Pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order dated March 17, 2020, the City Council is authorized to hold public meetings via teleconferencing and to make meetings accessible electronically to all members of the public seeking to observe and to address the legislative body. All Brown Act provisions that require the physical presence of City Councilmembers or the public for City Council meetings are waived. Please review page five of this document for instructions on public participation.

A public agenda packet is available for review on the City’s website or by contacting the City Clerk’s Office at [email protected].

CITY COUNCIL: Mayor Emmett Badar, Mayor Pro Tem Denis Bertone, Councilmember John Ebiner, Councilmember Ryan A. Vienna, Councilmember Eric Weber


2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Members of the audience are invited to address the City Council on any item not on the agenda. Under the provisions of the Brown Act, the legislative body is prohibited from taking or engaging in discussion on any item not appearing on the posted agenda. However, your concerns may be referred to staff or set for discussion at a later date. If you desire to address the City Council on an item on this agenda, other than a scheduled public hearing item you may do so at this time or ask to be heard when that agenda item is considered. Comments on public hearing items will be considered when that item is scheduled for discussion. The Public Comment period is limited to 30 minutes. Each speaker shall be limited to three (3) minutes.)

3. CONSENT CALENDAR (All items on the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion unless a member of the City Council requests separate discussion.)

Resolutions read by title, further reading waived, passage and adoption recommended as follows:

a. Approval of Resolution 2020-59, for the October 31st, 2020 Pre-paid Warrant Register in the amount of $136,729.01 and the November 15th, 2020 Warrant Register in the amount of $784,257.87. City Council Agenda November 10th, 2020 Page 2

b. Adoption of Resolution to amend the Pay Plan and Reimbursement Schedule for City Employees to reflect increases to the employee cafeteria allowance, deferred compensation match, and certain minimum wage hourly pay rates.


c. Adopt a resolution to close City Hall, and Recreation and Senior Centers, on December 28th, 29th, and 30th, 2020 and introduce an ordinance authorizing the City Council to close city facilities by resolution when necessary or appropriate on non- holiday dates


RECOMMENDATION: Read by title and introduce Ordinance 1282 authorizing the City Council to close city facilities by resolution when necessary or appropriate on non- holidays. d. Council of Governments Update


RECOMMENDATION: Approve consent calendar as presented.


a. Consideration of Appointment of Chris Constantin as City Manager, with a start date of January 4, 2021, and approval of City Manager Employment Agreement

City Council Agenda November 10th, 2020 Page 3


b. COVID-19 Update (Verbal)

c. Gold Line Update (Verbal)


a. Members of the Audience (Speakers are limited to five-minutes or as may be determined by the Chair.)

b. City Manager

c. City Attorney

d. Members of the City Council

1) Councilmembers’ Report on Meetings Attended at the Expense of the Local Agency (Pursuant to AB 1234 – G.C. §53232.3(d))

2) City Council Initiated Items, Comments and Updates


The next meeting will a Joint Study Session with the Planning Commission on November 24th, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. followed by the regular City Council meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Notice Regarding Americans with Disabilities Act: In compliance with the ADA, if you need assistance to participate in a city meeting, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (909) 394-6216. Early notification before the meeting you wish to attend will make it possible for the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting [28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title II]. Copies of documents distributed for the meeting are available in alternative formats upon request. Any writings or documents provided to the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Administration Counter at City Hall and at the San Dimas Library during normal business hours. In addition most documents are posted on the City’s website at

City Council Agenda November 10th, 2020 Page 4

Posting Statement: I declare under penalty of perjury that on November 6th, 2020, I posted a true and correct copy of this agenda on the bulletin board in the Civic Center Plaza of City Hall at 245 E. Bonita Ave., and on the City’s website as required by law.

November 6th, 2020 ______Date Debra Black, City Clerk

In order to minimize the spread of the COVID 19 virus, the November 10th, 2020 City Council meeting will be conducted as follows:

1. The City will not make available a physical location for the public to observe the meeting and offer public comment. The City Council Chambers will be closed to the public.

2. Members of the public may observe the City Council meeting live on the City of San Dimas website at or on KWST Channel 3. To view from the website, select the Watch City Council Meetings blue button from the home page.

3. If you wish to make a comment during Oral Communications or on a specific agenda item, you are strongly encouraged to submit your comment via email by 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, November 10th, 2020 to the City Clerk at [email protected]

4. If you are watching the live stream and wish to make a comment during Oral Communications or on a specific agenda item as it is being heard, please submit your comment by email, limited to 250 words or less, to the City Clerk at [email protected] before the closure of public comment on the agenda item. Every effort will be made to read your comment into the record, but some comments may not be read due to technical issues or time limitations set by the City Council.

5. You may also call in to make a comment during Oral Communications or on a specific agenda item as it is being heard. You may call (909) 394-6206 before the closure of public comment on the agenda item.

6. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in the City Council meeting, please contact the City Clerk's Office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting to ensure reasonable accommodations can be considered and arranged to provide accessibility to participate in the meeting.

The City of San Dimas thanks you in advance for taking all precautions to prevent spreading the COVID 19 virus.



WHEREAS, the following listed demands have been audited by the Administration Services Manager; and

WHEREAS, the Administration Services Manager has certified as to the availability of funds for payment thereto; and

WHEREAS, the register of audited demands has been submitted to the City Council for approval.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of San Dimas does hereby approve the Pre-paid Warrant Register of October 31st,, 2020 in the amount of $136,729.01 and Warrant Register of November 15, 2020 in the amount of $784,257.87, checks (170232-170326).

PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th, day of November 2020.

______Emmett G. Badar, Mayor ATTEST:

______Debra Black, City Clerk

I, Debra Black, City Clerk, hereby certify that Resolution 2020-59 was approved by vote of the City Council of the City of San Dimas at its regular meeting of November 10th, 2020 by the following vote:


Debra Black, City Clerk

Item 3 A Page 1 10/31/2020 PREPAID WARRANT REGISTER Tota I: $136,729.01

Item 3 A Page 2 City of San Dimas Check Register - MANUAL CHECK ONLY Page: Check Issue Dates: 10/1/2020-10/31/2020 Nov 02, 2020 10:46AM

Report Criteria: Reporttype: GLdetail

Check Type={<>} "Adjustmene CheckType = "Manual",'Void"

GL Check Check Vendor Invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check Period !ssue Date Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

169950 10/20 10/01/2020 169950 14300 LA. COUNTY ASSESSOR 21ASRE020 !NV #ASRE020 JULY/20 MAP 001-4309.016.000 5.00 5.00 M 10/20 10/01/2020 169950 14300 LA. COUNTY ASSESSOR 21ASRE020 !NV #ASRE044 AUG/20 MAP 001.4309.016.000 5.00 5.00 M

Total 169950: 10.00

169951 10/20 10/05/2020 169951 18060 LAND FORMS lANDSCAPE CO 510-07-2021 WALNUT CREEK HABITAT 020-4410.937.022 22,261.61 22,261.61 M 10/20 10/05/2020 169951 18060 LAND FORMS LANDSCAPE CO 510-07-2021 RETENTION 020.210.006 1.113.08- ---1,113.08- M

Total 169951· 21,148.53

170071 10/20 10/08/2020 170071 17976 CA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNI PIE 10/3/20 FILE #200000002332614 001.210.004 199.00 199_00 M

Total 170071: 199.00

170072 10/20 10/08/2020 170072 17976 CA STATE DISBURSEMENT UN! P/E 10/3/202 FILE #20000000104968 001.210.004 341.53 341.53 M

Total 170072· 341.53

170073 10/20 10/08/2020 170073 11251 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD P/E 10/3/20 GARNISHMENT L. WARD P/E 10/3/20 001.210.004 55_00 55.00 M

Total 170073: 55_00

170074 10/20 10/08/2020 170074 17060 !NLAND EMPIREUNITED WAY PIE 10/3/20 EMP OED NOV/20 001.210.004 111.11 111.11 M

Total 170074: 111.11

170075 10/20 10/08/2020 170075 14286 LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE P/E 10/3/20 EMP OED P/E 10/3/20 001.210.004 854.16 854.16 M

M = Manual Check, V = Void Check

Item 3 A Page 3 City of San Dimas Check Register - MANUAL CHECK ONLY Page: 2 Check Issue Dates: 10/1/2020-10/31/2020 Nov 02, 2020 10:46AM

GL Check Check Vendor Invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

10/20 10/08/2020 170075 14286 LINCOLN NATIONAL UFE PIE 10/3/20 CITY MATCH PIE 10/3/20 001.212.001 425.00 425.00 M

Total 170075: 1,279.16 ---

170076 10/20 10/08/2020 170076 14735 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SO P/E 10/3/20 EMP OED P/E 10/3/20 001.210.004 26,105.05 26,105.05 M 10/20 10/08/2020 170076 14735 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SO P/E 10/3/20 CITY MATCH PIE 10/3/20 001.212.001 M 4.525.00 --- 4,525.00

Total 170076: 30,630.05

170077 10/20 10/08/2020 170077 15995 SAN DIMAS EMPLOYEES ASSO P/E 10/3/20 SDEA DUES P/E 10/3/20 001.210.004 472.00 472.00 M

Total 170077: 472.00

170078 10/20 10/08/2020 170078 10590 U.S. BANK P/E 10/3/20 EMP DE□ PIE 10/3/20 001.210.014 630.32 630.32 M 10/20 10/08/2020 170078 10590 U.S. BANK PIE 10/3/20 CITY MATCH P/E 10/3/20 001.212.014 132.17 132.17 M

Total 170078· 762.49

170079 10/20 10/08/2020 170079 "17090 VANTAGEPOlNT TRANSFER AG PIE 10/3/20 EMP OED P/E 10/3/20 001.210.004 2.351.00 2,351.00 M 10/20 10/08/2020 170079 17090 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AG P/E 10/3/20 CITY MATCH P/E 10/3/20 001.212.001 1.025.00 1,025.00_ M

Total 170079: 3,376.00

170080 10/20 10/08/2020 170080 17480 VANTAGEPOlNT TRANSFER AG P/E 10/3/20 EMP OED PIE 10/3/20 001.210.004 2.223.49 2,223.49 M 10/20 10/08/2020 170080 17480 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AG P/E 10/3/20 EMP OED PIE 10/3/20 001.210.004 2.223.49- 2,223.49- V

Total 170080: .00

170081 10/20 10/08/2020 170081 17480 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AG P/E 10/3/20. EMP DE□ PIE 10/3/20 001.210.004 2.223.49 2.223.49 M ---

Total "170081: 2,223.49

M = Manual Check. V = Void Check

Item 3 A Page 4 City of San Dimas Check Register - MANUAL CHECK ONLY Page: Check Issue Dates: 10/1/2020-10/31/2020 Nov 02, 2020 10:46AM

GL Check Check Vendor Invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check ---Period Issue Date Number N-umber Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

170082 10/20 10/08/2020 170082 12298 CAUFORNIA BUILDING STANDA i0/31/20 ADMIN FEE REPORT JUL-SEPT/20 001 -4311 _020_003 262_80 262.80 M

Total 170082: 262.80

170083 10/20 10/08/2020 170083 10180 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVAT! 10/31/20 SMI FEE REPORT JUL-SEPT/20 001_210_002 664.59 664.59 M 10/20 10/08/2020 170083 10180 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATI 10/31/20 LESS SEISMIC EDUCATION CREDIT JUL-SEPT/20 001.321.103 33.23- 33-23- M

Total 170083: 631_36

170084 10/20 10/08/2020 170084 10839 DIVISION OF STATE ARCH!TEC 10/31/20 S81186 FEE REPORT JUL-SEPT/20 110.214-725 241.60 241_60 M

Total 170084 241.60

170085 10/20 10/08/2020 170085 17511 SANCHEZ, MARIO 10/31/20 COMPUTER LOAN PROGRAM 001.117.199 1,335.29 1,335-29 M

Total 170085: 1,335_29

170086 10/20 10/08/2020 170086 11280 SECRETARY OF STATE 10/31/20 NOTARY RENEWAL APPLICATION FEE D_ BLACK 001-4120_016_000 40_00 40.00 M

Total 170086: 40.00

170087 10/20 10/09/2020 170087 18841 LOPEZ, NADIA 10/31/20 COMPUTER LOAN PROGRAM 001.1"17.199 830.86 830.86 M

Total 170087: 830.86

170088 10/20 10/14/2020 170088 18036 TIM COMMERCIAL FINANCE 7601980 LEASE 6/28-7/27/20 001.4190.015.000 4,136_32 4, 136_32 M 10/20 10/14/2020 170088 18036 TIM COMMERCIAL FINANCE 7601980 LEASE 7/28-8/27/20 001.4190_015.000 3,041-19 3,041-19 M

Total 170088: 7,177_51

170089 10/20 10/19/2020 170089 18821 LONEHILLMANOR ESTATES 10/31/20 M. CAS1LLSN. MARENCO CDBG RENTAL ASSIST A 040.4112.852.005 928.58 928.58 M

M = Manual Check. V = Void Check

Item 3 A Page 5 City of San Dimas Check Register - MANUAL CHECK ONLY Page: Check Issue Dates: 10/1/2020- 10/31/2020 Nov 02, 2020 10:46AM

GL Check Cheek Vendor Invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

Total 170089: 928_58

170199 10/20 10/22/2020 170199 11077 AFLAC P/E 10/17/20 EMP DED OCT/20 001_210.004 1.617.14 1,617.14 10/20 10/22/2020 170199 11077 AFLAC P/E 10/17/20 OPTIONAL BENEFIT OCT/20 001.4190.200_002 .08- .08- M

Total 170199: 1,617_06

170200 10/20 10/22/2020 170200 17976 CA STATE DlSBURSEMENT UNI P/E 10/17/20 F!LE #20000000104968 001.210.004 341_53 341.53 M

Total 170200: 341.53

170201 10/20 10/22/2020 170201 17976 CA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNI P/E 10/17/20. FILE #200000002332614 001.210.004 199_00 199.00 M

Total 170201: 199.00

170202 10/20 10/22/2020 170202 17481 DELTA DENTALOF CALIFORNIA PIE 10/17/20 EMP OED PIE 10/17/20 001_210.004 3,349.75 3,349.75 10/20 10/22/2020 170202 17481 DELTA DENTAL OF CALIFORNIA P/E 10/17/20 ROUNDING P/E 10/17/20 001.4190.200.002 132.35 132_35 M

Total 170202· 3,482_10

170203 10/20 10/22/2020 170203 15140 DELTA DENTALINSURANCE CO PIE 10/17/20 BR£.'I..KDOWN POLICY #02012-0042 NOV/20 001.210.004 527.18 527_18 M

Total 170203: 527.18

170204 10/20 10/22/2020 170204 11251 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD P/E 10/17/20 GARNISHMENT L. WARD P/E 10/17/20 001.210.004 55.00 55.00 M

Total 170204: 55.00

170205 10/20 10/22/2020 170205 13081 HARTFORD UFE P/E 10/17/20 EMP OED NOV/20 001_210.004 243.16 243.16 M

M = Manual Check. V = Void Check

Item 3 A Page 6 City of San Dimas Check Register- MANUAL CHECK ONLY Page: Check Issue Oates: 10/1/2020 - 10/31/2020 Nov 02, 2020 10:46AM

GL Check Check Vendor Invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

Total 170205: 243.16

170206 10/20 10/22/2020 170206 17060 INLANDEMPIRE UNrfED WAY P/E 10/17/20 EMP OED NOV/20 001.210.004 111.11 111.11 M

Total 170206: 111.11

170207 10/20 10/22/2020 170207 11231 LEGAL SHIELD P/E 10/17/20 EMP OED NOV/20 001.210.004 118.66 118.66 10/20 10/22/2020 170207 11231 LEGAL SHIELD P/E 10/17/20 ROUND!NG NOV/20 001.4190.200.018 .02- .02- M

Total 170207: 118.64

170208 10/20 10/22/2020 170208 14286 LINCOLN NATIONAL UFE P/E 10/17/20 EMP OED PIE 10/17/20 001.210.004 929.16 929.16 10/20 10/22/2020 170208 14286 LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE P/E 10/17/20 CITY MATCH P/E 10/17/20 001.212.001 425.00 425.00 M

Total 170208: 1,354.16

170209 10/20 10/22/2020 170209 14735 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SO P/E 10/17/20 EMP OED PIE 10/17/20 001.210.004 10,464.74 10,464.74 M 10/20 10/22/2020 170209 14735 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SO P/E 10/17/20 CITY MATCHPIE 10/17/20 001.212.001 4,425.00 4,425.00 M

Total 170209: ---14,889.74 170210 10/20 10/22/2020 170210 10590 U.S. BANK P/E 10/17/20 EMP OED P/E 10/17/20 001.210.014 686.75 686.75 M 10/20 10/22/2020 170210 10590 U.S. BANK P/E 10/17/20 CfTYMATCH P/E 10/17/20 001.212.014 143.99 143.99 M

Total 170210: 830.74

170211 10/20 10/22/2020 170211 17090 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AG PIE 10/17/20 EMP DED P/E 10/17/20 001.210.004 2,251.00 2,251.00 M 10/20 10/22/2020 170211 17090 VANTAGE POINT TRANSFER AG PIE 10/17/20 CllY MATCH PIE 10/17/20 001.212.001 975.00 975.00 M

Total 170211: 3,226.00

M = Manual Check, V = Vold Check.

