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. .,~ ~~f~r!:!!!O"ffi~~!~U'fu~yed By Ferdie de la Torre try to ar:ange a meeting with rep- gional Meeting of National Fel- referral program." ~ov~rnment faces the continuing THE DEPARTMENT of Public resentauves from the U~iversity lowship Officers from August 23 The draft audit report on the nse In health care and medic~1 Health and Environmental Ser­ of S~nto ~omas hospu.al, S~. to 26.. medical referral program with the r~~erral costs, the.prospe~t of un- vices is looking at three reputable Luke s hospl~ and ~~atI Medi- In h~s letterto Governor Froilan San Diego Hospital Association lizing le.ssexpensive ~edical ~are hospitals in Manila, Philippines, c~1 Center dunng his lop to Ma- Tenono, the DPHES director said (SHARP) for the past three fiscal alternatives becomes irnperauve. as possible medical referral pro­ nila next week. in addition to the WHO trip, he years, indicated that as the CNMI 1?e report stated that the re- gram sites for the CNMI. Abraham will be leaving for will be "looking at two or three cruitrnent of specialized physi- Variety gathered that DPHES Manila on Monday to attend the facilities as potential referral sites cians from non-western develop­ ing countries could reduce costs and provide stability and continu­ ity of specialized medical care Turner offers help for that cannot be provided by off­ island based physicians. CUC, with conditions Continued on page 1 ,By Rafael H. Arroyo help CUC pay for the defaulted JT'Sablan portion of its engine loan obliga­ ASSISTANT Interior Secretary tion to Mitsubishi. 'maylose ' Leslie M. Turner is proposing a Such approval however, is con­ partnership agreement with the , tingent upon the governor's and mortgaged CNMI government and the Com­ CUC's concurrence to the pro­ p~opertY': monwealth Utilities Corp. to once Continued on page 8 Isamu J. Abraham . and for all resolve long-standing problems faced by the utilities By Rafael L Santos firm in its operations. In an August 11 letter, Turner San Vicente' school is PROSECUTING attorney Russell asked for Governor Froilan C. E. Marsh yesterday asked the Tenorio's concurrence to the first to go year round Superior Court to forfeit a $1.5 planned accord, which when ex­ THE SAN Vicente Elementary School will be "piloting" the million property mortgaged by a ecuted would provide for a five­ Japanese businessman a few pronged approach at how to ad­ implementation of the year round program by adopting a multi­ track schedule. months ago to secure his release. dress the issues facing the contro­ In yesterday's Board Of Education meeting held at Garapan At the same time, Marsh said versial government corporation. some assets used by Kojo "I recognize the difficult finan­ Leslie M. Turner Elementary School, the BOE specifically recognized the needs ofthe SVS to adopt the scheme. Ishibashi as property bond must cial situation your administration mit resources and efforts to re­ also be forfeited for violating his inherited from previous CUC solve long-standing matters with At the same board meeting, the BOE likewise approved a 1994-1995 school calendar for all schools. curfew. management decisions and I ac­ the public utility. Ishibashi, who faces drugs and knowledge the efforts you have "I hope that our efforts from Commissioner of Education William S. Torres disclosed 'that four other elementary schools', William S. Reyes, Garapan, arms charges, was released a few undertaken to address these and this date forward will be focused )1 Tanapag and Koblerville have indicated their desire to proceed months ago to Arnold Palacios, many other difficult issues facing on maximizing the benefits of the president of Sun Splash which is the CNMI," Turner told Tenorio timeandmoneyinvestedinCUC," . with the implementation of a year round calendar this school year. said to be partly owned by the in her two page letter. the assistant secretary said. defendant. Noting that the objectives and Turner indicated willingness to . Torres however said these schools will have to. submit plans est~blishing th~ir.readiness Palacios mortgaged company plans for CUC have undergone a approve the release of $10 mil­ . and support needed to implement their schedule. . ., assets amounting toabout $80,000 "tortuous and often inconsistent" lion from the interest earnings while John T. Sablan agreed to Continu~don, course overthe past several years, from the 1987 bond issue cur­ page 8 mortgage a property worth $1.5 Turner expressed the need tocom- rently kept at Bank of Guam to million to guarantee the appear­ ance of the defendant in court proceedings. Yesterday Judge Marty Taylor was asked to forfeit the mort­ gaged property and set a $1 mil­ lion bail for the release of the defendant. The businessman has been ~n­ del' the custody of the Department of. Public Safety since Sunday following his arrest. In a hearing yesterday morn­ ing, DPS agent Pete Salas testi­ fied that Ishibashi violated his curfew twice. The defendant is not allowed to stay outside his girlfriend's house between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. nn l"np ,)J.

kM.AJ.U~NAS vA~IETY.~WS A.ND VIEWS-rnU.R,SPA.Y; AUGUST, 18" J994. Hundreds flee as California fires rage Sablan wantsjetskis in Managaha By SCOTTUNDLAW of them gathered from other fires, ties had spent $4 million fighting ares (388,000 acres) in Arizona, Mendocino coastlineburnedover A BILL has been introduced at "Managaha is fun island. It is in the tourist economy," said the battled the blaze in 38-degrees it, the California Department of California, Idaho, Montana, Or­ 635 acres. the House of Representatives, where our tourists go to relax and congressman. SANLUIS OBISPO, Calif.(AP) • Celsius (lOO-degree Fahrenheit) Forestry said. egon, Utah and Washington state, The San Luis Obispo fire, the seeking to lift the current restric­ indulgein recreation.Why should Sablan, who is chairman of the Hundreds ofpeople fledasa wildfire heat. Seventeen aircraft bombarded according tothe National Interagency state's largest this year, was be­ tion on the operation of jetskis webe preventingour touristsfrom House Committee on Commerce blarredon an arsonist racedup and "It's been like a firefighters' flames approaching San Luis Fire Center in Boise, Idaho. Tbey lieved to have been set near the near and about the island of enjoying Managaha," said the & Tourism, pointed out that in­ down the oak-studded canyons and Woodstock," said Richie Burgett, Qbispo and the rural communi­ were being fought by more than Cerro Alto Campground on Sun­ Managaha. lawmaker from Saipan. stead of curtailing tourist-related hills of central California on Tues­ owner of Richie's Market and ties of Santa Margarita and Gar­ 19,(0) firefighters. day. More than 600 people fled :~. , House Bill 9-233, authored by Currently, he said, there is buta activities, government should day,destroying arleastI 7horresand Grill near the fire line. den Farms,as wellas thesouthern IntheAngeles National Foresteast their homes when it spread at the Rep.Benjamin A.Sablan, aims to limited choice of water sports even exert more effort at provid­ burning 65 square miles. The fire destroyed 3I houses end of Atascadero. The flames of Los Angeles, a fire on Mount rate of upto 2,000 hectares (5,000 permitjetskis and other types of available for tourists who visit the ing moreoftheseactivitiesif tour­ Pushedbyerratic winds, the blaze and six mobile homes as it bore movedmovedbothsouthandeast. Baldy burned across 120 hectares acres) an hour. relatedrecreational watercrafts at islands. By disallowing jetskis, ism is tocontinuetoprosper in the sent 6O-rreter-high (200-foot-high) down on San Luis Obispo, 250 Smallerfiresalsoburnedinboth (300 acres) Tuesday, and two fires California Polytechnic State Uni­ Managaha, by exempting such the choice is further narrowed islands. fingers offlarre crackling across San kilometers (150 miles) northwest Northern and Southern Califor­ nearLake Arrowhead, 120kilorre­ versityarSanLuisObispowasevacu­ activitiesfrom the regulatory ann down. "We should bepromoting more Luis Obispo County, closing a major of Los Angeles. It also burned 17 nia, and large fires continued to ters (70 miles) east of the city, had atedas flames scorched 30hectares of the Coastal Resources Man­ "This only makes us less attrac­ of these activities. In fact, there is north-south highway andprompting outbuildings and 23 vehicles and burn in other Western states. scorched 730hectares (l ,800) acres. (75 acres) of campus range land agement member agencies. tive to our tourists," said Sablan. a needfor us to giveour tourists as theevacuation of a stateuniversity. caused an estimated $10 million Twenty-seven major fires have fire the In Northern Califomia, a in Classes atthe 15,500-studentuniver­ Currently,jetskioperation,both In addition, he said not only are much attention as we could give Morethan 2,(0)firefi ghters,many in damage. By Tuesday, authori- burned more than 160,000 hect- Zeni Ranch Hills above the scenic sitydon't startuntilSept. 19. rental and private, is not allowed the tourists affected by the re­ them," said the Saipan lawmaker. near Managaha, pursuant to striction but also jet ski operators "We'relookingformorerevenues CRMO rules and regulations and who are in effect deprived of a and promote business. The re­ the Boating Safety Act of IY82, huge chunk of their business. striction on jetskis in Managaha as amended. "This is unreasonable. Most of is counter tothiseffort," he added. !!! Jackson sued for 'breaking up family' According to Sablan, he sees these operators are local entre­ Sablan, in his bill, is proposing SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) ­ him.hissisterandhis mother on no­ Theboynowlives withhisbiologi­ "This lawsuit is an attempt to take his biological father settled the absolutely no logic at why such a preneurs, local beach boys who to lift thejetski restriction andjust Thestepfather ofa boywhoaccused limit shopping sprees and nips to cal father anduses hislastname, advantage of his fame and notori­ molestation lawsuitfora reported popular water sport as jetskiing wanted to earn a living through provide for safety measures and Michael Jackson of molestation is Florida, Las Vegas and Jackson's JacksonlawyerHowardWeitzman ety in order to get money," he $15 million. The stepfather was should be banned around such small-scale ventures, yet we stronger regulatory oversight. suing Jackson, claiming hebroke up Neverland Ranch. said the entertainer has maintained said. not a party to the lawsuit and got Managaha. are preventing them to participate "Ifthe concernis safety, we can thefamily byplying theboyandhis The "classic pedophilic strategy" that he did nothing inappropriate. The teen-ager, his mother and none of the settlement. I mother with thousands of dollars disruptedandsplitthe family, saidthe Benjamin A. Sablan worth ofgifts. stepfather's lawyer, DannyDavis. remedy that. We can designate done in hotel beachfront areas," Thelawsuit was filed Tuesday on Thestepfather andhiswifelearned US, Seoul insistN. Korea Bank teller who embezzled specificareas as what is currently said the solon. behalf of the stepfather, wholives in ofthe I3-year-old boy's molestation Santa Monica and his 6-year-old claiminAugust 1993, thenseparated daughter, It claims that in order to in October or November aftereight must allow all inspections $37,000 spared from jail Man sells someone gain access to the boy,Jackson took years of marriage, Davissaid. sion of the Attorney General's all laws. SEOUL(APj-TheU.S.,mdSouth On Monday. Kimoffered to pro­ the 18-month-old controversy over By Rafael I. Santos Office, noted that although the She will be assisted by her fam­ Korean presidents reaffirmed videtheNorth with a$2billion light­ the North'snuclear program. crimes committed by Taitano ily in paying off the money she Wednesday that North Korea must waterreactoriftheCommunistcoun­ North Korea has denied making AFORMER Bank of Saipan em­ else's Nissan car were "serious," the defendant had had taken from the local bank, allow inspections of all it" nuclear tryproves thatithasnotbeenmaking nuclear weapons, buthas refused in­ ployee who embezzled closed to A MAN reportedly sold Police said they are.still inves­ no prior conviction. Gill said. sites before it can receive replace­ nuclear weapons. spections bytheinternational watch­ $40,000 was given a suspended sorneone's car by forging the tigating the case. The prosecutor said that in .Before the sentencing, the mentnuclear reactors. The light-water reactorproduces dogagency thatcouldclearupsuspi­ sentence yesterday and ordered owner's signature in Chalan Kiya Meanwhile, a female shoplifter n," judge was told Taitano took the "Theyfully agreed thatonlywhen less plutonium. a mainingredient in cions. U.S.'officials have said that to pay the money for a period of order tomaker her "whoIeagai Tuesday, the Department of Pub­ was caught for taking two lip­ a ten-year suspended sentence money to pay for her automo­ North Korea fullyguarantees the trans­ making nuclear weapons. North Korea has extracted enough eight years. lic Safety said. sticks worth$5.99 each atPayless bile. The vehicle was apparently parency ofit"nuclear programwillit North Koreahassaiditwillshutoff plutonium tomakeoneortwobombs. Carmen P. Taitano, who had must be imposed by the court on In yesterday's press briefing, Townhouse in- Chalan Kanoa repossessed, Assistant Public De­ receive a light-water reactor." presi­ it"current graphite-based reactor, but The United States andNorth Ko­ worked as teller at the bank's strict conditions. the DPS said according to a 40­ Tuesday afternoon. Garapan branch, was sentenced Taitano must seek psychiatric fender David Juarez said. dential spokesman Choo Don-shik onlyifitreceives a replacement reaareto resume talksnextmonth to year-old man from Capitol Hill, In Garapan, a man complained and psychological treatment and The court may revoke the sus­ said The agreement could help settle ironout details of the accord toten years in prison, all of which he asked another man to bring his that someone took his bag con­ 500 pended sentence in case Taitano Duringa-lurninuretelephonecon­ was suspended on certain condi­ perform hours of commu­ 1990 Nissan four-door sedan to taining $220, passport and other violates any of the conditions of versation with President KimYoung­ tions. nity work service. She should an auto shop for repair. documents which he placed in­ her release. sam.PresidentClintonpositively ruled Boy guilty ofkilling toddler Superior Court judge Marty also seek full time job and obey TIlesuspect,whose identitywas side a vehicle at the parking lotof the U.S.