Gem Pegmatites of Minas Gerais, Brazil: the Tourmalines of The

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Gem Pegmatites of Minas Gerais, Brazil: the Tourmalines of The GEM PEGmTITES OF MINAS GEMS, BRAZIL: THE TOURWLINES OF THE GOVERNmOR VALADARES DISTRICT By Keith Proctor Theprevious article in this series focused on lthough hundreds of mines in the broad region north! tourmaline prod~~ctionaround the city of A east! and southeast of Governador Valadares have Araquai, in northeastern Minas Gerais, and produced tourmaline, four major deposits account for most discussed 20 important mines in that area. of the production in this area: Cruzeirol Golcondal Santa The present article turns to the major Rosa! and Jonas. Not only have these mines been the tourmaline mines in so~~~heasternMinas Gerais, in the broad area surrounding the source of millions of carats of fine blue! green! redl and gemstone capital, Governador Valadares. multicolored tourmalinel but the very human stories that Specifically, the Cruzeiro, Golconda, Santa surround their major discoveries have achieved the status Rosa, and Ionas mines-all of which count of legends in only a few short years. A single poclzet in the among the most famous tourmaline mines Jonas mine! for example! found after months of baclz- in the world-are described. breaking worlz by a few determined miners-and only days before mining was to cease for laclz of funds-yielded hun- dreds of lzilograms of fine gem- and specimen-quality "cranberry1'-red tourmaline; a second poclzet yielded only one superb crystal (figure 1). This third article in a series on the gem pegmatites of ABOUT THE AUTHOR Minas Gerais (see Proctorl 1984, for part 1-on the overall Mr. Proctor is president ot Keith Proctor Fine Gems, history! geologyl and mining of the region as well as the a wholesale gem import firm, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. major aquamarine depositsj and Proctorl 1985! for part Acknowledgments: The author thanks the following 2-on the tourmaline deposits of the Araquai districts) people for their assistance: L. Nercessian, J. Lowell, describes these four major pegmatite areas of the A. Lucio, Dr. C. Barbosa, J. Sauer, H. Slern, Governador Valadares region and the great variety of fine Dr. H. Bank, E. Swoboda, P. Bancroft, A. Sabbagh, K, Elawar, and 0.J, de Moura. Thanks also go to gem tourmalines found there. The history of these mines Harold and Erica Van Pelt tor their many and the major finds associated with each are discussedl as photographs, to Wendell Wilson tor art work, and are the occurrence of the gem material! the gem deposits L, Mottett tor typing, and to Drs. P. Bariand, R. Gaines, P. Keller, P. Moore, R. Nash, F. Pough, themselvesl and past and potential production. Other J. Shigley, and J. Sinkankas for reviewing and mines in this area are also identified; the reader is referred critiquing the original manuscript. Special to the map in figure 2 for the localities of the most notable appreciation goes to Mauna Proctor for her help in translating, typing, and editing, and tor her constant deposits. support, The many miners and mine owners who were so instrumentalin providing information torthis CRUZEIRO series are acknowledged at the end of this article, The Cruzeiro pegmatite deposit is one of the largest and Un/ess otherwise noted in the figure legends, the most consistent producers of tourmaline in the world. It is location photos are by the author. Also, the mineral specimens and cut stones shown in figures 1,3, 7, particularly noted for the fine green tourmalines found 8, 77, and 13 are the property of the author. there (figure3). The mining region is reached via BR-116, a 0 7 985 Gemological Institute of America paved road that connects Governador Valadares with 86 Gem Pegmatites of Minas Gerais GEMS & GEMOLOGY Summcr 1985 Figure 