•••*>• Two '.A .if .' SEE STOWt BELOW Rainy ank Mild Rainy and mild today, to- tAght and tomorrow, becom- ing fair and cool on Satur- FINAL day. I Red Buk, Freehold LOOK Branch (8e» DtUlli, PIJI jy I EDITION Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 98 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER \2, 1970 34 PAGES TEN CENTS i 11 i i DeGaulle Gets Final Tribute PARIS (AP) — In the Gothic grandeur of Notre Dame Political leaders frotn abroad included Indian Prime made among groups known to oppose the policies of many Cathedral, in tte simple village church of Colotnbey les Minister Indira Gandhi, President Makarios of Cyprus, Pres- of the visiting heads of state and government. Deux Eglises, and in 30,000 other towns and villages of ident Zalman Shazar and David Ben-Gurion of Israel, Egyp- ARMS ARE PRESENTED tian Premier Mahmoud Fawzi, Lebanese President Sulei- France, his people prayed today for Charles de Gaulle. . Long black cars brought the foreign leaders to the big U.S. President Nixon, Soviet President Nikolai V. Pod- man Franjieh, President Giuseppe Saragat and Premier JEmilio Colombo of Italy, Premier Marcello Caetano of Por- wooden doors of Notre Dame. A detachment of the Garde gorny, other heads of state and leaders from" most of the Republicaine, in full ceremonial uniform with plumed hel- nations of the world joined French officials in Notre Dame tugal, Vice President Luis Carrero Blanco of Spain, and West German Defense Minister Helmut Schmidt, represent- mets, presented arms with sabers for each one, and an aux- for the Requiem Mass that was the nation's official fare- iliary bishop greeted them. well to De Gaulle. ing ailing Chancellor Willy Brandt. MAJOR GATHERING Communist China designated its ambassador in Paris Wearing a dark suit, President Nixon stepped grave It was the greatest gathering of world leaders since the as its representative, but Chairman Mao Tse-tung and Vice and bareheaded from his car and was ushered quickly in- Chairman Lin. Piao sent wreaths. to the cathedral. Inside he was seated 20th, in a protocol • funeral of I>wight D. Eisenhower 19 months ago. pattern based on time in office. Thousands of French men and women gathered for the To guard the great gathering of visitors, Paris Police afternoon burial service at Colombey, the little village in Chief Maurice Grimaud was given 15,000 extra men. Se- In the front rank was the 78-year-old Ethiopian emperor, eastern France which De Gaulle chose for his home in 1936. curity men were posted on the roofs of buildings around the who was crowned in 1930. He wore a marshal's uniform. The body lay in a simple wooden coffin in his home there, cathedral — where snipers shot at De Gaulle during the lib- The autumn skies were gray after a bright early morn- where the former French president died Monday night of a eration service in August 1944. Plainclothes police were ing sun. Leaves still on trees near the cathedral were yel- heart attack. - scattered throughout the vast crowd in Notre Dame. low. Pale light shone down through the huge circular rose window over the entrance to the cathedral. At the start of the funeral service in Colomfoey, church- Official sources said no preventive arrests had been es throughout the nation tolled the knell for the dead. Parisians' streamed into Notre Dame, filling every space not reserved for the official delegations. The cathedral was open to the public until an hour before the service started. SERVICE RELAYED , ^ Loudspeakers were set up in the neighboring streets and along the nearby banks of the Seine to relay the service. . Radio and television carried it throughout France and West-' ern Europe, and it was beamed by satellite to the . The City Council called on the people of Paris to march silently up the Champs Elysees tonight, to Ihe tomb of the Unknown Soldier under the Arc de Triomphe, in tribute to the man who led them out of defeat in World War II and saved the nation from civil war in 1958. Britain's delegation to the memorial service included two men who had worked closely with De Gaulle in.the war, former Prime Minister Harold Macmillan -and Lord Avon, as well as Prince Charles and Prime Minister Edward Heath. OTHERS ON SCENE Among other royal delegates were King Baudouin of NIXON ARRIVES — French Foreign Minister Maurice Belgium, the Shah of Iran, Grand Duke Jean of Luxem- Schumann, left, listens as President Richard Nixon bourg, Prince Rainier and Princess Grace of Monaco, Queen Juliana of the Netherlands, Crown Prince Harald of Nor- ipeaks after his arrival at Paris' Orly Field yesterday way, Crown Prince Carl Gustaf of Sweden and Emperor for the.-funeral-of Charles de Gaulle. (AP Wirephoto) Haile Selassie of Ethiopia. •Ill Ground Action Continues Low-Keyed SAIGON (AP) - Ground level of enemy activity that nonhostile causes than were U.S. troops wounded In action action in South Vietnam has has prevailed for the past six killed in combat. last week, the lowest number fallen to its lowest level in weeks and the accelerated The battlefield deaths were in almost five years. nine months, and for the first disengagement of American a slight increase over the 24 U.S. casualties since Jan. 1, time in five years American troops from battle. men killed the previous week, 1961, now total 43,959 killed in forces have gone two days in 31 Are Killed however, when the death action, 291,559 wounded in a row without having a man Headquarters said 31 Amer- count set a five-year low. action, and 8,798 dead from lqlled ill action, the U.S. Com. icans were killed in action Headquarters said this was' nonhostile causes, the weekly mand reported today. during the week, while 45 died the sixth consecutive week summary said. • • .•'.••• .'*,'''• •••:,: The U.S. Command's casu- from accidents or illness. It that U.S. battlefield deaths WAITING IN THE RAIN — A small crowd gathers yesterday in the rain in the Amphitheater at/Arlington Cem- were under 50. . South Vietnamese head- alty summary for the last was the second time since quarters reported 216 govern- etery to watch Veterans Day c.ereTno;nie>s. This view was mad$ by using'a wide-angle "fUhfliye" lanj. , week also reflected the low 1965 that more GIs died from The command reported 104 ment troops killed last week, a drop of 93 from the previous week. It said. 460 South Viet- iiiiiiiiiiiiiinuiiniiiiiM namese Soldiers were wounded. The U.S. Command Cardiac Care Units Are listed 1,584 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops killed during the week. Hijackerv21, Is Four Wounded The only American casu. Rapped at Heart Parley alties reported yesterday were' four men wounded 1 In Italy on Other Counts By BRIAN SULLIVAN name the hospitals or G used to direct an electric aboard one of two helicopters equipment brand names. !t shock to the heart through a shot down in the Mekong Del- ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - was-presented for the annual paddle placed against the ta. One South Vietnamese sol- ROME (AP) — Air piracy so far Italian authorities have sons for a crime that does not a small town near Naples. The American Heart Associ. meeting of the Heart'Associ.. chest in an attempt to correct dier aboard their helicopter is not a crime in Italy, but an not received an extradition exist in Italian law. The old man died after seeing atioh was told, today that a ation. an irregularly beating heart, was killed and six were Italian court has given a 7^- request. Prosecution lawyers Tells of Charge him in Rome. study of electronic devices a critical condition requiring wounded. There were no cas- year sentence to the U.S. Ma- said Minichiello could not be Minichiello had testified Mimchiellb's 'mother, Glu- used in the cardiac care units "Both equipment inanufac. rine who hijacked a TWA jet- extradited until he finishes that he commandeered the seppina Maria, of , turers and hospitals ceem to fast action. ualties on the second helicop- of 12 leading hospitals in ihe ter. liner from California to Borne serving his Italian prison airliner because he was up Wash';, wept arid his relatives United States revealed "sig- be at fault," the report said, The.Wayne State in- a year ago. term, extradition could not be for court-martial on a bur- from Melito Irpino looked "although both were anxious" vestigators, a cardiologist American bombers kept up nificant deficiencies" in nil their intensive campaign Ralph Minichiello, 21, look- ordered for a capital crime glary charge and he didn't stunned as the youth was es- to correct the situation once it and an engineer, said they because Italy does not have think he'd get a fair trial. He corted from the courtroom It. Was discovered." against North Vietnamese ed impassive last night as he studied 41 direct-current defi. was found guilty of kidnaping, the death penalty, and Italy also said he Wanted to see his back to Queen of Heaven pris- "The problems varied from brillators. "In one brand," supply routes through Laos Of 51 electrocardiographs and Cambodia today. But only assault, and bringing into doesn't usually extradite per- aged father in Melito Irpino, on. 11 m e-wastirig nuisances lo studied, more than half exhib- the study said, "the main life-threatening hazards," Ihe small skirmishes and six ene- Italy an "arm of war," the ited unsafe leakage of olec- power switch was difficult to Ml rifle with which he com- study said. "Some types of find. Loosely fitting con. my rocket and mortar attacks trical, current, among other were reported overnight, the mandeered the Trans World defects could also result in in- problems, the report r.aid; nectors were found in two correct diagnosis and treat- lowest number since Feb. 6. Airlines craft. These devices record heart, brands, allowing (he cable to Term Longer Tax Exemptions Move ment.". be pulled out when the oper- Four Americans were report- , Names Withheld beats • and are used to diag. ator stretched the cables to ed wounded in the shellings. The last charge resulted in The report from the Wayne nose heart illness. reach the patient;" In' Cambodia, government three years and four months State University School of Another- device ntudicd Is forces sought to repair their o f Minichiello's sentence, called a defibrillator. It is Paddles Hit northern front along a 32-mile which was 13 months longer Medicine in Detroit did not than the prosecution asked Sparks IRS Criticism The paddles themselves stretch of Highway 7 between were not always manufac. Kompong Cham and Skoun af- for. Parliament created the (AP) - protection and the environ- Among those attacking the ••I tured well, the fitudy raid. ter three days of heavy North charge three years ago as a With a Senate probe looming, ment. IRS was Sen. Sam J. Ervin, Some1 were easily bent, no Vietnamese and Viet Cong at- weapon against the Sicilian the Internal Revenue Service The announcement touched D-N.C, who :>aid In a letter to The Inside Story they no longer conformed to tacks left the defenses in dis- Mafia. Defense lawyers said moved today lo decide the off a flurry of criticism, mid a Thrower lifting the tax-ex, the shape of patient's chest, array. Stretches of Highway 7 the law hadn't done much to fate of tax exemptions for a Senate subcommittee headed empt status of such firms the Mafia, but it added a lot Red Bank school surplus is $741,549 Page 19 the study-said. and Highway 6, the only land new breed of charitable or. by Sen. Gaylord Nelson, D. would be ','a direct Govern- route between Plmom l'enh to Minichiello's prison term. giinizations — public interest W i s., isaid it would in- ment intrusion In and limita- Brandels gives some gourmet tips Page 20 • "When applied," the report Fashion directress to lecture for Junior League Page 21 and Kompong Cham, 47 miles Of the V/z years, he lias W* law firms. vestigate. Hearings are set tion upon legal advocacy. said, "there Is then poor con- to the .northeast, remained years left to serve. He has later this month. Volunteers receive hospital awards Pago 22 tact, resulting in arcing, I It K Commissioner Kan. "In effect," Ervin said In CBA harriers prove they stand alone .Page 26 closed because of blown spent a year In jail since the dolph W. Thrower called a The IRS backed down par- wasting energy and burning bridges. hijacking, and gets two years the letter Oct. 29, "the IRS Is Bangers held to 3-3 deadlock Page 26 tho patient." news conference to nnnouncc tially on its earlier announce, imposing a tax on the exer- D-Dav for Neptune's Bob Davis? Page 27 A spokesman said the Kom- off because of a recent gener- the ruling, tutting a (0-day nient, allowing contriliutt">ns The team reported (studying pong Cham area was attacked al amnesty. cise of a First Amendment The Chuck Wagon 27 Television .21 timetable for review of (he to such firms to remain iax right." Amusements U Women's N-ws , 20-22 57 pacemakers, devices de- for the fourth time this week Extradition Unlikely question almost in half. deductible pending the utudy. Still hanging over the Astraldata ?? Synagogue Page 18, signed to speed up a heart and that one Cambodian sol- Thrower announced Oct. 9 But Thrower raid In a The Senate subcommittee that is beating too slowly by (Her was wounded in a mortar AWOL Marine's head is the Bridge the IHS had stopped granting speech at Atlanta Oct. 16 I hat which will hold the hearing DAILY IlEGISTEn applying a small, regular and ground assault on the .slight possibility that he tax-exempt status to public nsked for a public explana- Classified Ads 28-32 might be extradited to the "Probably nothing could be PHONE NUMBERS electric charge. city's military airport. interest law firms pending a more damaging to ihe Inter, tion of the original suspen- Comics North Vietnamese and Viet United States. ,»ut both de- .: 731-0010; Defect Contained two-months study. ests of the conservationists sion, saying the IRS was Editorials 6 Main Office Cong forces launched attacks fense and prosecution attor- threatening to cripple hun- u Classified Ads ..741-6900 All 57, the Wayne litato He said mich firms had be. than for us to approve propos- Financial • yesterday on n key road junc- neys said they thought it un- 1 dreds of organizations work- Home Delivery 741-0010 team raid, contained a ilefect likely Italy would hand him come a new American phe- als that might lead to abuses, Here's to li-alth 15 tion 10 miles south of Plmom which In time might tlamago ing in too public interest. nt the end of the lines leading Penh and on Cambodian over. nomenon, netting tip t!) filu Obituaries * Mlddlctown Bureau .671-2250 lawsuits in with public — In- tho cause of all." B Freehold Bureau 462-2121 to tho heart that could allow forces near Preak Tameak, A federal grand jury In Speciall Opinion Page minute amounts of current to tcrest matters ns consumer Outdoor World 14 Long Bnmch Burcnu 222-0010 northeast of tlio capital and Brooklyn, N.Y., has Indicted w'intuk~100% Orlon~ knitting Thursday night. Corned beef go astray and produce nn ir- Just outside its defensive ring. Minichiello for air piracy, a Luncheon Special $1.25 Palace yarn, regular $1.27, $1.11 with and cabbage. $1.75. Brlody'a P-'rtln Talk M Sports Department .741-0017 regular rhythm In the heart, 2(i 27 No casualty roports were giv- crime that carries a max- Diner, Monmoutli St., Red this ad. Limit fl. W. T. Grant, Blackpolnt Inn, 132 E., River Sports ' beat. en. imum sentence of death' but Bank. (Adv.) Little Silver. (Adv.) Rd., Rumson. (Adv.) vfl h i • TBK t)MVt BANK-WIDBlETOWtf, N. LtTOUZtSDAY, NOVEMBEft J2,'197O< .ft ion

break practice has been con- dicate that the importance of By DAVID M. GOLDBERG the Police Training Commis- department staff. Since this vestigatory personnel are now essential items dating back : more easily spotted than ever to the 1940s." And it said: tinued." frequent inspection is'dimin. TRENTON (AP) ~ Wheu sion." ; • officer is not gainfully em- .shing.arid that the bureau's ployed, except when dealing before." "Manual staplers are used for And the report noted that you mix bureaucracy with ef- men who do not take their air activities would be better ficiency experts from private If at first you don't succeed with belligerents, he should repetitive Btapling." assume the receptionist's The commission cent in. So, in recommendation No. breaks are-Entitled to a day suited to another depart- industry you get the Gover. off for every six breaks ac- ment." : nor's Management Commis- "A 1968 attempt at reorga- duties, thus eliminating the vestigators for a two-week 5, it said: "Use electric sta- study at the Department of plers for repetitive stapling." cumulated. sion, which reported earlier nization has served to splinter need for the receptionist posi- Then there is the mis- the department, rather than tion, producing annual sav- Education's headquarters in As for the motor vehicles this week that the state can Last weekend, Gov. William cellaneous .. gifts department. - save $60 million a year by streamline it," the commis- ings of $7,000. Trenton. It found, the report inspection stations, it called sion says of the Department said, that slightly more than conditions there "Intolerably T. Cahill announced a series The report recommends that being more efficient. of recommendations to help the statefitop paying $10,000 a Following are some exam- of Labor and Industry. Last January, State Trea- 50 per cent of the employes lax and inefficient." were working. And It said The commission was most ' alleviate what he said was the year to subsidize a flower and, ples of what the commission "Recommendation: Reor- surer Joseph M. McCrane garden show that pays its ganize the"; functions within took office and immediately while "this kind of sampling incensed about what is called -unfortunate plight of New found and what it recom- Jersey migrant workers. own way; stop contributing. mends. the Department of Labor and found that too many state em. may have some in- an "air break," or the policy ployes were using official accuracies," .if concluded: of allowing each employe 15 The commission, which rec. $300,000 to promote tourism, Industry." promotion that is the function "The Police Training Com- "Currently," it said, "the cars for private business. He "the remainder in the minutes off each hour to es- ommended abolition of the ordered all state cars con- sample, or 275 of the employ- cape air fumes. state's Bureau of Migrant La- of the industries Jhat, benefit; mission," the report says in department staffs the recep- 1 and it said that $3,000 a year its appraisal of the organiza. tion area: with one recep- spicuously marked. The com- es observed, were completely "The practice of- allowing bor, commented: "The bu- mission found that crimped idle."- an air break was Instituted reau's activity Is declining is being spent to promote the tion that certifies local'poli- tionist and a uniformed secur- milk, blueberry and peach in- cemen, ''appears to be staffed ity officer. The security offi- the style of the agents.who before fans were Installed to due to the urbanization of cer has been added because check stores and markets to The report was not very evacuate automobile exhaust land and the mechanization of dustries. Finally, it recom- with qualified people who are mends abolishing the post of performing their tasks in a of the occasional anti-social see that customers aren't complimentary about the pi- fumes," the report said. "The farm operations. These facts, dedicated manner. ' behavior of citizens seeking being short-weighted. vision of Motor Vehicles. It exhaust fans were installed coupled with improved bous- secretary of agriculture, who . "Recommendation: Abolish audience with members of the "As a result," It Bald, "in- noted it had in its files "non- during the 1940s, but the air ing facilities for workers, in- provides the money. Union Officials to Decide Fate of GM Pact Today ByA.F.MAHAN If the 350-member GM eight-week-old strike Into is Dec. 1 because of the time DETROIT (AP) - Repre- council of the UAW accepts 1971. needed to restart the corpo- sentatives of 394,000 striking the proposed pact, it will be The council's meeting was ration's far-flung operations General Motors workers meet put before the, union rank and scheduled-to begin at 9:30 after the long shutdown. . today to decide whether to ac- file for a vote. a.m. EST in Detroit. Inflation Feared cept or reject a new three- Rejection of the pact by the Never Rejected In a news conference which y e a r contract tentatively council would send the un- Although a UAW council followed announcement of the agreed on by bargainers for ion's negotiators back to the has never rejected a national tentative agreement yester- the corporation and the bargaining table and would contract, drafted at the bar- day GM Vice President Earl United Auto Workers. almost certainly push the gaining table, a few notes of Bramblett, the firm's chief dissatisfaction over the pro- negotiator, implied strongly posed agreement reached yes- he felt the settlement would terday/have been sounded. be inflationary. Death Cause Revealed Jack Wagner, president of a "I Would say (he cost of the giant Buick local in Flint, settlement Is substantially Mich., and prime author of a more than the anticipated In- In Robhery-Murder union demand for, retirement crease in productivity of the at $500 a month after 30 years country," Bramblett said, BRIDGEWATER TOWN The two men tumbled into a service regardless of age, "and this, of course, is true of SHIP \(AP) — An autopsy on hallway where Giorgio was said he was unhappy that the the general level of settle- an insurance agent slain dur- shot. The intruder escaped union had compromised on ments in recent times." ing a struggle that followed while Giorgio staggered back the pension plan. "That's the definition of - an attempted- burglary In his to the bedroom and died. Details of the contract have a general definition of — in- home showed he was, shot Cartridges Found been withheld until after the flation," he added. VETERANS DAY services in Red Bank-wens forced indoor* by yesterday'* rafn, but residertta filled the second twice. council's meeting, but bar- Spokesmen for General Mo- Later Police found seven floor meeting room above polic* headquarters to hear Lt. CoL Gene M. Little, fight, deputy post chaplain at State Medical Examiner unfired cartridges at the foot gaining table sources said the tors said the firm has been Dr. Edwin Albano said yes- ,of the Giorgio driveway. Som- proposed pact contained these losing about $90 million a day Ft. Monmouiih, deliver the principal *ddr*^. Also participating rn ceremonies iwere, left to right, Morris Miller, terday he found .22 caliber erset County Prosecutor Mi- , items: in sales during the strike, past commander of Red Rank Post, American legion; Mrs. tester E. Conk of Eatotrtown, and Mrs. Garry Grafcant bullets in the chest and rib chael Imbriani said a .22 cali- —A return to an unlimited with workers losing $14 nul- of Oakhuwt, representing 'Sold Star Wives, and James PooJe, commander of the Legio'n Pott. cage of Victor Giogio, 43. ber hand gun had been used cost-of-living allowance which - lion daily in wages and firms Police said Giorgio was in the killing. He also said the moves wages up or down with which supply GM with parts •••' ' (Regiiter Staff Photo) watching television in an up- burglar escaped in a late quarterly changes in the Con- lost about $40 million dady in stairs bedroom of his $60,000 model white car. sumer Price Index. The union Bales. home here about 12:45 a.m. agreed to a ceiling on the al- The General Motors settle- yesterday when the burglar Police sajd fingerprints lowance in the 1967 Big Three ment has implications for far entered the room, apparently found at the murder scene contracts and made a return more workers than the UAW- in the belief the entire Giorgio were sent to Washington for Gibson Agrees With Jury to the unlimi^dtormula a top represented GM employes. household was asleep. processing by the FBI. The demand this yeaK' v Used as Pattern . Wore Mask ' fingerprints may only be Wage Increase The pact, if ratified, will be Giorgio, an agent of the AH \ those of the victim, they said. —A first-year wage In-' used as a pattern for new con- State Insurance Co. here, Neighbors came to the as- crease ranging from 49 to 61^ tracts at gord Motor ' Co., leaped from his bed ' and . sistance of Mrs. Giorgio. The • cents an hour depending on Chrysler Corp, and American couple's son and daughter, Conclusions on City's Ills struggled ^th • the intruder . the worker's job pay scale. Motors Corp. who wore a mask. Mrs.'' asleep in two rear bedrooms, The union had sought a boost Con tractsatFord and ' ByCAKLZEITZ Gibson said "the city fc going Giorgio, who "had been were not disturbed by the starting at 61.5 cents and the Chrysler expired Sept 14 — year. The mayor said, "we are a asleep in the bedroom, awak- noise and were unaware of NEWARK (AP) -Mayor to go broke" without it. Gibson said if the state's creature of the state. If we company's last offer started at the same time as at GM — Tax Expected ened and began screaming for the trouble until it was over, at 38 ce*nts. The average hour- and the AMC agreement ran Kenneth A. Gibson has ex- other large cities joined New- can't handle the problems in help. police said. ly wage in the industry under out Oct. 15., Workers at all pressed absolute agreement Gibson said, "I think New ark in pressing for revenue- Newark then the state will with the conclusions and rec- Jersey is going to have an in. raising authority the legisla- the old contracts was $4.02. three firms have stayed on 1 have to." Gibson said New- Automakers estimate that the job without contracts ommendations submitted by come tax sooner or later but ture might find the cities col- ark's problems were more Attendant Who Thwarted fringe benefits cost them an pending the outcome of the the Essex County grand jury not before the 1971 election." lecting the equivalent of 25 than its own and have to be additional $1.75 hourly. . GM talks. that probed alleged corrup. Tht entire state legislature per cent of what a state in- related to the state to achieve —Retirement for workers Traditionally, contracts at tion in Newark.. is up for re-election next come tax would produce. adequate solutions. Bandits Severely Beaten with 30 years service on pen- all the Big Three automakers "There's nothing I don't NEW SHREWSBURY - A scribed as 5 feet 10 inches sions of $500 a month at age are virtually identical, while agree with," Gibson said yes- gas station attendant who tall, stocky, with brown bushy 58 in the first year of the con- the pact with AMC differs in terday referring to the grand beat off two armed robbers hair, and the other who may tract, age 56 in the second several respects. jury's recommendations sub- Thursday night, was beaten have been stabbed, was de. year and possibly age 55 in The agreement is also ex- mitted just before the panel Obscene Finding Sparks up by 'ilhree men Monday scrfbed as six feet one inch the third year. Under the cur- pected to be used as a pattern was dismissed last Friday af- night in his own back yard. tall with a dark beard and rent contract a worker retir- for new contracts for UAW ter more than two years of in- Borough police reported reddish brown hair entered ing at age 55 after 30 years . employes at John Deere, In- vestigations. that at 10:40 p.m. Monday, the station and asked Mr. service would get a maximum ternational Harvester and Gibson said he hopes Essex James Reardon of the Syca- Reardon for change. When he of $104.22 monthly. Caterpillar Corp., where con- County Prosecutor Joseph Ban of Student Paper more Ave., Esso Station was opened the cash register, one GM officials have said that tracts have also expired but Hugh Addonizio, was for an attacked by three white males of the two pulled a knife and even if ratification — a pro- workers have stayed on the independent audit of the city BAYONNE (AP) - Ba- Free Press, published its sec- the local teachers organiza- job, and at aerospace in- yonne school officials have with long hair. Police said he a scuffle ensued. Mr. Reardon cess which can take two government and eventually ond edition this week. It con? tion. reportedly turned the knife weeks — proceeds smoothly, dustry plants where the UAW impanel another grand jury. banned the distribution of tained a review of the film was beaten with a baseball represents the labor an underground student news- About 1,000 copies of the bat and received cuts In. on one of his nssailants arid the earliest the company can Action Needed "Joe" which included several struck at the other with a expect to resume production force. paper because they consider direct quotes from the title Free Press were distributed flicted either by a knife or a tire. Gibson, addressing the New a paragraph in its latest edi- at and near the high school. razor blade. Jersey chapter of Sigma Del- character role. tion to be obscene. In the T Kingston case the Mr. Reardon was ndmitted The pair reportedly fled in ta Chi, the professional jour- John J. Pagano- counsel to The quotations included two a green and white bus, with nalism fraternity, said "there four-letter words, Including school of .ials had also ar- to Riverview Hospital in Red Orders Tattered Flag the Board of Education, said gued that the underground Bank where he was treated nothing being taken, accord- are lots of things in Newark he recommended the ban des- one used in references to sex- that have to be cleaned up ual intercourse. newspaper, "The Coalminer" for multiple cuts and bruises ing to Uhe police. pite a decision last week by contained "obscene and scur- on his chest, back, arms and and have to be cleaned up by State Education Commission- Pagano advised the Board Removed From Crane legal people." rilous" material. But they shoulders. He was released New FTD Member er Carl Marburger that al- of Education that it had the said even without such mate- Tuesday. WOODBRIDGE (AP) - A other material that will prove One of the recommenda- lows distribution of under- right to prohibit the sale or rial they would have banned Chief James A. Herring Is SHREWSBURY - The tattered American flag — , more wind resistant than the tions of the jury, which sub- ground newspapers on school distribution of the paper be- distribution of the paper be- personally conducting the in. Flower Cart, 447 Broad St., hoisted atop a crane by con- cloth. mitted evidence gathered in property. cause "the language is dis-cause school rules prohibited When they find such a flag its probe to the federal gov- graceful, obscene and unbe- vestigation assisted by Pa- has been selected for mem- s t r u c t i o n workers during the circulation of publications trolman Louis Vitale. Police It will again fly atop the ernment's successful prose- Pagano said Marburger's coming high school students." bership in the Florists Trans- "hard hat-hippie" demonstra- decision on a newspaper pub- without prior approval of also continue their in- crane, a worker said. cution on conspiracy-extortion Marburger was not imme- school authorities. world Delivery Association, tions last spring — has been A parkway, trooper said the charges of former Mayor lished by Livingston High vestigation into Thursday's School students was based diately available for com- attempted robbery. world-wide floral delivery or- removed following inquiries men were not very happy Hugh Addonizio, was for an Marburger held that such ganization. Owners of the only on the distribution ques- ment. Students who published rules violate the U.S. con- According to the police, last about its condition. about removing the flag. independent audit of the city the newspaper said they had shop are Mr. and Mrs. John "They considered it an in- tax assessor's office. tion. He said it had tio bear- stitution. Marburger ndded, Thursday, at about 7:30 p.m. ing on the obscenity question contacted the American Civil two white males, one lie. Merlo. The flag, which flew atop a sult to their patriotism," he however, that "it is not only Gibson noted that the city on which his recommendation Liberties Union to discuss the possible but probably essen- crane beside the Garden State said. council has turned down his possibility of starting legal Parkway's Raritan River and the Bayonne board's deci- tial for schools to develop rea- request for such a study. sion was based. Marburger's action to lift the ban. s o n a b 1 e regulations, 3on- Bridge, has been without On the subject of politics, some o fits short red and white Crash Injures decision, however did touch The regular Bayonne High sistent with the Constitution . Gibson said he thinks Newark on the obscenity Issue and School newspaper has not ..governing the time, place stripes since last week. And is large enough to comprise a the condition prompted in- Young City Man said there had been no prior been published this year be- and manner of distribution of County Births single congressional district censorship of such papers. quiries and at least two let- LONG BRANCH — Fred, cause of a contractual dis- published materials by pupils and added he would "press The paper, the Bayonne pute between the, board and on school property." HIVERVIEW Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Maze- ters of complaint to the N.J. rick J. Wymbs, 22, of Wood- for it." The city is currently Highway Authority executive Red Bank rail (nee Valarie Jo Pearce), row Wilson Homes, is in fair divided between the 10th and HlllllllillUIIIIIII Mr. and Mrs. John Seber 58 Wayside Drive, Cliffwood director, D. Louis Tonti. condition this morning in 11th districts, which also in- (nee Judith Lconardis), 318 Beach, daughter, yesterday. The flag was removed this Monmouth Medical Center. clude neighboring suburban communities. Broadway, Union Beach, son, M r. and Mrs. Carmen week from its 200-foot height He was injured in an acci- yesterday. Will Be Called Weather: Rainy and Mild Franzo (nee Gayanne Jan- — clearly visible to thousands dent Monday afternoon on N, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Beck- of motorists daily — within 10 Ocean Ave. near Jollne Avc. (iilisnn said just as succcss- Cloudy with periods of rain large part of the nation today readings were centered in the noil), 495 Elizabeth St., Oak- f u 1 black politicians liko man (nee Frances Vestal), 56 minules afler a call was Mr. Wymbs was issued a likely today through most of and scattered rain or drizzle Northern Plains. Her Drive, Middlelown, liurst, daughter, yesterday. Mayor Carl Stokes of Cleve- tomorrow, followed by clear- from the Pacific Northwest to Temperatures before dawn daughter, yesterday. placed tn the company and summons by Patrolman Rich- land had campaigned for him, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kae- ard Reynolds for careless ing late tomorrow, high both the Middle Atlantic States. ranged from 18 at Watertown. Mr. and Mr.s. Daniel Lana- scr (ncc Frances Grande), tlm union which are using the he expects to be called upon days in the low 60s. Low Snow fell In mountain areas Sandy Hook cranes in construction. driving after a head-on colli- to aid other black candi- han (nee Jonnie Jlartcr), 554 907 Westminster Blvd., Par- sion that destroyed the front tonight in the upper 50s. Sat- of the Northwest and ranged Today - High 0:54 a.m. Garrctl Hill Blvd., Bclford, lin, daughter, yesterday. Without taking sides in the dacies. The mayor said the urday fair and seasonably eastward into Montana. and low 1 p.m. ends of both cars. election of black chief execu- (laughter, yesterday. ideological dispute the flag cool. Nearly an inch of rain Tomorrow — High 7:18 a.m. CLARA MAASS MKMOIUAL represented, Tonti had told tives In Detroit, Mr. and Mr.s. ltobcrl Lov- Relieving The driver of the second In Long Branch, yester- soaked sections of Now Jer- and 7:42 p.m. and low 1 a.m. I he construction workers it car, Robert S. TwlgR, 21, of 76 and Chicago were good possi- j» r n n ( n e o M a r g a r e t Mr. and Mrs. Neil J. Fitz- day's high was 61 and the low sey, New York and Pcnnsyl- and 1:48 p.m. should, he removed. He of- Oceanport Avc., Little .Silver, l> i 1111 e .<; and added he was 57. It was 59 at B p.m. v a n 1 a. Generally, lighter McKnca), M Church SI., Sea pafrlck (nee Anna Kitaeco), "wouldn't doubt" the possi- For Red Hank and Ttumson fered to closo off a lane of was treated and released Tho overnight low and Uie amounts were the rule else- bridge, add two hours; Sea Bright, daughter, yesterday. Niitley, daughter, Oct. 25. J'a- traffic. If necessary, during bility In New York Cily. Mr. and Mrs. William Pal. from the hospital. lie told temperature at 7 this morning where. Bright, deduct 10 minutes; tenial grandmother of tho an off-peak period, in permit police ho was driving south on Turning

