Rainfallill drenchees region —~ B l ^Thorntonn goes forr crown —- c i j l i ! sKM iARfAGE SALE: SPECIAL ^ il ffiA(RACTONS m Tournney pld

------■ ■ f t n t s ; J 1 r. , • ' r r V M P— T L - ‘ - 82nd y ea r. N o. 139 Twin Falls., I(Idaho Tuesijesday. May 19,1987 PersiiianGj u l f f o)rces Jon hi]i g h e r level1 ofI ale2rt The Associated Press It said. “We also seek com-t- liie Pentagon said thee :ship bad al U was Uiithe first altack on anI killed,k 25 were trapped by b intense for U.S. vessel!ssels in tbe area" and. pcnsationatotbeship.’' ii Ileast a minute's wamLning lhat a A m erican wawarship In lhe nearly 7-• firefl In one compartment;L; 21 others lhal Iran andnd Iraq 1 were being of- -'- WASHINGTON —- P n sidCTt___ A le U eT rJ from Ira^ Presideiit'Sad-I- missilei had been fircd_a_aUt,J)y_an_yearrQld_Irar rantIraq_war_IraqLarar_w :_were injured.------— 0^------flclallynotlfledo Reagan expressed “concern “a and dam Hos[i^<^n to Reagao wass Irai^1 warplane, bul didd -not liy to bassador Niz{(izar llamdodn callcd it anI ”As we speak, the capti)taln Js try- In his letter£ r to Reagan, Saddam anger” Monday over■er lhe Iraqi ddivered1 tot tb e , j sfaoot doOT o th e r thei missile 0^ inadvertentte CI rro r. lrIng to save his ship,” VVice Adm. ilusseln said,, "I "I bdleve you are sure missUc strike thatIt killed 2i expressingiig *-^kepest reg ret o re r tb ee ;plane. "1 think it happens in every a ir Henry H M ustin, depuly chleilef <5f naval that the Iraqi;l aircraftal in whldi tbQr IArocrlcon sailors aboardord the guided painful inddcnL'* i P i ^<>«Wiffc>i1 **We did ool re tu m th e 1fire. I don'l force in thee world,v In every arm y in operotlons, o| said Monday’ afternoon,i had previouslyusiy attacked hostile missile frigate Stark andUld b e p u t U.S. spokesman an Martin Fitzwater sairt.!, I tmwi. th«»iy;f5ffft.**^*dFitiItzwater. the world, t]that niistakcs do hap- lie11 said the captain was urunavailable targcls didnot not Intend at all lo at- ships on heightened aierllert in the Per- “We fceJd it does irpresent an1 The Stark, p ^ of aI 'U.S naval pen.” Hamdodoon said in an interview for fc questioning by the Pentatagon. tack a tai^et;ct bdOQglng to yoor slan Gulf with authorit]irity to Are at apology. It II does not address tbee tta sk force in tb e ^ f . w:was bll Sur>- on Cable NevJews Network. "We have Reagan met for more tha(lan an hour country o rto to any other coimtiy . threatening warplanes.L matterofcof co^^p^nsatiOBi.^ dday tiy ooe — poshly twotw — Fren- expressed our)ur condolences," wwith national security' advisers, olher lhan Iran.a n ..." - , "We expect an apoJogJogy a u l com- T h e WhilTiite ilnse and PotagOD1 dhmadec Exocel missilesles w hile on T he missilisile ripped through thfi AAflerwflrd, Fitzwater 1:Issued a At the Pentagon, Per spokesman pcnsation for the mena \wtio died in U* IraqiIr attack was ioadrer-- rnNztine patrol ah«iti gs> miles: nor- ship's hull. Utearing a 10- to 15-foot statement st saying, "The: president Robert Simss said s he-could not this tragic incident” a VWhile House lent butane th^a

Tlmo»-NewipHolo/ANOtAREN2 H a n s e n S c h o o>1 l D istrict Sgperintende tens to parents* testimcnohy during Monday’ss Ib o a r d m ee tin g puzzle^id over piyrob02 The Associated Press prep ared for the 0l>- . lained by Thele AssodatedA ftcss, ; WASHINGTON - NICllcaraguan was. critical of)f investigationsin Qtit Hanseenschoaol chiei;f refusees to re2sign rebel lead er Adolfo CaleiIcro Is ox- bove focused on iU.S. Involvemeot pected to tell the Irairan-Contra In the secretit sstq>plylng of tbe ByCtlAIG'LlNCOLN___ the.mertimgingj3LaJoTnm.tp.^0>dJts_p > presCTtcd lo >^J>oa.rd_bjby lcachers _w.-}ters beingng calmed.” Smilh said. _ - -befiriag9*thiS'Week-that-h-hir-forces=ConU-as-Uujinga qying Hi#* r^ognaTan qInaD b e«m bcr abdby parcolnlsTiray4.! Toward the;'cnd ei oTTiTs statement, he T//nes-iVett:s tvnZer actions, sar have ‘been "dragged Intinto an-in* when Congress.ss.h a d .b a n n e d of?.. 1 S m illj sa id b e hadn’t res;cspondcd be- said, “The vote vo was a bitter pill to ‘tu-o teacfae - ^ lem a L ln q u lsltlon’' th at1 thpy rin fl>'tn^ mimnry-ntriraid, ------~~fore~to~thc~Decerobcr~j otronlyiwas:lcswailowcd: - HANSEN --Hanscn-£n''Siq>eriates- tmder Cair ai -grieyancK-swallowzNoC ■ ribl'fulIyTInlerstand. "In addilionn to tbe sea-of tn»* hilnvt-Tmrp^ tn TTM*~TT1f^ to disturb a and removed:d from my system, but I ------denMlldianlSniith-ltnlc ieffflig“ d rew ^ci(S c“ lo~~9i)nBiHSecaose be didn't w anl to . Calero, who has been:n civilian bles brought on Nicaraguans iQr the school district to U restdeols. wbo (g si to bring ll back up." ) tbc. teacher's Ilansen res I settlement tbc tcacijcrs hJhad reachcd didn't want to I ■‘leader of the NjcaraguaiiaiTt)emo- the Sandinistas,as, ’we have tteentiD* union at a Monday night ni| meeting tbeir Sdiod ■ over a pay dispute, whiclich sparked Smith saidid the "majority of the . cratic F.orce, the Contra•a fightings fortunately dragIrogg^ into an lo­ and refused tcy resign in response to dest ansvex ’ Ibe list of grievances andod a vole of accusations; area vague and unclcar - • rer {nnn teacb- U grou^ now undergoing a leader- lemal Inquisitiontion involving oppos- the demands of ; patronsp wbo ers aitd pajpari^Tttc frtr rrww> lhan atiI ••**nn«‘onfift<»TMt>** tn Smith --N. and thereforere unanswerable," but he ship reorganization, is s(scheduled Ing views, tecbn imrt finn signed petitions. hour. The! boardb( b a d e a rtie r p n m is- ... “1 fdt at the lime anyy comments did providee detailed answers-to to.be the week's secondid witness points of lawsws or am fiHlttntti : would cause furtber ti^ The H ansen School BoaSoardalsoused cd to nspmpood to lists of grievances « irbulencc in , S eeH•HANSEN onPageA2 after the hearings resissume on mat we do noUot~.£ully comprdxnd T uesday. and appsrcntljnlly ndtber does ' He’ Is to testifyfy after world opinion,*’i,“ C olero'sprqnred Audit sl>hows SOIyme dairyy payn(ie]•ntsgoasistray lawmakers finish queuestlonlng statem ent's,IS. R obert Owen, the sclf-d(-described ‘‘Yes; we set up front, can-;:;, “ foot soldier” who 8crv110 policies. Mayor D o^ VoUmcr sasaid hc was other organlznlzatlons, such ns the city’s cl chief asset. The city has ali^dy-dedicated ' r//nes-JVcws »T//er N o t tb a t tb e mrnTwrrs a r e in. city' e about- the nspooonsir to the Greater Twirwin Falls Chamber of . Volim er said the city is consider-. moncy to econoionomic .development by staff viH.b(.b^m studyutg tbe k^siiUsi pooLp Tbe dty bas the $1fl2 million Commerce. About A 14 percent favor Ing lr hiring a full-time «economic- hiring the Fanlaantas Co. to an TWIN FALLS'- City Clt rcsidoits to detenninline bow to respood to tbe! oneeded to construct thehc pool in the dty waivaivlng sewer and water development d< director.. Pro:romotlon of economic study,Jdy, VoUmer said. ■Tlie want a new swimminging pool, more ggnmentss «and tuM.tilts of tbe d ^' rvarious reserves throu^oijout the city developmentIt fees to encourage Twin T Fall^ on a volunttItary basis Fanlus reportrl wUIv be presented to ------jobsand"a'prcscrveddff■downlownrac-—ieshtails:------"bod^trT be ■money'coold1 Ibe borrow--bnslncsscs7■and’15T3crcent-want-the-d(a r -doesn’t-workrhe-said-The le-chamber-thccoundUune^ ine4. ------cording to the results oofaTwinFalls f J Tlie resultsilts sb o v ed th at 83 p o cesitI aed trom otber departmIments and city to provideIde sewer and water lines c cj a n 't afford to hire some~iuivej ed-wanl the city-t-to actively residents saidaid lack of.cmploymenl. hch( said. The survey showsjf5 people a re About 41 perc>ercent want 2 percsil _as5cts.and_U)e_fmure.e c of tbe com- geoefate $

• -.f ' I ^ It r A ^ T s s e s ^ e w s . Tw in1 Fa lls . Idaho T u e s d a y . May^ay 19.1987 - ... _ Dairy—-----Sta□ r r k ------— Frigg a t e — " • Continued from P;PageAl Dntlmied from P a g e Al American forces afe pniinl in a silna- _ ^ F o ^ • tuiii, im^smaSS^lRi^Ai m P a ^ A l city govcrvemment, according to thc estimated by discuss thele specifics of the warninglg lion where they may bee farmers themselves, cs edin hostilities. • rnaSlsitEBid!arr*l**TTr?.'^ ______p o T o n grosffttt, and 15 ]percent think survey, . USDA a l about 175,000,.through t fees glventolran-an and Iraq. growth rale ts a Those v. tfi ll-alM retjuires lim aI iforr*s li le -- Tie xs^On. c f reported * a 3 po’i'ni^ jnniLil gnr who support the lax hadir levied on all milk matlarketed. The “But wcc : arc saying that aircraft 1 a a J &ggc sm c fc 6 y c r o . opinfcns about how Its reve- bt wltbdra«7i within fiO dajfy i, lo 3ns Tssstil &3 D CSG^SC- divided op ^ DTP payments, howeverer, go onlv lo showing theihe same or similar flight :riiEs®5 ttp 6e Freiicfroi3de__ Only 6 of tbthose surveyed nue shouldaid br used. Twcnly-lwo per- rp iilf^ Ka n»nrlt<»H; th.nt j_ a a . _ 3 0 ^ a y . extension, if CmE g ress does anissiles . brile those_who signed.conlraTacls-to-par--paLlcnis_coi Bati'EzTd^'Eadnnt A. wasted CO growth at aO. nl the liJoney 16 go to' strocf Item similar to this oneje nol decl^, u-ar. Reagaiym objMling Einrf!^, sn£ lO. cent want ticipate In the program, night pallei dttsSUr cf cperatnns BeCveea 1379 and 1380. 138 dty popB- maintcnan'ance; 'J,? percent.want it us- th a t th e a d ' «*nrm nrH'-Hfc un Jte Binpas. _ won’t be tolcalerated,” Sims said, iCQze^'jfSC2il. biiing ipevu a t aii ammal am ratc of ^d to pro)rovidc; propcVty-tax relief;fj Participating farmen rs president's constitirtinnal12] anihnrity. Snra»Jin^C3 okesman said lhe orders r?»cmng a f t "SStt Trr«ct;lt■pciW sd of? v&aC nas abaci 2 poLPit. Betmtween isao and and 14 percentpi want It spent onjn brand each cow, heifer' Sa . d S a n ' S Q. h as refused on o th er 0 0 2 -»* III .V ...itk would nol leadIe lo any immediate in- as am mtaiise Gre nnfrfp IS37. City records shav sb> a sli^t economicdc development, provide thc counly USD^jA office wllh I- ,h,th e num ber of U.S. ships in formally imdcr lhe act bnlb bassifl)- deserJigd zs ZLaECf tt£ tm ? a p p a r n it- ■n. In 3 related rel; question, the use of proper evidence that t rt mittedreporlsastbelawTeregmrtt. Sfar^i^Jaair an Gulf and did nol affecl 2 iin C te Ersi. w tiic ii s p r e a d A ciniUiH^aphics poiportion of tte revenue bonds b and local improve-e- were slaughtered or sold;“H r a ? y - A m c r t a . forccs elsewhere. He"Ic“ Administratioa . nfftrh rt The brands are supposec rjbertSi^ariafceiiiwjte _ —^— sagrcy reiefarcee t!the popuIaUon ment dtetrijtrict drew the most support J say If the United Statesss meeting Monday angigin~ witn I t I ' T 1 _____ j Tirmgiw :h the anim als in case some igerpeople. to fund caicapital improvcmenls, such fled any am ount of m ileageje members of the Smallalc — T te sn n ey slioWcd[ lb.that 31 percenl as sidewall^alks and recrealionaljaclli-ii- ly sold ta o lh e r dairy prod! p SCTT ag .iiLxraiS gaming —■ a s a kecp-<;p-clear zone around the>e Itclations Commlllee. Us i'CjTTtrT- — we're nut sore^ c i those w to respondedcd ’were retired, ties, Thc report said tbat p t ^ TTZT ; • ^ snms djfiz ll the counly Amerlcanshships In thc gulf, Sen. Claiborne Pell. I>n-aJ..isE aefla esaia.h-waES-E f t tSaC * 3 S — a m f ts a ie d Abect -haH of thee • people who o f those'sc who responded, 347 peopleIc and national officcs•s generally T he WhlUllle House statement also» statement saying his toT) i^ = nffgc i @ ta [2e aircraft ihy aasrered tte survey•y didn't have believe ththe cily should preserve'e developed and carried ooul elfecUve said the adndmlnistration “will consultJt ing with the odminis inrmg al'ttOISetae: Ahout hair downtownrn 1more lhan other commer-r* procedures and conlrol•ols over the w jth Congre: rafiiD i.'S m p s ...... ;ress on these changcs and■d ascertain tbe facts of thIhc sittinlinn _ tnTl ttT 'm B fiE tS cr v e re CTO’S: years old.L cial areasis in the oily. On thal same»e bidding and contracllning for dairy Issi n rm it ioT Ha tc\atcd ssues.” The 1973 Warsrs and how thc requireme t e s r s ui*N-iiiuifiw?|T'^l or- ~Is that as indicationion oor younger question,, 2012( p e o p le v o te d no a n d 12727 animals, and provldetled adequate Pow ers Actict requlres presidents tolo W ar Pow ers resolution sciwfflbeMsn- ^ 5 = ^ people are leanog tte»commonty?” ( wereundecle c id e d . restrictions lo prevent oroi detect the notify Congrigress wilhin 48 hours altera- ed. III nV ickos. City Dev.evelopmenf Director LaMarir re-cnlry of dairy callittle exported □ aiiu.’m & .. BEantnncu Tfffmt^iiii*?!'!' ^ "i^i b e s t “U certainly rs." Atterbertireplied. orton. whi#ho helped -coordinate lhele under the program. • jj5 51 b r On relateded to taxes, S survey, satsaid several people had neg- IID peim t of those vho B' Bul the weak spots, incincluding slip- Hat r nnijE S aC t t e t im e o f t& e sho re^Moded ativeeomrrn m e n ts a b o u t th e new moU. nsen-— shod procedures by ^omt. w3if H am fi mov- a i-fiin lie law to allow city servirvlces were genorally rated itlsucd from Page Al to the actions cf a sm all: a bical-optioa tax. Tbi flees, require corrective e teacher’s grievances. ■ te a s e r s w ho a re m o re inlti1 TTI 302 Iii^Jlf^h Qte »arirr.______-E^higli.-Whilciile.lhej’alings-0l.0lher_cily_ report—satd;—in—all—'fl tt Hianvoflhcl. , eenre& Ta*U5Tacdea a ^ 14 per- serviccs d ; a ridiculous sUitemcntT^controvert Uianjmprm’o didn’t change much Ihis auditors '‘performed nni IndcpUi- , ''™ = 1" fw if wgT^iiiatwTripd -— jtrar compTjpared to the-19B5 survey ! a dem and th al teachers b c . JValker said th e iwcirflI iis consagr-^ Tte resolt was a “flipflip-flop" ir at- results, thei y review ” a t 15 sta le offi > evaluate the adm lnU ^1* ing changes in ils ei-alt prth Q C l l l i l llaisoffC B T^ here were some exceptions., county| oifices Involving i-nfnpj r»«T w itbtb a. 1385 com- About 4-1 umlng the Sdiool Boiroiss cedure.i 44 percent of the people, ,contracts with antlclp were f o r ea investors t^rmity snT cy. Said City Ct Manager rated strccreet .maintenance excellenl , ■■“y “ " ulUmaTale authority, this wouldd The parent's griei-ai area m ents of m ore lh an ^ 4C0 m g presented al an carliei e r , I t o Coorlsey. Two yeaie a is ago, a ma- to good, compared co to the 10 percent mean tcachc±ers would be evaluating ] ail n< ; — -Tm.prr^i.TTr. ^g~TT^- after more Ihaa 50 pa 1TOTCFAM Jcriiy of people SQTTeyedyed didn't want who gavee it thal rating two years-s In onc example, the2 report said duly elected:d cofficials.” CasEnr. of SiC-iJfle C Itf~^ Id th at a review of 272 contritracts Involv- But one paparent, Bruce Drury;'said,d . testedi the resignalions5 ol lomlb- gmn;^g3c:to ago. VollmiImer said the number could ■tIptt anfl six- ® sjninB ni^rrre r uh tjini itt» Wtniii#! 'o w t infoiaformation will have beenn betterb this year, Ing'large payments olof .generally to thc bcboard. “The ulUmatee gradei teacher Ernie Wall fliiira j -=*^1 wefiUns taiiCT' ■x a s in [M t e csed to tebby t te‘ LiLegislatnre to when quejucstioned if they favor a ci-1- m: ore than SI miillon perer farm , 17 of em ployer Is the people. We elect.:t. th-gradei teacher Kris Jli n the 54 counly offices Involved In' “ In- you.” w ere given a cbtrice o l go: e r- : aOowttetaxe. ty plan to provide fire protection 1 le ’tx.iiivi to s segroBiE:EtCaCne «ffl: diacn^ cnir- A 1 local^tioaion lax on all outside thehe cily limits on a contrac-:• correctly< com puted thithe conlracl Smith alsoIso said hc thought thee bationI or resigning. Tbe taxahlp goods tuai basis 1, milk base for 33 of thce contracts,” Idaho Educ;uca^on . Assoclallon wass !sincc offered Muiray lhehe <9flinn a f inne sis, 94 percent marlced, 1 rg ^ GtoS3SI821lQt JTii? c u rp o n ire ’ an error rate of 12 percent.nl. behind the paparents' grtevancfS. ircsclndlngherrasignalinn. wuofd tyin»raTr S13 million mil for the “yes." a s w!ill as efTmta af the "I also stnJlrongly suspect the mate-^ Tbe school year had ahjlpcaflyleen setamCics. a s • TZX ErfOOTm Ara J of m e oa insest> i:lal passedd oul c ^ the parents wass markedi by labor disaj — after tiie board-acted onI S£ n ilh 's =»< ff? - ______; — "compOKsd bybythc ti^n ;" hesaid;------; ; zee ^ X pjn» p T o d c Evelcth, a parent, vice i lasl fall and diiin'l pgi r nTTt raises SeiTiiiJUS ao a y 's wre d th e)r i Michael K rTiii disputed SmSmith’s statemcnL “MyY 1to two tcachers wbo esanrrrWl gmttn. ta S sj m t t e (C rthat letter while she wass atccrcdilinoulsidecouises c c ...... — ' .l^m ffiillsamamflaCTpat i Wetfiiesias, r ^ T * 6 wife w rote tl: 1 T t i l c r n i Etirije?' Dux a§ “ ' C 0 0 I 7 Wivindy andd a chance:e of show4 a l work. ThThere was no Influencc-e- The master ccntracl sc h n lW t Ita l ® ^ W )mlheunion.” • . all graduate credil woPtmld Bmiify. iraBEB5TC IOS directly from i IIIT«C 3l"l» I W^I I il T V teM s. Barter. Bspcr toward raises, bot lhe a■wliu iiiici i j t- ll.iini, b n t hirTinl ents; coalition'^lhat pres- I .•ntn>^r”^jr~r7i f*n»ij |i ii[^r7iTC' ented lhe grgrievances and demandss tiont said lhe intent of ltaiHf» «-iiirti-;ii«t Iw'iphimmBaitil*- Cool a n d witsdT today at irovsi] JA.Tue3Ct»y.l^l9 lo the.board•d in] May also presented aa - ywas lo require prini- appro tow to m d G&. Lows Inna-I petition Satuiturday lo Smith demrm-,I-, sides cotn^cs. C ^ B K F M rf e . BxOey odLawerWood«TlfW.*~Tr.TW:'«nraraTr-tir-;r------canter in Ite aortti on Vc lh6 patents’ May 4 de-- ofc remedies that the leaeat±ers fch ac PVijtm »■ scattered stew m asdd IbondOTtarmsI ^ ' ilch-ccnlercd^around the: the1 administration shtiolill; - K i o sadCn. S • , • - unimijlnj; tews mosUjatly ta Ite KB IS of two elementary' tmu'itfif. U i^ B Cnnn opp*ipptf 60s to ___ \ \ ...... - B o a rd - mehers. . I ent grievance read. “The, Correction i c a t i o n X e r ^ - ScaC g eed d sbowen and replied lo lh J TWIN - FALLS - DDne is a O a iifia — • s ia tte east to- i m ands, whlc:Hansen can't afford to iri^ in 32InEh Aa a r ;jT^r im Snn£z^$ Tim^^News d s j. FairsUxs ia Ibe westresL lligbs in (be resignationst, dedicated leachcrs due; ' reporter's ernir, an artic day's edition about the' HTmin EaQs abmn Che suoStiQ r’s n s x d tin fiin g CBS ta low TOS. Sboweisn ending< tn (be school teache:I's negligence or a policy, ' •rr^ Low s in t t e I City Council meeting 3DrnrjecEf3' tfescribea s CSL stiE- m o mUS: s _ One parentten .” . ' i 3 Boise sajs a soolbwesU - ■ • Thc board'5 jTfTTtiMi 1^ c lo brio]iring moist aad g w e y _m ents ovcxa pcnod ol liment jpemd nn ae p itil w!h*TT; &e <^anfc Matbera-{wrt'0{---- w-»»^ inc can the citizc — -mtaijie-air-ta-tte-soot lier heads J n i e proposaL ImweiOTi•; i■B.-ac almThiC'aa a'ina'rnmniT- K raft‘says-'Be T ]qsc bright. < bbfio. by the City Coundl on Monda*-M to r does axC ijD afrnftnF asBarTBiea - were to BMce tbroagb1 tbetli stale Moo- Haul Tbe Tim es-N ews i^ r a lsIslte ; e rrnr. ipriBramts. dar BgW and today,. caotinainga the U dlytime y i Conditions ansnd High Temperatj^B RainiAP) - James R. Rainier, threat sf s&Dwen orlbtmdeBidenbowen r-eduealion for lhe North ------A rca» a i ram were comCOBOaatng-ta tall------f — (lool-for-the'Deaf in.Devils_ ia ttecB drai moontarm:as and estending |S « sta teD.. has been named of tte stale fnim aso t t e Mail rir ni p a rt of t >WERSJ— — ' atures b o i s e (denta f of. the Idaho Slale JANB.BUHFBJ ateoCTwta Fans eastward.ard. ' the D eaf and Blind in Jsnel a a mmecamHr fss ZTSTOttarUimr Mcr- Statadbad reported aira»teost.sotncftof |SMHnga|68’j~~~~ .director of-e igime. iafl *hc 3norirtOTCO' ffvpirf-.4Kiiirtt r a ia M daday wiUi aaccompanyisg ------D ukotnSchoc I s n e r (Oie.wiB gaation.i>. f< rttw 'cm r Him»»«i-«f»i»-mt3wHCTTatlh:iCbaiL I L ake, N.D.Fields, president of the 4 iCDmoons IS'laan ?lc=srtbT..iriaJan«<‘* I c: r deCectioo etyetjatpmest aod ■ . superlnlcndetd of Education, announe- .fub tp w n y rffac iicnatimniTnHtcTT. sm sorw rfw- N- ^ ...... L 3jn3 siif HKtures alsoI sb showed aa ia- nl School fory t that Rainier had been 5 ailbtnr tfw Icoir fe f OC33V n activity ia extreme ^ FHA so- VA. IH « m , rmaH«a ca femr ton-car | and nortbem ______■i ' Gooding.rom among 12 applicants R j tsIiiUBttih g . s a il iT m r»nioijAu i« a II TWifrry- a m i r sadbwcsXem'- Idabo ai >»ai-»k»city|7T^ finalists who were inter­ Xevada airizig (te alterBoo ______R oberta F yurt au r a odkSsB-jtoc ; : Tte warmest tempenjeratnre la (be - . stale Boardring ' the board’s meeling . state Sloeday was O detdegees at botb ______ed MondayIls lasl^ week...... B a g tn n a a a r f y e n e r .. wbwhile Bovin had mt.I)V- selected fronwill assume the posl July t t e h ^ o t 37 degrees. p - and Uiree fii T te peCea coont ia TwiTwin Falls Moo- w as K p a rta rfo p etr r cubicc meter of — , viewed durir UNLG . I— in Twin F alls IE “ ri* MTCnltural forecast f< for . , I R ainier wll■alufatioDsN^^^" J.ST 6R M S- THEEQM IIT V L iB ------f i e id w ae k -M d -ta y ag wiOwJOte-talf-today—^----- 1 ■ piediiW SS?- : ------M l T T rifim ttij tb ea 0 ) e>od-Thursday - - fe of ’87! tarocgft SaterrJay. Todaytav aad Wednes- ^ II ^ B E in U U IC E -T-r= -c^wtSrte-coct-raadTWIrwrndyrnrith-a— r ...... EM mnr-Tzg^E ^ P a o f i c — — ctBsce of sbewers. Fairair 3{»1 warmer • r ~ — weaaser win prerad startiarting Thursday. Ocean \ scoratjB------• 4 ^ ' Total ramfan wiQ averag3^ a tenth of an ^ C la siry s i sots twrti o r trra. M easI foar>incbb soil ' (lon'ssicins / jl ooao.., . ./. II teiaperaffires win ebangrjge UtUe Uiroogh ^ 1 ^i 7 7 A c c u -W e a J tw . to e .-'------Tiarsday. Iben dimbb a. coupic of ~ boxes Qts_ _ /I ■ThaEJVaritmeoaCoi 'd e s n e s by Satnrday. WtBds Wte for spray- • Honddccoilmal (fiends Q u ' ta s wiQ tse w est to oortlr KIsewhcre In thc nation. stalioncry:tanasnippino moslly .mmny. r Sllghl chancc ol thunJcr- * Sportsmon Transwirestern i s ^ tadajc a c d 5 Ca ts mpb ^ mainly over the mountains, r A*onuoNofth T te extesded forecast the 70s to low SOs. Lows In Ihc • . _ • Enoitsnoo;ri8.7M.93i5 Idafco — T b m d a j Uum inHcdmond, Ore. /ww roiionsots J\Aojrtgaj sF"- ■•■■■■■ ■ • Funyanim, bQlikB.£>j.lqEie.lfa •UniisC't* n M.i .02 Po’tidnd.Ore. 62 <3 <3 .... idanoFaiia M n. Ihc high G /«lV «par S®i5 734.S-9990 i NaUonal V .... 61. louis M ra n> .... Ld«i«ton- 67 . LllVccai . 9» 17 52...... McClll S3 ) G lla B M ^ 120 Main A*. III ' I294A&dOisanApmm t o . T»5n g Aflce|e^_^5_____ MSJ_ .... SiltLikoCily 75 52 'OS reconied TwInFaris » ------:7T7-5»ft ffafte:3CO-60----- =-33--33- ...... - P o c s l e f l o = : M = U>3miO«*cn Bl 37i .15 Sealtlo » 15 <5 ... Silmon 6i ^ -5»-^ ■ « — WiMAks* - ' M ■ 9 « ,M SpOKsno 63 « H^UCOlit S8 U U .... W»sriinoton 91 02 Twin Falls S S " ^ i NmOama*; a U ____ Dr-.y . ^ q __ -■ Wm.Vef»____81______M ______T«mF»ll». Mt. Ml M - 6?~F------^ d a h o ------® OmJPJ ^ J .07 Max MinMln Pep Llsiro»r 71 , — PNWii W ^ 55 .... Notmat 73 TUS TAKEETHECOm WUSIOMOU r ? • -:3> ^Mcy M MM .04 ToC*y'4»ur'i81...... WTOF — PlttsCyrc'’ *' “ •'* Pwtlinc.Ufl 60 SpOSO .... H»aerm«n, SO 5353 .03 TOWOMOO-Jsunfua...... - 1 I _ -s Mln ‘ PCP33 HEAtnm C A R E ClOVERAGE

I n d e n X — ^------...... B:57B.m, • lOOT. M cmli.-.ln-« D ixtor Pjiv-mcrjl. 'v an c’S; 100 V. ■5y^"HbVpH.iI .int C l a s s i f i e d ...... CS-8 M ag ic Vk/allcy a ...... B l SSylvia Porter ...... arcpAiddtgiIt 8 0 ^ unlil M« ...... A 3 , A 8 Si y y paid S6.000100 in b rn c lit* . Y o o j ' X f C o m i c s . . . ______A6 N a tio n .. Spoi^ts ...... ■ 2 i 3 0 0 / / _____ -p*v h D e a r A b t i V ...... 1...... B4 Obltuaricr le s ...... B2 VValley life ...... A7 — 2 A fC 'dc M « f w » ...... _____ B 3 O p in io nn ...... ; . . . . A 4 WW orld...... : ...... s: ''PROTECTIONM OPTION^ SZ30 CPcpgigasB-goo •: lon Plus pays the first P L U S " R L A ft nsRicnsiLE cciE!CBCl>CnSt£ (Srcnlation K tocw SsbKTipUoaHiliHit« try: dtlly lod StmUy. n .« per VHk..C l- 4 ° accident-related 3juu£ rsmauE maMU£ FEVALE : are manned between -7 ^I 10 >.n,. only It ' IS U 'S f ttk; Sundir. tl.M per wttk. ItiU tubu. . . . B4 -----^-----es in full for physician i ■nnot«haoe29 ____ s?90D sam saa s m s n m ■* JOB ds oct recctre yooryen paper by .7-aja., call[ ththe num ber for . muu b« piud b «dvuc« u d M (viUibt* eoJr t services. Compare yo ..... —yssrana: • ------M*fd«llTtr7liif U Det oilatalacd: 1UU7 u d Suadif,'...D4 ( Protectloi your -30through39______„$i» stfio 2SAB as 3SJ3a- 19 ror D1.IB ier (ta lh “Protection Plus’-OrO ne - 40 Ihrough O -:-:-:- -6 3 f lP 3 4 4 » Jenane-WendeIH;oodioding-Hagennaa • ...... 535-2535' ra .w f«i S 3 0 0 o f a c GJSS Mly. tTJ3 per naatX t a U fer Xnoetti Dollar Health Care Planan 5Qlhra^S9 ______72J30 SUO SZS Z m SBJ39 B a ii« 3rBaper«*;ml-rOaUey0 a 1. m J9 per y#»r: Sunday ody. U.<9 p«r expenses ------BnfttCastlefanl------.. /iduajs^andjamilies. SendSe 601hTOtgh64______IDS JOD tg jP D 62.B ia t 62J30 -BMaUu. ts .« l«r »-aMlh«.-|«4.n^«b*netf hospitals FSer«0get30»Hamsttister 326-S37S siudMi «odI Krricvmtn » nt*. ny mtil ocay: U free brochure.' O rie dop e n d e tric ? n a —-T7JB0 i r . ------TWla Fans and aU otbe:ter areas _ 73MM4 moalhlordiDyiiDyaadSundiy. nSSSS plan With Two or more d^)6n(lxSeH!eiIldTBn_j«3iD0 3 33. 0 0 0 - S [ K n Million Do ____ _ tV«3t3LOt1K£T£TO RjaiTMEa jmngsr^SKTE get N e v s s ' 9 »M>ntx(s.BB;BBB««tagcdBar _ for IndlvIC ;ffCCTECI10»&R.US ' ^ ’3-tip or vhh-to talk to someonesoi In the r ------— B K B - -PLEASESENOFIFRSBTOOKUCIE cgygese.-B.T j - ’aE ___ - -If jt n bxre a isws-i COWTACT> lg -r — : eStflrtzl departznefU,'i:. . TEl£FW >E^_------^ ------Z l?Gj^ G X E ______■: _ a i ^ eaP 7 P « g Mcmi <«tHe»4C4M t f ld»h»-€«^^T>w P »T»>^~^fTtTrfay^ frfrom 8 ajn . imtll no^~lnInformation on doicui. tjnrn\isuRANC£j i IMled a« Iba day ef (b« «Mk eo «U(l-»-.T-li»^ -__n ^ 2 4 2 0 2J4-0020* W .ibptaj ads is arailahfeUe weekdays only. - : oedcetvlllbcpaNpobllttwL M T la ^ LEWISTON 1-800-632-202 0 2 2 “*-W*r l«ia2liiA*. kwMtr-li______M301___ - 746-2671 ^ UMoUrtollf numbtfinldj , . 7 >______■ Tuesiay.ty. Uay 19.1537 Time»-Ne«Hemz, Twin FaHs. Idaho A-3 C o u rtt expantids appli 1 lication N a tiU o n / ^ f o f antii-discriiiminatioon lawsS ' . p = WASHINGTON (AP] — The employes5 for Injuries or deathss discrimination< thal Co::ongress In- For Snpreme Court, grcaUj3Uy_expandlng_r®suUing-fr ;-from-mllllary-servlcerThe-l e—tended-to-forbidrTvhethe her or uol it------rrmerMees - sedepufyhlinked to UWedtech- ^aTprolection for mine J d a l in term s linorilles, ruled ruling cxteiitendcd a 1950 decision barr- 'would be classified as rac HINGTON ^AP) - Tbe formnm er ad iag chief of QcialsIs '‘vere trying to find a vajvay legally onder Monday that civil rights y of modem scientific—<1-^hcory.'-'-^he- hts laws aimed s Ing such1 lawsuitsI; against military i mall Biisiness-AdmtnlstralraUofl^oa Mouday (SBAi pfograia~to"-exeale; jobsjl by awarding __ primarily at helping blacksbla may be supervisorsors. , !said. • ------■ . depleted;x) an cx*Wbile House officialaal as intense* WedietMb tbe coctract toszqjplyly s> (o Qje o s ^ to b an and pimisli d states to rem ove p a rts of ish discrimina- • Allowed i '[ White said that althougjgh Jews and ly interesrested in 1982 in arrangingI fofor Wedtedi Corp„ Army,F. tbe to tn e r SBA oflicialU r fn a n inter* Uon against Arabs andIJcws. Jc a corpse’s’s eyes without the consent Arabs today may be; considered th e now-£w-scandal plagued South BrBronx defense eaa- view. Voting W). the jusUccticcs said civil of the deaiead person's family. The J" members of 'the Caucacasian racc, tactor. to g e h r « 2 milHon oo-bid Am^nnycogtlrad. Tenij ru n caiH bC zeotiy attended a May rights laws enactcd in Ithe wake of justices rejrejected a challenge to a_, the Chril War were desij -Congress had a differentI view\ of ra c e Don TcTcmplcman, formeriy of tbitbe rBA, said'tbal 1932 nWhite Hocse merting. wbiwhere be tentatively esigned to pro- Florida lavlaw that docs not require , istruclion-era___ ^ .Ja m c ^_Jenkins, Ji _at__toe tim e_th^he dqiuty to tbeo- al thal the-SBA vbcid scppIipply $3 tntTUnn Jjj a(J- bibit “rad ai" • discrlmlD ®. when.lt. cnacled .Rcconsl nlnauon'based consent:^— persons the White Ho U e ^ m,“told Wm~van«»~e payiDftas to Wedtedi[i a rf 'S2 million' lii ~ —-e a .fthnicity-aad cbramc laws granting to all p House eounsel'or ^ w ia jmon ancestry;-*-RejectedMl an appeal-by two Baptist same | rights "enjoyed byjy whlte^cUl- lhal "thehe president bad gone” toI StNev York (^ y aad " Ifasses if the^teom pany ■ am in o t m erely ,5kin pigmt in Michigan who may be ‘ gment. ‘ ■ churches ir ® zens.” \ vowcd"to"to get some cmplqy'ment inin tbere."11 vtskeded o d a it was tuvilaving with' tbe Army Tbe mlings. In scparaara te cases in- forccd loi-shut st down schools for hir- Ins told Templeman tbatIt iWhile House of- orerUn volving an Arab professessor .in Penn-. ing teachcihcrs nol licensed by thee • He noted, for examplpie, Irequenl syfoania asd a vandaliJalized Jewish state, 19th .century referencej!es - to Scan------r temple in Maryland, wciwere hailed by • Allowedii New Jersey to rcvoliee i dinavians, Chinese, .LLatins and . avarie^of dvil rightsi gngroups. automaticalcally for 10 years thee ' Spanish as members 0 , di.U ncl ♦ ★ ★ ■ A★*★★★★★ Based on sheer ntimumbers, some licenses of people three times con-I- ‘ " ra c e s .” retary namnes scholar said Hlspanics could be the biggest victed of drtdrunken driving. “This ruling will thehe have the J TBEISEISENHOIDRS jf ' benefldaries. Ju stice BByron R. White, writingg | greatest .benefit to theLhe Hispanic WASIHNGVGTON (AP> - U.S.3. 1 munity and sd»oI sethiirilies. Xiae- ^ ANNUAL . "T Ill other action, the courourt: for the cour)urt In the rights case, said,, .community - < In the courlunlry,” said Secretary of ol Education William JI. . f teen u-cre setected for acxna^zsb-a 3^ BKBm m m e s i ^ s f • R nled 8-1 in the casee o;of a disabled "We have2 littie11 trouble In concludingI - Antonia Hernandez, headid of the Mex- B ennett announced an ’Monday thpe i meets in tbe arts, inclal Defense and names of 1 5 SALE > - Vfelnam veteran fromjm Tennessee that Congngress' intended lo protectt I rcan American Legal D 140 hi^ sc^l- smiors < dance.lhealerandeirealiTt •fMWID.MAT2»tb ^ that state courts mayly orderi child from disciscrimlnatlon Identifiablei ] Educational Fund. "We'rI're so happy, selected as as the 1937 class ofif Tbe^- will be bn J “ "SSXMmiuoNtcttr ^ ------snpport—payments—fronrom—veterans-classea-of-pff-persons-who-are-subjected—1 1—I-eanH-tell-you." . ------Presidentialial iSebolais.------— JW asbiogtoaJmie-lM^Car-a r-a n e a a ^ —^ — s a vEiKCNSVBSOOCE e u ------disability benefits. to. Intentionional discrimination solelyf She said the rulingsIS will give Idahoanss chosenc were Catherine S. sspcecbes and adhiljes biodofiEK a MtvtnlOTOSZBCUOIOOIIOT ^ - Dedded W that mcmembers of the becausc ofof their ancestry or ethnic: 1 Hispanlcs an important newn weapon James of GnmgevUleGr and Keiin M.1. J Jnne 17 While Bocse ce EISENHDTORS ^ arm ed services and their th« families charactcrist•Istlcs.” tto fight bias thal could rcresult from a James of Leu.c w ls ^ . %vhidi PresideQl Reagan ■ HMAVE.C. 7»-7rM may not sue non-milit:ilitary federal_ “Such didiscrimination is racial1 newi immigrallon lawV penalizing Most wertercl chosen for academicc : and gii-e cadi' of tbe s , em ployers for hiring llicllegal aliens, achievementails^leadership and com-I- rmedallion. ★★★★★■A ji-

' y i STEVEfE / * \ ALEXAN[IDER 1 7 ah o i o; e I s Y ouii r s

"HEW( — - sCHWEKCER SALESMHAN qu,jality produc'cts since 18\899 f T o m Roy Raynrmond is prooud to an- $ 0 nounce tlthe additionn. of Steve ’4 9 ' - . * 5 1 Alexander3f to our Stsales staff. ■ 99" Steve WOIDuld lii

Willll Be Gloivsed rOURFUBNITUBE - ICADES LOW LOW =---- COST------MomtdayjMa]iy25----- . IN STORE - —Deadlineses-for^teceiving ig-private^ DEIVERlf-V i«B“ffE Sl*JlHANCffle m ?M APPUAANCESTOroTiNC.- ~ partyTclal^ ifie d ads to0 be ruir^ ------—IlimATSINANAMiHE...AMEPUTATIOH -Tuesday,], May 26, will1 beI noon, TWINFALLS JEROME -BURLEY------:-----__ GOODING^_—^ 7 703tA«iInA»«.Ne. , 1S7. - attm ^ ^ ------Satiiturday,-May 22. 3 .: ______------.------——— ------j li

•.■5 A-4 Tifrimos-Nowo, Twin Falb. Idaholho Tuoscfav.May19,1987- (Ott t i n i if o n

William;om E. HowanJ ‘ WiDit^imarnC, Blake PubllshcIshcr Advirfjvwtlttng Managw

SicphcnhcnHangcn ' MthlichadC;«w ManagtnigtngEdilor CtrcuLitlon t^ Manager

T h e m em bers2rs o f the eciitorial board ancJncJ w riters of cdifcarials isreSlc;S icphcn H artgcn a n d Willianiam E. H ow ard WSOSKT gI PRlVE, - R e g i[ioh i owess Burks a d esbt l of greatitude

------B o b ^ -B u rkis,_manager-oLthe_Noi s ,- lorthsideXanaLCom^^ ___ — r . f i ^ ■ pany and ananative of the W endell1 £a r e a , i s n o t t h e k in d of man who0 gets overly-steameded about things. His' basic style isds deliberate and though)^ t f u l . B u t B u r k s is i fuming over whatat he sees happening to the Niagaraara Springs and Crysta,tal Springs portion of t h e S n a k e R iviver e Canyon. 7^fi*^CAri B E He’s been1 iiinvolved in what haflas been, up to oow, mostly a one-ne-man campaign to) ]preserve the* area, I ^ w h ic h h a s l o n g b e e n p o p u l a r a s a re*r e c r e a t i o n s ite , Without sor>ome concerted proteitests,- be says, tbe I 1 1 outflow fromtl N1 iagara Springs willill be m ostly diverted « . ! .. into fish hatchtcheries, leaving a trierickle of 50 cfs down through whatat is now one of the»e canyon’s prettiest jpigQiHL, JJJc 5-' s m a l l p a r k s . A fter viewink'ing the area this past'sfw ^kend, we think ■ _____ Burks. is righght about the potent!itial, threat, and we ■ urge public p.participation in help!Iping him protect it. You can startirt by getting in touch:h with Burks at Box PERES aiand SHAMIR 298, W endell,, II< d a h o 83355, te le p h o nne e 539*2219. Burks is-aa formalf protester off tthe proposed w ater diversion proji•oject at N iagara Spriirings, and he will be making a fonorm al presentation to the state Depait- ment of Wateiter Resources hearinjing at Gooding City Hall on May.Jy.28 at 10 a.m . The m ore people he has Raisinig ion bodies ill irn the loimg run heard from byjy then, tfie better, Fortbe past fire or sbox years, charges Now lo o k at thesitualioi 5 here are complex oni)nes. At Crystal Spr- t Ilion from the point of The issues h ____ atgwaterollggrsandci onngsilies have been vlcw.of the president alII PcPonllac College. PonUac i will be ail but dried— ------l n g s r a ‘ o n c e --pristine p r outflow pond v Hqng'aT [inaoi^ Ihree; Itim es Ibe rateorinfla* ------JacIrLrLrStark7“ ^------— cannot-competewith thephepubiicinstitutionson up, except asas an outwash from a Clear Lakes com^ _ tio n . ------;------,— . the basis of price. Neilherher can Pontiac compctc Corps of Engineers Uliile most of the restst of tbe econo my has p ro- with Cadillac-Coliege on tl m ercial hatche:hery, when an Armyy ( seem s to be re lativelyr insensitivein; to price. What . )n the basis of price, >— spcred wilb a reUtivelylylowrateofinliatioo, • - - - because the.flnancial aid f p t o j e d i s tu r* n n e ed o n l a t e r t h i s y e a r , this means Is that'the consumerscor of higher lid policy al both institu- ' / , private educatioa seem:n s to have rema med stuck • tlons ,cquaU2 es.price for>r Uithe majority of stu- { That projedect will divert water2r from the canyon education — parents andand siudenls —do not ap- in thf era of inflatio[jnn rates, spring dertts. P bnllac College will pear to be choosing instltstltutions on the basis of will enjoy lltUe c o m -, w all into a coll:ollector pipe and acrojross the Snake River parenls.of co U ^ studcEents can expect to receive pciitive advantage by chaicharging less than to be used to raise steelhead. AAt Crystal Springs a letter from a dean or-president p Enforming Ihem Cadillac College. Why, Uic T here is a good reasonjon for this. F irsl, approx- then, should Uie president e and what .was once of anotber iDcrcasce Ltn tuition of 6 percent. 8 a t P ontiac cul corners,, whywh; economise, why ______pond, the dam;image is^lready done i im ateiy 80 perccnl of loday’sstudentsgololod croil. defer renovating thal aginiIglng a beautiful spo;pot has been turned ininto a drying pool of - p e r c e n to r e v ^ iz p e rc e public universities. Thchc ccost of operating a public dormitory? Th«» m ix t nxcuse r for escalating tui- Nobody will ap preclatetlie those cost-culUng ef- fish droppingsIgs. Anyone who thinlinks this • is pretty university is nol less thaihanUiecostofoperatinga tions is that faoillv saltaries a] bave lost moch of forts. Why not ju sl raise Pc private university of thciic same size, but the price e P ontiac's tuition to I should drive dod o w n a n d l a k e a lo o k , the bU T ^ poim thal tbtbey bod in thc mid-19GOs $12,000 and be done wiUi il^ to tbe consumers Is conslinsldcrably less bccausc of h il? PonUac w)ll pick up- I Burks is tr;trying, in effect, to) p] r e v e n t th e s a m e and eaui y *nis. Tlieie manay be some truth to this ' students who cannot get im state tax support. Theli::fli; is no way that indepcn- !t into Cadillac, m any of . .. a rg u m ent, b d itd o c s psolreal^explaintherise. o _ .....whom.wDnltnccd orqualif; ______thing from hnpa p p f 2ningjiLNiagaEa.Sp:S p r in g s ...... --- - dent colJeges:and tmlvcn^crsltlcs cantompete w ith:;-. alifyforald.andJtcan-...... m tuilioits. If jodToitdL at how rallegesand ' spend parlofitsadditiohal)hal revenues oh beefing " One of thee Magic Valley’s treaenures is the won- • public unlversilies on Ihcthe basis of stated price or ___ ttnivcisilicsartspcndinjrrtg rnnm»y ____ up financial aid.______droiis flows ^faqinferof water fromm the canyon walls:— tuition chargcs:------tbey feeaerate by raisinglg tmtioas. you will see W hat is wrong with thisTiTthinking?1='or t Uic con- Once these arear gone, they are nonot easily replaced, tbat only a sm all part ofjf iit goes to increase Sccond, a s m any as twitwo-thirds of Ihe students sum er, and for higher educeducation In general, plen- ■ _Thus, decision:ons about their futurere should be public faculty pavcbecks. Moctcfa of the additional mooey’ who attend the bctter-kncknown independent col- ty. In the long run, tuiH^)neon escalation Is golngto a n d c a r e f u l l y; thoughtth out. i___ legeareceivesomeJtarmrm of financial aid. Most In- drive more and more stude:udcntstothopublic ------: ------We aIl-owe-£2-Bob-Burks-a-debt of)f gratitude here-for— • :.:r.i^itutionswillawar^aldildlntheformotscholar-. I - -universilics.ThePonljacC - ac Colleges of this country------gttirfy aHrmarf seminars, lec- ships on the basis of needced. to m ake up the dif- will not be a^le lo offer cnoienough services to offset raising publicilic awareness aboutlUt t h i s i m p o r t a n t tiTT^p^ijx pcd>licalioQSi aand, most important, fi* ference betw een w hal the collegc charges and the great price advantage;ge ofc tlie public universl- • resource. Hopeip e f u lly , h is b u g le c a ll is n o t to o la t e . naTvnal siA what a qualified appllcarcant’s family can afford to ty- Tbe reasosi for this isi Utbat private colleges and pay. A family that can1 paypa $5,000 per year will be The m ore affluent andd pprestigious r independent mi mm-erslliesi»taigercoi»m prte wi th eacb other charged S5,ooo, w hethere r Uiet tuition is $8,000 or colleges will prosper, bulJl theth Independent sector tbe basis of slated pricrice, as do most other 512,000. G iven a choice2 bebetween Ponllac College, is likely to bccom e sm allerHer as less prestigious epnimodities aod senriceces. They compcffe with a tuition of $8,000 peip e r year, and Cadillac Col- coDcgcs arc unable lo atlratlract qualified students, driaiarily on Ibc basts of}f general academic repu- lege, which chargcs $12,012,000 , which would you Atsomepoint, independentlent colleges and univcr- y m e q»rytr»»»x s an d p ro g ram s and dis* prefer, knowing that, inIn eellher ease, the cost to sltles will bccom c elitistl prepreserves with dwlndl- Le.etters welcoi L-'tetmted p lices (fmaocialialaid ). you will be thc sam e: $5,0W,000? ing influence on the intcllccllcctual and cultural life ^Tbe Dsmbcr of trsddioiiooal coUege-age students -...... - Being a rational consursumer, youwill compare of the nation. c 1920. If th e usual law sof whal each college offersrs InI the way of prestigious E scalating tuitions m ay aappear to be an easy T he Tlmc*'N cwa wclcome* wi letters to the: e d ito r b a t B'I!] economics applied to bigligher ecfucatioo as they do faculty, up-to-date facililiililies, carecr counseling, short-run solution to a collcjollcgc's financial pro-- Ihosc i( considerss libelousI or In b«d taste.:e. Each letter mast ^ to tt'idgets. yxRi would ex(x pcct tbe pricc of a col* food and housing. You probablyp n will choose blem s, but they have disasUiaslrous long'^epm'con- • ___ algned.and.ahould-lId.lncludc-thc-wrlter.'s.malltallia9.«ddr«*s. Letters ' legeeducationtodrop.TITtiat is what sbould bap- CadillacCollcgtK-It-hae-ale-a betlerraputaU on for— — Qcqu^cesior nil n f hlgh'prpdtxducaUon. - ...... — ------of m ore th a n 400 uroiu ro rd s m a y b e e d ite d fo r leag)a g th . conusodity fewer____— academic achievement,It, 1Itscam pus is pictures- — ----- purefaaseis.^UjeoppoxsitetjasoeciBTed. The — ipirandits coursecalaioiliogueis-fullofsmailsem------— 7irckLTStarlci5'pTesl(lcnticnrorajrwhosupposedlsedljr"were never to taste Twin F alls Police D eparpartment had illegally natlated by your actions. I herebyiby submit my possiblctt; to reduce the stigm a and risirisltsone yearly. In past:isl years, thc fairboard has of d ealh.” And thc sansame is said of the apos- claim ed and receivedI wiwitness fees and costs _ reresignation s effective Jtme 1,19!.1937. .la i e s i n rrcachicgout t for belp received somene Irevenue sharing money, bui)ul lie John In Doctrineea an n d Covenants 7:2-3. lo”wUIct\hew.isno{entllitllIed.Thavebeenlhe_ ____ BHOWARD l . m . H >TT ______SUSAfCSNEMXOLVIN_^_^_ _ i^haHg no.longeiigenavallablc-AntidpatedxcveVi ------Now,.lf.lhcsc.pcoplc-wlc-whojrc-of-^lhechurchi^------objecl of nearly constantan i h arrassm en l by of- EDetective Servant J e r v ate e — ------cnu^arefl^n;Ured, andlheJairboard SctsJlIfie— have never died, th e a t ficlalsofthePubllcSafelafety Departmeni and Twin T FaUs Police D qurtznan a a budget frorg theseUic figures. II is against .^ ^ these Mormon documciments, IhereTouldhol...... , the city m anager's officcfice. T w ln F a lis. .s ta te law for thc budget to be overspent, , have in any way beencnan b apostacy —let Ihavc been forced out')utoflhedctecUve m a d e <^3ch fairborboard member can be held peper- alone a compfetc apostpostacy. '. . . ___ _ rilt’lclnn ■___ Many\j improvements m llles (a m ove which i s ------;------stmallyrcspons[msiblc-forsuch.All Bovemmenent ------BatinTiiargorscnscmscrHindthejirtlcleiflb^— — Clearly a dem otion! andnd ]placed under the Dr. Sam s, staff thele ReccntI;itly. a petition was cirdilat^ . -entlUes mustt be audited by an accredited1 surd bccaus^Ibellcvceve and know God to be In supervision of the veryy nm an whose illegal ac- IK Ut=>L Minidokata County concerning the fairlir board. CPA. and the: inim portance ot complying lo) control of all thingsi regregardless of how much tlvlties I reported. • • y.My associaUon «-ilh the AnimlimalOinicasd Tbcpt^ictio a staled th at W ade ZoUingingerand slale statute is >very much stressed at each:h m ankind Irlcs to screwrewitup for him.God did My mosl recent Iransfiisfe r back into )r. Dr. Patricia Saras bas nm a spanoffhvspa RoaKindidig bad made more improveivemenlsto audit report, build his church on the day of Pentecost, and uniform, coinciding assitdoeswithlhe it 'e yea a rs: incidenUy. th e tim e offmyresideoce m: ■ Ihefairgn;Fmmds in thc last six monlhsths Uian To say UialI nonothing has been done to im-1- II slill exists today inIn Ulthc tem ple (body) of dism issal of^an appealI by Uic U.S. A ttorney’s n inT Twin F alls. present oror previous board members.rs. provetheMlnldnldoka County Fairgrounds, every-beiiever-ln-hlmlm regarcllessi of their in- - Officc of an order dismis:nissing criminal pro- She SI is not only a n-cU-qualifiedfied Inlbela 10 years, approximatelyJly w hen 11 is fact:l wwhat and wherp money hass . dividual organizatlonaonal preference. His cecdings against CommamanderBermin^am, velteterinarian, but a caring andd lo lc rin g in d i- $319.000bahas tieen spent at the fairgroirounds on been spenl. Iss a gross Inaccuracy. church is the coliectlvctive body of all l»m-of- has made it absolutely,-c cl le a r to m e lhat m y vidiidual in the Ircatment aod carea r e of anim als capital tm;mprovemenls. A new race■trackwas tn - CAROLEANlWJhTBESSIRB - - - ■ . ihe-spIrlLCborntagnln).linJ-bcJIcvers throughout------____ c a rc e r with th e Twin Fall=*alls Police Depart- When W asked by a Dew resideateat of Twin built, andd ini the same area a grandst;[stand. Secrctary/tre'treasurer th e w o rld a n d tim c ;; andam Jesus C hrist Is Uie m ent h as been term inatealed. . . • ■ i-all'alls about a veterinarian. I alwalways recom- restroomsas, a radng office, and ajrideideobooUi HhiidokaCouIkmnty Fairboard . cihief cornerstone. As you know, law enforiforcemcnt is more meflend her and will continue to)c5osoinIbe do werebuilLJL Recently, a new show bulluilding Rupert • M orm ons call thems< th an ju st a Job to m e and n d I : have tried now futuiture. Dr. Saras and ber slalTaiffaretbebesL wasbuiltft for the 4-H and Open Classaexhib- e •mselves Christian b ecausc they have Jesi . forafuliyeartobalanceice m y work with lhis • MRS. M NEITIE L. JEN N IN GGS S its.Tbisbcbuilding an offiiifficefor Jesus Christ In the name of their organlzaUon7 a dep artm en t against'mly y beliefb *hat law Tw in F a lls tbefairboaoard and restrooms for tbe pi n ra n d Uiey do believe in ‘ H ' aJesusChrfst.PauIspi b re a k e rs in uniform a re theI very worst kind Tbe-*th^ll W ard LOS constructed a coi Ad on Mo•formonism absurd 1 spoke of him In II Corln- Uiiansll:3-4,12-l5.Chc ofcriminal. d la s t 3iear. Tables and rhnlr Checkltout. The Jesus _ . wonstaiKl airs have Ifound yourir rrecent advertisement sellin('"B C hrist oTUie Mormons, ■ I have no choicc but loloc conclude that your ' P n chased, as have pegboard anand cabi- Mormonlsmquiq uite absurd. In fact, from the ons, accordlngto the ------" stigma call fo ® book Gospel Through U personal commitment to Commanderi Berm-' ^nd in fo rh d p Itsplay areas, and new stage jhUieAges(anofflclal — ge was true Christiann perspecUve,p It calls God a LDSpublicalloh), lslh< Ingham re q u ire s you to0 punishpi m e in a varie- May Mj is Mental Health Hontb.fib.,KMVT pm builtintbe!ie sa le bam . R epairs to e ^[Uipment j Uar. s the " sp irit broUicr of ____ Luclfer’lwhom we kncknow of as Uicdcvil ThP ----- ty of ways unlil I can no0 lolonger perform my— oni£irwtceilent ai “ Views" pi ogii.amfratiiiiii^ an azxlsbtxwar area take another cfatmkofo fth I e ------Underyourocrad v crtlscm cn t's heading:- - "splrllbroUierofLuclf dutles.Ihaveneverwantijnted to do anylhing two”!.0 mental bealUi vor^ersal^atfa family ■ mooey. I of the Gospel" is implied (ac­ uclfer" Uie devil Is not '■RegloraUonof ‘5‘ tbeJcsusChrlstoIUielJieB Ible...... m ore lh an perform Ihe! diiUesdu of my profes* meitem ber of a mentally ill person,an.QiKStjOQS ln l3 S 3. .ttbe fairboard requested per>crmis- tualljujbnferredre d ) the belief Uial Uie gospel sion. You have now madeideltimpossiblefor and;id answers were given on tbeesubjectsof a sionfroml1 tbe Minidoka County Commomis- andUiepriesthothood of the true Jesus Christit But God Is In conlrol.Lrol. It's Intcrostlng lhat m c to d o so . • whyIiy m entally iU persoQs do ootjtseck SI siooerstoT»1erel and s ^ ttesoujb areireafora wasIostfroraUiI Uie earth. That of course ' In thelanguage spokenken by oyer25 perccnt of — - My only regret in taking;ing th e action that I psyci:ychiatric help and bow mental]itaDy 11} per* lotb t a n d ai p l a n to put th e Po^uio^urtb of^____ ^woullmflkc.GoiGod.JnlbfipcrsonoU.e5US_ ' the worlds populaUonon (Chinese)( lh aljh e.______• m usl lak e Is ih a r i aim con:oncedtngthai a rsonsns reel. . ' ’JulyCamiioivaL Because olbudgeting.:g.wdrk C hrist, tb be aQ liarlij bccausc hc said Uirough;h ...... pronunciation of theB wowords for "g ates of Twin F a lls police officerirwhohasknowleiJge v ! ifc feel one very Importanl (Aesposon did oot staia rt until 19S. when trees andm d M atthew (16:18]: 18) th at hc would establish hiilis hell” Is " m orm on” (Askthemlsslonary(As - that aTnem beuf the depaepartmehl is violat- wasIS left1 out — Lbe person wbo sofisuffers IrDQ debre werere itmovetL There had beenen a slock church, and "Uii■Uie gales of hell shall not school in Provo.) Godod didd build his church. , — —ing thelaw rfM chooses betweenU hls-jotxand— ihede disease of mental tilness. UokJolessoBesnf-'—ear'radngi g track in the area, and limen e a n d • p re v a il againstist ll_;'i;But_GodcanI not He; -l- - ' there was no apostacy,icy, and M ormon “ will — ^ ------hisconsclenc^flSclelermmlning-whcUierotnot— lr ferSrS fromf adiseaserwbetberitbetb e c a u c c ;------m aE iy wer^ueeded cr to reraoveconcreirete. even Mormonsns tbelieve Qia't. And anyone wf;#ho not prevail agalnsl It.” to report such conducL heartart disease, or the disease off menialmi il* iht^ etc. This year, the areaiwas’ Wi IsatrueChrisUisUan wUl subm it that (jod Is EARL R. JOHNSONON . ' • . ------capableijnoilovItowin g th r uughTJin iltt word . -He-^—H B rig h a m € ity rU ta lF ------'______Tuogday.Moyy •19.1987 Tlmo3-Now3.Tw.T w in Foil!!. Idaho A-5

