Pioneer Heritage of Vivian Vilate Kohler

Jacob Arnold Bigler Birth: 25 July 1849 in Musingen, Bern Switzerland (born two years after Brigham Young entered the Salt Lake Valley) Christening: 11 August 1849, Bern, Bern, Switzerland Death: 8 April 1916, Park City, UT (67 years old) Burial: 11 April 1916, Mt. Pleasant City Cemetery, Mt. Pleasant, UT “Your great, great grandfather (meaning Vivian’s grandchildren’s great, great grandfather), Jacob Arnold Bigler, (Grandma Kohler’s father) joined the church in Switzerland. His family disowned him. Being from a wealthy family, he had enough money to get passage to America. He had been in France studying art. When he got to America, he had no money or a trade to help make money. He joined the army and then deserted and ended up in Arizona. He as a man with two wives. He moved his first family to Ephriam, UT. And then returned to Arizona to get the other family (that family included your great grandma, Mary) and more children. It took the family eight weeks to make the trek to Utah. They traveled by wagon and camped by the trail each night.

One night a man walked into their camp carrying his saddle as his horse had died. Grandpa Bigler was afraid that the man might try to steal on of their horses, so he sat up all night with his rifle in hand. In the morning, the visitor picked up his saddle, thanked them and walked out of camp.

One of the children, a girl, became sick and the family didn’t know what to do. There happened to be an Indian woman in camp (don’t know why), but she asked if she could hold the girl. The woman was chewing something, and when she got the girl, she made her open her mouth. She then proceeded to spit into the little girl’s mouth. The girl got better in just a day or two. The girl always had darker skin than the rest of the family, and they all said it was because the Indian woman spat in her mouth.

The family got to Provo, Utah. The Kohler family came to meet them and help them on the rest of their journey to Midway. It was then that Grandpa Kohler met Grandma Kohler on a wagon ride up Provo Canyon to the Heber Valley.” As told by Vivian Vilate Murri, daughter of Mary and Ernest Kohler and written by Blaine Murri in March 2012. Blaine went and asked his mother, Vivian about pioneer stories to share with his grandchildren, Cameron and Jenna Dey while they went on a pioneer trek at the YO Ranch in .

Gottleib Kohler Birth: 4 December 1845, Meiringen, Bern, Switzerland Death: 16 April 1914, Midway, Wasatch, Utah, 69 years old Burial: 18 April 1914, Midway, Wasatch, Utah “Your great, great grandpa, Gottleib Kohler, (meaning Vivian’s grandchildren’s great, great grandfather) and his family were converted to the church in Shirley in the Canton of Bern, Switzerland. He sent the two oldest children, a boy and a girl to America with two LDS missionaries. They came to Charleston, Utah where they worked so they could earn money to send back to the rest of the family in Switzerland. Your great grandfather, Ernest Kohler, and the rest of the eight children and their parents then came to the U.S.A. Your great grandfather, Ernest, was the oldest of the children that came over. He was eight years old at the time. They settled in the small town of Midway, Utah. It was a town many Swiss people who had joined the church settled in. It reminded them of their home back in Switzerland. The family was very poor, and so as the boys became old enough to work, they went to the town of Park City to work in the silver mines. When they would come with pay, their father would take all the money and give them $2 each. Albert, one of the younger boys, who was not old enough to work, said that Ernest would give him .25 cents each time he got paid. None of the other ever did anything like that for Albert.

Gottleib had a big, long beard and looked mean. All of the neighbor kids made fun of him, and he in turn would swear at them in Swiss.

“Your great grandpa Ernest was a small man, who looked to me that he could have been one of St. Nick’s elves,” recalled Blaine Murri (grandson of Ernest).

Ernest Kohler married Mary Bigler on December 28, 1900. They moved into the old pot rock house that day. Their family were all born and raised there.

The Gottleib family consisted of mom and dad and 13 children, three of which were born after they came to America. The family of 13 children were so poor, they would go to the slaughter house that was between Midway and Heber. They would the heart and liver from the animals so they would have something to eat.

Ernest and Mary had four boys and three girls. They were all hard workers. They raised their own food. When growing season was over, Grandpa Kohler (Ernest), went and worked in the mines. They never had inside plumbing until Vivian was a young girl. They had to go outside” As told by Vivian Vilate Murri, daughter of Mary and Ernest Kohler and written by Blaine Murri in March 2012. Blaine went and asked his mother, Vivian about pioneer stories to share with his grandchildren, Cameron and Jenna Dey while they went on a pioneer trek at the YO Ranch in Texas.

Letter to the Editor-Wasatch Wave May 10, 2006 Vivian’s writing along the margin of the Sad Day in Midway newspaper: This was our home. All of us kids were born in this house. Editor: It’s a sad day when a 100 year old, well-built pot Our home in Midway – up by rock house is torn down. It is really sad when it is in a 100 foot set-back of open space approved by the city Schnietter’s Hot Pots. Mom/Dad council. bought and moved into on their

Maybe it could have been a public rest room from the trail wedding nite, December 28, 1900. system that is going right by it. Competition runners on Bought it from Sam Mitchell. I Homestead Drive could use the rest room instead of don’t know who built it. Over 106 people’s yards. years old. Bull dozed it down to Along with the house, they are about to cut down an build a subdivision along south of enormous old Weeping Willow tree and replace its beauty the Homestead. with some shrubs.

Randy Lundin, Midway

10 February 1988 – Friday

Snow blower, Snapper, purchased from Carpenter Seed for $456.88. Two year guarantee.

19 June 1988-Sunday Father's Day

We were all up to Diane and Charles in South Jordan. Sandra Murri our second granddaughter received her diamond from Stewart Johnson. Will be married August 27th 1988.

18 July 1988

The debates started in Atlanta, GA for the President election in November. Jesse Jackson, black man, was running for President on the democratic ticket, but he has lost to Michael Dukakis. But the blacks have come a long way and they now have their foot in the door, so to speak. Hard to tell how far they will go in four years.

August 1988

Gladys and Ralph have set their marriage date for December 10, 1988. She has ready started selling furniture.

11 August 1988 – Thursday

Sis came home from hospital. She is feeling real good. They caught it before it became really serious.

14 August 1988 – Sunday

Today was Sis’ (Gladys) 81st birthday and her and Scotty’s (Lolan) Turner’s 60th wedding anniversary. Blaine, Diane, Gladys and Janice and their families had a dinner for them at our home. Then had cake, punch, mints and nuts on the patio later for the relations. Stella Kohler, Dorothy and Ben Myers, Bud and Glenna Kohler, Doyle and grandson Casey Kohler came. There aren’t many of interested anymore. Everyone too busy. Our entire family was here to honor them.

Blaine and Debbie, Julie and Ward Dey, Sandra and Stewart Johnson, Corby, Rebecca and Amy, Diane and Charles Kimmerle, Gladys and Ralph Coomes, Janice and Gary, Ronalyn and Cami, Ray and I.

Beautiful hot August day. 92 degrees. Had an earthquake, the center in Price, UT. We felt it here about 2 pm was felt as far north as Salt Lake City.

27 August 1988 (Three entries for this date)

Sandra and Stewart Johnson wedding reception at the Bungalow Reception Center in Lehi, UT 7-11 pm. Amy Lou Murri broke her leg again. Bake in the Utah Valley Community hospital in traction.

27 August 1988

A beautiful, hot summer day. Picked up Sis and Scotty at 10 am. Drove to Salt Lake to Mulboon’s Café on 6th South and 7th East at Trolley Square to join Sandra Murri and Stuart Johnson’s wedding brunch. We were served crepes, hash browns, cantaloupe slices and a drink. There were 35 present.

August 27 1988 We came home and at 4 pm picked Sis and Scotty again and drove to the wedding reception center in Lehi, UT. Sandi and Stu were married by her Bishop Craig Miller. It was a short ceremony after listening to Julie and Ward’s. But it was a beautiful wedding. They are a beautiful couple. Now if they will just live a good life. Their reception was not as Blaine and Debbie would have liked. His mother and family had to have their drinks. Couldn’t even show respect to Sandi and Stu for a few hours. Made it very embarrassing for all our family. Had a good crowd. Sandi made a beautiful bride. She is such a pretty girl. Was hard for Blaine and Debbie to see her get married out of the church when she had a good chance to go to the U of U to medical school. But they say she and Stu are both going to get their education.

The wedding all over and the couple gone on their honeymoon about 11 pm. Amy Lou went outside to see them go. She fell and broke her leg again just above where she broke it before and not as bad a break, but she is in traction at the UVRMC hospital with a pin in her leg in the same place and in for at least three weeks before she will be in a body cast again. She just got out of the last cast July 18. Was just getting so she could walk pretty good. Just been in school two weeks. Now she is back where she was May 6.

Almost more than Blaine and Debbie can handle knowing how long she must be flat on her back again. But Amy is handling it better this time. She hasn’t had nearly as much pain because her muscles are still weak from before. Didn’t have time to get strong from before. It is hard on Blaine and Debbie because they take turns at the hospital all nite. I have offered to stay, but they have stayed so far.

What a busy month we have had. Amy should be out of her cast for Gladys’ wedding, December 10.

12 September 1988 – Monday

Temperatures have dropped into the 50’s. Snow on mountains above 4500 ft. Raining outside. We had to turn our furnace on today. Very unusual weather for this time of year. But it has been an unusual year. Very dry and hot. The only good thing about the snow is it will help stop some of the forest fires raging all over the country. This will help put the one out in Yellowstone Park. Has burned ____ acres. The fire fighters all over the U.S. are tired out. Have lost a lot of buildings in Yellowstone. A big fire in Grass Valley, California burning homes. Have had big fires in Provo Canyon by the Deer Creek Dam and in American Fork Canyon. Snow and rain finally put all the Utah fires out. But they are afraid with the return of warm weather, they will flare up again in Yellowstone National Park.

Now a big hurricane, Frederick is off the coast of Texas. The worst one in history. Has already come through the islands.

Blaine and Debbie have had quite a year. Julie married in February, Sandra married in August. Amy’s leg broke twice. Turner’s 60th wedding anniversary. Ray and my 50th wedding open house. I hope things get back to normal soon.

16 September 1988 – Friday

Amy has been in room 2841 at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center in traction since August 27. Same leg, broken as of May 6, 1988 only higher up near her hip. She has handled this better this time because she knew what it was all about. Someone stayed at the hospital every nite this time. The am about 11 o’clock, the sedated her and put her in a body cast again. Whe can come home later today after she is stabilized. What a long summer this has been for her. She will be in this cast until the last of November at least and then a brace.

September 1988

Charles and Diane have a 13 year old girl, Jessica Kirth, David’s sister come to live with them.

19 September 1988 - Monday

Ray and I left on a trip to Canada. We traveled to West Yellowstone and stayed the first nite. It was rainy and cold, overcast. The Marines were all over town. They are stationed at Madison Junction, helping put out the fires.

20 September 1988 – Tuesday

Traveled through the park seeing all the terrible destruction the fires have done. They have been burning since May. It is unbelievable what has been burned and destroyed. We couldn’t go to Old Faithful or West Thumb. The roads were closed because of hot spots still burning. We went to Tower Junction and then out the North entrance at Mammoth into Gardner, Montana and stayed for the nite.

We traveled in rain and even snow where it had been pushed by snow plows. Elk all over the lawns in Gardner, Montana ready for winter.

October 1988

Alisha Kirth 8 years, David 10 years and Jessica’s 13 years sister have come to live with Diane and Charles. They have hopes of adopting all three, but they have to keep them for one year before the courts will allow them to legally adopt them. They have been in so many homes. Their grandmother and their father are fighting over them in courts. They are such nice kids, but so afraid of what they are supposed to do. They are pulled in so many directions between their dad, their maternal grandmother and the courts. The children suffer so much for the action of their relatives. Their mother just left them. They don’t know where she is. Diane and Charles want a family so bad and the will do so much for these children. We pray they will be given the opportunity of adopting them all three if it is the right thing for all concerned. They have had David for one year. Jessica almost 2 months.

Alisha will be baptized on November 5 at 4 pm in South Jordan Stake Center. She was baptized by Charles Kirk Kimmerle and confirmed by Wm. Ray Murri at the stake baptism in the 5th ward of South Jordan. Our family attending were Janice, Ronalyn, Cami, Rebecca, Ray and I, Charles –missionary companion from Chile (his father is mission president in Chile now) and his wife, two regular missionaries and a stake missionary couple. The bishop, Louis Fredricksen was a boy who was raised and lived in our neighborhood. His mother still lives in our ward.

Diane and Charles really have a job ahead of them trying to teach these children to be a family. They have so much bitterness for the way no one has wanted them. We pray for them that all will work out the way it should for them and the children.

9 November 1988 – Saturday

4 pm, a clear, bright, cold day. Debbie, Diane, Janice honored Gladys at a Bridal Shower here at our home, 1126 E 230 S, Provo. Those resent were Aunt Sis, Marie Coomes, Glenna Kohler and girls Susan and Vickie, Lilly Kohler, Patti, Diane Kimmerle and Jessica and Alisha, Janice Jacobsen and Ronalyn and Cami, Debbie Murri and Rebecca and Amy, Julie Dey and Sandra Johnson and myself. We had an enjoyable two hours and Gladys received some very lovely gifts.

Ralph came and Gladys went over to Santaquin. Janice and girls went home. Ronalyn had to go babysitting, and Janice and Gary and friends were going out to dinner for Gary’s birthday. Diane and girls went home to prepare talks for sacrament meeting tomorrow. They are presenting the program.

Debbie and girls went home to visit with Sandra who came up from Cedar City for the shower today. She will go back tomorrow. Amy Lou cannot walk yet. She needs a lot of therapy to strengthen her little leg.

Ray and I went out to JCPenneys to do a little Christmas shopping as it was a special nite for just all the employees and retirees.

November 1988 – Wednesday

Went to hospital radiology department for arthrogram of my right knee. Have trouble with it for a couple of years, but he pain got so bad, I needed to find out the trouble. Dr. Brown and three technicians injected dye and air into my knee and took many x-rays.

15 November 1988

First snow storm in valley. Frost record broken. Still had tomatoes producing and flowers are beautiful.

16 September 1988

Hurricane Gilbert headed from Brownsville, TX and Corpus Christy – to arrive 11:30 pm. Went ashore Yucatan, Jamaica, Gulf of Mexico and Cancun. Thousands homeless and hundreds dead.

October 1988

The warmest October ever recorded in Utah in 114 years. Very unusual year. Extremely dry and hot.

13 November 1988

Blaine called to Lakeside First Ward Bishopric. Bishop Craig Miller, 1st Counselor Richard Kinateder, 2nd Counselor Blaine Murri. Set apart by Ronald Wright, Stake high counselor. Blaine was ordained High Priest also by Ronald Wright, Stake presidency counselor.

14 November 1988

Amy cast off Monday.

28 November 1988 – Monday

Went to Dr. Schow Jr., and he said I need surgery as I have a large cyst back of my knee that needs removal as it won’t go away. I hope I can wait until after Christmas. Also Gladys wedding is the 10th of December. I am taking Argasy 2 daily and Tagmet 4 times also Tylax for pain. We have had more snow today. The water situation is almost normal for this time of year. They have 150” at Brighton. Little Amy’s leg isn’t getting very flexible. She is having trouble walking on it. She is on a walker. Mike Groneman, a physical therapist, comes 5 days a week to help her learn to walk again.

17 December 1988 – Saturday

Christmas party at Diane and Charles for all the family.

24 December 1988 – Saturday

Christmas Eve party at our home.

28 December 1988 – Wednesday

Vivian surgery knee. Utah Valley Regional Medical Center. Douglas Schow Jr., surgeon. Michael Chandler anesthesiologist. Went in with a scope in front of knee and trimmed the cartilage bone on both left and right side of knee. Made incision clear across back of knee and removed a large baker cist and a hernia. Was in hospital three days. Healed real fast and removed sutures three weeks later.

19 June 1988, Sunday, Sandra Murri engaged to Stewart Johnson/marriage set for August 27, 1988 24 June 1988, Friday Julie Murri Dey graduated from Henager’s Business College, Provo, UT. 175 graduated in Provo Tabernacle. June 1988 Janice and Gary bought white Pontiac car, 1986 model June 1988 Vivian mammogram ok. Timpanogos Radiation Clinic 9 July 1988 Gladys Murri received engagement ring from Ralph Coomes. No date as yet. Glady’s birthday. 18 July 1988 Amy Lou Murri finally got the cast off her let after eleven weeks. 7 August 1988, Saturday Sandra’s bridal shower at her home given by _____ Lossee and Debbie Eyre, 14 present 4 August 1988, Thursday Karolyn Kohler Wall married John Kirkham from Kamas, UT 3 August 1988 Her son Chad, 16 years married 8 August 1988, Monday Gladys Turner admitted to hospital with bleeding ulcers from taking Feldin medication

17 January 1989 – Tuesday

Debbie slipped on stairs and broke her tail bone. She is really in a lot of pain. Can’t sit down. Just stand up or lay down. Can’t do anything for her only pain pills. Will take a long time to heal.

23 January 1989 – Monday

Dr. says I need therapy three times a week. Start Wednesday, January 25. Michael Groneman will be the physical therapist. They hot pack it between hot sand bags and then exercise it (surely hurts).

24 January 1989 – Tuesday

Killer Ted Bundy electrocuted in Starke, FL.

20 January 1989 – Friday George Bush sworn into office as 41st President of U.S. Daniel Quale sworn in as vice-president. The most expensive inauguration ever in the history of America. 28 to 30 million dollars. His new limousine cost $600,000 alone.

7 February 1989

New battery from Ron Benson for the grey 1983 Chev. $63.90. Five year guarantee.

19 March 1989 – Sunday

Sis called. Scotty has been having pains in his chest. Took him to emergency. He has had a mild heart attack. After 10 days in Utah Valley Regional hospital, Provo, UT. Transferred him across the street to East Lake care Center where he received therapy twice daily. Came home Tuesday, April 11. Doing real well. As good as before he went in. Gest around on a walker.

18 April 1989 – Tuesday

Amy Lou called to say her leg is strong enough so she doesn’t need her wheelchair at school any more. We are so happy. She has had such a bad year. We pray she may not get hurt again. Two broken legs in one year is enough.

Sometime in 1989

I have been having a bad time with my knee. So much pain and so stiff. Finally off the walker onto crutches. But can’t handle either one very well as when I got home from the hospital. My right arm felt as if a tight band was around it and was so numb and ached so bad. Had a lump on top. Dr. Schow thought it was from an IV needle. Gave me a shot of cortisone in it which helped very little. Taking therapy on it also. Finally had to quit therapy on my arm as it seems to make it feel worse. Haven’t been able to use it. Aches so bad. I hot pack it and ice it myself. It seems to help. The numbness has moved all over my arm from wrist to the elbow.

20 May 1989

Mother’s day. Purchased blue velvet wall away chair from Granite Furniture $329.

1989 – Janice and Gary new car and new truck

2 June 1989

Went out to Utah Valley Medical Center hospital. Same day surgery at 8 am to have carpal tunnel surgery on my right hand. Dr. Douglas Schow and Grosebeck anesthesiologist. Took about 20 minutes actual surgery. Waited until 11:20 am for my turn in surgery. Got home at 4:30 pm. All went well, now I hope the healing process will be fast.

December 1989

Ray’s electric chain saw from Gladys and Ralph. Recliner from Ray for Christmas. He bought it from Sis for $150.

7 January 1990-Sunday

Janice sustained as homemaking leader in Springcreek 8th ward Relief Society Springville Utah. 11 January 1990

Ray purchased a table band saw from Ernest for $109.73. He is having so much fun working with wood making all kinds of crafts. Ray had to return saw because it keeps breaking the blades. Charles has a big table model he let Ray take as he never uses it.

18 January 1990-Thursday

Charles and brother, and David Kimmerle left for Chile (South America) went on business to see about sporting anchovy fish from there for fishing late. They have the franchise for ice and fish bait at Lake Powell. Came home Sunday 21st 1990

Telecommunications on north canyon road in Provo. It is a company that goes all over giving seminars on how to start a business or make money. She answers calls about seminars etc.

20 January 1990-Saturday

Purchased new typewriter from Lloyds typewriter on west center Provo for $137.06. Has a 5000 memory bank, self corrects. Center headings, really a great machine.

Sis gave Ray Scotty’s fishing boat he bought from Hamilton for $600.00 10 years ago with 2 motors a trolling. Ray will enjoy it. Sis is having a hard time getting rid of anything Scotty had. Pill bottles or anything else.

26 January 1990 – Friday (this entry was typed on a typewriter)

Another wintry, stormy day. A cold front went through, a fast moving storm, high wind, and little flurries of snow. This has been a very warm January, no storm or moisture which we need very bad. Our overall water outlook for next summer isn’t good, only about 50% of the water we need. There has been so much sickness this winter because of mild winter. Charles came home from Chili Tuesday nite. Blaine is home from Las Vegas, NV. So all our family is home once again. We are thankful for opportunities they have at work.

Ray is finally over his winter cold. Janice has been by today. She seems to be happy with her job. She only wanted part-time, so she doesn’t mind if she does come home a little early. Gladys was by yesterday. She had a pretty hair piece on. It really made her look prettier than usual. One thing we can be proud of – our children and grandchildren always look nice. They all have responsible jobs.

Here we are, already one month just about gone in the New Year. A new decade. Time goes by so fast, no wonder we get old so soon. Went to my Thursday club yesterday, and we are all getting past seventy. This year, since we have lost two members to death, Grace Mills in October and Bonnie in September. Also Vinita has gone to Arizona for a month, and she is in the hospital down there with a blood clot. She is 80 years old.

Sis is having a hard time. She spends so much time sitting, not doing anything but watching TV. Her legs are getting so bad with arthritis. She sits so much, she can hardly walk. It has been a hard six months for her since Scotty has gone. There were together all day every day watching together. 7 February 1990-Wednesday

We finally got a good snowstorm about 8’’ inches on our lawn. We are so thankful for all the snow and rain we get. It has been a dry winter. Sunday they asked people to fast and pray for moisture. It is getting real serious the reservoirs and lakes are real low, some almost dry.

8 February 1990-Thursday Blaine and Debbie just came by in a new car, a grey Pontiac 4 door 1989 model. A really pretty car. Silver inside.

25-28 February 1990

We have had beautiful weather 53 degrees. Snow is melting fast. My hyacinth on the southwest of the house have buds on them.

Monday-Blaine and Sandra came to visit for a while. It was good to see Sandy. She works in Salt Lake for Traveler’s Insurance and doesn’t come home very often. Stuart is some place in a branch of the military trying to get his head on straight. He is such a mixed up person, but he had a great personality.

Tuesday-Last nite Ray and I went to the ward High Priest spaghetti dinner down to the church. Brother Swendeman the fellow the church appointed to oversee the construction of the Jerusalem center in Israel. He showed slides and told about it. It was a very enlightening evening, almost seemed as if you were there. A beautiful edifice dedicated to our Heavenly Father. They say 15 million but it cost much more than that. It looks like a big ray of light upon the mountain side where it is. It was built for 165 students each semester abroad to study the holy land where Jesus walked. The students and 20 faculty live right in the center. Beautiful accommodation - how blessed our young people to have so many opportunities to study all over the world, if they but apply themselves.

Wednesday-Wow how time flies, already two months of 1990 gone. Janice, Gary and girls went to St George Utah to stay until Saturday. Gary’s brother John is getting married for the fourth time. Big deal. Blaine left by plane on a buying trip for Parks Sportsman this AM. Going to Fort Worth Texas. Will be back Sunday. It was a beautiful day to go anywhere. I have had the south patio door open this afternoon. We hope to get more storms as we need more moisture so we will have water next summer.

5 March 1990-Monday

A rainy wet cold March day after we have had such beautiful spring-like weather. It has been too warm for this time of year. Crocus and daffodils and tulips are popping their heads out to start to bloom. The fruit trees are starting to get buds and then it will freeze them. Janice and Gary came home from St George Saturday. Blaine home from Texas late last night. Everyone back to work and school. Amy came this am and stayed with us. She is off track from school for 3 weeks. She is such a little lady, no trouble, just watches her cartoon videos or reads or draws.

