(Q,.~"-"­ 'If('r;(' y J); (te~ "IF o.. The Northerner IP}' vq('(/(' NORTHERN KENTVCKY STATE COLLEGE JANVARY 24, 1975 VOICE OF THE COLLEGE COMMVNITY HIGHLAND HEIGHTS, KENTVCKY VOLVME 3 NVMBER 16 NKSC Religion Courses Examined 8 T 0 h10' 5 k 1' A • d J 0 • • the 81ble, both courses bcmg new to y eny usc m ertcans untt •e n ppostlton No•thernth>S se me""- Northern's two new relig1on courses, " lt is a disservice to the students," Mrs. "All of us at the meeting aareed that a Religion In Life. and Historical Survey Of stipulation of the first amendment," Yelton feels. " We requested that the public •nstitut1on should not be The Bible, have come under the scrutiny Cogdell contends, citmg such supports as school drop both courses and substitute indoctrinating students mto a part•cular of Americans Un1ted for the Separation the famous McCollum supreme court case somelhrng other than reh&ion." religion ," d1scloxd Richards. "What we of Church and State, a 28-year old and Engel v, V1ta le ( 1962). However, the are doing ts studyma about particular Amenca ns United contends that it ism national o rganization based 1n S1lver mm1ster admits that religion courses •n rehg1ons." no way an antl·reha•on sect. Spnng, Md . state schools do ex1st. " We are church-state scparat•omsts," Not .10 m the Reha•on In L1fe count, Representahves of the group met w1th Dr . Jerald R1 chards, under whose says Mr. Cosdell " Rehg1o n ts too sacred Northern o fficials for two hours gUidance as NKSC associate professor of counters Mrs. Yelton. To begm w1th, she objects, the course tS taught by campus to be taught m sc hools. Wednesday, urgmg the college to drop Philosophy the two courses are included, mmtsters, Fr. Ray llolt7. B1ll Koontz and " Mo st people do not see the both courses. Rehg1on In Life and its names the Umvers1ty of Kentucky, Ralph llopktns. •mphcat1ons of th1s," he contmued. " It's textbook. " The Fa1th of the Chnst1an Eastern Ke ntucky, Loutsvtlle, and "Why aren't the other rehgK.ms an the not alone the practice takmg place nght Church," they charged were parttc ularly Western Kentucky among the many area who c:an not afford a student union now but the long range effects. Once you queStionable. throughout the country wh1ch ofrer arant permiSSible teaching of rcl~g10n o n campus mvtted to participate?" she courses m rchg1on. anythmg ca n happen , you've opened "Of course we object in pnnc1ple to the demanded. "And only Mr. Hopkms IS "Not only docs Western offer an Pandora's Box. You make 1t poss1ble for teachmg of any rehg1on m a stale qualified to teach on the umvers•ty undergraduate major m religious studies, the establishment of a state re1Jg10n . mstitutton," stressed Gaston CogdeU, but they also offer a masters in level." m1mst er of the Clifton Church of Christ. The three clergymen are not paid, "Whoever has charge of the religious humanities with a concentration in instruction mechamsm can propagandize Mr. Cogdell was accompanied to re ligious stud1es," revealed Ric hards, a eliminating the use of state fu nds to some Northern by Mrs. Gayle Van Deren and extent. However, Americans United view his particular religious VIewpoint." member of the Western facu lty his seven The Northern representatives assured Mrs. Dorothy Yelton, president and vice years previo us to joining Northern in non-salaried faculty members as a "very president , re s pectively, of the questionable" practice. "Teachers should the oraanizahon of the creditability of 1972. the campus ministers. "Don't you trust organi1at1on's local chapter. Mrs. Van be paid," they figure . Deren ts also president of the state " I asked Mr. Cogdell to make a Mrs. Yelton calls Religion In Life " a them?" they wondered. "I trust them to te.ch what is right and chapter, and Mr. Cogdell, a Cincmnatian, distinction between the teaching of very lim1ted view of the Christian is the former Director of Organtzat1on for religion and teach1ng about religion," church," and uses such adjectives as what they thmk IS nght IS not my rehg1on Americans Uniled . disclosed Richards, who was present at "slanted and doctrmal" to describe the nrcessanly ," Cogdell responded. "Our objective is to register a protest the meetmg along with a Northern text, written by Gustof Aulen, a The group's VISit IS expected to have and to inform the authorities that a congregation headed by Dr. Ralph Lutheran bishop and native of Sweden. only 1mmmal eHecl. " From my own p01nt o f v1ew, courses segment of the populatton does not agree Tesseneer, vice president on academic " It contains many false statements and m religion have a legit•mate place in the wtth what is taking place," explamed Mr. affairs. is very offensive, particularly, I would curnculum of a college." Richards Cogdell, who discounted any posstble The rem hes the question of what say, to the Catholic faith ," she reacted. court actton. determine5 a so-called "comparative Some 80 students are enrolled in maintains. "And I thmk that Dr. Tesseneer, Dr. Steely and Dr. Pnce share Teachmg rehgjon in a school supported religion" course and what constitutes a Reliaion In Life wit h approximately by the tax dollar is "against the very course in rehgton. 1nother 30 lludylna Historical Survey of that VIeW . "But we Will be more aware of their feeling s and take that 1nto 'Peeping' Scales cons•dcrat1on," he added. R esigns Public Student Gov't Seeking Input SG •s scekiR& st udent mput, and to Safety Position assist m the matter, 11 was dec1ded that By Jo hn A. hsper two suggest 1on boxes be constructed and placed m Nunn •tall. The money for thl'l project was approprtated at Mo nday's SG R o~tr Scales, the campus officer uught spy101 o n the fhghland Heights P.>st Orfice, has rest&J'Ied h1 s pos111on as meeting. AS!.istant D1rector of Public Safety. The boxes will be avatlable to allow In a telephone mterview Wllh the Northerner, Scales opt:uly students to make aeneral comments and ad nutted to " watchmg" the Post Office 10 hopes of 1dentifymg suuest•ons and ask quest1ons of thelf the author of an ano nymous letter critical of the elected representatives. They w11l also adnuntstra!lon. ' serve 1 he nc w Student Problems "I d•d 11 for a little ex cit me nt," Scales said when asked to oomm•ttce. explam the reason for his snoopin&. "There were no orders S1x students were approved at from the administration or anyone else. I just did tt o ut of "I g

0583.tif JANUARY 24, 1975 PAGE 2, THE NORTHERNER The Scales Episode: Was There A lesson?