I A A Th« Md i!6nory of ■ V Humpty Dunlumpty'i / \ wm fallmmlhe^allrail gooi 4 _____ / ___ W bock fl long woyiByi, ond It ^SyCTRiA LARGEE JSSli ---- ■ — cwtalnly—lh«—i-^KIngi-Wt------J----- H mon and thoirr hh0r*05 \* I could have pa m him up wtth m< Kill Super' Gluo I I m IMPT tochnology (Su|: and ScotS Tape).le). Howovor \ / W i th« modom May,oy. 1917 fall v ^ \ of THE EGG otIt ISwonton'i ' \ ' S | If strictly aboutIt 1 tho prtco. Swoiuon'i finee t AA quallly J a m I Humpty Oumptyty Eogi - EXTRA URGE SIZI ond lou ------than 5' toch—■ AlARE lupsr froth without 0B kscratch or 0 ^— crack. Thiflk of thoth poiilbllltloi for bottorocirod budgotu JiALLgi, otc.^ PICMKIC SPECIE S i l . ■ J Bridgerland Boiloneless. H I PEPSr f f l WESTERNtN FAMILY D l l l k HOTDOG/HHAMBURGER D V P HAMKS I W l DIETPPEPS COLA ^ d 3 9 * C.0' $14!9 $ -|5 9 | SSSoflSS J l iNTAINDEW Bkg.of8.. -WHt■l£—ll. I—— HALF— , lb. WESTERN FAMILY r W>RK & BEi■ANS - F a l lI s s B r a n d t 6 Pack -pl 15 oz. 12 O i. Cans ■<«»“: Can...:.... 3 / M ,> 0 0 WIENERSi I FIUK MMfl? M AIiRSHMALKLOWS 2*1 Lb. 1 - EAF LETTlUCES ^ 1 Lb. Pkg. * k g . - ...... * a . 9 1 0 ® .t d Mini or Reg.,.i..:.....i L e a n 3 Heads ? '* U n t DEL ^ i RESHCOIRN - " ------MONTErECATSUP» . — - 1' ^ ftGROinINDBEEL_ $1099 n ' S'r p " 00 32 oz...... i8 9 * ii* Qi^or^V EER.... lh. I PK8.'...... Ib. WESnRI ----- URGEfI FAMILY OLIVESi I SUNKISlST NAVEL 0>RANG» ! F a lI l l s B r a n d Tall Can, 7 9 * | “g 2 ( I 00 ^ Pitted ...... 3 BATATOCHHIPS— Pkg. i u OBi^ Bag14 oz. .... ■ . M..1 9 - I? ^ROCCCOLI “ U.S.D.A. Choice e B unch SQUASH Boneless U.S.D.A. ChChoice ^ A N Q U EET DILL PICCKLES “ ^'Bonelesess Also Cutike Chips CBQC CCHUCK SHOULDIDER 22OZ..Jar...... 1 ROAST 49>1 3! i i __ T-Bone.Cut____ STEAKM______—BARBEE Q U E SALUCE-----^ _Armojjr KRAFT. SZcsty Variotlos.— $ | 3 5; $ 1 ^ v i w r nN A S ^ 5ISA6ES 18 oz.Jar.. 9 8 ! ^ - 1 It. l b . i NALLEY''S RELISHHES----- 5 oz. J I totB M e d a l l i o n1 12 oz...... :...... 1 y s * Fresh Frozen? n f N o a r W eistern s Famiiy' Froshnoss ► C odo F'■OAM PJLiATES ^------".tM pIrtrtloo- RofrlgoratodBl! . ^ISCUITS 50 c t. 8" turkey: W hito s " 20 ct.'IO " com porti 7 V 2 0 Z . 1 tm e n t * 1 . I R olls I S ’' 1 0 T o I0~.< 2 1 14 L b.....lb. —WIZARD______6 9 * — $ 1 4 4 «S)H— I?1 ngsford-CH AlRCOAL— ^:CHARCOAA ttlG H TCR-- ■ T l 32 o z ...... ^ ______Be ______COFFEr Fresh FrFrom Sw ensen's; B ak ery CREAM ___ AsMrt>rtod jjM M^ \\ 'CEC B CRACKEDV) WHEAT C A I T ria n g le Sz , * 5 “ ' ‘KE I 1IW Y oung's _ 1 _ -B R E A I -Holf^llon « r ■ ■ r-ib.i.oi«!-T>pNI IO T S-|— I >9-11- — II ICE CRE/A M CONES? r l deca ^ N a b i s c o ------' |^COMET”48ct.... I s;€0TT < PAji f R i a WItELS I _

ftH lfc. V- LUfiJMB£RJACK SYRUI k g o f 3 lallq'l!j's36m.lil:...... "...*fT* 8 8 au m b o R o l l s ^ 1 . 8 1 8 NALLF;Y'S CHIP» DIPS CHICKEN OFF THE SEA TUNAIA r . . , Prices Go Assortod Flavon P ^ ’1 6 ' * WaiiM:iror ' I W . .0IIP2CPatliLV______poo; Tues, thruI Mon.1) { 7 o z ...... C . 1 . 1 ■ 61^1)2.02. Cin ...... ;^T7r... 3 . 2 1 SNUGGLE SHEEEETS“ LlIIFEBOUY DOVE LIQUIIUID SWE■NSE!:M’S : FABRICSOFTEIENER -- BA'lAIHSOAP - DISH SOAIIAP — WACICLlfARI SJt » 2 METS.PkgTTT.TTTT:----- ^ 2 9 * . . c - T T r BtB* i - SOUTH WEST5T01NTS- ~ “ I 62 8 M»IN?>VE. s . ^ CARESSl. _ ALLDIDISHWASHEB____ ------ALLLIQUIDI I D ^ ^ - - __ i paulTidaho__ ICMIEXIONSI®AP_ 1-DE]nEHBEHT LAUNDRY dD{ e t _ „ _ ROPERT, IDAHO $1 29 50 X | m >9 H alf - — 22Bar.... 11 o i. . G a l . ; r z f i ■ p H - . ' _ U ...... ------c D o o n ^ b u r y A-6Tlm«3^evys. TwinI Falls.Fa Idaho Tuesday, Ma^^ay 19.1087 ______B£f4,P£/m. ViANKS.BUT rr^ iKNoa)yafFE5HoaVKT-WWBi XVE.T iE fiS iv oJHAmcu: . tCTMiAFSA. IHAmMAmiave BuriJU^Dotnm ■ > » W = - XKCrS / « 5 » m m JvasMEfOBHfiJoua'jurfr FO/aABisum-W]WnH-BUT^ . -m w P f f t f C S 1 KNouA srrmnoNAL em/c■.IF if m~UELi,OKfff.lF^IFIH AVB \ ysue&r u / s ^ i ------A iO lC o ' ' " ■______l - l \ . - V ,.— ...... 1 :----- \ -jz^ rrnrrivm-nr.jm-~ - — — . l' F r a n k a n d E mn e e a ^ . ' '"I ' /> I ^Evg|^ (?E>\LIZgPpi ’ ’W j' M , / / \ \ llfl/fW W H A T A ? olOp o \ SOLFep j: ^ i I WAS O NJTIi. T SOMEBopy '' 1\a^LA ■SS V ^ K e r r B D ^ e u s e •T ,THE= »•/» ^ \ ^ :• / a p e . . P e a n ui t t s ______=-.T«*vcs'5 -7 9 ' “ V ------' ' - K>-^^ .JT;Z-y,// — - r-jj-oijVEBE! iUPPb^'E^'.^opy' • pom't-iw ;k\ — ^ — - — liT 'su n Acs W A S 6ET j . d f t 5TAMPIN6H ;YD0 IHIS QUESTION- ...... FOR A LOh Tl G a ifie ld TIME. HAVEN/EN'TS i L ' - w l i m ------1 ^ VOL> ? • TOERE ASE M*NVw w a v s i c T I ( s o m e• SAW£ i t H E L P S *io ■ ) ( .r S A V IT STILL LOiOOKS J «j(U<£ A 17I£T MOREt£ IAPpeALIN& > PRESSs s S*OOR FOQP U P J \ LtKE CELERV - t^ A : •«_

- o C

^5: Blondiel i e . ______^ |NOW.NOWW, ■^An-gTAgi^oiSHE pPnC««A®BCO g > NO \ l l-TUEh34 ) / T w j a V . y ...... WHATS Tl-TMiskr AToua i Tooeeieev A K O “<< w y *> ob ?7 VOO -N f T O / ------ALL A&OUOUTpV1&XnN& I s w e » on|t >--v ^ (TOO«T OP THE MINISTER I [

______J?AAA 'C7AV/?S5->9| Hagar the Horrrrib le mIrTPP^^iV___ a > 4 | u iM v « s D t ^ lIMT"

A o d y C^ p p <21S A HOlX> cw ^CtL F « ^ / f ^«VD j u s r t 3RTHrSGA(t€^ ^

_____ —

The Born Loser S r - ^ : e r ^ ______^ / 9 ______nWWAITTlLL 0.987D-,M, puB tnw 6 T y i ' i m pI n T E U . \ r j 3C ______f • J 'HE<5TACT$ •SOWElWSHr B ro o imn S d a " " 6UTTUI5TUAE \ n \ r ^ ^ r ^ fOH.NO._NOT 1/ IA1C> fXPON'T'nCNK I ANOTHER // THEV»r £ t o o 1 seraoo& !^^^


Lr ^ Y 3wz»i«

Beetle Bailey rf f e EWANTTO I WHrZTHATfel, T LIKE'TO, I SEE I AMC> I LOVE ^ ' KC3USH FOR I V BLOCKINGTHE K pjiayc^oher, 7 -R : P l A V E K S r u n \ m PLATE W izardd o f Id______sA fztsB ^ SHT A T M ^ ,1W y«W H ' IS l/ JiKr \ I S M M c w e u I w m - I r t . I r '^ ^ 3 /: ' z :S Jweiase:')r-—~ -zrz M u-ee w a B « &

GasoCne Alley! ;------H i a n d3 IL ois He w ants \ Don’i devious,) I call it, fl^imqoic^to \ \ p K t h i s i s • U < e r T o H K t h i S; I5Mf?.L£E,I7eAR> I£ ’art! ^"creative 15 T H E C7NL.V hJOUSe X E m teE ^t- - -- . l |- a l o t f o r jH is p ThiAT FITS Ybup! Neei^'laff yrr/AVW'v^ i Ife/Q i) HE WW/ / W r s T O LOOK _ — neqotiatic W dte^npFfery • landiX com' '£CTiy, A^f^. L E E j/iG o tN^iPE? ^ AROUfJP i . ^ g H - I F iHiyu' J r I 3 J 'M mL I

■ te r s>-pOT>Ta for “o lder pea>0500**? w ere cluStexttered in great stable set- /C. Only teznparsniy.yn~ggBar~tleTcoity. ■soTXn~bion^it-^n~by~tbe™so —- Evciy eni^iemism- forJT “elderiy” cotorriah mosUy ma wip^ them out Tbal's whathat let tbe poor illUe S Pttcftaf-* ^ - i , grows Uresone at lasL E ■ elders say they g e t fed tqicp wilh wandering' t{Qtg ^ p f^ u x take over. ------urewJraairt ------5 ^ " t ’s - w h a t ------^------iffneuce be------. . t4Hbedlfllcuit _ tween '‘citiren*' andnd -sensoF Il’s said lit elwra— ••bread**—asdad—"d*y-o*dsisoes~— CGC>nc oId.-ooe-Bew-.— to re­ Y7 G E o n oict , ^ ■ “ PREVENT DISEASE CANDY BARb ; bread.** sell he'd once been poor, ta O iito JJ----- Tbat'sthestoistory; anyhow. A'clicnl. who pleads for/*raH=oul/ fo A young'sflnan'droppcd by George^^ __ In Leonardo da V iaa’s*s p aialig g o f — ___ ^ ” - campaign ___ against > 5e)6Ual^ Williamson’sn’s candy store in ;o "The Last Suppef.~** U*e saU spaaed- Fix That!at! .Contrary lo previous ______» ,A n « s j» ______a_ _ - iransramca ----- d i s e a sis;.-_!!:»el^~icalmasL-cvgr; e ,’cry_day::ia-mrt:a.’itli^lljc- If ~ th f i3 Ja d a x = ^ = i c p a t C t b eesmaQesLaLthe SB state cap------3SBUK ____ - "Preventive devices shoilould be plac- young ladieslies who m ade the confec- tlais is Veme n n o n fs 'M ontpelier wiUi ' Z7Aiitla«pliatilTr “ Ie. ed free in every motel1 room. : Look tions, Whenen they camc up with a a' ' Tbe Spanisl} p o t U siiBBfay:“U f fcB aLMlpeopIe. cteoit -' _ i ■- - ^Q rt bnig-irtf •* U licy RlpctRri tn n.imp it in ^ ^ ~Somethingl . his honor - with syllables they sang T»g all m .imTTC«t. Inc ,5/19/877 I Rigna ncMnrM ■ Doadteu."" ^ 420(ctepart Yeslerierdav's Puala Sglvfld O Hteo 5 KeiKafl lojM l I I T■ B M|AlR|S.lH»E|V|lTri VIRGO (August 22 tolo tnoreas-easing yoor bank account; «4 IbftirialiRl S Ha-oa c a n dcdo yoor Your persona]onal w isb escan b e realized 4SBBbytDy 7FalFalana of song -r-l-p •=- -r-®■ ~ r lMETA.B.iiS elits. Be vtTT qtnckJr. " <9 Ste* ster* 8Ma M. DD aily H oro!j s c o p e work and gain Roe benef ' , 9 S«| M 1 S 1 ]1 |£ 1 E A T ,. cooperatire with hifiher-<5- 1 ^ StEgaproOliar m i l " ~ AQUARIUSIUS (January 2 no Febru- 52 — umctf aam n otion - HP n A1 l 1 S i(M E. I l l S3iteoofT0 1 BCtaJk CR»Ji»’— :^3rpr«if»rap«r«i ------« r~ — for ihilho------5 6 P a rp o n ------can~rcaltze whatever \ s D ecem ber 21): Y o a c a n1 mI a k e a fSne DAY _ be. o r lea...” 57 Cold cuia i can handle yoitf budness ^ or she; is bound lohave a ■ : 36Yokfolto — memoriea. have. Forget monetary \ Impression on an ^ie yjon coBtad.- wry mnsoalsoal and intere^g ex- __ _ ; ____1___ 32-—.t—.toaat______48 A uthor-.------:------atora------,------bchappywHhagoodfrlon ^ - _ - Satanic Deiohtonin 59 TTiarofor^ >—Make tte' futsre -'imT e vuneaA fiJ . b le acc . U- ' wowotild be w i« lo - ^ as-^ * DOm 4asau frn^ an a^

- • \ T u esd ay .. MW ay l9 .1987 Timos-Nows,IWS, Twin Falls, Idaho A-7

T h e S t>torlcaftqtark hiiit Floricda homleport h a rd ^ ^ ^ ^ = a r 4 i ------MAYPOB ORT NAVAL STATION,, Uthe base, said tbe time beforebe fami- f “That leanlimlng sbouldo^lo-slKPUlder titack. . and declronlcslies store Just outside ^ Fla. (AP)) -— N avy officers began thei 11lies were told the namesi ofo tbe dead is really stnstrong," h^ said, adding **lt looks Ulw w e’ve lost. aabimcb of the gates, I lives for no th in g . . . AnyoJrone can do The Stark wawas carrying ajj ahtl- SP€aFIC».TK]WS somber taslask Monday of notifying the! aand'injured was the mo:lost difficult that aboul a 1dozen famiaies bdd ao lr ------families of of the 28 sailors killed dur-- p a r t. aU-Qight prayrayer vigil Souday in th e: anythingai they want to us.!. 1but there submarine helihellcopter detachment, Designddiobetiflauncimched Ing a missIssile attack on the frigatei That time was especlallilly hard for base chapel;I; wwould be bell to pay if wer e ever at- HSL-32. basedd in Virginia a t the Nor- MQakist naval siufac9ta/ita/gets: U S S S U rkok on the Persian Gulf. t'two wives of crew membciters, wbo did **ifs imporportant for (famUks) toI tackedii tbem . .. any litUee onviIle, said of desp air." I Red Cross "Everybodj>dy feels like tbey’ve vllle. “Thettjere's a lot of pain, a lot off Ms. ^ Ferguson, and the I Sales R epnresentative Foio r L o c a l o n sadness andmd a lol of headshaklng...... sent & a message wilh theI nnews lo the received an1 unexpectedu punch in tbe jar the uniform you feel thei ship. i Another crewman'sI's wife was stomach.” salsaid P e n y . w a n d s p e e d A rea. Pl^asse^V pply In PeP e r s o n . g elling read y to deliver, shi>hc added. Mrs.Fcrgu:guson said the Red Cross tYcnriSr P“ *"- g Lengttir155 loot (appro) B ase comommander Capt. John Mit- “You hurt Inside for.p. people you had also offei[fered to provide some H- Dtomatpp l4indK>s chell declln:llned to say how many, Ift don't d know. You hurt forr them. Yod* nancial assistiistance. m irses trained to SANDDY’^B ER N I>[NA VM ^spah: 3j3tooi(fl«fi any. of the thi 85 Stark sailors who) hurt h with them and you1 Ikeep them grief counseli;eling and “whate>-er tbe WMqM: 1.441 pounds make their:lr home in the Jacksonville5 in li your prayers," Perry.'. a chaplain command at Mayport feds they ol» f B U R L E Y e killed In Sunday’s altack.. for f< 18 years, said at a1 news con- need asslstancance with.” WMwad; 363pouA(}s area were 1 1234 O akley Burley,B l Idaho Propulsion: The starkc carriedCi 200 crew m en. ferenceU on this North Fl(Florida base Outside the[he Iwsc gates, tbe com------m nnity la ptressed r e ange r o v er tb e a t- - 2-staoe solid rockei ntoi...... "U ntU ’ ththey ”(lhc“ famlllcs) hear• "on0 the Atlantic coast.-— 7- Ringe: 31*43 miles. dO| somethingg ieveryone Is a casually," M itchell tolc:old reporters. 1 litwKi) aircmfrs hoigM s _ :d a team of 10 doctors,. J n ’ 6 7 FUq^ speed: .Hiohsubsi . Hc said Liberty wcas target in jlsts atid olher profes-'. (M adt0.d3) psycbploglsl -Theattack peninsula. « slonalsaiTiiri^ed Monday from Porl- WASHINGTON (AP) — ' {klUailbe: irioftiaJandim W smoulh, VaVa., to help families t'l alI on ° the Navy frigate Stark St came The altack.:k. which occurred during radar homing almost 20 years after an id good »-eather in toler- J ltS U with the crisrisis. f! J j S ^ s h i S A sailorir from: the USS Saratoga, the ^ USS Liberty, anolher;r Navv ship naUona! watvaters, killed 34 ser- -VACATInON 1 which bccame embroilJlled in a ■ g which alsoio Ihas Mayport as Its home * Dd wunded 171 otbeis I the feeling on the base wos: MfdcastconfllcL " crew members. ------port, sold th On Ju n e 8, 19(^, Israel.ell jets and =™ «"Sthe2M INIISPECTIODN j shock andI disbelief.dl e Liberty, a Officially, .b Israeli said it w as a case ) — A F ren- " it w as; a ship we saw everyday In. torpedo “ boals struck the n identity th at oceurre fl Don-n't let a preventata b l e t that killed 28 port. It’s quitequ a shock to everyone,"■ N avj’ electronic Intelllgeiience-gather- of mis taken 1 I ; ship was believed to be IsheffielS Stark In the said the sailjailor, who declined to give. Ing “ ship that was on statallon ih the bccause the sl ----- breakdalown ruin your vacr o c o t l o n . j - _ Mediterranean Sea offr the Sinai Egyptian. same type of hlsname. I n c l u d e s - -the British P e rry , who wh visited the fam ilies of. ^ioss aidIn the 1982 several-.StaJtark crewmen after Sun- : ^V isual insfspection of belts oneind hoses : day's attackick and talked to sailors al 'i • • Inspectionn of front and rearir bbrakes ii ■oorated many - leld In building I . '" " T 5 • Inspectionn o f all lights -U.S. fie. adnesday Nights Tk, b ul the W e d : • Check andd fill all fluid levelsI s t . .WASHINGTON (A P)repared - for ‘‘a ■ AVll-You-Can-Eat ll • Check tiree pressure and condi n d i t i o n ■ ;v icb-bullt Exocel missiled lhattack" Vice “ Intelternational A ffair” "'•■^feailors aboard the USS1, deputy S chief r ! • Road test ffor transm ission slippagesli " : ’^'^JPecslan Gulf w as the d sa: Monday. tBUFFET < and propelBr shifting j^I''weapon thal sank^—lllver 1^ Hazard May’ss FFi e a tu re KMcslroyer Sheffield ssile In frigate, is lta|i ^ Expires June M.>. H»7 WiTalWandswar. K-I5 Phalanx The U.S. Navy Incorpoicm, consisting rOC S lessons froni the Sheffield;Oitim G alling i P £hlps like the Stark,^,000 rounds a O ‘itonerlcans were not prep.the Exocel. 5:00to9 I5 3 lir^ QUALiAUTY~1niS| i ^ seddch and unprovoked> Phalanxai was —^------I . 3 3 ^ 1 m c," It did not' Ig'lll sannct 3 Adm. Henry C. Mustin, d IdoDlnIng '1 2 “ » of naval operallons, saidan M Exocet-that------Tubs.- - OaW»«fOTO«»COMcoatMtfioM —K i n The Slark. an 011v«f aboul 15 feel Ii;30a.m.- gl Perry-class guldcd-missllilies a minute, aeroo-e:he’:o6p,m."' ^ equipped with an MK-1sound. ' a Close-In Weapon System,t ils ra d a r had i D I C SK D ]m i n a of radar-controlled 20itiirlngs, Muslin I 3 guns designed to h u rl-3,(KGen. R ichard tf EO I g minute al missiles like then briefing, but ^ a -Although the S tark ’sbome Pl Warning . _ 7 3 3 ^ 7 2 l J t| on "remote automatic,"plane detected i357BiuoiJO LakM Blvd. N., Twin Fain 3 fire a single round at an,nd ! m issile, of- ^ approachcd on Sunday at fj off the water al 10 milesKl Into the left _ -n n ^ Just below the speed of sou reel above the TflV > 1 ^ ij,i a ■ The ship radioed lhallow il; the ship’s UL»i< A T A I f t] I ^ r A X q l J 3 spotted two m issile firlnInformation " j and A ir Force Lt. Gei MAII J Burpee lold a Pentagonfrom b the steel f JIIO M l r ENOS TONIGHT d radar on a nearby Alrboncture, built of \ !BUND0*T(>Tll9-tIlt ff. H O O SIC R S (PG ) LITHALWIAPOM-flOe . { and Control Sysycm plairtheiSheffield, ,V t ^ ■ ■ J : only one Iraqi plane andcr lhat was TONIGHT AT7:00 - -fic ia lssa id .------inline Exocel, 7 — The-mlssile-slammed 1 ’ ENOS TONIGHT ' side of the S tark 20 feetssocialed wilh M ioiAtuTro)^^ :::a THIAUNICHnRcri waterline'and Just belowon killed 20 j8 E C B IT 0 F M T • TOHtCHT AT tiOO I brain, its Combat •ffleld, 1 and ex- t : l «UCCItS(PC13}% s Center. the Stark, of- TONIOHT7l00- S aluminum, like thal ofIt th are hard to AlASItTOCATS(O) NO IINES-NO WAITIHC* t the British destroyerilmosl Ineffec- ^TONJOHT 7i00-*l«0 B IV IR L T HILLSwl destroyed by an .Argentlto use foam," {-vjSS" c o p a ( R ) officials said. official. And " ^ annT dsvito im T he intense fires assoC0-It40 acerbated damage on erospatlalelh< In If •THI RIVITING ^ • :li H@MEE T M I^SUMMM nv0 ntoryr~r ” i:i I F R E E list ^ on howto" 3 ^^'WtfEArSBACKOHI-:- : g e s a l e a le ^ r ic e ot

s - * 7 . 5 o iiii f i i n ig V i dI f o c aa b l e ” dcCaonoJilne)^ -- 1 ^ - I - | : S ■ ■■ G e t tw o F R E E g a ra c ■ 7 3M230 « : Twtn Falls; Kbnbert)rty.’Hahsen - zz=si^nsra FREE-lnvt 32fr4885FU«FUer >S3fr^S65 Jerome, W e n d e ll, Q o o d ln g - “ listing s h e e t a n d aT Fl o d a y l------}— df complete tips on - — inakeyourgarage success ail (or thee ‘~your paid ad; _ _5 lines - 2_days ■ (Add'1.00 por o«#l»efc«

-I----- GaH-TO3^626-T0< • Doonesbury A-6 TImos-Nowo. Twirwin Falls, tdaho Tuosday.V .MI ayld. 1987 “ f B£f!.f£AUy. /r/rs imxayoifftesMC‘SHOfO'-HAk}^ ■■n r v s ^ ' I NaTM/VSA.IMIBMAKtAJW& BUTIJU5TD0N7Ir r FeeL COM- ' •>s/6Hi^ fiHAT5 A^SiA$5/6^io carree wuBJuasmsMBHwa.xxjum FOfOABLBwrm.-i UPT .'CHA•CHARfiom u a M m W Ui* o m lcs9 'i fjauAsmimJONALemcVCff* Bm...UEU,OtW.>T/.IPIHAVE \ film - ___ ' Noa

—^-Erank-and Eriir n e s t ■ ^ V ^ !

X t v a / E Pp p e > u j 2 a > I W / b lO r a ^ i W H A r A pf3 o o p eo L F B f: 5 1 ^ X JNTtL ^ofoBgoPY ' - T \ \ ^ g E = . PeantlU t S ______------1 ------S ouVeE8EE 8 h \- j ^ — J - l- j--SUPPOSe^ER'.'BOP'.^ 5 1 - P -[■.pOH'T-VOUil\ ____ 5TANCTNS K5 YOU 1W5 QUESTION.. ARM5GET ] . l j ^ FOR A L ^Garfield S TIME.HAVAVEN'T m ' 9 ^ ------r— YOU 7 :l THERE ARE A/WN WA«,»STO L (.SCMtf£r tf SAV rr HELPS 70 ) "CTswTrsm rL MAK£Wi.-W6q^OROR£-APPeAtII«Gr > PR£< VOUR FDOP OP / \ Lme CELERV

/ ' o / ^ » I siondidie f?3ov^No5ow , •^rrSTJUTTEOlelSWE2 PlPCCWtSCp) > NO S I frHHEN i WHV ) . 7 n ^ \ ~ / I On?MT WAMT to H s Vh s ^ a t o u r I t o oo oe e v ANC? ^ WAY / ) OIC5 ^ AAAKE A GCENE-IM ( f r o n t OP TWE MINOTR

______tffA?AAC^Vrg>5-t9| : Hagar the Hoilorrible f S ^ S rwHATfeTBIB t h i s ? f (

- - ...... M f c / C a p p ______A ( IT GETS A HOCD ON VOU. FRIGHT ______Cw - t CAN BE AS K£ACV AS B002& r SORTH1S GAME.'J

T he Bom Losetser 5I . < 3 = 4 3 i ■______^ / 9 g'CUEAUHfe^T' ’a m oPITE i u TV t^ ^ avtw w nii cW'6-yiowniMv U**o. Amtc* Nmpspwt SimOc«tt. AM me__- . te E tfD te ^ r » C 5 i A K r ^ 5^iA6)U6^ Broomm -H ilda______s ^ r c o w i u m / OH, NO...NOT l / .iiA BUT THIS TIAAE I p( ANOTHER j IPON'TTHINK \ THEY'RE TOO J ^ v ilN I 6ERIOU6 I I

■ BaileyJ t WANT T O ]1 WHnTHATfel.l ' , ______: L IK E T O S E E I ANPI LOVE \ ______PLAY CATCTHER^ yj KOUSH FOR I IE RiJH -V-BLOaaNeiHEj } £ A R © e \ A ^ Wizardrd o fld 5ISH T A T M E V P L A T E . y X , Immi / 9 T A Y m ^ ' UiiTiyrfeJt r 'm s ^ ___ L

; v m m & h ‘^ . 2 &„ ON® S | g - i i ^ P 7 i m I k k Gasoline Alley § l " s ------'m , H i a n d Lois______(rmqoingto ^\ He w an ts \ Don? n t w orry I 'N You'reedevjous,! < Icallit, maHie Earl . I■ a lot f o r JH lsi3 price will htft Rert! y^creativeIP .1 K t H I5 15Ifi THE OML-V y o o s eH 3 u K e ~ \ i! T H IS5 I!iS //ifZ.Lee.PBAR, Well6_an_offeri>r^h at landii ^ ^ I neqoti&tlhTon' J : THAT PITS YoOR NEEP■ec^ h r / m a y i I H E wV/AHTS r a u o o K PeCTLV; A\R.L.EE , a ^ o o u p

e y S I a _ ^ ■ m S J c II ®B)7n ffl S

ACROSS ■■ ter synonym for "olderpeijcrson"? were clustenitered In g real stab le set- 1 Ringo’a [-—I A. Only temporarily,y, I gather, tlemenls, so pox brought In by Ibe instrum ent Every euphemism forir "elderly" colonials momostly wiped them oul. s-pn«»ori------grows tiresome al last. ExperiencedE Thai’s what'hat let the poor little __ error* I B |K tnl Boydd elders say they-get fed up with being wandering; iritribes of Sioux lake over. 10 #tuff 5^ categorized by age.’ Dlfi -14.N glditf!cmi____ LJ ~ Iw I m I W h aftfs w hat ilfference be-' ...... 15 Make amends i ^ w e e n — “clttzcn''— nndna— "scttiffr— irrsaw-Ht^HcnryTord-omiinjtrjlP— '— 16 F a c tu a l------! ■ citizen," Ihey say, is lhehe difference day everyy yeary wore un*malched ------17 Grows old ------P —f ! ~ — between— “bread"— andnd— "day^old—shoer^onc3nc"Oldrone~tiettr="U(-iSer— ^ 18 Curio b-4 - • PREVENT DISEASB-:------:CANoy B,BAR bread." • mind himselfiself he'd once been poor. 19 Travel • r - — ThafBtheEtoiEtory'anyhow.- " - - — r - _ .. -20 — MatWoK - — b r t A 'dim l. wbo pleads fcfor an all-out A youngg mani dropped by George;c In Leonardo da Vinci’s’s painting of 22 Spray bottle f I _ eaippjttgn against sexually Williamson’sm’s candy store In Chicago;o ‘‘The Last Supper," lhee salt spilled Fix That!at! Contrary lo previous ------“ 24*Afe5ya“ ------_ tl3Q5ZXlillcd____ s , ------writes: a »most-€Vgr ------2 r B lt# ------L z l /ery-day-to-fllrt-with-lhe-le—on lhe tablfrpoints toward'■d^ndas: ------reportrthe^fif^fnailesl'Of thestate cap^~ “ 27 AnUseptically PT T - "PricTentire derices sboitould be plac* young ladieslies who made the confec-c- itals is Vernermont's Montpelier wllb clofin ed free in every motel:1 room. Look tions. Whenlen they camc up wilh a The Spanish pul 11 simpIply: "L ife is 8,241 pcoplc.lc. • . . • ------30 Christmas ------wIialthgflMwwKdiffwith in^ortrbuuvidoci^!--- re in d e e r ^ his honor — with syllables Ihey sang Somethingng ielse all mammals have' 34 Streep of out whcnev)ever he walked in: "Ohlh PLAINS INDIANS that fish don'lon'tishair. film s . S T i vered Sleller’s Henry.” 35 Cspltol top_ f_ la 1741. sailors dtscorea crilter. Il’s You don'l hear much:h aboul the To gel "Boj■Boyd’s Curiosity Shop” by 38 Pub order | m~ - CO*, a 30-foot-Ioog sea I M)d. Go a fte r Q. As aI "senior‘ citizen," let mele huge Indian tribes of theJie Plains — retum mall,all, send J 12 lo -” Boyd'8 39 Before L_ meat tasted pretty goo< 40 Punished [» •seven years say I hatee Ithe phrase "senior cUi-;i- lhe Mandans, Arilcaras,, HldalsasI — Book," Crowi•own Syndicate, Inc., POB financially e ^ e IeeeI ” U ieo , nteo! T*enty*sw _ lalff. tbe species vas exti ------4 1 " — Y ankee jmont.FU»nM . DoodIo-"_ 17 ^"-'~^'42-C»-pa it — - Yesteite fd a y ’t P rm im Sfrfyfrf- ' ' M H ero 5 'KKe eg Io Ih I i I t I 44 Infuriated 6 IHa Had hmch . L .I cl VIRGO (August 22 tolo September about .increas!easing yoiir bank account] i 46 B aby to y . 7 ’Fa Falana of song , ■ L L B 22): Today you can dolo your best Your personalonal wishes .can be realized 49 Shoe store, 8 IM< Make sweaters * M- Daily Horo!jscope work and gain fine benefisfits, Be very 'quickly, 61 Egs producer 9 ISu Supported LkJ c LL I > I ^ E cooperative with higher-ui:ups. 52 — mat**- si■ motiop------I H U I h * — ------; AQUARIUSItis (January 21 to Pebni^------r 63 M arooned 10I UnUndresses SMILE LIBRA (September 23a lo. October ary 19): New4cw friends and long-tlmo 58 Ponce— 11 TuTuc” **’*. TIT** 62 OPEC nation sU 22): Try a new way of gaininggi your buddies canin assists you loday, so be ^ Castle or 12 UnulJdIIi.«Kl' i 5 D ■ G alms. Take lime oul lo> tarrange for ^egariousI anand see^as^m any^ yoti_ O unne '* 13 BaBambi for one M 0 0 | G CIES: Thi? Is personal comonccrnhow. ____ the pleasures you like thecm r ost. can. -- 05 — U Douce 21 BadBa PREMI GENERAL TENDENCIities, oppor* 66 C hain p a rt 23 MgMs Farrow I I I £ R a time cf ■ opporttniitiYou.areable GEMINI1 J (May 21 to Juhe"21):I: SCORPIO-. (October-!L-_-23 ____to P J S C ^ (■ (FebnTaiy F to W a r ^ i ’ ------eTiFBrm eujidlnoi" 2 5 0Oecoratad* over s t I L T I tim lies. opportanilies! utY. your mosl Uomcf ie IHc informalion you need•d November 21): Be.more're concerned^ 20): Sit wilh^ith advl&eii and discuss ^ E a s te rn . 2 7 Oa. I te.fmd new ira'ys lo putsive plans in- from a disti:stance imd use U wisely, with thebje flmblliona of •• (saders 28 — f. 3f y our faml* how to m ake your future brighter^/ tsterestiflg and pnigressi' Thlscanbrinring you fine rewords. Iy. Thiy*is a good titjicTie lo Invite Show your’ mimale your true sense of t9 Fireplace .. 29 tfp to m o tio a • n ^ s ------31 — Hll guests into your home. hum or. ... _Z0Tfief1. 32 Mr. Fudd _ • ■ V*>.w :i!!LD R EN (Ju n e 22 lo JuJ- - • ------W-NIck Chailas’----- .33 PrsP rep ared ------47'“—= fo rm"tha— 56P».pori — Ar i e s (Marcbiijo-Ap' ■ S E ^ S S t thc asolslance of Bxpei^IS SAGITTARlUS-TNoven:imiTei‘-2 Z - lo - ^ F - T O U RR - ‘( CHiLlJ iS bOIINT(P * '■ P 'wife ' 36 YokoYo* — memories» * —■ 57 Cold cuts ain realize whatever t J can handle your businessIS December 21): You can nmake a fine DAY ... he, or s)ie, Is bound to have a ■ ’ - . ------3 7 —— toast------48 Author , _ StO(« . bare. Forget mooetiry v “lly-,.:- _ . Im presslonron aDyone yoyou contact.' very unusual>ual and .inlei^sllng -ex- =i ; DOWN ‘4 0 SSatanic.- a t ■ OefghtDQ M S9TlMrefoTO • be happy wtth a gDodfriea "Make the future moree w c e s s f u l istence. It woiwould b e wise to. give as ------•1 -W h e e l.a n d — 4 4 VatVattean - — SOiloaJandnciert 60Sh«{r «-r-i:EO (Julylly 22 lo Augusl 21); State;e Ihusly.I J I F u r y totocation o ------S3 Window• pp a rt. 61-S p«»flfi. fine an acadelademic education as you ' M ay 20): It's your aim sJo lo prominent persons who can, but adddd i som e business courses- I- _____ .3 Functions 45 NatNathre of------54 Thresaocn TAPRUS (April 20 to M v / ’ <404 4 D 'n ------6S'CMm«J" g carecr'andTcan'bcsl assissis'ryou. Aclion and ad-F^ffPHICOKN: - (Decemb Uiat your progeny can use r - A fflae dayrfoirhandling"ry to posh a vancementfiit figure promlnenlly. ^Jonuary 20): You have! jg c^ Ideas the clever Idea c^vdit matters. Don't try deaslnhis, or her, bead. Tuesday,-.May t 19,1987 Timos-Nowa i ■' ows. Twin Falls, Idaho A-7

J ^ T h e Sitark attaig c f c / ^ T ,

» ^ e s a b < )oard S>tark hiit Floricida homle p o rtlhard

bsavpobOBT NAVAL STATION,f, thtl e b ase, said Uie tim e beforeb< fami* "That leanlanhig shoulder-to-shoulderr t; tack. . and electronicinlcs store jost ontsldr ------FU.(AP)- ) - N a f 7 alQeexs began thee lieL s w ere told th e nam ess tt;. bSSSazftakoDtbePmlanGaiL ttwo wtves of crew membeixsrs, w bo did “ i f s Impoiportanl for (famUles) to) t tackcd them . . . any ittUele country," folk Naval Air StaUoQ. said Chief lb e mfCBfOtary d a l o ot poblictyf nnot know tbelr husbands’5’ fate on the be with otherser people. This Is not thci s said form er navy mman Jody. Journalist PhilPhil Wilkinson, a Navy ' Langau iS^fM lM ipn IbeQa names of the saHorss S Stark, said So Fergoson,», director of time- for anymyonc to be left alone,”’ S Segraves. He owns a smaaall jewelry spokesman in Norfolk. . : Olwnef. l«ioctes kffledorotofftbeZlwaondedfalheat-:• services to military facamilies and a g r^ Ericlc Casas, deputy direclorr 7V imily-Servi ce-'-Centei^at^ ; W taa«p» 33iM(lW ------' 7 VBterajQs " a t~ tb e Jacksoijonviiie-Red-of-the-Pam: ix x l^ £s hartfnfc” Navy.f. C ross. i«ayport. "There’s "T certain-amount WtieN: pouods I B C!BpiataE b hurt wim them and youu keep them grief counselsellng and "w hatever Uie radar ItofoiDQ TTt»fc> ib eir!i r bODK fn Ihe JacksonriDee b in yoor prayers,*’ Perry,f, a chaplain com m and a al t M ayporl feelS Uiey; olj f B U R L E Y e killed fa Sonday^s attack.: fo r 18 years, said at a news con- nped assfstamancew lU i." a i e a v e r e l I . 1234 Oakley ______B urley, Idaho M ' $eu***nel*»we (the families) bearr o onthe^iU^ticqoast. munity exprepressed anger over the at------twniffWHgg «evefyooe is a casoalty,” - MUcbefltoicaUnpt*let%i 1 He saUd a team of ID doctors,. JLiberty Wc^as target iri n ’6 7 I pheffiel KStboioeM^sts and olber profes- W " WASHINGTON (AP) --Tbeattack peninsula. jThred BftJuJay from Port- I . on the Navy frigate SI Va.. to help famfltr^ Ltal ° ™ t m ntlack,ck, which occurred during alm o st 20 years afler an vitb lbe cfislisis. I “ "Wl'Sht andnd good weather In Inter- I loss aidied the USS Liberty, anoUier waters, killed 34 ser- PREi-VACATI noN I A saSorr from1 tbe U p Saratoga, J I which became embroiloiled in a yjcemen and r ^ ^ - 4 ------■ Jrich atooJ has-JH^jpovt as-Us to me ind wounded -171. o th e rs. g 0 L port.saidIbl(befieciiDgon(beba»w3S r ^ MideaslconfllcL 2M crew m em bers. U.S. fl© On J u n e 8, 1967, Israelleli Jets and I INrSPECTIOON I sbeckaodcBIdBtMdieL , ) — A F im - **Hwasa; a ship we saw everyday in, \ torpedo boats struck tbele Uberty. a Officially.^ I;Israeli said It w as a case ^WASHINGTON (AP) - 'ence-gaUier- of mistaken:n Identity Uiat occurrcdI n n't let a prevent^t i ^ l e H cb*built itbatkmedS th poft.U’sqnqmteasfaocktoevcryao^'* • ^Savj electronic intcUigei . tng ship 'that was on staitaUon in Uie because Uiee sship was believed tp be low n ruin y o u rw l^ilors aboard the DSSS Staxk.inS te said fhej^site , who dylrned to girc ” : 1 brealcd( location. Q ' • Mediloranean Sea off( Uie Sinai -EgypU an------yecsian Gull was the ssam e tjpe of hisnamc. — I n c l u d e s — •v^pon . that sank Utbe Brilisfa ^Pawy, wtomb Ttszied Ibe of : • Visual ins| n n of front ontJ re aarbr^ikes- r I B _;_T he,y5. Navy incoipoi li • Inspection>n of all lights 4cssons from <>»«* SbeffiddiddinfmMiBg I ' * chips like tbe Staik.at, bol Ibe B d n e s d a y N ig h ts : • Check ancid fill all fluid levelsd s H nparedfor*^ UI-YouCafhEat iljn e ric a n s w ere o ol p « p AD • Check tiree pressure and contsndition H sad d en ^ d m quovokedd alattack" V ke **lnteilemational Affair** Adm. Henry C. Mredin.i.depcity<±kf d I *{.' I r * ! • RoatJfestIt for transm issionI sls l i p p a g e I br naval operaUons. saidKdM ond^. BUFFET K < dhij propee“r shifting The Staik. an OlinHirer Hazard MmfrnF*(F e s tif f e 1^ E xpires J u n e .9.0,0,1M 7 I Pcny-class gnldedfliissalissale frigale. ts | t ^tiian i JW iJDt. equipped w ith a n UK-1K-15 Phalanx Close-In* Weapon Syslean,wn ■ OCo o d o f Mwinmm Galfing I ~)\IIa G o 6' A h j r i M ^ I . guns dedgned to fami 3.«»njBiMJsaIM O5 “ ® j A minute at missiles like lbeIbeBxocd. sflOto*DfcflOtm. $ ; | 2 5 f l Altbough tbe Stark'ssPbalanrwas P ------iissiirIg 'tll SERVICg cuiAi tt c.” a did not — jPMo y on '‘remote aotomalic.” htoDMiig ^ T M fire a single rotm d a t aanExocetlhat n ] BbSM . approadied oa Smidayt aboutal 15 tet ii:3or^ off tb e w ater a t 10 m ile a >*00pjii. just below tbe q>eed of sonsotmd. mrGt k T hc ship radioed Ib atlitsradarbad it fgl Id i c; "D1 spotted two missile firiu M m i i n _____ and Air Force LL GflGett. B kSard Iff IP0 Burpee told a Pestagonabritaig.tat b p B712W jgin>^ ra d a r on a n e a r ^ A iiborIwme Warning *— aiid Control Sysjrem plaiQlane deteded i«57Bm1wUto«B»d.H.firtaF«g» only one Iraqi plane andadmis^rf- * ------ftctalssaid.------^------The missile slammedd inloi Ibe lett ______t . side of lbe Slaik 20 fedEeet^wrelbe |ir|ll|l waterline and just bdovlow lbe s u p 's l U i l l i l brain, its Combat IInffiTTW alin n f C enter. EMDSTONtGHT Thc hole stretched fia tbe steri - “ H ROOtllBStPC) hull to the stq>erstnictii]dure, tiinlt off ! TOMJCHTATTsOe J i aluminum, like oftlbeaeffieJd, tb ^ I thc Brilish deslro3rercr Ibat was sUiUv ■ destroyed by an Argenli■ntfaw Eraefi, S g p M ENOSTONtGKT IM ISI \ J officials said. TOHICmATI’W The Intense fires assossodated wflh ■aafjuu-roxtii alum inum <*ntrgfmrttnnon-killed » ^ i I C C B S r O F M T - ■ y i sailors a b o ^ lbe fthrfTa■ffirid. aod ex- ^ gSMC1SSCMI31 acerbated damage on IbiIbe Sark, cff- 5 ! J ^ ’2222222£I^ei;^hi fidalssaid. ■loEiiHiuIiB HO toas^o w*niNots thatit ares hard lo a ** =17jL C O » 2 (K l cool down. Water is aimiimftrf incQcc- s p c *jotaaaTM tM Ar.r-U|fp^^J*2»TOM O»SOW Uve. The crew needs tolo tsei ftgm." — — — S L < | said one Pentagon oQ And 7 ^ BAMMTDCVnOIM WAlTDlSNirS bccause aiomimmi rem* hot, & {4 i m mMmm} juinTOCJiTS(G) BlIRING IHBO can rekindle fires. T0WC«TTa»4J t _ TONICHT7l00.|t40 The 'E x b c ^ ’devdoi*loprf-lqr-tbe— French contrador Aeroentspaliale in 1 ^ ■■ ■ M WBrw OANMT OEVnO IN| : = H E T H I^^UMMm - collaboration— wilb—-Ihe—FtaodL— Ib M -■ B U M aoiiL au— ::^'4_____ T O i M i i i u i ) ___ HOME mifitaiy, was first testiested in 1522, TOWCHTTJ i f i g TOHIOHTTrtHaO and by tb e end of ISSIisei had been TOWCHt ^ 1 ' * ' ordered t)y aboot 2S Daliaoions, ------r f — R O ^ ncklbeStaik 4 - pk iS ! ^ A R T S TOMORR) BT*. The missile tbat stm d was.fired Irom an F-1 flyi BKMSCXTTY ^wf: BEST MOVIE OFTTHE s noo f f ^ above tb e a SrSj TEAR BT BEST;t - ■ , dropped to 10-15 feet aboabove lbe snr- ---- DiMCrOR OFTBrH r— ------: --- _£acc.------______YEAR___ ! Thc Eiocet .bas ils_'ts_o«n radar M jQtcfum nnrt ER 1“_^^STAB15TO«JMORHOWl^^gl

O rder HBO® anid d th e installation fee is jus . . 8 7 ? . A nd ^ '1 1 bringng you blockbuster movieses.. . IH^H&y world championshiphip boxing, comedy, concere ris an d a w hole lot mlo ot re. It’s th e hottest offer ofol t t h e y ^ .

' . GeltvmTBEEflaiaEiaGp9 sales- _ »t«rrC»>Wo«IOi0r«e«;»ntnr. Otix >■ ~ r signi aFHEEiiwnvodoiy— ' “H^shestandaRiFRSest' ^H si of complete tips ono n h o w lo m a k e y o u r g a ta ggesalsa o ! . *»-, ------tuccessaJw BioiBpriBOof.. .. ! i : ^ your paid a tl 51ines-2d^:-S - « 7 ^ p i FCinj Jeocaable (AddMJOOpvMchadW 9 Vid 733-63-6230 tw in Falls. KImberl>rly, H ansen UL ------326-48W FilerFH • 636*6666 Jerom e,, WendeU,V Qooding CaB733-062STaToday! j ^ j a S s& a 9 B A-8Tline3*Nows, Twin»ln IFalla, Idaho T u o sd a y ,, MMay.19, 1907-

« L d t « M e n . T » i a N ew ltax fon:ms still1 compilex Fi-Mon.-Fri. IDrOD-«» WASHINGTON (AF:AP) - The intef- ‘ "We: area gdlng (o be testing som'ome deductions. Bur in nmany of those S o t. 1CbOI>^:a> nal Revenue Servic■vice on Monday of our*-foms~as'wc T go through the Oii cases, authorlUes-.agrgree,- t^ayers SSunday 12=00-&00 onV cilra som e of UicJie new individual summerier,” Altman said, -adding Uiattha still will have lo itemlmize in'order to ' Luc form s requiredd bby Uie 19S6 tax he cxpeclecls some changc5.to be madilade find 'oul they wouldd t» better off ' overtiaul. and like thcthe new law, they as a resursultofUielests. ‘ claiming the standardi cdeducUon. m J promise IitUe sim]implification for- Will ffiling a return early nex The IRS released cdraft copics of ____ most Americans. . •. „ y ear, on Uie new form s, bc m ore^ dif „: 'Uie basic individualll forms — the S3— The landmark law,iw, m ost of which ficuit Uian Uii il w as Uiis year? Allmai long F o rm 1040, Uiee shorter Form sked. "It depends on how Uii Is laking effect thislis year, tequlres was askt 1040A and the one-pipage IMOEZ — c reatio n of about qo3 newm form s — bn- 198G tax ta> law affected you,” h»® plus Schedule A for ititemized deduc- Iy eight to 10 of theihem affecUng in- replied,1 , Uons; Schedule D foror capital gains \ . ® // dividuals — aod mimodifications in ^ M t new law affects virtual!;lally and losses; Schedulelie E for sup- / about 200 o tistin g foforms. Virtually tax- plemental income andid F orm 2106 on ■orm will require - W l^rindividual and business tax every individual forr in one w a y o r th e o thcr.-Il:cul cu which employee-buslisjness-cxpcascs- . j someupdaUng. a te s slgi^ficantly,’ raised the thi are reported. ' a — ••The-forms-are.-a•„a_rcflecUon-of_-i2?. 15^? ANNIIVERSA laT exempTlon and standari 5 has given us." lard One of the most obvlvious changes is w h at th e Congress h tions and eliminated or reduc Arthur Altman, cha:halrm Jn or U.e near the top of Uie 1040 I and 1040A oral itemized deducUons.. tai-forms advisoryy commlUee at ca seven and requires laxpayeycrs to list the Uie, IRS, told reporter]ters Monday. The MoslI c of Uie sim plification Uie newnev full name and relaUotIonshlp of every new forms will rcflcctcct changcs in the law brln;•Ings Is expected to come fronrom dependent claimed, as a well as the law in the least obtrbtrusive manner, ;encoura{raging about 10 million couple:pies Social Security nummber of each ' head d ed . and indndlvIduQls lo stop- ltcmlzlnizing-dcpendent over Uie aage of 4. ______-______<*» IRS wari,ms t’s free, no driving,3, noi fuss. s ALE S MlMISSES grace peeriod J i V sSJK ] . ■ 0 ^ >ANT-HERSPOnSISWEAB i n n g U l CACTUS PEH'Sf iroup in w hite, pirfs, oqoa.DO. ood eff ceesso. laaiQ c n S A endneai sm ie . C h o o se fro m sk in tsS . ,; .JULfll. AWCL H .II J . t l'lJU JE t J s o is i------• WASHINGTON (APAP) - The Inter- FABUUOUS }ckots. Sizes 8*16. nai Revenue Servic(^ice warned tax- eg.U t^ToM tJfS|^ V E S % payers Monday theyey have only two O ’/ ^ FUNBIIUS! - weeks left to take2 aadvantage of a T i o w * 2 8 ” ™ **51~ i grace period from IRS IR penalUes for filing a new W-lwiUihchholdingform. ANJAYSPOBI5WWVEAK ______IBS spokesm an StC'3teven_P7rek said. ^ 3 Att !h_____ RouDd_up^.our.frletends,------V ------.fti,.heauSifvJred, wbitcStSa kasgoBdJl/.^^ federal tax code ■ ^ ^ that while Uie new fe j H n th ere's a fun new w a5 lorf sleeve blouses, ddits.rts. pctn^. yocteflso uJsw eoeotenai>W /|^^ ople to file a form ■ does not require peopi to Cactus Pete’s — F >gulor sizes ond pelites. W-4 util Oct. 1., meeting Uiat ■ -does not satisfy ■ G et a group of 30 o r momore together and we'll pipro v id e. ■ Reg.$M e g JBToS«Z.M -SJi5 A V E 3 t % deadline by itself-do The ■ • -- i - - ' tbe requirement thallat people prepay ■ free[[ round-trip charter bus3us transportation from Tl atleast 90 percent off Uieirth tax bill. ■ Magic^ Valley to Jackpot.'t. ^ |¥ Just sit back, enjoy thehe ride, and iet us take ca:areof - B NC,ow *26“ n>*3*50” ' People failing toI m eet Uie 90 per- ■ .the driving: You don’t pay.ay a penny! standard canan be assessed ■ Plus, everyone in yourIT pparty will receive $9 InI ggam ing I penalties. But bccausause of confusion ■ and merchandise coupon;ons upon arrival. INIORS KM , ; Uie IRS announe- ■ ® JUN ov er th e form W-4, th< What are you waiting) fofor? Organize your F ree9 FunI I A f ed earlier this yearir Iit would waive ■ Bus to Cactus Pete’s toda•day! (Subject to availablll'illty.) ------■ the.penalty for taxpa(payers who have I ° . 215% J O FFo»re«iailire sSodi cf Espril Spcrtsv! s « e a r - made a “good failh”th” effort at get- ■ For more informalnation, call Pam toll-free: I citeluding shorts, knil lops, p cs. 'IfQ i ■ ting Uieir wiUjholdlngDg iright. ^ _ (e00).821--21-1103, e x t 369. It defined a “good)d ifaiUi” effort as completing and .filiniling a new forin-^^^H W -4 b y J u n e l,U iu s dddeclaring a grace period that i^ about to ( Tbe two deadlinesnes have caused some confusion. If tM’^L I € ®

Don’t m iss ouu r SHOE)ES Memorial Dajh ‘ I PeiwIioi-5ts-S lc r- _ Tm end beige in sizes^ SS S S to >0. ** U nadvertised S9ale** i - ...... I I Bc»»46iX>...... ; Now'32;00 ■■ — May 25, 19877 ' .. ------Selby's TbOf3>0fm ...... ■ afacfc. w bit*. bona, ondnd cvnavy In sixes 5 to -CC[JST¥1WERZ ______law U hAAA AA-8widtha.Ma.------...... Now '<2.00

AIPPRECCIATIO GIRLSs ~ 3 00% O FFA iie*-.b*AHh«WeerSeSs b y BBull u Frog. Hush Puppies enon d Kid Fos«*3L g.$13.00To»1M /_ R e s . | 7 0 NO’d w ^ 9 « x o * 2 1 ; I 5 % .OFF. O n Fo o d i ed Ganny StJspeaSer 2 5 m i ------1 • J e ain n s s. V | A P re-w^.wQshed Indigo d e i^ ost6^A£ie.Vtasbisi r £ t a p>i^red e r le g . S iz e s l o d d l ^ l(hroJx. h n y Beg.g.$19iOTo$2ftM / \ 1 - 1 ------NO’ BOYS^ i 1 20% OFF O n o D:OJ*.Sportswedrfor O D b o fs 'ttz e s 8 to Kte&xf;Kftng k n it o r w o v e n ^ durts. shorts.JOEXEsSw

, N O W m ” T O MEN P P ^ SI>IBE9iORT!rsiK V ESPdersH ijnIBTS i leigto*m dsfnp«s. prints or'w wo\ ovonptaids. ------j S E » S « U .-n - ...... ■t N o w n a . M i W m lEinA CfiO ^!I SLACKS m G ^ cosy csrw and CO RI^I 30W io>42W. 42V ^ BSOKpeSycsficvfarca >Sals Ilems not Included- \ B ^ S 3 U > . . . ___...... L„ l N o W n 8 . 9 9 -J

y o f saying THASKS, HWE DO APPRECIATl AcaCXSSORIES T h is spe.pedal sale is our way i r s Look for tremendous5 ssavings throughout tbetht storci.. plus look /for WA L L A B A G S - Y O U ! L o r bor« necessitin: kcyv A ongr.ge.

