HAR,-HAW COURT DIRECTORY, 1915 . HAR,-.HAW 2151 • Hart Asher, 153 Sutherland avenue W H artopp Edward Liddell, 30 Essex st. StrandWC Ha.selgrove Harry Oliff, LL.B. 47 Paternoster row Havell Ernest Binfield, 7 St. Edmund's terrace, Hart Ashley, 171 Sutherland avenue W Hartopp Grorge F. 5 Grosvenor gardens SW E C ; & The Oroft, Chingford green Regent's park NW Hart Bernard, M.D. 29B, Wimpola street W H artopp Miss, 4 St. Leonard's terrace SW Ha.skell Jack Silas, 45 Queen's gate SW Havelock-Allan Sir Henry Spencer Moreton Hart Cyril Ernest, 3 Cleveland row,St.James'SW Hartopp Mrs. 31 Tedworth sqnan>~ Chelsea. SW Hasket'&-Smith Waltr.Pa.rry,34 Rnssell rd. Kens W bart. M.P. Brooks's club SW; & Blackwell Hart David, 101 Greencroft gdns.Hampstead NW H artopp William Eva.ns, 71 Belgmve road SW Haskins Miss, 35 Douglas road, Canonbnry N grange, Darlington Hart Edwa.rd, 6 Sinclair gardens, West Kens W ffa rtree Cyril, 18 Old square, Lincoln's inn WC Haskins Samuel, 10 Abenlare gnln~. Kilburn NW Havelock-AllanLadyAlice,SHertfordst.MayfairW Hart Edward Grorge, 12 .Mazenod a.v.KilburnNW HartridgeC.E.A.5Cadogan ct.gdns.D'Oyley stS W Ha.skoll Frank, 7 Oxford ~;treet W Havemeyer Miss, 11 Draycott avenue, Chelsea SW Hart Edwin, 33 Bedford row WC Hartridge Gusta.vus, 12 Wimpole street W Haslam Rev. Reginald Kingdon, B.A. 80 Barlow Haverfield Mrs. 50 St. Mark's road W Hart Emanuel., 2 Parkholme road, Dalsto.11. NE Hartridge Henry Hill, 19 Palace et. Ba.yswater ~ litreet, Wa.lworth SE Havergal Ethelbert, 27 Pembroke road, Kens W Hart Frank, 5A, Onslow studios, 183 King's road I Hartsilver Isidore, 81 Sotheby rd. Highbnry pk N Haslam Arthur, 11 Great Turnstile WC; & Ivy- Havers Kenneth, F.R.G.B. 21 Bloomsbury sq WC Chelsea SW Hartwell William Henry, 112 Calabria road N dene, Mayfield road, Sanderstead Haversham Lord, P.c. 9 Grosvenor square W; - Hart Frank Oliver, 33 Bedford row WC Harty Hamilton, 10 Grove end road NW Haslam Lewis,.M.P.8Wilton crescentSW; National Travellers' ,Brooks's,Na.tional Liberal & Devon- Hart George David, 184 Goldhurst clrrace NW H artzhorne Bernard Fredk.39 Loudoun road NW Liberal, Reform & Royal Automobile clubs SW shire clubs SW; South .Hill park, Bracknell, HArt Harry, 2HJ Elgin avenue W Harverson Mrs. 13 Vale court, Maida vale W & Bath club W BerkB; Linslade manor, Leighton Buzzard; &. Hart Heber Leonidas, K.O., LL.D. Goldsmith Harvest George, 12 Hampstead hill gardens NW Haslam Mrs. 1 Portland place W Trevena, Tintagel, Cornwall buildmg. Temple E C ; & 11 Putney hill SW Harvest Miss, 57 Fitzjohn's avenue NW Haslam Robert Heywood, li Portland conrt, Havila.nd Frederick Hy. 17 Ridgmount gdns WC. Hart Henry, 14 North gate, Regent's park NW Harvey Sir Henry Paul, K.C.M.G., C.H. 25 Queen's Great Portland street W Haviland Miss,26 Busby place,Kentish town NW Hart Hy.Benjamm,3Clevela.nd row ,St.James' SW ga te SW Haslam Thoma.s Rothwell,24 Chester terrace NW Haviland Mrs. Jane, 17 Ridgmount- gardens WG l!art Henry D' Arcy, 18 Pembridge gardens W Harvey Commander Edward, 9 Richmond ma.n- Haslegrave Miss, 2 Garden