K1t)!~'t s~.. .. Jcs. 4 W!lilnl dm!dor of lhl' Dcp.utnu:nt nf l'ubla: Safrty, ha~ re 1gncd It 1 our auumptton that Scales could have remained at th1ll colleae for u lona u h•~ I'"'' .uu.l 1\ no Jon~cr w1th the ~ollcttc Uut we nutC' w1th a 'light sm1le the rea on he wanted whether he wu madcquate or not A Iitle and pay for thai lttle are not h1r \lr St.:dlcs' rcs1~nat•on created 1f the tndlvtdual IS destmed to leave. "fh1s wu true hefore he mvolved

h1m~lf '" an extracumcular actiVIty Scales da1med an overndtnK care for the h~..·ord1ng to IWS d1rcdor !ley wood Ward , Sulc.i ldt NKSC' voluntanly becau~ mst1tullon u the reason for watc.;hma the IIIJhland lle•&htll Post Office and that he lll "IJd, OllflllllCdl.tle SUI"t-'1"\'ISOry CI(JleriCm:c" had not done 11 on orders

WC' must remember that Sr..alf wu I(Ood cnoutth to run the public safety That latter part always struc.;k Ull as bema a little stranae. Why would anyone nsk dt•pJrtmcnt for at least the lo~st three year, and was moved to the assistant's h1s pos•hon and the reputation of the beloved mstltulton unlells there were orders I'O\IIIOn aflcr the h~r~ng of Wanl If Scales wa madequutc for the job. why was he to do so1 At any rate, once caught, we did not expect to see Scales much longer. rctatnt•tl at the college·' 1 he ol fit.: Ia I reason for Ius lcavmg appears madcquate. It has Indeed we were surpnsed he lasted through the C'hristmall holidays.

Jlways hccn our expcncm.:c that llCI"SOm tnlapablc of pcrfonmng thear dut1es are Scales now admits to wantmg a "ltttlc excitement" (as Scales told The fm:d Yet an unsahsfactory Scales, a, we are now told, was kept on the NKSC Northerner) '" hiS JOb, which may be mdicat1ve of the department he left. Let's payroll for the last four months face 11, th1s campus isn't like the Dick Tracy comic stnp where cnme abounds. It must be a bonngjob, but that does not excuse: the spyms inctdent nor the fact that there has never been an admtsston of wrong domg.

But we assume the officials are resttns easy w1th Scales' departure. The bad PR Northern Note hook thorn •s out of the1r side and we no longer look over our shoulders to see who is spyma on us. I veryonc knows we have an energy 0 niSI), hut for some unknown reason the e~.:o nonusts of the country have refused If Mote lhls was seen m front ot to tell the Amcncan people why We feel Regents II:JII the other day bowmg 111 11 •.., our uv1~.: and Journahshc duty to do revercm:e to the northeast, thmk nothmg of 11 It wa 8.1 years ago this week that a '" I he reason there IS an energy cns•s IS guy named N81smtth na1lcd a peach because of the h1gh pnce of foot! basket to the gym wall m Spnngftcld, You 'iCC people used to go to the Mass grocery and spend thetr food budget on f1vc or "'I'< bags of food But then the Just thmk. 1f Dr Naism1th hadn't seen pnces of foodstuffs mcrcascd and the the need for a winter tune 1ndoor sport, budget would only buy about two bags Wilt would have never become The St1lt, I hts means there arc fewer of these Karccn Abdul-Jabbar would Still be Lew large brown paper grocery bags '" the Alcmdor. Bill Ru ssell would never have hands of the public. Now. what arc those gotten to make telephone calls on TV; brown paper bags used for after the and 8•11 Walton wouldn't have gotten to grocent.') are taken out? Garbage mah a fool of hunsclf. Stnce there • arc fl·wer brown paper grot:ery/garbagcs m c•rculatton the public 0 was forced to usc plastic garbage bags Plast1c, of course, IS a petroleum product Therefore 1f we reduce the price of Duddy Rtch has never been known for food, there w•ll be more brown paper hiS dtplomacy, but the longtime jazz bags m the hands of the pubhc and less dmmmer reached new heights (or lows p\ast1c bags bemg used and the encrsy dcpl!ndmg on your pomt of v1ew) this ens1s Will be resolved week R1ch took some verbal potshots at country music calhns 11 "ternble" - as Alumm 01redor Darlene Marlin. P R. well as blaliting the South m general. It D1rector Sharrianne Standley and Roger really 1sn't what Rich said that is amazing Me ad e. 0 •rector of Research and 1t's where he sa1d 1t. Nashville, Tenn. lnst•tut•onal Studies, arc attendmg a We assume he made 1t out of town before convention in Biloxi, Mio:.s. thiS week. the tar started to bubble. IOC Fights They will probably have a lot of stones to tell when they return next week . maybe -0- Editorials represent the opinions of the even soml! about what went on at the For Life editors and not necessarily those of the <.:onvent1on collqe. Beta Ph1 Delta is sponsorin; a free The lnter-Organllatlonal Council hcanng test for all students, faculty and ( IOC) ts try1ng to pull Itself together after staff. m cooperation w1th the Northern a s1x-month dechne m activ•t•es. 'tht> Norlht'rnt>r apprt>claus lt>llt'fl It ts good to see one sm1hng face back Kentucky Easter Center next The purpose of the IOC IS to to the t>duor. We ask that lellt'fl be on the job on the fifth noor of Nunn Thursday and Friday, January 30 and 3 1 co-ordmate the actiVIties of all campus signt'd and of reasonablt> lt>ngth. Wt> Hall Sue Bruns, Student Affa1rs from 10:00 a.rn to 5:00 p, m. aroups. In the past, IOC has helped maintain tht' r~ght to edit lellt'fl C'oordmator, took a couple months off oraamz.e R1tesofSpnna. Recent 1deas tubmilled and namt>s w11t be withheld last semester. Due to Circumstances John Staubacb, president of Beta Ph1, for a United Appeal prOJect and 1\aunted upon rt'quest. beyond her control she had a baby. sa•d fr~termty members would assist m House, however, fell throu&h because of Welcome back Sue. the tests. John Helton, Mary Burt lack of mterest. N1rma•er, speech patholoi?,J.Sts, and Lee In a meetm& Mo nday, delegates from ...... Snyder, aud•oiO&lSt, plus staff members s u ch aroups as Christian Student 0- l:.'ditor·m-chlt>/ . . ... Da•nd Jont'l from the Easter Seal Center w1ll supervtse Fellowship, Student Government, several Busmus Managu ..... Gary Wt>bb the tests. fraternilles, and vanous specialty You thtnk Mad1son Avenue won't jump AIIOCialt f..'dflor . , . , , . , Tim Funk oraaniz.ations discussed plans for IOC's on whatever bandwagon is avalltble7' Munating l:.~dilor . Terry Duschinsk1 -0- future. If IOC breaks up, the money in L1sten closely to radio and TV A11i1tant ...... Jan K 1pp the treasury would revert back to the Sporl$ Ed1tor . Joyct' A. Daughuty commercials and see how many of them Walt er Tevis, author of Tilt: General Fund. The IOC's activilles men t•on the economy m one way or Photo b'dilor ...... Karl Kunlz HUSTLER, will lecture at NKSC on would then be 111 the hands of Student another. Phrases hke "m these mnated Wednesday, January 29, at I p. m. m Government. Conlr~buting Edllor .. Drt'w Vogel limes" "w1th pnces hke they are Nunn Aud1tonum. Grea Kilburn, one of the students Olher tnt'mbus of The Northerner today" or "you can't afford "fly out of The lecture, enttlh:d, "The Uneasy tryina to aet IOC back on tls feet, says llaff who con1r1bu1ed 10 lhls usue vtrtually every pitch The 1ronic thm& Marnage of Novel and Film," •s a that "we are tryma to keep an art'. Tury Bot>hmkt'r, Rick Meyus, ahout 11 IS that the commerc•als that use pr.:s.:ntallon of The Lecture Senes oraaniz.at1onal voice ahve." these phrases are usually try•nato &et you Mlkt' Wilcox, Ddblt' Cafazzo, Tom Tevts, Onector of the Creative Wrtttn& Anyone who IS a deleaate to IOC, or to buy somethma that you really don't l#o brt>, Suzannt' Britt, M1kt l,roaram at Oh10 Un•vcrs1ty, has an A.B. would like to repre ent a campus JfOUp, need "10 these tnnated I101CS With pnCCS McCtutu and John Ja1per. and M A. from the Un1versity of can atlend tither of two meetmas next hke they :He tod11y because you can't Kentucky and an M.f.A. 10 Creative week Monday at 2:00 tn S210 or afford 1t" WnttnK from the Untversity of Iowa. Thursday at 12:00 1n S210.