11 March 1990-Sunday

Blaine’s Stake was divided which divided his ward. Blaine was sustained again as 1st counselor to Bishop Michael Smith with a new second counselor Richard Teasdale. His ward is still Lakeside.

13 March 1990-Tuesday

Gladys and Ralph went to St George to the annual state sheriff’s seminar. Will be back Saturday.

15 March 1990-Thursday

Cold wintry nite. We got 5’’ of snow on our lawn, but it was gone by nite.

18 March 1990-Sunday

Beautiful warm day, quite different than it was 42 years ago when Diane was born. It was a terrible winter blizzard that nite. Can’t believe our kids are all getting so along in years. But that’s life if one is lucky. Called and wished her happy birthday. She was busy all day so we didn’t go up. Will try to go up one evening this week. Now she has her 3 children she is busy and Shirley was here from LA to visit her.

19 March 1990-Monday

60 degrees today. Have had the house open all day. Ray and I have worked in the yard all day. We bought 12 used railroad ties to make grow boxes in our garden. It will save water and produce more veggies with less weeds.

Were up to see Sis, she is so lonesome but she doesn’t do anything to occupy her time only sits and watched TV. Doesn’t even get dressed.

5 April 1990-Thursday

A beautiful warm day, 64 about 10 above normal. A mild wind blowing. An unusual early spring. The early flowers and shrubs are in bloom. Tulips, daffodils, forsythia etc. Ray has worked the last 3 days at Bona Signs, blowing glass. Tonite we planted some more garden. Radishes and lettuce. Neptunian flowers. We planted our peas 10 days ago but they aren't up yet. The ground stays too cold. All the children are doing well, all busy with their jobs, school and church, but they take time to check in on Ray and I each day. We appreciate and enjoy our family. Sis is very lonesome. Sandy is still mixed up, can’t seem to make any decisions about her and Stuart (he is in Arizona in the military special services). She acts as if she is afraid of him. Can’t seem to get her to talk about her problem. Scotty’s sister, Opal Holman had a serious operation, removed gallbladder, ovaries and some intestine but they feel they got all the cancer and she is getting along fine.

10 April 1990

The LDS temples have changed the film and ceremony. This is the first time any change has been made. After much prayer and consideration they felt it was time. It is beautiful and more in keeping with our time. We will soon have 49 temples. They are all over the world. People are accepting the gospel and joining the church so fast. The missionaries have permission to enter many lands for the first time. Russia and West Germany. They have taken down the Berlin wall and people have seen relatives they hadn’t seen for 28 years since the wall was put up. Wonderful things are happening in the church. We are all thankful for the gospel and what happiness and peace it brings into our lives. We know if we keep the commandments and listen to the words of our leaders we will never go wrong because the Lord will not allow a false prophet to lead his people.

4 May 1990-Friday

Ray is working at Bona Signs today, blowing glass. He likes to do it occasionally to keep his talent for handling the glass. It is an art he will lose if he doesn’t keep in practice. He says he enjoys it, but he is 74 and can’t do it too often. Today Gladys received a promotion. She has been promoted to take over the county dispatch supervisory position. A job a man, Sargent Collodige, has held. She is very efficient and has worked in law enforcement for 17 years. This is another big responsibility. She will work 40 weeks but at her own time. She will be on call all the time in case of emergencies (if the computer is down, etc.) She is real happy but realizes all the responsibility that comes with the position.

Today is Janice and Gary’s 16th wedding anniversary. They are settled and improving their home. They have two special girls. Both are busy working. Janice is in the Relief Society as ward director or home specialist. She is a good mother and homemaker. Maybe someday Gary will become active in the church, we pray.

5 May 1990-Saturday

A beautiful day 80 after being so cold. Diane, Alisha, David, Jessica came down. We had a barbeque in the back yard. First this season. Gladys came over on her way to work about 3 pm. She works the late shift tonite. Janice, Ronalyn and Cami came to visit for a while. We are so thankful for our family.

Our yard is beautiful this year everything has blossomed so early at least 2 to 3 weeks earlier. We planted our beans today also one zucchini and some squash. Talked with John Jr. tonite, he and Barbara are going to start building a house. They have always lived in a trailer 12’x36’ will be a new life for them. Their two children are married and gone. They have a granddaughter 2 ½ months old. Shelly’s baby named Ashlee Nichol. They are so proud of her. They want me to get flowers for Ven for Mother’s day May 13th and for both John and Ven for Memorial Day.

6 May 1990-Sunday

A beautiful hot Sunday. Sis came down and went to church with us. She seemed to enjoy it. After we three went out to the new Chuck-A-Rama restaurant for dinner at 5:30 pm. It just opened in south Provo East Bay area. Very beautiful place and so much good food. It was fast Sunday and we go to church from 2:30 to 5:30 pm as four wards use our building plus it is the Bonneville Stake center. The 3 hours go by so fast. We have such good lessons and exceptional teachers. We are studying the Old Testament this year. Blaine and Rebecca came a few minutes this am to get his missionary journal he had to give a talk on journal keeping. We are so thankful for his calling. He seems to be doing a great job.

7 May 1990-Monday

Ray and I worked in the storage room in the garage, cleaning it and getting rid of things we don’t need anymore. A bit cooler today, but very pleasant. I have spent several days shortening drapes in our bedroom, front room and family room. They have been up to the ceiling and we dropped them to just above the window frames. . Makes our rooms look larger. Now we need to paint and paper it. It has been a good many years since we did anything other than wash the walls down and general cleaning. We are looking for new carpeting for the family room as this gold shag has been down for 22 years has surely been good. Still has a lot of wear left in it.

13 May 1990-Sunday

Today was a beautiful spring day. Ray and I attended church. It was Mother’s day. We have such good speakers and teachers in our church. The ward presented each married sister with a potted geranium plant. Ray and I went out to eat at the new Chuck-A-Rama in East Bay Provo before church as our meetings don’t start until 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm. It was very good. Smorgasbord style, all you can eat. When we came home at 5:30 all the children and grandchildren were here with a luncheon prepared. Sis and Marie Coomes was also here. We ate out on the patio but it did get chilly so we had to come in later to visit. All of them gave me a white ceiling fan and lite for our bedroom. Ray gave me a pair of slacks and top. Janice made me a pretty pin and white necklaces in Relief Society to go with my new suit. Janice is ward director in her ward. It was a lovely day we are always happy to have our family together.

20 May 1990-Sunday

We have had so much wind this week. Dries everything out faster than we can water. Have had to replant some tomatoes as they were frozen. Ray and I didn’t go to church as I had a head cold and didn’t feel too good. Ray won’t go if I don’t. At 7 pm we got ready and went to Corby’s seminary graduation in the Provo tabernacle. There was a big group. It was the Provo High seminary- 4 year program. We are very proud of Corby. He is a handsome fellow 6’3’’ tall, big brown eyes and dark curly hair. Now days the peer pressure is so great, it is a big accomplishment if they don't stray away. It is such a vulnerable age. Blaine, Debbie, Rebecca, Amy, Julie, Ward, Sandy, Gladys, Ray and I were there. Then we went down to Blaine’s for a piece of cake. Time to go to bed, now eleven pm. Today Blaine’s stake got a new stake presidency. They took Bishop Smith (Blaine was 1st counselor for him) as second counselor in the presidency. So now it leaves his ward without a bishop. When we left to come home at 9:45 pm the stake secretary had just called Blaine to come over to the church to a bishops meeting, so we wonder what is in store for Blaine. We do hope he will be given so job to keep him busy and involved in the church. It is so easy to become inactive.

24 May 1990-Thursday

Picked up Sis at 7 pm and went to the Marriott Center for Corby Ray Murri’s high school graduation. He graduated from Provo High School along with others.

28 August 1990-Tuesday

Ray and I took our trailer up to Payson Lake to spend a week. Stayed all nite it is such beautiful weather. Takes about 1 ½ hour to drive up there. The road is so crooked. This is Labor Day weekend so we brought the trailer up early to keep a camp place, but we were surprised there was a lot of empty spaces. All the kids will be up Monday to spend the day.

29 August `990-Wednesday Broke the new filling in my tooth, it has been crumbling in little granules ever since it was filled last week. So we came home and I went to Dr. Tolber and had it filled again, no charge. The silver he filled it with was mixed too soft. Went back up to Payson Lake. Gladys and Ralph brought Blaine’s trailer and parked next to us. Their friends came up for supper so we joined them. They all went back to work. Will be up again tomorrow nite to stay over Labor Day.

30 August 1990-Friday

Gladys and Ralph came up to stay. Gary and Janice brought their trailer up. We had a fire and played games in the trailer until bedtime. It has clouded over and has been raining. This late in the season it usually rain in the mountains.

31 August 1990 – Saturday

Gary and Janice took their kids home to the concert at the Marriott Center at BYU. “The New Kids on the Block” $25 per ticket. Have had their tickets since May. Diane also brought her kids down. Blaine’s kids went. (Amy, Becca, Jessica, Alisha, David, Ronalyn and Cami). All went to the concert. Four boys, the newest craze for teenagers. “The New Kids on the Block.” $25 per ticket. A sell-out.

After Gary and Janice came up to the trailer and brought Diane’s three kids with them. They arrived about midnite all soaking wet. It rained all the way and they rode in the back of the truck just covered with blankets. We had the tent up for them and all the kids slept in the tent. Diane and Charles will come and get them tomorrow.

1 September 1990 – Sunday, Labor Day weekend

Blaine and family, Julie & Ward, Diane and her family all camp up. It rained all nite and all day. But we had a good time. Had a big dinner then. They all had to go home to work. Holiday’s don’t mean much anymore. All businesses stay open. Can’t loose a dollar. Banks, State and Federal offices are all closed, but all stores are open.

2 September 1990 – Monday, Labor Day

Ray and I are alone today. But we will enjoy it tonite. Then we will go home tomorrow back to the heat. Can’t believe how cool it is up here.

5 September 1990 – Wednesday

8:30 am. Two fellows came to take out our old furnace of 45 years which had cracks in it and was unsafe. It has been a good furnace. No problems over the years. Very little upkeep. It was a big heavy Lennox. It was in the house when we moved in. We got a new Whisper Air Lennox furnace from Gunther’s in American Fork, UT. I hope this one will give the years service we got from the old one. It is 85% energy efficient. It should cost less to operate. Has a humidifier on it which we will enjoy. Our old one had gone out and we missed it. The humidity in the house makes you breathe easier. This furnace is about ½ size of the old one and real light weight. The two men could hardly get the old one out in two pieces. They worked and pulled and pushed. I though the one fellow would have a hurt back, he lifted so hard. The new one cost us one thousand seven hundred and eleven dollars $1711 installed. It is a good looking furnace. Now to see how it operates in winter. They put it all in one day. Finished about 8 pm. A very neat job. Can clean around this one.

6 September 1990- Thursday

Hung new sheer drapes in front bedrooms. White. They look so nice with the new paint and paper. Polished all furniture and hung pictures on walls. A very pretty room now. We are so blessed to have such a nice comfortable home to live in.

9 September 1990 – Sunday

Ray has a bad head cold and I didn’t feel up to church today. We rested all day. Spent a very quiet day.

10 September 1990 – Monday

Went to Dr. to have halter monitor (heart) put on for 24 hours. Wore one two weeks ago, but it malfunctioned so I had to wear it again from 10 am to 10 am tomorrow. Ray is still feeing not very good with a cold.

Took some of the fish we caught Saturday down to Marie Coomes. Went shopping for a present for our neighbor Vinita Porter’s 81st birthday. Ray and I hung white sheer drapes in our bedroom. They are beautiful. $57 large window. $25.50 small window. I bought them when they were 25% off on sale, plus my 15 % discount makes them a good price.

Talked with Diane, Gladys, Janice and Sis by phone today. A very hot day for this time of year. 93 degrees, normal is 82 degrees. No storm in the near future. Just read in paper where Utah Lake is at a 30 year low. The lowest level since 1958. We surely need a good heavy winter this year. All the lakes are so low, it will be very serious unless we get a heavy snow fall this winter.

13 September 1990 – Thursday

Another scorcher. The fourth record breaking day. 93-99 degrees. Can’t believe how hot for this time of year. Need to transplant my peonies and prim roses, but it is just too hot.

Went to visit Sis for a while. She is doing fine. Gladys, Ralph and his mother, Marie Coomes, left for Parker, CO just outside of Denver to visit his brother Merrill.

Dr. Day called me and said the halter monitor did not work again. But my blood sugar is high 125. My cholesterol is down a little 176. I must watch my food intake, especially dairy foods, fats, etc. Ray is getting better. Vinita and Gene Porter came over to visit for a while. The evenings cool off real good down into the 60 degree range, so it makes sleeping pleasant. Talked with Janice. She is feeling better. Stayed home from her work with a bad cold. So much of it going around. Granite Furniture called. Our carpeting is in.

14 September 1990 – Friday

Ray went to blow glass at Bona Signs in Springville. Came home at 2 pm. Another hot day. I cleaned house. Went out to JCPenneys to get some drape samples. So we can get the family room painted and the carpet laid. Stopped at Stevenson’s to Xerox a lot of Ray’s medical forms se we can send them into his insurance, Education Mutual. Medicare pays such a small part, that one needs secondary insurance. Talked with Diane. She is going to work at the State Fair tomorrow in the Business Regulation booth. By doing this for 8 hours, she gets one and one half days off work.

Ray and I are going to a one-man play out at Utah Valley Community College in Orem at 7:30 pm. Out in the amphitheater. Janice and Gary and girls gave us the tickets for our 52nd wedding anniversary. It should really be good. “Farley Family Reunion.” We have wanted to see it for some time, but whenever it was playing, we had other plans. Got home at 10:30 pm. The play was hilarious, but a little too long. 2 ½ hours.

Our neighbors, Porters, had saved us a seat near the front. Then Vinita and Gene came home with us, so Alice Ann and family wouldn’t have to drive in from Orem. A beautiful place for entertainment, but it was really warm, even that time of nite. Overcast, so it keeps the heat over our area. 96 degrees again today. Unseasonable warm for this late in the season. We thoroughly enjoyed the evening thanks to Janice, Gary and girls.

15 September 1990 – Saturday

Got my hair done at 9:30 am. Another hot day in the 90’s. At 12 noon, we watched the BYU/Washington State football on TV. BYU won 50 to 36 after a hard game. At the half, BYU was behind 7 to 27. Then they came ahead. The heat was so hard on the Washington players, they would put ice packs on their heads every time off the playing field. At 4:30 pm, Ray and I went out to Park’s to see how Blaine was doing on their big gun sale. Everything comes to a halt (slow down) when the BYU plays ball. 65,800 people attend. Did a little shopping. Was going over to visit Janice’s family, but they weren’t home, so we enjoyed the evening reading and watching Lawrence Welk, the Boston Pops (in memory of Sammy Davis Junior). Very good entertainment on TV.

Amy is better and went to school yesterday. Now Debbie has the same thing. Bad sore throat and cold. Diane spent the day working at the State Fair for her office. Ray is feeling much better. They antibiotics are helping him.

16 September 1990 – Sunday

Ray and I went to sacrament at 2:30 pm. Left after and picked up Sis to go to Fawn Whitney’s 81st birthday open house at her daughter Francis’ home on Turquoise Drive in Provo. Drove over to Santaquin to feed Gladys and Ralph’s cats. Stopped at the Chuck-A-Rama café for dinner. Took Sis home about 6:30 pm. A very nice day. A little cooler, but the days are getting much shorter and it is dark by 7:45 pm now.

18 September 1990 – Tuesday

9:50 am I went to dentist Bret Talher to have two teeth prepared for crowns. Ray went to Dr. J. Cordell Bott to see about his cold. He doesn’t have pneumonia. He gave him a good exam and said he is doing fine, jet to keep taking his antibiotics. It will eventually take care of his cold. A very cool day. 69 degrees. A drastic change from what we have been having. It rained most all nite with ½ to 1 inch of snow at Snowbird and Brian Head ski resorts. Gladys and Ralph got home from Denver and called about 8:30 pm. They had driven in rain all day and even snow in Beaver. We are glad everyone is home safe again. We were surely thankful for the rain.

19 September 1990 – Wednesday Ray went to work at Bona’s for four hours. Diane was coming down, but didn’t make it. Putting up salsa. Janice came by after work to visit a while. She works five hours a day at Sears tele-catalog down in East Bay, south Provo. Talked with Gladys and Blaine. Transplanted a few flowers. Peonies, etc. Real cool again, 67 degrees.

Our neighbor, Marvin Witt went to the hospital about 12:30 last nite. He is 86 years old and been sick for a long time. They are afraid it may be cancer.

We are trying to prepare the walls in the family room so it can be painted Friday.

20 September 1990 – Thursday

Ray went to work at Bona Signs for three hours. I went out to JCPenneys and got some drapery samples to try in the family room. Diane came down at 10 am to go and do some financial business at the banks with Sis. Ray came home and did some sanding on the walls. Janice came after work at 12:30 pm. She had such a bad headache. She has them so often. She is under so much stress, trying to do so much. Diane and Sis came about 1:30 pm. We four went down to Los Hermanos Mexican café for lunch. Janice didn’t go, she went home to rest. Gladys and Ralph came about 3 pm ready to paint. Took the carpeting out. I called Blaine. He came to help. Ralph rolled all the walls. Gladys and Blaine did all the brush painting, windows, doors and baseboards. Also painted west wall in kitchen. South wall in front room. They were done in 1 ½ hours which proves, a lot of hands makes the job easier. We painted it Navajo white. It is surprising what a little paint will do for a room. It looks like new. Didn’t talk only 2/3 gallon of paint- Navajo white $13.80 per gallon. Didn’t decide on drapes until we get the new carpet down.

22 September 1990 – Saturday

Went at 9 am to get my hair cut and set. When I came home Ray was working on painting the outside kitchen door. We washed the windows, kitchen and family room on the in and outsides. Washed kitchen curtains and hung them. Cleaned the rest of the house as much as possible as we have all the family room furniture, etc., in all the other rooms. We are walking on the old carpet pad in the family room. We have the carpet we took up out in the garage. We will put it down in the family room in the basement. Watched the BYU/San Diego football game on TV from 1 pm to 5 pm. 66,000 people attended the game up to the Y. The Y won 62 to 34.

At 6:30 pm, we went up to Llewyln and Clea Banks golden wedding in their backyard. It was a nice affair. Such a beautiful cool day. Saw a lot of friends and neighbors. Talked with Sis. She had Loy and another fellow up there buying rock and equipment all day. It will be good if she can get rid of a lot of the rock equipment. The basement is full of it.

25 September 1990 – Tuesday

We purchased our family room carpet from Granite Furniture store, 1200 N 500 W, Provo. Cabin Craft brand. Terra Cotta color, sort of a tweed semi plush. Very pretty. Cost $861.45.

Kent Denny from Salt Lake City came to lay the carpet in the room. He works as a sub contractor for Granite. Took him three hours. He did a very good job and was a very nice young fellow himself. He said it was a pleasure to lay good carpet because so many buy the cheapest kind and it is harder to match and make it look good. We had him lay the gold shag carpet we took out of the family room in the family room in the basement (it had been down 22 years). Still looks good. Took him 1 hour and 15 minutes and he charged forty dollars (good wages).

Gary came and helped moved the furniture back in the family room. It was out on the patio and all through the other rooms. Such a great change from shag carpeting. Will take getting used to. But it makes a pretty room and I’m sure it will wear us a long time. The gold carpet in the basement makes it so cozy and warm. We had 100% wool carpeting down there that Sis and Scotty had used for 30 some years. Couldn’t wear it out.

25 September 1990

Family room carpet, Granite Furniture $861.45 laid. Gold carpet in downstairs family room $40 to lay.

22 October 1990

Hung new drapes. Family room $138 plus $16 press and fam fold. Hung front room sheers.

1 November 1990 – Thursday

Gladys received Division Commander Award from Utah County Sherriff’s department. Presented by Lt. Jay Colledge and Sherriff Dave Bateman.

Framed picture for my birthday by all the children of Ducks in Flight in family room. Hung Nov. 4, 1990.

My white Christmas cactus is in full bloom, November 1, 1990.

Janice released from work director job with Relief Society and sustained as secretary to same. Bishop Pope.

November 1990

Ralph and Gladys bought Corby’s old Chev. He is fixing it all up. New engine, etc., so he can drive it around this winter and save his other cars.

Sometime in 1990: Gladys and Ralph purchased new red Mustang convertible from Tishner Ford in Santaquin.

Kitchen fan installed by Ralph and Ray. Back hall lite – was a Christmas present from Gladys and Ralph. Gary and Janice new truck.

1 November 1990 – Thursday

Today was a cold, wet, wintry day. First snow of the fall. Over one foot up in the mountains. Snowed low down on foothills down below the Y level on the hill. Lots of rain down here.

Johnnie Hinote called tonite. Haven’t talked with him since Memorial Day in May. He and Barbara have moved into their new home. Been in it five weeks. They built it in Cottonwood, California on 5 acres of land. Out in the country. They have lived in a trailer home, 12 ft by ___ ft in Cottonwood all their married life. Shellie and Briand are both married and Shellie has a little girl 8 months old, expecting another one in February, and Brian and Diane are expecting one in April. Johnnie was raised in a trailer and his folks, Venus and Johnnie built their home in Meadow Vista, California after he and Barbara were married, so this will be a great experience for them to live in a house. He isn’t working and won’t until next spring. He only works in the summer. A construction worker. Oiler on the heavy equipment. Done this all his life. Following in his dad’s footsteps.

2 November 1990 – Friday

Ray and I had our flu shots today. Every year there is another kind of flu virus going around. So we need our shot every year.

4 November 1990 – Fast Sunday

Ray and I went to our meetings. We learn so much from our lessons and have such a peaceful feeling when we come home. Sis, Gene and Vinita Porter and Ray and I went to Chuck-A-Rama to eat after. Always good food there.

7 November 1990 – Wednesday

Beth Ball and I visited our Relief Society sisters today. Ilene Farrer, Vila Franks, Donna Eichelberger. We will have to visit with Francis Lott another day. It was a beautiful cool fall day. We walked and enjoyed it.

8 November 1990 – Thursday

Ray and I went to the and did an endowment session. Nicola, born 28 September 1782. It is such a peaceful experience to go there and forget all the outside world for a few hours. After we went to South China Café for lunch. Another crisp fall day.

9 November 1990 – Friday

Ray and I hung sheer beige drapes in the front room. Janice came by and helped us on the way home from work at 12:30 pm. She comes by often, so we enjoy her visits. Drapes cost $117 plus tax. Blaine came up about 9:30 pm and visited for a while. Said he needed to get away for a while.

10 November 1990 – Saturday

Had my hair cut at 10 am and set. My hair grows so fast. I feel much better when it is shorter. Tonite was JCPenney annual employee shopping nite. 35% off once a year before Christmas from 8 pm to 11 pm. Ray and I purchased a few things. It is hard to know what to get for everyone.

11 November 1990 - Sunday

Stake Conference in the Provo Tabernacle on 1st South and University Avenue from 10 am to 12 noon. Very good speakers but quite noisy because everyone brings their children now more. Jr. Primary on this Sunday for them. After Sis came down and we went to the Chuck-A-Rama to eat. Was home by 2 pm. Blaine and family came about 7 pm until 8 pm. Always happy to have our children come home and visit.

12 November 1990 – Monday Busy around the house. Put a quilt on to make for Gary and Janice for Christmas. Ray washed the house windows on the outside, also the car. A warn day again 59 degrees today. 7 degrees above normal. 10:30 pm and it is still 39 degrees. Goes from last week in the low thirties all day record lows this time of year, now back up to normal. No wonder there is so much sickness around.

Tonite we had pizza we bought from Cami. She was selling for her school. She sold the most in her class (20) so she won a T-shirt and four prizes. She is a hustler. Always busy doing something. The mother’s and girls had to go after school and put them together then deliver them. They came here about 5 pm and still had 15 to deliver. It helps buy computers for their school. We always try to support in whatever they do.

