IN THE SIX CIRCUIT U.S. COURT OF APPEALS 100 E. 5th St., Cincinnati, OH 45202 / 513-564-7000

- Appellate Case 20-5854 (Case No. 3:20-cv-298) - Filed January 26, 2021 – By CERTIFIED MAIL Item: 7019 2280 0001 4604 1214

• DANIEL COBBLE (Note Plaintiff’s address change) PLAINTIFF vs. 2nd AMENDED COMPLAINT


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SECOND OPTIONs TO VACCINES A. Cures COVID-19 – Require CDC to prescribe legacy medications, including Hydroxychloroquine + zinc, Ivermectin, & fresh air therapy. a. COVID crisis is avoidable w/ legacy medications. – pg. 6 b. Conduct daily social training on TV, radio, & Internet. – pg. 10 c. Gov’mt misrepresenting virus variants. – pg. 10

B. Legacy medications require fully opening the economy. – pg. 11 a. Impose Defense Production Act to produce legacy meds.

C. STOP $transfer-of-wealth to Wall Street Corporations – Leading to repeat of 1933 Great Depression. – pg. 11 a. Reverse the three policies (antitrust violations, etc.) causing the $transfer-of-wealth to eliminate need for massive borrowing. – pg. 14 b. The three conflicts-of-interest that makes the U.S. Federal Reserve unconstitutional. – pg. 19 c. Require Fed Chairman & House Speaker to report $amount / % of tax revenues paid on U.S. debt in 2019 and 2020. – pg. 19 d. Allow bank account holders the option to participate in derivatives and hedge fund trading. – pg. 20 e. Require derivatives and hedge fund traders to share profits with participating bank account holders. – pg. 20 f. Guarantee contributions to pension funds and retirement accounts, the same as whole life insurance (the Equal Protection Clause). – pg. 21 2nd Amended Complaint in U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Cir. Legacy Medications Cures COVID-19 • Appellate Case 20-5854 (Case 3:20-cv-298) Filed January 26, 2020 | Page 2 of 24 – Cobble vs. President Joe Biden, et al.

D. Itemized Injunctive Relief sought from the court – pg. 22 ------

OBJECTION to the ORDER DENYING WAIVER of the FILING FEE P. To preserve for appeal, Plaintiff Cobble hereby objects to the Louisville U.S. District Court’s May 13, 2020 order that denies his motion for waiver of the filing fee. The Court did not address the motion’s issues or evidence, to further support that filing fees are unconstitutional. This is not a matter of being “unable to pay.” Cobble reminds the Court that all statutory law, including the cited 28 U.S.C. § 1914, is privy to review for its “constitutionality.” As there are other unconstitutional statutes that have not been reviewed. But due to the extreme urgency of the herein issues re: COVID-19 and the impending collapse of the economy, Cobble did not file a “motion for reconsideration.” To avoid any further delay, he paid the filing fee of $400 and will seek reimbursement upon appeal.

DEFENDANT PRES. BIDEN REPLACES 1. Comes Plaintiff, Daniel Cobble, to petition the Court with the herein 2nd AMENDED COMPLAINT (hereafter called Complaint) for relief from the crippling actions of Defendants. Defendant U.S. President Joe Biden now replaces former Defendant Presi. Donald Trump. The other defendants remain: Governor of Kentucky Andy Beshear (and ref. all other governors), the U.S. Congress represented by Nancy Pelosi, the U.S. Federal Reserve represented by Chairman Jerome Powell, and the Center for Disease Control represented by Director Robert Redfield.

2. The Sixth Circuit, itself, is in violation of the 7th Amendment by denying Cobble’s right to civil adjudication. 1) This case was filed 9 months ago (April 17, 2020) without action from the Court though the issues are matters of public safety and national security. Many people have fallen ill and many have died since that 4-17-2020 filing that could have been saved. And 2) the Court is reneging on its duty of hearing a constitutional issue. I.e., Cobble charges that filing fees are unconstitutional in his Motion for Waiver of the Filing Fee but is not yet heard by the Court.

3. The herein Complaint identifies some of the actions that are needlessly sending the U.S. economy into economic freefall with an unworkable plan to end the COVID crisis. I.e., facemasks and have not diminished spread of the virus. And, not only has Government (hereafter called Gov’mt) failed at vaccinating the scheduled masses with the new

2nd Amended Complaint in U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Cir. Legacy Medications Cures COVID-19 • Appellate Case 20-5854 (Case 3:20-cv-298) Filed January 26, 2020 Page 3 of 24 – Cobble vs. President Joe Biden, et al. vaccines, but too, many people do not yet trust the safety of these vaccines. But Cobble herein requests injunctive relief that would 1) assist in curing/eradicating COVID-19, based on the evidence of legacy remedies prescribed by highly credentialed doctors and that would 2) avoid economic lockdown, and 3) stop the $transfer-of-wealth to Wall Street corporations that would restore the U.S. economy. Wherein, the Complaint has been updated to reflect many of the “relative events” since originally filed on 4-17-2020, (supra).

4. To wit, the herein presented “legacy remedies” of zinc, hydroxychloroquine, and Ivermectin provide viable second options that won’t “hamstring” the economy. This is because each remedy alone is effective, fast acting, and safe-for-children (children need-not consume zinc unless having a deficiency, thereof). And as shown in the prior complaints, the ongoing exposure to the good ole outdoors fresh air helps to prevent COVID-19. These therapies are well known by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and the NIH (National Institute of Health). Wherein, the Court is obliged to take-up these issues of “public safety” and “national security.” – Thus, some of the doctors and data are provided herein for the Court’s ready-reference for determining the “general prescription” of these remedies.

BACKGROUND SUMMARY of this Action 5. As introduced, the original complaint was filed / mailed on April 17, 2020. But due to complexity of the COVID crisis, and without the gov’mt providing leadership to manage the crisis, Cobble filed the more detailed amended complaint on May 26, 2020. The details include further defining the “kill-off protocol” that would implement the pervasive use of fresh air to kill-off the virus. But with the herein introduced legacy medications (also called legacy meds), the complex kill-off protocol (to be supported B.R.E.Ps.–Broad Response Economic Protocols) is no longer needed, though fresh air therapy (also a legacy med) is still needed to help treat and prevent coronavirus.