-North Korea talks held in Taylor accepted a plea agreement withheld by DPS for follow-up Central Fish Mart Tuesday after­ BATH, N,Y.(AP) - A l4-year-old Inconvicting EricSmith, the jury between the government and the Geneva lastweek. Choosaid. boywhobludgeoned andstrangled a rejected charges of manslaughter. purposes, however forged the noon. Kimsaid Seoul waswillingtofund defendant yesterday morning. preschooler because ofwhathislaw­ Ericcouldgetas much nine years IslandArtists owner's signature and sold it to an The DPS received a total of 15 thenewreactor fortheNorth inorder Taitano must settle the $37,502 yerclaimed wasadisorder that made to lifein prison. employee of the auto shop. vehicular accidents in the past toencourage isolated North Korea to she had taken from the bank by himprone touncontrollable ragewas The freckle-faced redhead admit­ The incident was reported to two days. No one however, was begin reforms, Choosaid. making a monthly payment of exhibit September injur~d.(FDT) convicted Tuesday of murder. ted he coaxed 4-year-old Denick the DPS Tuesday at II :26 a.m. reported $400 for a period of eight years. TIlE ARTS Council will be open­ up to four pieces of two or three Robie intothe woods lastyearalithe The court ordered that the former ing the "Island Artist's Exhibit" dimensional work to the Arts boywaswalking downhisstreet toa teller should not "handle cash or on September 16, 1994. The ex­ Council office at the Convention day camp they attended in western negotiable instruments" in her hibit will run through October 14, Center,CapitolHill,betweenSep­ NewYork. future employment. 1994. This exhibit is typically the tember6 and9, 1994.Registration Eric said he squeezed the boy's Earlier,AssistantAttomeyGen­ largest exhibit of contemporary is free and work may be for sale. neck, stuffed a paper towel and a eral Cheryl Gillsaid the appropri­ twoandthreedimensionalartwork For further information you rimy plastic lunch bag in his mouth, bat­ ate sentence for the defendant throughout the year. contact Robert Hunter or Tina tered his head with a stone, then wouldbetenyears,all suspended. Artists interested in submitting Wabol at the Arts Council Office, crushed hisskull witha rockhe had Gill, head of the Criminal Divi- artwork for this exhibit may bring telephones: 322-9982 or322-9983. pulled outof the soil. The defense contended that Eric suffered from "intermittent explo­ sivedisorder," a rare condition char­ acterized byepisodes inwhich a per­ soncannotcontrol violent impulses. Theprosecution depicted himasa methodical killerwho lured his vic­ timintoa trap and tried to cover his tracks, Thedefensecontendedthebespec­ tacled youngster suffers from devel­ oprrental abnormalities brought on by his mother's use of a risky anti­ epileptic drugwhilepregnant Amongthe telltale signs arelow­ MOYLAN'S INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS, INC. set ears that curl downward, vision HOMEOF THE GOOD GUYSAND GALS problems, .upturned eyebrows and Soblan Building P.O. Box 206. Solpon. MP 96950 unusual delay inlearning to walkand Tel:234-6142/6442/6571/7185. Fox: 234-8641 talk. MOYLAN'S INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS (INrl), INC. Rota Branch Whilebothsides agreed heSI}8Ps n1 P.O. Box 995 • Rota. MP 96951 MOYLAN'S from developrrental abnormallties, Tel:(670) 532-2230 • Fox: (670) 532-2230 theydisagreed over whether healso suffers from a dangerous mental de­ Wilma Wabol gives a demonstration in bead-making at theArts Councils e.ducation conference exhibi!.. The A groupof onlookersdiscussthe workof Michael Quinn. The piecei$ 'feet or illness. exhibit, held at HopwoodJr. High, gaveoff-islandeducators a chance to viewandpurchase local trsaltionel ondisplayettne "Artists for the Environment" exhibit, beindheldat the and. contemporary arts and crafts. Joeten-Kiyu PublicLibrary. Photos.,Py Robert Hunter. C·4-'M~.RIAN.A&V~' N§W5.-AND VIBWSt':rnt!R§DAX-AUG,UST... l;8,J994 - ~ - - _... ------"--- - Ruling on Sablan case deferred Solons unhappy over meals tax veto TWO LAWMAKERS from By Rafael I. Santos vote" principle is not fundamen­ rnent," Saipan yesterday expressed their eral of the island's majorhotels. proved in an omnibus package talin theinternationalsense, thus, The court mustlookat the stan­ disappointment at Governor "At present, some hotels are and not on a piece-meal basis. THE SUPERIOR Court yester­ Sablan's demand that the Senate dards of human rights 'which are Froilane. Tenorio's veto of a lo­ charging a certain percentage on "The governor is of theimpres­ day deferred ruling on Senator be reapportioned by order of the recognized as basic and funda­ cal bill that would have levied a meals.All we are askingforis but .ron thatearmarking offundscre­ Jesus R.Sablan's motion seeking court was denied. mental, in theinternationalsense, 5%taxonmealsservedinSaipan's a portionof that to be turnedover atesadministrativecomplications a reconsideration of a decision in Sablan said in his complaint he said, referring to the personal hotels,restaurantsand such estab­ togovernmentfortheeducationof as one would have to create a a lawsuit which he filed against that the composition of thesenate rightsembodiedin theUN Decla­ lishments. our kids,"said thelawmakerfrom separate account and lots more the governor, the legislature and is unconstitutionaland demanded ration of HumanRights.The dec­ Inaninterview, bothHouseVice Capitol Hill. efforts to maintain it. This may, five senators. that special elections be held to laration partly states that "All are SpeakerJesusP.MafnasandHouse According to Mafnas, the local however, be politicallypopular," Judge Alex Castro, after hear­ "correct" the problem. equal before the law and are en­ Ways& Means ChairmanPete P. bill would have benefited the said Muir. ingargumentsofbothparties, said The Superior Court however titled without discrimination to Reyes lashed at the chief execu­ youth of the Commonwealth as Besides, Muir said, the gover­ he was taking the matter under ruled that based on the implicit equal protection of the law..." tive saying his disapproval of the funds it will raise would be no~ felt the delegation may have advisement teaching of the Reynolds court, AccordingtoMitchell,thecourt House Local Bill 9~12 indicates earmarked for the use of PSS in lacked the authority to pass a tax Sablan filed a motion for re­ "the bicameral system where one must reconsider its decision be­ "being insensitive" to the Public the procurement of books and in­ measure like HLB 9-12. consideration on July 28, claim­ house givesequalrepresentation... cause the applicationof the Insu­ School System, the main benefi­ structional materials and for the ingthatthe"oneperson,one vote" can be democratic where the ap­ lar Cases doctrine was incorrect, improvementof thepublicschool ciary of the revenues that could Jesus P. Mafnas rule is a fundamental right in the portionment is necessary to form addingthatthe"implicitteaching" Pete P. Reyes curriculum. have been raised had the bill be­ goodjob, otherwisewe would not tion at the MarianasHigh School. international sense. He also al­ a union among distinct political used by the court did not exist. come law. "Besides, part of the money leged that while it was entirely . entities which otherwise would He said the Reynolds court did have such products as successful Under the Mafnas bill, a tax of could be used to enable PSS to "I could not comprehend the politicians, doctors, businessmen 5% is leviedon the tab of custom­ correctfor thecourt toemploy the not be willing to concede sover­ not say nor hold that the federal hatred and dislike he has for the discontinueitspolicythatrequires Insular Cases doctrine as the rule eignty to a central government." government was fundamentally and other localprofessionals. So I ers patronizing Saipan's restau­ students to pay for their meals in school system. For him to veto can't comprehend why he would rants and hotels. The measure of decision, its application ofthe Atty. Theodore R. Mitchell, democratic.Rathertheprevailing such an important bill is tanta­ schools," Mafnas said. doctrine reached the wrong re­ go againsteducationand veto this gained thesupportof mostSaipan . When asked to comment about Sablan's counsel, arguedthatsuch opinion has been that a state leg­ mountto turninghis back to edu­ sult phrase was coined "to say that it islature modelled on the federal important bill,". said Reyes. lawmakers comprising theSaipan Reyes' and Mafnas' views, the cation,"said Reyes. Mafnas, whoauthoredthe mea­ DIAMOND Castro, in his July 18 ruling included...personal rights which congress was "categorically dis­ Jesus R. Sablan LegislativeDelegation asit would governor's legislative counsel Reyes also expressed dismay sure, was equallydistraughtabout GALLERY'S stated that the "one person, one are the basis of all free govern- criminatory." the malapportionmeJ1t of the up­ "have alreadybeen heard and ar­ mainly be targeting the tourist DougMuirsaid theallegedinsen­ about the non-appearance of the the veto. market. Furthermore, the formation of per house was a political deal gued. Plaintiff brings no new sitivity of the governor towards governorin therecent Pacific Re­ "I hope he did not veto the bill the legislative branches of the which he described as unfair and matter before the court." But according to Governor education is far from the truth. DESIGNER gionalEducationLaboratorycon­ because I authored it," said the United States and the CNMI are unconstitutional. The court, they said should not Tenorio,he doesnotagree thatthe "This is not true at all. The ference on Saipan, saying such vicespeaker."Hisactionis a dem­ WATCH SALE I. not similar. The Covenant did not Lawyers for Governor- Froilan reconsider adecisionjust because new taxwillonlyaffect touristsas governor has his reasons why he absencewas an "insult" to teach­ onstration ofhis lack of support involve the formation of a union C. Tenorio, the House of Repre­ of the "displeasure" of the liti­ it may also affect localswho fre­ vetoed the meals tax bill," said ers, and the whole education'Sec­ for PSS. Isn't it he recently criti­ quentlyeatoutwiththeirfamilies. among distinct political entities sentatives, Senate and the five gants. ter. Muir. youYchoice cized the achievement levels of Reyes,duringyesterday'sinter­ and that Rota andTinian were not senators led by President Juan S. The U.N. declaration cited by He said the governor did not He chided the chief executive our kids just to express his disap­ view, arguedthat thereshouldnot distinct political entities, he said. Demapan opposed the motion. the plaintiff is not also relevant like the idea of earmarking funds for'being too hard on the educa­ pointmentwithPSS,"saldMafnas, beanymore concern aboutthepros­ According to the presiding In their joint motion, House le­ andbindinginthecommonwealth, tionalsystem. as a fiscal policy for the govern­ referring to a statementthe gover­ pect of tax on meals as this is judge, changing the Senate by galcounselMayaKara,Tenorio's they argued. The charter provi­ ment and that .he wants such tax "In my opinion, PSS is doing a nor made during a recent gradua- alreadybeingimplemented onsev- judicial order would be"imprac­ lawyer Douglas Muir and Senate sions "are articulated ideals of revenue generating measures ap- Gentle Grin inc. tical and anomalous" based on counsel Lana Buffington said universaljustice...goals ofaplan­ the determination made on the there is no 'appropriate basis for etary society of associated states issue of "one person, one vote." bringingthe motion,stressingthat in which all persons will be ac­ 3DAYSONLYI Mitchell however insisted that arguments raised by Mitchell corded rights which are univer­ 2 nabbed for assaulting guard Jriday, Saturday Oleai 6"..ach sally acknowledged to bejust and By Ferdie de Is Torre ~Sunday D necessary." They do not super­ Initialinvestigation showedthat the guard. Hesaidhelefthiscassetteplayer while a security"guard was con­ August 19th-21st ~ sede nor control over developed Respondingpoliceofficerslater when he ran away. But when he taGARAPAH BbOf DffR Sl\bfS 1WO PERSONS were arrested ducting an inspectionin the Hafa caught the two. cornmon law, they said. after- they reportedly assaulted a returned the armed men were no­ New Phone # 235-3686 The defense lawyers insisted Adai Beach Hotel, he spotted the In As Perdido, a 25-year-old where so with his cassette. Mlcrol security guard who confronted two swimming in the pool yester­ I~ ... --~ 2nd Floor Morgen Bldg. man lost his cassette player after Week Ends OK that the rule of proportional rep­ themfor swimming in the pool at In Garapan, a 39-year-old resentation by population is not a day at 3:23 a.m. he ran way from a group 0: uni­ We Offer, an unholy hours at the Hafa Adai woman complained that she lost .