0584.tif 1975 ...... THE NORTHERNER, PAGE 3 JANUARY 24, 1975 Letters Sports Apath~y Blasted nau Uur I dat or, I am tu•lty of a poor attend.tn\:C re\:ord now rc~.:eiVIIlJ Why 1101 lry IO tnJkC the t not for !~potU adJv•t•u on our \:ampus, hut ncilll home e'<'cnl (II you hl'lved to the II as wath areal daspk!asure that I wntc the m:un rea"'m for !Ius 1 that I don't thiS teller. but 1 feel there 11 • dcfm•tc know when the cveniS that I ~peak or Sm~.:ercly ' the need for what I have to say ta._c pla~c Is 11 not the duly of a sdool lh•an L~i\:hl H he I have atlentlcd a few of Northern's ncw~paper tu 1nform 1h reader\ of what horne (men's) b.tskctbJIIJamcs and I ;,~m hdppcn ttl the ~lmul" If 11 l'i , Jnd I'm Editor really dl'llurbcd at the obvtou'l lac.:k of \Ute 11 IS. why l!ln't more <;pa~.:c ll•vcn to nsk 1ntercst the ~tudcnt body 'ihows m the lW("OMIN(; cvcnt,·J (;ranted. J!amc'i and Dear I dllur •ders athlct~~o: proaranl! 011 our collcac lh1 mah:he arc co'<'crell well , after IIH'Y ,ger. apathy doesn't cJml JU~t With basketball, o~.:u1r Hut more pubhuty 1S needed tu Th e Mu'ill" Studenl\' but also W!lh bascb .. tl , wrestling, women's promote hettcr \upport for .tthlcll\: Co ff echml~l'/\:011\:ert wa'i a "illn:e'i~! ...... ~ basketball, and all other events. evcnl5 . ()perdtlng lund<; lor the M.S.A arc no I fmd that m:my ~lm l e nt s don't even lnn~er a prohlcm, than~..\ lo the The J..now that a vahdaled student I.D . ~.:.trd largcr·than·u'iuJI turnoul wh1d1 l· lberon let's Will gam !hem free allnull.tn\:C lo the (one of the few h.tndo; ahou t wh1dt {;Jty s. lt ahove~ mcnt1on cd event Wehb and I agree) alway<; bnngs Out the that At the l.tst S<; meet mg. the S<; voled to ~ h ow ~.:ou ld never have }tUnc on Wlthoul a purch01sc three megdphones lor liSt.' by lot of hl'IJl lrom 'llullcnl'i outMdc the .. nyonc to help supporl our tc.tms M.S./\. , the Squ1rrcl Cagcrs Jnd gentle i PR VOl.:a\ly. people all who supplied the lnow-how ho is There really shoukl be a be Iter turnout <~nd manpower we poor muSICians lacked . for lhcsc events. l>oes th•s poor and all for no more than the love o f art I l ave you found recent ly that all your to fagure 11 out when you found yourself attendance rcflc\.:1 a la~o:k of pnde m our and good limes. My thanks to them. ami convcrsataons wllh your fnends and watchm& the Bob Newhart show for help. s..:hooJ? I hope not Maybe what 1s needed the hope that I he M S.A. c;~ n manage lo fanuly bcgm With the~r ts askmg, " Wh at are Maybe the whole damn thmg JUSt 1s a student pep club. If enough people ~.:ontmue on lo lugger .tnd better tlungs at you good for7" Do you find yourself gettmg to be too much. You have not are mterestcd. maybe somcthms could be KSC chang~ng majors every tune you succeed seen a friendly face smce you got here, worked out. Anyone mtcrested ca n call m getting a "B" in a coursc7 Or every even when you look m a mirror Dr. me at 58 1·3563. rhomas Kudd•c k. public relalions lime a n instructo r happe ns to get off a Rogers has a fnendly face, he 1s licensed. I know o ur athletic teams w11l Mu s•c Students' Assoc1at •on good joke7 Or eve ry tune you fmd a good and 1f your problems are really severe he appre.:1ate st ro nge r support than they are looking person m a class7 Does the grass can introduce you to people who can always look greener two steps to the left help over a long haul. and be hind you, even after you have The purpose of all this, of course, is to Withdrawal Deadline taken two steps to t he le ft and turned let you know that the re is someone there, T he last day to Wi thd raw from a around7 Then maybe we have something in room 228 o f the Science building. No t cia wit hout 1 " W" lppelring on Dear Ed1tor for you. only you, hut that fr ie nd of yours who the studenl's rt:a)f(l is Janu~ry 24. In the nether world of the Sc ience has giVen up read mg. eve n reading The All withduw111 thlt are received by This le tter IS m response to a n arl!cle m building (that IS the one where they made No rthe rner. which isn't even reading, o r the Reaistr1r's office after January the "Notebook" section of The the carpets charcoal grey on purpose to th1s column, which •s hardly even wntmg. 24 and before March I , 197S, will Nort herner m the past 1ssue ... For the avo1d the trouble of dyeing them m coke But 1f your friend IS still talking, let hun receive 1 arade of " W". re.:ord , I have never thought of and never 1nt end to ht1gate !Ius malter concernmg andbnghtemng coffee), tt\e dankits andfluorescent dreary cavesbulbs of ~k:n~o~wreadyj tl~ho ~a•hst::•he n~'. i"In~ '~':soroom~m~ 228.e~o~n~e ~h:er~e~w~h:o~':' .!