Item 3 A Page 7 City of San Dimas Check Register- MANUAL CHECK ONLY Page: 6 Check Issue Dates: 10/112020 - 10/31/2020 Nov 02, 2020 10:46AM

GL Check Check Vendor Invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check ---Period Issue Date Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

170212 10/20 10/22/2020 170212 17480 VANTAGEPOINT TRANSFER AG PIE 10/17/20 EMP OED P/E 10/17/20 001_210.004 M 2,188-95 ---2,188.95

Total 170212· 2,188.95 ---

170213 10/20 10/22/2020 170213 17182 VISION SERVICE PLAN P/E 10/17/20 EMP OED NOV/20 001.210.004 1.037-02 1,037.02 M ---

Total 170213: 1,037-02

170214 10/20 10/22/2020 170214 11280 SECRETARY OF STATE 10/31/20. REGISTRY OF PUBLIC AGENCIES FILINGS 001.4150_016.000 12_00 12.00 M

Total 170214: 12.00

170215 10/20 10/23/2020 170215 12466 CPRS AGING SECTION 0037 AGENCY REGISTRATION 001.4420.021.000 30.00 30.00 M

Total 170215: 30.00

170216 10/20 10/23/2020 170216 17679 PIXEL DENSITY DESIGN INC 10/31/20 EQUIPMENT/HALLOWEN DRIVE-IN MOVIES 001.4420.020.000 7,975_00 M --- 7,975.00 Total 170216: ---7,975.00 170217 10/20 10/27/2020 170217 18783 ONGUARD !NC 2001 OVERNIGHT SECURITY HALLOWEEN DRIVE IN 001.4420.019-000 389.25 389.25 M

Total 170217: 389.25

170218 10/20 10/27/2020 170218 10908 SO CAL INDUSTRIES 10/31120 RESTROOM RENTALS-DRIVE IN MOVIE 8/6-8/8 00).4420.019.000 1.472_38 1,472.38 M

Total 170218: ---1,472.38

170219 10/20 10/29/2020 170219 17679 PIXEL DENSITY DESIGN INC. 1512 DEPOSIT AUDIO-V!DEO 12 DAYS OF SAN DIMAS 001.4420.019.000 12,000.00 12,000.00 M

M = Manual Check.V = Void Check

Item 3 A Page 8 City of San Dimas Check Register - MANUAL CHECK ONLY Page: Check Issue Dates: 10/1/2020 -10/31{2020 Nov 02, 2020 10:46AM

Gl Check Check Vendor invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

Total 170219: 12.000.00 ---

170220 10/20 10/29/2020 170220 11151 POOL & ELECTRICAL PRODUC 7528251 50 LB BUCKET 001.4411.033_000 93.06 93_06 M

Total 170220: 93.06

170221 10{20 10/29/2020 170221 11151 POOL & ELECTRICAL PRODUC MULTI INVOICE #7529066 001.4411 .033.000 327.23 327.23 10{20 10/29/2020 170221 11151 POOL & ELECTRICAL PRODUC MULTI INVOICE #7529074 001.4411.033.000 .75 .75 M

Total 170221: 327.98

170222 10/20 10/30/2020 170222 18809 553 BONITA AVENUE LLC 10/31/20 GHASSAN YASSINE RENTAL ASSIST NOV/20 040.4112.852.005 500.00 500.00 M

Total 170222: 500.00

170223 10/20 10/30/2020 170223 18747 AVALONBAY COMMUNITIES 10/31/20 ROBERT DEL MURO RENTAL ASSIST NOV/20 040.4112.852.005 500.00 500.00 M

Total 170223: 500.00

170224 10/20 10/30/2020 170224 18821 LONEHJLL MANOR ESTATES 10/31/20. SHELLI SALLES RENTAL ASSIST NOV/20 040.4112.852.005 500.00 500.00 10/20 10/30/2020 170224 18821 LONEHILL MANOR ESTATES 10/31/20. MIGUEL CASILLAS RENTAL ASSIST NOV/20 040.4112.852.005 285.00 285.00 M

Total 170224: 785.00

170225 10/20 10/30/2020 170225 18790 PARK SAN DIMAS LLC 10/31/20 SHARON DURKAN RENTAL ASSIST NOV/20 040.4112.852.005 500.00 500.00 M

Total 170225: 500.00

170226 10/20 10/30/2020 170226 18748 RAlNTREE SAN DIMAS LLC 10/31/20 GUSTAVO BECERRA RENTAL ASSIST NOV/20 040.4112.852.005 500_00 500.00 M

M = Manual Check. V = Void Check

Item 3 A Page 9 City of San Dimas Check Register - MANUAL CHECK ONLY Page: Check Issue Dates: 10/1/2020 - 10/31/2020 Nov 02, 2020 10:46AM

GL Check Check Vendor Invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

Total 170226 500.00

170227 10/20 10/30/2020 170227 18788 RODRIGUEZ, ALICIA 10/31/20 CARLZEN BAlAGOT RENTAL ASSIST NOV/20 040.4112_852_005 500.00 500.00 M

Total 170227- 500.00

170228 10/20 10/30/2020 170228 18789 VOORHIS VILLAGE APARTMEN 10/31/20 SHAKIYA ROSS RENTAL ASSIST NOV/20 040.4112-852-005 500.00 500.00 M 10/20 10/30/2020 170228 18789 VOORHIS V1LLAGE APARTMEN 10/31/20 MARY FENTES RENTAL ASSIST NOV/20 040.4112.852.005 500.00 500.00 M 10/20 10/30/2020 170228 18789 VOORHIS VILLAGE APARTMEN 10/31/20 SARAI LOPEZ RENTAL ASSIST NOV/20 040.4112.852.005 500.00 500.00 M

Total 170228: 1,500.00

170229 10/20 10/30/2020 170229 18810 GRANGER, ROGER P 10/31/20 LASHE!LA SIMS RENTAL ASSIST NOV/20 040.4112.852.005 400.00 400_00 M

Total 170229· 400_00

170230 10/20 10/30/2020 170230 18867 BRANDYWINE HOMES 10/31/20 REFUND PLAN CK FEE BD1824597 001.321.001 3,725.60 3,725.60 M

Total 170230: 3,725_60

170231 10/20 10/30/2020 170231 13081 HARTFORD LIFE 10/31/20 CITY PORTION NOV/20 001.4190.200.018 3,240.99 3,240.99 M

Total 170231: 3,240.99

Grand Totals: 136.729.01

Summary by General Ledger Account Number

M = Manual Check. V = Vold Check

Item 3 A Page 10 City of San Dimas Check Register -MANUAL CHECK ONLY Page: 9 Check 1ssue Dates: 10/1/2020 -10/31/2020 Nov 02, 2020 10:46AM

GLAccount Debit Credit Proof

001.117.199 2,166.15 .00 2,166.15 001.210.001 2,256.82 111,482.12- 109.225.30- 001.210.002 664.59 00 664.59 001.210.004 58.369.23 2,223.49- 56,145.74 001.210.014 1,317.07 _oo 1,317.07 001.212.001 11,800.00 00 11,800.00 001.212.014 276.16 .00 276.16 001.321.001 3,725.60 .00 3.725.60 001.321.103 .00 33.23- 33.23- 001.4120.016.000 40.00 .00 40.00 001.4150.016.000 12.00 00 12.00 001.4190.015.000 7,177.51 00 7,177.51 001.4190.200.002 132.35 .08- 132.27 001.4190.200.018 3,240.99 .02- 3,240.97 001.4309.016.000 10.00 00 10.00 001.4311.020.003 262.80 00 262.80 001.4411 .033.000 421.04 .00 421.04 001.4420.019.000 13,861.63 .00 13,861.63 001.4420.020.000 7,975.00 .00 7,975.00 001.4420. 021.000 30.00 00 30.00 020.210.001 1,113.08 22.261.61- 21,148.53- 020.210.006 00 1, 113.08- 1, 113.08- 020.4410.937.022 22,261.61 00 22,261.61 040.210.001 .00 6,113.58- 6J 13.58- 040.4112.852.005 6,113.58 00 6, 113.58 110.210.001 00 241.60- 241.60- 110.214.725 241.60 _oo 241.60

Grand Tota!s: 143,468.81 143,468.81- .00

M = Manual Check, V = Void Check

Item 3 A Page 11 Cityof San Dimas Check Register - MANUAL CHECK ONLY Page: 10 Check !ssue Dates: 10/1/2020 -10/31/2020 Nov 02, 2020 10:46AM


Mayor: ______

City Council• ______

City Recorder: ______

Report Criteria Report type: GL detail Check.Type={<>} "Adjustment" Check.Type= "Manual",'Void"

M = Manual Check, V = Void Check

Item 3 A Page 12 11/16/2020 WARRANT REGISTER Ck #'s 170232-170326 Total: 784,257.87

Item 3 A Page 13 City of San Dimas Check Register-WARRANTCHECKS (NO MANUAL) Page: Check Issue Dates: 11/1612020 - 1111612020 Nov 04, 2020 02:26PM

Report Criteria: Reporttype: Gl detaH Check.Type={<>}"Adjustment" Check. Type= {NOT LIKE}"Manual" Check.Type= {NOT LIKE} 'Void"

GL Check Check Vendor Invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

170232 11/20 11/1612020 170232 11217 ACTION AWARDS, !NC. 61016 SPORT SCENE FOOTBALL 001.4420.034.003 280.80 280_80

Total 170232: 280.80

170233 11120 11/1612020 170233 10913 ALESHIRE & WYNDER. LLP 59032 GENERAL 001.4170.020.000 9.140.00 9, 140-00 11120 11116/2020 170233 10913 ALESHlRE & WYNDER. LLP 59033 LIGITGATION 001.4170_020.003 721_90 721.90 11/20 11/16/2020 170233 10913 ALESHIRE & WYNDER. LLP 59034 PERSONNEL/ LABOR 001.4170.020.000 456.00 456.00 11/20 11/16/2020 170233 10913 ALESHIRE & WYNDER. LLP 59035 PLANNING 001.4170.020.000 2,000.00 2.000_00 11/20 11/16/2020 170233 10913 ALESHIRE & WYNDER. LLP 59036 PUBLIC WORKS I ENGINEERING 001.4170.020.000 1,160.00 1, 160_00 11/20 11/16/2020 170233 10913 ALESHIRE & WYNDER. LLP 59037 HOUSING 034.4802.851.502 4.500.00 4,500_00 11/20 11/16/2020 170233 10913 ALESHIRE&WYNDER LLP 59038 REFUSE 001.4170.020.000 384_00 384.00 11120 1111612020 170233 10913 ALESHIRE & WYNDER LLP 59039 CITY REAL PROPERTY 001.4170.020.000 1,176_00 1,176.00 11/20 11/16/2020 170233 10913 ALESHIRE & WYNDER, LLP 59040 SUCCESSOR AGENCY REAL PROPERTY 038.4120_020_502 2,232_00 2,232.00

Total 170233 21,769.90

170234 11/20 11/16/2020 170234 12314 AMER!NATIONAL COMM. SVC! 20-00785 DEFERR W/ MONITOR 001.214.020 17.20 17.20

Total 170234: 17_20

170235 11/20 11/16/2020 170235 18870 ANDERSON, SCOTT 11/16/2020 REFUND, UNHEALTHY AIR QUALITY 001.368.011 15.00 15.00

Total 170235: 15.00

170236 11/20 11/16/2020 170236 12585 ANDREU, CHARLES F 11/16/2020 PARKING HEARING 10/21/2020 001.4210.411.001 315.00 315.00

Total 170236: 315_00

M = Manual Check. V = Void Check

Item 3 A Page 14 Crtyof San Dimas Check Register-WARRANT CHECKS (NO MANUAL) Page: 2 Check Issue Dates: ii/16/2020-11/16/2020 Nov 04, 2020 02:26PM

GL Check Check Vendor Invoice Descliptlon Invoice Invoice Check Period issue Date Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

170237 11/20 11/16/2020 170237 18869 ASKIN, CAROL 11/16/2020 REFUND, UNHEALTHY AIR QUAlUTY 001 _368.011 15.00 15.00

Total 170237 15.00

170238 11/20 11/16/2020 170238 18785 B.R & SONS co_ 99-12639 DOWNTOWN PRESSURE WASHING AND CLEANIN 001.4341.020.005 1,622.00 1,622.00

Total 170238: 1,622.00

170239 11/20 11/16/2020 170239 11064 BATTERY WORX. INC. 109717 DEKA 12 MO 12V GRP U1L 001.4342_011.000 48.64 48.64

Total 170239: 48.64

170240 11/20 11/16/2020 170240 10629 BAY ALARM COMPANY 3616332201 MONITORING FIRE & SECURITY ALARM SVC 001.4430_023_000 132.58 132.58

Total 170240: 132.58

170241 11/20 11/16/2020 170241 10283 BEE REMOVERS 598652 RMV BEE HIVE@ 309 W_ 2ND ST. 001-4414.020.006 145_00 145_00

Total 170241: 145.00

170242 11/20 11/16/2020 170242 12441 BERGQUIST-DEVOE, CARL 11/16/2020 INSTR. PIANO OCT 2020 001.4420.020_000 46.00 46_00

Total 170242: 46.00

170243 11/20 11/16/2020 170243 11162 BITHELL, INC 81930 ANlT-GRAFFITI COAT INTERIOR & EXTERIOR 001.4410.023_000 14,239.00 14,239_00

Total 170243: 14,239.00

170244 261_68 11/20 11/16/2020 170244 11421 BOOT BARN, INC. INV0007127 SAFETY BOOTS 001.4190.200.022 261.68

M ::cManual Check. V ::c Void Check

Item 3 A Page 15 City of San Dimas Check Register-WARRANT CHECKS (NO MANUAL) Page: Check Issue Dates 11/16/2020-11/16/2020 Nov 04, 2020 02:26PM

GL Check Check Vendor Invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

Total 170244: 261_68

170245 11/20 11/16/2020 170245 10671 BRATT. DAVID 11/16/2020 BRATT MTG 10/15/20 001.4309.021.001 50.00 50.00

Total 170245: 50.00

170246 11120 11/16/2020 170246 10311 CAC-E.0 300012584 MEMBERSHIP DUES 2020 J.HARTUNG 001.4308.016.000 95.00 95.00 11/20 11(16(2020 170246 10311 C.A.C.E.0. 300012587 MEMBERS DUES 2020 J.VILLALOBOS 001.4308.016.000 95.00 95.00 11/20 11/16/2020 170246 10311 CAC.E.0. 30001590 MEMBERS DUES 2020 S.ITAL!A 001.4308_016.000 95.00 95.00

Total 170246: 285.00

170247 11/20 11/16/2020 170247 18044 CAMPOS, MONIQUE 11/16/20 RE!M8- SPOOKTACULAR LOGISTICS & SUPPLIES 001.4210.428.000 200.00 200_00

Total 170247: 200.00

170248 11/20 11/16/2020 170248 18828 COMPET!TlVE TRI SWIM MAST 1116/2020 INSTR. SWIM 10/1-10/31/20 001_4430.020.000 1,742_50 1,742.50

Total 170248: 1,742.50

170249 11/20 11/16/2020 170249 12205 COSTCO WHOLESALE 10/13/2020 HALLOWEEN CANDY 001.4420.034,010 198.80 198.80

Total 170249: 198.80

170250 11/20 11/16/2020 170250 18549 CROSSTOWN ELECTRICAL & D 4300-21-010 UTILITY TRUCK,CONCRETE,TRANSPORT,GROUND 012.4841.650.010 4,451.92 4,451.92 11120 11/16/2020 170250 18549 CROSSTOWN ELECTRICAL & D 4332-002 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO, 2020-02 (ID #F33 007,4345_660.001 322,884,00 322,884_00 11120 11/16/2020 170250 18549 CROSSTOWN ELECTRICAL & D 4332-002 RETENTION HOLD 007-210_006 16,144.20- 16,144_20- 11120 11/1612020 170250 18549 CROSSTOWN ELECTRICAL & D 4332-003 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. 2020-02 (ID #F33 007.4345_660_001 16,700.00 16,700.00 835_00- 835.00- 11/20 11116/2020 170250 18549 CROSSTOWN ELECTRICAL & D 4332-003 RETENTION HOLD 007_210.006

327,056.72 Total 170250:

M = Manual Check, V = Vold Check

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GL Check Check Vendor Invoice Description Invoice Invoice Cheek Period Issue Date Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

170251 11/20 11/16/2020 170251 18339 OABAS, CHITRA 11/16/2020 REFUND, CUSTOMER W/DREW 001_367_001 140_00 140.00

Total 170251 140_00

170252 11/20 11/16/2020 170252 18881 DAMIAN, DANIELLE 11/16/10 REIMB_ SPOOKTACULAR LOGISTICS & SUPPLIES 001-4210.428.000 200.00 200_00

Total 170252: 200.00

170253 11/20 11/16/2020 170253 11847 DAVIS, JOHN 11/16/2020 DAVIS MTG 10/15/2020 001.4309.021.001 50.00 50_00

Total 170253: 50.00

170254 11/20 11/16/2020 170254 12340 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCT 12806895 REFILL WIRE MARKER D!SPENSAR 001.4414.033.000 43.90 43.90 11/20 11/16/2020 170254 12340 EWING IRR!GATION PRODUCT 12820459 DIAPHASSY 021.4410.605.002 81-53 81.53 11/20 11/16/2020 170254 12340 EWING IRR!GAT!ON PRODUCT 12863937 QUIKATHELTIC MARKING CHALK 001.4420.034.010 55.35 55.35 11/20 11/16/2020 170254 12340 EWING !RRIGAT!ON PRODUCT 12873611 PVC BE PIPE 022.4410.603.001 308.iO 308_10 11/20 11/16/2020 170254 12340 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCT 12920509 HUNTER ULTRA. ORCHARD LOPER 008.4415.033.000 487_01 487_01 11/20 11/16/2020 170254 12340 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCT 12936910 TREE STAKE, TREE TIES 008.4415.033.000 13.42 13.42

Total 170254: 989.31

170255 11/20 11/16/2020 170255 10246 FAITH FIRE EXTINGUISHER 3964 QTR FIRE SPlNKLER INSPECTION 034.4802_033.001 175.00 175.00 11/20 11/16/2020 170255 10246 FAITH FIRE EXTINGUISHER 3965 QTR FIRE SPINKLER INSPECTION 003.4410_015.000 175.00 175.00 11/20 11/16/2020 170255 10246 FAlTH FIRE EXTINGUISHER 3969 QTR FIRE SPINKLER INSPECTION 001.4411_015_000 150.00 150_00 11/20 11/16/2020 170255 10246 FAlTH F1RE EXTINGUISHER 3970 QTR FIRE SPINKLER INSPECTION 001.4411_023_000 150.00 150_00 11/20 11/16/2020 170255 10246 FAlTH FIRE EXTINGUISHER 9607 SERVICE, PARTS & MATERIALS 001.4410.023_000 34.79 34.79 11/20 11/16/2020 170255 10246 FAITH FIRE EXTINGUISHER 9607 SERVICE, PARTS & MATERIALS 001.4411.023.000 266.67 266.67 11/20 11/16/2020 170255 10246 FAITH FIRE EXTINGUISHER 9607 SERVICE, PARTS & MATERIALS 001.4412.023.000 266.67 266.67 11/20 11/16/2020 170255 10246 FAITH FIRE EXTINGUISHER 9607 SERVICE, PARTS & MATERIALS 001.4430.023.000 266.66 266_66 11/20 11/16/2020 170255 10246 FAlTH FIRE EXTINGUISHER 9608 SERVICE, PARTS & !\AATERIALS 001.4342.020.003 1,583.76 1,583.76

Total 170255: 3,068_55

M = Manual Check. V = Void Check

Item 3 A Page 17 City of San Dimas Check Register - WARRANT CHECKS (NO MANUAL) Page: 5 Check Issue Dates: 11/1612020 - 11/16/2020 Nov 04, 2020 02:26PM

GL Check Check Vendor Invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

170256 11/20 11/16/2020 170256 10432 FALCON SIGNS #3EF28W SEPT'20 COMMERICAL- IN GROUND 001.4308.033.001 104.04 104.04

Total 170256: 104.04

170257 11/20 11/16/2020 170257 12358 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 7-167-13937 1 SHIPMENT 001.4190.017.000 63.80 63.80

Total 170257: 63.80

170258 11/20 11/16/2020 170258 17863 FS CONTRACTORS INC. 2834 Mobilization, clearing and grubbing of the Northern Foo 021.4410.928.000 23,300.00 23,300.00

Total 170258: 23,300.00

170259 11/20 11/16/2020 170259 18084 G2GRAPHJCS 1015041 ORI-FIT SHJRTS,V-NECKS 001.4410.029.000 224.91 224.91

Total 170259: 224.91

170260 11/20 11/16/2020 170260 11985 GALVEZ. VICTORIA 11/16/2020 !NSTR_ ZUMBA 10/6-10129/20 001.4420.020.000 272.00 272.00

Total 170260: 272.00

170261 11/20 11116/2020 170261 16323 GAS COMPANY, THE 11/16/2020 105 017 1500 6 053.4410.022.002 271.42 271.42 11/20 11/16/2020 170261 16323 GAS COMPANY, THE 11/16/2020 163 717 4800 1 001.4430.022.002 817.80 817.80

Total 170261: 1,089.22

170262 11/20 1111612020 170262 16324 GOLDEN STATE WATER CO 11/16/2020 97004000002 001.4415.022.004 349.57 349_57 11/20 11/16/2020 170262 16324 GOLDEN STATE WATER CO 11/16/2020 18004000008 075.4440.022.004 519.49 519.49 11/20 11/16/2020 170262 16324 GOLDEN STATE WATER CO 11/16/2020 99104000007 008.4414.022.004 -875.46 875.46 11/20 11/16/2020 170262 16324 GOLDEN STATE WATER CO 11/16/2020 88493000009 008.4414.022.004 472.29 472.29 11/20 11/16/2020 170262 16324 GOLDEN STATE WATER CO 11/16/2020 77193000006 001.4415.022.004 265.84 265.84 11/20 11/16/2020 170262 16324 GOLDEN STATE WATER CO 11/16/2020 70922200004 008.4415.022.004 184.36 184.36 11/20 11/16/2020 170262 16324 GOLDEN STATE WATER CO 11/16/2020 57114200009 001.4415.022.004 111.44 111.44

M = Manual Check, V = Void Check

Item 3 A Page 18 City of San Dimas Check Register-WARRANT CHECKS (NO MANUAL) Page: 6 Check lssue Dates- 11/16/2020 - 11/16/2020 Nov 04, 2020 02:26PM