By JAMES R. McCORMICK country, and after seeing as is Mr. McCracken. Under in favor of her new job, Mrs. although there are a few who is a neighbor of Mrs. - The FBI has arrested two brothers MARLBORO - Mrs. Kob. many different needs and the Faulkner Act, which gov- Czerny said that "being the points that she likes. Czerny, said that "I am. very ^m with the hijack at gunpoint of a tractor- ert Czerny, a 35-year-old backgrounds of people, I erns the township, ah ap- only woman on the council pleased to welcome Judy to mother of two boys, has been gradually became interested does not bother me, as the "If a woman Is qualified, trailer traveling in interstate commerce. pointee to an unexpired Beat she should have the same op- our township government and named to fill the Township in government here," Mrs. councilmen are easy to deal I hope that she will continue Thomas Greenhalgh, 40, and Lawrence Greenhalgh, Council seat vacated last Czerny said. on the council must be a with." portunities as men," she 36, were arrested Tuesday night in this Monniouth County said. to be our friendly neighbor." month by Ellis W. "This township is new, and member of the same political Asked for her >*iion oif community, officials said last night. She added emphatically Mrs. Czerny said that she McCracken. I feel almost like a pioneer, party as the person who for- Woman's Lib, Mrs. '-zerny re- • The tractor-trailer was taken from its driver at gun- that she would not want to be expects to be sworn in at Mrs, Czerny will serve until wanting to see the community merly held the seat. poiflt. it contained a variety of merchandise, the FBI said. grow in an orderly, proper plied that she is not whole- a career woman herself, • 'tonight's council meeting at November of next year, Stating that her husband is The two were scheduled for arraignment today before a when she must decide wheth- way," she added. heartedly for the movement Democratic Mayor Salkind, the Central School. . U. S. magistrate. er to run for the remaining Residence A Factor If convicted, the two brothers each could receive maxi- t w o years of Mr. Mrs. Czerny said that one mum penalty of 10 years in prison and $5,000 fines. McCracken's term. reason that she was named by The FBI said Lawrence Greenhalgh lives at Star The road to Marlboro has Council President Joseph Route, Brick Town, and James Greenhalgh, 21 Conicutta been a long one for the new Brodniak to the post may Commission Urges Strict Concourse, Jackson. councilwoman, for she moved have been her residency in here two years ago after ex. the Monmouth Heights sec- Dynamite Explosion Kills 8 periencing life in many big tion. Mr. McCracken is a resL towns. Born in Paterson, Mrs. dent of that development, as TULSA, Okla. — A dynamite explosion which gouged a Czerny moved to Ridgewood is Mayor Morton Salkind. Campaign Spending Laws crater 25 feet wide and 5 feet deep killed eight members of when very young, and then "I think that my living an oil company seismograph crew near here. had to locate again when her where Mr. McCracken lives his campaign manager. State . : Investigating officers said explosives on a truck being family moved to Westfield. might have been a good rea- TRENTON (AP) - Nelson paign spending, but all tarn- and federal elections as well used by the crew apparently were exploded yesterday by Households Set Up son for appointing me to the G. Gross who admitted spend- Sen. Matthew J. Rinaldo, R- paign contributions and ex- as public questions. ing $1 million in his losing Union, listed about 30 contrib- sparks from a high voltage electric line struck by a drilling post," she said. penditures would be public After marrying her hus- campaign for U.S. senator utors. Most were in the $100- Enforcement would be su- tower mounted on the vehicle. "But even in light of that, I band, who is an executive has filed a report with the $300 range. These are the record. pervised by a five-member bi- ;; Only one of the victims had been identified several feel that I was the one that with the Hertz Corp. in New state that he received and ones reported: partisan commission appoint- Sours after the explosion, at the Pan American Petroleum they wanted," Mrs. Czerny All Inclusive York, she had to endure the spent $23,860.31 in his cam- ed by the governor. The com- XJwp.'s Bird Creek testing site in northeast Tulsa County. added. Friends of Nelson Gross madcap adventure of setting paign. The commission said rec- mission would have the power up households in White The new councilwoman headed by Howard Wigder of ommendations would close to hold up certificates of elec- living Cell Is Created Plains, N.Y., Salt Lake City, thinks that the most impor- Sen. Harrison A. Williams, Perth Amboy, $8,000; Citizens the loopholes on fund raising tion for a candidate accused Utica, N. Y., and Scottsdale, tant problem facing the town- the senatorial winner, admits for Gross Committee, headed of not complying with the law. BUFFALO — A researchjbiology team at the State now permitted by ad hoc com- Arizona. ship is attracting ratables . spending between $500,000 by Alfred P. Levin of Tea- mittees and so-called "testi- University at Buffalo has created a living, reproducing cell If a candidate or his cam- Seeks Ratables and $600,000. He reported neck, $2,000; Jempac in care monial" dinners. Groups and ; from various components of other cells, sources reported All of this traveling was paign treasurer were, con- receipts of $76,794 in contribu- of Dr. Marshall F. Driggs of individuals would be required last night. • . . done after she was graduated "I feel that we must get victed, the nomination or from Bucknell, University more industry to come here tions and expenditures of Englewood, $5,000; Gerald C. to report contributions of Reports of the breakthrough came from broadcast sta- election would be nullified with a Bachelors Degree In before we increase mass de. $58,870. McNamara and G.A. Saxton money or services not only to and a vacancy. declared. tions WGR-AM-FM-TV, Buffalo, and sources^ on the cam- elementary education.. Teach- velopment," Mrs. Czerny Thus while a minimum of. & Co. of New York, $2,500; support a candidate or public Violators would also be sub- pus. It was considered a major scientific achievement. ing for eight years in various pointed out. " $1.5 million was spent in New Eggers, Grad & Seltzer of question but to defeat them. ject to criminal prosecution The feat was accomplished by a research team headed school systems, Mrs. Czerny Mrs. Czerny is a member of Jersey's 1970 senatorial cam- Newark, • $1,000, and Robert The new law would apply to and maximum penalties of : by Dr.'James F. Danielli, director of the Center, for Theo- gave up that aspect of life the American Association of paign, records in t|ie secre- Lieder of East Orange, $1,000. $3,000 and three years in jail. retical Biology' at the university's Ridge Lea campus in school, local, county, state l when she moved here to University Women, and has tary of state's office in Tren- A n 11-member Election subuHban Amherst. spend more time with her two served as a fund raiser for ton will list for all time contri-. Law Revision Commission The project has been funded for about five years by a sons, aged six and three. • Freehold Hospital. She is act- tions of about $82,000. submitted last September to contract from the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis- "I have lived all around the ive in the Republican Party, The reason for the dis- Gov. William T.Cahill recom- Vail., . Chamonix... Grenoble... tration. crepancies is the state*s law mendations for what would be The patchwork eel has reproduced itself and is still governing the reporting of one of the toughest state laws Grey Rocks... Sugarbush alive, a campus source said. campaign expenditures. Un- governing campaign spend- der the law, candidates are ing. v LMeSilver? Employment Down Again required to report only contri- Whether the very legisla- butions made directly to them tors who would have to run "•, NEW YORK — Wage and salary employment in the and spent by them. They do under the provisions of the New York-Northeastern New Jersey area dropped by 11,000 v not have to report what was law will approve it remains in September to 6,756,000, the regional office of the federal received and spent by various an open question. Bureau of Labor Statistics announced yesterday. Where else? campaign organizations in Under the recommenda- And in the first nine months of this year, the job growth their behalf. tions, New Jersey would con- fate was less than half that of the corresponding period in Gross' statement filed by tinue to have no limit on cam- i960. Some' 86,000 new jobs were added compared to the 1969 figure of 184,000, the bureau said. "Job growth in the area Has slowed substantially since the beginning of 1970, reflecting sharp cutbacks in manu- facturing employment and relatively small increases in the area's private manufacturing sector," a statement said. Angela Davis Named Queen SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Black militant Angela Davis, facing kidnap and murder charges, has been elected honor- ary homecoming queen at Sacramento City College. Miss Davis, 26, is held in a New York jail in connection with a Marin County Shootout Aug. 7 which killed a judge 17,075 of your and three other persons: The honorary queen title was bestowed by the 23-mem- ber student executive senate of the two-year community col- lege. The vote was 12 to 3 with 8 abstentions. (Galley Jury Selection Starts:, shared p , }?T cessful management prac- Pataan said the bill he will offer in, the new Congress can be expected to take a CAN We HELP YOU ? SERVICE IS OUR BIGGEST ASSET ! also will provide 100 per cent insurance for local govern- heavy toll" Hankla said. ticed and deer fed by the ref- ment deposits wjth savings and loans groups and permit Among the prime objectors uge staff." the associations to handle federal deposits. ______to the hunt is the Deer Envi- Hankla said the Interior De- ronment Ecology Research, a partment had received an group numbering several hun- equal amount of letters for dred and advocating alter- and against hunting In the nate methods of controlling preserve. Main Offl'-M IDS Chcitnnt St.. Hod Bunk. N. J. O7701 the herd. Brunch OHIcmt Allenhurst • Allontown • Bradley Beach • Eatontown • Farmlngdala 871) m. Sti, MMfllclown, N. J. Mrs. Stephen J. Kramer of . CARTOON AUCTION 30 Kiwi M»ln Bt.. Krejlmla. N. J. , Gllette is heading a delega- . NEW YORK — The Master . Fort Monmouth • Freehold (2) • Freehold Township • Long Branch (2) S70 llrondnky, I«r W»«» tho.facts are mis- ists Stamaty and Kaufman. OAJitf BBGISTE8, BED 8A3^.MIMta3m N. Ltl&TO&A¥,'90VEHB&L 12, J970- The Bahi Offers Women 'Beaiity Road, Fair Haven, the blonde at a nominal fee. take advantage of (his newest RUMSON - Are you, per. portantly, if you're concerned Shalders conducts her Yoga offering. Under the guidance haps, a middle-aged house, with weight control, come to • Mrs. Shalders belies her rote . To look at them, one would Miss Ana Maloney classes... and she promises of the two able, amiable wife — and owner of a pah* of The Barn, 102 Ave. of Two benefits of body and mind of mother of three good-sized be tempted to sign up tame, Asphyxiation FREEHOLD - Miss Ann r. teachers, women of all ages leotards and a small foam Rivers, Tuesday mornings •from participation.. children. diately — both are trim, styL Maloney, 74, of 83 W. Main rubber mat? between 10 and 1L "I've been studying Yoga ish and happy. and shapes can relax and 'It's truly a union of mind stretch ... and retain their Claims Lives St., died yesterday In Jersey If so, and more im. That's when Mrs. Thelma for five years," she reports, "We can accommodate Shore Medical Center, Nep- and body," Mrs. Shalders "and teaching for two." At youth: states, "an exercise in deep nearly SO in qur present quar. tune. present she is on the staff of ters," Mrs. Dendy notes. "It's Mrs. Dendy is also the Of Couple breathing concentration the Asbury Park Charm mother of three, including a She was born In Millstone which improves the circula. really a fine opportunity for SOUTH RIVER - Mr. and Township and had resided in School, leading pupils through women of all ages to take married son — but you'd nev. tion and will, watch-dog her favorite baliwick — Yoga. Mrs. Stanley Brown of 27 this area all her life. Before weight problems." care of themselves properly." er know it to look at her. Thomas St. died Saturday of her illness, she had been a A petite Englishwoman She and her assistant, Mrs. The Barn is owned by Lois housekeeper at the rectory of Together, Mrs. Shalders asphyxiation from a gas leak whose husband owns the pop. Kay Dendy of Lincroft, are McDonald and used for a va. and Mrs. Dendy offer oppor. Sacred Heart Catholic ular Tea Taster, 711 River offering an eight-week course in their home. Church, Camden. riety of community activities tunity for the "average worn, for citizens of all ages. Mr, Brown was bom In an" to become a "dream- Miss Maloney was a aora- boat," both mentally and Freehold and was the brother municant of St. Pose of Lima You don't have to be a Condition Critical "middle-aged" housewife physically. ^of Mrs. Emma Emmons of Catholic Church, iere.« EATONTOWN — The 31- Although no money was tak- Freehold. He was a retired Surviving are four brothers, Thomas J., James F., John E. year-old cab driver shot FrL en from Sullivan, Capt. Man- painter, and Jerry M. Maloney, all day continued to hover near ning said that he believed , j Mrs. Brown, nee Josephine here, . ; •'"Meisel,1 was born here and death early today in the in- that the cabbie was shot when Arrangements lire under i!i. tensive care unit of Mon- he attempted to foil a robbery was employed by the C. Stof. rection of the Freeman Fu. fel Embroidery Co. She was a neral Home, here. mouth Medical Center, Long attempt. communicant of St. Stephen's Branch. • . Catholic Church and Its Rosa, Bernard Sullivan, of Wall ry Society. Dr. Anthony F. Caprio PTA Speaker Township, was shot twice in EAST KEANSBURG - The couple are survived by; NUTLEY - Dr. Anthony F. the head at 7:20 p.m. Friday a eon, Erwin Brown of New Caprio, 65, of 29 Union Ave. while in his cab on Sand Dwight E. Richardson, diair. Brunswick, and four grand- died Monday in his office in Spring Drive here. man of the Poricy Park Citi. children. bis home. He had practiced HOW TO BE BEAUTIFUL — MM. Thelma Sta Wars, zens Committee, win discuss A ptrionaliztd monument, earvtd of i«Uct larro Besides his sister in Free- here for 35 years. right,' of Rumson, director of Yoga classes h»W at "Hie County Detective Capt. An- Gr«nit», e«n lay mort than many wordi. So our f3ARRE drew B. Manning said police the preservation of Poricy hold, Mr. Brown is also BUT. Surviving' are his widow, Barn, 102 Av«. of Two Rivers, TuWays befhveen display of Barrt Guild Monuments, backtd by IfM III r\l vlved hy three other sisters, Mrs. Elvira Russomano Cap- are seeking to question a man Park Wednesday at 8 p.m. at th» mdujtry'i ilrongtit monument gu«rantt». |VjfUIIJ"*| Mrs. Elsie Stryker of Bay. rip ;a son, Anthony A. of Mexi- 10 and If a.m., demonstrates exercise fh* says will described as about 5 feet 10 a meeting of St. Catherine's ville, Mrs. Julia Jonkauske of co; two brothers, Ernest of help women with weight and circulation problems. inches, weighing 180 pounds, Catholic School PTA In the Monument* with a stocky build and wear, Eatontown and Mrs. Dorothy Long Branch and Ralph of. Relaxing at (eft is Mrs. Kay Dendy dt Lincroft, as- parish hall. Conferences with Plantier of Trenton. Newark; three sisters, Mrs. ing an Afro haircut with black sistant. Spacious quarters admit of large enrollment the faculty will begin at 6:45 LONG BRANCH MONUMENT CO., Inc. Mrs. Brown is also survived Angelina Prlmevera of West or gold thin-framed eye- Wall St. mi Local Ave. 222.0300 Wast Loftg Iwek. N. J. by a sister; Mrs. Mary Fritz Long Branch, Mrs. Antoinette in new class. (Register Staff Photo) p.m. of Sayreville. Rocco of Oceanport and Mrs. ' Arrangements are under Marie Widdis of Long Branch, the direction of the Rezem and one grandchild. r Funeral Home, East Bruns- Arrangements are under wick Township, , the direction of the S. W, Brown & Son Funeral Home, Boy Struck here. INTRODUCTION SALE By Auto To Mark , DROP IN AND SEE OUR NEWLY Succumbs Children's OPENED JEAN & CASUAL SHOP HOWELL -<- Clyde Jackson Jr., 8, of 242 Rt. ?, diedyes- Book Week terday in Atlantic City Hospi- RED BANK — National tal of injuries he received Children's Book Week, start- the "downstairs" when hit by a car in front of ing Monday, ' will be well his home last Friday. •; marked at the Red Bank pub. He was taken to Paul Kim- lie Library. ball Hospital, Lakewood, and Featured will be class vis. Sfeek IS COMING OUT OF THE WALLS later transferred to Atlantic its, a joint storytime for 80 City Hospital. pre-schoolers and an after- He was a third grade sta-' noon movie presentation. dent at the Griebling School, WITH MERCHANDISE here. He was born in Platka, "The Red Balloon," a 30. Fla. minute color motion picture Surviving are his mother, •will be shown to the story- Mrs. Viola Bailey, here; his time groups Wednesday at father, Clyde Jackson Sr. of; 10:30 a.m., and at 3:30 p.m. Platka; a brother, Alphonso for children attending school. Jackson, here, and his mater- Admission is free but seating nal grandparents, Mr. and wffl be on a first Come, first Mrs. Willie Mose Harris, served basis. here. The Children's Room, under' Arrangements are under the direction of Mrs.' Barbara the direction of the Freeman Cottrell, children's librarian, Funeral Home, Freehold. will be decorated with this year's theme, "This Is the Michael Jeleniewski Age of the Book." WEST KEANSBURG - Mi- Posters, mobiles, book chael Jeleniewski, 19, of 113 marks and souvenir balloons Fifth St., died Tuesday in will delight the young people! Monmouth Medical Center, Parents are urged to en. Long Branch, after a long ill- courage their children to Join ness. ' the library, a community f He was born in Long cility. Branch and had lived here all his life. He was studying Any child attending Red drafting at home. Bank schools, able to Bign his 'Z Surviving are his parents, own name is eligible for a 1 Henry and Kathleen card with the permission of = McGowan Jeleniewski; four his parent or guardian. I brothers, Henry, Daniel, The library is open six days -- James and Robert Jele- a week from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 '. niewski, and three sisters, r p.m. and Monday and : Anne Marie, Kathleen and Wednesday evenings until 9. -: Maureen Jeleniewski, all at :" home. -•'• Arrangements are under Plan Spurs • the direction df the Laurel ENTIRE i- Funeral Home, here. Protest In ENTIRE v Robert J. McArdle !' BRICK TOWNSHIP - Rob- Marlboro STORE STORE " ert J. McArdle, 58, of 1600 ; Yale St., father of Mrs. Jo. MARLBORO - The Whit •'• Ann Seren of Marlboro, died tier Oaks Community Assort STOCK STOCK Monday at Point Pleasant ation will present to the Hospital. Township Council tonight a ;• Mr. McArdle was born in petition protesting the con. l Long Island City, N.Y., nnd struction of a food store near \ moved here from Whitestone, N.Y.,inl949. the intersection of Rt. 9 and Union Hill Road. He was the owner of the Brick Hardware Store. He The construction of a Stop i- was a member of the Deborah Convenience .Food Store on COME WALK ON RED BANK'S ONLY BOARDWALK ;! Chapter, here; the Third Dc- property 300 feet west of the j gree of the Knights of Colum- intersection was approved bus, Council 836, here; was last week by the Planning past president of the Holy Board. The store is to face COME WISH IN OUR WISHING WELL Name Society of the Church four homes which are part of of the Visitation, and was a the Whittier Oaks devel- communcant of St. Dominick's opment. The council must ap- Catholic Church, both here. prove the plans before the Besides his jaughter In store can be constructed. COME SAVE V% OF YOUR DOLLAR AT OUR Marlboro Township, Mr. McArdle is survived by his , In a news release, the asso- • widow, Mrs. Grace McArdle; ciation cited the safety of GIGANTIC INTRODUCTION SALE a son, Robert McArdle Jr., of children as their primary con. ; Jersey City; two other ilaugh. cern. 'tens, Mrs. Grace Beckman :and Mrs. Virginia Lohmeyer "This Intersection Is the GUESS WHO'S GOT RED BANK'S both here; two brothers, . site of two school bus stops as : Thomas McArdle of White- • well as the major access area stone, N.Y., and George to Rt. 9 for all of Whittier PINK MANHOLE COVER McAixIlc of Midland Park, Oaks as well as major areas and 11 grandchildren. of Holiday Park, Woodland Green and Nottingham Es- Arrangements are Under ill- tates." rcction of the Colonial Funer- THE ^al Home, lierc. T h e association release stated that the intersection :! DEATH N.nii>. . ~fhurtday' , the release. • -* k -THE DAILY REGISTER, BJ& BANK• MIDDLETOWN. N. J.! THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1970- School Directive Produces ' By NANCY J.KUBINSKI Additionally, students ark on Friday to determine be without a job. "No teach* the children of a decent edu- turn out in large numbers at" where the directive is to be the short period of time since, .. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - would be consolidated to raise what, if any, legal action be ers will be leaving the sys- cation. It is criminal neglect Monday night's board meet- specifically implemented the directive was made , Possible court action and a class averages. initiated to. prevent the imple- tem. They will be retained as and lack of concern that ing in the Broad Street Monday, and to Dr. known on Tuesday "has concerted effort by parents, Need Is Told mentation of the board order substitute teachers until such prompted the board to take school. McKenna, urging that the shown us that everyone is teachers and administrators The measures were neces- next Monday. time as a position within the this action. united against this move. We may prevent' implementation sary, according to board district opens which occurs "There can only be a nega- —A petition will be circu- board's demands be post- of a Regional Board of Edu- Last night, a group of par- poned until after the meeting hope all of these concerned President John J. Bradley, ents and teachers were called often because of marriages, tive reaction from the stu- lated and then directed to the cation directive to consolidate because enrollment this year moves and maternity leaves," dents as a result," she added. principals of the Cliffwood, on Monday night. people will show up Monday classes and cut seven teach- together by the Matawan Citi- is some 200 students below the Mr. Bradley asserted. "It will hurt children who are Ravine Drive and Cambridge He added that the response to support us for better edu. ers from permanent class zens for Public Schools to for- projected figures made last Objective Outlined doing well acclimated to one Park Elementary Schools, from the community, despite cation." assignments. mulate a petition and adver- year. tising campaign against the "Our sole objective is to re- teacher and one group of stu- The directive, issued by the The drop includes 26 fewer directive. turn classes to the projected dents and are then thrust into board Monday night after a si^es at the time of the budget another group and become students on the elementary Shift Planned caucus meeting to Superinten- drawing," he added. These outsiders." level with the remainder Specifically the order calls dent John F. McKenna man- projections, he explained, Meeting Held spread through the inter- for the removal of one teach- dates 'that seven teachers, were between 26 and 28 stu- mediate and high sehuols. er from the first grade in the Another negative response scattered through the ele- dents per class but the aver- Miss Marie Panos, presi- Cliffwood school. However a was elicited from Raymond ages are now 20 or 21. mentary and rniddle schools dent of the Matawan Regional vacancy which will be Bieber, president of the Citi- i. be removed from their Teachers Association said she created later this month Will The discrepancies in enroll- zens for Public Schools, who classes and made permanent will meet with the group's at- ment were attributed to trans- saidf representatives of nearly : be filled by the teacher to be substitutes. torney, Emil Oxfeld of New- * removed. The move will in- fers from the district to St. every Parent-Teacher Organi- crease the class average in John Vianney Catholic High zation in the district, parents the eight first grades from 20 School and St. Benedict's and officers of the Matawan students to 24. Catholic Elementary School, Federation of Teachers Vail... Chamohix... Grenoble... (MFT) met last night. At Ravine Drive School, one both in Holmdel and St. Jo- He said the parents are con- Qny Rocks... Sugarbush teacher will leave the second seph's Catholic grade school grade, upping class averages inKeyport. cerned whether the move is educationally sound, if the from 22 to 27 pupils per teach- Other reasons, according to Little Silver? er. : board has considered the psy- Mr. Bradley, are' the facts chological and emotional im- One first grade teacher will that parents are taking ad- ' pact on the students, or the be taken from Cambridge vantage of free busing for drop in teacher morale and if Park School raising the aver, Mi Haua their children to private it will, indeed, solve the prob. age from 21 to 25. ' ' schools and the exodus of lem. Where else? ' In the intermediate schools, residents from the district the changes are of more con- and their replacement with "All these were left cern because they will elimi- parents of fewer school-age unanswered in our minds and nate a member of a specific children. we couldn't see why the board department ,to be determined took the action over the rec- by the principal. He claimed that threatened ommendations of our superin- THERE ARE ONLY At Lloyd Road Inter, court action by the MRTA tendent and administrators," would have little if any effect. mediate, one seventh grade Mr. Bieber claimed. H Classic plain-toe slipon with pocket park, thews all the new 1 and one eighth grade instruc- "I cannot see how a court in- 40 SHOPPING DAYS junction could stick when we He said various methods of § wide strap and buckle takes on ideas and a few of the old ones. ~ tor will be eliminated as will action were decided oh. be one of each at Matawan are merely returning to pro- jected sizes." —Principals at. all schools _ the look of the seventies. Nunn UNTIL CHANUKAH! Ave. Intermediate, where involved are sending a letter He stated that, the board §1 Bush imports it from Italy in HIAVt DUTY, SHOCK-PROOF BAIL BEARING team teaching methods are to the board expressing their SAWS! Exclusive see through telescoping guard. employed. may not be through cutting, opposition to the directive. =? antiqued brown leather. Sizes 7 to Stall-proof drive. Lexan®. Sawdust chute. High tem- Commenting on the direc- as it eyes discrepancies in the —The MFT and the Citizens | 12, C and D widths, 24.95. Men's perature protected motor. ALL LIFETIME GUARAN- tive, Mr. Bradley soundly high school enrollment as for Public Schools will take out chastised the administration TEE. well. advertisements in local news- s shoe salon, just off the vest Broad and Front, Red Bank. for not initiating some method papers urging residents to No. 826 W BLADE to meet the reduction in en- Classes Shrink HP Motor rollment earlier this year. "Some classes there are as 'Stalling' Charged low as 14 children. This is. The problem had been certainly not proper utili. ' turned over to Dr. McKenna zation of teacher talents so and his staff at the end of we're studying it now," the No. 827 W BLADE September, Mr. Bradley board president explained. • 2 HP Motor stated, adding, "the adminis- He concurred that the mea- Cuts 2*4* *t 90* tration dilly-dallied on the sure is for economy and that 2"«t45» problem and kept stalling and the savings will be realized did not give us any concrete by the end of the year in sala^ answers. ries as teachers are not added No. 412R RUGGED W On Monday, Dr. McKenna to the staff but merely re- REVERSING told the board he would cut placed by existing district DRILL the one teacher at Cliffwood staffers. • PowerM5ampmotor Elementary, but the decision The decision was viewed with shock by Miss Panos, • 450 RPM, Rwersmj Switch was overruled by the board. "The board took the bull by who claimed it would "cheat the horns, decided it could not remain a policy-making board ART WORKSHOPS MINER 5UPPLYC0, and took over the adminis- SHREWSBURY-A trative end as well because of series of Art Workshops is this failure of management," being held at the Guild t{ Mr. Bradley commented. Creative Art, 620 Broad St., South of the Krummy Krupp No Firings Eyed Friday evenings at 8 o'clock. He assured that none of the Participants may work in The realty on Wonderful West Front . teachers, as rumored, would the medium of, their choice; RARE SCOTCH still-life setups and models that earned its will be provided. This com- reputation... munity activity is free to Guild members. Non-mem, bers may come to one in- troductory session free of charge, and thereafter there. JOIN TODAY is a nominal charge for each session. E, Michael Horn is monitor Kearisburg-Middletown of the weekly workshop. For further information call the H WOOF BLENDED SCO1UH WHISKY. Guild. Gallery hours are ,N.Y*IU.10H0 Tuesday through Sunday noon to 5 p.m. Closed Monday.

CLUB Traditionally minded Duncan Reed of Boston and hovi plenty of cash for your 1971 ChristmasShopping Interprets the coat we PAY for the seventies INTEREST in navy worsted twill. on all completed Despite half belt and high Christmas Clubs vent in back, body-tracing

fit and slightly longer

A lovely Christmas Lamp length, it retains a FREE to all who join the timeless look, 150.00. 1971 Christmas Club The new coats for men are

on the third floor. The Bank that's Strong F{or You KEANSBURG-MIDDLETOWN This one, by Dobbs, is 21.00. We honor Natelsons own NATIONAL BANK or bank charge plans. KEANSBURG MIDDLETOWN Church «nd Carr Ave. King* Highway LINCROFT CHAPEL HILL Shopping Center Newnun Springs Road PHONE P0RTM0NMQUTH (All offices) BELFORD Rt. 36, Near Main St. 787-0100 Leomrdvllla Road BROAD AND FRONT STREETS Member federal Dtpotll fniuranet Corporaffon , RED BANK, NEW JERSEY 07701 TEL 201-741-5300 FROM OUR RKADEH5 Cure for Qmcm 270A Eaton Crest ftflfli Eatontown, N. J. . To the Editor: Established in 1878 - Published by The Red Bank Register Last year, approximately 5,000 youngsters under M age of 15 died from cancer. Almost 1,500 of these children were M. HAROLD KELLY, .Publishei under the age of five. ' ' Unless you've seen a child — youf child perhaps — ac- ' Arthur Z. Kamin, Editor tually succumb to one of the more than 100 types of cancer Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor diseases, these numbers may have little or no real signifi- cance. But added to the other 323,000. Americans that'lost ttieir'lives to cancer last year, the significance of these fig- —6 Thursday, November^, 1970 ures becomes a little clearer. What is not so clear, especially to the parent and fami- lies of young or older, cancer victims, is the question of ade- quate federal funding of cancer research projects. During the last three years, federal appropriations for the National Death of a Leader Cancer Institute, (NCI) dropped from $183 million in 1968to $18rmillion in 1970. Coupled with a 10 percent increase Charles'de Gaulle's guiding light Algeria, and prevented civil war. No in rising costs each year, the $2 million cut adds up to about was the afterglow of the glory that other living Frenchman, it has been a one-third reduction in the amount of research that can be funded. was France. It was the frustration of said, could have solved the problem. It was probably his greatest moment. During fiscal 1970, funds for 27 major dinical research his life that the rest of the world — As President of France, De Gaulle centers were'eut by 15 per cent. Fellowship programs, train- even his own people — could no long- often angered his allies with his jingo- - ing grants for medical schools, chemotherapy programs and er see that light. History may well ism and arrogant refusal to accept clinical therapy grants will all be cut at least 10 per cent if record that his extreme chauvinism the realities of international politics. 1971 funds stay at the level suggested by the Administration. arid his inflexible ansistence on But his friends abroad never ceased' Reductions in available funds also affect the treatment French domination of European poli- to admire him. His unbending, im- •:• of cancer patients. A drug evaluation program in the Ros- well Park Memorial Institute (Buffalo, N.Y.), in which the tics alienated the allies who could . perious nationalism irked but in- • latest laboratory discoveries in chemotherapy are tried with have helped lift his nation to the past trigued the rest of the world. His ', cancer patients, has suffered severe cutbacks. At least • heights on which he dwelt — that he rationale may be summarized in a t •, 10 young research investigators, unable to find support for may have helped defeat his own sentence he. wrote: "France cannot ': their work, have taken positions out of the field.. cause. But history must also record be France without greatness." Last year, President Nixon "vetoed the first HEW bill. that this century has produced few like another great leader of his He then returned to the treasury over ?9 million of the leaders of equal stature. time, De Gaulle was a gifted writer. amount Congress appropriated for the fight against cancer Twice in his lifetime Gen.. de In the closing chapter of the third in the Health Bill he finally did sign. An additional 96.88 Gaulle saved France. In 1940 he re- volume of his memoirs is a paragraph million of the cancer appropriation was later transferred fused to accept the disgrace of de- .which impressively bares his feelings to other accounts for pay increases. feat and as leader of the wartime of frustration,.tempered with undy- This fiscal year,. Congress has voted a substantially Free French rallied his countrymen: ing optimism, as the end neared. • greater increase in cancer research funding. For once, we and led their triumphant return in "Old man,"' he .described himself, ; have an opportunity to wage a war in which everyone can : agree, young and old. More importantly, given the support 1944; "exhausted by ordeal, detached from human deeds, feeling the approach of of the Administration and every concerned American, we In 1958, when Algerian officers have an opportunity to win that war and make the decade and settlers staged a coup, it was de the eternal cold, bpt always'watch- of the 70's the decade of the cure for Cancer. Gaulle to whom France turned for ing in the shadows for the gleam of Since cancer can and does strike anyone, I feel that we hope." all have an interest in making sure that the President ap- guidance out of the crisis. He saved proves and uses the funda voted by Congress for cancer re- A CONSERVATIVE VIEW "search. I urge all your readers to write to the President and ask that he (1) sign the bill presented to him by Con- v: gress, (2) reconsider his priorities, for federal spending in School Prayer Riile Fortified the field of health, especially cancer research, and (3) use •all funds that are appropriated for cancer research. A state court ruling that Netcong nities of greater diversity. In an at- Mr. Nixon's Pleasure Marjorie L. Becker High School's prayer reading, pro- " tempt to circumvent the ruling, the gram.is unconstitutional has been up- school board instituted a, program in which attendance of the prayer ses- The vote against Carswell was 51-45, and the School held by the state Supreme Court. By JAMES J. KILPATRICK sions was voluntary, the prayers with such senators as Tydings (Md.), Goo- 33B Manalapan Ave. The decision serves to strengthen an . President Nixon hasn't given up on the were non-denominational and con- appointment of a Southern strict construe- dell (N.Y.), Young (Ohio), Gore (Tenn.), Freehold, N. J, already firmly established judicial sisted primarily of readings from the tionist to the Supreme Cout. He is especially and Yarborough (Texas) voting to reject the .To the Editor: . .-., : , opinion on the problem of separation pleased with what he sees as an ideological nomination; None of the five will be back in I am writing regarding the proposed move of the: Signal ., Congressional Directory. School from Ft. Monmouth to Ft. Gordon, Ga., and,:specifi- ; of church and state. gain in the next Senate. the Senate in the 92d Congress. And even The state's high court found no cally, despite the efforts of the locally elected officials,.the ••••,; And he expects a marked though such Administration supporters as •'•• The outcome of its test case is meaningful difference between that lack of interest shown by a part of the civilian community in / upturn in the. economy Smith (IU.) and Murphy (Calif.) went down • highly unpopular fin Netcong, as it program and those "which the U.S. and around Monmouth County. This lack of interest and / next year, to be followed to defeat, the arithmetic hypothetically sug- support deeply distresses me. • . "" ' well may be in some other localities. by a very good year in Supreme Couriiield to violate ]h& es- gests a net gain of three for the White House I woiferfK the taxpayers in Monmouth County realize • v But in matters of constitutional doc- 1972. :•'..'''' tablishment clause of the'\Br$t on such an issue. In the Carswell vote, a the effectjthisvwould have'.on/tlieecOnomy here and-tlie'i^-'.;; i trine, interpretation is the province Amendment." Two weeks ago, dur- sultant increase in,the,unen)ploymentrate,if...the school: •r.^-.' ing a campaign trip in the switch of three would have produced a 48-48 i i ; of state and national judiciaries ra- were to move.' TMey-fettst 'riA'bVi)yare j(.ihe idtmtio^irtf^iJ; Evasion ^-judicial edict seldom South, Vice President Ag- tie, whidrtthe Vice President could have • though I can't understand why r-; it'sijeen wMely^bl|a«ife% ther than local.sentiment:. As the is successful'"and serves no one. new had indicated the ad- broken. •' • . r If people ;aren^ concerned about their:\taxtojTj$m$m01 law of the land.'those interpretations The voluntary, non-denominational ministration's continuing . employhient rate, have they no interest in flieir lelloV; WSft?'-^v * * * ! must be rigidly'arid universally ob- prayer program reportedly is very KILPATRICK desire to see a Southern These are then- nelgM^.^d..fri^'*eing\'f<»^;(Sl^|fr| i-:" conservative on the Court. move to another state' to the boondocks' or givJiig up:/t$<|?'•% ':•' served. popular with the Netcong students. MR. NIXON DID not allude to the Car- Mr. Nixon expressly — even glowingly — swell rejection specifically. He was asked, jobs - their livelihoods.: Or, is tt just that they aqn'tcaiW4'• Original court rulings barring It could best be offered, however, confirmed the. prospect in talking 'with a Or, are they too busy (or lazy!) to do something about it? however, in the context of the new Senate, if school prayer naturally "met with under auspices completely divorced small group /of Washington newsmen last. Will they stand by and let the school be moved; and then from the school board and local Thursday. > , , lie.woijl|i * lease guarantee. per cent of the average of your taxable In- your 196(1-09 years. BILL OK INDICTMENT - In the very While there is no hint of wrongdoing In come for the four years 1966-1969, you aro This eliminates the exceedingly com- first paragraph of Us findings, tlm tiiibcmii- the .subcommittee's report, its condemnation eligible to use income averaging to gel a plicated computations you otherwise would mitfeccaust'cvilly chiiracleiize.s Hie concern of the deal is sweeping. lower tax. Before 1970, your taxable Income have to go through to find out whether you Involved-Old,Dominion .Sugar Corporation II remains to be seen what .SKA now liad to be moro than 133'/, per cent of tho can use lncomo averaging, And incomn av- '•(loos about it. • ' • average. eraging can save you tax money. — as a "corporate shell which has never r -TOE DAILY BHHSHER, HED BAJSK-MJDDLETOWN, NfJ.t THU8SDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1770 Market Sage Highlands Sehorft Pump 1 HIGHLANDS- First come, HIGHLANDS ,^ ford to provide instrumental The first three grades in the teaching teams handling stu- The principal was author- cents now granted. first served applies to a mon- instruction only to those pu- Public School will become dents at different skill levels ized to approve bettslde in- Service pins with year ster suction pump owned by pils who can afford to rent gradeless in the 1971-72 school without regard to chronologic- struction for ailing students guards for library aides were Homemade the Board of Education and their own musical in- year if Donald R. Shanks, ad- al grade or age. at the time of need. Until authorized, to cost about $33. cluttering up the borough fire- struments. All others must be ministrative principal, has his Thus a child especially gif- now, such instruction re- The board will recognize 25 house, the board decided last satisfied with flutophones, way. ted in reading could be taking quired board approval in each parents who have served the CLAM night. basic fife type instruments Mr. Shanks asked that the reading at the equivalent of a case, and by the time it was library two years. The pump, board property which whet musical appetites, board consider the gradeless third grade level'at the same obtained, the occasion for the The Nicolo Marionettes will CHOWDER the past 14 years, is powered . but fail to satisfy them. scheme for grades 1 through time he is assimilating first instruction was often past. present "Alladin and his Won- grade arithmetic. by a gasoline or diesel engine Mr. Doyle and Mr. Davis 3. The system would be based The board will still approve derful Lamp" March 22 in the — board members aren't sure started visiting organizations, on programs now in effect in Board members asked Mr. the action retroactively. school auditorium at a cost of which — and is mounted on a mid-western schools de $125, to be funded by the businesses and interested per- Shanks to get reactions from The price of hot lunches for trailer so it can be towed by a sons in the borough, seeking scribed in a brochure dis- teachers and to present these principal's account. motor vehicle. It has been tributed to board members by students will be dropped from that, old violin which may lie and further details of the The board approved pur- used to pump out cellars and forgotten* in a' corner of the •> the principal. gradeless system at the De- 30 to 20 cents effective today. swimming pools. chase of four cooking pans, attic, the guitar with but five The system would permit cember board meeting. The change will permit state nine serving scoops and a Foot of Atlantic St. off Bay Ave. The machine has been strings, Dad's old banjo he children to learn at their indi- No action was taken last reimbursement of 25 cents mixer splash cover for the housed and maintained for 872-9861 HIGHLANDS doesn't play any more. vidual optimum rates, with night. per lunch rather than the 9 school cafeteria. the board by the fire com- Mr. Davis started "the ball pany, but the firemen now need the space it takes up in rolling by donating a $200 •the firehouse. It is in need of trombone. Last night, Mr. repairs; but can be made op- Doyle told his fellow board erable. members that the two men The board voted unani- have also received a guitar mously to declare the pump and a full set of drums, as surplus and to accept the first well as $125 from the local reasonable offer for its sale, buyer to remove it from the Lions Club and $100 from the firehouse. fire department to be used for Property of another sort other instruments. which will benefit many Herbert A. Carusoe, board DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT school children directly is auditor, will be asked to set' slowly accruing to the board, up aspecial account for funds Edward A. Doyle, a board donated for instruments. MEN'S & YOUNG MEN'S MISSES' member, reported. Persons or organizations in- • Mr. Doyle, a fireman, a terested in helping are asked first aid. volunteer and a lay to call Mr. Doyle, Mr. Davis, WOOL BLEND PLAID PILE ON PILE reader in his church, has or the Board of Education. joined forces with Wade Davis, also a fireman and RANCHER COATS past fire chief, an honorary Ivory Cabs Planned JACKETS member of the First Aid HAMBURG (AP) - The Fabric by HAYWOOD SHUSTER Squad and long active in Boy Taxi Drivers Union said all Scouting, to provide a musical new West German cabs would program for youngsters at- - be painted light ivory, which 1OO% ACRYLIC tending Highlands Public the union called the safest School. color in modern traffic next to PILE LINED The two men were dis- the yellow commonly used in mayed to discover that the the United States. Up to now, board, plagued by a per- West German taxis have been Deep Orion9 acrylic pile collar ennially tight budget, can af- black. ' and linings, framed button- holes, in blended 70% wool, 20% nylon, 10% mohair plaids. AIRTOODRYl 36.to 46. in your home? Double breasted style Ip acrylic pile with notch collar and welt pockets, and easy belted back, warmly lined In acrylic MEN'S DRESS SLACKS pile. Choose it in navy, black or brown. Sizes 8 & BELL BOTTOMS to 16. Top-models, fabrics 2 FOR in fashion colors. Slacks, 28 to 42. Bells, 29 to 38.



2-speed HUMIDIFIER MEN'S WASHABLE adds moisture—and comfort—automatically COAT SWEATERS GIRLS' HUMIDIFIES $7995 full-fashioned 60% WINTER COATS UP TO 2500 SO. FT. wool, 30% acrylic, 10% nylon, machine OR QUILT LINED Weat Bend's efficient moisturizing action helps re- wash. S, M, L, XL V lievo discomforts of nasal dryness". . . lets you breathe easier, feel fresher. Features include 'water with 9oz. pctyflc wheel' action, automatic humidistat, removable 8Vk collar rolltirtdV h gal. reservoir, automatic shut-off and refill indicator SIEEPWEAR REMOVABLE RESERVOIR 188 rustproof, too ...•••» »o clean Winterweight 100% 6)99 cotton iWo-piecers. ^ff Boys, girls' 4-8, and loddlers' 1-4. EACH BOYS' 100% NYLON Cotton zipper jackets, pile lin- SKI TOW COATS ing, contrast ski Belt pulled through pants, and Dae- pocket flaps, two ron 88® polyes- zipper pockets, con- 88 ter fill nyldn jac- cealed hood,bonded 197 Shrewsbury Ave. Red Bank kets, nylon ski. polyester filling. pants. 3-7. New fashion colors PHONE 747-0465 in sizes 8 to 18.

MON., WED., THURS.. FRI., SAT. 8:30-S SUNDAY* 10 A.M.'TIL 6 P.M. COMMUNITY SUN. 8:30 A.M. to 5 P.M. OPEN DAILY 9:30 A.M. 'TIL 10 P.M. IWO eel SMIDDLET0WN-RT.35 "Chang* it! T| CMAftQI PLAN [CLOSED TUESDAYS | •For Sain Allowed by Low. h -THE DAILY RCOISTCB. BED B/&'£.MIDD12TOm N. LiTHUBSDAX; NOVEMBER 12, WTO. Campus With chemistry. He teth e sou of Holland Road, M^ Miss Mtfjvrte T. Beecher senior at Maiywood College, brief parade before the start Miss Robin Lym Wright, who have been assigned to Volume IV, published last - Ujwali senior Susu Crt*- hut been chosen as a member Scranton, Pa., has been of the Homecoming Day grid daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. the Baltimore public schools month. Maj. and Mrs. Allan O. Dyer ford of Middletown has suc- of the Slddroore College fresh- named to the second honors classic against Drexel Uni- M. Wright of 80 Dwight Road, for student teaching. She will Those listed in the publica- of Long Branch. cessfully auditioned lor the man chorus, which has sched- dean's list for the. spring se- versity. Middletown, has been elected teach at Western High School tion represent 2.2 per cent of Jon 0. Heller', a junior at college'/ production of th« uled its first public perform- mester of 1970. Miss Spencer Junior Michael Hamer, to the Zeta of Massachusetts under the supervision of Miss the 2,750,000 students of junior Amherst (Mass..) College, is musical comedy, "A Funny ance at Saratoga Springs, is a 1967 graduate of Mater chapter of Phi Beta Kappa at Mary Carter. and senior classes who at- one of the first students to Thing Happened On the Way N.Y., Oct. 17 as part of the Neptune, and senior Patricia Dei High School, New Mon- Smith, Asbury Park, are Smith College, Northampton, Elizabeth H. Westpttal, tended public, private and participate directly in theto the Forum", which will'be annual Freshman Parents mouth. Mass. A senior, Miss Wright parochial high schools during government of the 149-year- \Veekend program at the col- members of the (fast of Glass- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. presented Oct. 211 through Deborah A. Hendrlckson, boro State College's produc- is an American studies major, Frederick Westphal, 19 Holly the 1969-70 academic year. All old college. In an election Nov. 1. Miss Crawford, lege. Miss Beecher is a of the students featured were held by Amherst's 1,200 stu- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- tion of "The Petrified For- and was one of 13 at the col- Tree Lane, Rumson, trans- daughter of Mr .and Mrs. liam H. Hendrickson, 18 Peli- est." lege named to the national ferred to Lake Forest 111. selected because of their high dents, he was elected to the Travonian Crawford of' 20 Evan Beecher of 12 Conover performance on one of the na- admissions committee. He is Lane, Middletown and is a can Road, Middletown, a se- Timothy Keating of Middle- honorary group. College this fall as a member Conover Place, will play the nior home economic^ major town is among the students Miss Patricia E. Caruso, of the Class of 1972. tional scholarship award con- one of only 2D students to en- graduate of Middletown joy membership on an official leading role of Phtlia. A grad- Township High School. at Albright College, Reading, at the University of Maine at daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- Allan G. Dyer of Long tests. uate of Middletown High, Pa., was named to the col- Orono who are members of seph Caruso, 05 Ocean Blvd., Branch has been listed in the Dyer, a graduate of Red committee of th"e college. He School, Miss Crawford Is Miss Virginia M. Spencer, lege's annual Homecoming the University Chorus, one of Atlantic Highlands, is among current edition of i;Merit's Bank Catholic High School, is is a graduate of Middletown daughter of Mrs. Rita Spen- High School and the son of majoring in English at Up- Court. The queen and her three student choral organiza- the 20 students at St. Joseph "Who's Who Among Ameri- now at Seton Hall University, sala. . . cer, 47 Union Ave., Belford, a court were presented in a tions. College, Emmitsburg, Md., can High School Students," South Orange, majoring in Mr. and Mrs; Neil HeUer of



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NO BATTERIES TO REPUCE OR RECHARGE Vz" TABLE TENNIS TABLE OIL FILTERS REG. 39.95 Dual flow construction. Fits most American cars. BROXODENT STANDARD ELECTRIC • Rollaway, playback * Complete metal apron 29 ALL AUTOMATIC ACTION TOOTHBRUSH CARTRIDGE 4.PLAYER 6-PACK |; \ Perfect for ih» "not to large" family.' TABLE TENNIS TYPES f '' Comploto in its own, self-adhesive, wall. 97 TABLE TENNIS '{ ' \ unit holder which containj the power TABLE *>97 SET A BALLS 11 j LEE AIR FILTERS for most can 1.99 TO 3. i i> handlo and four brushes. 10 1*., ,

OPEN DAILY 9:30 A.M. TIL 10 P.M. SUNDAY* 10 A.M. TIL 6 P.M.

PIPAXTMIHT KTOMIIV •For SaU* Allowed by Low. DAILY EBGrSTER, RED BANJC-MIDDIXTOWN, N. J.i THUHJ5OAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1970 ina Variety of Assignments _ . . .. . „ .. ,_ „ i_ T»I-_ n.u.w i vi^us «m «f Mr TnumshiTownshipn High School an80d Alratt Je»e 0. Pettyjohn nam. His wife, Lois, is the Airman l.C. Amiory J. Mountain Air Facility near Beach from • month-long pa Camp Moscrip, Puerto Rico. Robert J, Klerce ton of Mr. Airman Mark Ambrozlak, and Mrs. Raymond T. Klerce Spring Garden Junior Col- Jr., MB of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wil- Ljdea, son of Mr. and Mrs. Danang. trol aboard the Coast Guard lege, Philadelphia, he yias liam A. Magee of 35 Irving of 65 Wayside Drive, Cliff- 1 O.Pettyjohn Sr., 87 Ravine Amury Ledea, 28 Breinard Marine Lance Cpl. John G. Cutter Androscoggln. The An- son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene employed as an engineer ! Drive, Matawan, has com- Place, Red Bank. Ave., Fort Monmouth, has ar- Amos, son of Mr, and Mrs. droscoggin served as a na- Ambroziak of 2Hauser St., wood Beach, has^ been com- missioned a second lieutenant aide for the New Jersey.State pleted basic training at Lack- Airman Joseph M. Storcn, rived for duty at Yokota AB, Samuel G. Amon of 120 Wil- vigational aid for trans-Atlan- Middletown, has received his land AFB, Tex. He has been Japan. Airman Ledea, an air- son Ave., Englishtown, is par- first U.S. Air Force duty as- in the U.S. Air Force Upon Highway Department. Mr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph tic aircraft and rescue vessel. Palmer is married to the for- assigned to Sheppard AFB, M. Storch Sr., 6 Evergreen craft support equipment re- ticipating in the North Atlan. signment after completing graduation from Officer Marine Cpl. Charles It. Training School (OTS) atmer Miss Dawn Hennessy of lex., for training in aircraft Ave., Sea Girt, has completed pairman, is assigned to a unit tic Treaty Organization ex- Leutz 3rd, son of Mr. andbasic training at Lackland maintenance. Airman Petty-' basic training at Lackland of the Pacific Air Forces. He ercise "Deep Express" with Mrs. Charles R. Leutz Jr. of AFB, Tex. The airman has Lackland AFB, Tex. He Is Atlantic Highlands. John is a 1970 graduate of AFB, Tex. He has been as- previously served at Pope the Eighth Marine Amphibi- 10 Belknap Lane, Rumson, is been assigned to a unit of the being assigned to Laughlin Spec.5HugbH.TyndaIlJrd Matawan Regional High signed to Sheppard AFB, , ous Brigade aboard the am- AFB, Tex., forpllot training. serving with the Army in AFB, N.C. serving with the First Marine Aerospace Defense Command South Vietnam, was awarded School. Tex., for training in account- Marine t, Cpl. Mathias A. phibious ship USS Guam in Division in Vietnam. Malcolm J. Palmer, son of Capt. Frederick J. Zehr ing and finance. Airman the Mediterranean Sea. at Perrin AFB, Tex., forMr. and Mrs. Malcolm K. the Army Commendation Van Pelt.son of Mr. and Mrs. Navy Ens. George K. Cam- training and duty in the civil Medal for exceptional merit, Jr. has received a regular Storch, a 1966 graduate of St. William II. VanPelt of Rt. 1, Coast Guard Pettv Officer bron, husband of the former Palmer of 11 Johnson Ten, commission in the U.S. AirRose High School in Belmar, engineering field. Airman Middletown, has reported for orious achievement. Fonberly Gravel Hill Road, English- 3.C. Thomas J. Vetterl, son of Miss Lynne A. Wight of 263 ol Rumson, his family now Force i,t McConnell AFB, received his B.S. degree in town, has reported for duty Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Vet- Hance Road, Fair Haven, Is Ambrosiak is a 1970 graduate active duty after enlisting in Kan. The ,captain has com- 1970 from Monmouth College, of Middletown Township High the U.S. Army. lives at 351 Woodland Ter., with Marine Light Helicopter terl of 86 Laurel Drive, Fair serving with Naval Mobile Smoke Rise. pleted a tour of duty in Viet- West Long Branch. \ S q u a d r o n 167 at Marble Haven, has returned to Miami Construction Battalion One at School. A graduate of Middletown


9" PORTABLE T.V. 168 WITH UNIQUE DIGITAL CLOCK 33 Sq. Inches of viewing area. Special 3 hour automatic timer. You will enjoy these faaiurei. Uft off top for Detachable dark tinted screen, earphone for greater privacy. sat/ cleaning; 4 Hour timer cooks and keeps At night the easy to read digital food perfect. 25" Family oven, smokeless clock white numerals are Illumi- nated by soft red neon lamp. broiler. Electric clock, glass oven window hood Monopole VHF Antenna, UHF features; 2 Speed fan, work Haht, aluminum • bowtle antenna. and charcoal filters.