======~ th e com~~; ncws le llers and lhelf the alchemists and o ther assorted faculty Clr~.:ula tl on. They were very fu nny and so vagabonds, IS the office of the Directo r of I I was your rcportmg of 11. Psyc hological Services, Dr. Geo rge (J.:t/UUJ,~IJ t!I,J)-8/t Rogers. Do no t le t the title get to you, • fj;f!llf• ~J (;. Humorously Yours, the man sm•les. There is even an Gary E1th unaccountable rumor that he took the pos1ho n because he likes unde rgraduates. By Rk:kMeye rs The l,1kes a lso have just fin ished So fo r those of you who have begun to mduct ing II little s1sters. They arc Joan see the school as a Howard J o hnson's o f Professio nal fraternihes, such as Pi To ll , Beth Ganderberger, Peggy Cooper, majo rs, twenty-eight navors, all of the m Sigma Epsilon and Nu Kappa Alpha, a re Jan llcrald , Nancy King, Margie Ducker, PSC Student pistachio, and have a little tro uble "professional" in that they provide De nise Sm1th, Janice Thompson, Karen dec iding what to do, there may be a way business opportunities for the students Clos, Donna Baker and Cyndy Robmson to find out what you are good for. Dr. Awarded involved. ... Pi Kappa Alpha also has a bash coming Rogers has available tests to indicate what One such frate rnity on campus is Pi up o n January 31st (next Friday) at the your basic interests are. You may even be Si&ma Epsilon. Elks hall in Covingt o n ... Pat Weisbrodt the abte to find a major you hke. Internship PSE is a nationaJ professional fraternity won the P1ke raffle and wo n a 14·mch the And not JUSt m-.jors. Maybe you have in marketina sales management •nd color tdevis1on. Steven Thomas S~.:ott, JUniOr anU looked at the job market recently (no selling which provides colle&Ja te BETA PHI DELTA'S httle s1sters are political s~.:1cncc major at Northern nausea, pit:ase) and have found that, all brotherhood for the marhtina students, sponsorin& a lea contest to determine Kentucky State College, has been named things cons1dered, you have no are at e duca tors and professionals. Th1s which male has the best looking lep o n to St=rve as an Jdnumstr0111ve mtern by the preferences when it comes to choosing well·rounded o raanization is dedicated to campus. Beta Ph1 spokesman, Mac sc lect• o n comnnttee of the Kentucky between threshina gram in Nebraska a nd the bu1ldina of the marketina profe•ion Mcintosh, says that the g~rls w1ll have a AdmlmslrdiiVc Intern Prosram Scott will sellina tokens m the New York City and to the stimulation of Improved booth set up m Nunn Loun~e for the hcgm work With an agency of the state subw1y system. The re ts a way to !f:C t an marketina and sellmg educattanal purpose o f t:lkma p1ctures of a ny male liJ)Vernment January 16 and contmue idea o r where your true ocr.upationll rrchmoues and standaNs. who so WIShes. The wmner Will be workms for a pcnod of seven monthll. interests lie - ao see Dr. Roaers. Student benefits from PSE include announced at the Beta Phi bash scheduled The internship Will be substituted for t....o But maybe this is all settled. Uncle contr1cts with workin1 profess•onals for Feb. 14th. semesters of ~tu dy al NKSC. Scott Wlll Albert is aoina to aet you into his plastics (such as busmeu executives from THETA Pm ALPHA has a ne w re1.:c 1ve I S credit hours for h1s work in the factory after you araduate, and you 1re Cincmn1ti) and extracurricular education tetevisaon room 1n •t s ho use. The room ~ver nmcnl and for add1honal research aoina to m~Uor in nursing. But lately you throuah rtJUiar meelings, experienced had a maanetlc·like atmosphere at the proje~.:ts . In add111on. he will recc1ve a have fo und yourself sleeping until noon, speakers and fa culty asststance. The Theta t'hi rush party last Sunday mght monthly stipend whtle cnJ.clgcd 1n the 1nd all your classes are at nine, ten and &roup also sponsors charter projects accord iQJ to many me mbers of the progr.am. e~ve n . Or you are starting to look with provktin& teadersh1p training and sales sorority. It seems the party transferred a reat envy at the uncompbcated hfe of a nd manaaement experiences (such as the from the hvma room to the TV room to the kid who works the fries at your local PSE booze rarnes) as well as curre nt watc h the Sunday mov1e. McDonald's, a nd are cons1derin¥ lakin& a supercard projec t. SIGMA NU now has nme members In break 10 your ed ucation unttl you setlle Nu Kappa Alpha, the other busmess o rder to get a charter 1t must have 20 down, 11, say, forty. Or maybe forty fraternity , IS for the student majonna m members, so 1f they have a su~.:cessful rush hours of work, twenty-one hours of class al.:cou ntma. The advanta,es to bdonamtl 11 w1ll only be a matter of tunc. The nmc and fifteen hours of oboe practtce each to any one of these profe 1onul .me mhers are Milch Hatter, larry week ha\le left you a little wruna out. or,amtal ion IS mvaluable when applymg Roberts, Gre~ Berryman, Sieve hnhree. And you were aomg to talk to your for I JOb rony Ntenabcr, llean lc1dt , Cary hth m tructors, but they turned mto rest In other arcck news .&nd Col Darrell Meader Sr room when they saw you conuna down PI KAPPA AlPIIA IS sponwnnt~, a All an:el nrtt.tnuat•ons must hand m th~ hod! So ao see Dr Roaer , and t1lk 11 raHic of the ba ~ketball wlm:h Will be ukd any rh.'WS \:On\:crnm~ the1r rc ped1Ve out a b1t m the Thomas More·Northern aamc of ortanuJIJOn "' I he orthcrnl·r off1\:e by So mul.:h for the easy ones Maybe your Man.:h Jrd All you have to do 1s take J noon Wl'dnesUay , m order 10 be problems are a h1t touahcr. You tarted <:hdnl't" for S01..· from an)' Pi .. C member .. rccoan•tcd