GL Check Check Vendor Invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

11/20 11(16/2020 170262 16324 GOLDEN STATE WATER CO 11/16/2020 55293000000 001.4415.022.004 68.56 68.56 11/20 111"16/2020 170262 16324 GOLDEN STATE WATER CO 11/1612020 47193000008 001-4415_022.004 46.22 46_22 11/20 11/16/2020 170262 16324 GOLDEN STATE WATER CO 11/16/2020 42676200001 001.4415.022.004 326.45 326.45 11/20 11/16/2020 170262 16324 GOLDEN STATE WATER CO 11/16/2020 22757200005 008.4414.022.004 203.71 203.71 11/20 11/16/2020 170262 16324 GOLDEN STATE WATER CO 11/16/2020 37193000009 001.4415_022_004 63_39 63_39 1"1/20 11116/2020 170262 16324 GOLDEN STATE WATER CO ii/16/2020 86704000008 075.4443_022.004 609.64 609.64 11/20 11/16/2020 170262 16324 GOLDEN STATE WATER CO 1"1/16/2020 38704000009 075.4443_022_004 802.65 802.65 11/20 11/16/2020 170262 16324 GOLDEN STATE WATER CO 11/16/2020 44383000005 008-4415_022.004 41.50 41.50 11/20 11/16/2020 170262 16324 GOLDEN STATE WATER CO 11/16/2020 37704000001 075_4443_022_004 879-86 879_86 11/20 11/16/2020 170262 16324 GOLDEN STATE WATER CO 11/16/2020 12683000009 001_4415.022.004 .19 .19 11/20 11/16/2020 170262 16324 GOLDEN STATE WATER CO ii/16/2020 75704000001 008.4414.022.004 982.79 982.79 11/20 11/16/2020 170262 16324 GOLDEN STATE WATER CO 11/16/2020 16204000000 008.4414.022.004 7.008.09 7,008.09 11/20 11/16/2020 170262 16324 GOLDEN STATE WATER CO 11/16/2020 98063000008 008.4414_022_004 5.239.95 5,239.95 11/20 11/16/2020 170262 16324 GOLDEN STATE WATER CO 11/16/2020 00481200004 008.4414-022_004 7.520_39 7,520.39

Total 170262: 26,571.84

170263 11/20 11/16/2020 170263 12944 GRAINGER 9689786623 MICROFIBER CLOTH,MARKING TAPE 001.4342.041.011 640.68 640.68 11/20 11/16/2020 170263 12944 GRAINGER 969246000 VARIOUS SUPPLIES 001.4341.033.000 1,038.39 1,038.39

Total 170263: 1,679.07

170264 11/20 11/16/2020 170264 12496 GREEN, MARGIE 11/16/2020 GREEN MTG 10/15/2020 001.4309.021.001 50_00 50.00

Total 170264: SO.DO

170265 11120 11/16/2020 170265 11104 GST GOLDEN STAR TECHNOLO JNV55504 BLACK.MAGIC DEISGN WEB PRESENTER 001-4212_033_000 3,207.12 3,207_12

Total 170265: 3,207.12

170266 11/20 11/16/2020 170266 13607 HARRINGTON AUTOMOTIVE, J 052838 SERVICE & LABOR UNIT# 3 001.4342.020_010 75.00 75.00 11/20 11/16/2020 170266 13607 HARRINGTON AUTOMOTIVE, J 052838 SERVICE & LABOR UNIT# 3 001.4342_011_000 71.18 71-18

Total 170266: 146."18

M = Manual Check, V = Void Check

Item 3 A Page 19 City of San Dimas Check Register-WARRANT CHECKS (NO MANUAL) Page: Check Issue Dates: 11/16/2020 - 11/16/2020 Nov 04, 2020 02:26PM

GL Check Check Vendor Invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Number Payee Number GL Account Amount Amount

170267 11/20 11/16/2020 170267 "13142 HDL COREN & CONE SIN004506 OCT-DEC 2020 PROPERTYTAX SVC 001.4190.020.007 4,065.19 4,065.19

Total 170267: 4,065.19

170268 11/20 11/16/2020 170268 18871 HERCHER, HEINZ 11/16/2020 REFUND, UNHEALTHY AIR QUALITY 001 .368.011 15.00 15.00

Total 170268 15.00

170269 11/20 11/16/2020 170269 18872 HERNANDEZ, ERIKA 11/16/2020 REFUND, CUSTOMER W/DREW 001.367.001 45.00 45.00

Total 170269: 45.00

170270 11/20 11/16/2020 170270 13144 HI-SHEEN 946 OCT'20 JANITORIAL SERVICE 001_4342.020.003 476.50 476.50

Total 170270: 476.50

170271 11/20 11/16/2020 170271 13192 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERV!C 1342756 STUCCO TAPE, MEASURE WHEEL 001.4411.033.000 98.54 98.54

Total 170271: 98.54

170272 11/20 11/16/2020 170272 13194 HOMETOWN RENTALS 225918-1 PROPANE FUEL 001.4341.033.000 41.50 41.50

Total 170272: 41.50

170273 11/20 11/16/2020 170273 11464 INTELESYSONE 96497 USB GUITARCABLE 001.4212.033.000 215.46 215.46

Total 170273: 215.46

170274 11/20 11/16/2020 170274 10605 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNC 1001238329 EC-RESIDENTIAL BLDG INSP.EC-PERMIT TECH ST 001.4311.016.000 67.00 67.00

M = Manual Check, V = Void Check

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GL Check Check Vendor invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check Period lssue Date Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

Total 170274: 67.00

170275 11/20 11/16/2020 170275 17800 J.A.J. MOBILE TRUCK WASH 725 MOBILE TRUCK WASH X9 001.4342.020.001 270.00 270.00

Total 170275: 270.00

170276 11/20 11/iG/2020 170276 1"'1772 JOHNNY ALLEN TENNIS ACADE 11/16/2020 INSTR. TENNIS 9/29-10/22/20 001.4420.020.000 1,196.80 1.196.80

Total 170276: 1,196.80

170277 11/20 11/16/2020 170277 14297 LA CO. DEPT OF PUBLIC WOR 2010130203 SEPT/20 ELECTRIC 007.4345.022.001 48.11 48.11 11/20 11/16/2020 170277 14297 L.A. CO. DEPT OF PUBLIC WOR 2010130203 SEPT/20 MAINTENANCE 007.4345.020.002 183.96 183.96

Total 170277: 232.07

170278 11/20 11116/2020 170278 18873 LASZLO, PAMELA 11/16/20 REFUND/POOR AIR QUALITY 001.368.011 15.00 15.00

Total 170278: 15.00

170279 11/20 11/16/2020 170279 12447 LEAD TECH ENVIRONMENTAL 13589 1630 W.COVINA & 928 DURANGO CT 040.4112.820.821 1.465.00 1,465.00

Total 170279: 1,465.00

170280 11/20 11/16/2020 170280 11190 LIGHT BULBS ETC. UGHTSTYL 473153 LED FLOOD TRUNION 001.4212.033.000 301.97 301.97

Total 170280· 301.97

170281 11/20 11/16/2020 170281 10479 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT 02158. EXTERIOR POLE LIGHT 001.4212.033.000 38.13 38.13 11/20 11/16/2020 170281 10479 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT 02593 DATA REPLACEMENT TOOLS 001.4410.033.000 26.17 26.17 11/20 1!/16/2020 170281 10479 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT 02729 TV INSTALLER EQUIPMENT 001.4212.033.000 143.76 143.76 11/20 11/16/2020 170281 10479 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT 11/16/2020 WALKER HOUSE SUPPLIES 003.4410.031.000 50.41 50.41

M = Manual Check, V = Void Check

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GL Check Check Vendor Invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

11/20 11/16/2020 170281 10479 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT 1478 ROOF FELT 001.4341.033.000 64.81 64.81 11/20 11/16/2020 170281 10479 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT 1621 MISC SUPPllES 001.4341.033.000 149.58 149.58 11/20 11/16/2020 170281 10479 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT 2059 WEED BURNER 001.4341.033.000 57.20 57.20 i 1/20 11/16/2020 170281 10479 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT 2093 MlSC SUPPLIES 001.4341.033.000 155.40 155.40 11/20 11/16/2020 170281 10479 LOWE'S HOME IMPROVEMENT 2826 ROOF FELT 001.4341.033.000 43.21 43.21

Total 170281: 728.67

170282 11/20 11/16/2020 170282 11396 MANAGED HEALTH NE1WORK PRM-057195 NOV'20 EMP. ASSITANCE 001.4150.435.000 261.25 261.25

Total 170282: 261.25

170283 11/20 11/16/2020 170283 12108 MARIPOSA LANDSCAPES INC 90892 CC2019-08 -Arrow Highway Median Project 012.4841.650.010 128,816.73 128,816.73 11/20 11/16/2020 170283 12108 MARIPOSA LANDSCAPES 1NC 90892 RETENTION 012.210.006 6,440.84- 6.440.84-

Total 170283: 122,375.89

170284 11/20 11/16/2020 170284 17510 MDG ASSOCIATES INC. 14834 SEPT20 CDBG PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION 034.4120.020.000 100.00 100.00 11/20 11/16/2020 170284 17510 MDG ASSOCIATES INC. 14835 SEPT'20 CDBG HOUSING REHAB.PROGRAM 040.4112.819.000 2,900.00 2,900.00

Total 170284: 3,000.00

170285 11/20 11/16(2020 170285 11073 MLA GREEN INC 10867 SEPT/20 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DESIGN SERVIC 012.4841.650.010 2,695.00 2,695.00 11/20 11/16/2020 170285 11073 MlA GREEN INC. 10871 ARROW HWY MEDIAN 012.4841.650.010 49.95 49.95

Total 170285: 2,744.95

170286 11/20 11/16/2020 170286 11143 MOLINA, TOMAS E 11/16/2020 MOLINA MTG 10/15/2020 001.4309.021.001 50.00 50.00

Total 170286· 50.00

170287 Annual LandscapeMaintenance Contract 11/20 11/16/2020 170287 17896 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC. 68392 Trails 001.4414.020.004 3.247.65 3,247.65 11/20 11/16/2020 170287 17896 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC. 68392 Medians 001.4415.020.002 7,405.98 7,405.98

M = Manual Check. V = Void Check

Item 3 A Page 22 City of San Dimas Check Register - WARRANT CHECKS (NO MANUAL) Page: 10 Check Issue Dates: 11/16/2020 -11/16/2020 Nov 04, 2020 02:26PM

GL Check Check Vendor Invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

11/20 11/16/2020 "170287 17896 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC. 68392 Parks 008.4414.020.001 12,694.19 12.694.19 11120 11/16/2020 170287 17896 N!EVES LANDSCAPE INC. 68392 Sportsplex 008.4414.020.011 3,773.98 3.773.98 11/20 11/16/2020 170287 17896 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC. 68392 Median/Parkways 008.4415.020.002 1,400.44 1,400.44 11/20 11/16/2020 170287 17896 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 68392 Parks LandscapedAreas 008.4415.020.005 1245.79 1.245-79 11/20 11/16/2020 170287 17896 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC. 68392 Planter Areas 008.4415.020.015 4.313.01 4,313.01 11/20 11/16/2020 170287 17896 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 68392 Trash Pickup 008.4415.020.019 1.271.56 1,271.56 11/20 11/16/2020 170287 17896 NIEVES LANDSCAPE !NC. 68392 Walker House 003.4410.023.000 1.567.12 1,567.12 11/20 11/16/2020 170287 17896 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC. 68392 Park and Ride 072.4125.453.002 408.96 408.96 11/20 11/16/2020 170287 17896 NIEVES LANDSCAPE !NC 68392 Bus Stops 072.4125.455.000 120.28 120.28 11120 11/16/2020 170287 17896 NIEVES LANDSCAPE !NC 68392 Boulevard 075.4440.020.000 326.48 326.48 11/20 11/16/2020 170287 17896 NIEVES LANDSCAPE !NC. 68392 Northwoods 075.4443.020.000 1,451.98 1,451.98 11/20 11/16/2020 170287 17896 NIEVES LANDSCAPE !NC. 68392. S.D.GOLF COURSE MAINT.SVC 053.4410.023.001 310.00 310.00 1 i/20 11/16/2020 170287 17896 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC. 68454 CLEAN-UP S.D.CYN RO 008.4415.020.002 608.00 608.00

Total 170287: 40,145.42

170288 11/20 11/16/2020 170288 10885 OFFICE SOLUTIONS 1-01805182 OFFICE SUPPLIES 001.4190.030.000 5.68 5.68

Total 170288· 5.68

170289 11/20 11/16/2020 170289 18874 OLIVAS, RICARDO 11/16/20 REFUND/POORA!R QUALITY 001.368.011 15.00 15.00

Total 170289: 15.00

170290 11/20 11/16/2020 170290 18023 OPTEC DISPLAYS INC. INV2020-024 DATA PLAN RENEWAL 5TH YR 001.4430.015.000 195.00 195.00

Total 170290 195.00

170291 11/20 11/16/2020 "170291 18092 ORTIZ TRACTOR SERVICE 506 REMOVE EXISTING DECOMPOSED GRANITE, PRE 012.4410.929.003 75,000.00 75,000.00

Total 170291 75,000.00

170292 11/20 11/1612020 170292 10398 PARADISE EMBRO!DERY & SC 26883 HALLOWEEN SPOOKKATCULAR VIRTUAL RUN 001.4420.034.010 1,790.33 1,790.33

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GL Check Check Vendor Invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

Total 170292: 1.790_33

170293 11/20 11/16/2020 170293 11050 PARS 46565 PARS ARA FEES 001 A190.200.003 450.46 450.46

Total 170293: 450.46

170294 11/20 11/16/2020 170294 12381 PHOENIX GROUP !NFORMATlO 0920201188 SEPT'20 ADMIN. CITATIONS 001.4309.020.000 307-61 307-61

Total 170294: 307.61

170295 11/20 11/16/2020 170295 11151 POOL & ELECTRICAL PRODUC 07528251 TABS BUCKET 001.4410.033-000 93.06 93.06

Total 170295: 93_06

170296 11/20 11/16/2020 170296 18880 PREMIER SIGNS 12896 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE SIGN 001.4308.033.001 575_00 575.00

Total 170296: 575.00

170297 11/20 11/16/2020 170297 12288 PRINT CONNECTION 18521 FACE MASKS 001.4420.034.010 1.068.01 1,068_01 11/20 11/16/2020 170297 12288 PRINT CONNECTION 18540 FIELD CREW SHIRTS 001.4420_033_000 76-54 76-54

Total 170297: 1J44_55

170298 25_13 11/20 11/16/2020 170298 15632 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPL 11/16/2020 23056147 001.4430.019.000 25.13 11/20 11/16/2020 170298 15632 PRUDENTIAL OVERALLSUPPL 11/16/2020 23059062 001.4430.019.000 25.13 25_13 25.13 11/20 11/16/2020 170298 15632 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPL 11/16/2020 23062200 001.4430.019_000 25.13 25.13 25.13 11/20 11/16/2020 170298 15632 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPL 11/16/2020 23065446 001.4430.019.000

100.52 Total 170298:

170299 128.33 128.33 11/20 11/"16/2020 170299 12433 RIGHT OF WAY !NC. 51204 PARK CLOSED SIGNS 022.4410.603.001

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GL Check Check Vendor Invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

11/20 11/16/2020 170299 12433 RlGHTOFWAYINC. 51271 CONE SIGN 001.4341.033.000 374.91 374.91 1!/20 11/16/2020 170299 12433 RIGHT OF WAY !NC. 51277 UGHTTOWER RENTAL 001.4420.034.010 500.00 500.00 11/20 11/16/2020 170299 12433 RIGHT OF WAY !NC. 51306 WATER FILLED RAIL RENTAL 001.4420.034.010 1,380.00 1,380.00

Total 170299: 2,383.24

170300 11/20 11/1612020 170300 12504 RJM OES!GN GROUP INC 33881 JUNE'20 303 N. SAN DIMAS AVE 110.211.869 195.75 195.75

Total 170300: 195.75

170301 11/20 11/16/2020 170301 15792 RKA CONSULTING GROUP 30424 SEPT'20 CITY ENG!NEER!NG SVCS/ SAN DIMAS 001.4308.020.002 2.382.75 2,382.75 11/20 11/16/2020 170301 15792 RKA CONSULTING GROUP 30426 SEPT'20 CITY ENGINEERING SVCS/ SAN DIMAS 110.211.869 702.00 702.00 11/20 11/16/2020 170301 15792 RKA CONSULTING GROUP 30437 SEPT'20 ON-CALL BUILDING PLAN CK SVCS 001.4311.020.001 982.50 982.50 i 1/20 11/16/2020 170301 15792 RKA CONSULTING GROUP 30478 SEPT.20 SOUTH 40 TRAIL 110.211.871 135.00 135.00

Total 170301: 4,202.25

170302 11/20 11/16/2020 1703D2 10122 RM REMODELING AND DEVELO 670 801W.COVINA#109 034.4802.851.040 2,375.00 2,375.00

Total 170302: 2,375.00

170303 11/20 11/16/2020 170303 18875 ROPER, MELISSA 11/16/20 REFUND/CUSTOMER WITHDREW 001.367 .010 10.00 10.00

Total 170303: 10.00

170304 11/20 11/16/2020 170304 11144 ROSS,TED 11/16/2020 ROSS MTG 10/15/2020 001.4309.021.001 50.00 50.00

Total 170304· 50.00

170305 11/20 11/16/2020 170305 18866 SAN DIMAS MMA LLC 11/16/2020 REFUND, DOUBLE BUS.LIC.PYMT 001.315.001 208.85 208.85 1 11/20 11/16/2020 170305 18866 SAN DIMAS MMA LLC 11/16/2020 REFUND, DOUBLE BUS.UC PYMT 10.214.725 4.00 4.00

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GL Check Check Vendor Invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check Period !ssue Date Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

Total 170305: 212.85

170306 11/20 11/16/2020 170306 12402 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC 31754277 SHOCKWAVE GRANULAR 001.4430.023.000 167.73 167.73

Total170306: 167-73

170307 11/20 11/16/2020 170307 10538 SCRRA 11/16/20 PLANREVIEW, ADMIN FEES & CONTINGENCY 073.4841,667.001 6,500.00 6,500.00

Total 170307: 6,500.00

170308 11/20 11/16/2020 170308 10601 SEALMASTER OF SOUTHERN 31575 LIQUID ROAD 001.4342.033.000 632.36 632.36 11/20 11/1612020 170308 10601 SEALMASTER OF SOUTHERN 31679 LIQUID ROAD 001.4341.033.000 574.88 574.88

Total 170308: 1,207.24

170309 11/20 11116/2020 170309 18876 SHERRY, HARRIET 11/16/20 REFUND/POOR AIR QUALITY 001.368.011 15.00 15.00

Total 170309: 15.00

170310 11/20 11/16/2020 170310 16292 SMART & FINAL 032564 SR.CENTER HALLOWEEN SUPPLIES 001.4412.013.003 108.39 108.39

Total "170310: 108.39

170311 11/20 11/16/2020 170311 16314 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON CO 11/16/20 2-31-209-6886 007.4345.022.001 82.89 82.89 11/20 11/16/2020 170311 16314 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON CO 11/16/2020 2-36-182-2067 007.4345.022.001 15.71 15.71 11/20 11/16/2020 170311 16314 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON CO 11/16/2020 2-03-702-9469 001.4342.022.001 1,665,01 1,665.01 11/20 11/16/2020 170311 16314 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON CO 11/16/2020 2-09-985-6338 007.4345.022.001 2,952.19 2,952.19 714.77 11/20 11/16/2020 170311 16314 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON CO 11/16/2020 2-09-990-3478 008.4414.022.001 714.77 12.80 12.80 11/20 11/16/2020 170311 16314 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON CO 11/16/2020 2-38-527-1598 008.4415.022.001 12.51 11/20 11/16/2020 170311 16314 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON CO 11/16/2020 2-12-253-3763 008.4415.022.001 12.51 "13.32 11/20 11/16/2020 170311 16314 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON CO 11/16/2020 2-09-990-4781 001.4415.022.001 13.32 13.32 11/20 11/16/2020 170311 16314 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON CO 11/16/2020 2-09-990-4781 075.4440.022.001 13.32