DELUXE 4 BAND 18 Nylon roller*. For fotfn fashion- ;<•*<. •>;.«? able hair styles. Curler bate, complete PORTABLE RADIO with plattic ltd. Compact design, Ideal for mother. SPRAY STEAM OR DRY IRON

34 Ventt for c ever »teom coverage. Water lev 99

Sreit guardi ooointt accidental j tipping. Battery or electric. AM/FM/po!ice and aircraft bands. Dual speakers. Telescoping antenna. PROCTOR-SILEX [FULLY AUTOMATIC YOUR RAYETTE CHOICE ELECTRIC MAM-CARRY PERCOLATOR

WESTINGHOUSE FAMOUS MAKE SOLID STATE SOLID STATE PERSONAL 'It's an electric manicuriit, Id FM/AM TABLE RADIO MAKt! UP a lighted dual, make-up mir- TAPE RECORDER TO II CUM Makei up to 11 cupi. Spectol ror and ill a cosmetic caie. flavor lelector let* you brew Operate! on penlight bat- A complete profenionol type Choice of walnut or Ivory the exact flavor of coffee you electric manicure «»t v;iS 5 tertei. Miniature microphone MOCTOR-SIUX deilre. Watch the coffee cabinet. Built In AM ond 99 with itop/itart twitch. Vari- RAYETTE attachment!. 99 brewlna thru the cryital clear FM antennas. Direct tuning, able ipeed control. Gift alati, Eaiy cleaning. large 3" speaker. 'packed with earphone and II magnetic tape. II

OPCIi DAILY fclO KM. TO. 10 P.M. SUNDAY* 10 A.M. TIL 6 P.M. MIDDLETOWN - RT. 35 •For Sakt AMtmti by Law. ID- TOE DAILY Bmmrm, Mb BANK-WJDDLETWN, n. ^THURSDAY, NOVEMBER n, fleereatidn Center Site Set ordinances concerning ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Mayor Snyder said he had nection? iiaye been com- The nine-man Tjosrd" wBl be paved and sometimes in- the fire department were, Mayor James R. Snyder has conferred with officials of the pleted. He requested the may- composed of the health offi- passable for a rural carrier. adopted after public hearing or to appoint a threfr-man cer, three councilmen, three : Public- Waring of ;an ordl-! announced Borough Council's state Green Acres and the without objection. One con- federal Open Space program. commission to hear any clergymen, a senior citizen nance providing two alternate cern is the fime auxiliary ftre-; iFill Honor intention to buy a parcel of He has received verbal ap- grievances of'the residents. and a businessman. members to the Zoning Board land at the foot of First Ave. men may serve; the other proval by Green Acres to use An ordinance amending the Serving on the board with of Adjustment was held over regulates fire house elections. for a proposed- recreation money alloted for the Maliken building code was adopted af- Mayor Snyder will be Coun- until November 24. center. property to purchase the ter puMic hearing. The ordi- ciimen Allen J. Tracy and nance fixes penalties for vio- Luckenbill The property, adjacent to First Ave. land. It is expected John H. Posten. Choose Any One Open Space officials will pick lations of the building code/ Council received a letter RED BANK - Plans for a the Sea Scout building, will be of These Clubs testimonial dinner for John used as a substitute for the up the rest of the cost. Mayor Snyder, announced, from the Post Office stating It Connections Made may be necessary, to reroute W. Luckenbill, who this year Maliken property. The Mali- that a non-profit corporation WEEKLY AHOUNT is completing his 25th year as ken property was deleted- J. Leonard Clark, borough mail delivery oh Beverout PAYMENT OFCIOB is being formed to carry out Place and E. Highland Ave. director of instrumental mu- from the Open Space project administrator, announced the f .SO 25.25 sic at Bed Bank Regional by the Planning Board. Bowne Avenue sewer con- the senior citizen programs. This stretch of road is un- High School, are being made $1 soST by a committee of the Band $2 101.00 Parents Association headed *3 151.50 bynames T. Dolan. Rose Hill Cemetery Group Hqlds Session *5 252.50 'Mr.. Dolan was named a common trust fund ployes of the borough have BEAUTIFUL " 505.00 chairman of the dinner com- MATAWAN-About 60.inter-: Co., with five trustees, man- Ktt SERVING TRAY *!O ested persons attended the ages the cemetery's general which accepts perpetual care also assisted, and many sun- $20 1010.00 mittee by William Setaro, as- ken graves have been filed With Each Club Opening sociation president and mem. second meeting of -Rose Hill affairs and administers per- of lots not placed under per- petual care funds of lots put during this year. ber of the Board of Educa- Cemetery Associates in~ the petual care before 1970. Completed Club Accounts Earn tion. Mrs. George Curchin is Farmers and Merchants Na- under perpetual care prior to Rose Hill Cemetery Co. has ticket chairman and Mr. and tional Bank, Charles C. this year. Vincent C. DeMaio, local at. asked the county to widen Ra- PLUS o • • Interest As Shown! Mrs. George A. Steck are pro- Schock Jr., bank president The Rose Hill Cemetery As- torney, is filing incorporation vine Drive in front of the gram chairmen. and association trustee, has sociates (Friends of Rose Hill papers for Rose Hill Ceme- cemetery and remove ob- announced. tery Associates under the structing entrance pil- The event will be at the Cemetery) is a group of vol. name of Friends of the Rose lars. There are 83 fuE lots and Beacon Manor Hotel, Ocean Functions of the cemetery, unteers interested inyrestor- and LOAN Hill Cemetery. Volunteer la- \ 14 half lots under pre-1970 ASSOCIATION Ave.,, Point Pleasant Beach, on Ravine Drive, have been ing and maintaining the cem- bor has been offered by two perpetual care. beginning at 6 p.m. Friday, etery. divided into three sections, Boy Scouts, a troop of Girl The bank has reported 44 ATL. HIGHLANDS UNCROFT Nov. 27. John W. Luckenbill The Farmers and Merchants Scouts and several individ- MIDDLETOWN Mr. Schock explained. lots under new perpetual 291-00(0 842-4460 • More than 1,200 letters uals, it was reported. Em- .671-2400 have-been mailed to parents can boast of the records and The Rose Hill Cemetery National Bank administers care. of'band members, former accomplishments of John band members, cheerleaders, Luckenbill and the Red Bank twirlers and majorettes, local Band." > W ™;3 '>' "T" business establishments, ser- It is hoped to have more »"W vice organizations and musi- than 500 persons at the din- cians who have been asso- ner. ciated with Mr. Luckenbill Mr Luckenbill, a native of Ih' bis 25 years of service in Pennsylvania, came to Red the community. ' Bank High School in 1945 as Mr. Dolan said that it was director of instrumental mu- the hope of the committee to sic. He found,a band of about make this event a community- 25 pieces and' using this as a wide one that will fittingly nucleus built a musical orga- honor the man who has been nization containing more than VRed Bank's ambassador" in 100 members, not counting many parades and appear- majorettes, twirlers and color ances during his tenure; guard. "For .the past 25 years," Going into the elementary said, Mr. Dolan, "Mr. Luck- schools of Red Bank and its enbill and the Red Bank Band sending districts, Mr. Luck- .•**; Have been Red Bank's am- enbill initiated a program of bassadors in local parades, instruction that . prepared statewide parades, appear- grammar school pupils for ances in nine other states in th-high school band.'.In doing LV%: flhe Northeast, two appear- so, he tapped a great source mwes at the New York of talent and many of his pu- wprjjd's Fair and two appear- pils have become professional ances during halftime at New musicians and music instruc- York Giants football games tors on both a high school and V-s* >.-;* - :Pc at Yankee Stadium, which college level. were on national television. Shortly after his arrival In Also they have won countless Red Bank, Mr. Luckenbill ...GET »••• marching and individual hon- learned of the efforts of a fel- •< > VY-AT* ors. No other town, city or low band instructor, Frank <*' J? municipality in the shore area Bryan of Asbury Park, in or- ganizing two bands, one a professional band of 25 pieces County Men known as the Asbury Park I ANY ITEM IN COLUMN A All IONE "FREE" GIFT iTEN WITH , ONE ITEM HI COLUMN! Municipal Band, and the oth- 1SPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICt. lEACHPURCHASEmCLOUMNA.l ATSPtCIAlBOIHISMrJCg er a grass roots organization FAMOUS MAKE graduating of about 50 members which became the American-Legion ^ _ •_ ALL WOOD PrflLCO 4-PC. FM STEREO, Troopers Bob Eberle Jr. Memorial Band. Mr. Luckenbill joined w FM/AM RECEIVER, RECORD CHANGER . WEST TRENTON - Evan both. W. Jafios of Fair Haven, di- OO COLOR & AIR-SUSPENSION SPEAKERS rector of the Division of Crim- When Mr. Bryan, who has o^ill COHSOU 20WHIS ,.WOOHRWSHCMKTC inal ' Justice, Department of been director of instrumental Law and Public Safety, will music at Asbury Park High STAINLESS be the main speaker at Fri- School for 27 years, retired day's graduation of the 83rd two years ago because of ill- $' Recruit Training Class at the ness, Mr. Luckenbill became TABLEWARE its guest conductor. As such Community House, Spring •ZH&i^L. he just concluded a successful LIMITED QUANTITIES Lake. season of summer concerts at LM1TE0 QUANTITIES Col. D. B. Kelly, superinten- the Arthur Pryor Band Pavi- dent of State Police, an- lion on the boardwalk at nounced that two Monmouth Fourth Ave. County officers will be among FAMOUS MAKE the graduates: Richard F. Shortly after joining the As- AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC Kitson of Hazlet and Joseph bury Park organizations, Mr. D. Luccarelli of Long Branch, Luckenbill organized the Red S jjjpon graduation the new Bank Municipal Band, using musicians from the Asbury DRYER members of the State Police WASHER will be granted leave of ab- Park Band and other profes- 2-SPEED! 3-CYCLE CLAIROL KINDNESS • FAMILY SIZE CAPACITY sions from the area, and be- • PERMANENT PRESS CYCLES sence until Nov. 16, when they gan giving concerts at Marine wilVjreport to their assigned Park under the sponsorship of troop headquarters for station th e borough's Recreation INSTANT assignments. Commission. He also orga- The graduation marks- the nized and directed the Belmar end of intensive training Municipal Band and last year which started Aug. 9. The directed the Little Silver Mu- probationary troopers will b,e nicipal Band in two concerts 18-cu.ft. placed under trooper coaches in that borough. SIDE-BY-SIDE for a two-month period of in- One of outstanding accom- the-field operation instruc- FROST-FREE 12" COLOR PORTABLE TV plishments of the high school tion. band and its director is the IK5E1P On completion of their on- placement, usually every REFRIGERATOR WALNUT FINISH 'lie-job training, the class will year, of more members in the TELESCOPING ANTENNA return to Police Academy for Shore Conference Band than FREEZER agfamatic COMPACT DESIGN a two-week in-service training any other high school. The period. Under the training percentage of placements in $ system, troooers get a total of the Central Jersey and All 22 weeks of training before State Bands has also been thejr final assignment. high. Another program instituted 359 A&P to Build by Mr. Luckenbill was the . NBNNMBNM1 Big Warehouse series of exchange concerts with high schools from other WHIRLPOOL , EDISON TOWNSHIP - A states. Annually Red Bank • ••ill 16-cu. ft. UPRIGHT Jib-million food distribution bandsmen visit an out-of-state facility will be constructed community, appearing with 30" ELECTRIC ii-ir here for The Great Atlantic & the high school and in that Pacific Tea Co. on a 39-acre community in a joint concert, RANGE FREEZER tract close to Interstate 287 and then give a similar con- • Replaceable foil linen ' BUILT-IN KEY LOCK HOLDS 542-lbs. qnd New Jersey's network of cert at home with the out-of- • Automatic meoltimer dock ~ ^J—IK? 1 major highways, it was an- town high school musicians as • High-speed adjustable broiler CHOICE OF WHITE OR COPPEi nounced today. guests. Thus far the Red *Kiintor i Site preparation is in prog, Bank band has appeared'in rcss, an A&P spokesman said, nine states: NOTHING TO BUY-NOTHING TO Ikt \ •as and construction is expected Several years ago, the lied ] COME IN AND REGISTER — free entry Uanks\ 1 to begin in late November on Bank band filled in for the a complex of buildings total- Rutgers University Band, giv- ing nearly MO.OOO square feet ing a concert at Toms River and incorporating the most CONVENIENT High School under the spon- DELIVERY EASY ATLANTIC AN ATLANTIC MAINTENANCE modern advances in mate- sorship of a service club when Within 200 Miles PAYMENT PLANS rials-handling systems and the Rutgers band was unable FINANCING AGREEMENT IS COMPLETE PEACE OF MIND distribution facilities. to fill the engagement be- When the facility becomes cause of the death of the di- ALL STORES OPEN DAILY 9:30 TO 9:30 • SAT. TILL 7 •SUNDAYS AS NOTED co'nolotniv o'vntiona1 'n late rector. ASBURY PARK BRICK TOWN 1072 it. will service A&P stores Mr. Luckenbill resides In EATONTOWM HAZLET FAIR LAWN PATERSON in central and southeastern Little Silver with his wife, 715 Main St. In Brkk Plaza In Bradlect InBradloex 35-02 Route 4 199 Market St. New Jersey and Staten Is- Harriet, and three children. 775-9516 Route 70 Route 351 Route 36 797-9882 274-6282 land. A&P acquired land for The oldest, John, plays trum- 1015 Main St. 477-9707 EaUntomn Circle at Pools Avt. NOW the complex in IfHIfl as part of pet in (he high .school band 775-9750" Open Sun. 11*5 542-9597 264-9721 a nlannc!! expansion of Its dis- and is also trumpeter and li- tribution facilities in the met. brarian for the Asbury Park row>'it,iii «>•««. and other municipal bands. HOW ELL MIDDLETOWM NEW NEPTUNE' TOMS RIVER "ATLANTIC- Itoli Is a talented tuba player. Route! 1S33 Route 35 SHREWSBURY 716 Route 35 Route 37 ft Routt9 ASTORES i..T.he center will distribute InSuperama . lovtuwtias Iibont 7,linn tons, of merchan- Nancy, the only daughter, AldrlchRd. 776-9733 349-916$ IAS1 Of plays the piano and clarinet tnmt Shrewsbury Avt. dise weekly to AW' stores. 313-1121 Open S«n. 11-5 WKMC/HC Pf!""'vlnT i1"'' shipping facil- and Is a member of the Little 542)132 ities Include 1(M truck ports Silver Elementary School and four railroad sidings. Band.

'*, •!•'* mmsm, , w. x* THURSDAY, mmsm u, mo-

TOP 100 BEST SELLERS • Cosmos Factory CODE "P" • Mad Dogs and LP ALBUMS Englishmen 99 • Sweet Baby James • Santana Abraxas Reg. 3.99 • With Love Bobby CODE "E" CODE "F" • Jackson 5 Third

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99c Value 69 FM/AM PUBLIC SERVICE BAND PORTABLE RADIO FABRIC Ml 10" "Teflon II" VELVETEEN VELVET "CONTONI" German Italian Import, import, The dressy FRY PAN water fabric. repellent, machine washable. solid :olor». Yard Yard Designed for long-range reception. Reg. 3.98 Value to 7.00 Powerful output. Hear police, fire, 2 4 marine, weather, emergency, VHF No Scour marine telephone on public service FUN FUR WITH All types being sold at half price. band. Radio receives standard AM Steel Spatula BAKE-O-LITE The long hairy look Is wilder than OFF Can't Harm The and FM too. ever. 50% HANDLE No Stick Super-Tough $2.99 PANNE VELVET "TEFLON II" EACH Value The dress fabric CRUSHED VELVET 4-BAND PORTABLE PORCELAIN With the fluid The new look 'and wet look. In fabrics. Ideal JUMBO ENAMEL OVAL COVERED With Powerful Public Service Band Selection of now for holiday wear. colors. 34" wide. Choice of colors. Reg. 5.98 3 Yard Reg. 4.98 3 Yard ROASTER $ $2.77 Value 54 IN OUR PICTURE FRAME and LAMP DEPT. 79 Styled with tho look of power and per- V/z" WALNUT formance. Hear police, fin, marine, weather, SRLE ' GOLD TRIM emergency, VHF marine telephone on the public service band, regular FM and AM. HOLDS 15-Lb. PSB circuit It separate from FM/AM/SW PICTURE FRAMES circuit and is for finest possible reception. WITH SCENIC PICTURES FOWL (All Famous Reproductions) or 18-Lb. v \VI $ 79 15" x 30" 279 22"x28" 3 ROAST QUICK SUPER SHOOT HARDWARE GAME PRIDE 30 A rootin' tootin' marble shootin skill Vinyl Latex and action game WALL PAINT ( MOTORIZED DUNE BUGGY "FRUIT of the LOOM" REMOTE • VAN Reg. Selling Price 3*7 CONTROLLED WHEELIES • COUPE 4-Piece white only—can be tinted easily—easy soap and water clean-up. Non-toxic, safe BATH ENSEMBLE around children's areas 5'x6' WALL-TO-WALL APPROX. 9' x 12' BATH CARPET Plastic 3-Pc. TANK SET DROP CLOTHS Automatic Steering • PLUSH Reg. 29c Each Control COTTON Buy One, Get Authentic "Mod" • CARPET HAS Buggy Styling 2 Free Forward & Reverse NON-SKID 3129 Speeds BACK Take Off on Rear Wheels • RICH SET With Remote Control COLORS Power Pak SPECIALGROUP JUMPSY TWIN SIZE by "REMCO" CEPACOL HXODENT BED QUILTS Denture Cream white background with floral patterns Moufhwash or juvenile prints, Reg. 3"' SE97 BIG V/i Ox. 20 Oz. TUBE II BOTTLE 89c List SUPERAMA" SERVICE CENTER LIST 1.59 SHE REALL5Y JUMPS ROPE ALL 97 59' BY HERSELF Located Next to the Liquor Store SOMETHING NO DOLL HAS DONE KNIVES or SCISSORS PINKING SHEARS PARTY THANKSGIVING BEFORE KEYS MADE ALL OF 13" CUTE and ADORABLE SHARPENED SHARPENED PERFECT PLAYMATE FOR ANY TABLE CLOTHS 36 LITTLE GIRL BATTERY OPERATED USES 2 "C" 1.00 BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED 38' 88 TAMP AX ALKH SELTZER REG. owi r SUPE••JWI klR\ 69c LIST Leave your tools when you como •hopping. Pick thorn up when you BOX OF BOTTLE WE RESERVE loavo. ' ; ATLANTIC 40 $ OF THE RI&HT TO LIMIT WE REPAIR 1.89 LIST 25 QUANTITIES 39 • TOASTERS BOX OF 25 A S U ^ A M A 75 RELIGIOUS CLASSIC LAMPS CHRISTMAS CARDS SHREWSBURY AVE. at RT. 35 • NEW SHREWSBURY IRONS 2.50 LIST PRICE 77' STORE HOURS MON, thru SAT. 9 A.M. to 10 P.M SUNDAYS V A.M. to 6 P.M. and Etc. 3 UP i*. -THE fiAlLY HEGHTgB, BED BANK'- MIDDLETOWS, N. J.t THUHSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, Marlboro Plan* t Nag, Enrich there is a vast'_ .. OAKHURST - Paul Kier. for light bulbs in the souttttta.* nan Jr., chairman of the Cen- 1* capital of Canton where bulbs are issued by government onr- tral District, Monmouth .Coun- New Shade Tree Commission per year.to a household^ cil of Boy Scouts, announced MARLBORO - Mayor Mor- calls for five members to be tablished. Foods, P#bf Advises "Recent calls to the munici- that scout Paul Hicks of ton Salkind yesterday called appointed by the mayor for for the immediate establish- full five year terms, with the pal offices on shade tree re-. GUESTS FOR NEW BRUNSWICK — typical ;U.S. teen-ager eats anced nutritionally than those Troop 249 at Ft, Monmouth ment of a Shade Tree Com- first commission to take of- lated problems have num- THE HOLIDAYS? Bather than nagging people five small meals a day," he occurring in nature. The addi. was the only scout selected mission to exercise full con- fice Jan. 1. bered in the hundreds," said, tional cost, at most," he says, from the district to attend the to "eat right," it may be bet- says, "consisting principally trol over the regulating, plant- The proposed commission the mayor. ' . 1 "would be one or two cents seventh world jamboree in ing and care of shade and 1 ter to enrich the foods they do of hambiirgers, snacks such per pound." would have authority to deal "I hope that prompt action' Toyko, Japan, next summer. ornamental trees, and shrub- eat with the nutrients they're as potato chips and french The group'also recommends with diseased trees on private will be taken in enacting an fries, and a carbonated beve- bery in public, street or high- property, and to control such ordinance creating the com; missing. the improvement of . con- Hicks, the son of Mr. and way areas. rage, it comes as no surprise ventional foods such as infestations as gypsy moth mission, and I thank the This is the approach to poor Mrs. Paul Hicks of 115 Hi^h The mayor said he is call, attacks now affecting the members of the Township nutrition recommended by an that studies are revealing meat, fruit and vegetables ing for the commission in ac- through the development of St., Eatontown, is one of 24 township. Council for considering this, international committee of malnutrition in teen-agers, es- scouts from the council to be cordance with state statutes recommendation," he added. food scientists and nutri- new varieties aimed at nutri- after- two months of In- The mayor noted that prob- pecially girls. ent content. selected for the jamboree. lems with tree plantings In , The mayor said that the tionists headed by. Roy E. vestigation. The commission proposal might be introduced Morse, professor of food sci- By Enrichment Another recommendation is Whittier Oaks and incidents "Our group is in general Eachapplicantwas at tonight's Council Meet- ence at the Rutgers College of for better labeling. screened by a World Jam- 8 RBCH Students of dead trees in Monmouth agreement that all processed Heights would be reduced ing, so that It could be ap- Borrow Tahiti, Chain Agriculture and Environmen- foods should be enriched back Menu Planning boree Committee of volunteer On Visit to Rutgers proved before Jan. 1. tal Science. scouters who picked the appli- should the commission be es- Tableware From to the 'natural' nutritional "The consumer must know RED BANK -Eight ttu- The committee, which in- levels. Also, we feel that the composition of these new cants whom they felt were AtoZ.<. best qualified to represent the dents from Red Bank Catho- cludes food experts from many snack foods such as po- foods to assist in menu plan- lic High School were repre. Beautiful china, »hiriy lilvarwafi eight countries and from the tato chips, and soft drinks, if ning," Dr. Morse says. American youth. Those who Vail.. .Chamonix.,. Grenoble... for a buffet to » banquet - Mflj were selected by the council sentatives to the 45th rnnual United. Nations, is preparing intended as meal replace- Work on the book has been conference of the New Jersey have- em all.- (Everything fr6j§ a book entitJed, "Nutritional ments, should be brought up sponsored by the Inter- were recommended to Region Grey Rocks.». Sugarbush salt shaken to Jervlrig plates) *l Two, Boy Scouts of America, Association of High School S t a n d a r d s for Processed to the nutrient levels neces- national. Union of Nutritional Councils at Rutgers Univer- reasonable rates. - ' ••& Sciences, the International which represents-New York, Food." sary for growth and health." sity. ' Little Silver? "Eating habits are chang- Enrichment is a practical Union of Food Science and New Jersey, Puerto Rico and A to Z RENTAL' Technology, ,and the National The Virgin Islands. Region Attending were David Man- ing all over the world," Dr. goal, Dr. Morse maintains, yak, Frances Lewis, James Morse notes, "The increasing because "all the important Academy of Science. Two is only allowed to send (SINTER | At present, relatively few 120 boys. . ' Redmond, Frederic^ Preston, Ul'MiWMAH )% consumption of processed human nutrients have been Lance Kirk, Ellen Friedricks, IPWNOI ROAP * processed foods are enriched. 1 'foods and — in the United identified and most can be Paul and the other 23 boys Marian Festa and Eick Kai. Where else? miimnuin .•/ States i— meals eaten away manufactured relatively in- These include milk (vitamin D), bread and cereals (gener- from the council will leave for ser. They were accompanied from home, are just two ex- expensively. The food tech- by Sisfer Mary Janoskt,'a Btu. a 11 y B-complex vitamins), Japan next August and will NttiM 74I-MW amples. nologist can now prepare spend three weeks in Japan. dent council adviser. '•When we consider that the foods which are better bal- and some fruit drinks (vita- minC). ' • ' , "In sum," Dr. Morse says, "experience has shown that it's a great ;deal easier to THE EARLY BIRD STORE change food composition than behavior patterns. People — WE OPEN AT 8 A.M. EVERY DAY and not just.children — ac- quire dietary patterns that are very rigid and not easily modified. Fortunately, the 'state of the art' in nutrition The new WARING science and food technology is nowideveloped to enable us to 8 push-button blender. solve these problems with the aid of processing." Slimy Water Probe Pledged 3 MONMOUTH BEACH - Seven different speeds : Monmouth Beach Commission give you precise blending. •, has promised to investigate more perfect results qyery I " complaints of a slimy water time. Comes with IS-cup > leak from the water main glass jar. So beautiful in. on Andy Lane. decorator silhouette and - Gerry Perchik of 4 Andy Lane, complained of the leak colors. Avocado, Harvest. to Mayor Sidney B. Johnson, Gold or shining White. '" and also asked that the Gtorm sewers on Andy Lane and Gail Drive be completed to NUTRIENTS BOOSTED -*• Meals of hamburgtrs, po- drain storm water Into the la- Now only tato chips or freneii fries, and carbonated beverages, goon. to popular among today's young people, may be In Mayor Johnson reminded citizens that the second an. *19.88 for a nutritional 'boost. A team of international food nual blood bank will be held stiervtij+s .and nutritionists headed by Rutgers Prof. at the fire house starting at 11 Roy E. Mor»e is preparing a book which calls for the a.m. Saturday, and urged all to come forward and make enrichment of all processed foods to 'natural* nutri- the day a success by donating D tional levels. blood. TAk1 COOK'DONN PAINT SALE We're On The Move.. ONE COAT TO KEEP YOU ON THE MOVE NO-DRIP RUBBERMAID FOR COOKING! CUSTOM MADE FINEST LATEX CLOTHES Roasting Pant TABLE PADS Cake Pans - Pie Plates REG. 19 BASKET Cookie Sheets 8.49 7 GAL. Basters Aluminum Foil 100 COLORS & WHITE

MATCHING LATEX For your convenience we are Lustre - 24 gal. - Plastic 19 moving our complete facili- SEMI GLOSS » 8 Gal. ties to a new location right here in the TRASH CAN heart of Red Bank. • With Cover • Steal Lock JUMBO VALUE SET! 95 Free Now you can drive right to our Handles 9" ROLLER and TRAY Measuring Service agency and park in our free, private I WITH EXTENDER HANDLE and parking lot. Convenient rear lobby is HEAVY PLASTIC EXTRA REFILL — REG. 4.29 2 just steps away. RURAL Our staff of travel experts offer (orelle* MAIL quick, courteous service for all your by CORNING The everyday dishes that will domestic and foreign travel... and take anything your f ami ly can BOXES dish out...and take it at Diners Fugazy there is never a beautilully. charge for service. AIR CONDITIONER ONLY COYER 20-PIECE FITS ALL DINERS • No residue to causa rapid 198 msolllngl SIZES SERVICE .jJL • For wall-to-wall, spots or FUGAZY palhsl i.;i Ql. • FOR FOUR • Fluffs naps! 1.M Vt Oat. • Brines colors back to lifal RENT ELECTRIC SHAMPOOER TRAVEL LSIABL1SHED187O "—•J NEVER RUSTS Established 1925 Here's an easy do-it-yourself SI PER DAY WITH PURCHASE OPEN AT OUR NEW LOCATION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16 project that provides lasting OF BLUE LUSTRE Dally t Saturday • a.m. to 5:30 gutter protection! Easily fitted Wtdntsday & Friday 'Til 9 p.m. to all box and half-round gut- 60 Monmouth St., Red Bank ters. No special tools needed. HEAVY PLASTIC FREE DELIVERY • 741-7500 Opposite Borough Hall Cuts with household scissors. AIR CONDITIONER COVERS 1.98 DIAL 842-5500 24ft. ..2" put All Air Conditioners 32 BROAD ST. RB BANK -TOE DAILY , RED um>ymnunxmtR J.JTHURSBAY, NOVEMBER- 12, wo 13 ,000 Is Given America's Finest Silfflrplate! Hospitai l by Hazlet HAZLET - A resolution ap- the past three or four years, DRAPERY SALE! propriating $25,000 toward but if anyone interested In KNOWN FOR VALUES construction of Bayshore conservation will leave their Community Hospital has been names with our clerk, we will i Permanent Press 1847 unanimously adopted by the consider the matter," he said. Township Committee. The mayor said the com- Of the total pledge, $10,000 mittee is studying an ordi- TIERS will be paid immediately. The nance regulating surface min- M Rogers remaining $15,000 will be ing in the township. With Frosty budgeted at the rate of $3,000 per year over the next five A resolution authorizing the years. township attorney to proceed White Insert ' with condemnation against Bros. In answer to several in- properties needed for recrea- IW, quiries from the audience tional purposes was unani- at tremendous savings! Mayor Joseph A. Morales mously adopted. said the committee will in- vestigate the possibility of The property, known as the $ 164 creating a Conservation Com- White and Miller tracts, Is in mission within the Township. the Keansbiirg Park section. ii V SALE "Our problem is to get The area totals 75 by 250 foet. people involved who are hon- Decision on a variance 'PATTY' estly and truly interested in which will permit All Pro Transmissions of Et. 36 to what they are doing," the •Potty* looks' so pretty 52 PIECE SERVICE FOR 8 mayor said. continue to operate in a B-3 "It wouldn't serve any pur- commercial zone was post- with rmanent Press Ko- • Forged stainless steel blades, the pose to appoint persons just poned until Nov. 17. del®* polyester/Avril® ray- very best available • Extra quality- for the -sake of creating an John Taggart of Liberty on. Valance not included. pure silver overlay at points of. agency," he said. Place and Frederick Dassori greatest wear • Written lifetime "Our Shade Tree Commis- of Orchard St. were granted guarantee • Made by International jion has been ineffectual over minor subdivisions. Silver Co. CONTENTS: Parents Back in School 16 teaspoons, 8 forks, 6 knives, 8 salad forks, 8 soup spoons, 1 tablespoon, 1 pierced 0W Formal motif...and tablespoon, 1 sugar spoon, 1 butter knife. In Special Program Permanent Press KEANSBURG - It was modern school life," he back to school for over 200 stated. parents as the high school "As for the students — administration presented a they were a little self-con- a $128 VALUE program entitled "A School scious at first, but before long 'ATLANTA' Day with Children." they could be found explain- PR. The idea of the-program, ing in depth their particular 54.63-71" UngthMlnfl* wleHi held in conjunction with involvement on the various m American Education Week, courses," Mr. Colman added. was to have parents-attend 'Atlanta'... year-round classes with their children. comfort in Therma-coat* ANTITAWJISH To accommodate the par- insulated draperies. Cot- CHEST OPTWNAL. ents, classes were held from 2 ton/ Avisco** rayon.-Ele- 9&S7EXTRA. p.m. to 8 p.m. with time out gant decorator colors. for a dinner period. Parents < said they were Other Isnglhi and' wldtht available. pleased to be given the oppor- •AYIK. !•<•«.«. TM.I tunity to participate in the AmitlMn VIIWI. Dif>ii.n of FMC project and expressed satis- fill faction with advances in sec- Littmaifs ondary education since their JEWELERS high school days, Walter Col- man, high school principal, Him* Strait said. MdBnk Shopping ODMr OpmwtdMidiy Open Monday Thru "We believe we achieved •ndfrkUy Friday Till 9:30 pjn. our goal of providing a dy- CARE! REE, TEXTURED TUMDiun. Saturday 104 namic environment for the es- tablishment of a rapport be- tween the parents, teachers b-.ll DRAPERIES and students, and an under- Advertise in The Daily Register standing of all the facets if

: Mrs. Joyce Martin M. 63",72",«4", Appointed - 90" length* To Borough Met'...wash and hang blend of cotton and Narcotic Unit Avisco** rayon banjo cloth! Finch pleated! Mar- OCEANPORT — Mayor I Franklin Ingram has appoint- -4 velous colors! •Aviico ii Uta. TM .I ed Mrs. Joyce Martin, 9 Deal Am.rliM Vimw OlvliiM .f FMC Koad, to the Oceanport Nar- cotic Committee. Mrs. Martin has served on many narcotics committees throughout the state. She is Order Now and Receive department chairman of girls' physical education at Shore Regional High School, where for Thanksgiving! she also teaches driver educa- tion and health. Mrs. Martin holds a B.A. degree from Trenton State College, an M.A. from Rut- gers University and is work- ing toward her Ph.D. at Temple University. Additionally, she is on the Drug Abuse Council at Shore Regional High School. 'POMPTON' 79 PIECE FRENCH PROVINCIAL DINING ROOM SUITE An exceptional value in a warm rich tapestry pecan finish. Au- Kwik to Speak thentic style antique brass hardware. Carved affect on china, 4 side chairs, 2.arm chairs, oval extension table, 50" china. At State School Regularly $525.00 TRENTON - State Veter- ans of Foreign Wars Com. mander Edward A. Kwik, 6 PIECE SPANISH DINETTE Highlands, will be the keynote Handsome dark pecan finish, 48" china, 4 side chairs, round speaker at the 24th annual extension table with plastic top Regularly 1425.00 service officers school of in- struction sponsored by the COORDIMATED TO MAKE state organization. The nvent 9 PIECE COLONIAL DINING ROOM SUITE will be this Sunday at the Thomas J. Kavanaugh V.F.W. DECORATING EASY By Sprague & Carlton. Solid maple. Hand rubbed to a dark Post, Manville. Dowry finish. Extension trestle table 38x70 closed, 38x100 The program will feature 'Pompton'... Fiberglas**' 'glass fiber... the open, 4 saddle seat arrow back side chairs, 2 arm chairs, 74" speakers from the federal and fabric'you can count on to wash and dry in buffet base, 4 drawers, 2 doors, shelf, behind each door. 72" state levels on legislation af- seconds; hang without ironing! Even fire- . *** china deck, 2 doors with crown glass, 3 drawers:: fecting the veteran and his proof! Wanted colors. Valance not included! Regularly »1349.00 dependents. Also on hand will be representatives from the ' *Ow

FUND-RAISING ACTIVITY HAZLKT - Within two weeks, Boy Scout Troop 138 will be selling the "Tom Watt Kits." The kits are assorted arti- ACME FURNITURE cles called "stocking stuf- fcrs" to fill children's Christ- mas stockings. MIDDLETOWN SHOPPING CENTER •' ' OPEN WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY TILL * P.M. Scouts will be in uniform and in Woodland Park, Flcct- w o o d .Drive and Itaritan HIGHWAY 35 MIDDLETOWN 137 MONMOUTH STREET 747-2104 RED BANK Ridge. • Free Parking Alqngiida of Store • Money collected from the purchase of these kits will go toward equipment and trips. -t«£ bhiVl RBGistEB, B£0 BAA'K-.MIDDUTOVW, ti. I.:1WJSSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1970-

V** In Ecology, Wetlands Act Overshadows A -f

The state should prove a By WILLIAM F. SANDFORD it, another election campaign rhetoric was exaggerated, the sidered a loss of sorts, but can repair the damage we've the state, nation - and in the aggregate view-the world. more responsible guardian. Hushed now is the hustings ended. post mortems were even lou- from there on the Senate already done. tiootin' and hollerin'. Just It seemed particularly noisy der and funnier, again on Outdoor ^races' outcome was all gravy. Some of the most serious when most of us decided we and overdrawn, on both sides, both sides. The results were Dumped were a couple of damage has been in the area couldn't take another word of this year. But if the campaign split, confused and mean- thorns in conservation's side, of wetlands, expecially the es- World E students Sens. Albert Gore tuarine acreage for which we of Tennessee and George of the coastal states are the Takeaload Murphy of California, both stewards. So the welfare of ingless. But the victory-claim, defeated by solid environmen- all the people, as opposed to tal candidates. that of a few builders and mu- CONVENIENCE... that's the word from ing partisan pundits, who can nicipalities, dictated the Wet- see more in election tables Both of the A-rated senators seekMg reelectipn — Henry lands Act. your SUBURBAN AIRLINES at Red Bank Airport than a Gypsy sees in tea Jackson ' of Washington and All of us will feel the pinch leaves, managed to achieve Philip Hart of Michigan — of the new concept in time, new heights of absurdity. were successful, as were the giving up a few of the luxu- mind Maybe it's better that way. two B-rated candidates, Ed- ries to pay for necessities like , Put your valuables, Nobody enjoys a tie or a mund Muskie of Maine and sewers and reclamation. 'draw. It's nicer when every- William Proxmire of Wiscon- Those affected by wetlands important papers body wins. sin. Six senators who rated E control already are com- inaM.C.N.B. N Scoring a single factor like were defeated. plaining; "So save the en- Safe Deposit Box conservation, we can erhploy Other successful candidates vironment, but save someone and worry no more, simple mathematics and be supported by conservationists else's. Leave mine alone." ' Costs so little. somewhat more realistic. We for Senate (seats included •' One area official's reaction can't claim everybody won in Lawton Chiles in Florida, Ad- is typical. He said the munici- the environment effort, but lai E. Stevenson 3rd'in Il- pality should be permitted to we did a lot better than a linois, Frank Moss- in Utah decide what's done with its draw. and Gale McGee in Wyoming. lands. That's the old concept. We've been doing that too For tally purposes we can In.House races, the League MmbwHUX. use the legislative con- of Conservation Voters re- long, and some of the destruc- servation ratings compiled by ported 11 of the 12 candidates tion is irreparable. Actions within the narrow avenues of ... 10 MINUTES from FT. MONMOUTH-EATONTOWN- Michael Frome, ecology's vet- it supported were victorious. local interest are threatening eran watcher of the national Smart politicos are saying RUMSON-MIDDLETQWN and the Shore Area the welfare of the people of The bank thai looks out lor you scene and now conservation that, while the relative popu- editor of Field and Stream. . ..scheduled service to NEW YORK and larity of liberalism and con- We can mark the candidates servatism remains a clouded WASHINGTON, D.C. A for excellent, B for very issue, conservation has be- good, C for good, D for fair come as safe a political band- ...24 Hr.RESERVATION Service and E for flunking. wagon as motherhood. EAST ORANGE MILL END SHOPS A Loss No Local Contest ...CHARTER SERVICE to anywhere In New York we lost a real On the local scene, there champion in Richard L. Ottin- was no vital conservation con- ... large FREE parking area ger, one of only five men in test. OUr Sen. Harrison A. CUSTOM MADE DRAPERY EVENT! the House drawing an A. Williams rated a D score, but Abandoning a lower house his opponent, Nelson G. Red Bank Airport, New Shrewsbury,!!. J. seat to seek one in the Senate, Gross, was something of an he lost out in a three-way unknown quantity in this race to James Buckley, an field. Rep. James J. Howard mm/mow CAU ... unknown quantity. Third can- RED BANK • ASBURYPARK is unrated in the national list- didate was Sen. Charles Goo- ing, but probably should rate 747-9080 531-5200 dell, rated C. a "good" (C) for his interest Defeat of former Gov. Phil- in the oil pollution problem ip Hoff in Vermont was con- and some of his other efforts. His opponent, William F. Dowd, issued an environmen- tal position paper which also placed him in good stead. Far overshadowing the election in the state con- servation picture was the Wetlands Act signed into law last Thursday by Gov. Wil- liam T. Cahill. The act not only sets up the long-needed machinery for protection of invaluable wetlands, but may well set the theme for a new attitude of government. The old concept saw the single HOW ABOUT goal of economic gain--— for the individual, the/ corpo- ration, the municipality and A HOLIDAY state. Its ultimate^nd seemed to be an uninhabitable planet. The new concept must not just give consideration to en- vironment, but give it top pri-. ority. That's the only way we • BROCADES In 50 different designs

• FIBER6LAS FABRICS mm>.»...Mii*«dp*,t, • HANDPRINTS m^^to

• CASEMENT FABRICS ever»lma9l»ablew«avt.welglit and eelor • DACRONS& LINENS Injh dtexfaroweIghM ORDER NOW • and many others by the World's Finest Designers.. FOR THE • IMPORTED CUT VELVETS HOLIDAYS Our Workroom Will Custom-Make Your ^% AA

PER PANEL Michael Motichka DRAPERIB-ZS i LINED OR UNUNED DRAW DRAPERIES INCLUDED Keansburg Post Retained You know how good a new By Motichka %»%.SOFA & CHAIR suit for the holidays would KEANSBURG — Michael 4 CUSHIONS 50 look. Motichka has been reelected to his second consecutive HEAVY DUTY ZIPPERS 109 We've got lots of good term as chairman at the Plan- • OVERLOOKED SEAMS Reg. 159.50 ning Board meeting. looking new suits ... good 200 -Different Materials to Choose From looking ... not funny look- Walter Roeseman was re- elected vice chairman and ing. Eugene Mauro secretary. We ought to get together. A land use analysis sub- READY MADE DEPARTMENT! mitted by the board's plan- Free alteration on regular ning consultant, Alvin E. Ger- IN STOCK! shen Associates of Trenton, MULTIPLE WIDTH I QUEEN and DUAL priced clothing. was held for study. A public review is slated for Dec. 8. Shop early for the best se- DRAPERIES BEDSPREADS In their report the con- lection and the least rush. sultants state the borough ac- ALL LENGTHS I BEAUTIFUL SELECTION quired an additional 25 acres in the beachfront area after the completion of the first FREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE • Call 741-6080 phase of the Bayshore Hurri- cane Protection Project. Of the 079 total acres of FUR LIKE borough land residential use is 53.2 per cent; streets 23.2 Throw Pillows per cent; beaches 6 per cent; vacant land 8.9 per cent; pub- ! lic and quasi-public land 3.7 per cent and commercial and industrial development 5 per MILL END SHOPS 3 cent. 137-B BROAD STREET, RED BANK French Tops in Wine OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TIL 9 P.M. DIAL 741-6080 MILAN, Italy (AP) - A so- FREE PARKING IN REAR OF STORE cial medicine expert cited sta- Other ttorec Edit Orange, Morrlitown, Fair Lawn, Moorairown Mall, Woadbrldg*. tistics indicating Italians rank Note: No affiliation with any othar itor» on Janay second in the world In per ca- 181 BROADWAY 222-OO01 LONG BRANCH Shore with ilmlUr n«m«. 6a lure you ara In tin IAST flJS' pita annual wine consumption at 29 gallons, led only by the ORANOI MILL IND SHOP. French, who drink 31 gallons. — WZ DAILY BBCJSTEB, B^BANK-MTODLETOWN, N. J.i THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1970 . ' : \ : • . ... t • . / Hospitals Can Earn Profits, But...

BylRWINJ. P0LK,M.D. Hospital /groups are not dirty word in the health field. How is it possible for a hos- the costly ones to the non- number of profit-hospital In some cities, running tlie There's money to be made new; what is new is the prof, Making money on the mis- pital to make a profit? "By profit hospitals. chains is growing rapidly. schools has been turned over in hospitals. it-motive. Hospitals have fortune of illness has some. running more efficiently," The claim is that the impor- Big Business to companies which make The old picture of the hospL worked together for years, how not seemed proper. So say the people in the hospital Here's tant medical research and At last count, according to money front public education. talas an organization which purchasing as groups, sharing hospitals have never listed groups. teaching is left to the non. Forbes Magazine, there were So it is not surprising that the has to depend upon charity to office equipment and comput- profits from their works in They contend that they can To Health profit hospitals. The profit- 42 for-profit hospital chains in profit-motive should turn up make ends meet is changing. ers, in an effort to reduce the the community. cut costs by using better man- people, it is said, skim off the the country, the largest of in our fourth largest industry, In some parts of the nation, cost to each hospital. On the contrary, hospitals agement policies. A hospital cream and leave the rest to which reported earnings ol hospitals. the management of hospitals have been willing to show the non-profit hospitals. more than $4 million on rcve. Groups of hospitals, usually using its equipment and build, the profit-people exclude from Let's hope hospital care has been put on a money- deficit after deficit, explain- nues of about $70 million for church-affiliated or directed, ings on a two-shift, 70-hour their hospitals the patients The truth probably lies doesn't suffer now that in. making basis., ing that they were in a not- the first half of 1970. Obvious- have planned together, week would be more produc. with the serious, costly ill- somewhere between these ex. dustry has discovered there's for-profit business, and re. ly for-profit hospitals are here In California, for example, shared and exchanged admin- live than one which works nesses. tremes. Of course, there must money to be made in hospi- quiring that the deficits be only one shift. and they are big business! chains of privately owned istrative people and in gener- Simple Cases be available hospital care for tals! made up by charitable giving hospitals are growing at an al worked

.it;.' .. » • ' -i • - , >.*•'•'

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The perfecr gift... something to 88 tuck away for a rainy day! Easy REGULARLY$11" 7 to use, fit into half the space. "CHARGE IT" AT WARDS (A) Women's spring-frame folding Terrific savings! Wards-shows real lei- umbrella fits in purse or desk. *8 sure savvy witheetSY-puitpvers of soft, (5 Women's extension handle 10 FAMOUS ART PRINTS 100% lambswoot. ,, so outstanding ON SOFT QUILT ROBES they earned the Woolmark label for , . umbrella fits in .tote or suitcase. fine qualityvPeep,y-r)gck styling- f$ makes them great over shirts... under folds to fit in his brief case. iron! Beautiful designs on pas- ^^ / 4 jackets. Full-fashioned, too, 4cn?t to fit tel backgrounds. Many style's; 6 your size. Rich solid tones of nqyy, (Not shown) Women's self-folding misses' sizes S, M, L. gold, brown, green. Men's, S-M-L-XL. frame umbrella, ideal traveller. «9 '12 misses' long robe, 8J74


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MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER PHONE WARDS EATONTOWN CIRCLE OPEN 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. 542-2150 Singapore Woman's Plea ByHALUESCHRAEGER I School and the former Mon- should now become totally in- eminent through official or them) ., , Yayasan Rakyat by the same Lim Kim San for- "me to what is commonly re- and to Yayasan Rakyat and I SINGAPORE •— American mouth Junior College, Long volved In development-nation- diplomatic channels, is has a provision shop in the merly minister of interior, ferred to as 'a day in court.' I have no friends in Singapore sociologist Shirle Gordon, for- Branch; and. at Upsala Col- alism," she said in a news re- deemed by the minister to be Malay area of Singapore and who signed Miss Gordon's find it difficult to believe that who are not members of ei- merly of Ocean Township, lege, East Orange; Columbia lease. an undesirable immigrant..." is building a pre-school and prohibition order. ' I should be dealt with in such ther organization... still awaits a hearing on her University graduate school, In response to an inquiry In their appeal, the direc- study center for National Miss Gordon, who is "living a summary manner, for I am "Working for the institute, appeal of an order barring , and the In- from Dr. Ho Yuen, MSRI tors cited her work as editor Language (Malay) school out of a suitcase" in Ma- not a bird of passage, I am a which has practically no mon. her from re-entering this is- stitute of Higher Arab chairman, Prime Minister of research books, a maga- children." laysia, has received no reply person whose life is rooted in ey, has made my life one of land Republic, where she has Studies, Cairo, Egypt. Lee Kuan Yew sent word zine and newspapers pub- Ousted Before to her request for a specifica- the country ... I would cate- deprivation. My 'home' is one lived on and off for 13 years. She formerly lived on War- through his secretary Aug. 3 lished by MSRI and dis- Trouble and misunder- - tion of the charges against gorically state, and I am room in which I and my hus- Miss Gordon — who uses field Road, Ocean Township, that "the decision to exclude tributed to secondary schools standings are not new to Miss her and a chance to answer quite prepared to do this un- band sleep and in which there her maiden name although N.J. her from Singapore was taken and universities. Gordon, who was once thrown them. der oath, that at no time have is a table on which we take she is married to a Sing- Miss Gordon, who has care- after a report of her activities Miss Gordon questions out of Egypt by the late Pres- In her appeal to the Interior I been involved either formal- our food . . .1 have not with- aporean school teacher — fully refrained from engaging in the Philippines... " whether the underlying rea- ident Nasser on suspicion of and Defense minister, she ly or otherwise in any politi- held anything of myself from was barred from returning to in any kind of political act- Miss Gordon, however, son is her publication IN- being an Israeli agent (she is stated, in part: "I feel that cal party or movement in the work, neither my time, her home July 30 after a visit ivity in Singapore,' has voiced questions whether she was TIS ARI,("The Essence"), pro-Ar£b,)urtUsrael). my public work of the past 13 Singapore. my energy, nor the limited to the Philippines. strong opinions elsewhere. banned for that or whether which "has, issue after issue, Last July Edmundo Reyes, years in Malaya and Sing- "My life in Singapore has monies that were ever avail- No: specific reason for th§ While she was visiting the her work in Singapore of "un-< exposed the ills of society." immigration commissioner of apore should at least entitle been confined to the institute able to me." order'was given by the Sing* Philippines earlier this year, ity, of crosscultural under-; Bole Seen Trreat the Philippin.es, said in- ap^re government and the lo- she protested against the ex- standing, of attempting to She says people in the know telligence agents had recom- cal press was "requested" tension of the war in South- break patterns of failure in have suggested thaf'it is her mended her deportation be- by'the/Ministry of Culture not east Asia, cabled a protest to the Malay educational stream role as vice chairman and cause of alleged Communist to carry the news. Only one 1 United Nations Secretary has made me a threat to the theoretician of Yayasan Rak- activities, which Miss Gordon paper defied the request. General U Th,ant (a personal •Open Society' (in Singa- yat (People's Foundation), a denied. He rejected tljp report Unpaid for Job friend) on behalf of the Yuyi- pore)?" Malay mass organization and said she could "stay in Miss Gordon made her tungs (Chinese brothers who The. Singapore government committed to demonstrating the Philippines as long as she home here in one room at the were forcibly deported from has rejected an appeal from that: failure is not an integral wants." Malaysian Sociological Re- Manila to the Military Garri- the MSRI board of governors part of the Malay ethos, that Since her deportation, the search Institute (MSRI), son at Taipeh despite their of: its permanent prohibition hs made her a threat to the Singapore Ministry of Educa- which she has served as non- formal and public renuncia- order, signed under a section- Chinese power structure in tion has ordered the retire- " paid director since 1959. • tion of Nationalist Chinese of Singapore's Immigration Singapore, : • ment of her husband, Zakaria ,' 'An Asian scholar ;for most citizenship) and questioned Ordinance of 1959 which ap- "Singapore's Malays con- Bagharib, who is vice chair- of her adult life, she became Singapore's foreign minister, plies to "any person who, ,in stitute 14.5 per cent of the man of the Singapore Malay a world traveler, journalist, Rajaratnam, at the One Asia consequence of information population and it has" been Teachers Union arid one of its editor.^lecturer and sociolo- Assembly. This concerned his received from any source suggested that the govern- major negotiators, on gist following her education thesis that the "epoch of an. deemed by the minister (of ment would prefer their dis- "grounds of public interest." at Monmouth County schools, tiimperialist nationalism was the Interior and Defense) to persion or at least would not The union is protesting the Including Asbury Park High over for Asia "and that Asia be reliable, or from any gov. want a focus organization (for move. The ministry is headed Renew Wartime Friendship