6. On September 5, 2020 (entered in court on Sept. 10), Cobble filed a Motion for Injunction for the Court to require the medical authorities to issue a “general prescription” of zinc for preventing and curing COVID-19. Cobble explained his own bout with coronavirus that was cured by the therapy of fresh air and zinc. And he showed the Court the study data on the SonoMask as shown in Attachment 1 (on next page). The SonoMask brand is a facemask

2nd Amended Complaint in U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Cir. Legacy Medications Cures COVID-19 • Appellate Case 20-5854 (Case 3:20-cv-298) Filed January 26, 2020 | Page 4 of 24 – Cobble vs. President Joe Biden, et al. product laced with zinc nano particles Attachment 1, Facemasks that kills over 90% of coronavirus. w/ Zinc Kills COVID-19 Sonovia, Ltd licenses the Sonomask as contemporary proof that zinc kills COVID-19. However, in the Motion for Injunction, Cobble countered that “the simple alternative to the SonoMask is for people to take zinc with their meals everyday” (recommended dosage 25mg).

7. Now that Donald Trump is no longer the President, the COVID crisis has been somewhat simplified, except the new Defendant President, Joe Biden, has pledged to borrow $trillions from the Federal Reserve that’s leading to our economic freefall. I.e., the Trump complexity is now swapped for this “Biden complexity.” This is even though Cobble has shown the Court and all Defendants (in the prior complaints) that not only are these practices illegal, as antitrust violations and violate the Federal Reserve Act, but too, they threaten U.S. national security by leading to economic depression. The “avoidable” corona pandemic has exacerbated the $transfer problem (though some people wrongly believe the pandemic is the source of economic decline).

8. Sec. A. For example, the pandemic could have been avoided by ushering in the aforementioned legacy remedies therapies. Whereby, the Court is asked to require the “general prescription” of legacy remedies. Furthermore, the herein stated remedies need not be the only ones. For, where other meds are revealed to have the comparable curing effects of zinc, hydroxychloroquine, and / or Ivermectin, the Court should consider those for distribution, too. This inclusion of all available remedies will ensure all infected persons are treated within the quickest time possible. So other viable meds are welcome to join in diminishing the crisis.

9. And Cobble identifies another COVID misrepresentation by Defendants, specifically from the medical field. They are failing to explain that coronavirus has “naturally occurring variations in mutations” as it travels from host to host. It’s the same principle as the cold and flu corona virus variations that result in a flu vaccine of a particular strain that does not prevent the flu of a variant strain within a host. For each year, the flu vaccine only targets a particular .

2nd Amended Complaint in U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Cir. Legacy Medications Cures COVID-19 • Appellate Case 20-5854 (Case 3:20-cv-298) Filed January 26, 2020 | Page 5 of 24 – Cobble vs. President Joe Biden, et al.

“corona strain.” So due to this variant principle, it is very likely the mainstream medical field and media are exaggerating the “high contagion” of the COVID variants

10. Virtually all issues regarding Trump alleged in the original complaints are no longer applicable and thus deleted from the herein [2nd Amended] Complaint. Defendant Pres. Biden herein replaces Trump as the President defendant. However, mostly by observation, since January 2020 when the pandemic began, we know more about the behavior of Defendants towards the COVID crisis. For, by the apparent evidence, the COVID crisis is avoidable.

11. The evidence demonstrates Gov’mt is colluding with the mainstream media to manufacture the COVID crisis and dangerously promoting the $transfer-of-wealth. Whereby, the herein legal action is needed to restore Gov’mt accountability.

12. The “common sense” measure in Sec. A is to conduct daily COVID training on television, radio, and social media (the Internet). For example, show how patrons in public venues should conduct themselves in the COVID environment, such as in restaurants, sports stadiums, shopping malls, grocery stores, etc.

13. The other two issues are Sec. B, legacy meds require fully opening the economy, and Sec. C, stopping the $transfer-of-wealth to Wall Street corporations. I.e., to reverse the three policies causing this unlawful $transfer that are antitrust violations. This issue is the core cause of America’s economic woes and stated essentially the same as in the prior complaints. Except that Cobble expounds on the recent evidence of the “stock market bubble.” For example, since March 2020, the wealth (stock value) of billionaire Elon Musk, founder of Tesla Motors, increased by $160 billion (Jan. 12, 2021 Forbes Magazine). But if the $transfer were corrected, that $160 billion would originate in the “commercial sector” to generate the economic activity and tax revenues that would avoid borrowing from the Federal Reserve. Mr. Musk would then earn his share of the $160 billion through the commercial sector and not as a give-away thru the essentially “free capital” from Wall Street as antitrust violations. – We pay higher taxes to make- up for the dollars $transferred to Wall Street.

14. In fact, the red flag of earning $160 billion in 9 months at Wall Street should qualify Mr. Musk for an IRS audit.

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15. In the prior complaints, the issue of suspending $charges to the contracts of those laid-of by the pandemic is moot (no longer applicable) where the legacy meds would require fully opening the economy.

16. Whereby, the defendants are contributing to the proliferation of coronavirus by refusing to implement the herein “common sense” solutions that they, by now, are fully aware thereof. And where Defendants do not dispute the herein enumerated allegations, Cobble implores the Court to grant the herein injunctive relief to save lives and the economy, and to preserve his rights. This of course includes the negligence of allowing the economy to collapse from the $transfer-of-wealth (supra).

A. Cures COVID-19 – Require CDC prescribe legacy medications, including zinc, hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, & fresh air therapy.

A-1. The Court must consider: How can people be expected to trust the vaccines for coronavirus if officials and the mainstream media are preventing safe and effective legacy medications and therapies from being used for treatment?

A-2. Prescribing zinc. Pursuant to above paragraph 6, the Court is has a legal duty to require the general prescription of zinc for curing and preventing COVID-19.

A-3. Prescribing hydroxychloroquine and zinc. In the April 6, 2020 online issue of Townhall News, reporter Katie Pavlich wrote about Dr. Anthony Cardillo, MD. Dr. Cardillo is CEO of Mend Urgent Care. He has offices in Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys, and Burbank, CA. He said, “Every patient I’ve prescribed it to has been very, very ill and within 8 to 12 hours, they are basically symptom free.” Dr. Cardillo prescribes hydroxychloroquine with zinc.

A-4. In Pavlich’s same report, Dr. Stephen Smith is founder of The Smith Center for Infectious Diseases and Urban Health. He reported that under his care, not a single COVID-19 patient that has been on hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin (an antibiotic) for five days or more has had to be on ventilation.