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GL Check Check Vendor Invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

11/20 11/16/2020 170311 16314 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON CO 11/16/2020 2-09-990---4781 001.4415.022.001 12.29 12.29 11/20 11/16/2020 170311 16314 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON CO 11/16/2020 2-09-990---4781 075.4443.022.001 13.35 13.35 11/20 11/16/2020 170311 16314 SOUTHERN CALIF ED!SON CO 11/16/2020 2-09-990---4781 075.4443.022.001 13.48 13.48 11/20 11/16/2020 170311 1£314 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON CO 11/16/2020 2...09-990---4781 075.4443.022.001 13-32 13.32 11/20 11/16/2020 170311 16314 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON CO 11/16/2020 2-09--990---4781 001.4415.022.001 13.48 13.48 11/20 11/16/2020 170311 16314 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON CO 11/16/2020 2-18-769-0995 008.4414.022.001 1.036.80 1,036.80 11/20 11/16/2020 170311 16314 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON CO 11116/2020 2-18-370-8817 072.4125.453.002 546.81 546.81 11/20 11/16/2020 170311 16314 SOUTHERN CAUF EDISON CO 11/16/2020 2-09-989-8306 001.4415.022.001 274.86 274.86 11/20 11/16/2020 170311 16314 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON CO 11/16/2020 2--09-989-8306 008.4415.022.001 493.87 493.87 11/20 11/16/2020 170311 16314 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON CO 11/16/2020 2-30-875-2146 003.4410.022.001 367.86 367.86

Total 170311: 8,268.64

170312 11120 11/16/2020 170312 18840 THOMPSON, ROSS 11/16/20 REFUND/POOR A1R QUALITY 001.368.011 15.00 15.00

Total 170312: 15.00

170313 11/20 11/16/2020 170313 11431 TIFCO !NDUSTRIES, INC. 71596149 TAMPERPROOF INSERT DRIVE BIT 001.4342.033.000 102.12 102.12

Total 170313: 102.12

170314 11/20 11/1612020 170314 18878 TORCHIA, CLAIRE 11/16/20 REFUND/POOR AIR QUALITY 001.368.011 15.00 15.00

Total 170314: 15.00

170315 11120 11/16/2020 170315 18877 TRUJILLO, PAULINA 11/16/20 REFUND/POOR AIR QUALITY 001.368.011 15.00 15.00

Total 170315: 15.00

170316 11/20 11/16/2020 170316 11016 TURF STAR 3303221-00 Toro Dingo TX 1000 with TX1000 High Volume Bucket. 070.4314.039.054 58,884.10 58,884.10 11/20 11/16/2020 170316 11016 TURF STAR 3304047-00 STANDARD BUCKET 070.4314.039.054 842.05 842.05

Total 170316: 59,726.15

M = Manual Check. V = Void Check

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Gl Check Check Vendor Invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check Period lssueDate Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

170317 11/20 11/16/2020 "170317 "10944 ULJNE 1NC. 125459676 OPEN TOP PLASTIC DRUM. GOGGLES 001 .4341 _033.000 873-26 873-26

Total 170317: 873-26

170318 1 i/20 11/16/2020 170318 17613 UN!F!RST CORPORATION 3251591741 UNIFORMS 001.4311.029.000 21.74 21.74 11/20 11/16/2020 170318 17613 UN!F!RST CORPORATION 325 1594116 UNIFORMS 001.4311 _029.000 21.01 21.01 11/20 11/16/2020 170318 17613 UN!F!RST CORPORATION 3251596513 UNIFORMS 001.4410.029.000 6.12 6.12 11/20 11/16/2020 170318 17613 UNIF!RST CORPORATION 325 1596513 UNIFORMS 001.4415.029.000 71.15 71-15 11/20 11/16/2020 170318 17613 UN!FJRST CORPORATION 325 1596517 UNIFORMS 001.4341.029.000 88.95 88.95 11/20 11/16/2020 170318 17613 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 3251598869 UNIFORMS 001.4410.029.000 6.12 6.12 11/20 11'16/2020 170318 17613 UNIFIRST CORPOAAT!ON 325 1598869 UNIFORMS 001.4414.029.000 67.30 67.30 11/20 11/16/2020 170318 17613 UNIFIRST CORPORATION 325 1598873 UNIFORMS 001.4341.029.000 88.95 88.95

Total 170318: 371.34

170319 11/20 11/16/2020 170319 11193 UN!TED RENTALS BRANCH 509 187340072-0 BALLOON LIGHTS & GENERATOR 001.4420.034.0iO 1,789.05 1,789.05

Total 170319: 1.789.05

170320 11/20 11/16/2020 170320 11230 VISTAWINDOW MFG, INC. 4387 801 W. COVINA# 32 040.4112.820.821 6,823.71 6,823.71

Total 170320: 6,823.71

170321 11/20 11/16/2020 170321 10860 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECT S116704648- WIRE MARKER BOOK 001.4341.033.000 37.82 37.82

Total 170321: 37.82

170322 11/20 11/16/2020 170322 16322 WASTE MANAGEMENT 11/16/20 92644-25005 008.4414.022.004 90.96 90.96

Total 170322: 90.96

170323 11/20 11/16/2020 170323 10242 WATERLINE TECHNOLOGIES 1N 5509340 HYPOCHLORITE SOLUTIONS 001.4430.023_000 290.74 290_74

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GL Check Check Vendor Invoice Description Invoice Invoice Check Period Issue Date Number Number Payee Number GLAccount Amount Amount

11/20 11/16/2020 170323 10242 WATERLINE TECHNOLOGIES IN 5511135 HYPOCHLORITE SOLUT!ONS 001.4430.023.000 585.43 585.43

Total170323: 876.17

170324 11/20 11/16/2020 170324 10319 WESTERN ENVIRONMENTAL S 27844 CLEAN WASH RACK P!T 001.4341.028.000 600.00 600.00

Total 170324: 600.00

170325 11/20 11/16/2020 170325 17425 XEROX CORPORATION 702433631 6204CP COPIER W/OUT SRVR 001.4190.015.000 43.00 43.00

Total 170325: 43.00

170326 11/20 11/16/2020 170326 12267 ZAILO, ROBERT W 11/16/2020 INSTR. TAI CHI OCT 2020 001.4420.020.000 97.92 97.92

Total 170326· 97.92

Grand Totals: 784,257.87

Summary by General Ledger Account Number

GLAccount Debit Credit Proof

001.210.001 .00 82,986.80- 82,986.80- 001.214.020 17.20 .00 17.20 001.315.001 208.85 .00 208.85 001.367.001 185.00 00 185.00 001.367.010 10,00 .00 10.00 001.368.011 135.00 .00 135.00 001.4150.435.000 261.25 .00 261.25 001.4170.020.000 14,316.00 00 14,316.00 001.4170.020.003 721.90 00 721.90 001.4190.015.000 43.00 .00 43.00 001.4190.017.000 63.80 .00 63.80 001.4190.020.007 4,065.19 .00 4,065.19

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GLAccount Deblt Credit Proof

001.4190_030_000 5.68 00 5.68 001.4190_200.003 450.46 00 450.46 001.4190-200_022 261.68 00 261.68 001.4210.411 .001 315.00 00 315.00 001.4210.428.000 400_00 .00 400_00 001.4212.033.000 3,906.44 .00 3,906_44 001.4308.016.000 285.00 .00 285_00 001.4308.020.002 2,382-75 .00 2,382.75 001.4308.033.001 679.04 .00 679-04 001.4309.020.000 307.61 .00 307-61 001.4309.021.001 250.00 .00 250.00 001.4311.016.000 57_00 .00 57_00 001.4311.020.001 982.50 00 982.50 001.4311.029.000 42-75 .00 42.75 001 .4341 _020_005 1,622.00 00 1,622.00 001 .4341 _028-000 600.00 00 600.00 001.4341.029.000 177.90 .00 177_90 001.4341.033.000 3.410.96 .00 3,410.96 001.4342.011.000 119.82 .00 119.82 001.4342.020.001 270_00 00 270.00 001.4342.020_003 2,060.26 00 2,060.26 001.4342.020_010 75.00 00 75.00 001.4342.022.001 1,665_01 .OD 1,665.01 001.4342.033.000 734.48 .OD 734.48 001.4342.041 .011 640_68 .00 640_68 001.4410.023.000 14,273.79 .00 14,273_79 001.4410.029.000 237.15 00 237.15 001.4410.033.000 119.23 .00 119.23 001.4411_015_000 150.00 .00 150_00 001.4411.023_000 416.67 00 416_67 001.4411.033.000 98.54 00 98.54 001.4412.013.003 108.39 .00 108.39 001_4412.023.000 266_67 .00 266.67 001_4414.020.004 3,247.65 .00 3,247.65 001.4414_020_006 145.00 .00 145.00 001.4414.029.000 67.30 00 67_30 001 .4414.033.000 43.90 00 43_90 001.4415.020.002 7,405.98 00 7,405_98 001.4415_022_001 313_95 .00 313.95 001.4415.022.004 1,231.66 .00 1,231_66

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GLAccount Debit Credit Proof

001.4415.029.000 71-15 .00 71.15 001 .4420.020.000 1,612.72 .00 1,612.72 001.4420.033_000 76.54 .DO 76.54 001.4420.034_003 280.80 .DO 280.80 OOi.4420.034.0iO 6,781.54 .DO 6,781.54 001.4430.015.000 195.00 .DO 195.00 001.4430.019.000 100.52 .00 100.52 001.4430.020.000 1,742.50 00 1,742.50 001 .4430.022.002 817.80 00 817.80 001.4430.023.000 1.443.14 .00 1,443.14 003-210.001 .00 2,160.39- 2,160.39- 003.4410.015.000 175.00 .00 175.00 003.4410.022.001 367.86 .00 367.86 003.4410.023.000 1,567.12 .00 1,567.12 003.4410.031.000 50.41 00 50.41 007-210.001 16,979.20 342.866.86- 325.837.66- 007.210.006 .00 16.979.20- 16,979.20- 007.4345.020_002 183.96 00 183.96 007.4345.022.001 3,098.90 00 3,098.90 007.4345.660.001 339,584.00 00 339,584.00 008.210.001 .00 50,697.65- 50,697.65- 008_4414.020.001 12,694.19 00 12,694_19 008.4414.020.011 3,773.98 00 3,773.98 008.4414.022.001 1.751.57 .00 1,751.57 008.4414.022.004 22,393.64 00 22,393.64 008.4415.020_002 2,008.44 00 2,008.44 008.4415.020.005 1,245.79 .00 1,245.79 008.4415.020.015 4,313.01 00 4,313.01 008.4415.020.019 1,271.56 .00 1,271.56 008.4415.022.001 519.18 .00 519.18 008.4415.022.004 225.86 .00 225.86 008.4415.033_000 500.43 00 500.43 012.210.001 6,440.84 211,013.60- 204,572.76- 012-210.006 .00 6,440.84- 6,440.84- 012.4410.929-003 75,000.00 .00 75,000.00 012.4841.650.010 136,013.60 .00 136,013.60 021.210.001 .00 23,381.53- 23,381.53- 021.4410.605.002 81.53 00 81.53 021.44"10.928.000 23,300.00 .00 23,300.00 022.210.001 00 436.43- 436.43-

M = !'vlanua! Check. V = Void Check

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GLAccount Debit Credit Pruof

022.4410.603.001 436.43 .00 436.43 034.210.001 .00 7,150.00- 7,150.00- 034.4120.020.000 100.00 00 100_00 034.4802.033_001 175.00 00 175.00 034.4802.851.040 2.375.00 .00 2,375.00 034.4802.851.502 4,500.00 .00 4,500.00 038.210.001 .00 2,232.00- 2,232.00- 038.4120.020.502 2,232.00 .DD 2,232.00 040.210.001 .00 11, 188.71- 11,168.71- 040.4112.819.000 2.900.00 .DD 2,900.00 040.4112.820.821 8,288.71 .DD 8,288.71 053.210.001 00 581.42- 581.42- 053.4410.022.002 271.42 .DD 271.42 053.4410.023.001 310.00 .DD 310.00 070.210.001 OD 59,726.15- 59,726.15- 070.4314.039.054 59,726.15 00 59,726.15 072.210.001 .DD 1,076.05- 1,076.05- 072.4125.453.002 955.77 .00 955_77 072.4125.455.000 120.28 .00 120.28 073.210.001 .OD 6,500.00- 6.500.00- 073.4841.667.001 6,500.00 .00 6,500.00 075-210_001 .00 4,643.57- 4,643.57- 075.4440.020.000 326.48 .DD 326.48 075.4440.022.001 13.32 .DD 13.32 075.4440.022.004 519.49 DD 519.49 075.4443.020.000 1,451.98 .DD 1,451.98 075.4443.022.001 40.15 .DD 40.15 075.4443.022.0D4 2,292.15 .DO 2,292.15 110_210_001 .DD 1,036.75- 1,036.75- 110.211.869 897.75 .DD 897-75 110.211.871 135.00 .DD 135.00 110.214.725 4.00 00 4.00

Grand Totals 831,097.95 831,097.95- 00

M = Manual Check. V = Void Check

Item 3 A Page 32 Cityof San Dimas Check Register - WARRANT CHECKS (NO MANUAL) Page: 20 Check Issue Dates: 11/16/2020 - 11/16/2020 Nov 04, 2020 02:26PM

Dated: ______

Mayor· ______

City CouncH: ______

City Recorder: ______

Report Criteria• Report type: GL detail CheckType = {-<>} "Adjustment" Check_Type = {NOT UKE} "Manual" CheckType = {NOT UKE} 'Void"

M = Manual Check. V = Void Check

Item 3 A Page 33 Agenda Item Staff Report

To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council For the meeting of November 10th, 2020

From: Brad McKinney, Interim City Manager

Initiated by: Michael O’Brien, Administrative Services Manager

Subject: Resolution to amend the Pay Plan and Reimbursement Schedule for City Employees to reflect increases to the employee cafeteria allowance, deferred compensation match, and certain minimum wage hourly pay rates. ______

SUMMARY Adoption of a Resolution amending the employee pay plan to reflect increases to the cafeteria plan allowance, deferred compensation match, and certain minimum wage hourly pay rates.


As part of an annual review of the cost of living the City Manager meets with the San Dimas Employees Association (SDEA) to discuss salary and benefits provided to employees. Offering a competitive benefit package assists the City in retaining and attracting the best possible employees for our organization.

Due to the financial uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, there were no salary or benefit changes included in the 2020-21 fiscal year budget. The SDEA worked with the Interim City Manager on a benefit package that would help increase the employee’s cafeteria plan offering in order to supplement the rising costs of the City health insurance plan offerings and to also encourage and assist employees to build upon their long-term financial resources by increasing the employee deferred compensation match program contribution.

Along with the labor negotiated adjustments, effective January 1, 2021 the minimum wage in Los Angeles County will increase from $13.00 an hour to $14.00 an hour. The City established a plan that phased in the annual minimum wage increases and avoided salary impaction issues amongst the various part time positions, which the City has implemented since January of 2018.

Item 3B Page 1


The recommended contribution increases of $50 a month to the cafeteria plan would practically mirror the average increases across the various single coverage health insurance plans. The cafeteria total coverage amount would increase to $1,545 a month. The cafeteria plan is primarily used by the employees to supplement the costs for health, dental, and vision plans.

The majority of dependent and family plans require additional contributions from the employee’s salary to cover the expense of the plan. The City deducts the necessary funding for the employee’s premiums a month ahead so the deductions for health premiums will begin with the pay period starting November 15th, 2020, which means the cafeteria plan increase should begin at the same time in order to help supplement the cost of the increased premiums.

Staff also recommends increasing the deferred compensation match by $50 a month for a total of $250.00 per month beginning in the same November 15, 2020 payroll period.

In total the additional costs for the cafeteria and deferred compensation plans will require a total budget amendment of $70,000, which if approved by the City Council will be funded using general fund reserves.

In addition, the part time hourly rates for the lowest paid position, which is currently the Building Maintenance Aide, will have its Step A rate increase to the minimum $14.00 an hour rate and the other hourly step and position grades would increase per the established rate plan avoiding an impaction issue.

The hourly increases scheduled to begin with the pay period that includes January 1, 2021 were anticipated in the adopted 2020-21 fiscal year budget and will not require any additional budget allocations for the current fiscal year.


Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution 2020-61, Amending Pay Plan Resolution 2020-44 establishing the Pay Plan with an effective date of December 27, 2020 for the increase to the hourly pay rates and an effective date of November 15, 2020 for the cafeteria and deferred compensation match plan.

Staff further recommends the following budget amendments to increase account number 001.4190.200.002 (Health Insurance & Optional Benefits) from $1,440,000 to $1,475,000 and account number 001.4190.200.019 (Deferred Comp. Match Program) from $150,000 to $185,000.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael O’Brien, Administrative Services Manager

Attachments: Attachment A - Resolution 2020-61

Item 3B Page 2



WHEREAS, the “Elected Officials Classification” is hereby included on the salary schedule to ensure reported payrates are set forth in publicly available pay schedules and meet the definition of payrate under Government Code Sections 20626 and 7522.34 and corresponding regulations under California Code or Regulations Sections 570.5 and 571.1.

NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Dimas does hereby resolve as follows:

SECTION 1. Effective December 27, 2020, Resolution 2020-44 shall be amended, and the following salary plan shall supersede all previous plans, to read as follows:


City Mayor 30 830 City Councilmember 29 620


SALARY Executive Staff City Manager 110 18,333 Interim City Manager 108 18,000 Assistant C. M./Director of Admin. Serv./Treasurer 100 12,150-14,769 Director of Community Development 97 11,283-13,714 Director of Parks & Recreation 97 11,283-13,714 Director of Public Works 97 11,283-13,714

Administrative Services Administrative Services Manager 89 9,192-11,173 City Clerk 81 7,589-9,225 IS Administrator 80 7,404-8,968 Accounting Supervisor 71 5,966-7,220 Senior Code Compliance Officer 69 4,768-5,772 Senior Accounting Technician 65 5,176-6,259 Human Resource Specialist 63 4,940-5,966 Assistant City Clerk 61 4,719-5,736 Accounting Technician 57 4,282-5,176

Resolution 2020-61 Page 1 Resolution 2020-61 Page 2 Salary Resolution November 10th, 2020

Development Services Planning Manager 89 9,192-11,173 Building & Safety Manager 89 9,192-11,173 Senior Planner 80 7,404-8,968 Senior Building Inspector 79 7,220-8,752 Building Inspector/Plans Examiner 75 6,587-8,007 Associate Planner 73 6,269-7,620 Building Inspector, I 71 5,966-7,220 Assistant Planner 67 5,441-6,613 Code Compliance Officer 63 4,940-5,966 Building Permit Technician II 63 4,940-5,966 Building Permit Technician 59 4,494-5,431

Public Works Engineering Manager 89 9,192-11,173 Public Works Maintenance Superintendent 83 7,965-9,681 Associate Engineer 80 7,404-8,968 Public Works Inspector 71 5,966-7,220 Public Works Maintenance Supervisor 71 5,966-7,220 Assistant Engineer 74 6,427-7,811 Environmental Services Coordinator 64 5,064-6,155 Public Works Lead Worker 61 4,719-5,736 Equipment Operator 59 4,494-5,431 Equipment Mechanic 58 4,389-5,307 Street Maintenance Worker II 59 4,494-5,431 Street Maintenance Worker I 55 4,086-4,940

Parks and Recreation Recreation Manager 85 8,368-10,171 Facilities Manager 85 8,368-10,171 Landscape Maintenance Manager 83 7,965-9,681 Municipal Arborist 71 5,966-7,220 Facilities Maintenance Supervisor 71 5,966-7,220 Landscape Maintenance Supervisor 71 5,966-7,220 Recreation Supervisor 71 5,966-7,220 Recreation Coordinator 63 4,940-5,966 Facilities Maintenance Worker II 59 4,494-5,431 Facilities Maintenance Worker I 55 4,086-4,940 Landscape Maintenance Worker II 59 4,494-5,431 Landscape Maintenance Worker I 55 4,086-4,940

Interdepartmental Senior Administrative Analyst 75 6,587-8,007 Administrative Analyst 67 5,441-6,613

Resolution 2020-61 Page 2 Resolution 2020-61 Page 3 Salary Resolution November 10th, 2020 Administrative Aide 63 4,940-5,966 Office Coordinator 57 4,282-5,176 Administrative Secretary 57 4,282-5,176 Departmental Assistant 52 3,836-4,663 Senior Office Assistant 46 3,308-3,993 Office Assistant 44 3,165-3,811


Administration Services Administrative Aide – PIO 155 26.81-32.65 Senior Office Assistant - PT 144 20.79-25.31 Administrative Intern 142 19.78-24.09

Parks and Recreation Administrative Analyst - PT 158 29.31-35.69 Fitness Instructor 154 26.14-31.85 Administrative Aide - PT 155 26.81-32.65 Pool Maintenance Operator 152 25.33-30.84 Supervising Lifeguard 146 21.84-26.59 Recreation Intern 142 19.78-24.09 Shooting Stars Director 142 19.78-24.09 Senior Lifeguard/Instructor 139 18.37-22.37 Recreation Specialist 135 16.64-20.27 Swim Instructor 135 16.64-20.27 Lifeguard 133 15.84-19.29 Senior Recreation Leader 133 15.84-19.29 Cashier 131 14.71-17.91 Recreation Leader 129 14.35-17.48 Building Maintenance Aide 128 14.00-17.05

Development Services Parking Enforcement Officer II 155 26.81-32.65 Parking Enforcement Officer 152 25.33-30.84 Planning Intern 142 19.78-24.09 Housing Intern 142 19.78-24.09

Public Works Engineering Intern 142 19.78-24.09

Resolution 2020-61 Page 3 Resolution 2020-61 Page 4 Salary Resolution November 10th, 2020


Full Time Classification employees with five (5) years or more of continuous service with the City of San Dimas are eligible to receive Longevity/Service Incentive Pay as follows:

a. 5 Years of Service with the City of San Dimas Full Time Classification employees having attained five (5) years of continuous service with the City of San Dimas will receive an amount equal to two-point five (2.5) percent of the employee’s annual salary on a bi-weekly basis.

b. 10 Years of Service with the City of San Dimas Full Time Classification employees having attained five (10) years of continuous service with the City of San Dimas will receive an amount equal to five (5) percent of the employee’s annual salary on a bi-weekly basis.

c. 15 Years of Service with the City of San Dimas Full Time Classification employees having attained fifteen (15) years of continuous service with the City of San Dimas will receive an amount equal to seven-point five (7.5) percent of the employee’s annual salary on a bi-weekly basis.

d. 20 Years of Service with the City of San Dimas Full Time Classification employees having attained twenty (20) years of continuous service with the City of San Dimas will receive an amount equal to ten (10) percent of the employee’s annual salary on a bi-weekly basis.

SECTION 3. HEALTH INSURANCE AND OPTIONAL BENEFITS PLAN Every eligible full-time or regular part time employee who receives City benefits must be covered by a health insurance plan approved by the City. The City will contribute $100 per month, as of July 1, 1996, per eligible employee for the approved health care plan of the employee’s choice. Effective with the pay period that begins November 15, 2020 the City shall contribute an additional $1,445 (one thousand four hundred and forty five) per month per eligible full-time employee and $673 (six hundred and seventy three) per month per eligible regular part time employee, to an Optional Benefit Plan which the employee may receive as cash or may elect to use for medical, dental, vision insurance, or other such benefits as may be approved by the City Manager, as of September 24, 2019. To qualify to waive medical coverage with the City of San Dimas, the employee must show proof of coverage in a group health plan such as with a spouse’s employer. Proof of other group coverage must be submitted each year at open enrollment. This plan is maintained for the exclusive benefit of employees and their dependents and is established with the intention of being maintained for an indefinite period of time.

Resolution 2020-61 Page 4 Resolution 2020-61 Page 5 Salary Resolution November 10th, 2020

SECTION 4. LIFE INSURANCE AND LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE The City shall provide, at no cost to the employee, term life insurance in the amount of $25,000 to all full-time employees and eligible regular part-time employees.

Additionally, in lieu of the employees participating in the State Disability Insurance Program, the City shall provide long-term disability insurance for all full-time and eligible regular part-time employees, which benefits are equal to or exceed those provided under State Disability Insurance.

These insurance plans are maintained for the exclusive benefit of full-time and eligible regular part-time employees, and are established with the intention of being maintained for an indefinite period of time. The specific terms and conditions of said insurance plans should be determined and approved by the City Manager.

SECTION 5. DEFERRED COMPENSATION To encourage employees to participate in the optional deferred compensation program offered by the City, the City shall provide a matching contribution up to a maximum amount. Effective November 15, 2020, for full time employees, the City shall increase the match of the employee’s contribution on a dollar for dollar basis from a maximum of $200.00 (two hundred) to a maximum of $250.00 (two hundred and fifty dollars) per month. Effective November 15, 2020, for regular part time employees, the City shall increase the match of the employee’s contribution on a dollar for dollar basis from a maximum of $100.00 (one hundred) to a maximum of $125.00 (one hundred and twenty-five dollars) per month. The deferred compensation matching program is maintained for the exclusive benefit of full time and regular part time employees and is established with the intention of being maintained for an indefinite period of time. The specific terms and conditions of the program shall be determined and approved by the City Manager.

SECTION 6. ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE Administrative Leave shall be granted to certain management personnel that are exempt from overtime compensation under Fair Labor Standards Act guidelines. The specific terms and conditions of the program shall be determined and approved by the City Manager.

Resolution 2020-61 Page 5 Resolution 2020-61 Page 6 Salary Resolution November 10th, 2020

SECTION 7. CAR ALLOWANCES The following positions shall receive a monthly allowance for car expenses:

Title Monthly Allowance City Manager $400.00 Assistant City Manager/Dir Administrative Services $300.00 Director of Parks & Recreation $300.00 Director of Public Works $300.00 Building & Safety Manager $300.00 Recreation Manager $250.00 Engineering Manager $250.00 Associate Engineer $250.00 Facilities Manager $250.00 Planning Manager $250.00 Senior Planner $250.00 Associate Planner $250.00 Assistant Planner $250.00 Recreation Supervisor $250.00 Senior Administrative Analyst $250.00 Associate Planner - Part Time $125.00

SECTION 8. CELL PHONE/DATA ALLOWANCES The following positions shall be eligible to receive a monthly allowance for personal cell phone expenses and data charges as listed pursuant to the provisions of the City Cell Phone Policy:

Title Cell Phone – Data Charges City Manager $40.00 $45.00 Assistant City Manager/Dir Administrative Services $40.00 $45.00 Director of Parks & Recreation $40.00 $45.00 Director of Public Works $40.00 $45.00 Information Systems Administrator $40.00 $45.00 Building & Safety Manager $30.00 N/A Recreation Manager $30.00 N/A Engineering Manager $30.00 N/A Facilities Manager $30.00 N/A Senior Planner $30.00 N/A Recreation Supervisor $30.00 N/A Recreation Coordinator $30.00 N/A Planning Manager $30.00 N/A

Resolution 2020-61 Page 6 Resolution 2020-61 Page 7 Salary Resolution November 10th, 2020

SECTION 9. NOTARY PUBLIC PAY The City has needs of the service of a certified Notary Public to notarize City documents. An employee who has been designated by the City Manager to utilize their Notary Public Commission for this purpose shall receive a monthly stipend of $75.00 per month.

SECTION 10. PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM In August 1999 the City amended the PERS contract to the 2% @ 55 formula with the provision that if the Employer’s rate is re-instated at some future time the employees would contribute a portion of their gross salary towards the cost of the enhanced retirement plan. On July 24, 2012, the City Council took action to further increase the employee’s contribution over three consecutive years, beginning August 14, 2012. On June 11, 2013 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2013-38 deferring further increases in employee contributions to June 22, 2014. Therefore, employee contributions rates shall be as follows:

• As of June 22, 2014, employees contribute the full 7% employee portion for PERS contribution.

In September 2012 the Governor signed into law AB340 which among other things created a new PERS pension formula for all new employees hired after January 1, 2013. New employees are enrolled in the 2% at 62 formula. New employees are all responsible for paying 50% of the “normal cost” of the plan as annually calculated by PERS.

PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of November, 2020.

______Emmett G. Badar, Mayor


______Debra Black, City Clerk

I, Debra Black, City Clerk, hereby certify that Resolution 2020-61 was adopted by the City Council of San Dimas at its regular meeting of November 10th, 2020 by the following vote:

AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ______Debra Black, City Clerk

Resolution 2020-61 Page 7 Agenda Item Staff Report

To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council For the meeting of November 10, 2020

From: Brad McKinney, Interim City Manager

Initiated by: Michael O’Brien, Administrative Services Manager

Subject: Approval of Closure of City Hall, and Recreation and Senior Centers, on December 28th, 29th, and 30th, 2020. Introduction of Ordinance to Authorize City Council to Close City Facilities by Resolution when Necessary or Appropriate on Non-Holiday Dates ______

SUMMARY Approve Resolution 2020-60 authorizing the closure of City Hall, Recreation and Senior Centers and certain field operations on December 28th, 29th, and 30th, 2020; and introduce Ordinance 1282 to amend San Dimas Municipal Code 2.12.010 Section E to clarify the City Council’s authority to close City facilities by resolution on non- holiday dates.


The City observes twelve holidays each year, including Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. Due to how these holidays fall on the calendar this year, City facilities would be open for only three days during the time period from December 24th – January 1st. In past years, the days between December 25th and January 1st saw little to no activity from the public as many operations get put on hold until the holiday season is complete and ramp back up starting January 2nd.

Due to the typical reduction in business activity that takes place during this time of year and the extremely difficult year everyone has experienced, the unusual and unparalleled times we are in, staff’s efforts this year to ensure City services remained accessible to the public to the extent possible, being present at City facilities, creating innovative activities for the community, the changes within City Hall staffing, and the additional workload placed on staff while open position

Item 3C Page 1 recruitments were delayed until the City’s financial situation became clearer, Staff has verbalized a desire to have additional time to spend with their families during the holiday season. Staff has requested the closures of City facilities and certain field operations, aside from emergency work, on December 28th, 29th, and 30th, 2020.


The requested one-time closure dates of December 28th – 30th 2020, would require the use of accumulated employee personal leave. The use of leave time assists the City by reducing the compensated absences liability balance that the City records on its books each fiscal year.

Along with the benefit of the compensated absences liability, it is believed that the extended time off would be very beneficial and appreciated by the employees after a difficult year that included multiple employee retirements and turnover.

This concept of closing during the dates between Christmas and New Year’s is not unique as many cities in take this opportunity to provide an extended break for their employees due to the close proximity of the multiple holiday dates.

In order to accomplish this, Council must amend the municipal code to add clarification language that specifies the Council’s ability to adopt a Resolution to close City facilities when necessary or appropriate on non-holiday dates. This language would also clarify the Council’s ability to close City facilities during an emergency event or other times when a closure is necessary for the protection of employees or San Dimas residents.


Introduce Ordinance 1282 and approve Resolution 2020-60 allowing the closure of City facilities and certain field operations on December 28th,29th, and 30th, 2020.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael O’Brien, Administrative Services Manager

Attachments: Attachment A Resolution 2020-60 Attachment B Ordinance – 1282

Item 3C Page 2 RESOLUTION 2020-60


WHEREAS, the City of San Dimas (City) City Hall, Recreation Center, Senior Center and selected field operations will be suspended during the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day holiday observances on Thursday and Friday, December 24-25, 2020; and

WHEREAS, City Hall, Recreation Center, Senior Center and selected City field operations will be suspended during the New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day holiday observance on Thursday and Friday, December 31, 2020 and January 1, 2021; and

WHEREAS, City Hall, Recreation Center, Senior Center and selected City field operations may experience an anticipated reduction in customer-driven workload on Monday through Wednesday, December 28 – 30, 2020; and

WHEREAS, the majority of employees plan for and/or would prefer to take time off during the holidays to be with family and friends.


SECTION 1. City Hall, the Recreation Center, and the Senior Center shall be closed, and certain City field operations shall be suspended, on December 28, 29, and 30, 2020.

SECTION 2. Although City Hall, the Recreation Center, and the Senior Center will be closed, December 28, 29, and 30, 2020 are not City holidays within the meaning of San Dimas Municipal Code section 2.12.010, and by this resolution are not declared to be holidays within the meaning of that section.

SECTION 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect on December 25, 2020.

PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of November, 2020.

______Emmett G. Badar, Mayor


______Debra Black, City Clerk

Attachment A Page 1

I, Debra Black, City Clerk, hereby certify that Resolution 2020-60 was adopted by the City Council of San Dimas at its regular meeting of November 10th, 2020 by the following vote:


______Debra Black, City Clerk

Attachment A Page 2 ORDINANCE 1282


WHEREAS, Section 2.12.010 of the San Dimas Municipal Code provides the City Council may declare additional dates as City holidays, but does not permit the City Council to close City Hall and City facilities for other reasons that may be necessary or appropriate on non-holiday dates; and

WHEREAS, Section 2.12.010 can be updated to authorize the City Council to close City Hall and City facilities when deemed necessary or appropriate by City Council resolution.

NOW, THEREFORE, the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF SAN DIMAS, California, does ordain as follows:

SECTION 1. Subdivision E of Section 2.12.010 of the San Dimas Municipal Code is hereby amended to read, in its entirety, as follows:

“E. City offices shall be open on all other days of the year from eight a.m. until five p.m., except any non-holidays that may be approved for closure by City Council resolution.”

SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance and each section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion thereof be declared invalid or unconstitutional.

SECTION 3. CEQA DETERMINATION. The City Council hereby finds and determines that it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that this ordinance may have a significant adverse effect on the environment. Thus, the adoption of this ordinance is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines.

SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE AND PUBLICATION. This Ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its final passage. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause the same to be posted at the duly designated posting places within the City and published once within 15 days after passage and adoption as may be required by law in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of San Dimas hereby designated for that purpose; or, in the alternative, the City Clerk may cause to be published a summary of this

Attachment B Page 1 Ordinance 1282 Page 2 M.C. T. A. Section 2.12.010 (City Hall Closure Non-Holiday) November 10th, 2020

Ordinance and certified copy of the text of this Ordinance shall be posted in the Office of the City Clerk five days prior to the date of adoption of this Ordinance; and, within 15 days after adoption, the City Clerk shall cause to be published, the aforementioned summary and shall post a certified copy of this Ordinance, together with the vote for and against the same, in the Office of the City Clerk.

PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of San Dimas this 24th day of November, 2020, by the following vote:


______Emmett G. Badar, Mayor


______Debra Black, City Clerk Jeff Malawy, City Attorney

I, Debra Black, City Clerk of the City of San Dimas, do hereby certify that Ordinance 1282 was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of San Dimas on the 10th day of November, 2020, and thereafter passed, approved and adopted at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 24th day of November, 2020.

______Debra Black, City Clerk

Attachment B Page 2

From: San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments [email protected] ,­ Subject: [SGVCOG] Valley Voice - November 2020 Issue Date: November 2, 2020 at 7:59 AM To: [email protected]

' �'j San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments

Valley Voice

The official newsletter of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments November 2020

Item 3D Page 1 Baldwin Park Launches GoSGV Bikeshare Program

On October 1, 2020, the City of Baldwin Park welcomed the GoSGV Bikeshare Program into the city. Officials gathered at Morgan Park for a kick-off ceremony and brief bike ride to celebrate the launch of the program. The launch of the electric-assist bicycle fleet in Baldwin Park makes it the second city in the San Gabriel Valley to host the service.

The program launched in Baldwin Park with 45 bikes and 9 bike stations. With the 35 bikes that were launched in South El Monte earlier this summer, GoSGVs operating fleet now grows to 80 bikes between the two cities. Riders can unlock bikes using the Gotcha app at a cost of $2.00 to unlock and 10 cents per minute to ride. Qualified low-income riders can pay $1.00 to unlock and 5 cents per minute to ride. Annual subscriptions can be purchased at $79.99 ($5.00 for low-income riders), which provide riders with 20 minutes of free ride time per ride.

GoSGV was funded using a $4.554 million Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Grant awarded by the California Transportation Commission to the SGVCOG. The program will expand over the next year to 840 bikes to parts of unincorporated Los Angeles County, 15 San Gabriel Valley cities, and the campus of California Polytechnic University, Pomona.

Item 3D Page 2 Metro Board of Directors Approves NextGen Bus Plan

On October 22, 2020, the Metro Board of Directors voted to approve and initiate the NextGen Bus Plan, which aims to create a faster and more reliable bus network in the Metro transit system. According to Metro, buses will arrive every 5 to 10 minutes for 83% of current riders starting in December 2020. Approved changes to Metro bus services will be implemented in three phases - December 2020, June 2021, and December 2021. The majority of changes will be conducted in the June 2021 phase and details regarding these changes can be foundh ere.

Understanding that the COVID-19 Pandemic has heavily impacted Metro's ridership, Metro staff will be delivering a plan to the Metro Board of Directors later this year regarding how the agency plans to increase service while addressing funding issues related to the Pandemic. At the October 22nd Board meeting, Metro Board Chair and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti reassured that funding will be available to add enough services to meet NextGen's goals. Additional information regarding the NextGen Bus Plan can be found here.

Item 3D Page 3 Gotcha, Inc. and Metro OfferFree or Reduced-Cost Transportation to Voters on Election Day

Gotcha and Metro Bikeshare recently partnered with the North American Bikeshare Association (NABSA) to launch an industry-wide campaign offering free or reduced-cost transportation to voters on Election Day. Shared micromobility providers will make their bikeshare services free or discounted for riders to cast their ballots.

Interested San Gabriel Valley riders can open the Gotcha app on Election Day and enter the code "VOTE2020" to ride free of charge. Riders who utilize the Metro Bikeshare System can receive free 30-minute rides from now until November 3, 2020 at 11:59pm by using the code "110320" at any Metro Bikeshare Kiosk, through the Metro Bikeshare app, or online at bikeshare.metro.netLgo-voteL-

Item 3D Page 4 SGVCOG Expands Hygiene Services for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness in San Gabriel Valley

In May 2020, the SGVCOG received $113,320 in State COVID-19 Emergency Homelessness Grant funds from the Los Angeles County Homeless Initiative to expand hygiene services for individuals experiencing homelessness in the San Gabriel Valley. The funding was split evenly among 11 participating cities, including the Cities of Alhambra, Arcadia, Azusa, Baldwin Park, Claremont, Duarte, El Monte, Monrovia, Monterey Park, San Gabriel, and South Pasadena. Cities used the funding to install portable restrooms, hand washing stations, and hand sanitizer dispensers. Participating cities also opened public restrooms that were intended to close, extended restroom hours, provided mobile showers, and distributed hygiene kits.

Across the region, an estimated 500 to 600 individuals per day were provided access to sanitation facilities. 19 new locations were made available with a total of 21,228 hours of additional service. Nearly 5,000 hygiene kits or bottles of hand sanitizer were distributed or are soon to be distributed. 2,000 of these hygiene kits were purchased and assembled by SGVCOG staff.