By LONIA EFTHYVOULOU buy bread and food for their "and that boy was quick and FORCIBLY DEPORTED — Barred from Singapore, American sociologist Shirla Gor- NEW SHREWSBURY - families and friends. Umberto sharp. In fact he not only lead don, formerly 'of Ocean Township, refilled to walk out and "contribute to the vio- The setting: Llvorno (Leg. saw the Americans hiding in me to central installations, he lation of 'her legal rights." Here, three uniformed policewomen lift her into the horn), Italy, the morning of the bushes. At first he thought . also pointed out where the July 17,1944. they were Germans and was Germans had placed mines, van which transported her across the causeway into tvfalaysiia. She is appealing While the Allies fought then- afraid of being captured as a so that we could clear them. her deportation. way through Central Italy, a prisoner. "He gave me a great deal local businessman and an "At first he hesitated, but of help. We became friends •••ill •11 iiiiimmmi Italian lad, struck up a then he approached the hiding through time." friendship which contin- men. 'I thought you were Ger- H Telgrafo reported, and ues—26 years later. mans, he told Mr. Smith, but Mr. Smith confirmed, that the Ray Smith, owner of Ray , then, when I heard you talk in two became close friends. Smith Realty Group, 588 English and saw the U.S. "During the past 26 years the THEBMLY Shrewsbury Ave., here, has Army on your canteens, I two, the American lieutenant returned from a three-week knew you were not Germans, and the Italian youngster, business trip to Italy, where I was not scared any more.' " kept in touch through let- he revisited his wartime "We were interested in any ters," ,the Italian.newspaper RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOYEMBER 12, 1970 -17 friend, Umberto Martinelli. information we could get," ejid. When they first met, "dur- Mr. Smith recalled. "The city "And now," said n Tele- miiiiii'iiiniii ing the war," Ray was 26 and was still under fire from the grafo," the two have had a Umberto, 16. Ray was a lieu- Germans who were in the chance to get together once tenant with the U.S. Army, East. The boy assured us more, to recall far off days and Umberto was, well, "just there were few Germans in and events." a kid." isolated "pockets within the Speaking of his return to city. Suddenly both he and the At 42, Mr. Martinelli. is now Livorno, Mr. Smith said, "It old man ran away and we lost is incredible how that city has the owner of a printing estab- them." lishment, "Stabilimento Ti- changed. It was rather small pografico Benvenuti & Cav- "I ran home," II Telegrafo 26 years ago. Now it is a aciocchi," of Via Galilei, Liv. quoted Mr. Martinelli as- say- large and nice city. I cannot orno. ing, to let everyone know that forget Livorno." ' According to "II Telegrafo" the Americans had arrived, Quoting Mr. Smith, H Tele- one of Leghorn's daily news- but no one would believe. tne» grafo continues, *'"Although. **>plptefs, "Mr. Smith, a former In fact two whole days went Mr. Smith has forgotten most lieutenant of the American by before the American of his Italian, he said he had Army has come back to Liv- RAY SMITH forces really came to Liv- found affection in our city. I orno." found more friends here than orno, a city he can't forget, munications centers ahead of from destruction by the Ger- because of the/friendship with A few days later, a chance in any other plate, fmust re- the Allied advance, and try to mans." turn one day with my Wife a young boy who helped him save them from destruction. encounter brought Mr. Smith • in his work. It was a moving According to n Telegrafo, and the Italian boy together. and children and show them encounter which brought the One of First Mr. Smith saw a boy, Um- "I was near the central tele- this place." two, to the morning of so Mr. Smith, according to II berto, and an old man, identi- phone office when I saw the many years ago." Telegrafo, was one of the first fied as Silvio Paoletti, 65, boy in the street," 6aid The newspaper recalled, walking along the road. Mr. Smith. "I called him over, Doud Adds Americans to enter Livorno. Join on Walks Mr. Smith then was "an engi- "He headed a patrol into the he recognized me, and we got neer officer with the Special "The two," the newspaper together." Forces working with the 243rd outskirts of the city on their reported, "used to walk to Ar- Friendship Formed One Year Signal Company," whose task mission to locate the local denza, (a neighboring town) Mr. Smith explained that he was to locate power and com. power-station and save it every morning, in order to needed someone as a guide To His Age LONG BRANCH — De- IN THEIR HONOR — Maj., Gen. W. Preston Corderman, left, chairman of ttw feated Republican . congres- Brookdale College board of trustees, Brookdale president Ervin L. Harlacher, cen- sional candidate William F. ter, and Stephen' Swieter, president of the Brookdale Veterans Club, look over Dowd is no longer a 26-year- monument honoring wtar veterans presented to the college by the club,. Garrett Is Given School old former presidential staff assistant. Mr. Dowd is now 27. Yesterday was his birthday and he celebrated by hopping Monument to Veterans Post in New Shrewsbury a 12:15 p.m. flight from New- ark for the Virgin Islands. NEW SHREWSBURY - Al- to the board to fill the vacan- supervisor in the Photo Prod- College; Louisiana State; Co- "I'm going down to St. fred G. Garrett of 73 Wiltshire cy created by the resignation ucts Department of E.I. Du. lumbia, Purdue and Washing- Thomas with a friend," Mr. Drive last night was sworn in of former board president and Pont de Nemours and Co., of ton Universities and holds a Presented to Brookdale Dowd said, "and I'm staying board member Lloyd Peskoe Parlin. He has been a resi- doctorate in chemistry. He is as a member of the Tinton a week, or at least as long as LINCROFT - The Veter- spoke of military service as Danang during a recent cere- Falls Board of Education. last August. dent of the borough since 1965 married and has two children. my money lasts." Mr. Garrett is a research and has attended Hendrix ans Club of Brookdale Com- "an act of faith" in the quest mony there. Mr. Garrett was appointed Aide Appointed Mr. Dowd isn't going back munity College com- for freedom, justice and Chaplain Louis W. Pointer to his White House job when memorated Veterans Day peace. He emphasized that of Ft. Monmouth delivered The board last night ap. he returns. He's going to take proved the appointment of with the presentation of a the American veterans who the invocation and ben- a cram course in preparation monument to honor the men have seen the ravages of war ediction, and Fred Hazlett, a George T. Washington of 190 for taking the New Jersey Chamber Survey Seeks River St., Red Bank, as assis- of our nation who have per- are devoted to peace. The former U.S. Marine Corps Bar exam in February. tant principal at Tinton Falls formed the ultimate service general dedicated the monu- staff sergeant, and director of School to replace Joseph Gi- His future plans are to to their country.. The monu- ment to "those who have gone college personnel services, ger who was appointed vice practice law either in Mon- ment will be placed on before and those who will fol- presented Rudyard Kipling's principal at Sycamore School mouth County or in Washing- the grounds, near the flagpole low. ." "Recessional." Data on Summer Jobs last September. ton, and to stay active in poli- at the hub of the Lincroft Stephen Swieter, Eaton- Darlyn Koch of Cliffwood tics. campus. town, President of the Veter- Beach, a Brookdale student, Mr. Washington holds a ans Club of Brookdale, point- placed the wreath made in RED BANK - Members of Bernard Natelson, rhair- front of his shop by the state bachelor's degree in industri- The occasion was marked the Red Bank Community man of tine parking nnd Iraf. to accommodate the traffic Simmill Uphokls by a ceremony in which Maj. ed out that the American flag the shape of an eagle in red, al management from Virginia which will fly over the white and blue flowers. A Chamber of Commerce will fie committee, reported that light at Broad nnd Monmouth State College, Petersburg, Shreivsbnry Board Gen. W. Preston Corderman, be solicited to see how many meter receipts are up 15 per Sts. chairman of the board of campus was donated by Syl- bugler from Ft. Monmouth's Va., and a master's in student A headline in yesterday's via Poprocki of West Al- 389th Army Band concluded and what kind of jobs they cent over last year, and nt- It was pointed out lhat personnel services from New. Daily Register involving a trustees of the college, deliv- can supply for young people tributed the Increase to better about 35 parking spaces had ered the eulogy and unveiled lenhurst. It flew on her hus- the commemoration with the ark State College, Union. He complaint dismissed by Supe- band's ship in the port of playing of Silver Taps. next cummer, executive vice supervision. been lost earlier in the year has held posts as counselor rior Court Judge Elvin R. the stone monument. He president Jack T. Phinney im- Mr. Natelson raid the May- because of the light. and teacher with the Neptune Simmill involving Fotomat nounccd nt yesterday's meet- or's Parking Feasibility ntudy Board president Robert !). Senior High School, Neptune, Corp. which sought to use a ing of the board of directors Group will neet tonight md Hope said letters had been re- and worked as teacher at building it erected off New- in the Molly Pitcher Motor repeated that Ihe group ts ap- ceived from local nnd nation. Eastview Junior High School, man Springs Road, Shrews- Non-Union Lettuce Sale Inn. proaching the concept if n al officials Who had been .con- White Plains, N.Y. He is a bury, as a film-drop center The effort will be in con- parking authority from n tacted by the chamber during veteran of the Army, with said "Simmill Reluctantly Up- junction with a study being community-wide approach. the month regarding the re- service from 1950 to 1961. He holds Ruling by Red Bank made by Project Harmony, He said the progress made by tention of the Signal School at has been offered his position Planners." the Morristown nuthority, Ft. Monmouth. at the salary of ?13,250 for 10 The headline should have Picketed in Red Bank an organization npwinted by Mayor Daniel J. O'Hern to which lie has investigated, Is Mr. Phinney.announced Ihe months. said Shrewsbury, not Red RED BANK — The sale of own table. Farm workers tan. per cent increase in their rKormend rotations to roe. "dramatic," *vith p»V!r nuccessful conclusion nf m Two building appraisal esti- Bank. non-union lettuce by the A & not even afford such food, wages under a union contract receipts uharpiy in. Vhe cific problems In the eommu- action course !n piwl'"al mates submitted by the Rob- P Store on Monmouth St., even though they pick it." bringing the total to $2.10 per groun 'vas rnp"'ntcd (»' Mnv. No Mechanical Flaw nity. politics, |{iven at Brookdale ert M, Hclmscttcr and Co., here, was protested yesterday Mr. (Jomez said that farm hour. or O'Hern to report back io Community roller, UTKTO'I.. WASHINGTON (AP) - Me- afernoon by some 25 pickets, workers are not included In "This would not increase Mr. Pliinney naid the object him after it had completed Its He raid the nim of the and by Industrial Appraisals the National Labor Relations the price of lettuce per head," is to give youth gainful wn- chanical failure apparently members of the Monmouth study. course, wtoldi was designed Co., will be considered by Ihe did not cause the plane crash Citizen's Committee. Act under which the Govern- ho said, "becaUKC the fraction ployment during the vacation Accepted as n now member by the U.S. Chamber of Com- board during a work session ment can force corporations of a cent of the increase, period, thus cutting down on that killed 31 persons, in. Jose Gomez, of California, a of the Chamber was the Bar- merce and financed by the |o. on Nov. 18. eluding 14 Wichita State Uni. member of a United Farm to allow workers the choice of could easily be absorbed by trouble ns well as perhaps bizon School *f Modeling, !88 cal chamber, was to train nnd belonging or not to a union. the middleman." opening up career fields. Michael Hammer, (ward vcrsity football players, the Workers, AFL-CIO team sent E, Bengcn Place, principal Is motivate young people to be. secretary, told the board that National Transportation Safe- out to organize the boycott In Some corporations, Mr. Go- The purpose of the boycott, "The aim," he slated, "Is to John Schneider. come knowledgeable and nct- estimate d insurance pre- ty Hoard says. the Unikd States and Canada, mez added, have recognized Mr. Gomez added, is to point match up Iho child with Ihe The resignation of Handera lvo In Wie political party »f miums on appraised value further analysis of the ac- said, "This boycott, similar to UFW as representing the AtRBCH many for three years. .; • The award will be present- and as president of the Bea- ed at a reception Sunday eve- ver Falls Kiwanis Club. He pointment marks his return to RED BANK - Dr. Alton ning at the Lagowitz Audito- and Mrs. Sterling are mem- active hospital administration Lewis, psychologist, rpoke to rium of the Congregation bers of the First Presbyterian duties. His last hospital posi. faculty members of Red Bank Horizon Brothers of Israel. The Church in Red Bank. Mr. Ster- tion was assistant adminis- Catholic High School iind oth- Friendship Award is present. ling is a former director of trator of Atlantic City Hospi. er educators from area paro- ed in recognition of the the Long Branch YMCA, tal, which he filled for eight chial high schools and send, Players To recipients' dedication and de- Chamber of Commerce and of years. During the interim he ing districts at the first con- votion to community service. his church trustee board. THE FIRST — Marlboro's first polics lieutenant, Edward P. Qiartn, cantar, has . has held positions in hospital ference of the^Drug Abuse In- 1 gold bars piivntd on him by Mayor Morton Salkind. At right is Polica Chief association work, com- Service program at Red Bank Mr. and Mrs. Sterling were Mrs. Sterling Is a native of prehensive health planning HAZLET — The Horteon chosen to be recipients ol this Western Pennsylvania and is Jonph R. Walker. , '.'- , ; Catholic High School. . and, most recently, hospital Players, sponsored |>y the • year's award in recognition tit • active with the PTA, Scouts, consulting with the firm of A. Dr. Lewis' talk followed a their efforts on behalf ol First Presbyterians Church of ; film, "Hooked," which nave Recreation Commission, Will many charitable and civic Red Bank, Junior Woman's Set Red Cross J. J. Rourke Inc., of New Rochelle, New York. the faculty an opportunity to present, the comedy, "Three programs in the area. Club, and gives most of her listen to people who had trie*! Men on a Horse," tomorrow time as a volume*, at Mon- Synagogue Youth Radio Facilities The new associate' gradu- drugs nnd Uieir reasons and. mputh Medical Center. The SHREWSBURY - New ated sumrna cum laude from reactions. The doctor rtressed and Saturday nights in Beers Sterlings have two children, Jersey Bell has donated and University of Toledo for his Street School. Emeritus C. Gayle, a junior at Mont- reasons why'young people are Unit Installs Slate set two poles for the Mon- bachelor's degree and re- drawn to drugs and what par. Appearing in principal roles' dair State College, and a mouth County Chapter, Amer- ceived his master's degree . ents could do to help ifoe chil- Rabbi To son, Carl G., a junior at Shore RED BANK - The Youth dent, presented Richard Pi- ican Red Cross, in Shrewsbu. - from Columbia University. He arc Milton Markowitz, Regional High School. dren. He recommended n Deanna Left, Peter Higgins, Group of the National Confer- niak a past president's pin ry- •.'•'•••' . also had three years of medic, book, "The Background for Officiate Said Mr. Jaffee: "Few ence of Synagogue Youth of and awarded the Incoming The poles will house radio al school studies at the Uni- the Drug Scene" by Alton Dr. Joseph Cohen, Charles people have, earned the nut- Congregation Beth Shalom presidents pins. '. • antennas for a base Elation at versity of Chicago. Prior to Blakeslee, Associated Press Dorfman, Stanley Dobrensld, ELBERON — On Saturday tual" respect and admiration recently installed officers. his position at Atlantic City at 11 a.m., Rabbi Emeritus ',, Cantor Israel Meller of the the new chapter office. From writer. and Wini Cullen. Also; fea. of a total community as for Brothers of Israel brought the he was assistant director ^t Dr. Aaron H. Lefkowitz will Helen and Harold Sterling Miss Nadine Meurer and here a volunteer amateur ra- University of Pennsylvania Dr. William Angers* psy- tured in the cast are John Un- officiate at the Bar Mitzvah Jack Singer, former officers, Long Branch junio :r group to dio network will provide radio chologist, introduced Dr. We thus take sreat pride in the meeting; . Hosnital from 1953 to 1959. ruh, Diana Crennan, Henry of Daniel Gabel at Temple honoring two of the most be- installed the following for the communications in the event Lewis. The next program will Senior Group: Barbara Stein, of disaster. Mr. VanDerveer has had Franzoni, Edward Rose, Ray. Beth Miriam. loved citizens of our commu- Additional representatives extensive experience in be Wednesday. The speaker mond Mitchell and Jay Co. Daniel is the son of Dr. and nity." : president; Alvin Rodack, vice to the NCSY regional group New Jersey' Bell linemen will be Dr. Francis Pigna. president; Richard Curtis, health care service finances. hen. Mrs. Harold Gabel of Oak. (were Miss Sarah Zeiceri pres- • William Jacques, Keansburg, He was assistant adminis- taro. Other programs are hurst. Borough Offices- corresponding secretary; ident of the Lakewood.Chap- and Robert Bennett, Middle- trator, finance, of St. Vin. planned for the afternoons of The production Is directed Dr. Lefkowitz will conduct Warren Gordon, recording ter; Robbie Schelnberg, re- town, Installed tfie poles.. Ob. cent's Hospital and Medical Nov. 24, Dec. 1, Dec. 7 and by William Hagen. Sabbath eve services tomor- Close at Noon secretary and Richard Pi- gional financial secretary, serving the work were Mi- Center, New York, from 1967 Dec. 15. Tickets may be purchased row at 8:30. He will speak on niak,treasurer. and Miss Barbara Malinowitz chael Begala, Fair Haven, to 1969 and was accounting The program is under the NEW SHREWSBURY - secretary of the Garden State from cast members or at the "The" Bbofc Versus the Junior Group officers.are of flew York City, national administrator of Memorial direction of Sister Mary Ray- door. Information group rates Sword," and Cantor Walter Borough offices here vwill Carol Cohen, president; Linda adviser. Radio Association; Mrs. Sloan Kettering Cancer Cen- mond, assistant principal and close at noon tomorrow to Mary Rirby, Red Bank, chap- may be had from Diana Cren. Blazer will participate in the permit members of the ad-',Piniak, vice president; Susan Cantor Leiber led those at-, ter, New York/ from 1964 to Mrs. Evelyn Rosso, chairman service. • Curtis, corresponding sefcre- fending In traditional songs ter racecutive director; Abra- 1967. Just prior to joining the of girls' physical education. nan. ministrative ctaff to attend hamZagcr, Shrewsbury, The dandle-lighter will be the funeral of Allen E. Craw- tary; Judy MendelSon, and dances after the in- Mrs. Gabel and the Kiddush r e c o r d i n g secretary,'and stallation ceremony. chapter chairman, nnd For- will be sung by Daniel. After ford, former tax collector, Martine Mandracchia, trea- rest GUlespie, Oakhurst, rom. the service, Dr. and Mrs. Ga- Borough Clerk Jerome S. surer. munity relations manager for bel will be hosts to the con- Reed announced. Where Skyjackers Pay New Jersey Bell. gregation. ' Mr. Crawford, 72, of 750 Baruch Lanner, student at PEARL. UNPAINTED The Men's Club will hold its Tinton Ave., died Monday: at Y e s h i v a University, New MASERU, Lesotho I(AP) — NEW MEETING LOCATION monthly breakfast meeting his home. He was tax collec. York City, and national, ad- T h i B landlocked kingdom MATAWAN - John F. Ken- Sunday at 10 a.m. the ad- tor for 21 years of Shrewsbu- viser to NCSY, was speaker. within South. Africa, whose n e d y Lodge, Knights of ry Township, out of which this He told stories and sang dirt airfields can nccomodate Pythias, announces a new FURNITURE dress will be by Dr. M. Max- WALL ST. . borough was carved. songs at a Kum Seitz. only comparatively small pro- meeting location for its Castle im Asa-, t ' • • Religious school' sessions Police, road department Cantor, Aaron Leiber of La- pelleMJriven.' nircraft, passed- Hall. The unit meets Hie first will resume Sunday, with Bar- and. other.non-administrative kewpod rendered traditional a law making skyncking and third Mondays of the ry Bernstein leading the first services will not be nffected songs and Miss Kathy Shrine? punishable by not less than 15 month at 8:30 In American high school seminar. by the closing, Mr. Reed said. of Lakewood, regional presir years in prison. Legion Hall, 168 Main St. TAG Starts Thursday 12 p.m. Ends Saturday 5 p.m. .<-\ y^fiyitr -'' ••'••• $'-'fcj?,,*'. '">•"! .'. .. * • Save from 20% to 40% • ' , X <** 2 Floors of Unpainted Furniture 1 BOOKCASES High Dttp Regular SALE 18!" ..:. 27" 9V4" 13.50 ...... 10.80 18" ;. 36" VM" 14.50 ...... 11.60 18" 60",... VM" .....; 26.50 ...... 21.20 M 24" .... 27" .::...... 9«A ...... r.....,; 14.50 :1 ,... 11.60 1 24" 36" 9V*' ....T...... 15.50 12.40 24" 60" Vh" 29.50 23.60 36" 1... 27" ....; 9W ....„ 18.00 ..:...... 14.40 Fresh from 36" 36" 9V4" 20.00 16.00 36" 48" 9V4" .:.. 27.00- 21.60 MANY MORE SIZES NOT LISTED — the factory. The All New - Campaign Line! DISTINCTIVELY STYLED — STURDY — STYLED WITH BRASS TRIM

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We don't love you and leave you. SEMI-THICK (Wall) 5/2 sq.ft. | FULL THICK (Celling) 17*iq.fr. See the Friendly Guys at . . . Red Bank Lumber AND SUPPLY COMPANY MOUNT ENGLISH SALES COMPANY cor. Ptarl and Wall, Rtd Bank • 741-5500 MONMOUTH IT. 90 MONMOUTH STREET 741-6000 RED BANK, NEW JERSEY Op.n Dally 7iI0 A,M.«5iJ0 P.M.; SAT. 7ilO A.M.-5 f.M. ALL ITIMS CAIH 'N' CARKY -THE BAITY EEGI5TER,,WED BANK-MIDDLETOWM. N. U THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 32, 1970- Red Bank Board Has

A $741,549 Surplus % ,'

ByBENVANVLIET plus money to help hold down The figures are contained in RED BANK -The Board taxes next year. the auditor's annual report of Education has $741,549 in But just how much of the to the board. , p surplus funds and this may $741,549 "will be appropriated From Back Tuition mean good news for borough toward the budget is not Nearly all of the Increase taxpayers next year. o known. Board members, who will Donald, D. Devine, board resulted from back tuition soon begin budget talks, said auditor, said the surplus is payments made to the local they will use some of tine sur- $14j?,951 more than last year. board by the Holmdel, Little Silver and Shrewsbury Boards of Education. The three school districts What Is sent their high school stu- dents to Red Bank High School, which until last July A Heat Pump? ' was under the control of the local school board. . sUssfe A hMt pump It q machine thai uses •Itctrlclty to bold In July control of the high RIVERSIDE® RUNABOUT htflt and tool a heut* completely automatically, under any school went to the newly WARDS POPULAR GOOD-MILEAGE PERFORMER «*d all severe weather conditions. formed Red Bank Regional Board of Education, which Great for average driving needs! Strong 4-ply nylon What's more, the Lennox Heat Pump filters air all year encompasses Red Bank, . cord body for durability and mileage. Rolled shoulder 'round ami dehumldlfles It in the summer. The result Is spring^ Shrewsbury, and Little Silver. time frethness every day of the year. for good steering response. Guaranteed against Mr. Devine explained that tread wear-out for 24 month*. Save now at Wardsl Economical? You bet! This Is because on most days all the back tuition represents money paid to the local board you pay for Is the cost of electricity to move heat. You see, WARDS RIVERSIDE Tuium rout . FtUI even on the coldest days, there Is heat In the outside air. for expenses incurred before llACKWAlt fOR F.I.T. 4-SQUARE PASSENGER IACH When beat is required, the heat pump extracts this heat the regional board took over. lint ONIT According to state Depart, 1.78 md pumps It INTO your home. When cooling is desired en TIRE GUARANTEE 6.90.13 *4«» hot, muggy days, the system reverses Itself and pumps heat ment of Education guidelines, GUARANTEED AGAINST f AllURE due 7.35-14 2.04 the local board's present Bur- to rood hoiords (except repairable OUT OF your home. On "in-between days," tbe system auto- punctures! or ftore defects in moterioll 7.7J-H 2.17 plus is nearly four times as : or workmanship for the life of Hi. 7.75-15 : • $n* 2.1? matically provides heating or cooling at necessary to main- much as is recommended. original- (reod. In caie of failure. toln the exact temperatures you select on the thermostat. Words will exchange tire for a new 8J5.U ' • 5.33 , one, charpiftg only that portion ol the . . 8.15-13 $86* 2.36- The state suggests that current rigVlar1 prke (plus federal Hew would you like to get an average of two, pennies worth of Excise Tax) equiYplenl to the percent 8.35-U • . 2J3 boards of education maintain •$98.« of tread vsed. 8.45.15 ' ;2.57 cooling to your new or existing home. With a Lennox Heat about 8 per cent of their :an- GUARANTEED AGAINST T«EAO WEAROUT for eionlrrs specified or for •With troaVln tint off yew car. WNtmUs $3 more *ach. heating for |ust on* penny . . , especially If you want to add nual budgets as surplus funds miles specified. In cose tread weor« Also taiepricetj In point Pump, you'll get both (heating and cooling) in a single system. to provide ready cash and to out, Ward* will euhcmo* tir* tor a new me, charging oily ttie differtrin What ether reason could you want for converting to a flame- act against contingencies. between the e'urreni 'regular price (plus federal Exciie To«) ond olpe- leu electric heat pump? Level Preferred cific dollar ollowoiiee. llreod MOT guorc*ire» does not opply to tires Under that formula, tied tried commerciolly.l Bank, with a school budget of NATIONWIDE SERVICE. GeorontM hwiored ot oey Words Beioit or Cota* $1.9 million, should maintain log store upon presentation of gvo»» a surplus of $152,000. anlee card. JAC SERVICE Co. The surplus question was a HIGHWAY 9, factor in last year's school *••• budget vote. The budget was HOWELL TOWNSHIP opposed by the Red Bank Mann* address Taxpayers Association which HI-WAY COMMERCIAL},AX' P.O. tox-IS, Farmlngdale, NJ. claimed not enough money FOR PANELS, PICK-UPS, AND VANS was appropriated from the 462-2288 surplus account by the local 1 I am Interested In The Lennox board to offset local property 90M Hoot Pimp* taxes. • Please tend new brochure The board's original budget ftMP was twice v defeated at the 2 •-44 0 Fleas* have representative polls by the Voters. call. Quality-built 6.70-15 6-ply TUIILliS (lOUlAR 1ND nut LENNOX It then went before the WHIIIWAIL PRICI IIU f.l.T. Borough Council, which rating tube-type bladcwo'lls SHI IACH OMIT IACH J I ' r slashed $100,000 . from the plus 2.40 F.E.T. each and D70-14 37 JO* 15.00* budget. vn trades. Save now! Nylon cord E70-U 39.50* 19.75* The school tax situation has F70-I4 2J4 provides resistance to impact • 42.00* 23.00* been a matter of concern of F7015 2.4» Mayor Daniel J. O'Hern. Dur- cuts and curb damage. G70-14 44.00* 26J0* ing his successful re-election G70-I5 bid, the mayor promised co- 47.OO* 30J0* 30J operation between the council MOUNTING ON AIL and the local board to stabi- •WTtH TUMIK TIMS OFF YOUR CAR. KVBtMU RED OR WHTt SIXWAU. lize or lower taxes. Cleanup Set Near Fort's West Gate You'll find everything for your car at Wards! EATONTOWN - The Ft. PARTS SERVICE INSTALLATION Monmouth Signal School and Mayor Herbert Werner an- nounced yesterday that 176 BATTERIES enlisted men from the fort INSTALLED will clean up the area around ' e • • FREE! the installation's west gate « t • • Saturday morning. Capt. Charles R. Suits, a fort public information offi- L"»nm»j!! cer, said the 176 men will • • '. split into five groups. Four groups will clean up the area south from Broad St. and 1.98 CARTRIDGE near the intersection of Broad St. and Main St. and the fifth OIL FILTER will work in Wampum Brook Approved by Park and Broad St. . all automakers 427 Mayor Werner stressed for today's cars. 1 "These men have volunteered to come out on their own time Reg. 2.98 Spin-On—1.98 on a Saturday morning and, without pay, help the borough keep one of its busiest areas clean. "We are exceedingly happy to have them donate their ser- vices and are especially pleased that these men volun- teered their time without pressure from the Army or the borough," 1.98 WINDSHIELD Eatontown, the mayor said, WASHER SOLVENT will provide coffee and sand- wiches for the men. Keeps win- 2.59 61 QT. CAN HEAVY DUTY dows free 15.95 EXCH. 24-MONTH from the dirt 2nd Newsletter MOTOR OIL-ALL GRADES WARDS SPECIAL BATTERY Colorful corduroy Our finest single grade oil. Low-cost way to restore pow- 13' Issued at RBC er. Sizes: 22F, 24, 24F, 29NF. 1JV. IXCH. BREVYSTER . . . Here'., top-cat style in a fabric RED BANK - Bister Per. that wears ... well, you know how cotton corduroy cylee Hast, principal of Red 2.89 61 QT. CAN ALL SEASON MOTOR OIL 20.95 EXCH. 36-MONTH OEE BATTERY wears, It's double breasted with flapped hacking Bank Catholic High (School, pockets and deep center vent, topped off with she has issued the cecond news- A blend of top-quality oil with Equals or surpasses most new- leather buttons. Tha warm lining is deep Dacron® letter of the uchool year to selected engine-protecting ad- 033 car batteries. Sizes to fit most s polyester pile. Green and tan. parents »f Uudents. ditives for all weather. 10W-30. £ 12-volt American automobiles. 18 « DuPanl R«o. T.M. • 60.00 Among the notices was (he u-v. IXCH. fact that tho RUCII Boosters 27.95 EXCH. 50-MONTH XHD BATTERY Association has 500 members. 3.99 61 QT. CAN SUPREME 10W-40O.L 3.98 12-FOOT The Boosters will sponsor a More'powerful than many pre- n J Beef 'N' Brew d i n o r Our finest! Has twice the deter-' JUMPER CABLES mium batteries. Reserve for the Wednesday, Dec. !), at 7:30 gents necessary for new-car. 066 Get your car high drain accessories. Sizes 25 p.m. in the high uchool cafe- warranty specs. Scientific blend. £m started in O8S fit most 12-V. U.S. cars. 12-V. IXCH. tcria. emergencies. ^ Another notice brought n.L tention to the fact that Hie school !s In the midst of a BUY WHATEVER YOU NEED FOR YOUR FAMILY, HOME AND CAK WITH WARDS CHARG-ALL PLAN candy drive to raise funds for the library of the school In purchase books nnd audio-vis, ual materials. MEN'S and BOYS' OUTFITTERS SINCE 1846 Als benefiting from (he MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER PHONE drive Will lie Various I'ennrt- tncnt.s of education 1n (lie EATONTOWN CIRCLE 542-2150 school. A ntart Will itlsn lie STATION HOURS 8:30 A.M. TO 9:30 P.M. made mi education l>y tele, 19 Broad St. Red Bank vision l( enough funds are re. alized. -THE DAILY BOOSTER, frH> BANK • MJDDUTOtyN, N. J, t THIJBSMY, NOVEMBER 12, W70- Prize-Wi By HARGOT SMira —Audrey Schottland's Noodle Pudding, H cup raisins (optional) not like just any noodle pudding, but full slw. vice League of the Monmouth Halpern, Mrs. Sidney Heifetz, will be performed by the Cen- have been active in gathering Registered Mark on each piece... your Center dinner for paid-up Mrs. Hose Horowitz, Mrs. ter Drama Workshop of the treasures in books from yes- warranty of finest workmanship and quality; members and their guests is , Beettry & Children's Wtar Gerald Kass, Mrs. Harvey YM-YWHA at the Y in Long teryear to the present day set for Sunday at 6 p.m. in novels. Katz, Mrs. Louis Liebowitz, Branch. Service League has k Shop Friday Night 'til 9 Auxiliary Hall, Bath Ave. In the 18th Century all colo- l.iirrnKucjc.MrrtHcocKi mu.eniM. VMUtAKTlP., LD "Quality Appor.l (rom Htod to TM" purchased a block of tickets, Mrs. David Furman, West Mrs. Estelle Morris and Mrs. nial women were always on LITTLE SILVER SHOPPING CENTER End, announced new tnem. Donald Vineburg. for the Dec. 6 performance the search for attractive yard "Ntxt to Sport Shop for Mtn and Young Men" bers are Mrs. Bernard Gold- The dinner . entrees are and Is planning an after-the- goods, and at this Early en, Mrs. Theodore Goodman, being prepared by Frank's of ater party for those who at- Americana bazaar there will be 20th Century yardgoods, Asbury Park and various des- tend. serts will be made by league knits and synthetics cared for In charge of all arrange, by Mrs. Gertrude Brixius, members. ments for the evening Is Mrs. Mrs. Earl Downey and Mrs. In anticipation of n (rip Laurence Gitten, West Deal, Cyril Lawes. sponsored by the league !n assisted by Mrs. Alan Sugar- A thrift shop run by Mrs. the spring, the pest speaker man and Mrs. Jerry Gilmore, John Bartlett, delights for will be David Seegul of Town both of West Deal, and Mrs. Teens presided over by Mrs. Leonard Vogel, West Long and Country Travel, West John Meade and Mrs. Leo LUchn«!d Headboard, Art -rrV INK Mn W.lw i^wr End. Reservations will be Branch. Mrs. Harold Kaye. Tector and The Children's available that night. The play West End, is president of Ser- Corner run by Mrs. Ronald Custom Collected \Edrly is "The Waltz of the Torea. vice League. Albury and Mrs. Fred Saal, EPI-CURIOUS are other features. American Furniture Popular at every fair are "Ye Olde Bake Shoppe" and that area dedicated to "Santa COEB Ion. ClausIsCom'1"" Enlls Hick, WE'RE HAVING AN EARLY SHOPPERS Mrs. Lambert Beeuwkes ON ROUTE 34 431-OTt and Mrs. Arthur James are in Boston Rocker charge of the Bake Shoppe. Open Friday Night 'til 9:00 Chairman for 'stocking s'uf. fers', small toys and gifts, «¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥.¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥• 20% SALE Beautifully Trimmed will be Mrs. Charles A. ON ALL OPEN STOCK GIFT ITEMS in Gold BRAND NEW PLACEMATS

The clear luci+e look with colored accents. Hones or game 'birds. SAVE...... On Holiday Gifts For Tho Family Nice and plain mars to go with your patterned dishes. Friends and Brid* Raitic mats that look like lace. Fun mati like snakoskin and "Love". SAVE...... By Shopping Early • Our ptacemats are- O'asy-caro plastic and are available by themselves or with coordinated SAVE Your Energy for Holiday Funl solid or print napkins. Saturday Nov. 14th thru Mon. Nov. 30th A great gift idaa for the brido, a new home or Xmas. ALAN'S An inexpensive treat for your own tafclel ' )OfS NOT INCLUDE FOOD ITEMS.) 70 SOUTH 7th AVENUE LONG BRANCH gifts 264 Norwood Ave. 229-0350 747-1920 lampi DEAL daily 10 to 5:30 STORI HOURS: Man.. TUM.. Thiiri. till 5.30 P.M. •11 RIVIR RD. MON.-SAT. 10-3i3O FAIR HAVIN We*, M. HII • f.M. - Sit. III! I P.M. home aectueriti wad. «ve. 7 to 9 DAILY TO5OT, BED BANK. MIDDLETOWN, N. It TOUBSPAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1970-

Saying.. *•*•- By MARGUERITE HENDERSON • Silver Celebration Smile Has Its Riddle i Embarking on the 26th year of their honeymoon are Betty and Joe Dondero, Holmdel, who were feted for their silver anniversary with a surprise party — in their own 1 home! —organized by.their daughter Barbara. (Brenda and me. I know he is light. But John assisted by Billy, in Vietnam, could only send best Dear Ann Landers: All of than a big grin means a per- wishes). my life people have come up son is happy. — Old Stoney how dftes one eliminate a Guests included Mrs. Margaret Dondero, Vineland; to me and eaid dumb things Dear O.S.: You are right mother? - Carthage, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Smart, Middletown, and Dr. and like, "Who are you inad at?" Ann Landers when you say a solemn face is Dear Carthage: Show me a Mrs. A. P. Glospie, Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney, Mr. and "Why don't you smile?" not always the reflection nf mother who telephones her 1 "Cheer up!" This morning I sadness. A Kmiling face can Mrs. Chuck Morse , Mrs. John Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Jim day I decided to force myself daughter 10 times a day and I Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Freis, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Taylor, was waiting for the bus and a be a fooler, as well. Remem- will show you a daughter who stranger walked up to me and to smile and it proved dis- ber the words of a Chinese Mr. and Mrs. Bob Breedlove, Mr. and Mrs. Tom O'Brien, astrous. I caught a glimpse of ha.s been unable to cut the said, "You look as if you've philosopher, "Americans Mr. and Mrs. Joe Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Henry and Mr. my reflection in a department umbilical cord. A mature just lost your last friend." I must be an unhappy people. and-Mrs. Euss Mallalieu, all Holmdel neighbors. store mirror and was horri- woman would not tolerate It. was so annoyed I didn't even They laugh so much." Deborah Gathering fied. I looked like the village You probably need counseling : answer - or therapy to unwind from v .The Concord Hotel, Kiamesha Lake, Ny Y., was full to idiot. That day I stopped forc- Dear Ann Landers: My wid. this crippling relationship and vMejflowihg last week with do-gooders for Deborah Hospital, Unfortunately, 1 happen to ing myself to smile. owed mother is driving ;ne. up I hope you Ret It. .Browns Mills. The event was the annual national convention have a face that doesn't imile So please, Ann, tell your the wall. She will do anything : for a portion of over 300 chapters that work to support the easily. I've been aware of it readers not to ombarrass in the world for me — except When romantic glances turn leave me alone. It is not un- •free care non-sectarian hospital that specializes in operable since childhood. When J was a people whose faces weren't to warm embraces is it love • heart defects and treatment of lung diseases. youngster the kids used to made for smiling. It rloesn't usual for mom to telephone or chemistry? Rend for the ','•• '•' Much discussed Was Deborah's new Children's World — calle me "Sour Puss." One mean we are sad any more me ten times a day to ask booklet "Love Or Sex And where child-scaled accommodations will be provided for what I am doing. I can't i ay, How To Tell The Difference," youngsters 12 years and younger as well as for one of his "I am not doing anything be- by.Ann Landers. Enclose a parents to be with him throughout hospitalization. cause you are bothering me." long, stamped, nelf-addressed Eighty-five chapters were represented at the Concord NOW to Present But it would be true. envelope and 35 cents in coin Hotel session/ Those from the Red Bank Chapter (with Mother makes plans for ny with your request. mates) included Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stein, Mr. and Mrs. husband and me and our chii. Coney Powell, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Staples, Mr. and Mrs. dren. If I tell her we have nth- 6th Annual Award BOOK FAIR Frank Levy, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (Lo Presti, Mr. and Mrs. er plans she feels hurt. My Arthur Eckstein, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tuohy, Mr. and Mrs. RUMSON - The Greater Mrs! Morton Seligman, friends who have lost (heir RED BANK - A Book Fair George Spiro, Mr. and Mrs. George Conti, Mr. and Mrs. Red Bank Section National Rumson, is luncheon chair, mothers keep reminding Tie sponsored by the Library Phillip Matena, Mr. and Mrs! William Van Tassell, Mr. and Council of Jewish Women will man, assisted by Mrs. Ira how lucky I am to have mine: Committee of the United . Mm*. Glnette Spanier have its annual paid up mem- Mrs. Max Benowitz, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sand,and Mr. Friedman, also Rumson, in I know I'm lucky bat I can't Methodist Church is sched- bership luncheon Monday at help resenting the Way rhe is and Mrs. Edward Berkowitz. charge of decorations and uled Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon in Congregation B'nai suffocating me. 3 p.m. in Fellowship Hall, 247 Israel. centerpieces. I've been living on nerve Broad St. The chairman is The sixth annual Hannah G. Focus on Balmain Mrs. Morris Westerman pills for two years. My doctor Mrs. Roy Madison, High, Solomon Award will be and Mrs. Larry Eiseman, says I must eliminate from lands. A snack bar will, be presented. Past recipients, EATONTOWN — Ginette Spanier, directress of the both Little Silver, are mem- my life whatever Is bothering available for refreshments. who have been invited to at- famed House of Balmain in Paris, will be presented Tues- bership vice president and re- tend, include Rachel Field cruitment chairman, respec- day at 10:30 a.m. here in the Community Theater as the Mount, Middletown; Doris tively. Luncheon committee second speaker in the Junior League of Monmouth. lecture Kulman Raffalovich, Little members include Mrs. Henry Silver; Stafford Thompson, series, < Berman, Mrs. Maxwell Cher, IRISH STEP DANCING CLASS Red Bank; George I. Carhart, Mme. Spanier is also the author of "It Isn't All Mink," noff and Mrs. Edwin Geltzei. Fair Haven, and Mrs. John J. ler, Little Silver; Mrs. Robert 10 A.M. Every Saturday Morning ., the witty and irreverent account of her career. The autobi- Bell of New York, formerly of Gold, Eatontown; Mrs. Ar- ography suggested by director Josh Logan, led to her being Rumson. thur Seaman, Middletown; VFW Post 2179 — Route 35 the first woman Interviewed via Telestar. The forword of Mrs. Fred Straus, New Middletown Mme. Spanier's book was written by another good friend, Shrewsbury, and Mrs. Robert. Noel Coward, a frequent houseguest of Mme. Spanier and Kaye, Mrs. Thomas West- Boys' and Girls' — Min. Age 6VJ Yrs. her physician husband. erman, Mrs. Melvin Diamond Instructor: Patrick J. Fay IT'S A and Mrs. Herbert Zydney, The vivacious Parisienne has been called "The Lady Rumson. With the Champagne Personality." Despite her intimate involvement with fashion, she has kept it in perspective DATE and maintains that elegance equals simplicity and that SPAGHETTI DINNER changing lines every year is "gimmicky." LEONARDO - The Ladies Single'performance tickets can be purchased at the Auxiliary of Community Fire SELECT Company is sponsoring a spa- trfeater. . ghetti dinner Saturday In the firehouse, Appleton Ave. Honor Unit Inducts Servings will be from 5 to B NURSING AS A CAREER! p.m. There is a reduced price 3 .Local Women 33 months program for children under 10 years of NEWARK - Three local age. Tickets may be obtained affiliate of Union College Wine Press women were inducted into the at the door. Mrs. Virginia national evening college hon- Wilson is chairman. or society, Alpha Sigma CARTOON FILMS SCHOOL OF NURSING Is it true that the older Lambda, Alpha Kappa Chap- RED BANK — Famous tar. ter, at Newark State College, toon films will be shown Sat- a wine Is, the better Union. They were Mrs. Tere- ; urday at 10:30 a.m. An "Oie ELIZABETH GENERAL HOSPITAL it is? :. -...- ...... •••.:•- sa Ens of iincroft, Mrs. Monmouth Museum Gallery, "" "• ANt) DISPENSARY ' Not always, e.g., Beaujolais Doris Kuebler and Mrs. Anne lower level of The Mall, should be consumed prompt- Morrison, both of Holmdel. Broad and Monmouth Sts. Requirements for member- ly. Its freshness begins to B'NAI B'RITH NIGHT FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: ship include a high scholastic ENGLISHTOWN - The ?a- Wigs-Cosmeti< fade after its second birth- standing (3.45 or better out mar Chapter of B'nai B'rith MRS. HELEN M. LICHMAN. Reqhtrar of a possible 4.0 average) SCHOOL OF NURSING , day. On the other hand, a Women will present "Relax in ELIZABETH GENERAL HOSPITAL 1945 red Bordeaux is only and leadership. Speakers at the ceremony were Dr. Nath- Slax With Howie Six" Satur. ELIZABETH, N. J. 07201 ' f now mature enough to Repeated by Popular Demand an Weiss, president of New- day at 8:30 p.m. Couples may I Am A High School (chick an*) drink. Wines mature' at ark State College, Charles J. purchase tickets from Mrs. different rates. We should Longacre, director, division Gerald Nathanson', 118 Ed- Frtihman Sophomore Junior. drink our wine when it is of field services," and Dr. Rob- wards Lane. There will be dancing to a live band, games Jy — not too young nor ert L. Granger, dean of pro- Senior Graduate.-...... : rea( and a midnight supper in the too old. Consult with your fessional studies, Newark State College. Holiday Swim Club, Gordon N«mo... wine merchant. Corner Road. Addeu. TRICKY TRAY 3L CHURCH BAZAAR KEYPORT - The Matawan NEW SHREWSBURY - Chapter nf Deborah Hospital The Reformed Church of New will conduct its annual Tricky Shrewsbury Holiday Bazaar Tray Saturday at 1 p.m. In the Atlantic St. firehouse. BEDROOM REDUCTIONS will get under way Saturday Mrs. Martin Leder and Mrs. at 11 a.m., and continue to 7 Terry Lokuta, Hazlet, chair- p.m. in the Church Hall, 62 men, are in charge of HanceAve. tickets..