} r.S3S.MToS»J» « ------.•«» *25.99^ j ills* 7 313-0035; 3NNIE OOON SPOSTe r s o o B — ^------MAftVOLAJEWIWELRY-^----- — ------— T'win Fai BO» . . PomPn Pom. Ium do-«ci*i. •« « « ; btpiaii.l^tbIu«.miRt.AIf. A bM otlluI e le c tio n of 9 -n . ^ . *fanK»Ien.«afTingsoc>drw. i.>2.asTosus * sj» n s% •SAvija%__. _ - ow‘2.l4io»M181 —V : iow *4.55 TOTC *10.50 f i c l o r m O :

\ ...... r . % »• ')]■ 'it,

- Tuoso « d ay,M «yl9.1907 Times-les-Nows, Twin FallB, Idatio ■ Obltuaries/hosplijltals B2 i g i c; V a i U e $ ■ Idaho B3 fMe ■ Valley life/Dear/Abby B4 B

Elliotttquitits / • " force!!.^claiiims harasssmei:nt By BONNIE BAIRD JON£'IES Thc acUon3H rresulted in a grand Jury Itoje^Wews writer Indlclmcnt against a Bermlngham, but When the case reached federal TWIN FALLS - DelecUve court, Judgefe IHarold Ryan dlsmlflscd Howard EUlolt, -who initialed 1 a U a t Uie close cloi of a two-day evi* year-long federal case againstag Twin dentlary hearii•aring. Falls Police Commander•r Pal Berm* An appeal!oi appllcaUon from th e. . (ngham has resignedi from thc U.S. Altomcj•ney lo the 9Ui Circuit departmenl. diarginghanirassmenl. Court in.Snnnn Francisco wns denied In a letter Mondayay lo City recenUy wher?hen lhe govcmmenl al­ M an ag er T0 9 Courtneyf .and Public lomeys failedlied to complete-the ap------p j t W B g . r Safety Director Tim Quiualls, EllloU peal by filingIng necessary documents, said events of Uie-paslit year, and including a1 cicourl transcript of the especially hb recent trairansfer back cose. . to uniform palroi duty, hahave made It In his letterUer of resignation, Elliott dear Uut bis corecr willith Uie Twin said his m ost]st 1rccent transfer a week Falls Police Departmentnt has been ago back into inl uniform from his terminated. regular workrk tas a delectlvc colncid- _ll_was_a ye_arj!goJhls_is_m onU U hat_ed wiUj th c announcementai thal lhe__ EUlott contacted the( U.S. At- government’st’s appeal had beeh to raey ’s Officc (n Boise lc10 report ir- denied, regulariUes 00 o S132 expepense vouch- Elliott’s resiresignation said Uiat hc er that Bermlngham hadid submitted regrets havintving lo conccde that 0 foUowing his testimony in In a federal poTlcc officer:er who has knowledge d ru g ca se In Boise. • S eeE3LLI0TTon L L PageBS Hetw')enlyrair T1lllMliJtort the boily d a mana «i4»oi fe ll fro ta t h e M(ortaush tu Bridge drenfwh^vcdwey - BrtheAsabdai«tP»nM. -^thaUpperLlltlLittle Wood River, said,: andTbeTbnes^Newt mbit formersers in Uie Carey area _• ------:_...bave._shul..of..oa,..uieu-_jrrlgatlon I Arizoi)na marn slips, (dies ini canyoi►nfall ■ Raia; came ItM miaaona from pump?. . beaveoto much of IdaljAoovefUMj'' 'W reiolftioltig'to get a .week’^ _L-,ByBONNIE.PAn{O.JO!jo n e s „ ...... ______Edward3_sald_that aftafter talking with^o]rce..U_it Mttrfatigh Qoick Rspo Unit members aodI «edteod» providing at'it'Ie a tt iem - w nrth of go ^ dout ( orw i« rain,*' he ■-r ■ TimeB‘NeW8 writer wos not known why he1C- i JoisiSQO by b narfuw^ ------»orafy-r^Ue-(r4m4bthe-dfoughtrHwU.— ?— bul the woman said hcjtic-Slipped aod w as hangingg rocky trail cn tbe sonlhb iside of Uie river. But to, one project esghteer dtOedt It “a The fain causedcau the flow in Uie : MURTAUOH - AflAn Arizona resident who haihas by his lingers when she got out of ttie car aodi lecoio* tbe body. Mmw*osaid.it s was necessary toI mlUmoBliarraln.'* : ■ • .„..LltUc Wood1 ta go.from. 87 cubic . been In Twin Paliss (Counly for several weekieks went to hls old, attemptnpUng to pull him t»ck ona have tbe Jenazie Ctttnlttnly Search and Resoie ' CaleRabeHB.wltbUiUie U J. Soil feet per seconcond last week to 429 ! — Keklng"/arm work,(, -fell’ I to hls death Monda>Jay thc brldge.-She lold offiijfOcers-Jcdinson lel loose off team bring a faoot £romn tbeI north side, cross the-^ . -CDOservotion—J3mh:e:e lh: Ket'- efsovcrUiewotWeekend, tie said. - : aftemoon from lhe Murilurtaugh bridge, her hands and slippedd -from-fi her grasp, falling toD riv e r and Iben fkkal to0 a point wtiere the body d M said ttie UaUe]ley-Ketchuffl - '‘W eg d t two Inches of rain. It's ; Twin Falls Countyty ;Sherlfi James Munn saidaid thc rocks below. could be carried op to thewbigbw t ay. ai«a received. 1.B IHcbid.*'he said.' ailowifligiome (armersrs to t u n off .'B ut a t inkonkom In Bannock Coun-. Bonald Johnson, 41, formerlyfoi of ArUona, died lnv- bF volc-wI' eith« e r poUintt-pllM*.'.— ; ,. th e ir legs a t a re st a re aawcstoTBUss i Ip.m.lhrmjIwul.ttaMW.«:or Momlagslae tiem e^' oow are gelling a steer st toward m ry schoihool8.':Bat r^ldebls jisa/: scenic sites Ibey oncee migM bate

    , ; ; .mini Bea-U.S.. clUttO c: .and al (lueetionjOB about {WUlng pl&cei «ir plunging Malad Gorge. j' ~ lustlsyMfsold.. : -oUict .aspa s p te ti; o f t h e : S ^ e tlo o s.. W ith a soft) from a pailair of ovemz* n f iiiJ li m lU ^ .ahotlld : :eili.-ibelf.-local-.«sbool..Cl ed scissors, state otDdkdals Mooday ;;dMldt!drT^teeCaCalvin Lambotn SK cloHoHlcerr-r-— ~ - unveiled the lim ot iFii'loloffiuaiaa-f^^H H ^ & is qimmw at OMd (o^ bla Zone ■ !"are four override levtes signs to be peeled this "irowrFAatiiirarscheduied' — rest stops along Idaho’sI hihi^iwajs.— B— Diuioy^n;-ronr ; : j w tturTiindTdifttiatea io F a io ’Sf ■tre.ooo.. by roadside gnidepostsis to . 'ibutB ofAddlton AV< ii^":BChed^ rir of attracUoos andnd bj piiiniifd : Highway/..?!,;; thfee-yei? plaht facfllUes ^ visitor at eolr)liy points oc lltth 11 - Speaking to. a smallall CTDsd~af~^HB^fl - Magic Valley bosibesss boosters ^ m tbe easUxHind rest sislop CD In- ■ _ _terstA te 84 n e a r BUss.;Slai«.lnTel-^^E^ £ I director CaH Wilgos Motfooday moni- ' : ‘rHeintilflymduava^First! ^ ^ k e f:“ ing described Uie dispUrbv as an Us- toric step toward catdii±ing tonrist^

    ititure—- venture betw tai two slaltricagmdcs. : Earth FR vertebratetilc evolution has come to anin T h e Idabo T rareJ Ootrjondl praGJes end. Thele iencroachm ents o( dvU lia-^ oearby atlracUoits oo aone side. On lion haveve deprived o n lm ab of- tbetie Ib e rev erse, tb e s ta te 'ss iDejmtflwnt HWisdor:E Dave range the;hey need for evoluUon, ac-ic- of T ran^iortaU oo gives gS basic I a s ^ ByMARKPnATTER up to the cording to tc biologists. This Is evenen tra v ^ services sacb : Idaho Conserva- true in) an area as large asas between dUes and locattaos k (rf W ^ B ^ M t TimU'NeWB writer J here, pushed it Yellowslorlone National Park. The coa--iQ *-sanitary-dum p EtatiODs-is-far-rccrea--|^na|H of defiance wllh sequences es Uonal vdiides. Tbe signsBsaie Iflcatnl REDP18H LAKE :es a re that existing species i I and started lo are less rt lo la sniall didters. rorem an Btepped \ resistant to disease than In tones about th c. earlier tintimes when there was morere Bot for local tooism p - :/ • • . ' . i ♦— microphone al Uie Ida 10 planet. v biologicalal (diversity. groups — whidh req aests t U i e d ^ ^ ^ ___ \ - ~ Uon Lcague-inceLinglo-Iounder hi of the "We ai o t v arlo o s re s t stops — tbnem e ain v ^ae } Aside in a gesture of > are the most importaot' Ion.of hlifiiah,belngs_tbat has_BS of uie $26,000 pro ject b Tim«»-Nt«*pnoio/ANDrAnENZ i things technologicalomnentaLmoyei^generatlon ai was howling like ever lived,ed. Our decisions vill d e t^^ T b e dgD s t d l Ifae tratvelelefebalisop ' "MsHltteaeaaid H azneM erctf ofo f H a a e r M D U ia p e c f ^ Hew directory at thethe Blias rest area * ~ I ipeak in low, raspylence to; was os Its mine wheihelher evolution goes on oror tbe road Uiat might bntore tbem ofl biological crisis on the p atlon. flot,"say8:ys Foreman. tberoad.' , ■ ------— freeway" -«-aad to places ef-inletestt flsigD,- but no-agreementit has-been Planmakers,s, -at c o n su itan t-fo r lhe------:• By the time the co-f< Saturday night Quoting ir, “ We w an t him to stayay a day and rangEng froirocu f^Qshing haunts to0 cooduded.c said 1401 Jen : - . jjartb -FirslL-enviroMi Ig the naturalist John Muir, ensen, DOT proJcct."Onceice you get off Uie state PTL Foreman, a- Foremann said i man has no mandatete ^>eod a -dollar mote,” says NkJc bot-spiing! sspas. *at woold show traffict supervisor. highway systei'Stem , wc otc trying to : ment was done, he wa: w angelical. move:_io exploit.)U_every_BtiuareJach-of_U>e-. »e_Cazatos.^diaInnaiL_ol: rf~Hagldaad_aemT:saDet lethiog tbey can.e»=aadJ .- Seven- otber rest areae a s - ln Uie >le.lhey.won:t:gerio8l;.on.._:. s wolf and tbe audleoilaTeiy. Only m planet Mi wtitrti «». " satiT EHolngs. wbo wrote the , county roads," hesays. .; feet^vlnghlmanovatU Man has a right to be bere_re Rtfiooal Travd Owmnl ^ w e ste n i aod northern poila rts of Uie those oflen-coui Pi'alse tbe Land, but not •everywhere, ei all at once it-a t - b » obtained S tr slg a s aatstspstaBs t textGorlbele B liss d i^ ilay and runs a ^ One person at the 8i ■. sta te also wlU receive signs,j g ------Byl990 -ui(- uie Idaho CcntemilM — ’ 1 Lord. the samee titime, be said, elght-coonly area, BnaOlodlge. : speccb dubbed him PTI lals also ore the state plansIans to locate a t least 60 _ ' J this planet for Foremaiaan, the cnfrtlmele ,Tbe organlzatkn pastsbed far and OUcr Majlagte Vaney dgns win bee . Meanwhile, state olflclal : — takfioff-ofl-the^ovans idside-slgn8-ocenic*-allracll< never has lhere_imflinstrcaiearn, environmentalist foror won a '^ te grant hi 19KSCtopaj'iar posttitbbss m iiinn^ a t te s t stops a t:• «lLcmpting to erect~road! scllonsnoidraddranolher___ ; : ment in the nows ial enic atU'ac- W —historic-,.c-,--mnrhers to- stale ■ Isls'as'today. In ujo Wilderlemess Soclcty. then laundi-b- th e signs. T b e m ooey caiameCroBBtbe In terstate81St near T«tn Falls (U.S.i* to^ -guide tourists to seen Fflreman'flcastfit'aPi' Isin g 1300,OOQ- auUiorlzed I one-third of all ed Into his h praise of ’wUdemess.ES. state’s 2 perceot tax oe 100^ and w^mmd; —t tous- Tb e flrrt wiU showr lhI e w ay to iblghways; Usln instead of Praise the U l ■ motdbeds-sjjnasibiw •fool w aler- by Uie sta te Leg ;tlncl. Tbe only_ Foremann and Earth Flrster Howieie and camreroand spaces,L tentate Sf4 JJost o«tb of Uie Utah< Shoshonef F alls, Uie 212-ft Legislature. : ■ “Life has been on tl J faUDearTwlnFaUB,oIllcial will be the ones Wolke havlave been making the case.se L.L.-Sart" Htames.; 1bead of ok bonkr. Jteob ^ iv , ag th buuud; and ^ AIbo plannedined-ore manned visitor : • UTnniBOeflW bj^tlys ne Foreaaa. ___ among. 1CICL. member8:for_no_com-Q- Tourism OommMtce lorV Uie Haflcr- U.S. a aadQdJdabo TS, Tbnmermas> Howevier, tbose requi : been a biological crisis [Uiro m ore taform allon stations sU at gateways to - ~ iologlst_,Michael promiso_tI on the Idaho wUdemessss oian Cbanaber td OaminxbereersaU ~HiD. H k ^~wed£a^'Iolentaie'B|-C w l"««fmil8U6a~WlUi'-Idcal ; tho noxt 20 years om 11 offtclals,- Idaho alongI Intarstatc-highways-Bl— In lhat on EartlT • Sm»FOral4ANooP«aBBlI ------^gns-wm —get-tattaor-flCr~Ilis-iXopDearB]-BBss-afiar i r slated far-a-r Bays-Jtto-Bertram-ofK a ipeoiM' will be extlni Bolse-based-andSS.— " - large raanm als left wi ; wecbOMldexlit/’iays ' ■ t ;' ' . ■ : .-__He-tftIked-oi.;bIolo Soido's atatefflent Uu B-2 T lm e ft^ o w s . Twinn Fans,Fl Idaho Terisday. Ucklayie.19S7 ______V F ot i r e m a n - I can ’t play pragm aU c poU- ^ ElttoUt • COttlontlhoed trom P a n B l . . "I wanl to live fore'rever. I don'l vaUonlstsca a a lead box. Ucs and pressure prc Andrw but.tb.?y — snPageBl cSy basIS m ad e ev ery aftfin p t to(o acUvUies w b ere h e coollold offer train- issue. The;hey say the envlroamcntalItal want lo be pickled in ave to keep Uielr wUdcniess lUons in Idaho a rc moicingg a When I die I wanl to) Ilive forever, always have that rmber of the workwlihllh E llio ti a n d avofcl a a y pro-ro- Ing (ofeOow officers. organlzalio le back of Uielr minds, : error by compromising 00 Maybe consciousness d«doesn’t go on goals In Ihe b department has latf^l th e Isw h a s FO r h e sai<**** or'tn theirir files without million sacres, a says Rick Johnson,on, He spoke of celebn Washington, D.C^ aad ylng'Ufe------Uircal...Forejoreman «nld. One day tb e __ • ------reached torrommHiL—L------— ...... a lm e d a tEitE H k f^ ------*wy d e.------.t^ I C L public!lolaiHlflcoordinator.------flJilfflul n atu re and enjoyl iat-EIlIotl'ls"a ~Forcinan.airsayB'onchasUrconsider der— H irsays-therc-ls no wlsvlsdom talking survey teamam came acrosa.an old.sbe__ - EUlott said Mood:oday afierana **T1ns; hasE been an ezceilent pro^" ng a river wlUi ber pups, and fVa* h*w nr« s s foi: its own 8ake^.."AllAll to Gov. Cecil Andrus ortr Sens. James wolf fording j that he does not havere anothert iob to gram an b e 0 Dod o llk e r , ad ding (hihat Q u ^ bas wilderness in said Uie team juUed nest aod taqvoves trtrfipIfc rep eated ly to ld h im th.tbat be was a things havlave Intrinsic 'value. You'ou McClure and Steve Symnims. * Foreman go to at this time. Uie old cM a r Uielr rifless fromfr IheU' scab b ard s and - “I don’t know «4iatat I1 am eaing lo senrlce.’*es not measure Uie valuo1 of in trees to prevent them Elliott's attorney, K( : vailaia leid s of skflls aod aid, “ I reached Uw old w oll trtatfewi ritam ^fnl ) (]b e m oved to (fifCereot divl- a river In0 economice terms. The riverirer ciit by loggers. la te r he said. Holley, the 5 watch a fierce green Are and unTortnnate — “'‘one on of th e mos t ribiw wberbere woiMoads aod man-i « U b EUloU’s EI state- bas its ownvn value, it is alive, he says.3. “ You w ant to knowV w hal lo do in tim e lo wi es (bat'as a pattoliolmanrbe bas "The plasUc ph ■ ijoxes w e live In. In, about w ilderness in Idlaho? a Ask the die In her eyeye: es." ------I thtngg I havetve sees.*’Hoatk-pover tn«aay reQoire. WIdle Q saves m says he fears man is los- a to work directly tnuIerBfBermingbam. tbose freewMways, the Ronald Reagantan trees,Uieeik,” hesays. F o rem an si said. “Yod cao rest assuredas w e wQI tM p jy cs fs s a b o n t SifiOO to SByflOO a ree green fire. be doing something hba ot w hat B wQ] y e a r,” O Od D O taey sa id . **Tbe m ostat He explained tbntL usually the administralration arc nn aberraUon,"0," Why should one accej:ept Uie world ing Uie fierce ledded at this teyortaalat tUng^ls bdag able to g«r»iaTTg»i OtHCGcers and the be says. TheTl real world, he said as Uie w ay Cecil Andrus, JJim McClure •- be hasn’t l>eea ded ervice band It Ijm iH IH poinL" m o v e (ra il m —i frtim dlVtsfcXl30 com^oaader work differerent boors. In darkness1 aand fog blanketed nearby■by and Uie U.S. F o rest Ser • Roaric said tbere iss 0n 0 qoestkm bot to anoOieOkt . to better rfflize tbelie addltlott. b e said .- ElUoU Ei works Redfish LaiLake, is out there at the end!nd (0 us, h e says. ream of what > that the treatmentnt Elliott bas departmrnlent tn a n f er and lanBuvere tmder eftber a seirseantn l or corporal of the laltcke where evoluUon is goingIng He told people to dre h a s bad — tf “'an' tiffl«“ afla ~isIs ■ K^«nslble~on:------— Uiey“w anl"becausC Uie-le’TfoIves'and ------v r - N ^ V l received from his e a ^ unless people jdg& M xtre chances for EDiottI saU1 UoEday nigU tbe!k directly to (bat shiftt commander, Foremanon regaled Uie audlcnceice grizzllcf c a n ’t thrive ui sn effect on his ftititre rant for these . eniployment TotatloD p ro g ra m **is a Joke.** Hle e nottoBexmiogham. wilh versese at one point. Casting off imagine what Uiey wai - Roark said in his; o(ofdctai. EnkiU saidwhOeae wQtklagfn fbe patrol divl-rl- g n tn tf «3 trt thni w hilelie be may not bis Oonnemei shirt, he screamed,Bd,‘ wildmammalsr Dding oflieer — sion. be hbas worked akne and bas s is still the stomped and ar wheeled about in a .1* Foreman spoke of. Uthe need for has t>ec] an witslanflt 1 vision. Bul ' probably one of the: bb( est detectives n e v e r gSv«{TC 9 trainlag to azqr of (be)e ^nrnmafnw of the depi■pflrtmimt and shirt recllliKing w ords about Uie blood>od courage, passion and courage, Uie _ Intbestate^ patrol ofaIDcers. Be bis assi^i-EK axQT ^*T*^‘*T* B erm ingbanam issues are of timberr execuUvesc being his natu-tu- mostly he spoke of c _Clty M an ^ CiwrtDrtney said' tbe meiils tiaiave not fatvotvd cximtoalal sure to be carried oot. ral .drink. He I painted one-tim e U.S..S. courage to say Uiere is already loo HS G e a u tifu l ------g n tn f t- «« b t-qMn»{fh»♦ Instances of - Secrctaiy-lf-of_Uie - lnterior._James.ies. much developed in Idaho. Je a termina- Watt as sueiucking the Snake River dryI17 Foreman spoke of staitMdIng up to ' Floilowers for— IS car p lu n g es!i i n t o c a n i d Man dies as tion bearing on April 8.8. He ef' wben be wtwas Uilrsty and destroyingng Andrus and not letting; I him use Uie M a v m wilderness Issue to capp his political iv ie m o r ta l D a y RUPERT - A Minilinidoka Coimty wecAoiilcIt of eootrol. left tbe raadwavay forts to tprmlnat^ htmn were based endangered-ed species as a pastim e, pinn drowned Satmxla]day night wben and waAId fata a waste water toyedatttetlnieofberd y tODSo; a no, Ivao RomJODjoe of S aa Ab - . Sarvhini le basin causes quick sur- looio; a dattghto’. ImU BartsOdd c< sUe of B BJ lrthad. W as^; a teoOKr.’• S u n iiiftt am : tvo w n:?^R«ssell . ( fast in the I r* 52466 ADDISON AVEN'ENUEEAST ' leases «C iV rap ta. Waift: riat and M attfcv Allan, botbI ol0 BuW- b e r ff •Uiat will help fill up res- _____ S#a AeloBlo: his te^Mionfe Bm- Janfai Jea 1 ^ ------^TArWIN FALLS, IDAHDJ;3_833ai^Z62_ ...... Joe of D a w ; a brotter.ber. E ferattBam - g M dcMadrm;aal*e»*t=pi«afla.- A C p a m ts. Cbartes and KosaLitle t Harmon. -erVDirS7' ‘"hC ------Jne-of-PocateOcr;-a«Hri Iwo g M dAH t creceded-ta . ifcrih by tva»__.botb.of.BBhl;_a brether. Da3«!d iiarmo^ rain that wllwill infiiirate will help Uie>e P A U L D . R EiYNOm^ELEPHOj'JE Y ^ E 7 3 3 - 4 9 0 0 ______aadtvaririeg. ______ireasJnahjdUCtlrrigaUoT^ _____ 4 ™ - ______of B o te; Iwo s b t ^ berT twE‘sistw,_ _drylan3 nre LHH ------^------A service vas beidi m 'sm AitedDi serai v a te te U WedBcsdaiy al1 beM»ie~Ai» llanaoa of tvwm ii F iiis . Hhd d e m a n d ." vUh bitrtjU la Port SanSam Hooilcii Ka- t» :3 S ajnB. .l ta tte Batl9 Ulb Want LDS( Laorcl ilansoD of Jeronume: and her Uonal Cenieteiy. CbapeL Mta S Park vBb Bliaep grandparents. Mr. andI M rs. U.G. S e n a BHate U ofSelaUag. B v tal v ia tee **Chkk~Ila;csoITviaFaUsUs. H iP r a teK ii C k se ta y a l 2:38 pLB. Ved-^ T te ftneral viU be beld WW< ednesday at OydeW.BeJI aesday. 2 p jn . ia Reynolds FimeraTal O u p e l to . TWb FaQs. vitb tte Rev.. 1Tom liiclwr ' HAGBRHAN - ayderdeW,AJ1.71of b nay caO as McQAxb's to-r of tte FU«t Methodist; Cburcb< o(- Hagc^naIl^dlat Sinlajr.lay. Hay 17. ta the d * y & «a 44 to S pjB^ aad ri tte ctercb esdaytnarjstotsitsun. " Qeiathig. Bsrial vlU to West End 'Veteran’s AdmtntstraUo In-oiVolBsri ... CsnelaytaBabL te rcbapelUxlay Boise. FTicntte may caQ al U>e ci Bora AprU 18. Uia. In I j o f a i WM a t ^ tnra3to8p.ra. be moved to Bobl t m0 Oreoai( n 1919. lemorial c6d- iSr- T te t a n ^ sagffnl^ mei Ue Bnbl scbooliMHts. tbca moRd iv r«: FR A ta ^ - M a H rieta. W. «l)f irttottaa .ta tte (3tildmtm of Dixie to Ketcbom bi 1SS7. wtatsibesebewortedai TMa FaUi•m. Ited Sritaday. H«y UL ta» Famwtatb T » 3t. sent ot P.P.O. Box 3J4. a caipcnter R r a nnobenber of y e a n . Be Um^ V rikymO Bctfeni Hcdkal Otater. TwtaFans. 1M2. aervtag la JoiQat-tbe Anny in W la o e 21. o a . ta nOnsK te Germaojr ter Ore y eITS a n ondff ' G o e n l vllh ^ bta fass9y ts Vtenaria.J Edna H!;de Entersrson nWNE PaUoo. He married Oyti3}1ee Siaeftletad P ™ -9 * 0 ” it« to SMnrfTJdale. Ala.. m soea afler Ibe war. and G KCtcwopL BetraiHBd tar liveI: KIUBERLY — Edna llyc[yde Emerson. divorced. seUfisg ta G n a t F rib . B ta l.* 90. of lloootnla. formerlyr of0 Kimberty. _ _ He VB3 a memhgT o( :* died Monday morning May I IB. in ■ q ^ SS"K r a t e d a« t t e AsacBda Cbp- fiic departmcd in Ketdw ^ B o n o l^ ------Sarvirteg w ! ■ mbIr^iiW. > inrTlf^ gerCb-■ n >■ W L atT pfn- ______i l.WB^l - BotbeU, W a^; tbiw | ^ Saffle HeiBgtanl R fe. », . dtag and viH t e anooonceiced.by White two bnitben. Beflf l oa f B a l a n d e a H e S , i n — t e ^ HnrtnarytaTVinFans. ia=.-uni*al4* ^------TAXFRiE-^ TAJiX A B U - 7—^ Pfaoeni*. Ile vas pircntoeded In death I7 a Sutviiltqrisg a te bis atfe of TVIa Fans;K Chorfes Ernest H&'ency . _ FROMSP*______broUxr. tn a o e sI. .E E d a a id J. K ateta ef KaOspcOa A graveside service^ w;v a s held T la n - aadB obolx s t t^ Mate}a eC Great raOa; a KIMBERLY - Cbarlean■ n^ lien-' H fin • 2 pjn. ia Wo t EaEnd Ctsnetery in 'tfangUer.r. Patrteia Rose of FteOaad;I; c y .B . of Kimberly, died 0Bonday ( mom------ris tis utei n s.- J u *ae-C Mt t e - D i»Dmfsr—ttgr.HarT*rar-MBnntaln- - br-Vkv-Caie----- i [• Ih Friends may caO ■t nt tbe r ariaer l}BaeaB.A. M la H Sa a d I M e a H o R is.-I.— CCnterta Kiniberty. Cbapd Tharadjy tromm S9 ajn . oBtB 1 afl d tcasacsta. a Fla, tUxj WOna ofd Bom Uay 2. 1902. tn CenUntralla. Okla., pjn. SMrdrO.. LLa. ani Jeile Beta of Cb-y t e married Marrtllena Wii(Vier May 22. FT t: t r o *** **»*■>■t— aM.toVtaUa.f Kimberly; a «f HanvSk; flC.: aad six^ K B , CStartes T. Heney of ol Umatilla, r" NO salo chafgoa, no odmlnmlnldlrollvo or aorvico foos, niid nonc morlnlily costs EVER. a Ore.; a dannftter. Kaomi Prl?rtce:«IFUer: ------I f i 03 ofo iQund In mony plansIans ihoioHor up to 9% roturn. r a aOB aad three da a ^ tc n . — g -^ j^tHSisraan- l ire' gf a r - — ------0 Caipentex. 88. of Ckno preceded In icstfe aervfee vffl t e beld Ved- 0 SAFETY OF PRINIINCIPAL AprliainStanbn. Calif.I. Agrxicsa [* ileatb by a daughter, tvo bibmtbers and ■ _ Bom S forco. And Ihoro la no SocialSc Socurlty olfsot (your Caipeoter of Autatm.. CaliL. C aod t a _____ — ,.lnj<’-lfOQ tncgfDO 0oo3nQ.lci0.1 count-aeolnslUiooosslbla-taxati' ation oi your Social— - ■ • three tfantb- TWIX FAFALLS - T te t u r a l ta r EBI- ' vbo died Friday. vUi t e eoconducted to- — 0IE t Socijfliypaymoni). Carpenter of Sao D k ^ ; lers. Eslber P eaim1 ofo EngfcpiMd. B ta lL Hid K s te k . TIC taBC4taw leridcBl1 day a t 2 p jn. at Wendeilcil Cemetery. Calif.. Doris McDenaottjttofSKraiacsta c eflbeSaisU sao tract, v t o d e d Friday, F rtaria Buy call at Demara;ray 's Gooding held today a t u a ja . ta tte Q apel today (rom 9 ajo . to I 0 and nia Venncoies of Boise:Bo 11 grand- vfD be belt <±Udra; 10 great-grandjMkiifldren; two Vbite Xortiortaary Cbapd ta TVta FaQs. slstera. Agnes Wetdoantu of Bennislim. BsrtalvtaiBl t e ta TVta FkOs CfeBetery. BUHL — A graveside senervice for Dr.. yuEjs^ Ore.. ai^ Wilma LflodefeefefBortey; aad Tte tamSytSy sagveria ■wanrlil caa-. Oicar' Hartaa “OJLii-TbanBmian, 9S, ol S£B|syys0BSB abit)tber.FredZ«3lercflofPanL-!erlS9- tzibtfioBSlaI ta a (avotlCe cbarfiy. Fans. »">* a tormerT resident of ^■■lrSf?f ----- baaddfcdlnisez.______Bshl and Jemme. vbo dieilied Satunlay. Bttrlal vas in Glenn Restcatei^teRex GodonGXG ^ A paTesldc ieivBTS vU Ibehdd *14:30 p.m:ibdaday'atSunset~ GlcnnsFeTTy. B eha Bxiiy±y HeCrae; O. ti CcoOac Hemorlal i Park in Twin Falls.is. ______I EKocti'Ktlvo 1'1-67, lho maximum laxIX brackolb I3 38.5H. which woulduld moan you would hovo to oarn 11.78% on a tax------zl^al>^^.lr u Invofllrrool lo-o(tuQl-l>rom-a.Blngl«-pron omlum.whola.illo-pUui.wnich.l«.< -l#-olfarad4)y.ovof.30~ ------______loodlrnaing Illo insuranco componloa wllh assolo ovor S100 tjllllon. H o spi t o l s ^ THE MORE YOUIU LOOK... THE BETTERI tHlS LOOOOKS! ------MA(MAGICVAUXY ...... - natioa< mrMnniai. _ BTCKMALtALMEDtCALGEHXBS i • s r Slatsinnds lor Single Promlum or Sln(single Promlum wnotoXHo bndI Is olloro J by ovor 30 looding U.srnioTiilurancoU.S . .. • . JAdBBted ' S b a r a VOsoB andDd JessieJ Barton, botb of Burley;:y; Kris Ortega • . Componpnnlos wim o ssolnuc^ 100 tjnii(bniiondoilaxs. ■ Uargamt Uelma of Tvinin FaQs.1 Nancy Dawsoe of WendepdcQaad «fB^Krt;aBdPritySI7 SUkzT orHeytam. Uargaret Olsen of Elka.----- JFLOOn c a l l NOW F O R ALLiLLTHEPLUSSES Bay HBctetk AttestK>t Foaey. E vaLri N l^ols aod < . . ■"Dtetieid D ■ . PROFESSIOt^ALECOiCONOMiC - ^ ----- MTL Greg D eny aod JCnM n. Baxlaa FUbs and b o : aQflflfTriB7y.aUefBlttky:aadE] fl dEDcn Haler aad t4 by of RoperL f Ir1ST s INTERSTATE BANKC BLDG.81 ■ — “ 7 7 ___ Fall*:_Mra. Vlrgtl_Kr5 e*etga ef BQK Mlrtari SjpcBncBmaa c« Btrtte — TWIN^IN FALLS. IDAHO 63305 - - SERVICES, INC. nfsT'JdbrW IIsoo of Barley, ' -WeodeU; aixl JemUerCroitOi^iaruir. ------^------BaMo to Hr. g ri i , HrrandI Mr*.— 4 -4545 ______""JAf^ESBrLOVE.LUT Birth 'j — , .iU id r-O rtc^ of Bapiiapert aad Btr. and Mrs. Miklike Stafcer of A daugbte^ lo Naocy DavsQvscBOfWcnddL B e y tn a .. T u esd ay , MsMayl9.1BB7 TImes-NBWS.Irs. Twin Fills. Idaho B-3 Senator Idahi Idefends ho The lohNring is a sunmaryary Of votes cast ty caecters Of3fit&te^cangte$siQnal k A Sentencidng hearing bbegins in bankkruptcy embez.’zzlemm t .. dabgafionduing]ing the'a bn>«eek period endngngoiU^IS: I p .Urtatiftn of Q tc eoonts paymentI BOISE (AP)P ) - A U.S. district Lois L Christy, 46, faccs u]up to SS saw the'consolida Judge opened1 az sentencing hearing yeay ears In prison and fines.ofifMG5,000 of em bezzlem entxit fainto a mint' House ddegateatEK on five counts of making; a false ■ Richard , pPOCATELLO (AP) — Ididaho Sen. here Monday .fofor.iLlormcr bankrupt- on who admitted cRargcs' staiBtatement and false certUtlflcaUon, Tbe sentendn bearing Urryly O a g SiaEngs JarJames McClure Is dcfendlni£a a orc^ cy r-nnttrm^ Wcdocsday M miUlon that she embcjt>ezzlcd alm ost $220,000 andand one count of embezxlencmcnl. In scheduled to era l i i b i I nemorat P<»posal lo p ay up to a $100 February, she pleaded guiilyity to fed- before U.S. Disli>istrict Jodee Uaiion “ o S lT to r ipt debtors and their Fet ■ yearly bonus to Ibc state ch eracral chargcs In a plea-oargj•gain that Callister. In Washfasiwgun: — a permanent nucIcar[•- ttinsle creditors. 1318) LongiortbLo repository, contending at lil e i ^ thc B!fSg,wuWasMnaort proposHion h as lgnited IheJliJcbateon’. • D £ . _ : lhemerils’of,lbc facility., (2 ^] 2 2 2 2 ^ i i Tbe stale's senior Repepubllcan, \ sponsoring the;,'Controverslrslal pro- \ :1 B i | y u posal with S^ate Energy' Commit- ( \ A B ^ 9 1 0 2 Z7CHIP inslon, D- mjM - lee Chairman Bennett John rLa., sa id the draw backs of aiaccepUog WK Regular, nRipple, Bar-B-Q€)ue, w Hou^i^islafion: thc repository, in the mindsIs of most 5WI I SourC::;reme&OniorD n . IhiH om ^^iB ^la^ iMu a c , .20515 local officials, far outwei'clgh any Vwyi'ii'Viir -^ Ita rs H«a.pass«*ssed budget re$difi3n.appK*li pB2)22S«S31 G Tn o m ic t>encnis, and th e; [paym ent counterac- r y /B y «WU d 249-172.0»fll Hw sttB&Saspndogtflcoll bTifeFiA: at SPO least offers one way'of coi Intte Mt fcy dw Heus»pa^ts* Atosd S«ila*s Ceeste* ao 7 3 4 O T Ung g that feeling. r«tfatta9onforSsctfig8aritraqpesL tJaderIh*nodoai^! “What we’re trying lo do Is lesl ■ economic m figure apptmd by ihB Hous*X what is the level of e La.benefits ' Lhat will outweifeigh the »otato r”{teldart Raagsfl^ budgetasndowd ra lar SALT I caeffiucai•- ...... the » < SCalg: NO. YES. detrim ents,” said McCluitJ,, duringi a ^ lb* DKmsffiMaftcled Han*eleaefccdkgete s locb ^ f visit back to Idaho dduring a ^chips g «.«W. .Tl ■< Ml Writ i Hous90Ks«Mn daCBSUbnaAosa . break In-the-Iran-Contra-h-hearingB.— ------ly&By a vot* d 24S-:i6i,h* am umiElad 1979 U&-UJSSRdSirtAnfaBilte A He Is a m em ber of lh al JoJoint con- odaed pRiUbi oa* d loads icr d rDIET7-lUP, KdtaKmitaii ““ggressional investigating comrnm lltee. 7-UP, - to acBm to 01* ions d Ih*iraajy^ t ioftt, idB sS w prasiaed^sabdbgnscH. < \;WhcUjcr lbe bill goes anyw ai here tr*«y{SALTIl}. -naanwSaexceeded 6 * Bnftseiaa wmnr. not. al least we’ve ggotten a mma ; MapoR$ that OEcaed Ih* tnd discussion going on w hat wilvill Induce / CHERIRY7-UP,»,RC ■L ' thal Ihe Sovkt Union has eznZMbndiDO. a slate or locality lo wantht It,” he / Cndg: N a StaSngc YB. SS dw HeoM Moored ta sU o d ftawUMedStaeestocaot&iwr ff said. t l T E •^Mayi2; KusotsSDlltas*lDaa^(S 0 9 . IbavdicalstoMs^naiBCaita M c a u re said b e pcrsonall>lly prefer- COUX, DIET Rl V^By«vct*d2i»-l99.ite119681 Tlw a o c t t a a d m i vrifcfADiaeddiwter, n "red-att-aboTe*ground-rep03it< iltory-that ------’ fmbig d tb* Stttfos^ Oetoa dkiii to ndK d* s a todidcB^toCorvu vould allow monitoring, retrieval r — 'cain sa ftn»glaf ^ ia ind possible recycling ofr nuclear COLA, CHERR\►YRC o»aste. r. The Department ofif Energy f t ' tomeoddittfaL disc :Cnriff^SD*St*9E YES.Ih* H a n aasiy ippnaed a toBp las identined three possible)le below- aptiund s sites for a pen 7TNUay13: HouMMttsloatlS. gom ned lc neei fel floedagslkaidwsiarinDt* sale OTosiJory. and Uie agencyf I is COQll- A VS/Byawt*d29&-124.texl to laepoca% lafas 6* debt ceSicAdkvatSOOBdlian K ve-ground. B ' '^H l I M ling tb study “an above ' M hcnasa. atadng Itw tUS x ^ nqoest to OBS* dw cefiag I |B »d taa 20 BuMBfcjet y -r esystem d as well. McClure said.d. H i: ^ 9 1 9 Jil)L-17.-Th*dnaba-«olfldt iBftig sod difAsiawd. wou nnrt ' nfaflBfl * Rawguft * 1 » 3 6 P k . C : a n t NO, Sbdb^s: Y & was ★ ★ ★ U.S. Senate delegal BpotanrCDbODodit*- I THEISBI MOTOR!RS J eeMdigafans tttoogfi ^ ANNUAL EdbstoSZdkOarvbut------^ gto^SUtraSon. ^ WlDIIUeHTIUDIIESS X- SALE ^ OPfMWfD.MATMth Jt NOONmMIONIOHr |2 2 f 2 n z ^ SAVE UKE NEVER tlF O”OM I * ^ V/&\\ M m mHu taOb:------^ f e ^ 3H | Steve Symms ^ OMnniTimocAiONOtntttioT ^ K f i l H r a f l 6780 ^ THEISEN MOTOR!ns * h W a sfiD ^ j^'7fTmAnrAvt.-B.— ) t»j-: i T ~ ^ ‘wUSLSoato . vesatltAM balgd. J^Kxdiiac^Df. T t-ik^it'kir'kik ~ ESafira^BfiohT00 Uqr 6. dw Sotf* appnndtj2 a D 5 tO /7tllsy6: SeraMJippnml a n t o d S&42. aed sd Cw sbgi C2aa22»«i42 '> KlfQeOf ator-gftWgftB oo b o l ^ for $ta3 lA a9 in HTwbME :ptcf>083at were to lail loo. because 1 do “ t o d d t J Wbat wmld be the job of th th a t” {HOsecQtor,” he sai± ____Idaho’s senior senator, i re tiying to do is analyze of toe House-Sesate pane afwl iUtnTlnfn*. JtBt Wbat the use of m m q frpmJs ti »’*iTwn\** features in th aids indude: deer circuitry for use ii Call Noww to Detaails! 733-i7163 eetlngs; crowds; etcr . • Noise blodc' e in-eor Heoring Aids \ / . Rocovory>roio foli la bosod on lOOdogroo p l o ^ .m e e / • tompofQ>ofaluro liao In ono hour,__ ^.heoringlDssjmthoutJ A------6 Kw-Eloctilc ■ —______24.8 oaHona an hour.Uf____ J______• Canal type. (Used i In nerve type h ' 40,000 BTU Q as03 ...... 38.6 OttDona on rwufUf - — - ____frequency.h ■ GnscOStlBtJOSOdisod on tho RS-2 Rosidontial Roto’o - ' • fof hoflting nnd1 walorwa fiOQtino- Compofotivo costs whistling. 0 IMTEREStEQff^I i n n o i s y ._ bosodon on1 indopondcnlitx englnecf^ study, 1 Today fo r Oft A ppoM Is f o r h i g h i ------C o l I T itfeedbockor.-. r f l a s ^ ^ iheortng loss). Tntermcountain ^ 3 - 0 6 l i ay to he^l^water' _ ' ' ~Gas7The~low~cost way i y ! ittmewf - -- - I ------~r-...... M i y > • •V -V .

    ' B-4Tlfh______■ R ea d e ttoS ^ d Mey life j^y 3rw anttsA IDS i su ffeirers tat _ DEAR. ABBY: Wouldd it not be a ■ caa fieseent and aare ifatrij rtart gratulatloiU. — safeguarti-and-a-goodid - p r 0tecUO[{~rHHAi —sam. I eau T m i^'B ^ TbtarBnriayi to people— j st-advlce 0 0 You' ask wli; against murder for all pipersons with te r to ^ rfd of It bee: I am wbo comment,lenl, "D id you .kno« JOU | — V o l l o»y ] h ap p en ' . AIDS to be forced byy law to be JHn VanBuren aSrm j j fsmmiF v u b mmosttof the have ainustaclrtache!” Look dial petMJ n l n g s — — -branded, tattooed or madado to wear a g gtba±» — . both permjTtawwf an/t cquaTely inJ theIhi eye and say, “Yefc bracelet so their conditioUon would be 1 tei a p x a r y . And thank you^ou forI rem inding me. S o jo u rn eers i Install offfflciers I Iobvious immediately? ■ KiC «Ita£ does one sajjy to people (ForAbbySiy's booklet, "WIiMt Every That way there woi _. TWIN FALLS -- SSojoum ors Club will boldd thet lost m eeting of the 'ould be DO . ^ cnmmrnf. “Dtd yoo knew you r«o-Agcr bov h them DEAS ABJkBBT: l . a n a £&riy ai- t u OughtOug lo K ." Bead U BCi^Q this noon: atai the Sftndpl]?cr. New offlccic ers will be installed. 'danger of having sex with I " teeannstacfte?^ oney order for $3.60 Aflrf a - * -D.B. INCOC)COA BEACH tracU re Ifr-ye-year-old femaV, I tx m I check or monc) I _ _ _ — MU:XISTACHED long, sfampec/ w iA a * DEAR D.B.: AIDS l5 ana: incurable thlak.agoolirf persona,lily. _ i ped (S9 ceata). , DSaBKOSlACHED: VYoaappe^ dresserf enve/civelope to: Dear Abbi>r disease — not a crime,e. Aad your I do hareft a prtibjem. tonrcr. I• - t £ o » Fnmff>^ahT» W e n d e lli1 registers 5}y e a r o ld s suggestion is inhumane,, aand la Itself a •“musl ** J IffiJnXi- 3 Teea-Booklct.et. RO. Box 447, Mount W ENDELL - KlTKindergarten open house andan registration for the ’ ! ~ agggpt&tg of ynsr nttr^a Con- Morris, U16I05-'it054:) 1987*88 scbool y e a r a crime' against the dignity of ar Is scheduled from 0 to0 9 p.m. Wednesday at thumanity. > ._ ___ =VVcndcll-Gradc:Scbocbooi^Paronts and their kinklndergoMen-aged-chlld ------are Invited. Parentsnts should bring tho child’sJ's birth certiflcote and . - (■ few=wilttfi[ i e i i e w = ImmunizatioD rccorclord. The public health nur«irse will .be available (o DEAR ABBY: The leltBiter carriers give Immunizationsos cduring the event. of( the .Postal Servicece and Ibe laii x L a w a t f eBct you? employees of the utilitleties, newspa- ~ SiomeOeaueammtnne a pers and other delivereiy services p e nnses. s mtscclbnoous'expen!jenses, iRA’de"-' ; ' ^ ital gams, A g lo w fellillo w sh ip grbio u p m e e ts -must | regularly have aciiccess to Ihe anaxre Seagng. i ^ pdifcal ductictions. TWIN FALLS - Women’s Evening Aglowf FellowshipF meets at 7 tproperties of the comimmunity in oninbuitcns, lw>«!3rrB r tfai s ta te He•towever. life insurance a n d annuityar plans p.m. Thursday atI liithe Golden Griddle. Rosiclie Bedwell will be the ordi er to perform th eir dulliUes. fslea le s iax diaducgisa S a g sSt^iBiferdecftjsoa remanain tax deferred. .Our booklixjklet can help' speaker. Tbe publicIc isli welcome. . Thousands of personss nationwide So*■OOM datfacflODS IM B d±aoafO. n ansM?w eryour q uestions. S e n d fOifor your co p y ______I 1 ' have suffered pain and othero conse- Matflcartgage irtteresl. cftarJsafe£fe coTttifcuficrs. ■ of"V■Wliat the. New 1986 Tax: ULaw C hahgea., quences( of being bittenen by dogs. pen ■gfsoaa] inierEfl dedurticraICRS, m esfica? ex- Meaia n to Yoa" Seven thousand were lett!tter carriers • ■ last year alone. A n n ivr e r s a r•y— ;Dog owners musl acce]cept that the altitude of "My dog doesjesn’t bile” Is _ a Jallacy..Some-dogs-da.In_bite_lell£r______— 1 TheBurgease!e s ;carriers and other delivcvery service people. Owners need loI realizer that BUHL - Mr. and1 Mra.i Edgar married MtM ay 21. 1937. In CosllolordJ dog ' ow nership,carries witlith It several Burgess, Buhl, will celcrelcbrate tholr and solomiimiilrcd their vows at lheB rresponslbilllies. Prevent:nthig Ihelr ' sotli wedding annlversarsary Thursday LDS TempliIple in Idaho Falls.May 21,• d dogs from biting or attaclieking people ^ >nCIW * D J . Q W t _ H C T W - p e k w ^CHR: hris • wilb an open timise. B R O ^ B C X . hailANCHET.nC ISRASRAEL : Vwho must enter the prop«iperty Is one ^ cmca»«nmBflrwmMicw.c»«g Friends and relatives 2n house Is being hosted by/ oof them. M OES invited u ,S ° .Sdren, „ Luella Vigil, Apachc ____ toJraiJ /rpJH-5 lo B p.m. i The U.S. Postal ServictIce h as been ^ jWai/MXf»v.cmrponta:______T ““t t i “ Arlz.;a Dwayne A. Burgess,, [> taking a'tougher stance b: Court social hall, 1310I MM«Ui SI. W„ by Intcm ip- ...... UoClodem W oodfflM of Amen i e r t e ' | Buhl. DV.; Lavaun E. Burgess, ElI tlling mall delivery lo homiDCS where a 223i MOOERN WOOOM b TOFAlUERtCA ^ , Paso, Texas:as, and Leroy D. Burgess, d S Addison Avenue dog is nol properly restral•alned. Addi* Twin■rrnFaSfi. Idaho83301 A FRATEmw. UFE INSURANCEWCE SOCIETY : • Burgess and Liias Kirk:irkbride were Portland. tionally.li the agency 1 has been (2QQ734S72572 HOWE OFFCE.nOCK ISLAND.VJD. ILUNOlS . - assistinga and joining lls'i5 employees lews- —------^------I,in actions to recoverr d am ag es ta. H m m MDd a m ioionlom tf&iin ftcut jS^icem ------reri su ltin g from d o gattacks;s: ...... — OnRHCawMevBSM 61ksU»Cb«9tsll«ean to bbbkM Abby,,will, you please help li us by TWIN FALLS-JUr Fori^'orce A irm an JERO M E - Navy Petty Officer □ llodm M boteol B oo L . Lewis, son o l Fre<^red Lewis of 3rd Class MMIluicU S. Meyer, son ot asking dog owners to keep;p their dogs BO Be n m c « Md anmnu a ie s Burley and Janls Lewiswls of Twin George Mey(ey er of Jerom e and Sandra confined In a fenced y aard, r tied or Falls, h a s arriv ed fo r dut;duty with the Bingham of < Dietrich, recently Vchained, or keep them Indodoors during N MUIE__ I ______• 40Sth Aircraft Generationon Sm adron, deployed to the Republic of Korea delivery hours? Thapk you. Luke - Air Force Base,se, A rliona. for exerclBCBe Team Spirit aboard the -F. TT KOVE. SUPfPERVISDR. U.S.P.O.. ROSEVILLE. Mil!ICH. Lewis, a tacticald aircraft aircraft carrierct USS Hanger, ^ T Y _ _ - .• ^ maintenance specialist,t, 1 : ^ Tfl 1984 • hom oportcd!d In Son Diego. A 1982 DEAR MR. KOVE: YouIU bet I Will. - S t a r e ______ZIPa p ______Where would I be without)ut th e U.S. piiQ , graduate of Twin Falls HlglIigh School. gradusIFofif DIctrichI High School, hc p lO H E ,______•Joined the NVavy a In M arch 1984. Postal Service? ' “^^3------rFf= , ^ ^ TNEISEtlMOTOIIMS »

    ------—Pins Fumlturo & Qifta - . . ♦ M L I SJncolQOB tUH * ^ W A lr N O ^ ^ SAVIUKINtViaflM■ r a n i t pM o imorlor D aiign Sorvi»fVlC0 \ ^ OMiraTIHIDCAtONOUtlMtiOT “ tplooroo ^ THEISEH MOTOR Cmonis j P F r III ; 1 - JfK^ntMAW AVL L mDRS->- fc ^ o r F a s D a y • • • " j:" Blui U kH Jiyd.N . 7 3 3 -9 e s ( — ■ ★ ■ A W7 1 i £ t e - t h e \

    Thursdaly, May 22 1 s t T T T 5 . ■ - ^ l e cc t i o n i j s B e ss f 1 ! I ' d a a n d OPEININGf ----- ^----- . i"i

    ' l iLO A.M.. TO 4 PP.M. - i'

    .lin- . ' ^

    n ' i i w V I ^ i ■ i 'I LSs-dsltitil r 'iff / i f f ' Jl | ; — J yV tn9S2gQS*B& gj|S& mU P W / ! f v j ' ' ' " _[ |i;L. J _____ ;T ___ i {ii}|ip I • FiaianHio | | |

    - ■ _ • BaniiTCOlOMger r* fll |||.« '. I 1 ^ 1 N I ! _ _ _ • Str;ratoioimger F J ^ , 4 ...; .'i

    T W IN1 F A L ILS Smi all DownpsI ajnnent t ■ A R E CENT] ( ER Vivm n ohId T our RecliiKier Idafioio's ne;ivest cunstom desi£neced nursing T ilFF ather’ss Day centtterofferingse•ervices previotousCynot (Or add to yanotnr present aoccoimt Oj Lc7)) ’ ' I ^ avaiCaBLi[e in this areota. W e invite yyou to come out and toour ourfaciC ty ^ ______^ % rov9§■ R f l m u f c . . U A O ia ■“ fMaij;,rZ17I987 ' _ d t 2 w = r S ------f r o m — ■ I M O T y ^-lff?rORE-= O N -t5 a t e s> JLINCINII - _ l O S l M .. ,tfiTu 4 T .^ . WHATSmA»UUtt...i..A m iT A n o M A I^ilA N C E STORES. INC.^ c . .

    TjTOJFAllS JgKMflEm ____ n » i S 2 L^ . __C 0 0 | ^ 0 - 6 7 4 EEastland s ______tesjI s e ni d s p > la y ^a f f t cp n i b[ > b e r r n a tt c h ll______' 8 By LARRY HOVer n coaches wondering wbencre be will fmd rii»Otn^3Vfng fiflb fal^ ju st going to have to coiMme out bet- he would prefprefer to "Ice it (his righl HELPER. Ulah - Whether the . ' wiim er of tb e gam e will11 play its c m ing. ter prepared mentally torrjmorrow. arm) now,, getge some rest and come ' College of Southern Idaho'sIda baseball M appearance at7:30 p.m.n. S aturday a t ijv>VTT»gg ' toward today’s game,e. "Bul ybu can’t say enough ei good back tomorro>rrow. It’s cold and tight ' team returns to the NationalNa Junior M the naUonal finals in (Grand Jmic- WaBiersaidaid. “we bare r» aim s leftfl- w ords about John Braosase," Walker now and I dondon't know if I could come College AlhleUc Assocsociation World ■ llontCoIo. We bavee to c c a e back wilblb continued. back." Series for the fifth timeIme In six years ^ CSI Coach Jim WalkIker was balf (st^bonaireire rtg&t-basda- David)1) B raase entered the nigilghtcap after But he didid comec back, strikhig out / .will depend upon howw tthe Eogles do • _ . correct in his predictIcUon tb a t it C arter <>!oMonday's fir^-£am e. loser,T. T rinidad h.-tH jum ped _int(ato a live-run five Trinidadad battersI in the lasl four. i lodny against the TrTrinidad' State- would take “ Jlmmj-foaball” in - tbis Lefl-bando’le- Ttny) Slorteascn can’ti’t lead, most of that onQ Keith Mlt- Innings andd ststaying away from ma- ^ Trojans. series against Trinidadd 1to cany CSI throa-. We'e-just -; bare to gi oot asdid chell’s Ibree-nm bom er hi the second jor rally threatreals. . - —B u t-w hatcy cr- the outcomc,-Tnark oul ^ past its pitching proroblems. His tittbebcdcidccctofa.'" ------innlftg-Prnm-that point,-!rBraase held - “I pitched!d UIhrough Ihe paln,“ -Bald------lhtrfnct^at"thocasair5oirfiaB"gffti?rih- ^------^~iraipgrT)»ired^urtu'o't'oTjommins— MpTifTOc Dl uxe T r ^ a h s a i bay ex'sxcepi ior a uraase. "MyMy arm was stiff and IV------to Tuesday, a tribiribute to CSI the best-olt-of-lhree Norihwesl districtcl and lost a^,lhird on tball. thailat wbldi is battled badlack.’' saU Walker of hisis lhat nirver occur on thehe deserrhll uenamed runam : In the first hm ing and shook off the 111 effectsts ofc a long rain power inn winning v Monday's opener,:r, defined by . bome runs.i, belonged to Region 18I fhamps. c “ I fd t we were■e the Helper city field. laid Ia down a Smith's firstrst solo homer hi the delay lo come backick and . beat n-3. the Region 9 champiiplons In tbe out of syoync today in just aboutit beavy amount of moisturure and fore- fourth. ButIt ■;Trinidad, which was ^ " Trinidad 11-7 Monday' nightnli and send Today’s's final, which has bothth opener when Cari Smithth bil two, in- emythiEg.g. oor fielding our hit-t- ed postponement of thehe game Jor • SeeCS:i CSI on P age C2

    ' " '■ Tuesd.jday. May 1S.-1967 TImes-N>9-News. Twin Falls, idaho ■ Basebedl roundu[upC3 I i o H t is . rodeoC4~ ■I Classified C4-8 C \

    ed Celts nov) w foul Pistons I ’

