Muscle Spasm As a Cause of Somatic Pain*
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Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.13.4.331 on 1 December 1954. Downloaded from MUSCLE SPASM AS A CAUSE OF SOMATIC PAIN* BY DERYCK TAVERNER Department of Medicine, University ofLeeds (RECEIVED FOR PUBLICATION JULY 19, 1954) Pains which seem predominantly to affect the in eight patients with muscular tenderness he found muscles are extremely common and many hypotheses increased irritability of the tender muscles, i.e. needle regarding their genesis have been developed, but movement produced more spontaneous electrical most of them have lost support in time. The activity than in controls. In some of these tender concept of "fibrositis", so popular 20 years ago, is muscles he also found a continuous discharge of one now almost universally suspect, and few would or more action potentials in "otherwise relaxed claim that any sound basis for it has been discovered. muscles". His records show, and he describes, But the destruction of a hypothesis, such as single motor unit action potentials firing at rates of "fibrositis", does not eradicate the condition it was 8-12/sec. Spontaneous fluctuation of this activity designed to explain. As has often been pointed out was noted, i.e. a motor unit close to the electrode in discussion: "the pain is very real". Other theories would disappear while more distant ones would are still current and should undergo the same critical continue. This spontaneous activity was shown treatment as did "fibrositis". For example, it is to be localized to the tender areas by means of double by copyright. frequently suggested that muscle spasm is the cause channel recording, and it was found to disappear of pain in a variety of disorders ranging from pro- after infiltration with procaine. In discussing his lapsed intervertebral disk (Rose, 1954) to psycho- findings, Elliott (I944b) refers to these electrical neurosis (Holmes and Wolff, 1952). changes as muscular spasm, and suggests that this It is such common knowledge that a sustained may cause pain in one of two ways: either because muscular contraction can be painful that it is not unphysiological muscular contraction, as in cramp, surprising that an involuntary muscular contraction is painful, or because muscles contracting under -a muscle spasm-should be invoked as a cause of ischaemic conditions become painful. this idea has led to the Other workers have investigated this problem in pain in disease. Indeed, therapeutic use of muscle relaxants, such as d-tubo- similar ways, but have usually obtained inconclusive curarine (Schlesinger, 1946) and myanesin (Schlesin- results. For example, Holmes and Wolff (1952) ger, Drew, and Wood, 1948), but the results have not found that psychoneurotic patients with backache been very impressive. showed generalized muscular hyperactivity during It is important to examine the evidence on which simple movements of one limb or during interviews the concept of muscular spasm as a common cause provocative of conflict and hostility. This muscular of pain is based. There is, of course, the clinical activity did not invariably cause pain and the observation that some painful muscles are both authors noted that similar amounts of vigorous on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected tender and firm to the touch. Such observations muscular activity in exercise were normally well may well be misleading and there have been many tolerated and painfree. attempts to prove the existence of the postulated Before considering this evidence it is necessary to muscular spasm by instrumental methods. describe briefly the principles upon which electro- Of these, electrical devices, as in electromyo- myography is based (Weddell, Feinstein, and Pattle, graphy, have been chiefly used, and one of the most 1944; Bauwens, 1948). The simplest muscle twitch frequently quoted contributions is that of Elliott is due to the contraction of a single motor unit. (1944a). Elliott examined the electrical activity in Increasing work results from firstly a faster rate of muscles of fourteen patients who were later proved firing of the individual motor units, and secondly the surgically to be suffering from prolapsed inter- recruitment of more motor units. A motor unit vertebral disks. He inserted needle electrodes and consists of one anterior horn cell, its motor nerve * Paper read at a meeting of the Heberden Society, May, 1954. fibre and the hundred or more muscle fibres which it 331 Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.13.4.331 on 1 December 1954. Downloaded from 332 ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES supplies. The fibres of the individual motor unit problems of electromyography is to produce the are dispersed to some extent and do not form a complete relaxation necessary to achieve the elec- compact anatomical structure. When the anterior trical silence mentioned. Patients who have suffered horn cell fires, its dependent muscle fibres contract from severe pain, as in sciatica, for some time, find more or less simultaneously. If a needle electrode it hard to relax satisfactorily, and