Buy A Wig, Wight or Fall

MUWMW at Our Regular Low Price and 1 Get Another i .,. Golden Bisque or Walnut For Only PANT BEDROOM SUITS



24 W. FRONT SI KEYPORT 264-0700 22 -THE DAILY WUmt&, 8ED gAtfK-MJDDLETOWN, H. J.J tffltlRSDAY. NOVEMBER 12, 1W0 Hosprtifl Voluriteeri'Mre Recipients of Aw HEPTUNE - The Volun. president of Jersey Shore Me. Lockwood also received a 4,. Auxiliary; Mrs. Douglas ray, Spring Lake Auxiliary and Mrs. John Waters of tune City; Mrs. S.F. Danko, teer-of.the Yeai* Award, given dical Center — Fitkin Hospit- 000 Hour Guard. Eastman, Avon Auxiliary; and Mrs. Harry Zoubeck, Spring Lake; Mrs. William Mrs. Harold Levitt, Mrs. K; C. Tucker and Miss Marie for the most ta-hospital ser- al, to Mrs. Edwin Lockwood Mrs, Joseph A.S. Millar, Mrs. John Lynch, Belmar Wall Auxiliary. Valentine, Sea Girt; Mrs. of West Belmar, who accumu. president of the James F. Auxiliary; Mrs. Lester Weller Woodward of Neptune; Mrs. vice hours donated in any one Awards presented by Mrs. Lester Weller 3rd, Inter- year, was presented by David la ted 1,000 volunteer hours in Ackerman Federation and di. III, Fitkin Morgan; Miss Ida laken; Mrs. Stanley Wood- James Domenico, Allenhurst; J. Marshall Booker, member Mrs. John Findlay and Mrs. V. Carter, executive vice one year. rector of volunteers, presided. M. Hugg, Freehold Auxiliary; ward, Neptune; 1,000 Hour Mrs. Glenn W. Bach, Gables; of the board of governors are Gilbert Lonsdale pi Spring The award, donated by Dr. Mr. Carter presented the Guard to Mrs. Frank Berta, WE HAVE MOVED M.S. Winder in memory of his auxiliary roll of honor win- Mrs. Charles Jackson, Ham. 10,000 Hour Guard to Mrs. Lake; Mrs. DeWitt Grauman, Fred, Braun, Shark River Wall; Mrs. Albert Giunco, NEXT DOOR AND aunt, Carol Ackerman Parry, ners who donated the most i 11 o n-Asbury; Miss Kathy Shark River Hills, Mrs. Nich- Hills; 7,fO0 Hour Guard to Belmar; Mrs. Edward Krayl, EXPANDED INTO was presented at the annual number of hours to the Medic, Drew, Junior; Mrs. John But- ol Snowden, Manasquan; 100 meeting of the James F. Ack. al Center in 1969-70 from each ler, Ocean Grove Auxiliary; Mrs. Joseph A.S. M$ar of In. West Belmar; and Miss Mar. Hours (1 Bar) to Mrs. August erman Federation honoring auxiliary. The honored worn- Miss Margaret Mohr, Sea terlaken; 7000 Hour Guard to- , garet Mohr, Sea Girt: /500 Bing, Mrs. Joseph Clemens THE "LITTLE auxiliary in-service " volun. en were Mrs. F.C. Tag, Ann Girt Auxiliary; Mrs. Fred Mrs. Gerard Carton of Spring Hours Pin to Mrs. Magnus and Mrs. Edward McGrath, teers in Ford Auditorium here May Alliance; Mrs. Joseph Braun, Shark River Hills Lake; $.000 Hour Guard to Cook, Belmar; Mrs. Joseph Avon;, Mrs. Ralph Campbell, SILVER in the Medical Center, Mrs. A.S. Millar, Asbury Park Auxiliary; Mrs. Robert Mur- Mrs. George Emmons iof As- Gilroy, Spring Lake; Mrs. Mrsl .Edwin Gibson and Mrs. bury Park; 4,000 Hour Guard John Higgins, Mrs. Edgar George Kimball, Deal; Miss to Mrs. Edwin Lockwood of Maloney and Mrs. Andrew Margaret Cassidy, Mrs. Edna FURNITURE West Belmar; 3,500 Hour Mulligan' of Spring Lake Hanley, Mrs. Harvey C. Jones, Mrs. Joseph Madden, Guard to Mrs. Douglas East- Heights; Mrs. Charles Jack- man of Asbury Park; 2,500 Mrs. Edwin Hill, Mrs. H.J. STUDIO" son and Mrs. Ernest Megill, Sichler, Mrs. F.C. Tag and Hour Guard to Mrs.* Martin Neptune; Mrs. Harry Scheetz, COME CELEBRATE Barry, Spring Lake; Miss Mrs. Andrew Lazzali, Spring Neptune City; Mrs. William WITH US! Beatrice Colley, Neptune; Lake; Mrs. Ward Dean, Miss Anne Riker, Rumson; 2,. Koenig, Belmar; Mrs. Van. Ocean Grove; Mrs. Robert PRE-CHRISTMAS 000 Hour Guard to. Mrs. Jo. stan Lee, Asbury Park; and Downing, Manasquan; Miss SALE-EVERYTHING seph FormlcheUa, Interlaken; Mrs. Herbert Bitter of West Irene Abbott, Mrs! Robert Mrs. Willard Hagerman and Allenhurst. Foerg, Mrs. William Mulli. REDUCED! Mrs. James Watte of Spring Awards presented by Er. gan, and Mrs. Teresa DESIGNER FABRICS • WALL Lake; Mrs, Harold Steinger nest Kovats, administrator McAuliffe Spring Lake COVERINGS • LAMPS • FLOOR Heights; Mrs. Donalfi Landis, COVERINGS • FURNITURE AC, of Asbury Park: 1,500 Hour are 400 Hours (4 Bars) to CESSORIES • CUSTOM DRAP- Neptune; Mrs. Kendall Lee, Guard to Mrs. John Butler, Miss Sue Ward, Ocean Grove: ERIES " SLIP COVERS • UPHOL- 300 Hours (3 Bars) to Mrs. Wanamassa; Mrs. D. Link- STERY AND FURNITURE RE- Ocean Grove; Mrs. Chester PAIRING. Alan Conover and Mrs. hart, Mrs. Robert Coogan and Gibson, Deal; Mrs. Robert Francis Jahrling of Asbury Ostrander, West Long INTERIOR DECORATINO . Murray, Spring Lake Park: 200 Hours (2 Bars) to Mrs. Timothy M. Manning, SERVICE Heights; Mrs. Gemma Musa MISS VERA BUONO Mrs. Norman Bradley, Nep- Sea Girt; Mrs. Robert Miller, ASSOCIATED INTERIOR DECORATOR Mrs. William Todd, Inter. Zoubeck, Wall Township; and JES OUR BEAUTIFUL LINE OF laken. RECLINERS • NEW FURNITURB Velveteena TABLES • ACCESSORIES Auxilians' Bazaar Set FREEHOLD - Plans are the Knights of Columbus 100% LITTLE SILVER being readied for the 1970 an- Home, East Main St., directly COMPUTER Cotton nual holiday bazaar, "A across from the bazaar loca- PROCESSING Dream Come, True," to be tion, from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. OF Washable UPHOLSTERY given by the combined auxi- both days. Food may also be PAYROLL — liaries of the Greater Free- obtained during the supper Reg. $2.99 yd. AND DRAPERY SILVER GIFT — Dr. William J. D'Elia of Spring ..La-Ice, second from right, former hold Area Hospital at the hour at the Elks Lodge. Mrs. * Checks er Vouchers Elks Lodge, East Main St., Walter Johnson and Mrs. Jo- CORNER SIIVEUIDI AVE. president of the medioa) staff of Jersey Shore Medical Center - Fiti-kn - Hos- * Payroll Register AND CONDVER PUCE Nov. 17 from 10 a.m. to 10 seph Meyer are chairmen of * Deduction Register LITTLE SILVER 747.24*0 pital, was presented an engraved silver bowl by Mrs. John f. Rosa, secretary of p.m. and Wednesday, Nov. 18 the luncheon and.dinner com- * Form 941 N«or R.R. station from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. mittee. ' . . the hospital's board of governors, at a luncheon-reception in the medical center. ( * FormW-2 According to Mrs. Fred K. Other committee chairmen Mrs..D'Elia -and David Vt Carter, executive yice president of the hospital, look * Choice of Details S:\ Gibson and Mrs. Vincent are Mrs. Walter Horstman, on. Shreck, bazaar general chair- decorationof hall; Mrs. men,'donations of new items, Charles Megill, bricks; Mrs. LIBERTY SYSTEMS slightly used items in top con- Bruce Lowing, special proj- 1 dition, hand crafts, toys and ect; Mrs. Edward Tilton, food homemade food specialties both; Mrs. Fred Becker Jr., Coping With New Trends from area residents are still toys; Mrs. John McLaughlin, being sought. Anyone wishing boutique; Mrs. Leonard to contribute items may tele- Mack, handcraft's, and Mrs. phone Mrs. Gibson. Gregory Sinnott and Mrs. R. Reiser, decorations. 842-4680 I Is Lecture Series Topic Luncheon will be served at "J.P. STEVENS" LINCROFT — How can we On the three succedeing Mon- tions: Gone Are the Days..." cope, and help our children to day evenings there will fol- The course will be located cope, with the world that we, low: "Film and Theater; The at the Community YMCA in rr will pass on to them — a Ziegfield Follies of 1970 - Red Bank. There is a reduced H20 "Perkti world in ferment? Wow!" by Arthur Marshall, fee for YMCA members. Fur- JOIN OUR 1971 In a four-lecture series director of student affairs; ther information or registra. "The Winds of Change," the "Education: Does Two and tion is available from the IWOOLENS DRAPERY Community Education Dp. Two Still Make Four?" given Community Education De- partment of Brobkdale Com-' by Frank Weinhe,uner, dean partment, Brookdale Commu- Plaids & Plains, Ma- muriity College with the co-.. o f education > services at nity College, 765 Newman Christmas chine Washable CLEANING! sponsorship of the Community Brookdale, and "Race Rela- Springs Road, Lincroft. YMCA of Upper Monmotith , Guaranteed: County, has designed an ex- Reg. $4.5

REPAIR SPECIAL In 1971, First Merchants will pay 4tt% CUSTOM RE-UPHOLSTER interest on completed Christmas Clubs. You'll White &Singer-Westinghous Japanese Makes e YOUR FURNITURE IN THt MOST ECONOMICAL •nd PROFESSIONAL WAY POSSIILEs be saving for a happy, pay-as-you-go Christmas Necchi Sewing Machines SAVE CAO/ 0" C"I '•?«• *•'•«"•» .•' —- Shopping season next year, and your money •;CI«on Machine 50% c yI1 ltotlt will be working to make it.even happier/Get • Check Tensiehi, UP TO DU/0 A7woi i .V".n " ' LOOK an early start. Open your 1971 Christmas Club • Lubrlcote all parti • DEBRA DECORATORS right now at any of our 15 offices. 33 MONMOUTH STREET . 747-4421 RED IANK inwcrr- Op»» Friday 'ill » P.Mr-Takt up I* 24 moiiHit »»'poy. Deposit You Pay In You Weekly 50 Weeks Receive* SEWING FABRIC DEPT. ATTRICORNEFARM $ .50 ? 25.00 $ 25.56 t* ATLANTIC SUPIIUMA. Ntw Strtwihry 1.00 50.00 51.12 O»e !••*»•»•»».•. Ul.UU 2.00 100.00 102.25 3.00 150.00 153.37 CHEST cNearby 5.00 250.00 255.62 10.00 : 500.00 511.25 Reg. $3.99 (Riding 20.00 1000.00 1022.50 *lf regular payments have been made on time as scheduled each NOW week and club completed. 4K% CaJUU-EJ. paid on the average balance maintained. 36 FLA VORS • 60 VARIETIES HOLLAND RD., HOLMDEL, N.J. Clothing, equipment, grooming supplies. We 4(2 SHREWSBURY AVE., RED BANK feature the new Equistretch breeches and ST 842-5874 jodhpurs. V' Our specialized ordering service saves you

.••-,', •/•• the trip to New York. I ' ';, •>/* ,/!•''> THANKSGIVING 1 I '" ' i , ', '' '* "• Bring this ad and get 10% discount on any non-sale item in the store. WE ALSO HAVE SPECIAL i/NADVERTISED SPECIALS ' EACH WEEK SPECIAL! 50% off on Duofold Winter 15 CONVENIENT COMMUNITY OFFICES 15% OFF underwear. Head Office: 601 Mattlton Ave, Asbury Park • North Asbury Park • West Asbury NEWBERRY FABRICS ON ANY: ICE CREAM CAKE Store I lourH: ( Avon • Brlell* f Colt* Neck • Eatontown • Fair Haven • Holmdel • Manalapan DIVISION OF \ 1 • ICE CREAM PUMPKIN PIE • ICE CREAM LOG MONDAY-FRIDAY 3:30-5:30 Manasquan • Millstone • Neptune • Red Bank • Upper Freehold. • WITH THIS AD • SATURDAY 9:00-12:00 1:30-3:30 J.J. NEWBERRY Co. Member Federal R«ierv« System / Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Offar Good thru Saturday, Novtvmbar 21 it Closed Thursday and Sunday ; HAZLET PLAZA SHOP CTR. Rt.35APool«Av«. WE WILL HOLD YOUR ORDER TILL THANKSGIVING IVE A "Speciality" Shop Haxle»,N.J. •DM DAILY BEGBIXS, BED BANK , N. ; JTHUESDAV, KOVEMSER \% 1970 23

• Great Things Cftine in Small Packages

.* Loray Rock Artist: Thomas- Fisher Artist: Andrew Maith Artist: Lynn Dove Artist: Gail Brown By ELEANOR MARKO all things; a time for great The five designs were se- at Rumson Roulette, Epi- Markos, Annie Lenney, Nich- Equine Art Show continuing quan, who also received a At the Ked Bank Commu- things, and a time for small 1 e c t e d by Mrs. Lorraine curious and the Black Sheep. olas Reale, May Heiloms, E. at the track through Satur- third place award and an hon- nity Center, five children things." But these eloquent Niemela, arts and crafts To know if they are the cards I. Ingersoll Maurice, Mario day. orable mention. An honorable ranging in years from 5 to 14, words can be applied at the teacher, who felt the cards Palette we are talking about — look Copper, Hella Baffin and Wil- Best in oil went to Edith mention also went to Ruth have quickly risen to the dis- Community Center, where could be the children's contri- on the back of each card. It's liam D. Gorman, you can Kroll, Asbury Park, for "The Clausen, Colts Neck. tinction of "artist" and have some small things are great bution toward the drive for Talk there you will find the ex- catch a demonstration at the , Race;" second place to Janet Peg Boots of Lincroft re- created line drawings which things for all things. funds under way for the cen- tremely commendable feature show Sunday at 2 p.m. by Jo. K. Schippert, Spring Lake, ceived two awards in sculp- have been reproduced as let- This collection of 10 cards ter. — the identification of the seph. Rossi, who will paint in who also received second in ture and Lynette Sadovsky, ter paper or Christmas cards. carries two each of the de-. "The entries ran from an- center — and the artist's oil, and Gleb W. Derujinsky, the watercolor category. Cranbury, two awards for a Author of Don Quixote, Mi- signs of artists: Andrew gels and manger scenes to Plaza Press-in color inks, red, name on each card! a wood composition demon- Third place in oils went to pastel and a pencil sketch. guel de Cervantes, may not Maith, 8; Loray Bock, 12; calligraphy 'love and soul and blu&and green. Gift shops who wish to stration. Marie A. Hofsess, Holmdel, Connie Slocutii, Freehold, re- have had a two dollar box of Lynn Dove, 9; Gail Brown, 12, peace' and deck the halls with The tree, artist Maith re-_ handle the cards are invited ftACEWAY WINNERS and honorable mentions to ceived an award for an etch- 10 cards in mind when he and Tommy Fisher, 13, all lots of holly," Mrs. fers to as "That crooked old to call the center. West AUenhurst. artist Ida Lee Valehty, Red Bank; Wini ing. The Scholarship Fund of wrote: "There's a time for regular visitors to the Com- Niemela stated. tree" is a personal favorite, Libby Dengrove received best Smart, Freehold, and Cath- the Freehold Art Society will and the bent knee of the Wise • PURCHASE AWARD tome tilings, and a time for munity Center. The librarian, Mrs. Mary Raymond T. Maher, in show award for an oil erine Schur, Asbury Park. benefit from proceeds of en- Johnson, is credited by Mrs. Man by artist Fisher. is a painting "Marketplace," in tries in the show sponsored by curious gem, while the snow whose proud parents live in First place in watercolor Niemela as being the chil- Freehold, is winner of the the Freehold Raceway's went to Fred Ryan of Manas- the raceway. dren's encouragement. Signs effect of artist Brown, and flowing lines of the church 1350 Grumbacher Artist's Ma- were hung around the center terial Company cash pur- asking "What does Christinas scene by artist Rock, are complements to the simplicity chase award in the 57th An- mean to you?" nual Exhibition of the Allied "It, was Mrs. Johnson who and eloquence of artist Dove with name so appropriate, Artists of America in the Na. kept their supplies and en- tional Academy Galleries, couraged them to 'Get your spelling out "Peace on Earth- Good {o Men." New York City. The show is' card done!'" Mrs. Niemela open through Sunday from 1 said. As art teacher at the How can anyone resist? to 5 p.m., and consists of 340 center on Wednesday after- Naturally, there is great works, including oils, sculp- noons, she has introduced the pride at the center in this ar- ture and watercolor. children' theste past three tistic venture. years, to various media in- "If this is successful I "Ray" who is correspond- cluding paint and papier would like to see it done ev- ing secretary of Allied Artists mache, wire sculpture, differ- ery year," Mrs. Niemela of America, resides in Ocean , ent kinds of modeling in flour, commented. Grove when he is not instruct- .mosaics and paper construc- From every indication — it ing at the Famous Artists tion. Her idea of the cards will. Because it has every ele- School in Westport, Conn. His brought an enthusiastic re- ment for success: love, labor winning painting in this show sponse from some 25 young- arid enterprise. in low key color, with subtle sters, who entered the con- The cards are available at underpainting and principal test. the Red Bank Community figures dramatically creating a mood, has an abstract ap- The center paid for the re- Center and orders are being "THE RACE" by Edith Kroll, Asbury Park, is selected by the judges of the Equirf* taken there by telephone. proach and realistic social production of 200 sets of 10 comment. It is one of Maher's Art Show at Freehold Raceway as best oil in show, left to right, Joseph V. Me- cards and since they have Also, the cards are available Loone, general manager of Freehold Raceway; John Higgins, SBOA executive in Red Bank at The Niche, best works — and the judges been welcomed into gift : got the identical message. shops, enthusiasm for their Monmouth Museum, Stein- secretary; and Charles Watefhouse, well-known illustrator. The art show continues purchase is on the increase bach', . Cohen's Department Among artists from the through Saturday in the track's Cardigan Bay Room. and there is indication that Store (on the Westside) and shore area represented in the another run will be made of in Sea Bright at the Hair De. show are Earl Tyler and Fritz the five designs which were sign Studio and Chapeaux. Cleary and those who have reproduced photo offset by In Fair Haven the cards are shown here, include Lajos DAVIDSON'S Treats 'GYPSY MOTHER1 V pen and ink drawing reproduced here full size is by Ida Libby Dengrove, which will be included in *n exhibition of her work beginning Nov. for Table or Gifts 22 in the First Unitarian Church of Monmouth County in Lincroft. Dengrove Show everyone Opens Nov. 22 ^o**-'5 on your LINCROFT-An exhibit.of great teachers who were In- oils and watercolors "People spired by their own great and Places" by Ida Libby teachers — Howard Pyle and Dengrove will be presented Thomas Eakins — and re- by the First Unitarian Church gards this as "a wonderful ;|j>*" Tf. i *• % of Monmouth County in Lin-- Philadelphia heritage." 'THREE WISE MEN.' winner of the $350 Gruirtbaoher Pifrchase Award at the. 57th croft. The. show begins Nov. Mrs. Dengrove said of her Annual Exhibition of Allied Artists of America currently in the National Academy 22 and will continue through artistic background, "I start- Galleries, 1083 Fifth Ave., New York, is by Raymond T. Maher of Qce»n Grove, ** Sefe Dec. 6. ed to draw and paint when I formerly of Freehold. He is an instructor at the Famous Artists School in Westport, ctfon According to Mrs. Dengrove, was very young along with "the show takes the onlookers my identical twin sister. I Conn. ' - . k® to many far away places — was fortunate to be encour- but there's always the same aged by many awards, schol- warmth and colors — the arships, fellowships and of beauty and strength of people course, my greatest source of Pelly Show Opens Sunday and places, the whole world strength and encouragement, over." my husband Dr. Edward TINTON FALLS - Celine Pelly will . Mrs. Dengrove, a resident Dengrove." present her latest paintings in a one-man of West Allenhurst, is an art- Ida Libby Dengrove is a show in the Old Mill Gallery, Sycamore ist, illustrator and teacher member of the National Asso- Ave. ' whose many credits and ciation of Women Artists and The opening reception, to' which the awards have placed her in is the illustrator of the Hillel public is invited, is scheduled for Sunday "Who's Who in American Calendar. She also conducts from 3 to 5 p.m. Art." She considers it fortu. several art classes in the lo- The landscapes and still life — some nate to have studied with cal area. 35 paintings in oil and watercolor, two medias the artist uses to isolate and GOURMET Art Auction'Set By Sisterhood v dramatize reality, will be on view to Dec. WEST END - An Art Ex- Mrs. Michael Maltzman, pres- 5 daily from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. h CHKSE ' hibit and Auction by Con- ident of the Sisterhood of Born and educated in Holland, Mrs. COOKIES gregation B'nai Sholocn will be B'nai Sholom, stated that Pelly received her training in art in that PACKS staged Sunday at 1 p.m., in among the original works in country. She resides in Spring Lake with the syna Television Flip Wilson doing his Gerald- "Somethin' Finny." Gorie'i man-hating Aunt Violet Get six of the top impression- them working together, it. was 10:00 0 "Ctrdtjit Hill" , pays a. visit and stir* up trouble. ine character, Edie Adams as the speech and mannerisms IKM 01 "Uthr t» 7htt« Wivai" ists in show business and turn more interesting than a ID PERRY MASON Zsa Zsa Gabor was great and of that much imitated host. ' O "N.v«r Ut Ma Go" "The Caae of the rint-Siijed Client" them loose in front of the tele- Comment monologue. Since none was anywhere 4:30 O "Tli.lBorsi. Sfick" Q NANCY (C) vision cameras. The result There were a number of so was her Barbra Streisand. O "TK* Marriaga-Sa-Rouni* "Honeymoon for Twelve." Nancy and Ad*m with near as good as Jordan, it help from Uncle Everett, work out ft scheme to lit* last night was one of the high moments. Gorshin was David Frye turned up with slowed the program and was EVENING sure privacy on their honeymooo. superb in the windup, doing 0 THE ODD COUPLE (C) brightest NBC "Music Hall" Frank Gorshin, David Frye, his usual bag of politicians. certainly not improved by a 4.-00 a a s NEWS (c> "Oicar, the Model," Felix aaka Oacar to pose for hours of the season. Rich Little, George Kirby, Richard Burton talking a Be handled Nixon, Johnson, a, photo layout advertising a new men'i cologne. short appearance by Sullivan O THE FLYING NUN (C) 10:00 The team consisted of Will Jordan and Edie Adams. song from "Camelot." Humphrey and Rockefeller O SET SMART 81 DEAN MARTIN SHOW (C) himself. ID IAND OF THE GRANTS (C) Guests: Tony Bennett, Gloria ttorjng, Zero JJoslcl with accustomed skill and 'Nancy' Fading Out Two of the urth peopls nttun to uiU. .0 ©TEN O'CLOCK NEWS was equally good as Henry ID WHATS NEW? (C) O THE IMMORTAL (C) The president's daughter "Tucson Boy* choir" "Queen's Gambit." Ben Kicharda la captured In a Fonda. 4:39 clever plot by a beautiful girl and held prisoner on and her Iowa veterinarian & PETTICOAT JUNCTION (C) at jungle estate. O DICK VAN DYKE SHOW Critics' Praise Makes Kaye Most of the impressions will have a very short mar- D THE AVENGERS (C) OD CIVILISATION CO . • 'Steed makea a bomb and Emma la put to Bleep* were presented in the course ried life. NBC.will cancel the "Protwit and Communication" 7.-M IS SOUL! (C) of a sketch with some slight half-hour show, "Nancy," at' O CBS NEWS WITHY/ALTER CRONKITE (C) ll;0O Q O Q NEWS, WEATHER, SPORTS (C) O NBC NIGHTLY NEWS « . veterana aa they aearch'Saa Franclaco lor lauxha* cipline this kind of show re- ago, in the same theater and "Too Many Vlctima." A vettttn police tracer U thrillt and firli. dead tired and pleasantly times in 'Fiddler on the Roof quires, was quite a big leap half the same dressing room. 0," another police action caught In the middle when ha trie, to eupply «vl- 1:15 O THE GREAT 6REAT SHOW tired." he had never seen on a •Jtnoe to convict a'dopa pnaher whs bad fealinge "Exprcno Bonito" (1SS0) ataninx Laurtnce Harvey, forme. Kaye's present less-than hour, on CBS, and more act- Jrttthti*uiflitetthti*uifliter.r BylvU Syma. FaaWalMnr talent want kit* U» Wr Wednesday matinee, a stand- Ion on'NBC with "San Fran- B THE DAVID FROST SHOW (C) time when he dticovan a aturlmt wngo tean-artr -The Associated Press re- "When I work by myself I spacious dressing room at the Oumbp AnthonySewlty, Mel Brook* In a Soho caf«. view said, "Kaye is merely ing ovation. / / wander around and change , Imperial Theater, he recalls, cisco International Aifyort." • BEWITCHED (C) - I:]* IB REEL CAMP ' -Banumtha'i Old Ealen Trio." By mlaUki, Raman- magnificent" and it's "a show "Richard Rodgers has real- the group of things I happen used to be two dressing Somebody had to be the loser tha, ta,i»pp«3 into teu-rldnen JT Century Baltm, 2:05 «B NEWS AND WEATHER in that company. 2:15 O EVENIN© PRAYER to be doing or not change rooms. • «ORASNET 2:23 IB NEWS HEADLINES them or whatever and you : .Friday and CanjiM tin Uielr off-duty time to help 3:0S OSERMONETTE a aergtant on the force who hta become an alco> 3:15 D THE LATE LATE SHOW I don't do that in a musical .' * HOUs^,, "Damn Cltiteiuf1 (1858) aUrrtarReiUi AjuJej.Mat- play. (§ HEX KAYHOUSE a Hayesy , Civic-minded Individual eleajui up cor- Two by Two' Seen TODAY AT •• ^tMng Money and l» Other Very Short Kaya" ruption Iin a. atatalate police or "But it is very hard not to MO • CBS THURSDAY NIGHT MOVIE (C) do a show with Dick Rodgers. -tU» Roperly la Condernntd-' (H«) alantojc Ka» oGIVE us THIS FAY

Transit Corp., is chairman of AMBOYS DRIVEIN- 1 Adelines, according to Mrs. Where he leads, the other It'a a Mai), Mat). Mad World 7:00, COUNTRY 11:96; Snbata 10:oi. "If you see nothing the 1970 Data Processing Con- 'Al Niehaus, Colts Neck, gen- 1 ference, scheduled for Nov. 19 MENLO PARK eral chairman. WARNING! MSHtWY I, UKEWDOO COUHIIV !)(«


yaur CbriftniM. Whit O9U14 H« «nc«fi|i)|^a thtn thmt "i rfmlr" tvery^.'ll thftik * M Ml

«nmf«rt «nd be»uty. It't »{ • Hf* this raek«r tfctt down't look like » roektr,

for dosln<, ret«Jln

Furniture Company Kcyport

Style 879 Style 882 Style 883 Est. 1869

0l*n Monday and Cvtnlngi Until » FJW.

C«nv«nltnt PtymwU A\ • CAB RECLINA-ROCKER Tel.264^181 -THE BAltY BEGl^Eft. FED BAKK«MIDDijETOWN, OiTHUHSOAY, NOVEMBER 32t 1970 CBk Harriers Prove Number One Claim WEST LONG BRANCH - the two Raritan run. Jonathan Dayton, with Nor- the best tune of ihe day, Favored Christian Brothers ners- — Banks and Gor-man Reinhardt taking first HARRIER SHORTS Academy bolstered its claim don-caught Mike Sullivan. (13:46.!), easily taptured out. CBA's chances tit the rtate as themmnber one cross-coun. Boss won easily, with time of pointed Holy Cross tn the var. level seem elim With Casa- ^Xje^rta at the Shore here JS: 53.6 (compared to Baiks' sity open run. The best Shore grande out for the remainder yesterday by successfully de- 14:01), and Sullivan's final entrant was Long Branch's of the ceason. The Colts' fending its championship in 'bid to catch Gordon.In the Glenn Turner who finished Parochial "A" opponents, Es. the second annual Monmouth- homestretch failed. fourth. Keyport's Chris sex Catholic and St. Joseph's ' Ocean bounty Meet at Mon. The team title was In doubt Schanck and Mater Dei's Tom of Metuchen, rank one-two In mouth CollegeHwt not with, until Gibbs' crossed the fine Clark were fifth and sixth, re- the state.... .Gordon made n out considerable nail-biting. in 38th place, since a ninth spectively. great comeback from last place finish by Ed Burgess of week's Monmouth County With Paul Oasagrande, one third-place Freehold kept m Jonathan Dayton end Holy * of its standouts out of action e event When he finished 99th Colonials in contention frith Cross also were one-two In while Buffering from n virus.. with a back Injury, UieColts , CBA and Raritan. had. to overcome runner-up the junior varsity open. Day. . . .Point Pleasant Borb, the Haritan, which placed Kevin Colt Jayvees Romp ton's Karl Kotousky, Dennis Ocean County champion, Banks and Warren Gordon itiepnly romp of the day's Episcopo nnd Ron Frank found their Monmouth neigh, bors quite inhospitable nnd second and third, respective. " seven-face program came In created a three-way tie for In- ly, behind Individual winner the jMonmouth-Ocean Jun'or ended up seventh In the nine- dividual honors, all hitting the Steve Ross of Ocean Town. v;a r s i t y competition. CBA team field. In fact, the top placed' Tim Gleason, Tom tape at 10:28.8. five teams in the standing's 0'Gara and Bob Chandler Scotch Plains' Mark Zmuda Were from Monmouth County. Mike Sullivan, fourth, and pne-twd-tihree to repeat last (7:32) and Carl Ahle Were .... After declining to r.end his harriers to yesterday's ''r-. Phil Hinck, fifth, gave CBA a year's win over the Raritan first and second In the fresh- v meet, Red Bank Catholic strong start to the team jay vees. ; man open, enabling their coach Jack Rafter put his Ca. team to beat runner-up Mater championship, and Bill Hunt. CBA was denied n complete seys through their paces in- ley, 10th, wmpieted a solid sweep of the Monmouth- Dei, 32-48, In the freshman s i d e Asbury Park's Con. open event. Mater Dei's Mik ? threesome. • • • •• Ocean events when Toms Riv- e vention Hall.... The heavy er South edged the young Thompson came home rains of early and mid-after- I However, the Colts, who en- Colts, 36-40, to the freshman third. Bob Basdey of Long COLTS CARRY OM — Ohrwtian |ro+he.ns Academy's championship hsriieri refoice alter proving fheif %ap c noon ceased by Hie time the tered only six runners In Cas. event. The Individual Winner Branch, representing the gun sounded for the varsity ty of the Shore by winning fheir second consecutive Monmou+h-Ocaan team title. Left to ight, aire Guj Suckow, was Joe Gibbs of St. John's Shore A.C., took the open agrande's absence, needed championships. Bill Huntley, Phil Hinck, Mike Sullivan, flob Gibbs, Bob Goss and coach Dave Hyland. ,,'; the efforts of Gus Suckow Vianney. A.A.tJ. run In 13:23.4, by far (19th) and Bob Gibbs (38th) : to assure victory. CBA wound <>** up witfc 76 points, three better A&O Carry Early Driel Boss, runner-up to record- setting Fran Sullivan of Red Bank Catholic In last week's Monmouth County Cham- Buck Victory pionships, dueled with CBA's By The Associated Press fered a muscle bruise. He did Mike' Sullivan: ;,ifor the Mr. A and the Big O are not play in the second half. early leatj which rnounted to proving a potent 1-2 punch for Dick Van Arsdale scored 28 as much as'W yards on the the Milwaukee Bucks in the points as Phoenix downed rest of the field.; (fran Slim-' National Basketball Associ- Portland. Geoff Petrie was van and his Red Bank Catho. ation. Mr. A, otherwise Lew high for the Trail Blazers lie mates declined to enter Alcindor, scored 44 points and with 27, yesterday's competition.) the Big O., the nickname for Heading into the last half- Oscar Robertson, added 26 for NBA Standings a combined 70-point perform- mile, Ross broke away and EASTERN CONFERENCE ance in leading the Bucks to Atlantic DlrUlon IV L Pet. OB their seventh straight victory New York 12 i .750 — Philadelphia 10 6 .625 1 1. gtev«*kow: tbn 113 R««4 (81. B0M),n6!J»! •!, Tit; Ph ladelphla 119, Baltimore 107 (Bt. W»*>i', 10:11; ,-10, X*» Diego humbled Cincinnati 127- Only game." scheduled DifctURCW 10149. _ „, Today's Gamo TEAM STANDINGS 120. Baltimore at New York ' Cleveland at) Portland . • I. CBA. »rx — Rangers' Defenses Carolina defeated the New I John'a Viannty Yorks Nets 106-102 and Ken- Rose 120; 6. Br FiVeholfl MS: «L Tom» afiwr Amth tucky beat Virginia 128-123 in 199; 8. Point Boro 3St. •_,. ,, By HAL BOCK Penguins of the West DM. The Penguins' rallied for off anytime. They're no- er was a loss to Los Angeles, the American Basketball As- FRESHMAJf Associated Press Writer sion. third-period goals by Jean body's patsies." a West Division team. 1 Olbbj (St. JoJin'O, 7:38.7; Z sociation. Nets Lose Dennis F»y (OBA), 7:«: 3. Bill It was the third period of There was a time when this Pronovost and Wally Boyer Kelly agreed that the ex-, Does that tell you some- FMIT (TR8I, f:48; <. Bob DouylM The Celtics, led by John yesterday's National Hockey posed no problem. An East and came out of the game pansion teams were closing thing? iTRB). »:5e: i Don Grow ir/TRS); with a 3-3 tie. Havlicek's 31 points, took a 7:87; 7. 31m Hart M. It was a so-so week for last week, is absent from the Connors came back in the If they all start the gross will Robdalc and Cool Moon. Each Pelican Stable. "I just liked Shore area teams in the list this time around. fourth stanza to ice the ver- be $364,320, and the prize to carries 122 Doundto. ( R«Haik him," said llio vrlcran horse State Soccer Coaches Associ- dict with a 10-yard blast. the winner $212,592, Five colts Kcarny (12-0-2) still re- trainer, searching for the rea- ation's top 20 after last SOUP'S ON — Thomas are expected to l>e supple- mains king of the hill, while son he purchased the non of week's action. Vrazier 5-1 Pick mented for the 18th running of Pingry remains second. Waliar, * 10-year-old from J e s t n r-I-cadinj; Lady, by the stake at $10,000 each. Point Pleasant Borough, Colts Nock, brought down Werihrim II. There's A 'limit1 NTATK HIM < Kit In Crown Haul seventh last week with a vic- ANKIX lATIOM'N TOr TO "I KO down to Keoni'laml The prc-gamc favorite is al. K».rny <11O2I •this 18-pound Canadian tory over Howcll, dropped Plmry (ti-l.ii LAS VKCAS, N'nv. (AP) - every summer tn look most certain In be Limit To Rlclllfrl , (i:M-?" Heavyweight cham- gooia with a 20-gauge one to Lawrence In the N..I. Kmit llritnAwirk IM-I^i around," doll ^aid. "I'mReason, who has won < of 10 Slate Athletic Association VVr.l tOTl (HI! I pion Joe Krazier has been in. thotgun nt Swimming Rivftr more or loss on my own down Trfot'm . . ilfMt starts and earned $319,055. tournament, and falls to 12th l(»r.,n,.t,|, lll-l ti stalled by I/O* Vegas odds- there for Mrs, Carpenter. I K l.««rrrnr> illill in Lincroft lait week. Tom- The Ilrookmeade Stable colt In the standings. 6 T»»m" Illv^r ft^ulH (I3 1-'J» makers as a 5-1 favorite over thought his breeding was all won Ihe Pimlico-Laurel Fu- d^nlcli riilM (IIOli my hat a juvonilo gunning Toms River South remains II. Bob Koslcr in their Nov. 18 richt. I wont to Florida with turity and was awarded the i; "•ugh t title fiRht in Detroit. licant* and is accompanied him and hr was thvro all win- U Hgh IK Oil Champagne on • dis- TuM.andWa*. 1Ot*7 it ninth, and Howell is still Hrrkrliy lltlihu (II III Icr and I always thought he HohoMn •111 .'I CenrRp Foreman I* a i%-\ on all hunting tripi by hit qualification. Thwt-antfM.tOt*1O lllh. UnrrH K (111 II choice over Boone Kirkman grandfather Pater A. Eg*- had potential" What the experts eyeta* Sir UtucSnvw •at. 10 wi I ri.rk III 111 Ctol fen. Mitten. N«ptunc, wljlch made Us (••Mrawi Kail ttd. ii;. for their fiqht in New York | j lUlfd Highly Dagonet IR froll'* repuUIJfwi S424M0 Jtfncihur • ill land. debut la llM?Sop 29 at lSUt ii 111-U the same night Sir UtgGBet woa one wction for developing J-vetr-oldi* V« -1HE DAILY KEGK1SB, BED BANK-MTODLETOWN, S, J.l THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1W0

QUIET SUNDAY MORNING— Every Sunday morning, when many people *re trying to recover 'from a big Satur- ter: Dave'i News' Horace Thome, left, "taps" Edward Pigut, Sparkle Cleanen, in an attempt to open M« eyi day night, tome more vigorous folks march down to the IAIMA Field in Long Branch to bang tieads in « Shore for the morning »un. Right: Lou Steot of Sparkle Cleaners, with ball,'tests a sleeping Dave's News line in a short Toirch football League game. Left: Lenny Lwvgo i* about to bo awakened the bard way by fet« Luciano, s»o gain of real estate. Terry Johnson, gray shirt, moves in, while Vin Muscillo !43) provides -a blockade. Sparkle ond from left, and Tony Evan*, third from left. Joe He nivnon. 175) attempt* to put« stop to *he attack, Cen- Cleaners won tfhe championship, 14-6. Jets' Davis NFL Documents Federal Grand Jury Call By The Associated Press There was a report late reported having been served served created additional con. said he was told to have a dent and general manager of The National Football Tuesday that the subpoenas subpoenas. Nine reported fusion. representative of the club at the Detroit Lions, admitted he League acknowledged yester- stemmed from an anti-trust none. Five Browns Called the hearing and to bring had been asked for certain Just Waits day that ft had been asked by action being brought against In Washington, the Justice Five officials of the along documents dealing with documents. federal authorities to surren- the league by a former defen- Department held firm in its Browns, from President Ar- contracts, waivers and op- sive back of the Cleveland "I am at a complete loss for der certain documents but refusal to comment on the thur Modell down through as- tions. the reason," said Lou Spadia, By CHUCK TRIBLEHORN was unable to throw any fur- Browns, Walter Beach, now a 1 case, pointing to the depart- sistant coaches, were subpoe- president of the San Fran- Register Sports Editor ther light on the wave of sub- law student at Yale. Finks said he was the only ment's traditional policy of naed to appear before, the Minnesota official subpoe. cisco 49ers, who said he had Despite the X-rays and the experts, rookie quarterback poenas that have popped up However, Beach denied it. not publicizing Grand Jury Cleveland Grand Jury Nov. received a subpoena and he Al Woodall of the New York Jets won't be in peak physical around the circuit. naed. The Dallas president, "I'm not involved In any li- action until some disposition 17. Tex Shramm, said summons would comply. shape for Sunday's visit to the West Coast for a dash with is made of the inquiry. The mystery continued. tigation with anyone," Beach The Minnesota Vikings given his club specified no the Los Angeles Rams and their "Fearless Foursome." A majority of the 26 teams said. Woodaffl, pressed into a starting role three weeks ago The variance in the manner were asked.to appear Dec. 7. particular person. Russ reported having been served At last count, 18 NFL clubs that the subpoenas were General Manager Jim Finks Thomas, executive vice presi- Fort Swimmers when Joe Namath injured his hand, suffered a muscle bruise Federal Grand Jury summons of his left shoulder in last Sunday's loss to the Pittsburgh to appear in Cleveland at In Winter Loop Steelers, the Jets' seventh setback la eight games this various times, beginning Nov. disastrous season. 17. Others said they knew BERKELEY HEIGHTS — nothing about the action. Ft. Monmouth Swim Club will Devil Defense Key to Status be one of six teams which will This only added to the wide, spread guessing game over open the N.J. Whiter Swim The Chuck Wagon what the matter is all about. Shore Kegtonal's defense came through once again to Middletown Township and Red Bank Catholic have League Nov. 22. keep the Blue Devils statistically on top in the Monmouth, Nobody seems to know. The surged into the plus column. The Lions, at plus 0.9, have Monmouth will meet Gar- Justice Department in Wash- County offense-defense lisings. won two 'straight games, while RBC (plus 0,4) has won den State Swim Fool here They photographed Woodall's injury Monday, and the ington declined to give any Shore has shut out five.of the seven teams it has faced three in a row. .'": verdict was negative, leading to an immedate proclama- details. There was no com- this season. Only 25 points have been run up against the opening day. ment from the Justice De- Devils. MONMOUTH COUNTY TEAM SCORING Other meets have Lodi Boys tion out of the Jets' battered camp that their young, in- Team-Record Pis. Ivg. Pis. Alwd. Avg. •Dill. experienced quarterback — their field general of the partment office In Cleveland. Rumson-Fair Haven Regional, the only team to beat Shore B«lpnal (5-1-1) ....118 16.9 •a. 38 4133 Club at Paramus Boys Club, Shore this year, is second on the poll, but it isn't mainly Rum«on-F.H. Reg. (4-3) .140 21.3 65 0.3 +12.0 future — would be able to play against LA. "It is reasonable to assume Manasquan (5-1-1) 100 14.3 30 4.3 + 10.0 and Union Boys Club at Olym- that all 26 of the clubs will be the defense which put the Bulldogs there. Raritan (5.2) ...., 14S 21.1 81 11.6 + e.s The feeling here is that the Jets, with nothing to lose, Asbury, Park (6-2) .179 25.6 117 16.7 + 8.9 pi an Swim Club, Upper might do well to rest Woodall's sore wing and give Nep- served with papers ~ al- Rumson, although racking up two shutouts, has scored Wall Twp. (8-1-1) 163 23.2 100 14.3 + 8.9 149 points giving it a plus 12.0 overall differential. Ocean TWB. (5-2) MO 21.3 06 13.7 + 7.8 Saddle River. tune's Bob Davis an opportunity to show what he can do: though some may not have Long Branch (4-in , IU 16.3 65 D.3 + 7.0 Manasquan is another team with a potent defense. The Matawan Beg. (6-2) 104 14.8 58 8.3 + 6.5 HE'S NO CURE-ALL them yet," an NFL spokes, H«d Bank Reg. (5-2) _.130 18.6 97 13.9 + 4.7 The season will end April 18 Warriors, who have shut out four teams thus far, have al- Mlddletown (34) . 119 17.0 113 16.1 + 0.0 Davis Isn't going to be the cure-all for the Jets' many man said. 15.3 101 14.0 + 0.4 with a championship meet. "We honestly are In the lowed just 30 points against them. Marlboro (2-(2-4( ) 7.1 90 15.0 - 7.9 ills, but it wouldn't hurt for Coach Weeb Ewbank and his Howell (2-lSU-5)) r._. I 48 6.6 118 16.9 -10.3 Boys and girls will compete dark. We have been asked to Asbury Park is the highest-scoring team in the county. Mater Del Bank SlirMt (T, Olamanco) 10-1 S—Johnny Cool, KftcJicm Boot, got his hand in the way of an on-rushing lineman. Namath's Major Black (P. Consol) 20-1 Illckobee H78-14 3—^Toro Hanover. Grand Boe 8un 855x14 37.00 t 2.93 maxi-taeak was a mini-break for Davis. 6TII-1 M.; Face; H.MO. Ad 0 $«m Toblis N (H. Flllon) 4— Prlncn Yondrr, Top Bong, Mer- •aHMMM Until last Sunday, Davis was content to learn the Jets' San Marco (M. Lamb) ry Maker Dale Volo (C, Smith Jr) ft4-t -Ifusty.,. •Lofly - . Teeny Dili offensive system while Woodall gained his baptism of fire. Tour Oaki Lady (J. curran) 81 -No"-Nobl' e "Hope, 6an Marco, Tobias Noble Hope (R. Interdonato) 6-1 N F78-15 775x15 When the. shoulder Injury sent the rookie to the sidelines, IUcy Pick (J. Hylan) 10-1 1—Jersey Champ, KIWnttoni Boy, 34.00 2.61 Davis entered the contest, Treinco (J. Greene) 12.f Judson Tolion Hanover (B. Webster) 151 8—Oameatrr, Shadydaln Vanhliu, Depending on whose game story you read, Davis' per- Slevi» Phil 1TII-1 M.: P»Mi *2,S00. »—Klronj, Brownl« Darei, Prlilea formance against Pittsburgh was either encouraging or lack- Jeriiy Champ (C. Lc Cause) 8-1 Pomp KlkljgJons Boy (No Driver) 7.2 10—Haven Dale* Qulnn Add, Palm 678-15 855x15 2.77 luster. Dunham Hanover hraey«r Jr) Si Adlon, Tab Express 21-17, but his passes for the most part were far off the Judion (R. Peah) M Best Bet *~ Jerney Champ mark, high and overthrown. Giving him the benefit of the H78-15 825x15 doubt, agree with Jets' players, coaches and Davis' himself, 37.00 2.98 all of whom explained his timing with his receivers was off. Now the club has the opportunity to wipe out that element of doubt by handing the football to him Sunday afternoon. Yesterday's Results J78-15 900x15 3.08 Bob Davis may never be a full-time starting pro quarter* back, but it's one thing to say you didn't make the grade; Charming Demon (Schell) ....3.60 I'nnlar Diplomat (Oagllardl) 4.40.1.*) WINTER TRAXION NYGLAS it's something else when you're not given a chance. Wl—Pacwi 1MI.I »3.000; T-JIO7.4 J hi Ian (MoKonna) ...JJJ Key Treat (Tiillno) ».4O 4.20 J.20 L78-15 915x15 3.22 Just ask Gary Cuozzo, another Jcrseyan, about that. OB D (Davis) 6.S04.60 aana—Pacaj « MI.I II,DOSI T-«III.» Kill Domino (tohmtyer Jr.) 4.00 Darrell Willis, freshman halfback from Long Branch, IwnttDebhy (Lutman .11 M H.00 4.(0 SERIES 78 Tandy"andya Candyy (dale( ) 1.20 4.l» continues to play outstanding football for Susquohanna UnU cv Rhythm (n Euels IB.voo versity's. junior varsity squad. Willis scored touchdowns on Blh—Pmces 1 Ml. 1 W.JOO: TJ:(ia.4 runs of 15 and 45 yards in a 19-13 victory over Lycoming. Baiiy 7Fl>i>6«.oo Bod Knight (Osntor) .611.40 ifl.oilli.fiO Querns Cadpt (Tliompson) 4.(0.11") Trailing, 13-0, at halftimo, Susquohanna (3-1) bounced back 3rd—l"»c«| 1 Ml.! 11,900: T-lilO.J Dui|l»yj Roy (Kelly) 4.401.40 2.10 HV Hayes (Skinner) 3.80 with three touchdowns in the second half. Willis carried 13 Noble ntiylhm (Marks) $.40 4.00 MB—rattt: I Ml.; (1,000: T-2:lt.3 times in the game for 104 yards. Ohio Dan (Dalailo) 4,40 Ml»»ArcM»»Arch (Illlllrr(Illl)) ...... r>.203.M2.re (Mark«) .B.MxWl.m Kiwanls Classic during the holidays. iliewoorl Mlalily (l^inh'lol 1,20 J.JO I Ml.| |;,OOQ: ' SHREWSBURY JtysloneIrish (L(Uauss) 300 rulL (Moyfls) 7.10 And would you believe that Hie high school basketball Oouni.. pares lOnsllir.lli . Ill Mile (ifobtriii . .I.M season Is just ground tho comer? Coachci will Issue the Hours Daily: M. m»XS. K « 741-35* call for candidates next week, as per Uio state's Nov. IS Ilk—PIMI | Ml.: W.BnO, T-ll A'ljn KahlWlor (fl-.l 4>.*)lll starting date for practice. baby Mlns A (Oraene) , B. ATT.—«,4J4. HANDLE—»»n,lj». JtBE DAILY REGISTER, BSD BANK • VatoT>lM0W, N, f.s THURSDAY NOVEMBER 15, K/70





