Arxiv:1408.4645V1 [Cond-Mat.Soft] 20 Aug 2014 Tronics [14–16]

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Arxiv:1408.4645V1 [Cond-Mat.Soft] 20 Aug 2014 Tronics [14–16] Diagnosing hyperuniformity in two-dimensional disordered jammed-packings of soft spheres Remi Dreyfus1, Ye Xu1;2, Tim Still2, Lawrence A. Hough1, A. G. Yodh2, and Salvatore Torquato3∗ 1Complex Assemblies of Soft Matter, CNRS-Rhodia-UPenn UMI 3254, Bristol, PA 19007-3624, USA 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6396, USA and 3Department of Chemistry, Department of Physics, Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials, and Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA (Dated: March 12, 2018) Hyperuniformity characterizes a state of matter for which density fluctuations diminish towards zero at the largest length scales. However, the task of determining whether or not an experimental system is hyperuniform is experimentally challenging due to finite-resolution, noise and sample-size effects that influence characterization measurements. Here we explore these issues, employing video optical microscopy to study hyperuniformity phenomena in disordered two-dimensional jammed packings of soft spheres. Using a combination of experiment and simulation we characterize the detrimental effects of particle polydispersity, image noise, and finite-size effects on the assignment of hyperuniformity, and we develop a methodology that permits improved diagnosis of hyperuniformity from real-space measurements. The key to this improvement is a simple packing reconstruction algorithm that incorporates particle polydispersity to minimize free volume. In addition, simulations show that hyperuniformity can be ascertained more accurately in direct space than in reciprocal space as a result of finite sample-size. Finally, experimental colloidal packings of soft polymeric spheres are shown to be hyperuniform. PACS numbers: 82.70.-y, 61.20.-p, 64.70.pv, 64.70.kj I. INTRODUCTION form state [1]. If true, a significant laboratory challenge would be to learn how one might self-assemble colloids Hyperuniformity is a state of matter characterized by into stealthy [10] hyperuniform states. Unfortunately, vanishing density fluctuations at large length scales [1], the task of ascertaining whether or not a colloidal pack- and the concept of hyperuniformity has emerged as a new ing is hyperuniform is challenging , and previous work of way to classify crystals, quasi-crystals and special disor- Berthier [6] and Kurita [17] have demonstrated that this dered systems [1, 2]. Disordered hyperuniform materials, task is highly non-trivial, because typical experimental for example, behave more like crystals in the manner they data sets have imperfections due to optical imaging and suppress density fluctuations over large length scales, and particle-size polydispersity. Thus, we currently lack a yet they also resemble traditional liquids and glasses with general method to test for hyperuniformity in experimen- statistically isotropic structures with no Bragg peaks. tal colloidal packings recorded via standard real-space During the last decade, hyperuniform disordered states methods such as optical microscopy. have been identified in maximally random jammed pack- To this end, we employ video optical microscopy to ings of hard particles [3{5], jammed athermal granular study hyperuniformity phenomena in two-dimensional systems [6], jammed thermal colloidal packings [7], cold (2D) disordered, jammed-packings of soft spheres. Us- atoms [8], certain Coulombic systems [9], and "stealthy" ing a combination of experiment and numerical simu- disordered classical ground states [10]. Furthermore, the lation we characterize the detrimental effects of parti- hyperuniformity property has been suggested to endow cle polydispersity, image noise, and finite-size effects on materials with novel physical properties potentially im- the assignment of hyperuniformity. In typical optical portant for applications in photonics [11{13] and elec- microscopy experiments with micrometer-sized particles, arXiv:1408.4645v1 [cond-mat.soft] 20 Aug 2014 tronics [14{16] . Thus, the ability to ascertain the degree particle centers can be measured with tens-of-nanometer of hyperuniformity in a disordered system is becoming precision, but the particle boundaries are not well re- increasingly important. solved. In a related vein, accurate determination of an Colloids offer a potentially fruitful experimental sys- individual particle diameter is very challenging in the tem for design, fabrication and testing of hyperuniform presence of size polydispersity, a characteristic of virtu- systems. In fact, it has been conjectured that certain ally all real colloidal materials. jammed colloidal particle packings are in the hyperuni- Herein, we report on a general method for diagnosis of hyperuniformity of jammed systems of spheres. Guided by computer simulations, we experimentally investigate the effect of polydispersity on the detection of hyper- ∗Corresponding authors: [email protected]; uniformity, and we develop an