A-5. In Pavlich’s same report, the polling company Sermo surveyed 6,227 doctors regarding hydroxychloroquine. Sermo reported that 37% of physicians rated hydroxychloroquine as the “most effective therapy” for combating COVID-19.

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A-6. Dr. Stella Immanuel. Cobble implores the Court to view the online video of talk show host Candace Owens interviewing Dr. Stella Immanuel, MD. To access the video, simply click on the “Candace Owens link” at the topside of the Homepage. Here on November 15, 2020, Ms. Owens interviewed Dr. Immanuel about the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine for curing COVID-19. Immanuel confirms that that the medication is one of the safest to consume. She further confirms her effective treatment therapy is similar to Dr. Cardillo’s therapy that includes zinc. Specifically, she reports excellent results by combining hydroxychloroquine, zinc, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D.

A-7. Yet even further, in the interview, Dr. Immanuel cites a 2005 report from the NIH (National Institute of Health) that confirms hydroxychloroquine effectively fights the corona strain of viruses by “stopping virus replication.” At that time, Dr. Anthony Fauci did and still today heads the NIH’s National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases. So he must have supported the NIH findings on hydroxychloroquine. Yet amidst today’s COVID pandemic, why doesn’t Dr. Fauci support hydroxychloroquine for COVID treatment?

A-8. Ivermectin. Cobble further implores the Court to view the online video of the U.S. Senate Homeland Security Committee Meeting on December 8, 2020 that hosted Dr. Pierre Kory, MD. To access the video, simply click on the “Ivermectin link” at the topside of the Homepage. Dr. Kory is Associate Professor of Medicine at the St. Luke Aurora Medical Center. He co-founded the Front-line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. At the Senate meeting, Dr. Kory provides much of the data from the various recent clinical studies on Ivermectin curing COVID-19.

A-9. Dr. Kory describes Ivermectin as a “miracle drug” for treating parasitic and viral infections. In 2015, Ivermectin won the Nobel Prize for its effectiveness in treating infections. He reports that Ivermectin obliterates COVID-19.

A-10. He says the CDC, NIH, and FDA are negligent for not considering “repurpose drugs” for treating COVID-19. He emphasizes the negligence of these Gov’mt organizations are inexcusable, unconscionable.

2nd Amended Complaint in U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Cir. Legacy Medications Cures COVID-19 • Appellate Case 20-5854 (Case 3:20-cv-298) Filed January 26, 2020 | Page 8 of 24 – Cobble vs. President Joe Biden, et al.

A-11. The primary objective of the May 26, 2020 amended complaint (supra) was to present to the Court the extensive and successful history of applying open/fresh air therapy for healing disease for the kill-off protocol. On March 26, 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci told National Public Radio (Morning Edition broadcast) that the outdoors fresh air kills COVID-19. He mentioned this “virus vulnerability” “in passing” as though it wasn’t a big deal. But his statement confirmed Cobble’s own experiences with coronaviruses in 2002 when his wife babysat for young working mothers. The mothers would sometimes bring over their children in sickly conditions. Congestion in the chest and slight wheezing were common due to their homes lacking fresh-air ventilation. The mothers usually provided medicine to give the children (mostly infants). However the Cobbles didn’t give the medicine. For, Plaintiff Cobble knew the outdoors fresh air, that pervades their own home through the year-round open windows and patio door, is what the children needed. With the ongoing fresh-air exposure to their home, the children always felt better by 11am, and by leaving time they were fine and happy.

A-12. Two of the premier experts on the history of applying open-air protocols for disease are Dr. Richard Hobday, Ph.D. and Dr. J.W. Cason, Ph.D. The following is the Abstract from their July 8, 2008 article, The Open-Air Treatment of Pandemic Influenza, in the American Journal of Public Health so states:

The H1N1 “Spanish flu” outbreak of 1918–1919 was the most devastating pandemic on record, killing between 50 million and 100 million people. Should the next influenza pandemic prove equally virulent, there could be more than 300 million deaths globally. The conventional view is that little could have been done to prevent the H1N1 virus from spreading or to treat those infected; however, there is evidence to the contrary. Records from an “open-air” hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, suggest that some patients and staff were spared the worst of the outbreak. A combination of fresh air, sunlight, scrupulous standards of hygiene, and reusable facemasks appears to have substantially reduced deaths among some patients and

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infections among medical staff. We argue that temporary hospitals should be a priority in emergency planning. Equally, other measures adopted during the 1918 pandemic merit more attention than they currently receive.

A-13. In Dr. Hobday’s March 27, 2020 article at, he reports that in the 1960s, the British . . . Ministry of Defence scientists proved that fresh air is a natural disinfectant. Something in it, which they called the Open Air Factor, is far more harmful to airborne bacteria — and the influenza virus — than indoor air. They couldn’t identify exactly what the Open Air Factor is. But they found it was effective both at night and during the daytime.

A-14. Hospitals such as the 1918 Boston Open Air Hospital were successful in healing patients and prevented infecting caregivers. Today, the medical establishment does not dispute that “fresh air therapy” heals disease.

A-15. For again, Dr. Fauci for the CDC has not recommended protocols for outdoors air, not even for bringing fresh air into homes and workspaces by opening doors and windows, or for quarantines, or patients under care and their caregivers.

A-16. The typical building in Figure A shows how to set-up the indoors of a building and home for the thru pass of outdoors air (also called cross- ventilation). There is always a difference pressure between the outside and indoor air at the open windows and doors. This difference in pressures drives movement of the air indoors from an opening with the lower pressure and out the door or window with the higher pressure. For ensuring good health, everyone should always practice indoor cross-ventilation that is especially important during the COVID crisis.

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A-17. Daily training on TV, radio, and the Internet. This is yet another obvious tenet of the avoidable pandemic that’s neglected by the gov’mt defendants. They are ignoring the vast potential of the broadcast media for training virtually “everyone” on the various “war fronts” of fighting coronavirus. Achieving potential of the broadcast media would facilitate fully opening the economy. These fronts include 1) how to conduct oneself in public (restaurants, theatres, sports stadiums, etc.); 2) care procedures for nursing homes and home care; 3) proper COVID conduct in work places; 4) adult hygiene when caring for children; 5) when cooking; 6) during group physical exercising; Etc, Etc. (What areas/fronts can you think of?)