FREKHTIPUMHTKIII fIClUDED Largest selection off used cars in Monmouth County WE SELL MORE, YOU SAVE MORE! , . " - ~ LOWISm MiuiCVtlMT Uf IRD CA«•&•R» PBICIIIHI^III I11N1 THfillI AHAABBA !t PRICIBBIfRSt HfitBEWKBtI '64 CHRYSLER ...... $797 NIVIRIOWER! ALL PRICED TO MOVE FAST! COME EARLY FOR BEST SIUCTIOH! Town & Country Wagon. R&H, Auto, Pow- '69 TOYOTA $1397 er, Etc '67 RAMBLER $697 I •63 MERCURY $197 Corolla. 2 Dr., Sedan Rebel 2 Dr., Automatic, Power Steering '69 OPEL : $1497 NOMONEY Station Wagon, R&H, Auto., PS '67 VW $"97 2 Dr., Sport Coupe, Radio, Heater. 4 Speed, '63BUICK $595 2 Door, Stick Shift USabre, 4 Dr., Radio. Heater, Automatic, '69 TOYOTA $1497 . Power Steering. ' '67 BUICK $1397 Special 40r. Radio. Heater. Automatic, Corolla sta. wagon; R&H '63 CHEVY $797 Power Steering '69 BUICK $1897 lijipalaConvertible, Radio & Healer, Auto- '67 PLYMOUTH , $1497 Special 4 Dr., HT. R&H. Automatic, Power matic,PowerSteenng. ! : Fury 111,4 Dr. HT, AIR COND, Auto.. PS. ' Steering ; '63 DODGE $797 '69 ROADRUNNER '..$2097 4Door,"440,"R&H,Atito, PS '67 T-BIRD $»097 Landau. 2 Dr. HT, Air Cond.Full Power. Etc. 4 5prpd ori Hie, Floor, Bucket Seats '67 CHRYSLER '65 VALIANT '64 DODGE - $697 '69 CHRYLSER $3097 Ntwporl 4 Dr.. rU H. Alo., Power '67F0RDH.T $1597 New Yorker, 4 Dr.. Air Conditioned, Full 2 Door, Radio & Hsolar, Automatic, £ic. 300 4 Door Sedan, Radio & Heater, Auto- Steerii< ; Galanie 500 2 Dr. Hdtp. Air Cond. R JH, Power : matic Auto. PS. Must be seen. Very dean. '66 PLYMOUTH '65 IMPERIAL '64 VW .,„ $697 •69 PLYMOUTH. $3397 Conv. Belvedere, R(t H, Auio., Power '67 VOLVO "122"...... $«69T Wgn. Custom Suburban Station Wagon, Hordlop, 4 door, air conditioned, full Radio, Heater Steering Radio, Heater, etc. Econo'mv olus. Radio, Heater. Air Conditioned, Automatic, , • power. '65 DODGE $597 •'67 CHRYLSER $1797 Power Steering '66 CHEVROLET '65 FORD WAGON "Coronet, 4 Dr., Radio. Heater, Auto., Power New Yorker, 4 Dr.. HT, Air C6nd, Full Power 70 TOYOTA $1697 Steering 2 Poor Hardlop, Radio & heater; Ayto., Country Squirt, lOpatienger, radio & Equipment • ' • Corolla 2 Dr., 4000 Miles, Like New. . En. heater, cutomatic, power iieoring. '65 PLYMOUTH $797 '67 CADILLAC $2797 70 MUSTANG. $2797 Fury HI, Conv, R&H, Auto, PS '66 DODGE Cart '65 DODGE. DART DeVille, Convertible. AirCond., Full Power- R&H, Auto, Power Steering 4 Door, Radio & Heater, Automatic, Etc. 4 door rodio & heater, automotic, itc, '65 CHRYSLER $897 '68 VW..... $1397 7O'CUD.A'... $3497 Newport 2 Dr. HT, Auto, PS, PB. R&H 2 Dr., Stick Shift, RiH 425 Hemi. 4 Speed Stick, Loaded with '66 DODGE Dart '65 FORD WAGON '66 DODGE $497 '68 COMET ;... $1497 5 ' 2 Door Hardtop, Radio-Healer, FairJane, 9 poitenger, air conditioned, Coronet, 4 Dr.. Radio, Heater, Auto., Power 70 IMPERIAL .....I .". $4997' Automatic, Etc. 2 Dr., Hardtop. Radio. Hester, Automatic, outomolic, pow«r. Steering, White. Power Steering 4 Dr. HT, Air Cond.. Full Power. Like New. '66VW(Bug) $797 TAKE Y 01 R CHOICE Very Economical '66 MUSTANG $797 R&H, Automatic, Etc. '66FALCOH $797 2 Door. Automatic, RIH EARLY 4S •• PER '66 VW WAGON $897 ^•F ^^F MONTH SlationWanon.RiH BIRD .fuli prlc.. el Ih... «r> tiOOOj 36 .quo! m.nlhly pay. '66 CHRYSLER $1197 m»nl> of9 138.90ai pa3r month (Apprsv*d Cradll) annual Newport, 4 Of., air conditioning, radio H EI«'J?*J- * '"•• - *» ••Hmal.d tola I IU.ni> fharaa heater, power steering, power brakes, auto- •400.40; aillmaUd mm •! paymanU f 1400.40. matic. '66 CHRYSLER $1297 SPECIALS! '300' 2 Dr. Hdtop, R&H,Auto..PS. COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION! '66CHEVELLE $1697 tvblibu 2 dr. hardtop, radio, healer, auto, power steering, vinyl roof. REGISTER FOR |'61 THUNDERBRID... $147 ]'62 DODGE WAGON. $197 * |'64 FORD CONV...... $397 MANY I'64 CHEVROLET $397 OTHER PORTABLE |r64 VOLKSWAGEN .. $497 UNADVERTISED DOOR '66 CHEVY 4-DR $597 SPECIALS! No Purchase I'66 FORD $597 * :-'«> PRIZE! >i Necessary!. FREE- REFRESHMENTS! I


Ml SHOW UKI 1AHGIU (H« 'WIS fl fMOUlH 7OO RT. 36, EATONTOWN 5a2-55OO DIAlll Or)l0ll«fU|(||!IW IMISUfC Directly Across From MV. Inspection Station 1 4 Mile East Of Monmouth Shopping Center DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK-MIDDLETOWN, N. JUTHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1970- 29 LOST AND PUBLIC NOTICE AUTOMOTIVE im Am vmm mm FOB urn MOB. lieward. eiL#ta. FOUND.- Male aable collie, apprcxi. SHOWING mately wifl year. New Monvotttta. aay '•*«••• « th~ abovt tHra* <«we- LOOT — 4 year old (111111 tan dog. re. Phone 171-2036. • O tlon*. call 8(l-M«CNo credit brob- mile, ebort hair, wutlni green collar, lema that you maf have had In the head. Answers to "Qoldle." Hit will be a problem, to our credit TIM Fuocm nmxenon -.««» AND PUBLIC NOTICE specialist. Small down payment nia/ ead tued eui In Monmoutli County. GREMLIN CU be woulred. CALL JiOWl M2-MM. O»er 100 »tr-eomUtiotted mgir c«rii h WE CAN HELP. r KOCH. MCOLOIN BUlCR-OWiX. fflC, NEW FOR 1971 TOTJND — Germasaawwarn shepherd, male. MRS. FATIMA Blirew«t>uJ7 Av«.. t*» SbreweBuir. But KeitntHiri. Hoidwrtlng analyst!) reading: Hthdu .MANOR, AUTB ACCEPTANCE 7(I-6iOO . : 787-4637 SERVICE Indian Tarot card reading specialist. 162 E. Newman Springs Rd., Red Bank TWIN BOBO UOTOKS" LJftD KICT SPORTABOUT LO3T — Female beagle-type dog black Readings 9 a.m.-9 p.m. For more In- Jeep B


ORDER YOURS TODAY! $2594* We Sell IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON ALL 1971 MODELS ' * PLUS FREIGHT I MERCEDES-BENZ Reliable - Dependable MORE DISCOUNTS ON ALL 1970 LEFTOVER MODELS! 'Cause We rHORNETS' JAVELINS • REBELS •AMBASSADORS SALES and SERVICE Our Customers Agree SELL FOR $im UP TO $800 OFF! PLUS FREIGHT , Experience Counts LESS MERCEDES-BENZ TWIN-BORO MOTORS Since 1957 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. 747-0040 RED BANK RAMBLER SELECT USED CARS 1 1969 THUNDERBIRD 1970 REBEL $2875 1967 OLDSMOBJLE $1575 MURPHY & DAVISON Two-door Landau. Air conditioned. Wagon. Automatic, radio, heater, power steering, factory air. Convertible, automatic, full power* radio and heater, 1970 REBEL ,. : $2395 1966 COMET : $1295 (just north of Freehold Circle) $3895 2-door hardtop. Automatic, radio, heater. ' , . Cyclone 4-speed. V-8, radio, heater, A real black beauty. 1969 COBRA ...$2295 Ford. 42B, power disc brakes, automatic, power steering. 1966 TRIUMPH _ $ 595 HIGHWAY 9 462-5300 FREEHOLD TOM'S FORD 1969 VOLKSWAGEN $1675 Two-door convertible. Red. ; Automatic, radio, heater, two-door, Green. ' 1966 T-BIRD. Air Conditioned , '. $1295 1969 PLYMOUTH $2395 Two-door hardtop, automatic, power steering, power broke*. 1969 MERCURY Fury III, four-door, automatic, radio, heater* power stwrlng, factory air conditioned. 1966 FORD :.. .$ 875 Marquis, 2-door hdlp.. Burgundy .with black vinyl roof, V-8, au. Falrlcme SOD two-door, V-8, radio, Iwater. 1969 REBEL $2150 tomatic trammisiion, P.5. 4-door wagon. Auto. Radio, heater. 1965 CHRYSLER .$1150 1968 AMBASSADOR .. $1495 Newport two-door hardtop, air conditioning, power (tiering, power brake*. $2795 Foundoor tedan. Automatic, radio and heater. 1965 COMET .$ 795 1968 MERCURY : . ..$ 1875 Four-door. Automatic, radio, heater, V-8. TOM'S FORD Monteoo MX. Four-door, automatic, radio, heater. P.S. factory air. 1965 AMBASSADOR $ 895 1968 RAMBLER $1295 Four-door sedan, power steering, air conditioned. American. Two-door, radio/ heattr.' 1967 FORD LTD „ $1595 1965 BARRACUDA . , $ 575 1968 CHEVROLET 2-door hardtop. Automatic, full power, vinyl top. Radio, healer. V-8, standard, radio and heater. : • Impale, 2-door hardtop, gray with black vinyl roof, V-8, au- tomatic transmission. NO STRIKE HERE! $1995 DonH Miss Our Second ...... It's Business As Usual. We Have TOM'S FORD IN STOCK AND READY '71 OLDSMOBILES FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1968 BUICK •Big Savings- Price Guaranteed • I'Skylark, 2-door hardtop. V.8. ||l automatic transmission, Blua. iim ON ALL 1970 OLDSMOBILE IF YOU ORDER A 1971 OLDSMOBILE EXECUTIVE CARS AND DEMONSTRATORS BEFORE THE STRIKE IS SETTLED. , $2295

1970 CADILLAC 1969 CADILLAC 1968 CADILLAC TOM'S FORD COUPE DeVILLE FLEETWOOD BROUGHAM SEDAN DeVILLE Red with white vinyl top and Burgundy with black vinyl top Dark blue with black vinyl -top white' leather Interior. Fully and black cloth Interior. Ex- and matching Interior. A beauti- 1967 FORD cellent condition throughout. Fully ful one owner cor. Fully equipped •quipped Including stereo radio, equipped with all the extra's in- with all the extras including ! Galaxie "500", 2-door hardtop, tllt-wheal ond FAC- ff/«iOC For the Month of November Only! cluding FACTORY frCCOC FACTORY AIR CjiiOC V-8, automatic transmission, TORY AIR COND. ?0*t I 79 ! power iteerlng. Maroon. : Ask for Bill Decker Ask for,..8iH t Ask for Bill Decker • • - • 1969 CADILLAC 1969 OLDSMOBILE 1968 PONTIAC $1695 ELDORADO DELTA CUSTOM "»«" ,VV( GRAND PRIJt Silver with block vinyl too and 2-door hardtop, chestnut' brown'. "White wltli block vinyl top and TOM'S FORD , black learner Interior.* Excellent "Atm-matching vinyl Interior ond red vinyl bucket seats. Excel- condition • throughout. Fully matching • vinyl, top. Fully lent condition. Fully equipped equipped with all the.extras in- equipped with oil the extras. Including FACTORY COAOC cluding FACTORY CtrOC Excellent condition ftOQOC AIR CONDITIONING. 9*479 1968 FORD AIR CONDITION. 9?3'9 throughout. ^^O* ^ Ask for Fred Koeser Ask for Dennis Cregan AiklfV Dennis Cregan 11 LTD, 2-door hardtop, V-8, auto- "THE BETTER SMALL CAR' I, matic transmission, power steer- 1 How do you make aa bettor small £• 1969 CADILLAC 1968 LINCOLN • ifM/CADILLAC ing, White with black vinyl SEDAN DeVILLE CONTINENTAL jroof. car? M&rcury's got the answer. Take Four-door hardtop, Gold with Block with black vinyl roof and black vinyl top and gold leather Turquoise with turquoise cloth the best small car ideas, like easy Interior. Excellent condition Interior. A beautiful luxury car. Interior, tilt-wheel. A beautiful $1995 throughout, fully equipped jnctud* Fully equipped with all the ex' car fn 'every respect. Fully COMET FOR 1971 handling, simplified maintenance, low Ing electric door locks, stereo, tra's Including FACTORY AIR equipped Including FACTORY radio and FACTORY CONDITION. TOM'S FORD price and great gas mileage. RE- AIR CONDITION. CONDITION. $4395 Aik for Tom Kegelman Aik for Alan Holiey Ask for Alan Holiey SULT: The all new Comet for 1971. 1968 THUNDERBIRD PRICES START AT Landau, air conditioned, full 741-0910 power. Light blue with black vinyl roof. 2217 RUSSELL 100 Newman Springs Road $2995 OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC CO. RED BANK TOM'S FORD

