Coral Reef Monitoring, Indicators and Sustainability

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Coral Reef Monitoring, Indicators and Sustainability Veron et al. Overview of distribution patterns of zooxanthellate Scleractinia Table 1 | Core issues and how they are managed in this publication. Issue Our response Most species are not units yet we treat them as if they were (Veron, There is none: taxonomic and geographic boundaries are both fuzzy 1995, 2000) Many species are as yet undiscovered or undescribed Cryptic species notwithstanding, we believe we have included most mainstream species. Future additions are unlikely to change the fundamental template More experienced fieldworkers find more species Our data contain this bias: strongly predicted records help overcome it Better known species have more records Our data contain this bias: strongly predicted records help overcome it Taxonomic error and disagreement including differences in The effect is likely to be small as the taxonomic framework we have is synonymy affect diversity (Sheppard, 1998) uniform across all ecoregions Sampling effort varies among ecoregions This is reality: strongly predicted records help overcome it Ecoregion boundaries affect results This is unavoidable. Boundaries are based on the best information available, both published and unpublished, but have different levels of support Records from mesophotic zones are few (Kühlmann, 1983; Lesser This is a significant issue. We include all data available, but these are limited et al., 2009; Bridge et al., 2012; Harris et al., 2013 and others) Ecoregion scales do not reveal smaller-scale ecological issues This level of detail is addressed in habitat- and species-specific publications, and is not currently within the scope of Coral Geographic’s broad-scale geographic data Coral reef monitoring, Whyindicators not use only confirmed records? and This would enormouslysustainability increase the biases noted above FIGURE 4 | Global diversity indicated by all records of occurrences. Diversity values were derived from GIS layering of all species maps. Figure 4, global diversity, was calculated by adding all records Islands (4 species, also isolated) and North Florida to Carolina of occurrence (the addition of all species maps) using ArcMap (6 species). David Obura 10.2.1 (ESRI, 2013). Figure 15, showing geographic ranges and Figure 16, showing Dendrograms of affinity (Figures 5–14) were carried out numbers of confirmed and strongly predicted Indo-Pacific species in XLSTAT using the Dice coefficient (which ignores neg- richness, were both generated by Excel directly from the Coral ative co-occurrence) and unweighted pair group averages. Geographic database. CORDIO East Africa Additional explanation of analytical protocols where relevant Figure 17, centroid positions (meaning the center of grav- are given in the figure captions. In order to reduce informa- ity of each ecoregion polygon) were calculated (in two dimen- tion noise, all analyses of affinity exclude four outlying ecore- sions, longitude and latitude) by averaging the coordinates of Email: [email protected]; Twitter: dobura gions: the Mediterranean (4 species), Christmas Island (which all of vertices along the perimeter of each polygon. Centroid is isolated and where there is little original data), the Madeira calculations were performed in ArcMap 10.2.1 (ESRI, 2013) Websites: February 2015 | Volume 1 | Article 81 | 5 Global process in the GCRMN, 2017-2020 International Coral Reef Initiative Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network International Society for Reef Studies (ISRS)/ International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS) Group on Earth Observations – Biodiversity Observation Network Global Ocean Observing System – Biology and Ecosystems Panel UNESCO Internaonal Oceanographic Data and Informaon Exchange, Ocean Biogeographic InformaHon Systems IUCN – Conservation Indicators, Members, Programme Species Survival Commission (Coral Specialist Group) Identifying and consolidating priority data (Essential Variables - EBVs, EOVs). Coral reefs in the top priority for ocean biology/ecosystems Raising the readiness of the observing system for Live Coral Cover EOV Contents 1 REGIONAL CHAPTERS 1.1 Introductory sections 1.2 Long term monitoring 1992 - 2015 1.3 The 2016 coral bleaching event 1.4 Long term regional drivers and responses 1.5 References 2 NATIONAL CHAPTERS 1.2 Comoros 1.3 Kenya Subsections: 1.4 Madagascar • Summary 1.5 Mauritius • Introduction • Status and Trends 1.6 Mozambique • Coral bleaching 2016 1.7 Reunion (France)• Drivers and pressures 2.7 Seychelles • Timeline 3.8 South Africa • Responses 3.9 Tanzania • Recommendations David Obura, Mishal Gudka, Fouad Abdou Rabi, Suraj Bacha Gian, Lionel Bigot, Jude Bijoux, Sarah Freed, Jean Maharavo, Vikash Munbodhe, Jelvas Mwaura, Sean Porter, Erwan Sola, Julien Wickel, Saleh