh scored burgh veteran played a «tylUh game Jan. - jaiiike srnt »core of the afternoon. tingles bv McCarty and \V. Wagner Me News and Notes In Squash Tournament and added stability to the Dodgers. He Sbiairit appearance at bat, starting .Imchman's hit over the left Bald Boxing Wells Resigns from Bayside four neat in his own in¬ * Uird Carlo.*! h« added to a been ».ir.'r^c r. Knii/ln. sprang a surprise made plays inning, l'on wall for a home run, the Tom Wells, who was to have been imitable style. l!»'i ft* «¦- m :¦.!, ii HAWTHORNE- T. H. S. Andrews in « "Mien of Charlen Monroe Tenrnau's on halla to Grimes and Bigbee being SiH'ii _By pgBD Ly defeating the at the new a " «¦ of the handicap professional Bnysid* carves for m .- | | final round match IpW lusty, »k> hit by a pitched ball: at the Cres¬ Golf Club, has resigned to take active thnt enrried over the left score follows: saw Carl Morris in squash tennis tournament Athletes Meet in 1« > ) Persons who interest in the building of a new Many 1» 'iff 4lne- of th ponent superior aiagle Wiillam» rt. i ¦' under the terrific gruelling at has been to are to be held this after¬ from tecunil with the *«0 4 0 l . H (iff Hot and Pal Moore. ability was expected to null Long Branch, engaged games, which 341 llOOl:.... " c Holtt l'.ü"".ib... 4 oo I'M«. 4 nm« in ft .land. 4 were at Curl's playing of his time at this Field under the ";; hi \w.rtlimwi.M. S00 OZOITaaht« 00 fite rounds a» they Fairmont A. ( '... Hob McAllister and bin through a victor. «pend part Bayside noon at Ohio auspicee SOI XI »Sing «f ft.« ft Oft m year, He will have under him an as- of the New York University prepara¬ ll'Wic " Howard. let Anthem '-'" .> . w* aseria dition. Ji over the green- liougla»».p. "00 *> . little playmates of the pme ring -Cleveland, Ohio., April ¡20. Dido the greater city have sent in cntnea Slaten Island S. I ..Nat (hid) Met¬ old, lor lèverai éventa. aa impremive a» hi» great -S*i. *A. m tálala. US! ST 111 Schools been accustomed for years la AngotOi t.Miity years pugilist, Darcy May Fight the 2**sa u hin un Main High Open be ers and Raj West. known in the ring as Jimmy Berry, wa< the most striking example name of i art Morris with Tenn., 20. Les Perhaps nngamliness he ruined a .r.*U«rf for Packard In th» tISMI the MONDAT placed under arrest and will be ar¬ Memphis. April of how the fame of this annual com¬ S . <* * * * «.. Baseball Season To-day seen this bird climb throu Darcy, of Australia, may yet neu some is in number ¡"gymver> maaaaaaamam , t t We have in police court to-day, charged has spread the impressive pictut« 0 . The baseball team« be- Manhattan A. C.Carl Marfil and raigned lighting, both in the and the petition from 2J»f¦*.* «*» npint of the day itnelf by hijrh school the ropes displacing a deuti Weight Jim with manslaughter, following the death ring of new entries that have come ,.? I,,' i>Hlrr Thf» ».a»- hl their series Caffey. trenches of France, to the of ia to wnrm up while >¦ Htolei« hue« ¡fcin borough championship to 260 and lit of Luke Ginley, who was knocked out according schools that are not often heard llnu.» run nioefeman The tourney is the from 240 pounds, Vorkville S. h,«pin and a latest developments. The 2*SjSg umpire» and spectator» «»enfler til l>0Tlc. 1'o.ihl» t>.»' »I« afternoon throu ('..Johnny by Angelo in the eighth round of antipodean the greater city. ¿J1**Jp*r*> **'l on ha»". « hicago. 4; one that has been sanctioned by Ccrlo could only pry his way Jack Clifford. last pugilist announced to-day that he list comen front ?¦ "Wtrtnte to the national anthem. ,..l lllm-hmar.. « I. boxing contest here night. The largest entry l'ittaburgli. «. tñrat baaa <.