15 December 1990 - Saturday

All the family, 23 of us went up to Diane and Charles for our Christmas party. We had ham dinner and each took a $1 gift to exchange. We had a good time, but it was a cold nite.

16 December 1990 – Sunday

Ray and I spend a quiet long day at home. Neither of us felt up to going out in the cold.

18 December 1990 – Tuesday

We had a big snow storm. About 12 inches on our lawn. Ray has been working over to Bona Signs. Blowing glass for a couple of days. I have been busy making lap quilts (called Quillows) small quilts 45”x72” that folds up into a pillow. The grandchildren like them to lounge around on. Made them out of printed flannel and tied them up with yarn. They turned out real pretty. Made eight of them. Janice helped me a couple of days or I wouldn’t have got them done for Christmas. Everyone is so busy getting ready for Christmas.

20 December 1990 – Thursday

Our neighbors, Gene and Vinita Porter went to Chandler, Arizona to spend a couple of months with their son Edward. They are lucky to get away from this cold weather. Bitter cold hangs on.

21 December 1990 – Friday

Ray and I went shopping out to the Orem mall. It was very busy and the parking lots were a solid sheet of ice. It has been so cold. Bought Ray some rubbers to wear over his dress shoes $10 to help keep his feet warm and dry. Everything is so expensive. We don’t go shopping very often. Only when we need something. People with families have to make enormous wages in order to keep them in clothes and food.

Ray is feeling pretty good. He tries to work around doing as much as he ever has, but he tires easily. Our house is so festive with all the lites outside. Our “Happy Holidays” neon sign – Ray made it- looks so pretty. Our tree inside and all over decorations. We have such a comfortable home. We are so blessed and give thanks every day. All our family is working, but Ralph. We have had a very good year.

I went visiting teaching alone. Beth Ball is working and couldn’t go. Enjoyed visiting with the ladies. Visited with Cecil and Ellen Rowberry also. They are feeling better. Ray did his home teaching Wednesday nite. His partner is Rulon Western. We are all worried. So many of our men and women are over in Saudi Arabia desert preparing for war with the Iraqis. We pray they may settle without declaring ward. The deadline is January 15, 1991 for the Sadam Hussein to withdraw his troops out of Iraq. This time of year, it is so hard for so many to leave their loved ones.

22 December 1990 – Saturday

The coldest ever recorded for this time of year in Utah and throughout the West. Low last night was 9 degrees below. High today 3 below. Wrapped all our Christmas gifts today. Already for the big day. Have a few loaves of banana nut bread, etc., to deliver to some oder friends. Leona and Marvin Witts, Cecil and Ellen Rowberry, Rulon Western.

Called Sis, but she said it is too cold to go the church tomorrow. It has been so cold for a week. So many broken water pipes causing damage in many buildings around the country. I made Christmas wreaths to take to the cemetery, but it has been too cold, so we will go up when it warms up a little.

Gladys called last nite and said Ralph had been to the Dr. Has injured himself some way and separated his ribs from his spine. They gave him shots and put him in a brace.

23 December 1990 – Sunday

54 all-time low records broken in Utah today. This morning 14 degrees below zero. High for today was 5 degrees. Have had our fireplace going all day to help keep the house warm. At one pm got a call. No meetings today in our ward. The furnace has gone out. No heat in the church.

Ray and I went down to the lake. It is all frozen over the river also. Just a small hole in the ice for all the ducks and geese to swim in just north of the river bridge. Visited with Blaine and Debbie. They have their home decorated so beautiful inside and out. Went over to Janice and Gary’s. Their home is also beautiful. We are such a blessed family. All our children in their own homes and so warm and cozy.

We missed not going to church especially this time of year. We need the programs and lessons to give one the true message of Christmas. The kids are all so excited. Can hardly wait for tomorrow nite. They will all be here for our family Christmas even party.

8 January 1991

Amy Lou Murri, age 12 had chicken pox. Spent two mornings at our house. These are some of her drawings. Good aren’t they. She spends hours drawing. (Amy’s drawings on 5 pages of the journal – near the September 6, 1990. Amy drew the pictures in 1991.)

10 March 1991 – Sunday

I stayed home from church. Ray went. Spent a quiet day. Read. Cooked dinner.

11 March 1991 – Monday

Ceramics. Making eagle, Easter rabbits, cookie jar, village of houses, church, train station, country store.

13 March 1991 – Wednesday

Temple recommends renewed. Home teachers. 14 March 1991 – Thursday

Club. Carol Snow’s. Dara, Martha, Alberta, Bernetta, Thelma, Carol and me. Cool cloudy day.

16 March 1991 – Saturday

Diane, Alisha, Jessica, Gladys, Janice, Cami, Ronalyn, Julie, Becca, Amy, Debbie and I to Palace to craft fair. Celebrated Diane and Ronalyn’s birthday. Cake and ice cream. Painted ceramics. Gladys went home at 10 pm.

17 March 1991 – Sunday

Church. Chuck-A-Rama. Blaine, Debbie, Becca and Amy came. Temple recommend signed by Stake.

17 March 1991 – Sunday, St. Patrick’s Day

Neighbors dying. Young people. Boyd Clayton 52 years. Joan Littlefield Woodhouse 56 years. Lisa Harward killed in car accident 20 years.

18 March 1991 – Monday

Ceramics. Last class this session. Visited Sis. Janice here when I got come.

19 March 1991 – Tuesday

Sis and I Rykettes. Ray work Bona. Home 12:30. Cooked turkey soup. Cold wet day.

20 March 1991 –Wednesday

First day of spring. Rained all nite. A few flurries of snow. Ray and Blaine gone for a ride. Baked a lot of bread, banana nut. 11 loaves. Gladys gave me a perm. Janice, Cami and Ronalyn came over to paint ceramics.

14 August 1999 – Saturday

Happy 92 Birthday Sis – born 1907

Happy born today – Weston Ray Murri 1999

A beautiful day. Bathed and did my hair. Gladys cam about 2 pm. Took me out to Utah Valley hospital to visit with Sis on her 92nd birthday. Julie, Sandy, Cameron, Jenna, Lindsey, Janice, Gary, Ronalyn, Bayli and Jaidan had been there with a pretty birthday cake. From Gladys and Janice family. Diane, Jessica and Skylar had been there. Anyone who came to visit her could have cake. She is doing very well and has a nice roommate, Pauline Atkinson (90 years old, broken hip also). Sis has a lot of flowers, cards etc. But the best of all was Corby and Tracy’s new baby boy, Weston Ray Murri, born today at 9:50 am at the Payson Mountain View hospital. Seven lbs 13 oz, 20 ½ long. This makes Ray and I 10 great grandchildren. We all gave her gifts. Diane family – housecoat. Gladys and Ralph – basket filled with skin care items. Janice and Gary, Rona and Cami’s families gave her a makeup mirror to stand on her table so she can comb her hair etc. We stayed a couple of hours and I was really glad to get home and relax. Too much pain sitting with my leg down so long. Glad to get to bed. Hope Sis continues to improve each day. It will be a long hard struggle but with the Lord’s blessings she will get well.

Blaine and family home form Yellowstone vacation.

15 August 1999 – Sunday

Blaine, Debbie, Becca, Amy came at 2:30 pm and took me over to Payson hospital to see my new great grandson, Weston Ray Murri, born yesterday. He was a beautiful wide awake baby. Can’t believe he is only one day old. He looks a lot like Corby did, more dark long hair (Corby’s was shorter and stuck up straight). Tracy’s mother and husband were there. As we pulled into the parking lot, Julie, Ward and 2 kids were driving away. I waved at them. The others got out and talked. As we were leaving the parking lot, Corby and Hannah drove up. Hannah was asleep. Went down to Blaine’s for a good Sunday chicken dinner, baked potato, corn on cob, green salad and punch, rolls. Came home at 6 pm. Had to hurry as I have diarrhea. Glad to get home to lie down. Had to walk so far into the hospital. My leg is really giving me a bad time. I appreciate them having me for dinner. Watched TV and to be at 11:30 pm. Tired out. Talked with Gladys, Janice, Sis.

16 August 1999 – Monday

I really had a bad night. Up every hour. So much pain in my legs, head and arms. Rubbed me good with 484. Helped some. Took it real easy today. Rested a lot and took Ultram pain pills. I guess I’m trying to do too much. Talked with Sis. She is doing pretty good. I’m glad she has a good roommate. Helps pass the days.

17 August 1999 – Tuesday, 92 degrees high, 64 degrees low

Today BYU Education Week started. 30,000 attendees. Really fills our city with cars and people. Goluck, Turkey hit by a devastating earth quake. 7.5 on the scale. 4,000 known dead. 18,000 injured and 10,000 missing. So terrible. They are so ill equipped to face such a disaster. No heavy equipment to help search for the buried. Countries all around the world are sending aid and equipment. U.S. is sending searchers – dogs, equipment etc. But time is running out for those buried in the rubble. Watered garden. Pulled weeds. Talked with Sis, Gladys. Janice came by after work. Took my wash. Helped me change my bedding. Brought me some groceries. Watched Education Week on TV from 5 pm until 10 pm. Five speakers. They all had such good messages. Martha came over to visit a couple of hours – set outside in driveway. Bed 11:30 pm.

18 August 1999 – Wednesday

A bad night. So much pain. I must quit doing so much outside, but must keep things watered etc. Cami came by about 1:30 pm, said I was sound asleep so she didn’t wake me – which is unusual for me. I usually hear every little noise. She came to pick a large zucchini for Ronalyn to make cookies. When she got home, she had picked a large cucumber instead. Didn’t know cuke from zucchini (Ha Ha). Diane came about 7 pm. We went to El Azteca for Mexican dinner. Went out to see Sis. Her roommate went to East Lake today so she is alone in her room. We asked them to move her by the window, but they said they couldn’t until tomorrow. They need permission from the nurses. Sis is doing quite well, but at her age, she has a long ways to go. Diane brought me home at 9:30 pm. She headed home. Tired out. Talked with Gladys, Blaine, Debbie. Tracy and baby Weston went home yesterday.

19 August 1999 – Thursday

Moved Sis into room 2801 from 2808. I kept trying to call her. Finally called nurse station to find her. She has a roommate again which is good for her. Blaine called. I trimmed some shrubs on East side of house. I asked Karl Wilson to help me cut a couple of limbs that I couldn’t. They happened to drive in from Trydel Unita Basin. Robert came at 6:30 pm. Cleaned up the limbs and mowed my lawn. It surely needed it. It had been 10 days.

Talked with Sis, Gladys, Ronalyn. I am paying for working outside again. Bed at 10:30 after watching Education Week. The search is still going on in Turkey. Such devastation. They have been cleaning out Leona Witt’s house the last three days. Now a 4 sale sign on the lawn. I do hope I get some good neighbors. Not Hispanic etc. One never knows. Leona is living with Gerald and Bessie Witt in Salt Lake. She is 91 years old and very senile. Debbie brought me some herbal pills glucosamine and ______for my arthritis. Dr. told Blaine to take it. Says it helps arthritis. Helps build cartilage between joints. Hope it will help me.

20 August 1999 – Friday

Not doing so good today. Too much work yesterday. I was lounging around and resting most of the day. Not up to much. Today my doorbell rang at 1 pm. It rang several times. I was in the bathroom. Finally made it to door just as Lucille M. Gervais and Ralph Murri were getting in their car to leave. I called and they came in to visit. Haven’t seen Lucille for 3 years and Ralph longer. Lucille lives in Walla Walla, WA. All alone. She came down to invite me to go thru the South Jordan temple with her Tuesday to be sealed to Ivan. He has been dead 7 years. I can’t go, but I am so happy for her. She will be 83 December 28 born 1926. She and Ray are the same age for 2 weeks. Ray was born 9 January 1916. Two children in one year. That was the year Grandpa Wm James Carlisle was crushed by a slab of granite in Heber City. He was paralyzed from his waist down for 35 years and spent it in a wheelchair. Was working for John Beesley Monument in Provo, UT.

21 August 1999 – Saturday, 86 degrees high, 64 degrees low

Happy 24th Birthday – Rebecca born 1975

Up at 9 am. A beautiful day. Showered. Rolled hair. Rested. Diane called on her way down. She has Skylar and Taylor, her little grandchildren with her. She stopped at the hospital to see Sis for a few minutes, but with two kids under 2 years, she didn’t stay long. Came to see me for a few minutes. (2 dozen) Picked my few tomatoes and cukes 6. About 10 minutes – she is worn out with those two kids. Filled their bottles with milk – put them in car seats and headed home. She called back from Lehi and they were both asleep. I ate lunch, rested at 5 pm. Went out to water a bit. I got so dizzy as if I was passing out. Sat on patio until I was able to get into house. Don’t know unless was too hot. But it was cooler today. I’m feeling better now. Called Sis. She isn’t doing so well tonight. Says she is weak. Can’t each much. Talked with Janice. She took Gary to hospital for tests at 8:30 am. He has been having so much pain. They think he has kidney stones. He will get the results Wed. He passed out when they put the dye in his veins but is better tonight. Talked with Gladys, she will be over at 1 pm tomorrow and we will go out to see Sis. Bed at 11:30 pm. Hope I have a good night’s rest. A hurricane is moving into Texas by tomorrow afternoon. The starting of the hurricane season.

22 August 1999 – Sunday

Hurricane “Bret” hit 60 miles from Corpus Christi, TX. Thank goodness it wasn’t as bad as expected and hit in a more rural area. More animals than people. Did a lot of damage. Now torrential rains as much as 12” an hour. But this is just the start of the hurricane season and two more forming just out to sea. Gladys came over at 4 pm. We went out to the hospital to see Sis. She is doing good. A few steps down the hall and back to bed. They were weighing her when we got there. She has lost 12 lbs in about one week. She is sick to her stomach again today. She needs fluids, but she never has drank water. Barely a couple swallows to get a pill down. Bought me a Wendy’s chicken sandwich. Gladys went back to work about 7 pm. Watched TV. Just about finished reading Margorie Pay Hinckley’s book. Blaine, Debbie, Becca and Amy came to visit Sis while we were there. They didn’t stay long as Debbie will be there to work tomorrow.

When Gladys came I had left my water running a little in the garden since Saturday night. I got dizzy while I was out in the garden, so I missed turning off one hose tight so the garden is well watered. All but 2 boxes. I wasted a lot of water, but was so dizzy, I only wanted to get into the house. Will be more careful next time.

Goluck, Turkey, 200,000 homeless, 18,000 confirmed dead. Need 45,000 body bags for dead.

23 August 1999 – Monday

Out at 8 am to water, pick my tomatoes and cukes. One zucchini. My home teacher, Bishop and Iris Slade, came over at 11 am instead of 11:30 am and I wasn’t quite cleaned up. Just in my house coat but that was alright. Bishop gave me a blessing, so I’m sure I will feel better. I didn’t do much weeding, they will have to wait, but they really grow fast. Talked with Sis. Iris said she would talk with her daughter who is a massage therapist and see if she would come by and massage my body. Maybe I would feel better.

24 August 1999 – Tuesday

Up and made me veg stew from veggies out of my garden, tomatoes, onions, peppers, zucchini. Then I eat them over baked potatoes or noodles. At 3 pm, I was just getting out of the shower when Vilate and Al Long came calling. A happy surprise to see them. Has been one year. They live in St. Louis, MO. They stayed about 2 hours, we had a good visit. Al isn’t doing so good. He has diabetes and has ruined his kidneys. They are going home. Then he will go on dialysis. They are going to sell their home and build one in Midway, back of Rex’s house. All of their kids are out here. So they will come too. Diane came at 7 pm. We stopped at Reams for hot dogs and macadamia nut ice cream. Out to the hospital to see Sis 8-9 pm. Stopped by Karolyn Black’s condo she bought for her boys to live in while they go to college (Charles sister from Oregon). Diane brought me home and headed home tired out. She is leaving for Los Angeles Thursday night at 7 pm. She called back at 10:30 to say she is home. Sis doing really good. Looks much better.

The problems in Turkey are getting worse. Now it is raining to spread diseases. So said such a terrible disaster. Hard to imagine the suffering.

25 August 1999 – Wednesday Didn’t do much today, not up to par. Ronalyn, Cami, Bayli and Jaidan came at 2:30 pm. Rona mowed the lawn. Cami vacuumed for me. Then they went grocery shopping for me. Janice came at 5:30 m, but they weren’t back from shopping. They came soon and we hurried and put the perishables away. She and Ronalyn were having a book party, Julie De was presenting it. Great books, but expensive. They had about 10 people come. Gary and Janice brought me home about 9:30 pm. Good to get out of the house for a while. Ralph came home today. They have a beautiful yard. Bed at 11:30 pm. A lot of pain and not feeling too hot. High 91 degrees, low 66, hot and muggy.

26 August 1999 – Thursday

A bad night. Up listening to Relief Society tape at 2:30 am. So much pain in my leg and neck. Taking it easy today. My leg just don’t want to hold me today. Breakfast at 10:30 am. Read paper. Put remainder of groceries away. Rested in chair. Tuna sandwich at 1:30 pm. Laid down to rest at 2 pm. Up at 4 pm to shower. Called Janice. She came by at 5:30 pm to put my garbage out. I’m just not up to it today. Feel some better after my shower. Talked with Sis. Janice was up there visiting her. She took her clothes to her that Gladys has washed for her. She is feeling better today. Her roommate went home, so she is alone today. Blaine called to talk to me about Lars Laverl Loader (dad’s old deer hunting friend) coming into see him and reminisce about the hunts. Blaine thought he was some old man imagining things until he started telling Blaine some deer stories only he could have known unless they has been there. Laverl lives in my ward now and is 88 years old. He was Stell’s nephew. Talked with Gladys, Ronalyn. Diane called at noon. She leaves at 7 pm to fly to Los Angeles to visit with her friend Shirley Sycamore until next Tuesday. They were roommates in Los Angeles for 7 years and will always be good friends. A beautiful day, but they are getting shorter.

27 August 1999 – Friday

Joe Jenkins from Linford plumbing – bid on toilet $500 plus. He cleaned the tub drain and had to get a Roto Rooter man to come and do it. Something in the trap in the basement in the ceiling door.

1 September 1999 – Wednesday, Ray and my 61st Anniversary, 1938

A dreary overcast day. Fall is surely in the air. Diane called, she came home from Los Angeles last night at 11 pm. Blaine came at 1 pm during his lunch break and put my bulbs in the sensor lights on front of garage. Ronalyn, Jaidan and Baylie came to visit. They are such cute, smart, well behaved children. Bayli is such a little helper. The days are getting shorter all ready. I don’t like the long evenings. Talked with Sis, she is doing real good. Heather Cozier, Laurie Bullock’s daughter came to visit me. She is a massage therapist. She can’t come to help me because she started a job at Timpview High School.

2 September 1999 – Thursday

Another cool day. I trimmed some shrubs in my yard. Then my arms hurt all night. Diane came about 6:30 pm. We stopped at Reams and got us a hot dog and macadamia nut ice cream for our supper. On to East Lake to visit with Sis. Took her and roommate Pauline Atkinson a couple of tomatoes out of my garden. Robert came just as we were leaving to go visit. He mowed my lawn and put the garbage out on the street for pickup in the morning. Diane and I came home at 9:30 pm. Diane took a bag of cukes out of my garden to give to her friends, about 10 big ones, burpless Oriental cukes. She called. Was home by 10:30 pm. Janice called. She calls or comes by most every day. 3 September 1999 – Friday, High 66, Low 46

A really rainy cold day. A regular cloud burst for about 30 minutes. Midway Swiss das started today. Really cold and miserable day. Started 52 years ago as farmers would put their produce on their lawns and sell them. Now it is a two day commercial affair. About 90,000 people attend in two days. The first day, 50 years ago, Blaine was in the first parade on his tricycle with a metal race boat on it “Breeze I.” Scotty had it made in his shop for Blaine. Sylvan Burgi was the MC. The first year, they made $500. Now they make thousands and always put it back into the county for scholarships, school ground play equipment, beautification of cemetery, town square Glockenspiel clock on town hall and many great benefits to the county. Just about too cold and wet today. But very seldom has it been rained out. Had my furnace on for a while today. Read and did some housework.

4 September 1999 – Saturday

Showered. Rolled my hair. Janice, Bayli and Jaidan came and took me to Macey’s grocery store to shop. They have mechanical carts I can drive myself around in. We bought Mexican tacos etc and came home to eat. A very cold, overcast day, but no rain. Had my furnace on. Cami came over at about 6 pm after she got off work. Clipped my neckline. They went home about 7 pm. I watched the Lawrence Welk show on TV. Finished reading the book about Marjorie Pay Hinckley’s life. A very good book about a lovely lady whose life has been dedicated to the Lord. Listened to Relief Society tape about 2 am this morning. Couldn’t sleep very well.

Gary and Robert went to Moab on Jeep safari. Julie, Ward, Cameron and Jenna went camping at Smith Morehouse in the high Uintas. Last year we all went.

5 September 1999 – Fast Sunday

Janice, Cami, Ronalyn, Jaidan and Bayli came about 2 pm. We went out to South China but it was closed. Went to Chiam Café in Orem. The food was terrible. We will never go there again. Haven’t been there for at least two years. Cami took me in her new Ford Escort, a very pretty little car, four cylinders, but a lot of go. After, we went to visit Sis. Cami cut and set her hair. Bayli and I stayed in her room and read. They went down to the beauty shop. My what a difference one’s hair makes. Gladys called. She got home from Dallas, Texas about 6:30 pm. Her plane was one hour late. Ralph was home when she arrived. We saw Duane and Beverly Burrows at the Chiam. Haven’t seen them for about 10 years. A really cool day.

6 September 1999 – Labor Day

Blaine and Debbie invited Gladys, Ralph, Janice, Gary, Robert, Ronalyn, Bayli, Jaidan, Corby, Tracy, Hannah, Weston, Enid and me down for a hamburger dinner. He came for me. Put up my towel bar. It had fallen down. We had an enjoyable afternoon. Janice and Gary brought me home. Janice had done my wash. A long lonesome evening. A beautiful sunny day but really cool.

7 September 1999 – Tuesday

East Lake called. Sis’ monthly meeting review is today at 2 pm. Janice took her lunch break and went with her. They just review her progress and ask her what she likes and dislikes about her care givers. Lasted about 20 minutes. She is progressing great. No pain. She has never had pain. Janice came by with some Hershey bars. I watered my garden, picked tomatoes and cukes and green peppers. Diane came about 7:30 pm. She had been up to Sis’ house for some clothes. She and I stopped at Reams for a hot dog etc. On out to East Lake to visit Sis until 9 pm. Met Ardell Andreason and Lydia Mott (sisters) old ward members. Their sister is in East Lake care center. Sis is doing real good. Diane left for home at 9:30 pm. Makes a very long day for her. Gladys is home sick today, so much illness going around. I’ve had a sore throat the last couple of days. Bayli and Amy have been sick also. I’m ready for bed. I am feeling better every day. Cool again today. Blaine and Becca came to visit Sis while Diane and I were there.

Dorothy Dayton Kohler Briggs Meyers died, September 7 1999. Funeral September 11, 1999, Saturday in Heber Olpin Hoopes Mortuary.

8 September 1999 – Wednesday

Did a little yard work. Read. Carol Remund Schallpi (school friend) from Midway, 82 years old died in rest home in Orem. Blanch Hawke called to tell me Dorothy died last night. She has been in Orem care center for six years with Alzheimer’s (so sad). Karolyn Kohler Wall called me about 11 am to tell me her mother, Dorothy Kohler Briggs Meyers passed away last night at 11 pm. She had a hard time going. A strong body and no memories. She was six years older than me. 86 years. Born March 31, 1913. Married to my brother Willard for 32 years. He died in 1962, December 12. Married Lloyd Briggs for 15 years. He died of cancer. Married Bennie Meyers. He died. Karolyn said funeral will be Saturday, September 11 at 11 am in Heber, Olpin Hoopes Mortuary. It is a blessing. She has been sick for so long. Janice went out to see Sis on her lunch break and tell her about Dorothy. I called all the children; Diane, Gladys, Blaine and Janice to tell them about Aunt Dorothy. She took care of three sick husbands.