-...... ------Specializing in!-.-----...., fundamental right in the interna­ The watchman told theduo that. dentified armed men Monday ier$1800cashand 900PhiIippine • Teeth Whitening Beach Hotel in Garapan yester­ tional sense. They added that swimming is prohibited during night. • Teeth Cleaning 1) Roof Repair & Roof Resurfacing. day. money which she left inside her changing the composition of the "wee hours" and asked them to The man claimed that he was • Fillings 2) Lawn Care & Minor Landscaping. Police said the arres.ees identi­ bedroom at Christine's Liberty commonwealth upper house leave the pool. dropped by his friends when he • Denture Repair fiedasM.Mettaoandlvl. Hironobu, barracks yesterday at I:25 a.m. 3) Repair Jobs & Small Construction Projects. would be"impracticalandanoma­ One of the arrestees however, saw three occupants of a vehicle • Exfractlons were picked up for assault and In another police report, thief lous." approachedthesecurity guardand which was parked nearby, armed • and other Dental needs *FREE ESTIMATES* battery, assault with a dangerous reportedlytooka calculatorand28 Michael potts, lawyer for punched. him. The other suspect with screw driversand one carry­ weapon, and disturbing peace. cans of air fresheners in oneof the same Day Appointments Tel: 235·3720 Demapan and four other senators pulled a baseball bat and chased ing a rifle. Tupperware Consultant offices at the Commonwealth said plaintiff "offers nonewargu­ Health Center Monday. ments or evidence in support of his motion" and asked that the Weekly marine water report SAIPAN DANCE CENTER motion be denied. Register in Class: $10.00 registration fee except jazzercise"Classes begin Aug. 15, 1994235-3263 2nd Floor King's Plaza Da~dan In his reply to the opposition to THE DryISION of Environmen- thatstorm waterrunoff in tropical tal Quality analyzes samples of .. hismotion,Mitchellindicatedthat tal Quality (DEQ) analyzed wa- environments may also contain marine recreational and storm Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday. Sunday ter samples collected from fecal coliform bacteria from the drainage water from 37 loca- since the UN declaration us an Saipan's~creation~ beachesand natural environment. tions on the west side of Saipan WAREHOUSE SPACE Mu.!c a Mov&ment JazzercllO articulated ideal of universal storm drainages this week. The To adequately address public island each week. DEQ wel- For Tots Adults justice, such should not be de­ 9:30-10:00 Vida 9:3()"10:30 am, Marilyn samples collected from the fol- health concerns, DEQ maintains comes all inquiries as to the AVAILABLE nied to the people of Saipan. lowing locations contained ex- its policy of advising the public quality of the beach water. The Polynealan Modem Dance Mitchell said the Superior Beginners .(Hlp Hop) 7-12 yrs. cessive concentration of fecal not to fish or swim within 300 public is encouraged to contact - 10:30-11:30 Ke 10:00-11:30 Megan Court must determine whether coliformbacteria, whichexceeded feet of these locations within DEQ at 234-6114 with any the "dilution of the voting Polyne.kln Modem Dance the CNMI Marine Water Quality 48 hours of this notice. questions concerning this mat- * 2,000 • 4',000· Sq. Ft. 9-12 yrs. (flip Hop) 13 vrs up power of the residents of 11:30-12:30 Ke Standards. The Division of Environ men- ter. 11:30-1:00 Megan Saipan...is a violation of the "Drainage south of Dai-Ichi * WI Loading/Unloading JAll. Equal Protection Clause....and, Hotel 7-1 Mrs. whether that right is so funda­ 12:30-2: Jaime *Drainage south of Hafa-Adai Dock Facility mental as to prevent its denial." Clogging Hotel Clogging Jazz Defense lawyers have said * Located at Chalan Kiya 5-8 yrs. 5-8yrs. Teens ·Adults . "Beach at San Antonio lift sta- CDAmeeting 3:30-4:15 Heidi 3:30-4:15 Heidi 2:00-3:30 jaime that reapportioning the senate tion THE DEVELOPMENT Corporation Division (DCD)Board of Direc­ Industrial Center, Ballet would be violative of the cov­ Ballet Follclorlco Clogging Tap Tap *Beach at Samoa Housing torsof the CommonwealthDevelopment Authority(CDA) willholdits 5-8 yrs. Adults 9-13 yrs. 5-8 yrs. 9 yrs. up enant. Mitchell however argued *Beachat Hafa-Adai Hotel 4:30-5:30 Kaft1y 4:3()"5:30 Vida meeting on Friday, August 19, 1994at 10:00 a.m., at theCDA' s office WRHSE #1 4:15-5:30 Heidi 4:3()"5:30 Roberta I 3:3()"4:30 Robert'a that the United States will not *Beachat San Jose in Rota. Ballot Polynesian Polynoslan Polynesian suffer damage loss if the a 9-12 yrs. Of *Beach at P.Le. The agenda is to discuss loan applications. 5-8yrs. 9-12yrs. 5-8 vrs ! 4:30-5:30 Kaft1y 5:30-6:30 Ke 5:30-6:30 Ke 5:30-6:30 Ke I Covenant provision. that al­ High concentrations of Fecal lowed equal representation in Coliforms may be the result of Ballet Polyne.lan Jazzerclse Polynesian For More Information, 13 yrs.up Adults Adults Adults the CNMI senate is declared stormwater runoff due to rain 6:30-7:30 Kaft1y 6:3()"7:30 Ke 6:3()"7:30Marilyn 6:30-7:30 Ke unconstitutional. storms. Fecal Coliform bacteria JA11. Clogging JA11. I The contentionthat the Cov­ are not usually disease causing. Pis. Call Beth at 234-&&41. Adults Adults Adults enant is imperiled if one of its 7:30-8:30 KIm Thebacteriacanindicatethepres­ 7:3()"8:30Heidi 7:30-830 Kim fundamental parts is invalid, is Just Say "NO" To Drugs • ence ,Qf human and animal waste • MlISlc andMO'Iemlllrt: Tots. $2.00a cia.. (Vida) -- • aallel;S40.00month (All ,go,) IKlthy) • Ballet Folklorico - To be ennounced IVid,) • Modem Dlnce, 7-12yl1, 13 yl1 &up, 46.00a month (Meg.n) purely speculative and, lacks in the water. Studies have shown • Polynesian. 6-8yl1.9·12 yl1 S4S.00a roonth IKe) • JIZZ, 7·12yl1.leens &aduns $-40.00,month (Jlmie) • Polyn..',n, Adun., $-45.00' month (Ke) • Clogging ,II cillses $40.00I month (Heide) factual basis, Mitchell said. • JIZZ; Adults; $46.00a monlh (KIlT) • Tap: 5-B yl1.9 yrs·up, 35.00I month (Rob,n,) • Jone"i.e, Adun •. $3.00I cIISlIM"ilyn) .j L COP employees f7 ofmonth ofJuly Insularfisheries group L EDMUNDD. Carinoand Cristina more safety and security programs working on EEZ policy M. Ramos were announced as that may bedeveloped to promote THE SECOND meeting of the ~ July, 1994 Employees-of-the­ effectively. In minds and hearts, the appropriate insular area. In­ mental matters, a State spokes­

.•..'..•...... ,. federal-insular area working .'~ --- Month by our Managing Direc­ Security is a relatively modern ad­ sular representatives suggested man said the department has tors: Hideo Sugiyama, Masaki group on Exclusive Economic several revisions to the proposed .. dition to the department structure been working with OTIA on this <(i'~'" '.;, Zone fishery policy, held July J [ Yamamoto and Antonio Muna. of a hotel - PROTECT THE amendment. issue for several months as a Each recipient was awarded an 28-29, 1994, discussed propos­ GUESTS, EMPLOYEES AND The federal members agreed result of Assistant Secretary Employee-of-the month Plaque als for a possible amendment to TIIEIR PERSONAL BELONG­ to discuss the exemption pro­ Turner's December 1993 request ofAppreciationand US$1 00cash the Magnuson Fisheries Con­ INGS. Hehas always extremecau­ posal as well as the amendment to State's Assistant Secretary for incentive. Both Edmund and servation and Management Act tion, full knowledge, and tact revisions with appropriate Oceans and International Envi­ Cristina are both eligible for the and related issues. While Cristina M. Ramos, Wait­ .. policy-level federal officials and ronmental and Scientific Affairs. selection of the 1994 Employee According to a media release ress at the F & B Department, is an to report back to the insular area 'They have been engaged in a from the OTIA, the insular area of the Year in their respective 'Vurnna ofthe Polytechnic Univer­ representatives. dialogue and review on ways to category. participants raised the issue of sity of the Philippines, graduated The Commerce-Interior initia­ broaden insular area participa­ evaluating possible exemption Edmund Carino, Security Of­ with a degree in the General Secre­ tive with insular area represen­ tion in international forums. The of the insular areas from the ficer, is a product of the Philip­ tarial Course. In order to help sus­ tatives has been working in con­ meeting also reviewed Magnuson Act, and greater in­ pine College of Criminology in tain her college education, she junction with the Western Pa­ WESTPAC's efforts to develop sular area participation in U.S. Manila, Philippines, graduated worked full-time in the morning cific Regional Fisheries Man­ an amendment to the Magnuson fishery negotiations and regional with a degree in Bachelor of sd­ and studied in the evening. Coral agement Council (WESTPAC) Act that would preserve and pro­ (Left) EdmundD.Carinoand (right)CristinaM.Ramoswith(center)HotelGeneralManagerHideoSugiyama organizations. ence in Criminology. He is a con­ Ocean PointisveryproudofCristy's and the Pacific Basin Develop­ tect indigenous fishing rights in Major elements of a sistent workingstudentduring his determination tohelpbothsustained ment Council (PBDC) to de­ U.S. Pacific islands. The fed­ Magnuson amendment may in­ college days. He was formerly his education and family needs. velop ways to make federal EEZ eral team presented detailed in­ Continued from page 1 clude regulating foreign and connected at the EI Tigre Security InnerbeautybfCristyalways JT Sablan. .. fishery policy more appropriate formation on the federal laws of Investigation Agency as a domestic fishing in the EEZ's comes out. She is considered to five minutes, no one opened it. equipment were stolen. for the U.S. islands. dealing with the non-living re­ House Detective. adjacent to the insular areas, be one of the best waitresses. Salas said he decided to leave the Judge Taylor found that the On the related topic ofinsular sources of the EEZ and several John Borja, Chief Security Of­ establishing a joint fee-setting As observed especially by F & area located in NavyHilland while defendant violated the terms and area participation in interna­ federal fishery grant programs ficer, describes Edmund as very mechanism for fishing licenses, B Manager Romeo Evora, you on patrol in Garapan, he noticed a conditions of his release and re­ tional negotiations on matters that can provide technical assis­ cooperative and industrious per­ and covering overfees collected will never see her complain black Nissan pick-up near Sun manded the businessman to cus­ of interest to the insular areas, tance and training for fishery son. He tried to come-up with good from vessels using the zones to even to her toughest day. She Splash. tody. He deferred action on Marsh especially fishery and environ- management personnel. ideas and shared to his fellow secu­ always provides the guest with When the plate number of the request that the property bond be rity officers on how to improve excellent services, and her atti­ pick-up truck was checked with forfeited and that a $1 million bail totalsecurity especiallytowards the tude, promptness, and effi­ the DPS, it was found out that it be set. healthful operation ofCoral Ocean ~aipan ciency are thekey to the proper was registered to Ishibashi. The Ishibashi, who is being repre­ IKeep Clean and 'Beautiful \ Point Resort Club. Edmund places service. defendant, when approached by sented by Atty. Antonio Atalig, is the highly priority on safety and Both Edmund andCristy per­ Salas, allegedly told the detective scheduled to appear'in court on security. He believes that the Secu­ formed the ultimate connection that he came from his office. August 23 for a status hearing. rity Departmentare the key leaders to the guests. They can furnish On August 14, Salas, accompa­ The Attorney General's Office in the implementation of the secu­ the bulk of the services needed nied by another DPS officer, no­ filed numerous charges against rity program. They always hope for for the well-being ofthe guests. ticed the black pick-up in front of the Japanese businessman in the Sun Splash office at around April. The charges were filed fol­ 3:00 a.m-. At that time a police lowing his arrest at his Garapan Arts Council meet officerwas told to checkIshibashi office during which a number of at his girlfriend's house while the weapons and prohibited drugs THE BOARD of Directors for 1995/97/99 grant cycle and sta­ Linda Waki·Ho. M.D. truck was under surveillance. No were seized. the Commonwealth Council for tus report, 1995 local budget Arts and Culture would like to one responded to the knocking, DPS special agents seized less appropriation, regional arts or­ according to Salas. Later, police Towing service personnel chain up this car which struck a cueelectricpole downyesterday afternoonin inform the public that the next ganizations and expansion than a gramofmethamphetamine Capitol Hill. discovered that Ishibashi was in­ regular board meeting will be goals and objectives. and 3.3 I grams ofmarijuana dur­ held on September I, 1994 at deed out ofhis friend's residence ing the April raid and recovered The public is invited to at­ and was arrested. 