
6. Existing Environment

6.15 Landuse and Sensitive Receptor

6.15.1 Landuse within the Project Site

The existing landuse within the entire Phase 3 Project site is the matured old oil palm plantation. The Project site is surrounded by the existing irrigation drain, provides natural boundary demarcation to the site. The existing landuse within the Project site is shown in Plate 6.32 below.

The Project site was inhabitant with exception of 24 plantation quarters which consists of 20 households and a Hindu Temple resided towards the edge of eastern boundary of the Project site. The location of the quarters and Hindu temple is shown in Figure 6-59. The 20 households and the Hindu Temple have been temporary relocated to area near Kg Sg Byram by the plantation owner.

The Phase 3 Project site is generally residing on a flat coastal plain with a buffer range of 500m to 1300m from the coastline on the western boundary of the Project site. The immediate northern boundary of the Project site is the existing Phase 1 & 2 of Pulau Burung Landfill while the immediate eastern towards the southern boundaries are palm oil plantation.

The existing landuse map within the Project site up to 5 km radius from the Project site as derived from JPBD Pulau is presented in Figure 6-60 while the satellite image of the Study area is presented in Figure 6-61.

Plate 6.32: Oil Palm Trees within the Project site

Matured old palm tree within the Phase 3 Project site and the plantation is surrounded with irrigation drain at the site boundary.

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Table 6-1 Figure 6-1

Table 6-2 Figure 6-2 Table 6-3 Figure 6-3 Table 6-4 Figure 6-4 Table 6-5 Figure 6-5 Table 6-6 Figure 6-6 Table 6-7 Figure 6-7

Table 6-8 Figure 6-8 Table 6-9 Figure 6-9 Table 6-10 Figure 6-10

Table 6-11 Figure 6-11 Table 6-12 Figure 6-12 Table 6-13 Figure 6-13 Table 6-14 Figure 6-14 Table 6-15 Figure 6-15 Table 6-16 Figure 6-16 Table 6-17 Figure 6-17 Table 6-18 Figure 6-18 Table 6-19 Figure 6-19

Table 6-20 Figure 6-20 Table 6-21 Figure 6-21 Table 6-22 Figure 6-22 Table 6-23 Figure 6-23 Table 6-24 Figure 6-24 Table 6-25 Figure 6-25 Table 6-26 Figure 6-26

Table 6-27 Figure 6-27 Table 6-28 Figure 6-28 Table 6-29 Figure 6-29

Table 6-30 Figure 6-30 Table 6-31 Figure 6-31 Table 6-32 Figure 6-32 Table 6-33 Figure 6-33 Table 6-34 Figure 6-34 Table 6-35 Figure 6-35 Table 6-36 Figure 6-36 Table 6-37 Figure 6-37 Table 6-38 Figure 6-38 Table 6-39 Figure 6-39 Table 6-40 Figure 6-40 Table 6-41 Figure 6-41 Table 6-42 Figure 6-42 Table 6-43 Figure 6-43 Table 6-44 Figure 6-44 Table 6-45 Figure 6-45 Table 6-46 Figure 6-46 Table 6-47 Figure 6-47 Table 6-48 Figure 6-48 Table 6-49 Figure 6-49 Table 6-50 Figure 6-50 Table 6-51 Figure 6-51

Table 6-52 Figure 6-52 Table 6-53 Figure 6-53 Table 6-54 Figure 6-54

Table 6-55 Figure 6-55 Figure 6-56 Figure 6-57

Figure 6-58

KediamanNote : RK – Rumah Kediaman

Figure 6-59 Location of Plantation Quarters and Indian Temple within the Project site (these structural have been relocated since 2014)

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Source : Existing Landuse (base year 2012) retrieved from Penang Geoportal, JPBD Pulau Pinang & info Figure 6-60 Existing Landuse of the Study Area based on site verification survey in June 2014 and June 2016

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PF: Poultry Farm

FM: Furniture Mill

IF : Industry/ yard

Figure 6-61 Satellite Image of the Study Area

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6.15.2 Regional Landuse of the Study Area

Information on regional landuse were derived based on the existing landuse information from Geoportal JPBD Pulau Pinang, satellite image from Google earth as well as findings from landuse verification survey conducted onsite in June 2014 and June 2016 respectively. The overview of the landuse within 5km radius from the Project boundary could be broadly categorised into 3 broad categories i.e. agriculture, residential and minimal industrial landuses. Overall, approximately 60% of the study area covers land however the other 40% is made up of sea being the . Approximately 80% of the land within the study area is agriculture while residential/commercial occupied around 15%. Only approximately 5% of the existing landuse within the study area are occupied for industrial landuses including the existing Phase 1 and 2 landfill. However during the site verification conducted in June 2016, rapid development was observed in progress at Batu Kawan area, northern of study area across Sg Tengah.

Detail landuse surrounding the Project site will be described in the radius ranges of 0 – 500 m from the Project boundary, 500 m to 1 km, 1 km to 3 km and 3 km to 5 km. For the purpose of this study, the landuse radius plotted taken into consideration of the existing Phase 1 and Phase 2 landfill thus the existing landfill will formed part of the Project boundary in landuse study. Landuse Within 0 – 500 m Radius of the Project site

Landuse within 500 m radius from the Project site boundary are generally occupied by agriculture activities from the north eastern towards the eastern boundary of the Project site. The immediate northern boundary of the Project site hosted the existing Phase 1 and 2 of Pulau Burung Landfill. A narrow strip of swampy forest are located at the immediate northern boundary of the existing Phase 1 and 2, provided a vegetation buffer belt before reaching Sg Tengah at a distance of approximately 250 m from the existing landfill boundary. (Refer Plate 6.33).

Plate 6.33: Landuse within 500m at the northern boundary of study area

Swampy forest buffering the northern of Phase 1 Sg Tengah and 2 from Sg Tengah

Similarly, the north western tip to the central western boundary of the Project site is covered with vegetation belt i.e. Hutan Simpan Byram, buffering the Project site to the Strait of Malacca. The distance of the mangroves forest to the Project boundary ranges within 200 m at the northern tip to approximately 600 m at the central western of the site (Refer Plate 6.34).

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Plate 6.34: Hutan Simpan Byram

Hutan Simpan Byram at the western of Existing Hutan Simpan Byram towards the western of Phase 1&2 Landfill Proposed Phase 3 Landfill

A significant area at the south western quadrant of the Project boundary hosted numerous pond aquaculture activities. The pond aquacultures occupied the area from the Project boundary to the shoreline area. Seawater was seen drawn for these aquaculture activities. (Plate 6.35)

Plate 6.35: Pond Aquacultures Activities

Project Site

Pond Aquaculture at the western boundary Sea water drawn for aquaculture activities

Generally there is no significant settlement area within the 500 m radius from the Project boundary except Kg Sg Byram which is located at approximately 250 m eastern of the Project site. Kg Sg Byram hosted mainly the workers from the nearby oil palm plantation as well as the relocated 20 households of plantation quarters which were previously residing within the Phase 3 Project site. Besides Kg Sg Byram, a Tamil School and a Hindu Temple is located around 50 m near the junction of Jalan Byram connecting to the Project site. (Refer Plate 6.36).

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Plate 6.36: Human Settlements and Institution at the Eastern Boundary

SJK(T) Ladang Byram Kg Sg Byram

Landuse within 500 m from the Project boundary is presented in Figure 6-62 and summarised in Table 6-56.