Blaine left at 4 pm to go to La Sal, Utah to spend a few days on the Charlie Redd Ranch. He and four other fellows. He will be home Sunday. Charles Redd was a Utah legislator for years. He owns hundreds of acres on the Utah Colorado border. Paid my current bills. Need to go to the bank tomorrow. Another cool day. Trimmed my roses.

9 September 1999 – Thursday

Not feeling too good. Have rested. A lot of pain in my back. Talked with Sis, Janice and Gladys. Fern Kohler Lisonbee called and talked a long time. A cloudy day but some warmer. BYU and Washington Huskies first football game of the season tonight at BYU. Robert didn’t come mow my lawn. I wonder why? BYU won. Robert came real late. Almost dark.

10 September 1999 – Friday

A cool windy day. Showered and did my hair. Claudia Slade Brown, a massage therapist, came at 1 pm and worked on me for 1 ½ hours. $45, but it relaxed a lot of my neck and back muscles. I feel some better. I hope it will help my pain. Gladys came at 6:30 pm. She and I went up to our church to Vinta Porter’s 90th birthday open house. Not many there, mostly her family. I talked with Ileen, Martha, Bishop and Iris Slade. Dayne Clark, Lew and Clea Banks, Lloyd and Nadine Rassmussen. Everyone is getting older and more ailments. Darlene and Clair Pickup also. A nice party. They had a little fashion show, her grandchildren in some of her old clothes. She and Gene loved to dance. A Mrs. Brown thought she knew me. Found out she knew Dorothy Kohler from dances. Came home about 8 pm. Vinita lived across the street from me for about 48 years. We were good friends. Went fishing a lot. Ray and I took them. 11 September 1999 – Saturday

Gladys, Debbie and Amy came at 9:30. We drove out to Orem Rohbock floral and picked up the arrangement for Dorothy’s funeral. Went on to Heber to Olpin Hoopes Mortuary. Funeral at 11 am. Joan, Gerald, Sheila and Gerald’s wife were there. Joan lives in El Taro, California. Her husband, John Huff, didn’t come as he is sick with bladder stones and scheduled for surgery next Tuesday. Karolyn and all her children, 3 boys and families, were there. Neil Jayne and family were there. They are all grown up. No wonder I am getting so old. A very nice service. The mortuary was full. A beautiful day. Gladys and Janice took flowers for dad’s grave. Janice and Gary went on to Layton to a Wedding. We joined the family for lunch by the Relief Society. Sandra brought Lindsey to the mortuary for Debbie to tend and bring home to Provo. She is a darling little girl. Looks just like Zane, her brother. We came right home after. Debbie, kids and Gladys went right home. I’m tired out, so I rested a while. About 3 pm when I got home. Talked with Sis on phone. A long evening. Went to bed at 11:30 pm. Up at 2:30 am. Listened to Relief Society tape. Marie Creveston (Relief Society President) has asked to be released. Wonder who will be our new president. Bud, Glenna, Doyle and Lillie were at the funeral.

12 September 1999 – Sunday

Gladys came at 4 pm. We went to East Lake to visit with Sis. I took her some fresh pceahes to eat (also roommate Pauline Atkinson). Bud, Glenna, Doyle and Lillie came to visit Sis. Gladys and I came home at 6 pm to meet Janice to take everything out of my guest bedroom. The painter is coming at 9 am tomorrow to paint the wood work. Janice is sick, so Gladys and I moved it all out. (Mostly Gladys.) I’m not much help. Don’t know what I would do without Gladys. She went home at 8:30 pm. Tired out and my house is in a mess. Everything piled around

13 September 1999 – Monday

Jayson Albee, painter, came at 9 am. What a poor excuse for a painter. Never used even ½ qt. of paint on all the wood work. He wouldn’t paint inside the closet because he didn’t have time. He was here 1 ½ hour. I made him paint one door frame over. $50. I’ll never have him do anything for me again. He did a terrible job.

At 3:40 pm, Gladys and I met Sis at Dr. Schow’s office. Est Lake brought Sis in a wheelchair in a van. She is doing fine. X-rayed her let and all is healing well. 25% weight bearing now. I had an apt for Thursday, but they let me at the same as Sis, so Gladys wouldn’t have to take time off again. He just told me to slow down and come back December 5. Just take my pain pills. Stopped and bought me some bread and nose drops and sliced turkey at Allen’s. Gladys went on home. We went to her bank and mine. The van took Sis back to East Lake.

15 September 1999 – Wednesday

Lesia Dunn (Ronald) and sister, Judy Bills from Payson came at 9:30 am to paper my south bedroom. They brought a folding chair and basket of rags. The paper now days is pre-pasted. They just cut it in length and soak it in water in the bath tub. Started in a corner. One went to the left and one to the right. They were all done at 12:30 pm. They came all dressed up, jewelry and all. They used all the paper because they charge by the roll. I should have put one roll away because they just wasted paper. They did a good job $161. They have been doing it for 16 years. Terrific money for two women. $80 for 3 hours work. 1 October 1999 – Friday

Witts sold house to older couple. Kevin and Susan Unander or Unanded. They were married today and moved in part of 3 families. Parents ______and______. Couple married second time, in their late 40’s and three teenagers. All related. Hope they will be good neighbors. I am so far behind in my journal. I will try and get it up to date.

Our neighborhood has changed so much. Mostly young couples with small children are back on our street. As it was when we moved here in 1950, March 2. Very few of us old ones now. Martha Simmons, Kathryn Peterson, Zenda Bulow, Clair and Darlene Pickup, Margaret Wilde, Julie and Gordon Hawkins, Carol and Glenna Wilson, me, Peter and Elizabeth Vel. Only Kathryn, Zenda, Pickups are still here from when we moved int. Young people keep moving in for a few years, then move on. Leona Witt is in SLC with her son and wife, Gerald and Bessie. Audrey Brown, Massage therapist came at 11:30 am. 1 ½ hours for $45. She makes me feel better, but it is so expensive. Medicare won’t pay for the treatment. But I have to get relief from all this pain in my neck, arms and back. Some days, I can hardly bare the pain. Showered and did my hair. Claudia will be gone on a bike safari until Tuesday, October 12.

2 October 1999 – Saturday

Listened to 169th LDS General Conference sessions at 10 am and 2 pm. Some of the last conference sessions held in the famous tabernacle. 130 years old. President Gordon Bitner Hinckley, Prophet and President of the LDS church. 1st counselor Thomas S. Monson, 2nd counselor, James Faust. Wonderful men. All are getting old.

14 October 1999 – Thursday

A cold windy day. Robert didn’t come to mow lawn. Gary came and brought my house plants in for me. Turned off the air conditioner and drained it. Put some tree limbs in the garbage and put it out on the street for me. He is such a good person. He helps me when I need it. He is feeling better since taking his antibiotics. It has cleared up the infection and no more pain.

15 October 1999 – Friday night

Really cold. I pulled the garbage can in and turned the refrigerator off out in the garage. No garden vegetables to put in it. Trying to put yard things away for winter. Little by little. Still have flower and weeds to pull and cut off for winter.

Robert came at 6 pm. Mowed lawn shorter for the winter. Hasn’t been cut for 3 weeks. I did some watering today. The people in McCoard’s house over my back fence have cut down a lot of old, dead shrubs and weeds along our fence line. It really looks better. But still needs more trimming. Lois used to keep it up so nice.

16 October 1999 – Saturday

A bright but cold day. Spent it cleaning my house as well as I can reach. It really froze everything last night. All my flowers but a few roses and the mums, they are beautiful. No one came by as it was Janice’s ward’s Super Saturday. Also, Gladys’ ward’s. Diane, Jessica, Skylar, Janice, Gladys, Ronalyn went to Janice’s ward and made Gingerbread houses and Christmas Santa wooden picture frames. Gladys wasn’t feeling very good so she went home early. I talked with all of them on the phone. A long lonesome, cold day. Janice did my grocery shopping. Will bring it over Monday morning on her way to work.

17 October 1999 – Sunday

Diane came down at 4 pm. She and I went out to South China Café for a good halibut dinner. On to East Lake to visit with Sis. She was in the dining room eating dinner. I sat in her room until she finished. Diane sat with her. She really looks good. Better than when she was at home. If the swelling would just go out of her feet and legs. We left about 7 pm. Went up to Sis’ house to check on it. Porch light was out. Other outside flood lights were out. Diane turned air conditioner off and heat on. Checked all through house. Got home at 8 pm. Diane went on to Blaine’s and on home. A nice day. I watched the last Tabernacle Choir program conducted by Jerold Ottley at 9:30 am. He has been conductor for 25 years. His wife Joan worked along with him. She was a trained singer and interviewed and taught people for the choir. Craig Jessop will take over his place. He has been assistant director for some time. The conductor before Ottley held the position for 26 years. The choir will continue broadcasts from the famous Tabernacle on Temple Square even after the new conference center is finished. I listen every Sunday morning to all the conference talks. They re-broadcast one each Sunday morning. They told Jerold Ottley’s retirement on the 10 o’clock news.

Yesterday I received an invitation for our Halloween party at the Coomes home in Elkridge, October 29. Clown is the theme for costumes. Also invite to my 80th birthday party at Oakcrest Inn in Payson on October 26. Gladys made the invitations on her computer. They are very pretty. It is amazing what they can do on a computer.

18 October 1999 – Monday, 62 high, 32 low

Lower than normal for this time. Cami came by for boxes of my pictures of the family over the years. She was in a hurry to go give Ronalyn a permanent before she goes to work at 4 pm. Talked with Elaine Hoover 0 to ask her if Sis’ yard lights come on at night. They are out. I called Blaine. He will go up and fix them. Diane called, Gladys, Ronalyn, Bayli. Was up this am from 2:30 am to 5:30 am listening to Relief Society lesson on tape, watering my violets, reading. Went to bed and slept until 9 am. I have some bad nights. Too much pain. Janice was here at 8 am with my groceries. I got up and put them away. She also stopped on the way home from work and got some things out of the basement. Also brought me some apples and ice cream from the store. She helps me a lot. I appreciate all the children do for me.

19 October 1999 – Tuesday, 60 high, 34 low

A beautiful sunny day, but cold. Claudia came at 11:30 am for massage therapy until 1:30 pm. I cooked steak, squash, tomatoes and toast for lunch. Rested at 2:30 pm. Blaine called. He has been up to Sis’ and put in the lights at noon. That makes me feel better because her place is back off the street and so dark – anyone could break in and no one would know. I think a little light outside helps. Talked to Sis and Janice and Gladys. Martha came over and visited. She fell down last Friday off her back step. Blacked her eyes. Hurt her hand. She was able to get herself up. Lucky she didn’t break something. She wasn’t able to go to church Sunday.

20 October 1999 – Wednesday, 64 high, 34 low Beautiful day. Ronalyn went to the dentist at 9 am. Cami has her two little girls. She came at 1 pm and took me out to Utah University Health Center 1300 So., Orem to have a mammogram at 1:30 pm. Haven’t had one in 18 months, so I prayed all will be fine. They were giving free shots there so she and I each had one. We were going to the Utah County Health Center, but were lucky to get it free out there. Saved us $20. We were happy about that. Then we went out to the Utah Highway Office 800 N Orem to see if I could get my drivers’ license renewed. It has expired 1 year ago, Oct. 26 1998. So I had to take the written test. I have really worried about it. But I passed. I am so relieved to be able to drive again. $8 paid. It will be good for five years, 2004. I have worried and studied the handbook. They had me so worried, said the lines were so long it would take hours to get it. Took about 1 hour. We then went to Wendy’s and got a sandwich and frosty. To the bank drive in to deposit a check. Home to eat. Has been good day. A lot accomplished thanks to Rona. I really appreciate it so much. She went over to her mother’s because she is going to her Bonco club in American Fork at 7 pm. They meet once a month in a member’s home. I am so relieved to have my license. Martha came over to visit. She is lonesome too. We have plenty to do , but miss our partners.

I was invited to a widows’ service party by a primary class. Teachers Iris Slade and Julie Roper at 6 pm in the Relief Society room. Was ready to go with Martha but at 4:50 pm diarrhea hit me, so I had to miss it. I really wanted to go.

One of the women across the hall from Sis passed away late last night. Helen Kathleen Sutton, 83 years old. So Sis is really upset. Sis is doing really well. I try to talk wither every day. I took an anxiety pill and went to bed at 11 pm. Hope I relax and sleep well. Sis went to Dr. Richard Olsen today. He put her back on high blood pressure pills and increased water pills.

22 October 1999 – Friday, Happy Birthday Vilate Kohler Long, my niece, 70 high, 34 low

Had a good night. Only up three times. I turned the alarm off and slept until 10 am. Got up feeling much better. Went outside to turn the sprinklers on. Stayed out and cleaned the garage. It is in such a mess. Mary Gueria (Gurrie?) (a porcelain friend) came to visit about 1 pm. I was a mess out in the garage. We came inside to visit until 3 pm. She is a very nice lady and friend. I forgot I hadn’t even eaten breakfast, so I hurried and warmed up some stew and ate it. Rested until 4 pm-5pm. Janice came by at 5:30 pm with some groceries. She said all the kids are coming in the am to help me clean my basement and yard. My, I will appreciate it.

A beautiful warm day. Diane, Gladys, Janice all called today. Also a great day. Uncovered hanging plants on patio, so warm. We need some rain. Backed my care out of the garage and back in. The first since I was hurt, September 28, 1998.

23 October 1999 – Saturday

All mean are headed for mountains for the annual deer hunt. 37,000 strong. Blaine and Corby went over to their old hunting grounds in Deer Creek to camp with Doyle and boys. At 9 am, Janice, Gary and Diane came with two of Gladys’ little neighbor boys, TJ Pace and his friend (eleven years old). Came to clean my yard. Put all the groceries away in basement and cleaned the garage. Washed and hung my bedroom drapes. They really made things look great. Gladys’ two boys worked in the yard pulling weeds. Old garden and cutting off shrubs etc. Gary cleaned garage. Diane and Janice in basement. I helped a little with the wash. I went down to the basement for a while. Oh my how I do appreciate all they do for me. Now they all have to go home and do their own work. Tired out. They left about 1 pm to go over to La Casita Café in Springville for lunch. I was too tired to go. My leg is really hurting. I went to rest as soon as they left. Diane came back about 3:30 pm to get Sis’ mail and go out to see her at East Lake. How good my children are to me. They all have so much to do, but still find time to help me. I have such a good family. I received a birthday care from Governor Michael Leavitt, Senator Orin Hatch, Financier, Jim Ferrin. Watched TV. Took a pain pill and went to bet at 10 pm. A great day. So much accomplished. I tried to pay for the kids lunch, but I guess they tore the check up. Said it was for my birthday. I will try and go to the basement once in a while until I get it all cleaned up. Has been more than a year since I did anything down there.

24 October 1999 – Sunday, 74 high, 46 low, just like summer

Slept in until 10 am. Had a bad night. Watched conference re-run until 12 noon on TV, the last speech by President Hinckley was a tremendous speech. So much to think about. Our church is going into the millennium 1830 – 2000. So much to be thankful for. Showered and shampooed my hair. Read and rested. Talked with Sis on the phone. Rested a lot. I wasn’t up to much today. No rain since September 19. We need rain.

25 October 1999 – Monday, 76 high, 37 low

Utah Health Center called at 9 am to tell me there are abnormalities in my mammogram. I need to come in for a sonogram. Will go in Thursday at 3:30 pm. Really worries me. I have had 3 operations on my breasts over the years. The last one about 30 ago.

Gladys called. Janice called. Told me to make a hair apt to have my hair done tomorrow. Rested. Claudia came at 3 pm for massage therapy. Rested some more. Read. Started going thru all the boxes of papers etc. Got all the card table cleared off. No place to put anything. All the garage is full. Watched the news. Ate some bread and milk. Went to bed. Hope I feel good tomorrow.

My 80th birthday

Another hot day. Had my doors open. 68 high, 43 low. Looks like the deer hunt is very few deer harvested. Talked with Sis.

26 October 1999 – Tuesday, Happy 80th Birthday to me

Can’t believe I am 80 years old. Time goes by so fast. The years speed by. Melba Mathews called to wish me Happy Birthday. Said my picture is in the Herald newspaper. I was surprised as the children didn’t tell me it was going to be. A good picture. One taken at Ronalyn and Robert’s wedding in 1995. Then Janice called to wish me Happy Birthday. Then Gladys, Diane, Blaine, Iris Slade, Fern K. Lisonbee, Eva K. Randall, Jim Ferrin, Ileen Fareer. Blanch Hawke called and sang Happy Birthday to me. We have been friends for over 50 years. Received cards from Martha Simmons, Iris Harris. Gen Duarte called just as we were leaving for our dinner at Oak Crest Inn at the mouth of Spanish Fork Canyon in Spanish Fork. Cards from Stake Relief Society.

1 November 1999 – Monday, High 58, Low 38

A beautiful sunny fall day. Up at 9 am. Jerry Jensen came at 10 am and turned off my sprinkling system. I hope it isn’t too early. No rain in the near future according to the weather forecasters. I took down my outside Halloween decorations. Talked with Janice and Gladys on phon. I am proud of myself, backed the car out and drove up around our church and back home. My leg is stiff but I will get better each day I drive a little. Raked up some of the big catallipha leaves that blow over on my yard from Witts. They don’t mulch up so I have to get them off the lawn and driveway or they will plug up my snowblower this winter. Read the Wasatch Wave newspaper. I’m really happy. Got a property tax bill. They had figured it wrong, so they send me a corrected statement. No I only need to pay $100.15 on my Provo property.

Called Jennifer Jones and Marie Creviston about their visiting teaching for October. I called and reported to Roselyn Dailey. Watched a report on channel 2 TV about Gladys’ friend and co-worker. Peter Bell died Saturday while taking his yearly physical test at the SLC police academy. 51 years old. Gladys is really upset. She thought a lot of him. Funeral – Wednesday at 11 am. Talked with Sis. Janice came by after work. Brought me 2 McDonald’s sandwiches. Brought my Halloween boxes up from the basement so I can put my decorations away and get my Thanksgiving out. Sis is still alone in her room. Janice went to see her on her lunch hour. She seems in good spirits when I talked with her. Talked with Gladys.

2 November 1999 – Tuesday

A beautiful sunny day. 12 noon and 62 high. Low overnight 31. Above normal. Put all my Halloween in boxes ready to be taken to the basement.

11 November 1999 – Thursday, High 74, Low 38

Unseasonable warm weather. Record temperature set in many Utah cities. I got my hose out to water the lawn and shrubs. Haven’t had any rain since Oct. 1. Things really need water. My clematis by the kitchen door has a big blossom on it. Some primroses in the north beds in bloom. Everything is confused as to the season.

Martha came over and we set out on patio until 5 pm. So warm. Just in summer shirts. Gladys took Sis to Dr. Schow today at 3:40 pm. Her leg hasn’t healed completely, so she has only 75% weight bearing on it, but she is getting stronger.

12 November 1999 – Friday, High 71, Low 34

Another beautiful day. I mopped my kitchen floor. Went to the basement and did my wash. Also a few things for Sis. Counted some of my storage and cleaned up a little down there. Janice came by after work with a sandwich and ice cream for me. Brought my basket of clean clothes up out of the basement. Visited a little while, put my garbage out on street for pick up tomorrow. The evenings are so long. Diane and Gladys called me.

The winter games were to start in Park City today, but were transferred to Colorado because no snow yet and had to make snow. The ground too warm.

13 November 1999 – Saturday

Up at 8:30 am. Have a case of diarrhea. Too much ice cream for dinner last night. Shower and shampooed my hair. Rolled it on rollers. Fern K. Lisonbee called and said she and Eva were coming to visit me but Diane is on her way down. Noon. Diane and I picked up Sis at East Lake Care center and drove to Midway cemetery. Took a wreath for Ray’s grave. It has sunken down quite a bit. Worries me what’s happening down there if something is broken (maybe the cement vault). Everything is so dry and crisp up there. We rod all over Midway up by our home, all around the Homestead. UP to Mill Flat power plant, up Snake Creek. Out to Burgi Lane and Albert Kohler area. Around memorial hill, down to the old Johnson mill. Stopped in to see Dean. He looks and feels better than he has for a long time. He sat in the kitchen door in his wheelchair and Sis sat outside in hers. As Diane couldn’t get her up on the porch, too heavy. So hot, we were all extremely warm and boxelder bugs everywhere outside. Came back to Provo and went in El Azteca café for dinner. Brought half of mine home to eat tomorrow. Took Sis back to East Lake, and Diane rolled her hair up in curlers. We went to Walker’s gas station and filled my car with gas and run it through the car wash. 10 ½ gallon gas @ $1.49 per gallon. Stopped at Reams grocery store and Diane did her shopping. Home and Diane hand washed Sis’ slipper and slack suite and put them in the dryer. She combed my hair a little for me as I have a hard time doing the back. She left about 8 pm to go home and stop at East Lake and comb out Sis’ hair. I talked with Janice and Gladys. Bed at 11 pm. Tired out after a very lovely day.

Can’t believe all the building going on in Midway. It has become such a big retirement area. Such huge homes. Low income homes start at $120,000. Hard to believe. What a beautiful relaxed little town it used to be.

14 November 1999 – Sunday, 66 high 34 low

Up and ready for Sacrament meeting. Left home at 10:45 am. Drove myself to church. I really enjoyed the meeting and being able to partake of the sacrament once more. Marie Creviston hugged me. Dayne Clark stopped me to talk a minute. Bernie Knapp and Carol shook hands. I sat my Sam Snow. One hour was long enough. Came home. Ate lunch (yesterday’s leftovers) and rested. The talks in the meeting were on mercy and forgiveness. Willis Knapp, Mike Black and Calvin Gaisford, Elders Quorum presidency speakers.

Blaine and Debbie came to visit for about half an hour. Debbie feeling better from her chiatic attack in her leg. They went out to visit Sis. I ordered me some checks from the check store in Denver. They are so much cheaper and I am down to only one check. I have never let this happen before. Watched TV. “Mary Mother of Jesus” very good. Weather man says maybe rain and snow by Wednesday. I hope so, we really need rain. Bed at 11:30 pm.

1st Sunday back to church since breaking my leg, 28 September 1998. Drove myself to Sac. Mtg at 11 – 12 noon.

15 November 1999 – Monday, 78 high, 33 low

Today is JCP employee shopping day. 40% discount on most things. It was actually yesterday (Sunday 6- 9:30 pm; but because many of us will not shop on Sunday, so they extended it thru today. We will all go at 6 pm – 9:30 pm tonight.

A beautiful Sunday.

Blaine’s friend Byrd Pearson, 79 years old, (I went to high school same time he did in Wasatch). He was a great sports man. Made beautiful gun stocks. Died Saturday, November 13 at home of cancer. He has been fighting it for several years. His wife Joyce died of the same cancer (pancreatic) 8 years ago. Funeral will be Wednesday the 17th. Broke records again today. 74 high in Provo. Ralph brought me 20 bags of salt pellets for my water softener. $4.79 per 50 lbs each and tax, total $83.64. He stacked it on the shelf in the garage. Came to fix my refridge that has been shocking me. When he went to ground it, a big charge of electricity sparked. He couldn’t believe a charge like that. Scared him. I have been blessed that I haven’t gotton electrocuted. The Lord has been watching over me. He got it fixed and left for home by 5 pm. He is home for 2 weeks. I really appreciate him coming to help me. About 7 pm, Ronalyn, Janice, Cami and Phil came to go to JCPenney shopping, but we could order what we wanted from the catalog. So I called it in. Phil and Cami ordered a log, queen size bed. Rona ordered some clothes for her girls. I ordered 2 bras. All 40% off regular price. Diane and Gladys called and said they weren’t coming. So I was glad as I am not feeling too good. They went home at 8:30 pm. Watched TV. Read. Bed at midnite. Talked with Sis.