« *rrw\ i.irtg... the schools names committee since first lending a he vould enlist in the regular army if the from over the ¦»»¦W third inning, after delivering -<'"" l»«**"«**»- '¦ ¦* ! high the strands after TUESDAY Poly Prep. The school H-aaaT i». »»I* ''r"",^*. when «harpes of fat tr military authorities give him permis- men in of the «s nght that tied the »core, the an* earneel r«,o.- Off I»«««»«*« «MU- ." Ililt, professionalism hand to several rolls of Broadway S. C..Johnny Dundee and Meet | river has entered all J Ht.- ««r la I hita.¡J"» against causea the eancetla- lag College Tennis To-Day ion to engage in neveral bouti he hen as well ¦^* "Ssauin mnn ruined McGraw'n çkard. players his belt line. As a matter Tommy Tu«ihe>. Ie booked for June and thirty-three competitive éventa, tion of the schedule. overhung The Kordham University tennis play¬ July. as a team in the relay. Mor- aro»per:ty by trying for two wheth I'ioneer S. I ..Joe Bit em and John¬ -.-_ strong ^»K The following pames w Î1 be played it was never really known ers start the local sea- sa a hit that atayed inside the mâ"*i "r£¿ fact, ny Mar-cy. «ill collegiate cersbur** and Berringer High School, of J to-day the first White Hope wore a belt son this afternoon, when they meet the Scribes to Newark, are second in the number of II f-r Mill Manhattan-Bronx-Richmond- division on the Fordhani Open Salisbury McGraw'n r< Cflrr Orlb._ Collac« team men entered as well as number of ¿J rangy righthander, ton rander ChildS, Commerce not. court«. Klliott Binren, the Fordham Ncwspaper Golfern will open the new Both inntitutionn have ath-, of Columbia,C« got into now. Mori l:nks at Garden events. J* h» itnelf Golfers at Stuyvisunt. Morris at To«« But nil that is changed captain and junior national indoor Salisbury semi-public letcn in thirty-two of the thirty-three 2?»* fsme had resolved Two Pittsburgh division (om- a shadowy 2 next time you hear a man with a cauli¬ the on the second Monday in May, ac- « W.» mto a matter of endur- urtis, bye. Brooklyn the Fairbanks al champion, *ai!1 play in both singles City eventn on the programme. Central in Finals ;»! ,t N'.-'.v trecht, Boy,' lliph at tipped at tl flower ear and seven front teeth ah- and doubles. cording to the present of the Bethlehem ikrough the l«tt four of h To Meet when the gong elan-fed h" is the "Rose treat¬ plans High School, High School, ^* < Erasmus; Manual Training, bye. Queens pounds .-cut aal taking promoters. The public will be welcome «jf and Commerce, of the ***TX* collegian was N. C April "JO. H. the Fulton fus«, and a coup ment" don't he is s after Thia is a new Pennsylvania, tI2 w Pmehurst. both ot division Jamrrics ai Flushing, Bryant start of imagine attending Decoration Day. metropolitan diatritt, sre cloae on the »bout a» tough us they 1 ownen and Thomas Morrison, at Richmond Mill. whep we watched hi ladies' beauty parlor and tilling his Army Defeats Union course to take the place of the ¡J^h-ti!.national in the -m- of days ago, heels of the others. »outhpaw». will meet to-morrow with attar of roses. He ¦ aj* League Put-burgh, out at the New Polo Athlet bathtub simply West Point. N. Y., 20. The old Salisbury Links at Garden. City, a laally broke through Smith'» of the mid-April golf tournament working means that Charlie Rose is condition¬ nine defeatedApril Union which was the ^* two finale lowne» Carl was dow Army baseball purchased by Cherry ru.g ,n the fourteenth, here In the nemi-finala to-day Marathon Runner Used .lation gymnasium, ing him and giving him plenty of hard here to-day a score of 3 to 2. Valley Country Club. J. H. Dethrones ¡Jjaior***. n-ost nennntional C. Dsnforth. of the not to g by Meyer i»ju7 fielding oefeated Frank t i 222. While we are willing work in the gym and on the road and « Mar»nville and KoneUhy Fork Club, and Morrison won Automobile in Race swear to it, we ai rub-downs. at .na tWy North the Green¬ before a notary and th vigorous Golf Links to Open A Champion Squash -nae!