Table 6-56 Landuse within 500 m radius from the Project site boundary

Landuse Northern Eastern Southern Western Agriculture - OP (Oil palm OP (Oil palm OP (Oil palm plantation) plantation) plantation) 5 (Aquaculture Pond) Residential / 2 (20 households 3 (Kg Sg Byram) - - Institution which has been A (SJK (T) Ldg relocated to area Byram) near Kg Sg Byram) Forest SW (Swampy - - 4 (Hutan Simpan forest) Byram Mangroves forest) Water Body 7 (Sg Tengah) - - Strait of Malacca

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Strait of Malacca A






Pond Aquaculture 6

Source :

Figure 6-62 Existing Landuse Within 1 km Radius Base map: Existing Landuse 2012 from the Project Site Boundary from Penang Geoportal & field survey verification in June 2014 and June 2016

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______ Landuse within 500 – 1000 m Radius of the Project Site

While landuses within 500 – 1000 m radius from the Project site are generally comparable with the immediate landuse in radius of 500 m for most area except at the northern, and north-western boundary. At the northern, Sg Tengah drains at approximately 500 m from the Project boundary. The northern bank of river mouth of Sg Tengah is a cockle bed area. Some industrial development activities were in progress at the edge of 1km northern boundary, across Sg Tengah. Whilst area toward the north-western to western boundary is the Strait of Malacca.

Agriculture landuse i.e. oil palm plantation remained as the major landuse within the 500 m to 1 km from the north-eastern towards the eastern and southern boundary. While the pond aquaculture activities plies from 500 m to 1 km up to approximately 1.5 km at the western boundary of the Project site. A small poultry farm is recorded at the edge 500m south of the Project boundary. The western boundary at this radius plies a small patch of Hutan Simpan Byram.

Two rivers were located at the edge of 1 km at the southern boundary. On the tip of south eastern boundary, a tributary of Sg Tengah flowing towards northerly direction while at south, Sg Kerian flows from east to the west into Strait of Malacca. Generally there is no human settlement or institution recorded within 500 m to 1 km radius from the Project site.

Landuse features within 500m to 1km from the Project boundary is shown in Figure 6-62 and listed in Table 6-57 below:-

Table 6-57 Landuse Features within 500 m – 1 km from the Project boundary

Landuse Northern Eastern Southern Western Agriculture 7 (Cockle bed OP (oil palm OP (oil plam OP (oil palm at northern plantation) plantation) plantation) bank of Sg PF (Poultry farm) 5 (Pond aquaculture) Tengah river mouth) Residential / - - - - Institution Industrial 21 (Industrial - - - Development in Progress) Forest SW (swampy - - 4 (Hutan Simpan forest) Byram) Water body 7 (Sg Tengah) - 7a (Tributaries of Sg Strait of Malacca Tengah) 6 (Sg Kerian) Landuse within 1 km – 3 km Radius from the Project Site

Landuses at 1 km to 3 km north of the Project boundary are still mainly dominated by agriculture activities with oil palm plantation covers most of the area on the northern towards the eastern and south-eastern boundary. Nevertheless, the oil palm plantation across Sg Tengah at the northern boundary has been recently cleared for development activities. As development spill off effects from the newly completed Sultan Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah bridge (located around 2 km north of Project boundary), rapid development was observed during the landuse verification survey conducted in June 2016. The developments were also captured in the latest satellite image obtained from Google earth source as shown in Figure 6-61. Based on the info derived onsite as well as in reference to Penang Structure Plan 2020, the area is to be developed into industrial zone. ______DEIA for the Proposed Phase 3 Development of Sanitary Landfill at Pulau Burung, Seberang Prai Selatan, Pulau Pinang 6-154


Sg Kerian drains the southern boundary at a distance from 1.0 to 1.5 km south. The river flows from the higher land at the eastern towards the Strait of Malacca on western. Pond aquacultures is another significant agriculture activity at the area further south across Sg Kerian. The pond aquaculture spans from 1 km up to around 3 km radius at southeast. Besides, a significant cage aquaculture site was recorded at approximately 3km offshore, at north-west of Project boundary.

Some industrial and agriculture based industrial activities were observed located within the plantation landuse at the eastern boundary. Among the industries recorded from the landuse verification survey exercises includes a palm oil mill, furniture mill, recycling collector yard, food industries (HOBE Food industries) as well as several poultry farms. These facilities are shown in Figure 6-61.

In terms of settlements area, no significant settlement area is located within 1 – 3 km radius from northern to eastern and south-eastern boundary. Both Kg Changkat and Taman Cowin are the nearest significant settlements area located on eastern at a distance beyond 3km from the Project boundary. A small village settlement namely Kg Kebun Baharu is located at approximately 1.1 km south-eastern, near the northern bank of Sg Kerian. Further to the southern bank of Sg Kerian hosted a significant settlement area i.e. Kg Sg Udang Besar which is at approximately 1.7 km southwest from the Project boundary. Kg Sg Udang Besar is resided at the southern bank of Sg Kerian river mouth. Fishing and pond aquaculture is the main economic activity for the population in Kg Sg Udang Besar.

The key landuse features recorded within the 1 km to 3 km radius from the Project boundary are detailed in Table 6-58 below.

Table 6-58 Landuse Features within 1km to 3km radius from the Project Boundary

Landuse Northern Eastern Southern Western Agriculture - OP (oil palm OP (oil palm plantation) 6 (Sg Kerian) plantation) 12 (Aquaculture pond) 5 (Aquaculture PF* (poultry farm) pond) 8 (Cage Aquaculture Offshore Sg Tengah) Residential - - 10 (Kg Kebun Baharu) - 11 (Kg Sg Udang Besar) Infrastructure Penang - - - Second Bridge Industrial - IF* (Mariyammal IF* (Hobe Food Enterprise Recycling Industries SB, SM& GV Yard) Multicare SB) FM* (MY Box Furniture Trading, NT Century Furniture SB) Water Body - 7a (Tributaries of Sg Strait of Malacca Tengah) 6 (Sg Kerian) Forest - - Riverine forest along Sg - Kerian Note : *Refer Figure 6-61 for the landuse marking on google earth satellite image

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______ Landuse within 3 km – 5 km Radius from the Project Site

Landuse between 3 km to 5 km radius of the Project boundary are generally more urbanised with several significant settlements area located towards the eastern to southern eastern boundary. Amongst the significant settlement area recorded on the eastern boundary includes Kg Changkat at approximately 3.5 km east and Taman Cowin at approximately 3 km south-east. Taman Cowin form the urbanised conurbation from which is located at approximately 5 km south-east. Several other housing gardens located within this conurbation includes Taman Seri Bistari, Taman Bistari, Taman Berjaya, Taman Sentosa, etc. While Kg Cangkat is located nearer to the conurbation from Sg Jawi which is located approximately 5.5 km at the eastern boundary. Taman Cenderawasih Indah having a distance of approximately 4.8 km east is located between Sg Jawi and Nibong Tebal. The settlements toward the southern boundary are dominated by the village settlement along the State road P169 at around 4 km radius. These villages are mainly the Malay Kampung includes Kg Tg Berembang, Kg Sg Setar and Kg Sg Aceh.

Besides increase proportion of residential landuses, agriculture remained as the main landuses from the north-eastern to the southern boundary, Nevertheless, agriculture at the north-eastern and eastern boundary were dominated by oil palm plantation while the southern boundary was mainly occupied by paddy plantation. At the southwestern, an offshore cage aquaculture activity is recorded at approximately 4km from Sg Tengah river mouth.

Based on the existing landuse map as shown in Figure 6-60, vast area at the northern region remained as agriculture landuses. However findings from the verification visit in June 2016 indicated rapid development was in progress. A mega commercial zone development was observed at approximately 3.5 km north and followed by development of Rumah Mampu Milik at approximately 4.5km north. Area at the edge of 5 km north is the existing residential settlements namely Bandar Cassia and Crescentia Park.

A newly developed industrial park is located at this region on the north-east boundary. Amongst the industrial facilities located within this industrial park includes Honda, Toyota, HP, Scandisk, BOSE, etc. Whilst on the eastern region, several industries set up were observed located towards the edge of Kg Changkat includes CMK Bintang Sdn Bhd, Chin Guan Leong Foundry and several sizeable poultry farms towards the north-eastern boundary.