16 November 1999 – Tuesday

Did some housework. Watered some shrubs outside. Talked with Sis, Diane, Gladys. Janice cam by on her way home from work. I was out of milk. She brought me 1 gallon. Sorted through some boxes and put them away. Read some. Another warm day, but cooler front predicted for tomorrow.

17 November 1999 – Wednesday

A cold cloudy day. Lots of storm. Wind. A little rain and a skiff of snow on the lawn this evening. Talked with Diane. She called to say Fred Meyers has turkeys for .33 cent per lb. with coupon. Then I can get two for my freezer. JCPenney called. Our order from Monday is already here to be picked up at Provo Town Mall. Talked with Sis, Gladys, Janice, Ronalyn. Have been lazy today. Read and sorted thru a few more boxes. A cold wintery nite. Started reading the book, “When I Grow Old, I Will Wear Purple.” Don’t know if I’m going to like it. All about old age and growing old. Maybe it will get better. I’m not feeling to energetic today. Haven’t been outside at all. Was going to try and drive down to visit Sis, but wasn’t up to it. Maybe tomorrow. Watched TV. A little snow in Salt Lake, almost 1 inch.

28 November 1999 – Sunday

Up and drove to church at 11 am. A beautiful warm day. Came home at lunch and rested. My leg is really hurting today. I sat too long at the café last nite with it bent. Couldn’t straighten it out because of the table pedestal. Talked with Gladys. She has a bad cold. Janice is starting to put up her tree. Can’t believe Christmas will soon be here. I took down most of my Thanksgiving decorations yesterday. A long day, not one came to visit. Blaine called. They had been out to see Sis.

29 November 1999 – Monday

Today Sis went to Dr. Olsen. Janice took a 2 hour lunch to be with her. The doctors double and triple book and so you hurry up and wait an hour or more before you get in to see them. She is having difficulties at her job, so she can’t be taking time off. I couldn’t go because my leg just don’t get much better. Dr. Olsen said he can release her, but she needs Dr. Schow to releaser her to be sure her leg is healed. Talked with Janice (she is working on her Christmas tree). I am trying to get things put away off the floor so I can have the carpets cleaned. Stephanie Hunt came to visit teach met at 3:30 pm. The first time I’ve seen her in months. She lives in Jacob house – 3 away from me. I enjoyed visiting with her. She took my garbage out for me. Talked with Janice and Gladys and Sis. 30 November 1999 – Tuesday

Up and showered. Called East Lake and talked with Quin Warnick (Sis’ therapist)> He said she is doing real well and will be able to come home with me as soon as she is 100% weight bearing. That should be November 13. Dr. Schow’s office called and changed our December 9th appointment to December 13th as he will be out of town.. Sis called me at 9:30 am (the only time she has called me since she got hurt, August 4). Wanted to know if anyone was coming to her meeting at 10:45 am. Janice can’t leave work again today. It only lasts about 10 minutes. So I will call Quin tomorrow and see what they discussed. Talked with Janice and Diane. Diane will be here at 6 pm to go to dinner and visit with Sis. Called all my Relief Society districts to get reports on November visits. Not a very good report. I guess because of Thanksgiving holiday. At 11 am, Bishop and Iris Slade came to home teach, but just as they drove up, they heard on their radio, Pres. Hinckley was speaking at the BYU devotional. So they gave a very short verse out of the book “Scrouge,” said a prayer and left. I watched the talk and really enjoyed it. About the end of the Millennium. He is 90 years old (Pres. Hinckley).

Diane called. She is coming down right after work. She arrived at 6:30 pm, brought Sis and I each a beautiful poinsettia Christmas plant. She bought them through her work. They are beautiful. She and I went out to First Wok Café for dinner. Good food and so much. Brought more than half of it home. All for $6.95 plus tax. Then we went out to East Lake to visit Sis. She is doing well, but getting discouraged. Wants to get out. I know I’ve been through it. Diane left to go home at 9:30 pm.

She called back at 10:30 to tell me she was home safe. Talked with Janice. She is having problems with her supervisor, Linda. She is a difficult person to work with. Gladys is still sick. Ralph is home. He is thinking of quitting driving truck and get a job closer to home. He has been driving for 6 years. It was good to have Diane down. All the children are so busy. They do well to take care of all they need to and with the holidays coming, adds a lot more things to do. Bed at 11:45 pm. Spent today putting everything up off the floor for my carpets to be cleaned tomorrow.

1 December 1999 – Wednesday

A beautiful winter day. The Plush Carpet Cleaners came at 3:30 pm. Chris Lindsay, a BYU student, was the person that did the job. A very nice young fellow. Just been married 2 weeks. He cleaned family room, front room, moved all the furniture in those 2 rooms. Cleaned bathroom, hallway and the center of the south bedroom. Cost $44.00, but they look like new. Now I will have everyone use the kitchen door and not bring snow and dirt in the south door on to the clean carpet.

2 December 1999 -- Thursday

A great day for Diane. She was presented the Young Women’s Recognition award. The highest service to the young women. Equal to the Golden Gleaner, we used to call it. She was presented with a necklace with the Young Womens emblem on it. She belongs to the Fifth South Jordan ward. Highland Stake. She has served in the Young Womens organization for several years. I am proud of all my children, they serve willingly.

Marie Creviston called to tell me she and Louis Crandall are getting married Friday, December 10th in the Provo temple. Her fourth marriage and his second. I hope they will be happy together. I vacuumed all my carpets. 4 December 1999 – Saturday

I went to the basement and did my wash and a few pieces for Sis. I stay down until it is all folded in the basket. I can’t bring it up the stairs. Someone has to carry it up for me. Showered and did my hair. Watched TV. Talked with Sis, Gladys, Blaine, Diane and Janice.

5 December 1999 – Fast Sunday

I drove myself to Sacrament meeting. The last fast Sunday of this century. I didn’t stay for SS or Relief Society. I can’t sit that long. I enjoyed it very much. Came home and rested. At 4:30 pm, Gladys, Ralph (Janice, Gary brought Sis in her wheelchair), Blaine, Debbie, Becca, Amy, Diane and Skylar came to put up my Christmas tree and decorate my house inside and out. I really appreciate them taking time from their busy schedule to do this for me. Will make my holiday brighter. I bought pizza for all. They left by 7:30 pm. My house looks so festive now. Bed at 11:30 pm. Tired out. The children are so good to Sis and I. Lite snow last nite about 2”. Melted on roads and sidewalks but cold.

3 December 1999 – Friday (This is the order in her jounal – JD)

Gladys, Ralph and Torrey Pace, his little neighbor, came by to put up my bathroom towel bar. Put weather stripping around my front door to keep the cold out, and so I can lock the dead lock on it. Before, I could only fasten the safety chain which wasn’t safe. Ralph got the Christmas boxes out of the closet so I can put up my nativity scene in the front room. I love the peaceful holy feeling of Christmas. Received my first Christmas card today from an old high school friend, Estelle Clegg. Haven’t seen her since her brother, Spot, died about 8-10 years ago. It was a surprise to hear from her.

6 December 1999 – Monday

My leg is really hurting today. Too much on it yesterday. Took it a little slower today. Read and rested a lot. Did a little housework. The Mars Pollo lander they sent up 2 days ago failed. They haven’t received any signals from it at the NASA Center since it landed. A great disappointment and huge expense to the U.S.

7 December 1999 – Tuesday, High 41

Fifty eight years since the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese that brought the U.S. into World Ward II. As sade day for America. 1941 December 7, Ray went into the Army Engineer Corp #309 Sept. 1943 Induction Fort Douglas. Basic Training West Bend, Oregon. So many memories brought back. 1000’s of ment, lots of our choice men and boys and most our ships were lost. Rain and about 1” snow fell last night.

8 December 1999 – Wednesday

Snowed a couple of inches last nite. I couldn’t sleep last nite, so I finished reading the book, “When I’m an Old Woman, I’ll Wear Purple.” I didn’t enjoy it. Too depressing. All about the frailties of old age. I need something more uplifting. Martha came over and visited for about an hour. She is a good neighbor.

My cousin, Henry Carl Kohler, age 83, died today at his daughter’s home, Kin Eranbrack in Payson. He was raised just a block from me. He was just 3 months older than my sister, Venus. I never received any response to the letters I sent to 5 Margaret Moore Howell’s in the Los Angeles area. I have a lot of her books. She left them with my mother when she moved to California in about 1941. I wanted so much for her to have all her books.

9 December 1999 – Thursday

What a busy day this has been. Up at 8:30 am. Showered. Diane came at noon. She had been to Sears and bought Sis and I each a pant suit. She left at 12:30 pm to go to East Lake and meet with Mike and Jan Harris – Blue Cross Blue Shield reps to see what they pay for. Sis has used up her 100 days in East Lake. Now she has to pay her own room and care. Over $200 per day where she is now, room 417 East Lake Rehab Center. Diane came back at 2 pm to take me to Dr. Schow’s for my checkup. East Lake transported Sis in their van as she had an appointment with Dr. Schow at the same time. She is 100% weight bearing now. So maybe she can come home as soon as she can get around on her walker and be more self-sufficient. She will come and live with me. But I can’t handle her until she can get herself out of bed, etc. Dr. Schow put me on a new arthritis drug, VOIRXX. 1 pill a day. I hope it will help my pain. He says there is good reports on its effects. Diane took me to Kulling Korner beauty salon on West Center St., Provo to get my hair done at 3 pm. She went back to East Lake to do Sis’ hair. She picked me up at 4 pm and brought me home so I could get ready for our appointment at 6:30 pm. She went back to East Lake to get Sis ready. Blaine and Debbie came for me at 5:45 pm in Debbie’s mother’s station wagon so we could put Sis’ wheelchair in the back. We picked Sis up at 6:10 pm and drove up to Roy’s Café at the top of the Orem hill on 500 W. Jim Ferrin, our financial advisor invited all his clients to a special dinner. A lot of people there – good food and a short speech on investing by President of Jones Investment Co. Dowdle played some selections of his recordings on guitar. We each received one of his CD’s. A very enjoyable evening. Got home at 9:45 pm. Diane, Gladys called to see how we enjoyed it. They were going to take Sis and I but at the last, Gladys was scheduled in meetings she couldn’t miss for her job. Diane went to be with Charles while he was set apart on the High Council, South Jordan Hiland Stake. They took him out of counselor in the 5th Ward and man him a high Councilman (maybe preparing him to be bishop) who knows. Blaine and Debbie were good enough to take Sis and I. They enjoyed it. I am really hurting tonite. I’m so glad to be able to stretch out in my bed. It was so hard for me to get in the back seat of the station wagon. The door doesn’t open as wide as my car.

10 December 1999 – Friday

Snowing and cold. 41 degrees. Had a bad nite. Called and cancelled my appointment with Claudia for massage therapy. Sis’ roommate, Erma Johnson went home today about 10 am. So she is in a room alone. Debbie called and said Naomi Ripple is in a rest home. I called Carol Snow and she said Naomi is out in Cove Point, an assisted living center. Suzette Ripple Arnoldus is in a bad condition in California waiting for heart by-pass.

Talked with Martha. She is sick with the flu. I am taking it easy as I didn’t sleep much last nite. Too much on it yesterday, but I enjoyed it. Gladys is having all her carpets cleaned now Rona and Robert has moved out. Janice came by and hung my new kitchen curtains. Need to shorten door curtains.

11 December 1999 – Saturday

Went to basement and washed clothes. Talked with Fern K. Lisonbee about Henry’s (her brother’s) death. 83 years old. Talked with Gladys. She is working such long stressful hours, trying to get all the new equipment installed in her dispatch center. Janice called and talked. We were going shopping, but she is having her carpets cleaned. Talked with Sis. She is lonesome. Diane talked with Quin and he won’t let Sis come home until she is really able to handle herself on her walker. More snow last nite. Cold and miserable.

12 December 1999 – Sunday

Snowy, overcast and cold. I didn’t go to church. My driveway is too covered with snow for me to get out to the garage. Spent a long lonesome day. Talked with Sis, Janice, Gladys. Ronalyn went to church and took her two little girls. Bayli really enjoyed it. She loves other children. Said when she is 3 years old, she can go to Primary. I am so glad Rona is going to church. Maybe she can get Robert to go. They are in his parent’s ward now they have moved to Mapleton. Maybe I can go next week. The last Sunday of this Millennium. Bed at 11 pm. Watched a lot of church programs on TV including Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley’s “Devotional.” Was supposed to be Diane’s Christmas family party, but her house is too torn up. Getting new carpeting all thru it.

13 December 1999 – Monday

A cold snowy blizzard. Windy Day. Up, showered, paid bills. Claudia cam at 1:30 pm, massage therapy, was here until 4:30 pm. I feel much better after she get thru with me. Ronalyn, Bayli and Jaidan came by to bring me some milk and cookies. The brought Bayli’s video, “Annabells Wish,” a story about a little new born calf. She didn’t’ want to watch it. She wanted me to read Woody Woodpecker to her. Sis called and said she is coming home tomorrow. No way. I need to get a double bed for her so she won’t fall out of my single one. I called Quin, Stephanie, Diane, she ordered a bed from RC Willey, but it won’t be delivered until Wednesday. Blaine said he would bring her home. I did a lot of phone calling and finally got it all straightened out for her coming on Wednesday the 15th. I really have been upset. No notice before se we could get ready. I cooked me a good supper. Fried chicken, potatoes, gravy, cauliflower, squash. Finally got my dishes done at 10 pm.

Iris Slade and grandson came to get my big Christmas cactus plant I gave Claudia. Too big for me. I need to make room for a double bed. Ronalyn and Baylie helped me moved some of the furniture. Blanche Hawke called to talk. Talked with Martha. I’m in so much pain. Took a sedative and went to bed at 11 pm. Hope I sleep well. A lot of accidents on the roads today because of the bad storm.

14 December 1999 – Tuesday

Spent a hectic day. Trying to get my house ready to bring Sis home tomorrow. Paid all my current bills. It snowed a little, real cold. I can’t do more than sweep the front porch off. Too slick for me to go out. John Brinkerhoff, a neighbor, came down with his snow blower and made just one width of his snow blower, one path part way to the garage. Didn’t do anything with my front walk. I appreciated it. At 6 pm, the Achievement Day Girls 6-8 years old girls in our ward – 5 of them, came with my dinner. Their leaders, Iris Slade and Jennifer Jones. They (the girls had made it). Very good. Fruit salad, cheese ball, roll, cookie and 2 carrots, 1 celery stick. All individual size. I really appreciate it. I was just wondering what to fix me. When you’re alone, its hard to cook. Gladys and Diane called. Blaine said he would come at 1:30 tomorrow to bring Sis home. I stayed up until 11:30 pm. Talked with Gladys.

15 December 1999 – Wednesday A beautiful cold day. RC Willey called at 7:30 am to say they will deliver the bed Diane ordered for Sis between 10:30 am – 1 pm. I showered, rolled my hair up. Tore the quilts off the twin bed. Ralph came at 10:30 and took it out on the patio. Diane wants it for her basement. Ralphed moved all the snow off my walks and driveway. The sun melted a lot today. Janice called and talked. Blaine and Becca came at 1:30 pm. We took my car, went to Reams for a few groceries. Then on to East Lake to get Sis. She had so much to bring home. Becca had to go get her car. Also, we got home at 3:30 pm. She and Blaine helped me put things away. Then Blaine took a lot of things up to Sis’ house and brought the bed, double beauty rest, $498 plus tax at 11:30 and set it up in the south bedroom. Makes a nice bed, big enough so Sis won’t roll out of it.

Fixed Sis supper at 5:30 pm. Turkey sandwich, noodle soup, jello, cottage cheese, radishes, date nut bread. She ate all of it. Diane called at 6:30 to see if we were home. She was on her way to a Primary board meeting. Gladys came at 7 pm with sheets and a mattress pad for the new bed. She had to go back to work. Has been to work since 6 am. Until they get all the new dispatch equipment installed, she will be working long hours. Blaine went home teaching at 7 pm. Called when he got home to see how Sis and I are doing. We are watching the Tabernacle Choir Christmas program. No lites in Martha’s house, so I called to see if she is still sick. She is fine. Good to have Sis home after four months and 10 days in East Lake and the Utah Valley Hospital with a broken hip. It will be a struggle for a while until she gets around on her own. I cleaned up my kitchen and then rested. A long evening. We will get home health 3 days a week to help her bathe, etc. Therapist will come 3 times a week. Hope I sleep better tonite. Last nite was a bad nite worrying about bringing Sis home. I hope all goes well and she get around. She has no pain which is a blessing.

Bed at 11:30 pm. Had a hard time getting her into bed as it is so high. But she will learn how to do it because I cannot lift her. I still have so much pain in my neck, arm and leg on the right side.

16 December 1999 – Thursday

Up twice last nite to check on Sis. She snores so loud, I was about to wake her up. Up at 8 am. Got Sis up at 9 am. Helped her into the table on her wheelchair. I can’t do that, it hurts my body too much. She won’t get out of her wheelchair. Judy Thompson, home nurse, came at 3:30 pm to see what help we need and approve it and fill out all the stack of paperwork. Quin Warnick, physical therapist, came at 5 pm. Made Sis get out of the wheelchair and walk on her walker. Told her he wanted to see cobwebs on the chair when he comes tomorrow. He helped her in bed, in shower, etc to show her she can do it. He will be back tomorrow at noon. Went to bed at 11 pm. I’m in a lot of pain, too much lifting and lugging. Hope tomorrow will be better. It will be a lot of work for me, preparing meals, washing clothes, etc.

17 December 1999

Up at 8 am after a restless nite. Got Sis upat 9 am. Sponged her off, dressed and got her to the table on her walker. After, she sat in the family room until Quin came at noon. He helped her exercise, but she doesn’t do it when he isn’t here. She just sits and gets so stiff. I know, I’ve been thru it. Quin will come Monday, Wednesday and Friday at noon. She did better on her walker after he left. Got her to bed. Said it was all in her head because she could do better when Quin is here. Bed at 10:30 pm. She took magnesia before she went to bed. Hope we have a good nite. Talked with all the kids today. Janice and her girls when to Salt Lake City at 8 am to 8 pm shopping. Sis is out of medicine, so I called Becca to get me some pills when she came at 8 pm. Sis and I were just having our dinner. I made meatloaf, backed potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, date nut bread. Becca went down to Allen’s pharmacy and got Sis’ prescriptions $174.50 for 5. 1 for me, Vioxx $76.41 for 30 pills, 1 a day, so I hope they do me some good for my pain. I was in the basement from 1:30 to 4:30 pm doing our wash. I am really hurting and tired out. Got Sis to bed at 10:30 pm. Hope we have a good nite. She is already getting around better on her walker. Most all the snow has melted. So warm, we left the south door open for about 20 minutes.

18 December 1999 – Saturday

Up at 8 am. Got Sis up at 9 am. Dressed and breakfast. She sorted thru some of her mail while I took my shower. Jessica Cooper (aid) came at 10:30 am to shower Sis and put her TED hose on (a nice little girl). She left at 11:30 am – (1 hour is all she can spend). She rolled Sis’ hair up. Cami and Phil happened by while I was to Kuttin Korner Beauty shop getting a permanent. Janice came at 12:45 and took me down. Stayed with Sis and did some wash while I was gone. Then she came after me and we went to Allen’s store for me some more pills. Otivan $16.45 for 30 pills but I don’t take them very often, only once in a while when I can’t sleep. Janice helped me put different blankets and a bedspread on Sis’ bed. Janice is so good to help me.

We had a bad night. Sis magnesium worked 5 am. So I had to change her and wash her off. Then back to bed to sleep until 8 am. Cami combed Sis’ hair out while she was here.

Tami game me my perm $34, but it looks like a good one. I came home and put all the clean washed clothes away. Got us supper. Watched TV. Lawrence Welk Christmas show. At nine, Sis said she was tired, so I helped her to bed. Gladys and Blaine called. I’m sure we will do better each day as Sis gets stronger. 10:15 pm Debbie just called to tell me her sister-in-law passed away tonite. She has been a diabetic all her life and other illnesses. She was just 56 years old. Grew up just a block from me. I taught her in Primary. She was such a pretty little girl. They live in California. She was Naomi Ripples daughter. High 56, low 36. Cold and windy.

19 December 1999 – Sunday

Emergency 9:30 am – 3 pm. Diane Christmas Party 10 pm. Paul Broadbent starts antibiotic, chest x-ray, 4 culture tests.

20 December 1999 – Monday

Called home nurse. She didn’t come. Quin sick, didn’t come. A hard day. Sis so sick and me on my own with her.

21 December 1999 – Tuesday

Jessica Cooper aid came and gave Sis bed bath. Bad. Called all kids. Diane came about 7:30 pm to stay all nite. I did wash, etc. Nurse came. Sis temp and dehydrated.

22 December 1999 – Wednesday Nurse Judy Thompson came. Sis some better. Quin came at noon. Diane made stew. Stephanice Hundson visit teacher came. Brother Hawks sick. Iris and Keith Slade home teachers at 11 am. Robert Taylor (Sis’ home teacher) poinsettia. Makes a total of 4 poinsettias. Riggs and Bowen Sis visit teach – loaf of bread from car. Carolers – Sleigh fruit cookies. Diane home about 4:30 pm. Rona – things in garage. Diane bank for me. Beautiful Day. Talked to Janice. Me-diarrhea – couldn’t go to bank. Bed 10:30. Had to help Sis get in and I can’t handle that. It hurts my leg, arms and neck.

22 December 1999 – Wednesday (Second entry for this day – jd)

Up at 8 am. Showered and cleaned up. Thank goodness. Ate breakfast. Got Sis her pills at 9:30 am. She stayed in bed until nurse, Judy Thompson came and dressed Sis. Gave her breakfast after I fixed it. Sis is still dehydrated and a slight fever 99.8 degrees. Sis is a little stronger. Iris and Keith Slade (my home teachers) came at 11 am. Quin Warnick, physical therapist came at noon. Gave Sis a good walk to bedroom and on bed for exercises. Stephanie Hunt and son (RS visiting teachers) came at 12:30 pm. Brought me a nice pink candle lamp. Dr. Bill and Ella Brothers came (Sis’ neighbors) at 1:30 pm. Blanch and Don Hawke came about 2:30. Don stayed in care. He is sick. Blanch brought a tray of her cookies: 2 puffed rice balls, 2 brownies, 4 cookies, etc. Virginia Riggs and Dorothy Bowen (Sis’ RS teachers) brought a loaf of bread and gave it to Diane out in the driveway. Robert Taylor (Sis’ home teacher) came with a poinsettia. Making a total of 4 for us. Diane went to bank for me. I have diarrhea and couldn’t go. She went home at 4:30 pm. My ward youth carolers came about 7:30 pm. Gave me a beautiful Santa sleigh filled with cookies and 2 oranges. Ronalyn and Gary came about 8 pm to put things in my garage for Christmas but didn’t stay. Talked to Janice and Blaine and Gladys. Went to bed about 10:30 pm. Had to lift Sis’ legs in bed and I can’t. It hurts my leg, neck and arms. I need some help. My house is getting to be a junk pile. I can’t handle it.

23 December 1999 – Thursday

A good nite. Only up 3 times. Up at 8 pm. Got Sis on edge of bed to take her pills. Jessica Cooper (aid) came at 10 am. Got her showered and dressed; into table to eat breakfast. I got Sis settled in family room and took all the wet clothes to basement to wash. Just got down (which is still a hassle for me). The doorbell rang twice. I came up just as Heber and Karolyn Wall opened the back door. She and Joan and John Huff (Calif.) came to visit. They stayed until 1:30 pm. We had a good visit. Don’t see them very often. They were meeting Blaine for lunch. Talked with Gladys, Diane. Janice come by at 4 pm. Put my garbage out. She will probably be out of work Jan. 1. She is feeling down. Bernie Knapp called to come and visit, but we had just laidd down. So he will come another time. Kathy Hall and her 3 little kids brought a little fortune gift to the door. Rested until Janice came about 1 hour. Got up, mopped my floor.

