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Title Bootstrap intervals for linear, nonlinear, and nonparametric autoregressions

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Authors Pan, Li Politis, Dimitris N

Publication Date 2014

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Bootstrap prediction intervals for linear, nonlinear and nonparametric autoregressions

Li Pan and Dimitris N. Politis∗ Li Pan Department of Mathematics University of California–San Diego La Jolla, CA 92093-0112, USA e-mail: [email protected]

Dimitris N. Politis Department of Mathematics University of California–San Diego La Jolla, CA 92093-0112, USA e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: In order to construct prediction intervals without the cumbersome—and typically unjustifiable—assumption of Gaussianity, some form of is necessary. The regres- sion set-up has been well-studied in the literature but prediction faces additional difficulties. The paper at hand focuses on time series that can be modeled as linear, nonlinear or nonparametric autoregressions, and develops a coherent methodology for the construction of bootstrap prediction intervals. Forward and backward bootstrap methods using predictive and fitted residuals are introduced and compared. We present detailed algorithms for these different models and show that the bootstrap intervals manage to capture both sources of variability, namely the innovation error as well as estimation error. In simulations, we compare the prediction intervals associated with different methods in terms of their achieved coverage level and length of interval.

Keywords and phrases: Confidence intervals, , time series..

1. Introduction

Statistical inference is not considered complete if it is not accompanied by a measure of its inherent accuracy. With point estimators, the accuracy is measured either by a or a confidence interval. With (point) predictors, the accuracy is measured either by the predictor error or by a prediction interval. In the setting of an i.i.d. (independent and identically distributed) sample, the problem of predic- tion is not interesting. However, when the i.i.d. assumption no longer holds, the prediction problem is both important and intriguing; see Geisser (1993)[20] for an introduction. Typical situations where the i.i.d. assumption breaks down include regression and time series. The literature on predictive intervals in regression is not large; see e.g. Caroll and Ruppert (1991) [12], Patel (1989) [32], Schmoyer (1992)[36] and the references therein. Note that to avoid the cum- bersome (and typically unjustifiable) assumption of Gaussianity, some form of resampling is nec- essary. The residual-based bootstrap in regression is able to capture the predictor variability due to errors in model estimation. Nevertheless, bootstrap prediction intervals in regression are often characterized by finite-sample undercoverage. As a remedy, Stine (1985)[37] suggested resampling the studentized residuals but this modification does not fully correct the problem; see the discussion

∗Research partialy supported by NSF grants DMS 13-08319 and DMS 12-23137.

1 L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 2 in Olive (2007)[30]. Politis(2013)[33] recently proposed the use of predictive (as opposed to fitted) residuals to be used in resampling which greatly alleviates the finite-sample undercoverage. Autoregressive (AR) time series models, be it linear, nonlinear, or nonparametric, have a formal resemblance to the analogous regression models. Indeed, AR models can typically be successfully fitted by the same methods used to estimate a regression, e.g., ordinary Least Square (LS) regression methods for parametric models, and scatterplot smoothing for nonparametric ones. The practitioner has only to be careful regarding the standard errors of the regression estimates but the model-based, i.e., residual-based, bootstrap should in principle be able to capture those. Therefore, it is not surprising that model-based resampling for regression can be extended to model-based resampling for auto-regression. Indeed, standard errors and confidence intervals based on resampling the residuals from a fitted AR model has been one of the first bootstrap approaches for time series; cf. Freedman (1984) [19], Efron and Tibshirani (1986) [15], and Bose (1988) [6]. However, the situation as regards prediction intervals is not as clear; for example, the conditional nature of the predictive inference in time series poses a difficulty. There are several papers on prediction intervals for linear AR models but the literature seems scattered and there are many open questions: (a) how to implement the model-based bootstrap for prediction, i.e., how to generate bootstrap series; (b) how to construct prediction intervals given the availability of many bootstrap series already generated; and lastly (c) how to evaluate asymptotic validity of a prediction interval. In addition, little seems to be known regarding prediction intervals for nonlinear and nonparametric autoregressions. In the paper at hand we attempt to give answers to the above, and provide a comprehensive approach towards bootstrap prediction intervals for linear, nonlinear, or nonparametric autoregres- sions. The models we will consider are of the general form: • AR model with homoscedastic errors

Xt = m(Xt−1, ..., Xt−p) + t (1.1) • AR model with heteroscedastic errors

Xt = m(Xt−1, ..., Xt−p) + σ(Xt−1, ..., Xt−p)t. (1.2) In the above, m(·) and σ(·) are unknown; if they can be are assumed to belong to a finite-dimensional, parametric family of functions, then the above describe a linear or nonlinear AR model. If m(·) and σ(·) are only assumed to belong to a smoothness class, then the above models describe a nonparametric autoregression. Regarding the errors, the following assumption is made: 2 1, 2, ··· are i.i.d. (0, σ ), and such that t is independent from {Xs, s < t} for all t; (1.3) in conjuction with model (1.2), we must further assume that σ2 = 1 for identifiability. Note, that under either model (1.1) or (1.2), the causality assumption (1.3) ensures that E(Xt|{Xs, s < t}) = m(Xt−1, ..., Xt−p) gives the optimal predictor of Xt given {Xs, s < t}; here optimality is with respect to Squared Error (MSE) of prediction. Section2 describes the foundations of our approach. Pseudo-series can be generated by either a forward or backward bootstrap, using either fitted or predictive residuals—see Section 2.1 for a discussion. Predictive roots are defined in Section 2.2 while Sections 2.3 and 2.4 discuss notions of asymptotic validity. Section3 goes in depth as regards bootstrap prediction intervals for linear AR models. Section 4 addresses the nonlinear case using two popular nonlinear models as concrete examples. Finally, Section 5 introduces bootstrap prediction intervals for nonparametric autoregres- sions. Appendix A contains some technical proofs. A short conclusions section recapitulates the main findings making the point that the forward bootstrap with fitted or predictive residuals serves as the unifying principle across all types of AR models, linear, nonlinear or nonparametric. L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 3

2. Bootstrap prediction intervals: laying the foundation

2.1. Forward and backward bootstrap for prediction

As previously mentioned, an autoregression can be formally viewed as regression. However, in pre- diction with an AR(p) model, linear or nonlinear, an additional difficulty is that the one-step-ahead prediction is done conditionally on the last p observed values that are themselves random. To fix ideas, suppose X1, ··· ,Xn are from the linear AR(1) model: Xt = φ1Xt−1 + t where |φ1| < 1 and the t are i.i.d. with mean zero. Given the data, the MSE–optimal predictor of Xn+1 ˆ given the data is φ1Xn which is approximated in practice by plugging-in an estimator, say φ1, for ∗ ∗ φ1. Generating bootstrap series X1 ,X2 , ··· from the fitted AR model enables us to capture the ˆ ∗ ∗ variability of φ1 when the latter is re-estimated from bootstrap datasets such as X1 , ··· ,Xn. For the application to prediction intervals, note that the bootstrap also allows us to generate ∗ ˆ Xn+1 so that the statistical accuracy of the predictor φ1Xn can be gauged. However, none of these ∗ bootstrap series will have their last value Xn exactly equal to the original value Xn as needed for ˆ prediction purposes. Herein lies the problem, since the behavior of the predictor φ1Xn needs to be captured conditionally on the original value Xn. To avoid this difficulty, Thombs and Schucany(1990)[39] proposed to generate the bootstrap data ∗ ∗ ∗ X1 , ··· ,Xn going backwards from the last value that is fixed at Xn = Xn. This is the backward bootstrap method that was revisited by Breidt, Davis and Dunsmuir(1995)[10] who gave the correct ∗ algorithm of finding the backward errors. Note that the generation of Xn+1 is still done in a forward fashion using the fitted AR model conditionally on the value Xn. Nevertheless, the natural way autoregressions evolve is forward in time, i.e., given Xt−1, the next observation is generated as Xt = φ1Xt−1 + t, and so on. Thus, it is intuitive to construct bootstrap ∗ procedures that run forward in time, i.e., given Xt−1, the next bootstrap observation is generated as ∗ ˆ ∗ ∗ Xt = φ1Xt−1 + t , (2.1) and so on. Indeed, most (if not all) of the literature on bootstrap confidence intervals for AR models uses the natural time order to generate bootstrap series. It would be nice to be able to build upon this large body of work in order to construct prediction intervals. However, recall that predictive inference is to be conducted conditionally on the last value Xn in order to be able to place prediction bounds ˆ ∗ ∗ ˆ ∗ around the point predictor φ1Xn. So how can one ensure that Xn = Xn so that Xn+1 = φ1Xn+n+1? Aided by the additive structure of the AR model, it is possible to “have our cake and eat it too”, ∗ i.e., generate bootstrap series forward in time but also ensure that Xn+1 is constructed correctly. This procedure will be called the forward bootstrap method for prediction intervals, and comprises of two steps: ∗ A. Choose a starting value X0 appropriately, e.g., choose it at random from one of the original data X1, ··· ,Xn. Then, use recursion (2.1) for t = 1, 2, . . . , n in order to generate bootstrap ∗ ∗ ˆ data X1 , ··· ,Xn. Re-compute the of interest (in this case φ1) from the bootstrap data ∗ ∗ ˆ∗ X1 , ··· ,Xn to obtain the bootstrap statistic φ1. ∗ B. Re-define the last value in the bootstrap world, i.e., let Xn = Xn. Compute the one-step ˆ ∗ ˆ∗ ahead bootstrap predictor Xn+1 = φ1Xn, and also generate the future bootstrap observation ∗ ˆ ∗ Xn+1 = φ1Xn + n+1.

The above algorithm works because the two constituents of the prediction error Xn+1 − Xˆn+1 = ˆ ˆ (φ1Xn − φ1Xn) + n+1, i.e., estimation error (φ1Xn − φ1Xn) and innovation error n+1 are indepen- dent, and the same is true in the bootstrap world. L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 4

As stated above, the algorithm is specific to an AR(1) model but its extension to higher-order models is straightforward and will be given in the sequel. Indeed, the forward bootstrap is the method that can be immediately generalized to apply for nonlinear and nonparametric autoregressions as well, thus forming a unifying principle for treating all AR models. The forward bootstrap idea has been previously used for prediction intervals in linear AR models by Masarotto(1990)[26] and Pascual et al. (2004)[31] but with some important differences; for example, Masarotto(1990)[26] omits the important step B above—see Section 3.8 for a discussion. Remark 2.1. Both aforementioned bootstrap ideas, backward and forward, hinge on an i.i.d. re- of the residuals obtained from the fitted model. In the AR(1) case, the fitted residuals are ˆ obtained as ˆt = Xt − φ1Xt−1 for t = 2, 3, ··· , n. Nevertheless, Politis(2013)[33] made a strong case that resampling the predictive residuals gives more accurate prediction intervals in regression, be it linear or nonparametric. Section3 defines a particular notion of predictive residuals in autoregres- sion, and shows their potential benefit in constructing bootstrap prediction intervals.

2.2. Predictive roots and h-step ahead optimal prediction

Given the ability to generate bootstrap datasets using a valid resampling procedure, the question arises as to how to actually construct the prediction interval. Notably, in the related problem of confidence interval construction there are two main approaches: (a) the approach along with the associated bias correction and acceleration expounded upon in Efron and Tibshirani (1994) [16]; and (b) the approach based on pivots and roots as in Bickel and Freedman (1981) [3], Beran (1984) [2], Hall (1992) [22], and Politis, Romano and Wolf (1999) [34]. Both approaches are popular although the latter is more conducive for theoretical analysis. Politis(2013)[33] gave the definition of ’predictive roots’ to be used in order to construct prediction intervals in regression. We will extend this idea to autoregression. Let X1, ··· ,Xn be an observed stretch of a time series that follows a stationary autoregressive model with order p, i.e., model (1.1) or (1.2); the autoregression can be linear, nonlinear or nonparametric. The objective is a prediction interval for the h-step ahead value Xn+h for some integer h ≥ 1; the one-step ahead case is, of course, the most basic. Denote by Xˆn+h the point predictor of Xn+h based on the data X1, ··· ,Xn; since Xˆn+h is a ˆ ˆ 2 function of the data, we can write Xn+h = Π(X1, ··· ,Xn). Let Vn be an estimate of V ar(Xn+h − Xˆn+h|X1, ··· ,Xn) which is the conditional variance in h-step ahead prediction; since Vˆn is a function of the data, we denote Vˆn = V (X1, ··· ,Xn). Definition 2.1. Predictive root and studentized predictive root. The h-step ahead predictive root is defined as Xn+h − Xˆn+h, i.e., it is the error in the h-step ahead prediction. The studentized ˆ predictive root is Xn+h−Xn+h . Vˆn ∗ ∗ Given a bootstrap pseudo series X1 , ··· ,Xn, analogs of the aforementioned quantities can be ˆ ∗ ∗ ∗ ˆ ∗ ∗ ∗ defined, i.e., Xn+h = Π(X1 , ··· ,Xn) and Vn = V (X1 , ··· ,Xn).We can then similarly define the bootstrap predictive roots. Definition 2.2. Bootstrap predictive root and studentized bootstrap predictive root. The ∗ ˆ ∗ bootstrap predictive root is defined as Xn+h − Xn+h. The studentized bootstrap predictive root is ∗ ˆ ∗ Xn+h−Xn+h ˆ ∗ . Vn L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 5

2.3. Prediction intervals and asymptotic validity

Given the data X1, ··· ,Xn, our goal is to construct a prediction interval that will contain the future value Xn+h with a prespecified coverage probability. With an AR(p) model, linear or nonlinear, the predictor will be a function of the last p data points, i.e., Xn−p+1, ··· ,Xn. Hence the prediction interval’s coverage probability should be interpreted as conditional probability given Xn−p+1, ··· ,Xn. Definition 2.3. Asymptotic validity of prediction intervals. Let Ln, Un be functions of the data X1, ··· ,Xn. The interval [Ln,Un] will be called a (1 − α)100% asymptotically valid prediction interval for Xn+h given Xn−p+1, ··· ,Xn if

P (Ln ≤ Xn+h ≤ Un) → 1 − α as n → ∞ (2.2) for all (Xn−p+1, ··· ,Xn) in a set that has (unconditional) probability equal to one.

The probability P in (2.2) should be interpreted as conditional probability given Xn−p+1, ··· ,Xn although it is not explicitly denoted; hence, Definition 2.3 indicates conditional validity of the pre- diction interval [Ln,Un]. The salient point in all bootstrap algorithms that will be discussed is to use the bootstrap dis- tribution of the (potentially studentized) bootstrap predictive root to estimate the true distribu- tion of the (potentially studentized) predictive root. Bootstrap probabilities and expectations are usually denoted by P ∗ and E∗, and they are understood to be conditional on the original data X1 = x1, ··· ,Xn = xn. Since Definition 2.3 involves conditional validity, we will understand that ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ P and E are also conditional on Xn−p+1 = xn−p+1, ··· ,Xn = xn when they are applied to ‘future’ ∗ events in the bootstrap world, i.e., events determined by {Xs for s > n}; this is not restrictive since we will ensure that our bootstrap algorithms satisfy this requirement. For instance, both P and P ∗ in Remark 2.2 below represent probabilities conditional on Xn−p+1 = xn−p+1, ··· ,Xn = xn and ∗ ∗ Xn−p+1 = xn−p+1, ··· ,Xn = xn respectively.

Remark 2.2. Suppose the (conditional) probability P (Xn+h − Xˆn+h ≤ a) is a continuous function of a in the limit as n → ∞. If one can show that

ˆ ∗ ∗ ˆ ∗ P sup |P (Xn+h − Xn+h ≤ a) − P (Xn+h − Xn+h ≤ a)| −→ 0, a

∗ ∗ ˆ ∗ then standard results imply that the of P (Xn+h − Xn+h ≤ a) can be used to consistently estimate the quantiles of P (Xn+h − Xˆn+h ≤ a), thus leading to asymptotically valid prediction intervals. Similarly, if one wants to construct asymptotically valid bootstrap prediction intervals based on studentized predictive roots, it suffices to show that

X − Xˆ X∗ − Xˆ ∗ sup |P ( n+h n+h ≤ a) − P ∗( n+h n+h ≤ a)| −→P 0. ˆ ˆ ∗ a Vn Vn

2.4. Asymptotic pertinence of bootstrap prediction intervals

Asymptotic validity is a fundamental property but it does not tell the whole story. Prediction intervals are particularly useful if they can also capture the uncertainty involved in model estimation although the latter is asymptotically negligible. 2 To give a concrete example, consider the simple case where X1,X2, ··· are i.i.d. N(µ, σ ); this is a special case of an AR model with no dependence present. Given the data X1, ··· ,Xn, we estimate L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 6 the unknown µ, σ2 by the sample mean and varianceµ, ˆ σˆ2 respectively. Then, the exact Normal theory (1 − α)100% prediction interval for Xn+h is given by

p −1 µˆ ± tn−1(α/2)ˆσ 1 + n . (2.3)

One could use the standard normal z(α/2) instead of tn−1(α/2), i.e., construct the prediction interval: p µˆ ± z(α/2)ˆσ 1 + n−1. (2.4) Since 1 + n−1 ≈ 1 for large n, an even simpler prediction interval is available:

µˆ ± z(α/2)ˆσ. (2.5)