    's ilttle rest for the wearytry NBA:s. r Intense NBA playoff seriescs fina- J, they m ust battle the bru.>ruislng Bon^-tirei'lllhavehad flvedaysoff. ed to play the Celtics' rathercr than must befc'.s arc Just Interested in who’ho ploy for them In tonight night's nl| By HOWARD ULMAN 2ven E astern Conference final The Assodated Press•Hale has a broken-bone-in-in b is. right ankle and a hypercxtei[tended BOSTON - There’sbert i Parish has a sprainedied left wounded Boston Celtics.Alnge suffered a sprainedd righti • Two days after theirocating lr his right index finger.-cr.------le against Milwaukee,t how t m y feet a re ," McHaleie £said. D etroit Pistons, who will!hlnklng about doing w hal I have t ‘ The Pistons preferred; team w orries about howt oother the Bucks. The Celticslolng. i But we Just expect theihem to be healthy'enough to e pli o f.” opener of the best-of-seveovercame the pain and starrc in F o rw ara“ Kevln'TVrcHactory Sunday that gave theihem a right foot, a sprained onferencerig semifinal. Ainge;e was . left knee. Center Roberhe third quarter, missed thehe rest' ankle. Guard Danny itionable Alt for Tuesday niglit. ------^.-kneeonedayaftcrdlslocasaid that the most dangeigerous • "I don'l w orry about:ar h( and-I'beltcve~ninTr'’McITcHalo • - V ■ “ I Just go out th era thin: e all r i g h t .''' ------to do. No one-on-thlsid. te pcoplc arc feeling or doirconquest of the Atlanta HaHawks do what they're capable ol j-'.-'-' McHale and Parish ovcVSTonPageC2 the Celtics’ 119-113 victo 4-3 trium ph in the confi hurt with 4:46 left in themind Magic i i of the g am e and is qucstloi "My father alwaysiagiae’rMVP sc l-Nawtphoto/ANDrAflEKZ bear is a wounded bear Tory Thbrntrnton. seen here plas^njn g ID a s i n s l e s m ^ t d iI a;against Jerocae eariieri e r t h i s s e a s o n , w i l l b e: s e e k i n g h e r s e c o n d sStraight t n title said. “We’re wounded allif. i (A P) - Earvin "Ma(ilagic” The Pistons arc rested.coach to contribute more or They finished a 4-1 son coi began, responded with |ZC\7' . • SeeEASTa result was named Mondaylay the V ’layer. rs Thoi>rnton ggoes toestate aI fourth1 time iged a career-high 23.9 polnl anvtbing. basb d t u ^ c e; tlto force a fasl game evencn tthough Voris likes . ;ue in assists for thaiourthh"lfmc t By MICHAEL VAN/INAUSDELN s helped my game." Offense-rr er ' ' ^ 'U be BUtnairnTg |g ^ flX lrtb tO0 Ltbe state high - anacUon-jn-packcd match as well, with a 12.2 average, receivchnot Aciiritie:ities Associatioo. get out thehere and win — and win fast."St." . ' Chicago, the NBA's leaccadlnn school Icnnls j Community ■ S b e 's u lomton is also a speed demon,ion. I INGLEWOOD. Calif.ice votes and <149 points to nnkhfii Thornton of thee :Ketchum-Sun Valley Cc toa tbe state fmals two yearss in a row. winn- But Thoi r Cor Communily 001 alter getting "For m-ue tn g la st r e a r C tlMrre tb e jT aIT r bI e fm as a Wood R irer sop said the Community Schoschool ace.. "There Is fense before the seasonacc vote and 271 points to'pl"J®® High School. sophomore. (She 'gressive,” best-ever year and as a r ^ This season, withvith an undefeated record,1. Tboralon also wesl to^'state s as_a mntb-gtader• at Wood River nootherww ay to w in .” a:— Junjarnigbl:*’ rF^r»rih«TH>it«h'iha«tic:aiiciOTirBourplHyet^ = = NBA’s M ost Valuable Pit-place laj votes went- to Chai surer mat that nappenragainr Johnson, who averagec in^'the workinking pretty bard," she sai±1 -1 worry Sbe r a n intolo 1to a ij»r Iho season m inds iss last year's championshipship malch. It went ^Ji.a._who_finlshed_sixthJn_ tsrT-srs^7r7-Srln'favoroff TlT h o m to n rln te n n ls— ------;]• ■game and led Uie leagueJuwon of Houston, who was«c«!;— s aiittlc-aboufstatete bumhinkTTI-dol prellyy ’wdTTbe »as”oiTrr*beibeii~sbe~laccd~Voris'agala'aj rand'tosr to ibe’ thrce scts; In the last five years wll finaisarealll’msho.shooting for; il’s all I Ibink abcibouL” Valiinie seniorjor. Aod sow. all sfac's htnhing aboot IS il'simpossjsslbje to be any closer, Communi- beating Voris a rsfset, in whal was “the lon(longest match I think j first-place voles and ) a is i the first guard to win■_ .v- She shouldn’t nec(lecd to worry, though. Tbc C s a g ,^ at stale. And tbe ideaide of stn itlin g The firsi ;r played,” said Thornton,on. was a fasl_ohe.._ : panel of media members.I only the third sincc the aw.awart School senior hahas gone through this ason lite a away tbe lampVyi W ilb VOTIS W a itinng g away with a I’ve c^^r rubber raft — one choinp andodste'soff second-place fg Tedbest. Thornton,n. who had lost to Voris In Uthe fhials the year Michael Jordan of1 . The C others were Boston'ss BobI ^ro“8h a rubl Tmzsb a^ in is rerenge served camc oul morc detcrmirmlned than ever;' scorer, had lO-first-placeinati’s in 19&iQ^ lo the next one. ThThornton led her scbool to its first "I iroold bebe really coclmt if JLbeatat-Linda, in the before, c g her serves, controllingI theth net and taking second. L a rry Bird of ate Bo ... 11 belongs to my fathe District .4-champicipionship in history last ^weekend, finals.'* said Ibornloa.I t “Ye< it’s a riraliiairy. It would be smashing ng Voris gave her. Her conccjncentration was high years, had one firsl-placc;ws conference at the Fon ’ upsetting defendingling stale champloin and ;a rd u iv a l ' ve rv plestssrablable to beat ber as l*m soie■e it would tjc for everythin? new I w as In for a m atch," sailsaid Voris. , .th ird ,______face-SeatUe-in-lhe-seeond-ga Wood R iverH igh SchS_chooUnJhcj)rocc5S. ______hcrSbcllbeococt tofirt mc.’J______and knc ing th a l tliis”^ w a sin ' goinging to be easy, tEe~ The only olher first-p’nee finals Tuesday night. “I Ever sincc the ch:championship win. ber firsl-a-ever \-ic-. ~Ycab, I'd likebl to beat ber.*; said Vort:oris. **rd like to Itealizm . lory over Voris, Thomton'sTh. confidence has: fabccome a seebermtbens V allivue senior s came on just as strongstn in the second _____Barkley of Philadelphia,ise, playing In the NBA. I'm voting and Akeem Olajuw nu, ho contributing facto>r r to her success, To beat Voris■ris a ^ tn , Tboratoa will bu a v r e to do a J e w __se t and w and ai bonuses for the ntorm buntolh H'irii'ichle Hamilton placed' roreTbB ffl Kentucky Derby; i ------T rip IeC ro w n sw«sw eepr— = llnnl inter; -TSDot^bat— lesstllthanahoisefoForthe ages.’— I bareback riding and aianimal, allbougb be is> a vidozy /ho don’t know much -C S I-m eftseason last t "People who ! Ted Hegy was third in aiaway from becoming onljaly tb e 12lh ■ ‘ “ — . . about the Beln^ont Bel! Stakes know ___ steer wresi■estlihg while D arren TiTriple Crown winner in hististory. 3-year-old- orIT ;a dramatic, tvo^iorse b;q>paiing. ba Stephens will ?'“at “ Pi whal -the TripIt•iple Crown Is about,” Racing could use a bit still anoiIccted 2,170 S h n w ^iw to^ u t r th . )itteriy con- race. Wbal ra c^ rea^ needs are extendei his dominance of NYRA presidenident- Gerard, McKeon • tested rivalry in tbe ^ylele of Alydar. sxrocgs’ tdtcvtsjon er ratings and e x -'mmiHil into th c-realm -o f-sci , far ahead of the UilitJh Valley rodeo jn ^ . “ We’ve g ot two colo^ and_Affirmed. None of tthat bere, possretosegn■gm^rrf^ of th** Sports 30- tiOtioa wbile standing squarel ByTheTimes-News ey with r;4G0 'pfovd whivhlch- concluded” the'- .. lul guys (Vanm 1Berg and Stephens) -either. Alydar alw a^ lefefl tlie im- oot osusually to tbc pap a th of ntTpmp h State_wilh ...regular sea[casonL_Frank Norcutt ipuio-wln wlll'aad SOIso ratrgiitzrA nd pcople ". ‘ presslon thal be -iroold- Ib e -g a m e .' TfiKi 'B d m O o l tO Uulhe Triple Crown, rachjg TWIN FALLS- The - won tbe sad run, ru the Belmont will team , cj Inch'cTlReTn to flnish(^ Second in both the Kentucky Deitrjiby aod tbe m nyri iraintliner of all lime. vs. At j this poibt. with Belmoront's lable have given racinaclng at least one thing regional title In the f bareback ri,riding and Shaw and p. Preakness, but be bas beeeen soundly Woody Stepboh m (be Wizard of_EI^' beingbe set so lavishly. It manatters lit- it sorely ne I I PMrad r “B rett'out f(for 4 weeks ^ B g B H R W ! . J 1 : ? r ^ S 'sliliS' “Hi! KANSAS CITY, Mo.Io. (AP) - K ansas Cily Ail-Stll-Slar third baseman ; ». D-. X J l ^ K S w E ?!!!!& • ;iiJ ected to mlss.four_wecks_of,lh)f the season because j T ” »whe225*<'k2w r» I . . George BrelLis expec NBA playoffs RWUmt knee bul will not need surger>gcry, liie Royals said j i^*bSS3£ **" RSISI' of his Injured right kn ! u v ‘S r i i J i -“R H i s tsr »*•*, M onday. -- .Brett was re-examinined Monday by Dr. Sieveve Joyce,v one of the i66 CMmin»-Ho*aii.ro-P.m«fl. ' Brett’s knee wouldd 1be placed In a splint for tw . SSS.oSSwr^*’ sylll begin rehabllllatloiIon exercises right away, Voge’ogelaarsald. ~ J. :i»-o*ioo«. ooM«. JO- -rV7.A-10H. Brelt injured the krknee while making a throw3W toI home plate la &on> (n. o .,w .(^ifuouo • waukee and went ofi J . ____ _ " E i S t S " I fRAM UOHIMAl the ninth Inning of FriYlday’s game against Milwau the disabled list Salurdrday for the sccond lim e thisIs scseason. SSSmzMi w EI! S lar » aoiocai^ol rm iiwMMi *<*«'■ D>*~- >. 5“ ” stnre |f /jinsS'-K jjl t :«ifiii §"m. cl i!« ISU signs: 1two cagers 'inSa *'*"*■ **’ £2v»* POCATELLO (AP)) —• Idaho Stale Monday announcedann' lhe sign- r from California lo ^’^^ssm’s^ s a * s s ^ w j - s r s i - ’i Ings of a prep sta r ammd a jynlor college player fr . iM IM ta. -a.liconswo«;,P»w.i.3 national letters pf Intenm t lo play for lhe Bengals nextlexl season, jpr J 5 » 719 • ■ s'iC r”„'jsM »■■ Byron Young, a G-foot-5, '200-pound forwarward from East 5 “ { - £ S I-;^ s 5 rrtncuce -__ , a BS ec»-> S k S ’ h . ITMl - IM BO lll-r -.. ■: B akersfield High Sclio. >CA. CCUtii. Iiaaion. >iii-Uar,in HI. said ISU sports informanation director Glenn Alford.d . _ • '■ — I, 0»OT)» Otip»tfr*. & '..V•>, Vo=r^" c' SIS r » Michael Green, a (>-1>-l pglnt guard from Long BejBeach' Clly College , averaged 19 polnis and five:ive assists p er gam e ’ To«*l. „ I7‘; - . . s In Long Beach, Calif., i last season. He will b ea•a Junior this fall at ISU. Alfordford said. SS 5 ;s=f ■'x« 1” I n H — ■ S f i S W i M arquez bbound for stal :s K,- j s l s ^ A L s ta n d inI n f g s POCATELLO - Twiwin F alls High School seniornior JuaVMarquez ■». S ott 0«^' AWnCAN^I uxw t “'g S S i* '’ . } t I 1 e ] SAN MOOK< , HEW TOM _ qualified for the stalelie Class A tennis toumamilament Monday by w I m o# crS^C>~ defeating Pocatello's M ark McGee.6-J,-G-o In a mmakeup al match that -. — S^iSSSSt: J | |l ""fes ; ! was rained oul at Satiiturday’s Region HI Classs A tennis meet in - £ s s r ^ ‘ • • Twin ra ils . l" “ !!iilsS' .i'!l ! Marquez, the No. 1 boys'bc singles seed going into'Ilo' Ilhe tournam ent, S f S s a s i r ™ ’ J s ^ s k r !■ will thus advance to state s along wilh girls' doubloubles team Susie !!!!SSS, ”.!!!! t e Hoag and Dawn Bulgligin, mixed doubles team1 ClChris Sacco and ■ C , ____ 1 3 l i l " . & ■ ' ! ! .V fp-. * — • u is jiii! " i Tonya P earson and boys’ bo doubles teams Mikec BulginB and E ric •w \S S r i •— Smith and Clint Carter■and a Rick H arder.------.'.“ . I ' S — ’, ucndn-ta.U - ™ e »j"i m i l ■Sf 'i S !!! iS=I s S i l S v ^ - g a stJ ss.%n« wiAnine «0I — Cora III. g UtXM.“cSpi'i‘i;“5uS?’r H»- tii*!: V ■■“ - S a S y ■ J ^ S S i .tan Uiaoo ». N.. roi« i. 70-T.,;lai. CSI------«. Kmu nae^ )•« l>u MM CMUftO »0-“0«*l'n-5- • Continued from PagJgeCl Satterfield drilhIrlllcd a grand-slammcr M m ^4) K*At4< CUT W.3 B> H n En se «o r£ ion In thc pracllcallay loto the sam e place-, I « UMMtM ()<«»<>» L^inn I.M,-t I i t * i • S4A DH ranked I2th in Ihe natioi it out when Trinidad regaim'alned the lead momen- I m.1 uJrtUi.'^Kil. to>a'si KlSSI'' !,o ! ! ! J ! latest la NJCAA poll, wore it r 'W aian error and two walks5 preceded lhe bolbottom of the inning on HI g«Nirg I an erro r and1 Scott Sc Fredericks’ dou: “ NHL playoffs ■ *,o ! ! J i ! ClCorbin's homer. »») M 0«U~S TOftOHTO C*UfO«HU CSI broke the shutout inn thc sixth ble. And aflerer £another Inning came Li on 0, a/two-run single by Ryayan Brown lhe rain delay./. •. ^ ‘a * ^ M n S 5 i y WAS. *5!!!! Sw,: and added a solo homer byy BillyI Sal- That occureded :after CSI had p u l the E l'S NLstandins:ngs mISS, “c< V» terfieldte In the sevenlh. first two m en:n (on base and Shawn 7 le a g u e s t a t s - ?...In.thc - - nightcap, Trinidadad. struck. .W halen.was fafacing d a 3-2-pllcb. After-- early with an unearned rurun as the the two-hour del;delay, Trinidad reliever fr7S ?.S S ; in a bases- Alex Galindo walked wa Whalen lo load ? s . 'f,, iX " S .’.li ‘" J H I . Eagles scorcd jusl once on - ' *■ SyciSS" I loaded, no-oul situation. Over C the lhe bases. Chrishris Hanks drove In a ------jS sS i'vsssj'r i! !■ S i s ffiS l. S'” next three Innings, Trinid:dad right- run with a bloopoop single and Jeff Mocs - ±2i5-.*,V£S;5fK JL ” " ’ JS'?7s : iii"iill handeril Dale Aleman h ill!I ll'..: l7l and K.iylor; Carlcr. Braase n ,.- uo..— jML b o x; s c o re s kI Jimmyball. The slight Ircshman fi „i,'sci,ra^Jirocdcr A '€ iiiiiiill r J i P l d t i i . ______. kMnmM „ •' !lSoo«. c. *J "d“o !S H ll ", t s off o» the third Inning, but wavas callcd Corain; (.-Sl.SaHcrtlflil t e w e , « ~ 2 t i S A I. - . « . ■ ■ “l ■ * “ j oiit when a team m ate high-fi-fived him •-"HS I J p r V j m just before he touched hom )me plate. 11, .Trinidad 7 ■ ' li-?.. "■ '• • >>- - TTri rinidad Coach . Rick -Zimimmerman • . AL-boxscorio res------S ’-;." iii ...... IW 4M 200-11 U 1 appealed and won support; fromf the Trtaicisd!; ...... OU axi OIO- 7 a 2 um pires. Adkins, .Murlcnsonon <:i.-Knirrrf3i.C Uraaie I4r ■■'fi rii!! f tw l' t»*»S i “ Tourt . a *4 7r < ToUU »\ > 1 But in the next inning aflafter Kirk and Aicmsn.m. lIulcKtMnii (]J, Galindo ;:?! tiS'w Lall.Mmp s } Kl. i Dtiiun ss 171. San U.tflo ^iiis s-x'” H nfRSaSO cnlcapo"®**!s.. liiiiOi-1 » } 1 I J ( EasP------'^JL S S3 !S=J ■■ . • Continued from PagejeCl __ Their hard-hiti■hilling* frontcgurt duo ! ■ S S 3 n have been Bill L aim bcericer and Ulck'y Mahom Wn^if ard &fi«ndAA. iac*t< ’ii i s ' f- :i; 'lasl “ =1 Wednesday night and ha s w on’t soolhe: lllhe Celtics’ aching . ""’ Mon “ » S- J S? walling for their next opponen 'to ' play bodies and willIII do_a( belter reboun- &'^1? If! 5 S - -1 ia -"O ur - guys- - w anted lc . Boston,” Detroit assistantnt coacli ding Job than thethc Bucks. Boston was ra iw . t«ti> OMoM • H n tR e a s o lds amoclb »^n* 1 « r s Bos -i-h« Dick Versace said. "They*wiwanted to ''V 'hee Bucks’ ability lo sv.Lr;/,*? Rsss:, ill f i l - l i H Die *■ r^u2r»>Klwlo^^V»"i*I£w VA \ play lhe defending champiipions If p enetrate and1 ncnow must face Islah . »»o. 0«>“ l.»*W.'t>c*»00.II S -i iiii ! ? s S 'iiiii i S ’ion lo? ” S 1 iii P'a; the'Ihey wiould, have .played-M ihiiwmtifro Thom as, one of the bcsl In the UieiUiere would always be questioiions." ^ atlToIngE; - - ^ a g i c ------T-he-(3eItiC3-:also-are~hapj _•______donlon’t have to play Milwaukee.PP y : ? 5 ’------"sure lh lhat D etroit's cbn- — :— • Coatinned ftom Pageag e Cl ^ ------tiiie'asTSopnoinomorvhat it: took to win thc aaward. I averairaged 21.G points' per the Lakers. He turned pi NOTICEE OF RIGHT season. Before this alw;Jlways felt I had lo score mit ore if I g^m e. But hciie w as lim ited to 37 no leading Michigan Stale lo lh - S - e N - ison was asked by Coach hadlad a chancc lo win ll. games becausele ofc a knee Injury. NOIWINA1TE BY PETIlITION The Farmers Home Administrationi (FmHA)<\) Is accepting ; 7 ------Thornton nominations for Countnty Committee electionsis for1 Minidoka • ConlimiedfromF'agesgeCl be a study inn !similiar, h ]^ r styles, agaii p m s t C hriy-E vert and slililili bnllle across the nett ('(Thornton cails theae - and Cassia County. TTTTiis notice is Issued lo) informin eligible rs "dlnkers"), an upset "~^ar"ftia(It~Voris'‘conndehirh ir‘lt"tiT3dc an a w ini''eacK lara enougn' to putihe pro0 into ex- sorts of players voters of the right to noilominate candidates by pet ^Thornton angry. I) other in state finals, hau:laustion. could happen, petition. Copies against cach i • of the petition and Ins “I was stressed.” Thomiamton said, the court is setcl forI a grcal match. ”£"She’s jusl a great compnpelltor," "I can’l hit Ifthe ball hard against nstructions on It’s compleipletlon can be -.'•Thafsct gol me going,g. She was Voris knowsvs this lime she'll have saidaid KSV Coach Mike Wade.."She'sa • dinkers,” she said. si “They sll back obtained from your loca:al FmHA office. _ getting the calls and 1 wasras ready to to be "a'ggresresive yet patient and fighl ) win, she nnd hit sofl balls bai which you can’t ighler. When she wants to v Persons nominated sfshould be currently eng«m gaged in the ; beat her. right tben and thereicrc.” consislenf loLo beat, Thornton. JlY.ou_docsiocs..” , ■ • - _____ volley w lthjinypi/p o w e r.”______- operatlo.n pf a farm, hj And it happened. ■ ButIt iu really just have lo pi:play good tennis to beat HcHer talent began growin]Ing right But when she'rte'gefe a player much have thoir prlnclparfarmirm ing'operation T ' shouldn't have surpriseded anyone. Toiy.” she addcIded. fromrom the start — when shele was a herself, muinuch like Linda Vorls, within the County or areirea in which activities ofif theth Courity or "Sccordlng-ta'Kclchum-tcttennis pro-— For Thorntonon. thoogh.-**I'll h a v e to lO-v(9-vear old livine in Californiaja------Jilhenlcanplayily m y g am e.” ...... - area.Commlttee are ca:amed oul,.derive-the-prin>rincipal part of - :— /essional Mark Scribner,, TlThomlon’s play a killer gar;am e.” Iheir1 Income from farnil privale instructor. “Tory.y. Iis-al her Her game is already pretty dead- , "That’s T preliy late for a Tilng (that is more than1 505( percent of -best in pressure situations.”>.” ly. Her servec i is powerful — "and 1 layer lo start," Thornton s thoir gross income musjst come from agriculturalral production). | - A nd a fte r SP *ing ThorntonIton prove it can p la c e it ppretty n well'.' — and she link that if I bad started —be a citizen of the Unltei nd-staycdJn.,Califomla. I ted States or an alien lawftiwrfully ad m itted -- : —Jn-thc-finals-i«.^l-year.--‘l->‘1-know-sbc-can send a badackhand flying past h e r-^ - vs; I THEISE!;EH MOTORS J--Ito th e United S taies fot T)lays better I. ■^^su^c situations,”silt opponents "deideep and hard.” said *>avcave gone further wllh my leminnls." ^ ■ ANtNNUAL ■y ' or permanent residence,j9.J>otiJi|i3^-anr • •*— -saidVoris.* Scribner, ShiShe's planning to-altehd the tJ Uni- MOOHLISILISHTMJDHtSS 'FmHA insured or guararanteed loan, and be well■ell qualllled'for"i • . In fact, Thornton is a sucsuch a good Going iiilo Ifthe stale loumamcnL, .y®^|ersity of Colorado In BouldiIder next ^ com m ittee work. Nom! • A L E > f ; minatlons must be recelicelved in the : ^pressure player that if il’s it' nol a T hornton woulduid like to "raake’my ^"l.lill. but will only play tennisIs if "m y 3 r :udies don’l take up too m ud W ID. MAY SOth ■ ^ ' Minidoka“County ' FmHiHA office located al 200200' W est 085 : tough match, chanccs arcrc she; isn’t volleys a liltlillle more consistent. ■''■“ '"■ y J f S 'c ^ TITILMIDNIOHT .', < 'playingherbcst. especially myy !forehand.”'She said, ^me,me,” sbe said. 9AVCLIKCI(CNEVEflBIFORE ^ South ■ in Rupert. !D. no- m later lhan-May 20.. 19B7.-1< FmHA | JSIOCAIOHOUIIOT C “If I'm not ^der.preSSiu;sure." said But lhe polentiaitial lo Jhiprove Is th ere' ' .TliisTli season, she seem s a c committee elections areire o pen-to all eligible voters vol without-.; . : 'thomton."”lhcn I have a Itendency _since_^as Scribi•ibncr says, ‘Tory, has retui!tum to the slate's finals ag regard to. race, color, re again but tjjEjSEI religion, national origin,I, age, ai political ■ .U) n ,3x. I’m l)cUtr wheno I’mI tired excellenl hand-ed-eye coordination.” she c ;EH MOTORS J ' le could run inlo a fcw prqbleilem s. 741MAINAVAVI.E -----7a9-770P.)4- £ affiliation, m arilal s ta tu s , arjd tht* f'im (‘ s on Ihc line." . But her detecterminalion m i^t bc PoFor, instance, if a player sex, and / or handicap.3P- Ti r ..^icL if it h a p ^ should what save? her.;r. She could bc olavine gami3me .mqstlv consists- Off kisses

    ; t ■ ■—^— r:'- ' T" ------i : . ■... J- ...... T u o sa ay rM.tay a 19; TSST^Tlm os-NewsTfs;T»inW la;id*h6C-3 ..... NL:IE x p O is k n c Nc k G ii a n t s (o u t Olif l e a dl i h W ■ MONTREAL (AP) —- rN’eol Heaton h m m m w "After thc league said tlthhey’d be. Dave Dcavcivcck>L.pllched-threc-hit itony Gwynn single^ io; lbeI third ,«r this iTar's-gai-g a m e s. I eot a-Q g ^ ------thought il was timee :a Montreal _ checking m e m ore, I’ve bcccecn check- ball for six innings ini and the Padres ,inr,Inning and eventually scorored on a picture of whallat I dkl last jtar s s . starter did something forfoi the club's-.- ■ Baseball t 3ed lcss,”‘Scolt said. "It gigol a lltUc parlayed five'e :stolen bases ,and_four_ singlesin by Kevin' Mitchell,1, another against vhat I vas.i doing now and overworked relief crew.K- ■- -______ri(ridiculous there for a whileUc. T hey’ve New York eerrors r r into a 7-5 victory ex-Mcl. cX' Kruk followed withIh a single worked oo imil la s l ja r 's “I felt real tired afterer the seventh beenbe checking me for 2'h yyears, ond over the worldId core. *‘sliogiog*’thebaI:baIL It,” said Healon, whoo allowed j six Bul the EExpos scored four Umes Scolt, last year’s Nationimal League Bowa said wlwith a grin after Tthe £Shortstop Rafael Santaoa’ia ’s sccond Los Angeles 5^3» UoDday oigbt. tbe ^ hils in pitd ito g MoQtimtreal's first on four hilsIs ini thc third to regain the CjCy Young Award winner,', ;pitched n P ad rcs won their th lOlh gam e of the eerror n of thc game after infnfield hits Dodgers’fifth strastraJgbtloss. ccmplete gome of the seasoflse as the lead. Rainesies led off with a single and one-hitter on April 15 agajainst Los season agalnslnsl 30 losses. San Dlcgo .by by Bchlto Santiago and Dravecky D Loser R id Ito Uc n e ra ilt. 2-2. ExpM.defeated the SanBan F rancisco scored on a doublei by Andres G a la r-'■ ArAngeles and a- two-hltter;er agaln sl has a two-gamame winning streak for cn:enabled thc Padrcs to mokeke it W hi 5 ^ innings, alkmBowing e i ^ hits. Tbe G lints'7-2 Monday niglBight ' "I jnst ra ^ . VaoccDCc Eaw followed wilh a M M< ontreal on'M ay 8. juts thc thirdI lirlime all season. “ th eslx th :— ...... —:3 /‘ Phillies* nm ss nvor an naeanied------W M te d to ^ e th e buIlDenlenaresL” doublclosccscorc Galarraga and Hcrm Thc Astros, who broke;e a three- The Mets, meanwhile, m lost for the IThc Mets gol as closc a:as 5-3 on becatxse of anI exToren Los Angeles The loss dropped lbe: GGiants out of Winning^mim was w alked intentional* garhe ga losing streak, took aJ 2-02 lead In leth lim e Inn 28 games and sank MaM azzilH's hom er in the seveventh. But third basemaniBillMadlock. BS a two-way tie with Cincinnali Cin for ly. V. . . th(thc third inning. Billy HatclIcher slngl- within one gan:amc of la st place in the JefJefferson icd off the Padren s ' ninth With tbe Dodgodgcrs leading I-O on nrsl placc in the Natiaitinnal M ike Fil2'il2 gcrald’s grounder . ad- ed. ed advanced on Bill Doraran 's groun- N alional Lcaguigue E ast a l 1(^^0. They with wll a single, stole sccond ataod, after Pedro Gaerrero'sTO's BBI single hi the ' West San Fraocisco iss ooow ooe^ialf vanced bol]»lh runners, who then doul do and scored on .Phil11 G a m e r’s a rc six gamess fromfi the top. GwGwynn was intentionallyy walked first • wnc S ch m ld r c p o e d gam e behind the R e ^. wtwfao w ere idle scored whenlen Heaton beat out an In- single. sir Kevin Bass made it 2-0 whc:n “ We were sksloppy.” Mels Manager wilwilh one out. the runners> |puUed a (he Phillies’ sixtb vith a single and Monday. field single,e, ai chopper up thc middle his hi: sinking liner eluded leleft fielder Davcy 'Johnsonan said. "Our defense is doidoi^lc steal. Martinez thenM singled readied ■d vvh e n M adtock ( h re v H eaton, 4-2, stn ic k outi 'seven, (hal shortstostop Matt Williams fielded R.J.-Reynolds R. and rolled loto thc wall burling, but wod pitchers.” later scoredcd on a wild pitch by Jeff slncelaslSepl.3. sir out erro r byI ccenler fielder Stanley FRuffin, who cim e to.thei I Nationakfifth, doubled to rightr o re r a sh a lk m said Vance Law, wboscX Ihird-inningI Robinson, Thon was activated Majay 8 after Jefferson, a former fo Met, who had Lc:League la s l y e a r And compilpiled aS-4%utfieId, scoringDg JJames and Agmjo. .. double put the Expos abcahead to stay. H oU StOo l n 4 Ep.spending time on the dlsaIsabled list tliree hits and1 slstole three bases. rccrccord w ith a 2.46 ERA, bas h been Milt iThompsnnm valkedi and Bajes “ But N eal gave th e whole„ l e u = ^ . b , 6 with blurred vision, the roeoeull of his Dravecky hahad lost four straight stnstruggling. But he snappiJ aoaod (be score fort this sco:eason — and Dickie Thon rehabilitation. ref M ltcheii withI nrunners at second a'nd sirsjtralghl sclback. Ruffin, 3-:3-3, went time io 38 gamesmes nxiladelpfaia 5-2. hit a two-runrun homer as the Houslon 1The Pirates got their rurun in thc third. .But thehe Padrcs had scored 7‘ti innings, allowing seven1 hitst and pitdieis gare opDp a n n in (he flrst “He was ooc hit away frfrrnn coming Astros defeefeatcd the Pittsburgh thiithird Inning. Rafael Bclllanird drew a tw ice In the top lc of the inning off ailill three runs. Steve BedrosTKian got tnniTTg* out," Montreal Mana|inager Buck Pirates 4-1 MuanJua Bcniquez hit sacrifice to dead ccnlcr field, follow)wcd Alan Z E x p ires J u n o 30.1981 IPllsgjg^ five and have a dismalnal 5-16 road fly tom ak:il4-2. eil- •' TreTrammell’s single off reilcilcver Jeff rec o rd .' ^ Ru:Russell in the fiflh. makin,ing 11 5-0. r It was the eighth TtraIraight bome D e t r o i1 t 6i Ru;Russell had replaced startirtcr Jose victory for the Rc^als and tbeir I2th T*->w.e 39- - . Guzm an, 2-3, who last 3^a innl win in 15 games, a strea:reak lhal bas J ^ X O S J The R angers’ scored in thuiluir half of ^ K DJ shot th em from fourth placc pin to first AIIUNGTOTON, Texas (AP) - Pal the fiflh'on a two-out singlee byi Jerry •>. U' Ownership ^ Browne, a walk and Scott F Fl l...h o r's Florlsiln b in t h e A L W ^ acridan hitlit a two-run homer and "Bre Twin Fails" ^ l i p The s ta r t of th e g am eiwasddayed w, bad three ot Detroit's IB hits as the RBRBI single. Thanks lo our m 67 m inutes by rain.' Thenicn a bank of T igers won)n their sixth straight Thc T T igers added Ihelr sixl cuslomcis lor a t 12 Main Ave. S lights went out in the bottloUom of sev- g am e, 6-3 oV'over thc Toxas Rangers the seventh on Trammell’s‘•fdSSS/cl OJoailOyoofs! F enlh inning,' forcing a 28-minute M onday night.;hl. NotNokes' single and a doubUble play |______stall. Rookie JelJeff Robinson, a last- M ark Gubicza, 2-4, allowed al six* m inute repla 1 placement for scheduled ^ bits, walked 'Itutx andd istruck oot garter Dann Petry.F alloHtcd.-jusl one ooc through seven inninnings. D an J b i in 5h Innings. inr Pet^y was scrat- # 5 1 'I Quiscnbcrry got his foorto rth save t ^ ched a fter corcomplaining of high fever owers-ctc. | EMQ retiring four of five baiters. fthcn the team arrived al ! N ^ 3S. and chills wh< HiTH Tbe Royals scored thdrid r first run the stadium.n. Robinson.: 2-2, gave up wilhout a hit Tartabulibull walked six bits, walkalked two and struck oi,it leading off the second. FrankF r While three, also walked, and Tartal:labull came Mark Thunurm ond“ cam e on In the around on infield o uts b y BBo Jackson ninibforhisth1 third save. i f THI ~ ~ B ~ ITOWTHDM f f lyi! f f l 1 □le of all remainingm We've just finisheled our National Res Now Iss - 1986.coveK. andH w e 've still got mai and -ones-of-o-kincT The Tim(ne We need to move/e them out, so v^e'i arices even further! Below is just a palartial listing of all tl eed to sell. Com e In GIFTS an d check It o u t tctoday. s -mm Mestonic Closeout Soh FOR 4 O nly Full Sizee Ectasy Sets lany odcfs 'n ends or Sog.S449.00 ...... e're reducing the prl’299.00 GRADUAl 4 Only Q ueen fiAmerican Classic:the bedding we nee Big Savings On T(T o p Rofl. $459.00-...... ’399.00 Fashion Brandsd s 3 Only Q u e e n sSterling"SeTi I _ Young Men^s _Rofl.A749.og_.... ’549;oor Shirts _ 3 O nly Q ueen SuperS Posture Sei...... N o w i les Sets S h o rt s le e v e s.hirts fromfro R og.«329.00 ...... ’289.00 ...... N o w « Generra,C.M.A.,Unlcnion 3 O nly Full |uire Sets ^ Bay, Knights of Roundind Table, Rog. $219.00 ...... ’159.00 Briltania, Kennington.an . _____ ...... N o w R eg . $16.00 T o $28.018.00 4 O nly Twin Bacick G uard Sets Rog.Jt69.00 ...... ’139.00 6 O nly Twin 2522 Special Mattres! ...... N o w * ! NOW Va OFF R o g .S S 9 .0 0 ...... *59.00 1 O nly King Pre!esidentlal Orthoton...... 7 . N o w * NOW $10.66 Rog. 5649.00 ...... ’559.00 I Only King Aminerican Classic Se...... N o w * I t o $ 1 8 . 6 6 j Rog.S399.00 ...... 3 5 5 6 5 T - ’499.00 I.tV ...... N o w snicSet...... N o w ' $J I a Wrapping B

    :°^;..:..N ow *< OpW ^M bn.-FFri. 8:00-6:00; S a tu r d a y s 10:00-3:00 r » ] -P ' 326 2nd Aveenue South> I AVAILABLE. f T f i , m kMEASCASH V he Sleep Centei TwinI F a lls )S A CCEPTED ■

    B TWIHFALLSs *• BURLEY^ RUPamm*BUHL H ------FRESSF=ACTOffVf -• I m EV• FINA'NCINGA^ • 90 DAYS SAMI • .1 ■ • BANKCARDS. . . 'f : » i MATT : ■ ■ - I '

    " ■ C-4 Timos-Nows, TwinI Ffaq lls! , Idaho . T u e s d a y , Moylay 19.1987 Onishhi, Daviis contiiinueatc op Paapersayi fsgrandjjury mayy indict Distriiict 6 all-harouncd ratinegs otl'hleteswl)hosigneid with aiigents !rs’ agency have been By The TImcs-News m CuUcfonl. 3. I s ^ Mack.:. FUer, I m. 4. 71c. ATIAN’INTA (AP> — A teienlral NCAA regnlalions fortirbld collcge with Walters' Bob Jooes. fnier. and llrik Spnpeaccr. MalU. WS g ra n d jtrr;tgyiaCtkasawiacgcsMg^ from cotcrining agree- subpoenaed1 to lo testify In Chicago. IU, OAKLEY - K ris OniOnlshl bf Rupert p r • lo csSdl stptrats t m ents witli, or acccptiiiting money The grand ju Ju ry Is expected to Prep rodeo C^( roping - I. Mike r>oullmloa. Oakley. 361». 2. whcUjCT I the. athlete meet once a wweek during the nexl and Zane Davis of Filer Fi solldiried -S la n Cootd. Twin FalU. O i,. 33. nodel OBTun. ' a thleaes.s. ;2 s vcS as sposts agaits.ts. {rom. any-agent wbile L , on- the col- two months,, po:possibly longer, their season-long'positiisltions atop the ' ' ■" ~ Filer, 48.5.4. Mike Munsee. DecSodo,si.o. fa r d e lra[raaJi2 g Ce=r caOeg g by still is eligitire to play o Subpoenaeded alhietes. The Con- • all-around standings 1 -n Slter wiwUlag - I. Bramtaiikm Bettt£.-Oakl(T. a camnacts be&sc Uxir enf'o l' le^IeveL ter of Filer, saddle bronco„ J7.1, 2. l*Qullon. fonc head). here last weekend® ata U.C Uilrd ^ J» n P o t" Ml ' iganli^ bad expired. Ttefie nie grand jury’s foaKTU^' on the stilution reportported, Includc football Mike Poulton of Oakley, calf (one head), an unfortu- players: Woodoods; Rod Woodson of ------‘ district high school rodirodM ot the spr- g, y , B4sys'cow c u a in g l..U u nn*ee. « m .'ilM r ii, A tiJ tlT jOtOzBlztaUxiRpated. l sludenl alhlelK is “an Brandon Bedke oT'Oakley, rby Wallers • Purdue; Ronnonnle H annon of the Ing. •estling, and Lowell and Stanin J71.i. 3,'Tle, Jerrmy Hulcbtfbisax. UaRi. aad W i i cand a n maO liaiz] alsiisi iT3ti» spinoff of. thc-Norb s te e r wres the U.S. at- 'Buffalo Billss arand form erly of Iowa; Onlshl won the break,mkawny ropljig, cooIdotTiTwinFalls,teamroplng. -_ Lowell Coold. 2C75. conid spi to asdnd scenario, and I think thi 1 New York Devon Mllchcchell of the Detroit pole bending and b( )lstrlct 6 prep rodeo scrieses cmLS oniiJeniiljiilttd so o ces gaoted br The toraey is all wet,” said 1 '■“ '" 6 T he Dlsi ff, who rcp* U ons and fornformerly of Iowa; Jeff events at the Oakley:y RodM 1 Arena „„|Itinue next weekend with a Bre«kiway roplag — I. Krisrts Ania,! RigcTL CcmSt/firTilnfinn ia a copjiigfcl starjry atton»y Richard Zaroff. linebacker Alkins, Jerryry IBall, Terence Mann • Friday and Saturday,ly, wh e Davis n the College' of Southernm 15.5. 2. .Nevada Freeman. BuJil.dll,’ 18.0.'3. MasQle tO ilS TTxK^aS o «m a« . said tiete resects Pittsburgh I Williams. Malta, at.8.4. JoWlKlm and Ron Morrl:jrrls of Southern Meth- won the bull riding con“ mps “"Il Idaho's outdooroul arena in Twm Falls, ■lnney.Bam.2£ i. I n le m a: l iR crem e S e rritt fa eotfc.Kfc-Tony Woods.' “ • Coit lying - I. Nevada Frernemaa. Buhl, no • ; its o n iarestzgzlsoo. secule the- o d ist;'E v e reett tt Gay, WllllairfHar- finished sccond In saddle si bronc The dislric.rict finals are scheduled for scoro lUicd, 2. Ftnocy. aiJ. 3. Sbcm Quigky. GOClingltS •To try. and prose »Twa *' pfajCXS is withoul ris and Edwinifln ; S Im m o n w f t ^ s ; ' riding and team roping. Idoka County Fairgrounds Inin Co.slerard, :i.E. 4. Tir. OnUhi adAnd S h a n a liusz. TS players In this ease I; 'S .. . J ^ tho Mlnido >. Unfortu- and Byron Linwood' Ll abtlsE^pl -- -« h c iT l Quigley of CastIastleford moved nupertJurIune5-C. nan. Twin Falls, bolt) 22 J. Derrick: UcKc;i aad "refiy COner^ merit o r consequencc. Pole bending - i.'OntiJil. <2CJOl. r. ra n ty . ^ ^TTifwr torial men- Allen, Texass CChristian a^d Louis into sccond placc in1 thetli all-around nictrlcf:i G Includes Twin Falls, , iscg tbe «to Itarcre nately,- that’s prosecutoi • '45.B63. 3, Tammy Unmn. FUtT,Irr. 4tZ27. 4. iJm ^Si Southern Callfom la. cowgirl standings, ahc>Ihead ol Buhl's cassia andnd Minidoka counties, sutJjwraari. Ite papere r lalily. The U.S..altomcy:y has been Brock J r. of Sou Trosl. Uupcn. 46 433, ind .Woodson were sub- Nevada Freeman despitspite Freeman s gt, Barrel racing - I. OoUht.. 338.21. 2. rC^KSlCd.± telling other attorneys, itin cssence, Hannon and , tiers at lait weekend's Ulstrlrt « high lhese kids, poenaed to ap|appear Tuesday, but victory in the goatt Itylne event. ~onl theOakley Kodeo Arena: Jolley; Decio, 3H.41l.-3, Quigleyley. 39.17, 4. Tiaa . T t e isresligalm BT is in£o tltehe ‘We’rB going lo get lh Dcclo’s Mike MunseeX :rem ained In Stroud, Ace<)ula, 39 JC7, s aS ao s. oS Nev Yaikik toQ.-andthaf^wrbng/’hehesaid. . .their allorneysleys were attempting BOYS . Girls' cov cuUtag — I. Stutznu d 50 to 60 to delay thefie appearances. The second place In the boy:joys’ all.aroitnd rtdlng— I, Kevinlirown.Uupert llS.3- Brackell. Filer. 2BS. 3. Braitdl lii Nort^ W aSns atad Llejfdrd The Constitution said standings behind DavDavis, winning 2, Kydcne I>og<’oge.i’aul. 110.3, JeH Garro. Jlupcft.;<• 3MJ.4.StuwnSeal.Kupert.r4.; I Bloom. athletes who have hadid dealings^o/ii/Z /uJjonSaicsaid . i boys’cow cutting. 59 (one hendt-d). 4, Travl9 Hansen. Ilock Creek, 59 I ___ _ Other event winnersers at Oakley ___ Tesmroplsg ooc riding — 1, Jon Peter. Filer. 108. I. (Joold-Uwell Coold. T*inn 1FalU. 10 4 W ------' ' were Shawna Stutzma:m an of Twin j_ /la,. Filer. 59 (one head}. 3. Garro. U ,bead), 2. Davis Muniec. 11.5 ton.-n.-hcadi.3.St«3Tt Falls, girls’ cow cuticutting; Kevin (om-ta-adi. Quigley, CavUefordTlna Slmudwd, Uuprfl. 2S4 Brown of Rupert, barelireback riding; dou ridingg - 1, Uavls. 140. 2, Kerb Kunyan."• (onefieail),4.Bedkt-Poull«iJUi, .4 (oo»i«adl. , 0*Maleey externids lead irin Distric-t5 • ByTheTJmes-News . — . Peterson.and-id-ConncU, boUi C5. 3,_Maii Neaf,f,...Cftn:y...18.255. ( Sccond.-r.a:-_Kj_Kamn. aartlun.------Carey. ct.Secoircond go; 1. Jell Kinney, Gooding. 7S,S. Goodlng,l7.410.2.Fam»'onii.I7.Ct •.S25 ■Average leader: Famworlli, 06.' SHOSHONE - Pattitil ^adcr:T. i’clcrson.68. G«»i tying — Flrit go-round: O Malry. «4S, 2, Shoshone and Stevete Birnie of ooyt- cow cullingcui - Flrsl go round: I. Ilirale.?. Deannt llrron. Gooding. II.M,»4. Secosd Gooding stayed on topop of the all- m. 2. ituby. tc.M. Socond go: 1, Utnile, 65.2, Tte. T.'. 0-Malcy.3JJ,2.1Jnrun,10.02.c :ter the third YorenndJohnllin IJellrgunte, Glenns Feryr. bolhCS. Average leader: U’Maley. OG. around standings after •adcr: Ulmie.a7. Pole besdlag — Flrsl go-roanBnd; 1. Qiarkae I . District 5 high schoolt nrodeo ot the GIRLS IFender. Jerome, r .iw . i Mict>rllc•tleiltoe.Jcromc. ■ season last weekend at the Lincoln J S.33.6. .Second go: I. AiletU 21.2IJC3 2. Oime ■ i - y roping - Flrsl go-round: 1. DcnlK * ■■ County Fairgrounds. -•arcy. 4.39, 2, llactaarle ItuSy,, KnIglil.OwKlliig, 2:I4J7. Peterson, Carx ,] Average leader; owiale)-. no kconfirravallahlr. H O’Maley. the seasoiason avCrage wendcii. s.si.-)l...Second go: 1. I’altl O'Maley. •oping, gO atty- Stioshonc.2.M,2a . 2, Uenlse IVlcrson, Carry. 6.11. Tcamrtpplag lead er In breakaw ay ropi ader:0'Malfy,7», First go-round: I. T Yttre amand Dally C .«tt. Jng and pole bending,J, has1 a com- ' cuttlngjr. Flnl go-round: 1. Usaa Coodlng.c 1319. 2. T. Yore andjcS Jay Fauttorr. )h. Gooding, I3.S3. Second go: I). IVt.Vtrrson and Kelli Jt£ m anding 417 points siSO fa r this AsJetl. Jerome,ne, 70. 2. Carma Santos, Gooding, 09. c season. Blrnie, the avera;erage leader In scconJgo: i.s.nS.intoj.67. VWtillwortti. Carey, to y s . T . Vort Uder: Ailetl, 70. 112.26. boys' cow cutting, hasJ 24624 points for Average leude . C A\L ] L BEFORE YlY O U D I G . Iht* hnv<;’ nil. ring — Ftrsl go-round: 1. Stephaniet ^Average leaders: WhltBorttx an the season to lead the boys aii IS ^ Ferry, 18.193. 2. Jody Famworiti. 7 “ around list. S o mmclhing ( as simple asa s l h a t little The Fifth District rorodeo season d o --ii-yoursijf i i lawn prorojeci could JfJ will end with, the distrliitrlct finals at A N E S T A T E . 4 turnTl O U I 1 0 be a rcal proroblem for the Jerome Counly Failfairgrounds In ^ WILSON Je ro m e on May 30-31. y ou:J your nta^borh'rhood. Avoid The average leaders5 Inin addition to j r \ - th cr -p probk3n,_call us bcforfore ytiu dig. ,. j O'Maley' and Birnieo' after last ^ - A U C IITION ^ There arc miles of)f lelephoneI weekend’s rodeo are TrcTroy Peterson ^ api of Shoshone In barcback:k rriding and In THURSDAY, I I M A Y 2 1 , 1 9 88 T ^ cabk)Ics. as well as g^. eleciric.ahdel< '5^ bull riding; Casey Brunson B of locotod Qt 919 11th AvoIvo. N orlh Iti B ohl, Idg^io cabk>Ic T \’’ lines buried all o ver. A “ — Hagerman In steenvresrestUng; Tom------ick call at least -I'SlioilOurs fieforc R uby of W endell In saddle sa bronc I 6 t0 0a lP.M . iVBWINO SAI. ______N . riding; Tim Yore of GootJoodlng in calf u Sian digging will gcget som eone roping: Jody Farnworthth of Carey In CLASSIIi l C A U T O O U I[ to It your placc. at nolochargc, < to . Peterson and >950 ChoIhovrolot Impalo 3 door hardtopop (auto, pollcc escort engino.. P.S..F P.B,. ______barrel racing; Denise P( mderground A I of Carey, In otic, extra sot of snow liros, 106.<06.00G actual milos ond it s a onone owTier. mafhrk ihc location of un( Kelli Whitworth, both oi llion's bough) It now . Hos o good>d bibody ond runs liko o top, team roping, and Lisa,isa Aslctt of, 'ThoWiiic uiilil;liiy cJbles. This coukJld help you Jerom e In girls'cow cuttirtting. B E D R O O MIFURNITUBE F a v ( ))id i ( injur\'. service d^J^ruptions District 5 Includesdes Jerom e, Nico 4 pif drawers.i , t - tond. box springs and mattrosss • Doubio[ Iwd with l>ox springs)S ond1 mot- 3 n cJ l Ithe possibility of bbi­ i g r e p a i r Gooding, Lincoln, BlaineIne and Cam as ||th (2) 4 drow or chost ol droworsrs ••: Small 5 draw er chost of drawc countlcs and eastern Elmore Eli Coun- cliai?nges for damaged un«i n d c r ^ o u n d ty.- APPLMl A N C E S . . uiiJinlity cables. ■ m H D ^ KesuIU or lasl weekend's UlslrJlstrlel 5 (lualitylng Konmororo matching outomotic clolhoss wwashor ond dryer, ovocadoI ii in color. - ■ rodeo ut lhe Lincoln Counly FalritnIrgroundj; Panasonicmic tabio top mlcrowavo ovon1 • approximololy1 8 cu. ft. opritiright deep *Oicck the CusiomeT ier G u i d e o f - frooio - RoxRl Air vacuum and ottochmonlionls - Hoovor Quick Broom - £yl« BOVS 0 B & W - Svlvanio 36" colorod consolocon: TV wilh rom olo conlrolrl - 2D"-|i«.. y«urj r .\k)untain Bell Whi'hite Pagc-s B*rth*dc miflS - Flrsl ,«o r - Smalloroloctrlcolopplloneos-- CoblnoTCo olociric sewing mochin< Peterson, Slioshont. 57. 2, T d ccpJione r DiieCTor\' foror the Buried . V Sboshone. 53. Sccond no: J’clersgn,son,27. F U R Ni lI T l U R E ______AvcroKCIrudrr: Pcicfson.MS. C'jbkjle ixxraiion Service• nin u m b e r . ■ SnJHTTl'tmn- j_lQfgo.blQck:nauBQhydo*Ccvch_-_h_-_Bbck nougohydo rocliner - IPlatform , Sleer wre*Ulng - Firsrgo-;^ni: r foekar • O ctagon dining toblo) withwi' 6 choirs d‘nd'oK^fo^eaf•• lclorgo cof- — ------——_R em eniber. to avoio i d a b i g ______1 Gooding. 2, Casey Bninson. Hager lo wilh 3 m otcning hox ond loblcoblos - Round Duncan Phyfe oru,nd toble - •- - - Uh. l .' .Oh....'* call befonore you dig. •. ’ cond ro: Steve Dlmle, 7.73. 2, ock platform rockor - Old rodiofio I bookcase - Largo t>ovo1ed glgloss woll __ Coodlnit 7.95. mSS irror • S • Smoko stand • Stop ond toblojblo • Plant stands - Moloi boc>ookcose • Averutclcoder; Bnin»n,74. 01 ond stopstool - Smoll woodonin twokcasobi • Smoll oporim eni deskdc - Old Saddle brtine rtdlag - F ln iI go- I. I .m ' ™oak bullot • Filo cabinol solo - ToblosTo • 4 folding choirs • Cord•d table - 2 Ruby. Wendell, 54. 2. UIrk Uoyer. lorogo sholvos. Sccond go: t. Uoytr.67. Averageleader: lluby. 3V. ~~~M ISCil.ULAHEOUS I Calf roping - First go-rounil:I; I,I J .I " ! '. If ” . =• ^Homor to,Louglin oggsholl chIno • Oishoses • Pols and pons • Assortedi ji iewelry - Clay Oorrtll, Jerome. 21.03, Second Seco go: 1, Tim ^oblo fodladIo • Tupporwaro - Silvorworo • X KJing, 30.12. . 0g,h iin, > • Kltchon ulonsils • TV troys • PortyPi sets Yore. 2I.M. 2. Ually Cunts, Goodins llnoni • Collopiiblo folding whoelloelchair - Ironing boo:J - Toblelie lomps - @ Average leader: T. Yore. 01. T„. 0 • Nighl stand - Bodding • Polo’olo Comp • Niogra Cydo Podf - Electric Bull rtdtng - First goround: • Wickof piocos • Lown choirs • GiGordon tools - Garden hose 01ond olher inoous ortlclos foo numo'rous tojmoniion. mi / MountamBiBefl t Nko cioon tolo. Mrs. Wilsonin iiv»dii In a tr o lla r p o rh h o r** 1In SwW. >-i., AuswsrccntrF^ aco and pariiing w«r« InadoquiK|uat* lh«r«. $0 th* family hiho# n o v I THEISEN MOTHJ A R S - J S ryihlng tohorM n's, (Bodnay's)>'s) hI o m *. _____’ r ANNUAL ------A n s w e r s : ^ IMS) Calk or Bonkabl. CI h e c k t h * D a y o f t h eB ] » g le I „ J f ____^MOMtlBHTJMKE:MESS____) f ____ — )f— E - — T f ------H^ w n C T t m ------^ ------o p e n w e o - m a y -Yi ^ NOONTILMIDNIO U l M A N A G ID B T M A,S S T T I B I A U C T IO N SEBVK SAVE LIKE NEVER BEFOREDEf ^ "THI B U tlN ltS THATUT tiavici B onr' ~ ONEVIirUSIDCABOHOL40UBIOT ^ A«C«i«MM•M m Cterki ittors OaryOsbomom o Cot H arp er THEISEN MOTOIT O R S - > o h o . G o o d in g . Idahd a h o Buhl, Id ah o 701M A iN A VC . E. 737J1-77M J f ' 4M-53S0 543*Sa54 Of 54X41• u n J___

    fiom Tw inPjallsto s -SkYWesthasis frequent flights fi m Salt Lake City. ------f c N O R TIRST H ^ - Special low “D'D elta C onnection"■ faresfi from Twin FallsU s. ■ 1 -3 t;rm t;c S n N E R L I S * — — MTnwr:

    Now "The D elfaiffiC onnection'' offersrs sam e:da\f_deliveryry o f - H PIASSAU — „sm all packages3 vviaD elta DASH' toto-over.23b-U S, cities,2 S , ______serving over 15,0>,000 com m unities.5. D A SH also deliversr s t o Europe. For detaitails, call DA SH tolH1-free at 1-800-638-737 3 3 3 .

    THEpm lEcnonr .1 - -•-'n•'ntr-Ddtn-Cw incn'loti" flintsIts cspem iew nh D c 3 ta Q i£ h lfsa » a b o 2000-59991

    I*' . ■ V ., T uesday,y, May 19.1987 Timos-NowsIowa. Twin'PaHo.ldolio C-5

    gals-Ahnn a u n c e mtehts'-Rec i alestatet — ...... OiW 2 - 0 3 i

    IEGAL NOTICECE LEGAL NOTICE:e lfg a l n o t ic e: 002—Lost & Found - 007->lob3o(ln!et^' 007->JobsoltnterB3t . OiO-Profe«lcmar Semi tnsk drtven w/ hayri •■ ! NOTICEOFT>F TRUSTEE’S SALE j ' the hlghost bidder, lorS “ JEROME WG1BG~ ■ EXPERENCED {. Would you like lo have your Classiffiecsd index MAINTENANCE PERSON hauling experlonco 4 chauf- ' On Auflust 26, 1987,>7, a t tho hour ol 2:00 o'cloclock cash, in lawful monoy oof' f AVAILABLfFOR Ouatinod indhrkSUat. mustt fcr-s llccnse. Can SIM 021 |weekend to yourself? Givo P.M., of oaid day. nt thi all ADOFTON - KC's o coll. We do complete the Lobby 01*1110 Trustoo. IB183 the United S tates, all havo electrical circuitry^I SOLDIER |^^TwNOUNClMtWTi~ Fourth Avonuo North,. TvTwin Falls. Idaho. TITLEFACIVCT. payable at the time ni of H0unH0(v4^ wlritn oxperienco. W atiina7 The Infantry is what soldior-r. lawn malnlonanco. Inlorlor ng • knowiodge o( rru^cttanlcal & tn & -oxtorlor painting, also Inc., an Idaho corpOratsratlon as Trustoo will sellII t al safe, the following l in a Is all about. Over KOS4 cloan carpols. walls.- win- public auction,-to Iho-rlo-hlghost bidder,-for-cash,-I>,'in-doscribod-roal. property^1- ,- 1.-1 Stood Hound., welding hetphd. Wa offerr per mo. lo start, plus food,‘,i dows. otc_0 (ler Senior Cilh fawful monoy of tho UnilJnltod States, all payable atIthe th situated in the County of '• fuU-Ume-empJoymoflt S futlI 'lodolnfl' »na-medicar.--Call Ot bluksndbrown.SyovS: I 7 3 3 - ^ in Twin Falls. ixens dlecount. Call us at timd dl salo, tho followiowing described real proport)3rty, Twin Falls, Stato o ot t 2. 1 rom«lo spayod KusUo., twnefits. tf you are quannod 734-9347. (or froe astinm e. 83 gray and wnlio. l _ y w . ^ 7 3 J ^ for aj»poJnt.. Army. J altualod in tho Countyly ool Twin Falls, Stalo of Idohcoho, Idaho, and doscrlbod aa • Be AJ» You Can Be. and doscrlbod a s follows)w8 , t 0-wll: follows. toAivit: xy«mCronBr»d INDEPENDCNTUEATCO ’ ' THLEMARKET1NbSAl.ES“ 014-Day Care Servlcos. ■ Township 10 South,. RangoR; 17 E.. B.M., Twin Fall■alls Lot 9. Block 8. INDIAN POSmON j Cqual^^i,^jt^°plOyc BO PEEP child caro. divided C ounly, Idaho TRAILS. Twin Falls Shollof locaiod on 1 flOlo A portion ol SE'/4SEViE>/4 Section 7, NE-ANEW SocSec- County, Idaho, accor­ f FEDERAt, STATE The Tlmes-Nows Is seekingQ classos, * liconsod. 2V^ & up, Jf* wost road. i» o tho g drop-inswolcomejiyg?7^ i s s L r - G tio m s. Twin Fallo Courounty, Idaho ding to tho plat thereof,3f. to Sower plant aoou Umi IdVHSlRVJCejOBS a . full-Ufflo telemarkotlng < 11 road Irom KART r ^ k ) . 1SS77 n0.707loSSB.1«8rYcar.. •tfvertlsing person. This In-V ^Ight I Hoflions. - roller. _ COMMENCING at thoEt East a quarter com or of Socllo:tlon recorded In Volumo 11 ------. of Plats, page 45,IS, Ooa licensos may tw pur­f. »whiring.CAl.LJOBUNE. g revenueo chos. ( Call 71^7322. -■ THENCE South 01 dogregreos 04’21” Wosl, 2273.50 foeoot. rocordsof said Counly. orlnto.24HR. by seU'ng and sonlcing0 Daycare-my | homo any limo. no along tho East boundandary ol Section 7, to the REAEAL The trustoo has no F«aerBnah..733^4. . established accounts, as>9 nlghtsfwkonds , Includod. m V Sales background or dom- happy, homo. Fonccd back & bo wining to tnvei. iSOOO- ^ yard. Pteaao call 7^-1193. THENCE, along a curvo'0 on0 said right of way line; the stroot address of ol 003-Special Notices - onslrated salos ability Is ro- l ■ i S i r ' E *01 d eg rees 04'32" ielt;eft; 2769 Cochiso Circle. ttO.OOO cooun-per month. quired, a s well e s ox- Sond in conndentlal to Per-' cellcnce in written & oral»i Olfr-Employment Wanted R-11509.16feot: ( Twin Falls, Idaho, fs is ~ sotuAH. 316 Pariiiftsoa Rd. In A-216.02 looi; sdqielimos associatedud 006—Personals . skills. Must type a minimum . 1 Franum . ID SJ237 or 208-'•' ofSOwpm. • Housecleanlng' I &/or odd j 0-218.02 fool: ' wittKsald real property.jo ALCOHOLICS 5«S-2229mominas7to9Bm. Earn salary plus ccmmis-V- fobs.f S4.50/hr. Call Diana at T -108,01 loot: . Said ra le will bo mado Growing snd progressive> sion. 423-4767.9am.12pm. ^ 1 Ma<*. ------L.C.B,-South86dogre(3rees42’07''Wost:------wllhoul covenant or war-ir- ANONYUOUS company, seeking careerr Send a rosumo to our officee Lawn i mowing & trimming THENCE Soulh 03 degro>groos 50'09” East, 10.00 foot,t, loti ranty regarding llllo,10. C«n73MS00 oriented Mariurting Directorr so that it Is received no laler>r wanted , In Twin Ffiils/Rlor? a point which lies radradially 40.00 feel from Slatloitlon possession or encum­m - ______with experierKO t»» retail.. than May 21. Mall to Box Z- Buhie aroa. Maturo adults, 122 + 00 of said highwayway. brances to satisfy tho Z Klvertising. public nsl*-• 87, % The Times-News.I. C^I1326-<911 ( ovonings. JO Givo a oniouo bridal shower P.O. Box 54S. Twin Falls. ID i THENCE along curve3 parallelp to the contorlino3 olc obligation secured by for that uniquo, Brido-to4>o., lions, and/or. marketing. 2 Loving caro (or tho oldorly. : Send resum e to P.O. Bo*t 83303 or deliver to 132 3rd° oxcollonl ‘ referonces. 733- said highway: and pursuant to thono Ghro hOf a SUislaction • SLW. Twin Falls. EOE. j od GtMrafilood party in herf 2S19 Twin Fans, ktaho 83301. .- 7974altor5.______-00 degrees 26'44” left;oft; powor of sale conferred The Intemathjnal Touch of ; R-11499.16foot; in the deod of trust ex­IV. tionor.. Lovely linjfcrio. ROTOTILUNQ: Gordons and T t>3thlno suits. t>ath pro-K Kandlirvo mover. I X p i { ^ , Class Services Is loOKIno for" lots; [ tractor mounted. A-89.41 foot: ecuted by GARY .V T. ducts, tovo potions & ito->- ban arxl socket eves onty. several brighL hard-workingP Roasonablo , price. Vomon ------c-89.4ifootr------BRnTSAN-and-DONNA Iwns. AHooJaNy prtcotf-a Shosftor»a8ag-77T8.------'-poopJe- (or roanagemenf,- Adams., 423-5^0f'l73-i5S9:~ S. BRITTSAN. hUBbar>d sales, labor work. Can- ^ T-44.71 feet: W ^ofully^nrscntod in Hirtr^gi Government J o tB . It SDrtnaCleanlnQl733-S722. '*"*** L.C.B.- South 85 degr(}groos 56'29” Wosl, to a poinoint and wife, grantor, lo B- tp>a area. J15.(X»^000. dldates with special skills ot § which lios radially 40.C40.00 leel from Station 121 + 1110 TLE AND TRUST COM­W- L A D l^call Mary. 6 7 ^ 0 7 7 .' ban 602^3X885. ext 7D7. S u e 's Housekoopina . i PANY. an Idaho Cor­ S S “™on,.o?SS5SB;t Sorvlccs & Steamcleaning. of said highway; «- ' HOTljNE-J33^^22>..^ DA7CAL FraigMllnea Inc lies apply a s soon a s possi­k barns, ole. 734-8621. MllCHANOlU ------THENCE-SouOt BS dogrog rees 44'34" West 360.90 feetoot, poratlon, as successor A Problom is nol a proWCT le c d s D.O.T. qualined drug ble. ^cenenl pay; tf'intcr- y oinf trusteo, for tho benefit te c team dxtvcts. Ejmer>- - Would you like to have rau r .parallel to the centorllnirllno of said highway to a poin ' 1 whon shared. UontaJ Heattn ested In a (antasilc caroor.'■ weekend, to yourssit? Givo lU A .y . lytcyr 1 W .U ji •' opposll0Statlon117+5■+50; ■ and security ol STAN-N- Association. 5pm lo 7am. 74 caUAnmonybetween8a.m.• kKC’B a coil. Wo do complelo V- hours on weefccrtds.______i n t m ^ IT? qnd2p.m .,at 733-131B. t THENCE North 24dogrooroes 47‘34" Eost. 103.00 foot;: DARD FEDERAL SAV- tiust have current chauf- town malnlonanco. Inlorlor - - THENCE Soulh 85 dogrcigroo5-44’34’‘ Wosl. 35.00 footDOt. INGS----- AND — LOANiN U M tSom eorw N ew e u rs' liccftsc. Excellent Twin -falls C o u n ly -F airr • 4891.3-T^p.m.i ______o I owned. Phono 734-3537. boaulilul boa Scandia inlerior. ; EXCEPT: A 25.00 footit wwide county roadway easeiso- FIRST SAVINGS BANK,K ; Hollln'o & Crisis Center. T3*- references. Kimberly aroa. BUYING OR SELUNQ onlyonh J45,000. Call 734-6706. }d 7472.24 hours ad ay .______' he '87-’88 school year. A Send replies to Box Y-«7, ment parallel and adjoidjolning the bast boundary/ ol o by Assignment of Deed affTcnt Idaho leaching ccr- ' A BUSINESS? • ^ b W N E R - said parcol. of Trust recorded>d Stop smoking eaxOy. Hyj>- c /o Times Nows, P.O. Box‘ Twin Polls Ollico. 734-0605 n. nosis 90% success. Also ilicate with Spanish Cfv- 548. , Twin Falls. Id B3303. • • e ■ B..Beautiful S t)drm. 3 bath. ; For purposos ol comp>mpllanco with Section 60-113113, January 25, 1985. as In- torsement is roquirod- For Bolso Ollico, 343-5600 it lovol homo in Sawtooth Iton strum ent No. 874717.7 weight loss. Call 324-7381. tpplicatioRS. c ^ 423-4179. Wanted: ' Mature responsible» CORPORATE( IfivESTMENT dfsttrict, Hoat pump, wood 1 Idaho Code, tho olllc>lllce from which informaitor women to do In-home caro.. • • BUSlNESSBflOKERS concerning lho locatlorlion of the property may be obob- Mortgago records oi ol aosinBns.-hoiklaTS-&- -| , Sourcelor 734-7388.------Full-PrlcoFi (44,g00,-Fanlasl'c- ehod,ehoi by-TF Goll-Course. , rust NO REPRESENTATION • -tions-warbo taken Moivfrt § the powor of sale confc)nferred in tho Dood ol Trus ick lo v o . Medical in- 10am to 4pm a t Magic Vailoy ------Irinvestmenlr Wo con ahow 734-5166 734-K on wlionda and , Irom L. Gordon CarterK anda SuMn Carter, husbancand IS MADE THAT THEY•Y BABYSITTER/ wrancn. Can 733473X ask Staffing ] Service. 200 2ndI OWNYOUROWN yyou anyilm o-so call nowi allor4pmwkdava. alio and wife lo TitleFaci,t. Inc.,li an Idaho corporationIon. ARE, OR ARE NOT,r . I HOUSEKEEPER o rJenea.______Ave. ) N. Ask (or Donna. ij. Uvo-in or daycaro .at cny To hire inoao summor 1 Trustoo and Kendrick Oil Co., Inc., an Idoho corporaDra- PRESENTLY RESPON- ino. mechanic, expert- WANTED: : 2 cycle & 4 cycloi ■ ■ BAR & CAFE-small town. 2 hH A M L E H R EA LTY E IS homo, t 44 yroW. 7am to/ rnced. able to'pertorm top . workers you'll need, start lion, Bonoflclary, datedid DDocomber 13,1978, recordocded SIBLE FOR THIS pm woeiidays with sman engine mechanics,, bdrm b homo, 7 lots, torms. OFFICE...,733-4CI79 wllh will- an employmoni od In 1 Docombor 14, 1978, as a: Instrument No. 749550550, OBLIGATION. luality work wilh minimum Shop ; experience and ownI ‘ • BUILOINQ-Excollent loca- JoycoCole .,733-6707 claasilled, clas ; wpctvision. Must . . b e tools ; a m ust.-PO-Box 744.. tion ti on Main Norih. sulloblo Oavo Hamiell 7.-733-4030- - — records of Twin Falls Couibounty, Idaho. The-dofault for which•h •oncst. havo own tools, in- ^ Is sale Is to bo made is failureure this sale is to bo mado is ^y,37Wiq0Of362^1;___ Twin Falls. Id 63303. Ic BrTckril' bdriiir2 bathsTdbTo ' Dofault lor which this j Juding air tools. II. y w : ; W J!iE& «?LbiN a. , garago. lull bsmi, 2Vi acres, , . to pay: being tho failure to pay•y BaLysillcf in my homo lor 2 Wanted: Working foreman *, Soasonol aporting oqulp- Jm * lon-t qualify, «Jon-| apply. (or] cem cnt forming opora-. -3 floors, good localion for * 160.QM. Coll 733-9423. ( (al Accumulated doflcloncy del In payments of o: when d u e ,' monthly, in­n- small children. June. July small business or olllcos. mont " is a Best sollor In- — through April 13, 1987 is stallnTDnt paymentsts and Aug. 733-B47 atlcr 7. Uon. Magic Valley area, s clQsalllod. . HotHobbyists lind .._ lh o ; $1,545.30 por month tl Musti bo experienced InI ampIoa parking. ' '' ogulpmoni and suppllos : $19,950.00. Tho balancee cowing os of this dale on thctho undor Doed ol Trustst Burger King'is taidng ap- takJs waniod for summer ..ptan.rcading and concrolo, * MlNING-clalms, ogulp- BROW n NER: Beaulilul all (hoi ;r plications for shift super- - -menli-will-lfodo (er rental (ji they need In classillod. Call obligation secured by said Doed ol Trust Is Nolo dated Septem ber Msason, June-Septem bor {work: Reforoncos^ohboo cans ptease.______~ — . AREA CAREER ...... adoadorable 2 bedroom homo, . • On this 22nd day oftf April, 1987, boforo mo, the tho due; plus accumulatedid , .the right Indivklual to Excelloni ^ oornlnos. Must bo down windows, 2nd lloor REALTY V. prtvate party. Ploaso can |, soU-molivalod. succoss- this certlllcate first abovoivo f»onnel73*«52.I representative. Apply- be- tition. Insuranco ond rellrot. boliovo fU -Intoflrily Is .impor- (lowers oro boQinning to ___ - 10-14-87______TITLE AN15TRUST J tw ^ ^ a m a ^ I ^ ^ O T . ment n benefits. Must bo noat tint ^ tas .wo do), contact: Don C o ^ f«tay_12UumtouBh- Jl)lo o m _ 3 -b d fm o r-^ t> ath sr ■Roomsl Roo apartmenls. — ^PU8lif5H?T0OT0«yrW?rJr3inr2yand^May:S;z^ , =rrreeMgAN.¥:Jniatefl~ ------i ^ t a ’M fllceiy-decof8lod,'--Easy-to- homes—eiflsailied-oan-eat-^ ^on' ------. By Mabel Redwine I 'M ^ 2 i . Pre^aehoauiQ-fln- ___ _12and-19r-19a7— _ _ _ Brpertoncod"p3dmCTTV3ntcd* movotthotfamlly right ln,_no_^ iflly.your isly nooda.-ColL-233;------— Trustoilicor } Keeded: cantc'N urm lor sonf and looking lor a'caroer *1 tlx-upshoroisei,000. oS200S20. for « 1 Ltncotn-Uen»(y in sales, coniact Ron Buster ID INTHE DISTRICT ~ ESTATE OF, PUBLISH: Tuesday. dealership. 1 tJniforms fur­ Oaytimo hours. Contact » May 12,19, and 26 ° Uarioy Jackman, at tbe o o r Brad Dey at Dick Oey AMERICAN REAL ESTATE & LISTINGS" COURTOFTHE ALFRED WILlIAM ^ • nished. Insuranco program OklsffloliilerBuick/lsuzu In ( APPRAISAL ancJJuno2.1987. anda twnolits. Send resume Twin FaBs Clinic and C 018-Inw m e Property FIFTHJUDICIAL . SLATER and BERNICE Hospital. 733-371B. person E at H2 Main Avo. E. • _ (Acroaa Irom Ckiurt House) WANTED ELIZABETH ■ to Mgr. Box I S . Twin FaUs. A unique property, odjacont DISTRICT OF IDS3&3.- .. NEQ^IHtoad ol household Now N service oriented A 734-5650 • THAT'S RIGHT THESTATEOFIDAHO.). CLATFELTER SLATER. P , - S people that arv reliable ^ tMsinosso needs one ag- •2* brick dupioxos. 5 bdrm AQalnlnoedlisllngs S e Experienced -mechanic. ranch stylo homo & IN AND FOR ----- Docoasod.Id I EdAnnouncem ents tidy, can s t a y ^ h ^ ’ grcsslvo 0 salesperson. Low ra , welding.- replace bearings. compelttion. high volumo. soporato rental houso on mi THECOUNTYOF Probate No. 38292-923 ------— ------^------»b CHUCKPE'flKINS NOTICEtoCREOrrORS - bolts, engine tuno-wp. Wrtto £Magic Vailoy & Wood Rivor boaulilul ^ Buchanan. 733- Aldaai< Strong...... 733.0005 . v . TWIN FALLS to Box' H. Kimberly. ID 0465.346 Buchanan.______OcDennis Vollmor...... 733-9199 734-3200 br 733-1874 ■ MAGISTRATE DIVISIONN NOTICE IS HEREBY,3 ^ -002-Lo8t&FQund s How accepting appticaliofk areas. » SonnU ° T Found BoaulituI - Slamoso5 foUf dlarao txxAlacpcr. 2 fkitehefltwtp fo rth e e p e n in i Twin I Falls, kl 83301------^ .slalo ,s: seller. Assume $42,500 ...... '.LOVEl.Y.3bdfm,2balhon1 LOV -- .. ; ESTATE OF: signed has boon aa- 1 to 3 years recent expert- *■ *^FHAioan. MakdPfler. ocro, w/Ug log warohouso. ■ pointed personal roprtJ- ol new restaurants in ttw\ ... ^ 175,000 f ' JOSEPH F.KULIK, ■t r onco i Of educstionBi SEU tom Mao in Sun VaDoy. p Call 326-5373 ovonings. —- ' ------^— Idolidoal lor business plus Docoased."d.—sontatlvo ol the abovovo 734-2a46 ______oqutvaJcnt1»mpuUW « fix ^ | f^niiai.- Nan wnoiosalo 7 smaller houso. lol ol iroos, Can 30&«22-<5t1. ext tO » Co. c seeks REPS to call on 4-plex. Tw in'Falls. out-ol- EXECUTIVE IJpME Probate C ase No. 38163 named - decedent. Alt Found norm ol Kimlwrljr- rienco ' prrjlerrod. berwirt*. , ' state sollor. Assume $42,500 {65;000. 734-1635.______! f aalanr DOE. 324^315. Stertlotails.______• established e businesses in ------NOTICE to CREDITORSS— - persons having claims motfium oUotf WoncJli. short' = Opening; Director ol Nurses yi FHA loan. Mako oiler. poPRESTIGIOUS whitO_bfiCli- -“MONTY’S i l CORNER, 2 bdrm____ ------NOTICetO^CREDITORSS against Iho docodenLoror halfod.-bfown-*nd..,iithltO-1. f Full time R N ^ 3 -ll shift., 0uw ti&ii. tn-a-pcuipessiie to -Coti326^73evonlnfla:------^Roffro7ha3l«or2700 sq tt ol -n0m iT !ri0“ ac7tjarVrwy*93^ decoflont’s estate arere doo. ajofl or 9 mo old. Freo) Bl>r1^ ^ Caro CMtw.'WUI p a r R > farfantaollc i>monitIda. 4 Seli/ront P-Oi! Mrado. 655-4312. ESTATE OF JOSEPH t relocation costs. If interest- ^kxMerm core setting. Achieve A financial In- F. KULIK. d eceased. roqulrod to present theirJir lo homo il ownor not r Cem^eti^ ^ ijta la ^ - and gcj^w dj e.Can , • (020-M oney To Loan Jo}0drooms. private maslor REDUCED REC PRiCE-BY.. [4 ^. foimd------IZtSOai----- luaai-> ood call Lorye Gillespio. E ProtiatBT^o. 3818 '------cl^m a—wI»3lD-Mour—(4^- ■DN5;67CT4747 ® of mossaao. *- reiocaiion costs. Contact “ Nood money? Call 423-4691. ro(•oom. comlorlablo (amily bullbuild brick r)omo. All ijlQc,, ’ NOTICE IS HEREBYJY months alter the dato of air cond., 3 bdrm. 2 balti, )r- tho first publlcotlon of of: ------J,Jody CraijHnJiiDo. A * -J 9-5p.m .. M-F. Bod crodit no roSH~“ 734-7262w Kolth's Intoriors or Iho first publication ol of 1882, or mod wllh the’ 100-400 Blocks'olof 7th Ave. No. o ie. enthusiastk; " ,_234<1400 ; •-T.x-DfiJED: M aye,1987.-— ttay of -Auflust,-1987 at hauL324J733or733-79*4. ,030-Hom . j es For Sale oom. spacious living room 1 ROUTE AVWAILABLE S (tllh krvWr roch' fiioplaco...... ORTOLLFREE " " - RobortKuIlk tho hour on0:30 o'clock R r t a T S S SHbuM cieenlng. Kflneat & •_ reliobie. Can anytime. Cali ACREAGE. A( 4 'b d r f ^ 2V4 l«{,largu lonced yard, coder 1-60044W665 1 exlE IIS , .Roulo 11 Box 346 A.M., of said doy. in the I N T W I NI FI A L L S ;iSspioy «nd computer or n ilding wllh shako roof.-Glvo cash register expertence S43-4351 > or 734^19.______,babath, brick, ranch s l ^ w/2 BuhI,ldaho83316 lobby of the office of ___ C car garage. 2 acros w/barn “O'Bonnie Parsons a , cnil. , . PUBLISH: Tuesday, SAFECO TITLE IN-' requirw l UmS Man Journeym J< an deisel Iruck «» 193-67. 2— V 1100 to 1600 Bloclocks, eih Aye^E. J 734-1519. jnectank: jr needed to worit. .*& |lve stream . 3 miles (rom 2 bdrm. 128 Ramaoo, ___ May-12,-19and 26,-1987. --.SURANCE iCOMPANY- downtown-- Twin— Falls. ~ J20;500, Eosliy-aBoumablo-'------^ RN-s and LPN bsteivstsd In BwlngshilL v Send resum e to “ nR-THn51§TRJCT " OF IDAHO-located at 311i r '&1200"f600 Blod3cks of Ellizabetli. r P.O. to x 1656, Twin Falls, or (56500, » conv. Call 733-3505 6V«t<. loan. 733-0458.______, COURT OF IH EflFTHI Second Slroot North- • -*JChane"BinQ and rew arting P or 72^5336 for appolntmont: ' g : s : r :'“ " i ' Please .respond conly if yoa-fivo- -Jposition, p le n a caO Patrfce pfm>e733-7B42. g ______2L 3 bdrm. (32,000. I960 down, - JUDICIAL DISTRKjTOF: City ol Twin Falls- Coun- a t< 2 3 ^ 9 flo r an Interview.. RSnkM P anM rd process- Assumable ^ 9V^% loan. 496 GEMSTATE , tSiaa m por mo to qualilied -. JH E STATE OFIDAHO,. ty of Twin Falls- Stato of3f ^ctosejo thes'0 areirea Call Dave at | -4 eKTStartil MrvfcM. Heyburn Wost. Low down. 3 buvor.340A3hSt.7^56. SMkingUotfier’a helper to bdrm. sun-porch. «S,500, REALTY sa i: ______^ INANDFOR • Idaho, TITLE----- ANDt care for btfarri and 2 older 1- pm. Mon-Fri. Call 733- “ TRUST COMPANY, on-^ the Times-News.. fh/lond^ through c HT488.cnppenCocnp«iY. Diana. ' ^ 734-4061. or 734- 73 M W - 03,. -THE COUNTY chOdren. duties tttctude T' 7879/423-6291 aflor 5 .______031—OulotTown ' • . ’ ' . OFTWIN FALLS Idaho Corporation, os.|3 Friday. 733-0931.11, 8^)0 to 5fl0. gtransportation and *7 ORTOLLFREE ____ successor trusteo. will . ------Got somothing to soil? ■Let -Li your- dally nowspopor - 4-eO(i^5-«6«extE115 Hogerman-Sale Hog. • or -rent 3 . MAGISTRATE DIVISIONi Sell ll Ihe low-cost way,,, work for you , . ; ronfl_an(J h-lrmh^rn mnhll.) nprnn - Nlco -r— .• IN THE MATTER OFTHEE sell at public auctfon, lo0 ■ 7jl-'V'?6 ;•