9:00 a.m. at the Arts Council tend this board meeting. Fur two handguns, one high-powered During yesterday's hearing, Office at the Convention Cen­ further information you may rifle and 138 rounds of assorted Ishibashi said through an iriter­ ter, Capitol Hill. contact the Commonwealth ammunitions. preter that he did not fully under­ The agenda for this meeting Council for Arts and Culture at He is facing 12 counts of drug stand the terms and conditions of will include: executive telephone: 322-9982 or 322­ and arms charges including three Representing major com­ his release. He added that he went director's contract, summer 9983 between the hours of7:30 involving illegal possession of panies on Island the to his office following incidents workshops, basic state grant a.m. and 4:30 p.m. firearrris and six counts ofillegal friendly staff at PFC's of burglary in which company possession of ammunition. Theresa Danae, MD. Insurance Dept. can find you the best RP eyed. .. Continued from page 1 coverage for com­ Yoshio Hosobuchi,M.D. petitive prices. HELP WANTED The feasibility of establishing ing this trip, he will be entertain­ medical referral programs to other ing other related health develop­ (LOCAL HIRE ONLY) countries should also be evalu­ ment issues as well. Ask about our six ated as long as the health faci lities In an interview with the Vari­ (6) to twelve (12) GAS ATrENDANTS/CASHIER are accredited by U.S. govern­ ety, Abraham explained that he 8aipan'son·isJand solution month payment ment agencies, said the report. wants to find all the possi bility to plans. *Preferably High School Graduate. Guam for example, sends re­ provide good, quality medical ferral patients to non-western care for the people in the com­ fop seeing aspecialist·· *Some Experience Helpful. hospitals, such as the Makati monwealth. PACIFC FINANCIAL is *Must have driver's license. Medical Center and St. Luke "To me it will reduce the costs. Sometimes you need the care only specialists can THE INSURANCE BRO­ *Salary: $3.50++ depends upon Hospital, in the Philippines. because it is cheaper to travel provide. And only The Doctors' Clinic-Saipan In his second response to the there than in any otherareas...and ...... ,..... KER for you. experience. routinely brings a variety of specialists on-island audit, Abraham maintained that besides, we have cultural, social the DPHES cannot hire non­ and ethnic similarities with the for specific medical needs. We're pleased to See Us Today! Please apply at the CNMI Convenient western specialized physicians Filipinos," Abraham said. announce the following specialists will be visiting Store$, Inc.• Su&upeBranch citing a statute that prohibits The draft audit report found theSaipanHealthClinic at theend of August: INSURANCE SHOPPING? CNMI to hire any health care out that CNMI has been overrun­ ~F• (Mobil Station acrou from . professionals that are not li­ ning its referral program budget Theresa Danao, M.D. Rheumatology Augusl26 PFC MAKES IT EASY FOR YOU. Saipan Community ChurCh), censed within the polital bor­ by a total of$14.5 million, spend­ Linda Waki-Ho, M.D. OBIGYN Augusl31 •Seplember I Monday thru Friday. ders of the United States or ing $22.8 million to exceed its ~L Yoshio Hosobuchi, M.D. Neurosurgety August 29 Canada. $8.3 million total budget for fis­ 9:00 a.m, to 4:00 p.m, HIE Wesley Kai, M.D. Cardiology August 31 However, in his recent letter to cal years 1991, 1992 and 1993. DOCTORS' PACIFIC FINANCIAL CORP the governor, Abraham disclosed To reduce the subsidy levels of C ,L I N Ie, Located at the Professional Bldg. San Jose, Saipan Ask for Tim or Alex that he will also be looking at the medical referral program, the Tel. 234-8615/5706 U.S. graduates frcimthe Philip­ DPHES is currently developing -..,~." e,,~, •"()'" "",,'"" Coordlreto: Telephone No. 235-6550 pines who may be interested in responsible referral policies and: Shirley Javier at 234-290'·5 or lax 234-2906 Toa're first in all we do. working in both Rota or Tinian. procedures for patients requiring We accept most types 01insurance. Call for details. He told the governor that dur- medical care. .. , 8-MARIANASVARIETYNEWSANDVlEWS-THURSDAY-AUGU'St 18>1994" '., ,\ . v : ..... - ~ •• ' ••••T•\ . , ","",',' rnURSDAY,AUGUST 18, 1994-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS ANDVIEWs-9 its Power Plant Expansion. Al­ trolsenvironmentatCUe. Thisis erations within a privatized or "Our negotiated agreement though CUC should have been toincludethemanagement initia­ improved public utility; and wouldalsoform thebasisfor new Turner... the main respondent in the law­ tives raised in the OMIP Plan of -the resolutionandultimatedis­ termsand conditionsto beplaced Dominican Republic has new president suit, the Commonwealth govern­ Action,such as independence of position of utility operations in on existing and future Covenant Continued from page 1 ment may also be liable for the CUCover its operations, person­ Rota and Tinian within the con­ grants," said Turner. By RICARDO ROJAS LEON ing held before the inauguration Balaguerwas sworn irlfor two hehadmetPenaGomez'sdemand ship and was the titularpresident posed partnership agreement, breach as it assumes contingent nel,finances, procurement activi­ text of a privatized or improved "I believeweshareanexcellent Tuesdaymorning,Balaguerman­ years Tuesday. The normal tenn to convoke the lawmakers to whenTrujillowasassassinated in which alsosubjectsthe releaseof liabilityfor the moniesborrowed ties and authority to set power, public utility. opportunity tomake importantand SANTO DOMINGO, Domini­ agedtogaincontrolofbothhouses' is four years. He agreed to a re­ modify the constitution, cement­ 1961.The army chased-himinto annual Covenant funding assis­ by CUC from Mitsubishi on the water and sewer rates and fees; TurnerassuredTenorio her of­ longlasting improvements to in­ can Republic (AP) ~ Joaquin of Congress by forming an alli­ duction last week after opposi­ ing thosechanges. exile and Bosch became presi­ tancegrantsto theprogressof the expansion projects. -a rational restructuring of fice will ensure adequate assis­ stitutions within the Common­ Balaguerassumedthe.presidency ance with the party of former tion politiciansand international The reforms, which took effect dentinfreeelectionsin 1%3. TIle pact's objectives. Figures cited by Mitsubishi CUC's debt; tance is available to the CNMI of the Dominican Republic on President JuanBosch, who fin­ wealth. I look forward to our ex­ observersaccusedhimoffraudin Tuesdaybefore the inauguration, militaryoverthrew Bosch within "I am willing to approve the claims obligations of approxi­ -the resolution andultimate dis­ and the CUC to carry Tuesday for the seventhtime, out the pandedrelationship,"saidtheas­ ished thirdin the May elections.. the elections. wereapprovedbylawmakers from months. release of the $10 million upon mately $9 million for Phase I; position of water and sewer op- intentof the partnership pact. sistant secretary. despite strong protests from the Supporters of chief rival Jose But Congressvoted Sunday to Balaguer's Social Christian Re­ yourandtheauthorizedrepresen­ $19.8 II; Pena Gomez madehis namein mi1lion for Phase and oppositionand the UnitedStates. FranciscoPenaGomezboycotted' set his term at twoyears, in addi­ formist PartyandBosch'sDomini­ tative of CUC's signed concur­ $0.83 million for unpaid spare Balaguer,blindedbyglaucoma 1965 by inciting an uprising to work," she stressed. general, provide students with both the Assembly meeting and tion to amendingthe constitution can Liberation Party. rence to this letter acknowledg­ parts. demand Bosch's restoration. The San Vicente... She said last year there were more individualized attention, and crippledby phlebitis, said he the inauguration, charging that sothata presidentcannotsucceed ing that the parties hereby agree The bond moneyrelease could . Followers' of Pena Gomez resultingcivil warwasquelled by 750 students,including 120 kin­ . School can also expand their wouldhead"agoveriunentoftran­ Balaguer reneged on an agree­ himself. that fiscal year year 1993, 1994, very wellmake upfor the PhaseI Continued from page 1 walkedout of the session. the interventionof U.S.Marines, dergarten. curriculum offerings by provid­ sition." Heturns88in two weeks. ment with PenaGomez last week In a half-hour inauguration and 1995 Covenant grants shall payment. U.S. Ambassador Donna J, who blocked the restoration of BOE Chairman Daniel This school year, she revealed, ing special courses during In a National Assembly meet- to shortenhis term to 11/2years. speechTuesday, Balaguerinsisted notbe releaseduntil we success­ To get the proposal going, Hrinaksent a letter to the Central Bosch, a leftist. QuituguasaidSVShasexpressed there are about 740 students.iex­ intersessions. In addition, there fully negotiate and sign the part­ Turner specifically asked that ElectionBoardlateMondayargu­ Balaguer returned after the in­ theirreadiness toadoptthescheme c1uding thekindergarten.Thekin­ are opportunities for both accel­ nership agreement and satisfac­ withinthenext ing the election results were not vasion and was first elected 60days,represen­ asthebestalternative totheover­ dergarten class was recently toryprogress isbeingmadethere­ erated and remedial studies. legitimate becausetheydidn't ad­ president in 1966. He has been talives of the governor, OTIA, crowdingof classrooms problem moved to Dandan because of the Gov't official's wife abducted dressthefindings ofacommission under," said Turner. and CUC meet and negotiate the By looking at the practical in office 20 of 28 years since broughtabout by the increaseof overcrowding problem. GENERAL SANTOS, Philip­ ired the Catodan residence Mon­ Mrs. Catodan is the wife of that found seriousirregularities. then. Theuseof$10 millionfromthe details ofapartnership agreement value, the PSS pointed out, the studentpopulation. "All of a sudden there is an pines(AP) -The wifeofaprovin­ daytogetherwiththreeothermen. CiprianoCatodan,provincial en­ In his speechbeforetheAssem­ bond proceeds accountwasapos­ thatincludesthefollowing terms: concept reduces overcrowding, Several elections have been Quituguasaidafterseveral con­ influx of students...I don't know and enables the more effective cial environment officer and her .They later asked to stay over­ vironment and natural resources bly,Balaguerpromisedtopushfor marked by charges offraud, in­ sibility tossed by the administra­ -the performance of a feasibil­ sultations initiatedby theschool,. .why but it seems all these stu­ driverhavebeenkidnappedin the night because it was too late to officerof Sultan Kudarat. newchangesto theconstitution to tion toaddress theissueofCUe's ity study for privatization of use'of educational personneland cluding in 1990 when he wasre­ majority of the parents have dents are coming in (SVS)...we southernPhilippines, police said return home, police said. Tacurong is about 80 kilome­ preserve the peace in this Carib­ unpaid engine purchase obliga­ CUC's assets and/or its utility resources. elected by a 24,OOO-vote mar­ agreed to the immediate imple­ willjust try Wednesday. The kidnappers ordered the ters (50 miles) north of General beannation. He did notelaborate. tions, which if not settled could operations; and piloting this pro­ It can also address risingcosts gin over Bosch. Balaguer mentation of the program. gram," she said. LindaCatodan, 52, was seized familydriver,ArthurRoa,todrive Santos or about 960 kilometers Balaguersaid he would imme­ lead to a more costly litigation -the implementation of audit ofbuildingnewfacilitiesinatime pledged new elections then, but Earlier,theBOEchairman em­ at gunpoint by armed men, in­ the Catodans' carin their escape. (600 miles) southeastof Manila. diatelyinitiatea publicworkspro­ process. The bond money use, recommendations, including the A traditional school year in­ ofdecreasingbudgetsandincreas­ they were never held. phasized that the Public School cludesa two-weekholiday break cluding two of her family's ten­ The car was recovered in The kidnappingis the latest in gram, but added, 'The most im­ however, would need approval Inspector Generals and Meltzer ing enrollments. Pena Gomez, 57, claims that System will implement the pro­ and a summer vacation that lasts ants, who barged into her bed­ Cotabato City, 64 kilometers(40 anareawheremanyarmed groups, portantconstruction that. we have from the Interior Department. & Associates management audit There are two basic modelsof 200,000 people were blocked gram starting the opening of two to three months. roomat I: 15a.m. Tuesday (2115 miles) northeast of Tacurong. including bandits and Muslim infrontofusis themaintenance of CUC is now in default to recommendations, andotherman­ 'alternativeclass schedulesexist. from voting in the May 16elec­ classes on August 22 only to the But year round program other­ The multi-track model whichthe GMTMonday)inTacurong,Sul­ Therehas beenno-contact with rebels,operate. thepeace and harmonyof the na­ Mitsubishi Corp. for payments agement initiatives to improve tions - nine times Balaguer's schoolswhichare readyto adopt wise known as alternative class tanKudaratprovince,policesaid. the kidnappers