With the closure of so many public spaces due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, this program mitigates COVID-19 outbreaks amongst the San Gabriel Valley homeless population by allowing individuals experiencing homelessness to use restrooms, frequently wash their hands, and access hygiene materials.

J\TPUJ�-in-RriPf Item 3D Page 5 .a.•'--WW'LJ/1 &■a .&.,.& &._.J

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RMC Proy_. 68 Call-tor­ Game of Therms: Caltrans District 7 Projects Winter is Coming_ Freeway Clean-uns

Proposition 68 was passed in The SGVCOG is excited to California Department of 2018 to authorize bonds to partner with the Gateway Transportation (Caltrans) finance a drought, water, Cities Energy Leader District 7 Director, John parks, climate, and outdoor Partnership, the North Bulinski, recently access program. The San Orange County Cities Energy announced that cities can Gabriel Valley and Lower Los Partnership, the Westside partner with Caltrans to host Angeles Rivers and Cities Energy Partnership, volunteer clean-up events to Mountains Conservancy and the Wester Riverside remove litter along announced that the second Council of Governments to freeways. Interested cities round of Proposition 68 call­ host "Game of Therms: can complete and submit for-projects is open until Winter is Coming" on this form to Mr. John Acosta December 16, 2020. Funds Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at [email protected] to will be made available for at 11:00am. This webinar will schedule arrangements. urban recreation, habitat provide an overview of Questions and inquiries can protection, and restoration SoCalGas· financing offerings be directed to Caltrans projects. Additional and municipal energy District 7 Executive Liaison, information can be found efficiency projects. Hammer Sui, at here. Interested individuals can [email protected]. register for the webinar here.

Item 3D Page 6 Upcoming Committee Meetings

Please be advised that all committee meetings that are held this month will be conducted virtually over zoom conferencing. Livestream of each committee meeting will be available through the SGVCOG website. Livestream of the Regional Housing Trust (RHT) Board Meeting can be accessed through the RHT website.

Executive Committee: Monday, November 2, 2020 at 10:00 AM Homelessness Committee: Wednesday, November 4, 2020 at 8:30 AM Regional Housing Trust Board of Directors: Wednesday, November 4, 2020 at 10:00 AM Public Works TAC: Monday, November 9, 2020 at 12:00 PM Water Committee: Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 10:00 AM Capital Projects and Construction Committee: Monday, November 16, 2020 at 12:00 PM EENR Committee: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 1:00 PM Transportation Committee: Thursday, November 19, 2020 at 2:00 PM Governing Board: Thursday, November 19, 2020 at 4:00 PM

Item 3D Page 7 This email was sent to [email protected] wh'i.Sfjsj_J_g_et this? unsubscribe from this list ygdate subscrigtion preferences San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments· 1000 S. Fremont Avenue, Unit 42 · Alhambra, CA 91803 · USA

Item 3D Page 8 From: Marisa Creter [email protected] Subject: Weekly Recap (Week of 10/26) Date: October 30, 2020 at 7:00 AM To: Marisa Creter [email protected] Bee: [email protected]

Good morning! Below please find a recap of the week's major activities and other announcements. • MMASC Conference: On Tuesday and Wednesday, SGV COG staff led panels at the Municipal Management Association of Southern California (MMASC) Conference. On Tuesday, I participated in a panel discussion moderated by RHT Administrator Brielle Acevedo with SGV Regional Housing Trust Chair and Claremont Councilmember Jed Leana and SGV Regional Housing Trust Vice Chair and Monrovia Council member Becky Shevlin on the SGV Regional Housing Trust. The presentation and panel discussion showcased the region's efforts to establish the Regional Housing Trust and discussed best practices. On Wednesday, COG staff led a panel discussion with representatives from Gotcha, ActiveSGV, and the City of South El Monte discussing the roll-out of GoSGV, the region's regional bike share program that launched in July. That panel discussed the challenges of launching the bike share program during the pandemic, as well as opportunities moving forward. • Public Officials COVID-19 Briefing: On Thursday, SGVCOG staff attended a COVID-19 briefing for public officials held by Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Director, Dr. Barbara Ferrer. Dr. Ferrer announced that Los Angeles County remains at Tier 1 in the State's "BlueQrint for A Safer EconomY." Model given that the County's cases remain above 7.0 new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 individuals per day. The County also experienced the highest daily number of cases yesterday since August as 1,745 new cases were reported. Dr. Ferrer emphasized that actions that residents are taking today will impact case numbers over the next few weeks, as recent increases in celebratory sport events will likely lead to an increase in the number of COVI D-19 cases over the next two weeks. Local jurisdictions are recommended to implement safer alternatives to Halloween celebrations, such as drive-in movie nights and trunk-or-treat events, to protect residents from being exposed to COVID-19. While trick-or-treats are not prohibited in Los Angeles County, they are strongly discouraged given that it can be very difficult to maintain proper social distancing on porches or at front doors. Carnivals, festivals, live entertainment, and haunted house attractions are strictly prohibited under the existing Health Orders. Residents and their households are allowed to gather with one or two other households as long as the gathering is outside, lasts no more than two hours, and everyone is wearing face coverings and stays at least six feet from non­ household members. The County's guidance for celebrating Halloween and Dia de los Muertos can be found here. • SCAG Roundtable Convening: Planning for Housing Production: On Thursday, I participated in a SCAG Roundtable discussion on planning for housing production. The Roundtable featured presentations from other regions throughout the State on their planning efforts to support the production of housing and a discussion on opportunities and best practices in the Southern California region. • RMC Proposition 68 Call-for-Projects Announcement: Proposition 68, known as the California Drought, Water, Parks, Climate, Coastal Protection, and Outdoor Access For

Item 3D Page 9 All Act, was passed in 2018 to authorize $4 billion in general obligation bonds to finance a drought, water, parks, climate, coastal protection, and outdoor access for all program. The San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC) was subsequently charged with the responsibility of administering Proposition 68 grants to the San Gabriel Valley region. RMC recently announced that the second round of Proposition 68 call-for-projects is open until December 16, 2020. Funds will be made available for urban recreation, habitat protection, and restoration projects. Funding guidelines can be found on the RMC website here. • Metro Public Safety Advisory Committee: Metro recently created a Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) to work with Metro's System Security and Law Enforcement, Office of Civil Rights & Inclusion, Office for Equity and Race, and the Executive Officer for Customer Experience to develop a community-based approach to public safety on the transit system. Applications for individuals that are interested in serving on the PSAC are open from now until November 13, 2020. Metro will also be hosting a PSAC information session on Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 6:00pm. Additional information regarding the information session and application can be found on the Metro website here. • Upcoming LGP Energy Efficiency Webinar: The SGVCOG is excited to partner with the Gateway Cities Energy Leader Partnership, the North Orange County Cities Energy Partnership, the Westside Cities Energy Partnership, and the Western Riverside Council of Governments to host "Game of Therms: Winter is Coming" on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 11 :00am. This webinar will provide an overview of SoCalGas' financing offerings and municipal energy efficiency projects. Interested individuals can register for the webinar here. If you have any questions on these or other items, please let me know.

Best, Marisa Marisa Creter Executive Director San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments 1000 S. Fremont Ave., Suite 10-210 Alhambra, CA 91803 (626) 457-1800 (323) 821-3860 (cell)

Item 3D Page 10

Agenda Item Staff Report

To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council For the meeting of November 10th, 2020

From: Jeff Malawy, City Attorney

Subject: Consideration of Appointment of Chris Constantin as City Manager and Approval of City Manager Employment Agreement ______


Approval of the attached resolution would appoint Chris Constantin as the City Manager and approve an employment agreement with Mr. Constantin.


Earlier this summer, the City Council engaged the Peckham & McKenney Executive Search firm to conduct a recruitment to fill the currently vacant permanent City Manager position. Tony Dahlerbruch of Peckham & McKenney worked with the City Council to prepare and publicize an advertisement brochure for the position. Seventy-one (71) candidates applied. Of those, the City Council interviewed six. The City Council then selected three finalist candidates to return for a second round of interviews. From those three, the City Council chose to proceed with negotiating an employment agreement with Chris Constantin.

Mr. Constantin has 20 years of local government experience. He has served for the past 6 years as Assistant City Manager for the City of Chico, California, and prior to that as the Administrative Services Director. Mr. Constantin began his local government career in the City of San Jose as Senior Program Performance Auditor from 2001 to 2010, and then served as Assistant City Auditor for the City of until early 2013.

Mr. Constantin has held multiple leadership positions since 1996 as Commissioner / Board Member of a variety of volunteer organizations. He has achieved certifications as a Certified Internal Auditor, Certified Litigation Specialist, and Accredited California Economic Developer. Mr. Constantin earned a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the Maxwell School at Syracuse University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from San Jose State University.


The City Council will now consider whether to appoint Chris Constantin as City Manager and approve the proposed employment agreement, which has been signed by Mr. Constantin. If approved, Mr. Constantin’s first day as City Manager will be January 4, 2021.

Current Interim City Manager, Brad McKinney, will return to his prior position of Assistant City Manager on January 4, 2021 if the employment agreement with Mr. Constantin is approved.

Appointment of Mr. Constantin as City Manager

Approval of the resolution included as Attachment A would appoint Mr. Constantin as City Manager and approve the City Manager Employment Agreement, which is Attachment B.

California Government Code section 54953(c)(3) requires an oral report in an open meeting summarizing the proposed final action on salaries, salary schedules, or compensation paid in the form of fringe benefits of a City Manager. The following terms of Mr. Constantin’s proposed employment agreement will be stated verbally as part of the staff report on this agenda item:

1. Annual salary of $220,000. 2. Reimbursement for moving expenses up to $5,000. 3. Vehicle allowance of $400 per month, per City policy. 4. Sick leave accrual at 8 hours per month, with a starting bank of 80 hours. Waiving right to cash out sick leave except upon retirement, and waiving participation in City’s Sick Leave Incentive Program. 5. Vacation leave of 160 hours per year, with a cap of 400 hours and a starting bank of 100 hours. 6. Administrative leave of 96 hours per year, with a cap of 96 hours. 7. Deferred compensation matching as provided to all City full-time employees (currently $200 per month). 8. Cell phone allowance of $40 per month for phone and $45 per month for data charges, per City policy. 9. Health, dental and retirement benefits as provided to City’s full-time employees.

Approval of the resolution would also make a minor technical correction to the City’s Job Description for the position of City Manager, to reflect the past dissolution of the City’s Redevelopment Agency. The list of City Manager duties would be revised to include “Serves as Director of the Successor Agency to the Former San Dimas Redevelopment Agency”.


Staff recommends the City Council consider whether to:

1. Adopt Resolution 2020-62- Appointing Chris Constantin as City Manager and Approving the City Manager Employment Agreement

Item 4A Page 2

Respectfully submitted,

Jeff Malawy City Attorney

Attachment A: Resolution 2020-62 - Appointing Chris Constantin as City Manager and Approving City Manager Employment Agreement

Attachment B: City Manager Employment Agreement

Item 4A Page 3 RESOLUTION 2020-62


WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted a recruitment for the currently vacant position of permanent City Manager; and

WHEREAS, the City Council has completed the recruitment and desires to appoint Chris Constantin as the City Manager, with a start date of January 4, 2021, and desires to approve an employment agreement with Mr. Constantin setting forth the salary, terms, and conditions of his employment as City Manager.


SECTION 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference.

SECTION 2. Chris Constantin is appointed to be the City Manager of the City of San Dimas, with a start date of January 4, 2021. Mr. Constantin’s salary as City Manager will be $18,333 per month, beginning January 4, 2021.

SECTION 3. The Employment Agreement between the City and Mr. Constantin, attached as Exhibit B to the staff report for this November 10, 2020 City Council meeting agenda item, is hereby approved. The Mayor is authorized to execute the employment agreement on behalf of the City.

SECTION 4. To reflect the dissolution of the City’s Redevelopment Agency, Section 1.2, subsection 4, of the City’s official Job Description for the position of City Manager is hereby amended to read, in its entirety, as follows: “Serves as Director of the Successor Agency to the Former San Dimas Redevelopment Agency.”

PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of November, 2020.

______Emmett G. Badar, Mayor


______Debra Black, City Clerk

Attachment A Page 1 Resolution 2020-62 Page 2 Appointing Chris Constantin As City Manager November 10th, 2020

I, Debra Black, City Clerk, hereby certify that Resolution 2020-62 was adopted by the City Council of San Dimas at a regular meeting on November 10th, 2020 by the following vote:


______Debra Black, City Clerk

Attachment A Page 2




This CITY MANAGER EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into this 10th day of November, 2020, by and between the CITY OF SAN DIMAS (“City”), and CHRIS CONSTANTIN, an individual (hereinafter referred as the “City Manager”).


WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council of the City of San Dimas (hereinafter the "Council") to employ an individual to serve in the position of City Manager, which position is prescribed by state law and Chapter 2.24 of the City’s Municipal Code, and to retain his services as Executive Director of the Successor Agency to the Former San Dimas Redevelopment Agency, the San Dimas Public Financing Authority, and San Dimas Housing Authority Successor Agency, and such other agencies of the City to which he may be appointed from time- to-time; and

WHEREAS, California Government Code Section 34852 provides that an ordinance establishing a city manager form of government shall define the powers and duties of the city manager; and

WHEREAS, the powers and duties of the city manager of the City are set forth San Dimas Municipal Code Section 2.24.070; and

WHEREAS, San Dimas Municipal Code Section 2.24.030(A) provides that “[t]he city manager shall be chosen by the city council solely on the basis of his or her executive and administrative qualifications, with special reference to his actual experience in, or his or her knowledge of accepted practice in respect to the duties of his or her office as set forth in [Chapter 2.24];” and

WHEREAS, based on City Manager’s executive and administrative qualifications and ability, the Council desires to employ City Manager to serve as the city manager for the City; and

WHEREAS, City Manager desires to accept employment as such from City and to perform and assume responsibility for the provision of city manager services to the City and its related agencies.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, City and City Manager hereby agree as follows:



1.1 Duties. City hereby employs City Manager to perform the functions and duties of

1 Attachment B Page 1

the position of city manager, as specified in the job description attached as Exhibit “A,” the City’s Municipal Code and in the Government Code of the State of California, and to perform such other legally permissible and proper duties and functions as the Council shall, from time to time, direct or assign. City Manager acknowledges that the assigned duties shall also include services to the Successor Agency to the Former San Dimas Redevelopment Agency, San Dimas Public Financing Authority and San Dimas Housing Authority.

1.2 Work Schedule. It is recognized that City Manager is expected to engage in the hours of work that are necessary to fulfill the obligations of the position and is expected to devote a great deal of time outside the normal office hours to the business of the City. City Manager acknowledges that proper performance of the duties of city manager will require City Manager to generally observe normal business hours, as set by the City and may be duly revised from time-to-time, and will also often require the performance of necessary services outside of normal business hours. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City will permit City Manager such reasonable “time off” as is customary for exempt employees of the City, so long as the time off does not interfere with normal business. City Manager’s compensation (whether salary or benefits or other allowances) is not based on hours worked, and City Manager shall not be entitled to any compensation for overtime unless otherwise permitted by law in the case of reimbursement from a federal agency.

1.3 Other Business Activities. City Manager shall focus his professional time, ability, and attention to City business during the term of this Agreement. City Manager shall not engage in other business activity, without the express prior written consent of the City Council, that is competitive or may be a conflict-of-interest with the City, or that otherwise interferes with the business or operation of City or the satisfactory performance of City Manager’s duties.

1.4 Other Activities. Without materially impacting his primary focus to City business, the City Manager may continue his academic, teaching, and professional development activity which provides a reasonable benefit to the City and the public administration profession. However, the City Manager will evaluate interference to City business as identified by the City Council and consider ceasing and/or modifying such activity when the impact outweighs the benefit.

1.5 Employment Status. Upon appointment to the city manager position, City Manager shall serve at the will and pleasure of the Council and understands that he shall be an “at-will” employee without recourse to bumping or other demotion rights and shall be subject to summary dismissal without any right of notice or hearing except as expressly provided in this Agreement, including any so-called due process pre-disciplinary “Skelly” hearing. The City may terminate Employee at any time in accordance with Section 3.4 below.

1.6 City Documents. All data, studies, reports and other documents prepared by City Manager while performing his duties during the term of this Agreement shall be furnished to and become the property of the City, without restriction or limitation on their use. All ideas, memoranda, specifications, plans, procedures, drawings, descriptions, computer program data, input record data, written information, and other materials either created by or provided to City Manager in connection with the performance of this Agreement shall be held confidential by City Manager to the extent permitted by applicable law, except as may be required by any governmental agency or court of competent jurisdiction. Such materials shall not be used by

2 Attachment B Page 2

City Manager, without the prior written consent of the Council, for any purposes other than the performance of his duties. Additionally, no such materials may be disclosed to any person or entity not connected with the performance of services under this Agreement, except as required by (a) law, (b) any governmental agency, (c) subpoena, or (d) an order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction.

1.7 Exclusion from Competitive Service. City Manager understands, acknowledges and agrees that he is exempt from the City’s personnel system pursuant to San Dimas Municipal Code §2.30.050(A).

1.8 FLSA Exempt Status. City Manager agrees that his position is that of an exempt employee for the purposes of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

1.9 City Council Commitments. Except for the purpose of inquiry, the City Council and its members shall deal with all subordinate City employees, officers, contracts, and consultants through the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee, and neither the City Council nor any member thereof shall give direction to any subordinate of the City Manager, either publicly or privately. No member of the City Council will order the appointment or removal of any person to any office or employment under the supervision and control of the City Manager. Neither the City Council nor any of its members shall interfere with the execution of the powers and duties of the City Manager, as specified in the Municipal Code, this Agreement, or any other lawfully adopted and authorized document.


2.1 Monthly Compensation. City agrees to compensate City Manager for his services rendered hereunder at a monthly salary of Eighteen-Thousand-three-hundred-thirty-three Dollars ($18,333). Such salary shall be payable in installments at the same time as other employees of City are paid. City Manager shall pay his contribution to FICA.

2.2 Salary Review. City and City Manager may, at the Council’s discretion, agree to conduct a salary review at any time, including concurrently with the annual performance evaluation set forth in Section 5.2 hereinafter. Such salary review may include consideration of the salary and those benefits afforded City Manager in this Agreement.

2.3 Effectuating Salary Adjustment. City and City Manager agree that the affirmative vote of three (3) members of Council shall be required to effectuate an increase in the salary paid to City Manager paid pursuant to this Agreement, as well as amendment of this Agreement.

3.0 TERM

3.1 Commencement & Effective Date. The Effective Date of this Agreement is the date it is signed by the City provided it has first been signed by City Manager, or the date it is signed by City Manager provided it has first been signed by the City. City Manager shall commence his services at 12:01 a.m., Pacific daylight savings time, on January 4, 2021.

3.2 Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence from and after the Effective

3 Attachment B Page 3

Date. This Agreement shall remain in effect from the Effective Date until terminated pursuant to Section 3.3 or Section 3.4.

3.3 Termination By City Manager. City Manager may terminate this Agreement at any time, provided City Manager provides the Council with at least sixty (60) days’ advance written notice prior to the effective date of termination, unless a shorter period is acceptable to Council. In the event City Manager terminates this Agreement, City Manager expressly agrees that he shall not be entitled to any severance pay.

3.4 Termination by City. The Council may terminate this Agreement at any time with or without cause, by providing written notice of the reason(s). The Council’s right to terminate City Manager pursuant to this Section 3.4 shall not be subject to or in any way limited by the City’s Personnel Rules or past City practices related to the employment, discipline or termination of the City’s employees. However, in no event may City Manager be terminated within ninety (90) days before or after any municipal election for the selection or recall of one or more of the members of the City Council. Nothing herein shall be construed to create a property interest, where one does not exist by rule of law, in the position of city manager.

