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Finacoverx:Layout 1.Qxd FINAcoverx:Layout 1 2011.05.10. 17:46 Page 1 CROP: 28-28-243-32 100% 24-24-177-159 71% Official FINA Magazine Sponsor ISSN 1664-0365 ISSN 1664-0365 2011/3 2011/3 AQUATICS WORLD AQUATICS A UATICS world magazine World Championships July 16-31, 2011 Photo: REUTERS Shanghai ready to shine FINAcover:Layout 1 2011.05.16. 18:41 Page 2 Cesar Cielo 16 Federica Pellegrini 48 Damir Buric 101 CONTENT 2011/3. “I think I’m handling my life and “The Chinese will win many med - “I think this event and the Olym - my problems in a better way.“ als but Michael Phelps will still be pics in 2012 will be the most diffi- the Championships’ best swim- cult water polo tournaments in Ian Thorpe 19 mer.” the history of the sport.“ “...after a few months I’m confi- dent that I can be better and faster Zhao Jing 54 than I used to be able to swim.“ “Since I lack systematic training due to health problem, I need to Sun Yang 22 make up rapidly.“ “Age is my advantage. Since the SYNCHRO Shanghai Worlds is not my last Kirsty Coventry 55 Worlds, I don’t really care about “I love swimming. I needed the Hold your breath, the show- the title things.“ break from it but I am happy to be down’s on 82 back.“ Usually, it’s Russia all the way. Can it Liam Tancock 24 be different this time? Answers from “...we’re doing a lot of cross train - Rebecca Soni 59 Sarah Chiarello. Juan Jané 103 SHANGHAI 2011 ing, which includes running, rock “I also gain more understanding “The involvement of the (Chinese) climbing, kick boxing and Pilates.“ of my stroke as time goes on.“ Svetlana Romashina 84 players is also something we are Impressing the world 10 “If one decides to make a come- not used in the western countries.“ The final preparations are getting Camille Lacourt 26 Mireia Belmonte 65 back one should do it without any under way in Shanghai, one of the “Since last summer I wanted to “I heard that the pool is amazing, sore places that might prevent most exciting and beautiful cities of prove that the Europeans weren’t and one year out from the Olym - you from doing your best...“ AROUND THE POOL China, where the best aquatic athle- a flash in the pan but that I’m in for pics it will be the best moment to The new boss 104 tes of the world will meet again. The the long haul.“ show some speed!“ OPEN WATER Oriental Sports Centre, the venue of Mark Schubert is going to pass the the Championships is a new land- Kosuke Kitajima 30 Stephanie Rice 66 baton to Frank Busch: he is the newly mark along the Huangpu River, and is “I have a different kick and the “It’s always nice to be the under- appointed US Head Coach, a position ready to welcome the greatest stars. number of my strokes has increa- dog and I think that’s the way I’ve which is, no doubt, quite enviable but sed.“ got to look at it.“ meanwhile involves a lot of pressure due to the fact that they are expected SWIMMING Ryan Lochte 36 to be the best – anywhere, anytime. “Also I have greater confidence DIVING than I’ve ever had.“ The Hall of Fame Gala 106 Competitors reach the highest podi- Michael Phelps 37 um several times a year, while the “I’m in a lot better shape than I Hall of Fame Award Ceremony is a was a month and a half ago, that’s Open perspectives 90 single and unique event in Fort for sure.“ Pedro Adrega assesses the chances Lauderdale every year. of the best marathon swimmers who will battle for Olympic berths as well. EDITORIAL 4 Women Thomas Lurz 92 Men Queens and pretenders 44 “After having a surprise operation An overview of the women’s events on my tonsils in December, I’m currently back in full training.“ The great head-to-head and also previews, predictions and quotes. battles 14 Keri-Anne Payne 94 An analysis of the men’s events by “To be honest, these World Cham - Craig Lord who writes: “The thrill of Britta Steffen 46 “I try to stay healthy and achieve pionships will be one of the most the sport will manifest itself in the Clean sweep for China at important meets of my career...“ FAMILY NEWS 108 gladiatorial arena of much anticipa- the highest possible level of fit- home? 72 ted head-to-head battles.“ The ness.“ The question remains the same: can Magazine also offers event-by-event they do it, win all events? Klaus WATER POLO ... previews, predictions based on votes Dibiasi’s guide for the summer. The latest from the FINA member FINA Honorary Treasurer Pipat by the federations, experts and the European men, federations. Paniangvait shares his views on media; and we also recall the historic David Boudia 74 American women: a golden the impact of FINA’s forthcoming moments of each event. We have “The mental factor is a big thing.