Notably, all three above prediction intervals are asymptotically valid in the sense of Definition 2.3. Nevertheless, as discussed in Politis(2013)[33], interval (2.5) can be called naive since it fails to take into account the variability that results from the error in estimating the theoretical predictor µ byµ ˆ. The result is that, although asymptotically valid, interval (2.5) will be characterized by under-coverage in finite samples; see Geisser (1993) for an in-depth discussion. By contrast, interval (2.4) does take into account the variability resulting from estimating the theoretical predictor. Therefore, interval (2.4) deserves to be called something stronger than asymp- totically valid; we will call it pertinent to indicate that it asymptotically captures all three elements of the exact interval (2.3), namely: (i) the quantile tn−1(α/2) associated with the studentized root; 2 (ii) the error variance σ ; and √ (iii) the variability associated with the estimated parameters, i.e., the factor 1 + n−1. In general, an exact interval analogous to (2.3) will not be available because of non-normality of the errors and/or nonlinearity of the optimal predictor. A ‘pertinent’ interval such as (2.4) would be something to strive for. Notably, the bootstrap is an attempt to create prediction intervals that are asymptotically pertinent in that (a) they are able to capture the variability due to the estimated quantities—note that in AR(p) models the correction term inside the square root of (2.3) would be 1 O(p/n) not just 1/n, and in nonparametric AR models it would be O( hn ) with h → 0 as n → ∞, i.e., this correction is not so trivial; and (b) they are able to approximate well the necessary quantiles. Interestingly, while interval (2.3) is based on the distribution of the studentized predictive root, the bootstrap can also work with nonstudentized roots; in this case, the bootstrap would attempt to estimate the product tn−1(α/2)σ ˆ as a whole instead of breaking it up in its two constituent pieces. Nevertheless, it may be the case that the studentized bootstrap may lead to better approximations, and therefore more accurate prediction intervals, although the phenomenon is not as clear-cut as in the case of bootstrap confidence intervals. Finally, note that bootstrap prediction intervals are not restricted to be symmetric around the predictor like (2.3); thus, they may also capture the of the predictive distribution which is valuable in its own right. To formally define the notion of pertinence, consider the homoscedastic model (1.1), and recall that eq. (1.3) implies that the MSE–optimal predictor of Xn+1 given X1 = x1,...,Xn = xn is m(xn, ..., xn−p+1). Hence we set Xˆn+1 =m ˆ (xn, . . . , xn−p+1) wherem ˆ (·) is a consistent estimator of m(·); without loss of generality, assume thatm ˆ (·) has rate of convergence an, i.e., an(m ˆ (·)−m(·)) has a well-defined, non-trivial asymptotic distribution where an → ∞ as n → ∞. Then, the predictive root can be written as Xn+1 − Xˆn+1 = n+1 + Am (2.6) where Am = m(xn, . . . , xn−p+1) − mˆ (xn, . . . , xn−p+1) = Op(1/an) represents the estimation error. L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 7

Similarly, the bootstrap predictive root can be written as

∗ ˆ ∗ ∗ ∗ Xn+1 − Xn+1 = n+1 + Am (2.7)

∗ ∗ where Am =m ˆ (xn, . . . , xn−p+1) − mˆ (xn, . . . , xn−p+1). By construction, the model-based bootstrap should, in principle, be capable of asymptotically capturing both the pure prediction error, i.e., the distribution of n+1, as well as the estimation error. We are then led to the following definition. Definition 2.4. Asymptotic pertinence of bootstrap prediction intervals under model (1.1). Consider a bootstrap prediction interval for Xn+1 that is based on approximating the distribution of the predictive root Xn+1 − Xˆn+1 of eq. (2.6) by the distribution of the boot- ∗ ˆ ∗ strap predictive root Xn+1 − Xn+1 of eq. (2.7). The interval will be called asymptotically per- tinent provided the bootstrap satisfies the following three conditions as n → ∞ conditionally on Xn−p+1 = xn−p+1, ··· ,Xn = xn. ∗ ∗ P (i) supa |P (n+1 ≤ a) − P (n+1 ≤ a)| −→ 0, presupposing that the error distribution is continuous. ∗ ∗ P (ii) |P (anAm ≤ a) − P (anAm ≤ a)| −→ 0 for some sequence an → ∞, and for all points a where the assumed nontrivial limit of P (anAm ≤ a) is continuous. ∗ ∗ (iii) n+1 and Am are independent in the bootstrap world—as their analogs are in the real world due to the causality assumption (1.3). Furthermore, the bootstrap prediction interval for Xn+1 that is based on the approximating the dis- tribution of the studentized predictive root (Xn+1 − Xˆn+1)/Vˆn by the distribution of the bootstrap ∗ ˆ ∗ ˆ ∗ studentized predictive root (Xn+1 − Xn+1)/Vn will be called asymptotically pertinent if, in addition to (i)—(iii) above, the following also holds: ˆ ˆ ∗ P (iv) Vn/Vn −→ 0. For concreteness, the above focuses on one-step ahead prediction but analogous definitions can be constructed for h-step ahead prediction intervals using studentized or unstudentized predictive roots. Remark 2.3. Note that asymptotic pertinence is a stronger property than asymptotic validity. In fact, under model (1.1), just part (i) of Definition 2.4 together with the consistency ofm ˆ (·) and ∗ ∗ mˆ (·), i.e., the fact that both Am and Am are op(1) due to an → ∞, are enough to imply asymptotic validity of the bootstrap prediction interval. Also note that part (ii) of Definition 2.4 is the condition needed in order to show that the bootstrap can yield asymptotically valid confidence intervals for the conditional mean m(·). In many cases in the literature, this condition has been already established; we can build upon this for the purpose of constructing pertinent prediction intervals. Consider now the heteroscedastic model (1.2). Much of the above discussion carries over verbatim; for example, our predictor of Xn+1 given X1 = x1,...,Xn = xn is still Xˆn+1 =m ˆ (xn, . . . , xn−p+1). The only difference is that the predictive root is

Xn+1 − Xˆn+1 = σ(xn, . . . , xn−p+1)n+1 + Am (2.8) and the bootstrap predictive root is

∗ ˆ ∗ ∗ ∗ Xn+1 − Xn+1 =σ ˆ(xn, . . . , xn−p+1)n+1 + Am (2.9) whereσ ˆ(·) is a (consistent) estimator of σ(·) that is employed in the bootstrap data generation mechanism. Hence, the following definition is immediate. Definition 2.5. Asymptotic pertinence of bootstrap prediction intervals under model (1.2). Consider a bootstrap prediction interval for Xn+1 that is based on approximating L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 8 the distribution of the predictive root Xn+1 − Xˆn+1 of eq. (2.8) by the distribution of the bootstrap ∗ ˆ ∗ predictive root Xn+1 −Xn+1 of eq. (2.9). The interval will be called asymptotically pertinent provided the bootstrap satisfies conditions (i)—(iii) or Definition 2.4 together with the additional consistency requirement: 0 P (iv ) σ(xn, . . . , xn−p+1) − σˆ(xn, . . . , xn−p+1) −→ 0. Furthermore, the bootstrap prediction interval for Xn+1 that is based on the approximating the dis- tribution of the studentized predictive root (Xn+1 − Xˆn+1)/Vˆn by the distribution of the bootstrap ∗ ˆ ∗ ˆ ∗ studentized predictive root (Xn+1 − Xn+1)/Vn will be called asymptotically pertinent if, in addition condition (iv) or Definition 2.4 also holds.

Remark 2.4. Taking into account that Am = op(1) as n → ∞, a simple estimator for the (condi- tional) variance of the predictive root Xn+1 − Xˆn+1 under model (1.2) is Vˆn =σ ˆ(xn, . . . , xn−p+1). Thus, in the case of one-step ahead prediction, condition (iv) or Definition 2.4 can be re-written as ∗ P 0 σˆ(xn, . . . , xn−p+1) − σˆ (xn, . . . , xn−p+1) −→ 0, i.e., it is just a bootstrap version of condition (iv ) or Definition 2.5. As a matter of fact, resampling in the heteroscedastic model (1.2) entails using stu- dentized residuals. In this case, the predictive root method becomes tantamount to the studentized predictive root method when the simple estimator Vˆn =σ ˆ(xn, . . . , xn−p+1) is used; see Section 5.2 for more discussion.

2.5. Prediction interval accuracy: asymptotics vs. finite samples

The notion of ‘pertinence’ was defined in order to identify a prediction interval that has good finite- sample performance as it imitates all the constituent parts of an ‘ideal’ interval. Inadvertently, the notion of ‘pertinence’ was defined via asymptotic requirements. Nevertheless, the asymptotics alone are still not very informative in terms of the interval’s finite-sample accuracy, i.e., the attained coverage level. 2 2 √ Going back to the simple interval (2.3), note√ that we typically haveσ ˆ = σ + Op(1/ n) while −1 the approximations z(α/2) ≈ tn−1(α/2) and 1 + n ≈ 1 have a smaller error of order O(1/n). 2 So the determining√ factor for the asymptotics is the accuracy of the estimatorσ ˆ . However, there are many n–convergent estimators of σ2 having potentially very different finite-sample behavior. The default estimator is the sample variance of the fitted residuals but this tends to be downwardly biased; the predictive residuals—although asymptotically equivalent to the fitted residuals—lead to improved finite-sample performance as alluded to in Remark 2.1. √ Similarly, the quantity (i) of Definition 2.4 is typically of order Op(1/ n). In general, this rate of convergence can not be improved, and dictates the rate of convergence for the coverage probability of eq. (2.2) under the homoscedastic model (1.2). Once again, using the empirical distribution of ∗ the predictive—as opposed to the fitted—residuals in order to generate t makes a huge practical difference in finite samples despite the fact that the two are asymptotically equivalent. The most challenging situation in practice occurs in the set-up of the heteroscedastic model (1.2) with the conditional σ(·) being unknown but assumed smooth. Here the rate of convergence of the coverage probability of eq. (2.2) will be dictated by the nonparametric rate of estimating σ(·), i.e., the rate of convergence of the quantity appearing in condition (iv0) of Definition 2.5; see Section 5.2 for more details. This is perhaps the only case where the asymptotics are informative as regards the finite-sample performance of the prediction interval, i.e., the less accurately attained coverage levels in the presence of of unknown functional form. L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 9

3. Bootstrap Prediction Intervals for Linear Autoregressions

Consider the strictly stationary, causal AR(p) model defined by the recursion

p X Xt = φ0 + φjXt−j + t (3.1) j=1

2 which is a special case of model (1.1) with the t being i.i.d. with mean zero, variance σ and distribution F. The assumed causality condition (1.3) is now tantamount to φ(z) = 1 − φ1z − · · · − p 0 φpz 6= 0 for |z| ≤ 1. Denote φ = (φ0, φ1, φ2, ··· , φp) the vector of autoregressive parameters, and ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ 0 ˆ ˆ ˆ p φ = (φ0, φ1, ··· , φp) and φ(z) = 1 − φ1z − · · · − φpz the respective estimates. Let Xˆt be the fitted ˆ Pp ˆ 0 value of Xt, i.e., Xt = φ0 + j=1 φjXt−j. Finally, let Yt = (Xt,Xt−1, ··· ,Xt−p+1) be the vector of the last p observations up to Xt. Stine(1987)[38] used a bootstrap method to estimate the prediction mean squared error of the estimated linear predictor of an AR(p) model with i.i.d. Gaussian errors. Relaxing the assumption of Gaussian errors, Thombs and Schucany(1990)[39] proposed a backward bootstrap method to find prediction intervals for linear autoregressions conditioned on the last p observations; their method was described in Section 2.1. The backward bootstrap method was revisited by Breidt, Davis and Dunsmuir(1995)[10] who gave the correct algorithm of finding the backward errors. Masarotto(1990)[26] proposed a forward bootstrap method based on the studentized predictive root to obtain prediction intervals for AR(p) models. Notably, his method omits the crucial step B of the Forward bootstrap method defined in Section 2.1. As a result, his intervals are not asymptotically pertinent since the basic premise of Definition 2.4 regarding the construction of the interval is not satisfied; however, his intervals are asymptotically valid because the omitted/distorted term has to do with the estimation error which vanishes asymptotically. Finally, Pascual et al. (2004)[31] proposed another forward bootstrap method and applied it to prediction intervals for both autoregressive as well as ARMA models; their intervals are constructed via an analog of the percentile method without considering predictive roots—see Section 3.8 for more discussion. In the present section, we first give the detailed algorithms for constructing forward bootstrap prediction intervals using fitted and/or predictive residuals, and then prove the consistency of the predictive root method for prediction intervals. We then study the corresponding backward methods. We show how both backward and forward methods can be improved by introducing the predictive residuals. In simulation, we will see that the methods with predictive residuals have improved cover- age level compared to the methods with fitted residuals; this result is not unexpected since a similar phenomenon occurs in —cf. Politis (2013)[33]. In Section 3.8, we review alternative approaches to construct bootstrap prediction intervals, and compare them with ours.

3.1. Forward Bootstrap Algorithm

As described in Section 2.1, the idea of forward bootstrap method is that given observations X1 = x1, ··· ,Xn = xn, we can use the fitted AR recursion to generate bootstrap series “forward” in time starting from some initial conditions. This recursion stops when n bootstrap data have been generated; to generate the (n + 1)th bootstrap point (and beyond), the recursion has to be re- started with different initial values that are fixed to be the last p original observations. The details for estimating the coefficients, generating the bootstrap pseudo-data and constructing the prediction intervals using both fitted and predictive residuals are given below in Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 10

3.1.1. Forward Bootstrap with Fitted Residuals

Given a sample {x1, ··· , xn} from (3.1), the following are the steps needed to construct the prediction interval for future value Xn+h based on the predictive root method. Algorithm 3.1. Forward bootstrap with fitted residuals (Ff) ˆ 1. Use all observations x1, ··· , xn to obtain the (LS) estimators φ = ˆ ˆ ˆ 0 (φ0, φ1, ··· , φp) by fitting the following         xn 1 xn−1 ··· xn−p φ0 n xn−1 1 xn−2 ··· xn−p−1 φ1 n−1   =     +   . (3.2)  .  . . . .   .   .   .  . . . .   .   .  xp+1 1 xp ··· x1 φp p+1

2. For t = p + 1, ··· , n, compute the fitted value and fitted residuals:

p ˆ X ˆ xˆt = φ0 + φjxt−j, and ˆt = xt − xˆt. j=1

¯ ¯ −1 Pn 3. Center the fitted residuals: let rt = ˆt − ˆ for t = p + 1, ··· , n, and ˆ = (n − p) p+1 ˆt; let the empirical distribution of rt be denoted by Fˆn. ∗ ˆ (a) Draw bootstrap pseudo residuals {t , t ≥ 1} i.i.d. from Fn. (b) To ensure stationarity of the bootstrap series, generate n + m pseudo-data for some large ∗ ∗ positive m and then discard the first m data. Let (u1, ··· , up) be chosen at random from the ∗ set of p–tuplets {(xk, ··· , xk+p−1) for k = 1, ··· , n − p + 1}; then generate {ut , t ≥ p + 1} by the recursion:

p ∗ ˆ X ˆ ∗ ∗ ut = φ0 + φjut−j + t , for t = p + 1, ··· , n + m. j=1

∗ ∗ Then define xt = um+t for t = 1, 2, ··· , n. ∗ ∗ (c) Based on the pseudo-data {x1, ··· , xn}, re-estimate the coefficients φ by the LS estimator ˆ∗ ˆ ∗ ˆ ∗ ˆ ∗ 0 φ = (φ0 , φ1 , ··· , φp ) as in step 1. Then compute the future bootstrap predicted values ∗ ∗ xˆn+1, ··· , xˆn+h by the recursion:

p ∗ ˆ ∗ X ˆ ∗ ∗ xˆn+t = φ0 + φj xˆn+t−j for t = 1, ··· , h j=1

∗ where xˆn+t−j = xn+t−j when t ≤ j (d) In order to conduct conditionally valid predictive inference, re-define the last p obser- ∗ ∗ vations to match the original observed values, i.e., let xn−p+1 = xn−p+1, ··· , xn = xn. ∗ ∗ ∗ Then, generate the future bootstrap observations xn+1, xn+2, ··· , xn+h by the recursion:

p ∗ ˆ X ˆ ∗ ∗ xn+t = φ0 + φjxn+t−j + n+t, for t = 1, 2, ··· , h. j=1 L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 11

∗ ∗ (e) Calculate a bootstrap root replicate as xn+h − xˆn+h. 4. Steps (a)-(e) above are repeated B times, and the B bootstrap replicates are collected in the form of an empirical distribution whose α-quantile is denoted q(α). 5. Compute the predicted future values xˆn+1 ··· , xˆn+h by following recursion: p ˆ X ˆ xˆn+t = φ0 + φjxˆn+t−j for t = 1, ··· , h j=1

where xˆn+t−j = xn+t−j for t ≤ j. 6. Construct the (1 − α)100% equal-tailed prediction interval for Xn+h as

[ˆxn+h + q(α/2), xˆn+h + q(1 − α/2)]. (3.3)

3.1.2. Forward Bootstrap with Predictive Residuals

Motivated by Politis(2013)[33], we consider using predictive, as opposed to fitted, residuals for the (t) (t) (t) bootstrap. We define the predictive residuals in the AR context as ˆt = xt − xˆt wherex ˆt is com- puted from the delete-xt data set, i.e., the available data for the scatterplot of xk vs. {xk−p, ··· , xk−1} over which the LS fitting takes place excludes the single point that corresponds to k = t. The forward bootstrap procedure with predictive residuals is similar to Algorithm 3.1; the only difference is in step 2. Algorithm 3.2. Forward bootstrap with predictive residuals (Fp) 1 same as step 1 in Algorithm 3.1. 2 Use the delete-xt dataset to compute the LS estimator

ˆ(t) ˆ (t) ˆ (t) ˆ (t) 0 φ = (φ0 , φ1 , ··· , φp )

(t) as in step 1, i.e., compute φˆ by changing regression model (3.2) as follows: delete the row of xt in left hand side of (3.2), delete the row (1, xt−1, ··· , xt−p) in the design matrix, delete ˆ ˆ(t) t from the vector of  and change the φ to φ at the right hand side . Then, calculate the delete-xt fitted values: p (t) ˆ (t) X ˆ (t) xˆt = φ0 + φj xt−j, for t = p + 1, ··· , n j=1

(t) (t) and the predictive residuals: ˆt = xt − xˆt for t = p + 1, ··· , n. (t) 3-6 Change the ˆt into ˆt ; the rest is the same as in Algorithm 3.1. Remark 3.1. The LS estimator φˆ is asymptotically equivalent to the popular Yule-Walker (YW) estimators for fitting AR models. The advantage of YW estimators is that they almost surely lead to a causal fitted model. By contrast, the LS estimator φˆ is only asymptotically causal but it is completely scatterplot-based, and thus convenient in terms of our notion of predictive residuals. Indeed, for any bootstrap method using fitted residuals (studentized or not), e.g., the forward Algorithm 3.1 or the backward Algorithm 3.5 in the sequel, we could equally employ the Yule-Walker instead of the LS estimators. But for methods using our notion of predictive residuals, it is most convenient to be able to employ the LS estimators. To elaborate, consider the possibility that for our given dataset the LS estimator φˆ turns out to be not causal; we then we have two options: L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 12

• Use a bootstrap algorithm with fitted residuals based on the YW estimator φ˜ = Γˆ−1γˆ where p p Γˆ is the p × p matrix with ij elementγ ˆ(i − j),γ ˆ is a vector with ith elementγ ˆ(i) = p p −1 Pn−|i| ¯ ¯ ¯ −1 Pn n k=1 (Xk − X)(Xk+|i| − X) and X = n k=1 Xk. • To use bootstrap with predictive residuals, we can define the delete-xt estimates of the au- (t) −1 P ¯ (t) ¯ (t) tocovariance asγ ˆ (i) = n k(Xk − X )(Xk+|i| − X ) where the summation runs for ¯ (t) −1 P k = 1, . . . , n − |i| but with k 6= t and k 6= t − |i|, and X = (n − 1) k6=t Xk. Then define (t) (t) (t) (t) the delete-x YW estimator φ˜ = (φ˜ , φ˜ , ··· , φ˜ )0 = (Γˆ(t))−1γˆ(t) where matrix Γˆ(t) t 0 1 p p p p has ij elementγ ˆ(t)(i − j), and vectorγ ˆ(t) has ith elementγ ˆ(t)(i). Now, barring positive defi- p ˜(t) (t) ˜ (t) Pp ˜ (t) niteness issues, we can carry out Algorithm 3.2 with φ , x˜t = φ0 + j=1 φj xt−j and (t) (t) ˆ(t) (t) (t) ˜t = xt − x˜t instead of φ , xˆt and ˆt respectively. Note that if the LS estimator φˆ is causal—as it is hopefully the case—we can use either fitted or ∗ predictive residuals but will need to discard all bootstrap pseudo-series that lead to a non-causal φˆ ; this is equally important for the Backward Bootstrap methods discussed in Section 3.4.