anyone with a is placed close to the motor unit, the resulting tender muscle is likely to react to the intrusion of electrical activity can be recorded with suitable a needle by involuntary muscular contraction. It is electronic equipment. The action potential of a clear, therefore, that the discovery of single motor single motor unit has an amplitude of 1-2 millivolts units firing spontaneously does not prove that there and a duration of 5-10 milliseconds. All innervated has been pre-existing spontaneous muscular activity. contraction of skeletal muscle is accompanied by In addition, we now know that irritation of nerve electrical activity which can be easily detected. roots, e.g. by prolapsed intervertebral disks, may In a fully relaxed normal muscle there is complete sometimes produce spontaneous action potentials electrical silence (Fig. 1). Slight voluntary con- (Richardson, 1951). Such activity often presents in traction produces one or more motor unit action the form of groups of repetitive action potentials potentials firing at rates of 5-10/sec. As the activity with a characteristic electromyographic pattern. increases, the rate of firing goes up to 40-50/sec. and These bursts are often, but not necessarily, found in more and more motor units are recruited until a tender or painful muscles and they may be observed maximal voluntary contraction results in an inter- clinically as fasciculations. There can be little doubt ference pattern of superimposed action potentials. that both the pain and the electrical activity are In practice certain difficulties may arise. The secondary to the nerve root irritation. equipment used in electromyography is rather awe- Spontaneous electrical activity is a common inspiring, and few people relish the insertion of a electromyographic finding and is seldom associated large needle without an anaesthetic. Apprehension with pain. Activity very similar in appearance to leads to muscular contraction, and one of the minor that illustrated by Elliott is a characteristic feature by copyright. A< ---- NMI I 0 --A- 4 r, -ry-, -IrI.rr, y r----r X.a---SE. A:E AR y , -T -T .V IM - 1 91" v IIIfm .1.11i 1011 -&4AraiittA~riAAaL -I on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected ~~~~~jI.~~~~~~~~~~~~lw 9-m i if 6 iIIIIi ol! i'l 6? iliv ate Fig. 1.-Needle electrode recordings from a normal tibialis anticus muscle. Upper beams-10 msec. time marker. Lower beams- electrical activity of muscle. A. Resting muscle. B. Slight voluntary contraction. C. Full voluntary contraction. Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.13.4.331 on 1 December 1954. Downloaded from MUSCLE SPASM AND SOMATIC PAIN 333 ,r -~~~~~7T A~AAA-A' Fig. 2.-A. Simultaneous needle electrode recordings of spontaneous electrical activity from right frontalis muscle (upper beam) and right orbicularis oris muscle (lower beam) of a patient with painless facial twitching at 6 weeks' duration. B. Needle electrode recording (lower beam) of spontaneous electrical activity in extensor communis digitorum muscle of a patient suffering from dystrophia myotonica. of the usually painless condition, amyotrophic painful cramp is characterized by sustained electrical lateral sclerosis, and may persist for months. activity at frequencies of 300/sec. or more (Adams, Fig. 2A shows a double-channel recording from the Denny-Brown, and Pearson, 1953), a frequency facial muscles of a patient with persistent but pain- never achieved in the most intense voluntary con- by copyright. less facial twitching of 6 weeks' duration. In the traction. Fig. 3A shows the typical appearance of painless condition of dystrophia myotonica, spon- high frequency activity recorded from the external taneous electrical activity of a much more striking oblique muscle of a patient suffering from repeated order is constantly seen (Fig. 2B). It is true, as painful muscle cramps. Fig. 3B shows a recording Elliott remarks, that muscle cramp is painful, but from another patient with intense muscular spasm MIT on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected Fig. 3.-A. Needle electrode recording from external oblique muscle during a painful muscle cramp. B. Needle electrode recording from right deltoid muscle during a painless involuntary muscle contraction or spasm. Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.13.4.331 on 1 December 1954. Downloaded from 334 ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES (involuntary contraction) of his deltoid muscle. This procaine. This is a common site for such pain and was quite painless and it is noteworthy that the it may occur, for example, after motoring. pattern is typical ofa maximal voluntary contraction, The subject had noticed that her pain did not but there is no sign of the high frequency activity develop if she knitted with her right elbow sup- seen in the muscle cramp. ported, thus slightly reducing the activity in the right In my own experience of electromyography in trapezius muscle, or when knitting with the right other painful conditions I have never seen spontane- arm slightly abducted, which increases the trapezius ous activity suggestive of cramp or, in the relaxed activity.