1 January 2000 – Saturday, 44 degrees high, 26 degrees low in Provo

Happy New Millennium! 2000

Happy New Century – 21st

Happy New Year’s Day!!

Very little snow. Only spotty on my lawn. Gladys worked to 5 a.m. Janice, Diane, Blaine called. All taking their Christmas decorations down. Y2K glitch? 1-16-2000 New Bishopric Bonneville Fourth Ward. Eric Maymes – Bishop, Ossman – 1st Counselor, Brian Hunt 2nd Counselor, Troy Carter – Secretary

1-18-2000 Janice – new job at Excell International

1-23-2000 Orel Kuhni 94 years old died in SLC. St. Marks 1100 E 3900 S hospital (Ray’s aunt) this am. Funeral will be Wed, January 26, Heber Olpin Hoopes Mortuary.

12-28-1999 Robert McCormick died December 28, 1999 in Idaho Falls of an aneurism suddenly. Buried Midway Cemetery December 31, 1999.

January Birthdays January 9 Ray – 84 years February Birthdays February 4 Amy February 17 Debbie March Birthdays March 25 Hannah 3 years April Birthdays April 10 Corby 28 years April 21 Blaine 56 years May Birthdays May 14 Zane 8 years June Birthdays July Birthdays July 4 Janice 45 years July 9 Gladys 49 years July 13 Alisha 21 years July 22 Lindsey 1 year July 24 Sandra 31 years August Birthdays August 5 Robert 26 years August 14 Sis 93 years August 14 Weston 1 year August 27 Pat 37 years August 6 Cameron 6 years August 21 Becca 24 years August 28 Jessica 24 years August 26 Austin 1 year October Birthdays October 4 Erin Michelle October 7 Ven 84 years October 25 Viv 81 years October 22 Vilate 72 years

14 January 2000 – Friday

Today has been a very nice day. Up at 8 a.m. Jessica Cooper (aid) came at 9 a.m. At 11 a.m., Iris and Bishop Slade came to home teach me. They didn’t stay long as they had to pick up their grandson. Then we were surprised about 1 p.m. when Vilate and Al Long came to visit us. They are staying in Riverton with Heather. They are building a home there. We had a really good visit. Al is feeling better. They left to go back to St. Louis, MO to sell their home. They will move back here in May when their house is finished. They told us Robert McCormick had died suddenly. Didn’t know how, only what they had read in the Wasatch Wave. A real shock. He was just my age. Always glad to have visitors.

15 January 2000 – Saturday, 61 degrees high, 35 degrees low in Provo

Today has been like April weather – 21 degrees above normal temp for this time of year. The #70 started their open house to allow anyone to visit and tour it before it is closed to the public and dedicated for members only use. Washed some clothes. Diane and Gladys were here and went shopping. I didn’t feel like going with them. They found a lot of good bargains on clothes for them. They came back about 7 p.m. Diane combed my hair out and then they both headed for home. They have a good time when they are together. I called Dean Kohler to see if he knew anything about Bob’s death (Robert McCormick). He didn’t, but Dean has been in the VA hospital for a week and just got home. Jolyn, his daughter, was there with him. She is a registered nurse. A very cute girl.

16 January 2000 – Sunday

Our church is at 9 a.m. I can’t go as Sis’ aid comes at nine to get her up and going for the day. Angie Holbrook (a nice girl) came. Spent a long lonesome day – reading – resting. Called Martha at 3 p.m. to find out who our new bishopric is. They were put in today. Eric Mayner - Bishop. 1st counselor - Robert Ossmen (hold over from old bishopric), 2nd counselor - Brian Hunt (lives in Rus Jacob home), secretary – Troy Carter (hold over from old bishopric, 1st counselor). They are all young and fairly new to the ward. Eric will be a good bishop. He is quiet and reserved. Keith Slade, our old bishop, was in ill health and very hard of hearing. He was a good bishop. He and his wife Iris are my home teachers.

Our ward, Bonneville Fourth, Bonneville Stake meets in the church on 300 South 1278 East in Provo. A small building.

17 January 2000 – Monday

A rainy dismal day. I was up at 8 a.m. Not to peppy. I’m tired out. Dean Kohler called from Midway at 8:30 am to tell me he had talked with Ken Colovich and Bob McCormick (Lola Corak’s husband) died of an aneurism December 26 in Idaho Falls where they are living.

Jessica Cooper (aid) came at 9 a.m. to get Sis up and dressed. I cleaned the kitchen and laid down for an hour at 11 a.m. Quin Warnick (therapist) came at 12:30 pm to work with Sis. We had lunch (leftovers from yesterday) mashed potatoes, turkey and gravy, green beans, pudding. I laid down again at 2 pm to relieve my aching bones. Rained for a whole about 1 hour. Talked with Gen Duarte for a while. We need to talk to keep each other up to date on our friends (what few are left). Our old JCPenney friends. Talked with Blaine. His store is open today – all federal and state offices are closed for Martin Luther King Day. Talked with Gladys. Diane/Charles and family left for Blanding at 4 am to visit Charles family there. Brent, little handicapped fellow that washed dishes at JCPenney when I worked at Pennies died in American Fork. He was a good fellow and tried to do a good job. Janice called at 3:30 pm. They are all home from Moab. Safe and had a very good weekend. Bayli called me to tell me about her Moab try. She is 3 years old. Janice got a call from Excel International to start a new job tomorrow. I hope it works out for her. Starts at $8.50 per hour. Martin Luther King Day – all states and federal offices closed. A new holiday.

18 January 2000 – Tuesday

Another above normal temps. More like April weather.

20 January 2000 – Thursday

I have rested a lot today. Don’t feel too good. A lot of pain. Jessica (aid) and Quin (therapist) came today for Sis.

21 January 2000 – Friday

Spent time in the basement washing clothes and doing a little cleaning. So much to do down there. So many things to sort and put away or sent to the Deseret Industries. If I could just get around faster, but if I do a little bit each time I am down there, I will eventually get it back in order. Quin and Jessica here again today. Sis is getting around better every day.

22 Jan 2000 – Saturday

Janice, Cami, Rona, Bayli, Jaidan came to visit for a while.

A long lonesome rainy day. About 5 pm I was out to the garbage when Janice, Rona, Cami, Bayli and Jaidan came to visit for a while. Cami combed out mine and Sis’ hair. They went home about 6:30 pm. They had been shopping at JCPenney. Spent the evening watching TV. Talked with Gladys. Cami told me she is pregnant again. She miscarried about one year ago. She is really happy about it (the pregnancy) and I am happy for her and Phil. Due about next September.

23 January 2000 – Sunday

Listened to the tabernacle choir at 9:30 am on TV. At 11 am watched the sacrament service on TV. A ward in Provo, Bishop Ed Pinegar. It is on Channel 11 BYU TV evert Sunday. This gives me a little taste of church as I am unable to attend. Ours starts at 9 am and Sis is with me so I can’t go. I really miss going. Sis’ home aid comes at 9 am to care for her each day. About 6:30 pm, Blaine came to visit and to tell me Aunt Orel Kuhni passed away this am at the St. Marks 1100 E 3900 S hospital in SLC. She has been living in West Valley City with her only child Uinile (sp?) Gines for several years. She would be 94 years old until May then she would be 95. She was a happy person, such fun to be around. I haven’t seen her for about 1 ½ years as I haven’t been able to drive. Ray – I and our children used to visit her often when she lived in Heber. Ray grew up right next door to her and Fred. Her funeral will be Wed., January 26 in Heber. I called Diane and she talked with Uinile? to find out all about Orel. She has been real sick for a few weeks. Talked with Janice and Gladys. Has been a lonesome day. I will be so glad when I can get out and drive myself to the store, etc.

Bed at 11 pm. A new aid came at 8:45 am. Angelia. She will come next Sunday also. Each one is so different. None of them are trained. Just do it their own way. Talked to Martha about church. Iris Slade fell and broke her ankle Thursday after she delivered the RS tape to me. Such bad luck.

24 January 2000 – Monday

Up at 8 am. Fixed Sis’ breakfast on a tray for the aid when she comes. I read until 9:30 am. Quin called. He won’t come today. Broke a tooth and had to go to the dentist. Cooed a good spaghetti and meatballs. Broccoli and putting for our lunch. Sis’ RS teachers came at 3 pm. Virginia Riggs and Dorthy Bowen (my old Dr. Bowen’s wife). I was in the basement washing. Diane called on her way home at 5:15 pm. Fixed our dinner at 6 pm. Kristine Bailey (home nurse) came at 7 pm to see Sis. She released Sis to her Dr. Olsen so she won’t be back anymore. Talked with Gladys. Their computers are down again. Has been a beautiful day. Above normal temps.

Talked with Janice. She doesn’t know if she likes her new job or not. I guess time will tell. Watched TV. Quin didn’t come today for therapy.

25 January 2000 – Tuesday

A dreary rainy day – Jessica (aid) came at 10 am. Quin came at 12:15-1:00 pm. Sis is doing real well. She just needs to get some decent shoes with no support. Instead of wearing soft sock slippers. Talked with Janice, Gladys, Diane and Blaine about going to Orel’s funeral tomorrow. Gladys and I will go tomorrow if weather is decent. Don’t like to travel Provo Canyon when it is snowing. Getting nervous about such things now. Read some. Our new RS manual is really interesting. So many good books to read and study (Teachings of Presidents of the Church) Joseph F Smith. Watched TV. Bed at 11 pm. Tired out. My pains are greater when it is stormy or windy.

26 January 2000 – Wednesday, high 45 degrees, low 15 degrees, rain

Up at 7:30 am. Showered and got half ready to go to Heber to Aunt Orel’s funeral if the weather clears a little. Gladys called at 9 am to say she had called the highway patrol and it is snowing in Heber. I can’t even see the foothills here in Provo as they rain and clouds are hanging so low. Gladys talked with Diane. Diane will take a plant and go to Heber. I’m relieved that we aren’t going as I don’t feel up to it.

Spent the morning resting until about 1:30 pm. This bad weather makes me ache all over. Diane came about 3:30 pm. Brought a program of the funeral. Said very few people there. The funeral lasted only a little over ½ hour. So I’m glad we didn’t’ make an extra effort to go the way I feel. Diane took me grocery shopping at Reams market. I really needed groceries bad. Bought $107 worth. Got home at 5:55 pm. Just as Sis’ home teachers arrived for their 6 pm appointment. Diane and I hurried and put all the groceries away. John Taylor was reading his message so I sat down to listen. He and Steven Orr are her teachers. His grandparents, Fawn and John Orr used be members of my ward. They were very nice people. John is now dead 10 years ago. Fawn is living alone. John Taylor has a bread maker and brought it to sis. Diane took a lot of genealogy and history home with her as she has to talk in sacrament meeting in her ward this coming Sunday, January 30 at 1 pm. Topic: how her ancestors baptism has affected her life. Sis and I watched TV until 11 pm. Then to bed. Quin and Jessica were both here today for Sis’ therapy. Diane brought some books of the history of Heber second ward. Where Orel lived all of her life. Born in one house on West Center Street and when she and Fred married, built a “little” house in the corner of her folks yard. Ray also grew up in that ward until his family moved to Salt Lake when he was a senior in high school, so he lived with her grandparents until we married.

Turned out to be a pretty nice day. Only very cold. Diane left for home about 8:30 pm. I talked with Janice and Gladys. Diane had visited in Heber with Sandy and Lindsey. Little Lindsey is still really sick from her bout with pneumonia. Still on oxygen at night. She is such a delicate little child anyway.

27 January 2000 Thursday

A dreary rainy day. Much colder. Jessica came at 10 am. She is usually her by 9 am. I rested a lot and read because after my shopping spree last night. My leg and arms are so tired and sore. Also the wet and windy weather seems to affect the pain in my whole body. Talked with Ileen Farrer on the phone. I read in the paper that Pauline Rassmussen’s second husband, Elmo Hafen had died. So I called her to find out about him. Watched TV. Went to bed at 11 pm. Debbie called at 7 pm to say Becca is on her way to visit us. So I would answer the door and let her in when she got here. President Clinton gave his state of the union address at 7 pm. So we watched him. It is his last one as he will be out of office next January 2001. He talked for 1 hour and 48 minutes. A lot to talk about. Becca went home. Sis and I to bed at 11 pm. I’m ready after I get Sis to bed and get all the lights, etc. turned off. I put the garbage out for pick up tomorrow. Kathy Hall called to make appt. to come visit teach next Monday, the last day of the month. Stephanie Hunt is her partner.

28 January 2000 – Friday

A good night’s sleep. Up only twice. Up at 8 am. Put some chicken breasts in crockpot to cook. Talked to Janice and Gladys on phone. Janice is taking typing tests for a new job for the state. She doesn’t have only her lunch hour to go and it isn’t long enough time. Cleaned my kitchen and made a good pot of chicken veg soup. Becca came at 12 noon with my glucosamine pills. She was on her way to work at 1 pm. I rested 2 hours. My leg is still giving me pain. Becca brought my Valentine decorations up out of the basement so I put them out.

29 January 2000 – Saturday, high 40 degrees, 20 degrees low

A busy day. Shower, shampooed hair. Gladys and Ralph came by at 1 pm. Ralph anchored my china hutch to the wall. I am afraid it will tip over when I open booth doors. Gladys helped me wash some clothes and rolled my hair. Ralph put my new 2000 license sticker on my car. Janice, Rona, Jaidan and Bayli over to Gladys’. Bayli is sleeping over there tonight. She misses Gladys and Ralph. Stephanie Hunt and Kathy Hall RS visiting teachers cam at 4 pm. Yesterday 4 LDS missionaries from Utah were killed in a car accident in Iowa. Sad. They were on their way back from a district conference and tried to pass in the wrong place on a 2 lane highway. Put up my Valentine decorations.

30 January 2000 – Sunday

Diane talked in her sacrament meeting about her ancestors joining the church and what it means to her. Wish I could have been there to hear her. A long day. Watched church on TV. Read. Slept, etc. Big Super Bowl game on TV at 4 pm. No one came over to visit. The world seems to stoop when the Super Bowl is played.

1 February 2000 – Tuesday Can’t believe a month as already gone by of the new century. Millennium and year 2000. Time does fly.

Read some in new book Sandy and Pat gave me for Christmas. “The Incredible Gift” by Richard Exley. Beautiful picture in it – about the life and birth of Christ.

2 February 2000 – Wednesday, Ground Hog Day

He didn’t see his shadow in our area, but we will have 6 weeks more of winter either way. It has been such a mild winter. Warm and very little snow in the valley. More like April weather. Read in the Wasatch Wave, 100 years ago was a winter like now, and they were concerned about the coming summer and the water situation. So history seems to repeat itself.

3 February 2000 – Thursday

A beautiful day. 9 degrees above normal. More like late March or April weather. Ralph came at 1 pm to take Sis to her Dr. Schow appt at 2 pm. It was at 4 pm but we changed it to 2 pm because Ralph was over here to the dentist at 11 am – 1 pm. We drove through Wells Fargo bank to make my deposit. Then to Senior Citizens to exchange Ensure – chocolate and strawberry for all vanilla. Sis thinks she can’t tolerate the other flavors. On to Dr. Schow. We were there 1 hour and 15 minutes. He had an emergency at the hospital this am, so he was running late. X-rayed Sis and released her. Said everything is fine. I visited with Nurse Marylin. She is still there. Such a nice person. Took me to Reams market for a few groceries. Ralph and Sis sat in car. I went in alone. I did well. My leg gets sore and tired walking through the store, but it is improving a little each day. Bought some hoagie sandwiches for our supper. Turkey 8” for $1.69. Makes two meals. Can only eat ½ at a time. Took some garbage out and Julie and Colleen Hawkins stopped to talk. Martha came also. Stood too long. I could hardly get back into the house. Too much in one time. Watched TV. Bed at 11 pm for me. Today was the funeral of 3 of the missionaries killed in Iowa. Jared Pulham 20 years old funeral was Thursday in Alpine.

4 February 2000 – Friday, Happy 22nd Birthday Amy

Jessica came at 9:15 am. Quin at 12:15 for Sis. Another beautiful spring like day. Can’t believe Amy is 24. (Note: Vivian says Amy is 22 in the opening line and 24 here.) She does nothing but watch TV all day and carry a loose leaf full of paper to draw or write on. I called and talked to her. Wished her a happy birthday. She and Beau (her dog) spend the days alone. Her family is going to Chuckie Cheese for her birthday tonight. I vacuumed my family room. Went to the basement to wash the clothes as we changed both beds today. Diane called. She will be down tomorrow. Talked to Janice and Gladys

5 February 2000 – Saturday, Today Scotty would have been 97 years old.

Up at 8 am. Another beautiful day. No snow anywhere in the valleys. Not too much in the mountains. After Jessica (aid) left, I showered, shampooed and set my hair as best I could. Can’t get my right arm up high enough to roll the back up. Diane came at 12:30 pm. Combed my hair for me. We got Sis down the front steps on her own. With walker and wheelchair in trunk, we went to Sizzlers in East Bay for lunch. Drove to Sportsman Warehouse see Blaine, but he wasn’t there. Went to All-A-Dollar store nearby. Janice, Rona, Bayli, Jaidan and Cami were in there. A lot of good buys for $1.00. I spent $18. We are on our way over to Gladys and Ralph’s to visit. Bayli wanted to go visit them, so we took her. She loves Gladys and Ralph. She is such a sweet girl and so smart for 3 years old. Gladys and Ralph are really fixing all their basement up with new wall paper, drapes, furniture, etc. Now they are finally alone – no one living in their basement. It really will look nice when they are finished. Ralph is doing wonders for his family genealogy with his computer. He was back to the 1400’s. He spends most of his time working in it. Pictures of his ancestors. He will do mine if I get it ready and verified.

We dropped Bayli off at Janice’s about 8:30 pm. Sis got up the front steps with a little help from Diane. The first time without Quin. Diane left for home about 9 pm. A lovely day. Has been so long since we have been anywhere to visit. Bed at 11 pm. After a cup of noodles and jello salad for our supper. But we had a big lunch at Sizzlers. Tired out but a good feeling.

6 February 2000 -- Fast Sunday, High 59 degrees, Low 32 degrees

Up at 8 am. The aid, Angie, never did come to help Sis. I called Horizons twice but they couldn’t contact her. At 10 am, I got Sis up. She sponge bathed herself. I got her dressed and her breakfast by 11:30 am. Watched church on KBYU. Ate lunch at 1 pm. Rested until 3 pm. Called my RS districts to get report for visiting in January. Not a very good report. Kinda mixed up. Called Roselyn and she will get a new sheet schedule out this week. So many changes all the time. Can’t keep up to date. Blaine, Debbie, Becca, Amy, Julie, Ward, Cameron and Jenna came at 6 pm with cake and ice cream for Amy’s birthday. They left at 7 pm. We watched TV, “Do you want to be a millionaire” also Utah Legacy – Arts and Crafts. Very interesting. Such good church talks on Sunday. Some from Education Wee on BYU Campus. I read in the Midway 2nd Ward book 1903-1987. History is very interesting. Bed at 11 pm. I wonder how long this beautiful warm weather will last. Have had the South door open most of the day. Hi today in Provo 59 degrees, Low 25 degrees. Talked with the Relief Society President, Danielle Kennington about canning turkey at the Lindon church cannery but they have no info on it as yet. She will let me know. It has been a good restful day. Bed at 11 pm. I am getting to be an awful writer on my lap and kind of sloppy. Must shape up and do better or no one will be able to read it.

7 February 2000 – Monday

An epitaph on a headstone: “A light from our household is gone. A voice we knew is still. A place is vacant in our hearts that can never be filled.

7 February 2000 – Monday, High 59 degrees, Low 35 degrees

Another warm day. Had my South door open most of the day. Took the garbage out about 3:30 pm. Sat for a while on my West porch in the beautiful warm sunshine. Up at 8 am. Jessica came at 9:15 am. Helped Sis get up. I spent a while reading The Daily Herald. Cleaned my kitchen and did the dishes. Cleaned myself up for the day. Quin came at 12:15 pm – 1:00 pm. Fixed our lunch, peanut butter and a fresh apple sandwich, Jello salad, potato chips and mile/water. Rested for a while.

Cooked a good fried chicken dinner, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, wilted lettuce, corn and green beans. I enjoy good old potatoes and gravy. Quin took Sis down the front steps and down the side walk past my driveway on her walker. She needs exercise. She sets from morning to night, getting to the bathroom about twice at the most. Just sits – once in a while will look at a paper. The days must seem endless to her.

Got a letter from Lola Corak McCormick. She is really blue. Can’t realize her husband Bob is gone. She had surgery in 1998 for colon cancer, but is doing well right now. I am reading the Midway 2nd Ward History book. Very interesting as I knew most of the people, until the younger generation now. Bed at 11 pm. Tired out. I will be so glad when I can get around better and accomplish more. Talked with Gladys. Diane usually calls as she is leaving work at 5 pm while driving home. Gladys called at 10 pm to tell me Karl Kimmerle, 12 years old, son of David and Nancy from Blanding was rabbit hunting and connected with a high power line. They have life-flighted him to University hospital in SLC. He has been a child prone to accidents all his life. Hope everything will go well for him. I will pray for him.

9 February 2000 – Wednesday, High 53 degrees, Low 32 degrees

A very dismal day. Jessica here at 9:30-10 am. Quin at 12:15 pm. I talked with Martha on the phone. She has been sick a few days. Janice came at 5:15 pm and took me to the bank, Reams for groceries and Taco Bell for our take home supper. Home at 7 pm. Raining a little. Diane called on the cell phone on her way home. Paid my current bills. My utilities bill is $91.06. It just goes up and up. Soon I won’t be able to pay it. My income don’t increase, just my bills. I buy very little, only groceries. I hope I will always be able to pay my bills and stay in my own little home. I haven’t felt very good today. When it is stormy, I have more aches and pains. Went out to the garbage without my cane today. Am getting around better each day. Read the Wave. Hard to believe how Midway and Wasatch County are growing. Just a big resort area. Maybe someday, we will be sell our 10 acres for a good price. Talked with Gladys. Corby called and he received a letter from a Murri in Minneapolis looking for genealogy. He will bring it by some day for me to see if they are one of our lines.

Gave Janice my JCPenney bill to take to the store and pay tomorrow. They charge a $20 late fee if it doesn’t get to Albuquerque, NM by the due date. And seems as if we can’t depend on the mail service to get it there on time. Sis walked outside down the walk on her cane and Quin by her side. I think he is getting ready to discharge her soon and when he does all the aids, etc., will stop. What then?

Another lazy restful day. I must get some energy and start cleaning out my basement. So much to get ready for the D.I. Just taking up room in my house and someone can surely use it. The church sends thousands of tons to countries in 3rd world and disaster areas. The church does so much good worldwide. They use everything we can give.

11 February 2000 – Friday, Happy Anniversary Julie and Ward

Jessica (aid) here at 9:30 am. Quin at 12:15 pm. I was resting when he came. Got up at 1:30 pm and made 7 large loaves of banana nut bread. It is really good. Cleaned up the dishes and kitchen. Too tired to mop the floor until tomorrow. Rested a while to get my back pain to go away. Sis and I watched TV from 5 pm on. Wet and raining. Gladys, Janice, and Ronalyn called. Larry H. Miller (The Jazz basketball owner) and his wife made a major donation to the building of 2 large baseball parks in Provo. When they can decide where to build it. Softball and baseball complex back to back will be for him and his wife Gail.

12 February 2000, Saturday, Happy 34th Anniversary Blaine and Debbie, Manti Temple

We were in the Manti Temple 34 years ago with Blaine and Debbie to be married. It was a beautiful day. Guy and Mary Murri went with us. Blaine had just returned from a 2 ½ year mission in Switzerland. He arrived home Christmas Eve 1965. They had waited 2 ½ years. So they really rushed things. But they have had a lot of good years together and a family of 5 children and 6 grandchildren. A stormy rainy day here today, but snowing in the mountains, which we really need. Received a Valentine and pictures of Cameron and Jenna in the mail today. Candice Hammer (a new aid) came today. I mopped the kitchen and went to the basement and washed some clothes. Read some and watched TV. National Figure Skating and Lawrence Welk Show. Bed at 11 pm. Diane called to tell me about Karl. His skin grafts are very painful. Talked with Gladys and Janice also.