3.2. Forward Studentized Bootstrap with Fitted Residuals

In the previous two subsections we have described the forward bootstrap based on predictive roots. However, as already mentioned, we can use studentized predictive roots instead; see Definition 2.1 and Remark 2.2. The forward bootstrap procedure with fitted and/or predictive residuals is similar to Algorithm 3.1; the only differences is in step 3(e) and 6. To describe it, let ψj for j = 0, 1, ··· be the MA(∞) coefficients of the AR(p) model, i.e., ψj is the coefficient associated with zj in the power series expansion of φ−1(z) for |z| ≤ 1, defined by 1/φ(z) = ψ0 +ψ1z+· · · ≡ ψ(z); the power series expansion is guaranteed by the causality assumption (1.3). It is then easy to see that the variance of the h-step ahead predictive root Xn+h − Xˆn+h is 2 Ph−1 2 σ j=0 ψj . The latter can be interpreted as either conditional or unconditional variance since the two coincide in a linear AR(p) model. ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ∗ ˆ∗ ˆ∗ ˆ∗ 2 Similarly, let 1/φ(z) = ψ0 +ψ1z +· · · ≡ ψ(z), and 1/φ (z) = ψ0 +ψ1 z +· · · ≡ ψ (z). Denote byσ ˆ andσ ˆ∗2 the sample of the fitted residuals and the bootstrap fitted residuals respectively; ∗ ∗ the latter are defined as xt − xˆt for t = p + 1, ··· , n. Algorithm 3.3. Forward Studentized bootstrap with fitted residuals (FSf) The algorithm is the same as Algorithm 3.1 except for steps 3(e) and 6 that should be replaced by the following steps: 3(e) Calculate a studentized bootstrap root replicate as x∗ − xˆ∗ n+h n+h . ∗ Ph−1 ˆ∗2 1/2 σˆ ( j=0 ψj )

6 Construct the (1 − α)100% equal-tailed predictive interval for Xn+h as

h−1 h−1 X ˆ2 1/2 X ˆ2 1/2 [ˆxn+h +σ ˆ( ψj ) q(α/2), xˆn+h +σ ˆ( ψj ) q(1 − α/2)] (3.4) j=0 j=0 where q(α) is the α-quantile of the empirical distribution of the B collected studentized bootstrap roots. L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 13

Remark 3.2. For all the algorithms introduced above, in step 3(d) we redefine the last p val- ues of the bootstrap pseudo-series to match the observed values in order to generate out-of-sample bootstrap data and/or predictors. If we calculate the future bootstrap predicted values and observa- tions without fixing the last p values of the bootstrap pseudo-series, i.e., if we omit step 3(d), then Algorithm 3.3 becomes identical to the method proposed by Masarotto(1990)[26].

3.2.1. Forward Studentized Bootstrap with Predictive Residuals

As mentioned before, we can resample the predictive—as opposed to the fitted—residuals; the algo- rithm is as follows. Algorithm 3.4. Forward Studentized bootstrap with predictive residuals(FSp)

1 Same as step 1 in Algorithm 3.1. 2 Same as step 2 in Algorithm 3.2 (t) 3-6 Change the ˆt into ˆt ; the rest is the same as Algorithm 3.3 Remark 3.3. As in the regression case discussed in Politis(2013)[33], the Fp method yields improved coverage as compared to the Ff method since predictive residuals are inflated as compared to fitted residuals. Interestingly, the FSp method is not much better than the FSf method in finite samples. The reason is that when we studentize the predictive residuals, the aforementioned inflation effect is offset by the simultaneously inflated bootstrap estimatorσ ˆ∗ in the denominator. In the Monte Carlo simulations of Section 3.7, we will see that the Fp, FSf and FSp methods have similarly good performance while the Ff method is the worst, exhibiting pronounced undercoverage.

3.3. Asymptotic Properties of Forward Bootstrap

We now discuss the asymptotic validity of the aforementioned Forward Bootstrap methods. First ∗ note that Step 3(c) of the Algorithm that concerns the construction of φˆ is identical to the related construction of the bootstrap statistic routinely used to derive confidence intervals for φ; see e.g. Freedman(1984)[19].

Theorem 3.1 (Freedman(1984)[19]). Let {Xt} be the causal AR(p) process (3.1) with Et = 0, 2 4 var(t) = σ > 0 and E|t| < ∞. Let {x1, ··· , xn} denote a realization from {Xt}. Then as n → ∞, √ ∗ √ ∗  ˆ ˆ   ˆ  P d0(L n(φ − φ) , L n(φ − φ ) −→ 0 (3.5)

∗ where L, L denote probability law in the real and bootstrap world, and d0 is Kolmogorov distance. For the next theorem, continuity (and twice differentiability) of the error distribution are assumed.

Theorem 3.2 (Boldin(1982)[4]). Let Fˆn be the empirical distribution of fitted residuals {ˆt} centered to mean zero. Let F be the distribution of errors  satisfying the assumptions of Theorem 3.1 and 00 supx |F (x)| < ∞. Then, for any integer h ≥ 1, √ sup |Fˆn(x) − F(x)| = Op(1/ n) (3.6) x

0 Recall the notation Yt = (Xt,Xt−1, ··· ,Xt−p+1) . Then,

∗ 0  ˆ ∗ Xn+1 = 1 Yn φ + n+1 L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 14

0  Xn+1 = 1 Yn φ + n+1. Using eq. (3.6) and Slutsky’s Lemma (together with induction on h) shows that

∗ ∗  P d0(L Xn+h , L (Xn+h)) −→ 0 from which it follows that the Ff prediction interval (3.3) is asymptotically valid. In view of Theorem 3.1, the stronger property of asymptotic pertinence also holds true. Corollary 3.3. Under the assumptions of Theorem 3.1 and Theorem 3.2, the Ff prediction interval (3.3) is asymptotically pertinent. We now move on to the Fp interval that is based on predictive residuals. The following lemma shows that the difference between fitted and predictive residuals is negligible asymptotically; still, the difference may be important in small samples.

(t) 1 Lemma 3.4. Under the assumptions of Theorem 3.1, ˆt − t = Op( n ). The proof of Lemma 3.4 is given in the Appendix. The asymptotic equivalence of the fitted and predictive residuals immediately implies that the Fp prediction interval is also asymptotically pertinent. Corollary 3.5. Under the assumptions of Theorem 3.1 and Theorem 3.2, the Fp prediction interval of Algorithm 3.2 is asymptotically pertinent.

3.4. Backward Bootstrap: Definition and Asymptotic Properties

The difference of the backward bootstrap to the forward bootstrap is in the way they generate ∗ ∗ the bootstrap pseudo-data X1 , ··· ,Xn. The idea of starting from the last p observations (that ∗ ∗ are given) and generate the bootstrap-pseudo data {Xn−p, ··· ,X1 } backward in time using the backward representation −1 φ(B )Xt = φ0 + wt was first proposed by Thombs and Schucany(1990)[39] and improved/corrected by Breidt, Davis k and Dunsmuir(1995)[10]; here, B is the backward shift operator: B Xt = Xt−k, and {wt} is the backward noise defined by φ(B−1) w =  . (3.7) t φ(B) t ˆ Thombs and Shucany(1990)[39] generated the fitted backward residualsw ˆt asw ˆt = xt − φ0 − ˆ ˆ φ1xt+1 − · · · − φpxt+p, for t = 1, 2, ··· , n − p. Then they fixed the last p values of the data, and ∗ ˆ ˆ ∗ generated the pseudo series backwards through the following backwards recursion, xt = φ0+φ1xt+1+ ˆ ∗ ∗ ∗ ˆ ···+φpxt+p +wt , for t = n−p, n−p−1, ··· , 1 with wt being generated i.i.d. from Fw, the empirical distribution of the (centered)w ˆts. However, as pointed out by Breidt et al. (1995)[10], although the backward errors wts are uncor- ∗ ˆ related, they are dependent. So it is not advisable to resample {wt } as i.i.d. from Fw. Nevertheless, ∗ ˆ ∗ the forward errors t are independent; so we can generate t i.i.d. from Fn. After obtaining the t s, ∗ we are then able to generate the bootstrapped backward noise wt using the bootstrap analog of (3.7), i.e., ˆ −1 ∗ φ(B ) ∗ wt = t . φˆ(B) L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 15

3.4.1. Algorithm for Backward Bootstrap with Fitted Residuals

Our algorithm for backward bootstrap with fitted residuals is exactly the same as that of Breidt et al. (1995)[10]. However, we also propose the backward bootstrap with predictive residuals which has better finite sample properties. In addition, we address the construction of prediction intervals via either unstudentized or studentized predictive roots. Algorithm 3.5. Backward bootstrap with fitted residuals (Bf) 1-2. same as the steps in Algorithm 3.1. ¯ ¯ −1 Pn 3. Center the fitted residuals: let rt = ˆt − ˆ for t = p + 1, ··· , n, and ˆ = (n − p) p+1 ˆt, the empirical distribution of rt is denoted by Fˆn. (a) Choose a large positive integer M and create the independent bootstrap pseudo-noise ∗ ∗ ∗ ˆ ∗ −M , ··· , n, n+1, ··· from Fn; then generate the bootstrap backward noises {wt , t = −M, ··· , n} recursively as follows: ( 0, t < −M w∗ = t ˆ ∗ ˆ ∗ ∗ ˆ ∗ ˆ ∗ φ1wt−1 + ··· + φpwt−p + t − φ1t+1 − · · · − φpt+p, t ≥ −M

∗ ∗ (b) Fix the last p values,i.e., xn = xn, ··· , xn−p+1 = xn−p+1, and then generate a bootstrap ∗ realization {Xt } by the backward recursion:

( ˆ ˆ ∗ ˆ ∗ ∗ ∗ φ0 + φ1xt+1 + ··· + φpxt+p + wt t = n − p, n − p − 1, ··· , 1 xt = xt t = n, n − 1, ··· , n − p + 1.

∗ ∗ (c) Based on the pseudo-data {x1, ··· , xn}, re-estimate the coefficients φ by LS estimators ˆ∗ ˆ ∗ ˆ ∗ ˆ ∗ 0 φ = (φ0 , φ1 , ··· , φp ) as in step 1. Then compute the future bootstrap predicted values ∗ ∗ xˆn+1, ··· , xˆn+h via:

p ∗ ˆ ∗ X ˆ ∗ ∗ xˆn+t = φ0 + φj xˆn+t−j for t = 1, ··· , h j=1

∗ ∗ where xˆn+t−j = xn+t−j when t ≤ j. ∗ ∗ ∗ (d) Compute the future bootstrap observations xn+1, xn+2, ··· , xn+h through the last p obser- vations by the forward recursion:

p ∗ ˆ X ˆ ∗ ∗ xn+t = φ0 + φjxn+t−j + n+t for t = 1, 2, ··· , h. j=1

(e) Calculate a bootstrap root replicate as

∗ ∗ xn+h − xˆn+h

4. Steps (a)-(e) in the above are repeated B times, and the B bootstrap replicates are collected in the form of an empirical distribution whose α-quantile is denoted q(α). L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 16

5. Compute the predicted future values xˆn+1 ··· , xˆn+h by following recursion:

p ˆ X ˆ xˆn+t = φ0 + φjxˆn+t−j for t = 1, ··· , h. j=1

Note that when t ≤ j, xˆn+t−j = xn+t−j 6. Construct the (1 − α)100% equal-tailed predictive interval for Xn+h as

[ˆxn+h + q(α/2), xˆn+h + q(1 − α/2)]. (3.8)

3.4.2. Algorithm for Backward Bootstrap with Predictive Residuals

Algorithm 3.6. Backward bootstrap with predictive residuals (Bp) 1-2. Same as steps 1-2 in Algorithm 3.2 (t) 3-6. Change the ˆt into ˆt , the predictive residuals defined in step 2 of Algorithm 3.2; the rest is the same as in Algorithm 3.5.

3.4.3. Algorithm for Backward Studentized Bootstrap with Fitted Residuals

Algorithm 3.7. Backward studentized bootstrap with predictive residuals (BSf) This algorithm is the same as Algorithm 3.5 except steps 3(e) and 6 that should be taken as steps 3(e) and 6 of Algorithm 3.3.

3.4.4. Algorithm for Backward Studentized Bootstrap with Predictive Residuals

Algorithm 3.8. Backward bootstrap with predictive residuals (BSp) (t) Change the ˆt into ˆt , the predictive residuals defined in step 2 of Algorithm 3.2; the rest is the same as in Algorithm 3.7. Remark 3.4. The asymptotic validity of the backward bootstrap prediction interval with fitted residuals, i.e., interval (3.8), has been proven by Breidt et al. (1995)[10]; it is not hard to see that the property of asymptotic pertinence also holds true here. In view of Lemma 3.4, the backward bootstrap prediction interval with predictive residuals is also asymptotically pertinent, and the same is true for the studentized methods. Remark 3.5. Similarly to the forward bootstrap methods—see Remark 3.3—, the Bp and BSf methods give improved coverage compared to the Bf method but the technique of predictive residuals does not add much in the studentized case (BSp); see the simulations of Section 3.7.

3.5. Generalized Bootstrap Prediction Intervals

Chatterjee and Bose(2005)[14] introduced the generalized bootstrap method for estimators ob- tained by solving . The LS estimators of the AR coefficients is a special case. With a bootstrapped weight (wn1, ··· , wnn) in the estimating equations, the generalized boot- strapped estimators are obtained simply by solving the bootstrapped estimating equations. The generalized bootstrap method is computationally fast because we do not need to generate the L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 17 pseudo-series; instead we just resample the weights (wn1, ··· , wnn) from some distribution, e.g., Multinomial(n; 1/n, ··· , 1/n). Inspired by the idea of generalized bootstrap, we now propose a new bootstrap approach for bootstrap prediction intervals in linear AR models. Algorithm 3.9. Generalized bootstrap with fitted residuals (Gf) 1-2. Same as the steps in Algorithm 3.1 3. (a) Calculate the bootstrapped estimator of the coefficients

∗ φˆ = (X0WX)−1X0WY,     1 xn−1 ··· xn−p xn 1 xn−2 ··· xn−p−1 xn−1 where X =  , Y =   . . . .   .  . . . .   .  1 xp ··· x1 xp+1 and W is a diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements (w1, ··· , wn−p) are sampled from Multinomial (n − p; 1/(n − p), ··· , 1/(n − p)). ˆ ∗ ˆ ∗ (b) Compute the future bootstrap predicted values Xn+1, ··· , Xn+h by the recursion:

p ˆ ∗ ˆ ∗ X ˆ ∗ ˆ ∗ Xn+t = φ0 + φj Xn+t−j for t = 1, ··· , h, j=1

∗ ∗ ∗ and the future bootstrap observations Xn+1,Xn+2, ··· ,Xn+h by the recursion:

p ∗ ˆ X ˆ ∗ ∗ Xn+t = φ0 + φjXn+t−j + n+t, for t = 1, 2, ··· , h; j=1

ˆ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ as usual, Xn+t−j = Xn+t−j = xn+t−j when t ≤ j, and n+1, . . . , n+h are sampled i.i.d. from the empirical distribution of the (centered) fitted residuals. Finally, calculate ∗ ˆ ∗ the bootstrap predictive root replicate as Xn+h − Xn+h. 4-6. Same as the corresponding steps from Algorithm 3.1. The Generalized bootstrap can also be performed using the predictive residuals. Algorithm 3.10. Generalized bootstrap with predictive residuals (Gp) The algorithm is identical to Algorithm 3.9 with the following changes: replace step 2 of Algorithm 3.9 with step 2 of Algorithm 3.2, and use the predictive residuals instead of the fitted residuals in step 3[b] of Algorithm 3.9. Under regularity conditions, Chatterjee and Bose(2005)[14] proved the consistency of the Gen- √ eralized bootstrap in estimating the distribution of n(φˆ − φ), i.e., equation (3.5). Using Theorem 3.2 and Lemma 3.4, it then follows that both Gf and Gp prediction intervals are asymptotically pertinent. Remark 3.6. Chatterjee and Bose(2005)[14] shows that the resampling conditional variance of √ ∗ √ −1 ˆ ˆ ˆ −1 nσn (φ − φ) is consistent for the asymptotic variance of n(φ − φ). Note that there’s a σn in 2 the first expression, where σn is the variance of wi. If we sample the weight (w1, ··· , wn) from a multinomial distribution and the variance is 1 − 1/(n − p), the difference between the conditional ˆ∗ ˆ −1 ˆ∗ ˆ 1 variance of (φ − φ) and σn (φ − φ) is of order O( n2 ),which is negligible. L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 18

3.6. Joint Prediction Intervals

Having observed the time series stretch {X1, ··· ,Xn}, we may wish to construct joint, i.e., simulta- neous, prediction intervals for {Xn+1, ··· ,Xn+H } for some H ≥ 1. Let a positive integer h ≤ H, and denote by g(Yn; φ) the theoretical MSE-optimal predictor of Xn+h based on Yn = (Xn, ··· ,Xn−p+1).