studios,Manresa.rdSW Haviland Reginald Henry, 10 Hanover square W Hart Isa.ac John, LL.B. 33 Old Broad street E C 810 ns, Richmond road SW Haslett Sidney, 7 Philpot lane E C; & Rose cot- Haviland Robert Ch~~.rles, 19 Langham stretlt W Hart James Dennis, 26 Maresfield gardens NW Harvey Capt.John, 14. Devonshire ter.Bayswtr W ta.ge, Mickleham, Surrey Ha. ward Ohas.Arth. 4Gatcomberd.Up.Hollowy N Hart James Robert Bell, 1 Brick et. Temple E C Harv ey Capt. John Audley, 55 Elsworthy rd NW Haslewood Capt. Lovell, R.N. 11 Lanark man- Haward Waiter, M.B.55Priory road,Kilbnrn NW Hart John, 8 Bullingham m11.ns. Pitt st. Kens W Harvey Rev .James Bernard, 40 & 41 Brook gn W sion<;, Maida vale W Hawarden Visconntess,18 Chelsea court, Chelsea Hart John, 131 Ciarence gate gardens, Glent. Harvey Rev. Joseph Henry, B.A. St. Andrew's HaslewoooHerbertB.2Halseyho.RedLionsqWC embankment SW • worth street NW Vl carage, Cheshire street, Bethnal green E Haslewood Herbert Dering, 139 Temple chambers, Ha.weis Miss,13 West Crom well road SW Hart John, llO Sutherland avenue W Harvey Albert Edward, 40 Highbury grove N Temple avenue E C Hawen Frank., 60 Pemberton gdns. Up. Hollwy N Hart Joseph Herbert, 10 M:Mlborough place NW Harvey Alex.Berkeley ho. Hay hill,Berkeley sq W Haslewood Miss, 28 Dalmeny aven. Tufnell pk N Hawes Alexander Travers, J.P. ll7 Cannon strret Hart Joseph lL 58 Eton avenue, Hampstead NW Harvey Alex.Gordon Cummins, M.P. Reform club Haslip George Ernest,:M.D. 23 St. James' sq SW E C; & Nizels, Chislehurst, Kent Hart Lacon, 73 St. James' 11treet SW s W ; & Town ho.Littleborough, nr .Manchester Ha.slip J oseph Montague, B.A. 6 Martin's lane E C; Hawes Alfred, 12 Mandeville place W Hart Laurence, 63 Clifton hill NW Harvey Arth.Ths.Vinter,6Mountaguepl.PoplarE & Willow grange, Popes avenue, Twickenham Hawes Charles Edwa.rd, 108A, Cannon street E C; Hart Maurice, l4 Arkwright mansions, 204 Ha.rv ey Ba.rnett Albert, 53Argyll rd.Kensngtn W Haslop Jn.Andrews,26 Mercers rd.Up.HollowayN & Meadowbank, Berrylands road, Snrbiton Finchley road NW Harvey Charles Edward, 45 Fenchurch st E C Hasluck Herbt. 2 Campden mans. The Mali,KensW Hawes Edward, .M.A.7 Great Winchester streetE C Hart Maurice John, lE, Oxford & Cambridge Harvey Charles Henry, 86 Highbury New park N Hasluck Mrs. 25 Blomfield court, Maida. vale W Hawes Fdk.B.0.18&21 Park mans..S.Lmbth rdSW mansions, Marylebone road NW Harvey Charles Malcolm .Barclay-, 19 Charles Hasluck Mrs. 7 Lanark mansions, Maida vale W Hawes Frederick William,101i Eighlever road W Hart Miss C. L. 8 Hereford mans. Hereford rd W street, Berkeley square W Hasluck Rowland,22 Dray ton ct.Drayton gdnsSW Hawes Mrs. Royal Hospital, Chelsea. SW Hart .Misses, 28 Oumberland mansions, Upper HarveyDa vidS.M.B.51Nethrhll. gdns.Hmpstd NW Hasluck Samuel Sheppard, 74 St. Helen's gdns W Hawes Mrs.l4A, Winchester rd. S.Ho.mpstea.dN W George street W Harvey Edwd. ll Crossfield rd. Belsize park NW Hal;sall Alfred, 68 Gibson square, Islington N Hawes Robert Henry, R.N. 13 Sussex gardens W Hart Morris Aaron, 78 Elgin crescent W Harvey Edward