Volume Ix. Washington City, Dc, Septembee
THE CAPITAL» VOLUME IX. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C., SEPTEMBEE, 21, 1879. NTJMBEH 30. rebuilt, enlarged and male elegant and presentable. a vote, and the diablerie of his originality blends with THE GRANT BOOM. A strong detachment of polfoe, under command o THE CAPITAL, On which the Star folks are to be congratulated ; bit the honest dash of a genuineness of a good-hearted- Chief Ktrkpatrlok, Grand Marshal Major General PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY W. L. Eliot-, with a brilliant retinue of aids, volunteer why don't the owners " go better" on that little enter- ness to win men to him. He Is a good fellow Is Ben. ULYS. IN RAH FRANCISCO — PARTICU- officers, soldiers and sailors of the warof the rebellion, THE CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, prise—build a model newspaper establishment, in and a philanthropist, If It were only for the reason that LARS OF IIIS RECEPTION. inoludlng ex-Confederate sold'ers and sailors, second 937 » street, Washington, ». C. architectural exterior finish Imposing, a thing of his style of beauty will never break up a family, and SAN FRANCISCO, September 20—3:25 p. m.—The brigade of the national guard, Oakland light cavalry m steamer City ot Toklo Is telegraphed as thirty miles an escort, carriage containing General Grant and beauty,which we may point out to strangers as a mon- his photograph is Invaluable to parents to scare their Mayor Bryant, followed by veterans of the Mexican DONN PIATT, . ¿1 . .. EDITOR. outside ot the Heads. ument of successful American journalism? To an children with. At the moment of the alarm giving notioe of the war as a guard ot honor, board of supervisors and outsider It would seem that a concern which pays a approach of the Cfty of Tokio was struck, the exeo executive committee, veterans of the warof 1812, regu- TERMS : Per year, (Including postage,) $2.50 ; sir THE mysterious disappearance of James Redpath, utive committee havlnir charge of the demonstration lar troops of the United States army, his excel- months, $1.50 ; three months, 75 oents—In advance.
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