The true Xn+h, the practical predictor Xˆn+h, and the predictive root are given as follows:

h−1 X Xn+h = g(Yn; φ) + ψjn+h−j (3.9) j=0 ˆ Xˆn+h = g(Yn; φ) (3.10) h−1 ˆ  X Xn+h − Xˆn+h = g(Yn; φ) − g(Yn; φ) + ψjn+h−j. (3.11) j=0

Under the linear AR model (3.1), g(·) is a linear function of Yn whose coefficients only depend on φ; −1 similarly, the ψj are the coefficients of the power series expansion of φ (z), i.e., they only depend on φ. Resampling is extremely useful for the construction of univariate prediction intervals but it is absolutely indispensable for joint prediction intervals. To see why, note that the objective is to esti- mate the distribution of the predictive root (3.11). The first difficulty is in capturing the distribution ˆ of the first term g(Yn; φ) − g(Yn; φ) in (3.11); this term is quite small compared to the second term Ph−1 Uh = j=0 ψjn+h−j. Nevertheless, even if we ignore the first term, the major difficulty is that the 2 random variables U1,...,UH are dependent. If we assume the {t} are i.i.d. N(0, σ ), then U1,...,UH has a multivariate given Yn = y. One could estimate its matrix, and form the joint prediction intervals for {Xn+1, ··· ,Xn+H } based on Normal theory. However, this ˆ ˆ method not only ignores the variability from estimating φ by φ, i.e., the first term g(Yn; φ)−g(Yn; φ) in (3.11), but it relies on the assumption of normal errors that is nowdays unrealistic. Nevertheless, the bootstrap can construct joint/simultaneous prediction intervals in a straight- forward manner (and without resorting to unrealistic assumptions) since the bootstrap can mimic a multivariate distribution as easily as a univariate one. In our case, we use the bootstrap to mimic the multivariate distribution of a collection of predictive roots or studentized predictive roots. To construct the joint prediction intervals using one of the bootstrap methods based on predictive roots, the easiest procedure is to approximate the distribution of the maximum predictive root MH = maxh=1,...,H |Xn+h − Xˆn+h| by that of its bootstrap analog. Algorithm 3.11. Joint prediction intervals based on maximum predictive root 1. Choose any one of the aforementioned bootstrap methods, i.e., forward, backward or generalized, with fitted or predictive residuals. ∗ ˆ ∗ 2. For each of the B bootstrap replications, construct all H bootstrap predictive roots Xn+h −Xn+h ∗ ∗ ˆ ∗ for h = 1,...,H, and let MH = maxh=1,...,H |Xn+h − Xn+h|. ∗ 3. Collect the B replicates of MH in the form of an empirical distribution whose α-quantile is denoted qH (α). 4. Construct the H intervals

[Xˆn+h − qH (1 − α), Xˆn+h + qH (1 − α)] for h = 1,...,H (3.12) th where the h interval is a prediction interval for Xn+h; the above H intervals have joint/simultaneous coverage of (1 − α)100% nominally. L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 19

5. Under the necessary regularity conditions that would render each individual prediction inter- val to be asymptotically valid and/or pertinent, the H simultaneous intervals (3.12) would be likewise asymptotically valid and/or pertinent.

Recall that the prediction error variance, i.e., the conditional/unconditional variance of Xn+h − ˆ 2 Ph−1 2 Xn+h, equals σ ( j=0 ψj ), i.e., it is an increasing function of h. Since the intervals (3.12) are of the type plus/minus the same constant for all h, it follows that the intervals (3.12) are unbalanced in the sense that the interval for h = h1 would have bigger (individual) coverage as compared to the interval for h = h2 when h2 > h1. In order to construct balanced prediction intervals the concept of studentized predictive roots comes in handy. Algorithm 3.12. Joint prediction intervals based on maximum studentized predictive root 1. Choose any one of the aforementioned bootstrap methods, i.e., forward, backward or generalized, with fitted or predictive residuals. 2. For each of the B bootstrap replications, construct all H studentized bootstrap predictive roots

X∗ − Xˆ ∗ n+h n+h for h = 1,...,H, ∗ Ph−1 ˆ∗2 1/2 σˆ ( j=0 ψj ) and let |X∗ − Xˆ ∗ | ¯ ∗ n+h n+h MH = max . h=1,...,H ∗ Ph−1 ˆ∗2 1/2 σˆ ( j=0 ψj ) ¯ ∗ 3. Collect the B replicates of MH in the form of an empirical distribution whose α-quantile is denoted q¯H (α). 4. Construct the H intervals

h−1 h−1 ˆ X ˆ2 1/2 ˆ X ˆ2 1/2 [Xn+h − σˆ( ψj ) q¯H (1 − α), Xn+h +σ ˆ( ψj ) q¯H (1 − α)] for h = 1,...,H; (3.13) j=0 j=0

the above H intervals are asymptotically balanced, and have joint/simultaneous coverage of (1 − α)100% nominally. 5. Under the necessary regularity conditions that would render each individual prediction inter- val to be asymptotically valid and/or pertinent, the H simultaneous intervals (3.13) would be likewise asymptotically valid and/or pertinent.

3.7. Monte Carlo Studies

In this section, we evaluate the performance of all the 10 aforementioned bootstrap methods, i.e., four forward methods with fitted or predictive residuals using nonstudentized or studentized predictive root (Ff, Fp, FSf and FSp), four corresponding backward methods (Bf, Bp, BSf and BSp) and two generalized bootstrap methods (Gf and Gp) in the case of an AR(1) model: Xt+1 = φ1Xt + t with

(1) φ1 = 0.9 or 0.5; (2) errors t i.i.d. from N(0,1) or two-sided exponential(Laplace) distribution rescaled to unit variance; (3) 500 ‘true’ datasets each of size n = 50 or 100, and for each ‘true’ dataset creating B = 1000 bootstrap pseudo-series; (4) prediction intervals with nominal coverage levels of 95% and 90%. L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 20

For the ith ‘true’ dataset, we use one of the bootstrap methods to create B = 1000 bootstrap sam- ple paths (step 4 of the algorithms), and construct the prediction interval (step 6 of the algorithms) [Li,Ui]. To assess the corresponding empirical coverage level (CVR) and average length (LEN) of ˆ ∗ the constructed interval, we also generate 1000 one-step ahead future values Yn+1,j = φ1xni + j for ˆ j = 1, 2, ··· , 1000 where φ1 is the estimate from the ith ‘true’ dataset and xni is the ith dataset’s last value. Then, the empirical coverage level and length from the ith dataset are given by

1000 1 X CVR = 1 (Y ) and LEN = U − L i 1000 [Li,Ui] n+1,j i i i j=1 where 1A(x) is the indicator function of set A. Note that the ability to generate the future values Yn+1,j independently from the bootstrap datasets allows us to estimate CVRi in a more refined way as opposed to the usual 0-1 coverage. Finally, the coverage level and length for each bootstrap method is calculated by the average {CVRi} and {LENi} over the 500 ‘true’ datasets, i.e.

500 500 1 X 1 X CVR = CVR and LEN = LEN . 500 i 500 i i=1 i=1

Note, however, that the value of the last observation xni is different from dataset to dataset; hence the coverage CVR represents an unconditional coverage probability, i.e., an average of the conditional coverage probability discussed in the context of asymptotic validity.

normal φ1 = 0.5 nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% n = 50 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err Ff 0.930 3.848 0.490 0.881 3.267 0.386 Fp 0.940 4.011 0.506 0.895 3.405 0.406 Bf 0.929 3.834 0.500 0.880 3.261 0.393 Bp 0.941 4.017 0.521 0.896 3.410 0.410 FSf 0.942 4.036 0.501 0.894 3.391 0.395 FSp 0.941 4.028 0.493 0.894 3.393 0.399 BSf 0.941 4.016 0.514 0.894 3.388 0.402 BSp 0.942 4.033 0.500 0.896 3.402 0.398 Gf 0.930 3.847 0.483 0.881 3.264 0.389 Gp 0.940 4.007 0.502 0.895 3.402 0.399 n = 100 Ff 0.940 3.895 0.357 0.892 3.294 0.283 Fp 0.945 3.968 0.377 0.899 3.355 0.281 Bf 0.940 3.895 0.371 0.892 3.286 0.275 Bp 0.945 3.971 0.375 0.899 3.360 0.289 FSf 0.946 3.981 0.358 0.899 3.355 0.282 FSp 0.945 3.977 0.370 0.899 3.350 0.277 BSf 0.945 3.978 0.366 0.898 3.349 0.275 BSp 0.946 3.978 0.366 0.898 3.352 0.283 Gf 0.940 3.891 0.359 0.891 3.289 0.275 Gp 0.944 3.969 0.383 0.897 3.350 0.284

Table 1: Simulation Results of AR(1) with normal innovations and φ1 = 0.5 L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 21

normal φ1 = 0.9 nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% n = 50 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err Ff 0.933 3.906 0.489 0.884 3.306 0.395 Fp 0.943 4.063 0.513 0.898 3.443 0.411 Bf 0.927 3.824 0.485 0.878 3.255 0.388 Bp 0.939 4.007 0.516 0.893 3.402 0.408 FSf 0.945 4.107 0.515 0.898 3.450 0.411 FSp 0.945 4.099 0.506 0.899 3.444 0.408 BSf 0.939 4.018 0.502 0.892 3.397 0.403 BSp 0.940 4.032 0.501 0.894 3.406 0.399 Gf 0.928 3.838 0.490 0.878 3.261 0.394 Gp 0.938 3.999 0.505 0.892 3.393 0.406 n = 100 Ff 0.941 3.915 0.355 0.893 3.306 0.282 Fp 0.945 3.989 0.371 0.899 3.368 0.282 Bf 0.939 3.892 0.363 0.891 3.284 0.273 Bp 0.945 3.976 0.372 0.898 3.356 0.287 FSf 0.946 4.005 0.355 0.900 3.373 0.286 FSp 0.946 3.997 0.365 0.899 3.369 0.279 BSf 0.945 3.981 0.362 0.898 3.352 0.274 BSp 0.945 3.982 0.355 0.898 3.355 0.282 Gf 0.939 3.890 0.355 0.890 3.286 0.275 Gp 0.944 3.967 0.381 0.897 3.353 0.285

Table 2: Simulation Results of AR(1) with normal innovations and φ1 = 0.9

Laplace φ1 = 0.5 nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% n = 50 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err Ff 0.930 4.175 0.804 0.881 3.270 0.570 Fp 0.937 4.376 0.828 0.892 3.420 0.597 Bf 0.929 4.176 0.815 0.881 3.267 0.571 Bp 0.937 4.376 0.882 0.892 3.415 0.600 FSf 0.940 4.176 0.873 0.894 3.438 0.578 FSp 0.941 4.376 0.851 0.894 3.452 0.583 BSf 0.939 4.457 0.862 0.893 3.436 0.587 BSp 0.941 4.462 0.875 0.895 3.443 0.583 Gf 0.930 4.177 0.774 0.881 3.274 0.577 Gp 0.937 4.367 0.864 0.892 3.420 0.611 n = 100 Ff 0.939 4.208 0.612 0.891 3.274 0.431 Fp 0.943 4.302 0.638 0.897 3.344 0.439 Bf 0.940 4.220 0.616 0.892 3.274 0.429 Bp 0.943 4.290 0.618 0.896 3.340 0.431 FSf 0.945 4.343 0.622 0.898 3.363 0.431 FSp 0.945 4.349 0.629 0.898 3.362 0.429 BSf 0.945 4.338 0.618 0.898 3.362 0.435 BSp 0.945 4.340 0.615 0.898 3.357 0.424 Gf 0.940 4.238 0.627 0.892 3.285 0.424 Gp 0.943 4.305 0.638 0.897 3.355 0.439

Table 3: Simulation Results of AR(1) with Laplace innovations and φ1 = 0.5 L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 22

Laplace φ1 = 0.9 nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% n = 50 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err Ff 0.930 4.236 0.826 0.886 3.317 0.574 Fp 0.937 4.417 0.833 0.896 3.462 0.597 Bf 0.929 4.179 0.894 0.881 3.280 0.645 Bp 0.937 4.380 0.977 0.892 3.426 0.681 FSf 0.943 4.520 0.885 0.898 3.502 0.595 FSp 0.943 4.510 0.866 0.899 3.510 0.601 BSf 0.939 4.451 0.963 0.894 3.458 0.671 BSp 0.940 4.481 0.987 0.896 3.470 0.685 Gf 0.929 4.159 0.780 0.880 3.260 0.576 Gp 0.936 4.343 0.864 0.891 3.411 0.597 n = 100 Ff 0.940 4.229 0.620 0.892 3.286 0.429 Fp 0.944 4.321 0.636 0.897 3.358 0.428 Bf 0.940 4.225 0.618 0.891 3.270 0.423 Bp 0.943 4.302 0.626 0.896 3.336 0.427 FSf 0.946 4.367 0.620 0.899 3.382 0.428 FSp 0.946 4.365 0.627 0.899 3.380 0.423 BSf 0.945 4.356 0.624 0.898 3.365 0.431 BSp 0.945 4.353 0.617 0.898 3.356 0.416 Gf 0.940 4.233 0.620 0.892 3.285 0.418 Gp 0.943 4.316 0.641 0.896 3.348 0.436

Table 4: Simulation Results of AR(1) with Laplace innovations and φ1 = 0.9

Tables1,2,3,4 summarize the findings of our simulation; the entry for st.err is the standard error associated with each average length. Some important features are as follows: • As expected, all bootstrap prediction intervals considered are characterized by some degree of under-coverage. It is encouraging that the use of predictive residuals appears to partially correct the under-coverage problem in linear autoregression as was the case in linear regression; see Politis(2013)[33]. • The Fp, Bp and Gp methods using predictive residuals have uniformly improved CVRs as compared to Ff, Bf and Gf using fitted residuals. The reason is that the finite-sample empirical distribution of the predictive residuals is very much like a re-scaled (inflated) version of the empirical distribution of fitted residuals. • The price to pay for using predictive residuals is the increased variability of the interval length in all unstudentized methods. However this is a finite-sample effect since asymptotically the omission of a finite number of points from the scatterplot makes little difference; see Lemma 3.4. • The four studentized methods have similar performance to the respective unstudentized meth- ods using predictive residuals. Thus, using predictive residuals is not deemed necessary for the studentized methods although it does not seem to hurt; see also Remark 3.3. • The coverages of the Gf intervals resemble that of Ff and Bf intervals. Similarly, the coverages of Gp intervals resemble that of Fp and Bp intervals.

3.8. Alternative Approaches to Bootstrap Prediction Intervals for Linear Autoregression Model

In this section, we will discuss other existing methods for constructing the prediction intervals for linear autoregression. We will compare all the methods mentioned in this section with all the methods L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 23 previously proposed in this paper in simulation.

3.8.1. Bootstrap Prediction Intervals Based on Studentized Predictive Roots

Box and Jenkins(1976)[9] proposed a widely used prediction interval for an AR(p) model as

h−1 h−1 X ˆ2 1/2 X ˆ2 1/2 [ˆxn+h + zα/2σˆ( ψj ) , xˆn+h + z1−α/2σˆ( ψj ) ], (3.14) j=0 j=0

ˆ ˆ ˆ−1 where ψj, j = 0, 1, ··· are the coefficients of the power series ψ(B) = φ (B), zα is the αth quantile of a standard normal variate, andσ ˆ is an estimate of σ, the of the innovations {t}. This prediction interval only takes into account the variability from the errors but does not account for the variability from the estimation of the model, thus it is not asymptotically pertinent; in fact, it is the analog of the naive interval (2.5). Furthermore, this interval is asymptotically valid only under the assumption of Gaussian errors which is nowdays unrealistic. To relax the Gaussianity assumption, and to capture the variability from both the errors and the model estimation, Masarotto (1990)[26] proposed a bootstrap method to construct the prediction ∗ ∗ ∗ interval as follows: for each pseudo series x1, ··· , xn, ··· , xn+h, generate the studentized bootstrap predictive root x∗ − xˆ∗ r∗ = n+h n+h , (3.15) ∗ Ph−1 ˆ∗2 1/2 σˆ ( j=0 ψj ) ∗ ˆ∗2 ˆ whereσ ˆ and ψj are obtained from the pseudo-series in the same wayσ ˆ and ψj obtained from the ∗ ∗ ∗ true series. Suppose we generate B values of r , and order them as (r1, ··· , rB). Letting k = bBαc, the (1 − α)100% prediction interval is

h−1 h−1 ∗ X ˆ2 1/2 ∗ X ˆ2 1/2 [ˆxn+h + rkσˆ( ψj ) , xˆn+h + rB−kσˆ( ψj ) ]. (3.16) j=0 j=0

The main difference of the above from our studentized prediction intervals is that we make it a point—either using Backward or Forward bootstrap—to fix the last p bootstrap pseudo values to the values present in the original series with regard to generating out-of-sample bootstrap data ∗ and/or predictors. For example, we obtain the bootstrap predicted valuex ˆn+h and future value ∗ xn+h in Algorithm 3.1 steps 3(c) and 3(d) using the original datapoints xn−p+1, . . . , xn, thus ensuring the property of asymptotic pertinence, i.e., capturing the estimation error. As already mentioned, Masarotto’s interval (3.16) is not asymptotically pertinent. A computationally more efficient version of Masarotto’s method was proposed by Grigoletto(1998)[21].