I 1968 MERCURY Monterey, 2-door hardop. Light blua with black vinyl roof, V-8, BRAND NEW automatic transmission, power | steering. BETTER IDEAS MAKE BETTER CARS! $1995 Yes ... NOVEMBER marks the start of our 3rd year as your LINCOLN MERCURY DEALER. TOM'S FORD During this month, we will be giving you the most outstanding buys ever on all MONTER- EYS • MARQUIS • COUGARS • MONTEGOS • COMETS ... plus extra special savings 71 DUSTER 1967 LINCOLN on every used car in stock. Won't you please help us SELL-E-BRATE. Come visit the dealer Continental, 4-door. whits with .who really cares about you! black leather Interior, air con- ditioned, full power. $2795 USED CAR PRICES LIKE NEVER BEFORE' TOM'S FORD Dealer Prep, and Freight MERCURY 13845 1969 FORD $2295 1969 LINCOLN $4395 1968 DODGE $1895 Additional Marquis. Four-door hardtop. V-B. Galoxle 500. 4 door hardtop. V-8. Continental. 4-door sedan. V-S. Poloro. Convertible. Red, white 1965 CHRYSLER Automatic transmission, air con- Automatic transmission/ power Automatic transmission, air con- ditioning, power brakes, and top. Whit* vinyl Interior. Extra Imperial, 4-door hardtop, black, steering. Light blue, vinyl Interior.. ditioning. Full power. Yellow with sharp. steering. Maroon. Black vinyl top Black vinyl top. Low mileage, new leather Interior. Black vinyl top. fully powered including air con- and Interior. Low mileage, one rubber, on* owner. Automatic cruise control. dition. owner. 1967 BUICK $2395 $ 1969 PONTIAC $3395 Electro. 4-door hardtop. Blue* $1895 1970 MERCURY $3245 19(9 LINCOLN $4195 Grand Prix. 2-door hardtop. V-8. black vinyl top. Vinyl Interior. Air •BT 1971 SCAMP 2211 r Cougar. 2-door hardtop. V-8. Auto- Continental. 4-door sedan. V-8. Automatic transmission, crfr con- conditioned., . . Dearer Prep, ond Freight Additional. matic transmission* q|r condition- Automatic transmission, Air con* ditioned. Power steering, ond TOM'S FORD ing, power steering and brakes. brakes. Gold with vinyl Inferior. dltloned. Full power. Silver/ with One owner. Gold with vinyl Interior and black leather Interior, One owner. vinyl top. Low mileage, one 1967 LINCOLN $2295 TOP QUALITY-SALE PRICED USED CARS owner. Continental. 4 door ledan. While, 1969 FORD $2495 turquoise Interior. Full power. Air MANY OTHERS I 1969 MERCURY $2195 Cobra. FastbacK- V-B. Automatic. conditioned. '69 PLYMOUTH $2395 '68 FORD $1495 '67 PLYMOUTH $1495 1970 MERCURY $2895 Montego. 4-door sedan. V-8. Auto- Power stcerlnn. Maroon. Satellite, vinyl roof. Falrlane, automatic transmission. Fury III, auto., power steering. TO CHOOSE FROM I Montcgo MX. 4-door sedan. VS. matic transmission, power Steer- Automotlc transmission, air con- Ing. Blue with vinyl interior. Low 1969 MERCURY $3495 1967 COLONY PRK $1995 '69 IMPERIAL $3795 '68 CHRYSLER $2595 •67 CHEVROLET $1595 ditioning, power brakes and steer- mileage. One owner. Colony Park., 10, passenger wagon. Pull power, air condition. "300" Fully iqulpped, air cortd. I m pa la, V-8, automatic trans. ing, Cream with , vinyl Interior Vinyl top. Luggage rack. Air Nine passenger wagon. Air con- POPULAR PARTS ond black vinyl top, Low mlleagg. conditioned. AM-FM radio. ditioned. '69 PLYMOUTH $2395 •68 DODGE $1550 '66 CHRYSLER $ 995 FOR ALL CARS! Oni owner, 1969 MERCURY $2595 Fury III. automatic Irons. Dart, dcyllndsr, automatic. Newport, full power, air cond- Alia "Muscle Parti" Montego MX. 2-door hardtop. V-8. 1968 BUICK $ $2550 1966 MUSTANG $1395 '69 PLYMOUTH $2695 '67 PONTIAC $1595 •66 MUSTANG $ 995 "Hl-P«r Partt" 1970 FORD $2850 Automatic transmission, air con- Wildcat. 4-door hardtop. White. Two-door hardtop. V-!. Automatic, Torino. 2-door hardtop. V-8. Auto- ditioning, power steering. Yellow Black vinyl top. Chrome wheels. power iteerlng, belne. Sport Fury, air conditioned. Catulina, V-8, auto., vinyl roof. Convertible, V-8, automatic. matic transmission,, bucket seats, with vinyl Interior ond black vinyl power tteerlng, console. Blue with top., Low mlliooe, one owner.. 1968 PLYMOUTH $1895 '68 COUGAR $2150 "67 CHEVROLET $1650 •65 CHEVY II $950 vinyl Interior. Low mUeooc. One, Satellite. ,5lx passenger wagon. V-8- V-B, aulomallc transmission. Chevy II, air conHtloned. Station wagon, automatic. owner. Automatic, power iteerlng, nlr 1966 FORD $985 DAILY FORD conditioned. Country Squire.. VS. Automotlc, 1969 CONTINENTAL $5850 power tteerlng, white. MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM 1969 MERCURYv $2395 Mark III. 2-door. hdrdtop. V-8. RENTALS Monterey. 2-door hardtop. V-J. Automatic transmission^ air con- 1968 LINCOLN $3395 ditioning. Full power. Maroon. Four-door sedan. Turquolsei leather Maily llentain — Lony Term Leamny Automatic transmlMlon, power 1 1968 MERCURY $2295 brakes and steering. Red with Leather Interior- Black nylon top. Interior . Block; vinyl top. Air con- Colony Park wagon. Nina pas* vinyl Interior ond W- V-8 automatic. Power door maculate Chevrolet MM V»n. TIT-Tltl after i p.m. S64-OBO5. brakes, steering. 32,000 miles. «Four four, tides «-!. Tatle, Pldllr- •' KITSON CBXVROLBT OO. CIRCLE CHEVROLET Urea under 3,000 miles. New exhaust TRIUMPH — 1968. British green. Low hoganygay., sink. IncludeIoc.ludea^tws tw*o ifntl. two B»y. M Eatontown 3» Mapl« Ave. Red Banl No hidden problem!. J850. 871-1933 cbcob, , Iceboxc , folding slvvj, tarp.Oy, RECORDING. UBBVICB — Wei , MMMO i 741-3M0 MERCURY — 1951 tour-door »edan. heaterhtr , llantern, porUbl* toilet. «J»». wHrmitloni. political, ronrtnillm Standard shut. Less than 60.000 ml. 1956 CADILLAC — Like new. Air condl. ^41-4377. ing) tape or disc, demo-raeords S'eetln Borne work. 550. Call 741-8128 af- tloned. Full •-' •• - -rMSlngs. B» appoln^tf AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE :er 4:30 p-m. MOTORCYCLES BEE A "RUSSELL MAN" — For the TOWN * COUNTRT DOOOI >est cur buys. RUSSELL OKUmohlle- !«A . Four :Sl-»28« st. Call for estimates Hlirh qualltf speed. Two tops. Mac wheels. Good con. 1 _ Towne Chevrolet dltlon. 11,200. 747-OH7. • 1970 HONDA 450 — Scrambler ; Must ^k, reasonable rates. J29-5259. M Are. AtlanUo Highlands CU1 291-1101 1969 QTX PLYMOUTH UD — Pour "• m-5»« !962 FALCON STATION WAGON — •Deed. Oreen vinyl roof. Ma««. Low EMPLOYMENT Massed Inspection In July. Beat offer mileage, iSccellent condition. 542-8185. iver s.100, 946-4806 after 6 p.m. CHALLENGER - 1970 convertible. MOBILE HOMES HELP WANTED —FEMALE Power. Brand new. 12995. 1971 OPELS "PLEASE TAKE Call 747 -S565. Holly Hill Mobile Home Rales SAfcBSLADY - Children s wear.Bx 'Jersey's FlKest-Selectlon" lerlence a "must." Hours can J>«*r OUR CAR" JB8J CORVKTTB — 327, 340 h.p. four, Delta-Holly Park Windsor ranged. Apply In person. YOUTH CTCN speed. Bronze, new paint and tires. Five TEH? 20 Broad St.. Bed' Bank. DELIVERED Just married, must sacrifice 1S65 Cragar majrs. $1350 or best offer. 787. Used 8 * 10 wides excellent $ Bulck Skylark. 310 cu, In,, 300 h.p., for hunting or aid lodges. • LADIES — Earn extra money. A grjal 6255 or 2S4-370S alter » p.m. + N.J. Sales Tax rear air shocks. Htereo tape system Route #35 .So. Amboy, N.J. spare time or full time opportunity. Call 1795 standard floor shltt. NEVER RACED' 1966 JAGUAR — 3.8B. J1850. Leather Phone 721-5858 787-2818, We owe $650 but we'll take the beat bucket seata. Four-speed. 40,000 miles. Open Mon.-Sat. • a.m. to.7 p.m. ' offer, or take over one year loan excellent condition. 542-7525. (3 miles Seuth of Edison Br.) SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR,„-»«•*. •all 493-4064 nr 542-0215 after 6 p.m. perienced. Steady-work. W ihlft. Hunt PONTIAC — Convertible. A-l con. VKNTUBA 10x55—Completely *ur. ^ekends. T41-470a ^ -...-• • 963 MERCURY — Factory air condl. ,.75C,W nlsbed. Two bedrooms awning. 85,500. .ioning Asking S25O. Call 4954897. 1 Call 787-8559. 1866 PLYMOUTH SIX — Belvedere 1968 NEW MOON — 12x57, three bed EXPERIENCED NURSES AIDE wagon, standard shift. Best offer, 566. rooms, unfurnished. $3500. Day aiid Evening Shifts; AUTOS FOR SALE 8808. ' Implication now being accepted.'call BUICK — 1964 Parklane diatom, all oV appointment, «71«77. HflltopHt- 9 ACRES power, seats, ateerlng, brakes, win. 'ate Nursing Home. Mlddletown'.!"' dows. Low mileage. Excellent condition. TRACTORS 542-8185. FULL TIME SECRETARY -r. of NEW and USED CARS FORD TRACTOR — With bucket fice. Experience preferred bu ONLY $99.00 EACH •'MYhjrnl MYtorn I Mommy said rt.8 new cup PONTIAC — GTO 1967. Excellent condl. loader, with rototlller in1 rear, $T50. Call quired. Write to Box T-178, * M tlon. Air conditioning, power steering, 4. 542-554S between 7-10 or weekends. teglster. Red Bank. "Over 100 Used Cars to Clioose From" speed. 11300. * •spehcer is for EVERYBODY 1 : PBRMAMJNT AND TBMPORJM 1963 PLYMOUTH TOP TRAM? ALLOW ANCB — gu- i ACB BHPLOYMINT AOBNCT perb Service. D0WNE1 PONTIAC, « WANTED-AUTOMOTIVE 20 Thomaa Ava. 747-2494 Shrewsbury Two-door. Automatic, radio, L»wer Main St., Matawan. 566.2289. AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOB SALE CASH FOR USED OARS — Trucks, LADIES - Barn *50 for 8 hours *ork. heater. j 8 DODGE CHARGER — Hardtop foreign or domestic. Dean, opposite Noexperlence necessary. No In- 1965 PONTIAC TBMPEST — Convert coupe Maroon wltii black vinyl top. Two Guys, Mlddletown. 671-9B44. vestment, tanvasslng or collecting. Use REPROCESSED CARS lble. Original owner. Driven leaa tear Bucket seats, mag wheels. $1895. Call or Car helpful. Beellne Fashions, phone 5,000 mllei a year. Well kept. No deal, 222-1234. WE DON'T SELL JUNK — 229-2646 or 222-0494. WOW! 1962 FORD Little or no cash required. CALL ers please. 7414)374, Nor do wa buy It — SHOWROOM CARS STRAUB'S WEEKLY NOW, 842-646S, FOR IMMEDIATE BAY8H0RK CHRT8LEH-PLYM0UTH RN — Two nights per week, 11 W *r;30 Four-door. Automatic, Radio, »• 1965 OLD8MOBILB — F-S5 four-door ee, First Avr, AtlanUc. Highlands W« do buy eleah, tata model cars a.m. Apply at Monmouth Convalescent CREDIT. 39i-»200 at top dollar. See or call WALL 1970 CHEVROLET • SPECIALS •. heater. 1966 Chrysler Newport, lull power. dan. V-8 automatic, power steering, LINCOLN-MBRCUB?. 74T-S400, Center. 229 Bath, Long Branch. •;.-.. Two-door hardJop, v-8, auto- 1969 Ford Galaxie "a*' hmrdtop, fao- power brakes. Must jell. 787-9473. 1968 DODOS MONACO Four-door 3BNBRAL OFFICE WORKER —.Same matic transmission, power lory air, full power , CHE VROLBT — Nine passenger static hardtop. Air, vinyl top, full power. Per. CARS WANTED — We . pay top $1 icokkeeplng and IBM Keypunch ex. (leering, vinyl roof, factory 1969 OPEL 1066 Rambler Ambassador Wagon, wagon. 1888 Caprice, Fully equipped, Tect condltloa 8-5 p.m. 264-9990,. After for clean lued cars. Call Mr. Vincent >erience preferable. Permanent, posi. air condition. 4 1961 MERCURY equipped. Excellent buy. Can be eeen at the F«h i. 264-1834. M2-M0O. Ion, medical and retirement benefits. "GT", 4-speed transmission, 1986 Bulck Skylark, convertible, full roury Bros,, Kt 36, Neptune. Norwood Dlstribikprs, 629 Broadway. radio and rear speaker. : Four-door. Automatic, radio, * power. 88 396 CHEVELLE — 1968. Blue. Four, JUNK CARS Long Branch..222-3804. 1 ipeed. Reasonable^. , ' ^ *46°5 NOW $3195 h«at«r. ' * 1966 Chevrolet Impala, hardtop, full 264-1195 PICKBD UP 1970 ELECTRA WAS $2595 $ZZ75 power. SCENIC CAR,SALES WIO STYLIST — Must have experience. 1965 Mustang, hardtop,; automatic Apply LADY ARLENE, lower leveT l of Custom, hardtop, V-8, automatic Hwy. 38 ' 872-0221 Highlands CHEVROLET BEL AIR — 1965. Low Twinbrook Auto Wrecking the Mall, Red Bank. 842-5400. ; ;' Mora to eheet* from at similar tranamlaslon, ' .. 1964 CHEVROLET IMPALA — Convert mileage. ,500. transmission, power steering, 1965 Chevrolet Impala, convertible, full Eatontown 542-2235 MANAGER FOR WIG SALON —; MUlt windows and seat, vinyl roof 1970 PLYMOUTH lble. V8 automatic. Looks good, r Belvedere. 2-door hardtop, auto: LOW PRICES. * 1965° Tempett, air conditioning, full; good. »65O or beat offer. 264-3330. COUNTRY sqUIRB — 1965. Ten-pas- QET CASH FOR TOUR FOREION- be experienced stylist and salesgirl, An. end factory air condition. senger. Air conditioned. Power steering. ANO SPORTS OARS AT MONMOUTH ply LADY ARLENE. lower level of the matte transmission, &230C equipped. Quick sale, 842-4437. . Mall, Red Bank. 842-5400. power steering* V-B.if"wT3 1962 Ford Country Squire Wagon, full 1970 CADILLAC MOTORS. INC.. Hwy. 35, Eatontown, MOW NOW $4895 C JOY AUTO SALES $ power Coupe deVllle. 6,000 mllei, GH ex-FORD 1969 — Oalaxle V-8. Factory air. MAIDS -- Full *nd part-time positions 1969 PONTIAC 1962 Chrynler New Yorker, full power, ecutive' car. $5900. power, 19,000 miles. $2375. Private. available with good salary, pleasant MANOR AUTO ACCEPTANCE AUTO PARTS—REPAIRS working-conditions and fringe bianeflt Bonnevlllc, hardtop, V-8, auto- 1968 CADILLAC 150 Shrewsbury Aye., Red BankJ program. Contact Personnel Ott!r>. matic transmission, power SERVICE 842-2542 Coupe DeVUIs, convertible, 162 E. Newman Bprlngi Rd., Red Bank 1965 BUICK GRAN SPORT — Con- FOUR CYLINDER L-UBAD — Jeep ei Rlvervlew Hospital, 741-2700, Ext. 225. steering,, vinyl roof* factory air U5T FAIHLANHS TORD •— Twb-«oo vertlble V8. Excellent condition. $800. sine 46-64, three-speed transmission. for an interview. An equal opportunity condition. nj. Uke tilAE 741-1323 white. CTA. 390, 335 h.p. Mag wheel Call 8(2-2825. employer. Oolng Into the'aervlce. must aeU. Call Transfer case, live front and rear axles, AUTO FOR SALE 741-87SJ after«. . • ' CHEVROLET — 1963 Impala. Hardtop. 548 Cambridge Ave. Union Beach. COSMETICIAN — To work In Drug J55OO NOW $3195 R Running condition. Needs work. $150, 348 CHEVROLET RACING ENGINE— store. Red Bank-Mlddletown area: FJva 1969 OPEL JAVELIN 1968 — Low mileage. X: 291-9305 after 4:30 p.m. , All new parts. Two FoUra, cam, etc. day week. Good pay. Write, stating ' 1970 PLYMOUTH cellest condition Best offer. qualifications, to Box Y-148, The Dally Belvedere, 2-door, V-B, auto* Four-speed ' ClAOE • • Call 741-43S3; B64 THUNDERBmn — Converting For details, call 747-9094 after 6 p.m. 1Ixcellent condition inside and out Cal Register, Red Banh. i__ matte - transmission, power transmission. * I "173 747-U20. steering. IMS PONTIAC — Grand Prix, 1069 Lin. coin Continental, Mark III. Excellent DATSUN — 1965 wagon. 33,000 ml. AUTO RENTALS DENTAL HYSIENIST WAS C930C 196S VOLKSWAGEN condition. Call evenings after 7. 671. Four-*peed. Newtlrea. $550. Two days a week. We are 1 twit Inn THE 8167. - ICall 74,1-0119 TOM'S FORD for a personable young lady who can S320O NOW 9«£379 "Beetle" equipped <£ OOC 1967 CHEVELITE — Must sell. Beat of work well with others and who i* in. 1949 CHEVROLET with radio. * 773 fer, V-8 283 four-speed. 671-3295 after 1B69 CHEVY II SS — 396-375 h.p. Auto RENT A CAR terented In participating In a j)n>. p.m. motor redone, new Cheater cam, new venlive dentistry practice. WrH«' P,O, Mollbu, 2-door hardtop, V-l, AP. wheels and Firestone drag 500 200 Awj. 36 9M-1M0 Keyport ' automatic transmtsslan, power slicks, t24pO. or tient offer. 946-4896. Box 153, Red BanJt. ..;'. 1968 FORD USED SCHOOL BUSES — Converi steering. yourself. Werner's Automotive,. Hwy 36, 1968 BUICK — Convertible GS400. Menjr BOATS AND ACCESSORIES $2595 NOW $2295 Falcon Future, station wagon, feelford. 787-3600. extras lnctudlnc tape player and posi- SEWING — MACHINE automatic transmission, 6- PONTIAC CATAUNA — Two-door >i tive traction differential. $2100. Cal 1959 25' BRIBTEL OPEN SKIFF - 19*9 BUICK dan.19M.cn 342-1886 after 6 p.m. OPERATORS cylinder, white with red vinyl 1971 Recently overhauled. 170 h.p. Gray Ma. Single needle, merrow, and blind- Riviera, V-8, automatic trans- Interior and C1COC 1965 CHEVROLET — Impala. 4-door rlne engine. Sleeps two. Head, alnk stitch operators, to work on car mission, power steerinOr win- radio. $ I 973 1968 BUICK — LeSabre. 1900. Call afti nardtop. stick. Post-traction rear. Aak depth Under, winter cover. Would like to dows and seat, vinyl roof and sell reasonably. Call days, 842-1900, Ext coats. Union shop, 35 hours per week. 4 p.m. Ing $650. 787-1865. • 321. after 6, 671-2856. Shore Coat Co., Inc., 26 Bridge Ave>, factory air' condition, 291-9306. JEEP — C J5, 4-wheel drive, V6, Meyera Red Bank. 1968 PONTIAC BUHLER 4 BITTER ' plow, low mileage, many extras. Mus1 18' BHELCRAFT — Convertible top. $4)95 NOW $3695 PLYMOUTH — CHRT8LBR Side curtains. 35 h.p. Mercury outboard. COOKS — Tbree, to work nights. Ap- Safari, station wagon, V-8, sell. Alter 6 p.m. 747-9050. In excellent condition. Full cover for ly In person only. Mermaid Dtner. 1969 CHRYSLER automatic transmission, power 3J90 Hwy. 36, Hazlet. 3M-01W 1962 RAMBLER — Station wagon. Auto, winter storage. Many extras. Must sell, [wy 36, Le onardo. Newport, hordtop, V-8, auto- steering, factory ger boat. 842-2437. RELIABLE WOMAN — To work In fast matic transmission, power air condition. , ?«l*f73 conaiUon. «1400. O • Call 566-9581 after « p.m. food-service restaurant. Answering tele. steering, vinyl root and fac- Call 291-0933. 16' CHRIS CRAFT — 120 h.p. speedboat 1069 VOLVO — Station wagon. Excellent with ladder, life preserver, trailer am phones, taking verbal orders and geher. tory air condition. VOLK8WAOEN1968 — Three.seal top. $1900. 291-9266. al behlnd.the-counter duties. Excellent wagon. Good commuter or service ve. condition, low mileage. wages. Weekend work Included. AHPly 1965 CHEVROLET hlole. Asking 11475. 671-0940. Call 566-0818. 1961 OWENS CABIN CRUISER —Mi In person. Please do NOT call. CHICK. 13195 NOW $2695 Mallbu, 2-door hardtop, V-8, hogany hull, 327 Chevy engine; sleeps EN DELIGHT, 1300 Hwy S5, Middle, 1963 VOLKSWAGEN — Sun roof, radio. MG MIDGET 1068 — Needs back — ir. 787-1172 after 5 p.m. town. ' :-" automatic transmls- (1 AQC Excellent condition, low mileage, very sprlng.1, Owner In service. Best offer. slon, power steering,9 • U73 good Urea. J70O. 741-2322. Call 741-6110. eves. 7:304:30, Sat. alt EV1NRUDE — IV, h.p. Excellent condl. OPPORTUNITY OPEN — For con. ALL CARS ARE HERE! Uon, $75. Call cay. ^_^__ genial, experienced, full charge book, 'Above — Balanct of M 1968 CHBVROI/ET CORVETTE — 427. > 8(2-2059 keeper. Red Bank area. Replies con- 1969 CHEVROLET Poil-rear. Four-speed.'$3,695. Call 291. RENAULT B-10 —1988 fidential. Write to Box T-197, The 0228. ' Very clean . WANT BOAT AND TRAILER — Pay Dally Register. Red Bank. 5-Yr. or 50.000 Mallbu, 2-door hordtop, V-8, Call 741-7583 after 6 p.m. cash. Must be 'bargain for resell. Boat SEE THEM TODAY .. 1967 PONTIAC — LeMans convertible. motors wanted. 787-6180.. Mile Warranty automatic transmls- ftOOAC Blue, white top, automatic, buckets, 1968 CHEVROLET — Bel Air Wagon. CLERK-STENOORAPHBR45 ' slon, power steering. 9«> * 9 console, power ateerlng. After 4 p.m. 24.000 miles. Excellent condition. SO95. 23' "DOLPHIN" FIBEROLAS — 200High school graduate experienced!;,55 call 671-2626. 264-4276. h;p. stern drive. Loaded with extras. In. hour week, good starting salary, steady eluding trailer with electric winch. employment Apply personnel, New. Jer. 1964 CORVAIR — $75 or best offer. 26* 1965 IMPALA CHEVROLET — In. Beautiful. $8900. 842-4634-or see at 64 sey state Hospital. Marlboro, »<«-«J(>0 Main St., Fort Monmouth. eluding mow tires. $950. Allen St.. Rumaon. Ext 425. 787-1831 JB7-S160. 25' FIBEROLAS SLOOP — Excellenl SALESGIRL — Experienced fine lew. 1970 PLYMOUTH FURY HI — PullJ PONTIAC—1968 Firebird S5O. AM-FM condition, built 1970. Call 747-1591 elry, Oood salary. Part-time. 229'1654. RED BANK mipped Vinyl top. Air conditioner stereo tape player, reverb, radial tlrea from 9 to 5. Call between 10-5. 'on In raffle.- Cost *4,250 — Asklm dual exhaust. Must sacrifice. 767-4905. J3.30O. Call 229-0037. THOMPSON LAPHTRAITE — 19'. 8! WAITRESSES—Evenings. Apply la per* 1952 DODOE — Low mileage. $75. Call h.p.Evlnrude.. "35- hours, Tandem axl •on after 5 p.m. LUIOI'S FAMOUg-PK- FORD — 1940. Built up 327 Cragei after 6 and weekends. trailer. Sacrifice. 542-3405. ZAS. «7 Middle Rd., Hazlet. MU.eada,,? 741-2199. BLUE JAY — Olson built. Good condl. BUICK-OPEL AUTO IMPORTS 1956 CHEVROLET — 327 cu. In. Head, tlon. Two sets of sails, paddle, tiller and KEYPUNCH OPERATORS 1969 BODOB CHARQKR — Spadal Bfll. era, 425 cam, four-barrel, ttiree-apeec rudder, plus spinnaker rigging. Foui FULL TIME, TOP DOLLAR! Uon. Call Hurst. PoaUear. 741-1561. years old. Reasonable asking price. Call Immediate -openings 4n - Brunswick HWY. 35 264-4000 KEYPORT AUTHORIZED DEALER 964-7922 1961 MERCURY — 9-pan.ienger wagon 747-4380 after 4:30p.m. an J Holrade\ a was,. Car- required.' Automatic. 54,000 miles. New tires, L J. GONKrfASSOC. Newman Springs Rd. 741-5886 Red Bank l?69 CAT1ALINA Phone 671-0074. INVENTORY. CLEARANCE Two-door -hardtop. Gold wttli blacl First Merchants Bank Building, r top. In beautiful condition. Factor FORD THUNDERBIRD — 1965. Very NEW AND USED Route 35 at Laurel Ave, Vi air. See It now and save! good condition. (near Llly-Tullp) Holmdel, 9)6-4701MHW)' Call 747-3660 SAILBOATS BEAUTICIAN WANTED — Part*mart-Ume RASSAS PONTIAC FORD — 196S Country Sedan. Smal MONMOUTH SAILING CENTER Some experience. Main St., Mara 395 Broad St. 1741-5180 Red Ban V-8. Power steering, automatic, brake West St. Monmouth Beach 222-3491 wan. Call 583-1465 between 9-5.T * Bves,.- until 9 and tires like new. bust sell. Call 775. 17' BOAT MUDICAL RECEPTIONIST — Fuller 1969 FORD TORINO —128 Cobra, 1239! 0490 after B p.m. or all day weekends. With motor. No reasonable offer re- part-time. Experienced, mature, collegi 1968 OPEL KADETT, 13.000 mllei 1969 ROAD RUNNER — Must sell. Fou fuaed. Call 741-6909. background preferred. Top salary. Bin. like new, 671-5416. speed. Mint condition. J1800, Call 767 -iflts. Send resume and references 4o McGLOIN BUICK-OPEL INC. 4511-atter 6:30. 1963 LIGHTNINO SAILBOAT — Wood. Box^a-211, The Dally Register," Sed LINCOLN 1967'— Vinyl roof,.leather fn Needs some work. Two sets of sails, ";. AM. 1961 CHRYSLER V8 — New trans trailer. $900 firm. 842-3543, Dave, 6-K mission. Runs perfect. Four new tires p.m. NURSES' AIDBS-7 to 3:30, full-time. FOR SALE —1962 Oldsmoblle F-85 Cul Reasonable. Call after 6, 747-6094. 28W OLSEN SKIFF—Must sell cheap, EMERY. MANOR EXTENDED CARE lasa hardtop. Power steering, brakef FOR BALE — 1966 Rambler Classic. moving Call between 5-7 p.m. FACILITY, Matawan. 666-6<0O. ^^ automatic, V8. Best offer over (300. Ca Four-door hardtop. Automatic trans, 872-0141. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY i 671-2628 after 6. mission. Radio and heater.. Two new x Challenging opportunity with major car. 1982 MORGAN — Plus 4, good condition snow tires. Excellent second car. Call ON DISPLAY poration. Must have exceptional steno 872-0520 after 6:30 p.m. ana typing skills. Salary commensurate 46.000 miles, black with red Interior, tot THE 1971 SELF-RESCUE FIBERGLAB with experience. Outstanding working vlua tonneau. 671-1658. 1970 NOVA 83396 — 4-sDeed. Posltrac conttltlons In unusual surroundings In NOW ON DISPLAY 1989 CHEVROLET STATION WACO] tlon Rally wheels. Full guarantee trans 'BLUEJAY Ocean Township. Car to and from work1 Automatic, power steering. Call ferrablc. 691-9511. . ) $1195 necessary. Send resume to BoxT-199 7(1-4384. TURNABOUT M-SCOW The Dally Register, Red Bank. 1960 FORD WAGON — V-S. Has had ex Special Introductory purchase 1M5 VOLKSWAGEN ~ Radio, all ne cellentcare. Snow tires. $200. ALL NEW FIBER0LA8 W00DPU88' BABYSITTER NEEDED — In -my Hres. 1595 or best reasonable offer. Ca Call 747-9138 home. Eatontown area. 9 to 6, Mon.-Frl T87-IS85. 1066 KARHANN OHIA — $S00. •AILFISH 8NAPIR 420 SUNFISH Call 842*754. ,\ * 1963 RAMBLER WAGON — Six, shlfl Phone AH Turnabout parts DENTAL ASSISTANT — No evenings Good transportation. $150. 291-9162 FITTINGS — OUTBOARD One-glrl office. Excellent salary. Send Call 891-1326 after 5:30 p.m. RIGGING WORK resume to Box W-20O, The Dally Regli. 1080 METROPOLITAN (NaiH) — Con. Sobstad sails Trallex Tralltr, ter. Red Bank. .,..,; GREAT LITTLE 1957 VOLKSWAGB vertlble, will consider offers, but $5Q USED SAILBOATS Convertible. Excellent running cond! wins It. 747-2515. M-Scow S1850 Lipjhtning $960 DENTAL — Assistant-Receptionist for 1971 OPEL KADETT flon. Good ahaps all around. 1325. 741 1850 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL USED LISTINGS NEEDED Freehold office. Experience not essen. S425. Straight 6, four door sedan. 3uggest en- tlal. Write Box G-213, The Dally Reila. TRIUMPH TR.3 — 1961. Radio, heate gine use for industrial application or MARSH MARINE ter. Red Bink. burglar alarm, $350. Marine conversion. $125. Please phone 65 Orchard St. Red Bank 741-676' MEDICAL SECRETARY — Part-time Call 222-3009 after 5 p.m. 842-0697 between 6 p.m:-10 p.m. botltlon^ available working Saturdays 1963 CADILLAC — Coupe DeVlIlp. air. and Sundays In modern hospital's Xirav 1959 PORSCHE — Model 1600. Must se] STORAGE AND SERVICE Department. Hours rleilble. Thorough Best price over 11000., • push-button- windows, etc. 542-5546 be. knowledge of radiological temnlnlolosy IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Phone 787.9625 between 1-6 p.m. tween 7-10 or weekends. and dictaphone. Position offers diver. MUST BELL — 1968 Oldsmoblle US, lux. 11168 ELDORADO CADILLAC — Com xIMed duties, pleasant working condi- ury sedan, black vinyl top. A-l. Factory plete .with burglar alarm and tape OUTBOARD MOTOR tions, ami good salary for the right ap. air. 12150. 222-8233 or 741-7748. recorder. Call 5(2.5546 between 7-10 or WINTERIZING AND STORAGE plloant. Contact 'Personnel Office. Rlv. weekends. ervlew Hosnltal. 741-2700, Ext. 225 for 1963 BUIOK' CONVERTIBLE — A Reasonable rat en, an Interview. An equal opportunity em power: Price negotiable. See at Gene' uni CORVAIIt PICKUP — riood condl New Jersey's Largem plover. ' Sinclair, 237. Hwy 35. 741-9607. .Ion. $200. 542-5516 between 7-10 p.m. o Marine Supply House iweekendsi . SALES HELP — Experience helpful but 1963 IMPERIAL — Clean. Runs ve THE BOATMAN'S SHOP will train. Apply In person, FIX well. Full power. Call after 5:30 p.m. TRY ALL THE OTHJCPS FIRST 24 Wharf Av». 741-578B Red Ban y TD7-4454. ; • T"KN TPY US SHOES. Hwy 35,. Mlddletown. - \ DENTAL ASSISTANT — Two days »! 1982 PONTIAC — Tempest. Red wl Pat Keelen's Auto Sales WINTER STORAGE week. Hazlet area. Own transportation.; white convertible top. Ashing $20: wy 3» 787-1113 Keaniburg Special rate for hoats on trailers, Experience preferred. Reply Box 1-117,;.. the Opel Story Is Simple Phone 5664414. Sailboat yard storage up to 25', The Dally rtelilxtcr. Red Bank. ' MONMOUTH SAILING CENTER BABYSITTER WANTED - In my.', AUTOS FOR SALE TRUCKS FOR SALE MONMOUTH MARINA home frorft 11:30 to 2:30, five davs & West St. Monmouth Beach 222-34BI week, SI an hour. 542-B7S9. '. ^; 19B6 CHEVROLET VAN — Very good WINTER STORAGE — Do your ^>wi condition, good tlren, $1,309. BAIlMAin — Attractive. Nights. Call' 711-32.10. H.J. WILSON BOAT WORKS between 2 and 3 p.m. only. ; Oceanport 229-446' 787-9827. 1962 OMC DUMP TRUCK — Call after BUSINESS NOTICES INVENTORY CONTROL P-m- 787-10.7 10 AVAILABLE IN C. Douglas Alan CLERC K WANTED — International Scout or MIDDLETOWN We seek a BRIOHT GAL In our In-' 2-DR.&4-DR. SEDANS, MERCEDES-BENZ Ford Bronco with full top In good ventory control Foreign or Jomeitie Land Cruiser or Land Rover. Call 842- control layout itancll work. PhOM T47- cellent working conditions and HberaV (TWO-MODUS) 7292 evenings 40OB Of 747-10W. benefits, combined with a congenial' MODELS TO Delivery INTERNATIONAL TRUCK BALKS atmosphere in our modern offices. ':. Rarltan Garage Inc. INTERVIEWS "• RALLYE COUPES 0. Main St.. Kerport 264-036: J. C. & SON TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS ; COMPLETI Paneling. Cellars. Attics, Repairs, CHOOSE FROM G.T. MODELS! USED SCHOOL BUSES— Pickups — small • Jobs. Free estimates. 671-1711 LEASI PLAN Vans—Four wherl rirlve units In stock. LANVIN- Werner's Automotive, Hwy 38, BelCARPENTER — Docs emaTTlotis ti» ford. 787-36O0, supplement Income on weekends No Jol CHARLES OF THE RITZ,' INOMMtwrtAve. Lllllelllvw too small. Call 403-4120 after «. FORD WRECKER — 106.1. Koilr-whee t M Holmdel, N.J.; 842-5353 drive. Must sell. Very rea«oiiRhlp. Cal HOUBEPAINTINO - Interior and ex KITCHEN WORKER 2-DOOR SPORT COUPE 7B7-O0M. IMMEDIATE 1970 DATSUN — Half-ton plc"kup truck Call 201.1576 with'camper bodv. Call CUSTOM MADK'"CABINET8 — Var NUnsB _ or Governess. Must hew r. 741-5047 Itlcn. hookoanpn and bullt-inn, C'ounte perlenced. to care for three children,,*..:, 1992 FORD PICKUP — V-8, B il B F F 5-7. Beautiful nurrnlimllngs In Deal." speed. s!i fir ;r " ""•",, »lr cnnrlltlnneil room, rolort WANTED—AUTOMOTIVE Phone 787-3753 REPAIRS, liEMODKLINCl, NEW TV. Have other help. Good salary. 7~ CICIUNOS, PANEUNfi. KLOOIlfl IPOS INTERNATIONAL SCOUT PORCHES. SHBBTROCK. KTC. SnP? KNITTINO INSTRUCTOlT"— Four-wheel drive, with plow, 11,000 ESTIMATES, yisist li.r'i ,""," *l)llltv '" M«"t Pslterna * miles. Call 741-0(48. ODD JOIIB CliAilLIK - Short haul ividual meivMuemrnts, to work IS YOU SIMPLY GET MORE Fall Is HERE! moving. Yar.ls, cellars, and atll" yarn shop. Reply nox I-m. The Dall cleaned, elc. You name it. we will freel Register, Red Ilank. J •nd we need 100 Uisd Can AUTO RENTALS estimate It. 2l)l-3»07 or 787-1043. BHAMaTItKSS (More Classlllrd Ads Hwy.3I 2.4-1&00 K.yporf Aitcratictnn anil repairs. Call 787-34111 • On The Next Page) We will trad* or buy out Need a Special Car LIOHT HAULINO right — Call or come in •UALL MOVINa JOB* FRKX ESTIMATE! FOR YOUR MONEY!! TOM'S FORD »lso some clean-up work. IIIiLP WANTED - FEMALE! for a Special Occasion? Call after » p.m. BARL F. JAMII (also known as "Kunt"i RENT ONE FROM US! 7I7M7( SWITCHBOARD AUTO PAIlTS-nEPAmS MJRmTURJl UOVtNO — Attics anil • Quick ojllarji ollanad. Prae aatlmates. Cal RECEPTIONIST '"" $AVE... 1970 OPEL LEFTOVERS-$AVE P«non«ble, neat appesrance, • Eaiy PERSONALIZED with typing ability. Pleaianl CHRISTMAS CARDS • Economical Wide (election of stvtei — from hudg working conditlonil prload lo luxury class. Avoid the mi order now OHANE PIlffrriNCi; Houn 7:30 «.m. I* OUAHANTBH* HONORBD AT ANY Dally. . . Weakly . . . Monthly BLACK Tor KBRVIO1 -, Ch SHREWSBURY AVE. 741-6200 NEW SHREWSBURY RIO IANK — 142-2500 Itanlsy Jr. You name It we'll If3 Newman Springs Road WALL ft r,f estlmaies. 7s7-MM PAINTINO — Interior and Exturlnr IHMWSIURY, N. J. R O O n N O flDTTBRS RMPAmBD 10? R«llraad Avtnui Mrtwibury Avt>, «, lyeomor* t'r»« HsllmatCs H7-7O83 or 7IM030. ATCO CERAMICS CORP. OPEN EVENINGS AAMCO (HOP NATION WIDB LAWN* - •YARD* -r Cl»an»d, Oravtl 747-8400 drlvsways milnUlnsd Call HWY. U :, U4-NM KIVPOKt Ill-Mtt. -THE DAJLY HECFSTER, BED BAWK-MfDDIXTOWN/N. J.; THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1970- _f0* WASTED-FEMALE FOB SALE AND I4VB8WX Printed Pattern HAMMOND DACHSHUND PUPPIM — AKC '--*- xl and. dl«r«d. Red. Malt, FINANCIAL imale. Y •- To work In hardware ttore ORGAN Him POODLES — AKC reflstered. te, 1 to 6 and ell day Saturday. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Four females,' two malts, blaclti, t preferred:"!^! drtv,. Call Crowns, sllvera. «7M063. DOUBLJ) YOUR DJCOMB — On a part. IRISH UTTXR PUPPIES — AKC tlma baaU. 11 ymxtt aerlout STUDIO reflstered. excellent pedlirte. Call Y17-I7M. AMBITIOUS COUPLES — Needing ex. OP ASBURY PARK POODLE — Pocket toy. Black. Male. tra Income, start part-time. Can go full NEW HAMMOND Champion stock- AKC. Bit weeks. RBD BANK — Ttefe-rpom .pa ayWenln e a area. Belet Include malnuiS. time. No Investment. Call 787-2508 eve. Call 787-Mli. ! JL fi»tln* account! plus aoltclUUon Refertnce. Security. Na peta. .le roofing, building material. CADETTE ORGANS AKO SMALL MINI FEMALE llam gt-, Re4 Bank ~.s contractor ana PACKAOE STORE — Orocerlesi. meat POODLE — Sliver. Reasonable. • cc In new tone eatabUaned, loclc, ftock and barrel. $555 787-7381 required, Attractive terms. (3S.000. FINLAY Idclodw bench. dtllv*ry, lnataat-plty COMMEHOAL RENTALS ' lead 34, MadisonTownaiUp, "my car. AOBNCy, Realtor!, (7:4)100. Eves. 291- WHAT AN OFFER! . . ND LPN1* —8 to 11:30 and 11 to r poodle marie aroomed I FAIR HAVJK* - OW_VaLAOB SBC. Ofllct-busjni for.avnpolntment Oreengrova p.i*9.. hoiiiUtU«ia6n"iVa~poi3s«"°T?°. LEOIB INC. olXoni Branca will 1 T10N -,_, iter. Hwy «, JJeptunt. r 'riibt, 32 Main BU INSTRUCTION drawin••*—g **--Dec , '1 .Have your , Americana bui ».n0^ talUylng applicant! PR 5-9300 groomed at our ap#c!Ufprlce of 17 i Umauer Tenai. •wil« l b--e ...lntervle. jwe1 d personally In late 300 Main It. Put tween the 3rd and.„ ot Nov. YO_ ebIe.T47.4200. Nov. or Dec. All applicant! will ™e- COMPUTER CAREERS OMB daily 'til I; tat may 'be the» lluck> "y < Inner. Fur an ap. or net* eelvt acknowledgement ot reiumes. tn buslnen. Inituitry and governmenvernment polntment, ccall 2294 This sates opportunity could very well ' ' with JBOPI trainingaining.. DaD y dand FlRKPLACffl WOOD — seasoned oak. AKC COLLIES — Breeder overstocked lead tn a management position, Calf BCPCPI aatt M2-2800 ot Tree delivery. Wood aplltUng »l«o avalL muat sell & months old male, all ahota ABYSlTTJIlK ••— .Hwponslble parson — onmputh firk Hwy.. able. 2S< M05 or 28(.8S60. wormed. AlH adult colllea. Reaaonable. VICTORTAN MANTEL — With or with, 229-M3I. ITA8LBT — Modern atorar , .Can1 ; be con. out mirror, taken from very old hoiue. verted to offices. » r M . 5x«llent AUTICIAN — Steady. Experienced IBM 360 Computer Call 7H45U. REGISTERED THOROUGHBRED osrklng. Reasonable ratal. Call 261 Lround operator. Large buay shop. OSLDINO — 7 years old. Sound. Sweet S5 MJddletown Snapping Center, ON PREMISES FOR STUDENT USE •NOW TIRE! — 871x14 or 855X14. Used kind/ gentle for anyone ^iut should be 1 Mdlttom? or TWO Rivers, Rumson, 3 months, Ilka new, »10 for the two. 671. rlddenoy experienced rider. Dark Bay • Typing 3709. ' 16.2 handa, good conformation. Jumps orncx Hi i* R T -Experienced. Year. well for competition or a good family It In axmlU I (01 :PJ°jr* * °R - TO • Keypunch OARAOB BALE —Household furnish. pet. Call 741-M44 after 3 or 4S3-4O64 or nr profaaslon. Ings, and clothing. Wednesday through 642-0216 after « p.m.. • and I • Offico Automation —-•"-.y. 1 to 8. ISJFelr Haven Rd., Fair Omcl SPACE — Attractive, newl) paneled and carpeted. 1J0 Fair fUm OK — Experienced . • Computer Programming At CANINE COLUSOB INC, In I/Mg Rd., Fair Hiven. 1125 per month. Mt ANTIQUE PIANO - Baat olfer. Dining Branch you' can have your toy or 7JM. • 1 table and chairs, Duncan PByte, HO. miniature poodle - groomed (or only OMAN i— Homework. 10 a:m. until 2 CARPENTERS OR HELPERS — Full Jobs waiting for qualified grade. Day 971-1352. S7.9B throughout the fall and winter •TORES VOR RENT Monday, Wednesday and Friday, time positions. Experience helpful but or evening classes. Tuition loan or monhta. This offer Includes a com- wsbury per hour. Own transportation. Red budget plan available. Approved for MOVING THE 16th — Must iell, TV's, plete Job, your choice of any style and not necessary. 291-2890 after 5 p.m. veterans.' beds, rockers, luggage, relrtgerator, a»«- Call atter 6 p.m., 74X-2986. tnd tables, etc. Calfo71-Si34. our eilra touch to please you and your PRorBSSIONAL ai-tm.OFFICEB — l-< MA azN — To learn auto glass and general rooms. Unlimited free parking, air coo CHRISTMAS IS A TIME OF 8 "B-,Pully paid pension plan, all hos. NTIQUE OROAN — NEEDS WORK. --.. JOY AND BILLS pltallzatlon, life insurance, holidays and Northeast Computer Institute 5. Lawn sweeper, 15. E»»y washer dlUonlng and utilities. 747-24OC the Joyg eliminate the Win vacation. ATLANTIC OLASS CO., 81 60 English Plaza . Bed Bank 0. Pool, filter, tli. (U'U'). Call Ml- WBBT HIOHLAND TERRIERS — FACTORY SPACE — One 7,000, so. ng an AVON Rtati Maple Ave.. Red Bank, » "" • « 26 atter 5:30 p.m. White, cute, affectionate puppies. Im, It. floor, one 3,500 at], ft. floor. Suit- ported English lines. Holmdai; 848-0781. able for light manufacturing. Fol OARAOB SALE — Nov. 13, 14. 15. 9-8 lease, call ^747-1100. p.m. Kitchen aet, lamps, table*, car. PEKINGESE - AKC, I months. Call MERCHANDISE riaies, (Ish tank, etc. 323 cherry Tree after 6:30 weekdays, anytime Saturday Sunday. 22»-42S«. i^TiJELP WANTED-MALE MEN—For carpet cleaning plant. Ex- La.. Mlddletown. perience preferred, not essential. 222. FOR SALE OIRL'S BEDROOM 1ST — French Pro. AKC BBAOLE* — Mother, father HWASHBR — Full time nights. Ap. tn,Z vlnclal. Single bed, double ilrmer with champ on bred. OFFICE SPACB -.Ideal for atlomey. In person, Shore Point Inn, Hwy 35 mirror, vamty, chair, night table White ' S4J-O43* etc, Inquire at Jewel Cheit. SMHwy 36, Set MEN OVER IB _ Opportunity to learn ITEMS YOU NO LONGER new business. Will train completely, and told. Like new. Call 787-7360. AKC MINIATURE BCHNAUZBR PUP. Mulct. 2M-Q104. _ . FTIMAN — Experienced In prop, Wonderful future, earning, potential NEED OR USE WILL ... Jiffy-Set! TBNT — Four ft FIEB — An shots, cropped, docked LAROE STORE — Middle Rd. and Lau- survey! and deed research, some great. Complete company benefits. In champion bred. 739.0310. rel Ave. Commercial or professional lUtatlon. Excellent salary and side and outside work. Must have car' Pillbox and glove set adds between 7'10""or~weskends. Use. Reasonable rent. 2M-IB77. ,e benefits. Call. 34B.3121. FEL. make neat appearance and have the dash to outfits. DEMONSTRATION AND REOISTRA- 'S. READ & WEBER INC. Tom, ability to. work hard. We will do the PORCH BALK — Draperies, bathroom TION Forftatawan YMCA dog daises PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE - reBt..CaTl Personnel dally at 8*2-7501. SELL accessories, Christmas decorations, etc. will be held 8 p.m. at the Hatawan Rec- 8672 sq. ft of prime olflce apace In pro Ivor. , • Jiffy-knit pillbox plus Nov. 14, 134 Branch Ave., Bed Bank. reational Center on Jackson St. Thurs- feaslonal zone of Red Bank. Occupancy ._• established lite In. Rain or shine. 842-7468. day evening. Nov. 19. Do not bring your approximately Dec. 1, 1970. Will deco. ill training program. matching, bracelet-cuff dogtothlsilrst class. Fur further Infor. rate and partition to ault. Attractive \n equal opportunity son, Werners QARAOE 8AIiE-4Iousehold, clothing, mutton, call 6664830 or 329-7781. long term lease available. Call How! . Cuccla, <71-BNT. (ord. FAST •gloves. Use'5 strands one bicycles, TV. Saturday and Sunday, ART) B. DEXTBB AB8OCB. 747-2701. 787-3800. 9-4. 73 Buena Vista Ave., Humaon. LABRADOR RBTRtEVER PUPS PION ATTENDANT — FUEL dlL TRUCK DRIVBR — Per. WITH A QUICK ACTION color or rtix 3 colors yarn for Two montlonthi i old. Oood dispositions. ^.,ltlon. Apply Burdge'* manent position. Call \ DRIVEWAY BALK _ Household Items, Call 671-5840 flranoh Ave., Little Silver. S LOW-COST hat and cuffs. Pattern 568: paby furniture, odds and ends. Nov. 13- HOUSES FOR RENT T«l-oei8 .. • Liven It Up! 14. 337 Springfield Ave., Bel'ord, oft TWO ADORABLB TIOER KITTENB - RY CLERK — Full time work, DRIVER WANTED Fo— Forr local dellv- DAILY REGISTER ^izes S, M, L included for hat Summit Ave. Box trained. Lov« children. benellts. Apply In peraon, erles. Apply In person atter Liven up winter's landscape wn. "Mala" ttawanw , lS6 Main uC* ' • 3 p.m. Little and gloves. Silveil r Market, 479 Prospecf:t Ave., Little with a dash of contrast! Sew ALUMINUM COMBO ADORABLE FLUFFY OUEJEA PIOS Rt, » DIAN — Monmouth county's Oliver, \ FAMILY AD FIFTY CENTS for each — Half Peruvian. $3,M each. IT1-1OM •educational Institution Is/cur. EXPERIENCED PLUMBERS — Two. this slim coatdress in navy, DOORS 741-4232. CH — Two-badroom Rome -'renuy peeking a custodian to worK eve. All beneilti. Salary open. Call anytime. <3 LINES . 5 DAYS pattern — add 15 cents for and conveniences. I22S < Jilngi «:80 to 13 p.m.) and to perform 872*1564. green or your favorite color First quality and pre-hung with com- ADORABLE KITTENB — Free to good ---w«neral maintenance and cleaning each pattern for first-class plete hardware for 37"xfl" opening, il mMCa """•les. Please contact Personnel Dept, PAPER HANOBR WANTED FOR $ and zing it up with contrast. 124.03 complete. Bpeclfy left hand or ° " .46-9467 MIDDLBTOWN — Uikdale Community College, 765 mailing and special handling.. right hand from outside. bath. Nice backyard. 1 JUST PERSIAN KITTSSNS — Cameo. Male door. Avallabla Dec. 1.1 —n Springs Rd., Llncrott, or call 74I-7813 after 6 p.m. 2.00 Send to Laura Wheeler, The Printed Pattern 9101: NEW RBD BANK 'LUMBER and female, champion stock, CFA and . An equal opportunity employ. PREPARATION MAN — FRY COOK — Available for Mtrchandlae For Bale CFF registered. Stud service. Will hold 2,3, and 4-BEDROOK BOMBS Apply In person. Ye Cottage Inn, 149 W. only. Article must originate from a Daily Register, 61 Needle- Half Sizes 12& Wi, 16%, fearl and Wall, l Red Bank 741-3900 until Holidays If desired. 787-8777. 115O-t250. Security and references. DRY CMBANER — Looking for man Front St., Keyport. houaehotd and may not exceed a sale craft Dept., Box 161, Old 18% 20VS, 22VJ. See pattern flREWOOD ENGLISH BUTTER - Male. AKC reg- willing to learn how to dry, clean. Ma. MEN WITH CARS—Wanted to deliver price of S50.00 per article. istered. Four yeara. Netds room to run. TWO BEDROO:Ma —Living room, din. t-fur* and conaclentloua. Full time em. morning and-or Sunday papera In Red Piles MUST be advertised. Bach ad- Chelsea Station, New York, tor yardages. Grain and seasoned. 7(7-4201 S15. 946-8621. Ing room, new iitche —-*—— refer. ntnt. Apply Little Silver Cleaner, Bank area. No collecting. Call 747-2143. ditional line S1.O0. No copy' changes. OARAOB BALE — Doors, windows, ence«LJe_Me1..«: UUII. ranch Ave. may be made and no discounts or N.Y. 10011. Print PATTERN SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS books, games, typewriter, raccoon coat, VMBVTCI) STATION ATTENDANT Me. MASON AND BRICKLAYER WANTED returns will be made if ad la can- etc. Frl. and Sat > a.m. to 6 p.m. 66 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT ' enanlcallr Inclined, full and part-time. celed before expiration. NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS, (or each pattern — add 15 Summers Ave., W. Long Branch, two •Call Bea Bright Chevron, 842-9838. Te Pl«c* Your Dally lUgliier ZIP. blocks south of Turner's. APARTMENTS LARGE CM DEALERSHIP — In New FAMILY AD, CALL . .. cents for each pattern for AOENCY." Ocaanport An.. Ocainport. "=-GENERAL CLEAN UP Bhrewabury has opcnlnga for salesman. NEW 1971 NEEDLECRAFT GARDEN TRACTOR — No mower. S No experience necessary. Excellent op- first-class mailing and spe- h.p. S2O0. Call M2-B549 between 7-10 or TO Ml RIVER — NSW DOVER AND MAINTENANCE o6rtunlty for _[resslv. e self-«tarter. CATALOG — what's happen- Weekend!. APARTMENTS NOW RBNTINOI IJji JABOB PIVB.B_ 741-7643. Ask for i r. Jorgcnsen. 741-6900 OIL BURNER — can heat «-B rooms. MEDIATE OCCUPANC.YJ One-bed- ra»$ leaves! Rent leaf blowers, power lawn Bwers, accessory, figure tips! THRXB-BEDROOM BOUSE —Yearly tion The men we seek are probably Ann Coatj. 3« Willow «t.. Red Bank sweeps, lawn vacuums, leaf mutchers Book 3, "Quilts for Today's languages and subjects HAIRDRESSER — Mlddletown salon.' from A to Z Rental Center, 181 Newman by colieoto'r.""To-..._-. T p priceprice'ss "foforr bette_ r marin "•mo. C married, between 23 and 49, doing well Good wages plus high commission. Springs Rd., Shrewsbury. 741-0040. Living". 15 patterns. 50c Only U > ______singles or lota,.'7«-7082tatty'T«1-7M1., H"O ir. door *IU rercsent job, yet somewhat Impatient Call 671-4440 days. 8&18lo?eve8,' _ only. " : Rvenlda Av«, 741-im HOUSE with progress. If you want a career PIANOS — -,--„..„ dlstown » P.TO. as a salesman, with no tutura area REALBSTATB BAliKBPERBON-> El. Factory warehouse (or Ktmball, Wurlit. . UBBD MODERN UPRIOHT PIANO DBAt, vicinity. — J, " U'tymi. call W-7726. . perifneed. Full or part-time, wok I zer. Conn, ChlcKerlnRand Grand. Many FOR SALE FOR SALE In unused condition. Baldwin or (tain, —iiry apartaventaLU QUES1ST COTTAOB — Paneled. Two used tradQ-lna from 178. Unlimited rent, MHO SIZB BEDROOM SET — Blx war prater red. TO-trm. — rtay. Frotn I33« '\--.._. .^.^K.. _ Lrooms, Private. Xjandacapea. West als from J7.30 mo. FREEHOLD-KIM- places, gltX Two*pleot •acUonal and _ ides all utilities, free use of year, bed:I. $275 monthly. Reterencei. 322.5030? BALL PIANO AND OROAN'WARE. FIREWOOD end tables, i round Indoor pool, faunas, tteam rooms, EXCEPTIONAL BLECTRpLUX _ Ne«d» men and'worn, Fireplace rlnga. Call 741-8919. SO. Call 787-6430. rail apa laciliUea. privateVeaoh, private en for sales and service.'Opportunity to HOUSE. 12 Thtockmorton St.,. Free- BINDER SEWINO MACHINE -. And etrn (125 wk. Til-3070, hold. Open 9-9. Call 462-4730. playground, valet parking, 24-hour door, MIDDLBTOWN-Applebrook III •$••" 'OPPORTUNITY O cabinet, 135.. . Youti h bed and jnattrea*. man and security service. Rental office ranch.Threebedrooma.one bath, fenced PBRSONS TO DBLIVER — For Chick, CAMERA — Mlnox B miniature camera S2t eN^W.m S40. Call H-9306. open trom 10 a.m.-5 p.m. dally. For ap. yard. One year lease from Jan. 1. $325 Duel to transfer of our salesman, en Delight. Mlddletown area preferred. with btult-ln meter, case and measuring REFRIGERATOR-FRBBZER — O.B, polnlmint plus utilities unfurnished. «J75 fur. we have a choice territory open. Houra between 4 and 8 p.m., Including Chain. 175. 842-3B15. OUNcessorleaS —. 566-7435New an. d ttBed. Buy. «ell or call Mr. Roy 829-»4O» nlahed. oll-tfiS. Thro Test Corp. la the largest manu- weekends. Good hourly rate plus gas trader.. MANNY ASD MARY'8 SPORTS facturer of Industrial Lighting In the and excellent tips. Apply In person ROOFING SHOP?, Rt, 36, Eaat Keansburg, 787-0508. I — on bua line. Quid SSH>IVB|'>W*« V I, i rooms. Wall-to-wall .nation. We want a man with GOOD please do not call. CHICKEtf 741-0175 ANTIQUE HARVEST TABLE — SU0. WANTED SAJjES . BACKGROUND, and noDELIGHTt , 1300 Hwy 35, Mlddletown. By. Shrewsbury Roofing. TYTBWTUTBflS, ADDINO maohlnea. Custom made gold drapes, SO" long x Player piano. Reasonable, la good carpattnK. X\r :onaitlonedc . All utilities, WANTED TO RENT -afreild to work, who wants to make All makes niw or used. Oyeranteed. 162", J5O. Call 842-0314. condition. Call 741-2382. No pels. 122-1971 after 4 p.m. ~ Money. We have all Fringe CASEWORK SUPERVISOR — M.S.W. TOP SOIL Low as »2S. Berplco'j, 101 Monmonth DAILY REGISTER 11 degree required. Family service agen. St. Next to th«atir, Ul-0i». TWO SNOW TIRES — Ttlbefeas, 855x14, WANTED— In any condition, eld «olu. leekg home to rent aflta, plus SALARY AND COM- 741-2483 »28255 (ofor both. Bookcase, dark walnut. RED BANK 'ION, Must atart work lmmcdl- cy. Red Bank, covering all phases or COLONIAL FURNITURE LOVERS tin toys, doll nouie and furniture, carb After 8 p.m. Hfl-wu: family services, particularly family FURNITURE AND , APPLIANCES — $15. 747-0505^ dy containers, glaia or papier-macnt. ,r.m. To arrange for Interview, write counseling, child placement, unmarried Pot-bellied stove lamp with hand- Will pay lmmed"ata caah. 741-4078 alter Unfurnished, 1- and 2-bedroom eluding tales background to: mother and adoptions. Fringe benefits. .re and people with credit prob- some red shade, 61" nigh, $75. Au-PORTABLE KENMORB DISH- MR. J. MARIANI |omB, . Immediatimmediate deliveryaellvor; . Instan" ' t' cred- thentic flax wheel., 6T'x?ltr; perfect WASHER — MS- Hlgg ns *lrl'«.bike. p p.m. apartments available. Modem Salary commensurate with experience, It. Call Mr. Oran. 373-681: condition, $125. 15" lampshade covered needs tubes, ft- Tricycle, 13. 747-1650. Duro Test Corporation Rend resume P.O. Box. 1423, Trenton. with Revolutionary print In red. whlt« SILVER DOLLARS STAMPS garden apartments. Air condi N.J. « ALUMINUM BIDING and blue. Call 747-4062 for appointment. COINS. POSTCARDS? FO» Snffi " North Bergen, N. J. 07047 Contractor has Alcoa Aluminum left PRIME TOP SOIL DIATB CASH. 747-4799. tloned. Excellent location. Con- MATURE COUPLE — Wishes I or 4 Or tilehpone after 7:30 p.m. SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS — Part and over from development. Hair price sale PORTABLE RADIO — Tranalstor, Fill dirt for sale room' unfurnished apartment reason, (201) 697-8705 full-time. Will train. Apply BENNETT Installed on your home. Similar reduc. Farrell Trucking 741-8971 , toy* fur- tact Manager, 239 Spring St., An Equal Opportunity Employer bROTHERS CORP. 78T-3380. tlons on other siding. Terms arranged. worth.150. .Najer used. Sacrifice. $25. able: Call 891.1711. EXPERIENCED BEAUTICIAN DISCOUNT BUILDERS 222-8704 OIL BURNBR — Floor furnace, tank In. Apt. E9. 741-3953. MOBILE and BASH—Citizen Band Ra- eluded• • •. Perfec- •••• t conditioncom .- 140". '••'•••- MEN WANTED WANTBD — LaMode Beauty Salon. POST AND RAIL FENCING — Also lo. 671' FURNISHED ROOMS Phone 842-8910 cUet posts ror wire fencing- . dios. Excellent condition. Both can be FREEHOLD — Furnished apartment McDONALD'S DRIVE-IN 671-2610. seon In operation. Both nave 23 chan. COUOH—JJeeds covering, $7. Boston WANTBD Excellent location. Alao one furni.hed IM-Hwy 55 'Mlddletown ANIMAL HOSPITAL ATTENDANT — nets. Call after 6 p.m. rocker, 112. Rocker, tlo. Girls1 ice efficiency. Short-long term- 462-16t6. For general work and operating room PERIOD SOFA — Carved Wood frame, Uiad OrlenUl Run ALPINE MANOR HOTEL w* need full or part-time worker* for assistant. 40 hours per week. Reply by DESKS »15 up. FlUOt, Ublas, eUalrs. akates, a*ie 4. $5. 264-J047. CM"*" .«« Ptrtl.an Special oft aaason rates. Rotal rooms damask fabric, excellent condition, $450. adding machlnas, typewriter*, offtee HARBOR VIEW — One •vanlnga. Muat b« at leaat X8 years letter to BOX T-188, The Dally Reglater. For appointment 282-0430. KINO TENOR SAX —1150. Doric orian nlahed Oardan Ar ' with maid service. 820 week. Motel old. . ' 1 Bank. »r50.~AmpUlier Ampeg *1W, And raiBOMANOi ni-nu 1 rooms. $35 week and up. 1 Portland FIREWOOD — oak or mixed. cardclarlnotJ50."Eas- - • clarinet *50. Baasa guitacuitarsifvertonItar BiSiln t e WANTBD — BI1V r colni, war nickels, tor* Rd.. Highlands. 872-1773. SALESMAN — Excellent opportunity COUPLES — Part-time opportunity. Call between 6 and 10 p.m. Bt. 85. Oakhurit. 531-3890. lor right man. Selling experience Id *60. Twoo tmalimaill gultarguitares $35 ea. 5-...-5 ba:- _ sliver dollars. Wl l P»V to'p dollari. Mr! RSD BANK — Room for gentleman. nulneas machlnta or components deslr. Operate from home. Free training. 642.0018 piano accordion, for beginner, $25. Romeo. T87-W51. per montbpluil Earn while you learn. Earn as much KITCHEN CABINETS SlSmall l square-typt e concertinti a 136136. CalCll l Call between 12-1 or 5-7 p.m. Able Borne travel Send complete re. aa you energetically can. 787-0070. DIAMOND RINO — Approximately five PIRBPIMCB WOOD WANTBD O N E-BJB D R O O M APARTMENT - 741-5392. .Tha Dally Register. carats, set with two small diamonds. 20% off manufacturer's list. In hand- 747-0505. Toi resell. Cerllone Oreentiouae .nk. Can be appraised. Write T-196, The Dal- some walnut, pecan, . etc., finishes. FREEHOLD — Room. TV. private en- OARAQE SALB — Nov. 13. 14, 15.16 trance, Alio, one room with kltchan. "•• •'• 8ALARYJ3.SO PER HOUR SITUATIONS WANTED-Female ly Resistor. Bed Bank. Huady to Install yourself or have from 10:30 a.m..5 p.m. Furniture, TV. Vu»t be available Immediately. No ex. us Install. Stop by ... see displays. appliances, pool filter, dishes, clothea, COLLECTOR PAT» TOP CASH FOR Alao, one efficiency. 452-1231. ALL3EW BHOPPES — Precision sharp, Alao ovens, ranges, dtshwashera, etc, OLD TRAINS V will irade HO.. OM, FURNISHED ROOMS — Clean, warm. Mrlence necessary. Good advancement. enlng. Scissors, pinking shears. 46 many other items. 39 Reynolds Dr., Ea. O or standard cadges. 7744710. Guaranteed Increase within (Irst month. working mother Call 48S-0SJT. .for B:i Church St., Keanaburjr. 405-0177. RBD BANK LUMBER tontqwn, between Monmouth and Wy. ATLANTIC HIOHLAND3 - Furnished ;Sim T4I-4O15, p.m. Voft nit. YARD SALE — Two air conditioner* four rooms, high on waterfrontwaterfront, gra B'ELVEDBRB HOTEL KEANSBURO BRAIDED RUG — 6x 0 reversible. Pearl and Wall, Ited Bank 741-5500 douua livingliving, ipacloua groundagrud , prlva- CHILD CARU HOME — Apply Batur. porch awing, some tools, clectrio fan cy. Immediate occupancoccupancyy. 291291-3013 4 or 787-4401 787-0957 787.8664 AUTO MECHANIC — Chrysler prod. day 8 to 12, 87 Herbert St., Tied Bank. Black, white -W& WE BUY AND BELL ANYTHING — LEAF BLOWBR miscellaneous Items. Nov. 14, 10 to 4 Votat, Ocod' opportunity and nay plan. p.m. 343 Atlantic Bt.. Keyport LAROI ROOM - With shower. First Tall benefits and good working condl. On weekdays call alter 4 p.m. tor ap. Contents of homes, atorei, estates, La.wr.boy $100 • 842-2i|8l floor. Private entrance. Call 747-104L tlona. Apply Ralph, F & H DODOK, Ha. polntment 741-8258. KITCHEN SET — Three-piece. Ono cellars, attics. China, glaaaware, an- MINI BIKE —$90. (Jo cart, IB5. Both In LONG BRANCH - Unfurnlahed, neu M p.m. 44 p.m. 944Kmi. tontown. BC-iiif. . year old. Good shape. $25. tiques, art oblecta and all brto-a-brac. good running condition. one-bedroom garden apartment, carpet, I WILL CARE — For your child all day Call 542-4048. Rusclf's. 25 East Front St 741-1603. WORK BENCHES ed, 8176 per monthh. Corner of Lonfg COLTS NECK AREA — Retired or bust, C,A RPBNTERg WANTED —Ex. in my home. Reasonable rates, good !4" X 72" top and 36" high, 819.95 Bran" ...Ave. Day. a 222-6454- . -: ness lady. Kitchen privileges. teritneed. Call between 8 and 0 p.m. oare. Call408-0283. •- SKIS — Yamaha' Novice. 195cm with BARGAIN BASEMENT unassembled or (28.60 assembled. REFRIGERATOR — Eight montha old. Bvea 946-4353, OBlyi 787-3125. EXPERIENCED SECRETARY lop-In bindings. {50. Alao ski boota, elze Rough duty and utilitarian. Many $200. Pool, three plecss, no lining. $25. sires part-time employment. S, J5. 229-0460. Pick and choose. Small quantities ot other sizes available with price Call 787-5913. EA BRIGHT — Efficiency apta. Ullll. 7*1-6717 hafdboard, plywood, raominga, shut- variation. Bes paid. Ocean and river view. No ATLANTIC TRADING POST - 179 tern, door seconds, $3.05 each, shelves, OXYOEN — And acetylene gauges with pets. 1150 moLO. . Dtplul s security. No leasa. GARAGES FOR RENT BELP WANTED-MALE EXPERIENCED WOMAN - Would Grand Ave.. Long Branch. Antlo/ies, many lumber Items. Noone to bather RED BANK LUMBER hose and cuttlnit head, 291-23fS•23fS. china, piaoa and us«d furniture. WH. 871-9812. like 3 or 4 days housowork. Call and Frl. 6-10 p.m., and Sat- and Bun. you — shop as you please. Pearl and Wall, Red Bank 711-5500. FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT Two RED BANK — Large gnrage. 20x21 ce. 220-5764 10-8 pro. Buy and sell 320-3839. bedrooms. Second floor of two-family ment building. Oood for etoraia or RED BANK LUMBER OARAOB BALB —Friday and Batur. HOWBLL KITCHEN SET — Harvest house. Hot water supplied. $135 >many uses. 671-3709. - NUR3E — Would like to care for elderly day, Nov. 13-14. 10 a.m. 93 Swartzel table with four ladderback chairs. S75. ^atlont In my hom "FLUORESCENT LIQHT3 — Two tune Pearl and Wall, Red Bank 741-5500 741-4236 after 3 p.m. month. One month's security. 264-7036. .and four tube, 23 Lono Oak: Rd., New VELVETS—NBW shipment from Scahv Mve, Mlddletown. Pony saddle, blan. DELIVERY Monmouth. Off Cherry Tree Farm Rd. ket, bridle, copper artlclea, bric-a-brac, COLOR TELEVISION - Worka. but RED BANK — On the river. Oni bed. (More Classified Ads 671-5971. mandrlc, etc. $4.95 yd. Little Silver Up. etc. room apartment. Bodman Arms. holatery. 747-2r" needa repair. 23" RCA 1967. $175. 741-0516. HELP WANTED-MALE 4x10 ALL S CONSTRUCTION OARAOB SALE — Saturday, 10 to 6 Call 842-1640. On The Next Page) PANASONIC AM-FM — FM Stereo-Ra- ATLANTIC HIOHLANDS — Unfur. :•• DRIVERS TILT BED TS dlo. call between 4:30-8 p.m. p.m. 25 Hwy 35, Eaton.• intown_ _.. Thirnlture_ .. . J-5728. household and miscellaneous nlahed four rooms, heat furnished. Near 747-1855 This Is a bibig gsale. Parking bchlr PETS AND LIVESTOCK transportation. No pets. Available Nov APARTMENTS LBAF VACS AND BLOWERS — Giant Church. 16. 671-9019. TO START Vac, Yardman Billy Ooat. 3 to 12 h.p. COMPACT MUSIC SYSTEM — With ELECTRICIANS Garrard turntable and AM-FM tunqr. OREAT DANE PUPPIES FURNISHEEDD —. ThreThree large apart, vacs and blowers In stock. W. II, Potter Originally $299.95, 'now $176.Anderaon's MAMMOTH SALE — Sewing machine, $3.42/hr. 4: Son. Mlddletown, N.J. 671-05321 tires, rugs, dishes, sofa, draperies, AKC REGISTERED ments. Twlfin: Light Hotel. Shrewsbury Mualc. 30 Broad St.. Red Bank. , books, maple chairs, etc. sat. and Sun. (16-4283 Ave. Hlghlands. 872-9738. 872-1600. WITH INCREASES TO - EXPERIENCED -- ANTIQUE 4 OARAGE SALE! — Mirror ID a.m. to 5 p.m. Falk, Blackpolnt AKC MALE BLACK 8C0TTIE WEST END — IV, rooms furnlahert, effi- (25, clock $30. Antique books, mi[» SERVICE STATION EQUIPMENT (- Horaeahoe, Rumson. MONMOUTH " fildParrlsh nrlnU), frames. Tlra machine, floor jack, and tool box Oood with older children. Reaaonable. ciency, tile bath, yearl> y or monthly, 400 • $3.92/rvr. Plant expansion results In excellent lO;™. ' 10-6"- .34Rol)ln Court, with tools, snap-on toe-In machine. 671. FBNCH1 WIRE — 4' X ISO1. Mis-Call 6420793. Ocean Blvd. 222-S' M "- *•>-."»-*• opportunity for you lo rsctlve a (416. cellaneous hoy's toys. Call after 6 and 4 LARGE BOX STALLS FOR RENT KEANSBURG — Five-room apartment BEACH lob wWh EXCELLENT STARTING Uddletown. 671-2268. weekends, 741-2199. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS TWO SNOW TIRES — 775 X 15 with CHANDLER PIANO PRIVATB FARM IN MIDDLBTOWN Heat, hot water. IM...... PAY, FULLY PAID COMPANY rims, 130. Two ivhltewall 739 x 14 with Excellent condition. $375 TEN-PIECE — Dining room set. Orlgl. PASTURE LAND FOR GRAZING. ed. $1SO. Call 7874936. ;-•:: IN RED BANK AND BENEFITS AND JOB SECURITY. one rim, 818. Two anow tlrea 695 x M Call 747-2530 or 747-9201. nally 81200. Solid Mahogany. Honey col. 741-2382 KEANSBURQ Three rooms fur. River & Surf Club with rims, (45. 291-2274 between 3:30MOVING OUT OF BTATB — Must sell or. Buffet with china top. Large exten- • 'led. r - FARMINGDALE AREAS APPLY TOi and 8 p.m. • __^ sion table. Server. Two arm. four side nlshed.•1630A.References. One or two people. Aparrmanti immediately. Rug $40, drapes $30 lamps chairs. Cane trim. $528, 747-97U. OOOD HOMES FOUND FOR OLDER JKEP BNOINE — 4 cylinder L head. I16-S6, mirror »67 642-5072. DOQB - Cash pafd tor pedigreed HIOHLANDS — Three-room apartment Must be 21 and over, in 150. Air conditioner, 220 volt, $30, 842. TWO TIRES — 735 X 14, Like new. On FUM COAT — Persian Paw, marmot llttera Btan Lerner. Dog Tratntr. 339* furnished. Bath. All utilities. Call 29li One and two-bedroom apartments GENERAL 4407. cuffs, full length, $40. Moving to Flor. 7781. 229-8931 9466. 1963 Falcon rims. $20 for both. 741-5622 In modern building. Air conditioned, gpod phyiical condition, after 5 p.m. Ida. 6all 8I2-OO47. PLATE OLASS — Two. 5'xB' Both tor MINIATURE SCHNAUZBR PUPS — MARLBORO — Large modern three science kitchens, $565 a month up. and have a safe driving AUTO LIFTS—Two. Good used aeml- niCYCLH — $10. Stroller $10. English Champion slrad. Peppor and salt Dock, room apartment. Second floor. Private CABLE CORP. Call 201-3012 pram $40. High chair JI0. Jump chair ed. cropped, shots. Btud service also hydraulic frame, contact type. M. J,$5, Bsnslnot $15. 671-0365. . entrance. $160 plus security. After 6 rvcord. Excellent company 26 Washington Street WEDDING DOWN - Site 7. "»• ll". Oliver Construction, 739-0760. ^ available. T4MM7. 462.3782. Resident Manager Perth Amboy, N. J. 150. mtOSSER AND CHEST—$20, Single paid benefits. All service 5S3-3042 METAL DESK — Like new, 8150.box nprlng on lees II. Twin head PROFESSIONAL OROOMINO — All RUMSON — Centrally located. Four Like new adding machine, $130. boards $3 ea. 787-9142. breeds. Pick up and delivery service. rooms. Air conditioned. Unfurnished. man, please bring form DD An equal opportunity employer OARAC1E SALE — ATLANTIC HIOH. i ' . • CaVl 741-3230. Also AKC reilaterad pupplea for aatf. Private entrance. Business couples or 222-8309 LANDB Prospect Rd. (upper) above SNOW TIRES — And wheels. 650x13, All alzea and ares, seven daya a week Ingles. Immediate occupancy. Call 842. Ocean Blvd. Bat.-fl.un. Nov. 14-15, 12-4 CHRYSANTHEMUMS Like new. $.8 from 8 a.m. to 8p.m. Call 787-58:0. r9l6. p.m. Look for algna. ^ • Large cut mums, pompom and SNOW BLOWBR — Roars Craltsmsn flplriers. Buy direct, wholesula and FOUR RAIIJA1UUH —• il I 18", Model No. 63682842. new concH- retail, Mlke'a areenhouaor, 201 Slioro each. Wrought Iron eaten, $40. Hon. Best offer over flSO, Blvd., KeatihburB: 787-3434. Call 747-3S01 -SPECIAL MACHINE 3004 after fl p.m. \ OAnAQB SALE — Clothes, household STAINLESS STEEL SINK YARD SALB — Antiques. Women'n ani tools, oildn and ends, etc. Itlver Plaza ' $.15. OPERATORS children's clothing. Wednesday, Thurp Fire house. Applegate and Foater sts Call?87-5364 INTERVIEWS day, and Friday,. 10 to 3. A*P ghoppln; Saturday. November 14, 9:30 a.m. to 4 CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY hrewabui p.m. Sponsored by Ladles' Auxiliary. OAUAOB SALE — Nov. 14, THURS;, NOV. 12 through 2. 10 Beechwood PI., A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDSI HELPERS jiavenHaven. Amplifierr and pre-ampre-ampp, lawn 9 a,m.-4:30 p.m. HELP WANl^ED-MALE chairs, baby equipment.. 0x19x12 bluble run I2H$25 . 010x12 yelloellow rurugg, $4$400. Sx8 yellyelloow rug. FIREWOOD $15. OK portable dishwasher. 140. NEW JERSEY STATE GENERAL LABOR Krno delivery "HIM AND ROYAL ELECTRIC TYPE. Adding Machines Typewritert General Contractor! Pearl and Bead Restrlnglng ^EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 741-6120 or -11-7.11711-1 0 wniTHrts — A-l condition. Reaaonably CORNBIt CUPBOARD — Occasional priced. Call after «. 872-0327. AUUINO UACII1NKB - Typewriters E. Front St., R«d Bank & MAINTENANCE MILLWRIGHTS table. Many other household Items. For •old, rented, repaired. Berplco'a. 101 Tim WRIOHT SHOP—Oarnantrr and Bxpertly on braided' nylon. $1.60 t V details mil 532-8436 (dayl, or 542-7041 Monmouth Bt., Red Bank. W-0485. cabinet work. Hatlel 739-Oi9O. Kitch- (evenings!. FOR SALE en oablneta, room dividers, vanities, atrand. Sterling olaapt from 7So, No faet. charged Plant upanilon r»»ultj In txetlltnt book casts, ete. Free estimates. RJBUBSILLES' 36 Broad St.. Raj opportunltlti for you to get the « EXPERIENCED -- BTEWART DRUM — Combination Diamonds Bought or Rcatyled Hank. type of lob you've bttn looking snare-tomtom, With stand, attanhfld plant Hpanilon result! In txctllefli nymhal, key and aet of atlctrn nn<1 IMI us buy tin diamonds yqu don't lor. . ' . SKI-DOO SALE wear or let ua reatyle tham for you Roofing, Siding ft Insulation ALL APPLY DAILY opportunity for you lo receive o brunliGH. Excellent condition. $35. Call Plumbing and Heating 741-8110, after 7 p.m. personally. Iteusalllaa', 38 Broad Bt EXCELLENT STARTING. PAY lob With EXCELLENT STARTING NEW 1971s IN STOCK IN SECAUCUS PAY, FULLY PAID COMPANY SKIB AND BOOTS — $20. Signature OLBBN OO., INO. Roofing, altllnj FULLY PAID BENEFITS waalier, $50. 8-uack atereo tape player. General Contractors Insulation Inetjjfed anii naruree CORRI&ANPS BBNEFITS AND JOB SECURITY. From $595 for 10 yeara. T7SOT06, 2»H»<0 iMON.-FRI. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. $50. 741-7634. _ ;..., mill.DBU - AddlUona, Altaratlona. 127 Oikland St. Apply from • g.m.-M p.m. only IjTties, «v»i. 6 p.m.-S p.m. APPLY TO: MINI niKB 1*70 --'igxc'eileiit cnnilUionT Oaraiea. Roofa and Haw Homaa. -Pol 'a rold camera. 10 gal. tlah tank. 7*1- ALSO BIG SAVINGS ON 741-3JM. Italph A. Cola. Odd Jobs R.d Bank 7474706 MM. OAKPUNTRT - Additions, paneling, GENERAL ANTTQlfflTJiRviOLn Y - Sterling, cuut 1970 LEFTOVERS! steps, aldewalka. patio, odd leba. LIOIIT IIAULINO - Cellars, ga- PLUMBING • MMting. , UNITED GENERAL glass, aclllng at goal.. TllursTllurs.. , Frl.. .Snl. Sn,l ReaionaMk raUa. l4J-4iM. 747-2331. ragaa oltantd up. Frit tstimatet. MAnr BrookslrlBokl e 74|.314> alter 1 p.m. Avo., uaKhumt. JOflKPH F, PANDUnU-AIUratlom, Bathroom r«mod»|lng. I PARCEL SERVICE CABLE CORP. ddltlona, fepalra, new hornethoi . We CABLE CORP. r RED BANK J* Washington Street DHUM8 — Professional •?' »» ft»M "' Sa the whofe Job! ilM>7«. Painting and Decorating Stwtr Trenchlng «n(i 439 County Avu. , 26 WaWilncilon Street Chrome snare, f oor torn, hau*. HI list, % p«rth Amb»y, N. J. Perth Amboy, N, j. • mall torn, Zlldiian oymiiala. llaautllul. AUTO IMPORTS OAnPnrlTOR—BOIU)»R Secaucgs, N. J. like brand naw.THOO. «71;3MI after II. < l( Complete hpmt Imrrovtmentt, al. OARL B. JOtj a»« Imtallatlon Work. An equal opportunity employer H «; f Newman (print* *<••• *** * "> terallona, addlllona. Pooling, elding. wail papering. V free Equol opporlunlly employer An equol opportunity* employer OIL nUHNUit — nit gal. Saw. Twin 7876103 . . . jTanirtno estlmavaa, call 1 relaya. In cncrallon. 741-SII4 Call M7-JS71. to „ , - ' •; -THE DAILY B£&Sip, BED BANK. MIDDLETOWN, M. J.»THtfBSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1970 MAI 1ST An FOR SA1I MOUSE* .FOB 8AIJ2 ACEEARE HOUSES FOE SALE Th« row, U>w taxed Holmdel Accord StillUnset . RUMSON Too xn«a« We Ktwt I u& tod*?. I - tor -* wimmAit... tew you're ttUsHed. A aUwirrtin, area with Mullaney Realty. lU Du-cran Ino. Under IT Xhare ever wen one, bat give credit half acre. « %4J&». Fhona owner. where credit li due. Money wu spent Builder's custom homes of- •H-2M4. «j U going out of ityle. Having eight fered in a wide fang* of BEAUTIFUL — \ acre wooded lot on bedrooms, five full bathe, three pow- cul-de-iac In prestige area of Mladic, By Sewering Units der rooms. By the way. Master bath town. I13.6OO. Call 2914895. room has double sinks, double chow sections and prices. See this *rp, uiana and whirlpool baths, and sought after community with MIDDLETOWN - There Is solved soon at the rate of in- there's plenty more. II you can't CEMETERY LOTS Afford one Quarter of, a million dot a firm that knows ft well. nothing new on the status of terest we are losing daily." Ian don't go away mad, just scram FOUR PLOTS — In Shoreland Me. an agreement between (he Call today. mortal Oardeni, Keyport. Block lot Interest Lost HASSINGER & No. 333, Good buy for $600. ,899-2814. Sewerage Authority- and the MULLANEY He said the authority has ; GLAZEBROOK Monmoutb County Outfall Au. 1 earned &7 million of an an. REALTORS Realty, Inc. 671-5151 REAL ESTATE WANTED thority. E. Rtver Bd. Rumion ticipated $7 million in aid and 842-5880 A LOT FOR A LITTLE DESIRE TO PURCHASE — 2, S or 4. Immaculate three-bedroom. . two-bath bedroom home, Artury Park vicinity. One of the requisites for is losing approximately. $900 ranch. Fireplace. Breakfast nook. Any type or condition. Call 988-5367. Sewerage Authority aid eligi- in interest on the money as HURRY! Newly added 15' den. Oarage. Large, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Buyers A fine valu* awaits you In this be&« attractively shrubbed and. treed lot. waiting. Member of two Multiple List- bility is that an agreement be- each day goes by. tlEully built Colonial. 21' living room, All this for, only $38,500. ing Services. OROWELL AOBNCY, lovely dining toom, TV room and Realtors, 741-4030. tween the two bodies on con- , The authority last night ac- -kitchen on tint floor. Two bedrooms and bath on second floor. Full ba ditions and costs of using the , cepted an offer from the state ment. Oarage. Private yard. So c< COLTS NECK-HOLMDEL RAY W« have ready qualified buyers. •> proposed ocean outfall line wnient, clean and nice I f 29,800. Department of Environmental for fut efficient service, call J. D. ROCHE, Realtor, Rt. 34, Colts rtack. must be worked out. Protection of a $3,014,322 JOSEiPH G. 461-2741. Member Multiple Llitlni B«r- VAN HORN rlce. "There are still a few loose grant.for the sewer project. Open 7 dayf. Call 24 hours a day. ends that must be tied," Sew. "This doesn't mean we will McCUE 801 Elver Rd. Pilr Haven WE CAN MULTIPLE LIST REALTOR erage Authority chairman Ed- receive the money tomor- 1 747-4100 YOUR HOME »0 RIDGE RD. BUM3I Call today and five details and cash ward Schumann said last row," Mr. Schumann said. DEDICATION — Wri. RoiWrt H. Minton dedicates Fair Haven Rrtt Aid Squad'» 842.2760 price. STERLING THOMPSON * A«- HAZLET SOC, 747W0O. night. "All I can say Is that I "This aid also hinges on our newest piece of equipment,••«• IJ70 Ford Swab ambulance, in memory ,«pf hef NEW LISTING LISTINGS OF BBTTBR BOMBS - hope we can get this thing re- agreement with the Outfall 111 Keaniburg • Middletown • Haxltt - husband, who died last year in office of lieutenant. Officers of the iquad* art, Fair Haven ranch. Convenient loca- Holmdel. The Smolko Ageosr. 7S7-O1U. Authority," he said. tion. Landscaped lot. Pine paneled STARTER HOME from left, John Feenay, first lieutenant; Don Frank, president; Sill Lang, jeeonjjj. livlns room and dining room. Fire- Immaculate two-bedroom ranch with IN A HURRY TO SELL?-,We buy The chairman estimates place. Three bedrooms, Full basemen a large wall-to-wall carpeted, paneled homes for top dollar. Ask for Bob or With finished game room, attache) living room, new eat-fn Kitchen, Shel. BOB SHELDON AGENCY, 257- that half the total grant has lieutenant and Ray Bennett, captain. , ' garage. 15x64 flagstone patio. Split Practically malnte- 7800. Dentist Gets, tsrtl fenced yard. Call today * . aluminum aldlr ~ * " been earned by completed - S3S.S00. FHA, VA financing availably to qualified buyers. • WE BUY HOMES DIRECT construction. WATERBURY Cuiditlon unimportant. Call Four Sea- BETSY ROSS AGENCY KM Realty. Broker. 929-7188. , Office, Okay The authority resolved to 117 Hwy 35, Keyport R«altor» AGENCY Member M.L3 Open 7 days BUYERS WAITING pay $1,508,428 in bills but Realtor ' Insure Computerized Listing Service 45 Years of Service For homes, eitatet, farms, acnagt, In Red Bank voted to hold a voucher total- •3 Maple Ave. 747-3500 Red Bank 264-3456 waterfronts, buslneuei. Industrial and ing $100,000 payable to Lisbon Use "Holly. The. Home Finder" business properties. RED BANK-A. dental of- RANCH ON THE BAY RAY H. STILLMAN, Realtor Contractors, Inc. of Danboro, IN TOWN HIDEAWAY Hnjoy a magnificent view of the "Our 62nd Year" fice was approved for the Thli well-maJntained Little Sllve Shrewsbury River plus your own MULTIPLE LISTING 1ERVICT Pa. borne Is located on a quiet tree-line* dock from this rambling ranch. Three US Hwy 39 Shrewsbury 741-4M0a residential zone on E. Front ' street Tall trees and mature plant- large bedrooms, two tile baths, spa- According to executive di, ings add to its eye appeal. Entrance clous living room with brick fire- St. by the Board of Adjust- hall, sweeping living room-dining place, sliding window walls from WE HAVE BUYERS " rector Walter J. Zissik the con- room with cathedral ceilings. Eat-In the dining room and den to the gar- for your home . . waltlne and will* ment last night. Marks 40th Year kitchen, family room, three bedrooms, dens overlooking the river. A rare tag Duyeru. Mortfraeea available. tractor has failed to complete 2%' batha. Double gar ago 30-day treat of many trees on a waterfront The application was made FAIR HAVEN — 1970 on the firehouse as permanent June in Buck Smith's, East possession. Asking $357900. Call now. property. Only $52,000. APOLLO AGENCY. INC. construction .satisfactorily in Michael MarioliB by Dr. Lester Swartz whose the area of Macintosh Lane. marks the 40th anniversary of quarters for the squad. ' Keansburg, Living .charjer HALL BROS., Realtors PAUL RRAGAR Licensed Real Estate Broker the Fair Haven First Aid '(U-tUnMM, 741-7686 Fair Haven REALTOR 3370 Hwy 35 Hailftt office is now at 14 W. Front Three contract change or- In 1934, men from Fair members were given gold belt Member Multiple Listing 7B4 Broad St. Shrewsbury 7(7-0221 739-0100 St. It was made under the ders increasing construction Squad. Haven assisted in the rescue buckles -with the siju|d1: eia. HOLMDEL 747-0221 name.Lesglo Inc. for,a build- costs $343 were approved. Organized March 25, 1930,' operation in the liner Morro blem and past captains re- COUNTRY WOODS LEGAL NOTICES 1 Lovely four-bedroom English Tudo. LIKE OLDER HOMES? ing at 180 E. Front St. by eight citizens of the Castle fire off Asbury ceived gold tie clasps Wifli the surrounded by large stately treea. Park. emblem. . ; ! ! • • Huge family room. Two fireplaces. HERE ARE A FEW... PUBLIC NOTICE In his arguments before the borough, the squad's purpose 2% baths. Tastefully 'decorated. Two- TAKE NOTICE! that the Joint Novem. In 1935 they, answered six . zone central aJr conditioning. Many Elver Plaza, 3 bedrooms S3 ber-December meeting or the Zoning board, Shrewsbury attorney was to be available in 'case of . In early September, tne 3.000 Board of Adjustment of the Township ol 5 Word calls, and in 1939 they formed extras. \*/x professionally landscaped Rumson, 8 bedrooms &I8.0CK Holmdel. County of Monmouth. will ba Abraham Zager noted that any emergency. It was in- squad wet down Its,;ntewfest acres. Two minutes to parkway. Little Silver 6 bedrooms is3,900 held on Wednesday. December 2. 1970 at a committee to buy a new La- CARL P. ZELLERS. Realtor. M8-4U3. AND WB HAVE MORE , . . 8:4)0 p.m. at Holmdel Township Hall there are other professional corporated in January, 1932. piece of equipment, a Swab — BELFORD — RUSSELL M. flORUS Crawfords Corner-Everett Road. Is Awaited Salle ambulance. The squad FAMILY 8IZB AND COUNTRY STYLE WARREN E. BAUMOARTNER, offices in the area. In September of that year, au- ambulance mounter! on' a Dutch Colonial with a background for REALTORS Secretary was now answering 65 to 80 •Zoclng Board of Adjustment thorization was given to pur- living. Science kitchen, twee bed- 600 River Rd. .-.. Pair Haven In its decision, the board is calls a year. Ford chassis. This ambulance , rooms, formal dining room and lds will be received by the Township of ' rial Officer Patrick Barrett. Rutgers fruit specialist. with glass doors to enclosed porch. knoll Is the setting tor this four-bed- Middletown at :a Meeting to be held on ready become standard, be- Owner asking 165,900. 842-TC73. room, 2H-batli Colonial. Easy com- November 24, lSio \t 8:00 P.M. pre- Henderson, 206 Newman Young Sunnerville was re- muting. 585.000. vailing time at the Township Hall "If we can't find ways to CHARMING CAPE Springs Road. portedly wounded by pellets cause certified rootstocks can Close to Fair Haven elementary school. MARSHALL P. WHITFH-LD Kings Highway, Ulddletown, New Jer. harvest fruit satisfactorily by Three large bedrooms, two baths, huge sty tor furnishing one Uk Farm Tractor He said Mr. Henderson re- from a shotgun fired by the be grown from suckers from Exceptional country kitchen and Jamlly room. Two Realtors for use In the Recreation Commission of machine, we simply won't fireplaces. Two-car garage. Private 8. Holmdel'Kd. Holmdel 916-4476 the Township of. Middletown m con- fused medical treatment. officer during an incident in a single parent These trees yard. MMust see to believe, $38,700. THI formity with specifications for flame on haye, it," says Ernest G.. file In the Township Clerk's Office. Patrolman Michael Griesi which about 150 local youths grow to two-thirds normal BWEEINBN Y AGENCY, 1034 Ocean Ave. RAY H. STILLMAN, Realtor Kings Highway, Middletown, New Jer. sion specialist at Child to Be; Sea aright 842-1462. , . "Our &2nd lear" investigated. were reported to have sur- size and are uniform in shape RUMSON — Brick ranch, i Three bed' 648 Hwy. 34, Shrewsbury ' '7414600 Each bid must be accompanied by a the™ KuKgers College of Agri- rooms, two baths, family room. In ex- RED BANK - RUMSON AND MILJBt certified check In the amount equal to rounded the officer. — to make maximum use of Mill " AROUND- Multiple LUrttagV. sSdto? ten (10%) per cent of- the total amount culture and Environmental jrm. Realtor f»e eatalpc of modMt homei, farm., of the bid, payable to the order of the every square foot of orchard Discussed palatial Runuon estates, watertronul Township of Middletown. No court date has been an- Science. i lSWTKver^MT Rumson 842-3200 acreage, lot*, business opportunities. Bayshore Mpn sunlight. (32,500 — New luting. Three bedroomL The successful bidder will he required nounced for the hearing of EATONTONW,•'— The Mon- IV, baths. Custom built raised ranch on MIDDLETOWH — REDUCED $3000 to furnish a surety bond In the amount Mr. Christ helps peach It's been estimated that Sparkling custom built nine-year ol( of the contract. charges against the youth. mouth County Section of the <& of ah acre, 15x33 family room, central The Township Committee of the Injured by Car growers lower the producing these trees can produce 1,000 »lr conditioning, two-car attached ga- ranch. Tnree large bedroonM, 18' kitch. N.J. Association for Brain In- rage. Excellent school district. Won't en-dlnlng room combination. Birch cabl Township of Middletown reserves tl areas of trees, creating a boxes of apples per. acre and last at thls_prlce. H. A. ARMSTRONG nets, stainless steel appliances. Brick right to reject any/or all bids. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - jured Children will hold ran AOENCY, Realtor, 555 Prospect Ave., floor. Large living room with fireplace CHARLES V. CARROLL band of "fruiting wood" from pay for themselves in three to Little Silver. 741-4500. Parquet floors throughout Over afze at. Township Clerk Herman H. Stange, a pedes- 'ached garage. Large pool. Carpeting Nov. 12 n.00 four to seven feet high. Ma- four years. open meeting for all Intefl All situated on a very private half acre trian who was struck by a car Lessons Set Can't possibly last. Asking J24.990 and chines have been developed to Along with the distance ested persons tonight at 1:30 anxious for offers. • Tuesday evening, was report, in the Monmouth civic audito- THE KIBWAN CO., Realtors shake peaches off trees and fruit has to fall, there is also wooded lot. AttracUve, spacious house Airport Plaza Hazlet 264-7200 ed in fair condition yesterday In Dancing rium, Monmouth Shopping In mint condition. $56,000. STERL1W TICLE IV "MUNICIPAL PARKIN. then harvest them mechani- the question of how many ob. THOMPSON AND ASSOC., Realtors, 45 EXCELLENT VALUE — On „ LOTS" OP CHAPTER 25 "TRAFFIC at Riverview Hospital, Red Center. • •. : h, W. River Rd,, Rumson. 747-0800. cellent lot. In excellent section of Mata. AND VEHICLES" OF AN ORDI. cally. The lower height re. stacles it is likely to hit on the wan Township. Three-bedroom ranch NANCE KNOWN BV^ ITS SHORT Bank. HOLMDEL — Custom Built Ranch O two baths living room, dining room FORM TITLE AS THE "REVISED In Hazlet duces bruising and damage. way down. Growers try to Guest cpeaker will be Don- three acres with varied type (rult trees. large Paneled family room. Large kHchl ORDINANCES OF THE TOWNSHIP Mr. Stange, 6 Third Ave., Growers control the height prune their trees so there ald Hoagland, superintendent Two bedrooms and bath. Living room en. wall-to-wall carpet, like new. Appli. OK MIDDLETOWN, NEW JERSEY^ HAZLET — The Recreation 19x13. Kitchen 16x16. Oameroom 36x13, ances. central air conditioning. Must be ADOPTED OCTOBER 25, 1066 AS was hit at the Rt. 36 and 1st by special pruning techniques won't be any large branches of the Mnmouth County Voca. plus full heated basement and detachec seen to be appreciated. Priced to sel PREVIOUSLY AMENDED AND Commission will offer adult S35.O0O. (201) 566-6398. SUPPLEMENTED. ' Aye. intersection. Police have that have themselves been directly beneath the ripening tional School District. ... TLL^Ri^R^A^lNCY BE IT ORDAINED by the Township ballroom dancing lessons on Hwy. 35. 5 Corners. Middletown 671-2590 TO SETTLE ESTATE - House In Mid Committee of the Township of Middle, charged the driver of the car, partly mechanized. It begins fruit. dletown. Three bedrooms, living room town In the County of M on mouth and Fridays from 9 to 10 p.m. be. His topic will be "Occjina. "123 000 , LITTLE SILVER dining area, kitchen. Hot water oil flret State of New Jersey, that the a'aove en. Michael J. Corrigan, 287 Bay with mowing the tops of the Mr. Christ notes that cran- Lovely three.bedroom. two-story home. heat. Excellent condition. Excellent lo titled ordinance be and the same here, ginning Nov. 27. tional Education for the Ex- Formal dining room. 114 baths, enclose." caflon S21.000. Down payment needed with Is further amended and supple- Ave.,,Highlands, with making trees by machine, which berry picking has become ceptional Child." I' «un porch, hot water heat, tree shade 25%. Phone 222-2734 eves. mented as follows: an improper left turn. The lessons will be held in lot. Assume FHA 5% annual percen SECTION 1. Section 25.124 is amended makes an orchard look as if completely automated and Mr. Hoagland has offiote-In rate mortgage. $118 per month Include; UNION BEACH — Two bedrooms, poj and supplemented to read as follows: the Park House on Union Ave. all the trees have just re- slble .third, living room, dlnlnir rnor Section 25.124 "Lot Numbers 1 and 2 blueberry picking Is moving the County Court raise, ' THE KIRWAN CO. Restrictions" ' LEGAL NOTICES Dance instructor is Eric ceived a crew-cut...Then hand rapidly in the same direction. T5 Newman Springs Rd. Red Bank Owing to the limited size and capacity Freehold. He holds n B.S; de- of Lot Numbers 1 and 2. the use of the Brown, who studied in Eng- pruning is needed to finish the Strawberries are still picked LITTLE SILVER— Sslo J39.000 (Liber. game is herewith restricted to bona fide COUNTY OF MONMOUTH land and taught in an Arthur gree from Newark State Col- »1 financing) or rent $350 monthly. residents of .the TownBhlp of Middle, STATE OP NE W JE118EY job. entirely by hand, but Mr. Three-bedroom Colonial on four lota (l.< $39,009 — Freshly painted exterior. Im town. Any such resident desiring to park NOTICE TO BIDDERS Murray studio. He was own- lege and a master's from •ore), larrse living room, dining room, maculate Interior In thl.i four-bedroom- In aald Lot Numbers Jl and 2 may obtain Notice U hereby given that sealed bids 1 "There has to be some se- Christ predicts that, they will kitchen, iwo-car garage, VA baths, 1%-bath home featuring living room am an Identification sticker for each vehicle will Se received by the Board of Chosen er-manager of the Scott Montclair State College,. He pirch, extras. Write M. Green. 201 dining room with new wall-to-wall car to be so parked by making application Freeholders of the County of Monmouth, lection," Mr. Christ explains. soon disappear from grocery Gardner. New London, Cowl. 06320. oetlng. deluxe kitchen, family room In writing to the Records Division of the New Jersey (uid opened and read In pub. Dance Studio, North Arling. has also done additional work central air conditioning and two-car ita. Police Department of the Township of lie in Room #200 In the Hall of Recordl. "There is good wood and stores if other harvesting at the University of Tuba, MIDDLETOWN — Three-bedroom rage. E. A. ARMSTRONG AOENCY, Middletown upon forma supplied by Bald Main street, Freehold, New Jersey, De. ton before coming here four weak wood, and a machine methods cannot be devised. ranch situated on beautifully landscaped Realtor. 555 Prospect Ave., Little Sll Records Division ot the Police Depart, cember 1, 1970 at 2:00 P.M. prevailing (Okla.) nnd Rt Rutgers'Uni. acre. Wall-to-wall carpeting. 23x21 llv ver. 741.4500. ment. Identification Btickers ehall be Is. time for Monmouth County Traffic Big. years ago. can't decide that. You've got Mechanical harvesting is Ing room Many aopltances Included. sued for a period of one year from nal Maintenance. versity. He is the author of Call owner, 291-1664. WEST KEAN8BURO — Four-room January 1 of 1971 to December 31 of 1971 General ballroom lessons all winter to prune, but only a easier with fruit that is can- house, corner property. Lot 50x100 and shall be renewable for one year pe. Complete specifications form of bid. numerous articles. " LITTLH SILVER — S23.400. Cuatoi Heat. Call 702-5296 rlods commencing January l, 1972. A contract and bond for the same pre. will be given and Latin Amer- couple of weeks to pick." ned or frozen. It can be pro- Cane. Three bedrooms, Hvlnp room, for. permit fee shall be paid in the sum of pared by Henry Ney. Monmouth county A class for exceptional chil- mal dlnlnp room, eat-In kitchen, l'/i IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY — 75x100 $10.00 per year to be submitted In the Engineer, are on Ille In the County En. ican dances added if there is Lower Trees cessed immediately, before biths. enclosed porrh. dry basement lot. Two bedrooms, living room, kitch form of a.chcck or money order with the glneer's Office, Hall of Records Annex. dren was started In Lwg aluminum stormB and ncreens. Very low en. utility room, bath, garage ami a application. Bald permit feos are non. 1 Lafayette Street, Freehold. New Jer. majority interest. Even without the harvest- the bruises caused by falling taxes. FHA. VA terms. THE HERO half. City water and sewers. $18,000. refundable and identification sticker^ sey and copies may bo received by proi. Branch in September nnd Mr. AOENCY. Realtor. Rt. 35 and Sunset 6Vj% assumable mortgage. 787-O748". refundablhll t eb antfbd identificatiol dn stickerhll ^ pectlve bidders, upon application, dur. Residents may register by ing machines, one immediate from the tree have time to Ave., WanamaHsa.022-0494. shall not be transferable and shall not inK bUBinesa hours. MIDDLETOWN — Colts Glan. Four, uarantee that parking space will be Bids must be made on standard pro. calling the commission of- advantage of the lower trees. produce spoilage. Hoagland will discuss the pur- NEW BHREWSBURY — 3 or 4 bed bedroom, 2'4-liath Bnlit Ranch. 128 x240 availablvailable in said Lot Numb era 1 and 2. posal forms In the manner designated fices, Reduced rates are rooms. eat-In kitchen, full basement treed lot. Near train. $11,500. Call 8«2. In no event shalhlll more thath n twt o stickerik s and required by the specifications: must is that men standing on the But when it comes to ripe pose and goals of this .pro. VA or FHA financing arranged for nual 7798. Principals only. be issued to one family which Is here- be enclosed In sealed envelopes bearing available for couples. Wed buyer. $10,500 741-36M, 741-6565. with defined as one or more persons re. the name and address of the Didder, dea. ground can pick the crop. fresh fruit in the hand — gram. • _ . - lated by blood or marriage, occupying a Ighating tbe name of the bid on the out. PAUL ft. STRIKER, Realtor. Farm* dwelling unit and living at a single, non side, addressed to the Board of Chosen prom housekeeping unit, The identi. Freeholders of the County of Monmoulh. HOUSES FOR SALE flcatlon Hticker shall bo conspicuously Hall of Records. Main street, Freehold and farm estates. State Highway 34, displayed in the lower Tltrht-hand corner New Jersey 07728 and accompanted by Agresti Fines or the rear window of ihe vehicle for the following: , Holmdel. Phona 04S-4144. which It was Issued and shall contain the license number of such vehicle anr 1. A certificate (consent of surety) FOR REAL SERVICE the period for which tho same Is Issued IIrom a reputable Insurance Com. Two Drivers OAKHURBT - S34.OO0. Beautiful tiewc and when affixed to the vehicle such paanny certifying to the (act that If the IN REAL ESTATE split level. Five bedrooms, living room resident may park said vehicle In Lot bi•ilddcd r 1B successful, a surety bond OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Mu- formal dining room, science Kitchen' Numbers 1 and 2 In one of the spaces will be filed for the performance of Consult a recreation room, basement. 1^ baths! provided for such parking, if such park the contract. nicipal Court Judge Vincent Conveniently located. FHA, VA terms liiR flpace Is available. 2. A certified check drawn to the Mon. Member of THE HERO AOENCY, Realtor, lit 35 mouth County Treasurer In an J. Agresti yesterday fined two and sunset Avr., Wanamassa. 922-9194. SECTION 2. Thin ordinance shall be. amount not less than ten per cent Red Bank Araa come effective thirty (M> days after fi- (10%) of the amount bid, hut not to persons on motor vehicle COLTS NECK—Three-beilroom house. nal pa&.iago and publication ft a provided exceed Twenty Thousand Dollars. MLS $57,500, or lease S4"2r> per month. by law. and be delivered t the place and on the charges. mL 462-7480. n The foregoing ordinance was In hour shove named. MIDDLETOWN — Split level. Turn troilucRd and panned flrnt reading at a The right Is reserved to reject any Or Glen M. Pankewich of S. rcKiihir meeting of the Townnhlp Com. all bldn If deemed to the Interest of the bedrooms, l'.j llnthil. HeerenUon room mittee of Mldilictown Townshln held on Lincoln Ave;, Oakhurst, paid _On_onejicre ground. (171-1361. November 10, 1f)70, and will come up for County of Monmouth to do so. Need "TSANSFBTUSD". on JUST OUT flnn! consideration and pannage at a By order of tht Board of Chosen Fre«- a $10 fine for careless driving. GROWING YOUR IIOMK? — Call or Public Hearing to he held November 24. olders. JOSEPH C. 1RWIN. help to decide write for AppleBrook'i monthly Homei 1070 at Township Hall, Mlditlctown. Director Frank Gant of Brick Town- for Living magazine. Offer* pictures CHARLES V. CARROLL, JR., WILLIAM I,. UUliqH, prices, descriptions. Absolutely nu Township Clerk Clerk of the Board ship, was fined $5 on a what's the cosl, no obligation. AI'PLBBItOOK Nov. 12 *20.00 Nov. 12 113.50 AGENCY, Rci\itoni. 060 Hwy. 35. Mid delinquent inspection charge. hest use of rilntown. 671-230O. TAX SALE NOTICE WEST KKANSHUItO — Two-family your land? house, fi Rnd 3 plufl flvo Mnlnhcrl room of Jtonl Estate In the Borough of Fair Haven for Non-Payment of Taxes and Safe Yields Secrets In ba.Tmrnt. fiOx'^flfl lot with swimming Public' notice Is hereby given that I. Melvln P. Stout, Collector of Taxes Look for the expert pool. M«.00(l. Alter () p.m. call 4351)221, of thn Horough of Fair llavpn, Mnnmouth, County, New Jersey will sell at public auction on tlin 2nd day of December, 1070 at 10:00 A.M. In the Mu- NEWARK (AP) - When who displays nicipal HuildlnR. 740 ]llvrr Road, Fair Haven, New Jersey ttie hereinafter the reform administration of described Innrin. this seal. Hnlil lands will bo Bold to make the amount of municipal liens charge- Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson able aRalnst the name on the 31nt day of Pocembnr IDGir an computed In III* tax lint, together wltii Interest on said amount from the first day nt July 1070 moved into City Hall, nobody Your Realtor" tn the date of sale anil (he cost of snlo, at public venduo to such persons us will purchase the sumo subject to redemption at Ihp lowest rate of Interest, could figure out whnt was in Somebody good hut In no case In excess of eight pe.rce.nl per annum. the 15-foot-high steel vault to have working Thin snip. Is made under tlic provision of Article 4, Chapter B, Title r>4. of tho Jlovljied Statutes of New Jersey 1947, entitled "Hale of Real Tropnrty that hadn't been opened for you. to Enforce Liens." and acts supplementary thereto anil amendatory thereof. Thfl sold lands to be sold and till names of persons against whom said since 1954. taxes have been lain on account nf each parcel for unpaid taxes are as fol* SEE A MEMBER OF Iowa: TAX SAI.R LIST Three months later, work- Ivnnlfi ItlU. I.O1 Description ' Vrar Amount men—joking about the "mil. nicharil re. Laufrr 07 41 20 Rustic Terrace 1M9 IMM.41 NORTHERN Allan AfcKarlane 37 i:i 118 Parker Ave, 1DC9 170.14 lions" stashed there—finally Mnmnouth Really MONMOUTH Holding Co. 41 IRft Fair llnven lloid inno managed to swing the fault's Dnhorah J. Richardson foot-thick doors open. MULTIPLE 1011 w/s AH™ in. lfiflO 07.23 Charles W. Vnn Hurl Jr. BO 4 2(1 Kp.rnp Ave.. man i,m.n HAND HARVESTING ON WAY OUT— Ernest G. Christ, loft, and Dr. Norman James Diililo, Jr. 30 17 K/H Locust Avf. inn!) oi.no Inside, they found thou- NM LISTING When thIPe. unlr takes place, payment of nil taxes or assessments, costs ami Inlerp.fliB nuiiit lie. pnlil by thB purchaser before, the conclusion of ths sale, sands of coupons once used to Childen ol the Rutgeri Collaga of Agriculturt and Environmental Science SERVICE 1 • ntlinrwlsn Iho properly will be ImmedlRtnly resold. At any time, before the sale, the cnllnrtnr will rocrlve payment of ttis note interest payments on amlrn a dwarf apple tree grown on a trellis at the collage's Cream Ridge MLS "IUv» you s»«n lh« rug ihampoo amount dur, tocstber with Interest and rosts Incurred to the date of payment. municipal bonds, several old LISTKD ON PAGE 3M Wllneis my ham! and seal this 6lh day of November U70. search Center. Thty say mechanical harvesting of New Jerisy tree fruit is n4c got In Th* Daily Rtgiittr want MBLVIN P. »TO1JT drinking cups and a 1044 girl- OP THE YeiXOW PAGES Colleotor sary If it i« to be kept in the fresh mar ket. adi, d*ir?" November », 13, 19, 23 M0.00 ie calender. r , -THZ DAIlY VECASttH, fttti BANK- M1DDLET0WN, N. J.s THUW5DAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1970- 3ft Children'a Letters to God tVm Peanut* 9JSoesinto coins Puzzle again 40-baseball By Elate George 41 Worn-down AHlAUXALKSOSir*. 10 Sarcasm 43 Sedate 11 Measures ACROSS 44 Prepared 44 Cheese type 12 Pith of the 46 "Life- 1 Final. chicken matter 5 Seamstress 45 Detect savers" 10 Wise 47 Sedateness 13 Dines 48 Arid 14 Bread 49 Sibilant 21 Wicked 50 Shelter spread sound 23 "—Tim" 52 Af that time 15 Eat away 51 Glide 25 Weird 53 Ceremony *//»«*«=».- 16 Opera solo 52 Victories • 27—cotton 54 Preposition '^fKattJaar i_« 17 Let 56 Compensa- 28 Delete 55 British gun 18 Vast tion 29Men:colloq. 57 Exchange Blondie 19 Trial 65 Clue 30 Depressions premium 20 Gained 61 Afterward 32Frankle — 58 Remaining OH, OOOP/-NOW I CAN /'"*' I HATE 59—Slayton BUY MY W1F£ THE v V / ( A SMA«T-Al£CK) 22 Tooth 63 Molding 33 Ant MINK COATSM6S ~ / ^X. TOAMP.' J pullers 64 Feminine 34 Worn-out 62 High note BEEN WANTING . 24 Bacchanals' suffix Solution to Yesterday's Panto cry 65 Girl's name 26 Fuss 66 Dare 27 Soiled with 67 New ones tuuutii unuiiu uuuu dirt 68 Chinese city 31 Anoints: var. 69 Observe . 35 Spin: poet. DOWN 26 Snoop again 1 Bereft 38Soul: Fr. 2 Sheltered 39 Disembark side mnniro 40 Ivies 3 Remitted vmmwnrm CttC 41 Regulate 4 Trembled uisuu 42 Time zone 5 Rarely aanr;iB l abbr. 6 Age Worth 43 Bards 7 Noun nrarann rararam


IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY-Long journey is possible, at IS IS perhaps for business reasons. You may profit from your technical skill or from your creative talent. IS

ARIES LIBRA >• Mardi21April20 Sept.2M)ct22 «a •?& PERSONAL. Hold on , HEALTH. Dragged- to your opinions even out feeling may not MB if others doubt their merit. be fatigue but boredom. This it : Andy Capp You're a bit confused but not would be excellent time to try wrong. a change of scene. fib THINE OWN WIFE BE •a n 54 •7 SB IS TRUE - bON»T COM£ 'OME TAURUS SCORPIO April 21-May 20 iOct.23-Nov.21 eo II BEFORE SHE EXPECTS ! Some of your prob- Try asking for what «t Its ti lems seem unneces- you want with a sary. Ate you unwittingly smile. Your, self-confidence, 6T •s being your own worst enemy? friendliness will attract good •»• things your way. i> GEMINJI VVuMay21-June20 fl n I Habit or attitude can Nov.22-Dec.20 Bridge Advice • *:»» make wrong impres- Your ideas can be sion. In all personal contacts, pure gold now. Stop By ALFRED SHEINWOLD remember image you want to South dealer and think, then act; you'll Smoke wakes you up In a project. profit amazingly. etvul room that you have never NORTH seen before. You feel the door CANCER CAPRICORN 4Q2 The Wizard of Id and realize that a fire is blaz. 9K53 June21Jnly21 ing in the hall. Do you stay in Unfavorable day for SK CAREER. Not every- O 876432 committing yourself ^••^'one who flatters you the room and get burned up,. • 83 or do you jump out of the win.' WEST KAST to decisions. Mistakes made is your friend. Keep your eyes dow and take your chances on now can ruin promising future, on your goal, your hopes con- 4 Nona 4 11095 fidential. what may be outside? Silly V 64 OJ987 question, of course, but apply OQJ1095 OAK the same reasoning to today's • KJ7642 *Q10? 1 If* AQUARIUS SOUTH 1 Others may be un- ^L J>n.20-Feb. IS hand and see if you can find. tJle window. • • AK87643 cooperative, even Jn Widen'•your sphere of <3AQ102 obstructive. Avoid those who ^ * influence by taking on South ruffed the opening O None always make difficulties or more responsibilities. Hard diamond lead and led 3 low • A5 who depress you. v work, but productive. trump to dummy's queen. South West North Eut West discarded the seven of 2*> Paw 2 NT Put VIRGO J> PISCES clubs, and South groaned. Ob- 3(J P»« 44 Put lJ-17- Aug. 22-Sept. 22 WUff Feb. 19-March 20 viously, he was going to lose 6 4 AUPMS Taking chances may W" To realize your full a trump trick. Openinglc»d- O Q* Snuffy Smith be fun but is ill ad- n potential, meditate on Declarer took the ace and TffTER ACTED UP WO WONDER TH vised. Wait until you have what you're doing that's king of hearts and then led a lead dummy's last heart. IN KIDDYGARDEN SGHOOLMflRM more reserves before expand-, healthy, what is self-destruo heart to the queen. West dis- When East follows with the HIM flLLTHAT ing. tive. carded another club, and, nine, South must grit his teeth 01 tf&U TERRIBLE HOMEWORK South groaned again. After a and try a finesse with the ten BAD Dennis the Menace brief pause for muttering, of hearts. This dangerous. South- ruffed his last heart in play is like Jumping out of the dummy and conceded one window when your building is trump and one club. Down on fire. What choice do you one. have? Obviously, South didn't As the cards lie, the finesse even look for a way out.wins. You discard nne of ilum, Would you? my's clubs on the queen of Worry About Clubs hearts, cash the pee of clubs At the second trick South and ruff a club. The rest is discovers that he must lose a easy. trump trick. Since he cannot DAILY QUESTION The Phantom afford to lose a club trick as Partner opens with 1-NT (IB well, South must worry nbout to 18 points), nnd the next HEVJ MAM, WHO IN ®JV •»*/.' the clubs. o-H" WHERE IS PUMA MUST BE WAS THAT?/ player passes. You hold: S — SOME GIRL.' £ Clearly, South must discard None H - 8 4 D - Q J 10 9 5 one of dummy's nubs on a C — KJ7C4 2. What do you : Ife good heart. But South will say? gain nothing if East ruffs the Answer: Jump lo fhrte fourth heart. East will return clubs, forcing to name. You a trumn, and South will tven. expect to bid diamonds r°xt tually have to lose a club in the hope of Retting to five trick. of a minor r.uit. You pi»y pet atj South can gainfully discard to an unmakable rlam If j'our dummy's club only ff Kast fol- partner !s ambitious, hut this lows suit to four rounds of is a risk you cannot nvoid. hearts. Jf East has only two ^S * I GAVE DENNIS A QUARTER TO STOP PIAYINS HIS DRUM. or three hearts, the Blam can- THBM HE TOXTHe QUARIEP ANO BO06HT A mtSOS." not be made. Drug Addiction Problem? •v South must take the ace nnd Call 088-8333 For Help Day or king of hearts nnd must then Night. Xubhiii Beetle Bailey 1 • s^ ^N S?i\ ' WHAf WA4 ^ / MAV0B J PON'f 1 • YOUR 6COR6 ? ( TAK6 TUg (3AMB N V SgRIOUSLY ENOUGH/;


m II'-13. Lois


Britain's Tourism Gains JLONDON (AP) - Tourism andSBoetn c&tecciation authorities reported a record 3.8 million foreign visitors to BROAD STREET AT BERGEN PLACE Britain in tite first nine months of 1970, up 18 per cent from the same period last 741-3700 year, A 23 per cent increase in American visitors and a 43 "Where You Save Does Make a DiUkrence" per cent rise in Japanese vis- itors contributed to the show- I ing. ^; ••/


FOi ,; ^ ^


Very Special Event1. $28 - $32 Dacron Polyester Dresses in Six Styles Picture your little angel in our 15.50 clever-as-the-devi! JUMPSUIT COLLECTION to

What perfect timing! Just before the holidays Steinbach has cor- from the left: nered the market on these wonderful dresses that will take you We've got all the "now" looks for future fash- Striped Knit polyester with low waist belt. Bright beautifully through the season. Six exciting styles: Jewel neck, navy with white. 4 to 6X $16 ' ion leaders! Clever now jumpsuits that feel so shirtwaist, mock turtle, V-neck, long and short sleeves —'and all 7 to 14 $18 completely washable and shape-retaining. In superb colors: Scar- comfortable no matter how she carries on Bonded Orion® acrylic with front zipper. Red or let, pine, sable, navy, black. Misses sizes 8-18. Gredt buy! Sorry, no navy. Sizes 4 to 6x $9 Sizes 7 to 14 $10 . • .and fabrics that are made to take the mail or phone orders. Peasant* Braid trims bonded Orion acrylic, (shirt wear with tittle care—flood news for room! not included). Navy or camel. Sizes 4 to 6X $9 Sizes 7 to 14 $11

SHOP tMnbodi • rnbwy pork /75-4000 • red bgnk 74MO001M.30, w»A, h.» SHOP • mbury nark • r.d tunic 10-5,30, w*d., M. to 9 • bfltk town, K>9, wt. to 5.30, Mi, *oen to 3.30 9 • btfck town plow, 477-400010-?, wt. to 5,3o, «m» MMM w 5,30 • «llbh • «lltabtll.,°,45J<30,mon.,tli»n.»o» • plolnfWd Steinbach S5H400 MO hmd A {btmfy O«rl«'») 9i4S-a.S0, mom, ttion. to 9