ÎLGl*au frgm knotting the from John D. Chapman, of Boston, April JO A V. Merchant, of convinced that wn saw at Uatt, perfectly on body. 1 A- V-s 'Im.»» n rt r. Commissioner Whittle said yesterday Jerrold H. Meyer dethroned Gilbert ^"fK wich Club. was and of a rib Morris's -¦ all the tms city, disqualified deprived outline meet "Wild Burt" Kenney, the Bronx mid¬ Tw.«i«. A . ft 1 3 . Î «.I 10 I courses H. Rosenberg aa the club squesh tennin inning, typical of the P.uiforth had Fownes down <«f fifth when he was found again when Carl 0.4 « J that the three in The Bronx -^¿¡.*J*»nth at i» well worth hole, but the latter place guilty may appear Athlcti wants HalnniK». 00^«0««4 would be to the on Sat¬ ehnmpion yesterday in th« final match play, way to the eleventh of iidiriR two of the Inst three miles Jim at the Manhattan dleweight, Be to say something .«a« TV.« ini»«»i and Kellr;, liant/. KuawoLi opened public sit¿^**tamma with the match on the twelfth and Coffey urday, April 28. He also added that of the championship tourney at the ijgjf.yS'1- Massey opened »quered in an automobile in the Patriot's Day Club on Monday night. about him. Very wen, "Wild Burt," we » H r. Athletic Club. The cham¬ to centre Colline went' asmas i up on the home green. I'hap- of the Boston Athletic As¬ What has worked this uncanny trans At Hi there was enough vacant land at Pfl- illy defending «1^ £**** ** Marathon that each and one of A«aeft»«»4irr a stubborn but sue« *** ."¦ hlt »nd run 2 down at the four- hope ever> your Kr.-l*,ler .. haas Bay Pari to train 17,000 men and pion put up tight, 1% man had Morrison sociation held here last. feimation in the Sapulpa person' e . . a . i » -I i« : *a¿r7'» to but the letter evened it at Thursday. been banting in the future runs into your room for a 150-acre be- cumbed to his rival by a acore of 11.* aini »»»igle nj-ht. Bker- teen'h hole, The «liarles I/. being? Has he opponents ».»r «n I v»«n- enough garden %z*f the and won the nineteenth disqualification pava phyaiea! an igfriev | «idea. \o. 15 13, it 6. 15 -». "ni-wj1* *scrnced, ndv«nctng "he eighteenth Mellor, of Chicago, lif-h place. No. Has h« been worrying wildest swings and catches them fairly was 6. I i The match bitterly from Konf,'!iy waited until he 'o Chapman's par cer some secret sorrow? No. 4- *»».. k. Bull fought NWT/1: ing on the nia. we «ouldn't say « .. itixe train). m 'he (-.lo; then McGraw Cnrl in love'.' Agnin, no Surely the outset, Meyer making the mont of «-¡JJÎ". our daintv nicer about you than that, nor Williams F«ans Fifteen wall which nf" Toeegater 10 walk the big \\ hat, then? anything a terrific front ."kill."' nhot ans.ver t< wish the other fellow more acute min- Jo«- Williams fanned fifteen batters he brought into play often for points. Chaftie Rose, that's the to that ,l''i a teammate of the conundrum. Basse yean eiy. except hope you swing in leading the Hamilton Institute team Koaenberg relied particularly on an *m Clubs our cunning and often. to an over and ¿^* »» York'! early easy victory Marquand around-the-court game, although .*. ttk "ff*11' the drear, drat» of Major League agr. Rose used to be one of New ^Standing he re International League School et Van Cortlandt Park yesterday of his return« were low into the ^'lure, hit » wicked but later many ".WtÜ 7° hading lightweights, and a score of 13 to 1. beck wnll corners, disheartened kM* line* !'».. .