3.8.2. Bootstrap Prediction Intervals Based on Percentile Methods

By contrast to the root/predictive root methods adopted in this paper, some authors have chosen to construct bootstrap prediction intervals via a percentile method reminiscent of Efron’s [16] percentile method for confidence intervals. To elaborate, the percentile method uses the bootstrap distribution ∗ of Xn+h to estimate the distribution of the future value Xn+h while we use the distribution of the bootstrap predictive root (studentized or not) to estimate the distribution of the true predictive root. The methods in this subsection are all based on the percentile method. L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 24

Cao et al. (1997)[11] proposed a computationally fast bootstrap method in order to relax the Gaussianity assumption implicit in the Box/Jenkins interval (3.14). Conditionally on the last p observations, they only generate the future bootstrap observations only instead of generating the ∗ ∗ whole bootstrap series up to xn+h. i.e. they define xs = xs, for s = n − p + 1, ··· , n, and then compute the future pseudo-data by the recursion:

∗ ˆ ˆ ∗ ˆ ∗ ∗ xt = φ0 + φ1xt−1 + ··· + φpxt−p + ˆt for t = n + 1, ··· , n + h. (3.17)

As was the case with the Box/Jenkins interval (3.14), the prediction interval of Cao et al. (1997)[11] does not make any attempt to capture the variability stemming from model estimation. Alonso, Pe˜na,Romo(2002)[1] and Pascual, Romo and Ruiz(2004)[31] used a different way to generate the future bootstrap values; they used the recursion

∗ ˆ∗ ˆ∗ ∗ ˆ∗ ∗ ∗ xs = φ0 + φ1xs−1 + ··· + φpxs−p + ˆs for t = n + 1, ··· , n + h (3.18)

∗ where xs = xs, for s = n − p + 1, ··· , n. Notably, recursion (3.18) generates the future pseudo-values ∗ using the parameters φˆ instead of φˆ as is customary; e.g., compare with recursion (3.17). We will call the percentile interval based on (3.18), the APR/PRR bootstrap method; note that the APR/PRR interval does consider the variability from the model estimation albeit in a slightly different than usual fashion. Alonso, Pe˜na,Romo(2002)[1] also considered the possibility that the order p is not fixed but allowed to increase with the sample size, i.e., the well-known AR-sieve bootstrap. Mukhopadhyay and Samaranayake(2010)[28] also used the APR/PRR method in an AR-Sieve context together with an ad hoc inflation of the scale of the bootstrap errors in order to improve coverage.

3.8.3. Monte Carlo Studies

In the following two tables, we provide simulation results with an AR(1) model with φ1 = 0.5 for the aforementioned methods: Box/Jenkins (BJ), Cao et al. (1997), APR/PRR and Masarotto (M). These should be compared to our 10 methods presented in Tables1 and3.

normal φ1 = 0.5 nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% n = 50 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err BJ 0.934 3.832 0.402 0.880 3.216 0.338 M 0.946 4.510 0.599 0.898 3.792 0.493 Cao 0.917 3.720 0.532 0.871 3.199 0.417 APR/PRR 0.930 3.858 0.498 0.880 3.268 0.390 n = 100 BJ 0.943 3.887 0.275 0.892 3.262 0.231 M 0.948 4.514 0.430 0.898 3.793 0.348 Cao 0.936 3.853 0.392 0.888 3.262 0.291 APR/PRR 0.939 3.893 0.368 0.891 3.283 0.283

Table 5: Simulation Results of AR(1) with normal innovations and φ1 = 0.5 L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 25

Laplace φ1 = 0.5 nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% n = 50 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err BJ 0.923 3.812 0.603 0.885 3.199 0.506 M 0.942 4.827 0.960 0.897 3.817 0.692 Cao 0.921 4.065 0.863 0.873 3.197 0.605 APR/PRR 0.930 4.211 0.832 0.882 3.279 0.573 n = 100 BJ 0.931 3.877 0.456 0.894 3.254 0.383 M 0.946 4.802 0.668 0.897 3.789 0.479 Cao 0.938 4.198 0.650 0.888 3.245 0.452 APR/PRR 0.940 4.226 0.628 0.892 3.282 0.434

Table 6: Simulation Results of AR(1) with Laplace innovations and φ1 = 0.5

To summarize our empirical findings: • The BJ method has similar coverage rates as APR/PRR and our Ff method when the error is normal. However, when the errors have Laplace distribution, the BJ method performs very poorly. • Our forward and backward methods with fitted residuals (Ff and Bf) outperform both Cao and APR/PRR methods. This conclusion is expected and consistent with the discussion in the previous sections. • Our methods with predictive residuals (Fp and Bp) and the studentized methods (FSf,FSp,BSf,BSp) are the best performing in terms of coverage. • Masarotto’s (M) method has similar performance to our FSf method; this was somewhat expected in view of Remark 3.2 but it is also deserving of further discussion—see Remark 3.7 in what follows.

3.8.4. More Monte Carlo: AR(2) model

In this subsection, we provide simulation results based on an AR(2) model:

Xt = 1.55Xt−1 − 0.6Xt−2 + t.

Tables7 and8 present the coverages using both normal and Laplace innovations; for each type of innovation we generate 500 data sets each of size n = 50 or 100; as before, for each data set, we generate B = 1000 pseudo-series. The results are qualitatively similar to the AR(1) simulations. L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 26

normal errors nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% n = 50 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err BJ 0.926 3.771 0.402 0.868 3.165 0.337 M 0.942 4.098 0.515 0.894 3.455 0.413 Cao 0.905 3.640 0.560 0.859 3.150 0.424 APR/PRR 0.926 3.931 0.523 0.875 3.324 0.410 Ff 0.931 3.933 0.521 0.883 3.328 0.417 Fp 0.946 4.171 0.543 0.902 3.527 0.434 Bf 0.926 3.850 0.499 0.874 3.254 0.394 Bp 0.942 4.100 0.527 0.897 3.471 0.424 FSf 0.946 4.185 0.547 0.901 3.521 0.441 FSp 0.945 4.159 0.537 0.899 3.496 0.431 BSf 0.941 4.082 0.517 0.893 3.429 0.408 BSp 0.941 4.085 0.513 0.894 3.443 0.409 Gf 0.926 3.858 0.524 0.875 3.270 0.416 Gp 0.941 4.098 0.541 0.895 3.470 0.430 n = 100 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err BJ 0.939 3.862 0.274 0.885 3.241 0.230 M 0.945 4.002 0.361 0.897 3.370 0.281 Cao 0.931 3.816 0.393 0.879 3.218 0.286 APR/PRR 0.937 3.904 0.361 0.887 3.296 0.282 Ff 0.939 3.908 0.358 0.889 3.295 0.280 Fp 0.945 4.026 0.366 0.899 3.399 0.283 Bf 0.938 3.893 0.367 0.889 3.294 0.277 Bp 0.946 4.026 0.377 0.898 3.384 0.286 FSf 0.946 3.020 0.362 0.898 3.384 0.286 FSp 0.945 4.014 0.360 0.897 3.381 0.278 BSf 0.945 4.003 0.368 0.897 3.379 0.286 BSp 0.945 4.016 0.368 0.897 3.371 0.279 Ff 0.938 3.895 0.369 0.888 3.284 0.280 Fp 0.945 4.007 0.369 0.899 3.389 0.284

Table 7: Simulation Results of AR(2) model Xt = 1.55Xt−1 − 0.6Xt−2 + t with normal innovations L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 27

Laplace errors nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% n = 50 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err BJ 0.918 3.755 0.580 0.877 3.151 0.487 M 0.940 4.488 0.839 0.894 3.489 0.576 Cao 0.915 3.994 0.841 0.864 3.151 0.599 APR/PRR 0.929 4.235 0.800 0.880 3.335 0.596 Ff 0.931 4.252 0.828 0.883 3.322 0.582 Fp 0.942 4.529 0.873 0.898 3.537 0.613 Bf 0.929 4.200 0.814 0.878 3.266 0.570 Bp 0.939 4.448 0.859 0.893 3.469 0.601 FSf 0.943 4.569 0.858 0.899 3.563 0.611 FSp 0.943 4.563 0.871 0.899 3.564 0.620 BSf 0.940 4.507 0.881 0.894 3.493 0.596 BSp 0.940 4.483 0.832 0.894 3.479 0.586 Gf 0.928 4.201 0.825 0.878 3.279 0.592 Gp 0.939 4.456 0.874 0.893 3.486 0.606 n = 100 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err BJ 0.929 3.842 0.440 0.890 3.224 0.369 M 0.944 4.358 0.596 0.896 3.371 0.420 Cao 0.934 4.151 0.644 0.883 3.213 0.443 APR/PRR 0.938 4.219 0.615 0.887 3.256 0.419 Ff 0.939 4.206 0.566 0.889 3.271 0.410 Fp 0.944 4.357 0.645 0.897 3.387 0.430 Bf 0.937 4.194 0.600 0.888 3.259 0.421 Bp 0.943 4.343 0.653 0.896 3.367 0.438 FSf 0.945 4.374 0.591 0.897 3.388 0.421 FSp 0.944 4.377 0.620 0.898 3.393 0.424 BSf 0.944 4.363 0.623 0.896 3.372 0.429 BSp 0.944 4.369 0.637 0.897 3.377 0.432 Gf 0.938 4.199 0.604 0.888 3.258 0.417 Gp 0.944 4.344 0.630 0.896 3.366 0.427

Table 8: Simulation Results of AR(2) model Xt = 1.55Xt−1 − 0.6Xt−2 + t with Laplace innovations

3.8.5. More Monte Carlo: conditional coverages in an AR(1) model

We now revert to the AR(1) model in order to investigate the conditional coverage of some intervals of interest. Recall that the nature of the previous simulations resulted in average coverages since each of the 500 ‘true’ datasets had a different last value. In order to investigate conditional coverages, we now fix the last value of each of the ‘true’ datasets to some chosen value; the ‘true’ datasets are then generated using backward bootstrap with Xn fixed. Tables9 and 10 compare the Masarotto (M) method with our four forward methods. As discussed in Section 3.8.1, Masarotto’s method is a forward studentized method; the only difference between Masarotto’s method to our FSf method is that Masarotto does not fix the last p values of the bootstrap series to match the ones from the original series. L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 28

normal errors nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% Xn = 3 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err M 0.947 4.108 0.368 0.899 3.450 0.290 FSf 0.951 4.216 0.355 0.905 3.540 0.272 FSp 0.951 4.222 0.337 0.905 3.535 0.264 Ff 0.946 4.125 0.342 0.898 3.466 0.269 Fp 0.951 4.217 0.341 0.904 3.537 0.265 Xn = 2 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err M 0.945 4.002 0.362 0.899 3.384 0.283 FSf 0.947 4.045 0.357 0.902 3.417 0.274 FSp 0.947 4.049 0.349 0.902 3.413 0.263 Ff 0.943 3.959 0.350 0.895 3.350 0.270 Fp 0.947 4.047 0.358 0.902 3.415 0.270 Xn = 1 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err M 0.944 3.960 0.364 0.897 3.340 0.282 FSf 0.944 3.957 0.369 0.897 3.336 0.279 FSp 0.945 3.968 0.366 0.897 3.335 0.269 Ff 0.939 3.877 0.370 0.891 3.273 0.275 Fp 0.944 3.966 0.380 0.898 3.340 0.269 Xn = 0 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err M 0.945 3.956 0.366 0.897 3.329 0.283 FSf 0.944 3.937 0.371 0.895 3.313 0.281 FSp 0.944 3.949 0.374 0.895 3.312 0.272 Ff 0.939 3.861 0.379 0.889 3.252 0.281 Fp 0.943 3.944 0.389 0.896 3.318 0.273

Table 9: Simulation Results of AR(1) model Xt = 0.5Xt−1 + t with normal innovations when n = 100.

Laplace errors nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% Xn = 3 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err M 0.946 4.475 0.594 0.897 3.473 0.422 FSf 0.948 4.562 0.572 0.901 3.557 0.401 FSp 0.948 4.568 0.581 0.902 3.563 0.410 Ff 0.944 4.424 0.558 0.895 3.465 0.398 Fp 0.947 4.521 0.578 0.900 3.537 0.410 Xn = 2 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err M 0.944 4.366 0.602 0.897 3.392 0.412 FSf 0.946 4.407 0.592 0.899 3.426 0.404 FSp 0.946 4.403 0.597 0.900 3.434 0.407 Ff 0.940 4.265 0.579 0.893 3.338 0.397 Fp 0.944 4.359 0.593 0.898 3.410 0.407 Xn = 1 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err M 0.943 4.326 0.614 0.896 3.343 0.426 FSf 0.944 4.329 0.613 0.896 3.339 0.424 FSp 0.944 4.333 0.607 0.897 3.352 0.422 Ff 0.938 4.188 0.601 0.889 3.259 0.420 Fp 0.942 4.286 0.610 0.894 3.331 0.427 Xn = 0 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err M 0.944 4.324 0.613 0.896 3.336 0.429 FSf 0.943 4.316 0.622 0.895 3.321 0.429 FSp 0.944 4.310 0.606 0.896 3.334 0.431 Ff 0.938 4.172 0.608 0.889 3.238 0.432 Fp 0.941 4.267 0.609 0.894 2.316 0.439

Table 10: Simulation Results of AR(1) model Xt = 0.5Xt−1 + t with Laplace innovations when n = 100. L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 29

The CVRs in Tables9 and 10 represent conditional coverages given the chosen value for Xn. As expected, the worst coverage is associated with the Ff method. Our other three methods, FSf, FSp and Fp all have very accurate CVRs. Remark 3.7. Recall that Masarotto’s intervals are asymptotically valid but not pertinent. However, they appear to have accurate conditional coverages. To further shed light on this phenomenon, recall that the distribution of the bootstrap predictive root depends on Xn = xn since ∗ ˆ ∗ ˆ ˆ∗ ∗ Xn+1 − Xn+1 = (φ − φ )xn + n+1. (3.19) √ ˆ ˆ∗ ˆ ˆ∗ Since φ − φ = Op(1/ n), it is apparent that the term (φ − φ )xn is small compared to the ∗ error term n+1; this is why using the wrong xn—as Masarotto’s method does—can still yield accurate coverages. The situation is similar for studentized bootstrap roots since the first term of the numerator contains a term including xn. Nevertheless, there is no reason to forego using the correct xn in the bootstrap predictive root (3.19). To elaborate, Masarotto replaces the term ˆ ˆ∗ ˆ ˆ∗ ∗ ∗ (φ − φ )xn in (3.19) with (φ − φ )Xn where Xn is random (with mean 0). If xn is near zero and ∗ Xn happens to be near its mean, then the terms match well; but there is an issue of unnecessary variability here that is manifested with higher standard errors of the lengths of the Masarotto intervals, and also with inflated CVRs—but this inflation is due to a fluke, not a bona fide capturing of the predictor variability. Now if xn is large (in absolute value), there is an issue of bias in the centering of the Masarotto intervals but this is again masked by the unnecessary/excess variability ˆ ˆ∗ ∗ of the term (φ − φ )Xn. Thus, adjusting the last p values of the bootstrap series to match the original ones is highly advisable in an AR(p) model. Furthermore, it becomes crucial in situations with heteroscedastic errors as in eq. (1.2) where the scale of the error also depends on these last p values.

4. Bootstrap prediction intervals for nonlinear AR models

The linear AR model (3.1) is, of course, the simplest special case of the additive model (1.1). Nevertheless, there are situations where the autoregression function m(·) is nonlinear. Furthermore, the errors could have (conditional) heteroscedasticity which would bring us to the more general model (1.2). As it is cumbersome to provide general theory covering all nonlinear AR models we will address in detail two prominent examples. Section 4.1 focuses on the Threshold AutoRegressive (TAR) models in which the autoregression function m(·) is only piecewise linear. Section 4.3 discusses the Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) models in which the variance of the error t 2 conditional on Xt−1,...,Xt−p is σ (Xt−1,...,Xt−p) as in (1.2). The predictive analysis of nonlinear AR models, including the nonparametric AR models of Sec- tion5, differs from the analysis of linear AR models in two fundamental ways: • There is no immediate way of formulating a Backward Bootstrap procedure in the nonlin- ear/nonparametric AR case; this is due to the difficulty in propagating the error backwards via the nonlinear autoregression function. However, the Forward Bootstrap applies verbatim including the possibility of resampling the predictive residuals. • It is not easy to derive the h-step ahead optimal predictors in general when h > 1. To elaborate on the last point, note that models (1.1) and (1.2) are tailor-made for one-step ahead prediction; under the causality assumption (1.3), the quantity m(Xn,...,Xn−p+1) appearing there is nothing other than the the conditional mean E(Xn+1|Xn,...,Xn−p+1) which is the MSE- optimal predictor of Xn+1 given {Xs, s ≤ n}. For h > 1 one might consider iterating the one-step L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 30 ahead optimal predictor in order to recursively impute the Xn+1, ··· ,Xn+h−1 required to finally predict Xn+h. In a (causal) linear AR model, this imputation procedure indeed leads to the optimal h-step ahead predictor; however, there are no guarantees that iteration will give an optimal—or even reasonable—predictor in the nonlinear case. Thus, in what follows we focus on the h = 1 case paired with the following concrete recommen- dation: if indeed h-step ahead prediction intervals are desired with h > 1, then work directly with the model Xt = m(Xt−h, ..., Xt−h−p+1) + σ(Xt−h, ..., Xt−h−p+1)t (4.1) instead of model (1.2) whether σ(·) is constant or not. Notably, all the procedures discussed in this paper are scatterplot-based so they immediately extend to cover the scatterplot of Xt vs. (Xt−h, ..., Xt−h−p+1) that is associated with model (4.1).

