Persi R V Iiang )Rces J on Hi] Level I of Ale Skm

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Persi R V Iiang )Rces J on Hi] Level I of Ale Skm Rainfallill drenchees region —~ B l ^Thorntonn goes forr crown —- c i j l i ! sKM iARfAGE SALE: SPECIAL ^ il ffiA(RACTONS m Tournney pld<ice ■5 LINES 2 DAYYS'$7.50 Inlfiti^ d tib n s F R E E ^ a s t f u s owehtDfBiylia; FREE lips -Call 733-06266 Now! |on thele lige ^- CT I I " Tounsist lures5*- Bl S ------------ ■ ■ f t n t s ; J 1 r. , • ' r r V M P— T L - ‘ - 82nd y ea r. N o. 139 Twin Falls., I(Idaho Tuesijesday. May 19,1987 PersiiianGj u l f f o)rces Jon hi]i g h e r level1 ofI ale2rt The Associated Press It said. “We also seek com-t- liie Pentagon said thee :ship bad al U was Uiithe first altack on anI killed,k 25 were trapped bby intense for U.S. vessel!ssels in tbe area" and. pcnsationatotbeship.’' ii Ileast a minute's wamLning lhat a A m erican wawarship In lhe nearly 7-• firefl In one compartment;L; 21 others lhal Iran andnd Iraq1 were being of- -'- WASHINGTON —- P n sidCTt___ A le U eT rJ from Ira^ Presideiit'Sad-I- imissile had been fircd_a_aUt,J)y_an_yearrQld_Irar rantIraq_war_IraqLarar_w :_were injured.---------------------— 0^------------ flclallynotlfledo Reagan expressed “a“concern and dam Hos[i^<^n to Reagao wass Irai^1 warplane, bul didd -not liy to bassador Niz{(izar llamdodn callcd it anI ”As we speak, the capti)taln Js try- In his letter£ r to Reagan, Saddam anger” Monday over■er lhe Iraqi ddivered1 tot tb e , jsfaoot doOT o th e r thei missile 0^ inadvertentte CI rro r. lrIng to save his ship,” VVice Adm. ilusseln said,, "I "I bdleve you are sure missUc strike thatIt killed 2i expressingiig *-^kepest reg ret o re r tb ee ;plane. "1 think it happens in every a ir HenryH M ustin, depuly chleilef <5f naval that the Iraqi;l aircraftal in whldi tbQr IArocrlcon sailors aboardord the guided painful inddcnL'*i P i ^<>«Wiffc>i1 **We did ool re tu m th e 1fire. I don'l force in thee vworld, In every arm y in operotlons,o| said Monday’ afternoon,i had previouslyusiy attacked hostile missile frigate Stark andUld b e p u t U.S. spokesman an Martin Fitzwater sairt.!, Itmwi. th«»iy;f5ffft.**^*dFitiItzwater. the world, t]that niistakcs do hap- lie11 said the captain was urunavailable targcls didnot not Intend at all lo at- ships on heightened aierllert in the Per- “We fceJd it does irpresent an1 The Stark, p ^ of aI 'U.S naval pen.” Hamdodoon said in an interview forfc questioning by the Pentatagon. tack a tai^et;ct bdOQglng to yoor slan Gulf with authorit]irity to Are at apology. ItII does not address tbee tta sk force in tb e ^ f . w:was bll Sur>- on Cable NevJews Network. "We have Reagan met for more tha(lan an hour country o rto toany other coimtiy . threatening warplanes.L matterofcof co^^p^nsatiOBi.