A-18. Whereby, Cobble implores the Court to require officials to promptly plan for fully using the broadcast media to train to cope with- and survive coronavirus on the various war fronts in our neighborhoods.

A-19. Misrepresenting the corona variants. As introduced in above paragraph 9, medical authorities are misrepresenting a “corona characteristic” of COVID-19. They are reporting the COVID variant mutations as an extraordinary biological function, and that it is more contagious than the original strain from Wuhan, China. They are failing to explain that corona viruses have “naturally occurring variations in mutations” as they travel from host to host. It’s the same principle as the cold and flu corona virus variations that result in a flu vaccine of a particular strain that does not prevent the flu of a variant flu strain from another host.

A-20. Each year, manufacturers of corona flu vaccines attempt to produce the vaccine for the strain that they find to be most prevalent amongst the population. That vaccine only targets the particular flu strain that they selected. The vaccine cannot cure a variant strain from another host that was not designated by the manufacturer. Again, this is a natural function of corona viruses of which is not being explained to the public.

A-21. MOREOVER, the public has this “legacy knowledge” of the corona virus through life experiences with cold and flu corona viruses. However, “mainstream media disinformation” is distracting people from tapping-in to their innate reservoir of life knowledge.

A-22. Whereby, as introduced, and given the corona characteristics, apparently the mainstream medical field and media are exaggerating the “high contagion” of COVID variants. Cobble believes the variants are no more contagious than the original Wuhan strain. But instead, the status quo,

2nd Amended Complaint in U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Cir. Legacy Medications Cures COVID-19 • Appellate Case 20-5854 (Case 3:20-cv-298) Filed January 26, 2020 | Page 11 of 24 – Cobble vs. President Joe Biden, et al. represented by the defendants, is attempting to instill more fear into the population to further justify this wholly avoidable pandemic. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– B. Legacy medications require fully opening the economy. B-1. With the preponderance of the evidence of legacy medications curing and preventing COVID-19 that includes zinc, hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, & ongoing exposure to fresh air, Defendants must impose the Defense Production Act to facilitate the maximum supply of legacy meds to the population. So as a matter of public safety for saving lives, and the national security of saving the U.S. economy, and upon the general prescription of the afore-referenced legacy meds, the Court must order implementation of the Defense Production Act.

B-2. And wherefore, with the preponderance of the evidence of these legacy medications, Defendants can no longer justify locking down the economy. So as a matter of public safety for saving lives, and the national security of saving the U.S. economy, and upon the general prescription of the afore-referenced legacy meds, the Court must order all economies to open with implementation of the Defense Production Act specified for legacy meds.


2nd Amended Complaint in U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Cir. Legacy Medications Cures COVID-19 • Appellate Case 20-5854 (Case 3:20-cv-298) Filed January 26, 2020 | Page 12 of 24 – Cobble vs. President Joe Biden, et al.

2008, only 7 years later, the infamous mortgage-backed security scandal almost brought down the U.S. that began with the repeal of Glass-Steagall. – IF AMERICANS DO NOT DEMAND CORRECTING THE THREE POLICIES DISCUSSED BELOW, THEN WE ARE HEADED FOR ANOTHER ECONOMIC DEPRESSION. One of these corrections is to reinstate Glass-Steagall.

C-2. Returning to SAFETY of the 90s Clinton Economy. To put it simply, to have a chance in saving our economy from freefall due to COVID-19, we have to stop the transfer-of-wealth to Wall Street corporations by returning to the policies that created the famous highly successful 1990s Clinton economy. We do so by reversing the three bad policies causing the $transfer.

C-3. The $transfer-of-wealth is illustrated in Figures 1 & 2 on page 13. In Figure 1, the Federal Reserve (Fed), through the bad policies, is improperly sending dollars directly to Wall Street companies and foreign investors via the financial sector. However, Figure 2 quotes Section 13, clause 2, of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 (hereafter called the FRA) that the Fed is legally required to distribute all currencies thru the “commercial sector” via commercial banks, not the financial sector, so that everyone has “more equal access” to the issuance of dollars. There were no exceptions as prior to 1999. Clause 2 is stated more fully as follows: “Powers of the Federal Reserve Banks . . . shall not include notes, drafts, or bills covering merely investments or issued or drawn for the purpose of carrying or trading in stocks, bonds, or other investment securities, except bonds and notes of the Government of the United States . . .” Wherefore, the Fed and Congress are in stark violation of the FRA.

C-4. For the Court’s determination, the “overt difference” between before and after 1999 is repeal of Glass-Steagall and Bill Clinton leaving office in Jan. 2001 with a surplus of $100 billion in tax revenues verses today we are over $27 trillion in debt and counting. The public ignores the overt difference at its own peril because absent the tax base due to COVID-19, these three policies are quickening the freefall into economic depression. Our entitlement programs cannot survive whole. At risk are: Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, veterans’ benefits, unemployment insurance, all pension funds, and all other programs within the fiscal framework of the economy, whether gov’mt or private programs.

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C-5. The most recent signal that the U.S. economy is going south is the January 12, 2021 Forbes report that billionaire Elon Musk earned $160 billion from March 2020 and Jan. 2021. But with the three policies corrected, Musk could not have amassed this staggering wealth because, by law, the $160 billion should have originated in the “commercial sector” and thus distributed through the commercial banking system. Again, refer to Figures 1 and 2 on page 13.

C-6. Most Americans do not yet realize that they have been living their lives through the prism of these bad policies since 1999 because the crisis is silent and progressively worsens over time (i.e., the amount of dollars removed from the commercial sector is adding-up in the $trillions as reflected by today’s debt). Prior to 1999, when the policies were absent from American life, life itself was sweet in terms of most everybody had a chance at success, including racial minorities. Poverty in 1999, unlike today, was steadily declining. This is due to the Feds distribution of all dollars reached most everyone, as depicted in Figure 2. – I.e., all commercial banking contracts for dollars went into the commercial sector through commercial banks with the only path / avenue was into the neighborhoods of America. Investors, too, had to borrow from commercial banks (or from private lenders) the same as everyone else. But this American puzzle changed with the three policies that took hold, beginning with repeal of Glass- Steagall in 1999.