0585.tif PAGE 4. THE NORTHERNER JANUARY 24, 1975

Never Say Die Norsemen Win Two

By Terry Bochmker Saturday n•&ht to ro

"I he wo rd from John Deednch's office Regents llall, wmnmg the last S tunes abo ut the tcnms courts is that they arc out. "substantially fimshed ". Apparently cold weather hll the campu\ llcforc the constrw.: t1 0h n crew ad Sat. l·eb . I - Slippery Rot:k put do wn the final layer. Mr. Ocednch l'hur. Fe b. 6 · Te nnessee St. h. K 1a n d c~ rib l' d 11 ac;, "'J us t one of those thmgs." Sa t. Fe Chm t Bro l he rs lie now co;; tuna tes that the f1n a l surfa<.:c M on l·eh 10 U . o f layer will lw put down by the e nd of l l'nnc<;\I.'C· ( ·ha t tanooga MJtl·h

l la·re will he b l"O urh, a woollen Nm,e ma n hao.;ketha ll games Will he pr.tdll.. ha~.:khoard and hk.tdll't\ to 'it:J I 'ihuwn on vldl·otapc 111 tht· lu un!!c at I :00 I HHl dqurt lllt'nt

I ill' ""rscnwn ha'iket hall team will p!Jy .Jt ( uruherland Monda). Janu.tr) 21 .:and then <;IJtl a four ~anll' hnme,tdnd lo,Jtuhl,t~ h'hruary I a~a'"'' Shprery 1\lo..S(··, wn.: thn~ !cam cunllllllt') lhl·tr H-:n.k St.lll' '\CJ<;jlll SaturJ.:a} Janu;uy .!S 111 a I tw N.uwuL·n 1 1 thl'lf IMm npl.'ner tnan~ul.11 mt·ct .Jt Ctnlh: Y.lth ul llw se 1 on llt ( ,,,;ur~etoy, u hut Mnl"l' ll untm~:tun ( oll~t:t'. that IIIII< hJ\0\' l(Oile Ulldl."kJh.:t! Jt I ht· matnten will thl'R null\' humt· lor Cagers Streak Broken lh 11 lu~t I hill"" htlllll" met•h uf tht• 'tllmp, llll"!.lcr lh•uuilt lllu'il o l thl' ll r... t lull thanks to Wt•d J .1n. ~9 Wllttht St. .tnd ( l'lllll" Jiltccn l n'l' throw nHl\0\.'l "inn\ h u t '1;11 11 4 1111 run. l·n. Jan. \I llanovt·t 4 tO ltJih' d 4lo- 4 J at hal lt une MARIANNE THEATER p 111. <:n.tlp .:111J Wed. h·h. S tuwn o\orlhl"lll "- •"llllh ky S/att• h.:ad 11.~ lc.mr I hl' Nnr'>t' nwn nnn· atwm 'ut krt'll a BELLEVUE, KY . l'lhJna, ·' ()() Jl.lll. llJIIl~ Y~illlllll~ ~tr~·.tl.. !Jrnl..l'n b\ Wn~ht hrca k tlnY~n 1n the l'.trl) ):Oil\~ ul tltt' \II htlllll..' IHO:t'h ... ,. hdd Ill Kt"J.I.'IIIS St IC ( lnlvt't 11) Wt•dnt· da't n1glll Ill 5C"UIIIll hall and tdl hthmd fl~· '\j ht'folt' IIJII. Phone 431 7505 !Jayhlll. Ohu C'••ath Moh ll tl-1 lalkd IIIHt' oul II) IT't w •• ~"' "'tare:- tnt.tll} (llllpia)"t'd lhl' Jntl ll'}tlliiiP hi\ hnrgr! THE TRIAL OF f\ur ~.:rm:u ! po<>t th,· t). 7h \1-.lorv Still tit,· f\,l! \llll'lll..llllld nolptn

New Price Policy All Seats, All Times

0586.tif 1975 JANUARY 24, 1975 THE NORTHERNER PAGE 5 Norse women Eye Tourney By J A Oauaherty

Arter hn1n1 their W1nmna streak Nonewomen the pme at UK and before diJcuued. snapped at S·O by the UK Wildcats a The Norsewomen wall start a three the Berea pme Coach Scrogjn's starten Kentucky 1s in the Southeutern Re&)on pme ho me stand Tuesday January 28 week and 1 half aao, the Horsewomen had been tuttina a dislllll 36.7% from the with North and South Carolina, Vu&Jnia, bounced blck by winnina the next 2 apanst Spaldina 1t S :OO p.m. and will foul hne. West Vu&~nu and Tennessee. host a rematch with Louasville at 7 :00 pmes impressivly over Georaetown, Teresa Rump, the Norsewonten's Ms. Jan Wat son of Boone-Appalachian p. m. Friday, January 31 and take on 83-27,and Berea 75-42. leadin& rebounder, pulled down eleven Colleae In North Carolina is the reJional Western 's lhlltoppers Saturday mornma Lut Fnday's home pme with apmst Berea while jumor standout representative to the A lAW who wiU have February I at I 0 00 a.m. Georaetown wu a Norsewoman record Nancy Wmstel pulled down seventeen, 2 the wel&hty Usk of selectlna whach setter with the team hJ&h scorlna tally of short of the team l1llrk Teresa tel earlier school should be the JOutheastern 88 while the Norsewomen connected on a in the year against Kentucky State. representative in the national h.iah of 39 field aoals and freshman Llnda Ms. Scrouin's team is now startin& to tournament. Niehaus hJt a team high of 10 field aoals. point for 1 po5t season tournament bid. NKSC 88, G-town, 27 ; Keegan 6-Q-12, Ms. Niehaus led the scoring with 22 "That"s why the pmes are all so ·-·------· "There will be a national lnvitational Niehaus I 0.2·22, Rump 7-3-17, Winstel points which she duplicated the followma small colle1e tournament for the fint important now," poin.ts out Ms. Scroggin. 1-2-4 , McLaughlin 7-Q-14, Redmond Tuesday night at Berea to once again lead time," relates Marilyn. J.Q-6, Kelsch 3-1-7, Sturm 1-Q-2, Parrott the Horsewomen. The tournament, sponsored by the She feels that the large mar&ins by 1- 1-3, llabermehl 0.1- 1 Apinst Berea, the Horsewomen blued AIAW (Association for lnter-colleJiate which the team has been winnin& against the bukets for 33 field goals and picked Athletics for Women) is beln& held on an Kentucky Sllllll colle&e opponents will be up their free throw averaae to the SO% invitational basis this year because of impressive enough for Northern to receive NKSC 1S, Berea 42, Keegan 9-Q- 18, mark. regional budaets having been submitted consideration for the national McLaughlin 6-0.12, Winstel 8-~ 19, Rump Trouble at the charity line cost the before the Idea of a tournament was tournament. 2-Q-4, Niehaus S..6-22.

INTRAMURALHy Rick Meyers and Make Wilcox NOTES

If you base the quality of a basketball by Rich Geglein'~ 14 points. Dave PIONEERS (49) Spaw 18, Braun II. Mighty Midgets over Rolling Rocks No. team on the average scoring margjn, then -We1dc ngcr added IT BOOBS (4S) Nordman 25, Mil".. :.:o. I by forfeit. the MeV's, on the basis of last week's The Wolfmen , down 38-35 at the half, The Men over the River Rats by forfeit. performance, arc one of the strongest rallied behind Kevin list's 29 points (IS FOUL BALLS (58) Walson 19. Pi Kappa Alpha No. 1 over Pi Kappa team 's in Northe rn ' s intramural m the second half) to down first·place Alpha No. 2 by forfeit. basketball league. Kappesser 14. foe, Bucks, 76--70. The Bucks had a LEAPIN LIZARDS (30) M. McDaniel Last Sunday the MeV's were led by balanced sconna attack Wlth four men in 17, D. McDaniel 5. Gary Smtth's 29 points and Steve Volz's double fiaures wtth Delbert Brown (17l 20 1M battenng Rtde· thL'- Pane divisio n foe and Barry Jolly ( 17) lcadmg the way. MeV's (96) Smath 29, Volz. 20. What·Z-Matta-U, 9&.28. The 68 po mt Dean f'ookes added 14 as did Tony WHAT ZA MATTA U (28), Noll 18, spread wa s the largest by any team an the Alford. I-ta mann 3. league so far thas season. Alpha Delta Gamma fell victim to the In other to p games, Jeff Ko rd enbrock Defenders, 45-4 2. Leo Austm took Dl•VI LS (54) II e bei 15, Ulz II. Ptng Po ng Classic, enter by January 29. poured m 16 points in leadmg has high-game ho no rs with 20 po ints an CELTICS (52) Waly 27, Fnzwciler I I. To urnaments will begm January 30. Basket bailers t o a 60.55 vu:to ry o ver the lcadmg the Defenders to a Fast Break F1ve tournaments w1ll be played · I. Lcapm Lu·a rd s· B tea m. Jack Mcnnmgc r Vld Ory . Steve Baker led ADG wath 16 I.J.'s (6 2) Yo un g 17, Lucas 14. coed, 2. me n's smgles, 3. wome n's smgles, led the losers w1t h 12 po int !o. po ints and Mark I· nzwe al cr added 14. CI•LTS ( S5) Husch :!3, O be r S<; hl a ~ c 11. 4. wo men's do ubles, and S. me n's fhc Ca mpus Jo,,:li,>., rC\."1.' ivcd 14 pomh Other ga mes and thear ~o r es arc listed do ubles. fro m Mark R c~: hltn and 12 fro m Jeff hcl ow· Dl H .N DI RS (45) Austan 20. Hannah l·nt ry bl anks can bl! obtamed at the Steffen Ill downt n ~ the ll •ghhalls, 50.4 H. ROI I l NG ROCKS (3()) Walkl·r 14, 14 mtramu ral bullctm hoard or at the Ma~ c S t l•r lm ~. lhl· lllghha lh' lca d1 ng. l ylll' ... tl3l ~ 9 A LPII A DH l A GA MM A (42) Baker int tamur'al o ffi ce. lndl!.:3 te on your entry s~:orcr. ton ~ h1 gh-ga mc honor\ wat h ~2 L IIIII 1\.I NCS (.12) I ux 8. Malo ne)' 16, l·nJwl'lil'r 14. bla nk whidl tournaments m whi 1.·h )IOU poan h. 8. S~c t ~:h l1. desire to et nter and urn entry h l a n~ into lln I he llllhlUdtahh!'o. the strengt h of WO II Ml N (76) Last 29. M .:~Mtn 18. In tra mural orfle(' Stl'\'C Cnodall' .. 20 p hut toward t he lntr.u nu ral trophy tt' tk.• g~ v en 12. awa)' at the end o f the yrar, SESSIO'S DAILY Be act1ve IIlli \ l(tll up now m the 8'\SK I I BALli RS ( 6 ) Kordenhrod, Intramural Ofllu I h. 1\ e lllUO ~ 10. 11 1\ ll JN 11/ARDS B t ~~~ M ~· nna nser Nitl) ()u·l Sliatinp Et'l.Jr.Y 1, l n111ky 10

