LIL V Program Book
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TABLE OF CONTENTS General Information ORGASM Our Name Savs It All! Conference Director: NLA Affrliates SANDMUTOPIA Sallee Huber NLA Chapters SandMutopia CommitteeChair: S and M Utopia George Nelson NLA : Statement of Purpose Suppll'Co. National Co-Chairs: NLA Membership Application ) Jim Richardsi Judy Tallwing McCarthey Special Thanks Electrotorturc Audio Tapes Sounds Magazines N. A. C. Listing Memorial Catl'rctcrs Vicleos Bondage Books Mr. & Ms. NLA: Jan Lyon/ Advertising Leather Drummer Guy Baldwin Latex Mach High Spots: Wayne Gloege CBT DungeonMaster Keynote Speaker: Troy Perry Tit Torture Sandmutopia Guardian Slater/Mains Award: Pat Catifia/ Chuck Renslow Visit us rvhen in San Francisco: - 2{ Shotrvell, San Francisco, CA (.il5) 252-r r95 Workshop Presentors Crcrlit Cartl Orrlers (ihtlly Acccptctl by 'l'clr:¡:lrorre Weekend Schedule C orn pu1=r l'.lodem Usersl Join forces with Local Talent BBS. (41 5) 83i-79=5 l¿r 2l hour access to our catalog. Non.subscribers use 'Drumrn=r' as your password. Workshop Schedule To be on our mailing list, send 53 to: FO Eox 11314, San Franclsco, CA 94101-1314. Art Show Exhibitors CITY: STATE: ZtP Ey ry {ræ bå þçi{ t..eüry rft iEffirt 2l y.rr. ol ¡g.: Mr. & Ms. NLA Contest GENERAL INFORMATION CONFERENCE DIRECTOR As v,e gather in Portla¡xl to celcbrate tiving In læatherV, PHOTOGRAPHY POLICY it seems appropriate toconsider the past, present, and future of what we mean by,,Living In Private photography: Please limit your pictures to peoplesyou know or people who have kåther." As with Ttþs, supersorvls, and other etr'ents given you their permission. Pictures taken by private parties are for private their use only, endingwith srccession of Roman numerab, details and NO PUBLICATIONS. meaning of the ocrasion arc easily forgoüen. Each one is just "another onc." We assume it alc¡avs has. and Media photography: unless prior arrangements are made througb George Nelson and alwa¡s will occur. Sallee Huber, no pictures shall be taken for or by any publication. Our cultu¡e seems to put importance on certain numbers or anniversaries, LIL v has a¡ officially assigned photographer. wee will provide photos by Nov. 10 to lnrr being one of them. Frve yeårs, those publications requesting such. the fifth, it's one of the first numeric mark of sígnifìcance. It suggests that something has existed long enough to become fairly important. yearly These policies apply to all LIL events including the Exhibition As for the rebirth ofour energy and ideas, but the v area, opening organizations and events go in our own sometimes concept can v\be used for mudl morc. I trcpe ûo see our Ceremonies, and the Mr./Ms. NLA Contest. NO NON-APPROVED PHOTOGRA- lrans¡ent SM subculture, fìve years of existence can chapters and Affìliates doing,,mini-conferences," or PHY IS ALLOWED DURING WORKSHOPS. actually imply ¡¡cstablishmcnt." an As this year's regional gatherings that ipread thc knowlcdge of our Conference Director, this esoteric examination is lives even farther, such as Seattle's ,,May Days." I NO PHOTOGRAPHY is allowed during Dungeon rmpoftant to me. Important the Play Parties! The Dungeon shall because I see so much fulher hop€ that the input and experience we gain at potentially be open from 6pm to 8pm on Saturday for a free photography session for both private ahead of us as an organuation, ¡at I fear we each LIL makes the next one even better! parties and approved Media. maylose sight of it in ourgrowrh. A significant addition to this years conference is the Few things of worth ca n stay static or unchanged for audiotapingof alnrod all of ourwo¡kshops lrJot onlywill long. During these yeax, the NtA has seen great this affo¡d manyeducational opportunities for the folk change. The full scope pan_sexual of a truly back home, but mo¡e importantly, will preserve a organization, encompassing ALL aspects of leather, polion of our knowledge and history. It's my hopc we SM, and Fetishes is linally bcing realized. Similarl¡ rhe never forget our founders, our leaders and our NI-A has begun to reflcct the wide geographical base teachers. So as we meet new sisters and brothers each that was to implement some of the long range goals year, now we may also better remenrber our past as found in the NLA's Statement of purposc, such as a well. Speaker's bureau, and a functioning political Action Committee. .Living" AII that is consilercd must by definition be in a ,,L¡ather', state ofchange orgrowlh. has lranscended A great deal of thc growth and erpansion CYD ATHENS: STAFF COORDINATOR of thc N[-A lhc litcral dcfinition of deact animal skin þreferably can bc