Table 6-59 Landuse Features within 3 km to 5 km radius from the Project Boundary

Landuse Northern Eastern Southern Western Agriculture - OP (Oil palm PF (Paddy Field) 27 (Cage aquaculture plantation) offshore Sg Kerian) PF* (Poultry farm) Residential 23 (Rumah Mampu 13 (Kg Changkat) 15 (Kg Sg Aceh) - Milik in progress) 20 (Sg Jawi) 16 (Kg Sg Setar) 24 (Bandar Cassia) 19 (Tmn 17 Kg Tg 25 (Crescentia Cenderawasih Berembang Park) Indah) 14 (Tmn Cowin) 18 Conurbation to Nibong Tebal Industrial 26 (Batu Kawan IF* (CMK Bintang, 15 (industrial at Kg - Industrial Park) Chin Guan Leong Sg Acheh) Foundry) Infrastructure - - - Sultan Abd Halim Muadzam Shah

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Landuse Northern Eastern Southern Western Bridge Note : *Refer Figure 6-61 for industrial or agribased industrial landuse marking on google earth satellite image

6.15.3 Environmentally and Socially Sensitive Landuse / Receptor

Screening against Penang Structure Plan 2020 confirmed that the Project site is not located within any documented environmental sensitive area however several sensitive area are recorded within the vicinity of the Project site. These include the existing Byram Mangrove Forest Reserve on the immediate western boundary of the proposed Phase 3 Landfill site. Several aquaculture zones i.e. Zon Kuala Sungai Udang and Zon Sungai Udang are located at a distance of approximately 3 km southwest and 1 km south of Project boundary. Whilst Zon Pulau Aman is located approximately 5 km northwest of the Project boundary. The regional environmental sensitive area identified in Penang Structure Plan 2020 is presented in Figure 6-63 for reference.

Based on the findings from the landuse study for the Project area, review on sensitive receptor which may be potentially affected or exposed to the potential impacts from the development and operation of the Project was conducted. Several environmentally and socially significant landuse or receptors identified are presented in Table 6-60 and Figure 6-64 while Figure 6-65 shown some of the environmental or socially sensitive area observed within 3 km radius from the Project boundary.

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Existing Phase 1 Phase 3 &2 landfill Project site

Figure 6-63 Regional Environmental Sensitive Area Source : Pulau Pinang Structure Plan 2020 (Rajah 4.6 Kawasan Sensitive Alam Sekitar (KSAK) Negeri Pulau Pinang

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Table 6-60 Existing Environmentally and Socially Sensitive Receptor within the Study Area

Zone ID Description Sensitivity Distance Immediate 2 Hutan Simpan Byram Environment Immediate 0-500m western 3 Aquaculture Farm Social Environment ~ 100 W A SJK(T) Ldg Byram Social ~ 50m E 1 Kg Sg Byram Social ~ 250m E Primary 4 Sg Tengah and cockle bed at the Environment ~ 500m N 500m-1km northern bank 1km-2km 5 Sg Kerian Environment ~1km S 7 Fisherman Jetty in Sg Tengah Socio-Environment ~2km NE 8 Kg Kebun Baharu Social ~ 1km SE 9 & C Kg Sg Udang Besar with pond Social ~ 1.6 km SW aquaculture & SJK (C)Yok Eng 2km-3km 6 Cage Aquaculture in front of Sg Social Environment ~ 3km NW Tengah river mouth 11 Taman Cowin Social ~ 3km SE 3km- 5km 16 Cage Aquaculture in front of Sg Social Environment ~ 4km SW Kerian river mouth 10 & B Kg Changkat & SJK(T) Ldg Social ~ 3.8km E Changkat L&M Klinik Desa Changkat & SK Keledang Social ~ 4.2km E Jaya E,F& G SJK(c)Pai Teik & SJK(T) Nibong Social ~3.5 km SE Tebal & SMK Seri Nibong, SMK Seri Sentosa H SMK Methodist Social ~ 4.5km SE K Klinik Kesihatan Nibong Tebal & SK Social ~ 4.8km SE Nibong Tebal 14 Kg Tg Berembang Social ~ 4.2km S D&O SMK Sg Acheh & Klinik Desa Sg Social ~ 4.8km S Berembang 13 &N Kg Sg Setar & Sk Sg Setar Social ~ 3.6km S 12 &J Kg Sg Acheh & Klinik Kesihatan Sg Social ~3.5km S Acheh I Sk Sg Acheh Social ~4.4km S 15 Rumah Mampu milik Bt Kawan in Social ~ 4.6km N progress Note ~ approximately N : Northern E : Eastern S: Southern W: Western NE : North eastern NW: North western SE : South eastern SW: South western

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Educational Institution Clinic

Figure 6-64 Environmentally and Socially Sensitive Receptor of the Study area

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River mouth of Sg Tengah SJK (T) Ldg Byram

Fisherman Jetty At Sg Tengah

Swampy riverine vegetation

Byram Forest Reserve Kg Sg Byram with road leading to project site

River mouth of Sg Kerian oversee Kg Sg Udang Besar Tmn Cowin at the edge of 3km

Kg Sg Udang Besar Pond Aquaculture Activities

Kg Kebun Baharu towards the bank of Sg Kerian Kg Kebun Baharu from the main access road

Figure 6-65 Photo of Existing Sensitive Receptor within 3 km radius

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6.16 Socio-economic Environment

6.16.1 Regional Profile

The proposed Phase 3 Landfill is located within Mukim 11, District of Selatan as shown in Figure 6-66.

Project Site

Figure 6-66 Mukims in Seberang Perai Selatan District, Pulau Pinang

Mukim 11, is the largest mukim in Seberang Perai Selatan District, with an area of 45.58 km2. The main agricultural activity for the district is oil palm cultivation. The Project site situated near to the estuary of Sg Tengah, there are presences of population settlements and fisherman pier (at farmland area known as Kg. Kebun Nyiur). There is a bird park which is popular among bird lovers adjacent to the existing landfill next to the proposed Phase 3 Landfill and several fishing spots which are well- linked among anglers along the Sg Tengah. Besides, the Project site also closes to several cattle and goat husbandries which are mostly owned by Malaysian Indian ethnic villagers living nearby.

6.16.2 Demography Population

In 2010, the total land area and total population of Seberang Perai Selatan District were 242.9 km2 and 165,828 which are 23.22% and 10.91% of the whole state respectively. The population in the district have grown 1.39 times from 1991 – 2000 and 1.41 times from 2000 to 2010. The district is not densely populated. In term of annual growth rate, the population density of the district is increase

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at the rate of 3.59% during the last 20 years. This annual growth rate is higher than the annual growth rate for Penang state of 1.89% during the same period (Table 6-61).

Table 6-61 Population and Density and Growth Rates in Seberang Perai Selatan District and Penang State (1991, 2000, and 2010)

Total Population Density (individual/km2 ) Annual Area Growth Location 2 (km ) 1991 2000 2010 1991 2000 2010 Rate (%) Seberang Perai 242.9 84,771 117,722 165,828 349 485 683 3.59 Selatan District Growth Rate - - 1.39 1.41 - 1.39 1.41 - (times) Penang 1,046.3 1,064,166 1,231,209 1,520,143 1,017.08 1,176.73 1,452.88 1.89 state Growth - Rate - - 1.16 1.23 - 1.16 1.23 (times)

Source: Population and Housing Census 2010, Department of Statistics , 2011.

The Project site is sited within Mukim 11 that has a population of 24,395 in 2010 (Table 6-62), which was 14.7% of the total population in Seberang Perai Selatan District. In term of households, Mukim 11 has 6,105 families or 15.71% of the whole of district with living quarters nearly 1,800.