algorithm that recovers [email protected] individual particle sizes from digitized images of jammed 2 packings of polydisperse spheres by systematically mini- a point pattern in Rd at number density ρ is defined via mizing free volume and overlaps between particles. The methodology enables us to determine whether a 2D pack- S(k) = 1 + ρh~(k); (3) ing of spheres is hyperuniform or not. We further show ~ that diagnosis of hyperuniformity in finite-size experi- where h(k) is the Fourier transform of the total correla- mental packings using real-space measurements is more tion function h(r) = g2(r)−1, and g2(r) is the pair corre- accurate than reciprocal-space measurements. We test lation function that characterizes the system. (Note, def- the method on simulated ideal hyperuniform packings, inition (3) implies that the forward scattering contribu- and then, apply this knowledge to experimental images tion is omitted.) For computational purposes, the struc- of 2D soft microsphere jammed-packings. The experi- ture factor, S(k), for a finite-size point configuration in mental packings exhibit clear signatures of hyperunifor- a fundamental cell under periodic boundary conditions, mity which, importantly, are very sensitive to the correct can be obtained directly from the particle positions rj assignment of size polydispersity [6, 17]. [2], i.e., 2 N 1 X II. HYPERUNIFORMITY S(k) = exp(ik · rj) (k 6= 0): (4) N j=1 A. Point Configurations Here N is the total number points in the fundamental cell. Note that to ascertain accurately the very small The hyperuniformity concept applies to many-particle wavenumber behavior of S(k) (crucial for the hyperuni- systems with number density ρ in d-dimensional Eu- formity test), N (system size) must be large. clidean space Rd and is intimately related to the suppres- sion of local density fluctuations at long length scales. In order to understand the concept more precisely, consider B. Multiphase Media random placements of a spherical observation window Ω of radius R (e.g., a circle in d = 2 or a sphere in d = 3) The hyperuniformity concept has been extended to in a point pattern (e.g., a lattice of points or centers of statistically homogeneous systems made of 2 (or more) the atoms of a liquid). The number of points, N(R), phases in which each phase i (i = 1; 2) occupies volume contained in Ω is a random variable, and we define the fraction φ . In the specific case of polymeric particles sus- number variance σ2 (R) in an observation window of ra- i N pended in water, phase 1 is the polymeric particles while dius R to be phase 2 is the surrounding aqueous phase. The following is a general formulation of hyperuniformity; it can be ap- σ2 (R) ≡ hN(R)i2 − hN(R)i2; (1) N ply whether the system is composed of particles or not. where angular brackets denote ensemble average. For In two-phase systems (e.g., composites, binary suspen- Poisson distributions of points (ideal gas), and for tradi- sions, block copolymers, etc.) [18{21], hyperuniformity tional correlated disordered systems such as liquids and is manifested in the suppression of local volume-fraction glasses, the number variance for large R scales as the fluctuations: 2 d window volume, i.e., σ (R) ∼ R . 2 N σ2(R) = τ(R)2 − hτ(R)i : (5) A hyperuniform point pattern is one wherein the num- τ ber variance σN (R) grows more slowly than the window Here the random variable τ is the local volume fraction d volume for large R, i.e., more slowly than R [1]. Perfect of either phase in some observation window of radius crystals and quasicrystals are hyperuniform with scaling R [2] and hence the average of τ is simply the volume σ2 (R) ∼ Rd−1, i.e, the variance grows as the window N fraction of the phase of interest (either φ1 or φ2). Non- surface area). In disordered systems however, when the hyperuniform disordered media, such as typical liquids variance scales more slowly than Rd, then the system 2 −d and glasses, have the scaling στ (R) ∼ R . By contrast, should be considered exotic. Hyperuniform states of dis- volume-fraction fluctuations in hyperuniform two-phase ordered matter have hidden order on long length scales systems will decrease faster than R−d [2]. that is not apparent at short length scales. It has been shown that this hyperuniformity condition The hyperuniformity condition described above is for two-phase media is equivalent to the following condi- equivalent to the following condition on the structure fac- tion on the spectral densityχ ~(k) (defined below) [2]: tor, S(k), at wave vector k [1]: lim χ~(k) = 0: (6) lim S(k) = 0: (2) jkj!0 jkj!0 Here the spectral density,χ ~(k), is the Fourier transform This condition implies that the infinite-wavelength den- of the autocovariance function sity fluctuations of the system vanish (when appropri- 2 ately scaled). The ensemble-averaged structure factor of χ(r) = S2(r) − φi ; (7) 3 and S2(r) is the two-point probability function for phase a i: the probability that the end points of a vector r lie R in phase i when the vector is randomly placed into the medium.
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