>¦" LEAGUE formed and became a handler It is betraying a confidence but we by Myers S*Si A*1-*" löok,<1 » *,ur<> hit* LEAGUE AMERICAN the Juat before John TO-DAY The score, by innings follows: him by making many sensational "get«.1* NATIONAL trainer of ringsters. just can't help telling you that GAMES . e ¦.«^X5.. out TO-DAY Welsh fought Willie Ritchie the Demosthenic Demon, ba- tat s»jZ¿"5»srBian telencoped «AM» TO-DAY Freddie Tea Dunn, Muni real at Newark. HamiHon J « I « 1 «I a 11 n . *-tiJry-< *t the India rubber CAjgat Boston. in and won the lightweight luve» the menu at the Broadway Sport¬ Mar-i'M*¦.' 0 » ¦* . 0 1 «- I J 4 Swim x v«,* N«w York London Itoihester at Baltimore (two). Schoolboys To-day and of the world, he engnged is lialt«rtt» -WlllU-at tad llonao. Court-Mr Mil i. «coming leather, Boston at [*** /*i?'1Ij-_,_lli_ I'hiladelphia at Washington. championship ing Club of Brooklyn to-night going Buffalo at Providnic«. More than one hundred elementary 3*s*! »'«««t, pfgged on a at Louis at as his trainer, and he whipped for the box¬ Mae 2*«WLÍ a' Brooklyn p,hl^.e;'>h'*h M. Chicago. Rose con- to be some meal hungry Toronto at Richmond. a swimmers who have ambi- ^ to forc* M*»»«y .« the tha pride into the bett Let us order! First, there schoolboy *».>.£¦ Pontypridd him there ing fana. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS tions to rise to the heights attained by d'tion of his career and kept »re Martin and Joe ban¬ American Association | Terry Lynch, «': '. Hal Vollmer and Teddy Cann will com- K*> ¦arteg» Sarpriae «»«LW for years afterward. tams, and after swallowing them we Toronto, Baltimore, raiiOu». Ii In-Vaiiac« , 6; 4 ,13 in, Johnny Coulon, former Friedman, I!i< hrr-nnd. 6: Rorheat» .*. 4. Mil-raua»« al Mlrnaapslia it-oldi. er** m the meet at the Went Sixtieth it en York 2¦. * pyJSJ When little have Happy Smith and Abe I.,«,l«-ili» at out; looked»n.KSTFUDA^4; New , Sl. I.ouík. ?.. he was at Newark (rain) Tnlarin ra Street baths thin mort ing. The ¦i^h*5,a*,k*îe""'*d Hrookl>n,n3''J h(raE.. 5: king of the bantams, announced anothfr of peewees. There are Buffalo karu.« iij at ."* i'aul tralal public «*v«*d from the 4. (lex «land. 4. months pair Montreal at I*r«i4 « rain). team title T* held the of J**¿**"«re «f I'hll^elphla. \Mtmt%, 7; going to try a "comeback" some several tidbits and quanti- irtene«» j by youngsters Kleider Kelly, the wk "* Bo.,,,,, ; Ai-1«'1'«¦ *.* ago the crepe hangers ,,r pandemonium, according *-T\M)IN«. «It TEAMS Southern Asnociation up rilÄ. and bemoaned the fact that, an Truthful John. VS. L. W.Ll'c. ! , with a clean would not Pel New o*1»an» V Atlanta, ;. *J*ryeody ,,'M...s.;ofmMs aged cripple, little Johnny Kowaffc I 0 1.000 Montreal 1 2 .13.1 Mta-pt-l«. *. Ntah»»li». n. n^onwofWAiij Home for the Incurable. M«>)iil« » Hlrmtmt.tRi. 1 BowUna Alia». Btlllarl remain in the Here's an Bait ire .1 I .750 Richmnd I :i .230 i'-U). h--'.go.. hold of Coulon, and ever We never have any luck! Util» *Ux* « l-a'-an-ofa, I. * Tabla Mfra. n. ¦*¦ 7UI But Rose took pool ,4urn" vNew vork^?ïork » '.,...incinall^ Iljj,¡i¿*-5 2 .714 Phlla . J3 J5 j».375 entire wilted, and not a word Roch'r.. *t I .750 Toronto. 1 .1 .J"»«i ba! 3 4 .429 HuaU-n »ince has been going down evening pain. aapoUaa. Man h * " . 2 S .286 then Johnny the 2 1 .667 . 3 .00« TO-DAY WITH IM)*«1(IV 3*0 .W«? » i.s and Bo*to" York 4 2 .667 WashTn. chief of Provid. Buffalo.. OlANTM P. *S»u ?° ; 2 a M7 Pittabfh 3 7 .300 New the line trimming them nil. from Jimjoy Johnston, 4L folo Urouuds Adiu. Btaa* te lali-a Suuan Uvw<)v rolled to 4 4 Detroit- . 2 6 250 iOc.«.AUvt. easily 1 6 .143 Cleveland .500 1 treatment. Tbn Banditti. dÜ «gsT^" S VÎ&BÍooBy¿ It'a all in thn Bonn ¦*. New \>mImm t^ ABd ThJaHo