(a) Termination by Council for Cause. The Council may terminate this Agreement for cause at any time for cause by vote of three of the five City Councilmembers at a publicly agendized meeting in accordance with the Government Code §§ 54950 et seq. (“Brown Act”). For purposes of this Agreement, the term “cause” shall be defined to include, any misconduct materially related to performance of official duties as provided below. In the event for termination for cause, the City shall, if desired by City Manager, afford City Manager a public name-clearing hearing before the City Council. Request for a name clearing hearing shall be made to the City Clerk within fifteen (15) days of City Manager’s receipt of notice of termination.

1. For the following when substantiated by either independent investigation or court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council may terminate this Agreement for cause by providing the City Manager with five (5) business days’ written notice of termination for cause and the facts and grounds constituting such cause.

a. Conviction for Felony. Conviction for a felony by a court of competent jurisdiction.

b. Conviction for Illegal Acts. Conviction for criminal acts related to City business or other acts constituting moral turpitude which result in incompatibility to serve as City Manager (excepting traffic or moving violations) by a court of competent jurisdiction.

c. Loss of Mental Capacity. Loss of mental capacity for more than six (6) consecutive months as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction. Written notice of termination must be provided to both the City Manager and any identified power of attorney or guardian.

d. Unauthorized Leave of Absence. Absence without justification or authority for more than five (5) business days without providing

4 Attachment B Page 4

reasonable justification of absence.

e. Refusal of Oath. Refusal to take or subscribe to any oath or affirmation which is required by law.

2. For the following when substantiated by independent investigation, the City Council may terminate this Agreement for cause by providing the City Manager with fifteen (15) business days’ written notice of termination for cause and the facts and grounds constituting such cause.

a. Neglect of Duty or Insubordination. Persistent, habitual, or willful neglect to perform his obligated duty on a material City matter after the City Council has clearly established or directed the duty obligation and conveyed such obligation in a clear manner as the City Council body.

b. Unreasonable Intoxication. Unreasonable intoxication while working, attending a City event, or attending a community event as a representative of the City, whether by alcohol, prescription or non- prescription drugs, and in the case of prescription drugs, where they are being used in a manner not authorized by City Manager’s treating physician.

c. Financial mismanagement. Management that involves deliberative mishandling in a manner that can be characterized as grossly negligent or incompetent and that will materially reflect negatively upon the financial standing of the City.

d. Material dishonesty. Willfully providing to the City Council or any City Councilmember materially dishonest and knowingly false information.

e. Discrimination and Harassment. Willful and substantiated violation of Federal, State or City discrimination and harassment laws concerning race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, marital status, sexual orientation, sex or age concerning either members of the general public or City’s employee(s) while acting in the course and scope of employment, while on City premises or time, and/or while acting without the prior approval or direction of the Council.

f. Retaliation. Willful and unlawful retaliation substantiated against any City officer or employee or member of the general public who in good faith reports, discloses, divulges or otherwise brings to the attention of any appropriate authority any facts or information relative to actual or suspected violations of any law occurring on the job or related directly thereto.

5 Attachment B Page 5

g. Conflict of Interest. Willful and material violation of any conflict of interest or incompatibility of office laws as provided under California State law.

For any reason at any time and without prior investigation, the City may, in its discretion, place City Manager on paid administrative leave. If the City terminates for cause under this Agreement and the services of Employee hereunder, then the City shall have no obligation to pay severance.

(b) Termination by Council Without Cause. By providing City Manager written notice thereof, the Council may terminate City Manager without cause but rather based upon management reasons, including but not limited to incompatibility of management styles. However, in no event may City Manager be terminated within ninety (90) days before or after any municipal election for the selection or recall of one or more of the members of the City Council. In the event City Manager is terminated without cause, City Manager expressly agrees that he shall not be entitled to any severance pay as the result of the termination of this Agreement except as provided in Section 4.1 below.

3.5 Waiver of Certain Discipline and Termination Rights. Except for the right under Government Code §54957(b) to have complaints or charges against an employee heard in a public session upon the employee’s request, City Manager expressly waives any rights afforded under City’s personnel system or policies, and any rights afforded to City Manager under the San Dimas Municipal Code (including Section 2.24.060) or under State or Federal law, to any form of pre- or post- discipline or termination hearing, appeal, or other administrative process pertaining to discipline or termination, except those rights City Manager may have under the California or United States constitutions to a name-clearing hearing.

3.6 Communication Upon City Manager Separation. Upon separation of the City Manager for any reason, no official statements will be made by either the City or by City Manager other than one or more joint press releases approved by both the City and City Manager.


4.1 Severance Pay and Benefits.

If, after the Effective Date of this Agreement, the Council terminates City Manager without cause and City Manager does not challenge such termination, including but not limited to by means of appeal or civil or administrative claim, then City shall pay to City Manager severance in an amount equal to his monthly base salary (as defined in Section 2 above, calculated on a per diem basis) then in effect multiplied by six (6) less applicable deductions normally deducted during regular payroll payments and excluding deferred compensation or the value of any other benefits.

The City is currently a member of the CJPIA which makes available to City Manager six (6) months of compensation and COBRA benefits according to the terms and conditions of the CJPIA'S Special Liability Protection Program. The terms and conditions of the CJPIA's Special

6 Attachment B Page 6

Liability Protection Program ("CJPIA Program") may vary from time to time. The terms and conditions of the CJPIA Program, if any, in effect at the time of termination of City Manager's employment will govern. If, at the time of City's termination of City Manager's employment, City is no longer a member of CJPIA, this paragraph shall not apply, and the benefit, if any, available to City Manager under the CJPIA Program shall be determined at the time of City's termination of City Manager, if at all.

In the event the City discontinues the CJPIA Program and the Council thereafter terminates City Manager without cause and City Manager does not challenge such termination, including but not limited to by means of appeal or civil or administrative claim, then City shall pay to City Manager severance in an amount equal to his monthly base salary (as defined in Section 2 above, calculated on a per diem basis) then in effect multiplied by twelve (12) less applicable deductions normally deducted during regular payroll payments and excluding deferred compensation or the value of any other benefits.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Government Code § 53260 provides that all contracts of employment with a city must include a provision limiting the maximum cash settlement for the termination of the contract to the monthly salary (excluding benefits) multiplied by the number of months left on the unexpired term, but not more than eighteen (18) months if the unexpired term exceeds 18 months. Accordingly, should such proposed severance payment exceed the amount authorized to be paid under Government Code Section 53260, then the amount paid to City Manager shall be reduced in the amount necessary to comply with such statute. (For example, if termination occurs with two (2) months left in the term, severance would be equal to the monthly base salary multiplied by two (2) rather than the 6 months provided in this Section.)

4.2 No Severance Pay if Termination for Cause or Initiated By City Manager. As provided in Section 3.4(a), should City Manager be terminated for cause, the City shall have no obligation to pay the severance provided for in Section 4.1 above. As provided in Section 3.3 should City Manager initiate termination of this Agreement, the City shall have not obligation to pay the severance provided for above in Section 4.1 above.

4.3 Sole Rights. The severance rights provided in this Section 4.0 shall constitute the sole and only entitlement of City Manager with respect to severance pay in the event of the termination, other than for cause. City Manager expressly waives any and all other rights with respect to severance pay except as provided herein. Any and all severance rights are conditioned upon and in consideration for execution of the standard “Agreement of Separation, Severance, and General Release” attached hereto in form only as Exhibit “B.”


5.1 Purpose. The performance review and evaluation process set forth herein is intended to provide review and feedback to City Manager so as to facilitate a more effective management of City. Nothing herein shall be deemed to alter or change the employment status of City Manager (as set forth in Section 1.4 above), nor shall this Section 5.0 be construed as requiring “cause” to terminate this Agreement, or the services of City Manager thereunder.

5.2 Annual Evaluation. Council shall review and evaluate the performance of City

7 Attachment B Page 7

Manager after the first six (6) months of employment by means of a verbal performance evaluation. On or about the one (1) year anniversary of City Manager’s start date, a performance evaluation shall be conducted by means of a third-party facilitated performance evaluation. The selection of the third-party facilitator shall be in the sole discretion of the City Council. A performance evaluation shall be conducted annually thereafter, but shall be conducted by a third- party facilitator only when deemed necessary by the City Council. The City Council and City Manager shall mutually agree on the criteria, metrics, and/or expectations used to evaluate the City Manager. It shall be the obligation of City Manager and/or the City Clerk to notify Council of the need to conduct the evaluation required by this Section.

5.3 Written Summary. City and City Manager agree to jointly prepare a written summary of each performance evaluation of City Manager, except for the first, and to include the same in his personnel file within two (2) weeks following conclusion of the review and evaluation process. Council and shall schedule at least one (1) closed personnel session with City Manager to deliver and discuss the evaluation.


6.1 Vehicle Allowance. City Manager shall be afforded a monthly vehicle allowance as set forth in the City’s Pay Plan and Reimbursement Schedule Resolution, as it may be amended from time to time, in full compensation for the usage of City Manager's personal vehicle for City-related business. As of the Effective Date of this Agreement, the current version of the Pay Plan and Reimbursement Schedule (Resolution No. 2020-44) provides for a Four Hundred Dollar ($400.00) per month vehicle allowance to the city manager. City shall provide City Manager with a toll way transponder and shall pay the monthly toll charges related to City business.

6.2. Cellular Telephone Allowance. City Manager shall receive a monthly allowance for personal cell phone expenses as provided for the position of city manager in the City’s Pay Plan and Reimbursement Schedule, as it may be amended from time to time. As of the Effective Date of this Agreement, the current version of the Pay Plan and Reimbursement Schedule provides for $40 per month for cell phone and $45 per month for data charges to the city manager.

6.3 Medical, dental, and vision insurance. The City shall provide to City Manager medical, dental, and vision insurance at the same level as all full-time employees. Medical, dental and vision insurance coverage shall be effective the first day of the month following the Effective Date of this Agreement.

6.4 Life and long-term disability insurance. The City shall provide to City Manager the same life insurance and long-term disability insurance benefits offered to all full-time employees.

6.5 CalPERS Retirement. Employee is a “classic” member of CalPERS and shall participate in the City’s 2% at 55 CalPERS formula. The City shall pay the full employer CalPERS contribution. The employee contribution of 7% shall be paid by Employee.

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6.6 Deferred Compensation. City Manager shall be eligible to participate in the City’s Deferred Compensation Program provided to all full-time employees, subject to the terms and conditions in the City’s Personnel Rules, as may be amended from time to time. As of the Effective Date of this Agreement, the City will match employee deferred compensation contributions dollar for dollar up to $200 per month, or as otherwise provided in the City’s Pay Plan and Reimbursement Schedule (currently Resolution No. 2020-44).

6.7 Sick, Vacation, and Other Leaves. Unless otherwise specified in this Section 6.7, City Manager shall receive sick, vacation and other leaves at the same level as all full-time employees, subject to the terms and conditions in the City’s Personnel Rules as amended from time to time. (a) Sick Leave. City Manager shall be credited with 80 hours of sick leave upon the commencement of this Agreement. Sick leave shall accrue, without limitation at the amount of 8 hours per month. Sick leave may be used for actual personal sickness of or injury to City Manager or City Manager’s family member, and for medical, dental and vision care appointments. “Family member” includes a spouse, children, step-children, parent, step-parents and parents-in-law. Time off work as a result of a proven job-related illness shall not be charged against accumulated sick leave.

Sick leave shall be deducted from accrued sick leave on an hour-for-hour basis when the total leave exceeds two hours. If City Manager utilizes all of City Manager’s accrued sick leave and is still unable to return to work due to illness or injury, City Manager shall automatically be placed on leave without pay, unless City Manager advises the Finance Office to charge the additional sick time against accrued vacation leave.

Upon termination of service, no compensation for accrued sick leave shall be made except that: 1) upon retirement, City Manager may convert up to 50% of accrued sick leave to cash, in an amount not to exceed $10,000; and 2) upon retirement, accumulated sick leave may be converted to sick leave credit in accordance with CalPERS requirements and the City’s contract with CalPERS, except that in the event of any election to convert such sick leave to cash, the retirement sick leave credit shall be reduced commensurately.

City Manager waives any right to cash out sick leave not provided in this Section 6.7(a), including the Sick Leave Incentive Program in Rule XVII, Section 6.

(b) Vacation Leave. City Manager shall be credited with 100 hours of vacation leave upon the commencement of this Agreement. City Manager shall accrue vacation leave at the rate of 6.16 hours biweekly (160 hours per year) with a maximum accrual balance of 400 hours. Vacation leave shall be taken for any period exceeding four (4) hours and any vacation will require notification to the City Council.

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(c) Administrative Leave. City Manager shall be credited with 96 hours of administrative leave upon the commencement of this Agreement, and shall accrue 96 hours of administrative leave on January 1 of each calendar year thereafter in addition to other leaves granted herein subject to the City’s Personnel Rules. Administrative leave accrual shall be capped at 96 hours.

(d) Holiday Leave. City Manager shall be entitled to observe all legal holidays recognized by the City on the days that they are observed by the City.

(e) Birth or Adoption of a Child Leave. In the event of the birth or adoption of a child, City Manager shall be entitled to leave of absence with pay for a period of ten (10) consecutive days. Such leave shall be commenced within 14 days after the date of such birth or adoption.

(f) Bereavement Leave. If any member of City Manager’s immediate family dies, City Manager shall be entitled to a period of five (5) work days of leave with pay. Such leave shall be taken within seven (7) days after the death of the family member or within seven (7) days of the date of the funeral or memorial service for the deceased. Immediate family shall include a spouse, child, step-child, parent, step-parent, sibling, parent-in-law, grandparent, spouse’s grandparent or grandchild.

6.8 Workers Compensation. City agrees to provide workers’ compensation insurance as provided to all City employees in accordance with all applicable provisions of State law.

6.9 Equipment, Training, and Business Expenses. City recognizes that the role of City Manager requires work both in and out of the office and can benefit from continuous development of the City Manager. Additionally, the City recognizes the City Manager may incur expenses of a non-personal, job-related nature that are reasonably necessary to City Manager’s service to City. City agrees to reimburse City Manager for attendance at conferences and payment of professional dues, subscriptions, and training provided such expenses are included in the City budget. Reimbursement shall be subject to the City’s Reimbursement Policy, Personnel Rule XVIII, Section 20. City Manager may, at any time, propose to the City Council his attendance at any conferences or his membership in any organizations not covered by the City’s Reimbursement Policy for which he would like to be reimbursed. Addition of any new conferences or organization shall be in the sole discretion of the City Council.

6.10 Moving Expenses. In consideration of the long distance City Manager is required to move, the City shall reimburse City Manager for moving expenses on a monthly basis up to a maximum total amount of $5,000. Reimbursement for moving expenses shall require submission and approval of receipts documenting such expenses.

6.11 Longevity Incentive. City Manager shall be eligible for the City’s Longevity Service Incentive as provided in the then-current “Pay Plan and Reimbursement Schedule” resolution, as may be amended from time to time.

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6.12 Additional Benefits. Unless otherwise specified to the contrary in this Agreement, City Manager shall be entitled to such additional benefits as are afforded full time employees or as the same may be modified for all employees by resolution of Council from time to time or as specified within the City’s Personnel Rules. No other benefits shall accrue not provided under this Agreement, resolution of Council, or City’s Personnel Rules.


7.1 Indemnification. For the purpose of indemnification and defense of legal actions, City Manager shall be considered an employee of the City and entitled to the same rights and subject to the same obligations as are provided for all other employees of the City as set forth in Sections 825 through 825.6 and Sections 995 throughout 996.6 of the California Government Code. City Manager may request, and the City shall not unreasonably refuse to provide, independent legal counsel at the City’s expense to defend City Manager in any action, suit or proceeding in which City has a duty to defend City Manager. City Council may cap the hourly rate for any independent counsel to the City Manager at the City Attorney's then-current standard hourly litigation rate. If the City agrees to City Manager’s request, the choice of such legal counsel shall be made by the City Manager. The defense provided by the City for City Manager shall continue until a final conclusion of the claim, action, suit or proceeding, including any appeals brought by any party.

7.2 Bonds. The City shall bear the full cost of any fidelity or other bonds required of the City Manager by the Council or as required under any law or ordinance.


8.1 Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreement, either oral or in writing, between the parties with respect to the employment of City Manager by City and contains all of the covenants and agreements between the parties with respect to that employment. Each party to this agreement acknowledges that no representations, inducements, promises or agreements, orally or otherwise, have been made by either party, or anyone acting on behalf of either party, which are not embodied herein, and that no other agreement, statement of promises not contained in this Agreement shall be valid or binding upon either party.

8.2 Amendment. This Agreement may be amended at any time by the mutual consent of the parties by an instrument in writing, which amendment shall require approval by the affirmative vote of three (3) members of the Council.

8.3 Heirs and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the heirs at law and executors of the City Manager.

8.4 Effect of Waiver. The failure of either party to insist on strict compliance with any of the terms, covenants, or conditions of this Agreement by the other party shall not be deemed a waiver of that term, covenant, or condition, nor shall any waiver or relinquishment of any right or power at any one time or times be deemed a waiver or relinquishment of that right or power at any one time or times be deemed a waiver or relinquishment of that right or power for

11 Attachment B Page 11

all or any other times.

8.5 Partial Invalidity. If any provision in this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless continue in full force without being impaired or invalidated in any way.

8.6 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, in full force and effect as of the date of execution.

8.7 Mandatory Government Code Provisions. Government Code §§ 53243 - 53243.4 require that contracts between local agencies and its employees include provisions requiring an employee who is convicted of a crime involving an abuse of his office or position to provide reimbursement to the local agency for the following forms of payment: (i) paid leave salary; (ii) criminal defense costs; (iii) cash settlement payments; and (iv) any non-contractual settlement payments. Accordingly, the Parties agree that it is their mutual intent to fully comply with these Government Code sections and all other applicable law as it exists as of the date of execution of this Agreement and as such laws may be amended from time to time thereafter. Specifically, the following Government Code sections are called out and hereby incorporated by this Agreement:

§53243. Reimbursement of paid leave salary required upon conviction of crime involving office or position.

§53243.1. Reimbursement of legal criminal defense upon conviction of crime involving office or position.

§53243.2. Reimbursement of cash settlement upon conviction of crime involving office or position.

§53243.3. Reimbursement of noncontractual payments upon conviction or crime involving office or position.

§53243.4. "Abuse of office or position" defined.

City Manager represents that City Manager has reviewed, is familiar with, and agrees to comply fully with each of these provisions if any of these provisions are applicable to City Manager, including that City Manager agrees that any cash settlement or severance related to a termination that City Manager may receive from the City shall be fully reimbursed to the local agency if City Manager is convicted of a crime involving an abuse of City Manager’s office or position.

8.8 Independent Legal Advice. City and City Manager represent and warrant to each other that each has received, legal advice from independent and separate legal counsel with respect to the legal effect of this Agreement, or has at least had the opportunity to do so, and City and City Manager further represent and warrant that each has carefully reviewed this entire Agreement and that each and every term thereof is understood and that the terms of this Agreement are contractual and not a mere recital. This Agreement shall not be construed against

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the party or its representatives who drafted it, or who drafted any portion thereof.

8.9 Conflicts Prohibited. During the term of this Agreement, City Manager shall not engage in any business or transaction or maintain a financial interest which conflicts, or reasonably might be expected to conflict in any manner, with the proper discharge of his duties under this Agreement. City Manager shall comply with all requirements of law, including but not limited to, Sections 87100 et seq., Section 1090 and Section 1125 of the Government Code, and all other similar statutory and administrative rules. Whenever any potential conflict arises or may appear to arise, the obligation shall be on City Manager to seek legal advice concerning whether such conflict exists and City Manager’s obligations arising therefrom.

8.10 Notices. Any notice required or permitted by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be personally served or shall be sufficiently given when served upon the other party as sent by United States Postal Service, postage prepaid and addressed as follows:

To City: To City Manager: City of San Dimas [ON FILE WITH HUMAN Attn: Mayor RESOURCES] 245 E. Bonita Ave., San Dimas, CA 91773

w/copy to: City Attorney c/o Aleshire & Wynder, LLP 18881 Von Karman Ave., Ste. 1700 Irvine, CA 92612

Notices shall be deemed given as of the date of personal service or upon the date of deposit in the course of transmission with the United States Postal Service.