as of Wednesday RiceandcoconuttraderSerafin tion." due on both the Phase I andII of efficiency and the internal con- SVS will be adopting and the 22,OOO-vote margin of victory. the new scheme. scheduling may include three or single-track model. Policesaid the two tenants vis- noon. Lim was abducted in General He criticized foreign interfer­ The Organization of Ameri­ SVC Vice Principal Evelyn fourshorterbreaksbetween class In the multi-track model, stu­ Santos on May 2. Police are un­ enceintheDominicanRepublic's can States and U.S. Secretary of Mangloiia told the Variety that sessions,according to PSS. dents and teachers are divided certain if Lim is still alive since internalaffairs. State Warren Christopher also the teachers really like the idea The shorter breaks are called into thekidnappershave ceased mak­ Balaguerisa leftoverofthe 31­ called for new elections to re­ PUBLIC NOTICE (program) while the parents are Power outages IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH intersessions.Theideais thatmore groups. Thesegroupshavestag­ ing contact with the family. year-oldRafaelTrujillo dictator- solve the fraud allegations, OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS very supportive "because they continuity inlearning willincrease gered class schedules and vaca­ don't like the double sessions." retentionof knowledge. tions. CIVil ACTION NO. 91-1082 Mangloiia saidbecause ofover Aside from increasing reten­ With a wide variety of design return in Phils. population ofstudents, theschool tionandminimizing learningloss, variations possible, 'the schedu 1­ MANILA (AP) • Despite gov­ Juan and the city's Chinatown, COMMONWEALTH DEVELOPMENTAUTHORITY, hasresortedtodoublesession for ernment claims that the electric­ PlaintIH, the PSS explained, alternative ingofmulti-trackscanrangefrom have already been hit by black­ vs thepast threeyears. classschedulinggive the schools simple to very complex. ity shortages were over, several outs. ISIDRO K. SEMAN and JULIA S. SEMAN, "We really have no choice but the opportunity to improve stu­ The multi-tract model offers areas ofthePhilippine capitalhave Lazaro said that several plants Defendants. to adopt the year round program dentattendance, reachhigherlev­ alternatives for enrichment and been hit by blackouts and offi­ were scheduled for completion because thedouble session doesn't els ofstudentachievementand,in make-up opportunities. It also cialswarnedWednesdayof more by theend of the yearand thatthe FIRST NOTICE OF SALE enables many schools to effec­ to come. shortage wasnotexpected toreach tively reduce overcrowding, the Last -year 's massive power the proportions of last year. POSITION VACANCY PSS said. shortages crippled the nation's In 1993,Manila and other ma­ WHEREAS, on February 8, 1994, theCommonwealth Superior Court 'economy, which has now begun entereda DefaultJudgment in favor ofPlaintiff andagainst Defendants On the other hand, the PSSex­ jor citiesonLuzon,themainPhil­ in theamount of: $24,798.91, plus accruedinterest of$1,487.39, plus ANNOUNCEMENT plained that in the single-track to revive. ippine island, suffered through BEACH ROAD latefees of$226.56, plus interest thereon at the rate of five percent model, all of the students and EnergySecretaryDelfinLazaro dailyoutages,sometimesextend­ SUSU PE. SAlPAN (5%) per annum from February 1, 1994, and for attorney's fees and The Mariana Islands Housing Authority (MIHA) is soliciting employment ap­ teachers follow the same class blamed the problem, which he ing for 12 hours. 235-7496 costs ofsuit. plications for Executive Director's Field Representative for MIHA's office in schedule. They are all in school described as temporary, on the The crisis began in the mid­ WHEREAS, on June 24, 1994, the Commonwealth Superior Court Tinian. during the regular sessions, and closure of the Malaya 2 power 1980s after former President issueda Writ ofExecution, ordering theChief ofPolice ofthe Northern they are all on vacationtogether. plant southeast of Manila. The CorazonAquino refused to oper­ Mariana Islands, tosell, in themanner provided bylaw, all ofthe right. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: These include, but are not limited tothe plant was shut down for repairs title, andinterest ofDefendants tothatcertain real property, described "Theintersessionsmaybeused ate a 632-megawattnuclearplant as follows: following: provides guidance and assistance to applicants for housing loan forremedial orenrichmentlearn­ after oil spilled into the adjacent on the Bataan peninsula because AUgllJst 20th 1194 Saturday and Section 8 housing assistance; interviews applicants for assistance un­ ing opportunities and the single­ Lagunade Bay lake last month. ofsafetyconcernsandaIlegations Partof Lot 428-4-R1 (REM) (formerly part of Lot 428) situated atAs Lito, der MIHA's housing programs; reviews housing applications for complete­ track model offers the mostcon­ Lazaro said power reserves in thatWestinghouse ElectricCorp.. SPECIAL OFFER Saipan, and containing an area of 2,987square meters, more orless, ness prior to submission tothe MIHA Central Office; processes interim and as particularly describedas follows: tinuous learning and, therefore, the Luzon grid, which includes bribedherpredecessor, Ferdinand annual tenant recertifications in a timely manner; collects loan and rental Manila, were estimated at 50 to pa.ments and takes tollow-up action on delinquent tenants and/or loan cus­ themaximumretentionofknowl­ Marcos, to win the contract. Beginning at a corner which is designated as Corner NO.1 having 100 megawatts, insufficient to Her government waited years plane rectangular coordinates of 47,364.0495 meters North and tomers, conducts periudic inspection of the Section 8 houses and recom­ edge," the PSS added. FREE Locals Only A number of parentsexpressed preventoutages. beforemappingplanstocompen­ 51,278.9697 meters East ofthe Mariana Islands District Coordinate mends corrective action; processes Section 8 repair and maintenance re­ • Chasers DRINKS INCLUSION: Systemof1966. quests; overseas the daily operations of the Section 8 housing program and their oppositions with the imme­ He said the situation was ex­ sate for the Bataan plant. A fed­ pectedto improve next week. eral jury in New Jersey found • Broadway Beer ­ the MIHA office in Tinian and performs other related duties as assigned. diate implementation of the pro­ Scotch ­ Thence, S 31° 21' 19"W, 41.652 mtoCorner2; Several areas of metropolitan Westinghousenotguiltyina law­ Give away Pen Thence, N65° 39' 10" W, 61.217 mtoCorner3; gram,citing lackofhardinfonna­ Soft Drinks • Manila, includingPasayCity,San suit alleging bribery. • Beer Scoth Coffee· Thence, N 13° 45' 20" E, 18.600 m to Corner 4; SALARY: Salary commences at PL 28, Step 1, $20,484 per annum to a tiorrprovided by the PSS to the Softdrinks Thence, N 12° 09' 23" e. 28.900 mto Corner 5; maximum PL 28, Step 5, $24,889.35 depending upon the qualifications of community. (Except for LOs) Thence, S 61° 44' 15" e, 76.285 mto point of beginning. the applicant. NOW, THEREFORE, notice ishereby given thatonFR IDAY, AUGUST 19,1994, AT 10:00 A.M., athisoffice, theChief ofPolice of theNorthern QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: Minimum of two (2) years college edu­ Angry wife slashes ( from 6:00 p.m, to 9:00 p.rn. Happy hour) Mariana Islands will sell, at public auction, all of the right, title, and cation with courses leading to a degree in Accounting, Business or Public Veterans Administration in an accredited university, plus three (3) years of progres­ interest ofDefendants in and tothe aforementioned real property. Featuring: sive work experience in a related field. Applicant must be able tocommuni­ meeting her husband's penis FURTHER NOTICE ishereby given that theterms andconditions of the cate in Chamorro language. sale will be as follows: THEU.S.ArmedForcesVeterans • Gorgeous Modeling Dancers KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia ever, found Bobbitt innocent of • 4+2 Band 1, The right is reserVed to establish minimum bids for the Association will hold its.regular WHERE TO APPLY; Interested persons must submit an application on MIHA­ (AP). Anenragedwifeslashedat marital sexual assault. In Janu­ • Special Variety Performances • Karaoke above-described realproperty, which mayor may not be disclosed at monthly meeting in the Garapan prescribed form no later than September 10, 1994, to the Executive Director, her 66-year-old husband's penis ary, another jury found Mrs. thesale and to reject any orall bids, for any reason. Elementary School cafeteria at 2.ltwill berequired thatadepositof10% ofthepurchase price Mariana Islands Housing Authority, P.O. Box 514, Saipan, MP 96950. Appli­ because he wentout with another Bobbitt innocent of malicious be paidonthe dayofthe auction. The remaining balance will be due cation forms are available at the MIHA Central Office and the Tinian MIHA 6:00 pm, Thursday, August 18. woman, doctorssaidWednesday. woundingbyreasonofinsanityin within ten (10) days of the sale. Failure to make payment of the Office. For further information, call telephone numbers 234-6866/9447176891 The association will conduct its "It wasnot completely like the the 1993case. DRINK ALL remaining balance within ten (10) days will result in forleiture by the 7670, orwrite tothe above address. meeting before presentations by Bobbitt case. The cut was only Dr. Sathiaseelan said the man, buyerofthe10%deposit, andanyand all of the buyer's rights, title and regional VA Office personnel ar­ skin deep. We stitched it," said an ethnic Chinese, was attacked interest in theaforementioned property will revert totheCommonwealth EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: No person shall be denied employ­ ranged by the CNMI Veterans Dr, Sinathurai Sathiaseelan at a Development Authority. FridaynightwitharazorinKlang, ment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, orhandi­ Affairs Office. The meeting and hospital where the victim was YOU CAN .00 DATED this 4thday of August, 1994. cap. 40 kilometers (25 miles) west of regional presentations onavai1lflle treated: KualaLumpur, Hewasdischarged /SI CHIEF OFPOLICE, Northern Mariana Islands veterans benefitsandCHAMpbs The doctor was referring to "MIHA IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT AND FAIR HOUSING PUBLIC AGENT" on Saturday in fair condition. should be of interest to all veter­ American John Bobbitt .whose "He is very lucky because the FOR ONLY. ans.All U.S.military veterans are wifecut off his penis, accusing cut was not deep enough to dam­ encouraged to attend. hrm of raping her. Ajury, how- age any major blood vessels. NO ENTRANCE FEE \~I~.':",.\~'~-..': :·-:",'.~\?\rr~1"/.. ·{-r:·,~~>~/\'/ ~.'.,/,.;\~:/:.,..~.J\~~'i ~t l~~),1.~.l_1 ..6. \P/./l(),) ;'l~l 10-:MAIUANAs VARIETY NEWS AND ViEwS-THURSDAy-AuGUST 18,1994 ... THURSDAY, AUGUST 18. 1994-MARIANAS VARIETYNEWS AND VIEWS-ll UN to launch new Haiti peace plan 31 authorizing the use of force in ful solutionto the crisis in Haiti ... tary intervention."Thatresolution By RICARDO REIF edly voiced its objections to an TOKYO (AP) • Squeezed by a Haiti and clearing the way for a whichinessencecapturesthespirit authorizes a possible D.S.-led in­ ;.') days. Ministryhas reducedsl1pply tothe waterwill beusedascoolant at Japan invasion of Haiti, proposed two '.':~' large western island, where residents , nationwidedrought, a majorJapa­ It will be the first time South CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) • weeks ago to have a high-level possible U.S.