Page 1 of 8 APEX News October 2006 Volume 18, Issue 10 KINK KARNIVAL 2006 By terry Areas of Interest: • Southwest Leather Conference Come see what under our November 4th at APEX. Information BIG TOP! Those on the auction bl ock • The final pa rt of include Master Steve The time is drawing near ! Diaper The Arizona Power Sampson, SWLC (CEO) Domination Exchange will be hosting its Robert, Master Kalan, For prices and information on open-to-the -public Kink Southwest LeatherSIR vending or performing please • October Meetin g Information Karnival on Saturday, 2006, Lauren, Sout hwest contact {MG} slave terry, APEX November 4th from 9am to Ms Leather 2006, boy Outreach Chair at 5pm at APEX in Phoenix, marshallSouthwest
[email protected] . Or Arizona. Leatherboy 2006 and see arizonapowerexchange.o rg. many others. We hope to see you t here. What goes on at a Ki nk Karnival? The National Center for Must be 18 or older to attend. Individual Sexual Freedom. (NCSF) Highlights: Entertainment: will receive 100% of the Sponsors for this year’s Kink proceeds from the silent Karnivali nclude: APEX contacts 2 Come enjoy The Royal auction. Court, “Something Bloody” Southwest Leather Conference : Untitled Story 4 byMaster Kalan, So uthwest What would a Kink SWLC info 5 LeatherSIR 2006 a nd Karnival be without Desert Dominion : Community ties 7 Lauren, Southwest Ms GREAT vendors? Leather2006 , S hibari a nd Dungeon Delights, Tops Dungeon Delights Meeting info. 8 Rope s uspension by Master and bottoms, Passion Calendar 8 Gudie, Sol of “Edge Art” , Wolf, Fetish Falls / and Scary Terry and Sir and more will be there.