Yahya and Said Ahamada Contributors PEOPLE Comoros, Abdou Rabi F, Ahamada Mroimana N, Ahamada S., Freed S., Madi Bamdou M., Maharavo J., Mouhhidine J., Nicet J.B; Kenya, David Obura, Dishon Murage, Harrison Onganda, James Kamula, Jelvas Mwaura, Jillo Katello, Judy Nyunja, Juliet Karisa, Mike Olendo, Mohamed Omar Said, Noah Ngiasange, Rose Ambae, Stephen Katua, Stephen Mussembi, Melita Samoilys; Madagascar, Andrianjafy Ihando, Maharavo Jean, Rasolomaharavo Andry; Mauri7us, Bacha Gian S., Hurbungs M., Khadun S., Koonjul M., Munbodhe V., Pillay R.M., Raf n J, Soogun N., Soondron S.; Mozambique, Erwan Sola, Isabel da Silva, Marcos Pereira, Reunion, Bigot L., Cauvin B., Chabanet P., Duval M., Malfait G., Massé L., Maurel L., Nicet JB., Pothin K., Talec P., Wickel J.; Seychelles, Anna Koester, April Burt, Arjan de Groene, Ariadna Fernández, Aurélie Duhec, Christophe Mason-Parker, Christopher Narty, Dainise Quatre, Elke Talma, Isabelle Ravinia, Jan Robinson, Jennifer Appoo, Joanna Bluemel, Josep Nogués, Jude Bijoux, Mariliana LeoWa, Nicholas Graham, Patsy Thérésine, Phillip Haupt, Pierre-Andre Adam, Richard Jeanne, Rodney Quatre, Savi Leblond, Shaun Wilson; South Africa, Camilla Floros, David Pearton, JusXn Hart, Michael Schleyer, Sean Porter, Stuart Laing; Tanzania, Ali Ussi, Hassan Kalombo, Jiddawi, N.S., Mohammed, M.S., Muhando, C., Sallema-Mtui, R., Yahya, S.A.S. INSTITUTIONS Comoros, Blue Ventures ConservaXon, DirecXon Générale de l’Environnement et des Forêts, Comoros, United NaXons Development Programme; Kenya, African Nature OrganizaXon (ANO), Arocha-Kenya, CORDIO East Africa, East Africa Wildlife Services, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research InsXtute (KMFRI), Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), NaXonal Environment Management Authority, Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF); Madagascar, Blue Ventures, Centre NaXonal de Recherche Océanographiques (CNRO), CETAMADA, DirecXon Régional du Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Mer et des Forêts, Mahajanga (DREEMF), Madagascar NaXonal Park (MNP), Parc Marin de Tanikely, StaXon de Recherche Océanographique de Vangaindrano (SROV); Mauri7us, Albion Fisheries Research Centre (AFRC), Eco-Sud, Forever Blue, Indian Ocean Commission (IOC), Lagon Bleu, MauriXus Marine ConservaXon Society (MMCS), MauriXus Oceanography InsXtute (MOI), MauriXus Tourism Authority, Ministry of Environment, Sustainable Development, and Disaster and Beach Management (MoESDDBM), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional IntegraXon and InternaXonal Trade, Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries, Shipping and Outer Island, NaXonal Coast Guards (NCG), Reef ConservaXon, Regional IntegraXon and InternaXonal Trade, Rodrigues Regional Assembly (RRA) (SEMPA; South East Marine Protected Area), Shoals Rodrigues, The MauriXan Scuba Diving AssociaXon (MSDA), University of MauriXus (UoM); Mozambique; Reunion, DirecXon de l’Environnement, de l’Aménagement et du Logement, GIP Réserve Naturelle Marine de La Réunion, InsXtut Français pour l’ExploitaXon de la Mer, délégaXon ocean Indien, IRD (InsXtut de Recherche pour le Développement), MAREX, Université de La Réunion; Seychelles, Aldabra Marine Programme, Alphonse Island Lodge, Denis Island Lodge, Department of Parks and Wildlife (Australia), Desroches Island Development Ltd, Desroches Island Lodge, Fisheries and Marine Consultancy, Global Environment Facility, Global Vision InternaXonal, Government of Seychelles, Green Islands FoundaXon, Independent Consultant, Indian Ocean Commission, Island ConservaXon Society, Islands Development Company, James Cook University (Australia), Lancaster University (UK), M/Y Pangaea, Marine ConservaXon Society Seychelles, Marine ConservaXon Society Seychelles, Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Nature Seychelles, North Island Luxury Private Resort, Seychelles Fishing Authority, Seychelles Islands FoundaXon, Seychelles NaXonal Parks Authority, SilhoueWe Hilton LaBriz Resort & Spa, University of Hawaii (USA), University of Newcastle upon Tyne (UK); South Africa, Department of Environmental Affairs, Mazda Wildlife Fund, NaXonal Research FoundaXon, Oceanographic Research InsXtute, South African AssociaXon for Marine Biological Research, Western Indian Ocean Marine Science AssociaXon; Tanzania, InsXtute of Marine Sciences (IMS- UDSM), NaXonal Environment Management Council, State University of Zanzibar, Tanga Coastal Zone ConservaXon and Development Programme, Tanzania Coral Reef Taskforce, University of Dar es Salaam. Effort Coral Fleshy Algae Fish Overall Countries 9 7 7 9 Locations/Sites/Stations 697 471 372 822 Datasets 42 36 24 70 Individual surveys 2504 1619 1491 3995 Start Year 1992 1992 1999 1992 End Year 2016 2016 2016 2016 Years surveyed 25 25 18 25 Coral cover Coral and algal cover
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