Table 6-63 provides the population breakdown by age group district and mukim levels. The percentage division between Mukim 11 and Seberang Perai Selatan District is almost comparable, record high proportions of 44.7% and 46.0% population age ranging between 20 to 49 years old.

Table 6-62 Distribution of Population, Households and Living Quarters

Locality Population Households Living Quarters

Seberang Perai Selatan District 165,828 38,854 50,069 Mukim 11 24,395 6,105 1,762

Source: Population and Housing Census 2010, Department of Statistics Malaysia, 2011.

Table 6-63 Distribution of Total Population by Age Group, Mukim and District, 2010

Percentage Seberang Perai Selatan Percentage Age category Mukim 11 (%) District (%) 0 – 4 1,625 6.95 14,034 8.42 5 – 9 2,076 8.88 16,480 9.89 10 – 14 2,504 10.71 16,892 10.13 15 – 19 2,208 9.44 14,512 8.71 20 – 29 3,676 15.72 28,400 17.04 30 – 39 3,357 14.35 25,991 15.59 40 – 49 3,411 14.56 22,317 13.39

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Percentage Seberang Perai Selatan Percentage Age category Mukim 11 (%) District (%) 50 – 59 1,719 7.35 14,592 8.75 60+ 2,813 12.03 13,458 8.07 Total 23,389 100.0 166,676 100.0

Source: Population and Housing Census 2010, Department of Statistics Malaysia, 2011. Ethic Composition

The ethnic composition at Mukim 11 level showed slightly higher proportion of Malays (41.35%) over Chinese (39.31%) and Indian (18.74%). Whereas for the Seberang Perai Selatan District, there are much higher proportions of Chinese (45.43%) followed by Malay (26.44%) and Indian (25.76%) as shown in Table 6-64.

Table 6-64 Ethic Composition of Seberang Perai Selatan District and Mukim 11, 2010

Malaysian Citizens Non- Total Location Malaysian Total Malaysian Melayu Chinese Indian Bumiputera Others Citizens

Seberang Perai 65,637 62,401 29,739 491 464 158,732 7,096 165,828 Selatan District 26.44% 45.43% 25.76% 0.23% 0.11% 95.72% 4.28% 198%

Mukim 6,451 11,082 6,285 57 27 23,902 493 24,395 11 41.35% 39.31% 18.74% 0.31% 0.29% 97.98% 2.02% 100% Settlements

The existing and Phase 3 Pulau Burung Landfill is in the sub-district of Nibong Tebal. Nibong Tebal is the largest township in Seberang Perai Selatan District. The villages nearest to the Project site are includes Kg Sg Byram, Kg Kebun Baharu, Kg Sg Udang Besar Kg Changkat, and Kg Ladang Changkat. There are also several housing settlements located within 5km radius, among them are Taman Seri Bistari, Taman Cowin, Taman Sri Nibong, Taman Nuri, Taman Victoria, Taman Bistari, Taman Berjaya. Taman Sentosa, etc. The area surrounding the Pulau Burung Landfill is mainly dominated by farmland.

For the purpose of assessing the socio-economic status of the potential affected area, there are at least 12 settlements within 5 km radius of the Project site that are of interest (Figure 6-67). These settlements with their location coordinates are given in Table 6-65. Kg Sg Byram and Kg. Kebun Baharu are located within 3km radius from the Project boundary while the rests of the area are between 3 to 5 km radius from the Project boundary. These settlements are mixed of traditional villages and residential parks with basic amenities and facilities. The only settlement involved within 1km of the Project site is Kg Sg Byram where the road access to the Project site passing beside it. Kg Sg Byram has livestock husbandry (i.e cattle and goat), oil palm plantation, a Hindu temple, and an estate Tamil school. An industrial park is located at the other side of Sg. Tengah. There are also two fishing piers being located in Kg Kebun Nyiur and Kg Kebun Baharu.

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Table 6-65 Listing and Coordinates of Impact Settlement

Coordinates No. Settlements Location Latitude Longitude 1 Kg Sg Byram 5°11'31.6"N 100°26'07.8"E 2 Kg Kebun Baharu 5°10'35.9"N 100°26'41.2"E 3 Kg Changkat 5°11'50.3"N 100°28'18.2"E 4 Kg Ladang Changkat 5°12'06.5"N 100°27'58.8"E 5 Kg Ladang Kalidonia 5°10'56.6"N 100°28'02.0"E 6 Taman Seri Bistari 5°10'19.8"N 100°27'48.2"E 7 Taman Cowin 5°10'32.8"N 100°28'00.2"E 8 Taman Sri Nibong 5°10'12.0"N 100°28'24.5"E 9 Taman Nuri 5°09'57.0"N 100°28'15.5"E 10 Taman Victoria 5°09'48.2"N 100°28'03.7"E 11 Taman Bistari 5°10'24.2"N 100°28'07.7"E 12 Taman Berjaya 5°10'29.1"N 100°28'24.1"E

Figure 6-67 Settlements Surveyed within 5 km Radius of the Project’s Location

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______ Numbers of Samples Survey

A total sample of 289 local community was drawn from the estimated total population of 24,395 in Mukim 11 for the data-collection to study the socio-economic status and potential environmental impacts from the proposed Project. The 249 survey samples are selected from 12 settlements located within 5 km radius and 40 samples is from visitors to the area either for the purposes of bird watching or angling. The distribution of the samples that were selected randomly among 12 settlements is given in Table 6-66.

The Survey was conducted in the first week of September 2016 with an emphasis on in-depth interviews, especially residents who live near to the Project site namely Kg Sg Byram, Kg Changkat, Kg Ladang Changkat, Kg Kebun Baharu and Kg Ladang Kalidonia. A small proportion from the total of survey sample was from villages and residential areas located 3-5 km away from the Project site.

The breakdown of the samples is made up of 17 people (6.8%) in Kg Sg Byram, 19 people (7.6) from Kg Kebun Baharu, 31 people (12.4%) from Kg Changkat, 24 people (9.6%) from Kg Ladang Changkat and 20 (8.0%) from Kg Ladang Kalidonia. The rest of 138 respondents consist are from Taman Seri Bistari, Taman Cowin, Taman Sri Nibong, Taman Nur, Taman Victoria, Taman Bistari and Taman Berjaya (Table 6-66). Some of the respondents are fishermen and most of them are stay in Kg Changkat and Kg Kebun Baharu.

Among the visitors, 25 respondents are anglers selected from among those who came to the small jetty and canal area located in Kg Kebun Nyiur and Kg Kebun Baharu. While another 15 visitors surveyed are interviewed at the bird park engaging in bird watching activities located near to the Project site and along the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) drainage system.

The personal interview survey was undertaken guided by a questionnaire (Appendix 6.11). The questionnaire was designed to acquire the information regarding the demographic characteristics and socio-economic status of the respondents, awareness of the surrounding local community on the proposed Project and the positive and negative effects of the Project on local communities. In particular, the survey was also designed to seek views on the current situation and the possible on the environment due to the Project in term of odour and visual aspects. Furthermore, assessment of the health and social impact on the local population are also considered in this study.