13 February 2000 – Sunday

Rained most all night. BYU basketball game at Rice stadium. Utah 77, BYU 62. Oh it is named the Jon Huntsman Center now. No longer Rice stadium. Played Saturday night, February 12. Not today Sunday. Got my days mixed up. No aid came so I called at 10 am. Said they would call back, but Horizons did not. So me and Sis got her up, sponge bathed, dressed and breakfast at 11:15 am. Anastasia came to help. But it was all done so she left. Candice was supposed to have come, but didn’t even call to let us know. Rested. Cooked a good dinner for Sis and I. Cauliflower, mac & cheese, pork chops, celery and carrots sticks, squash. Cleaned up kitchen. Called Bishop Maynes about my donation record. Rested.

16 February 2000 – Wednesday, Jaidan Taylor Happy 1 year!!

17 February 2000 – Thursday, Happy Birthday Debbie 53!!

Rained – I called and wished Debbie Happy Birthday.

15 March 2000 – Wednesday, High 42 degrees, Low 37 degrees

Happy 16th Wedding Anniversary Diane and Charles. Married in 1984.

Home nurse, Tami Lawrence. Jessica Cooper, aid. Quin Warnick, therapist. All here today. Everything is fine with Sis.

A cold snowy day. About 3” on lawns. Diane was down to visit Saturday with Sis and I. We drove over to Gladys’. Stopped at Mexican Café in Payson to eat. Very good food. Diane had to be home early for her stake conference, so we didn’t stay long at Gladys’. Just good to get out of the house for a while. I am still having so much pain. I try to do a little in the basement and outside in the flower beds. Then I suffer all night.

The night they were married (Diane and Charles) in 1984 was a terrible blizzard. We had a hard time driving home from Salt Lake.

Sis has been here with me three months and still does nothing for herself. Just to the bathroom on her walker, but she has not pain. Just used to sitting around. Won’t even get a drink of water for herself. But she loves to go every place when we have someone to take us. I do hope my pain will ease up so I can keep up my yard and House. I love my little comfortable home.

15 March 2000 (Note: Vivian had two entries in her journal for March 15)

Spring flowers are bursting out all over. Bees and birds everywhere. Did a little yardwork. Didn’t get much done last fall. So have a lot to do this spring. Weeds have taken over my garden spot. I do a little each day. Then I have severe pain at night. But I will work until I get it done. Everyone little bit helps.

18 March 2000 – Saturday, Happy 52nd Birthday Diane!! Wednesday Talked with Diane. Spent a little time outside. A beautiful day.

19 March 2000 – Sunday

A beautiful day in the am. Diane came to visit about 1:30 pm. Sis, Diane and I went out to First Wok restaurant to eat. Started to snow just as we went in to eat. Turned into a regular blizzard. Worried about Diane driving home in it. But she wasn’t in a hurry to go. Had a lot on her mind. She needed to talk about. Left about 9 pm. A really bad storm. Snow plows were out at the point of the mountain. The lake effect snow. Well Diane finally told us the sad news. Jessica is expecting her second child out of wed lock, next month, April 20. They have kept it from us until now. Jessica never came around us. How sad. It takes a lot of sorrow for some people to learn. A terrible thing to face. Dian is really having a sad time handling it. Jessica is going to give the baby out for adoption. She says she can’t raise two boys alone. The church encourages single mothers to do this so the child will have two parents to be sealed to. The final decision must be made when the baby is born. A terrible decision to have to make. Jessica is 24 years old. But history repeats itself. She was adopted by Diane and Charles when she was about years old. It really breaks my heart to see their family go through this a second time. May the Lord forgive and help them to make the right decision. Immorality has been a problem since the beginning of time. But now there seems to be no shame about it. It can happen to anyone. If they let their morals drop for a second. What a price to pay for a few minutes of what they think is love and broken promises. We all have crosses to bare. Some greater than others, but with the Lord’s help and forgiveness, all will work out for the best. So much temptation in the world. The Old Satan is really working overtime. I pray Jessica will have learned a dear lesson this time around. Diane and Charles adopted these children and gave them a good home and have had so much heart break from them. May the Lord bless their family again. Diane had stopped at Blaine’s. Diane called back. She had arrived home safely at 10:30 pm. Stopped at Blaine’s to tell them the sad news. May the good Lord bless them in whatever decision they make.

20 March 2000 – Monday

A wet, stormy day. Martha Simmons has been dead one month already. The family had her house cleaned out in one week and up for sale. Asking $112,000 for it. A lot of lookers so far. Time goes so fast. I still look out at night when I’m up to see if her lights are on. Everything is dark. I miss her as a neighbor and friend. She and I loved to work in our yards and trade ideas and plant starts. We went to a lot of entertainments together. She was with me at Hale Theatre when I broke my leg.

21 March 2000 – Tuesday

Drove down to Senior Citizens at 1:30 pm to have my income taxed figured. I didn’t need to even file as my income is too low. Went to the grocery store, to the bank and to Taco bell and brought us food for our lunch. I feel safer driving now. My leg didn’t hurt so much. The hard part is getting the groceries in the house and put away. I am tired out. Will sleep good tonight.

23 March 2000 – Thursday, High 68 degrees

Thursday worked in yard. So beautiful. Hate to come in house. Talked to Janice, Diane and Gladys. Diane called on her cell phone on her way home from work. Put garbage out for pick up.

25 March 2000 – Friday An aid comes every am to help Sis. So many people dying about my age. March 14 0 Martha Durtschi Slaughter, Emma Lundin Jordan. All these were friends and ward members.

• Feb. 20 Martha Simmons died • Feb. 26 Beth Pac died • Jan. – LaVerl Loader died • Mar. 24 Vila Kinsey Franks died • Mar. 26 Francis Robinson Lott died • Mar. 16 Reba Titus (Ray’s Cousin) died

Can’t believe. Also Lyman Davies went to school with Ray.

24 March 2000 – Friday

Last day for Quin Warnick, Sis’ physical therapist. He has been coming since December 15, 1999 each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Worked in the yard. Everything is about one month early. Talked with Janice, Gladys. Diane called on her way home.

25 March 2000 – Saturday

Diane came down about 1 pm. She and Sis went to Joe Larsen to get Sis’ taxes figured. Ralph came about 1 pm to help me in my hard. We moved some shrubs. He trimmed the trumpet vine. Really did a lot in a couple of hours.

Diane and Sis brought us a hamburger for lunch about 4 pm. Ralph and Diane went home. I had a rest. Really worn out. Didn’t get everything done. But I will work on it next week. Diane bought a new car as they said her other one was totaled. Not worth fixing. I really appreciate all Ralph’s help. So many things I can’t do.

26 March 2000 – Sunday

A long lonesome day. No one came to visit. I will try and go to sacrament meeting the week after General Conference. I need to go and partake of the sacrament. I miss seeing the ladies in Relief Society. And all the good messages in sacrament meeting. I listen to church on TV every week, but it is not like being in the meeting. The weather is warm and beautiful, so I can drive myself.

Angela the aid came at 9:30 am.

27 March 2000 – Sunday

Jessica the aid is gone, so Angela another aid came to help Sis. Justin Headman, lawn care man, came and gave me a bid to take care of my lawn this summer. Gladys knows his father, a police officer for Provo. He does Kathryn Petersons also, edged and mowed it today. $15 per week. Looks really nice now it picked up all the leaves, etc., in the mower. He also took all the debris I had piled on the garden out of my flower beds. A beautiful day.

John Taylor, Sis’ home teacher came at 6:30 pm. Brought her a loaf of sour dough bread.

28 March 2000 – Tuesday A stormy day. Gladys and I had an appointment with Jim Ferrin at 4 pm, but she couldn’t make it as she is in American Fork to meetings. Changed to April 6.

Another friend died, Thelma Williamson, 88 years old. We worked together for Fawn Whitney. She also lived in Blaine’s ward. A very nice lady.

29 March 2000 – Wednesday

Headmans came and core aerated my lawn. That should help it absorb the water. Cami and Bayli came about 5 pm to do Sis’ hair. They went to the store and bought me some bread and milk. It’s clouding over and much cooler. Bayli was in a bad mood. Tired and needed a rest. She is usually so happy. They went home about 7 pm.

30 March 2000 – Thursday

A cold snowy day. Barbara, Sis’ club friend came and got her and took her to the Elks club for her card club. It was a regular blizzard when they went, but it cleared off really nice when they came home at 5 pm. Cami came at 4 pm and gave me a perm. I really needed one. It is a good curly one and she cut it short like I want it. Now I can wash and curl it myself. Watched TV show, “Who wants to be a millionaire.” Bed at 11:30 pm

Diane, Gladys, Janice, Ronalyn and Blaine called to see if Sis made it to club. She didn’t have much to say when she got home. So I don’t know how things went. Seven months since she has been there. They are all getting old. Watched the English comedy, “Keeping Up Appearances” on TV. A really hilarious play every night at 10:30-11 pm. Kathy Hall and Stephanie Hunt, my RS teachers, came at 4 pm to visit. They live across the street from me.

31 March 2000 – Friday

The last day of March already. Can’t believe how fast it goes by. We will change to daylight savings time this Sunday. I wish they would leave it at standard time. A beautiful Day. No aid came today. Jody Peterson called and said we should not have had aids after Quin (therapist) quit. Sis can have one come for $25 per hour. They never give any notice. They just don’t show up. But maybe it will get Sis doing something for herself. As I can’t do it all myself. I have too much pain in my arms, back and legs. She is more able than me to do things, but until Monday she didn’t even get herself a drink of water. She needs to move around and get some exercise. They never give any notice. They just don’t show up. But maybe it will get Sis doing something for herself. As I can’t do it all myself. I have too much pain in my arms, back and legs. She is more able than me to do things, but until Monday she didn’t even get herself a drink of water. She need to move around and get some exercise. She had no problem going to club. So maybe we can get out once in a while, now the weather is nice.

1 April 2000 – Saturday, April Fools Day, 170 Annual General Conference

A beautiful but cool breezy day. Up at 7:30 am. Angie Holbrook Davis (aid) came at 8 am for Sis. Showered and got myself ready to watch the 170th General Conference. The first in the beautiful new conference center. It seats 26,000 – 3 ½ times what the old Tabernacle held. Plus it will be used for an over flow to the new building along with the assembly hall. Joseph Smith Bldg. The church is expanding so fast. Everyone that wants to attend will never be able to be in one place. What a miracle. TV, etc., is to spread the word of God. The new building is a miracle built so fast and so earth quake proof. It is not quite finished yet and has not been dedicated yet. It has trees and water planted on the roof top. It is a marvelous building. But it will never be as close and spiritual as the old tabernacle. Of course after being in use for over 130 years, nothing will ever replace it. What a great time to be living. So much technology. Great talk. So much wisdom. Our neighbor boy (in quorum of seventies, Glen Pace) over mission in West Africa, spoke in afternoon session. So much to learn about our Lord and Savior. Changed all clocks 1 hour ahead as daylight savings time starts at 2 am tomorrow. Jerry Jenson came and turned my sprinkling system on for summer $25 to just turn it on.

Bernie Knapp started picking up the Deseret News Church section for me each Saturday am. 50 cents each Saturday. Have to drive down to Allen’s market to get it. I gave him $10 which will pay for 20 issues or 20 weeks. There are 76 temples in operation, 36 more under construction for the year 2000. Three more ready for dedication Fresno, CA, Palmyra, NY and ______. Such a great thing for so many people to have the blessings of a temple in their area.

1 May 2000 – Monday, High 84 degrees like June weather

Worked in yard. Very hot. Don’t know where the month of April has gone. Was such a sad depressing month. So many things happening to members of our family. Seemed like May in April. Temperatures so high and dry – scarcely any rain. Everything is beautiful in yard. Even roses, peonies, iris in bloom. All the tulips all past. Going to be a long dry summer. I still have so much pain. It does me good to work outside. Keeps my mind off things. Martha Simmons house to a single girl. Works as a nurse at Utah Valley and Timpanogos hospitals. Looks as if she will really take care of it. Austin is her last name. I haven’t met her, but Wilsons know her. We were worried for a while about who may buy it. $115,000. Only one bath, one bedroom on main floor. But Martha kept it all up nice.

2 May 2000 – Tuesday

Diane came down at noon. We went out to lunch at Rubio’s new café. Pretty good food. On 1200 North and 1st west. Went to grocery store and I came home and Diane took Sis to see Dr. Richard Olsen for a checkup. They went at 4:30 pm and finally came home at 7 pm. Had been up to Sis’ house. We went down to JCPenney. Diane bought a picture. We all went to “All a Dollars” and bought a few items. Dian left for home about 9:30 pm. Not in a hurry since she doesn’t have to go to work. She is trying to get things worked out with her jerk ex-boss.

3 and 4 May 2000

Worked in yard, cleaned my house on main floor. Have had the air cooler on. It is so hot. Cleaned off and washed down the patio. Threw a lot of things in the garbage that had collected over the winter.

5 May 2000 – Friday

In basement doing the wash and cleaning a little. It is looking better. Still have lot more to do down there. My washer still leaks a little when it drains. Spins too fast. Buddy Fatheree (Scotty’s nephew) from Xenia, Illinois – called and talked to Sis. He is the only one left of Scotty’s direct family. Gladys called, Carolee Coomes kidney is failing. She has had two kidney transplants. She has 3 small boys under 7 years old. She is in the Timpanogos hospital in Orem.

Gladys has been golfing. It is so hot. 6 May 2000 – Saturday

Janice, Ronalyn, Bayli, Jaidan, Gladys, Diane all came. Gladys brought a lot of tomato plants to be put in pots. Diane brought cucumbers to be potted. We did it then went shopping. Janice and Rona did my grocery shopping. Bayli has a bad cold so she stayed here with Gladys and then went shopping with her for a couple of hours. They all went home about 4 pm. After helping me so much. I really appreciate their help.

Doug Pace works at Utah State College in Orem and they give him all the tomato plants he wants. I’m ready to take a rest before I have to fix supper for Sis and I. We bought Arby sandwiches for lunch. And a chicken dinner from Albertsons for supper. So I won’t have too much to fix. I’m too tired to do much. I called them all about 7 pm and Diane was just getting home. Had stopped and visited with Blaine. Gladys said Carolee is home. Her parents came from St. George. The girl is moving into Martha’s house (hers now). A great day having all the kids home to help. Sis’ aid Patty didn’t come but Sis didn’t tell me so I got up at 7:30 am expecting her. Mopped my floor and cleaned the kitchen shelf over the stove. It surely needed it. Bed at 11 pm and I am really ready for it.

7 May 2000 – Fast Sunday

It is raining which we really need. Everything is so dry. It will be a bad season for fires if it doesn’t change. Watched the Sunday services on TV. Helped Sis dress. Fixed breakfast and lunch. Went to lay down at 3 pm to rest. Up at 4:45 pm. Watched TV, “Little Women”old show. Elizabeth Tailor as Meg. June Allison as Joe. Very good. Blaine, Debbie and Becca came about 7 pm. Brought some BBQ pork and some sloppy joe mix. We will enjoy it tomorrow. They left at 7:30 pm. Bed at 10:30. Going to rain tonight. Randy Quail/train mechanic took Blaine, Debbie, Becca and Amy for a ride in a train engine and let each one drive around the train yard. A great experience for them.

8 May 2000 – Monday

A cloudy rainy day. We surely need it. My yard is so beautiful, peonies and roses all in bloom.

I drove to Allen’s grocery store. Sis out of her prescription for blood pressure. I did really well. Blaine called just as I walked in the house. Said Randy Quail (his friend) furnace man was coming to see about installing a cooling system in my house. He was here in just a short while. A really nice fellow. The one who took Blaine and family to drive the train Saturday. Cold and raining tonight. Bed at 11:30 pm. Have to watch British comedy “Keeping Up Appearances”. A hilarious comedy.

9 May 2000 – Tuesday

Cool and overcast. Vacuumed and cleaned out my car. It was really dirty. Randy came again to take some measurements on the furnace.

10 May 2000 – Happy 3rd Birthday Jenna Dey

Rainy and cold. Blaine and family went up to Riverton to Jenna’s birthday. She is a sweet little girl. A little spit fire.

Diane, Jessica and Skylar left at 5 pm to fly to Disneyland. Will stay for 5 days with Shirley Sycamore (Diane’s friend and roommate for 7 years in Los Angeles). Snow down to block Y on mountain. 11 May 2000

Rainy and cold. Paid my current bills. Over $500 this month. Covered all my plants on patio (tomatoes and cucumbers) also peonies in yard. So cold will probably freeze the fruit. I have called all good will and pawn shops to give them my TV but no one wants cabinet models anymore. So I guess we will have to take it to the dump. Sure hate to. If I could just find someone who could use it.

12 May 2000 – Friday

A cold night. 29 degrees in Provo. Good I covered my plants last night. Nothing froze that I can see. Hope the fruit trees survived the frost. Pattie (aid) here at 8:30 am. Sis told her not to come after tomorrow because she is going home. Don’t know what she is thinking. Don’t do one thing but get her water out of the fridge. We will see. Don’t know what she will do in her dirty house. Everything is falling apart. The sun is coming out so I will uncover all my plants. Changed my bedding. Will go to the basement and wash this afternoon. Some places in Provo got down to 29 degrees. Don Hawkes tomatoes froze down on 700 West 300 South.

14 May 2000 – Sunday, Happy Birthday Zane (great grandchild), Mother’s Day

Gladys and Ralph arrived at 3:30 pm then they all came. Janice and Gary, Cami (Phil went to his mother’s), Ronalyn, Robert, Bayli Jaidan, Diane and her family are in Calif. Disneyland, Blaine, Debbie, Amy, Becca, Julie, Ward, Cameron and Jenna, Sandy, Pat, Zane and Lindsey. Sandy expecting again on Halloween. October 30th. She is having medical problems so her regular doctor turned her over to a specialist. Seems she has had a slight stroke some time. This will be her last child as they will tie her tubes when this one is born. She is too high a risk. Also something wrong with her heart. Corby and Tracy, Weston and Hannah went to her Mother’s. Enid came also. So nice they all take the time to come home to visit and enjoy the day with Sis and me. Had a delicious lunch. Salads, rolls, meats, desserts. Too cold to go outside, so we were crowded in my house, but we enjoyed it very much. They all went home about 7:30 pm.

Blaine and family gave me wind chimes for my patio Sandy and Pat family Julie, Ward family blouse and anklets Diane and family sent a big hose reel from my yard Julie – also a Mother’s day book “Chicken Soup for the Soul” Gladys and Ralph – a humming bird ceramic fountain – runs on batteries and birds chirp and water comes out of lilies. Also a big candy dispenser she made for all of the mothers filled with candies. She and Ronalyn have spent a lot of time making them. Gladys made all her cards on her computer. They are beautiful, so much technology to do things now. Janice and Gary gave me a book, “The Year of Our Lord” by Dickens written for his children. Also a big silk butterfly on a stick for outside. Ronalyn and Robert – a card and she will make me some Rice Krispie treats later. Baylie and Jaidan (a little figurine) Sis gave me a box of Startup’s chocolate turtles.

A lovely day. I am ready for bed 10:30 pm. 18 May 2000 – Thursday night

Diane came about 4 pm. Did Sis’ hair and combed mine. We went to the Sheriff’s Awards yearly meeting at Orem Senior Citizens Friendship Center. 400 South 95 East. A beautiful new center. The awards started. Gladys was given the greatest honor for the year. A large plaque for her office and 10 $100 dollar bills, $1000. It is the honor given by LeGrande and Beth Baker for the most honored employee of the year. LeGrande had been a Provo Policeman and Beth was the first jail matron in the old Provo jail on West Center in Provo. It is a great honor for Gladys and is well deserved after all the time and dedication she gives to her job. They had a buffet after, but our family wanted to go out to a café to honor Gladys. Present were Sis, Blaine, Debbie, Becca, Amy, Diane, Janice, Gary, Ronalyn, Cami, Bayli, Jaidan, Ralph and Gladys and me. We went to Locieta in Orem. A wonderful evening. Home at 10:30 pm. Gladys bought new golf clubs and digital camera with her money. Tired and ready for bed at 11:30 pm.

1 June 2000 –Thursday, Dad (Ray) died on a Tuesday, High 91 degrees

I took my flag down. Memorial Day is over.

A sad day for me. Seven years ago today, Ray left us to go to the other side of the veil. Seems like he has been gone forever. But time passes fast. Life is short. Did a little yard work and went to Reams grocery shopping. I went to the bank and cashed my retirement check. Need some spending money. Talked with Gladys, Janice and Diane. She went to her new job today for 4 hours. World for Jon Graham, Attorney General for Utah State. Offices out on ______Redwood road by the fair grounds. She thinks she will like it, but no challenge. But a much better atmosphere to work with. She will start full-time next Wednesday, June 7.

I feel real confident with my driving. My knee bends a little easier. The days are long and lonesome. So much to do, but I’m so slow. Takes me all day to do what I used to do in an hour. Read, watched “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” on TV4. Bed at 11:30 pm. I’m ready for it.

2 June 2000 – Friday

Another hot day. I’m glad they couldn’t put me in an air conditioner. My swamp cooler is doing a good job of keeping me cool. Watered my garden and yard good. The little tomatoes are coming on the plants. I have never seen a spring when everything is growing so good. It has been 10-15 degrees above normal all spring. Today is more like July 1st than June. A long hot and dry summer is ahead for us. So the weather men say.

3 June 2000 –Saturday, High 90 degrees, Low 64 degrees

Diane called, she and Sis are up to Sis’ house trying to swamp it out so maybe with help she can go home to live!! It is really in bad shape. Needs so much repairs done to make it liveable. They wanted me to go to dinner, but I’m too tired and not cleaned up. Diane came down and rolled up my air. Bought me a pretty lavender slack suite at Sears in SLC. Hope it fits me. She went to buy her and Sis some supper and try to do some more cleaning. So they can find a place to sleep up there. Can’t get the air conditioner to work, so the bought a fan. Diane slept on the divan in front room. It is so terribly hot. I sat out on the patio until 9 pm. I love to be outside.

4 June 2000 – Fast Sunday, High 93 degrees, Low 64 degrees Another hot day. Listened to last week’s Relief Society tape. Gladys came at 4 pm. We went up to Sis’ and got her and Diane. Gladys worked from 7 pm Saturday night until 7 am this morning. She slept a few hours. So she is tired. We drove to the Midway cemetery and cleaned the graves off. Brought all the baskets and containers home. They were well dried up.

Floris Springer Olsen Henderson 83 years old died May 31, 2000 in Logan, Utah. My half cousin. Buried in the Midway Cemetery yesterday, Saturday, June 3. Pauline and Frank are the only two left out of their family. Our mothers were half-sisters (Grandpa was a polygamist, 2 wives). We stopped at the little fast food store in Midway and got us a hot dog and some nachos for our lunch. Took Diane and Sis home. Unloaded the containers in my garage and Gladys headed home to rest. She puts in such long hours and is prepared to teach a class in SLC at the National Convention next week, June 12-16. I did a little in the yard until Janice called and said “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” is on TV. So I came in to watch it. Blaine called and I told him Diane didn’t have the cooler going so he called and told her how to flip a switch someone had turned off. Now they are cool.

Went to bed at 11:30 pm. Tired but can’t sleep. Nervous. Worrying what Sis thinks she can do by herself in her run down house. I had a bad sleepless night.

