022-24132735 022-24132393 Fax No.022-24123322 022-24172288 022-24156392 भारत सरकार E-mail :
[email protected] वाणय और उयोग मंालय Website: http://ipindia.nic.in Patents/Designs/Trademark कायालय महानयंक एकव अभकप एव ं यापार चह Geographical Indications बौक संपदा भवन, एस.एम. रोड, एटॉप हल, मुंबई 400037 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Commerce & Industries Office of the Controller General Patents, Designs and Trademarks Boudhik Sampada Bhawan, S. M. Road, Antop Hill, Mumbai 400037 CG/Public Notice/TMR/ Date: 11/07/2016 Public Notice regarding default in filing of reply in respect of office objection raised in Examination report: During the month of March and April 2016, the Trade Mark Registry has dispatched 13062 examination reports containing office objections u/s 9, 11 and other relevant sections of the Trade Marks Act, 1999 to the concerned applicants or their authorised agents on record. Out of the examination reports so dispatched, no reply / communication have been received in 9578 applications even after the expiry of more than 30 days from the date of dispatch. The list of such applications is attached herewith for reference. It is to be noted that examination reports are also made available on official web site of the CGPDTM i.e. www.ipindia.nic.in along with the application status of the relevant application. As per provisions of the Trade Marks Act, 1999 and rules made their under, such applications are likely to be treated as abandoned. Applicants / authorised agents may however send the scanned copy of reply to the examination report on or before 31/07/2016 at
[email protected], failing which the applications may be treated as abandoned.