Table 6-66 Number of Samples Surveyed

No Settlement Number Percentage (%) 1 Kg Sg Byram 17 6.8 2 Kg Kebun Baharu 19 7.7 3 Kg Changkat 31 12.5 4 Kg Ladang Changkat 24 9.6 5 Kg Ladang Kalidonia 20 8.0 6 Taman Seri Bistari 21 8.4 7 Taman Cowin 19 7.7 8 Taman Sri Nibong 21 8.4 9 Taman Nuri 18 7.2 10 Taman Victoria 19 7.7 11 Taman Bistari 20 8.0

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No Settlement Number Percentage (%) 12 Taman Berjaya 20 8.0 Sub-total 249 100 (86.5%)1 No. Visitor Number Percentage (%) 1 Birdwatchers 15 37.5 2 Anglers 25 62.5 Sub-total 40 100 (13.5%)1 Total 289 (100.00)

Note: 1 % in bracket is based on total samples of 289 Demographic Characteristics of the Sampled Surveyed

Table 6-67 and Table 6-68 show the demographic statistics of the population surveyed. The majority of respondents were male with 66.3% and 80% for local communities and birdwatchers, respectively. While all respondent for anglers are male. As much as 82.7 % of local communities, 66.6% of birdwatchers and 92.0% of anglers were married. In terms of age distribution, the majority of local community (39.4%) are mainly middle age ranging between 31 to 40 years, followed by those between 41-50 years (27.7%). Meanwhile, most of the birdwatchers were from the age structure range between 21-30 years (60%) while the rests were aged between 31-40 years (20%) and less than 20 years (20%). The anglers were mainly comprised of 21-30 years old category (44%) and 31- 40 years old category (36%). The household size is moderate among the communities, birdwatchers and anglers. For example, as for local communities indicated that 52.6% having 3 to 4 household members, another 30.5% having 5 to 6 members while 13.7% having 1 to 2 members. Only 3.2% of the respondents have large household members with 7 to 8 household members.

In terms of education, the local communities and anglers have lower levels of education than the birdwatchers. The majority or 70.7% of the local communities have secondary school education, some of 6.8% having primary schooling, 5.2% have not attended school at all and the remaining 2.8% have skills certificate. Only 14.5% have a tertiary education. Similarly to the anglers under the visitor group, high proportions of the respondents (48%) have secondary school education and 32% of the respondents attained tertiary education. For the birdwatchers, most of them attained tertiary education (60%) while 40% only have secondary school education.

Based on interviews conducted, the professions of the location community can be divided into three main categories – worker (either working with government agencies or private sectors), self-employed or others (unemployed or student). A category of worker comprised 56.2%, self-employed is 36.6% and group of other is 7.2% (Table 6-68). A higher proportion of the respondents were working in the private sectors (47.8%) than in government agencies (8.4%). Self-employed fishermen are takes up 6.9%, boatmen 4.4% and other business owners are 25.3%.

The levels of monthly income earned by communities surveyed are in the categories of RM2,001 – RM3,000 and RM3,001 – RM4,000 recording percentages of 27.7% and 27.3% respectively, followed by 19.7% earning less than RM2,001. The remaining households have monthly incomes ranging from RM4,001 – RM5,000 (18.1%) and more than RM5,000 (7.2%). Among the visitors group, anglers tended to have lower incomes than birdwatchers. The majority of birdwatchers have monthly incomes of RM2,001 – RM3,000 (48%) and RM1,001 – RM2,000 (40%) while the majority of birdwatchers mainly have higher monthly incomes of RM2,001 – RM3,000 (53.3%) and RM3,001 – RM4,000 (20%). ______DEIA for the Proposed Phase 3 Development of Sanitary Landfill at Pulau Burung, Seberang Prai Selatan, Pulau Pinang 6-167


Table 6-67 Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents Surveyed

Demography Local Communities Birdwatchers Anglers Percentage Percentage Percentage Gender Number Number Number (%) (%) (%) male 165 66.3 12 80 25 100 female 84 33.7 3 20 0 0 total 249 100 15 100 25 100 Age <20 years old 19 7.6 3 20 2 8 21 - 30 years old 33 13.3 9 60 11 44 31 - 40 years old 98 39.4 3 20 9 36 41 - 50 years old 69 27.7 0 0 3 12 > 50 years old 30 12.0 0 0 0 0 Race Malay 146 58.6 10 66.6 19 76 Chinese 57 22.9 2 13.4 6 24 Indian 46 18.5 3 20.0 0 0 Marital Status Single 32 12.9 5 33.4 2 8 Married 206 82.7 10 66.6 23 92 Single 11 4.4 0 0 0 0 mother/father Education Level No schooling 13 5.2 0 0 1 4 Primary school 17 6.8 0 0 4 16 Secondary School 176 70.7 6 40 12 48 College/ University 36 14.5 9 60 8 32 Others 7 2.8 0 0 0 0 Household Income RM1,001 - RM2,000 49 19.7 2 13.4 10 40 RM2,001 - RM3,000 69 27.7 8 53.3 12 48 RM3,001 - RM4,000 68 27.3 3 20.0 3 12 RM4,001 - RM5,000 45 18.1 2 13.3 0 0 > RM5,000 18 7.2 0 0 0 0 Number of Household 1-2 34 13.7 6 40 3 12 3-4 131 52.6 9 60 12 48 5-6 76 30.5 0 0 10 40 7-8 8 3.2 0 0 0 0

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Table 6-68 Profession of the Local Communities

Profession Number Percentage (%)

Government 21 8.4

Private 119 47.8

Self employed (except fishermen & boatman) 63 25.3

Fishermen 17 6.9

Boatmen 11 4.4

Others (eg: unemployed, student) 18 7.2

Total 249 100 Facilities at Study Area

Among public facilities in Kg Changkat and other settlements are three national primary schools and one national secondary school, one Tamil school as well as a private Islamic school, a nursery, a post office, a police station, several small clinics, mosques, surau, temple, church and cemetery. The location of the facilities scatter within 5 km radius is listed in Table 6-69 and their photographs are provided in Plate 6.37 below.

The landfill is surrounded by oil palm plantations. Each farm has a water canal maintained by the DID. In addition, the silo truck route are using streets crossing Kg. Changkat and then through the road leading to Kg Sg Byram before arriving at Pulau Burung Landfill.

Plate 6.37 Some Basic Amenities within 5km Radius of the Project Site

Kg Changkat Mosque

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Small clinic situated at the junction entering Kg Changkat

SJK (T) Ladang Byram located along the road heading to the proposed landfill. This school will be relocated prior the construction of the Phase 3 Landfill

Sekolah Kebangsaan Keledang Jaya, Kg Changkat

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Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Sentosa, Taman Sri Nibong

Sekolah Kebangsaan Nibong Tebal, Taman Nuri

Sekolah Agama Nurul Falah, Taman Berjaya

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Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seri Nibong, Taman Bistari

Taska Permata Kemas, Kg Changkat

Community Library, Kg Changkat

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Community Hall, Kg Changkat

Surau Al-Husna, Kg Kebun Baharu

Surau Nurul Falah, Taman Berjaya

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Muslim cemetery, Kg Changkat

Small old church situated at Ladang Byram besides cattle husbandry

A church at Taman Bistari

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Small temple located near the proposed Phase 3 Project site along the Byram road

A small temple located in Kg Changkat

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Table 6-69 Facilities Available at the Settlement Area Surveyed

Settlement Community Hall Mosque Surau Temple Church Cemetery Nursery School Police Station Kg Sg Byram 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 1 0 Kg Kebun Baharu 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kg Changkat 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 Kg Ladang Changkat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kg Ladang Kalidonia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Taman Seri Bistari 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Taman Cowin 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Taman Sri Nibong 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Taman Nuri 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Taman Victoria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Taman Bistari 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 Taman Berjaya 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0

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6.17 Existing Public Health Status

6.17.1 Public Health Survey

A study of the public health status of the community residing in the vicinity of the proposed Phase 3 Development of the Pulau Burung Sanitary Landfill Project, District of Seberang Perai Selatan, Pulau Pinang, was conducted. The objective was to describe the existing, baseline information on the state of health of the community prior to the construction and operation of the proposed Project. Health data was extracted from a health survey of the community in the vicinity of the proposed Project site which was conducted together with the socio-economic survey.