    ...... n»,. , ■ , , I C-S’nm es-New s. Twinrin iF*ux K jto TeiwiJjy..W M; oyfd.tsa?

    ^ • ’^ e r c h a t 3 1 - 0 7 6 - eai estate andise Oi

    Or-fiannsiRancfies 045-4(oblle Homes OSJ-Fun’ished'Howes M l—Unfum. Houses 054-Unfuni.Apb!^-— ' _ i 4 Duplexes t 20 acrefto^ t^slae. 10 miles53 [N BUHU 1973 Royal Oaks,I, Small houso furnlshbdd 1 Bodroom furnishodod ;______tton* T«Ict Fails.- 3 bdrm. 2 dbl-wldo wllh extension, j 3 studio 6lt0,733-7525allor5. houso. *150.00 +. dep. Callall Duplex doluxo, 3 bdrm. 2 taan Itouse. Carry oapor.ir, bdrm. 2 baltr. rnnoo. • 733-^587 or 73»e388. _ bolh. appl., ulillly rm, 0. firoplaco. AC. dbl. garage trades eonaldcrod.j3*jOg^}. dishwashor, on 2 acros. 051-Unfum. Houses 2 bdrm all oloct. pasture. S33.000 and will noaollalo. _ garden spot, damagingrwj w/oponor. foncod back vrd, CallS43-aS31.______an >250 dop and *450/mo. 324- \ 038-Acreqe&Lot9 _ Adorable 3 bdrm. m b auL . -8840 o r : ^ - ^ . m aclub. " ^ 1 ’' - _ Must be tnovedl 3 .bdrm. 2 foncod yd. gorooo. *350 +'*■ 'W W o S f 'Acre near Banbury. Blocit:k b«lh. 24*00. Fiootwood.f. dop.Nopols.734-1919. i 2 t>drm house, Glonnsforry.y . FALLS APARTMENTS IS. Across from CSI & closo to L il BulI per mo.-$tOO doposll. Call' wator/sowago pd. *165 00.“• dep. 734-8123.734^. cafe, bcaflna docks. *23.500OO trailor. van or vacant land.I. 734-5200rat PIpoco or 733- 733-3287 after 5pm, c r 73J. tanna. must sell. S3J-4B37. _ 73^0164.e v e so r734-8809. - 06aaafI(/r5Dm. •______^ IN RLER; *17ff. Nice 1 - « » : ______, - bedroom 3)it<1itovo, fridge, •B o tter c lo s e Oas wnnOoas.wn ftfionsny. Dod cn t'/i acre Icts V> mile W.fi. *12.500 Muat bo movod. 24 xt Atiraciivo large, 3 bdrm. ‘ 2 3 bdrm. ulilily rm. ftjnced>d W/D hook-up. UUIItles ^ e . 4a3bdrm , 733-1458.______~youtisarfh : ____ erf Jerom * Golf Course. 9. yd, *200-+-dop.-4-rofs>^.M- :^ e p te te c trtc lfy . 32ft6 Attractivo 3 bdrm, convo­^ 3~bdrm7 2 bath, mobilo w3 oloc.^^rago. • ‘ WhEMTHE BARBER WRAPSSHSSmARQUND'SA.lB HS eiettmsque. extra privateto shod. Asking 516.500. nloni locallon, *350 + dop.'• country. *215 p lu s dop. ] C3l-^teaiiB Hasses iS flo tT . Creek, troos. taooment. , - Ball 734-733i allor 6 p.m .. or B usiness Rental room .«nd dining room,lom. Jcro ro e OC. I®* O S-aaiiiass Property , 734-8944 (olfico) 8:30 to 5:00. Large studio new paint, G ood'w ^im mowBts. spacious UtShennanU))aUly Q oiB rL itaai«T.3S *gg H. 1963 Van Oyko, 10 X 53.. A609. Flier, nico 3 bdrm. - drapos. carpot. good loca- • - *1500. Call 7 ^ 7 3 9 . foncod yard, garago. *260 Building for lease on B b a1 ^ PSandup.Jg3M7».______room. IaU tagWPaBt t o C t t «««? TO UIE OUT OfOF Restaurant. <0 Space mobllo : 3 bdrm houso for ront. coalsl tlon, ground floor. J, 1973 Barrlnflton 14*63 two; Ihoal. *150 mo. + *150 dop.)■ roasonoblo. 660 Main Ave.; U ■ k e a N, 4000 sq n. all or' La LandfarX1wacm.2Dxcte o r DJirsDO. ®n 1 acjjjfotfo*- TDB«T«=irSatebroBterSB ;Bome and HV park. 7 unit part, good for rotall or of-• m parcots.'Caiisagza^nsa. Acro. S1BO;OI». CkU V>em en 2 bOrm. tami^ t flnos cccnr,cnr. oTOier. wltft river Irontaoe.y I bdrm. two balh. *5000. Call - Sooot54<5ihAvo.N. _ N .C all733-6825.______I Thotn«»m-73SD.______cai- catsjrss&tOPSST-tsia. ■ 734-7962.______IN KIMBERLY 4 i & 5 bdrm homos for rent.I. Laurel ParkApartments • tlce.■ 7jb-72g7.______._ g L«rge Atwin «BiwmtaHa» “ 1979 Liborty Poorioss. Unlurnishod 3 bdrm. 4 plo*.• *325j mo. -f dop. 733-3751. 174MaurIcoSrN.Apl406 Commorciai < building. 6000I coi cooler arllh csnxas COMK. S«>e>rwit: S hM hoae. 3 xsi. ; ■ UPO.Call 2338308. njftT i PSiimiLJflfsnBelgfrg«a. r r s ^ . ” ^ 14x70. 3 bdrm. all oloc. ap-. Slovo & Irldgo, *225 + dop. ; n 734-4195 eq. « tt. 2nd Avo S., suitable W ______bdrm, 14 lisiiiti Jcncefl yd S GO—Censteiy Lots j No pols. Phono 733-i952. . ■ J6 bdrm o*ocullvo'homo In for body or repair shop. Call uu bldQS. steel aUlnB. Moda m 3iaar«teiiaOeOe3IMtti.a^ ols Incl. Movable. 73*«)S5. - counlry, all tho ammonlllos,1 • ’ I Ulllar Rouchneok jnruble . . welder i Mteh J M pump & AC. renonatUe s s ------; ^ 1980. FiootwooJ. 3 bdrm. 2! Buhl counlry. 14 x 70. liko1 ,m ust soo, *550. • - Spaclousl&2 1 utlls.. suto sprinlder syx. m ih , o * l i uii^iiO or wuuU'^ -n«)«.Amobila.homo. lancy.• FOSTfih MANAGEMENT Bodroom Unlls Fa EI5 aiualuminum te ld e r .< g g 2 g . w ni n n m c a wlmpna crad2L ^ flq-Vacat&inP[Dperty . _ stovo. ahlnglo roof. IIKo r)ow( has ovorylhlnn, *250, rolors*- - 25Q2ndAyeS 733-0739 . PROFESSWNALCEHTB? _- Nwi e l c o - w i t g maehlnw jto — . C7.SM.73Ma63e»es. Z (nsldo and out. ownor dos-• adoo.S^i-^a ■ ed, wator and sanitation1 Lg 2 bdrm in TF. Includes .eq. fL Exc loc. H & R Block, tagIS&1attgr3pm.______r • tm te r am i casft. Call after 5_ { 81 Sequoia 24 x 60 on a 81 x B2 *320, 3 bdrm, lamlly' paid.r *185.734-<070.______;appls&wator.423-4401. 7 150 lot on qulol Slroot in 733-0106 or 733-7849.______^ __ BtnTHtfTXt.______1 room, carpal, frplc. flnlahodI Attractivo. . cloan studio,, ^ MOUNTAIN VIEW APTS. c t4KBesrli*rime-Alre, q g . c onfl. ’ Idoal for sPnglo. all 6lllllioa9 1 & 2 Bodrooms, Playground >.Intorslalo Building Contact n* " w tte r s n r mmScilL fl b S™ m pjsgr"ssj"^=rt,. i b d m . 2 bath. 12 x 40 dock, Hakeoner.CallSQgTTa. • t Soautlluliy landscapod w/ paid, no polo. *175.733-5307. & LaundryFacllliios Jim j Thompson. feO W or 5- ^ E m ro s:. 73M588/8S7-2288. * . Clean 1 bdrm, wllh washor} JackooLNv.70^755-2557 jJim Bfokke. B01S0.-38Mt31:- ^ ^ ofls.gBjmn.SH^& ______E a v id H ^ Realty-. 73:Mt 00. ’ 'sprinkler systom & storapo m^wS S ^ .^ S e m S Price reduced to &.5IIL - bldg. Mus( soo I *37.5®. B23 *275, 3 bdrm, carpot.. and1 dryer, *145 por mo + • Quality office spaco, oooa noftode.-c>iisfeeBa. ■- - Catl Jim. 504604. BKlmrt e r Z pcaadtf f 3L 6 ^ ccm.- Rismctfefed cabin; e is tjJ d e0 324^40j altor 6 pm.______drapos. IrldQ. lull basomonl,, *75dop.S No pots. 734-0263. _ lclocallon -and parking, ^ Realtor*. SO -gn.______^ ICacfc. c n ta t locate, earty. - PaSMlES to rsa la la r 9SBini>- 83' 14X7D, 3 bdrm, baywin“ Cloan slooping room, *100 eocrotarlal relaled services S aoan. rowlred, irmiUJea fl » . am er pm . catt 7K&J377._____ ® ^ "NEW" 2avail, reasonable. J344GOO, ^■tal Oay ■reeto n d l SB5I pet - dows. caihodral collino. Nq ga«L -”y«L +• dop. 1 bdrm *165 + dop.i W1 ashor & dryer In each £ Icgen. Call 334-5207.______bdrm. lun lot ih> Sown. — TWWHNESSUB. cdown, balanco [ 1 stodio. *140 + dop. All Fred Plankey. ______— Term s. >16.000.73W 5P. B43 *200 2 bdrm, wood ’ apartment. 2 t)drm, noar - >oriBble. lull HaylaM m utlls pd on oil 3. Locatod al‘ CSI,, *350 a month. 733^300 S; iSf-toitBm to ■ ^ ■ " I...... — Stove, appls. carpot. rod-■ 434. 4lh Avow. 733-2513. 43SsqlttO19,600sqtt wowrlter. ^ Unflewood- Sprlnc sale. CroO ort cach - Newly remodeled 2 bdrm. EExcoliont Rotall and/or Of- SlhrBtU.iti\ S2S. AdjuauOln. iito acre lot cverlooklno Andcr- gvANsM'^fatfw Cloan j furnishod largo apt.; ,all oloctric. basomont wllh flfice S paces Availablo In the juadc«ne.gS.333^<7n, I# son Rancrt Reservoir. Ea> . upstairs, dblo bod. all ulils’ •W/D hook-up. no pols. LLynwood-Tho Center Of It B49 *365. COUNTflY UVINGi Dd.E *185-I-dOP. 733-2513. J leach in cooiet, Z dtsot, - adulls proforrod, *300 por_AAlll Will rernodeltgsulL lice J S and clean. * a sw s Of sie m UsQlc Reservoir, d e o ^^ S 3 Flentals cloao 10 lown. Nico 2 bdrm. c . mo, Call734-8725.______don, lully carpolod, Irplc. 2 r 73S-2282 g e l ^ . S3SD JS 3334 i Bowogo pd, * ^ •(■ dop. 319 rwarohousos for sale or 5“Jalr.tl5B.Can5<3^^ architocattnlly a a ^ Qi» e tot e ~ WMrRStaustaa* — Meiir & n a » O o ek . Call \ ■ balh. In Kimborlv. 733-6294. . « 3rd Avo N. apt #2. Call 733- '9lease in TF. 4. 8. 10. or £ 5 ^ TO^cr 733^81. " HANSEN. J Nico lurn. 2 bdrm B84 , *275, 2 bdrm ,. dining r 12.000 sq . fL Hoalod. dock & >UiStandard size, sbdeted vUrnims A WlM 3sa ers. tiBTtiTWri tbir tSS - mobllo homo, carpot. w/ , I Largo, woll-furnlshod 1I {6857orS37-6671ovos. >001 table. saoD.caii room, wood stovo. WfD bodroom !; baaomont. Somi- t trackage. Low down, owrter Sp a is « s « s . PmeatDf OsatmeiI i*ta ' “ storatiog A oarden. 423-5104. hookup, | carpot. foncod ° ■ Nico 2 bdrm u n ifs.-w /d iwin carry. 324-3404.______55:a^BB9.attBTS3Dp.-m. /rti-rim> Joto jgiogiB CCnner. Goodnd fftt - fontfnmtnftim< r privato ontranco, no r Kszelton, 2 bdrm, drapos, ' I hookup, appls. *245 mo p WANT TO BUYj Ofd wonflen school & business. Moreore prtsriy dljoe » ttca eoeeaas childron, no pola.• «10000p. ] Coll 734-2307. t.OOO sq f t ovorhoad docjr. WAJ acroaoewsllaMrt 47MB3t.«:_ & CO Smdai g f a t a i e ^ , appls. . llroplaco. aarden. IvANSMsf | .°^1401 Roforoncoa.p Call 326-58M. } insulatod, 3 phaso power, 'oclrocUim ItsisoB tsr imutaa - to 0i«Berscia:3rB9se(ll.CilBeiric r ------t pasiuro, carport. 423-5104. • Nico 2 bdrm duplox. closo- resiroom. » 1S87 Highland loriton. Or. atUl lecto m yxnas New on lhe «n**et to B 8 8 ~ * ^ w/loaao. EXECU- LLorgo, lurnlshod. 1 bdrm.> In, | gorago. carporl. appls. >, t>r you. Catl aS2-CSL Kimberty. 3 bedroom ftoraetne wrJte S3 PBUQsa oeae KKimborly sell or ront. 14 x 70 TIVE ! HOME. Joromo-tn A Ave E., TF. *250 mo. Call mobllo homo. furn.. w/d, , ALL UTILITIES, *185 and up.' W/D\ hook-up. AC. oulo 734-4Saor423^11. 73 Vmted Vm to Suy uuan- on Washington SL »Itm » S caflhm i ifl» & Wm Ct. POTO ttC-MotnteHomes J Counlry, Booutlful homo, i CCall 733-8261.______Bprlnklora. j water paid.' no ^ xd Bca-sMi. Bicsrr. no Qita. - storage. 423-5136/423-5104. ] “ '"T ' ' ' ' ' nor.[>er. Clali ?3 » att7 . '______• ___baSBmmit, laipe Seneed bdrm, 3'<% batha. frplc. 1Lookino for a houso or apt?I pols.{ Juno 1.734-7052.______yard, c o w red p al io. Rricefl5^ B»»«. - - • - - -;__ Far sa /e. S mobile homo ax- hMorninasido. sharp-2 bdrm , IDO ^ l a n -Bas la nfc. irtmna. carpolod, drapos, bulll-lns. ^Call OLllUCI. 733-2940. NIcor f 2 bdrm In oxcoliont ^063-Wanlo(JToRBn! '» at SS.om. Dave laitt Realty.By. Baa3crg atw crtasfletfe S Bes vBtft Ores. S125. p er se t.t. homo,n sop. garago. Ja (doubio oarago. largo yard r ull.yty -^*7372JftterS. Nice. ig. 1 bdrm furnishodI locallon.li *285. ^ 7334100. evenk^ CtSMM afls evBiy Its a wcff- - aiinost new tires, call 734-I- shadedg yards. *250. 733- ,wllh riding lawn mower, " mater for ront: Big Wood Hnan j-m tubber xalt 733-1 n 7 or Ooris 7& «Saa. 6284. ; apl.. all ulllllios paid, *155. FOSTER MANAGEMENT ^ n a l , 218.02 sharos. Csll ran atwitiiie auciiL c^u 72:K4ic&.i. rj<&- - a Call 733-4593, or 734-0464. ___ . 734-4724 -733^)738 ^ /Ib n tln a SBCUnec SOL EVAtfS\’'’.''734°-Soi S ^ ^ ^ s l e r h o u t . Twin Fj^Is , ’ to y 's I0 « p e e d tikyeiii. S 6 . . I Ono largo bdrm, carpolod. Porfoctf for tho working per- n i, 4*ole. tS"VW*»flm.lHi. - X t son. nico 1 bdrm apl. with — B88." *450 ’ EXECUTIVE Shado. S lawn, pallo. Somo b ■ gCb1173«B«1 a ll •______, HOME. Boaulllul viow ol ulllllloa. u Adulls proferrod., appls. a no pots. *173. 733- . Snako Fllvor on Twin aldo, No N pels. Coll 733-38^. 8767 6 or 407S/Hamletl Really. 068-MobIle 0 Home Spc . ^ -d ec k ovor tho-rivor,-3 bdrm.. rQulot l-bodroom -lurnl8hodi Quiot,C 2 bdrm, *255,.carport, rr 3 balha. dbl garago. carpot. g I W/D iacllity. Largo 3 bdrm. no-14'-wido ,, trallors,-garw-fm^w^ r33-3836.T3. ------— jgOoIbo gallon d l lank and filan^' Cloan 3 bdrm houso, loncod SSludlo apt, rango, Iridgo, a a ir .' Appla, laundry, ox- =- and moro. *150 4- dop. 987 collonl' c aloroge. Privalo Whon W you’ro looking lor f f X lllon n ston oil- iLt-' ■ yd. dblo carport, Porino a ySSl. W ebber B S a S Z S . (12 & UNDER)I School, *350 mo. 733-3994. 3i3rd AvoW , 734-5080.______polio. P Car siorago. No pets, bargains. b; Chock tho garage Fuu r) r-1 Adults proferroJ. *285 saloa si advortlsod in ^11734-OC. Cloan 2 bdrm .lhom o in 1 bdrm. *155. Sludlos. *120 dop.Z Phono 733-5610.______claaailiod. cr Call 733^)626. Kimborly. Rango. Irlgo. W/D 4& *155. Ullls pd. near ^ hOoK-up. 218 Cfonlor. *250 + §Solowav.TF, 326-50^77 ovos, TF-2 T bdrm. Ig ollraclivo apL dooosll. Coll 734-5080._____ 1 bdrm. utllillos pold. adults WOt hook-up, walor. aan. pd. ■ prolorrod, *185. Call 734- Cloan; ^ no pols. 423-5685. m Let tzs order v ty Radio Comiortoblo, 2 bdrm mobilo P; 1 bdrm opts. *165 plus dop. |l Shask Compuler or Stftl- homo. Pailially furnishod. S333 51 or 733-5923. 1 S Meichandlse r ^ a re a n d save act itaasi m t . Non.jmokor. *200. Call 734- (2 NO PETS! W /0 hook-up. ^ S E I (2) 1 bdrm opls for rent. *175 Call r 734-8511.______“ ' BrinBring tn lhe numberao: A l 3132,or 734-5437.______;__ i iJ1 5 5 .p o r mo. W /0: all utlls ? ------:------RaWatnoShartHsanrSmm Cozy Joromo 4 bdrm, Irplc, od d bul powor. 733-3751. 1 | bdrm ael noor city pork In zaBSoutb Uncom. JBOcaa. shop, atorago, rola. *360 TF. Nico rodocorolod. CW-UUceltadoiB 06 _____ ™ OrOrilSKBCr mo. 324-7449 or 324-2852. - ...... — carpolod, c W i D, 1 person, _ no pots. *200 month. 326- Wi kll molal hose croepor for ___ Culo 2 bdrm. convonloni 0054-Untum.Apts. 4137. J ______own ow sprinkler. excoUant 07iM»iniadToBi9 07& ...... location, appla, ond ulililios I & Duplexes , ' ‘ 1 " bodroom apartmoni In ;ondltlon.*25.326-«BB.-Sl - ~ ___ furnlahod, »40 + damago _ (l Filor for mature odults In­ AIIYourPoolSuppUea 3UY1MQ: BUY scntp sold jeaoO- .-. — . . cidop. 1120 East Hoyburn. aiAll appls. 2 bdrms, water & cludes kilchon appliances, Rc ry, dlamonoa. finfllfQ - ' Cc a llallo r3 o m ,734-8326. •anlt^ u carport & storogo. laundry 1. room, yard caro. E silverware, p octeat « s tr a m , Cloan S modorn. 738 , silver doUats, coin coIte>- J Filor,F cloan cojy 2 bdrm- Cl and ulililios. *260 month. ~ Always bettor b ^ l ,1^ m ■: homo. h carpolod. w/d M.Mouricb, *2&0/mo' dep. ______733-6300______J Uotta.4itc. Propgnv Sorvlcos, 734-2500. - Snapper Mowers. Tillers .Uate CoiaQtlW ta . - . hook-up, h lots ol siorago. lull ^ - 1&2 bdrm apts. Unfurn. Ront Tractors, & Supplies. ^ •, ______;______basomonl.b foncod back ai ~vorjrrarroquiroor82tt^57 l3 ~ ijj . ^ACcofdlniT-to-lncoma. Caa» UaJacobsonCommorclalLine— u - i s,5i;rS!sarA fS"^-{i- Pel Prado324-3464 EHO___• UUaglcVaUeyMobUeHomsa..j ^ ------J pon^iw'aiomrsanrfumnNar r, BAM-fiTlzV to- aw*.------JEROMe-4-Odmi-homerl17- pc ■ T07TylQrrtargo-l-bdrm-apf.- ~3W. — ml.v/.on Addison___ ^ EEaal 7lh. Call for appl, 324- £ciota. *265-f dop. 733-6340. 1 ______733<1«1______NejrtioTTflpers-CanKHBtu;------4854 ojon^fls,______At appla incl washor. waler. __ iCTosBsaBBia*jm 4 Allracllvo 2 bdrm, 2 balh. trash fi & lawn caro providod. nmKmona radar range. *180. ----- ; - O . jJEROME: 3 bdrm, 2 balh. el66, E®!!,Oltoct<&5^62B0.4660649. tubirea-TfMStn* rn V«eB Ila J coptlonaily clean. 2 bdrmg-2 Siath, lormal dining .ipom . co 2 bdrm duplex. AC. garage, Blailazo King wood stem , th o . Pa«t7333S7Bor33tg3aL Boys. Girls. Hend c r c 's 'y q ^ tf a saa? 83 seffl.L snyCiing . just as loruong as. mom or la^e-lam lly room. AC. *550 balhs. ba 1-car garogo. 4 4 lox. ^ rgost they make, used only tU V O Q U A R S sw ap. Of buy anzrjfSh eig c3 v ^ b e Gs y c uL . (£3cf s a y s it's all r ig h t. List L what you ^£or month. Call 734^2^.___ Cood C< logoMon In Twin Falla. ^ ^rrsrAH-plpe^ftClodOdT-WSfi------—Fr*doeSrWFr «,*«n»JaB»------AB al no coslsl Use 039 Tanxs-NCMS: tiave to sell (your ad must-Indude-a—mi ------N■N!co"2‘ bdr"m homoi bbdd' 5? ir olfor. 7 3 3 ^ 1 .______TVPTV Doctor n x m M i a i a a - M3S. Ouiol 2 bdrm, oppls. ?.2 bdrm, slovo/rolrlg, al- Sli - W a r t - A i i s " ' IDto ' sgO eoys. bikes.. ' price} fn tho coijpon beicje lo w . W o ’ll ru n {5location, work-ohop. *250 + AO tochod garage, wolor/trash BuiJunk beds, - sturdy Watti/antefl:Btonna.S36€7g. ______;______■ dopoaii, d no pota. 734-2494. forfcoa tei back yard. W/0 lookcaso headboard stylo, . skooters.- sJsaie.a lttg . <.^a iTj»g_ bg»op>ia niB .yooraetFREEI------^— -hookuprwator8rBanllr*250r- ■Pd.*33S-fdopJ34-a30. t>oc •r a t r l e OT p f ^ NiceN 3 bdrm country nomo, 3 M Proporty Management. 22 bdrm dupio* - at 454 [I|fJnallross t>oard8 inciudod. D71>«anMloTadB fm S. Sn fiad. JOJ c a n sen! . - ______h'noar Filor. rol required, Call •* Ike now. *150.734-0077 ^eefly^^^wnl^H|8 734.7^^— ------^73^858 RCRobins. *250 -f *100 dop. ^ —: ------" K I O ’y KKORHra*5appEi i A776. 2 bdrm c o n d o ^ lh -Ca!IL-ou734-3409. C^plalna—bPd»_t400._fTPw_ u iwnn-Mantml to I lkB i l S ' Oldor, cloan 3 bdrm. ■ppl3.lonnlscourl.*300.. .. 9a bdrm dupiox. D/W. 1125. 12 cu ft freotor. 7001700 LTD. shXD firivB. taiidea. TH&TIM[ M E S ^ K E W S iN T -A D S E C T I O NV , , A T N O Sw aahor/dryor hooK-up,- in- V disposal. Near Robert ^ipright *150. Vl cord of ksw:Kawasaki TnaofryOa. 3ZM...... ~Bulatod-no pels. 733-1500. ^9 M Property Managomenl. dli rood-splil. *15.734-4B24. n,|, 1 OCOST TO KIDSi ] 1 2 AND U N D E R ! ______73*485S______SI'Sluart/Perrino. *325/mo + =2! ml. to r like qtiBUV & irilue Oldor A bd’rm; 2 upalalra, 2 5 ; *165/dop-Coll 733-9502. CAICAROUSEL fit'optacoTpood tboat o t tlio jtmlc,;^naB. CsD T H E C Mim*ON C BELOW In linlshod bsml.. 2 balhs. rBest r Value In TF. 3 bdrm. 2 11 :ond. *275/olfor. 733^7gn EImtBm oBurg«ajjte^^^_ Im eaditaL llracftj^pta»ae oe B ern o r it e m s y o u h a v e! fofoi r s a l e o r w h a t ^ balh. cheap heal. 1100 aq ft, 33 bdrm, 2 bolhs. firoplaco, ^ Pul one iwbrd in *325 mon .f dop. 733-6848. *270. “ *275. Call 733-1359. Oileloc. hoal, W/D hook-up. Cork>mplele -sot of Johnny you'll pay or-Karearfld saeaptor dSRi.n . S e n d it to th e T im e s -N e w■vs. s . W e'll p u b lis h q cSisf • One bodroom, carpolod. ^Bosl valuo! Lg 2 bdrm AC, Slovo,' DW. singlo car Millillilor golf clubs w/Pro Cart, D HJJ. S - A n U q m y o u r a d Cf® fiirsa Sonc£icSay a fte r Tt i s r e d e v e d . 81Btovo/lrig. drapos, *175 + garago. close to CSI. Water, ploiilonty of baUs, *150. Also ____ *75dop.Call73fa504. “Pupslairs apt. stovo & frig, Oa •ortaolo Singer sewing Antlt « laundry hook-ups, *225 por -tan. & lawn care fum. Call Por Antlaue oak Itreptaixi flioBl PloasaniPI 3 room collago, rnc for oppolnlmont, 733-?W4. mainachino’ w/now case. *3^ w/m trror. SacrlliDe te r SSDl. m o n -*■ utlls. *1» dop, irash 33-3510. ______CaincaiiBaeazB.______• - niconl appls., lub & ahowor». &-OOWOr «,.i paid. Days 734-2558 - Idool lor Sr6.,J145. 734-5760. ^(Bllol or eves 7 3 ^ 8 . . KoS-RoomsftTRsnT ;ompIeie bdrm m l 'dbl stz-:. SlnlrDlnlno la td a «m i 3 3e n e a . C - '. ” I j W L COUPONi ^1 T o T " - ; Sm i 2 bdrm house, appls. dj >d bod, .triple dresse r chalichalra, buTtet SEL Ato - ..... B3 *350, Nice- 3 bdrm. ali — u tc h ln g pieces for *275. boot carpol, walor/aowogo pd, Ullls u,[ pd, carpolod, -Irldgo, OCloari, ' furn. rooms, cable bootoaaeg0.g3«B. -'~ *220 +. dop. 319% 3rd /Cve ,,c TV. fridge. AC. 734-2365. loya BUX bow , good condt- j , N. 733-6657or 537.6071 ovos. g-j lon. *75. CaM 7 ^ 1 0 . P .O . B O X 548. I . . . . 1 IvAlilSMGt :..734-1aih. lortcod yard, ,----- , CANYONVILLA...... 734-6187evoaandwknda. . ^ t7^0lox, ^ carpelodj - wllh — drapoa, MfU oblle.hom a In country, 1 _-floew.7thAve„Jerome. a - 5lypMrrltar. ^ SSS. near Jtn Call 4^3:5030.------^------bdrm, paniaily furnished.- rrr Itarflly asafl; S a s e s f ------■ I yboHESS ^______— :— ------•tove & tridge, D/W & gar- ^ M cnatn machln**: Satv ncti - I : 1Unlquo house. Idoal fer bago C2B) StXZ9L2_ _ . . ^M . - -Wl948 Twin Falls. Idatio W303.. ,0UpU PI^. newer^-ow^.*rJ-{i£ :enmors microwave oven, UaecLiaed S » t n 73S CBntmu . "-1I •‘w nt TwH 111.A M-'ifavmi-n. r v fc •x-rr^Hjn^ ✓

    . - ' - i v - v ...... • , \ Tuesday, Mayfc 18.1937 . w . Tm{o Falls, kjifto c-7 r r c h ^ n d i s e ~ R e c r et c a t i o n a l — 0> 3 7 6 ^2 7 —

    I Have^we )t a.line5 fojr yom I New, low pper line rate. Comm m ercial or privateite party. 7 days, onlyo ?3” per line.:. CanI Now 733-0(0626!

    113-Farm 4 Ranch 090-Pets 4 Supplies 104-H o r» e 8 It^armW ork IBEFABSOI Supplies ' Wanted . \ B f CASTf lASSO U I T H E - AES ^ ON BRIPCG E * BOBBY W OIFF I 4A SlamoBO klltons. 7 wka /ALL TYPES OF HORSES — ^------— - ■ - old, 0 1 malos, 3 fomoloa, $20 tbought and sold, wo buy HOSfTWEATHERh BTATWN Custom C Hay stacking, caB ■ 0oach. Call 5 3 ^ 7 4 .______kklllorhorsoB. 733-6055. Compulorlzod-baromotor. c MiltSorenson934-4S3f. M 0 wook old pupplos, X bo- EB&W PInlo jnaro. started, wind w apood & dlrocllon, In- ~ J L . ^ T2a=nEarC a acate (rf’mnaafprodiicttf in N O R T H »-l»-A twoon h Goldon Lab and Irlah COH oo'dlng, 3 yrs. hallor door/ouldoor di tomp. wind ■ ' a a eig& bor’s - ♦ . . . SotlOfa.«OOa.734-8g?B. S tbroke. Both reg. 32M017. chill cl w/memory, J7S0- In- g atalled.733j>442.______• [ V7643 Horse training, roasonablo 2] ratoa. Phono Bill Peteraen, ■ Recreational ___ ♦J876S4 I — ^ ^ — ifif u s g Bierce. , ' ' 091-C.realiy«Wo(M al4?3-5813. i ______. lili^Farm'lmpiemente1 ■♦AK6 - --- - 1 ExhlDlt space avail, to ar- ^rf' HORSE SALE " - WEST e a s t e ^ AT Are A you looking for a good «121>Boats&Acc«ss. tlsts & crafts porsona. ovory usod swathor under S62007 ' Woa was sa comfartmrtable about ♦ R Q 10 6 ♦J954 3 Sat s & Sun, Juno 13-Sopt 13. , TwinFalls u: Livoslock Comm. Co. Hoston H 6600. call oarly ~ Always better Iwysl eteaifcumeggtiat^sfcsbam tthatbe . VAKIO y . . . All A modla accepted, no mom.orovos.837.6»4.— • gftllMf J ITIWirpLlH JMlf m Mack: VaUey Uarlna ifeleadW hat ♦A109 ♦ KQ32 •'. c4500.537-66M alter 5. 14’ Soars aluminum boat w l Prolosslonally irainod JDTp 4440. NH 1100 swalhor. - a a J a d jr-nnnijl was ntfEittfTed . A c ln h ______Arabs. Now Evont saddlo & rj, trailer. 733-24*4 alter 5- 2 096-Farm Seed ti NH 425 baler. Atl low hr., ^ EuSr na dh m :^ * $ fiaHdeIffweif^two BIDW»WrrH THE ACES ® briaio. Call 733-6457. fikIlko now. 7aa-22t4/mess. 16’ Blrchciaft. been glass- _ I! !i iii^ t/TiUJiiiiiiiJ cnfEs andsd two more od. AND heavy duty trailer. t??— 12 Cnw»<« fJS*tZ>-6toitRglw M»-B Allaifa All aood lor salo by OH Q buckakin maro w/atud JD2280 j r swather, cab. air, 16- qq coll. brod back. Gonllo i. Both lor ^375. or best oflor. — " sp&jle intfEs. AA tfiis pome.ne. Sooth w as Sootb bolds; growor: Rongor. Bakor and c< It augor. Held roady.. mako caCaii 32*^583.______JDDo r o a ^Raffliiw ^ wteSi Q%l-9 of CrumpsIp s and W est ■ p67. r, High stalo tOBls; 51.50 oflor. Call 324-3969. Ib. Win dollvor. 6 ^ 2 4 3 u « 18'Lono Star w/cabin.'deep _ ^ .w a a A ^ im . amf no tridccdcsbadton ...... | 4-3“ ...... • Ib. NH Supcr-1046-a. regular- hull.-lOO-HP-«erc-nwtor7 ku gTidiU oa.-M M r-i2sedl.SB Q. FJUL,*JML^. t e d c as« . ------. -...... ---M~ManonPonaoramtt. J ------Rog. Ri S yr OH dun maro. won 1048 ,n Balowagon, cabs. V-6. - 1, :aD73»«714. <*g**K*w.g25LCaa733»CB. wenbyctte& faae. slartod. gonllo. 324-3434. g j wllh trailer. gTOO. 678-370. 3 AsBCSttff i f i fironro m dnm m y ♦KQ32 alALFALFA sood. J 1.10 & up; ?1 Can 288-7171 or 45mS61. H* Site; Gena, latfvu. HYBRID corn sood, undor RiRogistorod Arabian horsos. pg 1973 Wreidt ski boat. 18VS’ NEI K cpes. w n o ie a te 10%. W3S BiifllittJ wit& Sont&fsfs (luee( n an d blood linos, 3 national 210, JD 215. !7, K»ort&d^LaSfcS g^i^aeott.73»«8l. s • Vtsa. was stoEfiL Fbre t e a r ^ dotx- N orth SootlIOth HaHamlllon. 734-3587,______marog, m. 1 Illly, slud. Como hc greall S5000. o r t>e3t ofler. S. rpack m ttaoa targe taek ==£ Hosslon 300. Owaionna. MF Call324-a7S.- )C ______pac U U and m ad^ Cor a hcrrnrtihte East- 1 ♦ 1 ♦ AilAlfalfa aood for salo. top and an 800, call to-5722. m36. Evos 625-5593. ______^ AlsoAppaloosamare, — 21' Slick Cralt-day e m b er, cCS-TcndTaBBti s - j -Vesa.mn£tL ? vatvarlotioa. Call Jim MarshaM ^ Supor1048baiostackor. ^ 733-0141 or 733-0142.______H(Roglslerod Vt Arabian. 12 . many opttons, exc cond^ — V&aA sfieold West have b r led to g C«lie!M257 Stion. priced to selll 7Ba-27t2: ^nan(l tip Bcffi n a s s io c r. 8teacSU m T90 i«%* Nomad Corn sood. 95 day grain, 110 yoar yo old maro. Well-lralnod OR 423-4440, days. ■— ike near. SEUIlT^S^ UBe.JBe. teOy. acfl.contaitw d. < anca tacfetter? His srde^swealthsrd . ANSWER: TtThree clubs. North’s re- do'day allago. (32 a bag. Call lor oante.ada«ieda Raex^t e ire a a ad bl ItM (17 o r m orere HCP). Show thc club tain horso. Call 934-6236. |H(lHC686-1275hrs.ltkonow nS on ni^JliTiig Taftigs And c 097- H a y , G rains Feed______^ like new. S600. Can 7 M « I< a»0l^oeim . e d ta SCO a s r t w d coto w a is a wjifjug finr liss **tbzB “ PPortandi:d a w a it f u r t h e r d c sc rip - ^ Standing at Slud. PoFord 3600.600 hrs. Ilko now allorePM. alli ______forivaII.73S-781S. ______■ecesfcaAe.Caa73M828. lion trom No,'io rth , AL Sorrel MAMMOTH JACK. JOJ04430Pi.S.G,B. — :Cztdfcs,’^ Ibe s&otdd bare Ie ALFALFA, appfox. 5 lon of i MF 1135 w /cab and air — 2nc2nd loft. *45 a lon. Noar _ Phono 734-3143. MF jSBsoe ^n d k caani& c f Cnm'U m p i w o o ld 5^ hrt40,00, Call 734-8613. 324-3900 or 734-6565 WE REBUILD Hydraulic eag!A.m>attcffl»r-433^3gl.. «THtt,y?5.CaH733^C.a Tuo.Thr.wkends.4;3-S49a. T HAHAY GROWERS Ast H9V Co ^■locking O. 2 home, lully Jacks al ABBOTT’S AUTO sooking larmors to contract g^iinclosod, tandom axlo. SUPPLY. 305 Shoshone IIfaf e S a le S300. cloan 3 3 whool bicycio wllh carrier. grow Sudan grass hay, musl hn, Slroot Soulh, Twin.______* P lease print d e;ear^withadaifcpepenorpencfl. wotBrfisdv soft side hybrltT. 3 3 spd. good condition. K5. lorao trailer. 432-5595. C?-Caane5ingtitfiimitiill !" bo In 3 lio bales. Call 436- ^ I grain augor. 33 ft long. 6" . 09SS regular sAeots. 1 yr C C a ilm S M I. 4135forInfofmallon.______500 Ihe new Klofor Built ^ fl * T here are appntnoxinriately 2 6 lettertersperlm e. esECTa T«iimaicnBu c a S. oetd; new tS O . will bade for lorso and stock trallora. around, on whools, S HP Now la t crop, no apray or 2 : oloclric molor. Ilko now. Bbqis ssltteflon ftan V33.&. [d d o u b le -b a tt firm m a ttro u . ^ * P lease pre-payy according to schehedule “ ' ■■ - .Ife»iageat73>0ta7 ' ■ _ rain, ordoro lakon now. 1 to ^ call 934-8458-______nnrign7aongof.3V4-3/jj:'~ ' . I fii^ « ize d canopy bed. wilb “CW7=Piant5TrrMs------m random 2. horso. high 1068 dloaol Now Holland w hich IS p lin thd b ^ m i . ^------Over Ovc SOO ions lop cuallly :loaranco _i„ trlr. oxc. cond.. stackor ®'“; & 1114 dlosol Now hay.oll3cullinBfl-423-SQ30. 1'°^ Holland swalhor. A-1 Shapel TTiShi'CBlinaiwcmawr.tf-tJlall;. Ik " . ‘S i r ; jood lor back counlry ”0' m nnnffISM S!U^_ I!te Bade tar trundle bod of _0!S-VailelyFoo200, Coll 734.BB57. h hayaying equipmonl. 6000 Ib Local, milk fod voal & baby ^ Ironl ond wfnch. Call. Mur- a td in cia^fficafion itliiRiar«jIUD^fbr*sftidSL taroe. ti east'^ron bakors ^ 300 ton ol dairy hoy, Isl. WEVE, BUY S. aon usod sad- laugh 432-5220,______Please run my ad t - for m ’ iocx. trimmed with braaa; as'^?a.'!;or.'iss.y u |2nd,&3fd.$45.M4-2519,._.._ dlOllos & lack. Shop oround S m -lln i1 Steo an^jue^^no-bottom - 500-ton covorod hoy. let, willvith us lasl. bocauso wo 1069 Stackor. 1 ownor. low a d a v s . M yY ch eck or money onfcrder is ■ ----- _ tf vlll not bo undersold on houhours, porloct cond. 4 row 2nd, & 3rd. S60. Call 733- m dammer dlkor, usod on only a enclosed for $ __ ’■ewaBseifl.IiniTlTM^rnL ~ ■btcttina K davenport and l»M>elsSSuppll3i ^ S )obls saddlosi J o k e r s V^sijtfp-Stefes 733-7096. *i!i200 acroa. 7Sa-2S68/7BM067. ■enr a asm to t com a ^d la ir. Rusty tirown. Exc ~ 3rd. crop-hay. Bob cpnd. ffgB. Cril 734-eS<3. j AQREATDEALi ” ?tfr^trallor.-324-3972. J28j1282 NK balor. New knottor, siD»Q:lbirWB9'c«tTtlniLno = Spupploa, Black Lab- 2£°Scolt. 678-5778.______^ solf-propollod. oxcollont a ______cnKSta3cn«cltsifl.2DC«liB jHaor,H FrlqldoJro full alza Gormang < Shophord X. Io givo :on dtlloftr^ll 326-4658. atadt w ader & dryor, was g (1s t w o rd ) (2 n d M•o r d ) ‘ toa.Btagft.*'^*^ nMWIL |tt away. Catl 67B-<333.______(JK098-Fam i8F ofR enl /lOi106-Swlno ^1975 F700 truck with IO « nnafti saWline dfaCk ora .*!r a t AKC Al ChoBopoako Boy Ho- — loglslored spollod boara. '^''5knaphldo combination grain ncBOBaie paA. Ampflea “ trlevor. one malo pup. Born W*'WANT TO’ LEASE Dairy facil- /Rot ind Block bod, low mileage. a ______«O I» plra t!allto.njfc a] Ity, lor minimum of 75 cowa, IghQ'hono324-22l6or324-4265. “§5* ■amn nteeuv «{Quil»n H April 3rd. 1987. Roady nowl Ity. [5000. 1969 iHC TransTv a dani(SiaBuwiitfB3»fBiTOta. \bt\Etrgroont oroup was S33S0 £> hrothor has CD lillo. noonoods to bo oporallonal w/ soml-tractor. 318 Dotrolt, 10 ’ - c a itp a # Botft" tfH w & isow loc STSDQ. Sofa, lovesoat. cCall t 733-7458. V. _hofrhomo. Havo flnancoa and 108-rSheep&Qoats ini ...... spd>pd Roadranger. 156" wheel : e m r S ottoman."CAWS, t; a ■ iw^i»ttR.inniiL7!JMro :cn AKC rofllatorod chocolato oxporlonco. Sond'to Box ___ » s o . S5000. 40’ Wilson, j p y n . ______^ D-ee, c /o ot Tlmos Niws Roclog Hampshlro rams. Call aloeitock trallor, S3000. JD 4 bol- a . ' OU-llWnti rriwrfri** wMBV 7 piece oak din- sti Box ^ 8 Twin Falla. Id 63301. 32«!24-2216 or 324-4265. tomom IO‘forrow plow, $1500. IBgroom se t, w as r3 5 0 . now -? is Bassott Hound, 2 yr. old “80 acroa ground worked. I I. SunSundance tube orlndor. a I ; ■ ■ SD'-Baas antemra and » 12000. IHC modol 4000 single ■ eaax femalo. Trl-colorod, noods P[,“‘ a brU Bane luiltl. SC5 as tast ^ » T s a ? ,'. """•“"■afencod yard. AKC-tlOO. Call ^g n a c ° : 7i , a ; ' 11.110-Poullry4Ral)blt8 aSlugor windrowor wllh condl- • effizK.caiiicB«sm'at4S. Z z imaple d re sse rs w/m irror. 423-4121.______47 lonor. iiy x i. American a 1 ______.------_•. u135 wcft^Headboard, toot- ^ or_SalQ:_Lochorn Tavl^ mocnodol SOO-SP haymasler. - ■ fioanf. OH' Rad, q g . 10«11.~ “Beaunrui^puppiesifpd-W'ti: BnrnfFT3Fmoinro«oi»-tor: 515,1:15,00U. Ub Cataplllor. 9U— 1 ' ~~~~ fio mothor-fog. anow quallly =— C tt. Itfagres^ >50. ™ For ront: Pasture lor 200 arnyard layors or alowlng, serileries with hydrauUc angle __ ffity ______s rod.Akita, falhorrlnrflo black .^ ° L Dt-oach.-HarvoylS-Egga., biad ■SI SE yrds copper/tan q « pa|ra-^r300-yoa«lr»gorCall ilado_S6000...Call.;5a7rM52_ I ______Gorman Sheptiord, S35 oa. aul. ID 438-4433,______^ilmGrievo, Ml Homo. s oaaacBa r««©aD os 11 encarpet. eaoO condition & 25 Can ca 423-6225. ______ifiZl oung Tumbler Pigeon#. 1931981 Frooman pull typo 3 air- Ia — ------“ — thaa ffcw, Ics mstar. SOS. cq Darting HAC tiny toy Poodlo Bood Irrlgatod ~ u slu ro lor J?n a Mitss iCfflwtor* _nnna6I« pe ront. Call ft3 -7 S 9 r 1.00 oach. Call 543-42S1 In ingng balor for salo.-Ooyts a aamtangit.sna.z»ffl!aE. “ g ^ p ^ H u y y l Only 1 loll. p S l lornlngs.______dlosllosol ongino. o x c o n ^ t ■J N a m e ______a nlgalod paaturo. 6 to 6 ihaper Cali^4-7146. * I SM £: /itnwta, etm i- YoVmi/n ro v er k"cTow'. trio — load, frosh wator. Call 734------b acsr. 72 0 8 RL usBd vacy valvalue of dassfriod until you Dlnoo-Australlan '•good MF 38 swathors. JD - att»e.«am>TES3m usiw I L _ Stfophord X pupa, SS ^ ______.112M!-laliallon . i:l4,.1ntornational u ° balors. an | B tPT gZ D M m .______S20 oach. IrrtgiTTlgatedpaalure lor 2 amall ___ ’ mowor, hydraulic lilt. May •J A d d r e s s ______Call 324-2056. cniviralvos. t7 a month, 326-4658. CuKiHvorrpTpoTTzrinyv^ :onsldor trado. Evos 62S . I G£ ziBmend aZBxeL OC- ' - For sale; 1 yr old rofl. Paat’aaturo for ronl, approx. 40 20')!■ X 15''^; W X 16"| M ’b'’ X s S ] ■ oBicincm. ggjiini, n«z8S QlaaZ-^UMiTBttaleriali I"; M 5'' bnnds: *180 takon ™m I «tiiiimBJinfl—a»MnCL.' — female Alaskan Malamulo, acro■Cfos, Wendell. 5 3 6 - 24"; 020 JD. good shapo, bost ■J Citv/StalegiD , ■ : F or S ale; S300. clean ^><1full mask, noods som e train- 3515 acres ol pasluro ______S ^ irror.Call5^2&4or I Kenitfflg 3 watsrtied. soR aide hybrid, ^n g j ^ t s of TLC. 1150. Call avaitivallablo. You tako carq^ot -HlPCLpctlc motors, now and 543.,.43-4915. evonlnoa. J ' uses regolar sheets, 1 yr. ^ vater 8i wator expenses In foDi(bulll, W H P -to . 100 . HP. - — • .«>B» mumc OBg lUdfc. T*S olo; Sc e iM naw SSSb or trado Foi"or sale femalo Yoilow Lab. .oxctiixchanQQ __ for_ uso___of Pool181. Individual, profos- * VVe a c c e p t \ n ^ && M^ teichaige. [Cbic cum.Mw^at«fl Sir sane;. far Ite double bed nm mat- 14 H wooka. Ivory color. Cali pasiiia5lUfO.CaI1536.i946. ~ ’ "8100onarsorvlcereaiB-: ------115-F-armWoik____ . j iSde one)^ -P. .. - treaa. Mesaaca at 733^07. 733733-7997 . Eleclectrtc.can7&6252. . Wanted J (LtOBil Pbpeat Poles. Rough Lumber FOFOR SALE; AKC rog. Tiny 101-AnlmalBrewJInfl , 3r Sale: 115 14" ditch tin, - jriiTTYPES r OF throshlng;'- \ a OanvKMPM^ SD - SFft Railroad Ties. Poi l.soaploco.C all 734-5029. J Cardholder Pomerlan pupploa, 2 maloa. llowlng, doop till discing. | .. Kmmim maiJtlmak. ST2 D - 1 *-«Tn^eaZ<" e a st of Buhl. Hwy 30. -wido hay stackers. Call nftiUgrjlba. OSSL tfet Wnt tentienca pssts-Message at xX 1 pupplos. havo had 1at roglssglslorod olack 'Angus ______S *^777______^lall 1 ' PaulBOn. 543-5669. ' ' - aac.-snaa_wme6«. fm . ^733TXKtTOr. aheahota. 10 wooks, $20. Call bullauTla lor sale, excelfent SOL3U 0 SET: 100 linos ol us------j W-rtii »— <~m<; faili 73J. CUSTOM STACKING # o t d a v s > e r . . l i i i e ------i - ' 23*-37l9aftefS. * ______^ atocli i aolld sol Irrlgallon plpo 9 .0C.3 wido. 2 9lackars..CAii- - :u-JCIiaiBO-pei 3BaSaHlliw«nig»&______•_ • QJ good to oxcolionf condl-' jo .' 0P-gg»g8S^ MOIloving, must find home for ^ - H B S H E I F f E R S " ' “n’ o' oe Bill Robertson, 543«214 AKC Golden Rotrlover, Faneancy Wisconsin aoloct.,?- “ O"->n. seSO/32-iolnt lino r 543-5227 loave messaQO. O.B. Bon Rapids. 10.Une ^ EStATESALE------fomomalo.—4—yrs,-(out-of -300ItiM Iba. 208-549-1164 oveo.— -f*P; :ustom ■haylng,~5txaJDS-or— — ^ 1-3 d ^ “------$ 2 . 5i 0 o ~ : ' ' m CtoaiigBidl ~ Ujtsofmodltemal MuMaryland Konnola), noid ro<]| Inlmum purchaso. Can Rogistorod Horelord Bulls. ler J' 7;00 p.m, 734-3082. f®"';onlracl, big bales, tiavo in- ibffCbtdDfiin&TQ ______T P g tO ______trailtrained. COO. 734-61M evea. |arty j ^ LIckloy. 324-2005. )roslod buyer. 734-5871 or 4 - 7 d ^ $ 3 . 7r 5 5 Emrythlnff you need to fix OSIOSTER STAND ORVfR lor ------SIMMENTALS >uthalde Irrfgatlon, po ^ 734.4M-4102. ______B les Cng flwpiaeg btssrt t9 m your yai^ Close out of dog00 oroomlng. excellent ' va,Yoarlino bulla & tifllfors..... fSblo..plpo-prosslng,^por-. f t urom-Ttaystacklng. fast.- - 8 - 1 0 d ^ $ 4 . 7^ 5 5 wf.'aiKme Cm. Waits Mfr^ entire tnt stock otfertUUer. and cononditfen, *150 ocbeat offor. q u . ble hollarc woiding. Call Quality bred-ihoy show III Marv Gartner. «xperloncod P « sorvlcorCon-— 7 5 - Dlht mig* candL'V^gy *nv- 'cftacftetnteala for your nouse Cafl Mual move. Call,3 2 4 ^ 4 . ^ ict Frank or Shannon Wolf, 1 1 - 1 5 d ^ s $6:75 cBnn.sgiLaimgy.______tndartd garden. Reduced 50% 1 Parakeet* I Cockstieia win Falla Livestock will not 0 do concroie ditch M-22B0or784-2624. 1 o r more. REED QHA« AND ^oc pair. Bailoy Plpo-733-«0l3. 16-20.days $ 7 . 5« 0 CscuoKfl aiB—. ooctf. or i -ocally ralaod. 253 7lh Avo jiavoave a salo. Saturday. May uv. son, trade, hlro- amdtlciTLtiolJleif B8.*it waf- BEAtf. bfei Bttftfft Henean . la a to r call 733-6954. I, due to the Memorial Day 100000’ ol 4"-malftllne-wllh-40'- lasslfied fs lhe onO piaco ' — 2 1 ^ ^ d a p ^ - 5 ------^------Ettsa!e3ssiflBiii;.m0lttt0 aa«S3 Ito) ill 467-2167.______balinlling and stacking. t 16i 0 -., Purebred. guara ar ton, evonlnos, ^ 4 ^ 7 . >-ingm»a;.gSBl CMC OVf3VER FLOWING HOUSE qOueensltTKmMterpupa,. S36-2C f f5/8" i OD 3/10" wall uaod' £ °£ J « R W 1 ^ ______SMSALE: wood tatile. chairs. ^ S90. (IS) b rigallofi, traclor & - all II.- ,Cupperware. ^ n dishes. call 324-7947. } » ^ tw t aos ol farm work, prun-' ) : ------;Elrome.lD.324-gt4Z. T ngrIS-yrs g r oxp. avail June '. ------M a i i^olff-onier ^ fomi to; geUftintfthry«f>pwBl ^ Eameao kittens, bluo point. (1) 2 R. Call c o llrct 209-747- weeks old, 3 males, J ho m i z------— z 3818^:lB.or324-7357atter5/21. T R e “ - —^ (niamiac.llfByW.10amto2pm, /em * aiea. C 5 . Call S36-6704. 2 rM 'Hrimes-Nms .ZItty otBtrflBStf csmK. aBFifrX»»,at,Soaeetl. SOI - ^ jTtablo aluminum aptlnUer ■"aa, eninuKg mianf. SKL Vanted: Old English 7 3 ^ 13-Ftrm4R*nch • ------C i a s s i f i i I t “ I — ^ ?heepdoo. Call 734-3587. ------o repair. Hand lines or Fied D epartm ent ■illKZKggaftHr^PTTL I GB»-Taalsg»| . ^ •S uppnea ' XS oool linos In ttte fleld. Call ccucn-. nu» Tiwr, ^ l)3-0iIryEqulpnwnt fo>rT Salo. uaod glavanlzed g’ij*ydo Lindsey. 678-7149. ' P . CO. Box 548 S2 e. fftci: Qic(« •/jpitff = ' ' ■ " old' ■ ■' ' ■ ' metajtal, 16’ X 4’ wood panelsj T&BI B STACKING. Prompt, T w i n F i .TT^cTTtir " m arrinnnrtax Advertise Ath wtmre you'ir 3I FREEFt gray and white kll- - RuslisllcFence Co. 736W. 6th profeoleaalonaf servico. Call us Falls. ID 833033 y " i T i.mrTiB am;, att; S « -flndfirrd- reedy buyers — In r.mens,-litter boxed trained. .St.— paprtco.quototoday.' " '.i'taiiu,na.i25«zr7. __^cioadossined. Sia: a i i m 4 ^ 1 . Phon “ ’■• l a3 ! ^ 0 R 423-4S52. . : ------r '■ " V ' '■ I ' . ; " V -