^ dday tiy ooe — poshly twtwo — Fren- expressed our)ur condolences," wwith national security' advisers, olher lhan Iran.a n ..." - , "We expect an apoJogJogy a u l com- T h e WhilTiite ilnse and PotagOD1 cdhmade Exocel missilesles w hile on T he missilisile ripped through thfi AAflerwflrd, Fitzwater 1:Issued a At the Pentagon,Per spokesman pcnsation for the mena \wtio died in U* IraqiIr attack was ioadrer-- rnNztine patrol ah«iti gs> miles: nor- ship's hull. Utearing a 10- to 15-foot statementst saying, "The: president Robert Simss saids he-could not this tragic incident” a VWhile House lent butane tJth^a<l nf Rahmtn hole in its porlorl side. Of lhe 28 sailors hashi ordered a higher slal(lie of alert • SeeSTAfTARK on PageA l Shipi hiadminv ute warninig of milissile TThe Associated Press likelihood, lhathat an Iraqi plane ... would launchI a rmissile at us vas ]ost WASHINGTON - The5 American aboul zero. And\nd so you did not have frfrigate atlacked Sunday Ifiih the Per- any expectation*ion of thal." slansl Gulf had at least onenc minute’s The-defense&e ssecretary refused to warning-w that a missile Ihad been go into detail,11, tbuL hinted American iKl to the gulf would now firedfi against it and shouldd Ihave been ships assigned ti ableal to defend itself. Penentagon of- rcocl to any fighterfij flying a roate flclalsfi< said Monday. thal would allowllow launch of a missile, The ship knew, however,cr, that the Instead of waitlxilitlng for some evidence -plane-that-unexpectedly_alattacked Jt-lbaL an atlackbak b ad laundicd-_________ _ wwas Irom Iraq. No IraqiI pplane had In an NBC: IniInterview, Weinberger e\ever attacked a U.S. ship bbefore and was more specifliclfic: thereth was nQ'rcason for• tthu ship's “Any belllgcrigcrcnt plane now tbat captainC( to expect an assaulult, the of- approaches on ]a pattern tbat coold (Iclalsaddcd. launch an attac)tack win be assumed to “We also know lhat th«[he combat be hostile," he said. “That has not system of this ship is cfcapable of been the easec bebefore becanse we bad dealing with this threat,at,” added no reason wbaUbatever to stqipose thal Vlcc Adm. Henry Ci’Muslirlinra'dcpu-'^n Iraqi planele wiwould launch a mtssOe ty chief of naval ope.ratlonsns. “Whylt attack againslslan ar American sh^.” did not, we don't know." — The devastatstating attack on the m ' ' ' Defense Secretary Ca;:asi«c_^.^ldcd-m lssllele Ifrigate Starfc, whldi Weinberger described thec a t l a ^ n ^ f t 28 m en deaidead and at least 21 in- K ' ■ • ■ . ththe Stark, as a -“ghasU;/y error, of Jured, involved,ved a t least one and ‘ ■ ------- scsome kind” and said it w:wS3""p?J5Sl-TJOsslWy two/o Iraqi Mirage F-1 K . 1jjj ) I e " th'tTdeiith toirebllld'ClimImb: ------------ flghtcrsrthe PenPentagonsaid.--------------------- -He-told-ABC News itit- was "a -The attackk wwas tbe Ilist oa ao ........ r ' ■ siisingle, horrible error on ththe pari of American-warswarship since the Iran- • , - theth Iraqi pilot.” Iraq war begangan almost seven years "The ship's perfectly c£capable of ago. Pentagonigon and otber ad- dtdefending Itself,” Weinbergirger said in m inistration oflofficials continued to ------- ----------------------------------- JJJ,another interview on the Caliable News-describe-lhe allaltack-Monday-'as to-------- Network.N. advertent andid aapparently a case of M jt ■■ ' ‘But the possibility, orr even lhe • See FRIG)lIGATEonPa«eA2 Leadei¥sapsrei Tlmo»-NewipHolo/ANOtAREN2 H a n s e n S c h o o>1 l D istrict Sgperintende tens to parents* testimcnohy during Monday’ss bI o a r d m ee tin g puzzle^id over piyrob02 The Associated Press prep ared for the 0l>- . lained by Thele AAssodated ftcss, ; WASHINGTON - NICllcaraguan was. critical of)f investigationsin Qtit Hanseenschoaol chiei;f refusees to re2sign rebel lead er Adolfo CaleiIcro Is ox- bove focused on iU.S. Involvemeot pected to tell the Irairan-Contra In the secretit sstq>plylng of tbe ByCtlAIG'LlNCOLN___^0>dJts_p > presCTtcd lo >^J>oa.rd_bjby lcachers _w.