From Fragility to Resilience Managing Natural Resources in Fragile Situations in Africa
From Fragility to Resilience Managing Natural Resources in Fragile Situations in Africa Transition Support Department AfDB_frontcover.indd 1 12/8/15 3:01 PM From Fragility to Resilience Managing Natural Resources in Fragile Situations in Africa February 2016 AfDB_A01.indd i 12/8/15 5:04 PM Cover photos: Background, left to right (Row 1 – AfDB; Enough Project; Enough Project, Nenad Marinkovic; Enough Project, Tim Freccia; Enough Project, Laura Heaton; AfDB. Row 2 – AfDB; Enough Project, Um Bartumbu; Enough Project, Doug Mercado. Row 3 - Enough Project, J. Fowler/USHMM; Enough Project, Sasha Lezhnev; United States Geological Survey; Enough Project, Tim Freccia; Enough Project, Doug Mercado. Row 4 – Enough Project, Saied Mohammed; Enough Project, Sasha Lezhnev; Enough Project, Doug Mercado; Enough Project, Nenad Marinkovic; Enough Project. Row 5 – Enough Project, Laura Heaton; Enough Project, Sasha Lezhnev; Enough Project, Laura Heaton; Enough Project, Amanda Hsiao; Enough Project, Nenad Marinkovic; Enough Project, Laura Heaton.) Foreground, left to right (Row 1 – AfDB; AfDB; AfDB. Row 2 – AfDB; Bocar Thiam; Carl Bruch; AfDB. Row 3 – AfDB; AfDB; AfDB; AfDB. Row 4 – AfDB; AfDB; AfDB; AfDB. Row 5 – AfDB. © 2016 African Development Bank Group All rights reserved. Published 2016. Printed in Côte d’Ivoire. Report prepared by: Ilona Coyle (Consultant) and Carl Bruch (Co-Director of International Programs, Environmental Law Institute). On behalf of the Transition Support Department of the African Development Bank (AfDB) under the supervision of: Sibry Tapsoba, Director. This report was prepared by the Environmental Law Institute for the Transition Support Department of the African Development Bank. The fi ndings and terminologies including the use of the expression ‘fragile states’ are the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the African Development Bank or its Board of Directors.
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