6.17.2 Background of Respondents

A total of 249 households were surveyed which comprised a total of 1,041 household members. This give an average of 4.2 members per household. Table 6-70 shows the distribution of these households by residential locations. The highest percentage of respondents (12.4%) came from Kg. Changkat, while other sampling locations had almost similar distributions. Of those interviewed, 165 (66.3%) were males while 84 (33.7%) were females. A total of 146 (58.6%) respondents were Malays, followed by 57 (22.9%) Chinese, and 46 (18.5%) Indians .With respect to their education level, 13 (5.2%) of the respondents had no formal education, 17 (6.8%) had primary education, 176 (70.7%) had secondary education, 36 (14.5%) had tertiary education, while 7 (2.8%) chose others. More than half (67.1%) of the respondents were in the age group of 31 to 50 years old (Table 6-71).

Of the 1,041 household members, most (56.6%) of them were productive adults aged 15 to 64 years old. However, this percentage is much lower than the Malaysian average of 68.7% in 2014. Children below 15 years of age made up 43.4% of the sample which is very much higher than the Malaysian average of only 25.7% in 2014. Therefore, we can conclude that the communities surrounding the proposed project comprise of young residents who may be more sensitive to health effects related to air pollution and communicable diseases (Table 6-72).

Table 6-70 Distribution of Households Surveyed by Residential Locations

No Residential Location Number Percentage (%) 1 Kg Sg Byram 17 6.8 2 Kg Kebun Baharu 19 7.7 3 Kg Changkat 31 12.5 4 Kg Ladang Changkat 24 9.6 5 Kg Ladang Kalidonia 20 8.0 6 Taman Seri Bistari 21 8.4 7 Taman Cowin 19 7.7 8 Taman Sri Nibong 21 8.4 9 Taman Nuri 18 7.2 10 Taman Victoria 19 7.7 11 Taman Bistari 20 8.0 12 Taman Berjaya 20 8.0 Total 249 100

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Table 6-71 Distribution of Respondents Interviewed by Age Groups

Age group (years) Number Percentage (%)

< 20 19 7.6 21-30 33 13.3 31-40 98 39.4 41-50 69 27.7 > 50 30 12.0

Total 249 100

Table 6-72 Distribution of Household Members Surveyed by Age Groups

Malaysia in 2014 Age group (years) Number Percentage (%) (%)a

Children (< 1year old) 12 1.2 - Children (1 – 4 years old) 66 6.3 25.7 Children (5 – 14 years old) 374 35.9 - Adults (15 – 64 years old) 589 56.6 68.7 Adults (65 years old and - - 5.6 above)

Total 1,041 100 100

Source: a Ministry of Health, 2015.

6.17.3 Housing and Environmental Sanitation Status

The status of housing and environmental sanitation in the surveyed area were assessed based on the type of houses and their basic amenities related to toilet, water supply and garbage disposal. Most of the respondents lived in proper houses, except for 17 (6.8%) of them who lived in squatter homes (Table 6-73).

All of the houses surveyed possessed a hygienic toilet in the form of a flush toilet. All of the houses surveyed also had piped drinking water supply from the Jabatan Bekalan Air. The garbage disposal practices of the households surveyed were satisfactory as all households resort to hygienic practices (Table 6-74).

Table 6-73 Types of respondents’ houses

Type of house Number Percentage (%)

Village house 94 37.8

Terrace 109 43.8 Apartment 29 11.6 Squatters 17 6.8 Others - -

Total 249 100

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Table 6-74 Garbage Disposal Practices by the Households Surveyed

Garbage disposal practice Number Percentage (%)

Burn and then bury 60 24.1 Throw into a hole and bury 24 9.6 Collected by local municipality 154 61.9 Compose to make fertilizer 11 4.4

Total 249 100

Based on the environmental sanitation factors studied, we may deduce that the environmental sanitation status of the communities surveyed was highly satisfactory with respect to their toilet facility, drinking water supply and garbage disposal practices. However, their housing status still needs improvement as 6.8% of their houses were still squatters.

6.17.4 Community Health Status

Table 6-75 gives the prevalence of selected diseases that were diagnosed by doctors within the last 1 year, among the 1,041 residents from the 249 households that were surveyed. The prevalence rates of all diseases were below 1%. The highest prevalence were for asthma (0.5%) and hypertension (0.5%). The prevalence for asthma, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and dengue fever were below the national prevalence rates. Residents with asthma and rhinitis may experience some health problems and discomfort from air pollution which may be generated during the construction and operational phases of the Project. However, their prevalence were relatively low.

Table 6-75 Residents diagnosed with Selected Diseases by Doctors within the Last Year (N=1,041)

Disease Number Prevalence (%) National Prevalence (%)

Asthma 5 0.5 4.5 (adult)a 7.1 (children)b Rhinitis 4 0.4 - Hypertension 5 0.5 32.2a Diabetes mellitus 3 0.3 11.5a Dengue Fever 1 0.1 0.4b Skin diseases 3 0.3

Source: a Ministry of Health, 2008. b Ministry of Health, 2015.

As shown by Table 6-76, the main reasons residents seek medical treatment at hospitals or clinics within the last 3 months were for cough and cold (0.6%) and fever (0.3%). However, these seem to be the normal, typical medical complaints that every community experiences and the percentages were very low.

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Table 6-76 Reasons for Seeking Medical Treatment by Residents within the last 3 months (N=1,041)

Disease/ Health Problem Number Prevalence (%)

Fever 3 0.3 Cough and cold 6 0.6 Diarrhoea 1 0.1 Skin problem 1 0.1 Accident 2 0.2

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6.18 Existing Traffic Condition

6.18.1 Introduction

This Section assesses the existing traffic system and traffic flow. The effects and impacts of traffic volumes generated by the proposed development of the Project onto the traffic influence area will also be determined

The objectives of this Section are:

(a) To examine the existing traffic volumes of roads surrounding and near to the Project site;

(b) To determine the capacities of the roads in the region surrounding the Project site;

(c) To forecast the generated traffic volumes from the Project;

(d) To ascertain the impacts of generated traffic volumes from the Project onto the existing traffic influence area;

(e) To identify mitigation measures that could minimize the traffic impact of the proposed land development.

6.18.2 Scope of Work

The Scope of Work is based on the above objectives and includes:

(a) Collection, collation and analysis of traffic volumes to study the traffic growth trends in the encompassing roads of the traffic influence area;

(b) Generation of hourly peak traffic from the roads in the traffic influence area. This is being carried out through traffic counts and examining the existing ingress and egress of the Project;

(c) Appraise the volume-capacities of the roads based on future approach road network taking into consideration improvements and/or additions to the traffic network facilities to accommodate the increased traffic; and

(d) Recommend measures, if the need arises, to alleviate any anticipated traffic problems.

6.18.3 Data Sources

Primary and secondary data on the existing traffic and socio-economic conditions within the traffic influence area were obtained from various sources. These include:

(a) Primary data on traffic volumes obtained from traffic counts at various stations in the traffic influence area; and

(b) Secondary information obtained from Population and Household Census, 2010, and from published reports by the various State Government Departments.

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6.18.4 Study Approach

The existing traffic in the traffic influence area will be examined from the data collected during the Traffic Counts Survey. This is followed by forecasting the expected traffic and those generated from the proposed development of the Project.

A three year time frame (2016 – 2019) is adopted for the purpose of forecasting the traffic volumes.

Assignment of the forecasted traffic will be carried out in relation to road ingress and egress and road capacities while the impacts are examined in terms of existing road capacities prior to recommendations for considerations by the Project Proponent and the local authority.

6.18.5 Existing Traffic Patterns in the Study Area

As the proposed Project is a sanitary landfill, one of the most important features in terms of the environment will be a good system of roads and traffic flows to and from the Project. At present, the Project site can be reached via North-South Highway from Seberang Perai or Sultan Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah Bridge from Penang Island. From the bridge, the trucks will exit from toll Jawi exit point at the North-South Highway and subsequently proceed to the State Road 1 Jalan Jawi. From Jalan Jawi, the trucks will traverse northward and proceed to Road P162 passing by Kg Changkat before reaching Road P166 and then P164. Traverse southward of P164 will lead to Jalan Byram and also the proposed Project site located on the left of Jalan Byram (Figure 6-68).