    m C*6 T fm oS'Now a. TwlTwlr> Falls, Idaho Tuoodoy,ly 'May 19,1987

    [ e a i i e s p ut t e r M e r c h t JO0 3 1 ^ 7 6 ‘ u n ^ ta n d is e

    ... 037-Farms i Ranches 06-UaUe'Home3 -. JSO-fiflreSlBfliSbi^ss EC—Uhfiint HoosBS CMJitfuntAjrts. r ~ iO u p le m 120 acro nonh sldo. TO miimnilM IN BUHL, 1S75 Raya) Osk Small lo m ie flunirStaS!taiS tl gatimeiTi. fUmlsftsaftetf ______:__ — (rom Twin Falls, 3 bdrm.m. 2: dbt-wido with e rtc n sion.n. 3 studio »ge,3:P-'^gjrtag,*■± . srsaaa * dep. cCau a Duplex deluxe. 3 bdrm,r ,: * ! ” — k balh houso. Carry paporipor, bdrm. 2 Zsth, izttqifrge. j Zgggyer73itaHff, • batn. appi., utility rmrm, I ll n \ trades eonaldcrod. 734-7033.m dlshwastior. on 2- 2 isflini alC tfecf» pastureaw e. tlnjplace. dbl. gerao*IflO ■ * ------*33.000 anfl will nesprlirt^ BWJrihcn.6aaam intna w /opener, fenced back yrd C a iis o ^ s n .______5 T ta O d m and S4S0/mo. 524 (CS-AcreageiLots • ----- Adontble 3 3>dm. ^ Saffl; B40orft4-7S38. tho club. a ! Z l ____ tlun be Rumll 3 utrrn.n. 2 tensed yO. 158= 3=- SSCc ♦ I ao am c.______T ^ Acro noor Bantjury. Blodiiock ta th . 24xfi0. Fieotwoasod. flep. Va pte t- ,l3t^TBa- 2 fcdRTP hcuseu dem tsferry FALiSAPAHTMENTS >ring Built in appla. Tireplao tans I 1li< ffm iItcu»lR Twin Falla•alls. Across from CSI & closer tott ~ I) /^ S JJII building. troos. sprinj AJtarflaSte n ama 2 isaw jrtt. Bfiopping..^ Children wol I '“ wator,- comoicio. scptkBptlc (15.000. Will pay to tm ans. ! «tecgcs-?^ga2ai.J!»ca ___ • O K raS after £ pm.______------bdrm apts. S200 & 1255, $7! f T T D / Mobllo homo lots. Aduiljll &J exc cond. 2 bdrm. lamJml’r A lta d ltlto JktEsnaa n * [ X taanR. te tew s jiL^3WA«Ave: a p ^ . w ater & sanlt paidiitj. f e 7 In Filer. 50 x 125' wilh watorator collont condition tor 1« a* 23 At] eiBEBo: 2~ aam t acara3JT3- t . a a ^ a o L . ______Available Juno t . iZT.275 . & sow er hook-yjs incJudoddod. all eloctric mobllo ftome t siom m«9 lB«aniouiaiciii^ I 2tenitonnnmalU.antBcnfod montft w /dep. Call 734-7804. I7S00. Call 733-7000- ' ____ e q ual vahie. Call 50^00*. 1— dM ac. Asplamae*. maotr2 2 ; I tb m ate 2 taanv house, w/e First S100 freo rent. Nlco : >ned ifinn t n t e oquiiy/hwomm e Ssan&atiai)!lieiustKia.£S: 0 2 7 _____ / b n Iho Snako Rhrer. 2o n « C B i acskua. aOKf appls .Inel;■nelt bdnn near Lynwood. S290 + if, focfoatlonal. Ideal (or homo>mo. prop (or m otor home, camnrm p e r m a. smD itlru].mt t OU^ I wmnrisBwaos pA. STSS e oa. ^ , dep.734-ai23.734-0428. V colo. boaling docks. S23.50I3.500 trailer, van or n c sffl tamd. n 23>-S2Il0 art P .gass s r 733^ I m S S 7 aBMT oe 73S -----* - « e fm 9 .m u aU o ll.« 3 W 83 a_ ^ 73U^mim»xxnUBaL, lBgifttnT67m<. I ^ IN FILER: ttTS. Nlco 1 , — -. :tu!ilLuuiiL ■ujt.'aluiu,.frldQe , : - - ...... "Belter close thoi10 windows, MommyrDfd"fd — (2) i%"ncro-ioia^-tnno“WB“W. * i2 A » M u k t» o movod. 2424x' AmaCti»B_^^ 3 S O m . 3 I 3 U K iii uflllty rtrr. fnrteediced W/O booit up. UtUltles w o( Joromo' Gol( Coursojrse. 483bdrm.733-1ciR2S7t.accJtL„EB]™ « . SSm rlBtt:« re f s . S2S52S exceptelecb^ify 3?«^/7- y o u h elar a r lhal thunder?" (13.500 e a. Coll 3 2 4 j 3 T 3 ^ flE" m a-33«-ZaDs»r33>gS. ____ 14 X 7S, 1984 tdassua mni __ S 5 lA n E B g.TF-aBM32<.^ tn Twin. 2 bdrm duplex,'o! ■ 2 acro + counlry viow lots.lots Rodwood dock S stazag•DB Attractive 3 gtflrm. e n u o j 3 e o w v 2 baitf. mobiles Inin elec, oarago. appls. waloiilor ‘ WHWTHEaAR6£R WRAPSAPSHBSHEETAWHJNOYA.IS ilcturosQuo. extra prtvatrhrate Bhed.AsWngSIB^DQ. xttan l:Bjn»;m. SSD « iinnitL ^ <^Ui3&;Z9alterSp.nT.. Of Lanja studio now paint,m t B usiness Rental room and dlnlno roaroom. Jorom o GC. JTStOOfr,-1jr iow 03j-BuslnessProperty.- um. zaaffloi [emeai a3g to SCIL __ Q oo^usbT H aw n mowor"^ (lamlly down, will cofry; 324-6365. ' 1863 Van Dyke. 10 X S 53 l .mcae drapes, c arp o t Qood ‘loc»ca- ■ apocloua kitchon/lnir (1500. Call 733-3739.______or, Bulldlno (or lease on Bluelue t35and up, 733-6474^______room, (ull baoomoni, doul ^ _ 3 QxPiin ttc u se IbF lojit. cflflta a t Don. flround lloor, double WANT TO UVE OUT IrosIo rant. 40 spoco mobile laeac.cactng. -i>-s:stdep. vo! U k e s N, - 4000 sq - (t.. oil--or. or_ Land for *1 per ic re . 20 acro_ car-owaoor-on-t-appnpprox.. TOWN ?-For Salo by ownavner-- homo ond-nV-pwk.-7-unll’S^l, ia72-Barrii«too-3«xD.3wi Sep^ -res3onable.~eeO-Maln’ Avo. 0(- oorcols, 0011512-523^123, .QO ixSrm. two & tti. SSOOO. CiU __ ^ e a e SctaniAvtt-BL ___ W. Coll 733^825.______p an, good Jor retail or o(- acro. $160,000. Call VtVorn 3 bdrm. (amlly 4 (ronl rocroom, motol. wllh river frontage, — (Ico, 733-7287,______Largo An/In ovaporotlvo , Thomas 734-7350. ______3 car oarago & shoo,r. c cor- CallS37-«3&40R837-4S3. 731-7962...... ^ 41S S bdwt: he m a s far rsnt e n t Laurei Part Apartments incod. ' 19« Uberty Peertess^ UntumSwea'StT^-SpJl**. gzStma, ^-l^ac:■7g^^.:___ T74 Maurico St N. Apt 408S Commorclal building, 6000WO coolor wllh canvas covor. Salo/ronl: Shoshone,le. 3 rals, s ocros. Icnci ap- S ta ra S Iridse. 2 ^ 2 -» 0 :9 , eq. (I. 2nd Avo S.. suilobloQIO MOO. Call 733-6308.______• • bdrm. Vl bsmi. (oncodj yo yd & (75,(XX). Jorom o 324-2542. . 14x70, 3 bdrm. all «1bc. ap S o e o i f i w hem e^ 1„irt 734^195 0«-CeiT.BteryU>B ' Pt»incL Movabte;734aia-i. Mcpffis.iPlc m o S X S t lor body or ropair ghop. Call Minor Roughneck portable bidgs. stool siding, hinoat 3 bdrm romodolod t»ih, ^ — o i m r y , ait tt»tt‘aiiiiniuiltfes> 733.^891.______pump & AC. roasonotjfioblo prox. 1500 aci II. Iro loJt. t.! 9% ------■ ----- ■■ IOT Floetwood. 3 tKJrm.L. :2 Buhl coontry. « ■ HE. llitttIlia muscsee yoor $pactou3li2 __ woldo.r i High Proak utlla.. aulo oprlnklorr ^ ai ^ s . assum ablo. 324-7303 otton bath. S X 12 expando. «ooiygjj Item -mobUe .Im iie . ^ ggsr^mwuGaiaiT[T Bodroom Unlta FALLS _____Will (Inanco wMprvd croc I H I . MJ-Vacallon Property store, shingle root, like niew n l a s evBryttuns. S5&. n ift ln o I . acartfise?4crs.. — • -A/C.Poo{.eflcfo«oden{ri«««« Omco spaco, aJWsqtt.-ex­ MCfnot OKC condition. J125. M7.S00:733-03(aovoa. ~ ill Doodod 4 acros with —^ 03S-^(^lng/Wen(jeII Sw- penite. m eoauOTiiny urkdscaped tm F'” Padded balh fionch, Hoya oloctric, FHA approvo•nvnri houso.'flovorol shoflr +I- cor-Ci tii a r o s . 733-fiSa8 — — Quality olllce spaco, gooded node. Call 678-3290. • • Call Jim . M3-5604. BarKJorkof 2. possibly 3. bdrms. co Romodolod cabin, cast Sldo^ 0 324-7240 atter 6 pm . I 9- am orDm .call7BM372. 3 ♦ cup. Tl tapmi SIBS, >■ dm*. .h avail, roasonablo. 734-5600, town »M.OOO. Phgno 324-4859. — dow s. cathodral ceilino. Ms ^ w asner & dryor In oacfi aozon. Coll 734-5207.______bdrm, (ull lot In ' tow ^------IW N P IN E S S U B . V sauHoi. r - o 'difSr'Alf-. . apartment. 2 bdrm, noar'flf Frod Plankoy.______, Torm a.(16.000.734-3S37.7. ’ 00 e a 'k s o 2 tadtm. « n^ s tmUs pi: cm alt 3L LoeaiBd at -* Porlablo. (ull keyboard BtOVB. o c p tc . aso- '** CSr.SBOamcnlfi.73M300 fflsqftloTw ooip" ypowrllor, Underwood-, Nowor 2 bdrm homo In TiiST;Fllo 037-Farm3 & Ranches ^ cg4tffg»iett-nsaSTX ^ spring salo. (3000 otl oaclijc h I1 woafldtiefc,:tniBiLi«JMi‘J- — Newly remodolod 2 bdrm.T), ExcollonI Rolall andlor 0(->(• Onvolll, J25. Adfustablo. oxc. cond. Assumab niiiv ocro lol ovorlooklng Andor- 4 o&BRi (UnnaRed: ta ^ js apC5 ^ all electric, basomont withth llco Spacos Available In Iho10 : auod cono. t2S. 733-5420, FMHA. J33.000. Call 543-«3; For Solo; Picc A Di - EVMSB^-imirg^ lupsata^ dBie bed. ta utUs Ronch. 450 acros, 4500 H^'J son Ranch RosorYOir. Ex- *“* W/O hooi<-up. no pols.s, Lynwood-Tho Contor 0 ( 11" Roach (n coolor. 2 door, botwoonnoon& SDm . ' tablo. collont form s. 934-5467. e o s s . imnBGBG B^STg4.denLn^grx > ------molor. 332' walor tab ^ S n e n t a l s — adults proforred. S300 peror Alll Will rom odolldsull. nlco and clean, 4 rows ol — 3.000 gallon por mln. Pho’hond W. Magic Reservoir, doodod close 3s town, rueie 2 dmm. no. mo. Call 734-8725.______- ile n . laiijf t-mptnef.. a 2 733-2282 shelving. $350.00 733-4468 or Grant ^utjpr, 324-8676. _____ walerlront S lako viow lota lots — Nice brick. 3 bdrm duplox.X. ; '■ “ “ “- 734-7398.______■ - ^ 033-Klmberly-Han3en ^___ WANT TO LEASE Dairy (ac (acli- >”■ various sizes, S2.000I to to ------|rwt refrfg. water, sanlt & slovo -owa (8,000. W aler availablo to lot 't° 060-W vehouse/ Sears 12 (I canoo, t150. Col- FRANK 'T.L0Y4P WRIGhUGHT Ity. (or minimum ol 75 cow osMiinnslialHDiiaa TF. rumisned. S325 + deposit. or TV. $75. canopy (or long I rock nooda to l>o oporollonol,01, iw / line. Call 4B7-2C20.______ETS g g . C ute 2 aarmTtn . Blce'cuiiultttly carpeted.ed. 73:^8998.______Storage Rentals >od Import PU, $ m Solid ■typo luxury, 440irsa It ro< S : » « DL I pecseg._no pets. .6 wood Insldo & out, ullrultra- homo. Havo (Inancos: oiand Wost Magic Reservoir, good^ Cloan. 1 bdim, liome inm Im iurt •»aod anaxR. eagaR . Nice 2 bdrm, 2 bath, appls ~ glolo pool tablo, $150.1690'9 iw on oxporlonco. Sond lo BBox olzod 101. wilh 10 X 50 mobilo ol W /D tiootaci. teiiatifl CmakBSk gSImcng>L32S(itfnTafted T r ; trackaoQ- Low down, ownor_,r pool J table. $400. Call hOUSOOlMnlno-" Tonnonnis ocros. Prosonlly locaiodod In storage t oarden. <23^04, ^ S e ira m :- a jaa iim n :: -Semi-mi- Nice' 2 bdrrp- units, w/d“ will carry. 324-3404. " *<3S-85B9,allorS:3Qp,m. ’ court, londscapod. closo'SO 'lo Jorom o Counly. Goi 1:- to o k u p . itarpffl. nsrcsi3 enttarrce. no tw ckup.-M pls. S245 mo + Go<>2 044-Co(i(JomlnhKn3 HazsttML 2 'bdrm. drapes.s . wtLtHteskSaOs- 1,000 oq f t ovorhoad door,f ^WANT TO BUY: Old woodon school' & bUslnoas. Moro Moi priority doto i not odocti C h ltS w . rro petx.S3- Stop dep. Call 734-2307. r' rocking horses (or rostora- ncroaao availablo. 42>4B34.IB34._ by hold on Swan Falffi Porsale, appls. fireplace, taidcm.m. BVA3SUST .1 3 n m __ gatflaai- — Insulalod, 3 phaso powor, ----- pasture. caiT» fL<0-S1M ,__ I :— Nice Z bdrm duplex, closo-O' roslroom. 1 » 7 Highlandd lion. Or. will rosloro youra Now on lho markol)l In Ownor roady to soil. Collall or ------n B B s s m/Hman. O S SfO- 3 - P ftinpsftetf. T bdnn.■m. In. osragc. carporl. appls. ,11 (or you. Call 352-4231. Kimborly. 3 bodroom Itomo hon' wrilo lo Boyd Poultonjn at Kimberly sell or m j l 14 * TD >itn AOlCUClUtlESuStSSamf up. ?• Avo E., TF. J250 mo. Call ,i" T1V£ WCWE. Jtoiamtsln up- W/O nook-up. AC. aulo0 ?34-4a23or423-5411. Wonlod 10 Buy wood plan- on Washlnglon St. wliwllh Soulliern Idaho Be«lty. F 045-M o b ile Homes ■ mobQo tiome. tu rn . arfd. Coimtry. SaaianuJ mime.L *< CuliZSgSIL ______storage. <23-5l3E>g3^a». __ sprinklers, water cald, no nof. Call734-B077.______basom ont. lorgo- • (onccincod B0x_l048, Burioy. 10 8331 SBjrm. 3 ^ 5 a fl« . I »^5- ^ IcciiinC t a r » nouM c r apt?pt? pets. Ju n e l. 734-7052.______l ^ d , covorod potlo. Pricc•rlcod eZfcl.Ue^______For sale. 6 moblloTionio .3X-sx- Mominsside. sitaip-2 tiormrm- c Bipemg. jK epcs. cait»«3w Si 063-Wajileoe. lgip amiblB SBOsp^ ilinse jonS ted footlon. S2S5. 733-4100. ovonlnos, • Da^Davo acja ovory day la o wcwor- almost now tiros. <»ll 734- atu d ed yards. SSD. 7S - ” micR. 15. t tdmr, fkirnisftetf Wolor (or ronl; Blfl' Wood o-Jw rttn Tiatns :iBwt> /m=«K. acc- airoflHOesreiid:. PSS.SS. FOSTERMANAGEMENT d 2-man . rubbor rail, $50. 733-l7l70f Oorls 753-6568. hwhllo hatill. Call 733-0626.526. 1245. 6 2 8 4 ..______73«^72< 731X1738 canal. 218.02 shares. Cali11 t/lbratlno- rocilnor,- $40. ] C a ili Z S M ^ e r T g a S c — Grant Ostorhoul. Twin Falls, Boy's 10-spood bicycio, $45. __G nc luroje Ctitm*. c a^ ete dsa. . Perfect for the working por- _ i. S-holo, f5-' VW rims, $50. BSB. i < 9 e iS c & T tnD€ s Stage:, Tauwr,. paflo. Some son. nice 1 bdrm api. wilhIh :all 734-2843. HOME.- Bflftuimn wHm r f oflimex Aduitx nreftetTTOt. ”*■ ^or^/H ^loH R oa^?■ 066-MobllB Home Spc. (8) round samsonilo padded Sta»Kc -RniBr o n TT»ini stftt.at. (toeeta.Caii:23M£^ ^ -————— - rlnyl lop cord tables. Lika - ^ ^ Gtaies T Bedrectni (timiatted:ed C u le t 2 bdrm. J255, carport, !'to14-wldolrallors, gosorir._ now.1orflll.733-«)a5. 1 ____ UU£ S-SCQS/'lilLL * SSCQS;o r W^O' facillty.-Laise 3 bdrm,-"• sn eloctrlcr shado.'pallos," f Inog. stave, juutrt, beac on C 2S In TF: 32&50 Aev o s. I HP Soars rovorsiblo lIno' ia m . carer am: sMtatlon — own. ADULTS, NO PETS, E.:: lllor,1 coat $1532 now-ask- , ftMmanei:, T-n3 6n t A»e^E. SPACIOUS. e. 2 bdrm apt.t. i Polnis Trallor Court. Coll" -ng $850. Call 538-6850. ^ S i § S F f f & a 1 ZE&^«rcrZ3M5BL _■ near Lynwood. Elec heat 44 ?33-3838. . - - 5 - 10 gallon oil lank and stand.- Clean 3 fto x st. ittrrostfl Sluflo ape. (srrge. IHd».le air. Appls, laundry, ox-«• ‘— ' » S r cellent slorage. Privalo:o Whon you’ro looking for,r <0 • gallon f l slovo oil- U- yd. flaic sarpait Irtetterre K it: iHCi'e . STSS' *■ dep- 307 0 Haul ISO. Wobbor BBO, $25. (12 &i UNDER setoai.saaTO.gsa^CTg, a g g u eia:.CTfcaiaii. pallo. Car storage, tlo pols.5. bargains. Chock lho garogo H _ . tr :^all 734-4942. m Adults proferroJ. S2B5 *f wilos advortlaod Itr j ClBJm 2 aidrm rtome im a laam'w s i ^ Siudics. s tz™ i dep. Phone 733^10. Classillod. Call 733-OD2G,' Kitnbpny,iftanoe.?hg a .gr.oIjA ’0 SS£. u n is pdL near *jook-up, 2TB S S D -»•- Saflg«ay- TP. 3S S fii^ e» e3.t T F 2 bdrm. Ig atlractivo a p tt. ^068-Computera 7^ WD hook-up. water, san.-pd. C epsM . C B ll36glBD. __ tl CdRTr..unllDe» paid;, adults^ CteantnODOts. 423-S685. Lot iis ordor any Radio CatntotatOB.26a»H>.mani»,1c puttoxedL sia s. Call Tic- , Shack Compuloc or Solt- Bt. g g g r Z a j a z E 1 bdm aoa. St65 plua dop. B Merchandise Jjome. 5‘.«?lBil'» flimamrCt. = NO PEt5i W/O hook-up.y- waro and savo at least tO%. Mon'smaiinr. d l! l, GaO (Bl t bflmi a p o fhr rent. ST75Lj? Call 734-8511. • Brlnglnthonumborto: JJ ______k In C a iy Je ra m e < CiSmi. tt aIC, c , Bd:eu£ cower. Z S ^ S T , 239 Soulh Lincoln, Jerom e A TF. Nice rodecomtod," 067-Hi5cellaiieous = ■ttap. Btataje. mte. EEC — carpeted, W & 0, i porson. Or Call 324-2807___ \ ma.32*JlCarS*SEZ. " Tro pets. nOO monlft. 328- ^ fS n JosI^oporl^ “ C m e 2 s arm , eam mtiitnc3tc ITW r?wftpT> camuQc ■7 Filer for maturo adulis In- ■ BUYINQ: "scrap gold lo w o l- / p^,aq--BSaggi:gBjr„llilCUC g j^ ^ agm e^n*gltf.., - . Idaho Coin Gallerle#------_ 302 North Main. 733-8583. - luiuus _ ■^derrinc'T-Etfrm ,»ala^ income. 'Cese-l TOTfl.TCiTnautTg5.!jg & g ai_ S^iTw/Otaolit^AC.car­^ DetPrado32*-346«EHO Ma^^allo^Mobllo Homes ^Cishlornlghtcrawlors. . ____ r y 'Berz. water S san t 8AM to 12 & 6PM 10 1 l P » ? r ~ ''^ JE R D tG -i Sjdrn. Ucrmt. rW t07 Tylor. larno 1 bdrm apt, 3V4mi.W.onAdOIJOn - -Caat-ftnr'CalitoJTOR.'SS*- 4. gag.73MK0.__ ■ 73M141 ■ NNoidJafloporoCorWooh.j______—- ipptt-lnct-wasncr^-wator. “ LonosBaltBox7a4.1sa «Sggpntn5i.______!jeaj3c a » e 2 Bdhn. 7 batft."■ traaft & lawn caro provided.. Umana radar rango, S160, — ^ t O t l E : 3 Siprm. 2 eaffiLtn. ;otenHe carays^door No pets. CIO + dop. 733-- -lammon's chord organ, FRAN'S BA(T SHOP . — smokors only. S260 + dop. :om o to you. Roy Odormolt. Old Ol oak (urnlluro 4 plc- M Ixxury 3 sljiiT! ’tcnrg: 3 i«ua>i3Cns ifflmedlaieiy' Ex­5 Pt»one 734-23M or 733-7068. ;0ll0Cl 4&5-52SO. 468-3649, turos.TreasureB tu From wte . s battu IpnTHii flm try tcDTTwit ieeptidnailV efea«. 2 e d rm H Blaze King wood slovo, tho Paat733-297aor734-5300. - . Boys. Girls.. HHcre’S'youri chanco'to sell,elC anylhing . . . ju st a s} long lo as tnom or 3arye lamlly i3om . SSE ‘ Irgost thoy mako. usod only $ TCP DOLLARS ...... ■ s w a p , o r b ujy y janything of value to you.3u. dad £ays it's.all rightiht List wtiat you p in tnortm. Ctttl S3&4SQ. 5 jcarasasr. ______B«Rldqew«T.7 3 4 ^ . - ' 2 yrs. Allplpo Includod. {450 Fridges, TV's, Furnlturo . All a t n o c:ost. o s Uso tho Times-Nowsws havo to sell (your adtd imust indude a - K e e 2 SCfnu l o ni c - CTCfl ; o ro llo r.733^^1.______TVDoctor734-g188.anvtlmo. T] « Ouiee 2 &»m. appls.■ 2 bdim. slovo/rofrlg. at- ...... V \/ant-A d3"“ to sell toys, biko's.is. prico) in tho cot.JponI bfb e lo w . W o n r u n ____ tocaicm . m s it saas. S5E -► n tBctied garago. water/trash1 Bunk bods, sturdy Waniod; W Worma, 538-8765. g e g o ft:'TOa««fc s y»gtgr„ ■ itfTTr r ; r n - ^ .w r d ,. w / d bookcase hoadboard-slylo,- = - - s k o o to r s , sk£skatos, stamps, baseballlali your a d FREE! - :accltup;«3ggX»3tuCg5Qr~— -pdr»335-t"dep. 734-P43. S le e 3 aahTO calirrty ■na ritt. r m attross boards Includ^od, n cards or polslols. In fact, you. can soli;o ll.. .. [ 2 bdrm duplex at 454‘ ! like now .t150.734-0077 ^071-W anted to Trade r a a r . ? ^ . irflraauD O i. c a u Robins. S25a + StOO dOp. - aanrmommst73»^^-. » Call Lou 734-3409. ' Captains bod, ' {400. now Wanted w .to irodo: Ilko now _____ - K 1 D * S5_KORNER!LAEBI 1 H E A R S E V E R T SiU .U W P A Y T T J y tOTTT epntlQ wltft - 17 rti fl__ [jC020f _ JO ■3 aarm onptnx:— D rttr J _ 7iy) LTD, B^gfl ______THETI]riM ES-NEW S WAANT-AD SECTIOW) N , A T N O masnerfSn/VT nca^uci. tit>- : disposal. Noar RobertI ‘upright J150. Vl cord o( Kawasaki Ki motorcyclo. 3214 .. ^ |*3SlW ^Jg^Bem ent ‘ wood-spm. $15. 734-4624.__ _ mml. (or-llko quality & value- “ COST TO KIDSS ISLAND UNDER! R | _. SntartiPanlne.-C25/mo 4. ! : otacf 4 sorm: I ncTBar^. 2 1 S165/dep. Call 733-5502. CAROUSEL (Iroplaco. oood boal. be No lunk, ploaso. Call- - U S E T H E CCDOUPON BELOW ^ IBBtf VWMIoTF.SbdnirZ • cond.>275/ol(or, 733-87$^l. Elmo & SMrQOSS, 753^624. ' In imtsheS ia ;iir._ 2 Sutn ^ Baflfe. cneap Ifa e . m n i SIJ tt.t . 3 bdrm. 2 baths. (Ireplaco, Pul ono wordfd Ini oach box. Includo priccico of item or iiorrts you have'VC f o r s a l e o r w h a t S3Sm3n -3 tsi.J3(r you'll pay orwr wanl ol swap roFbihoHlono m . S e n d it to thoT im os-NJe ew w s . W e ll Oce bnSzsem. cjuantC. — AC, stovo, OW, single car• Miller goll clubs w/Pro Carl, 072-Anlkiue8’ Q ~ «alUef t c 2 b d m plenty of balls, J150. Also ^ your ad lho first SunSunday after it is rodovod. / »tave/trtn. Oia?et, %rJS • n c s a r s a p t. atg»te & frift., garage, closo to CSI, Water. des-faiiaaiaM . - taiRdry RoaiMics. & 2 pert . M it. S lawn care fum. Cali-:• portablo Singer »ow^ Anliquo Ai ook liroplaco (ronl Ptaasain 3 TOom n.-.fR^r,,^ ♦ uilis^St25 d e p . trasit* terappointm ont 733-2224. : w/m irror. Sacrlllco (or $500. TiiST* Bppfn.. aiB S a —— — —• I 733-3510.______'' Call Cl 886-2728.______Meal tor Sa.: rvrgSS^ggL Comploto bdrm set, dbl sIz- OInIng 01 tablo with 3 leaves.' 6 _ K9->flo(jnaForRent, od- J bod, trlplo drossor + chairs, ch bulfet. $650. 'Also * " TviAirCOUPON) 7 3 T d T " ' ' ! Sm 2 MTw staiae: accttt-t. ' b i saa. KOcfr 3 bdnn. a» CKpei. Kmr.'maQB cC. matching' pieces (or *275. bookcase be $50.733-fl656. ~ lattla P&. carpeOBX W d y . Boys BMX bike, good condl- ~ - »7?p • Hep, au Aue -Jerom e's Antkiue Malt I M,733^B73r£5?^P g«gfc tlon. >75. Call 7 3 ^ 1 0 . - 3,000 sq, 11 ol Aniiquos. Buy P .O . BOX 5 4 8 Twin Falla, roon^ for ront', Small 2 sarm. ’ e»c*ES. — fumisfted. clean. Ji25/mo [For Salo: Blaze King wood a'itBOlll 324-8106.133 E. Main. _ TWIN FALLS. iPAHO^O 8 3 :i0 3 I _ -jftfcoajarsrarns-ate aa*:t an -sm z edfflt. udss. •*- SSO/dop.-For-moro-ln(o.-. bijfnlng_sl0¥0_ + cnlmnov “ B pe. carnet Wdsr. aanll. ; Npo^o^condillon>iS£0. q «.nas->deg.aaga. ■ t eallAnlhenY,733J|318eves. ’ .• 074-Hu8lcal r A ftet wote pd. sm yard. < ------1 ■ SmaliraOTtBTonieaciB S Instmnionts ■ Blue Lakes, S S muiffii : For Salo: Sot oi oldor on- .■ - I i .^-MobUoHome cyclopodlas, .EncylclopodiSi ^ SniO 'dcsi', .foin iafli flPMf- — R en tals------Intornotlonai. good condl--- -Comploto Jo22-Crost drum ... I ______I nrtris, 'XV A ZL SMor &K BM SS n 1 tettm- a p e sti» e . , ■ — • a e t $150.686-2652.______M te r. o r ZSs- tlon, $200 (Irm or best o((or. — O ea n gt)od location. 2 Yearbooks 1973-1081 Includ- Norwest Financial In'Surloy I ______f ______I ZZ71 CKwgtouwZa!. • b d m , stove and trldjjo. W/O ed.. Call 733-6558 odor 5 pm >>Is accepting bids on a new - TF-3 a a nn ig y a L Bnmiy — tiook-vp. carpots, no pols. oranyHmoSat&Sun., ______J*Yamaha CLP 30 piano. Call I SBsm. sa B '.'hiim J y B Lf \ CMnOlVlUA ..^ '73*<167evea and wknds. | 87&^)4S3. • " * • _ _ - x r 11 A 2 edB£ mitafile. near • Froo ior dlsmanlllna & Sl •oA artcd.lsS-nnsa*ci.:: iteaotaf-rgntafrOTTgoa.: Cuto extra clean. com(or- r I ------^ — ^ — . 1 g»peo.Jte>ktor«;a=wg. •- ' removal, 100' TV lower In 20’ - . K atfc H W w riifiiEwPWT 'M le ; T b d m , air condl--■ aoctlons. , Call f7D2).75S0227. ' 07B-OffJc8 0 Equipment — I . ------— ------Urrtun»«heS1 - I i'aoniL , Can%9 \ 2B»dA—Sm CT- - 'tloiier moat ulilltlos. no ^ _ _ , ______— / z ______AT & T electronic portable' ^ ...... - -Y O UR-M> I "A G E ------I tome, c o s sa Cmticcr^ ' , Uobile homo ln_country, t 606W.7lh/(vo..Jeromo. •typowritor.' -ft' 6300, now Jari Cali^a-SOD,- ' r- I b d m . parflairy fumiahod. 1 '1987. hardly tieoiJ. has cor­ — — ■ , ADDRESE S S ______: - S IHdc*. o m A sar- ! COO/mo. g 4 -afl« evonlncs. Ice * c r ^ machines: Ssn- rection, ra memory, quality ' . ' I U n o u e Sauor. r t m t o* tj e e (flap e saf. etUlty rm. I tJ-Serv twist solt mach; ^ -----• ------~ . C I T Y _ ^ Z I P . _ _ ___ P H O N E _ couple. SIB POT 3Tia. m a c iCB SZ%; m o ■¥■ StnO/dep. 73«-C email,I furnished. 2 bdrm. In c print. $™ , Call 324-2443. flesifcfl. * sfiaitrwfl- [• < Glacier slim single barrel ^ ^ 4Oflet-FUw park. No pata. mach; n 1-M7-4423, H t Home. Brand ^ now Sharp coplora at J - P A R E NNT'S T SIGNATURE ______Cnens -tor m aaOBime^ ! fafs.Phone321»-6Ba3. j below wholesaio pricos, i I Oten 2 bdtm. *p(ex. ST ! Ico M erchandisers. 1.2, and nt . I InciLicludo your namo. address anand phono nurribcr - ar«J your;lu r a g e . ® Must . ^aa« sifts. Send i >. Very nice, carpeted, 2 bd m , 3 new Sharp 7200 al *1075. t t a p u iOT 13 !P.O. B a t « * . I 3 doors. From J29i.4505. New w. S h a rp '7100 at $099. I BE SURE TO HAVE MOM OR DAD 5.IC T H E COUPON GIVINGS TT H B R O K A Y .| . efl electtle, SlSO per month, Call c 733-4488 or 734-7398. C /a Tone* xenes Pg . Ste | t No pets. Call3»jM7. 5 Now Sharp 8260 at *2299. 2 , ^ NO PIWN^CI^Ca l l s ^ ^ SO^annFaltt.ltsreZSa. COTlBt. | w w ^^ayd^ ! Kenmore mlcrowavo oven. U Ui sed, Savin 770 copiera.M . —i.f-v/nl-T-in. c««n;fnf>, m I ------Mlrf, ay,n|„^ g- . »•>••)onA^»•• '■"TT nl Asn*", ^ l i s ' ' ' ----- f ------.

    Tuesday, May' iy'l9,1987 Tlmos-Nowa,Tw, Twin Falls, ttJaho c -7 - Z ^ - - M c rr « c h a n d i s 4< e -R e c r e wf a H o n a l 0 7^ i 6 - 1 2 7 " Hiave werpt aJline; for* yo► u l : ; ' New, low pel im e*cM orpri\^^ )er line rate. Comn Jy^^perline^Ca:aUNow733-062<126! ------1------

    J t3 - F a f m i Ranch 11 MP ,g^i*hCTirrT mI- 4 - t o » 115-Farm Woric : T *1 H I ^ F A R S I O I By Supplies ; - Wanled ^ By GARY LARSON THE A c i sS ON BRIDGlJ C BOBBY W O l f f 4I Sisamaae tttteaL. 7 —a liHJL r TTPES OF HCRSeS _____ Sta.fla.airgtes.3aen:tftoLSg [Ecec HOIfi]UE WEATHER STATION CuVtojstom Hay stacking, call ■ c»Sh-Cali5^€5X a a ~ Mitlart>oaea.73Ma55._____ c o mim ; putoriiod-barom otor. MiltlitSoronsonB34W632. S ^ i W k d B E W p e i. E Sar S FIntB tnare. started. «indrrd speed & direction, in- - “ComforL-a sl^ic of mindM«t tianmen.: wdec Rivor branding 'Inrudo & Morcury motors, 1 benanaitorsea. snutte[itte.SgM.3Sa-<231. ^1,",!,^ distribution to eompensattate for any «♦ A 8 7 2 SBR«Urn«*A-e. ^ lais & lishing lacklo. c shortiigc of hlgh-card strerLrength. ▼ lod loador or scraper trac- Tom'iim 'a Marina & Sport Gds. 7 ▼ Q J 9 8 S 2 . , Farmal 3500, 2B rollover Hoybi3yOurn/Burioy,678-7473. C West was positive thatat he1 would «. score three' trump tricks ercury 30 HP, S controls, cks, whlcH, ' ♦ 7 5 3 S F ro era’nartrt ------______^ r 7 3 ns good. S450.423-6345. '-*t .. added to his side's other KJBSEa«3SMG ^ I i , ' od rig (or irrloatlng. pipe t v' squarea ondor Roguo |B • would net a sizable gain. I Both I « a» o Q c« » tey ftMlnl< a a s la me. VW wilh widor back p L . * ll ------vor boat. (Iborglass doI- fore chose his “safest” leat o d - t h^ s DeataSooU. eels, runs good. J295. m. w/traller. ^ 0 . 1927 klHR of spades. ’ 0 6 - t^evesorfes-5175. J^Sraluras. 734-3847. w 4000 swathor. doublo The play by South w asIS qquick and Sootb West 1 N o rth rrart BgCCfrtUCJJtramne. aurinr ■ FIberform, 65 HP More. ^ /A yA /A very painful. A club wasIS olscardeda 2 V DU. ftaicKegTrr,, gnaCT- _ Z load traitor, now uphol- - OPSOBzQiaiH^slBlfaag- )ry. Super little ski boat, Ll__ - trom dummy-whj?e-Southitft-won his Pass -Pass­ ora. aifD et> J« s; scma tB iirjrw^ w/tasutffttf jn’TTnCTO 18'swairier;SSO(3(I.'2' J2BOO yfUr» ae sica*. SSSL Calt 1 300 or best odor. Call A nd for th e rotl o( hit iKe.l(e.(h«youAg ( v . spade ace. A spade wases rruffed in Pass DbL AH Jlirt.rt.aBTfl.iaSiaiyS.m i - 1282 soK propelled M3-a2'j-8214 or 543-5962.______' M,OhBg>eaff>ie«2gtaB ------baler.:er.S*a}Q.537-6Wafter5. roplllo sufforod doop emollinolloftol scar*. dummy, the hicn clubs wert^ere c ash e d o p a i n gg It VtTtg OM,« Soars aluminum boal w/ • and a diamond was ruffedfed. A club ______i ?4*40. " NH 1100 swather, irallorIlor. 733-2<44aHor5. ruff in dum m y was followe K - fa m S B B S m baler. Ail low hr.. ^77-57 wed by two BID WITT r a T H E A D S ~ ' ^new■7aa-^^14/mes3. ?LBirchcrali, boon glass- ^ more diamond ruffs andi twt\ o m o re . ANO hoavy duly trallor. i22—S-Sportino Goods 123-Gi-Guns&Rifles » -i> s A Ssiuta aa se e d , Sar ^ t y lO H Ce&dUUit mats w lsa m !2B0 swather, cab. air. 16 Both (< • spade ruffs. A t thls-point. S< L bred back. Cande lh lor $375. or bost ol(or. ------S o u th w as South 1D«: Baioot aaer luger. (iold roady. mako Call11324-3593, 32' ______KIDDEFER RedtlnVQraphlte Brownln(vning Combo 12 gauge • __ left with Q-J-0 of trum psis_and a W e s t______. S e17.TS Hiati s a te a tc x : ss s s ur.CalI32*J9ea . - - m-wilorski, 66'-- pro- trap,-ovi-over-& undof-oarroi.------♦ J954 3 e>.. 1- m l tfkUin. & < s a eaffllfc Lono Slar w/cabln,' doop' .w ith A'K^IO, and no'tricks!;ks h a d b e en * • Super 104S & regular hunII. 100, HP More motor, £“ 'ST;in! Novor usod. J280. F;M., ^hard ' case, wind won by the defense. V t oaiijiiSenag i a a ^ ______^ 5 yr OH gtifl; mare , welt .iq m8 Balowagon. n cabs. v-^. " r-,. 34-5714. Chokos,!:os,$975. CaN73i9439. «Lg8na>i3;*3ac h irallor, S27yt. 678-3740. Another diamond from ♦ K Q 3 2 UAi5AsBsa.sajn)Sac: l2BS-7inSr4HHlS91. Sale: Guns, knives, im dummy ♦ 1 rBRU earn oottor eatgsi 3 Wreidt ski boat. IBV^' NEW lop ol tho liiio bcodo^'' • was riiffcd with South’s quq u e en an d ♦ J 1 0 9 2 ^ ting out swathefs_lnlor^ w/jss455 iol eng. & trif. Runs- Janspoi 1O8. Wholosalo -f 10%. I £SrH*S"liSn- ^ lonal 210. JO 215, * '* ,1 l(lorhOon,73KM81. ' ...... 5 West was stuck. Five heatearts, dou- North • Sooth BnmwuasgE?.______n a iU « : t fiU>r. studL Como latl S5000, or bost ollor. & packsrwfests'?.™- H!™- laton m Owaionna. Mff 11324-2875.______packing .bled and made, for a borrib-rible Elast- 1 ♦ 1 ♦ Sar BOe. i tp Eves 825^93._;______if^»n Job ■»—«" imi * 3 osAgFaftwsainar^ < 5 Slick Crall-day crulsor, folall, la 1Z5-Tn.-Travel T^lef® ' ] :West result. 2 V , ? lupcf 1048 balo stackor. mnn« 333a«ncy.atB 10S-I iQUIPMENTCO If J Exocullvo dosk wllh locking BUBUNK BED: sturdy, 1 mal- ^kiogor bicycle trailer. Ute aa.< riD oei»B tg« itpffi _ . If you are unable to0 call or come by TlThe Times ni(rorawor. J75. W ocoralor tro:trBsa.»S.8a&-2g7. ______Mlew. « u sed 4 tones. JT5D or •JTolDsrx . Bon, curtain rods, (S. ooeh. Exc lest offer. Can 73*CTC faga , C ian q atnasa aa», Ne ew s office, sim plyy clip and mail tiiisis 1order CASH tor oood usod fur- ^ a ad . S3M O a * r iBa. A cue se lfx a o n and N cond.Call734-68?2at1of5. JfjjJnlture & ap^lancoa. -Banner Cen^enturtof* Elite. ID spd. Savon &40 coplor w/ FurFurniture. 733-1421.______nacer. c o «n new. w/aaeye m « a .g 2 M B jL D PARTS: JD 4430,4020, f Oform f to bur classifieied department soo tthat we ; tiusplloa. UOQ. Call 733-5031 F T rolar. HJUrIT FH S S H E IOB) e m s cfl ^M^GMCTcocks . 3020. 3010, 720. 4620 Coral colorod coueh. SlDO. ^ lO .tlfcs& cab. 423-4247. C a (Mln.-Slat0aTfusl)8'l0 5. sil*Sllvor-tonod o ro tn / Lad]ady-* biCTCle. nS.tinttclfT..tereme san get your ad staiarted without delay.ay. ‘ word procossor. IBM mag borbonch/m uslc, SSOO. Electric Sctn 3S »aaincr7JW 5B WE REBUILD F • Hydraulic Cflfd A. Mnko o(tor. «23-CB3. ren.ranoo. S75.Call73M1gl Tue. g faULtmAAgKlgCb «TB Ou 2 r to r » . fully cs at : ABBOTT-S AUTO BkitoteiM aPiaMCag 'PLY. 305 Shoshone * r For Salo: SSOO. etean 3 «wtieel t bicycle wtth saiTier. sae*. ondent a»le. e trailer. <35^5^.- Street;e t Soulh. Twin.______' rP lease print clearlrly with a dail< penin 1or pencil. ~ ] ' 077-Home E nter^m '^-v. watortood, soN akJo hybrid. 3 #p I ^ ^ i 4^80VBoa regular sheets. 1 yr CallV . « i s t n awm K i f i r Built T grainain augor. 33 (t long. 6" ** 1T here are approx!ximately 26 letterss peri line, COIOR ToloviBlons. U so ^ oM. oM, now $850. wUI trsde for e ams stack Bailers. «w"d,md. on whcols. S HP ' '______^ s t e w t trie motor. Ilko now, * C laroo solocllon (rom $99.dS; dCublo d6u l» d (inn m attreaa. — ■ P lease pre-pay aciccording to schediidule ;__Kon’8--Fumllur# A /Ap- MoiM essaoe at 73341107.______i i334-8456. i r DHancoa.453M«TnAVa'^ - Fult-slzod puu canopy bod. wUh flC-Rants&Tm — WB- 2 Boras. fiigB IO® diOMi d NOW Holland • • w \ tych Is printed b3 |9 I0 W. Comploio salollto systom, bod er SD aata re enanry zicsiHk" cond sQckcrker & 1114 diesel Now ! TokI TflllO rocolvof. 6 'dish, and r a “ y.jD3iafflgci.g>gI3n. I t e b B ^ c S t t r Hotlandm d swathor. A-1 Shapel I <1000 llfml734-9?94 ovoa- . trado trad for trundle bod of DBS-VaiiBlyFDtili I Stm a fi ft 2nfl. m s Ol »d t?72 Dodge Dl shop van (or equal value. Call 73^8668. m L.gnrLQii73*gas7. ^incng equlpmont. EOOO Ib ■ ■ ■ ■ B J For Salo: Comploio salollllo 29H ^ mSk fed •sal ft tatv [ end winch. Call. Mur- ■iH f =fease run my ad in dish or will trado (or vohlclo. L*rtLaroo, caat-lron bakers * el. c o l ft wra pped. raaf% I Sten cf laaty W». ra t «E BEJ^ f t S«B to e d sad- ft 432-5220. •______' n ciassification #______for ■ ' Day 678-7363 (Burloy racllraclc. trimmed with brass; mtoAi.Wenden.gg6B2. m t^aaLtg-Scsaa. etes s Poirolouml or 678-6935. twohvo antique cane-bottom Stackor, 1 ownof. low I ■ ^days. My ch(tiecl< or m oney o rd3r e r' is ■ S. porfoct cond. 4 row ■ ~ Original AUrir24 aamfts, ^ehaira.Cail733«48. t f t 31a . a n . QUI 2z»- Bce t e un S rsS S c n ' i9o-f«stsinfi9 ^ ‘ t ft v tc tec s (ianimcimcrdlkor. used on only ■• € enclosed for $ ■ m ■ worTts oood. SIOO. 7345170. MatiMatchlno davenport artd ytygag. aiOacrecre s. 788-2568/7aa-<067. ■ - RENT A NEW TVl Own a chair, fiusly brown. Ejo; ------te n M CBP Bay. BBS I " cond. SI 65. Can 734^843. . AGREATCEAU ? jeftailW.nMaTZ. 12KNHNH baler. Now knottor, _ I ' now color TV by ronllng. No “ Si puppX»a , e i ^ l ^ . S J propelled. excoliont ■I ______' crodilors chockod. 204 Main NEVNEW Frigidaire hiU size erman Shephenl X.lo oiaB iIti^.-€aif326-<85B. . 7 ______I ■ Avo, North. Cains. 733-T111. atacstack wasner & dryer, was n-T||- “nStS I (1st word) (2nd word)3j------— Kay.CaH6?i-* ^ n aB-limsliiM t- 1 _ «*-S ______1375 F700 Iruck with ■ ' 10 (t mo9h aatollllo dlsn on. H250. now S579. Freight ■ jamafleX^SJ3W11._ ^KC Chesepeaks Bay «»- — — if^iyip boars* iV^apfiicihide combinallon grain ■ movoablo pad, Amplica ierer. o n e exale pup. Bora y MOn"BDKBBEOacyeBilB- tT Pirg OT stock bed. lQ w.mlloago_ . I ~ ______■ ______Sloroo rocoivor w/buUHn NEV^EW 4 pioco Gulkloan U»- AorO l a r anhiinniBig f lg g a w . c2i»zgSg«S5. gg“ ' pro 3rd, 1®7. H e ^ aatfi 1. 1969 IHC Translar ■I dish drivo, wlroloss romolo, tngnngroom group was SZ3S0 «3rriEo. Mother h a s CD U ie. d s aa t e ecK A aaO —- semi-tra-tractor. 318 Dotrolt. 10 " ■ low Sieotf. Sola. loveseaL ^ 7 J conlrola both drivo & now »D7a3-7C8. IsmIg. * . Hanc Itinargrt anS ■ ^ te o S G ca C S spd RoaRoadranger. 156" whool | I recolvor. SHOO, 734-8S3I cftal:halr & ottoman. CAWS. ICC registered .(Aocotele • • _____ '— • • base, S5D00. '4 0 ' Vflison;: _ — - ' . 1 . - ' TSS-',ro-7111- .______a . c }a o! Zmta Bibbs b^i- KjiiJLisAlrewa ram s. Calt wforititrailer.S tr; 3000.J0 4bOt- I iSeTKiaRma.BB3rn. I ■■ ■ ^ 07J-Com m . Devices . 4EW 7 ploco oak dir>- shots r t S e e S » < ^ tom in-lin-lerrow plow. J1500. _ ngroofflsct. wasSlSSO. ROW ______Sundanilanco tubo grinder. ■I Jalaeo Hound. 2 yr. «M ” ■ ■ 50'. baso anlonna and cOax »49. (rolght damaott. JZlOtLIhL IHC model.400(5 slnglo a “ ;U1H3.733-7111.______^ 1 "male, ^ Trtcotored. neeOs L ______: ______pniJj3a3o.unlL M75.crJ»al S4J1 nced-y«RS.-AKC«mrOa' ,tS5BL: TtO-w 1 ------ollor. Coll OVOS 733"9149. z mi ------Ooncr. r. STSca. American ■ 3-4171.______Far sa a U c Lecfarm [aying modoi : I ■- - - k- »-M nfiBrte8— 3i 500 SP havmostor. ‘ ■ ______■ ______ward. SSO. Red im . 10x11. atgthfl-pnp^dertorM B." t {TniTjii~«ony.~6ood f a r sisooor00r D6‘ C5?aplllor. 9l)“ 1I ~ ! ~ 50. Mattro68,SS0.7il-«Sa. sBitC .S te to e te-ZB B H annana rc O ners o r s2swTrq^ scriess withv hydraulic angle _ * 0?4-Applliiices ' S J w ^>w ^».E bbs., blade.t. S6000.: Coll 587-9452 | I ...... — ------■ ------' ColUspol rolrlg-20 cu tl. carp,SipoL^^cwSSr&*S g s . ■ jimGflaSf^ave.MtHome.______• _ (rosi uoo, Ico makor, ^99. aqfl yyrda twige c^peOMiB iw T FFreeman m pull typo 3 atr- I ■ ' - Also Konmoro [iorUblo pora■ersq. yard. Call 7 t o j ^ ™rting HAC tiny toy PoodlB s s ® =each:. . C31C S042B t in imj baler bali lor sale. Ooyls ■ I . ------gltthwaahor.t125.73M656, ______ffleselll e n g in e.. oxcollont ■ I NN am e______. ■ ■ FOR SALE: Amana, chost- You'iou'll novor know tho ------e. Cail»4-7148.______■ DinooAusbalian * Id MF 38 swathors. JD . ■ froozor, 7.2 cu lt..uaod vory valuealuo ol classKiod cmUl you Shepherd , Xptca. — ' T Z ~ ~ J g o o d l lllllo.. Asking S200. ‘— uso i -iiiiminnn z n . intoIntomalional balors. all | a C D ead i. - iwor, hydraulic lilt. May . I ^ A d d r e s s ______■ ' ■ ’ Cana?*Jri- ■ I Oe-BuM lnaltoriiJa r sale: 1 yr oU no. yattwBttn8teo8itt.a6B(OK.4D ZTatS' condition;. J235.00, 734-8768 082- nale Alaskan MatimBte. aena.1a.*8iAlILS»C33. ' ovoninga and wookonds. JO. good shapo. best ®|.Q C ily/Stale/Z ip ______■ - Hn Sale: 5300. " t i t m 1 mask, needs some lain- s ^ ca e a = g i.CaU542M284or l Konmoro oloctric d ^ o r, 3 ratorbod, soft side hybrid, |^tttf^.StSD * .C U I ri-mbSAB. T ao S t e e » cfl B iesicc a s a a , oam a n d ^ < 9^5?15. evonlnos. ^ ■------: ■ yoars old.S125.324-3200. tsos ropular sheets. 1 yr. ISS er ft ■Oder ba aCailtLtL ft HP to tt» HP. 2S22i2i Now magic Cho( (ridg. 14.6 old.lid. c o st new S8S0 or trade Forr ssale female T eito w U b . S Stsqge U 9ar nas eS tee. ! j W e accept V isa & Milastercharge.e (Ciroie cu (t, Maggie Choi 30" slovo. foror idoublo bed (Irm mal- 14 wewetfca. ivory csfav. Cali jmttiar , g g gisM^MB nS-Fa-FaimWorK m ' ^ ;ie one). J ■ almond. iSOO/palr. 543^205. troaaross. Messape al733-0107. 733-7Bb-rui, a:;.caa7»gzsz. •______WiW antal Usod appllanco spocials! post>ost Polos, R ouijh'Luiiter wsxsnsciSarT^ “ m Z * « K t t s I4T dllcft ttrt. T T ^ . ^ — - — I- I- - - Olshwashors, SSO - saS. SRai.Railroad Tlos. Potneiwerfan ptppig . 2 maHa. ipags.can73Ming.. ^ TYPES OF ihToshing. *] C ardholder______Washing machlnoa. S120 - Scarrow-a324<1>1. 5«MB ng. deep till discing. ■ u t a L G s e t r rMHiTg irifcimiiTi lergroundwork. _ ------1 I ■ tie s . Oryors, J125 - {195. ^ICT CEpAB.-(enciini. post. R E ■ Jaflria f t airgii — Gaa-dryar,.M5, O ai ranftns. ino. awathlno. baling, ' ■ ^ ______■ ■ i ______; 3ingr loader work, rock "5~Vj-C a r d teo •• l95, Rafrig, M5. All ig. Fir framtng lumber, and 734-lBI-1B5D. ■ ______— warrantood. Oolfvory In- ' HSBtBIB g sig, ; manuro hauling. ■ — ^— I ‘ cludod -In Magic Valloy. " „ EE .TO GOCffi -HOME. .S B‘■oat- - O ...... ■aveLCail5436a88.. j | rstan c at snd kntena, s e s ______RBaXKMKEBS ' Chemlca■ical applicalion, disk * C Idaho Eioclrlc Co., 316 S. 5 - ^ ' Expiration date ______■ . i Uncoil^ J oromo. 324-433^ lOugh lum ber 7V2xaxT: 3- i t iges 196 Wapie A n . o r c s D Q J l^tta awa GOOB^I ft u iu £ tiu u u ‘d pipe:, or roiletliler harrow, chomical ■ ^ x6x i2‘: ^exflxfl•: i 2* B x i r . ______S t f lvaftH e r c fevsft.aa OKSOSIs M rlcaBorr. repairs, and or liquid ferlllLzor, L I ava rock: 60 so (L. b est of- prse«tOQOOdhome.GsiBaB t BBL______ReD sO - i R. Jones. Inc. . Call , Color T V s. M pis, (urnlluro. (oroiiro rtra d o for Pll.g4-7182. shephBpherd. female, efnooihs Omj ndid t cafty cam tx MKw m r a a & K M t5aor326-4tai.______Call onyllmo 7^-8715. STarjlargo rolls. 6 ft chain Unk ofaLCi.canssB-zznt ______sste .c. c a a t o s M i a . J , ^ S 5 ^ 2 : H W r l L CUS'O'"im hay stacking, two P A Y SSCHEDULE: 17 cu. (t (roal froo fonc(inco o r trado lor treated y»w«>iIden Rstrtonr/Btack ua> GJ. ” *>**• >wldo0 Ihay stackers. Call ___ rolrlgorator, S3M. Hot Polnt-|-(«nc«>nce posU.M estaee a t x «ptvpies. s baw-tad 3A [aulson, 50^69-. — oloc. atovo w/hood, (250. 733-0'0-0107.______• ihots.sts. 10 w eeks. X3L Cao S EI s S± 0 SD U DI SSET: ts n One* of U»- ^ g - USTOM STACKING 1 r Both oxc. cond.' Call 733- ■ 0 4■OTBaBefS. -in ______iT r trk.cana»acL Q ■ es *aia 1 wide. 2 slackors.'Call # of .dayi~~~' ' Charge per Iline 3695 bolwoon a & 5.______j g j . 33 to c tgeiiertt cattav- 2 o r 3 oiij * * 1 ISMiKioe.Sal^s vino. Rwsl Ond ts r a e la r mOgC U T «SB gjOaag, liis Robertson. 543-8214 r r ~ C . CoiOon neirleT . fisncy* i-6227 leave m essage. ESTATE SA lJ femaleuie. 4 yn. foot el MPa*.a _ S ^ . a E ^ US* purtfiasa. Call im haying, shares or 1 - 3 d a y s ...... $2.50 OdO-Heallnoand 1Lots of oood Itemsl Uaryti act. big tjalos, havo In------..7a<1«3 -______B»toec • s u aUM in^M r' expenanyinccd servico. Con-' Ilko now cond. Vory otil- chomlomicais (or your house CaD1733% - sPtmma^coaaam m - e s —guni.tafK . dUCSt im A jtma>of78*.aC4. i Carousel wood alovo. good or •memJ^BEaORAWAMD loosDyS raised. 2 3 7ih Am i ^ e s j 1 6 - 2 0 d a y s $7.50— condition, {400 or bost odor. BEANEAW.BuhltHamwL E*sto« soil, irado. hiro— a or can 73X854. aSnsS tn n irc i> mainlln«wiBt«r ned IS lho ono placo Eioclrlc 3 epd (an. mako ot- m ULT ULTVFAMILY: BrW TV. etvBd Boston tawm MBfl. . ______tta> r» .2 in do it ail. ;__ 21 -25 days $8.75 (or.C all7 3 3 lw i.______h imm., . plants, kids clothes, K] Tentorx. CaB ttSor S t o q . 2* oaoo BTU Kolvlnelor >‘>lndow akia.;la. I lots of misc. SaL onlyl U h l■ 73X28D.73- etiieenfl r tJ * t t r T. tO" a t HAT GRGHOWERS"’sw athlna 26 - 30 days $9:50 a y te .M p m .1<»Polk. • M a i.______baling I arand stocklno-J10J q_ «Ir condJtlonar, oiiU'usod 3 Mayli P o ra b n d . - moniha., m i ^ i i overI/ER FLOWINQ H O U K Q gai ■ K s x r• c^ ime- Par lon.in. aveninos. 734-0597. - aflorflpm. ______SALE:U.E: wood table, chaira. 1 SSL C S )im I p ite . S I J 9 p er (toot (WgaUon,ion. tractor & all —..I . tuppopporware.. . disltes. I caanwtf- LS, ■i^ iiiia* ladaaMaiL phasess cof (arm work, prun- eplace accessoriei, wSf-oES'S: S yra’ oxp. avail Juno M a i l y o)ur L order form to: Machine food processor. ne8aUneRa.bh»|XM. TO 2 yr. 081-Fi''miture&C«rpet8 reeks okl. 3 naies. 2 t o l s g =all collect. 209-747- - . . ------jniac.isc.Maylfl.lOsffltoZpm; E JS 2 ------m a ,c r 3ir : 324-7357 alter 5/21. T h e T i P J I u j _ | ^ rimes-News Gaby crib, oood cond, mat- 290F11OFllerAve._W,SgMlj^ RnB&bEft Portable!lie aluminum ^ n k i o r ‘'233. bumpor guard; *80.- ■ -epalr. Hand Ones or C lassified ' ■' ; • •.■iU23-43iaa(tor4pm . n*. WPdeo.CaB|3»35g7. ■ ^ ------d Department a4-T00l> ^ lines in the fteld. Call uiu^-Gold couch. Ilko now. -W rirEo^BBa zCtt. B8« d ^ ydeUU ni ndsev. 678-7148. P . O .. Box 548 _ *225, Pool UiClo w/ping ■ .------a a U . tr.>4r-«oodpenets.4 FftBSTArrAaONG. Prom pt P' •m-ion all accossorlos, Advoijvortlao where youli biRiHREE oray M w U le Uf- I Risfieri. Fane* Q x 735 W.83> professioisional senHco.Cailus • T w i n F a iils, l ID 83303 •::ST C,inoilo eet, S60. End (Indid roady buyois — In ( t o nI, PWI hcaad trained. ic o quote loday. asslliod. ' •iu3SL,MD.i2fl-52t7. classi , ^ S f e T “ MCR423-4SS2. I m m { ' ■ I C-8rtme»New3.TwlTwirt FaJIa, Id ah o T uosday,BY, May19.19Q7