-}ters beingng calmed.” Smilh said. _ - -befiriag9*thiS'Week-that-h-hir-forces=ConU-as-Uujinga qying Hi#* r^ognaTan qInaD b e«m bcr abdby parcolnlsTiray4.! Toward the;'cnd ei oTTiTs statement, he T//nes-iVett:s tvnZer actions, sar have ‘been "dragged Intinto an-in* when a d .b a n n e d of?.. 1 S m illj sa id b e hadn’t res;cspondcd be- said, “The votevo was a bitter pill to ‘tu-o teacfae - ^ lem a L ln q u lsltlon’' th at1 thpy rin fl>'tn^ mimnry-ntriraid, ----------- ~~fore~to~thc~Decerobcr~j otronlyiwas:lcswailowcd: - HANSEN --Hanscn-£n''Siq>eriates- tmder Cair ai -grieyancK-swallowzNoC ■ ribl'fulIyTInlerstand. "In addilionn to tbe sea-of tn»* hilnvt-Tmrp^ tn TTM*~TT1f^ to disturb a and removed:d from my system, but I ---------denMlldianlSniith-ltnlc ieffflig“ d rew ^ci(S c“ lo~~9i)nBiHSecaose be didn't w anl to . Calero, who has been:n civilian bles brought on Nicaraguans iQr the school district to U restdeols. wbo (g si to bring ll back up." ) tbc. teacher's Ilansen res I settlement tbc tcacijcrs hadhJ reachcd didn't want to I ■‘leader of the NjcaraguaiiaiTt)emo- the Sandinistas,as, ’we have tteentiD* union at a Monday nightni| meeting tbeir Sdiod ■ over a pay dispute, whiclich sparked Smith saidid the "majority of the . cratic F.orce, the Contra•a fightings fortunately dragIrogg^ into an lo­ and refused tcy resign in response to dest ansvex ’ Ibe list of grievances andod a vole of accusations; area vague and unclcar - • rer {nnn teacb- U grou^ now undergoing a leader- lemal Inquisitiontion involving oppos- the demands of ; patronsp wbo ers aitd pajpari^Tttc frtr rrww> lhan atiI **nn«‘onfift<»TMt>**•• tn Smith --N. and thereforere unanswerable," but he ship reorganization, is s(scheduled Ing views, tecbn imrt finn signed petitions. hour. The! boardb( b a d e a rtie r p n m is- ... “1 fdt at the lime anyy comments did providee detailed answers-to the week's secondid witness points of lawsws or am fiHlttntti : would cause furtber ti^ The H ansen School BoaSoardalsoused cd to nspmpood to lists of grievances « irbulencc in , S eeH•HANSEN onPageA2 after the hearings resissume on mat we do noUot~.£ully comprdxnd T uesday. and appsrcntljnlly ndtber does ' He’ Is to testifyfy after world opinion,*’i,“ C olero'sprqnred Audit sl>hows SOIyme dairyy payn(ie]•ntsgoasistray lawmakers finish queuestlonlng statem ent's,IS. R obert Owen, the sclf-d(-described ‘‘Yes; we set up front, can-;:;, “ foot soldier” who 8crv<rved as a panics; we badsd Ito m ai^ ca r Ideb- — ThcAssoclaledPrcss _____ _________ g ram — rf< m Ipi_ _IJ t h ^ IjSJiniUion head of co'rows, heifers Jerome, withth 17 dairy farms or con- -middieman-in-lhe-Contni;ras'-deai'-tity:^we^we!w ' daio-DuTODCIS.
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