State Road 1 Jalan Jawi is the main access road to link Sg Jawi, Sg Bakap and Nibong Tebal. Most of the road section comprises of two-directional road with double lanes for each direction, allowing maximum speed limit of up to 80 km/h. During traffic survey in September 2016, some section of State Road 1 Jalan Jawi was under upgrading works. Traffic count survey was carried out for this road at one point as shown in Figure 6-69.

Meanwhile, each Road P162, P164 and P166 is a bi-directional road with a single lane for each direction. At present, these roads are used mainly to access Sg Jawi, Kg Changkat, Kg Byram and etc. The speed limits for the roads are less than 80 km/hr. Traffic count survey was carried out for these roads as shown in Figure 6-69.

Jalam Byram is the main access to Pulau Burung Landfill. It is a two-directional road with single lane for each direction. The speed limit for the state road is less than 80 km/hr. Traffic count survey was carried out at the junction of this road as shown in Figure 6-69.

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Proposed Project Site

Figure 6-68 Main Roads Around the Project Site

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Station 2

Station 3

Station 4

Station 1

Proposed Project Site

Road 1 P170

20 P164 24 5 3 22 10 7 4 16

21 North South Highway 2 9 1

13 15 17 11 23 19 12 6 18 14 P162 8


Jalan Byram

Road 1

Note: Traffic Direction

Figure 6-69 Proposed Baseline Traffic Count Location

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6.18.6 Traffic Count

A ‘classified traffic count’ was carried out based on 5 classes of observed vehicles as shown in Table 6-77. The objectives of the traffic count are:

(a) To capture the existing traffic situation particularly during morning and evening peaks at the affected roads; and

(b) To obtain a base year traffic data for forecasting traffic growth up to the year 2019 (three-year time frame).

Altogether, a total of 4 traffic volume counting stations were established between 0700 hours to 1800 hours at 15 minutes intervals to determine the morning and evening peaks and to rationalize the hourly counts. The traffic count was conducted during weekday on 19 September 2016. The objective is to capture the traffic volume not only for daily local road users but also the rubbish trucks heading to Pulau Burung Landfill. The details of counting stations and roads are described in Table 6-78 and shown in Figure 6-69. Plate 6.38 presented photos of the existing road condition for the selected traffic study area.

Table 6-77 Vehicle Types and Passenger Car Unit Equivalent (PCU) Criteria

Vehicle Types Passenger Car Unit Equivalent (PCU)

Car/ Taxi 1.00 Van/ Pajero 1.00 Bus/ Lorry/ Tanker 2.00 Small Lorry/ Goods Van 1.30 Motorcycle 0.33

Table 6-78 Description of the Roads and Intersections of the Counting Stations

Station Name of Road Direction Description Number 1 North-South Captures the through traffic from Nibong Tebal 1 Highway / State to Sg Jawi or Sg Bakap or Project site Road 1 Captures the traffic from Nibong Tebal to Juru 2 or Seberang Perai or Butterworth Captures the through traffic from Sg Jawi or 3 Sg Bakap or Project site to Nibong Tebal Captures the traffic from Sg Jawi or Sg Bakap 4 or Project site to Juru or Seberang Perai or Butterworth Captures the traffic from Juru or Seberang 5 Perai or Butterworth to Sg Jawi or Sg Bakap or Project site Captures the traffic from Juru or Seberang 6 Perai or Butterworth to Nibong Tebal 2 State Road 1 / P162 Captures the through traffic from Sg Bakap to 7 Sg Jawi Captures the through traffic from Sg Jawi to 8 Sg Bakap

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Station Name of Road Direction Description Number Captures the traffic from Sg Bakap to Kg 9 Changkat or Project site Captures the traffic from Kg Changkat or 10 Project site to Sg Bakap Captures the traffic from Sg Jawi to Kg 11 Changkat or Project site Captures the traffic from Kg Changkat or 12 Project site to Sg Jawi 3 P166 / P170 Captures the through traffic from Kg Kebun 13 Nyiur or Project site to Kg Changkat or Sg Jawi Captures the through traffic from Kg Changkat 14 or Sg Jawi to Kg Kebun Nyiur or Project site Captures the traffic from Kg Changkat or Sg 15 Jawi to Ladang Kg Changkat or Kg Bagan Buaya Captures the traffic from Kg Kebun Nyiur or 16 Project site to Ladang Kg Changkat or Kg Bagan Buaya Captures the traffic from Ladang Kg Changkat 17 or Kg Bagan Buaya to Kg Changkat or Sg Jawi Captures the traffic from Ladang Kg Changkat 18 or Kg Bagan Buaya to Kg Kebun Nyiur or Project site 4 P164 / Jalan Byram Captures the through traffic from Kg Baharu to 19 Project site Captures the through traffic from Project site 20 to Kg Baharu Captures the traffic from Kg Baharu to Kg 21 Changkat or Sg Jawi Captures the traffic from Project site to Kg 22 Changkat or Sg Jawi Captures the traffic from Kg Changkat or Sg 23 Jawi to Kg Baharu Captures the traffic from Kg Changkat or Sg 24 Jawi to Project site

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Plate 6.38: Existing Road Condition of the Traffic Survey area

A view of North-South Highway / State Road 1.

A view of State Road 1 / P162

A view of P166 / P170

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A view of P164 / Jalan Byram

6.18.7 Traffic Analysis (Base Year: 2016) a) Peak Traffic Flows

The results of the traffic survey undertaken are summarized in Table 6-79 and Figure 6-70 and Figure 6-71. Based on the manual vehicular count, the traffic pattern and characteristics of the adjoining road network derived from the collected data were:

(i) Average Heavy Vehicle Composition

 State Road 1 10.3%  P162 11.2%  P166 10.5%  P164 57.6%  Jalan Byram 65.1%

(ii) Peak Hour Periods

 Morning Peak - 0730 to 0830 hours

 Evening Peak - 1700 to 1800 hours b) Traffic Composition

The percentages for the different modes of transport are shown in Figure 6-71. The main mode of transport at the roads surveyed was private car/ taxi, followed by motorcycles, and then vans/small lorries and lorries/tankers. Buses were the minimum traffic composition, which accounted for less than 3% of the total traffic volumes.

In terms of private versus public transport, the modal spilt was skewed towards private mode of transport especially private cars. The destinations for all categories were to places of work, homes, schools, shops and Pulau Burung landfill.

The impacts ‘with’ and ‘without’ the proposed Project will be analyzed based on the above existing traffic and projected traffic volumes and the road and traffic facilities in chapter on potential impact.