4.1. Bootstrap prediction intervals for TAR models

Threshold autoregressive (TAR) models were introduced by H. Tong more than 30 years ago; see Tong (2011) [40] for a review. A TAR(p) model is a special case of the additive model (1.1) where the autoregression function m(·) is piecewise linear. For example, a two-regime TAR(p) is defined by (1.1) letting

L L L m(Xt−1, ··· ,Xt−p) = (φ0 + φ1 Xt−1 + ··· + φp Xt−p)1{Xt−d < C}

R R R + (φ0 + φ1 Xt−1 + ··· + φp Xt−p)1{Xt−d ≥ C} (4.2) where d is an integer in [1, p], C is the threshold of the two regimes, and both AR models φL and φR are assumed causal; a multiple-regime TAR model is defined analogously. TAR models can be estimated in a straightforward way from the scatterplot; see e.g., Chan (1993) L L L [13]. For example, in the TAR(p) model (4.2), one can estimate φ0 , φ1 , ··· , φp by Least Squares (LS) using only the points of the scatterplot of Xt vs. (Xt−1, ··· ,Xt−p) that correspond to Xt−d < C; R R R similarly, one can estimate φ0 , φ1 , . . . , φp by Least Squares using only the points that correspond to Xt−d ≥ C. The asymptotic theory is immediate as long as the number of scatterplot points in either regime increases in proportion to the sample size.√ If the threshold C is unknown, it can be estimated (also via LS) at a rate that is faster than n so that the limit distribution of the LS estimators remains unaffected; see Li and Ling (2012) [25] and the references therein. The Algorithms for the four Forward bootstrap prediction interval methods (Ff, Fp, FSf, and FSp) under model (4.2) are identical to the corresponding ones from Section3 with the understanding that LS estimation—both in the real and in the bootstrap world—is performed as described above, i.e., using only the points of the scatterplot that correspond to the relevant regime. It is also immediate to show the asymptotic pertinence of all four Forward bootstrap prediction intervals under standard conditions. Sufficient conditions are Conditions 1–3 of Chan (1993) [13], i.e., that Xt satisfying (4.2) is a stationary ergodic Markov process with finite 4th moments, and that the AR innovations t possess a uniformly continuous and strictly positive density function.

4.2. Monte Carlo studies: TAR(1) case

We now present some simulation results using the simple TAR(1) model: Xt = m(Xt−1) + t where m(x) = 0.5x if x < 0 but m(x) = 0.9x if x ≥ 0. The value of the threshold C = 0 was treated as unknown; it was estimated from the data by minimizing Residual Sum of Squares over the L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 31 from the 15th to the 85th percentile of the data. If the LS estimates of either φL or φR turned out not causal, then the simulation reverted to fitting a linear AR model covering both regimes. The construction of the simulation parallels the ones in Section3, and the results are qualitatively similar with the Ff being inferior to the other three: Fp, FSf, and FSp; see Tables 11 and 12.

Normal nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% n = 50 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err Ff 0.917 4.061 0.630 0.861 3.403 0.504 Fp 0.937 4.354 0.630 0.889 3.668 0.513 FSf 0.936 4.398 0.717 0.885 3.658 0.563 FSp 0.935 4.332 0.637 0.884 3.614 0.514 n = 100 Ff 0.930 3.957 0.409 0.876 3.334 0.310 Fp 0.940 4.117 0.387 0.890 3.472 0.304 FSf 0.939 4.112 0.425 0.889 3.458 0.326 FSp 0.939 4.112 0.389 0.888 3.451 0.304

Table 11: Simulation Results of TAR(1) with normal innovations when threshold is unknown.

Laplace nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% n = 50 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err Ff 0.925 4.332 0.940 0.874 3.420 0.669 Fp 0.940 4.689 0.999 0.895 3.686 0.672 FSf 0.940 4.775 1.088 0.895 3.744 0.756 FSp 0.939 4.721 1.059 0.894 3.689 0.718 n = 100 Ff 0.935 4.227 0.623 0.884 3.304 0.456 Fp 0.943 4.425 0.624 0.896 3.460 0.457 FSf 0.943 4.446 0.672 0.895 3.457 0.485 FSp 0.943 4.457 0.653 0.896 3.469 0.467

Table 12: Simulation Results of TAR(1) with Laplace innovations when threshold is unknown.

4.3. Bootstrap prediction intervals for ARCH models

Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) models were introduced by Engle(1982)[4] in an effort to model financial returns and the phenomenon of ‘volatility clustering’. In an ARCH(p) model, the variance of the error t conditional on Xt−1,...,Xt−p is a function of (Xt−1,...,Xt−p) as in (1.2). So there is a interesting structure in the conditional variance of Xt given (Xt−1,...,Xt−p). By contrast, in ARCH modeling it is customarily assumed that the conditional mean m(·) ≡ 0; in practice this that the data have had their conditional mean estimated and removed at a preliminary step. Thus, in this subsection, we consider data from a stationary and ergodic process {Xt} that satisfies the ARCH(p) model:

2 2 2 Xt = σt−1(β)t with σt−1(β) = β0 + β1Xt−1 + ··· + βpXt−p. (4.3)

0 In the above, β = (β0, β1, ··· , βp) are the unknown parameters to estimated that are assumed nonnegative, and the errors t are i.i.d. (0,1) with finite 4th , and independent of {Xs, s < t}. ARCH models are typically estimated using quasi-maximum likelihood estimation (QMLE); see e.g. Weiss(1986)[41], Bollerslev and Wooldridge (1992)[5], and Francq and Zakoian (2010) [17]. The bootstrap prediction intervals of Reeves(2000)[35], Olave Robio (1999)[29] and Miguel and Olave L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 32

(1999) [27] are all based on QMLE; they are of the ‘percentile’-type as the APR/PRR method discussed in Section 3.8.2, and do not attempt to capture the estimation error similarly to Cao et al. (1997)[11]. Note that eq. (4.3) can be considered as a model with multiplicative i.i.d. error structure. Model- based resampling can be defined in an analogous way using multiplicative errors instead of additive. Interestingly, model (4.3) also implies an additive model for the squared data, namely:

2 2 2 Xt = β0 + β1Xt−1 + ··· + βpXt−p + τ(Xt−1,...,Xt−p)ξt (4.4) where ξt is a martingale difference, and τ(·) an appropriate function; for details, see Kokoszka and Politis (2011) [24] and the references therein. Eq.(4.4) suggests that it may be possible to estimate 2 2 2 the ARCH parameters by Least Squares on the scatterplot of Xt vs. (Xt−1, ··· ,Xt−p). Indeed, this is possible (and consistent) but not optimal. Instead, Bose and Mukherjee(2003) proposed a linear estimator of the ARCH parameter by solving two sets of linear equations. This method does not involve nonlinear optimization and gives a closed form expression, so it is computationally easier to obtain the estimator compared to QMLE. Simulation results in Bose and Mukherjee(2003)[7] also show that the proposed estimator performs better than the QMLE even for small sample sizes such as n = 30. Bose and Mukherjee(2009)[8] further proposed a weighted linear estimator (WLE) to estimate the ARCH parameters, and a corresponding bootstrap weighted linear estimator (BWLE) that is asymptotically valid. In the next subsection, we extend the method of Bose and Mukherjee(2009)[8], and propose an algorithm for bootstrap prediction intervals for ARCH models based on BWLE.

4.3.1. Bootstrap Algorithm Based on BWLE with Fitted Residuals

2 0 Let {x1, ··· , xn} be the observations from model (4.3), let yi = xi , zi = (1, yi, yi−1, ··· , yi−p+1) ,  0    zp yp+1 0 zp+1  yp+2 Z =   and Y =  . Below is the algorithm for constructing bootstrap prediction  .   .   .   .  0 zn−1 yn intervals for ARCH(p) model based on BWLE with fitted residuals (BWLEf). Algorithm 4.1. Bootstrap algorithm based on BWLE with fitted residuals (BWLEf) ˆ 0 −1 0 (1) Compute the preliminary weighted least squares estimator (PWLS) as βpr = (Z UZ) Z UY , where U is a (n − p) × (n − p) diagonal matrix whose ith diagonal term is 1 ui = . [(1 + yi) ··· (1 + yi+p−1)]

And then compute the weighted linear estimator (WLE) of β as

n−1 n−1 ˆ  X 0 0 ˆ 2 −1 X 0 ˆ 2 βn = vi−p+1[zizi/(ziβpr) ] vi−p+1[ziyi+1/(ziβpr) ] , i=p i=p

where vi = ui for i = 1, 2, ··· , n − p. q ˆ0 1 Pn (2) Compute the residuals as ˆt = xt/ βnzt−1. Then center the residuals: rˆt = ˆt − n−p i=p+1 ˆi for t = p + 1, ··· , n. Denote the empirical distribution of rˆt as Fˆ. L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 33

(3) (a) Generate a (n − p) × (n − p) diagonal matrix W whose diagonal elements (w1, ··· , wn−p) 1 1 1 are a sample from a multinomial (n − p, n−p , n−p , ··· , n−p ) distribution. ˆ∗ (b) Compute the bootstrapped preliminary weighted least squares estimator (BPWLS) as βpr = 0 −1 0 ˆ∗ (Z WUZ) Z WUY and the bootstrapped weighted linear estimator (BWLE) βn as n−1 n−1  X 0 0 ˆ∗ 2 −1 X 0 ˆ∗ 2 wi−p+1vi−p+1[zizi/(ziβpr) ] wi−p+1vi−p+1[ziyi+1/(ziβpr) ] i=p i=p

2 1 (c) Compute Hn = var(wi) = 1 − n−p and ˆ ˆ∗ ∗ ˆ βn − βn ∗ xn+1 = σn(βn + )n+1, Hn q 2 2 ∗ ˆ where σn(β) = β0 + β1Xn + ··· + βpXn−p+1, and n+1 is generated from F in step(2). ∗ ∗ (4) Repeat step(3) B times and collect xn+1,1, ··· , xn+1,B in the form of an empirical distribution whose α-quantile is denoted as q(α). Then the (1 − α)100% equal-tailed predictive interval for Xn+1 is given by [q(α), q(1 − α/2)] (4.5)

Remark 4.1. Note that under the ARCH model (4.3), E(Xn+1|Xs, s ≤ n) = 0 by construction, so the interval (4.5) is always an interval around zero. However, the width of the interval crucially depends on the last p values Xn, ··· ,Xn−p+1, thereby capturing the ‘volatility’ of the process. In addition, interval (4.5) can also capture potential asymmetry/skewness of the process as it will not be exactly centered at zero. Remark 4.2. There are other choices available for the preliminary weight U, bootstrapped prelim- inary weight W and the bootstrap weight V as long as they satisfy assumption(W1) and equations (11),(12),(17)-(19),(21) of Bose and Mukherjee(2009)[8]; see also Chatterjee and Bose(2005)[14] for more examples of the bootstrapped preliminary weight W .

4.3.2. Bootstrap Algorithm Based on BWLE with Predictive Residuals

An advantage of using scatterplot-based estimators is that we can obtain the predictive residuals (t) through deleting one data-point from the scatterplot. To get the predictive residual ˆt , we can exclude the pair (zt−1, yt) from the of yk vs. zk−1 in Algorithm 4.1. Algorithm 4.2. Bootstrap algorithm based on BWLE with predictive residuals (BWLEp) To get the bootstrap algorithm based on BWLE with predictive residuals we only need to substitute (t) {ˆt , t = p + 1, ··· , n} for {ˆt, t = p + 1, ··· , n} in step(2) of Algorithm 4.1; the rest is the same. (t) The following steps describe how to get the predictive residuals {ˆt , t = p + 1, ··· , n} in detail. (t) 0 (t) (t) 1 Let Z be the matrix Z excluding the row zt−1, Y be the vector Y excluding yt, U be the diagonal matrix excluding the diagonal element ut−p. (t) 0(t) (t) (t) −1 0(t) (t) (t) 2 Compute βˆpr = (Z U Z ) Z U Y , and n−1 n−1 ˆ(t)  X 0 0 ˆ(t) 2 −1 X 0 ˆ(t) 2 βn = ui−p+1[zizi/(ziβpr ) ] ui−p+1[ziyi+1/(ziβpr ) ] . i=p,i6=t−1 i=p q (t) ˆ0(t) 3 Finally compute the predictive residual ˆt = xt/ βn zt−1. L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 34

4.3.3. Asymptotic Properties of BWLEf and BWLEp

4 Assume that the process {Xt, t ≥ 1} is stationary and ergodic and satisfies (4.3) and E(t ) < ∞. We further assume that the assumptions for all the weights V , U and W mentioned in Remark 4.2 are satisfied and the assumptions of Lemma 2 from Bose and Mukherjee(2009) hold. Under these assumptions, Theorem 2 of Bose and Mukherjee(2009)[8] showed ∗ p+1 sup{|Fn (x) − Fn(x)|; x ∈ R } = op(1) (4.6) √ √ ∗ ˆ −1 ˆ∗ ˆ where Fn and Fn denote the cumulative distribution functions of n(βn − β) and Hn n(βn − βn) in the real and bootstrap world respectively. Recall that in step (3)(c) of Algorithms 4.1 and 4.2, we employed eq. (4.6) to approximate the ˆ ˆ∗ ˆ βn−βn distribution of β − βn by the distribution of . The result is that the prediction intervals from Hn Algorithms 4.1 and 4.2 are both asymptotically valid; they can also be called asymptotically pertinent with an appropriate modification of the definition of pertinence to account for the multiplicative model (4.3).

4.3.4. Bootstrap Algorithm Based on QMLE

Bootstrap prediction intervals for ARCH models based on QMLE were proposed by Reeves(2000)[35], Olave Robio (1999)[29] and Miguel and Olave (1999) [27]; for easy reference, their algorithm can be described as follows. Algorithm 4.3. Bootstrap algorithm based on QMLE

ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ 0 1 Fit an ARCH(p) model to the data. Let β = (β0, β1, ··· , βp) denote the QMLE estimates. ˆ 2 Calculate the residuals: ˆt = xt/σt−1(β), for t = p + 1, ··· , n. And then center the residuals: ¯ ¯ −1 Pn rt = ˆt − ˆ for t = p + 1, ··· , n, where ˆ = (n − p) t=p+1 ˆt. ˆ ∗ ∗ 3 (a) Use β and residuals {ˆt}, along with initial conditions u1 = x1, ··· , up = xp to generate ∗ {ut , t ≥ p + 1} by recursion: q ∗ ˆ ˆ ∗2 ˆ ∗2 ∗ ut = β0 + β1ut−1 + ··· + βput−p t , ∗ where t is a random draw from the pool of centered residuals {rt, t = p + 1, ··· , n}. To ensure stationarity of the pseudo-series, generate n + m pseudo data for some large ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ positive m, i.e. {u1, ··· , un, un+1, ··· , un+m}, and discard the first m data. ∗ ∗ (b) Fit an ARCH(p) model to pseudo-data {xt = ut+m, t = 1, 2, ··· , n} and re-estimate the ˆ∗ ˆ∗ ˆ∗ ˆ∗ 0 QMLE β = (β0 , β1 , ··· , βp ) . ∗ ∗ ∗ (c) Fix the last p pseudo-data to the true data: xn−p+1 = xn−p+1, xn−p+2 = xn−p+2, ··· , xn = ∗ xn and generate the future bootstrap value {xn+t, t ≥ 1} by the following recursion, q ∗ ˆ∗ ˆ∗ ∗2 ˆ∗ ∗2 ∗ xn+t = β0 + β1 xn+t−1 + ··· + βp xn+t−p n+t, ∗ where n+t is a random draw from the centered residuals. 4 Repeat steps 3(a)-(c) B times and collect B bootstrap h-step ahead future values in the form of empirical distribution whose α-quantile is denoted q(α). Construct the (1−α)100% equal-tailed prediction intervals for Xn+h as [q(α/2), q(1 − α/2)]. L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 35

The above prediction interval is of the ‘percentile’-type as discussed in Section 3.8.2. Remark 4.3. Our bootstrap Algorithm BWLEf and BWLEp are computationally faster and more stable as compared to the bootstrap method based on QMLE because of the following two reasons. First, BWLEf and BLWEp have closed form expressions of the solutions of the two linear equations involved while QMLE requires numerical optimization. Secondly, there is no need to create pseudo- series through recursion in Algorithms for BWLEf and BWLEp.

4.4. Monte Carlo Studies

We use Monte Carlo simulations to assess the performance of our two methods, BWLEf and BWLEp from Algorithms 4.1 and 4.2, and the bootstrap method based on QMLE of Reeves(2000)[35], Olave Robio (1999)[29] and Miguel and Olave (1999) [27]. We create 500 data sets for each of the following scenarios: sample size n = 50, 100 or 200; innovations are from standard normal or Laplace (rescaled to unit variance) distribution; data are generated from Model 1 or Model 2 listed below.

q 2 • Model 1: ARCH(1), Xt = 0.5 + 0.25Xt−1 t q 2 • Model 2: ARCH(2), Xt = 0.1 + 0.2Xt−2 t

normal errors nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% n = 50 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err BWLEf 0.927 3.040 0.762 0.877 2.610 0.608 BWLEp 0.941 3.269 0.883 0.890 2.675 0.654 QMLE 0.924 2.964 0.657 0.873 3.507 0.523 n = 100 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err BWLEf 0.940 3.098 0.607 0.890 2.607 0.491 BWLEp 0.946 3.203 0.631 0.896 2.655 0.496 QMLE 0.937 3.055 0.562 0.888 2.582 0.448 n = 200 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err BWLEf 0.945 3.190 0.720 0.896 2.680 0.587 BWLEp 0.948 3.230 0.716 0.898 2.700 0.590 QMLE 0.943 3.152 0.650 0.894 2.661 0.545

Table 13: Simulation Results of ARCH(1) model 1 with normal innovations

Laplace errors nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% n = 50 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err BWLEf 0.931 3.428 1.457 0.883 2.645 1.080 BWLEp 0.943 3.811 1.735 0.892 2.773 1.128 QMLE 0.928 3.279 1.211 0.877 2.542 0.892 n = 100 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err BWLEf 0.941 3.466 1.503 0.894 2.662 1.086 BWLEp 0.947 3.615 1.500 0.897 2.717 1.101 QMLE 0.937 3.334 1.228 0.887 2.575 0.919 n = 200 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err BWLEf 0.941 3.320 0.882 0.892 2.559 0.644 BWLEp 0.944 3.378 0.865 0.893 2.577 0.631 QMLE 0.940 3.272 0.778 0.889 2.531 0.569

Table 14: Simulation Results of ARCH(1) model 1 with Laplace innovations L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 36

normal errors nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% n = 50 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err BWLEf 0.926 1.339 0.337 0.875 1.124 0.275 BWLEp 0.943 1.477 0.407 0.894 1.193 0.295 QMLE 0.926 1.304 0.225 0.875 1.099 0.179 n = 100 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err BWLEf 0.936 1.351 0.264 0.886 1.135 0.212 BWLEp 0.946 1.414 0.277 0.895 1.169 0.220 QMLE 0.936 1.332 0.189 0.887 1.125 0.151 n = 200 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err BWLEf 0.942 1.374 0.237 0.892 1.154 0.198 BWLEp 0.948 1.407 0.252 0.898 1.173 0.202 QMLE 0.943 1.366 0.183 0.892 1.148 0.147

Table 15: Simulation Results of ARCH(2) model 2 with normal innovations

Laplace errors nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% n = 50 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err BWLEf 0.930 1.599 1.485 0.883 1.242 1.105 BWLEp 0.944 1.852 2.051 0.896 1.324 1.130 QMLE 0.928 1.537 2.224 0.879 1.134 0.982 n = 100 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err BWLEf 0.941 1.454 0.357 0.891 1.116 0.257 BWLEp 0.948 1.549 0.405 0.898 1.156 0.271 QMLE 0.939 1.434 0.419 0.890 1.103 0.245 n = 200 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err BWLEf 0.939 1.486 0.509 0.890 1.145 0.365 BWLEp 0.943 1.523 0.500 0.893 1.165 0.380 QMLE 0.941 1.455 0.391 0.890 1.122 0.212

Table 16: Simulation Results of ARCH(2) model 2 with Laplace innovations

We compare the coverage levels(CVR) and length(LEN) of all the intervals constructed by the three methods mentioned above with nominal coverage levels of 95% and 90%. Tables 13, 14, 15 and 16 show that the BWLEp method outperforms both BWLEf and QMLE with respect to the coverage level but the variability of the interval length is increased as a price to pay for using predictive intervals. Interestingly, BWLEf and QMLE have similar coverage level but the QMLE has the smallest variance of interval length.