C-7. Each of the three policies violates Section 1 of the Sherman Act of 1890, the restriction of trade. And each additionally violates the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, that bars the Fed from dealing in private investment instruments. The Fed’s jurisdiction is only the “commercial monetization” of the dollar. The three bad policies are as follows: C-8. Bad Policy One, repeal of Glass-Steagall. The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 had prevented investors from placing consumer bank accounts at-risk by high-level investors. This problem is what lead to the Great Depression. Today, consumer accounts are again at risk since 1999, through hedge funds and derivatives trading in violation of FRA Section 13, clause 2. This risk, along with low rates, reduces confidence in commercial banking, resulting in fewer bank deposits for savings. But without investor interference, maximum deposits ensure more dollars for community distribution, higher tax revenues (for less government debt for less taxation), and attracts higher investments into banks for even less borrowing from the Fed.

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C-9. Bad Policy Two, interest rates are too low. Government, including the Fed and the mainstream media, are falsely teaching that low rates are good for the economy. Yet during the last twenty-one years of low-rate policies, the economy has not grown above 2% (while China is steadily gaining on the U.S.) by contrast to the U.S. 6%+ growth during the Clinton economy and with a less pricy, stable, low volatile stock market that directly reflected economic growth during the ‘90s. When Clinton left office in Jan. 2001, the Fed prime rate was 5.46% with a $100 billion surplus in federal tax revenues (supra), by contrast to today’s 0.25% prime rate with over $27 trillion in debt. So it is conclusive that too-low interest rates are very destructive to the economy that must be reversed.

C-10. (A) Why the status quo want low rates . . . Obviously it’s cheaper for Wall Street corporations to borrow at lower rates. This cheap money is one of the reasons companies grow so fast in low and no growth economies that defies “normalized financing.” Examples are Elon Musk (supra), , Amazon, Microsoft, Berkshire-Hathaway, Etc. Yet by contrast, at low rates, banks don’t like lending to consumers or small businesses because they don’t earn as much from the smaller loans, even though consumer buying and small businesses are the main drivers of the economy. Instead, banks favor corporate loans when rates are low because they quickly earn from the larger loans. Another downside is that corporations take-on more debt due to the cheap money that’s another reason why the dollar’s value is low.

C-11. (B) Another “negative feature” of low rates is they chase dollars out of the U.S. economy in search for higher $returns elsewhere. I.e., they deplete U.S. bank deposits that in- turn reduces the available “neighborhood dollars” for bank lending that then requires banks to borrow from the Fed that takes on more debt. This condition, too, reduces value of the dollar that lessens investments into the U.S. economy, at-large.

C-12. (C) Yet another downside is low rates reduce the sales of U.S. treasury bonds that then requires Government to borrow $more from the Fed that incurs even higher interest payments from our tax dollars. Thus, as Defendant President Biden and Nancy Pelosi seek more borrowing from the Fed, there are less and less tax funds to conduct the nation’s business. And this is why as the years go by, U.S. neighborhoods become increasingly degraded. (Has anyone asked why for years there’s no $appropriations for infrastructure, education, or climate change? Because tax revenues from the people’s paychecks are paid on the debt.)

2nd Amended Complaint in U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Cir. Legacy Medications Cures COVID-19 • Appellate Case 20-5854 (Case 3:20-cv-298) Filed January 26, 2020 | Page 16 of 24 – Cobble vs. President Joe Biden, et al.

C-13. (D) And finally, with too-low rates, companies tend to take on “too much debt” that “feels good” when the economy is chugging along. But high debt hurts during downswings such as COVID that’s causing many companies today to file for bankruptcy. By contrast, “competitively higher rates,” as during the Clinton era, force companies to be prudent with debt because it costs more. They can’t get too ambitious but must borrow by how well the company is performing. (Note: Competitively higher rates refer to the U.S. setting its prime rate in competition with other benchmark nations, such as China, India, the UK, Etc.)

C-14. Bad Policy Three, violation of the Federal Reserve Act (FRA). On May 2, 2008, in direct violation of FRA clause 2 (supra), former chairman of the Fed, Ben Bernanke, announced that investment houses may now borrow directly from the Fed. Investment houses include Merrill Lynch, Vanguard, Berkshire Hathaway, Amazon, Microsoft, Etc. I.e., they can now borrow at the Fed discount rate. At that time (and currently) the Fed rate was 0.25%. Every year, this illegal antitrust lending removes $trillions from “commercial distribution” resulting in lower economic activity that increases Government borrowing/debt and the ongoing rises in taxes and Gov’mt fees. In addition, these $trillions bypass “monetization” in the commercial sector that builds value for the dollar. As alluded, since today’s tax dollars are largely applied to interest payments to the Fed, there’s not enough money for anything else in the Trump economy (see next paragraph C-15). Here again, Figure 2 states and shows the proper Fed distribution in accordance with clause 2, (supra).

C-15. Prior to the COVID crisis, Trump boasted and falsely “sold” the economy as being “the best its ever been” by only two metrics: 1) the high stock market and 2) low unemployment. But these two lone metrics do not reveal our vulnerable, no-growth, one-sided economy that’s magnified by COVID-19. For, the Trump economy (though not caused by- but wholly supported by him) is causing record high poverty & homelessness, food insecurity, high rents & home prices, routine increases in taxes & fees, ever higher Government debt, essentially no economic growth (that’s allowing China to eventually overtake the U.S. economy), insolvent Social Security, no money for infrastructure or education, no money to fix climate change, increased poverty in other nations that leads to conflicts & wars.) –– Our economy stinks for regular citizens.

2nd Amended Complaint in U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Cir. Legacy Medications Cures COVID-19 • Appellate Case 20-5854 (Case 3:20-cv-298) Filed January 26, 2020 | Page 17 of 24 – Cobble vs. President Joe Biden, et al.

C-16. {Bring back the PBS Nightly Business Report. Cobble believes President Trump removed the very popular, mainstream PBS broadcast Nightly Business Report (NBR) to hide the many negative metrics that the economy is in fact showing. NBR’s daily reports on business stood as a barometer on how the U.S. and world economy were actually doing. Many (if not most) of the stories contradicted Trump’s claims that the economy was booming, even with yeare-to-year less than 2% growth.}

C-17. But the true metrics of a healthy U.S. economy are 4 – 7% annual growth, a linear decrease in poverty; robust home construction; low unemployment spurned by economic growth (the Trump economy has low unemployment during “no growth” $transfer); a non-volatile, steady stock market (not today’s volatile stock market bubble); high demand for U.S. treasury bills; relative low taxation (by contrast to today’s extremely high, unconstitutional taxation); and a relatively easy foreign policy (due to other nations & foreigners purchasing the higher-value dollar). All of these metrics, that are relative to each other, minimizes the need to borrow from the Fed as shown in Figure 2 by the 1999 $100 billion in tax surpluses (supra).