1. The Rose of Itatiaia, a35 x 12-cmrubellite crystal with cleavelondite, wos the only specimen taken from the second pocket of the legendary Ionas mine, one of the principal deposits of the Governador Valodares district. Photo 0 Harold d Erica Van Pelt. Tedfilo Otoni to the north (again) see figure 2). covered by Paes Leme during his 1674 expedition After proceeding 43 km (27 mi.) north from (ProctorJ1984). In 1914) deposits of green and blue Governador Valadares) turn at the village of Frei tourmalines were rediscovered and primitive min- Inoci?ncio onto a dirt road that leads northwest for ing was begun; a few magnificent crystals were 53 lzm to the village of Siio Jose! da Safira. From produced and cut as gemstones (Banlz) 1979; Luciol there, a narrow) steep, barely passable road takes 1980). However) full-scale commercial mining at you up the mountain for 12 km to the main mine Cruzeiro began not with tourmaline but with offices. The pegmatites are on the east slope near mica. the top of a long north-south-trending range Because of their richness in electronic-grade called the Serra Safira (after the "sapphire1' blue mica) pegmatites in this region were mined as tourmalines that were found here by early ex- early as World War 1) with the first formal mining plorers). The range divides the watersheds of the concession granted in 1916. In 1933! the German Rio Sauqui Grande and its tributary the Rio export firm of Werner) Frank & Cia. hired Diler- Urupuca (Cassedanne and Sauer) 1980). mando Rodrigues de Me10 to secure mica proper- ties and commence mining in the district around History. The mountains in the Serra Safira range Figueira do Rio Docel a small (approximately lJOOO are undoubtedly the "Emerald Mountains" dis- inhabitants) village that grew into the present city Gem Pegmatites of Minas Gerais GEMS & GEMOLOGY Summer 1985 GEM PEGMATITE MINES OF MINAS GERAIS mA Are Machado QBC Barra do Cuietb Was Cascalho OCa Coqueiro Cruzeiro-Aricanga W Faria a Golconda I, 11, Ill ah Jacob WIFLM Jonas-Joio Pinto- ltatiaia-Farra-Lajgo- Matias UF Lavra Faria ~4 UP Linopolis-Pammarole RIOHighway€Iah /-a SCALE #MC Marcello-Chia OPLDFR Pedra Alta-Laranjeiras- 21 miles 34 km Divino-Ferruginha- Retiro Wo Poquinho Fjgure 2. The Governador Valadares pegmatite area of Minas Gerais, a Ribeiro das Folhas Brazil, has been a major producer of fine tourmaline for several Santa Rosa ff TOCOde Cigarro decades. Beryl, kunzite, and topaz have also been found in this Urucum district. The major mines are identified. See the first article in this *I& Urupuca series (Proctor, 1984) for a map ofall the ma jorgem pegmatite mines of W Veadinho northeastern Minas Gerais. Artwork by Lisa /olzo. of Governador Valadares. During World War 111 Cruzeiro pegmatites and over 200 other potential control of Cruzeiro passed to Rodrigues de Melo) gem mines in this area are provided by Gonsalves and the government of Brazil invited technical ex- (1949)and Pecora et al. (1950a).Even today, when perts from the United States to help increase pro- the Cruzeiro deposits are more famous for their duction of this extremely valuable wartime min- gemstones than their mical it is the mica that pays eral commodity. During the warl when the mica for the entire mining costs and for the most part was at peak production, 600-800 garimpeiros supports the inhabitants of the small village of worlzed more than 40 locations in the pegmatites Cruzeiro, which lies just above the main minel (Sauer) 1975). Ultimatelyl the Cruzeiro region high on a ridge of the Serra Safira (figure 4). Ironi- provided 12% of Brazil's entire wartime produc- callyl while the Americans were exploiting the tion of mica [Ottoni and Noronhat 1942; Barbosal mica during the 1940s) the German gem dealers 1944; Murdock and Hunterl 1944).Details on the came down from Tedfilo Otoni and purchased tons 88 Gem