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Table 6-79 Surveyed Traffic Volume

Morning Evening Direction Name of Road Movement Type Peak Peak

1 State Road 1 LV 476 610 Through (Northbound) HV 75 101

2 State Road 1 / North-South LV 140 133 Right Highway HV 12 13

3 State Road 1 LV 604 516 Through (Southbound) HV 58 54

4 State Road 1 / North-South LV 159 192 Left Highway HV 27 23

5 North-South Highway / State LV 162 178 Right Road 1 HV 20 18

6 North-South Highway / State LV 143 120 Left Road 1 HV 18 16

7 State Road 1 LV 187 194 Through (Southbound) HV 18 21

8 State Road 1 LV 164 185 Through (Northbound) HV 17 18

9 State Road 1 / P162 LV 55 64 Right HV 14 15 10 LV 32 43 P162 / State Road 1 Left HV 4 7 11 LV 71 74 State Road 1 / P162 Left HV 15 18

12 LV 50 60 P162 / State Road 1 Right HV 14 16

13 P166 LV 55 52 Through (Eastbound) HV 10 12

14 P166 LV 58 50 Through (Westbound) HV 8 9

15 P166 / P170 LV 30 28 Right HV 10 9

16 LV 25 28 P166 / P170 Left HV 6 7 17 LV 21 27 P170 / P166 Left HV 7 9 18 P170 / P166 Right LV 23 26

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Morning Evening Direction Name of Road Movement Type Peak Peak

HV 5 8

19 Jalan Byram LV 18 18 Through (Northbound) HV 10 13

20 Jalan Byram LV 10 15 Through (Southbound) HV 16 14 21 LV 15 17 Jalan Byram / P164 Right HV 2 2 22 LV 11 13 Jalan Byram / P164 Left HV 7 6 23 LV 19 20 P164 / Jalan Byram Left HV 2 3

24 LV 18 20 P164 / Jalan Byram Right HV 6 8

Note: LV: Light vehicles HV: Heavy vehicles

Table 6-80 Traffic Composition at Roads Surveyed

Vehicle Type (%) Name of Vans/ Direction Lorries/ Road Cars Motorcycles Small Buses Tankers Lorries 1 State Road 1 56.4 13.7 18.3 2.4 9.2 2 State Road 1 / North-South 57.0 13.2 15.0 1.0 13.8 Highway 3 State Road 1 61.7 10.9 16.3 1.3 9.8 4 State Road 1 / North-South 58.8 10.3 17.8 1.0 12.1 Highway 5 North-South Highway / 55.1 10.5 18.4 2.0 14.0 State Road 1 6 North-South Highway / 61.5 9.6 16.8 1.5 10.6 State Road 1 7 State Road 1 57.8 11.3 19.9 1.7 9.3 8 State Road 1 60.1 10.3 18.7 2.0 8.9 9 State Road 1 / 56.8 14.5 18.9 1.0 8.8 P162 10 P162 / State 56.7 17.4 17.2 1.5 7.2 Road 1 ______DEIA for the Proposed Phase 3 Development of Sanitary Landfill at Pulau Burung, Seberang Prai Selatan, Pulau Pinang 6-190


Vehicle Type (%) Name of Vans/ Direction Lorries/ Road Cars Motorcycles Small Buses Tankers Lorries 11 State Road 1 / 58.9 10.5 16.1 1.8 12.7 P162 12 P162 / State 51.1 15.9 18.0 1.4 13.6 Road 1 13 P166 41.8 19.3 21.2 1.2 16.5 14 P166 45.9 14.5 18.1 0.7 20.8

15 P166 / P170 42.2 15.4 20.8 0.6 21.0

16 P166 / P170 42.1 16.3 25.6 0.4 15.6

17 P170 / P166 41.8 13.4 22.0 1.0 21.8

18 P170 / P166 45.3 16.0 16.1 0.5 22.1

19 Jalan Byram 27.0 10.0 22.0 0.0 41.0

20 Jalan Byram 18.5 10.0 16.0 0.0 55.5

21 Jalan Byram / 55.5 15.6 16.7 1.0 11.2 P164 22 Jalan Byram / 31.3 15.0 17.2 1.0 35.5 P164 23 P164 / Jalan 58.9 10.6 18.0 0.5 12.0 Byram 24 P164 / Jalan 41.7 13.2 18.1 0.5 26.5 Byram

______DEIA for the Proposed Phase 3 Development of Sanitary Landfill at Pulau Burung, Seberang Prai Selatan, Pulau Pinang 6-191


Station 2

Station 3

Station 4

Station 1

Proposed Project Site

Road 1 P170

26 P164 24 182 662 18 36 205 186 31

17 North South Highway 152 69 551 40 28 65 86 28 21 5 17 64 28 66 161 P162 181


Jalan Byram

Road 1

Note: Traffic Direction

Figure 6-70 Traffic Movement for Morning Peak (Base Year, 2016)

______DEIA for the Proposed Phase 3 Development of Sanitary Landfill at Pulau Burung, Seberang Prai Selatan, Pulau Pinang 6-192


Station 2

Station 3

Station 4

Station 1

Proposed Project Site

P170 Road 1

29 P164 28 570 19 50 215 196 215 35

19 North South Highway 146 79 711 37 36 64 23 92 31 34 59 76 P162 136 203


Jalan Byram

Road 1

Note: Traffic Direction

Figure 6-71 Traffic Movement for Evening Peak (Base Year, 2016)

______DEIA for the Proposed Phase 3 Development of Sanitary Landfill at Pulau Burung, Seberang Prai Selatan, Pulau Pinang 6-193


6.19 Existing Infrastructure and Utilities

6.19.1 Road Network

The main access to the proposed Project site is via state road J164 and J162 (Jalan Byram) which connects the Project site to Kg Sg Jawi which is linked to North South Highway at the eastern of the Project site. Jalam Bryam is the road used for the transportation of waste to the existing Pulau Burung Sanitary Landfill.

6.19.2 Water supply

The water supply requirement for the overall Project development is estimated to be about 145 m3/day. Potable water supply in for Seberang Perai Selatan is managed by Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pulau Pinang (PBAPP). Currently, there is no water storage tank at the Project site, and the water will be sourced from the water reservoirs at Jawi, near to the Sg Bakap. The treated water that stored in Jawi Reservoirs is pumped from Sg Dua Water Treatment and also the water treatment plant that located in Bukit Panchor. The conceptual water supply system for the Project area is depicted in Figure 6-72 below.

Project site

Figure 6-72 Water Supply Infrastructure for the Study Source: Perbadanan Bekalan Air Area Pulau Pinang

6.19.3 Power supply

The projected electricity demand for the Project is 1865 kW/day. Currently they are no electricity supply within the Project site. The electricity planning for the Project is under the responsibilities of Tenaga National Berhad (TNB). TNB sub-stations will be constructed within the Project site to house the transformer and switchgear for taking and supplying electricity from the TNB power grid.

______DEIA for the Proposed Phase 3 Development of Sanitary Landfill at Pulau Burung, Seberang Prai Selatan, Pulau Pinang 6-194


6.19.4 Telecommunication

In term of telecommunication, Telekom Malaysia (TM) is the primary telecommunication provider for the area. The Project area is also under the service coverage by several mobile telecommunication service providers.

6.19.5 Airport

The Penang International Airport is about 52.8 km, less than 50 minute by road via the newly completed Sultan Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah bridge from the Project site.

6.19.6 Other infrastructure and utilities

Other infrastructure or services that at presently in place within 5km radius from the Project site includes fire station, government community health care facility and police station.

The nearest fire station (Balai BOMBA) to the Project site is Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat Nibong Tebal, located approximately 8.1 km from the Project site. In terms of health care facilities, no hospital is located within the 5 km radius from the Project site. Nevertheless, asides of private clinic, several government clinics are recorded within 5 km radius of the study area. Klinik Desa Changkat is the nearest at approximately 6.4 km while followed by Klinik Kesihatan Nibong Tebal at approximately 8 km from the Project site. The utilities discussed above are shown in Figure 6-73 below:

______DEIA for the Proposed Phase 3 Development of Sanitary Landfill at Pulau Burung, Seberang Prai Selatan, Pulau Pinang 6-195


Legend 1. Klinik Kesihatan Sg Acheh 2. Klinik Kesihatan Nibong Tebal 3. Klinik Desa Changkat 6 4. Klinik Desa Tanjung Berembang 5. Balai Bomba and Penyelamat Nibong Tebal 6. Balai Bomba and Penyelamat Sungai Bakap 7. Balai Polis Nibong Tebal 8. Ibu Pejabat polis Daerah Seberang 3 Perai Selatan 8

7 Clinic 5 Project site 2 Existing Phase 1&2 Landfill

1 4

Figure 6-73 Location of the Utilities Surrounding the Project site

______DEIA for the Proposed Phase 3 Development of Sanitary Landfill at Pulau Burung, Seberang Prai Selatan, Pulau Pinang 6-196