C-18. As alluded, the Clinton foreign policy was easier to carryout, resulting in minimal global conflicts. Through competitively higher interest rates and the other two policies being proper as in Figure 2, other nations and foreign depositors were heavily invested in the dollar, including Russia and China. I.e., everyone was allowed to earn from the dollar during the 90s, of which is the nature of its strength (American power) and our national security. I.e., the U.S. dollar is the international currency of the world economy; for Americans cannot claim the dollar solely for themselves. In fact, prior to 1999, the dollar was how the U.S. managed the world, by generating global prosperity. – But today, because the international bankers fear the “independent empowerment” of people, the U.S. Federal Reserve is utilized to oppress and prevent prosperity. This tyrannical behavior, of course, is why the Founding Fathers created the U.S. Constitution and instructed any Gov’mt jurisdiction over the people to be under “common law,” the 7th Amendment. Whereby, the Court only needs to apply the principles of equity under Article 3.

C-19. Trump’s high stock market and low unemployment are due to the Fed saturating corporations with cash thru the unlawful $transfer. They’re also using this windfall of cheap dollars for buying-up real estate (causing the hardships from high apartment rents & home

2nd Amended Complaint in U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Cir. Legacy Medications Cures COVID-19 • Appellate Case 20-5854 (Case 3:20-cv-298) Filed January 26, 2020 | Page 18 of 24 – Cobble vs. President Joe Biden, et al. prices), other companies & mergers, healthcare sectors, unlawful stock buybacks, and increased hedge funds and derivatives trading. In addition, these unlawful buy-ups make everything else more expensive. –– A case-in-point is volatility of the stock markets. Since 1999, investors use this cheap cash as a “ Las Vegas crap shoot” on stocks and not by how well the companies are earning. It leads to the overly priced stock bubble that must bust someday as the inability to service the debt approaches. Again, this real scenario is shown in the overly priced stocks of Elon Musk’s Tesla Motors. In his 2020 windfall, Tesla stock reached $700 per share while the company still has not yet made a profit. It’s a stock bubble.

C-20. With COVID-19, the Fed is once again violating clause 2, by artificially propping-up the stock market. In the May 17, 2020 broadcast on ABC This Week, experts could not explain why the Dow Jones Stock Market was surging past 23,600 while the economy is in tanking. Host George Stephanopolis asked, “What’s causing this disconnect?” Instead, those Fed dollars propping-up stocks are legally required for entry into the commercial sector pursuant to the FRA (see Figure 2). Today, less than a year later in January 2021, the Dow Jones has surpassed 31,000 points while the COVID economy is still tanking. Cobble implores the Court to reverse this dangerous bubble by reversing the three policies before the market collapses into depression as in the 1920s.

C-21. As referenced everyday in the news, these excess dollars in the financial sector are leading the economy. Yet in fact, during the Clinton economy, and prior thereto, the economy had always lead the financial sector/Wall Street (stocks, bonds, etc.). Stocks and bond prices were determined by how well the commercial sector/consumers were doing, not by Wall Street acting independently of the commercial sector through the windfall of transferred dollars.

C-22. Wherefore, this silent crisis begs the question of: How $much in federal tax revenues were paid on the debt in 2019 and 2020? This is a prudently fair question for allowing Americans to see the condition of their national finances. Hence, Cobble implores the Court to require Defendants to provide this information (see Itemized Injunctive Relief in Section D).

C-23. And wherefore, reversal/correction of the three bad policies will cause a very healthy but dramatic paradigm shift in the economy. By denying the cheap, unlawful money to Wall Street corporations, the bloated stock values of today will correct into a lower-priced market that once again must follow the commercial sector by the “ sales volumes & earnings of companies.”

2nd Amended Complaint in U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Cir. Legacy Medications Cures COVID-19 • Appellate Case 20-5854 (Case 3:20-cv-298) Filed January 26, 2020 | Page 19 of 24 – Cobble vs. President Joe Biden, et al.

The recommended 4.75% prime interest rate will immediately induce the buying of U.S. treasury [bonds] as well as investments & deposits from other nations that will fill-up U.S. banks again, as during the Clinton era. Banks then have no avenue but to push-out this cash into communities in the form of competitively priced loans for consumers and small businesses. For, loan restrictions are lowered when rates are competitively higher. The economy then becomes its own engine with minimal need for Gov’mt borrowing.

C-24. This growth, in-turn, will spurn the reopening of retailing & small businesses. The competitively higher interest rates and stopping the Fed from lending money directly to investment houses will slow the fast growth of companies; again pursuant to Figure 2, companies will then grow as the economy grows –– not by the fast, cheap money created by the three policies. With reversal of these policies, including to raising the Fed prime interest rate from 0.25% to at least 4.75%, the economy will survive COVID-19 by the healthy attraction of cash into neighborhoods through commercial banks. This effect is to return to the Clinton economy.

C-25. But the prime rate remains at 0.25% under COVID-19, and with a diminished tax base, the economy will continue towards economic freefall by taking more of our tax revenues from the nation’s business.––It is needless, avoidable destruction of the economy.

The Three Inherent Conflicts-of-interest that Require Abolishment of the Federal Reserve

C-26. Myth: Higher interest rates increase the debt payments. This myth is patently false. Recall that since low rates chase money out of the economy in search for higher $returns from higher rates, this removal of dollars cause a reduction in economic activity/growth that respectively reduces tax revenues that requires ever more borrowing for higher debt payments. But when interest rates are “normalized” (competitively higher) such as during the ‘90s, far less borrowing is needed because the higher rate attracts money into the economy, including into our banks, and treasury bills are more attractive, too. So, less borrowing = lower payments on the debt. Recall in 1999 the U.S. had a tax surplus of $100 billion with a 5.46% prime interest rate.