Pegmatites of Minas Gerais GEMS & GEMOLOGY and tons of gem tourmaline crystals that were pro- duced incidentally (L. Nercessian! pers. comm.! 1984). Although mining at Cruzeiro decreased sharp- ly after the war! the "redi~covery~~of large! fine tourmaline crystals in the 1950s led to renewed mining activity and signaled the beginning of the "modern1! period of Cruzeiro's development. At present! the major portion of the Cruzeiro property is owned by Josd Neves! but one end of the 1300-m-long pegmatite area! located on the brow of the mountain ridge! is owned and aggressively mined by the Aricanga Company. Occurrence. The Cruzeiro "mine1' actually con- sists of several individual mines that exploit three more or less parallell largely unweathered granitic pegmatite bodies that are simply called the No. lf 2! and 3 bodies. All three bodies have been mined for gemstones! although No. 1 has been the most productive. These three vein-like pegmatite bodies strike approximately N20ÂWl and dip steeply SW. Fig~1re3.This ring (11.83 cL) and pendant (16.5 ct), Along with(ievera1minor side veins! they intrude a together with the 12.5-c~n(5-in.) crystal ulso layer! sevedal hundred meters thick! of quartzite (a shown here, represent some of the fine gree11 rarity in this region) and mica schist. In places the to~zrmalinefound at the Cruzeiro mine. Tewelry veins are ohly a few meters thick! but elsewhere created by Bud Stafford, Stafford-KayTewelers, they widen to as much as 55 m (180 ft.]. The Colorado Springs, CO. Figure 4. The entire villf~geof Cr~lzeiro(no~e the cross in the foreground, from which the village and mine get thei~11ame) is picturd here, isolated along this ridge of lhe Serrf~Safira. Photo by Peter Keller. Cruzeiro pegmatites are classic examples of inter- nally zoned complex pegmatite bodies. The zoning is similar to that shown diagrammatically by Shig- ley and Kampf (1984)pp. 70 and 71; see also Cas- sedanne and Sauer) 19801: a m~~scovite~quartz! and feldspar wall zone) with a quartz-microcline-albite intermediate zone.
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    MINISTÉRIO DA AGRICULTURA, PECUÁRIA E ABASTECIMENTO SECRETARIA DE POLÍTICA AGRÍCOLA PORTARIA Nº 26, DE 05 DE FEVEREIRO DE 2020. O SECRETÁRIO DE POLÍTICA AGRÍCOLA, no uso de suas atribuições e competências estabelecidas pelo Decreto nº 9.667, de 02 de janeiro de 2019, e observado, no que couber, o contido nas Instruções Normativas nº 2, de 9 de outubro de 2008, publicada no Diário Oficial da União de 13 de outubro de 2008, da Secretaria de Política Agrícola, e nº 16, de 9 de abril de 2018, publicada no Diário Oficial da União de 12 de abril de 2018, do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento, resolve: Art. 1º. Revogar a Portaria nº 4 de 19 de março de 2013, publicada no Diário Oficial da União de 21 de março de 2013. Art. 2º. Aprovar o Zoneamento Agrícola de Risco Climático para a cultura da mandioca no Estado de Minas Gerais conforme anexo. Art. 3º. Esta Portaria entra em vigor na data de sua publicação. EDUARDO SAMPAIO MARQUES ANEXO 1. NOTA TÉCNICA A mandioca - Manihot esculenta Crantz é uma planta perene e tropical que pertence à família botânica das Euforbiáceas, cultivada nas mais variadas condições edafoclimáticas, entre as latitudes de 30°N e 30°S, em altitudes que variam do nível do mar a mais de 2.000m. No Brasil, sua importância vem sendo registrada desde o início do período colonial, sendo uma atividade agrícola das mais antigas e tradicionais. As variedades cultivadas de mandioca são divididas em função da concentração de compostos cianogênicos em seus tecidos, a mandioca mansa ou doce (aipim ou macaxeira) apresenta baixo teor desse composto e a mandioca brava ou amarga, possui elevado teor do composto, por isso é destinada para indústria e processamento.
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