dircctly a(nl)utcd to ,,tiving (This is the person All Staff people need to be familiar with!) thh cvcnt wc call In dpd in <brk hucs), to bccornc symbolic of a ¡ifcstylc that i¿ather." Each year as people experience the challcnges the limitsofsupposed "This year's Staff Coordinator was recently released..., but seriously folfts, C]d Athens is normalcy, and seeks cxcitement ofsuch a Tribal Gathering, the energ,and ncw freedom. a charter member of several organizations in So let us then, in the NLA,s fifth year of both the SM and mainstream gay/lesbian word is spread further, and we're invigorated by new Living In håther, ¡enew both the past and futurc communities. She has recently returned to Portland after a years' stay in Seattle." çirit bbod and ide¿s. We\æ perhaps loú sight of the fact ttnt growth of our community. the Nl-l\ itself was first formed as an organizational The following vehicle to host LIL I. The one hundred events will be interprrcted for the hearing impaired: Opening Ceremonies, orso perverts l¡r's celebratc our liræs, lu$, and bvc, and haræ one hell that gathered the Mr/Ms. NI-A Contest, the Leather Brunch, and workshops on "Sm and the Physically for that christcning shoræd the ne¿d and of a party! \ryELCOME TO PORTI-A,ND! ¡i¡¡¿li¡ess challenged" and "creating community." other workshops will be interpreted by for such an ongoing effort as the NI^A. F'rvc request. years late r, we start to take oußclves for granted. Sallee Mallard I{uber DirectorLILV i'm excited that Portland has had the oppofunity to The HOSPITALITY RooM is going to be located at the Red Lion in rooms 265 - host our brothers and sisters again 266.. We hope to see you there! this year, but I'm *en more thrilled with the prospect of seeing the NI-/\ lake this showon the road-to Chicago next year, and fom therc...? Living In f¡¿ther is our chanc€ to gather -- --- COMMITTEE CTIAIR CO. CTIAIRS Whcn I was asked to w¡ite somethins to so WELCOME that people had not alreadyheard. fhen-I' what it mcant to me and what it meant to I 5th Annual installment of Livins in Leather. If second, third, fourth, or even filth Coofe.ence imilar interests. It is place I think you'll find this fifth congregating of our a safe to explore where people who would not every as stimulating and challenging any uiually bit as ideas. s()mc strong successes. I believe family the people who weekend Our most successful efforts have been centered around establish- wc be toséthei. worki ing a national community network. In fact, NLA has built and maintained together. Whcn a l'eeling-of belo national an international network of well over 400 l.eather/SM/Fetish organiz.a- organiz. king to þromote tions and over 200 publications, and maintains regûlar,'frequent õontact with them all. During the weckend Ihe new members of the Most of all attend workshops, learn, and have fun- Jim Richards - National Co - Chair Judy Tallwing McCarthey - National Co IChair surance and knowledge that our community has strength, grif, and in- credible human resources. Finally, it provides us our best Party of the -year. Welcome back to LIL and Portland to our returning registrants. If yoq're here for the first time, welcome to the most posiiive,"supportive, ând exciting weekend you've ever experienccd. George Nelson 1990 N-A.C. & CO.CHAIRS NLA 1989 - 90 Jim Richards Co-Chair Shannon Thomas Kennedy Co-Chair JAN LYON NATIONAL ADVISORY COI.]NCIL MEMBERS MS. NLA 1989 -90 Gabrielle Antolovich Albert Kraus Race Bannon Jan Lyon Gerrie Blum Andy Mangels Nan Burrows Ruth Marks Parrie 'M.P.' Bresllin Karen Mendelsohn Beth Brown George Nelson Pat Califia Stuart Norman J. C. Collins Christopher Posler Tony DeBlase Joe Potter Jerry Deloach Bonny Ramsey Stacy Dennen lVes Randell Joan Donnelly Dave Rhodes John Ferrari Iæs Robinson lVayne Gloege Marion O. Rounsaville Johnny Grey Gayle Rubin Conrad Hodson Tony Shenton Sallee Huber Susie Shepherd Neal Johnston Judy Tallwing McCarthey Karen Kircher Karen Udell Ronald Kite Ann Wilson ALTERNATES TOjN.A.C. Shannon Garcia Moonyean Larry Arbo Susan White Ice Camins-Bretts R. NLA 1989 KEYNOTE SPEAKER Wclcomc onc and all... Angeles after a twuyear stint in the Army, he was s€t on the historical cou¡se his life was to take- this, our fifth Living in Leathcr confcr- cncc. Wc hopc that this weekcncl will be a "The L,ord was dealingwith me. I had been taught by you. mcmorablc onc lor and that -experi-vou will my previous church that you couldn't be a Christian takc somc ncw ideas, attitudcs, and a gayperrcn too. I kept this up until onc day God enccs and inforrnation about vourselt hbmc got a word in cdgewisc and said, "Don't tell me what with you whcn its all ovcr.