-led invasion to re­ of (Venezuelan) initiative," a For­ vasiontouse"allnecessary means" Tokyo area by 30 percent since Energy's oil refining plant in havebeenable to get tap water only nese oil refining company plans Koreahas exportedwatertoJapan U.N. Secretary-General Boutros LatinAmerican missiontry toper­ store Aristide, exiled after a Sep­ eign Ministrypress release said. to restore democracy. Tuesday. Mizushima, 547 kilometers (342 five hoursa day. SpeakingintheCanadiancityof AU.N.officialattheU.N.head­ to import 31,000 tons of water or thataJapaneseoilrefiningcom­ 'The water deli very system for miles), westofTokyo, he said. Boutros-Ghali wi11 dispatcha dip­ suade Haiti's army chief Lt. Gen. tember 1991 coup. from South Korea, China and Several city-run pools in Tokyo Moncton,New Brunswick,where quarters in New York said such a pany sought foreign water in such Tokyo's, eight million resident, is Japan Energy has alsoconcluded lomatic mission to Haiti to pro­ Raoul Cedras to leave power and The initiative fizzledafterit be­ Hong Kong. willbeclosed forthe moming starting crime clear that neither Aristide he was attending a conference, mission willmost likelybe sentin hugeamounts,Ebinasaid.Atonof now functioning at 29 percent of deals to import 10,OCO tonsofwater nextMonday to savewater, while a pose a new plan to resolve the allow the return of ousted Haitian Sanji Ebina, a spokesman for PresidentJean Bertrand Aristide. nor Cedras were willing to com­ Boutros-Ghali said, "It is my in­ the next week or two and would water is 1,000liters (263 gallons). capacity. Rationing hasbeeninplace fromShanghai, China, and another cooperative of public bath operators crisis in that country peacefully, Japan Energy Corp., said the first The Venezuelan proposal was promise, diplomatic sourcessay. tentiontosendamission toHaitito probably be headed by the U.N. Localauthoritieshaverequested inmanycities formore thana week. 15,em tons fromHong Kong, to be in Tokyo's Adachi Ward has called the Foreign Ministry said Tues­ shipment of 6,000 tons of water launched after the U.N. Security Boutros-Ghali "has decided to implementResolution940 peace­ Undersecretary-general forPoliti­ thatindustrialplantsacrossthena­ Ebina said the latest water pur­ shipped later this month, Ebina said. on households to use the "sento," day. arrives from Pusan, a southern Venezuela, which has repeat- Council adopted a resolutionJuly makeonelastefforttofindapeace- fully, so that wernay avoid rnili- cal Affairs,Marrack Goulding. tionhalvetheirdomesticwatercon­ chase from South Korea cost II mil­ Waterrationing has been mostse­ public baths, instead of bathing at South Korean port city, in a few sumption, and the Construction lion yen ($110,00:>). The imported vere in Takamatsu on Shikoku, a home, tosavewater. Singapore considers 'living will' bill India rejects US ban on Indian skirts By VlJAY JOSHI The measure is meant to ad­ States and in some states in Aus­ any incapacitating illness, said Andmedicine is nolongercheap. dress the ethical dilemma that tralia. Dr. Chew Chin Hin, chairman of We want to treat people as hu­ By ASHOK SHARMA ting up the barrier to slow down they had purchased for a refund. meet with Indian garment export­ cause theyarecategorized asclothes SINGAPORE (AP) • Singapore doctors and families face in de­ TIle legislation "would be a the ethics committee, mans," Balachandran told The its booming garment exports. The commission said some of the ers this week to formally respond thatare"traditional andcharacteristic is considering a law that would ciding whether to stop life sup­ recognition of an individual's However, Singapore does not Associated Press. NEW DELHI, India (AP) • The Last week, the U.S. Consumer popular skirts are so flammable to the U.S. action. of Indian styleand design." give adult citizens the right to port andothertreatmentfor brain­ right to die in peace and with propose to legalize euthanasia or Patients who change their government has rejected a U.S. Product Safety Commission they burn "faster than a newspa­ About 250,000 Indian-made Although theofficials didn'tdeny minds should be allowed to re­ decide against life-prolonging deadorterminallyillpatientswith dignity," said a statement by the mercy killing, which is a deliber­ ban on Indian-made rayon skirts halted imports of the skirts and per." skirts were sold in the United that the skirts are flammable, they voke the will in writing, orally or medical measures in the event of no chance of recovering. National Medical Ethics Com­ ate act by a doctor to terminate and accused Washington of set- told buyers to return the ones India's Textiles Ministry will States in the past three years for told The Associated Press that the through any other form of com­ terminal illness, officials said Such "living wills" are already mittee. the life of a patient, the commit­ between $6 and 80 each. U.S. ban was primarily imposed to Wednesday. legal in 36 states in the United The 13-member committee tee said in a preliminary report. munication, the committee said. Although the ban only affects slow down import, of the popular ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• comprising doctors, nurses and "The proposal is completely in After getting public reaction, Storm spares food-ravaged Georgia rayon skirts. not cotton ones. skirts, lawyers was set up in June to linewith thethinkingofthemedi­ the committee will send its rec­ 250,000 of the 900,000 skirts that That intention was obvious last : DEATIl &: FUNERAL ANNOUNCEMENT : By ELLIOn MINOR Chris, the third named storm was moving west at 13 mph frame the legislation suggested cal professioninSingapore," said ommendations tothegovernment India hasexported so far this year month when the U.S. Customs De­ • • Dr. Navaratnam Balachandran, in October. of the Atlantic hurricane sea­ (20 kph), with winds of 40 by Deputy Prime Minister Lee now face that barrier, Indian offi­ partment objected totheuse ofelastic : ROMAN MANAHANE : A living will could be carried ALBANY, Ga. (AP). The rem­ son, formed Tuesday more mph (60 kph). Hsien Loong last year. president of the Singapore Medi­ cials said. bandsaround waists ofthe garments, The "living will" could be cal Council. out only if two doctors certify nants of short-lived Tropical than 1,000 miles (1,760 kms) Beryl's heaviest rain in : DELOS REYES : Before the ban, the skirts faced theofficials saidoncondition ofano­ Storm Beryl raced across the east of the Lesser Antilles. At Georgia included 4.5 inches : (Roman Chong Onio) : made by any adult at any time, "Today it is so easy to keep that the patient is terminally ill, no quota in the United States be- nymity. thus offering a choice prior to people alive - but as vegetables. according to the proposal. Southeast United States on Tues­ 5 p.m. EDT (2100 GMT), it (11.25 cms) at Bainbridge. ageoI61~rs, • Passed away on wednesday AugUS110, 1994 atthe • day, unloading heavy rain and I,...... -~-.-. • atSaipan CommorINealth Health Center. • spinningoff tornadoes in Georgia • H,is PredllC~ byHis: • Seoul stops publishing Aged population and South Carolina. At least 36 • Pwals & Pamls I, L...: • people were injured. • Anlonio Deleon Guerrero Delos Reyes & Rosa Manahane Delos • in China world's • Re~, Manuel Fausto Aldan &Cecilia castro Aldan • ofPenthouse magazine The storm's quick pace eased • • • 1I1IthIrsISIslill/Bnlthlr I' L..SIst,rla-lJnr: • SEOUL (AP) - The government Commission has condemned fastest-growing fearsof flooding ofthesort caused The local newspaper that was born • Jose M.Delos Reyes, Juan M.Delos Reyes, & Serbino M.Delos Reyes, Soledad Delos Reyes Mafnas & Jose • BEIJING (AP) • China has the a month ago by Tropical Storm • Malnas, Maria Delos Reyes UnlaJan &Manuel Adriano Unlalan, Lourdes C Aldan, Fields Cecil • has blocked publication of the Penthouse as pornography. U.S.magazinePenthouseinSouth In the face of increasing pro­ world's fastest-growing aging Alberto,which stalled over Geor­ : He Is Sarrired byHis: : population, with one in five Chi­ giaand wasblamed for 31 deaths. • Wife: Consolacion Aldan Delos Reyes • Korea because a semi-govern­ testsbycivilandwomen's groups, in 1972 and I<;eeps growing. nese projected to be in the over­ "It makes you want to go back • Clihhl.d thllr SpDll_: • mental group labeled it porno­ the commission ruled the maga­ • Antonio A. Delos Reyes &Juliel M.Delos Re~ &Joann F. San Agustin, Thomas A. Delos ReyesJLevita D. Delos • graphic, officials said Wednes­ zine pornographic after 65 age range in the next two de­ andpaythepreacheralittlemore," • Reyes, Joseph A. DelosReyes/Margarita M.Delos Reyes • day. TeleFuture printed a special issue cades, an official report said. said CharlesTyson, city manager • R.rChlldnl &Spoaa: H, is a111G sum"d byhis: Sister, Brother &tn-laws: • The government revoked per­ last month. Police confiscated Currently,1opercentofChina's of Bainbridge, Ga., which was hit Thousands of readers turn its •- . Emilia Delos R~ Quidachay &Joaquin Quidachay (Guam) • hard by Alberto. • Rosa DLRJCarios PalaCIOS (Guam) Ralael M.Delos Reyes & Merced V Delos Reyes, Rosa Babauta, Josepha • mission for the adult magazine's hundreds of magazines and pros­ 1.13 billion people are over the i, • Ladonna DL. RJJuan 1 Flores Fields (las Vegas) Maria A. & Jose Cabrera. Anlonio C. Aldan (Las Vegas) • South Korean publishers, ecutors are investigating the age of 65. That figure will in­ Beryl developed into a tropical pages left.and right to know stormMondayoff theFloridaPan­ 0.11 • II, Is eddlthaUy IImud by: • TeleFuture,toprintfurtherissues. TeleFuture. crease to 20 percent by 20IS, the ·....-J'.l • 53grandchildren, sel'efal aunts 8. uncles, &numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. • Seoulofficials saidtheydecided The publishersays its censored China Daily reported. handle. By early Tuesday, it was :• Rosary isreing said dally at1200noon and al8:00 prn alhis residence alAirport Road, Saipan. : ~ downgraded back to a tropical what it contains from news reports, By contrast, it would takeSwe­ • Wake the last respects Will be at hisresidence on wednesday, Augusl 17, 1994 slanlng 300 pm Mass 01 • to revoke TeleFuture's license to versionoftheU.S. magazineis no Ir • Resurrection Will beoNe red at4:00 p.rn. August1B, 1994 atMount Carmel Cathedral, Saipan Burial wliliollow at • print the magazine because the morelewdthansimilar magazines den 85years toreach thatpercent­ ~ depression as its wind dropped • MO\Jnt Canmel Cerrelary • semiofficial Publication Ethics widely available here. age, Germany 50 years andJapan below 39 mph (63 kph). a variety of advertisements • Please JOin Us. • 32 years. I • the Family • By mid-afternoon, the storm By 2025, 24 percent of the was roughly centered over cen­ to small social events that ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 BUCKLE UP SAIPAN, IT'S THE LAW_ world's agedpopulation,orabout tralGeorgia.Itwasmoving north­ 250 million, will be in China. east at about 14 mph (22 kph), occur doily. China faces an even greater with sustained wind at about 35 problem in caring for a growing mph(56kph) and gusts to40 mph aged population than most other (60 kph). countries. Its policy of restricting In theturbulent weather around It circulates in this region. fresh Daile Daily couples to having only one child the front of the storm, a twister means that each grown child will clawed through Lexington, S.c., eventually be solely responsible andanothertornadotoucheddown • Pullman Bread • Pita Bread • Ampan • Chocolate Cream for parental care. inthesouthern part of thestate. At least35peoplewerereportedhurt. You may subscribe to hove Roll Cake • Hot Dog Bun • Pan De Coco • Hawaiian Ring • Anotherperson wasinjured when Cup Cake • Vanilla Cream Roll Cake • French Bread • a twister overturned a mobile the Variety. home. Kalihim • Pan De Sal • Banana Cake • Cheese Cake • "It came by swirling trash, Butter Cup Cake and more. _. metal,limbs everywhere, then it just stopped and then went on. You could see big old puffs of blue as it went through" ~I· c:TT.. knocking out electrical trans­ yarlet~ formers, said Philip Butler, a C/Y6.arlanaS - Lexington grocery store em- ployee. . Valerie adorn said she was driving on Interstate 20 when P.O. 130x 231, Saipon, MP 96950 her car was picked up, twirled Tel. (670) 2J4-6,J41/7578/9797 around and dumped in a ditch. "All I saw in the rearview Fox: (670) 234-9271 mirror was some black wind," she said. "The next thing I K.C. knew I was upside down in the Alegre ditch hanging from the for ~'pecial 0rder-· Call 234-0862/3193 seatbelt." . Loy!! Meanwhile, Tropical Storm IIvailable at all leading store Mommy cl Ddely .

/ .... • ,1~MARIANAS.vARIETY.NEWSAND VIEWS-THU~SPAY7AUGUS;r. )8, .1994 ~ ~ "1' ) j' I:'" I", '\ • - I • I .' { 7 .,' ,". 'r ~: ';.""': - ~ -r- "T' r! I r I_ I _. I ,: i " THURSDAY,AuGUST-r8, I994-MA:RIANAS 'VARIETY NEWS'AND'V1EWS-13 Nothing has overcome 2 Bedroom .DECK HAND House For DEADLINE: 12:00noon the day prior to publication Local hire. only . NOTE: If some reason your advertisement is incorrect call us Ren~ immediately to make the necessary corrections. The Marianas India's Hindu traditions · .' -, Physically fit . Variety News and Views is responsible only for one incorrect insertion. We reserve the right to edit. refuse. reject or cancel any By THOMAS WAGNER weekend newspapers. Many victims are doused with kero­ ·.·.Pre-employmant.· In Koblerville ad at any time. In a country whose constitution sene andburned todeath in"kitchen · drug scr~ening NEW DELHI, India (AP)- They forbids discrimination by caste or fires" made tolook like accidents or re.quired.Contact~ , Contact: 1 AUTO BODY REPAIRER 1 MUSICIAN - Salary $500 per month. . withstood Muslim invaders for religion, parents seeking spouses for suicides. Employment Wanted Miscellaneous 1 AUTO PAINTER - High school grad.• Contact: JAIME J. NABONG dbaJimann . ··322-0608. 2 years experience. Salary $2.45 per Entertainment Services. P.O:Box 3747 PUBLIC NO,.ICE theirchildren name their caste and Decades ago.dowries tookthe form ' .. John three centuries, British 1 GENERAL MAINTENANCE - High hour. CK, Saipan, MP 96950.(09/01)TH/ IN THE SUPERI~ COURT colonialists for two and are giv­ make clear thatanyone below itneed ofgoldjewelry andsilk saris given to 234-7723 school grad., 2 years experience. Sal­ Contact: VICENTE T. ADA dba Ben's 16436. OF THE COMMONWEALTH Cf ing no ground to MTV or Ameri­ notapply. thebride byherfamily. ary $2.45 per hour. Corner Auto Repair Shop. P.O. Box THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISlANDS can soap operas. Nothing makes They also proudly advertise the Now, the dowry has become money Contact: FERNANDO C. BENAVENTE 2748, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 234­ 1 AIRCONDITIONING & REFRIGERA­ HOUSE FOR RENT 235-1908 dba Nanding's Upholstery Shop. P.O. 5017 (home), 322-9256 (work).(08/ TION TECHNICIAN - High school grad., CIVIL ACTION much of a dent in India's ancient children's "wbeatish,' "medium" or andgifts demanded from thebride by 4-Bedroom Concrete House with Box 2391, As Perdido, Saipan, MP 25)TH/16343. 2 years experience. Salary $3.00 per NO. 94-68 Hindu traditions. "veryfair" complexions. the groom and his family. Motor Large Living Room and Kitchen. 1 GENERAL MANAGER - High school 96950. Tel. No. 234-7665.