C-27. Page 13, The High Costs of Massive Borrowing from the FED, illustrates the mystery behind the U.S. never having any money for the nation’s needs. Even with record-high tax revenues, too much is paid towards the interest on the debt. Again, how much in taxes are we

2nd Amended Complaint in U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Cir. Legacy Medications Cures COVID-19 • Appellate Case 20-5854 (Case 3:20-cv-298) Filed January 26, 2020 | Page 20 of 24 – Cobble vs. President Joe Biden, et al. paying towards the debt? For here lies the “conflicts of interest” of even having a Fed that’s not required by the Constitution. The persistent trillions in Congressional borrowing require these interest payments, and have persisted over the last twenty-one years. As stated, most Americans do not yet realize the damaging effects of this mounting debt, including the continuously higher taxes they pay to cover the revenue losses. As these three policies remain, they will soon see collapse the economy due to eventual depletion of the tax base. And due to this depletion, local and state gov’mts must keep raising taxes to make-up for the loss of federal funds.

C-28. As a matter or course, the Fed creates three conflicts of interest that cannot reconcile. They are: 1) Private investors have investment stakes for running-up U.S. debt vs. the Fed has responsibility in reducing U.S. debt for Americans. 2) Since Congress must approve U.S. lending from the Fed, the conflict-of-interest exists by those Congressmen who have “political and/or private stakes” in running-up U.S. debt through an independent Fed. And 3) operation of an “independent Fed” violates Article 1, Section 8, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution. For clause 5 require money to be issued by the U.S. Gov’mt, with the Dept. of Treasury as the appropriate agency for distributing dollars to commercial banks.

C-29. Wherefore, the Court (and other Americans) can conclude by now that the Federal Reserve is unconstitutional and otherwise acts against the interests of the nation. Since the three conflicts-of-interest cannot be reconciled, the law requires the Fed must be abolished. Whereby, pursuant to clause 5 (supra), Cobble motions the court to issue a consent decree to Defendant Nancy Pelosi that the Federal Reserve be abolished and given the time to transfer its tasks of issuing “commercial contracts” (to commercial banks) to the Dept. of Treasury.

Hedge Fund & Derivatives Trading Against a Consumer Account is Legal Only with Approval of the Account Holder, Etc. C-30. However, hedge funds and derivatives trading against consumer accounts may be “equitably lawful” but only with approval of the “bank account holder” of the account being traded against. In addition, traders should be required to share trade profits with the respective account holder. These, too, are Article 3 issues of equity under the U.S. Constitution. Furthermore, Congress should require Hedge funds and derivative traders to guarantee no losses to account holders (such as with whole life insurance investments) as well as no losses guaranteed for principle contributions to pension and retirement funds. In this regard,

2nd Amended Complaint in U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Cir. Legacy Medications Cures COVID-19 • Appellate Case 20-5854 (Case 3:20-cv-298) Filed January 26, 2020 | Page 21 of 24 – Cobble vs. President Joe Biden, et al.

traders become inherent “common law fiduciaries.”

C-31. The Glass-Steagall Act should be updated for these protective provisions for account holders to retain the equity that they pay into their accounts. Again, purchasers of whole life insurance retain these very protections. They 1) fully own the premiums that they pay, 2) receive a rate of $return from investing by the insurance company, and 3) the paid premiums are guaranteed for no losses by the insurance company. Wherefore, equal application of the law under the 14th Amendment affords pension & retirement fund holders the same protections.

C-32. And where the common law fiduciary is not willing to guarantee a client’s contributions to a pension or retirement account, [he] shall hold the contributions as U.S. treasury bonds or otherwise release his common law responsibility from the client.

C-33. Here, Cobble implores the Court to require applicable Defendants President Biden, Pelosi, Gov. Beshear, and Chairman Powell to write-up the foregoing protection provisions for passage by Congress. Otherwise, in accordance with the principles of equity in the Constitution, the Court has jurisdiction to impose these inherent protections by “consent decree.”

Epilogue C-34. And wherefore, the herein Complaint comprises solutions for the above three sections to get America back on track. Without dispute from Defendants, the Court must order the general prescription of the legacy remedies. Upon doing so, there is no further reason to keep the economy locked down. And Cobble implores the Court to once-and-for-all order fixing the U.S. economy by enforcing Section 13, Clause 2 of the FRA. I.e., to reverse the three unlawful policies causing the transfer-of-wealth and high debt that prevents servicing the U.S. economy; or proceed to trial by jury if chosen by Defendants. Cobble recommends the competitively higher prime interest rate of 4.75% that’s comparable to the 5.46% in Jan. of 2001 (when Clinton left office). In lieu of this invalid debt and preponderance of the evidence, by consent decree, the Court has jurisdiction to correct/increase the Fed’s prime interest rate to prevent COVID-19 from further destroying the economy. Wherein, the Court must recognize these violations of the FRA and antitrust violations of the Sherman Act (supra). To restate, the other two violating policies that need reversing are: Consumer bank accounts are at risk by private investors by repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999, and lending Fed dollars directly to investment entities (and at the wholesale rate of 0.25% today).

2nd Amended Complaint in U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Cir. Legacy Medications Cures COVID-19 • Appellate Case 20-5854 (Case 3:20-cv-298) Filed January 26, 2020 | Page 22 of 24 – Cobble vs. President Joe Biden, et al.

C-35. {Note: Fed dollars are also called wholesale dollars at the Fed “discount window” (now at 0.25%). Giving Fed dollars to investment entities is called wholesale capitalism.} ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

D. Itemized INJUNCTIVE RELIEF (or trial by jury):

D-1. Require Defendants to issue a general prescription to the nation to take legacy medications (also called legacy meds) of zinc, hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin and any other safe and viable med that cures and/or prevents COVID-19.

D-2. Require Defendants to issue a general prescription to the nation to remain exposed the outdoors fresh air to help cure and prevent COVID-19; and that ongoing exposure is achieved by indoor cross ventilation of the inhabited venue.

D-3. Defendants shall recognize that variants of COVID-19 as a normal condition of corona viruses traveling from host to host, and shall not deem any variation thereof more dangerous than the original corona virus from Wuhan, China.

D-4. Require officials to promptly plan for fully using the broadcast media to train to cope with- and survive COVID-19; the broadcast media shall include Television, radio, and the Internet.

D-5. Require Defendant Joe Biden to impose the Defense Production Act for producing and distributing the maximum supply of zinc, hydroxychloroquine, and Ivermectin to the population.

D-6. With the Defense Production Act imposed for producing and distributing the maximum supply of zinc, hydroxychloroquine, and Ivermectin to the population, require Defendant Biden to fully open the economy facilitated by the daily training from the broadcast media.