1~ 1 R \Ml KAI }j/\SI\1 I B \LI Sf llllll I" I II A. 'f 1 ~Ill I{ Friday 1 I :.'lO P.M. .!· -·· · r;; £mfo ~u c.i~ ··- ·.·:: 1 M.Mil'f' SHoflt a.-.& CtNUI " K.IIH 1111 1'1~1 111\1-;lu ' : COVI ... GlO"" "V II .. (. I" 1 ::JO A .ill. ~ Tltb coupon wordl ~ i ~ ' ' JII G r·oup Hatt ·~ AJHI Pr·iHttt· ~ If" r : on purd/11s. of 10" or more : Ht•ntalo; A vailahle . :·The Parisian For Sty/e'i I.. •••••• ?.?.'.• ~J.'V ...•..•. •.i

0587.tif JANUARY 24, 1975 PAGE 6, THE NORTHERNEP Mum's the Word Faculty Silent On Tenure Controversy One professor commented on the by Jan K1pp " l'eople on one year contracts spend sahsfa~.:tory deciSion on a very dJff1cult t1me causma trouble or doma thmgs not problem," stated Thad P Lmdsey. s1tuataon only when The Northerner bencfku•l to the college," agreed Rambo. pronused not to publish h1s name. Tenure 11 an ISSue wh1th Will affel.t J>epartment of llumamhes. "It has to be handled, however, so that rhe 11la,JOnty of the faculty, however, "The Board of Reaents w1ll dec1dc many of Northern's far.:ulty members m what the polu.:y 1s aomato be," he stated. the months to come 1t's not just somr. sort of d1ct1m from seems to be afra1d to voice opmiOn'l on above." "The faculty hltd 1ts chance to present 1ts Because the assue 11 so Important to the the 1ssuc. Most of the professors who I he mlijonty of the faculty members were approached by The Northerner po1nt of view, and so had the fa~.:ulty, the Northerner dec.:•dcd to ask who The Northerner mterv1ewed seemed dcdmcd to comment when they heard Admm1strat1on. So a polu.:y w1ll he faculty members from var1ous enacted. I suspcd thJt 11 w1ll be, departments for thear commcnu about to have fa1th that the tenure deus1on the subjed of the qucst1ons was tenure. which 15 reached will be a fau one, bas1cally, a fa1r policy." the tenure SituatiOn. 1 he response of the Two raculty members said they lacked " I am confident the C'o mnuttec of suff1cicnt mformat1on to comment at this " I just don't want to get my name ma.~onty of those questioned 11 typ1fied Rege nts will make every effort to reach a m1xed up m 11," he concluded. m the answer of one faculty member tunc. who, when asked for h1s comments, rcphed, "I'll comment on anythmg but that" In review, the regents adopted a tenure plan m 1972 whtch allowed every faculty Campus Ministries Organize member a 3·year probationary penod before tenure was granted. This means that within a few months, 59 Northern Thursday at 7:30 allow student By Susanne Bntt professors wall be eligible for tenure. have open discussions, and meetings. Last partic1pat1on and education. Fifty-two of Northern's I 57 full-t1me semester they held masses and retreats As the needs of Northern students are Jlopk1ns. previously d~rector of professionals are already tenured. If these which they plan to have agam. Fr. lloltz admiSSIOns at Cumberland College, IS two groups of tenured faculty were gradually be1ng filled it IS not surpris mg as also ava1lable for counseling at Aquinus that NKSC has a full spmtual gUidance available for spmtual counselmg at the combmed, nearly 2/3 of the faculty It all. center. would be tenured. Th1s would leave the staff. What is surprising ho wever IS that The Baptist Student Umon, another of few persons kno w about them or what Together under the tttle of United administration little room for revision of the ttuce religious organizations, provides Campus Mm1stry (UC'M), these groups the teaching staff. they do. the only recreation facility on campus at Three organizations are available for offer residency for men at The Several months ago, a tenure S 14 John's Hill Rd. Mr. Ralph Hopkins, Community House and plan a simHar committee was appointed to rework the Northern students to become Baptist campus minister, said the facility involved. They have come together as facility near campus for women. This tenure policy. This committee proposed a has a lounge with a stereo, a fully semester UCM is offenng two full-credit six-year probationary period, with the the United Campus Ministry to offer equipped k.itchen, study and meditation more to students. cou rses in religion and a seminar featuring termination of contract dates to remain room, and a large meeting room with outstanding speakers on topics of interest the same as under the old policy. Under One of these is the Chrisitan Student accomodations for SO persons. Fellowship (CSF) , an such as "morality in government." the present policy, a professor in his first Chapel services are held in the Science UCM encourages attendance at the year at Northern must be notified of interdenominational orgamzatio n having building in room 500 at 8:15a.m. on Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, and United French Lick , Indiana Retreat wh e re 800 contract termination by March 1st, in the Monday and Thursday. BSU meets for students from all over the midwest will Church of Christ memberships. Accord• ng lunch and rap sessions on Thursday at second year, by Dec. 15 , and after two attend. to Bill Koontz, CSF miruster, 11 IS noon at the center and gathers on years of service, a notice of one year must UCM also ex tends a welcome to Fr. supported by the Christian Brotherhood Saturday nights at 7:30 for "fellowship be given. Monroe from All Samts Episcopal Church of Churches m the area. and just being together to enjoy the The Administration's counter-proposal The organization cc>-sponsors w1th the in Covinaton. who is organizmg center." Episcopalian students on ca mpus. specified that the nohficat1on of Bapt1st Student Union, the House of the Btble studies and a semmar on termination of contract for all faculty Carpenter Coffeehouse every Saturday members on probat1on would be by nir,ht from 9 p.m This Saturday they March I of each year. featurc· r u E RISING HOPE. Faculty members argue that th1s Koontz invites everyone to prayer EUROPE notification date would not give them breakfast on Wednesday morninp from enough time to find new positions. 7a.m.-9 a.m. in room N417. CSF also BOUND ''I think tenure is very important to offers rap sessions on Tuesday and people in the academic profession," Wednesday from II a.m.-1 p.m. where IN '75? stated Or. Adalberto Pinelo, Dept. of students talk while eating lunch about Political Science and member of the problems and issues also in room N417. wouldn't you rather come with us? faculty senate. "Unlike the people in The group also meets for Bible studies, Last year ovor 200,000 atudenta aunnered in Europe. And the other professions who, if they lose their two on campus and six in student's travelwiae flew on charters because it costa about HALFJ jobs can walk down the street to the next homes. Besides sponsoring music and This yea.r a ) - 6 week ticket to London ia S512.; 2- ) plant or lab and act another job, if we drama croups, on Monday nights at 9 weaker 55q7, And ita S76?. for over a i:r: weeks from New lose our jobs we usually have a much York. (That's what the airlines say now, Last year there p.m. students gather to hsten to and were two unrorcast incrtlaseaJ) harder time findin& a new job. It entails critique music in terms of Christianity, moving, moving our families. CSF, active off campus as well, 0 cooperates in the inner-city tutorina ~!~e ~!~r d~h~~~e '!~ :!~~s urso:~, h~!r b. b?~ ~~u 9~alo J~!~k a~~~ "If you are an engineer," he continued, aUon durin& the suiiiMr. And all you have to do to qualify proa.nm With Dave Bailey and sponsors h reserve your seat now by &endlnt; SlOO. tlepodt, plu..1 $10. "and you work for Ford, you can go to volunteer students to work in an re&istrat1.on fee. Under recently new U. S. GovernMnt reg- G.E. or Milicron and find a new job. For orpanage one month dunna the summer someone specialitin& in a particular f!nlon:.:~t ~~!tysud~~15t t!}!r!l!!~~ h*t~thitc.t~~ty::ou~:! ~~~ m Mexico. June AU&U&t 19flt,ht to London for exa.aple depoott re­ branch of, say, political science or h- 1 aerves your seat and Afrll lS you send the $199. balance. physics, you must go to other universities For personal counselina or listcl\in& in the area and it is very unlikely that Koontz is in room N417 between 10 a.m. ~~:!r~~~ P(il~ • reo:,_r: 1on r~~!h~s:~=~ht;r/O.ut rft~~J ~~~~~::~ they need someone with your specialty at and 4 p.m. on Monday and until 3 p. m. season surchar1e date, that time. Tenure aives people a little on Friday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on So "'end for our complete ~chedule , or Lt.~ bfl t