“ pairing? 98 top event, the World attempted to collect the opinions and Europe should dominate the men’s FINA NEWS 112 Championships in Shanghai. expectations of the future protago- Wu Minxia 77 field while it would take enormous nists of the FINA World Champion- “My rivals will not offer me a gold efforts to catch the Americans among The latest information, results and the FINA Executive Activities 6 ships. Just a few, as an appetiser... just because I’m a local.“ the women, writes Gergely Csurka. ever-important FINA Calendar. 2 3 EDITORIAL From the FINA Honorary Treasurer enue generated by the exploitation of competitive global sports market. We are FINA, like all other similar organisa- commercial rights (TV and sponsors) of far from being alone in this worldwide tions, has certainly felt the turbulence its World Championships. One important arena, and our competitors legitimately caused by the tough financial situation of aspect of this support relates to the look for the same objectives as FINA: to the markets, but thanks to its consolidat- assistance for travel and accommoda- increase TV exposure of our events, so ed and professionally executed budget, tion to National Federations for their par- that it can be more recognised and more managed to overcome the situation with Shanghai 2011: ticipation in the World Championships, popular among young people. very minor losses. and the prize money paid by FINA at its Taking into account our stable finan- However, this situation requires a events. In all other FINA competitions, cial situation – which is a consequence constant analysis of the market tenden- the revenue generated by the exploita- of a very well prepared financial qua- cies and a very detailed follow-up of the tion of these rights is returned to the drennial plan – FINA, through the value fluctuations of the currencies, so that organising federation and invested in of its World Championships, reaffirms its FINA can minimise the effect of such assistance to athletes and payment of leading position as a pillar of the oscillations. Our Accounting and prize money. Of course, FINA continues Olympic Movement and most viewed Financial Department is working very the success of the with its Development Programme, hold- sport at the Olympic Games confirmed hard in those fields and, as Honorary ing technical clinics and seminars in the by the TV figures of the 2008 edition in Treasurer, I must express my recognition five continents. For the period between Beijing). This status obviously generates for this permanent and valuable monitor- 2010 and 2013, the total investment in pride among our Aquatic family but at ing. those areas will be over US$ 37 million. the same time creates new challenges The upcoming 14th FINA World This optimal exposure of FINA is to be met by FINA and its 202 National Championships in Shanghai assume also beneficial in the context of a highly Member Federations. then an important role in terms of FINA’s FINA brand future financial prospects and will enhance our capacity to realise new commercial opportunities. Only in this Often called as “Aquatic Festival” or Appreciated by billions of TV viewers among many other positive aspects, way will our “product” and “brand” contin- “showcase of FINA’s sports”, the FINA worldwide, and with hundreds of thou- may lead to an increased interest from ue to be considered as solid assets in World Championships are undoubtedly sands of spectators on site, the FINA sponsors and partners for future com- the sports industry. one of the most important world sports World Championships reinforce the mercial agreements with FINA. The success of the FINA World events. The 14th edition of these cham- strength and quality of FINA’s brand I would like to underline that FINA Championships is due to the intense pionships, to be held from July 16 to 31, worldwide, thus contributing to the policy is to reinvest in the sport the rev- work of our National Federations, ath- 2011, in the exciting metropolis of growth of our International Federation. letes, coaches and officials. Their valu- Shanghai (CHN), will be no exception. This means that the visibility of our able contribution will once more lead to a Besides record participation and memo- sports generated by this major event, great achievement and improve the rable performances by our athletes in worldwide value of this competition in the five aquatic disciplines – Swimming, particular and of our sport in general.
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