    B crca tio)nal~Autoi t n n o tive j t 2 S f l 7 3

    Annucal Garagi] e S a l e S Special K . GeG et two FREE garagee sala^ lg n s, a FREIE E Inventory listing shsheet and a FR EE listr t o f f { / ™ F RRC STOPPER “ jT — complnplete tips on how to nmake'v*ur garage sasale a success, all foror the price of your pS d a d . " “ V '

    , _ . . L y < ' " = ' Hurry,'offer axpires Soptomlgmbor25,19B7I 5 lines - 2 cdays - ■ 50 (Add‘1.0013 p er a dditional line)___

    12S->T(2ie(TnSen I la-UlilHy'Tnnere 139^ick-UpTruck« I«-lmpor1SpotUCar!1 tW^XraiATV'a 158-Aut08-Cheyr0Jet 16&-Merajry& Lincoln IB^Autos - OHsrnom« f72-Autos*Panfiac fo t SXm: 1S87 i r Raadnadmrw Knapp Hydo utility bed,ed, all 1B40 Chevy Boecial doluxiiluxo, Herbie the Lovo Bug! 1978 i^: iow Fo'r^i50'4 x 4,^."3*7351. '57 Chevy. Bal Air. 2 dr, han i679” Mo'rcufy Bobcat. 68^000 eOvOlds Cutlasa w ^jon. 350 1SB4 PonUac Tfxna A n. Sm ner. sleepa 4. po»t»-pcrt-potti. doors lo a i. caroo covere r andi 4-door aedsn. Intertctorlor VW Bug, nooda new owni'n e r h O ong., oxtromoly clearean, top. <25o6! call 733-0135. •• ___' miles. 4 apd, etanotn*fd eng. TOK. reboUt trana. new mllaaoe. Call Idata Bank A cofvS^ovt. PhoPhone oipe rack included. TBa-27t-2712. roatored. drives good, ververy & paint, oxcol. mochaniciical very roatonabio. 324-9110to iat -73 Chevy Monto Carlo, AC trans., AM/FM cassettime. tires, etc. S i a i 324^033. To!S^»KOOO. •______S4MBlKfter8mTf. _____ SmaU traUer lor aala, stao $1 6°bd body condition, noodlOOdO cond. Call 733-2563.______CircleT.______PS, PB. very clean, rvmrvna P'ayer. Call 4 2 3 ^ 8 3 ., *73 PooiiK. 1«U. A w m Cc/Oia Fsicon I s n . ctstuletuxe Cal»42>431B.______' *’” • palntod. original. 678-6681. Toyoli Und Cruisor w/3S/327 l 988 Chovy. 4X4, Slivoradrado o reti. t895. Call 788-2424. — 172-Atrt08*P0rttiac caaaatt&, czcwl eo ad , S8SQ, p c g d . i r . ne su s com*•'*•2 efs 10’ Single axle, wllh l llgr ig h t s ,'1970 Dodge pick-up, duarifiai onglno. Asking S2500 cor PU. loadod, Vi lon. ioi 74 Camero LT, 350 4 spd '71 Lincoln Mark. Ill, drlvei ___ 324-g3r.aftarSI.Macida. _____ tanks, runs good, noodiBflcia boBt offer. Catr 7334680) or( m iieaae, S11.800. Cali SO®" 36( 11100,320 7th Ave.E.. ovoryday. has been ghrerren 1970 PonUac Firebird, needs• d s - 7345651______2526, QionnaForry.______trhe besi of care. SSOOO i J S 22 ft traUer for sale, fwtnrfn ax- bodywork. <<00.3244318. W . work. $400 or be st orfer. canCan JuS a L m or caO 73«OE j i r r 1961 M ercedol, IflOOB, no^:iow 1988.5 hBrd body 4 x 4 Bhoi 702-755-2383. Jackpot. ______les. side boania, elec. el< 1972 ^*-ion QMC, ton ratlriD ,1” 5 IM -AuloS-DodBO 32*-tSOi. - _ tT^-Aate-P^niiODft »?tar5. ______------braJcea. oood rubber, heiheavy 35^ 4 apood, <1000. Col ap- box PU, AM/FM caaa., puai _ 1973 Bonneville. AC, PS. _ Good ceotf»oo Air SW*J«*m , duty.C^B34-6<56. ^____ 543-5802. ■______• gr.afo.° » y . Susft iSrtttoU( R 3 Automotivei t1-ALtoDMJara 175-AtitoDe«le« 17»>^DariatB fc» box. stMpa 4. «« ;QB brako, air conditioning — 1973 Ford PU, 360 ong,, AT,AT AM/FM, aun rool. maflB Ing, Qood cond., S2500/otfor. 338 cood. SIOOO. E m . 5CWS2 . • len' radlals. runa exc., tIOOOI oor .cruise,- lilt. - . stereoroo. T yieraltor4 pm- ~______SO «S D (Sprinkl.Inkier ------In good running condlllon. 555; 1^ . Call 733-3800.______° • boat olfor. Call 458.5671 oor romovablo lop, 16" conlei 'W Omni w/sunroof, $2500, Ha*3RafatlM«r»>. ------132-Auto. — 438-4565.______line whools, TOYO radlals®‘“; 733-8929 or 733.7643.______Pwtsi 1974. Chovy V<-(on Custom 5 T VERY NICE RIG. J5.000J IS* tn m tnUw for rsnt. Accesaotles ood 1975 Morcodea Bonz 450 SL ■M Dodge Chtroer. 2.2 ong. o a r a c g . _____ deluxe, now tlroB, good olfor. Call 536-2391.______cond..-il000.734-<2lQ, new eng., new wheela, oxc — PS. PB. 5sp. AC. Appro* 17 It tses AJpan LO* 51 —r cond.Call423-4241.______■ '78 Ford F150 4x4. 351 ong,'W l 3 5 MPG. 15.000. Call 388- 95 of 1977 Ford Club Cab, 4- PS, PB, AT, hubs, radial L j ' T H 8EISENM01n r o R S t w fi« l. CTnfng. new hoMln ood 1976 MQ Midget Convorti ,g f 255Q.«fteri3pm. r ------tnk. rapKkad wheel &■ best offer. C aJlT jiW apood, A/C; PS & PB. aood tiroB, S3000 or best offor. ■ Sn a sk for Boyd al Ran tlrea.»1000.Call32«-553f.°°° -v blo, excoliont Shapo. wi: U ~ trade. Call 432-5595.______ANNUAL H ansena.______J877 Ford 150 2-lone, 1 - 7a GMC Jlmmy4x4,J43Wor 162-Aut08-F0RJ8 'CBronia-bumMr-offToyc •-L 1976.VW.Rabblt, 4 door, runa TM csnm trsOer. need Oyoti ownerrCall733«7500.-— ~ r— great. JBOO or bost oKor, boat offor; Call 543-5127.— 4X4. and rol(>bar. B est oHor.olfi 1978 Ford 150 Ranoor. onty •oew vork. S«S or best o Cail73*W7.after2p.m. CalM23-62?6. •______'85 Ford 250, 4 x 4 suporcab, s } - MOII0NLI6HTMADIm m ter.CiHJH-Pia:______1 67.000 mlloa, J249S Soo ot ^ 4 spd, 351 ong.. oxc. shape,po. t050. Ca/i 733-6841 eveninoa. 5 ^ PARTS WHOLESALE£ .• 106 8th Ave. E: TF. 734-C651. roa8onaBloXall324^m JL. ^ W B ty R io M tf w l tr*Oei 4 cyl. «J»e lob, S39J0: ;’.?d,s..sa*'ri3,s — 1978 FioBta runs great,)al. ^ I aipie. fantace, ice bra 8 1982 Ford H ton 4 X 4. radial01*' aftoraom ,______;______noods tlrea. boat olfor ovorvor ^ sleeoa5.g00Brm}734^a llros, 302 onglno, AC, ~.l] AT, 1978 Honda Accord, auto,u . K8-Ant)queAulo8- » 5 0 .734-8468 before 3 pm. oxcoliont buy at.S3750. Call alr,2door, »50.733-7072. 7— 1981 Ford Eacort wagon. AT, SAU r® cw Sr* it* ____ 536-8787.______— - ClaBBlc-iBS's.Chovy-eolAiroJi? esrt.-lntortorand new tires,--" ■ i E i Rebuilt altematora. eve TTft" 1B78 Silver Annlveraary Cor- 4 door, all original, 00% Caa SO W * .______: 1983 Dodge Ram PU, 150 vette, low mlloa, all original, >1500.324-2656.______! ! : > O P I — ^ day low prices startingig at custom . 662-3225 0aklov. roslorod, rebuilt 6 cyl. 3 'EN WED. MAYY 2 0 fh * 1973. Z1‘ Four Geaaooa5 « I B & B Electrto. a — alwaya garaged & covorod. apd, new tinted fronl win-,[n. 1986 Ford Taurus. 4 door. 4 ta n d e n ■ » ! . do e n . in g«d 733^2530______• 1984 Ford Supor cat). 150. 4 Ono of t klndl-J12,000. Soo I to apd auto, loadod. Tako ovor a m ,p ra Cafl32»gB. dow. much moro & pricod to J N O>ON i TIL MIDNIMIGHT * ^ TlRE&j»t65x» R 13 mdial at 1857 Q raatda Dr.. or call*'* sort- 734-7051r-^*------— — paymont8._73Mn_0^ im ty TfopftT. Ice t boi o . *125. only 1000 miles. 111 — ra*-854lor734-<060. - J A llLOSIDCABSSIK sSOfV. oven, a n d heetet J l ' ' “ - n Dataun PU. 25,000 on T ESTATE AUCTION an n o Jf .OQ 1978 SubaruFW D, AT, 4cyl,J • 1958 Chovy impala hordtop,jp, 16&-H0rcury4Lincolf» > ateep S. exc. condldon robullt eng.. w/oxtras.J1200 caaa. now Urea, brakoa.bat- y IVERTrBTTUMODEia LACeiOB 4- - llBaana!g*OT7.- 197# J e e p parts. Heavy dotydu orbeat.Call788-20i7afior8. ~ *'■ oxc. condition, red and.nd — ■ - = r * sp eed traj»jmrs3loi — lory, groat gas mlloago.“• whilo. Auction 8:30 pm,m, 1974-Morcury hardtop, very 1377 Terrr tfwel trailer, TT heavyr duty, modol : '79 Ford atopsldo PU. aunorDor ti375.734-1685ovoa/wkond. Thurs,. May 21,. BtO-ilthnti cloan,t050. Call934-4650. 1 SAVEE LIKE NEVER BBEFORE * ftgrcam ateed.^real dean transier caso, lock oi” ahaip. low mllos. J 2&0,Ji?' 1979 Porsche 924. 5 spd,d, Avo- N, Buhl.______1078 Morcury Monorch. 6 m s o a a b ie . Cafl earty n**"■ o n i hubs. dUferenliols. wini, 1°^ ^or 733^)Bn^)^Hoy'"r dark brown, good condlllon. cyi, PS. PB, AC, good jo c s 7 3 » « a .______shield, and other ai . sunroof, ahoopakin covors.»• 1851 Ponliac ChlefUan. 4 dr.fit mechanical condlllon. 1978 U jrtoo. 2D* ae»00 REDUCED TO J600 or beat taiaed. b excellent condiandi- ” ’ ■ *' — KO-HMvyTru^/Semi’si's 1980 Pougoot dolsol wagon.n. ml,slralghtBAr423-5726 ollor. Muat soli Movlnglij THIlEISEN MOnroRS t Boo. Askiog SCOO. Phom — 734-6704.______■ VE. E. 13J-rAutt» Wanted • — AC, atoroo, 45,000 mllos onJm 1966 Mercury Monterey. 1 J 701 MAIN AV 7 M - 7 7 N J j 73«-tgB.______Alcoa'1lX2f.5 now onglflo. $2250. Call ownor. 30.117 aclual miles,>9, 1978 Morcury Cougar, toss n a M T H rs Ban. cood eon 733-7753. V - llko now condition, askingno lhan 30.000 mlloa. excellent fiftJr 2oach,Jl60. ’ 1980 Subaru Brat, {120^CallIII J150_0^543_;5419.______“ condition. 734-6061______i ss: “ fUl. Call 536-2391. — itrtO- -ase-&-appearv)co-not~(ox. RT 1110 transmission.l«» jC ^ ^ o n Motor), altdr 6 pm^ upholslory. now llros, ——\ t i p Y jto a trwe l trafler. ax ceplTues.&Wed). Singio oxlo 37Q ratio, wllh. - robulll engine, AT, A C,' T9*a new, n e tcr used,ied. -r--—— — suspension. Ca!l 543-8044. - - 1982 Oatsuh 2802X. 35,000)0 SSOOO. Coll 543-8044.______never slept in. 10% undet 135-Cyt*»4Supplies Self-loading Jo g Iruck.5>'- mlloa,-oxcollont-cond.. -733- '38 Chevrolet ton. 14000 cott.g»SCB.______Comploioly robullt, nowow 3SS8 or 734-2245 (I.C.S. Ink). - Invested, toko J2500 or trade '2 T SOt w beei trailer, ex- 1SS3 Honda XL 200R, inw loi Il'OS- ol’ Of part, partial 1082 Mazda 626. nice car Inn lor colloctor coins or quality lElE^IIC © U l ' ceBeet condiacn. must see mUeage, super condiliorli ” trade poss. Evos. 423-4650. top condition. AC. storoo. S I ... SI l O E ! 5 gun3.C all543-5252. to aapreciste. SGOQl CaDCan. aoo.fe^i. ______TRADE OR SELL, 1959159 apd. no raltlos, JGOO undor anerSpmalgy-SnS. '40 Hudson sedan, ready for' ___ FARMER LOOK! S5 Hot»dr s Frolghlllnor 270 Cummlna.<0. book. J3200. Coll 733-1M6 or„ .restoration, enoine running w. low mllos, S1500:SO0. 10 whoolor. '1969 Chovy. loaded. 11,000 mllos.>, new Mlcholin tires + 2 taae evea. or earty mom. 32*-7240alter6om.\ ___ completely roljulir, now Maroon in color. Im-'• Bridgestone onow .tiros all *S4 Terry 35 tt SOi wtweLM L FCR SA1.E: Two off-roai onglno. tans, liros. mako ol- maculate. Call 737-5023 Our-r- mountod on whools. new ------______■ ■ - Uany excel cond.^ veMdes.' -Rote gotes]n^ for win deal. 324-7418 eves ing dayllmo, 733-7118 ovon-'• battery, now booslor broko C lJ»-new . sacr^ice a at t good aftape. One- 4 h HP‘'p ask for Joll.______. — Inga. Trodoa consldorod. .. &‘llltlo ovor 36.000 mllos on)n I j b D nxseac—SQgiec UOO: and ono- 6 HP. ^00;400! 1972 Chovrolol. 2 ton. C-M, I . ADVERTISE S l ’68 'v w ' Karmonghia, nowM robullt motor. Price nogo< I r 366 onglno, 4 + 2.17W ' onglno. brokos,' shocks. &t ‘tiable. 733-4433. »• , I —YOUR — Honda 90. excellent shape Slool bod. wllh hydraulic liltT pafnt. S2500. Dooanna. 733------■ SERVICE SPECIALlALTY I ______■■ - '■ a sharp. COO/Oller. 32fr^52& aato. Calt Evorotl. at 733- r»g. trimlng. w d — ' ® Booto ix-CsppeaiSbeBs ^ 5 ^ or 423-4758 altor 6 p.m.^ B67Gor_734_-7ai2(Kalhy^9):___- 1<9-Autos-AMC J INTHISDIRECTOFroRY I ___ Kawasaki KZIOOO, low miles | r '71 VW Baja, yellow w/black f “bS; a Carrp e r s&eS for smaOaaO 1977, SIOOO or best olforl l V *1977. 40 ft. util; fljtbOd.“ • intorlor, nood cond., JIOOO; UUnM173»3S3.0xia. ' fl i; '85 Ronault‘"Encoro. goodid n ‘ Placod uniJor Iho hoaai,taalnaot I 733W«?iwlreIroo estimate. |■■ pictcp. SKO, Cao OMSB9.SB9. Call733-S31t.______' folding aides, larp, atrapa.5 Call 734-7521-...... mpg. soil or buy the loan.n. ■ yourctiolcol after sa o plml______^ good rubber, good brakes & Cair326-S276allOf4pm. ■ I ___ Two 1953. Yamaha YZ 2 25C » drum s. M900/oHorf#oeH ’72 VW. sun root, good con­ nrnO^aai eaaptr. Svir it.ft. motorcycles, somo no« dition. J700-. Call 734-3038.' ? Your od will roachh 2 22,000 B eo. parts, bo th»700.aZK>43. oth erad * .C aii536-2391. I 3 n y tridce. facts, stereo. ^ e v e s jr 733-9904, days. / ' ISZ-AutOS-Buick I lamlllos ovoryday andand tho ■ 1973 Yamah 250 ce. S250.; r r *1979 Frolohtliner. - COE, _ rosulls will amaze you. now NTC 400. big cam. now ■ today ond ono of our Irl 30F0ILB,GL M u n n ia r V __ Can4ZI-4316. ___ :______Z 148-^X f3iATV’3 :r°rrio^n°d‘! ■ \ M ___ 13 spood. now tiros, now _ ly Ad-Vlsors will holpoip you ■ » . h « o 3 Braama o n , . m S d e ^ 8 toot OVERSHOT^ 1974 Yamaha 175 Enduro.iro. w hoels. J23.000, or J26,000[ ) 0 ______- 1M-Aul03-Cadll!ac . I 3 0 yra CAUPER Caa 82»«13 afterte r 324-3972. ______•). For Salo; 1974 Toyola Land­ ■ word your ad so lhatat It win ■ S p ja . ______w/flatbod (aee other ad *). ■ bo m ost olloctlvo and t ______■ F re o e if ~ 197B Honda Goldwing, Vot-fot- Call 536-2391.______crulsor station wagon. I 1 ILMn Sanrle^ ■ — 65.000 actual miles. S2195,: 156-Autos-Chry8ler ■ you tho rosulta* you 1977. i r Jew el camp traUer.«r. ter lairing. AM/FM c ass _ I looking lor. . m quality . work,rk. froo e sts, ______a ' kt exc CSRCL Not se»«on-**- stereo, rxjns great! Asking Call 7 8 8 - 4 8 3 0 .______■ reasonable. CallCl 7344124. ■ ta M d : Phone 3S-(S39. '»o Hl-Vans - 1973 cTiryalor, tiros - llko g7S.CaJI326-«£S2.______Going to school, must soilI now, noods a llltio ong. I 73M931 I afl«SJ3pj:T. — 1978 Kawaskl. 1000 CC. bud- f- 1983 Toyota SRS. 4x4 SWB.• work, oood body. S309 or ud^ Retired, muat soli. 197B.'S' AM/FM cass. tilt whQOl.-PS. ■ ■w m a m ; S c a n ty catx>«err a ^ s e a t* fenlnp. low miles,os, beautiful executive van. ; best. ;'33-4924 or 733-6428.. cam per w/iacks. s t e m 4. sfeo.Call73>94fe.______loadod. very good cond. J6200. Call 543-6009 altor 5> calialtor5:30. i I BsnnsfmB ! STITES-LAV^VN SPRINKLER J _____ cood cood.. g3ir*^C X wkdys or onyllmo wkonds. 55" C all655-4237ovonlnQS, ____ - 1975 Clirysior Newport. 400 ■ SYSTEMS, freiroe osts. repair, m Smannan garden and hard ao_.H ^ 1380 Honda Sitver Hawk 400. 6 M 'ust.scill -aS.Ford F150..4 D I H U iiittil .a .n t a a ^ catmv. bed.td. fetring. access, like now,>w,’ 1 9 tt Ford Delivery Van. 6 ' cubic ln,-AT. P3.-PB,-AC ,-- ...... ■ ------aotoormanoalual. Lawn mow- -got>t places.a 1 m m . wtry 1 r>jpt)oants.c a .<&'g a i — 11.000rni.S895.73*-«309. cyl.. good rubbor. nowyy spd. 6 cylinder, 2 tanks.■ now radial tiros, now ...... ______■ Ing. 734-2329 oror73M303. I g|*S«softat>le. Can 733-2402. ' g manual hubs, now tiros, ox- r ■ Remodeling, repair & p __ 1380 Honda Gold Wing.“ paint. «0 0 . Call 734-4811. ; brokos, now battery, now olr ■A palnt- ■ I . I r col. gas mlloago. First J69S0' shocks, roal clean, body in, ■ Ing. Froo ostimalos. 15 TL1100. Windiammcf II lair­iff- 1977 Dodge van J800.175 CC t_aJ^os 111544-7571. ___ ing. fetter tu g s . 5200 mites.»s. H ondaTrall.tlSS. 733-6816 nico shape. J850. 734-7031I I exporionco. Phil. 423-435 ■ I ’ 127-llctDrHames — VW Baja oll-road oqulppod. aftorSpm, , ______. _ Lawn mowing & ^ Poww _ 1878— Trans— Van— Dodgo- Z DR. LAWN..U O as* A. X piorer. TT. A/C. ^ ■sifffsr^crorr'SKfilico^or •1978 Now Yorker, BtoQghan_ ------tnmmlng. Vicatlon aa mowing.------U®“ i ■C. 1881 Suzuki R U ^. Iroshs h ' slo o p s 4.--V-«. air. cruiso.'• 5S950,Call7(i8-97e5JHai!py^_ | Ceoerator. m m owaite. cen-iTH mntnf J nir 78ff.______^ ; ■ ing and rooting, f L 733-7349. ■ nure. C isiand Qc.-e«n. Un. hilly^ e » c.w ltielmct. 733-S917. I lock-outs, ro-built Irans, jMoving .out ol state. 1979 I Freo ■ LawnSca^a.7 J equipped. k*pt urejcnwrer. _ 1981 Dodgo custom van. 4* fPS/PB. tilt, now tiros, jrjsd Chovy ( Chovctte S700. Good' Ji eallm atos. Call 73W204. ercecent co«w>on. nsjso.a ' 1982 Suzuki 450SL with fair-lr> captains chalrs. i8t Suzuki GLiooo. Shalt dr...... I sa L oood cond. • low mllos. B C oncrete & Hat work, pall • “ W esti !SlSOO. or olfer. Call 733-6133. ■ . driveways, sidewalks. La ______I lnfo2n 1S77 American Oipper.^ alter s Spm or wkonds.______!:_ IIIIB C 9 ■ mowing S aod removal.« ( j| ___ _ 2DVj\ r * « tires, ro cf air. *84 r LTD 1100 Kawasakiu t t - ' V _ p l I ess"c ■ c ad a:r. e ice*. conO.. SS39S.■■ <*r>afD. ( low ml. oxcellani “y' p . esttmateslCallT;17344848. ■ Ca3 733-2233 cr see, att condlUon.e S21S0.32W387. ■ m n P M O T M a ^SensRV.7W-5X3. I - IMS ■ 1 ------^ — _i - M ^“ •WauiKi-Ujatw-a37ti;m' ■ OOCM cnasais-ajr. * 13&-Hea»y Equipment ■ HANDVMAN. Stnntl ot ______f Irlcal, plumbing, carpeni . 1 PAPERWQ/P, . FortjlfC 'Y alo7’ 6000 lb.. 3- ■ Excellent work, 1919 P c t AmfwTzSW. Ac.. stage. 3 - slde-shift, with males. | rates, estimatira.73W8ia. ■ lu w I Ce^ierassf. nniftQ. recyd-- chaxger. c S1750. 20' 4 6’ roll- Bride. 73MB39.734-C3B5. ^ e^-u»a:sry m rear bath. 40] ing b •calfo(ds.S7S each. j I CT^-e. Z7.GGQ milea.. CiLia37-63M C on 837-4538. _ - .. ;5a-t?16or4Q74. £ ■ . Le’Roi hydraulic crawler II ■BKjgfgjiBJI’JI*! J SUNSET PAI 13S2 %' £>eorado motorr rock r drill and drill stool, B i i l ITS TRS a (A m CARE M I Quality work. « and ahrub trtei^ie. ^ - ~ bcee—12.5C0 Ktuai miles,. good o cond . Catl 837-£3S0. ’ j ..ntos,frsaost..7; !lae»ptaB-Can73iOTiT M . _ lets of extras oom. nydraullo , G ood condition. haul too. Call NorthwilLSLI- Z InlerJor/artoilor. ' YOUR ■ 19S4 EMo « ^ . 27%*. FonJ' outrigger. o % yd/oragllno C nn«& R loglng_^ »12M, ■ I Reasonable. Call <63. S.EOO mi. Cinctte. swtvef' bucket, h back hoo' delacho- . ! SERVEHVBESPHaALTT ■ c t:^ . seta bed. sleeps S.■ ment.S4SOO. tr CallJ«3^3<9. ON•NLY ’ 3 2 9 i rear bath, new cend. corv r 5 ! ^THBDffECTDBT. 2 2 used fork lllls. one 4000 Ib n H ouse Financing Avallabib lo I ------5 _WE sxSer trade, betow book. capacity. ^ 99" IJI. cuahloned: - I n H ■■ -- - ■ Cao9aW85ewuncv tiros, g (needs steer tlrea). I CHOOSE FROM------« a ~ m R n | B | z r 1972 C ham piw Motor SI.OSO. One SOOO Ib capacity. — MAHYHOffiUS 1 Senior D is cjntI733«478 ^ l * munatuta wU a n e w yoo. o a m Hc«=e. Dodce encine. UP. i tuei. ISr- 3 stago I ...... ■ todayarnr^oneolaarfitad. ■ - a.0» m>les.'4Sao Xoler cuahloned„ tires. W.300. WMOaora WtD ba«p yen ■ cenerator. rool air. Qood BoUi a units run good. Calt. U y o u -a d a o B a l a waa ■ cor<3kan,CaflSCW «n - ^733-1715 or 73XI603. , 5 *GRANDMA'SH^ER S B y stsnoneRace«*aa0C«ktt ■ ~ ' ’ERS~ ! .IBSffiS -« * a •79 Tioci 22%’. roof • air,' - "- ' Complete Indoor andJ 01OUh ■ . . . ------P ■ doorcloanlng. in g to r. H (^seen oierftead bed. lg l ^ j . ■ Intertor- .decorat 133-Hct-U»Tiuciui ■ B B | : J 734-5022 %4-4930 2 eattmatet.CaU32‘ ^'5:000. lXi i B ^ e v T ^ olTer m m — _« ^a-7S5-23K3. Jackpot. 5;5;00p.m..324-«12. | ■■ ■

    ^ p. . ■ ■ — ■■I I I!

    ■ ;

    Tub«4Sity.UtjZ3.ZS37 T«nevK< Fails. Idaho

    —■ Mutual fimds~D2> 2 ------■ Market (jaoMojiins D3 rBwi sr. i t u ess ■Woiid m /- Cauticousans alystssi ieespai rlss -actorieesrunhIn low gijear of rec<•overy iiin state econoi( itedecRHneis ate Board of Examiners last isqperaating ra BOISE (AP) - BdaJdstered bjr an TbestaU st Income tax performancQCCmVL Is purzl- (K Apsfi Jobiess rate that!at Cell betov « week movt3ved to erase any red ink in in g ," thc analysts odml' IINGTON (AP) - America'sa 's tacloTles. m tocL . Tbe < w e e besvlly io- p o x pj Cor Qxst t&stfme {a over-six the 19877 badget, approving thc : le Uon by Idaho consume lilies op erated .at Just 78.9) percentpc of c^kSd-^iltKncec* d by t t e 7-T p C T ^ ^^pcBfl ^ a£ aoto 3 of up to S2.I million from 1 jcszx, ^nccBiDBt inalsutysts ate see* diversion c crcascd mail order or pril, the poorest sh o ^ ^ in morei thi>n three_ {adorte-tes aTTtwrigti a' vtiitSj eS eCaeCaer bxasaries also :er Pollution Control Fund | iBgwtea t ggyeanU ocal:(Uly bdieve are tbe Water id purchases drc two possib tie govem m ent reported Mbh£ohday. sonerefarfp unrtnfttna^-.iriijMafa. fa Idaho’s stag- ”*>*< a deltiday in the payment of an 1 B splits of' imivoT fo ] in lions.”, ^ The FciF ederal R eserve said Uiathat tbe 8 M J3tr movUngexpesenses > Tbe oev liw . as we^revebeeopoiQ- t \ ' > "B u t w atch this new stiilinger in the • Pre-m oyeyc house-hunting expensesI rulerormeals.)Bol.tbr 0 el:ehtSiSBD NOtelfaaes;esgiig eegw es and tiageBt. nwf rufrtnanyOytbeenlire i tax law ," cautions Waraciich r“ U ndcr------Includc thelecosloflransportaUon, c 0overaU dd lar iiinit onlhe dl - cfeaqgesteasEffiBE£f«eq(Eii5cd st^ s s tax sp ectn m . aod oioT!qrfogexpenses a crackdow n, w herc the eiemployer ' meals andllodging Ic for you and your 0 cs.m r- beSoreoeeSsgtB:g tbe 3»veek test, be ' sreBeexeepUas. ^ Sylvia docs not reimburse you foiformoving familypaidiid during th esearch fo ra lhcrmore.lhepoitkotf^ u idiiecl crsbefsssb^CECltot&eloitserTS- Bijmem , aceofd[flgtol;totzxal- ^ Porter expenses, you can doducl<:loniyeo . . newrcsldemcncc. In order lo qualify for.ur mr»vfngi»irp*'w ^ > h « tt«farrJT______« w ie e s a ._ _ _ W a ia ^ h rftfc pcrcenl of thc m eal expen:jnscs.If.on the deductioUon, you m ust have ■ hhmtcAtiitTiting atwi aiylM is Tbeodies&fSfc^fa"t^BBWi^'ex- nUingwBlnr.pyeBiteHe H S to to r - , the olher hond, you ore relreimbursed, alreadyobtabtalned employment al the! c rafinnt fl^UOP. p easess:s 3 a3teagmsdMe a i lax' oatka Senrkes. tte e•aresomelit- or it’s tax-frcclo you and thehe employer new job silelie and must travd from How to qualify: To ge^ ai«v.w 4 H fm d e d o d a iL O etaora tax Inaks fbrbrmovtngex* I . pOUllurth In a series loses the 20 percent for meneals for you your formerier residence to the general1 formovingexpettBe^yooinfi mnstsalis- Sbeatoctialaaegdraartto:Yoa and your family." area ot thenenewcmpioyrcchland Ijfy two tests: inqregecttac£3£sjaSaadetetfaiEar UxdiiCct aod bxQDdlrcct costs ' *_ If you go by cnr. you canan either return. 1) D is to a c e te a k lte m•vjob nciingcxpcssesSES b OE year tbey of moriBg lo a oev joMeeiecattaaare personal effectseff from the old to lhe - , .lt(jml je your actuol expen:’nses or • Tcmporaf-:af7 living expenses at the.. mustbeatleastasmflestann ■Tiber ' anfoaatraatencencd erea tboogb aO Tbeaeexpengiosesare newhome.e. InI addition, th c cost of deduct 0 flat 9 cents a mile11c in addi* new Job locaicatlonlnciudelhecostof (rom (i the fdd bome than Ibe;^eiddjsb IbeiiBecc9taereBM^baicnlyeC . dedKlXfcwtelbertteJd•Jobisnevor packing.crtcrating and in-tronslt tion lo your (oils and parki■king. Keep m eals for yoyou and your family which1 »was from tlgjldbnge.m[bCRboo b becsDeLUIbedbededbdsoa&Btatai b a tnm fcr to an odsllngUBgiob. storage off goodsgl and effccts Is a rccord of such expenses;s as oil and a rc Incurredred w ithin any 30 con-- ftformer place of woiC. Ibe nebev|ob leaeya-apdadlbeliBsetestismit Walcb tbta: As or OMT. mamovfngex* covered, gas, parking fees and tollsIls. In cases secutive daylays after the new Job is nmust be at least 35 miles fragramOe sUsEllUtaalitalaflgyear.aaamocnt ii. pcsssoDdertbeoevIavavarededoc- Look at; theseth added breaks. The where you use your own cicar for obtained, f( eQsaieolfaedBfiB W» t* few tUeci|yli}oaitem{ze.Be. Big special cost of transinsporting a car to thc new deductible moving cxpcnsnses, you can • Expenses'es of leasing, purchasing. . 2) lb ea » « eek te« :A n eecqik^ee-' t rtaV rifialbaflsdh. mftftei|fjreut year's to- I teeik:MeTfagapeQsessesarenstcoD- tomeisalsoIso deductible. And so is • figure outyour actual costists or In- or selling aarcsldcnccindudethe r must n wort folHime Inlbegtg m e n l HAm. , i ,«MewdmteC aaeacse«ttxpaaesfor the cost incuicurred in bringinglhc. stead figure your costs aitSccntsui l J costs of sclU•tiling an uncxpired lease, vicinity v of tbe oe« jftft lnraliidim larS OnObecCbffbs ^ pBposesoftbeZpsECOtlfitfloor. famUy'spetjctcatordog. . nille. acquirlngai: a new lease, real estate «weeks during tbe 12 montbsb &>Q1 o»- tKflcSaSaadnte•tetnbilheyearof Directxaortag expensenes copier the 2)Thecos» st of getting to the new Indirect moving expense)ses fall Into ag en t's comi)mmlsslons, escrow fees, ing ii tbe more. A sdf-esqikiytTedlax- pay«sfl,taifiaafiaabta-year yoa L caHofooviDSDsitiliireateandlheUke. jobsite—in• including meals and lodg- three1 categories: l) Expertenses of allorncy'sfcB fees, appraisal fees, title p.payer mt>st continoe woift aalbea iseeltbelfaereq! rHjBxmcQCSh ym t a n joor old RsUmeeetoyoornew td ingen routeIte—foryou and members pre-move1 househunting Irllrlp s.2 )food cosls. loann placementp charges and anew location (as a sdf-enqdipikjed mayiileaaasscnBeaded reCora Cor the ^ rrrtVrrr Bovefer.taeyKyoremocb of your famimly Is also deductible. A and ^ lodging while wallingg to| move the like, person or as an engttoyer) fcloral yearlbecipeffiMBuejneTepAlJ- ______hanJiBtthat. personqualilalifies as a “member of thc Into1 a new tiomc, and 3) cccertain ex- Except foifor meols. the direci mov- Ibast u 78 weidB d n r ^ tbe241^fOagOlS ‘Raw edoieal]^ coverrlh Ib e famUy” ifh(fbe or she lives In your Ipenses of selling, purchasiising or leas- ing cxpcnscjscsarecompleldydeduc- follott'lng ft tbe move, of mhidid i a l l e d SjfwitlWermernSesaiJzutterso/' I : : trtwwaNteastatz borne bothti bbefore and after the Iing a residence. tlblc. (Rcmcm em ber lhe 80 percent 39 3! wedu must be in tbe Orststyear. iolaeslCocB^gBBBrrs;. j - -uaiofiBSbBoebQfalBxlendsand move. \m m m Estiniatedid crop water use;e —Mayl8 j Soittiod cloiing aiib ;eft«npoMDnd|r: | ■■■■■> » a* . irtS-'saaasKSiT. --‘-Sife- Con. -^ 7 -S O l9 E Z .t« 1 ^ , I m ' -1 ° Allied Sllrer - ;ef» ■ ;« • JO M S S S afcufcigaategBBs • DOtOf ,AcenmbltMW«UrUM ; «M^«CB 3^ 5 * » mrnn tiHCBD host JQ a Jl (mmaiUUtbowo AM owlttniMzie. J » J36J » J*Z .M .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 p- JB j a JM -J® aZiQ.tet^Xe.£Mtpa>a . . ' W.CfUO .1 f .3 .4 ^ 4 . SMvor g| Cro6c«nt 5 5JS J.4 J 8 •§ .3 .9 .1.5 2.1 2.7 S| B Wim i£2J22«E£Sc 5!I7 SSS s s s s J 5 J4 J8 f .3 .9 1.5 2.1 2.G h-y w ““ J?#,99 1nji £SS . nuasfiit SO it>} cj canons iob count Washlmton J Jl Ji J5 -*5 W. Oold 1S.W. WaM tS«M S«; Oivgon S 111 .3 .7 1.2 1.8 2.3 Yroka Unltod : :!! H "■ rtSS^ ™ J^ 7 JJS S JO A2 i ; J -.6 - .9 l . l 1.4 , Or«r uis-counltr •i' . Houndwhllo9*»l>Wlbsti;k«CetoratU14.00-1Stt. iI i i g Aboi , Minos .» I.H Rusaols U Ibb ccanons per oai TMO covnt: MMsf isiB® to n * lie s JItl J 2 JS • .3 .7 1:2 1.8 2 .3 j I AlAiinouso Piaesro .DO; -CoMtada 20.00^.00: Mano v Amorlcan Sll*or l i s j ;m jo!t»2l!SorD(So“onlS.OO. 'l JS7 . !S!!S!SS:;a £?55S2'a?^»2 ^ l o s ji n g i pl e l c e sI f ---.- / V ■______

    ag— M ’ m jc a/ « W t i i ------'«jLaK-8riit«r--2jo— osm-w 94#’ 34 - H Mala5~* ~ '-ii’s srri r~^ g B ^ Tigaa ra 2gxz>ts77»-iu> l i f M U I W HCA**" -7J^ 2JlUiU « u ^ '* 7 r f f i v.jii '[tf B ?“ jiaTi « IJ s a . i i S a • J r s«7 5 a* .-» i E 2 : t 'S K f ;i if§:| ^ ■ fS, J I ii 'if i! » % - « » h 7 u cind t .u ub i? ir " ** Mo"on V.40 f IB |i|;= 5 gg.. i ¥ OM h T i M TTCp* I s ijl21 1 S H—1 Maltlll I.n 14 1 * * " " * * » Tt%. « S l f I jii I ?1iiii5 a s* (gotta »»« H FMC in»tI M MK-1H dino^p ieo 12 <:S.! 5=1* a s !:S !S- L ^ J l|g; »irii5=5 Sa= S !!’S S . - » S. I 1« lIPowi ffi.s-jU ra ' !!}us 11W— U OuftSSar i.a !. * t* a ra » -t capots JO 27 «n m ' ' s a s t w SB%- V* Fili “ r ^ 5 “ ’ sis- “’I"'IS 17 «1 SM atam i g» : nta 4»> >■€ B82S 4tM4 H nalsPuf 1J4'4 »1M 7lk«1« onco XJ v§ . . t - i S S S ’,H , U 3 . O B % • s , “ ■ Ff "i* ss=,“ assffi li! S!Si Itzt SS ^ I s-e.n ' attmwrt gs. si |! !-s- a =11!:™ i " i S*= !i WK? >»B M y « J ------»—m ?iS 972S 1st e IB sS iT*- » *a«a n q - M K W * Mteost tJB rf m fl-k* » S' is s s s ^ IlSEs r •■VK-^15l 221 t m n » ntfii* 1.24 IS ri9 »-„■ SSS“- !:S .S’!!! & U W -H niMin -1 17SI 5“, 'sas5' aaeMv4njsL mmcm I « \ * - m Rman 174 “ u Ss u u MW + 1H NEn^l- 0' *-tt*SSSsgS r M r | | ! |H I 3 I I H laH K*m\b lb n il enrol 1.71 ■ 141033 B4H 21 2U+ H NlaMP 2.0S l( j ^ >»— laioia MVr (Cl O'* t2 11 1»7. B * - » . T ID 2 m . r » - « SS^vs li^p i f ! l - fI .* « « » m -a-iw ------snpop-r s'■ » ,3 s ’sr s ' «SS aJ* w Sv^; [H B8 - 1. ‘;i 1 «ssst; - ^ ^ I S a i s

    10 m 5 Ihmtn . i l t# !:l » • 31a m%- Ik . I !S-„L “^S:! ” •: S !f fli 2 B : ^ A l ’-S £sgss j| 114fe’S ll;. i_M I I S.', s^::: M- s r ...... in S’ -if ill t a * (4 a 271k ii3« j J S P S S 'S ■ mM OBU 3t%» » ii® i itj; |;Jl5;|g i f17 23S 52H- JJ IS JM ” aril's J S i s >pi' i -ilM ■= ° • Ji ai V X* — 3 S ' S s . t ; s .* ’ISii l i f e ; ! B JO a tO T I7>*» »» if ir J3 W t7» S 5 ! S ; S j l ’j g - SB «»4 - e^MSS it ,1 'ii p>:I ii Jt a^« up* * 3515 8SS, B. s iiiliii ^ « a S t S * * i 1 i i-^i f l i i kpa ji ’!i 3 ■ »tia M«» « 5^?* >a * te i c a Si XB m — * tM M* m w i S - r * - * s • 1=1 ^ J J |Hs J i l,rj a » TV *t * «—«2S» lo IS to * — » i I .1* a i a 't 7 » . 'TS'tl i'" tf u s a ' s « s s f c s H *. ■ a JS 13 ■ ; 3 ’a ^ ’i * !55rS ' S tSMB n*» » ■ s S Bia aasx^* i i i 1 - 5 .

    ' ■ ' ■ ■ ' ) ■ /■ ■■■ ■ I

    ■---—rr-- . ' ■■ ■ '■'■...... 0 -2 TIm os-N ow o, Twinn Falla.Ft IdBho T u e s d a v . MMav10.1807 a ______nleet^T M utuim l ffuiiiids^----- « o = ^ „ irr »iunAm unmU lax £i ZJ97 2S17— .11 'C«0ll t u s JJR^ • RLS RL.—<02 M«Bt C( r 13.M NL-.W '"J»t % *sca - -KE ! i !l^! W Nt— ill TFIna S ' sliiEI ■ ^JB * - S " Oem ■, -,., ,. SffcL^^S ***** ** Croup: USOIdll, . ' ““l.7t:“ CM cMKi . — r«H T 9.S— .tr Meat r 34J7 NL— .IS Vlata jr™ . g:!i-St:!?, - !HKumi*»'couPa^*»*^*n'ioia 'SS, i14JB TB*»— sa cant ___ .8310J#* M P*rw» lejr78J7 3aSB— -TJ r i f f l j a Tuns*iSbc _ !*»• Txar m s - . » Men n 111 r ia j8 NL - .1# Voyao ■ti«l v«iua) or bobgnt (intu*ffff;.'-w* I S « . » a" sccnn ^? ISJB n t— ,13 lacnlnc x n NL >v'«V»> Mi*ichtrQo)Mon().y. 00 SS St:5 S ' F jn n r H eeaea TTS3 NU ^ OuawF ar TXS K>—-IS MctiCsl 1TJS NL— .01 RNC < cSs?" ■ iii:t3U 43—-Ot FMaraied FundK TT,at KL— ,0> M«n»Cr' 3IL3/ NL— .01 RNC F 5S'„ i!:i!sS=:S *aJ7 ML- JB . "mS iE^ S g?” • I3.B4 NL- .nt Rainbw - i€ i « ' 3:Ji Kt I?o ps?*' ^ 71.3' K>— 31 rn rz^ L 9 IK.« ,0r Hemur fr Z J3 KL- .40 ReeGr 15.43 U J * - .Ot _ 10“ ' s a e n t — .ts n a m sta t r n NL BSiS® Fron*'®" °^P9,93 2t.7«* .M 1 0 « kl”” ’ S87 nC. .01 Rgnune ; m sti ll 17.W l«— 3 t » “ SS £ = : S S . 19JB NL— -l» Roeneiler ASTfi MWwsit: 11 i[= IO.TO NL* .01 CnvGr E : iiii '§ ■ 4 TB.SO NL— .17 Cnvlne S' _____a . | | | ! : &ifc 3 R'S 'fS' «D?w jB;«u;»--.ii- 1.41— .03 Munio ^ S tS 'spI - ’ o n « t MonFtf ' ^iiL.,D-K ,;|1 sr‘ lS:SlS-;“ SSffi" ‘" ” " F i...r 11,10 T148 - Taa !:m - ;?1 cmwn* . IRAi.iS :!!z:S' S 1I s t 2 E ” iS?JSc.S ^ S a s t - 37 ^ 11 «8 T3.0»— .14 SBSF k n ^ Recme g r 33.11 38.10— JS SFT Eql , . i’=’S'i.’!e;:!! i a n ML^ S e m £ » c *m-. -sf fiir s 1 iB M ii ' TVS K.— !tr ' HI ru « ^SS?f i i - i s t a !!.JST:S g“ „ s a ™ 5X. Ttm n,89 13.4S— .07 EquII ■ ! !S st s SJ8t Porttoiio: i WoTng islM «.81^ 41 4AJ8* Ja tStep MJ] 3 j r PIL— .79 OTC FtfW 19J1 30.37- .34 G?«m, 1 :43 NL- ;i8 Tryit AMA Funds: ii sfss^l IE a s nc—JC gr»n» 3aas 32J7- .14 tnco 1 J J NL- .00 ijGlf NL— ,0: OvaCln 8 jr 1&B9 17J7— .19 Munic: 1 .19 NL— .03 ijS? 13jJ St:S! ■ ■ g e - s s s t s;s £ s ffi '11 ’11 ! t l M ^ « a ? IZ9T— a Ssad 19.43 31J3— .to USOov !t:JS » IS TBS tl— .t3 Qanli£ i M <» n t2s rr.as— .in . 32JS 34J6- ,38 SaJemCr ■ ■ » - a t U'BifrS ffl ■ 1023 ss V L - IB o n w Q aaa: UK TOjr— . « __ T« FrgFf« 9.10 9J5~ .07 santBar ■ l i s t s & -gss lat t 1M » -,M — S mI*A ------Tn-T ------19 83 31 4 4 - ,33 sewjder « s A 7.9S BJB— .07 Calll' lo'io NL- 'o! 55'“ ■ S »o.— JS SB3 IO.S— .CO oerel if Is .I i!S St'S ss aijT Iss., S ix TILZS- . a otc S«£t e 19,0* 3 0 .n - .09 CapGt i ' : i 'f I ■ »i . i S r ’lis m ax rtLss— .a* PBone hcHcfUorr C«n90 0:w Sl- :01 U5AA Is™” o „ II E™ ii17 7.7*- .0, HI r u n-i; rrjr n » - .or Aor»* T7.S3 11.77— .40 Globi AeornF f <1.?i NL- * a » r s s - » l a S S b B es Cail7 1139 14.03— .04 Q.MIQ „ r - s ' S i ! ' Atulyto T-M NL— anai * 1^ » rid 18.03 1S .n - .63 GrwIn i f ™ ' ’‘=:” giS:Si:g brs Wotusar:o infom1 IL* .01 ' Colum&UI?’ Fundt: i tttT ML— X t OiatlU«n Fitaa K S SOI— 07 P W ! !!:S St St SS" m i . » - s r r 9.8S NL Inti I ■ 'H - ,!:!! SH 3 U S S S - 31 HFS JS? ' 3P.P MM^B -TtlA W,— Z7 KT i ii sh” - U s tl tom HstI firjESh 1 .42 NL . ; ;i;s st i S S s t s ! ir r e ^ !ra T»Fr67 / - 'ii'iSzSZtS3t»a-.Tl GMtAsr. 9.4S 9.a;- JB TiFr90 llled -Mgmnt; , „ „ iii'f i BJD a o ^ 3a MM t a S i S g s au/— sn «tan u > - = i * . « a#HTOSlC* £77 *3T— .OT nnJtw 1119 NL— .04 Ultra !§‘n? ' ! ^ :8 . -HIYIB g,3M0.13-19— . 2 USOov 1.01 1BJS n s - . JO im sia T 2 * — — 03 ' 1S.S4 NL— .37 Selectedd F u n d .:"^ a^tV.IrtSoC 4.M -U - .03 37— .n v*lue 13-M 1 S U f> ,» - qr Pauic c 40.90 S0.I9 Am sjia 5 1X85 NL- .13 warn : :S 3 7 m w 131 £1 £ .. & s , r s * ur ptew it H31 NL- -04 , Sol S ;isr.nc 3sr7 33;s=;j^ !liSS5i?? ^ Ta.I3taE— .0* Parnt Set tO.73 NL— .04 &ellgmann ^ 'o r c u p :” ’™ SfTG. : f s ; r- isii! « B M S -.a t Ptmt MuWu 7,63 NL— .OS. CapFd- irinc !S;S;:0"-’* -4S-£:;£ ss*-- -. - - g g m g — C - ^ m Ptt —------tS33-NL-----SB CmSU-l:-..;. Itsil2= :i.. pLd : ?tSr!’ 1 :!!! : i t Iiil 1 : 1 7.57 8.37- ,04 Comunn 14.41 15.13— .1 135®!” ' Teen M.es M.87-ifcii?i . -SSSS^ B S!c TUZ TT.3T— .or moBrnz &SarWa: Crowin t«+ .03 ctry Cap i / . n J 5 ■ -AIOM e B.J8 t.U* - TX99 tS J» - .03 Inco '’i tl.il iSiloI MunHl iifiSi E. 1S32 31,01— .1# CoIoTk f f l ■ *7.s : ^ : i 3 -''B', r.M- . S ? 5 w - .07 S S l l | g J O ^ .M ^Ta*« ‘ S-JS-I-5J- S SS^' ------Cmilk------B.W Sr:!! S ." '" ““’■Si,;..lB1Ui-JI1. t . 1 J 2 ■tiinr »«w:3i»,iiT mn« • ?;« 7M ' SeEflfl'c*^"a i : S i ; S : : ? S - .-. |n » p ;.U 1!.1«- m a i ML— s aK s c jwiBK a * HIOu< 9,34 NL— .'03 MaaaTa ■iSS" 7.43 .13- .08 %sr « . - a sioS r 15.04 16 44— .11 MdT> /v ? / « - '” ■ Uld*'’®I Servlcoa: S' kFiS^I ’: is V ^ * 5 £ e » a - - t s r n t — .IS TctRat 14,08 14.?»- .05 MtehT»>1 rjs 124- :oi agShliaShf untYj unai^ * U'S■i:igs rg z s s : s — J I Gea^r. 1?7:” • K7i'» •’Vijii " 3 1 7 ^ ^ OSSg “ *» t m V /— 19 msic ?» Sc- o "S? 31,83 31-94- ,03 MO Ti*‘ 6!m 7!j3- .01 ONMAINMA uiNara - -M OualT lOJO» 1 : « |« M ' ns3«j»-j0 ^ r s s nc— .TT cgCan . 10.00 NL NallTi ««i a.Ti« xn a s £> r » n c - o Pr«fl* 34.53 34.9»- .04 NY 1 uSlS Up :oS '■ tin 13A- JT ssra 1437 14.49* .01 OnloTx ocap r 8-33 NL- .00 • — ^ £ ’■3 ilfc» — •?! CmOfidO ------11.10 I4J4 MC3- .-a a s Otl : *"’**TT,,'o nc— ar hiyw ' a Mjoajt— M cs MT t a a nc— Q aejg .a,!;g-,., g;sa 'ra^“ ; u s ;: i • gi"; !:SI|-7t l a i I ISM r t z » - - 2 s =sS D » WL—ie ST3- OoSSs r <• ■• tzz MC— or tam r FuFun£ CaTax 13 TF unatal I:'" E ‘L.r. is.»«*7-4ir ms *01 \ 9.17 960— .01 CaTiQ r Inl '• 8.38 NL Kl" !:!i ,i.S->0- -?S Amv.1 r 14.00 l9At1iS-.T2 ES Wl > SSr MC— IB Foite 2100 3S.14- .08 CovCId■ ' Frg r^ 'f l f ! '" ^ L -.O I; “ I® ; sslia -023— a CB V3 . a a ^ T ^ S C atf ■xatie r s s MC— .TS D Ine1 31.14 31tlt— ,13 HITB ? :S ! i:aV = p :10 8Snrt r l i S rsax n t— .to nt incc I&B3 IB.39— .33 MtQSec« ^ b;77 7 J t - :05 Agorin“gorln %T7 {jL-.OI;-' i st^ l IS ; !!S B g — asa MC-,m oaffrjsfTrw Sentinel ;on» 13.27 NL— .21 - * r H , Ifr- .04 . o i^ 'l 'r ' 20iSg St-:3 IJSI -r JJjJsspgl9MZ7.S—27 SSTa S,. - rriT-M t-* Ite r a ta a ? - ;m Baun i t - .10 QPiua S39 «R Cmt 9.M 9.94- .01 Bond ,u om ’a 97 {jfc M- t8— .OS Hirid U.OO 1 rr.rs nc— a* sccmr 9.53 10.34— .07 'Com i*:;- ii;sEn>- .03 NY T.F 10.n ntZT-aisr— .or vvue 9.7B 10.17— .04 Crwtn ^ Muno.W T»nd». Sontnr . • ,^4^£‘ ,s 'l b - .i a . §1'a §■;, ' \]fr Kti:ss; n . Funaa: Van fc'is s. ■' H - =S J B S X ^ CtiDw TILTTfasS CalTF 9.1a NL— .04 snearaon !oldn^'*'' 23,33 24.13* .14- r * a Trjg .BT r-.pap . IIJ5 NC— .05 SC U S 3 I - 5 *3ff sa r— ,BT EauJtT l i n NL— .09 ATIG II i^T 1’ • a * g I- tsar MC— os cmma 9.57 NL. .01 ATUn lIllYr NEeo }4 Ht .11 a a s Is Stf 5“ -ll WfiflW f «i« 13oia ML- r i n a as i EJX t s ^ 0* C om 19.13 .N L - ,16 AgrOr ' 19.65 30.B8- :?i VanRam|iRampen „ „ • TT.3 r r . B - ,05 GBllnc 30.14 31.73- .1 Qwtf> f9 7i.o»-.» F Jn ^ S i »*««; _ % a n c ' m nc !iS-StS gffi MBDTSSE— ,tO incnnr ' £ s e !!;S ! sa=ss“.«’ ? I 34,63 38,44* .1 T«PfHE !!:!i !!£;?! .'ff iliiilE'i r - .03 Oelcap 13.«Z 1 1 .n ML- m Siw ||st-.g. sa • Wlh Ml 1 .J* « . « - - 2 3 -aois— m I ? i S maS s 0 »i • uniTiil untvaii Oelcn B.03 . Ja 9tL— .H Q;rtmc ' l a v n t / 9»0mli t® M n i 4 ^ ,n IL— .01 Delta S.«9 ' tM t a .~ s * ■ «r3 * D » w / *Bjnc " IL- .0# ulovt irsES - 8.» : i P J SM VI— S / abmiir S s s s i L« * S S « 'S SSSJsS *>ta= 55 *(2^ S mytf NL- / imr unairail li~ T^FPl ? :«5 l i t :S ’ i = , . « ^ : : r / ; taa* nc» oi snrrs JO ML— .17 C«>9 •> .iS o fzl'S f f i , if! :S iE,u ..1!;^;3;!Sr5. S™ ’5<1 aiL— sa nmun i •1E» M) / 14,M 1S.33- .05 e»j|,0: s SSI i „ = » BJ NL }«d>^ n SSB WL / »>nn> ' 5 T*Fm idEi unarall :S £: S K, TTI J5 -3 Jl I mrtlnr r r r'/r n c— a *5.10 NjT ^ SLPM / ’*•" G.'^FidecFid unardt 34 ■ NL- .« LW» ? 2 n s t u n I mtai <• Tl 34 NL— .03 SpiCnV a s BItiis t ,1^- ?5 3S=3 S Jinad P«Dr >> Prew SoGMi "uira.a" '"d5mmf f i ? « L - . » J t »4L- JB tu n s nm J i n s ! ne& a r 9.17 10.34- 09_ _SpO tf r 13.83 N L -’.03 ^onv., n « ‘ 0.0, KL- .M -yit T i w a * - B Sesnsh ■illtT ,s«ra:7;^ t« S, Mtinre 154 a»4— .OB'' SpGrb :a s7 M lS — un icJ t«.*r— 2T inJre 8,16 9JS - ,10 S^I(J r 161S NL^ 'is :gll, ■!:« S t : i S 'SiJ'Ifcfcs oil i m o t aim:.nr sua e flc d . Gc*sPi 9.18 9,57- ,03 SptSIr . 403 NlI M Moro AtcPSik una 11014.13- m J,iB 7 ^ ~ : s t c * * r rr.ia TI3I— TS 3;* rooO T3,J7 13,95- .01 SpHIn !;St !:i! S t : B "A, 1 l iS ! S t^ " b . *” Si!tJB 1 2 J3 - m ta m t‘aatoia. m as m n - sr Prtncar FurFuMs; Soint ^3^7 Kt" ™ 14 HL- .03 Oiwt ” 2 W «U—' 37 fstow m s r r s i — ST cjcac >3 10,47 Orwth ■ * C 9 me,.’ sn latrwT^o |pwo :• h Kt-07 881J--isTi, siissti L:” Sc *' 15 11J3- .02 l « g ■ 7^r’s= s a 22.‘30 34;3»^ :i6 ShO?m‘ D B;83 nl- .31 QOjIII nM ^“ - ii;« sIL- t .09' OBIaTi 11.39 1 ' iST' T'S!— C pruttnoat SM «) trTTf* **r mt— K n»e* 18 34.01- .13 InltSoc 438428 S »- 23 - pptn * 7 B Wl/— s t m e Mm NL- .01 '''K5l g,M 1 0 .^ .11 STAR ,... «L 3.13 » - fiJ ITB Otoup. ■bSlM ?s iS -» a:? ■ , a r s t 5? a t- .08 s?v^ ISlia 1 ,ir- m m iBts i•a*«n««- 3B irrwCf r ' Io!41 n l — !oB InMSi \s DS NL- J l tO-10 V3»3JS 1 MBrcD ■><^ a s ts rtr * SI f ’ra . s s ' i f i s i a '. I ' i l l TliFr 8.SI NL—|e| |i| /Tia S,ia 54— a MaTT TTSaTta*- a »»nir •r .Vli"N^:S ' lYOd a.9S NL— .03 ea NL* ‘.03 Optn s.ia 4J3 1 •*— Bi Im »es>i <«*7 Jsr— rr' Wer^ar. . is » O cS ^ tr ' 13,90 NL— .14 Venl sag S' !!:S S t Bi7 1 J 3 - JB WBI -> _ unw«il G«PT r 9.7B NL- .04 WIdFd s.",! ■ - - ,!:!! S f c S L-:« d|^oo 't 1 ■iTiiaC ar "■ i l l i 0.1,10*4. .m , r 9 33 9.53— .01 tSIGm -»rO mc- 3C Anar °m^tqg- g iS : 10,37 NL- .03 tsilncoI ‘:!o= . b S i l l :» TFLtO ' 10i« II 1£7 ML* M Mst 3:13836 W l- ,1* ■ r T3 45 NL- ta tSI IS IS a » t ' : s gsktrUS - I9.DS NLL TFLBB S.44 I*•*- •” &f* «*»IJS .B7 no 'r.7 a mc— i r ure=»r t s r t n a T ” w ri5 ' rr TO.SO NL— .04 SHNBG r, Sfm 04 NL— .04 TOnSn -I4XS TtSD*3»_ sr Tm frv mi's rr,«— a* mwer rr jl.U g ’ S J S H iT t- a r ■L-Q=r unaMtl HUAf r I .J . 17.0,- ,1. « » tt ■ iiiifcs t; CapVI 73S2 ^ u m v l M\iC« lii s ML— S\ fjma " i'Si 'iir Sn!. V mIm- ■«■ o2t«" • «JOBJS S71— sn Value 53 ' Sl7 ^ K iS; ir^roc^ .Jl 1"^ r *■ O^M NL— 'O8 Mubn'i £■ Is St:8f ' ” » ’AS'‘U NL* .03 MK:nO 10»o n ias> - sa umaia 33 1 S W l- “ IMtfnS ' i s li U i :?!...... , ■ OnAflf _ a .l8|8 NL— J l NCara BBStta >J«- a jstM *uieaat. f 0 “ NL- ol sJg“ *‘ I !"p"e" , , ! 3 T i t : S ? . to NL- .oa ’ OnioO a a -in a — sa e a n a ...... - ^•MJSB’S-T ^ r«4* O S — S MbMC ' 0 4* NL— .01 SounOSh BS7 9JB— jn Mjtitjc X «.7BnC2^ t S' SfeTnS 131 Z27-. .BT Mwrr rr 0,™ NL— 01 ,Sine»IG ■I i ) £ iV» ir }1.4I>— .OS Virgna >.71BJ1 S*J- SI cto , • • ^ • IZ35 n a s - 03 unutor 10,49 NL . So»er ■'",» K ' ,’j’ff!!l”st'i; h".!- :!! ®aVSPSi ; 1 T i t unsnit uuon ct unrral sialB D SPT r 14,23 NL— .22 IIJI ML— SI 1 tZSBTS’SC- ET arunPs 9S7 NL- .01 - ComSI 7^89 8.40 WO||«lollal 19 54 NL— .03 . ■I -5?- a'ar" Tx U-Jr' ' 19 NL- J3 Qrwrtt, 11.MItw ML- .-a v s a ^ I 1sIEI ” •« NL— .M Oitera 5 S lo'S s t s - t z 'g ■ '«?"■’' T. . 9 74 ML- 2B lai £a *B tlS » m i3 — BJ OBtC r L_ :,t Sirtlne 1|.M t: 13.S »tL- ,13 L-S &»1 -a era e/t- or Rstn r ■ E?ndt II 13.72 NL— .07 ICaiffmn I ^ t s m«t_'SP m srm a * — .TT uni r ; •" "US a.’ BofSari 'i Qrpup; I I SiiSliS unarall st Farn IJ7 6 kT— sa Kemsor *-ut& m « t T ^ ^ ar ^m am FurFunda: (Ulan . ,..« NL-..7 wSUsS5i la St:i! ■ — SL 93T m a - OB CCArs 45.99 47.11 * .04 Cwtti ------IS------i i S - S t - — ’ffig - ’g ^ " - g g , ------1 ^ - 5 — - • J lu O — 113 C C I^ ---- ■ ^-----«.I»- ,4 JJ4 _ ,0 7 _ -M ,m ,---- luro______------t t — c J ------’ a M ^ w L -;« 139:97 NL-.57 n7^^— v is------•‘^ ‘-^irnafill------r . . , . unavaD 44 m il .f 4.13 «.'I3 ML- S« tl. Ttfl -n tajrrr.aj—,m . c m t PF 0 I urvayall I.— .OS___ OvtOb ______unaiail FourMera Orpup: RSfFfl Sl •‘ T9.3T r*,^— ,f» ' Corr* ------uM»»n -Otwm------IBBA) * «4L‘*-M — «*si>— S ------3 ______-ssi" - CF Er 33.S8 NL - .11 ■ttO rn S ^ £ ^ L— .18 Hiinc r — unairsu Ineoffl 18^ » §a?^— foln ' 15.33 NL^i?^ —ff— lljip.L -M J HiMu r •jnaraJi MuUial . J!.? .r r St S & .. 1*£? 33 « t a : S B t1L4»— S« G«aiQ 14.19 1531^ !« Arn"^*” !: unavaJI Spaci Z3JS3JS ML- A4. 1ecti -3 « » mi7—. D Cr«lne 1119 14.43- IT Aaaoc ilihM 9.ei 10.SO- .07 ufttmi FranlLim Crovp: 5?£iSiS 33^ SD- n c - o» M«*m le Peck Oroor; o' l i i Jt t rs. unanii ACE Ca MUnca st sffii" KU, • unaiall ‘CMna 'SS .,1, “ 1 TT .m rTjr-.04 m. Ttat ■ tsio tB,B3 *' “ stSw**" n, P^fd 24.4Q N L -’!« ■ una*an C rn ^ . m n TT»— m Hirua 11,54 T338. .01 Cap .”0^ C .svt ' 9-78 NL* .03; S S • S T 'b,? ™’u , s * WL- a tz o rn w - .T T Bicem- ° ^ i : S S t 9 io m ! ^ Eooltr lina—n Cua B3r TS rr.3« H J a - .» mfoSc 19.33. J 2 ^ 31.1^ .3a -2 HTMu ii;i3 N L - :« w*ii9isl' 8-77 9.2^J3-,. tis S MMiall Cat s a t .3 «,.1 » J S - TT Int Ea 3Ija 34,49- .11 HYBda grd 11.48 13.U— .09 ' .. S,« iS!i St* « »l“'S . imaoii Cm 4Cit i t.B r n — 03 ImesT 9.&5 la s s - ,oa Inl M< ttn*an Cue 1I.SEI S- ffi, !!:S Stt :Si l S “ aamr r 111 stii “£ ---- vnanfl Cua S i t ~ ; ;i:S s ts ssss?'' b'H nl- U Pino ” sw v n n il cu» s 3t 1 a i s s r =25 i;= s £““;giEf [! s t a Sf” 7 „ UP1M ' ^ S t i 3 WL- W t o y SSl ^r,7 ; r ;i s s t s I K - f e , , 1 ! 16 09 16 8»- 07 TolHet ' S - «» „1«., .iiS f f i i” -' “ !sj. ...»-■ ■ useioll 4CPM t > 5 tc ’ £ 29 44 31,57-.47 Unh> .lists'F,IOUS oajr'a quote, r— ftedamp* i - :09 EQ5?f»’ ' IB g TKtiT 1 55 TT ^rS' ^ • 1I.T3 13.15— ,04 SikMkt ' ctiarge may ipply. x—Ex OivK I S ;§ V jtI— .1} Evrgin t3.905 St 3 §X. " unMlI 1«H T ■ I a m e - 3T -— — lasa 13.0(^ .03 StralsQIC Funds: <*®''d. BBEBiaiWI ■ ■ i i r chJcaoo (AP) — artin ina^0 loybean-Muieai — ^— pne«a p0«) «han>ir Monday,-'ay,-wllfi-«n»«T oom - Op*nfl i - a » . - - - -ra c u z x L O 4U>J — j s « e .sn s BBBE i»TTt» r a r mon*r. rm* fw n —rrs— knd Dsin conirtclt down lha limitimit loi dally Uadlr>0 CRUDE (W. roosrt: antf m m v lt» icnng tarnOs 3»D ahm i no. H palbS IS : «w«s °"dfi*ln« cf^M°"n««l*w»a^ eanlcenia lo 1SV» centa 19J0 « » _ petfanomMc. r.^8iins3aaD. -erJlnMayalttSa ji" te.4S it.« 1IJ1 i t J i -JO' S r.T T r r COLLECTKON lOwBf with me c'onlfocl lor fl«ll>#rv i I ouotsilaeaat HovtaoiKUeeaTOai butnol; corn wat 7Vi csnti lo3 theihi limit 10 ccnl* Auo 1I.1S ins j<3 itjo m, SMotsatn steers «» ttume. siBqm a s r a a e t i» BIB»a|jM>) lOSCUIJ - Cantrai U.S. lowar alth May at *1.81 a Ou«nei; 19.0S'19JB 1B.T* ttJS - a I « g tg e : leeBer ttnM SP-UB. canta lo 10 ccnti lowar wiinrM Mi iy "'* i T n V 'l Ocf 1l.«a IBfiO W.74 18J7 - a 2 im»»iiiuiir iletcr Bt amiaij f . bb». WEEK U .» IBB 11.71 1BJ3 - x a * ' " eoangiMna loybaana wero IhsI llmllimit» centa lower Nov I 5^^ •croaa ihe Doaid »iin May al S3.UU43UaDu>nai. Ooe 1B.94 1«.M 18.70 IBM —J» m o a ilntr is mgner on snau tc*- I uvESTOC* AirCTCm - ^ IBT Cwef m ». Plea:ase have your CHICAOO lAPI - future* tiadlno ' , MariBta: utURy arts oniresal sa s a v in d a o n t bkS ]i& ViZMS isa =s' newyieeoersw ti*»J121. lg«TgiriZS^SSi futtaJ tmti» e»ae> ?-J SSD-AD cashI or check ready V, u . S'ia307,on3.«4. • s ly HaaTO.'"" ■_.sssijssi,ssis?i ^ a r a ^ J T BtOCSt aMBOTK ______. _ f q r . . Jyour Times«NewsVS ______,, - „■ , j.n.1 a,ax>ou;t^l ssia-s^sirafi^S’SS S f S S "’‘H? 21-H --S S 5£it'‘^r^aS'*l^^!*^55 nM carrhi e r . '^ ...... MK MM Mtn 91JS -J * aSS^S‘^S S S : ‘&', O M stend iw m « a » « « lje . < * » oSB(, i s ____ strur^.s ------______FdjBOBoninlJ .rw .n'ris.____ , _ 0^Wiftfc.^ou: M o o 'S S mS s s -...... S5iiSz=52r euw !*«• ---- ... OMAHA. MeS lAPKUSaU — 3J a o f 11 mini T.jiMBiMnr —M Calllaa I^IS IM e te e ^ -tS. 1J.6SB. ‘ p s 60 minimum; d o iU r t^ blaM u ^ _ • Frl.-etJleaU.O BterktdouswomMotaMr: it'S 'C s ______vofnatne eamurmumaitJt la « .& eF .em .orv) - to Jun «.7S SSJO 5SJ0 —.tl 5 , SS3S UJS S4JD S40 —JB Z IM . S 3 «■ T z a ^ a a , aaamia £S; !:8j 5 S S '.03U :!,5 .u u -.10 Jul IUL t»rattaa3S 4aoft yj' :!! :!*.OC .00 —.10 Aug 35 SS ss ri s UJO SIJO s.IS -SJJO —JB CMIM m«a Oat— . g JB, BMMB ------r«l.'aoo«nlnliai.JS8. oIIl.?*2----- si.so si.sa si.sa s ijs —jb _ oiBootraMii_*flh%, |i*‘ Saini •51JS S1JSSD.Ba S 0 * - - .t 8 - BnSiS^tS^ixjS^v^ , B,oat>umlnHlum:d<)ll*r»^bjjah«( lo!u lo S lo « SM *.-» Scmmc * mio-i2sa &• « r,.77«-.««£!! STvitsD 1^ ■ « JBao. aeag jBS 9 SBUnOBS X JuV T.Mvt lie* i.ei i34.Fri.'auiMt43. *' n S-SSSi.jf -■BM . t e ______itS?iS5.':t!S i3#.9W.-not^3J,------an mammns 4-- 4^ S A U > 90YDEAN8 ^ ■ m L M A V ^ «SS =,o»-.=0 fS. t- 38»Ta . « g » P C « T ^ J o l\ '5.M .88 5.«^ A Times-N^ U K X H V m a O U fcgsEi- .SEELL IT! " Classified < pveryNeed Wffl I sauins^ssBcnoiantor ^ as' ■ Is? ,i" S ■ AV C.E. m J T W Jul' S.99 .03 S.Mf Sa 1 ^ 1 }-i!H Ffl'a aalea i8,83l, ■ IJYIT! 733-0626L_ — Frti'a open lnIM,»9. up TTt. t ' *. ■' i I------^— . T u asdlay. n j May 19.1987 TImoa-Noi-Nows. Twin Falls. Idaho [>-3