Dalton, ll4 Finchley road NW Hassall John, 88 Kensington park road W Hawes Robert Porson, M.A. 7 Great Winchester Hart Mrs. 70 Bedford court mans. Bedford a.vWC Harvey Edward Key, 88 Ooleherne court SW Hassan Isach, ll Warrington crescent W st EC; & Southridge, Sutton, Surrey Hart Mrs. 62 Oa.rlton hill NW HarveyErnst.Maes,25Daleham gdns.HampstdNW Ha.ssan Maurice, 24l'riory court, Mazenod av NW Hawes Thoma.s William, 294 Camden road N Hart Mrs. 41 Clifton hill NW Harvey Ernest Musgrave,21l Oranley gardens SW Hassard Miss, 5A, Wetherbymo.ns. Earl'sct.sq SW Hawes William Alfred, 54 to 60 Strand WC Hart Mrs. 26 Norfolk road, St. John's wood NW Harvey .l<'orrester, 6 Pump court, Temple E C Hasslacber Charles, 3 Kensington park ga.rdns W Hawes Willio.m Alien, 26 Blenheim road NW Hart Mrs. 11 Oakwood court, Kensington W Harvey .Frederick George, 127LaudPxda.le mansW Hast Mrs. 25 Palace mansions,Hammersmith rdW Hawke Lord, Oa.rlton clubSW; Yorkshire (York) Hart Mrs. 14 Portland court, Gt. Portland st W Harvey Geo. 54 Kensington mans. Trebovir rdSW Hastie Arthur Hepburn, 65 Lincoln's inn fields elub; & Wighill park, Tadcaster Hart Mrs. 73 l'ortsdown road W Harvey George Alexander, 3 Sloane gardens SW WC; & Starborough, Eden bridge, Kent Hawke Frederick, 2 Frognal gdns.Hampstead NW Hart Mrs. 15 Winchester road, Hampstead NW Harvey George J ames, 18 Highbury grove N Hastie John, 132 Lanca.ster road W Hawke John Anthony ,K.C. 1 Paper bldgE. Temple Hart Mrs. lL .Melbourne, 11 Campden hill gdnsW Harvey Goorge Leonard, 38A, Trebovir road SW Hastie-RobertsonOeci1Hepburn,39ArnndelgdnsW E C; & Hazelwood, Church rd.Shortlands,Kent Hart Norman, 77 St. Mary's mans. Paddingtn W Harvey Henry, 67 Boundat·y road NW Hastings Lord, Ca.rlton club SW; Bachelors' & Hawke John Granville, 211 Martin's lane, Cannon Hart Norman l'erciva.L, 6 .Langham mansions, Harvey Htlnry, 54 to 60Stmnd WC Turf clubs W; Melton Oonsta.ble, Norfolk; & street E C ; &Ra.vensfield,Northumberland road. Earl's court square SW Harvey Hy. William, 22 Ba.albec rd. Highbury N Seaton Delaval, Newcastle-on-Tyne New Barnet Hart Robert Pulsford, 43 Fitzjames avenue, West Harvey James Fredcrick, 41 Hugh st.Pimlico SW Hastings Sir George, M.D. 36 .Bruton street W Hawke Mrs. 41 Ca.nfield gardens, Hampstead NW Kensington W Harvey John, 5 De V ere gardens, Kensington W ; Hastings Dowager Lady ,2Clarendon pl.Hyde pkW Haw ken Wm.Phillipps, 12Chichester st.Pimlico SW Hart Samuel Hopgood, 138 Leadenhall street E C • & Carnousie, Tnrriif, N.B Hastings Maj.-Gen.Edwd.S.C.B.32 Shaftsbry.avW Hawker Rev. Gilorge, 61 Mercersrd.Up.HollowyN & l£denhurst, .Birdhurst road, South Croydon Harvey John Martin, 30 Avenue road NW Hasting~~ Arthur, 15 Eton villas, Provost rd NW Hawker George Lomine, 55 Egerton gardens SW Hart Vivian,7 Arkwrightmans.206Finchly.rdNW Harvey John Owen,M.D. 33 Campden houserd W HastingsEdwin Birchall,M.D.415 Mile end road E Hawker Mrs. 68 Bedford et. mans. Bedford avWC Hart Waiter Gray, LL.D. li New square,Lincoln's Harvey JohnS.S . .M.D.
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