12 centrespread centrespread 13 MAY 08-14, 2016 MAY 08-14, 2016

J&K Puducherry OTHER STATES / ENTITIES (Enjoys special administrative status ’S DILEMMA WITH SPECIAL STATUS (Article 370/Special like Delhi, now demands full Autonomous Status) statehood) Unlike its counterparts in states, the Delhi assembly is barred by Article 239AA(3)(a) of the Con- stitution from making laws BEEN THERE: FROM UT TO FULL STATEHOOD on three of the 66 state list entries: public order, police Goa transitioned Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh separated and land from UT to state recognised as a UT in from Assam in 1972, given in 1987 1956, became a state the status of UT; became a Last week saw chief minister Arvind Kejriwal reigniting Municipal Corporation of Delhi in 1971 state in 1987 (MCD) is an elected body, with a the demand for full statehood for Delhi. His declaration mayor as its head that the draft bill for full statehood is ready invited New Delhi Municipal Council OLD AND NEW CLAMOUR FOR STATES scathing attacks from the Opposition, which was quick (NDMC) is governed by a council to add that the demand is unconstitutional. with a chairman appointed by Harit Pradesh the Central government and in- Pradesh Delhi, which used to be a full-fledged Union Territory Maharashtra th cludes the chief minister of Delhi Uttar Poorvanchal till 1991, was given special status with the 69 Pradesh amendment of the Constitution. The amendment National Capital Territory (NCT) declared Delhi to be formally known as National is headed by the lieutenant governor who also happens Capital Territory of Delhi. The actual enforcement Andhra to be the chairman of the Pradesh Maharashtra Delhi Development Author- Vidarbha of the legislation came in 1993. Since then, Delhi Awadh Pradesh, Poorvanchal, Bundelkhand, Rayalaseema has existed in this form: a lieutenant governor, an ity (DDA) Paschimanchal, Bhojpur and Pradesh elected assembly, and a council of ministers Delhi Police falls under Union Maru Pradesh headed by a chief minister. Home Ministry Kosal Rajasthan :: Prerna Katiyar Bodoland Assam Odisha ARGUMENTS IN ARGUMENTS FAVOUR OF FULL AGAINST FULL Madhya Pradesh Assam Odisha Rajasthan STATEHOOD STATEHOOD Bagelkhand Bodoland Kosal Maru Pradesh The state government has Since Delhi is 's a limited role to play in mu- capital, all the Central nicipal corporations and bodies government's Karnataka administrative powers vest Gorkhaland Delhi Police reports to the Union with Delhi and it is key that Mithilanchal Bihar home ministry and hence law Delhi comes under the home Gujarat and order is an issue ministry and PMO Kodagu Jharkhand West Delhi does not have its own Delhi hosts offi cials and Tamil share of Public Service heads of state from other Nadu Commission offi cers countries. It is important that West Bengal Gujarat Bihar & Manipur Delhi Police comes under the Jharkhand Two power centres create Central government Gorkhaland, Saurashtra Kukiland confusion Kamtapur Tamil Nadu, Karnataka Mithilanchal There will be better and east of Kerala Delhi government cannot accountability if the police Kongu Nadu, Kodagu pass a bill without Centre's reports to the home ministry, consent. This means instead than a state government of Delhi's people ruling Delhi, Then They Became 2014 2000 2000 2000 1987 representatives from other states Unlike Goa that became a state States rule Delhi from a UT, Delhi has no major Telangana Chhattisgarh Jharkhand Uttarakhand Mizoram revenue stream such as DDA reports to the Union urban tourism development ministry, which 1960 1963 1972 1975 1987 means the Delhi government Statehood means immedi- cannot decide how the ate withdrawal of Central gov- Gujarat Nagaland Meghalaya Sikkim Arunachal city's land should be used ernment funds to Delhi. It means Pradesh people will be taxed more WHAT THE CM Six different agencies handle AIMS TO GAIN… …AND IS LIKELY TO LOSE drains, sewerage and WHO SUPPORTS …AND WHO DOESN’T water pipes It will take 5-10 years to stabi- DELHI’S DEMAND… As a full state, Delhi Centre bearing the cost Control over DDA lise the fi nancial position of will no longer of police salaries and Five civic bodies and the PWD Satish Upadhyay, Taxation Delhi as a full-fl edged state Delhi BJP chief Charge of law & order/ police be able to live on pension liabilities are responsible for the upkeep Nitish Kumar off the Central services of government of roads Why should the Central Bihar CM government's employees Control over municipal corporation government allow a state Sheila Dikshit Ajay Maken subsidies Having too many bodies administer- to control its offi ces, establish- Control over transfer and postings former Delhi CM Delhi Congress chief ing the various developmental tasks ments, cantonments and service? of bureaucrats adds to delays and ineffi ciency Source: Media Reports