Arxiv:1907.10065V1 [Astro-Ph.CO] 23 Jul 2019

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Arxiv:1907.10065V1 [Astro-Ph.CO] 23 Jul 2019 The Cosmic Expansion History from Line-Intensity Mapping Jos´eLuis Bernal,1, 2, 3 Patrick C. Breysse,4 and Ely D. Kovetz5 1ICC, University of Barcelona, IEEC-UB, Mart´ıi Franqu`es1, E08028 Barcelona, Spain 2Dept. de F´ısica Qu`antica i Astrof´ısica, Universitat de Barcelona, Mart´ıi Franqu`es1, E08028 Barcelona, Spain 3Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC), E08034 Barcelona, Spain 4Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Toronto, 60 St. George Street, Toronto, ON, M5S 3H8, Canada 5Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University, Be'er Sheva 84105, Israel Line-intensity mapping (LIM) of emission form star-forming galaxies can be used to measure the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) scale as far back as the epoch of reionization. This provides a standard cosmic ruler to constrain the expansion rate of the Universe at redshifts which cannot be directly probed otherwise. In light of growing tension between measurements of the current expan- sion rate using the local distance ladder and those inferred from the cosmic microwave background, extending the constraints on the expansion history to bridge between the late and early Universe is of paramount importance. Using a newly derived methodology to robustly extract cosmological information from LIM, which minimizes the inherent degeneracy with unknown astrophysics, we show that present and future experiments can gradually improve the measurement precision of the expansion rate history, ultimately reaching percent-level constraints on the BAO scale. Specifically, we provide detailed forecasts for the SPHEREx satellite, which will target the Hα and Lyman-α lines, and for the ground-based COMAP instrument|as well as a future stage-3 experiment|that will target the CO rotational lines. Besides weighing in on the so-called Hubble tension, reliable LIM cosmic rulers can enable wide-ranging tests of dark matter, dark energy and modified gravity. PACS numbers: Measurements of its expansion history have always the gap between the local and distant observations to en- been at the heart of our understanding of the Universe. able the measurement of the full expansion history of the This dates back to Hubble's ninety-year-old discovery of Universe [13]. LIM experiments can achieve this feat as the expansion [1], which marked the dawn of scientific they integrate light from all emitting sources, including cosmology, to the discovery just twenty years ago that the numerous galaxies at high redshift which are too faint the expansion is currently accelerating [2, 3], which pro- to be detected individually. Thus, by targeting bright, vided the last piece in what is now widely considered to easily-identifiable spectral lines and covering a wide range be the standard model of cosmology, known as ΛCDM. of frequencies with high spectral resolution, LIM can pro- To this date, there are two main observational handles vide tomographic maps of specific line emission across on the expansion rate of the Univers. One relies on cali- extended epochs in the history of the Universe. brating a distance ladder towards standard-candle type- However, a key challenge to the extraction of precise Ia supernovae in our local cosmic neighborhood. The cosmological information from line-intensity maps is the other comes from the distant early Universe, via the ex- degeneracy with astrophysics, as this line emission is de- traction of the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) scale, termined by star-formation processes and by both in- which is robustly determined by the sound horizon at re- tra and intergalactic gas physics. Unfortunately, these combination, from cosmic microwave background (CMB) processes are likely never to be understood with the re- measurements. These opposite handles anchor the so- quired precision for cosmological analyses. To circumvent called direct and inverse distance ladder, respectively [4]. this predicament, we will follow a novel methodology| One of the most pressing mysteries in cosmology today presented in detail in a companion paper [14]| to isolate is why these measurements have been growing in ten- the cosmological information and optimize its extraction. sion [5]. The tension between the value of H0 as directly Encouragingly, we find that next-decade experiments can arXiv:1907.10065v1 [astro-ph.CO] 23 Jul 2019 measured in the local Universe [6] and the value inferred reach ∼1% constraints on the expansion history over red- from Planck CMB measurements [7] (when ΛCDM is as- shifts 2 . z . 6, and within 4%-10% error at z . 