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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the CITY OF SAN DIMAS has caused this Agreement to be signed and executed on its behalf by its Mayor, and duly attested by its officers thereunto duly authorized, and CITY MANAGER has signed and executed this Agreement, both in duplicate.


______ATTEST: Emmett Badar, Mayor


______Debra Black, Assistant City Clerk


______Jeff Malawy, City Attorney


______Chris Constantin, City Manager



14 Attachment B Page 14


City Manager

Department/Division: City Manager's Office Reports To: City Council Provides Direction To: Department directors; City Clerk, Housing Programs Manager, and administrative support staff

1.0 GENERAL PURPOSE Under general direction of the City Council, directs, coordinates, and manages the overall administrative activities, programs and operations of the City; advises, initiates and oversees the implementation of City development goals in accordance with Council goals; oversees department heads as well as managers and staff assigned to the City Manager’s Office; and performs related duties as required.


This is the top managerial position within the City; this position reports directly to the City Council and oversees the work of departmental directors and the operations of the entire City. The scope of responsibility, decision-making authority, and scope of supervision exercised is larger than any other City position.


The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment to this position.

1. Directs, guides and participates in the development and implementation of City- wide goals, objectives, policies and procedures.

2. Plans, oversees and approves the preparation and administration of the City budget with the assistance of departmental directors.

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3. Selects, trains, supervises and evaluates the work of department directors and approves application of Personnel Rules and disciplinary standards.

4. Serves as Director of the Successor Agency to the Former San Dimas Redevelopment Agency.

5. Prepares long-term plans for capital improvements and debt financing.

6. Confers with department heads concerning administrative and operational problems and originates solutions that meet City and departmental needs.

7. Prepares and submits to the City Council reports of City finances and administrative activities.

8. Advises City Council as to the success and status of enforcement of various programs and requirements; conceptualizes future needs of the City.

9. Oversees the enforcement of all City ordinances and the plans and requirements of the City Council.

10. Interprets, analyzes and explains policies, procedures, and programs to the City Council, staff and the public, including major complaints.

11. Confers with residents, taxpayers, businesses and other individuals, groups and outside agencies having an interest or potential interest in the affairs of the City; represents the City in the community and at professional meetings as required.

12. Coordinates City activities with other governmental agencies and outside organizations.


Knowledge of:

Municipal administrative methods and procedures, organizations and functions; current social, political, and economic trends and operations programs of municipal government; applicable Federal and State laws, rules and regulations regarding local government operations; principles of effective public relations and interrelationships with community groups and agencies, private businesses and firms, and other levels of government; principles of management, finance and supervision.

1.4 Ability to:

Serve effectively as the administrative agent of the City Council and to properly represent the City; provide effective leadership and coordinate the activities of a municipal

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organization; analyze, interpret, summarize, and present administrative and technical information and data in an effective manner; exercise effective leadership and judgement in policy, personnel and budgetary matters and adopt an effective course of action; establish and maintain effective relationships with City Council, department directors, officials, public and private representatives, vendors, contractors, consultants, and the general public.

1.5 Education/Training/Experience:

Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the desired knowledge and abilities. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be:

Experience: Ten years of progressively responsible experience in an administrative, managerial, or staff capacity in a medium size municipal organization, involving the responsibility for the planning, organization, implementation and supervision of varied work programs, and preferably involving local government management experience.

Education: Equivalent to a Master’s degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in public or business administration or a closely related field.

1.6 Licenses; Certificates; Special Requirements: A valid Class C or Class 3 California State driver’s license issued from the California Department of Motor Vehicles is required in order to attend various business meetings and conferences.


The physical and mental demands described here are representative of those that must be met by employees to successfully perform the essential functions of this class. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.

1.8 Physical Demands

While performing the duties of this job, the employee is frequently required to use hands to finger, handle, feel or operate objects, tools, or controls; and reach with hands and arms. The employee is frequently required to sit, talk or hear and to occasionally lift and carry records and documents typically weighing less than 20 pounds. The employee is occasionally required to stand and walk. Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision, color vision and the ability to adjust focus.

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ARTICLE II Mental Demands

While performing the duties of this class, employees are regularly required to use written and oral communication skills; read and interpret data, information and documents; explain policies and procedures as applied to specific situations; apply independent judgement in solving work problems; use math and mathematical reasoning; observe and interpret situations; learn and apply new information or new skills; work under deadlines with constant interruptions; and interact with City staff, other organizations and the public, and occasionally deal with dissatisfied or quarrelsome individuals.


The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this class. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.

The position works under typical office conditions and the noise level is frequently quiet.

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This Agreement of Separation, Severance, and General Release (hereinafter referred to as the “AGREEMENT”) is entered into by and between the City of San Dimas, a general law city and municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as “THE CITY”), and ______, an individual (hereinafter referred to as “EMPLOYEE”).


2.1. EMPLOYEE was hired by THE CITY as an at-will City Manager effective ______serving at the pleasure of the City Council of THE CITY pursuant to a written contract, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit “A” (“THE CONTRACT”).

2.2. THE CITY and EMPLOYEE desire that EMPLOYEE resign and enter into a severance agreement whereby EMPLOYEE receives severance compensation in exchange for executing a general release and waiver of any and all claims that EMPLOYEE may have against THE CITY, including but not limited to its elected and non-elected officials, employees, attorneys, and agents. Accordingly, the parties hereto intend by this AGREEMENT to mutually conclude any and all employment relationships between THE CITY and EMPLOYEE by means of EMPLOYEE’s voluntary separation as of ______, ____. This AGREEMENT sets forth the full and complete terms and conditions concluding EMPLOYEE’s employment relationship with the CITY and any obligations related thereto, including any provided under THE CONTRACT.

2.3 In accordance with this AGREEMENT and with applicable state and federal laws, EMPLOYEE acknowledges that EMPLOYEE has been advised of EMPLOYEE’s post- employment rights, including but not limited to, EMPLOYEE’s rights under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (“COBRA”), the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”), and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”).


3.1 EMPLOYEE shall receive payment to him at the time of his voluntary separation all earned salary, accrued fringe benefits as detailed in THE CONTRACT, and/or all other wage compensation/benefits owed to EMPLOYEE upon separation of employment, as required by federal, state or municipal law or THE CONTRACT or any other agreement with THE CITY, with the exception of any severance payments.

3.2. In exchange for the waivers and releases set forth herein, THE CITY shall also cause to be paid to EMPLOYEE an additional compensatory payment by means of severance, settlement and release in the form of a lump sum amount of ______and __ cents ($______.00), as set forth in THE CONTRACT in the form of a check made payable to EMPLOYEE to be mailed to EMPLOYEE at EMPLOYEE’s home address via certified mail return receipt requested within thirty (30) business days after the EFFECTIVE DATE (as defined below)

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of this AGREEMENT. The lump sum shall be subject to applicable federal and state withholdings as determined appropriate by THE CITY.

3.3 In exchange for the severance payment provided for herein, EMPLOYEE, and on behalf of EMPLOYEE’s spouse, heirs, representatives, successors, and assigns, hereby releases, acquits, and forever discharges THE CITY, and each of its predecessors, successors, assigns, officials, employees, representatives, agents, insurers, attorneys, and all persons and entities acting by, through, under, or in concert with any of them, and each of them (hereinafter referred to as “THE CITY PARTIES”), from any and all claims, charges, complaints, contracts, understandings, liabilities, obligations, promises, benefits, agreements, controversies, costs, losses, debts, expenses, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, rights, and demands of any nature whatsoever, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, which EMPLOYEE now has or may acquire in the future, or which EMPLOYEE ever had, relating to or arising out of any act, omission, occurrence, condition, event, transaction, or thing which was done, omitted to be done, occurred or was in effect at any time from the beginning of time up to and including ______, ____ (hereinafter referred to collectively as “CLAIMS”), without regard to whether such CLAIMS arise under the federal, state, or local constitutions, statutes, rules or regulations, or the common law. EMPLOYEE expressly acknowledges that the CLAIMS forever barred by this AGREEMENT specifically include, but are not limited to, claims based upon any alleged breach of THE CONTRACT or any other agreement of employment, any demand for wages, overtime or benefits, any claims of violation of the provisions of ERISA, COBRA or HIPAA, any alleged breach of any duty arising out of contract or tort, any alleged wrongful termination in violation of public policy, any alleged breach of any express or implied contract for continued employment, any alleged employment discrimination or unlawful discriminatory act, or any claim or cause of action including, but not limited to, any and all claims whether arising under any federal, state or local law prohibiting breach of employment contract, wrongful termination, or employment discrimination based upon age, race, color, sex, religion, handicap or disability, national origin or any other protected category or characteristic, and any and all rights or claims arising under the California Labor Code or Industrial Welfare Commission Wage Orders, the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, California Government Code §§12900 et seq., the Americans With Disabilities Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and any other federal, state, or local human rights, civil rights, or employment discrimination or employee rights statute, rule, or regulation. Nothing herein shall be interpreted as a release or waiver of any workers’ compensation claims or in any way prohibit or prevent EMPLOYEE from participating in any claims or administrative action brought by a state or federal agency. This AGREEMENT, however, does operate to prevent EMPLOYEE from seeking or recovering monetary damages or other individual-specific relief in connection with any such claims or administrative action brought by a state or federal agency. Furthermore, nothing herein shall be interpreted as a release or waiver of THE CITY’s statutory obligations relative to providing defense and indemnification of public employees, if any, including but not limited to Government Code Sections 825-825.6 and Sections 995-996.6.


The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (hereinafter referred to as the “ADEA”) makes it illegal for an employer to discharge any individual or otherwise discriminate

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with respect to the nature and privileges of an individual’s employment on the basis that the individual is age forty (40) or older. The Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as the “OWBPA,” 29 U.S.C. § 626 et seq., Pub L 101-433, 104 Stat. 978 (1990)) further augments the ADEA and prohibits the waiver of any right or claim under the ADEA, unless the waiver is knowing and voluntary. By entering into this AGREEMENT, EMPLOYEE acknowledges that he knowingly and voluntarily, for just compensation in addition to anything of value to which EMPLOYEE was already entitled, waives and releases any rights he may have under the ADEA and/or OWBPA. EMPLOYEE further acknowledges that he has been advised and understands, pursuant to the provisions of the ADEA and OWBPA, that:

(a) This waiver/release is written in a manner understood by EMPLOYEE;

(b) EMPLOYEE is aware of, and/or has been advised of, his rights under the ADEA and OWBPA, and of the legal significance of his waiver of any possible claims he currently may have under the ADEA, OWBPA and/or similar age discrimination laws;

(c) EMPLOYEE is entitled to a reasonable time of at least twenty-one (21) days within which to review and consider this AGREEMENT and the waiver and release of any rights he may have under the ADEA, the OWBPA and similar age discrimination laws; but may, in the exercise of his own discretion, sign or reject this AGREEMENT at any time before the expiration of the twenty-one (21) days;

(d) The waivers and releases set forth in this AGREEMENT shall not apply to any rights or claims that may arise under the ADEA and/or OWBPA after the EFFECTIVE DATE of this AGREEMENT;

(e) EMPLOYEE has been advised by this writing that he should consult with an attorney prior to executing this AGREEMENT;

(f) EMPLOYEE has discussed this waiver and release with, and been advised with respect thereto by, his counsel of choice, and that he does not need any additional time within which to review and consider this AGREEMENT;

(g) EMPLOYEE has seven (7) days following his execution of this AGREEMENT to revoke the AGREEMENT;

(h) Notice of revocation within the seven (7) day revocation period must be provided, in writing, to THE CITY pursuant to Paragraph 8.9 herein, and must state, “I hereby revoke my acceptance of our Agreement of Severance and General Release;” and

(i) This AGREEMENT shall not be effective until all parties have signed the AGREEMENT and ten (10) days have passed since EMPLOYEE’s execution (“EFFECTIVE DATE”).


In relation to the release provisions of Paragraphs 3 and 4 above, EMPLOYEE understands that California Civil Code section 1542 reads as follows:

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“General Release--Claims Extinguished”

“A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release and that, if known by him or her, would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party.”

EMPLOYEE hereby waives the protection of California Civil Code section 1542.


EMPLOYEE hereby waives any provisions of state or federal law that might require a more detailed specification of the claims being released pursuant to the provisions of Paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 above.


Each of the parties to this AGREEMENT represents and warrants to, and agrees with, each other party as follows:

7.1. Advice of Counsel: The parties hereto have received independent legal advice from their respective attorneys concerning the advisability of entering into and executing this AGREEMENT or have been given the opportunity to obtain such advice. The parties acknowledge that they have been represented by counsel of their own choice in the negotiation of this AGREEMENT, that they have read this AGREEMENT; that they have had this AGREEMENT fully explained to them by such counsel, or have had such opportunity to do so and that they are fully aware of the contents of this AGREEMENT and of its legal effect.

7.2. No Fraud in Inducement: No party (nor any officer, agent, employee, representative, or attorney of or for any party) has made any statement or representation or failed to make any statement or representation to any other party regarding any fact relied upon in entering into this AGREEMENT, and neither party relies upon any statement, representation, omission or promise of any other party in executing this AGREEMENT, or in making the settlement provided for herein, except as expressly stated in this AGREEMENT.

7.3. Independent Investigation: Each party to this AGREEMENT has made such investigation of the facts pertaining to this settlement and this AGREEMENT and all the matters pertaining thereto, as it deems necessary.

7.4. Mistake Waived: In entering into this AGREEMENT, each party assumes the risk of any misrepresentation, concealment or mistake. If any party should subsequently discover that any fact relied upon by it in entering into this AGREEMENT was untrue, or that any fact was concealed from it, or that its understanding of the facts or of the law was incorrect, such party shall not be entitled to any relief in connection therewith, including without limitation on the generality of the foregoing any alleged right or claim to set aside or rescind this AGREEMENT. This AGREEMENT is intended to be, and is, final and binding between the parties, regardless of

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any claims of misrepresentation, promise made without the intent to perform, concealment of fact, mistake of fact or law, or any other circumstance whatsoever.

7.5. Later Discovery: The parties are aware that they may hereafter discover claims or facts in addition to or different from those they now know or believe to be true with respect to the matters related herein. Nevertheless, it is the intention of the parties that EMPLOYEE fully, finally and forever settle and release all such matters, and all claims relative thereto, which do now exist, may exist or have previously existed against THE CITY or THE CITY PARTIES. In furtherance of such intention, the releases given here shall be, and remain, in effect as full and complete releases of all such matters, notwithstanding the discovery or existence of any additional or different claims or facts relative thereto.

7.6. Indemnification: EMPLOYEE agrees to indemnify and hold harmless THE CITY or THE CITY PARTIES from, and against, any and all claims, damages, or liabilities sustained by them as a direct result of the violation or breach of the covenants, warranties, and representations undertaken pursuant to the provisions of this AGREEMENT. EMPLOYEE understands and agrees that he shall be exclusively liable for the payment of all taxes for which he is responsible, if any, as a result of his receipt of the consideration referred to in Paragraph 3 of this AGREEMENT. In addition, EMPLOYEE agrees fully to indemnify and hold the CITY PARTIES harmless for payment of tax obligations as may be required by any federal, state or local taxing authority, at any time, as a result of the payment of the consideration set forth in Paragraph 3 of this AGREEMENT.

7.7. Future Cooperation & Consultation fees: EMPLOYEE shall execute all such further and additional documents as shall be reasonable, convenient, necessary or desirable to carry out the provisions of this AGREEMENT.

7.8. Return of Confidential Information and Property: Prior to the separation date, EMPLOYEE shall submit a written inventory of, and return to the City Clerk, all City keys, equipment, computer identification cards or codes, and other equipment or materials or confidential documents provided to or obtained by EMPLOYEE during the course of his employment with THE CITY.

7.9 No Pending Claims and/or Actions: EMPLOYEE represents that he has not filed any complaints or charges against THE CITY or THE CITY PARTIES with any local, state or federal agency or court; that he will not do so at any time hereafter for any claim arising up to and including the EFFECTIVE DATE of this AGREEMENT; and that if any such agency or court assumes jurisdiction of any such complaint or charge against THE CITY or THE CITY PARTIES on behalf of EMPLOYEE, whenever or where ever filed, he will request such agency or court to withdraw from the matter forthwith. Nothing herein shall be interpreted as a release or waiver of any workers’ compensation claims or in any way prohibit or prevent EMPLOYEE from participating in any claims or administrative action brought by a state or federal agency.

7.10. Ownership of Claims: EMPLOYEE represents and warrants as a material term of this AGREEMENT that EMPLOYEE has not heretofore assigned, transferred, released or granted, or purported to assign, transfer, release or grant, any of the CLAIMS disposed of by this AGREEMENT. In executing this AGREEMENT, EMPLOYEE further warrants and represents

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that none of the CLAIMS released by EMPLOYEE thereunder will in the future be assigned, conveyed, or transferred in any fashion to any other person and/or entity.

7.11 Authority: Each party represents to the other that it has the right to enter into this AGREEMENT, and that it is not violating the terms or conditions of any other AGREEMENT to which they are a party or by which they are bound by entering into this AGREEMENT. The parties represent that they will obtain all necessary approvals to execute this AGREEMENT. It is further represented and agreed that the individuals signing this AGREEMENT on behalf of the respective parties have actual authority to execute this AGREEMENT and, by doing so, bind the party on whose behalf this AGREEMENT has been signed.


8.1. No Admission: Nothing contained herein shall be construed as an admission by THE CITY of any liability of any kind. THE CITY denies any liability in connection with any claim and intends hereby solely to avoid potential claims and/or litigation and buy its peace.

8.2. Governing Law: This AGREEMENT has been executed and delivered within the State of California, and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of California.

8.3. Full Integration: This AGREEMENT is the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous oral and written agreements and discussions. This AGREEMENT may be amended only by a further agreement in writing, signed by the parties hereto.

8.4. Continuing Benefit: This AGREEMENT is binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective agents, spouses, employees, representatives, officials, attorneys, assigns, heirs, and successors in interest.

8.5. Joint Drafting: Each party agrees that it has cooperated in the drafting and preparation of this AGREEMENT. Hence, in any construction to be made of this AGREEMENT, the parties agree that same shall not be construed against any party.

8.6. Severability: In the event that any term, covenant, condition, provision or agreement contained in this AGREEMENT is held to be invalid or void by any court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of any such term, covenant, condition, provision or agreement shall in no way affect any other term, covenant, condition, provision or agreement and the remainder of this AGREEMENT shall still be in full force and effect.

8.7. Titles: The titles included in this AGREEMENT are for reference only and are not part of its terms, nor do they in any way modify the terms of this AGREEMENT.

8.8. Counterparts: This AGREEMENT may be executed in counterparts, and when each party has signed and delivered at least one such counterpart, each counterpart shall be deemed an original, and, when taken together with other signed counterparts, shall constitute one AGREEMENT, which shall be binding upon and effective as to all parties.

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8.9. Notice: Any and all notices given to any party under this AGREEMENT shall be given as provided in this paragraph. All notices given to either party shall be made by certified or registered United States mail, or personal delivery, at the noticing party’s discretion, and addressed to the parties as set forth below. Notices shall be deemed, for all purposes, to have been given on the date of personal service or three (3) consecutive calendar days following deposit of the same in the United States mail.


At EMPLOYEE’s home address on file with THE CITY.


City of San Dimas Attention: City Clerk 245 E. Bonita Ave., San Dimas, CA 91773

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE CITY has caused this AGREEMENT to be signed and executed on its behalf by its Mayor and duly attested by its City Clerk, EMPLOYEE has signed and executed this Agreement, and the attorneys for THE CITY and EMPLOYEE, if any, have approved as to form as of the dates written below.


By: ______[NAME]


DATED: ______By: ______Mayor


______City Clerk



By: ______, City Attorney

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By: ______[Counsel]

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