0588.tif y 24. 1975 JANUARY 24, 1975

lr repetitive country/western croonen aet you off, you'll probably like th1s. But 1f you're 1 bored With pedal steel auttars, off the falKilO hukup voul , and lead vocal na.ulit•c as I am (('rosby, Sttlls, Nuh and that other IUY lnpe) •void thts hke a cue re~ord of beri-beri. t-·our tars. Gallaaher and Lyle--Thr l-11st Cowboy by A.lM ~d on the GAIT W it~ Northerner and une. have, w1th lht'S album, restored to wtll dectde My w1fe's ..:off~e was so bad, 11 wu S\:olland the mu~m:al respectabtllty which ,"he stated. wound~ for ll•vor..:e Now, I reahte that has been rocenlly rumed by The Aver•• o present 111 JOke has nothma whatsoever to do w1th Wh1t e Band. had the musac, but I couldn't rl:sist spnnpna1t on No newt:omcrs to the mus1c scene, Tht I cy w1ll be you. My reason for th1s bemg that l-ost Cowboy '' the1r fourth album to be It Will be, thouaht I would add some lcvlly to the s•tuahon before plung~na you mto despair released here (they have also releued severa l in Scotland after lenin& '~ ···· t my name With ' McGumne s Flint, w1th which they released two. including the now cluslc, Dan Foaelbera--Sou"e''"s lfoppy Blrl hdoy, Ruth1e Baby) and their Epic ex perience sho ws. Though the songs are prcc•scly arranged se mi-jazz pop, the fcelmg. of tightness which 1s usually the This album was recommended to me by result o f such controlled works is not !O mc clown m a record store a wh ile there at all. Instead, the songs are back. llavmg heard nothmg about dear smoothly relaxmg, not unhke some of the Wex Weed aaya, A -Bomb 1976 makes t.luthquab look like a aarden parly. Dan. I so sta ted and the aforementioned Beallcs' later stuff and very much like DW student clown replied wtth. ''Do you lik e Joe Sm10n and Garfunkle. Walsh?". I didn't press the matter any It' an albu m you can feel ent1rely at d•rector of further and qu1ckly put the album back case w1th . They throw m some very College, •s m the rack. campy tunes, brilliant saxophone by 1elmg at the Bombs Away! I thought the album wou ld leave me J•mmy Jewell and clean acoustic gu1tar alone, but no. The editor o f th•s scam wh 1ch, coupled with Gallagher and Lyle's of United sheet forced 11 upon me and, hence, this textured vocals, make for an extremely hese groups pleasant record. And lyrics like : Another n at The I don't hke Joe Walsh and I'm not too 1n a s•milar fond of Fogelberg e1ther. alt ho ugh that's I' m the kmg of the s1 lents (O men. This where the1r respective sumlant ies end. If I'm lay1ng low ro full-credit wa1t1nj till the talkies blow over sumlar to Jny o ne s1ngcr or group, Disaster Flick nar featuring Foglcbcrg could most realistically be I was acqua~n t etl with Greta Garbo ~ of interest JUSt like a SISter and brother ent." compared to Poco and the Eagles. A h. the Apocalyptic Pictures today an nou nced g~ve the album a wholly profess1onal aura. nee at the truth leaks out. Yes, Fogelberg is another that its newest and BIGGEST disaster Part of th1s due, no doubt. to producer t wh ere 800 country/western rock singer (tzzz) and nick I· VI· R , " A-Bomb 1976," will open ' mnuence, one of modern's nidwest will true to form. smgs wi th a twang and na11onw1de on December 7. 00 music's best. Th1s 1s definately mu sic through h1s adeno1ds. "Briefly," the f1lm 's producer Ourwood worth heanng. .. 1g.ht and one half stars. :orne to Fr. Mu sc.:a ll y though, Fogelberg 1s "Crash" Fa ll en explamed, "the picture !opal Church dece•vmg. Through cliched songs about I lOT FLASH DEI'T. Will deta1l how t h1 s group of courageous organizms llhnois harvests. sweet sweet love and C1t1 z.ens rebound when, dunng a p us. 1tt1tatmg reframs whtch consist of Th1s IS an unabashed plug, but I' m holocaust , thett respective sons, not h1ng more 1han 1hri ce-repeated hncs, aoing to sack my morals and do it daughters, w1ves, lovers, husbands, nashes Of prOmiSe shmc. anyway. Some of you may know of the mothers, fathers , pets, personal Cincmnat1 Rcnatssance and those who possessions and grandparents are blown The opener. " Part Of The Plan", IS a have been there needn't be told how great to b1ts. It will also mclude a tender love good, fast-paced number w1th story, amid the shambles, between the the atmosphere IS. Those who do n't " Actuall y," accordmg to Dee, "what this background vocals sounding surprisingl y World 's l eadmg Radio logist a nd the ought to. The Rena• ssance is an old body means is that t."Verytime a character is li ke those of Steely Dan. The shop wh•ch has been convert ed , through World 's Most Bea utiful Wo man." mstrumental break features some classy no s mall effort and expense into quite a Fallen, prev1ously responsible for such blown to bits, we'll have 11 rigged so that electric gUitar which ca rries on through to mus1cal ex perience. The whole place IS disaster classics as " Flood," "The Sizzling various pteces of the anato my will be the end of t he song; very appetizing. But just congenial as hell. Terry, the manager, Volcano" and the low-budget, " llead-On thrown o ff the screen. We are greatly wllh the very next song. he falls on his to ld me, " I treat people here like I like to Co llision," added that Apocalyptic in debted to Undertakers Local No. 501 face. " lllmois" is little more than a rehash be treated myself. " And if you're tired o f wanted to sign Charlton Heston as the for their part in helping us perfect this of "Colorado". The chorus, " Looks hke bc•ng herded •nto arena s, pushed, shoved Rad1ologJst and Cyb1 l Shephard as The excitma new device. As an ex tra you're gonna hafta see me again" IS and generally maligned by secu rity forces World's Most Beaut•ful Woman. Also attraction, each seat wtll be equipped repeated three limes, which shortly at "b11 rock shows" try the Renaissance. mcluded m the ca tastrophi c cast, at least with its own gc 1ger counter." bea.ms t o grate on the nerves. They're under sem1-new management and tentat•vely, w1ll be Ernest Bo rg.nine and several o utstandma acts have been The Guy Who Se lls Out, Faye Dunaway The film 's actual disaster sequences The second s1de starts off w1th a bang booked for utx:onuna n10nths, mcludmg as The Second Most Beautiful Girl In The have already been shot and the rushes are w1th "As The Raven Flies", a Louden WaU1Wt11\ht Il l, Nitty Gntty World, Std Caeser as The Plumber, currently be1na shown to influential spooky-soundmg, highly electric tune, Olrt Band and New Riders of The Purple Richard Loo as The Bo mbad1er and Greta personages with in the mdustry. At a but again, the album deteriorates very Sage. Stay tuned for euct dates and Garbo as Glona Swanson recent benefit screening for Those That rapidly after that. more upconung concerts. Got It At ~hr oshlma, crit1cs, Wex Weed When asked to explam h1s famous obsession with dtsaster mov•es, Fallen and Judith Cnsp fmally got to see what'a relied, ''People want escap1sm. They do l'\e of the film. Weed reported that don't want that artsy-fart1y stuff. We give ..A-Bomb 1976" will mushroom above all 'em suspense. Those in the audience see other disaster films. It makes the people on the screen beina burned 'E~ rthquak e' looks hke I aarden party... alive and fallm& 135 stories and it Jives Cnsp, on the other hand, dism.isscc1 the 'em a charae. It makes 'em feel JOOd film as just " another bomb." because they beam to think. that maybe they am't aot It so bad. llell, paying a '"'"'*I buck. for a loaf of bread ain't as bad as RIBE1E STEAKS & SALAD BAR beina blown up in a bread factory, which is what happened to Steve McQueen and t S04 Dille Hwy. Ali McGraw in my last mo v1c, ' "Toasted (Across From Old Whir• Hol'M Rest~ur~nt) Alive." I thmk, by rna kina the e di.Saster T1n.-Frl. 1t:J~2 P.M. movies, I' m really helping people cope With their problems. Y'know what I Dl1111 THs.-Sit. S P.M.-11 P.M. mean1" I he ce l ~ brated female spec1al eff~cts r:i;kl S••· S P.M. - 9 P.M. FntUJ, Dee Struckt&on, was alao on hand to explam the revolutionary new device, ~:: ALEXANDRIA ;::: "Explodeupo n," which will be used for the fird t1me m "A-Bomb 1976." i::~xx::::x::::~~.E~=:=:::::::::=:::=:=:::===·=·=·:·:·:~