8, pro- sumed), has surpassed 4σ in statistical significance [6, 8]. viding (robust) invaluable insight on the Hubble tension. If real, the discrepancy can be re-framed as a mismatch We start by reviewing how the BAO scale can be con- between the two anchors of the cosmic distance ladder [9]. strained via measurements of the LIM power spectrum. Low redshift observations [10, 11] strongly constrain the When transforming redshifts and sky positions into dis- expansion rate of the Universe under the ΛCDM predic- tances to compute a power spectrum, a fiducial cosmol- tion. The difference could be due to modifications in the ogy must be assumed. However, the inferred distances very early Universe or in the epoch 3 . z . 1000, which will be distorted if the adopted cosmology does not match is too faint to probe with discrete galaxy surveys. the correct one [15]. This effect—named after Alcock and In this Letter, we explore how upcoming and future Paczynski|is the key to interpreting the measured BAO line-intensity mapping (LIM) [12] experiments can bridge scale in a cosmological framework as a standard ruler. 2 In Fourier space, the relation between the true and given mass, and compute the expected luminosity density measured wavenumbers along the line of sight and in the and other astrophysical quantities using the halo mass tr meas tr transverse directions is given by kk = kk /αk and k? = function. We consider Lyman-α,Hα and CO(1-0), and meas follow the models and prescriptions of Refs. [16], [17] and k? /α?, where the rescaling parameters are defined as: [18], respectively. The standard approach in these mod- fid DA(z)=rs (H(z)rs) els is to use a set of scaling relations (calibrated from α? = fid ; αk = ; (1) simulations and/or dedicated observations) to associate (D (z)=r ) H(z)rs A s a star-formation rate to a halo of a given mass, and then where DA(z) and H(z) are the angular diameter distance relate it to the line luminosity. This can then be inte- and the Hubble expansion rate at redshift z, respectively, grated over the halo mass function to get an expected rs is the sound horizon at radiation drag, and fiducial signal [19{21]. In our analysis below we adopt the fidu- quantities are denoted by ‘fid’. Measurements of the cial parameter values presented in these works, naively BAO feature can be compared against the fiducial ex- interpolating (or extrapolating) them to other redshifts, pectation, providing a direct constraint on DA(z)=rs and as needed. Naturally, herein lies the largest uncertainty H(z)rs. An external prior on rs can then be applied to in our forecasts. However, we emphasize that our use infer absolute measurements of the expansion history. of Eqs. (2),(3) ensures that the influence of the astro- Line-intensity fluctuations provide a biased tracer of physical uncertainties is minimal. While in a pessimistic the underlying density field (which contains the cosmo- scenario the amplitude of the signal may be lower than logical information), but are also strongly linked to as- we forecast, the marginalization over the astrophysical trophysical processes. To efficiently separate between the parameters renders the analysis less susceptible to differ- astrophysical and cosmological dependences in the LIM ences in the shape of the biases or luminosity functions. power spectrum, it is useful to group all the degenerate To estimate the potential of LIM BAO measurements, parameters (see Ref. [14] for details) and express it as: we forecast measurements of the following planned and future experiments targeting the spectral lines above: !2 hT ibσ + hT ifσ µ2 P (k) 1. SPHEREx [22]: In addition to performing a wide P (k; µ) = 8 8 m + P ; (2) 2 2 shot galaxy survey, SPHEREx will carry out LIM surveys. 1 + 0:5 (kµσRSD) σ8 Launching in 2023, this satellite's IM missions will target ^ ^ Lyman-α and Hα emission, as well as Hβ and the oxygen where µ = k · kk is the cosine of the angle between ~ lines OII and OIII (albeit with lower significance, mak- the mode vector k and kk. The power spectrum de- ing them less suitable for cosmological analyses). Specif- pends on hT i, the expected value of the brightness tem- ically, we consider the SPHEREx deep survey, which will perature, the luminosity bias b, the growth factor f, cover 200 deg2 of the sky with higher sensitivity than and the amplitude σ8 and shape Pm(k) of the matter the all-sky survey. SPHEREx will have 6:2 arcsec an- power spectrum. Pshot is the shot-noise power spec- gular resolution at full-width half maximum, and R = trum, and σRSD accounts for redshift-space distortions νobs/δν = 41:4 spectral resolution at 0:75 < λobs < 4:1 on small scales. Note that we drop the z-dependence µm and R = 150 at 4:1 < λ < 4:8 µm (where δν from all quantities to simplify notation. From Eq. (2), obs is the width of the frequency channel, and νobs and the set of parameter combinations that can be directly λ are the observed frequency and wavelength, respec- measured from the LIM power spectrum at each in- obs tively) [22]. We restrict ourselves to 0:75 < λobs < 4:1 dependent redshift bin and observed patch of sky is µm, as that is the Hα wavelength range modelled in ~ θ = fα?; αk; hT ifσ8; hT ibσ8; σRSD;Pshotg.
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