5. Bootstrap Prediction Intervals for Nonparametric Autoregression

In this section, we construct bootstrap prediction intervals in a general nonparametric autoregression model fitted via kernel smoothing. As previously mentioned, the forward bootstrap method—in all variations—is the unifying principle for bootstrap all AR models, linear or nonlinear. Thus, for nonparametric AR models we also employ the forward bootstrap method with fitted or predictive residuals as in Sections3 and4, and show that it properly estimates the distribution of the future value capturing both the variability of the kernel estimator and the variability of the innovations from the autoregression model. In Section 5.1, we give the bootstrap procedure for a nonparametric autoregression with i.i.d. er- rors, i.e., model (1.1). In Section 5.2, we extend the model allowing heteroscedastic errors, i.e., model (1.2). In either case, the functions m(·) and σ(·) are unknown but assumed smooth and t ∼ i.i.d. (0, σ2); in (1.2), we further assume σ2 = 1. Monte Carlo simulations are given in Section 5.3. L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 37

5.1. Nonparametric Autoregression with i.i.d Innovations

In this subsection, we consider a stationary and geometrically ergodic process of the form (1.1) with the conditional mean function m(·) being unknown but assumed smooth. We first give the algorithms using fitted residuals and predictive residuals and then discuss their asymptotic validity.

5.1.1. Forward Bootstrap Algorithm with Fitted and Predictive Residuals

0 Given a sample {x1, x2, ··· , xn}, let yt = (xt, xt−1, ··· , xt−p+1) as before. The resampling algo- rithms for the predictive distribution of future value Xn+1 are as follows. Algorithm 5.1. Forward Bootstrap with Fitted Residuals

(1) For y ∈ Rp, construct the Nadaraya-Watson kernel estimator mˆ (·) as

Pn−1 ky−ytk K( )xt+1 mˆ (y) = t=p h , (5.1) Pn−1 ky−ytk t=p K( h )

where k·k is a norm in Rp, K(·) is compactly supported, symmetric density function on R with bounded derivative, and satisfying R K(v)dv = 1. The bandwidth satisfies h → 0 but hn → ∞. (2) Compute the fitted residuals: ˆi = xi − mˆ (yi−1), for i = p + 1, ··· , n −1 Pn (3) Center the residuals: rˆi = ˆi − (n − p) t=p+1 ˆt, for i = p + 1, ··· , n.

(a) Sample randomly(with replacement) from the values rˆp+1, ··· , rˆn to create bootstrap ∗ pseudo errors i , i = −M + p, ··· , n + 1 for some large positive M. ∗ ∗ (b) Set (x−M , x−M+1, ··· , x−M+p−1) equal to p consecutive values drawn from {x1, ··· , xn}. ∗ Then generate xi , by the recursion:

∗ ∗ ∗ xi =m ˆ (yi−1) + i for i = −M + p, ··· , n.

(c) Drop the first M ‘burn in’ observations to make sure that the starting values have an insignificant effect. Then construct the kernel estimator mˆ ∗(·) from the bootstrap series ∗ ∗ {x1, ··· , xn}, i.e., let n−1 ky−y∗k P K( i )x∗ ∗ i=p h i+1 mˆ (y) = ∗ (5.2) Pn−1 ky−yi k i=p K( h ) ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 0 where yt = (xt , xt−1, ··· , xt−p+1) . ∗ (d) Now fix the last p pseudo values to be the true observations, i.e., redefine yn = yn, and then calculate the bootstrap predictor

ˆ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Xn+1 =m ˆ (yn) =m ˆ (yn) and the future bootstrap observation

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Xn+1 =m ˆ (yn) + n+1 =m ˆ (yn) + n+1.

∗ ˆ ∗ (e) Calculate the bootstrap predictive root replicate as Xn+1 − Xn+1. (4) steps (a)-(e) in the above are repeated B times, and the B bootstrap predictive root replicates are collected in the form of an empirical distribution whose α-quantile is denoted q(α). L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 38

(5) Then, a (1 − α)100% equal-tailed predictive interval for Xn+1 is given by

[m ˆ (yn) + q(α/2), mˆ (yn) + q(1 − α/2)] (5.3)

Estimating m(·) in the above could in principle be done via different smoothing methods, e.g., local polynomials, splines, etc. We employ the Nadaraya-Watson kernel estimatorm ˆ (·) just for simplicity and concreteness. To define the predictive residuals, however, recall that the chosen estimator must be scatterplot-based. Algorithm 5.2. Forward Bootstrap with Predictive Residuals (1) same as step(1) of Algorithm 5.1. (2) Use the delete-xt dataset as described in Section 3.1.2 to compute the delete-one kernel esti- mator Pn ky−yi−1k K( )xi mˆ (t)(y) = i=p+1,i6=t h for t = p + 1, ··· , n. (5.4) Pn ky−yi−1k i=p+1,i6=t K( h ) (t) (t) Then calculate the predictive residuals: ˆt = xt − mˆ t (yt−1) for t = p + 1, ··· , n. (t) (3)-(5) Replace ˆt by ˆt in Algorithm 5.1; the remaining steps are the same. The studentized versions of Algorithm 5.1 and 5.2 are defined analogously to the ones in Section 3. Algorithm 5.3. Forward Studentized bootstrap with fitted residuals (FSf) or predictive residuals (FSp) ∗ For FSf, define σˆ and σˆ to be the sample standard deviation of the fitted residuals ˆt and bootstrap ∗ ∗ residuals ˆt respectively. For FSp, define σˆ and σˆ to be the sample standard deviation of the pre- (t) ∗(t) dictive residuals ˆt and their bootstrap analogs ˆt respectively. Then, replace steps 3(e) and 6 of Algorithm 3.1 and/or 5.2 by the following steps: ∗ ˆ ∗ ∗ 3(e) Calculate a studentized bootstrap root replicate as (Xn+1 − Xn+1/σˆ . (6) Construct the (1 − α)100% equal-tailed predictive interval for Xn+h as

[Xˆn+1 +σ ˆ q(α/2), Xˆn+1 +σ ˆ q(1 − α/2)] (5.5)

where q(α) is the α-quantile of the empirical distribution of the B collected studentized bootstrap roots.

5.1.2. Asymptotic Properties

In this subsection, we focus on a stationary and geometrically ergodic process of order p = 1; the general case of order p is similar. Then, the nonparametric autoregression model takes the simple form Xt = m(Xt−1) + t (5.6) 2 where the innovations {t} are i.i.d. with mean zero, variance σ , and distribution F that is contin- uous with density f that is strictly positive; as always, we assume the causality assumption (1.3). To ensure {Xt} is geometrically ergodic, the following condition is sufficient:

(A) {Xt} obeys (5.6) with |m(x)| ≤ C1 + C2|x| for all x and some C1 < ∞, C2 < 1. L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 39

In a very important work, Franke, Kreiss and Mammen (2002) [18] showed the consistency of the bootstrap in constructing confidence bands for the autoregression function in the nonparametric model (5.6).

Theorem 5.1 (Franke, Kreiss and Mammen (2002) [18]). Consider a dataset X1 = x1,...,Xn = xn from model (5.6). Assume assumption (A) given above, as well as assumptions (AB1)–(AB10) of Franke, Kreiss and Mammen (2002) [18]. Also assume h → 0 but hn → ∞. If h = O(n−1/5), then P d0(F, Fˆn) −→ 0 as n → ∞ where d0 is Kolmogorov distance, and Fˆn is the empirical distribution of fitted residuals centered at mean zero. Furthemore, if h = o(n−1/5), then √ √ ∗ ∗ P d0(L ( nh{mˆ (xn) − mˆ (xn)}), L( nh{m(xn) − mˆ (xn)}) −→ 0. (5.7)

Below is the analog of Lemma 3.4 in the nonparametric AR case; its proof is in the Appendix.

−1/5 (t) 1 Lemma 5.2. Under the assumptions of Theorem 5.1 with h = O(n ), we have ˆt − ˆt = Op( n ) as n → ∞. From the above results, the following corollary is immediate. Corollary 5.3. Under the assumptions of Theorem 5.1 with h satisfying hn1/5 → c ≥ 0, we have: If c > 0, then the prediction interval (5.3) is asymptotically valid, and the same is true for its analog using predictive residuals, i.e., the interval of Algorithm 5.2. Similarly, the two studentized intervals of Algorithm 5.3 (based on fitted or predictive residuals) are asymptotically valid. If c = 0, the four intervals mentioned above are also asymptotically pertinent. Remark 5.1. The condition hn1/5 → c > 0 leads to optimal smoothing in that the large-sample MSE√ ofm ˆ (xn) is minimized. In this case, however, the bias ofm ˆ (xn) becomes of exact order O(1/ hn) which is the order of its standard deviation, and (5.7) fails because the bootstrap can not capture the bias term exactly. This is of course important for confidence interval construction— for which (5.7) was originally developed—and is routinely solved via one of three approaches: (a) plugging-in explicit estimates of bias in the two distributions appearing in (5.7); (b) using a band- 1/5 width satisfying hn → 0 leading to under-smoothing, i.e., making the bias ofm ˆ (xn) negligible as compared to the standard deviation; or (c) using the optimal bandwidth h ∼ cn−1/5 with c > 0 but resampling based an over-smoothed estimator. Either of these approaches work—the simplest being under-smoothing—but note that the problem is not as crucial for prediction intervals that remain asymptotically valid in both cases c > 0 or c = 0. Furthermore, using the optimal bandwidth, the quantity appearing in part (ii) of Definition 2.4 would be Op(1) instead of op(1) so the four intervals mentioned in Corollary 5.3 could be called ‘almost’ pertinent in√ the sense that they capture correctly the order of magnitude of the estimation error which is O(1/ hn). Resampling based an over-smoothed estimator will be further explored in the next section.

5.2. Nonparametric Autoregression with Heteroscedastic Innovations

We now consider the nonparametric autoregression model (1.2). Similarly to Section 5.1, we use Nadaraya-Watson estimators to estimate the unknown smooth functions m and σ. In particular, mˆ (y) is exactly as given in (5.1) whileσ ˆ2(y) is defined as L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 40

Pn−1 ky−ytk 2 K( )(xt+1 − mˆ (yt)) σˆ2(y) = t=p h (5.8) Pn−1 ky−ytk t=p K( h ) where, for simplicity, we use the same bandwidth h as the one used form ˆ (y). Remark 5.2. As mentioned in Remark 5.1, in generating the bootstrap pseudo-series it may be advantageous to use over-smoothed estimators of m and σ that will be denoted bym ˆ g andσ ˆg respectively; these are computed in the exact same way asm ˆ andσ ˆ but using an over-smoothed bandwidth g instead of h that satisfies

g/h → ∞ with h ∼ cn−1/5 for some c > 0. (5.9)

Such over-smoothing was originally proposed for bootstrap confidence intervals in by H¨ardleand Marron(1991)[23]. It can also be useful in the nonparametric AR model (1.1) with i.i.d. innovations but it is particularly helpful in the heteroscedastic model (1.2).

5.2.1. Forward Bootstrap Algorithm with Fitted Residuals

0 Given a stationary sample {x1, x2, ··· , xn}, let yt = (xt, ··· , xt−p+1) . The resampling algorithm for the predictive distribution of future value Xn+1 is as follows: Algorithm 5.4. (1) Construct the estimates mˆ (·) and σˆ2(·) by formulas (5.1) and (5.8). (2) Compute the residuals: xi − mˆ (yi−1) ˆi = (5.10) σˆ(yi−1) for i = p + 1, ··· , n −1 Pn (3) Center the residuals: rˆi = ˆi − (n − p) t=p+1 ˆt, for i = p + 1, ··· , n.

(a) Sample randomly (with replacement) from the values rp+1, ··· , rn to create bootstrap ∗ pseudo errors i for i = −M + p, ··· , 1, 2, ··· , n + 1 where M is some large positive integer. ∗ ∗ (b) Set (x−M , x−M+1, ··· , x−M+p−1) equal to p consecutive values from {x1, ··· , xn}, and ∗ then generate xi by the recursion:

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ xi =m ˆ g(yi−1) +σ ˆg(yi−1)i for i = −M + p, ··· , n. (5.11)

(c) Drop the first M ‘burn in’ observations to make sure that the starting values have an insignificant effect. And then construct the kernel estimator mˆ ∗ from the bootstrap series ∗ ∗ {x1, ··· , xn} as in (5.2). ∗ ∗ ∗ (d) Re-define the last p pseudo values Xn = xn, ··· ,Xn−p+1 = xn−p+1, i.e., yn = yn where ∗ ∗ ∗ 0 ∗ ˆ ∗ yi = (xi , xi−1, ··· , xt−p+1) . Then, compute the bootstrap root replicate as Xn+1 − Xn+1 ˆ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ where Xn+1 =m ˆ (yn) =m ˆ (yn); recall that mˆ uses bandwidth h as the original estimator mˆ . Also let ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Xn+1 =m ˆ g(yn) +σ ˆg(yn)n+1 =m ˆ g(yn) +σ ˆg(yn)n+1. (4) Steps (a)-(d) in the above are repeated B times, and the B bootstrap root replicates are collected in the form of an empirical distribution whose α-quantile is denoted q(α). L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 41

(5) Then, a (1 − α)100% equal-tailed predictive interval for Xn+1 is given by

[m ˆ (yn) + q(α/2), mˆ (yn) + q(1 − α/2)] (5.12)

The corresponding Bootstrap Algorithm with Predictive Residuals is as follows.

5.2.2. Forward Bootstrap Algorithm with Predictive Residuals

Algorithm 5.5. (1) same as step (1) of Algorithm 5.4. (t) (t) (2) Use the delete-xt dataset to compute the delete-one kernel estimators mˆ by (5.4) and σˆ by

Pn ky−yi−1k (t) 2 K( )(xi − mˆ (yi−1)) σˆ(t)(y) = i=p+1,i6=t h . (5.13) Pn ky−yi−1k i=p+1,i6=t K( h ) Then, calculate the predictive residuals:

x − mˆ (t)(y ) ˆ(t) = t t−1 for t = p + 1, ··· , n. (5.14) t (t) σˆ (yt−1)

(t) (3)-(5) Replace ˆt by ˆt in Algorithm 5.4; the remaining steps are the same. Remark 5.3. As in all nonparametric methods,m ˆ (y) andσ ˆ(y) will only be accurate when y is in a dense area of the xt vs. yt−1 scatterplot so that local averaging is effective. Computing these estimates in a sparse area of the scatterplot leads to inaccuracies in general but the problem is Pn kyt−1−yi−1k compounded when computing predictive residuals. To see why, note that i=p+1,i6=t K( h ) in the denominator of (5.4) and (5.13) could be zero or close to zero if yt−1 is far from {yi, i 6= t−1}, (t) (t) kyt−1−yj−1k and the estimatesm ˆ andσ ˆ may be ill-defined. Consider the case where K( h ) 6= 0 kyt−1−yi−1k (t) (t) for some j, and K( h ) is close to 0 for all i 6= t, j; thenm ˆ (yt−1) ≈ xj andσ ˆ (yt−1) ≈ (t) (t) xj − mˆ (yj−1) ≈ 0. In this case, the denominator of (5.14) is close to whilem ˆ (yj−1) is close to (t) (t) xj, and ˆt will be extremely large. To avoid these situations, we delete all ˆt that is not defined or extremely large from the pool of predictive residuals.

5.2.3. Asymptotic Properties

For simplicity, we again focus on a stationary and geometrically ergodic process of order 1. Then the nonparametric autoregression model with heteroscedastic innovations takes the simple form,

Xt = m(Xt−1) + σ(Xt−1)t (5.15)

where the innovations {t} are i.i.d. (0,1) and satisfy causality condition (1.3).

Theorem 5.4 (Franke, Kreiss and Mammen(2002) [18]). Consider a dataset X1 = x1,...,Xn = xn from model (5.15), and choose the bandwidths h, g to satisfy (5.9). Under assumptions (AB1)-(AB12) of Franke, Kreiss and Mammen(2002) [18] we have: √ √ ∗ ∗ P d0(L ( nh{mˆ g(xn) − mˆ (xn)}), (L( nh{m(xn) − mˆ (xn)})) −→ 0, L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 42 √ √ ∗ ∗ P d0(L ( nh{σˆg(xn) − σˆ (xn)}), (L( nh{σ(xn) − σˆ(xn)})) −→ 0, and P d0(F, Fˆn) −→ 0 as n → ∞ where d0 is Kolmogorov distance, and Fˆn is the empirical distribution of fitted residuals centered to mean zero. As before, we also have:

(t) 1 Lemma 5.5. Under the assumptions of Theorem 5.4, ˆt − ˆt = Op( n ) as n → ∞. From Theorem 5.4 and Lemma 5.5, the following corollary is immediate. Corollary 5.6. Under the assumptions of Theorem 5.4, , the prediction interval (5.12) is asymp- totically pertinent, and the same is true for its analog using predictive residuals, i.e., the interval of Algorithm 5.5. Note that we can also define intervals based on studentized predictive roots here as well; how- ever, as mentioned in Remark 2.4, offers little advantage on top of using studentized residuals. Remark 5.4. To elaborate on the last point, consider the case of fitted residuals; the case of predictive residuals is similar. The predictive root is

Xn+1 − Xˆn+1 = m(xn) − mˆ (xn) + σ(xn)n+1.