(08/18)TH/ hour. From arranged marriages to Manyads askapplicants tosenda scooters, videotape players andtele­ All rooms w/ airconditioning. grad., 2 years experience. Salary $3.50 16260. 1 AVIATION ASSISTANT - High school Contact: ALEJANDRO G. IN THE MATTER OF THE ·GAS ATTENDANTS/ MATSUMOTO dba Charmat dowries, astrology to palm read­ horoscope oftheprospective bride or visions arepopular items. Completely Furnished • 2 car per hour. grad., 2 years experience. Salary $2.50­ 1 SUPERVISOR - High school grad., 2 $3.00 per hour. Airconditioning & Ref. Services. P.O. TEMPORARY GUARDIANSHIP OF For centuries. relationships be­ garage. Located on main rd. located CASHIERS NEEDED Contact: MIRAGE (SAlPAN) CO. LTD. ing, the extended family to pil­ groomto the fami IYastrologer. SOBle in Denni Call Chito 234-62.67 P.O. Box 2706 CK, Saipan, MP 96950. years experience. Salary $600 per Contact:AJ'S ENTERPRISES.P.O.Box Box 174, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. THE PERSON OF: grimages,theycontinue to thrive. parents cheat the system, shopping tweenparentsandchildrenandwithin (For Local Hire Only) Tel. No. 234-3481/3.(08/25)THl16352. month. 793, Saipan, MP 96950.(08/25)TH/ 234-3832.(09/01 )TH/16430. CHOI,YOON JUNG, "These traditions areresilient," around for an astrologer who will theextended family have been con­ 3 FAST FOOD WORKERS 16342. 2 SALES CLERKS - High school grad., 2 WAITRESSES (Night ClUb) minor, said M.N. Srinivas of Bangalore, approve thedesired match. sidered more important to Hindus * Some experience helpful. 1 MANAGER - Two years experience. * Must have driver's license, Salary $550-$850 per month. 2 years experience. Salary $2.45 per 1 H.E. MECHANIC - High school grad., 1 SINGER - High school grad., 2 years By: LIM, OK SEUNG, husband KNOW YOUR B\lEMYI experience.Salary$2.50-$3.00 per hour. a social anthropologist. Astrology has been close to the than those of the andwife. own transportation. Contact: LEE'S INC. P.O. Box 1691, hour. 2 years experience. Salary $1,500 per Petitioner. "Throughout Indian history, neart of Indian life for 3,CXX) years. The Hindi language has four differ­ Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 234-3848/ Contact: UNITY'S INTERNATIONAL, month. 1 BARTENDER - High school grad., 2 Hindus evenuseitinconducting day­ entwords foruncle, showing which 7768.(08l18)TH/16264. LTD. P.O. Box 1253, Saipan, MP 96950. Contact: JSC CORPORATION. P.O. years experience. Salary $2.50 per hour. NOTICE OF HEARING they have often adapted them­ Please apply at the CNMI Tel. No. 322-7633/235-4997/8.(08/ Box2240,Saipan,MP96950.(08/25)TH/ Contact: ACTIVE CORPORATION dba selves to new situations." to-dayaffairs. Forthem. astrology is side ofthefami Iy heisonandwhether Convenient Stores, Inc., 1GENERALMANAGER-Collegegrad., 18)TH/16266.._------16339. Blue Lagoon NightClub/Karaoke. P.O. "India iSD 't orthodoxlike some nota fad, buta matter ofconscience heisyounger orolderthan thefather. Susupe Branch, from Mondays 2 years experience. Salary $1,800 per Box 3373. Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on 233-4807/4808.(09/01 )TH/16428. August at 1 pm inthe Islamic countries, but it remains and religion. Today, evenmiddle-class women to Fridays, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 month.. . 1SHORTORDERCOOK-Salary$2.45 1 REF. &AIRCON TECHNICIAN - Sal­ 25, 1994 :30 aconservativecountry,especially When Surendra Rao, director of incities consider theextended family BEFORE Irs TOO lATEf We must p.m. Contact: S.P.E. (SAlPAN) INC. P.O. per hour. ary $2.45 per hour. courthouse of the Superior Court stomtne epldfHTl/c ofdrug-abuse. Look for Tim orAlex. Contact: PEDRO C. SABLAN, JR. dba Contact: NARUSE IDIP dba Ref. & 1 ELECTRICIAN - High school grad., 2 in Susupe, Saipan. the petitioner regardingits women," saidAndre the National Council for Applied important, often relyingontheirmoth­ Box 2696, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. We must educate ounotves and Telephone No. 235-6550. 234-9329/9326.(08/25)THl16349. In &Out Cafe. P.O. Box 2785, Saipan, AirconServ. P.0.Box2411 CK, Saipan, years experience. Salary $2.50 per hour. will petition the court to be ap­ Beteille, a sociologist at Delhi Economic Research, solda house in ers and mothers-in-law to tend their our children /0 ftJ9 danger. MP 96950.(08/18)TH/16265. MP 96950.(08/25)TH/16347. Contact: AC KIM CORP. Caller Box pointed guardian of the person of University. New Delhi, the buyerpaidirnrredi­ children while they work. PPP 216, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. the above-named minor. Accountant . 234-0904.(09/01 )TH/16427. As economic reforms raise atelybut would notsignanypapers ManyHindus spend alltheirvaca­ 1 MAINTENANCE WORKER - Two 1 AUTO/DIESEL MECHANIC - High Dated this 17th day of August, 1994. 1 ACCOUNTANT - Salary $5.25 per years experience. Salary$2.45 per hour. school grad., 2 years experience. Sal­ more people to the middle class until a daychosen byhisastrologer. tions with their extended families or Contact: LOURDES S. KIM dba Phoe­ ary $2.45 per hour. 1 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER - Col­ hour. /s/REYNALDO O. YANA onpilgrimages to holy sites. nix Hotel. P.O. Box 2214, Saipan, MP Contact: KANG CORPORATION dba lege grad., 3 years experience. Salary and satellite TV exposes them to Palmreaders areevenmorepopu­ LAND WANTED Contact: SAIPAN SUNSET CRUISE . 96950. Tel. No. 235-7630.(08/18)W/ Kang's Auto/H. Equipt. Parts Supply, $3.00-$4.00 per hour. Attorney for Petitioner . such programs as "The Bold and larbecause theyclaim tobe accurate Television has influenced Indian PPP623,Box 10000,Saipan,MP96950. Hotel Supply, Comm'l. B!dg. Repair Contact: MERGE CLIENTELE CORPO­ We are looking for a piece of Land in Garapan or Tel. No. 234-8230.(08l18)THl9637. 16247. theBeautiful,"manyIndianscling without theprecise information as­ fashion, atleastforrren. Youngpeople Shop, Bldg. Canst. Contractor. P.O. Box RATION. P.O. Box 186. Saipan, MP now wear baseball caps and Ber­ along Beach Road or Middle Road. About 700­ 2 SALES CLERKS - High school grad., 96950. Tel. No. 234-1057.(09/01)TH/ even more firmly to Hindu tradi­ trologers require, such as a person's 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 3053 CK, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. tion. exactmonnentofbirth. mudashorts in a country where the 1,000 square meters. Lot located on in a see­ years experience. Salary $900 per 2 years experience. Salary $2.50 per 288-9366-7-8.(08/25)TH/16346. 16426. PUBLIC NOTICE hour. monfh, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT "Materialism, the get-ahead chive, The payment of dowries, despite sport isn't played and most adults ondary road will be considered but must be visible 1 CARPENTER - High school grad., 2 Centact: MICRONESIAN SALES CO. Contact: ZHEN HUACORP. dba Just 1 GRAPHIC ARTIST - College grad., 2 OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF the search for material comfort and beingoutlawed, is another tradition believe short pants arechildish. years experience. Salary $2.45-$3.00 from the main road. (SAlPAN), INC. dba Micronesian Sales for You Beauty Salon. PR 518, P.O. Box yearsexperience. Salary$5.80 perhour. THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISlANDS social position: These are the very thatrefuses todisappear. A"themiddle Butit isstill rure toseewomen in Co.(Saipan), Inc. P.O. Box 5239 CHRB, 10004, Saipan, MP 96950.Tel. No. 233­ Contact: PACIFIC INFORMATION per hour. 1 MECHANICAL ENGINEER - College things that continue to drive some class hasgrown, disputes overdow­ jeans. Mostwearsaris that hide their Please call Shirley 235-2262 Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 322­ 2258.(08/18)W/16248. BANK. P.O. Box 1310, Saipan, MP CIVIL ACTION grad., 2 years experience. Salary $750­ 3910.(08l25)TH/16357. 96950. Tel. No. 322-3348/0870.(08/ people to Indian folklore," said rieshaveincreased. legs, asthey always have. Those who 3 RESTAURANT WAITRESSES - High 25)TH/16345. $1,600 per month. NO. 94-69 Chinese Association Contact: BLACK MICRO CORPORA­ Srinivas, of the National Institute of Thousands of women are mur­ are married announce it with 1 ACCOUNTANT· College grad., 2 school grad.• 2 years experience. Sal­ TION. P.O. Box 545 CK, Saipan, MP IN THE MAHER OF THE Advanced Studies. deredeachyearbyin-laws whode­ "kumkums," lines ofredpowderover years experience. Salary $900 per ary $2.45-$4.50 per hour. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASST. - College 1 PLUMBER - High school grad., 2 grad., 2 years experience. Salary $2.45 96950. Tel. No. 234-6800/6549:(09/ TEMPORARY GUARDIANSHIP OF Consider the matrimonial ads in mandhigher dowry payments. thepartinthehair.. month. Contact: ARLENE C. TORRES dbaS&A years experience. Salary $2.45-$3.75 per hour. 01)TH/9847. THE PERSON.OF: Enterprises. P.O. Box 610, Saipan, MP per hour. Contact: MLC LEISURE GROUP, INC. 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 JOO, DONG-WOOK and 96950. Tel. No. 235-7262.(08/25)TH/ 2 HOUSEKEEPING CLEANERS - High P.O, Box 588 CK, saipan, MP 96950. school grad., 2 years experience. Sal­ years experience. Salary $4.00-$5.20 JOO, DONG CHUL. ! 9710. Tel. No. 234-6202.(08J25)TH/16344. Japan delays launch of rocket ~:tA\E -J ary $2.45-$3.50 per hour. per hour. minors, VIEW PROPERTY 1 (ACCOUNTING) MANAGER - cot­ 1 CASHIER - Highschool grad.•2 years 1SUPERVISOR - College grad., 2 years n 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 By: JESUS T. TUDELA, TOKYO (AP) . Rocket scien­ developed entirely in Japan. in the H-ll on its maiden flight, re­ yearsexperience. Salary $1,000-$1,100 lege grad., 2 years experience. Salary experience. Salary $2.50 per hour. experience. Salary $3.10 per hour. Petitioner. BEACH HOUSE i $1,500-$3,000 per month.. 2 SUPERVISORS, FRONT DESK ­ tistshave postponed the launch of February. If successful, leasingadish-shaped payloadthat per month. Contact: BASIC CONSTRUCTION Garapan Lagoon Frontage 'i 1 TRAVEL COUNSELOR - College 1 COOK - High school grad.,·2 years SUPPLY. P.O. Box 331, Saipan, MP College grad., 2 years experience. Sal­ NOTICE OF HEARING Japan's first two-ton satellite be­ Thursday's launchwillbe thefirst re-entered the atmosphere, gath­ ary $2.75-$3.10 per hour. 5 BR/3 FB grad., 2 years experience. Salary $900­ experience. Salary$2.45"$3.80perhour. 96950. Tel. No. 234-7666.(08/25)TH/ Contact: PACIFIC MICRONESIA COR­ 2H.E.OPERATORS- Highschool grad., NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on cause a bad fuel valve, an official time an H-ll has put a two-ton ering data on heat and pressure 2,700 S.F. $950 per month. 9708. said Wednesday. satellite into orbit, Suzuki said. along the way for use in develop­ Contact: UNIVERSE INSURANCE UN­ PORATION dba Dai-Ichi Hotel Saipan 2 years experience. Salary $2.45-$4.45 August 25,1994 at 1:30 pm inthe Beach. P.O. Box 1029, Saipan, MP per hour. The launchwasrescheduled for In geostationary orbit, a satel­ ingasmall Japanesespaceshuttle. DERWRITERS (MICRONESIA), INC. 1WAITER-RESTAURANT -Highschool courthouse of the Superior Court in ANAKS CONDO dba Hala Adai International Travel 96950. Tel. No. 234-6412.(08118)TH/ grad., 2 years experience. Salary $2.60­ 3 DISHWASHERS - High school grad., Susupe, Saipan, the petitioner will Thursday because engineers lite goes around the world once a A group of Japanese compa­ Agency. P.O. Box 512, Saipan, MP 9652. $3.10 per hour. 2 years experience. Salary $2.45-$3.1 0 needed time to change a valve day as though parked in space nies spent a decade and 270 bil­ Ocean/Managaha View 96950. Tel. No. 234-7134/5.(08/25)TH/ Contact: NIPPON GENERAL TRADING per hour. petition the court to be appointed 1 MATERIAL CLERK CORPORATION dba Country House 3CLEANERS, HOUSEKEEPING-High that regulates the flow of super­ overhead. lionyen($2.7 billion)developing 9711. guardian of the person of the above­ 2BR/2 FB 2 CUSTOM TAILORS - High school Restaurant. Caller Box PPP 658 Box school grad., 2 years experience. Sal­ coldheliurninsidetheengine,said InThursday's launch,therocket the H-I!. Its twoenginesare simi­ named minors. Pool/Ienns 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 grad., 2 years experience. Salary $2.45 10000,Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 233­ ary $2.45-$2.80 per hour. 3 FRONT DESK CLERKS - High school Dated this 17th day of August, 1994. Akiko Suzuki, a spokeswoman will carry the 41.5 billion yen lartothoseusedbythe U.S.Space yearsexperience. Salary $1,000-$1,100 per hour. 1908.(08/25)TH/16355. Contact: GS CORPORATION, INC. dba grad., 2 years experience. Salary $2.45­ for the National Space Develop­ ($4 15 million) ETS-6, an ad­ Shuttle, burning liquidoxygenand per month. /s/REYNALDO O. YANA Winnie's Dress Shop & Boutique. P.O. $2.70 per hour. ment Agency. vanced telecommunications sat­ hydrogenat hightemperatureand 1 AIRCON & REFRIGERATION ME­ 1 MACHINIST - High school graduate. Attorney for Petitioner CHANIC - Two years experience. Sal­ Box 2895, Saipan,MP96950.(08/18)TH/ Salary $3.25 per hour. 4WAITRESSES, RESTAURANT -High The H-II rocket was originally ellite, Suzuki said. pressure to create thrust. school grad., 2 years experience. Sal­ HELP WANTED-SALES PEOPLE ary $1,000-$1,100 per month. 16269. 