0589.tif PAGE 8 THE NORTHER NER JANUARY 24, 1915

Our House Is Your House CLASS/FIEDS

/lave you ever wondered whdl would and 9- 10 Jnd 11-"i on I ndd)''l. the happen If you dcudcd to really go fncndly hou\C dltcl.:lor Will ans.wcr the I he UJ'I\Ialro. room\ w1ll nve, l·nday, January 17 at I ()() 111 refe rred to n the Student (;0\letnmcnt rcprc'lcnta i i._C hao; a ma ll bo;~~ m th~ hou1e. already workmg please call L yncla Surhed, at 441 X.HH numhcrP Or maybe you've had qu1 1c a Xero11 l:OJ'IIC'i arc only 2 ~.:cnls ap1ecc, I·OK S l i-1 numhcr of lhmg, to tell your duly clcl:tcd I he h ou~e IS located at 4 1 S J ohn'~ IIIII and the pmtcr m.u:hmc IS ai\O av1ulahlc One \ligh tly U\cd l ngJI\h 1-' nrd_ Drlvt·n rcprcs.cntai i YC but they ncYct \land 'it ill Rd., JU'ii l three doors down from a rot o;tudcnt U'iC. Supphc<; 'iw.:h a'i po-.tcr only on ()urHiay\, a tllldrll·r nult• .tl ,, IIIII\' lontt enough for you In ~.:ollar them r.. nuhar IOI..:al lavern I hl' hou«) hc1n~t. di\UI\\t.'d fm ,. d l'ii:UUnt IWCillll'\ Will huy )'OU lht• httk ht',J-.1 I l ou~ 4 1 S. (Somct uncs referred to 11 the (;ovcrnment me m hcr\ and l>r. V1n~o:c Agam, forty hud­ ~rvu.:c on pens, paper, and noteh, 12·6 on telev1s1o n 'ICt and t he k 1 t~o: h c n I.'O nt am~ 20 or how to K\.'1 1n tuu~.h w1 t h Cirt~nny) t.Jll 11 . I uesdays, 9- 11 and 12·5 o n Thursdays, cent cokes a nd a stove that alw wo rk <~~ ext. 2 1 X an d a~k for I he (~ u ys. Enroll in our summer school. It makes up for the past lyears!

If you mi ssed the first 2 years of Army eligible for Advanced Army ROTC. You ROTC, you can complete a ll the work by earn a commission while you earn your taking our 6- week Basic Camp. I t crams all degree. And get $100 a month while you're you missed into a tough, concentrated course. taking the course. You'll earn over $500 plus travel The Basic Camp is open to men and allowance a nd we furnish food , clothing women who have completed their and lodging . sophomore year. It'll be a challenging What are your obligations? Frankly, summer you're not likely to forget. none. You can quit any time. Or, we can Mail this coupon for information. Or, send you packing. But over 90% completed phone Toll Free 1-800/ 626-6526. (In last year's camp. s_, it must have a lot Kentucky, dial 1-800/ 292-6599.) going for it. Army ROTC. The more you look at it. When you return to college, you are the better it looks.
