Leonardo reviews Leonardo reviews Shannon, Jim Fisk, Melvin Kelly, Wil- Editor-in-Chief: Michael Punt liam Baker, John Pierce, William Shock- Managing Editor: Bryony Dalefield ley). Overall, The Idea Factory reads more like a narrative documenting Associate Editors: Dene Grigar, the rise and fall of Bell Labs, which I Martha Blassnigg, Hannah Drayson assume was the author’s intention, than A full selection of reviews is pub- a study of how the work at Bell Labs lished monthly on the LR web site: was a part of a larger revolution in the <leonardoreviews.mit.edu>. 20th century. Because Gertner focused on the Labs’ story through looking at “heroes,” rather than adopting a more systemic approach, the Labs’ impact on Books the culture as a whole is underempha- sized. He mentions that at its peak, in the 1960s, Bell Labs employed nearly he dea acTory eLL T i F : B 15,000 people, including some 1,200 LaBs and The GreaT aGe Ph.D.s, but fails to fully capture the oF american innovaTion scope of the projects that these people by Jon Gertner. Penguin Press, New conducted at this intellectual utopia. York, NY, U.S.A. 2012. 432 pp. Trade. Thus, the end result of his study is less ISBN-13: 978-1-5942-0328-2. a definitive history than a narrowly conceived perspective. Given Gertner’s Reviewed by Amy Ione, Director, the extensive use of interviews and primary Diatrope Institute, Berkeley, CA 94704, documents, it seems extraordinary U.S.A. E-mail: <
[email protected]>. projects to foreseeably money-making that he missed so much of what I have innovations.