1 MASON - Salary $2.75 per hour. scheduled to take off Wednesday The ETS-6 will orbit 36,000 Although plagued by long de­ Contact: CHONG'S CORPORATION Contact:CMGENERALFABRICATOR, ary $2.45-$2.50 per hour. If you can answer "YES" to the following queslions call me for aIHe time 1 LAND SURVEYOR - College grad., 2 INC. P.O. Box 432; LowerBase, Saipan, 2 WAITRESSES (N/C) afternoon from Tanegashima, a kilometers (22,320 miles) above lays and cost overruns, the H-II dbaChong's Corporation. P.O. Box 800, opportun ity. years experience. Salary $3.00-$5.00 MP 96950. Tel. No. 322-5203/4.(08/ 1 CASHIER sugarcane-covered island 985 ki­ the ground for 10 years. represents Japan's potentially lu­ Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 234­ Itiak~s 1) Do you like making lots of money? 6560.(08l25)TH/16350. per hour. 25)TH/16356. 2 STOCKROOM CLERKS only jive· .: lometers (615 miles), southwest Scientists will use it to learn crative entry into the satellite­ Contact: ALFRED K.PANGELINAN dba 1 PLUMBER 2) Do you have your own car? 1GENERALMANAGER-Collegegrad., .. seconds to ..... of Tokyo. such things as how to process launching business. All previous 1 ACCOUNTANT - High school gradu­ Meridian Land Surveying. P.O. Box 621, 1 REINFORCING STEEL WORKER 3) Do you like meeting people? Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 234­ 2 years experience. Salary $1,500 per 1 COOK Suzukisaidengineersfound the large amounts of data more effi­ Japanese rockets were based en­ ate. Salary $700-$800 per month. 4) Do you like working on acommission plan? Contact: JOAQUIN LG. SABLAN dba 6552.(08/18)TH/16267. month. 3 COOKS .Fasten.your . Contact: NK3 CONSTRUCTION CO., defect in the rocket's first stage ciently thancurrent satellitescan, tirely on U.s. designs, and the 5) Are you looking for acareer? Shell Damian Service Station. P.O. Box 3 :-l,E. MECHANICS INC. P.O. Box2195,Saipan, MP96950. Monday. or how to send more information . United States was able to veto 542, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 234­ 1 AUTO RENTAL CLERK - High school 3 MAINTENANCE WORKERS - High Seatbelt 6) Are you awinner? Att: Sales Manager. Triple J Wholesale Tel. No. 234-3677.(09/01 )TH/16433. Japan launched its first H-I!, through bad weather. launches of third-country satel­ 7190.(08/25)TH/16351. grad., 2 years experience. Salary $2.50­ school grad., 2 years experience. Sal­ P.O. Box 487 Lower Base Saipan 96950 $3.00 per hour. ary $2.45 per hour. .. and, toutedasthefirstadvancedrocket On Feb. 4, theagency launched lites as part of licensing terms. Ph. 670-323-6504 Fx. 670-322-0432 Contact: ISLANDS DEVELOPMENT 1 OPERATIONS MANAGER - College Contact: KAN PACIFIC SAIPAN, LTD. CORP. dba Dollar Rent A Car. SVRB graduate. Salary $1,400 per month. P.O. Box 527, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. that five seeDrids . 1 ARCHITECT - College grad., 2 years P.O. Box 7149, San Vicente, Saipan, Contact: MICRONESIAN SALES CO. No. 322-4692 or 322-0770 ext. 409.(09/ may worth experience. Salary $4.11 per hour. MP 96950. Tel.No.288-5151.(08/18)TH/ (SAlPAN) INC. P.O. Box 5239 CHRB, 01)THl9843. .. a lifetime... Preserve with BOO-year old trees set aside ,... is seeking qualified resident 1 ELECTRICIAN - Two years experi­ 9638. Saipan, MP '96950. Tel. No. 322­ VICTORIA, British Columbia touched watershed of about band, which has an outstanding ence. Salary $2.60 per hour. 3910.(09/01)THl16429. 1 PAINTER PACIFIC ( .(. app.li~ants for the Iollowinq 5 CARPENTERS 1 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER - Col­ 1 ELECTRICIAN (AP) - This Canadian province 792000 acres (320,760 hectares) land claim to much of the area. 2 MASONS - Two years experience. lege grad., 2 years experience. Salary 2 MAINTENANCE - Salary $2.45 per 1 TILE SETTER Tuesday announced the creation on the province's Pacific coast, is Haisla spokesman Gerald ISLANDS ~ POSition: Salary $2.45 per hour. $3.00-$5.77 per hour. hour. 1 PLUMBER of a huge wilderness preserve in about the size of Rhode Island. Amos saidit's a historic agreement Contact: KAM CORPORATION. P.O. 3 PRINTING MACHINE OPERATORS 2 BARTENDERS - High school grad., 2 1 CARPENTER (FINISHING) - High Box 606, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 1GRAPHICARTIST- Highschool grCld., years experience. Salary $2.45 per hour. school grad., 2 years experience. Sal­ a remote area that contains the Wildlife in the region include for the Haisla First Nation. "Theland CLUB INSPECTRESS 234-6964/7488.(08/18)TH/16258. 2 years experience. Salary $2.45 per Contact: JVP CORPORATION dba Or­ ary $2.50 per hour. world's largestintactcoastal tem­ bald eagles, marbled rnurrelets, will be here for our children's chil­ hour. chids Karaoke Club. P.O. Box 5203 Contact: CHONG SAN SAIPAN perate rain forest. peregrine falcons, black bears, ot­ dren," Amos said. 1 SURVEY AIDE - High school grad., 2 Contact: WIN FUNG ENTERPRISES CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950.Tel. No. 233­ RESORTEL ENTERPRISES. INC. Guaranteed 3228.(09/01)TH/16437. 'This unique rain forest, with ters, grizzlybearsand five salmon The designation was made JXls­ QUALIFICATIONS: yearsexperience. Salary$2.45 per hour. INC. P.O. Box 463. Saipan, MP 96950. Caller Box PPP 532, Saipan, MP 96950. Contact:ALFRED K.PANGELINAN dba Tel. No. 234-3238.(08/18)TH/16261. Tel. No. 233-6349.(09/01)TH/16435. I treesover800yearsold,willnever species. sible by West Fraser Timber Co., Must have experience in Housekeeping Meridian Land Surveying. P.O. Box 621, 1 GARDENER - High school grad.. 2 be logged," Premier Mike Harcourtsaidthepreserve, about which agreed to give up its tree­ DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: salpan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 234­ years experience. Salary $2.75 perhour. I Harcourt said of the Kitlope Val­ 400 miles (650 kilometers) north harvesting rights in the area - and 6552.(08/18)TH/16259. 1 CIVIL (STRUCTURAL) ENGINEER· Contact: CAMACHO INVESTMENT I ley region. of Victoria, willbeco-managedby Inspect guest rooms, supervise and train mom College grad., 2 years experience. Sal­ CORP. dba Summer Holiday Holel. P.O. millions ofdollars inprofits -without ary $700-$1 ,200 per month. Box 908. Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. I The protected area, an un- theprovinceandtheHaisla Indian compensation. attendants, other duties as required. 8TEACHERS-Salary$1,OOOpermonth. Contact: DIOCESE OF CHALAN Contact: BLACK MICRO CORPORA­ 234-3182.(09/01 )TH/16431. KANOA dba Mt. Carmel School. P.O. TION. P.O. Box 545 CK, Saipan, MP IMorionas Vorict& 96950. Tel. No. 234-6800/6549.(08/ r--~ ·l Box 6, saloan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 235­ __ _ .~ _. ~._ .._. J I 1251.(08/18)TH/9642. 18)TH/9646. L THURSDAY,AUGUST 18, 1994-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS ANDVIEWS-IS '?J ·~~.'·l~)l." ·..1/>-. ~:·l... ~rl·:"~~' ..... :,.·,1 ;"I"',",\' ..~~l ".tV... t : l ":"? \~..'." ..... ·:,:t·,.\!.l~~·l· 14-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-THU=::.:R:.::S:.::D:..:..:A:...::Y--=-A...:.;U::..;G::..;U::.:S:...::T~18~,1;:.::9..:....94.:--__-'------EEK & MEEK®by Howie Schneider -> Mathis wants fight ruling reversed ICROSSWORD PUZZLE~I /- R:DR G


By LEONARD PALLATS in the suit filed in Superior Court strike has diminished the signifi­ when team officials were aware negotiate in good faith, resulting against the Braves.MajorLeague' cance of the games. that the season was likely to be in a work stoppage that deprived ATLANTA (AP) - A group of Baseball and the striking Major Erling said the Braves had not disrupted by a strike. the plainti ffsofthe benefit of their fans, saying the Atlanta Braves League Baseball Players Asso­ yet been served with the lawsuit, The lawsuit says that because contract with the Braves, the suit sold them season tickets under ciation. and the team did notanswer phone the team knew the season was contends. false pretenses, filed a lawsuit "All we're looking for is to get calls late Tuesday afternoon. The likely to be disrupted, selIing the If the plaintiffs succeed in col­ Tuesday to recover the cost ofthe the teams back on thefield," Erling Braves have offered refunds to tickets with the promise of a full lectingpunitivedamages, Harvey tickets, along with $5 million in said. season ticket holders for canceled season constituted racketeering. said, the money would be turned punitive damages. The plaintiffs want to recover games. The plaintiffs sought damages over to a pension fund for players 'They're holding the fans hos­ the cost of the tickets for the en­ Attorney Mike Harvey said the under racketeering statutes of in the old Negro leagues. tage;' said Atlanta businessman tire season, including games al­ Braves sold season tickets, prom­ $66,360. "I don't think it's the intention Bert Erling, one of the plaintiffs ready played, ongrounds that the ising a full season of basebalI, The players association arid of any of us to take any of the Major League Baseball failed to money," Erling said. Tan Holdings sports fest ruled by TeamA THE SUN shone brightly on the in store for them the whole day by morning of August 14, Sunday, watching the lively exchange of for the Tan Holdings cheer presentations from Teams Corporation'sMini Olympics '94. A & D. Team A won the Cheering Four teams - Aqua (Team A ­ Competition. L&T Operations, Audit, Admin., The track and field events came Accounting, Purchasing, EDP­ next. Larry Fiti of Team B won Garment, Personnel, Shipping, the Men's 50 Meter Dash while ICD); White (Team B - Ware­ Jesse Andrew of Team A took the house, General Services, Mainte­ 100 Meter Dash award. Lorraine nance, Security, ASC,.I.E., Q.C., Elichedong of Team A won the Cafeteria, Chinese.Affairs); Vio­ 50 Meter dash and thel00 Meter let (Team C - CTSI, MPI, COS­ dash award went to Marisa Leon LarryFiti (center) receives the malesportsmanship trophyfrom Willie Tan. MOS Distributing); and Red Guerrero of Team D. The young (Team D- Century Group, POI, ones and the young once all en­ Diamond Gallery, THC Market­ joyed the Obstacle Course. The ing, EVP-Non Garment, EDP­ basketball ChampionshipTrophy Non Garment, Realty Manage­ went to Team C. Team B shone in ment Services) - participated the the darts competition and the Parade ofColors at 7:30 a.m. The women three-point basketball audience got an early treat offun Continued on page 15 LizamaAce forAugust JACK Lizama shot a net 61to win the Amigos Ace for August during their Ace Tournament on August 14, 1994, at Marianas Country Club. Lizama, one oftwo newestmembers at 5 months, was so excited .when he putted his first birdie on #7 - but could not hold back his "y-e-a-a-h-h-h" when he putted a long birdie on #17. "This is my lucky day," he exclaimed. "I have never shot a birdie- but today - two of them. I guess my putting helped a lot." James Ada was runner-up at net 67. . Big buck winners for the day were: Joe Camacho and Bob Willie Tan with the overallteamchampion for the Tan Holdings Corp. Mini-Olympics "94 Team '}\" Narajafor front low gross and front low net, respectively; and back low gross and low net to LarryNorita and Jack Lizama, respec­ tively. James Ada double-bogeyed on #1 and lost his chance for Agassi upset at Volvo tourney the "big bucks" to Joe Camacho.' By CHRISTINE HANLEY Forthe first time, maxie is be- ATPofficials at thetournament ing played when players enter the planned a news conference Tues- NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) • stadium court and during day night to comment. Baseball owners say no couldn't stop the changeovers, and fans are allowed "I can't tell you how disap- music or at the to ask questions after matches. pointed [ was that [ decided to tournament. It seemed ironic that Agassi, come here to prepare for the U.S. to replacement players Agassi, the most radical player the rock star of tennis, couldn' t Open instead of Indianapolis," NEW YORK (AP) • As the Ma­ on tour, became the leading advo­ stay focused because of the music Agassi said duri ng a post-match from his office in Milwaukee, jor League Baseball strike went cate against the new brand of ten­ played between games. news conference devoted mostly agreed with Ravitch, saying re­ through its fifth day, baseball nis premiering at the Connecticut But he made it very clear that he to the music. placements wouldn't make eco­ owners ruled out using replace­ Tennis Center. wouldn't tolerate the music again. Agassi wasn't the only seed to nomic sense for the teams this ment players. After being upset 6-3,3-6,6-3, "To turn the tournament into a fall Tuesday. season or next. "It's not something anybody has by Siemerink of the Netherlands concert like that is an absolute Earlier, No. 9 Ravitch said he anticipates ne­ considered seriously atall," Ri­ in a second-round match Tuesday joke," he said. "Ifany other tour- and No. 12 Brad Gilberteach were gotiations will resume later this chard Ravitch said Tuesday dur­ night, the fourth-seeded Agassi nament does this I would quit upset quickly by newcomers. week but said it was up to the ing an interview with reporters. ripped those responsible for turn­ before [would go out there. [fthe Haarhuis was defeated by 1us- federal mediators. Union head "It's not about to happen." ing the Volvo tournament into game doesn't hold it's own, than tin Spadea, and Gilbert by rookie Donald Fehr remained in Wash­ Executive council chairman ington on Tuesday. what he described as "a circus." it's over." Ccinfinuecf Onpagef5 Bud Selig. speaking by telephone Cdntinued on page 15 6M'!~!..~!!!!~e~~!.~!r~ P.O. Box 231 Sa/pan. MP 96950· Tel. (670) 234-6341 ·7578 .9797 Fox: (670) 234-9271