Relief from the U.S. Federal Reserve D-7. For fiscal years 2019 and 2020, require the U.S. Secretary of Treasury to report to Plaintiff Cobble and the American people the total amount of tax revenues collected and the total amount / % of those revenues that were paid on the U.S. debt.

2nd Amended Complaint in U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Cir. Legacy Medications Cures COVID-19 • Appellate Case 20-5854 (Case 3:20-cv-298) Filed January 26, 2020 | Page 23 of 24 – Cobble vs. President Joe Biden, et al.

D-8. To protect the U.S. economy, and in the interim, to implement all provisions of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 until Congress passes said provisions permanently; and where Congress fails to pass said provisions, the Court will impose the provisions permanently by consent decree.

D-9. To protect the U.S. economy, by consent decree the Federal Reserve shall raise the prime interest rate to at least 4.75% or within 0.25% +/- of China’s prime interest rate of whichever is greater; and the Federal Reserve upon conferring for agreement with Congress may raise the prime interest rate up to 5.46%.

D-10. Pursuant to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, Section 13, clause 2, the May 2, 2008 policy of lending money to investment entities is hereby rescinded, as the Federal Reserve shall withdraw from lending reserves (dollars) to investment entities except to commercial banks; and the Federal Reserve shall not trade in any other investment instruments except to loan wholesale dollars to commercial banks and to hold, buy, and sell U.S. Government bonds for the U.S. Dept. of Treasury, and the Federal Reserve shall not trade in any other bonds.

D-11. The applicable parties (Plaintiff and Defendants) shall enter into discovery to determine Plaintiff’s evidence that the Federal Reserve is unconstitutional; and where Plaintiff’s evidence is affirmed and under Article 1, Section 8, clause 5, Congress shall move to abolish the Federal Reserve and move the operation of lending to commercial banks to the U.S. Dept. of Treasury.

D-12. The applicable parties (Plaintiff and Defendants) shall enter into discovery to determine Plaintiff’s evidence that, under the equal protection clause, contributions to pension and retirement funds should be protected the same as contributions to “whole life insurance,” that contributions are guaranteed to not suffer losses while investing thereof; and where Plaintiff’s evidence is affirmed, Congress shall initiate legislation that protects the contributions to pension and retirement funds from losses by any instrument of investments or these protections will be implemented by consent decree.

D-13. The applicable parties (Plaintiff and Defendants) shall enter into discovery to determine Plaintiff’s evidence that revision of the Glass-Steagall Act should allow bank account holders, and the legal equivalent thereof (such as pension fund accounts), the

2nd Amended Complaint in U.S. Court of Appeals, 6th Cir. Legacy Medications Cures COVID-19 • Appellate Case 20-5854 (Case 3:20-cv-298) Filed January 26, 2020 | Page 24 of 24 – Cobble vs. President Joe Biden, et al. option for hedge funds and derivative traders to trade against those accounts, and that said traders guarantee no losses to such accounts including during trading; and that said traders share the trading profits with the respective account holder that is agreed upon for trading against.

D-14. $400 reimbursed for paid filing fee. D-15. $1500.00 for expenses. This 2nd Amended Complaint is respectfully submitted,

______Daniel Cobble DATE 220 Casa Bella Court Louisville, KY 40220 – 502-290-2852

Certificate of Service A copy of the foregoing Complaint has been mailed to each of the following Defendants by first-class CERTIFIED MAIL on January 26, 2021:

Defendant President Joe Biden Defendant Andy Beshear The White House Office of the Governor, 700 Capitol Ave. 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 564-2611 Washington, DC 20500 202-456-1414 Certified Mail Item: 7019 2280 0001 4604 1238 Certified Mail Item: 7019 2280 0001 4604 1221 Defendant Jerome Powell Defendant Nancy Pelosi, U.S. House Spkr. U.S. Federal Reserve 1236 Longworth H.O.B. 20th & Constitution Ave. Washington, DC 20515 202-225-4965 Washington, DC 20551 888-851-1920 Certified Mail Item: 7019 2280 0001 4604 1245 Certified Mail Item: 7019 2280 0001 4604 1252

Defendant Dr. Robert Redfield, Director A COPY ALSO TO: - KY Attorney General Center for Disease Control - Lou. Mayor G. Fischer 1600 Clifton Rd., Atlanta, GA 30329 | 800-232-4636 - Lou. Metro Council Certified Mail Item: 7019 2280 0001 4604 1269 - Public Distribution


Today’s Date ______YES, I SUPPORT BOTH COVID-19 LAWSUITS FOR PRESCRIBING LEGACY MEDS TO STOP THE RISKY VACCINES; TO STOP THE TRANSFER-OF-WEALTH TO WALL STREET; & REINSTATE THE CONSTITUTIONAL U.S. POSTAL SERVICE, AS CHECKED (!) YES, BELOW. Mail-to or Phone: • President of the United States • U.S. District Court & Court of Appeals 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW 601 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202 – 502-625-3500 Washington, DC 20500 – Phone: (202) 456-1111 Recorded Comments • U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 – Phone: (202) 224-3121 • Director of the FBI 935 Pennsylvania Ave., NW • U.S. Senate Washington, DC 20535 - (800) 225-5324 Washington, D.C. 20510 - (202) 707–3000

• Name Elected Official (Congress Member, Gov., Mayor, Council Member, Etc.) ______ To Whom It May Concern:

1.I support Fed. lawsuit 3:20-cv-298 for treating COVID-19 with legacy medications including zinc + hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and fresh air therapy ...... , ______Yes ______No

2.I support Section C in Fed. lawsuit 3:20-cv-298 for stopping the transfer-of- wealth to Wall Street corporations and preventing economic collapse by reversing the three bad policies that are causing these problems...... ______Yes ______No

3.I support the July 2, 2020 FBI Criminal Complaint identifying corruption in Federal lawsuit 3:20-cv-298...... ______Yes ______No

4.I support Fed. lawsuit 3:20-cv-579 for reinstating the non-profit, Constitutional mandate of the U.S. Postal Service. ______Yes ______No

Thank you, ______My Signature

INSTRUCTIONS: Copy, share, & mail-out this Petition-letter regularly until we prevail in these matters. • Download the above referenced documents at: & (Remember the general rule: Gov’mt does not “do the right thing” unless prompted by “you” the people.)