As in Remark 2.4, in order to get a simple estimate of the variance of Xn+1 − Xˆn+1 it is convenient to omit the term m(xn)−mˆ (xn) which is asymptotically negligible. This leads to the approximation

Xn+1 − Xˆn+1 ' σ(xn)n+1,

ˆ 2 2 and the corresponding prediction variance estimate Vn =σ ˆ (xn). In the bootstrap world, we have ∗ ˆ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Xn+1 − Xn+1 =m ˆ g(xn) − mˆ (xn) +σ ˆg(xn)n+1 ' σˆg(xn)n+1.

Thus, the interval based on the predictive root method would be based on the approximation

ˆ ∗ ∗ ˆ ∗ P (Xn+1 − Xn+1 ≤ a) ' P (Xn+1 − Xn+1 ≤ a) for (almost) all a, which is approximately equivalent to

∗ ∗ P (σ(xn)n+1 ≤ a) ' P (ˆσg(xn)n+1 ≤ a). (5.16)

By contrast, the studentized predictive roots, real-world and bootstrap, are given by

ˆ ∗ ˆ ∗ Xn+1 − Xn+1 Xn+1 − Xn+1 ∗ = n+1 and =  . ˆ ˆ ∗ n+1 Vn Vn So, the interval based on the studentized predictive root method would be based on the approxima- tion X − Xˆ X∗ − Xˆ ∗ P ( n+1 n+1 ≤ a) ' P ∗( n+1 n+1 ≤ a) ˆ ˆ ∗ Vn Vn L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 43 which is equivalent to σ(xn) ∗ σˆg(xn) ∗ P ( n+1 ≤ a) ' P ( ∗ n+1 ≤ a). (5.17) σˆ(xn) σˆ (xn) √ ∗ −2/5 In the above, the error in the estimatesσ ˆ(xn) andσ ˆ (xn) is Op(1/ hn) = Op(n ) while the 2 error in the estimateσ ˆg(xn) is Op(g ) which is of bigger order because of the suboptimal smoothing 2 employed in constructingσ ˆg(·). It is this bigger term of order Op(g ) that determines the accu- racy of approximation (5.17) making it approximately equivalent to approximation (5.16). Hence, the studentized root method does not promise to offer an advantage here. In fact, as the Monte Carlo simulations of Section 5.3 show, the studentized root intervals FSf and FSp have identical performance in practice as their unstudentized counterparts Ff and Fp.

5.3. Monte Carlo Studies

5.3.1. Simulation Results for Nonparametric Autoregression with i.i.d. Errors

We present Monte Carlo simulations to assess the performance of the bootstrap methods with fitted and predictive residuals through average coverage level (CVR) and length (LEN) as defined in Section 3.7. To evaluate the performance of the bootstrap methods for nonparametric autoregression with i.i.d. innovations, we use the following models, all of order p = 1.

• Model 1: Xt+1 = sin(Xt) + t+1 2 • Model 2: Xt+1 = 0.8 log(3Xt + 1) + t+1 2 • Model 3: Xt+1 = −0.5 exp(−50Xt )Xt + t+1

Normal innovations nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% n = 100 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err Ff 0.927 3.860 0.393 0.873 3.255 0.310 Fp 0.943 4.099 0.402 0.894 3.456 0.317 FSf 0.938 4.020 0.403 0.887 3.387 0.314 FSp 0.939 4.030 0.405 0.888 3.390 0.313 n = 200 Ff 0.938 3.868 0.272 0.886 3.263 0.219 Fp 0.948 4.012 0.283 0.899 3.385 0.231 FSf 0.945 3.966 0.280 0.894 3.339 0.222 FSp 0.945 3.970 0.282 0.895 3.344 0.228 Laplace innovations nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% n = 100 Ff 0.933 4.161 0.648 0.879 3.218 0.452 Fp 0.944 4.430 0.658 0.896 3.445 0.470 FSf 0.942 4.388 0.675 0.892 3.386 0.466 FSp 0.942 4.364 0.641 0.892 3.386 0.465 n = 200 Ff 0.937 4.122 0.460 0.885 3.198 0.329 Fp 0.943 4.275 0.455 0.895 3.341 0.341 FSf 0.943 4.250 0.473 0.893 3.293 0.333 FSp 0.941 4.234 0.447 0.893 3.299 0.327

Table 17: Nonparametric autoregression with i.i.d innovations-model 1 L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 44

As before, {t} are i.i.d. N(0,1) or Laplace rescaled to unit variance; the kernel K(·) was the normal density with bandwidth h chosen by cross validation. Note that the smaller sample size considered here was n = 100 due to the reduced rate of convergence in nonparametric estimation. Tables 17, 18 and 19 summarize the simulation results for each of the four Forward methods (Ff, Fp, FSf, and FSp) under each model. The conclusions are similar as in the parametric cases, namely that Fp, FSf, and FSp are all better than Ff. As before, using predictive residuals is important in the unstudentized case but not so important in the studentized case as FSf and FSp have very similar performance.

Normal innovations nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% n = 100 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err Ff 0.928 3.870 0.388 0.875 3.260 0.308 Fp 0.946 4.143 0.393 0.900 3.495 0.305 FSf 0.940 4.051 0.393 0.890 3.407 0.309 FSp 0.941 4.049 0.387 0.891 3.407 0. 306 n = 200 Ff 0.936 3.877 0.297 0.883 3.270 0.238 Fp 0.948 4.053 0.295 0.899 3.418 0.238 FSf 0.943 3.992 0.302 0.893 3.359 0.241 FSp 0.944 3.999 0.292 0.894 3.364 0.234 Laplace innovations nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% n = 100 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err Ff 0.932 4.175 0.639 0.880 3.237 0.449 Fp 0.944 4.458 0.649 0.898 3.472 0.464 FSf 0.942 4.414 0.667 0.893 3.415 0.466 FSp 0.941 4.380 0.631 0.893 3.406 0.452 n = 200 Ff 0.937 4.110 0.455 0.884 3.192 0.322 Fp 0.944 4.284 0.452 0.895 3.347 0.336 FSf 0.942 4.247 0.467 0.892 3.296 0.328 FSp 0.942 4.234 0.453 0.892 3.297 0.327

Table 18: Nonparametric autoregression with i.i.d innovations-model 2 L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 45

Normal innovations nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% n = 100 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err Ff 0.932 3.832 0.369 0.881 3.236 0.282 Fp 0.940 3.946 0.380 0.892 3.332 0.296 FSf 0.940 3.945 0.372 0.891 3.323 0.280 FSp 0.940 3.944 0.376 0.891 3.322 0.288 n = 200 Ff 0.941 3.862 0.265 0.890 3.257 0.210 Fp 0.945 3.926 0.274 0.896 3.312 0.214 FSf 0.944 3.921 0.263 0.895 3.302 0.206 FSp 0.945 3.929 0.271 0.896 3.309 0.210 Laplace innovations nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% n = 100 CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err Ff 0.934 4.192 0.636 0.882 3.228 0.447 Fp 0.938 4.295 0.640 0.890 3.322 0.455 FSf 0.941 4.361 0.647 0.891 3.350 0.454 FSp 0.940 4.317 0.622 0.891 3.335 0.443 n = 200 Ff 0.939 4.143 0.478 0.889 3.205 0.327 Fp 0.941 4.190 0.467 0.893 3.269 0.337 FSf 0.943 4.226 0.471 0.894 3.268 0.324 FSp 0.942 4.206 0.460 0.894 3.273 0.329

Table 19: Nonparametric autoregression with i.i.d. innovations-model 3

5.3.2. Simulation Results for Nonparametric Autoregression with Heteroscedastic Errors

To evaluate the performance of the bootstrap methods for nonparametric autoregression with het- eroscedastic innovations, we employed the following two models:

q 2 • Model 4: Xt = sin(Xt−1) + 0.5 + 0.25Xt−1t • Model 5: Xt+1 = 0.75Xt + 0.15Xtt+1 + t+1. Table 20 and 21 summarize the simulation results of model 4 and model 5 using an over-smoothed resampling bandwidth, i.e., letting g = 2h where h is chosen by cross validation as in the previous subsection. Doubling the original bandwidth h is a simple rule-of-thumb used in previous work in nonparametric regression. The main points from the simulation are as follows: • As alluded to at the end of Section 5.2.3, the studentized root intervals FSf and FSp have identical performance as their unstudentized counterparts Ff and Fp. • As in the case of nonparametric regression with heteroscedasticity treated in Politis(2013)[33], resampling predictive residuals gives improved coverage levels as compared to using the fitted residuals. • It is apparent that the coverages are not as accurate as in the previsously considered cases of time series without heteroscedasticity of nonparametric form. Still the oversmoothing trick seems to be a big part of rendering the CVRs associated with the Fp (or FSp) method rea- sonable. To confirm the last point above, we repeat the simulation without an an over-smoothed resampling bandwidth, i.e., letting g = h; we omit the FSf and FSp entries as they are indistinguishable from L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 46 their Ff and Fp counterparts. Tables 22 and 23 show the results that are characterized by extreme undercoverage that is unacceptable. Using an over-smoothed resampling bandwidth appears to be a sine qua non in the presence of conditional heteroscedasticity whose functional form is unknown.

g = 2h nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% normal innovations CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err n = 100 Ff 0.894 3.015 0.926 0.843 2.566 0.783 Fp 0.922 3.318 1.003 0.868 2.744 0.826 FSf 0.894 3.018 0.934 0.843 2.569 0.790 FSp 0.923 3.337 1.017 0.869 2.761 0.839 n = 200 Ff 0.903 2.903 0.774 0.848 2.537 0.647 Fp 0.921 3.164 0.789 0.863 2.636 0.654 FSf 0.903 2.986 0.779 0.847 2.534 0.652 FSp 0.921 3.168 0.796 0.863 2.638 0.657 Laplace innovations CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err n = 100 Ff 0.895 3.197 1.270 0.843 2.521 0.909 Fp 0.921 3.662 1.515 0.866 2.740 0.967 FSf 0.894 3.200 1.300 0.843 2.523 0.930 FSp 0.922 3.691 1.553 0.866 2.762 0.989 n = 200 Ff 0.905 3.028 0.955 0.851 2.395 0.747 Fp 0.921 3.285 1.029 0.864 2.514 0.776 FSf 0.904 3.026 0.972 0.850 2.392 0.757 FSp 0.921 3.294 1.041 0.864 2.520 0.783

Table 20: Heteroscedastic model 4 with g = 2h

g = 2h nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% normal innovations CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err n = 100 Ff 0.931 4.063 1.453 0.888 3.465 1.228 Fp 0.950 4.672 1.621 0.908 3.704 1.321 FSf 0.930 4.054 1.462 0.887 3.457 1.232 FSp 0.950 4.481 1.639 0.908 3.711 1.332 n = 200 Ff 0.941 4.034 1.322 0.898 3.427 1.113 Fp 0.952 4.262 1.404 0.909 3.556 1.173 FSf 0.940 4.029 1.326 0.898 3.422 1.117 FSp 0.953 4.262 1.411 0.910 3.557 1.178 Laplace innovations CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err n = 100 Ff 0.923 4.414 2.283 0.881 3.512 1.811 Fp 0.943 5.081 2.865 0.899 3.827 2.001 FSf 0.922 4.384 2.256 0.880 3.490 1.784 FSp 0.943 5.103 2.951 0.900 3.844 2.076 n = 200 Ff 0.933 4.222 1.484 0.888 3.338 1.151 Fp 0.945 4.594 1.656 0.900 3.525 1.249 FSf 0.932 4.204 1.475 0.887 3.323 1.149 FSp 0.945 4.597 1.661 0.900 3.530 1.255

Table 21: Heteroscedastic model 5 with g = 2h L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 47

heteroscedastic nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% normal innovations CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err n = 100 Ff 0.838 2.630 1.093 0.776 2.238 0.930 Fp 0.871 2.889 1.193 0.804 2.391 0.989 n = 200 Ff 0.864 2.733 1.007 0.801 2.317 0.845 Fp 0.885 2.888 1.024 0.817 2.405 0.846 Laplace innovations CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err n = 100 Ff 0.847 2.719 1.349 0.785 2.147 1.000 Fp 0.878 3.094 1.571 0.812 2.330 1.063 n = 200 Ff 0.871 2.687 1.098 0.810 2.128 0.873 Fp 0.890 2.914 1.207 0.824 2.233 0.921

Table 22: Heteroscedastic model 4 without over-smoothed bandwidth

heteroscedastic nominal coverage 95% nominal coverage 90% normal innovations CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err n = 100 Ff 0.884 3.619 1.575 0.831 3.079 1.317 Fp 0.911 3.969 1.732 0.856 3.290 1.414 n = 200 Ff 0.904 3.706 1.490 0.854 3.146 1.255 Fp 0.919 3.916 1.602 0.866 3.264 1.323 Laplace innovations CVR LEN st.err CVR LEN st.err n = 100 Ff 0.880 3.886 2.351 0.829 3.085 1.841 Fp 0.906 4.452 3.852 0.850 3.354 2.066 n = 200 Ff 0.900 3.803 1.787 0.846 3.005 1.405 Fp 0.915 4.129 1.962 0.860 3.172 1.485

Table 23: Heteroscedastic model 5 without over-smoothed bandwidth

6. Conclusions

In the paper at hand, we present a comprehensive approach for the construction of prediction intervals in AR models. The construction is based on predictive roots, studentized or not, and notions of validity were defined and discussed. In addition, the usage of predictive residuals in model-based resampling is proposed, and shown to improve coverage levels in finite samples. There is a lot of previous work in the special case of linear AR models but the literature has been lacking a unifying methodology. We survey the existing approaches and bring them under two umbrellas: Backward vs. Forward bootstrap. The Backward bootstrap has been the most well-known in the literature; we develop further the idea of the Forward bootstrap for prediction intervals, and add the necessary steps needed for it to achieve conditional validity. To date, little seems to be known concerning prediction intervals for nonlinear and/or nonpara- metric autoregressions. We show that the Forward bootstrap can be equally applied to such models with some care as regards the particulars; for example, bandwidth considerations are important in the nonparametric case. All in all, it is apparent that the Forward bootstrap with fitted or predictive residuals may serve as the unifying principle for prediction intervals across all types of AR models, linear, nonlinear or nonparametric. L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 48

Appendix A: Technical proofs.

Proof of Lemma 3.4.     1 Xn−1 ··· Xn−p Xn 1 Xn−2 ··· Xn−p−1 Xn−1 Proof. Let M =  , N =  ; . . . .   .  . . . .   .  1 Xp ··· X1 Xp+1 0 also let Mt be the matrix after deleting the row Zt = (1,Xt−1, ··· ,Xt−p) in M, and Nt be the vector after deleting Xt in N. Then

φˆ = (M 0M)−1M 0N 0 −1 0 −1 0 −1 0 = [(MtMt) ZtZt + Ip+1] (MtMt) (MtNt + ZtXt) 1 1 = [I (1 + O ( ))]−1(M 0M )−1M 0N (1 + O ( )) p+1 p n t t t t p n (t) 1 = φˆ + O ( ) p n

0 0 Here Xt = Op(1), ZtZt is a (p + 1) × (p + 1) matrix whose entries are of Op(1) while MtMt is a (p + 1) × (p + 1) matrix whose entries are the summation of n bounded in probability terms; hence, 0 0 1 0 1 (t) 0 ˆ(t) ˆ 1 ZtZt = MtMt · Op( n ). Similarly ZtXt = MtNt · Op( n ). Thus, ˆt − t = Zt(φ − φ) = Op( n ).

Proof of Lemma 5.2. Proof.

Pn−1 Xt−1−Xi i=1 K( h )Xi+1 mˆ (Xt−1) = Pn−1 Xt−1−Xi i=1 K( h ) Pn−1 Xt−1−Xi Xt−1−Xt−1 (t) i=1 K( h )Xi+1 − K( h )Xt mˆ (Xt−1) = Pn−1 Xt−1−Xi Xt−1−Xt−1 i=1 K( h ) − K( h ) Pn−1 K( Xt−1−Xi )X − K(0)X = i=1 h i+1 t Pn−1 Xt−1−Xi i=1 K( h ) − K(0)

Pn−1 Xt−1−Xi Pn−1 Xt−1−Xi let an = i=1 K( h )Xi+1, δa = K(0)Xt; bn = i=1 K( h ), δb = K(0). then

(t) an − δa mˆ (Xt−1) = bn − δb a 1 − δ /a = n ( a n ) bn 1 − δb/bn an 2 2 = (1 − δa/an)(1 + δb/bn + (δb/bn) + o(δb/bn) ) bn an = + Op(1/n) bn =m ˆ (Xt−1) + Op(1/n)

(t) (t) It follows that ˆt − ˆt = Xt − mˆ (Xt−1) − (Xt − mˆ (Xt−1)) = Op(1/n) L. Pan and D. Politis/Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions 49

Proof of Lemma 5.5. (t) Proof. We can prove in a similar way as in Lemma 5.2 thatm ˆ (x) − mˆ (x) = Op(1/n) andσ ˆ(x) − (t) σˆ (x) = Op(1/n). Then,

X − mˆ (X ) X − mˆ (t)(X ) ˆ − ˆ(t) = t t−1 − t t−1 t t (t) σˆ(Xt−1) σˆ (Xt−1) (t) Xt − mˆ (Xt−1) − (Xt − mˆ (Xt−1)) = (1 + Op(1/n)) σˆ(Xt−1)

= Op(1/n)(1 + Op(1/n)) = Op(1/n).


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