    Prev O ase Month Commodilodlty a o s e • High Low p ja . MarU May Malncs i 7.S0 7.60 7:60 7.63 Aug.livecattee -fil;S 5 - 62.35 eL60 -- 6132'-- - JunJlvccatUeIc G6XS 67.40 6&£5 £££3 r B ! I H i l . l . B . I J . I I. M ay. fecd ercattatU e C9.S 0 .8 0 —- e a s ■■ sub; ' Ju n . live hogsi 55.75 5S.65 5L2S s a fCCATSiio utPi - l a t a rm . eunoB kiSir- CHCAaO M ay w heal ch»no« ol tti« Ij m 3.05 XOl 25S ZSS 1SgSS3=SSS£j= “»" Stock Exchange and IheNASDA.the M-K * nees^MMzrs Ss • OPIMPENWIO.MAYlOtti NRM . FrL’t HM r.ia ^ NOOfOONTllMIONIOHT “ . ■ , - Closqosq .Chg. TnisJoisllist 39 + |nl»;i3I.on70I. 2 03 22 08 ^ SAVII LIILIKI NEVIR BIFORt ^ ^ ONIVHTrtlTUJlDCMONOUIlOT 1 ^ A lbertsons 50^1 50H — I't ' Universala] Foods m . , OSC^cnnwZM , S a ra Lee 39% UlahPoa-ija-er ZT* — > aaasBsmottaz ' "- - r " " ”"***??» " TI.B-n.-W^TIITS -M 111 Coors 2B'.i E&U" fit •} - arju m s *2373 Mar Jl.« 21,« I." liiJ THEISlEISEN MOTORS } , 2S',4 — Vf Premailcic 2Pk .fS P.S '.P o'S S ::gg SS'— ' ' ii s ,oi >f MN AVE. I. 731-T700. ^ MlcronTcch lo^i ConAgraa ’ 27%i SlM 'iT .K s m W-M „:n ,:o . El Paso Elec. 17'. l i • TM -A--A j*- 1714 + Dun&Pbi?brips ■ Sh, -f «, "s#;so *■ fII/JSS'“ inl 5,877.011 ao. isL Sec. Bank J5'/i 25'^ + S. B ludqiVj • V alF U ng»TSB»cctp»—SpcttMBagttvToaiiMtalpnca H.J.Helnz - M=K. 44^ - ^ GalxyCahlailvsn. IS’i ■‘•i ( 4 *amoonr - TT.at'cBttf.s*'popant KT cona Idaho Pwr. Co. • 22^i 22= —1 Quolalicitions &inD Echrard D. Joaes• “ft *=tOBHIt(=ewrrt. . U ng. Fiber ’ 56'/« 56 . . Co. ceccv-i»seB;onmai«nDaator GPtolnxfms m tterlMg s s j s s " ”” 8TOC% OpMlMflHleI>Lo»QDMO« smursts:*ScMttSMXMSL em* tmv a mw. . Itr C o n o toot nasTMasam-MM ■ a»:tua»Tq3a. aiUUBtOJTFtt THEBRIEAKTHROU UGHM » Tm u t BC.O K4.1S-B71 ' OueuuaitXJ 3 av Irr^Q nin *pot I-S5 IK-2 1 5 ^ ^ S-H 8e«n M M cat.---*NXt«T- KSKBcn^ac se.2 - ^ 0*^'“---- -‘“•*1 -“*“ ' ; AFFOMDiABLECOOlDUNG. ■ um» • "SSSS.SS' rtp«rtre»atftt.TJ2r- • Mioijai uooSo™,1...... - ...... If Y ou’vere Been Waitiring For CUSTCrOM DRAPES> . • . V Is TThe Time! Annn yi ■ \ i - * Builttolast. ( ' It’t’s Our fl-!] i - G UUSTOM This5 Arvin model r ’> A h m v c: i ^ r 2 N D A V E J ^ 3 ^ 4 2 1 ^

    F h e r e M m g ^ e tt t e r = = m a 1f i o t si i i n m n e r dl a y ------^ ^ —7 m Orr a cold winter morning.n Ten-i-year flnancingg avajlable.i m - If you’re ponderingg t h c p u rc h a se o f anewa t air - Thihrough Idaho Power/er, you can K concnditioncr this sumniirier] consider, a highgh-cfficiency finantnee your new heat'pi.pum p and t addd^n heat puttip instistead. A heat purn^iFcools vour ~getm■nonthlv paym ents> didesigned to • ___ homme just like a cgn traral air conditioner,■, bul\ its fit yoiour budget. W e’ll'evieven finance__ ~~U~ ' u ^*fuIn<^"dO^ay : ^y ^ d *IBFonlj^tiling t youu h have to put “ there is_to_hcatjt vour home. In factLCt, ...... X downn is^your signat^re^ . • with cfcfnciencies of up to:o F oDr i more informationon'qn the ~ s 260 pcp erccn t, a d d - \ ^ year.“i'-round wonders off tlthe high- ■ on heal:at pumps are :iency heat pump or the case l_twoto-t3-threc-timcs— § . and C(convenience oUdahaho.Power’s ____ efficient than ^ hcing plan, call your>ur heating 3sf cfficicnt . d cooljng contractor;o ro ry o u r rnace. So tHey_„ ^ 3cal_,I.daho.Powet oflofficc. a t yo u r h o m e !fr y wilh less ' * ^rbul for less money,U t to o . a h o P> o w e i

    *• . . . . j I more cf I the mos -—— r— v T — f gas furn \ notcan only' heat energy bi

    I d s {>-2 TU nes-N ow s, Twin Fa)Falls. Idaho ^uesdsv.Mavlav 19.1987______a rkets

    M w i i iI t d l f ii n ld s - — - ZSJ7 2S.17-.11 Cap? IB.» NL- .11 TF unSTSlj Kidder Group un unawll T*i _ lEx a a s t s KEW YORK -T h« fojto; SBSa 'KE .a !!:«„ i!;*! NL~ ra • S a o S S o n ot S«eurtUa* OmJ.DMien. U3 Oo» t^ n3 H.90-u .14 Cspll . tl.g K ” o » '■ ^ Q r o u p . ^ , : i i S , 5 £ s“ ^ ^ c ^ f c l Uta^ ar* iM prtcM •< aMcn ttii 6.U 1.-U— .09 C4[Tx '■ siii 11“ I ' 14.97 NL- .15 Visu MOtftMs cadd n m b««n KUd I - iJiatifi^loJ Nw' tlf t'f 18 J8 Nl— .18 VoySflI ■ •MM «iiM> en beuoni (valu* i (•£' II «,42 Nt* .01 sjath t8J4 NL- -IS Nenme'- 3.88 NL Quasar ^ iS S - . ■ uns»s I Lindmsrt ■ • Fui - 3TM K l- -M ! ii=:S fr' 0 0 ' - S;S Cn» loje 11.19— .07 J 7 . » - .08 Fedsrsisd futWs; g , ■ aBS3=S- iS:!! S t s 8 f t ■!:i! St S « “i 25.37 NL— ,40 RftsGriC "“ * S s H ssst lr,» ■ 1 ii st;s Bsr' s'u, ‘ *^™T9J3 n J I * -OJ , i N - . = . 3 j.g i .n - N L K S " i t s ■■: i!:S St S ■‘■°1’"I- ...1. NL-... SS" S s t s ’l * m i r S j i ^ S s r . ■ ! ? | 1S,K NL-^17 5?,u “ , :U S t : f . S S S :,., !!:!! St:!! SSS iSli:S- e ' '23.87 NL- .14 Sloeli f c i ’ ffiS, '!:S‘i 1S;S S ta t S " , unsrtll NovaFd S- I ‘ J i i r (1— .02 . MuniO 7-JO•II" ,l i -H NL- .11 0 „ S5o ^ ^ 1 » J 7 15.10 Sl:?l clBI n^?“ " 27:S » : ^ io2 LF^f* O I*- .OJ Otisn I J W “ ’f s ' t E l E - iHif a . IK F«;‘” “ ffii« » H H t- 'S UsSo t ______*• 14i - i i y r ThiSS. ;II e | s IM* NL- .17 °%V oIa '"* 10.08 10.58- .M ROTCe rurxss. gj nw<»i S= ?5 i iia NL* !oi Fldaiiiy Inv^tl; ' 15.30 Nt* ,07 Libon? Famli; 14.58 15.32— .M Eqln 11.-.05 Ct*»emontS 24.8t 77J7— ja ■ HiVa f #i3 KL— :03 ^ ' H s s sF « 'i§, : ■« NL- .01 Oslsn* 10-h 77.J4 NL- .« tI" 'F^e^ !:Sl!:fc:S ' ^ iu n a S=:S SS‘« illS B t -s S m p S ' i i s r : E£< 'r " ^ 1 . a - g r . .I i j . ' I I „|s= lil k e I & “ " ’ "■'ba gfpffi' - t? f'w S S u '& - “ S ' - ' \ ,t!3 St-J. r - S i una»sll ^ - S:i! S t ;l! . r . ™ Mm? 'iii io^>” » ' - isa il, ail"jt;i " S a , \'is sts • ».« N l-’l8 Lo^ls ' Ssylai M PolJpOo; V ... . . 'WcloO 1S.M 20.85^^ ' f S cScSi „„ NL-.7. St 'B ' I I K = - l 25,93 NL- .24 Pram " !S:i!55:it:i! SS” i s ^gr . ^ Kt:!i - S S B11:= t ;S' W ''- Mi l f i l I I .,,. .=..,-... S I O M 7 - .1 . 13:T8 nl- i07 Ond db sS' . S - ” ™ui . ” i9 V. s s r , s s t Oiu Ml- .OS Qiniei. .Oroup; te 9.to S.Sl— .07 SanlOar 1J.0B NL— .09 i “ ■ i li\fM f1 .W - .14 ■ GNMAi l 10.1 lil 11,4J NL-.17 ?o“Jal 19.87 7^.44— .77 Scuddef IHi'sE-a . »L-J» S ■ ’i ^ ’W r S SJ:S ?s'^l?<= IMI r a-sa B-8*- ,21 ?r~ i l.iifcs f e ““ la s ■ 'I ill ; I ol^spc.c i P s s l E l ' UM Nl— *17 ''**** lOilj joi94^"iM P«i(lC '**H0,HorUon: 0en90 ____ 10J8 Wl^ - ‘^CoIbMS« ■ IHT NL, .« uhs>all VslAo 11.3 17.78- ,07 ^fov yy 1 JI3 NL* J* IF.. E r ™ l i !m oww"*n*^^^ 117.08 17.8»— .10 Lutheran Oto: !!:S!!:S=:S gft. /Irth • I - 2 gL- .11 k s ; ' !.':S S=H i f i i : i 10.» NL>- .10 Fund te.77 19,78- .01 HI Yid !!3 s ts SS» 03 •<** , J '* ir-M u. . ”AoiV'^KL— !oi 8us(dlsft' . Funds: Wabobr- Scot 17.0 NL- .01 b>coS !i5 St Jl .... JL*..0 t . , ~^?»S I rial ei23^ !o? asiah " . ' d ! S " « Allas . ‘iS St=3 SEh s s ? , ' ":!3 " t 3 s t s a :s n 19.89 NL— .77 MIT ■/%8S!1ST:!I ' ■JS I’n R--" L= ;Sb mSi f ■ io:« 1 '8 ^ % * = :§ i (« 10.55 11.02- .02 TiFr«7 ',S| St®. iSS.■Esn 1 -O KL 1 ,22 t4,75- ,17 ONMA \ X 'W S 9.87— .oe •—ruFrWJI • io:io NL uwn« f e ' J i i s t i i I® 1 10.18 10,83- .01 T«Fr331 10J9 Nl • G«»1 — ------0.07-Nl.—.5s- »*•«)(> ------1 " — ; ; g S f ------." SSffi- )?s 10.87 11,72- .17 MaiQI dJ L52 NL— .01 12.25 12.88— .18 MalGI I t 10,78 NL— .09 Etond utt 18.0J H I- M BW ~£i, ■ 1 1 !:SE;~ r i - Ji loCOFd (.70 9 “ir --S:l!u 4J-87— iw lummar m14.98 NL— m,10 Totnel ” :22 12ilO^ ioS Ol’ m"p \ uneyiil TsiEn 10,78 11. 7— .01 OmnlFd 8.77 9,2t- .01 ParKAv 18.19 NL- .04 Ulin “ J ; s ’i £ s ^ S.i^:tii 1^" 'iS| 12.88 13.89— ,03 PaSSdQ I Fur«Js. . taO M.M IU 7 - , liil if 11 S i s s E l S"* tac Sn-47 27.»- jo 1 gjllj. J . |J.j«: 'i:3'!:S7:!! KffiS ' :Sffi !5!S1:E:i |-Mi l l 1 0^t|l f tO.17 10.82- .04 Penn Sq 1.59 S.13- .01 Penn Mu?u ’?:m nl- :« ® *^pf^ [“ • .S __;:SSS,______u 5 - ! S -1— . .74 TotBel...... ’’jIELH _ . 0,45 10.87— .g ___ ; _____ 1 .^ 11.0- J» i t S ^ - . U - li-ifcs 1 : --^-V ’i7-£t:S-SS55, un, L54 UV- .03 ois3 ' l i s t iot pnoenlj Se It I ^ c p S!! » 'i ■ lii” '' i'i' 0.88 11,40- .07 Balsn i i « s r " ’ iii IIS s sst.urvMl IM 5 ^ ■ sisa ; M l i i 0.54 11.07 C>Fd • yr WM8.98 8.40- .10 TEWV 0.47 10.89- .02 Orwlh . !!:S5!:S!r:l! EHS' fS !S= S IW ,!JSu5=:S ; 8.74 1 0.73* .Ot---HlYtd ^ ' ' ““ - i l g;il£M t l : s': iiil i | i p i ■ :S ‘ S i r , KL«a - .J l QYtnst J.» * VhV :i! 8.97 nL- .08 ?,'£'k*' t* .1S tmOl Ml #.M+ • :« 9IEU1 ( S.M , &: "iC, B.07 NL— ,15 TolRet u:08 14:7t- !o3 MtChTi . 7JS B ^ .01 i i S l i S i : GiD- MlnnTi ^ S S S , u 11.M 17. v l i E l S ' 7I.5S 71.94- ,03 MOTx S i r - - .se outiT ■ 10.J0 19. I l i ; 10.00 NL NatlTa ? l b tZ a SJJiS' SS53' lilEifl" ^ f tst■ NL-S M ----- 5 = :^ « ' , M l »««C ' I :! i ' l l iiotds: ONMA .34 I .83— .IS 10 on , 2''■ |. S 4 « r : ! i " g . 11.70 NL— ,07 MIYId. ilsEI ^Pro I 22 2 2 / i i it : i l S?A“' ’^s m !J:i§ I 10.08 NL— .03 Mso io:ro i i ;t3 - ,07 Pauo Ptc* 7/.lfl ».7Q—0- ..17 pFA fit m ib !m -. o« pfoMt id rai- -..ii Sti; tf »>:. !p, ’i i ’i l t ; ! ! is & ,:3! S t:S .“sr“"i,’uop'"“ *'g.2 nl-.™ ^ .ii.st;j:.J»F.„ ■ '£'S=:S .p£_ . - I i a t nlt^ bb. aikj _ :”P- S - i .13,48 nL- .» "FdTm^’ I .57 NL* .01 AlUn a V ,?S1* Fwici*p 70:05:J! Sh-:!1 S ffi , ,| I'^u ,8^^;« o^^h t .17 NL- ,18. . AgrCr , ' ” ja Itt**" “*1iB 11*7- .OB' H’hE;t s “U S T si!L“ 12.30 13.44- .Qt intHId t^M 1 S ^ ^ .JO m/om - i s t ” S ^ S l i E S S1 W ltS!fS=:S ii!“^E;“ iE, %p: !■ 5 Ovi un«»*0 . l a liiiS: ^1’EI Ps -‘g; lil 8.78 8!e8 InllSIk ■i,;g st:g s r ------^ ------|1_ H? . - ’if ' SS ■ ------1 ,37—Nl— :13-----LehCa— ^ i s E I * H T L— Iw usa»i <.» "Ib;! [f 5"- i:i|:i! S i ' H , S ' \8.23 8.83* .10 Muinc 1 i~S. 'iisStT.: 3,54 N l- .03 Munim l'|ir r s s ;r vet tinr«ll :?? Kt* :m imoflra^os nose: NYMj I iiS ffl“p} !:S ,:|E | :!;i 14.J8 NL- .J2 NIIRs^ I l l = ; i i ' ^ ' 17“4?13^^;m ^iFd S 5 S 1 - .11 tF USI 10.11 1I .08 S' KITId • B.«1 « t4“48^7B- '74 14i« 15JJ— .05 IJM :!i |E | » i ;i 13:77 1473- :iO iIfIh * S w S t ; ! f i S i ____ ’■ * ! ------.’silO-NLl-?;.- SLPM -. s SUrta d irl-; ------ISSS------^i;!S- 13JS list nrEq”. r' — — ' Cro«r ^_^ HL- V ” t:i! ,|;j I 'M N 'M unsvsll Rolln I ;■■■ r ’'W ! St'" ffi! "S 11.18 11.93 ReiQQ r 1?:?? K ti i\ '.'.M .'ii:» I S :M nE - ; S TMFr li11.87 12.48- .07 SclTch B.54 8.94- .09 SpCro ' !}£ s ts fS" ' H*Mi 10.U 10-ir— . .73 NL- .17 InlCssh 1313.97 14,1S- .01 Spl Val is:” Im ( - :2? • 8.88 8.78- .10 SpPIU a !?;s 9,18 9.57- .03 SplStr J'S ! "SfSp "'=Sl.84 12,10- .19 i r ’,00> 17jr 12,95- .01 SpHIn ' iisstE i S I I I I gS'S. « I Funds: - Spint mcp 51.11 N l- .« " ,• « V ““ "‘ ....= ~L_ ■ K t | i ^:!! j !!:i!= :S isis®- ’ 20.10 72.40- .14 SpMlg ■ Si! St S55?^ ’ I lajo » a - .07 S '!:!!-.» sa '. 10.17 10.70* .07 SpTi I 10-47 Qmrlh . .8.98 ",'i:SS St:S I e S ’’J2=:ii 72.M 74,38- .18 Sherm •iI '•■s s t s .R K '!:!!' !:!! St I Oroup: ^ I 74.07- .IS InllSsc -‘.ifl I ' isEs ' .12.'s'tL.. | 5 . ^ OJ ITO ES" ^ Group: ! MIdAHl ,“‘\?ISt:S! “S ' 13.44 14.11- .08 MidMGd , i i r l s - ' SK • ^ S t l IS?’ IS St:' !M 13i72 MiWo 14, . V.‘i'- N ^ ; : S 1 s t „ ;;ti!0 Srsd U5 NL-7 -02 r.lr:S! s r lf;Sl.14 S.M— .0;.- MaTF ISiB? IS. t8;oH i03 M?nllr ” unaoil GNMA r ■’H '" s E; s S ' ' li:S 1523- 07 {M rje NL- .02 a ? S, . t | s t :i ,37 jJ.M - .Ot IM ^ Rosh 8.47 8^ 7.07— .1' Morijon S.69 8.03- .04 Globl tI 17.90 Nl— .14 Vont tfltr 1L79 NL- .07 i r ' i - l i i 14.62 NL- .04 Mul Gan unsiail QvPi rr B.'78 NL— ,04 WidFd !8:n 7o:Si 5 J Tf - tJO m. i I e I =■ • ;,13 i i 10,84* .01 ,, Omaha: GvPII r ;.0 8.17- .09 LSJ Tr * 7»,g KL— .n 1 tO.U— .04 hJit tg Inreitois: 14.13 NL-,08 ““rjr 10.00 to.01- .Ot CviSc 3J0 3 10— .02 luM ci ir.ra : 139.18 NL-.78 Qr»Ih ; isiiEs It uHY • IJM KL- .04 - ” :E ' ’K't s r . S’A'uVsl?) ' l r w17.28 NL— .0/ Incom !:S; ■!! Bl?,5 Vr 0.10 L - .04 SIINOO - S S g I L— .04 TllnSh hiSs!S9 NL- .03 JP Orlh 13.1S.03 18.34- .or Ti Fro 10,78 11.72- .04 inVor rr 1.13 L^ .08 Smilh E “irta 1-r, I . “ —.— JP Inco .01 MullDcn unsvsll • MuAJ I S i i s Sts unsvsil MuGs ' a w L^ .?? ■ W ^ro ? ,u t :!S TH ...V"1.M V p ■'"“no 13 unavall MuMd S ’i:5 St-:~ S : " - i rL j . i s ' la St:!! S r ' s r o:S2 L— :08 MunNI SI, ■ !S s t s • o S lh a 1107 I3 J4 - .1 :S lOiJO- !o Vdrl‘lur 3131.5$ NL- ,44 Naiind ',v .v ’f c i ! a s a ; ' Wm u S - :S BMtum S , s..83 9,?4— .0 John HsncocX; .CT 10.37- .03 ’J-14 8*18 27 I '®“- 14.48 1J.S8- .09 MuNC ■ . s;i tli i S ' ?4S®n'?i S ^ !?S !S.St:5 l l ' S:« i 9>8 10:35- , 01 Uond" r 10.70 L - Ot sihejlQ I I4W NL- W^-lfSPH t;g ?.T -S’ trSS 1303- :03 MunOl ' 10.49 L Sover In s ; S3 S t5 !7i 9:bi- :oi g[oo[' ,gts.et i«.i^**oi Sdsc unsvail MuCn r I .00 12.91- ,07 MunPa S ' !S s t s . > ?j£ '1 ■ }sS SE?=1 s.. 11-1 9:01 8:“s i a'S’cT ' '.Si s ? r s i “=' B™SS:S-.nj !- =S la !!:!!i's .St I WP c, -i’10.J7 10.02- .or .Prom 1 :24 i3:i3- :o2 opio t '182 NL- :05 pIm 7s MSS I !li! 13 77 N5t:S L -.07 f e I K^=?l :i sr- i^gjS jM * :m fleio'r n 1?:mCss NL- .13 O.T 10. r • unavall Ta»E» *sll 1o5 ^ 4 W j^ ToJBlO » nl- -• ' nl’-7'.oi roSe . unarail si Farrr StS 11 JO HI-!i7 ..37. funds: ^ B ^ n 19.08 NL- .07. *neus T “'“"^SgSt:i-:S E" 'c- %’"i :2ri^S?I.:§? S; 7.02 JS- ,07 Stock -iiiiiE 'vn AOTtsarK ' in s ^ Esion Vsnce: ' hIqusi '" ’ VieV'.es NL incom . 8,8,78 .27 . T» Ei :s3 io:o9- :o ccdsb ’7 80 n l " " - r - tJ l Ht g n ^ r _ . un*’" UMMII 44 W^Eq . ^ ______8^33 .71 8 J I - .03 . .Caia 14J0 i f ^ BlSlre^ Hesft: Ven______unavtf_____ ” t *I?L~ i” ViJ 11': :];7 • 1°!!!“- - 22i4i 2 !4J- ^20 NalTeie___ ----- 1 8M7cl^i ^ ------_____ IMO 18.6Sp707 Gr^h ___ • ffj( ?l^r^ i z = H ~ = unaJsll” ^*0n»1?f* *^?“°T0"0^ •f V- a a KL-.» ______Mgdt______i i j :_ nlS:8—-- i 8!S?— ----r-r- — ^15,80-18.78— .tO - -C ^ A ~ ------____ _ ------N t^- •: 17 HcUu' < :?r:irB tiJ?-s:sF'^-— '!; 9.68 10.48- 04 OOOig u .ib' ii s i - .08 Am S U at HlVId uns>sll Sped U.3S.3S NL- .04 Tech t3.j 8.59 10.37- .02 Oloinc '_ j 4 mcOos unsvsil Frsnkiln Oroup: 8.07 NL- .09 Heaiin ? 33 2331- 10 *nU« dor unavsil uru«sll - AQE unsvsll ^ us^ G» Fds-.. HllnCO is NL-:?? jiS^ & „ ,it 5t’ vA 'fc;sl i. ." ' 11,10 11.87- .04 HI Yid siso 18:82* '“ S t ^ ” " Rna R( Fdt' WPCM>Cld 74.41 NL— J3 Sun a omt ' cpt unsTsi KLttons axouo: 10.93 11.88- .10 Hltflll 1.54 12 38* .01 Cao . O?0 S5t8 NL-JJ ^ .Tt tJ » Kt* .03' 'IT. sa ..... NL- .CO aSSc ■■ Siii i£i" uMjij , Cue ' O jj i§; i r s i l J l S l :Jo !nfo°SC ^ iS:!?2ri?=:SI •SV’S'u n.i3 NL-:ra |;a» ;t:S S tO .» - .01 Equnj 9Sa Nl— .01 £ 1^ % ifSi!3=:!i- ^ i r ' uns>sl g j Kl r 'l:!i s! S t;il ‘E : =" !:S?:!t :a KL, Mun 1028 NL- .01 »»0«1rd Sowrwf*: • S ill Sz h S i S " .. ■ liS ,,' oSyh urUTSlI Cus K7c t.r ..J""**- Neuboroor Oon va* . 1JJ2 N l- M • uncrsll Cus Si r ?3. ur,’.- ! 11:U » S.2 s t s S - 10J3 NL-4I7- msnil Equilec SXbel: ^ . unsvajj Cus S31 —’J:!S S. St:!S S3 is fi NL- .17 nOl^- cSti5? 11.1? NL- .1 ' N '-’P Kr" T. 7,80 NL- t7 , Libly ' unsTsll o n u rr' Ktz.S |[SS 20.71 NL— -2* V«Fd^ 7M 7M» .a ® aIS 0«>up. - " , « ” / 'i| unsvsll mil r unsTSlI ‘ LiMsI - unsvsil NYTx------18 09 18.89- .07 lom ef .-..No.Uital-aalM kad; I -- .ia loinet r H.}7 .. uns*«ll . KPM ( ■ 74, unsvsll OTC E . 29.44 3t,57- .47 Unlv loua oar's Quota. 1— RMtvnp- ,- C# USG» t ».71 { 74,79 NL— .44 Manhl . Sts ^ctiato* ‘Jw> fNL- ,08 Oollon unsrill T.Ff r 8.20 8. NL— .02 pjttn ■ unsvsll Oolnll 10.98 12.00— .07 Sirslealc Fur>ds; IBHHI ^ _,;___CMCAGO (ATJ" — Cni«-*od IC rHio’h~to»“BeiM-cnB.’-~—■—POCATE — i cicr7*P)~-^ij«rig-7infliifls-»ha-M6aist----- niTODprOTripnnpnnn-tamomwniffhDrriBW-irww- ___ ITS___ .. j s ’i g ' s a s ? & “a , ; ------Slojay. crioltfa-snt Siauphiar iteera no quoie: tisugni ooS shorn No. 1-2 p^ls 20.00. ' • ’Ij.sf'iB .JJ 1|.J^ , 19 M _ ♦ .» Jfluoie: IteOer aiesrs no quote; loed m COttECTKON Ju" i®oder hJ^ers ' lOovr wflh Dm contract lor dalnvrvsnwUsvslS^a i> DE5 MOINES.. IowalO' lAP) (USOA) — CenlrsI U 'Sr bu»ne<: cem vas TVi cents toI the lunil 10 cants Aug londsy: to-*f wtm l*»T »t »1.*1 • ..Jla^:sisri8 r-'s ^ jj w e ; teede: rsmos 90-100, Juiy-Au| cams 10 10 cent* Ww«f w'tfi Way M* at tt.7m • w C .."d "’e?lte,"y? -CrbSerrSSSmovemani liohl 10 moderate, sup- WEEK busAM: *fld sorM tns >«f* trw lunii ^ plloi mooerele, , sc some weskneaa on lop ihslde ■croM IM tMwm win Msjr st U.4]\kU\katMisnel. i Dec -iis iss il i i l El . loundi, middle meimeals lirm 10 higher on small vol- LIVESTOCK AUCTION — N»m|impa LKesldck umes available forlor immedlsle1 shlpmenl. beet Irlm- P lo Q□se ! hovo. your »r>g 00 Ihe CfttcaflO & JIS i s l!;S r s : ;owa 42.00.S2.50; mlno» weak lo lowe}wer in light demsnd and moderate OnCAGO (AP) — Futures ti*0>r>g i Ihl leader steers to heavy supplies,IS, culoul. value choice 2-3 550-700 cashI or check ready ,|'t0:s07,oll7.0u. H t83.00. Houiain lbs csrcssses down3wn .0310 113.12, 70M50lbSup ,13 Iy H S i i S a '" '" oslry hellers no lo 114.58, good 2-3 down.3l 10 104.53, utfls on 80 f o r your V Times*News Mby :e: Ul timai no loads boiod culs,Is, 1 choice 3 heller and aletfr ca/- jMbloJryMraoBwpwtwg**^ ______Quole; dairy eal.os no quote: »J 7.M. —.07 Jul' i ------corrw •ier.:.-..r-— -==-=rr-:iz±i JuT' 2.9t JM JU« -.Jjji Aua mand very lighl. movemeni slow, l«riiriir?;riS9.0(MiM. siocker hellers 8 8 .^ .0 ( s Sleer snd hellar carcaaaes. aleer n S o s '^ 'S . ^ " ^ '’ “e’edJr'^ choice^S 60WW*0#lOt 108.00-107.00, Uie 108.00, hOlS- ss S:S ss ns s; e 1-3 80O-8C0 lbs 83.0044.00 Iale S Wo iy IS5£"l:S--=;tivJ- ...... Rem*jks: -co*s; 2.000.00 .tilghsr... cm • ...... ss ■ itrong, fJ caiios choice 3 550- Iftfc *^0U' Fft.'sepen kilSJW . on It- '■Si,r.-Sir ■ Si ' 1 SSS ass ass ss OMAHA. Neb. (APHUSOA) — Offls seediaas bellies IMS iim steady, *M ' Fri.-a sales 1}^ Merkel quolauons Monds v: I W i S W i a llower, S trade alow lo moOerale IU e oMerlno. culoul value up J3'lo - Jul' .81^ gji u ic a s K f y a s . ' “ • »H i.e9H -.10 «7.ono*i;e«nt*M .On» t.87>» - 10 Jun...... J 15,75 iS.« SS.JO -.18 _51.l»-37.0O._2«..nflia K | 57,21;. gowt u sa as as ti.s -.r L’ fialltei W-18lti8 84^.Kl ...... - 0?— ;” —7 .0 ^ Catlls and. CalYSs: 3700|^steers [aisei'’ 1 .^1*50 "A" 'A ' ~~ 0I.2Si S1.2S » .» 3 .»IH:=i .» -.1 0 -I 8 , •fMl F4b a 71 i.TTVi - OBM Uar “ J THEISISEN MOTORS 1 enoico 850-iiwJ ^ AANNUAL ffi , !SS!:S5i?mIsiS siT ®l,...,....ii, XMe'cSTcanner ] f MODEINUeifT MADNESS J f Fri.-openlnl39,« “ d?u!i'Vrirji^*6(i ' ■“ !KSSifS’«.o™ . - — — Jf .- SALE s 3f~ - -O P INNWEO. V MAT 20lh'------A Times-New!j/c ^ NOONJNtrtMIDNIOHT ^ X... lA V IlIKLIKINEVIRIirORI ^ (1 i f a ' ELL IT! C c lassified Wiii fP i ^ OHCVtlTU:ruuDaiOMOuiioT ^ __<-^eyery_Needi Jf THEISIISEH MOTORS J s s g [b u ...... )f--W7MAIKAM Vl. I. 7<]-77«0.)^ JY ITI ^ 733-0626— . rttJoSflwSCT.opTT*. \ I - I. ■ ■ I ^ t . ■ , ,,'- .V T u e s iijr . 1 M in ifii I— r.K*y19,18a7 Time>Newjle w s. Twin Falls. Idaho 0-3 Prev Close Monlh CommodUxlUy Closc High Low . P.M. May Maines 7.60 . 7,60 - - - 7.60------7.60-- Aug. live calle! •' 61.65 -62.35 61.60 61.92 . Jun.livecalUee 66.85 67.40 66.65 66.85 May.fqcdcrcalUiatUe 69.25 69.80 ' 69.35 69.67 a m * ! - Ju n . live hogs 55.75 .-55.65 54.75 55.32 POCATELIO (AP) - ’ wtlW Fi/ii*mi BuTMu tniar- CHtCAOO (AP)P) -— Futuroa tradmg on Sto CMeagoi SPRtNSFICLO. ia.(An —T m o k n MorcAntii* Exerm^ ■Mart MWj» «cw n n t iAPy~i M ay w heal 3.05 ,3.01 cram M iim M e C hB B . CSMnO* St m« 1} mo* ■ 2.95 2.98 Lo* BMtta a « .L EUSOAfBo»ceia bifi* tram tBrmsaa a M»snatlenairratinor*mnit1. - M ay com 1.88Vi h^V: ■• 1.79^< l.eO^H- —_ i.lj; »ptW0-2.:5J!'S2ffiS5(g>mE "Sj T ^ S s : May soybeans5 - - 5.73i'« . 5.62 5.40 - 5.42f6 ' “ ‘w.M t7M m.a tta ^ Mon. FA. 'vBMMLMlCliD. 7. NO. 2 Son «i««t as.- ss 3 »7.8M 4in Jul. silver 9.41 , "'9.52 9.01 • 9.04% • 1 1< percent spring 2.H''fsasrTfS (d g ---~ 1 Jun. gold • 476.20 477.80 “ «)HfLAIk o in Jun.S-franc - 68.87 68.92 68.45 • 68.58 efito.sjs ?7^ eries «7;toli fo «7.7Ss?-s I .1JM.SM tM'* -}<* Ju n .J-y cn 71.92 71.88 U e7.ss S ea.23 irjo eaxa • j o new YORK lAF]—SiOH tu tu n tB IJ34.3S0 StW — ** 71.48 71.58 , conoe. S05* 1^ o « Jun.crudcoil 19.80 19.95 19.80 ^ 19.89 -SJiS'S;?? i;.H SS :isz MJO 68.S0 eajo . ^ Quotollons( from Sinclair anand Co. SUQJUMiWttlJt?^ ***^ ■ — “» ■*•★★★-A iririr'k'k'k l1B;SM,upe. ^ It a.cepl,MU.cofn. j.ooaie«.:c*nUp* I I =1 J TBEISjJSEN MOTORS J '**«'« M,« M.g 'ss^ . -.0I ^ O 7ffi 7 C . 7.S ANNUAL n <4.7S «ijs 47.0 UA —!n[ Mar M IX ' 7JB r n 4J.U o .e ; 0.7 «.so —.a7 Mey m 7X1 7S* 7 S■ » ^ 4 ^ M AmSHIIAinQS " " O.M o.» «.ao 0.17 -mi Jul j. C2I t n «17 Clbing TJriccs fromm t Ihe New York Moore Fin.In.G p, 24 42J0 C.40 43J17 42.1S —-IJ> OOct a j i s j i U 7s : s = 3 n . s 1 htnj r*4 vrinltrSv^^nfiT^nV( > F>i.tuiea17^1. SALE > Stock Exchange and IheNASDA.Ihe M-K 48^'* - H i » I J:SS i fiS 3!S SJ5 ^ ^ OMMWM«tD.MATnih . c ■ NRM 3Vi + % 1 Ujae eaOt nr b. ^ MOO«HDWTtLMtONtOHT ^ Close)se ) Chg. Trus-JolslSl 39 + '/ < .• laiin.otiTot. AJul • 5 js a n z z a3 an ^ SAVttdclukENtvnurott ^ Js^ S /s'* - Sep 71SJ r j s j T ts ta nxi OKEVHTSSn SSD C U M o u t LOT i A lbertsons O'A 50'^ - '/< U niversalll FFoods 23% • - >4. ^ Ho, 71JS n n T i n S a ra Lee 39: t4pclproleln3!u •W .S- n .» T,.„ 39^ U tah Powci# c r 23% - 'M 19pclp(ololn4.;7 ea.u B9.40 S7.«3 n ,is * .aI ^ uI . ?tiis -Tie T t a THEBEBEH MOTORS ^ - ^ C oors 6H. 26H. , — Vi P rem arkc 24% - % , MAVC.E. 7 39-m «.'3^ ,s{"=sb”=5fgs :s! sj S ’’ n n a ^ mMAMA' - M IcronTech- 0^4 I0»i — V* ConAgra; 2Vh - % M«r E l P aso Elec. 17’,^ tm nm m m t ! S m + 'A Duff&Piiclhelps 9Wi- + ‘,<1 I Ffl.'lQSO«H«S*77.tfnia. 1st. Sec. Bank 5'^ 25'^ + % BluChpVa:V alFnd 9',^ NEW YOflK (AP) — Spot nonferroirroua melAl prlcoi H .J.H elnz- - M. GalxyCabIiblvsn. 19'4 + '/* I, Idaho Pw r. Co. 22^___ -1 . Quolallor:lons from E dw ard D. Jones &4 , p - NY Comoi Long. F ib er 56! Co. *'co?p«t*-Vi«c«n(»'» pounfl.'U.S,.S. desllnttlont. - ca.w eonli por poonO,i. NYt Come> tpot H l — leAiL. 35 cnniAi pound.___ „___ I zinc •41-47con1» a pound, dellvorgjrTtT ' ^ ■ Ttn • M.:7U (Mauii Week comp Sii>or - por iroy our>co,^NY^Comai N spot I i ‘H l l J, '"®MTcu?y*‘’»»i.(X>431S.0fl por "78 Ib <>•«. N - mORDIWICDOln n ^ •t p!»llnum- Ml J-iamroy ounce. N.'N.V, (conlncl).'---- /:------^------T£ ; — ■ - ra j" Bm p’lcB {nbimiUoi'sfouUl eon-V Platinum 49».lO N.Y. Marc epclIportroyoi.Frl. p< M • .SIk w:bm;Sm ucVooL t?.'*"'' n.i.-nola»»ii»ble ^ . ' 7 ...... If Y o u ’v e Been WaitinngFor CUSTOOM D R A P E S . N o w l s TThe I Time! H H j l A n n n -I' R M t o i a s t . ^ I tt’s ’l Our ] ^ < CUUSTOM . ^ This ,Arvin model recommended re forir cooling homes,SS, condos, d Ji -tments) m obile hthom es, ogribusinelesses 8 O -voriety?ty of coni- DR>lAPERY m ercuclal applications.>. A r v i n . i s t h e lofgest monufmfacturer pf SALES ■ff “ “evap)orated b coolers. - _ ------Sava Onn SSelected Fabrics : III ~ 1 1 ' \l .7 5 % on electictric ooollhg falii w HUfa l an Aivin.cooler.T. r t In tta lla tio n A vallabla b l e Model EW1202400IiOOCPM Reg.. t(to *25 per yd. Model EW3353000COOCPM D rtable and pow erftrful — cango ^ - N O I f . lOW ONtV------from room to roomn iw i t h y o u . >er{ect for sm alleile r h om es p 1 -'WiSjC^ f r

    fc -- Jrirr® f I...... - Rog. s ' Per Yd. mstttttttNOW- J 0 9.«:::::rN O w - W - Model EW44545D0COOCPM lJVBOR a : an d titis iiM iiS ff' Bottom on discharge Ideol for largerir homt es I - INSTSTALLATION mlodcis od also ovoil* , d bble le for molMie ' h oomes. m In stock Reg. FFREE ^ I ' n o w ! $ 4 9 f•.fs...... N J O W >419" . : ! OFFER EXTENDNDED TH R U JU N E 15 U . a ^ g i )AINJINE SB,^ N D A V e j U EE W E S j ^ ^ S|a M 4 2 j ^ ■^ ^ ^ 1 2 7 2 I m e t f l U f l iI b e t ( T s t '1 ■ C J m a 1K o t sm m l e r dl a y 7- = ------a cold winter m T e n ^jl(ear t financing; available.a morning: f you’re p o n d ^ ih g ’t I new a ir • T h nrougb Id ah o Pdw crr:ivyou cait^^^-^ — ditioner this summefthc piirclia'se^r all;h-cfficiency finanocc yourricwhcat puipump and - . ner, consider a high-p cools your get molonthly paym ents ddesigned e to | nc just like a ccntral5icad. A heat p u m, but ^ its Ol youu r b u d g cu W e’ll.eveiiven finance ______u s c CCuincss_docsnlti.end.il al air conditioner,gust. b: In — the insisiallationj=rJa.(ior_aT and all. :___ lat-llic_cad_o.f Auguly------:------A n d oUuxonly-thing-you-h^ l Lhnvg t o p n t '______to heat yimost.cfficicntAyay-:t, d o w n1 iis your signature, your home. In fact,D Forr m ore inform ationn con the ;fficiencics o f up to-sr— ycar-nround w onders o f thithe high- on heatlerccnt, add- cfficiciency h e at pum p orr tlthc ease two toJt tl pumps are an d connveniencc of Idaholho Power’s m ore cffthree times ^ 5 1 Hnancicing^plan, call yourir heating1 the most;fficicn.t th a n — g V. 4 andc1 cooling contractor)r orc your g asfu rnst a efficient ' cal Idaho Power offi.ffice. nace. So they g ; - . • « = not only t^^^’hlimeV fr ^ energy.bu'w ith‘less , too. )ut for Jess money, tc 4 H i L d a 3 h O P <» o w e ir ^ H


    . S ------r — i— — t I i ' •«- ...... - , c _ . ' ' ■ i CM Tlmo8>New8. Twin FallFalls. Idaho Tuesday. Mayay 1 0 .1987 • G onfuls i o n r e i>igns4niF ij iy e il a d e r u rn i c l e a t lid the man and wme-ofof theirt holes were.coB- 1 > r l d SUVA, Fiji (AP) - Tbrbe gorenipr ^ace and ■fr«fr all delalHccs. Among::gH_AnrairJlne_9f.flc.JflI_Mtd ore they werereleased.:-— ! .. ------Igeneral and tbe leader ofIf lastI week’s those heldId are Prime Ministerr ireleased the more than IM fliwted before vodra and the 11 memberss ]passengers but • held threei crew He did nOfl'orldentlfy the • tcoup both dahaed lo beX ia cfasg e. Timoci Bavoi jnolulu Sta^BuIletln s M ; Monday, crealiog rnnfmiaioo in this of his Indi3dian-dominated Cabinet.t. members'as1 hostages andid 'dem M ded b u t The Honol J is correspondent, . I i^rth Pacific'loolst'paiaradlse tbat wtio were arrested aj Thursday whenn theI plane be flown lo Libya,/a. one. was. Its 1 « r i e ffly— _ describes( itself as “the way the R-ebuka, an on etluilc FIJlan and a Another airline official1 isaid the hi* Hosek. world diould be." te group of foilfollowers stormed Parlia-I- Jjacker demanded thc irelease of a former deputy jJfi^ I Bavadra BDdhis.CabinetL.;• ___ Ganilou, a i __ Coran1ac.Ge3esal.Baina SitP en a ia - m enL. ;aid In one of hit sUS- i e In New Zealand. Primirao Minister' minister, said “ P bj^latiiiohw IlIH ffSi> Billion” "ause Ju ly 11 and contem plaplale tbe future of Baby 1LL CoL Siitreoi Raboka.a. the coup and Indiansos who comprise 49 per* 2 everywhere to paiu mting wooId .'Cent The oUother residents are Euro- were ^ In a state of "prepi•parcdness." Five Billion, the chlchild whose birth will pushih tthe E a rth 's population leader, 1< that Gaai «vmtr»TTt» (q hfjrf fan New Zealand is about l&O) rmiles south ' Soon afterer his statementsv ffio over 5 billion. I ececatiTe peansandpecpeople bf mixed race. I Qoeen In anoUier I* of Fiji. same stationon Ibroadcast a messge | . DemographersI hahave chosen the unknown1 bibaby as a symbol of lbe Ppou'ci'. GaniiaQ rcprcsex er development, a Fiji In* c EUzabrtb II. this fonner' BritishI coi- dian Identliitlfled as an airportt In Washington, Stato DDepartment' from Rabukaika saying Qanilau ^ i '■ world population explosion.exj ?dman said sw orn him Inin as chairman ol tSe ^ 1 eport by Ihe U.N. Fund '6'6ny‘s fonnal bead of state.t. employee aiend clalmhig to havet spoTcesmans Charles Red / Tho S tate of W/o or rld Population 1387, a repi ndents were Council off Ministers,, with; tte...; ilUIon is likely to t)i bora Tbe governor general s;cifrf be bad dynamite strapped st to his body/ twot American correspond J for P opulation Actlvctlvlties, said Baby F ive BIIU '1)1, ahd that powers of beattjead of govemmehl( ^ ; t of all chUdren a re bom directed o Raboka to reopepen newspa- boairded an1 AirA New Zealand Boelng_wtn Ooo-bna. tbec ex-geooal< ^ Alleged victims dem:cmandied that ( ^ in l usc hLhis power to bring Bar- «vbo pla>-ed a key r w ina «1 ^ in g Uie ble to thc courtroom)m by force'toTace the witncs:lesses. tbloody 13S0 retrril in|Kwan{ngjlL

    V i e t n a mi ’i’ s L in h v i s i ts s M o s c o w ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * *>**i J P I IHEISHMOTO! r'^ T rgy )-_i. Nguyen Vftn LInh,’heaiead of Vietnam's Com-...... IHS-J ...K* . M O SC O W -(A P)'- ^ ANNUAL m m munlBt Party, arrlvTlved In Moscow on Mondaylay for an official visit, ^ 3f mmSBfmmB the Tass nows agcnc;>ncy reported. Llnh was Invitedcd to Moscow by the Centrntrai Commitlee of U» J3 f " S M i - I Soviet Communistst Party, according to Tos’ass. The official news w ortMwraLMArn»tb ^ I \ >> E CENTEF agcncy did not provlDvlde any details of Llnh’sI a]agenda o r the length of j^ MOONnJMJOMK»am ^ I \ ->*®' AUTCO^ERvlc! N j his stay In the Sovietiet Union. W SAVE UKE M lV n ilflETOtC ^ > k ^ CMITOTOBitfCUOIICIOIn io T ' Linh becam e thele p a r ty ’s general secretaryry in December, replac- Ing Truong Chlnh,fih, who retired along wltlvlth other Vietnamese ' 3* M ISlM lT O I ' leaders after cominning under heavy crlUcismim at tiie party’s ^ixth y^ 7nMUHA.^E. nmws -n m i ^ I U s S Ss J ? national congress. i t e V . ; I / I '

    - e n rONETREE' ; p 3 1 ' W l (SK^(0)D(g[E

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