5 June 2000 – Monday

Ralph called at 8 am, was coming over to help me in the garage a little, but it is such a hot day, he will come early tomorrow. I worked in the yard until 10 am. Came in, cleaned myself up, ate breakfast, read paper, talked with Diane. They have some errands to do today. Diane is going home tonight. Claudia Slade Brown finally brought my bill for massage therapy sessions so I can send it into the claims office. Maybe I can get reimbursement for some of it. She also brought my plant pots back so I can re-pot my house plants. Blaine called about 1 pm to tell me Dean Kohler died this am. He is my parent’s oldest grandchild. 72 years old. The first grandchild to die. I called Gladys and Janice. Can’t reach Diane and Sis. They must still be running around. Bud Kohler called about 2 pm to tell me about Dean. They were 10 minutes too late. Dean was gone when they got to the VA hospital in SLC. They had taken him yesterday, Sunday, June 4th to the VA hospital. He suffered a massive stroke in the night and died this am at 10 o’clock. Bud will let me know when the funeral, etc., will be. Dean has had a long, hard life in a wheelchair, living alone. He lost both of his legs above the knee 18 years ago. He has been in a wheelchair ever since. He handled it better that I would have ever been able to. Always in a pretty good mood. Even though he had a lot of serious illness. Called all the kids to tell them.

6 June 2000, Tuesday, a record high for this early 98 degrees high, 64 degrees low

Ralph came over at 8:30 am. We cleaned out the “Dads” room in the garage. Put all the Christmas wreaths and Memorial Day baskets away. He put the blocks back along my garden. Planted a clematis at South/East corner of house. Took bucket out of well so I can put flowers in it. Put the deep freeze back in place. Just a lot of little jobs. I couldn’t do. He went home at 10:30 am. I showered and cleaned up. Diane brought Sis about 3:30 pm. Diane went home. Sis is sick to her stomach. Throwing up. Too much running around and being up in her run down house where mice have been all over. Put Sis to bed at 9 pm. She has a pain in her back on the left side. Too much going places after sitting around for days. She and Diane went to look at a retirement center up Provo Canyon. New “James Town.” Ann Elliott, Naomi Ripple and Reva Kather McNaughton are living there. I don’t think Sis can handle it. She will just lay in bed all day if she doesn’t have someone to get her up. Diane will be back next Saturday to decide what she plans to do. Janice, Gladys and Blaine called.

I went to bed at 11:30 pm after watching “Mash” on TV. Fern Lisonbee called. I talked with Don Hawke.

7 June 2000 – Wednesday

Out in yard at 7:30 am. Everything is so dry. Melody (Patti’s daughter) was supposed to come at 9 am to help Sis. At 10:30, I finally called to see where she was. Said Diane hadn’t called to tell her to come. She couldn’t come until 3:30 pm. Phil and Cami came at 5 pm to do her hair and comb mine for me. I washed some clothes. Talked with Janice. She and Gary went to Heber to Dean’s viewing. Diane called, she also went to Heber. We will go tomorrow. Another terribly hot day, 100 degrees in Provo. Bed at 11:30 pm.

8 June 2000 – Thursday

A cooler day – Up at 7:30 am to get ready. Gladys and Ralph came at 9:30 am. Drove to Charleston to the Deer Creek LDS chapel to Dean Kohler’s funeral at 11 am.

14 June 2000 – Saturday

Gladys came about 4 pm and took Sis and I to Midway Cemetery for Father’s Day. She made two arrangements for Ray’s grave. She is always so willing to take time for things. We can right back. Only stopped at the store to go to restroom and buy some tostadas to eat.

18 June 2000 –Father’s Day

Gladys and Ralph took Sis and I down to Blaine’s for lunch. Julie fixed potatoes. Port in Dutch oven. We had a fruit bowl, chips, drink and Julie made cobbler in Dutch oven. Gladys and Ralph went home. Blaine brought us home and Debbie came and took him home. My basement drain is plugged up. I can’t wash. Ralph has worked on it several times but it still floods the floor.

Enid, Sis, Julie, Ward, Cameron, Jenna, Corby, Tracy Weston, Hannah, Becca, Amy, Debbie Gladys, Ralph, Blaine and I were there. Blaine’s family gave him a new TV for his bedroom for Father’s day.

19 June 2000 – Monday

Worked in yard. Can’t keep ahead of the weeds. I get so tired and my leg aches so. Trying to fix something to eat for Sis and I along with everything else is a big chore. But I am thankful I am able to do what I do every day.

Diane came down about 5:30 pm. Loaded Sis and all her things in her care and took her up to her own home to live by herself. She has been with me since December 15, 1999. I will miss her, but I will have less to do. She just set all day and expected me to wait on her every need. She will be better off in her own home. She can do a lot for herself, where when I’m around, she expects me to do it. She is blessed, she has no pain in her legs and hasn’t had all thru her healing. Me, I have constant pain all up my right side, from the top of my head, to the tip of my toes. I do hope she will get along well in her own home. She can do what she wants. She could have in my house, but she wouldn’t.

20 June 2000 Ralph came and put more tape on my washer drain. It really flooded today when I washed.

22 June 2000 – Thursday

Cami came about 10:30 am. Game me a perm. I surely needed it. She gave Sis one yesterday. I look 10 years younger with my hair short.

23 June 2000 – Friday

At 7 pm watched President Gordon B Hinkley’s 90th birthday party on TV channel 11. A wonderful 2 ½ hours. So much beautiful singing. He hosted it himself in the new LDS conference center. 21,000 people present. Filled to capacity and many more wanted to attend. It is marvelous, the energy he has. He travels all over the world on a tight schedule and never seems to be tired from it. He is a wonderful example of living the gospel all his live and has made him the great man he is today. He has traveled farther and met more people than any other president. He has dedicated so many new temples. He says if he lives to be 100, he will have another big party.

24 June 2000 – Saturday

Charles came about 5:30 pm to see what he could do with my washer. He couldn’t do anything. Says I need a Roto Rooter. So I will ask Blaine to get one to come with him. When everything goes wrong, I get so upset, because I can’t do much for myself. Charles had been up to Sis’ putting in some grab bars in her shower. Watched Lawrence Welk show on TV at 7 pm. Read some. Bed at 11 pm. The days and nights are long. Even though I try to keep as busy as my body will allow me to.

25 June 2000 – Sunday

A long lonesome day. Blaine and Debbie came up for a few minutes. Debbie set my lawn sprinklers so they will come one 3 times a week for 30 minutes each station, instead of just twice. It is so hot and dry. Temperatures like late July instead of June. Mid 90’s up as high as 97 degrees.

26 June 2000 – Monday

Ralph called and said Blaine has a RotoRooter coming so he will meet him at my house about noon. They showed up at 11 am. Worked for one hour. $50. Jeremy/Root Master. Now everything drains better. It is guaranteed for 1 month. So I will need to do some washing and see that it is ok. It was really flooding my washroom and bathroom.

27 - 29 June 2000

Vacuumed and dusted whole house. Worked in yard. It has been a little cooler. 87 degrees, not into the 90’s. My whole garbage is full of weeks. Can’t keep ahead of them. I am getting slower. If my leg and shoulder head pain would let up, I could do more. I’m too young to be so slow. I have too much to do. Gladys and Ralph have been making a float and decorating their front door for Elk Ridge celebration tomorrow.

Diane called and said her dog, Blu, is sick and she things he has gone away to die. He is so old. Blind, can’t hear and has arthritis. She called on her way home from work. She is feeling really down. She calls me about every night about 5 pm on her way home. She likes her new job really well, especially the people she works with. Says they are really professional, but she doesn’t have much to do, no challenge.

30 June 2000 – Friday

Gary and Janice Elkridge 4th celebration. A terrible rain, wind and sand storm came up just was we got to Spanish Fork. Gary could hardly see to drive. It was terrible in Elkridge. They were afraid they couldn’t have the parade. It seemed to let up at 7 pm. So they loaded the children on the float “Celestial Dreams” and had the little parade. After everything got wet and windblown. It stopped and the sun came out for a picnic in the park. They sold hot dogs, candy cotton, drinks and chips. It was so refreshing after the storm. Gladys and Ralph won 1st prize for their float. $25 certificate at Country grocery store. They put their twin canopy bed on their golf trailer. Put cotton clouds all over with blue stars hanging from the top. Then the grand and great grandchildren rode on it. Julie, Jenna, Cameron, Bayli, Jaidan, Ronalyn, Skylar, Amy, Jessica rode. Also 2 little boys of Jessica’s friend came with them. Jessica and Rona followed in the golf cart. They were all really wet but they gave them each a popsicle for being in the parade. They had a good time. We all enjoyed hot dogs etc. Gladys and Ralph got 2nd prize on their door decoration. $15 certificate, so they were happy. They put so much time into it every year even though it is just a little neighborhood affair. Bayli entered the art contest, cut out cloud 12 X 14” and glued cotton balls on it with pictures. She won 2nd place in her 3 year old group. Got a big red ribbon and a box of crayons. We all visited at Gladys’ after. Got home about 10:30 pm. So good to get out of the house and see some activity. Turned out to be a beautiful evening. Diane said Blu had crawled in a culvert and died. She is really heart broken. They had him 15 years. He was born on Gladys’ birthday, July 9. McKenzie Folster, David’s ex-wife got married again today in the temple. Diane is having so much heart ache to deal with.

I am really tired out as I worked in the year and watered the garden all morning. We don’t get enough rain to do any good and the temperatures are so high. The state of Georgia has been declared a disaster area. The worse drought in over 100 years. Seems everything is upset. Utah is having so many wild fires. Some manmade and some by lightning strikes. It will be a long dry summer for us if things don’t change.

1 July 2000 – Saturday, 97 degrees

Another hot day. Bayli and Jaidan were in the Provo kid’s parade at 11 am this morning. Bayli rode her decorated trike and Rona pulled Jaidan in the wagon for the first four blocks. Then carried the trike and pulled them both in the wagon. Eight blocks is a long way for little kids, but it gets them into the holiday spirit. Already this year is half gone.

2-3 July 2000

Two lonesome days. Just working in the yard. I went to fill my car with gas and wash it. Went to Hostess store and got cake snacks for Sis and I. Onto Reams to do my grocery shopping. It is so stressful for me to drive myself and shop and get everything home and put away, but I am doing better. My leg seems to work easier. I met Ruth Krebs Rigby in Reams. I haven’t seen her for years. She lives right here in Provo. When they were kids, they lived out in Uinta Basin (Myton, UT) and her dad trucked animals, produce into SLC, so they spent a lot of weekends at our home in Midway. Her dad, Rolland and my mother were cousins and in those days, everyone came to our house on weekends to visit. One time, we had so many people on the floor, out in hay loft and in beds – sleeping and this happened every weekend. Beatrice Hanney said to her husband, Karl, “If a burglar came in here, we would scare him to death.” So many people sleeping everywhere. It was nice to see Ruth again. Her husband is Keith Rigby, a professor at BYU. He does research on ocean sponges. Has done for years. Finally home and everything put away. Watched Lawrence Welk on TV. Bed at 11:30 pm.

2 July 2000 – Sunday

The patriotic meeting up in the Marriott Center at 6 pm. David B. Haight was the speaker. He is so great, but they didn’t televise it this year either. It is always so outstanding.

4 July 2000 – Tuesday, Happy 45 Birthday! Janice Murri

Hot day, 100 degrees. At noon they all came to my house with their food for lunch. I didn’t get to the parade and they didn’t even televise it like other years. So I went to nap a while. Quite a way to celebrate, but as I get older, I must learn to accept these drastic changes in my life style. All the children and their families had to be to the parade at 9 am.

28 July 2000 – Friday (I cannot figure out how to get rid of this line)

101 degree high in Provo today. Breaking record for high temps since 1961. An overcast day because of so many wild fires burning around to county. One up Provo Canyon, South Fork above Vivian Park west of Utah Lake and Lincoln Beach. Everything is hot and dry. Called Dr. Marshall to get my prescriptions refilled. Talked with Janice, Rona, Bayli, Jaidan, Gladys, she has been out to Orem teaching classes all day. Mopped kitchen floor. Read some out of Pres. Hinckley’s new book, “Standing for Something.” Sis she is having pain in her leg, so she called and made an appointment with Dr. Schow Monday 31 at 1:10 pm. Now we must find someone who can take her. I wish could drive better so I could take her. I still walk with a cane whenever I am out of the house and she is on a walker, so together, we don’t do so good. Gladys said she talked with Joan. She has been in the hospital since she got home for all kinds of tests, but said she is feeling better, but her legs are still swelling real bad. Debbie is having gall bladder trouble and is going for tests to see if they can help her. So many problems all the time.

Watered my garden. It dries out so fast. Picked four zucchinis, six cukes and two tomatoes. They just aren’t ripening. I guess it’s too hot. Stayed up until 1 am watching TV show “Anne of Green Gables.” My leg is really giving me pain. Maybe the heat gave my neighbor Susan Bliss three cukes.

19 July 2000 – Saturday

102 degrees high record breaker. Up at 2:30 am to take a pain pill to see if I can get some sleep. Up at 8:30 am. Read paper. Lorna Hansen Koyle friend from JCP days passed away 25 July from Spanish Fork. She was 80 years old. A very nice person. At 8:30 am, Kathleen Lisonbee (Fern Kohler’s daughter) called to tell me Fern (my cousin) is in the Timpanogos Hospital in Orem. They expect her to die anytime. I talked with her sister, Eva. She said she will go anytime. She doesn’t know anyone. Fern and I grew up toupsupsgether, one block apart. Always played. I was 2 weeks older than her.

Then I got a surprise call from Lucille Murri Gervais from Walla Walla WA, Ray’s sister. We had a good visit. Haven’t talked with her for about a year. Clara Fuller is in a rest home in SLC, has been for over a year. Won’t eat and just sleeps. She is 88 years old. Gladys Hilton still in Grand Junction, CO in assisted living center. Ralph is on oxygen all the time. It was nice to talk with her. Talked with Debbie. She is feeling better. Janice called today. It is Vivian Jacobson’s 80th birthday, so the family is having a party for her in Springville (Gary’s mother). Talked with Ronalyn. She will take me to my Dr. apt. on the 4th at 3:00 pm. Another real hot one. Gladys called to say she won’t be over. I finally took a shower and drove down to Allen’s market at 3:00 pm to get me a few groceries and my prescription. Talked with Sis. She is feeling better. I think she may have stretched a muscle in her groin on the 24th when she got in Gladys’ van. It is quite high and she and I have to get on a little step stool to help us get in it. Got home from store and put my groceries away by 4 pm. Laid down for a short nap. Got up. Shampooed and rolled up my hair. Maybe I will make it to church in the morning. Watched TV.

Another terribly hot day and no rain or relief in the 10 day forecast. The worst fire season in 30 years.

30 July 2000 – Sunday

104 high, record breaking temperatures. Getting hotter each day. Can’t keep things watered. Becca came at 2:30 pm and took me to their home for a good roast beef dinner. Blaine brought me at 5 pm. Talked with Gladys. Diane, Sis. She is feeling better. Her aid, Patty Sorenson has stopped coming as of Saturday the 29th. Don’t know what she will do now. I am having so much pain. Maybe from the swamp cooler or the extreme heat. A terrible fire started in American Fork Canyon today by a lightening strike. Got close to homes.

Watched TV Read some more in book, “Standing for Something.” It’s so lonesome. Never see anyone outside in this heat. And all my old neighbors are gone. I never see any home teachers or Relief Society teachers. Haven’t done for many months.

31 July 2000 – Monday

Another record breaker. 103 degrees high in Provo. Up at 7:30am. Outside to do some watering. Gladys came at 5:15 pm, has been in SLC to meetings all day. We went down to JCPenney’s employee day. Met Diane, Sis and Cami there. We did some shopping. 40 percent off all merchandise. I bought a baby book for Cami’s shower, Saturday August 5th. Me some athletic shoes, anklets, one set of sheets. Gladys and I bought a heart necklace for Joan Huff for teaching us egg decorating $179. Carol, Sis, Lillie, Rona, Gladys and I will pay for it. Regularly $285 plus tax.

Diane came and took Sis to Dr. Schow at 1:10 pm. Nothing wrong with her leg. Must have pulled a muscle. Then they went to Jim Ferrin, Sis’ finance advisor. After shopping, Sis, Gladys, Diane and I went to Los Hermanos Café in Provo corner Center Street and University Avenue. Good food. Got home about 8 pm. Diane took Sis to her house to stay until Saturday, August 5th. Patti, her aid, won’t come anymore.

9:30 pm and it is still 89 degrees. Such heat is unusual for us. Called Diane and they aren’t home yet. I guess they stopped at Blaine’s on the way home. Diane called about 10 pm. They had also stopped at Jessica’s. Glad they are home safe. So much construction and road closures. Never know when you will be held up for hours.

1 August 2000 – Tuesday

Last nite at 9 pm a coal mine in Helper blew up killing two men and critically injuring eight others. Besides all the fires around the state, now another disaster. Our prayers go out to their families. The smoke is hanging over Provo just like a cloud. Blaine, Debbie, Amy, Becca, Julie, Jenna and Cameron left for Yellowstone today. They borrowed Gladys’ big van so they could ride together. Hope it is good weather for them. Talked with Janice, Gladys, Diane.

Called my Relief Society districts and called the report to Roselyn. Not a very good report. Out of 7 districts, only 4 were visited. Roselyn said she received a note telling her she has been released as visiting teaching coordinator. Will miss calling her.

Willow Creek Mine in Helper. The mine is sealed off to burn itself out. Just opened in December 1999 after the (300 workers out) terrible fire in 1998 which closed it down. A very dangerous mine.

Eva Randall called and talked 45 minutes. She seems to think Fern is improving. Gen Duarte called to see why I wasn’t to JPC employee shopping nite, Sunday, July 30th. But I went Monday, July 31st. They extended it to the 31st because in our area, a lot of us don’t shop on the Sabbath.

2 August 2000 – Wednesday

High 100, Low 64 this am. Ozone unhealthy to breathe. 71,000 acres on fire in Utah. The town of Eureka is in danger. People getting ready to evacuate. All of No. SLC issued ban on camp fires in all their canyons. So much smoke and ash. Can’t see the mountains around the valley. My swamp cooler brings air in with smoke in it and has set off my smoke alarm twice. The cooler just can’t keep it cool. Been 103 degrees in Provo for four days. We are not used to this heat and humidity. We are usually 0 percent humidity.

Today – Republican National Convention in Philadelphia for nominee George Bush for U.S. President. Diane called to say her friend’s husband, Robert Welsch, died of cancer in Midway. He mother was Maxine Luke. I went to school with her. Her sister, Lois, and I were good friends in school.

3 August 2000 – Thursday

100 degrees high, 64 degrees low in Provo. 8 pm George W. Bush gave his acceptance speech as candidate for U.S. President in the November election. This on TV, took place in Philadelphia. His father Geo. S. Bush was our U.S. President.

I called Diane. A big water pipe broke in SLC, so their water is being limited to no outside watering and just mere necessities for inside. They hope to have it repaired by tomorrow, August 4th. Watered my garden. Picked some tomatoes and 4 cukes. So dry and needs so much water. Watered my garden and flower beds. So hot, it can’t go a full week. The forest fires are the worst in 65 years says Utah Governor Leavitt. Too hot to do much, so I am taking things a little slower.

4 August 2000 – Friday

Another hot one, 100 degrees in Provo. Cami came at 1 pm. Cut and set my hair. Then she took me to my apt with Dr. Kent Marshall at 3 pm. He wants me to go see a urologist. Gave me a prescription for a new pain pill to see if I can tolerate them. He says they will make me feel more tired, which I don’t need, so I will get it filled and try them. Janice got some apricots from her neighbor. Cami brought them over to me. I my try to make me some jam. Fruit is so plentiful this year. Big crops in everything. My tomatoes are starting to ripen, so I will have plenty to eat. Maybe even can a few quarts. Put my garbage out. Always plenty of debris to put in it. Can’t keep up with the weeds. My hair surely feels good since Cami cut it. Gave her $12 to go get her bassinet mattress out of JPC catalog. I ordered it and it is in for her to pick up. We stopped at Reams and bought me some groceries. Then to bank to cash my retirement check. Got home about 5:30 pm. Glad to get home out of the heat. Read and watched TV. Changed the linens on my bed.

5 August 2000 – Saturday

Happy Birthday Robert Taylor, 26 years.

Gladys came at 10:30 am to take me to Springville to Cami’s baby shower. It was in Shirley Diamond’s reception center. Janice was worried she wouldn’t have room for everyone. There were 30 came. Some didn’t come or call. Cami got a lot of nice gifts. She has everything she needs now. She is due September 11 – a boy. Sis, Diane, Jessica, Skylar, Gladys, me Sandi, Lindsey, Tracy, Hannah, Ronalyn, Jaidan, Bayli, Vivian Jacobson, David Jacobson’s wife, Linda Williams, Marsh Bingham, Janice, Shirley and Matty Daimond.

6 August 2000 – Sunday (I don’t know how to get rid of this line)

95 degrees high, 60 degrees low. Murray Smelter (two smoke stacks) imploded at 9 am. Tallest built in 1918, 455 ft tall. Smaller (shorter) 1902, 295 ft. tall. Took 7 seconds to fall. 20 million tons of bricks in the two stacks. They have been landmarks in SLC valley for all these years. A little sad, but they were dangerous. Now they will fill the space with a lot of businesses. A lot of controversy about bringing them down because of the air pollution it may cause. About 1,000 people were there to see them go down. I watched it on TV.

Susan Bliss Unander brought me the ward bulletin and Relief Society tape over. She stayed about 45 minutes. She lives in Witt’s house, 1116 E 230 S, my neighbor west side of me.

Gladys called. Blaine called, he and his family are home from their Yellowstone vacation. They had a nice time and good weather. A long, lonesome, hot day (a little cooler). Picked some tomatoes. Read, watched TV. Talked with Sis. She is home alone again. The smelter supplied most shells for World War II.

1983 Hotel Newhouse, 1st South West Temple in SLC was imploded. The old must make room for the new. Progress.

7 August 2000 – Monday

98 degrees high, 67 degrees low. Don Rowberry, age 69, died today of cancer. He was Ellen and Cecil’s middle son. They were our good friends. Watered the garden. So dry.

10 August 2000 – Thursday

98 degrees high, 67 low. Hot again, south winds. Up at 7:30 am. Out in the yard. Pulled weeks, Washed down driveway. Came in at 11:30 after picking the tomatoes. They are ripening a little better. Gladys, Rona, Bayli, Jaidan came about 12:30 pm. Gladys had to been golfing up Hobble Creek. Ladies tournament. Took second place. She stopped at Reams and bought me four stainless steel 20 qt. stock pots for $8.99. They will make good gifts. Maybe Christmas filled with groceries. Louis and Marie Crandall were coming tonite at 7 pm. They are my new home teachers. He called, they can’t make it. Rona and Gladys carried my fruit jars in from the storage room and sugar, pectin, etc., out of the basement. I washed the jars and will wash and pit the apricots tonite so I can get an early start in am on apricot jam.

Called the pharmacist about taking Altrum with Vioxx. I’m afraid to mix all these drugs and I forgot to ask Dr. Marshall about it when he gave me the prescription. I am dizzy today and don’t feel too good. Maybe the heat. Bayli called me, she left her blankie at my house. Just announced the chance for LDS World General Conference a week later, Oct. 7 and 8 to be held because of television broadcast time.

25 August 2000 – Friday

Watered garden, picked vegetables. Fall is coming fast. Leaves changing. Colors already. Julie called, Cameron has another loose tooth he wants me to try and pull it. So they came about 5:30 pm. Ward is elk hunting, bow hunt. I couldn’t pull Cameron’s tooth. He was too touchy. They are staying at Blaine’s overnight, so maybe they will come back tomorrow. Talked with Sis, Gladys, Diane and Janice. Julie, Cameron and Jenna only stayed about one hour.

26 August 2000 – Saturday

Finally, we are getting a little measurable rain. Everything so dry. This should help put a few fires out. Gladys came over at 11 am. Brought me 3 pant suits. One much too long, had to go back. She put my hair in rollers. Took Sis’ mail up to her. Bought me three sandwiches at McDonalds. $2 for $2. Gladys has to go to work at 7 pm until 7 am tomorrow, so she had to go home and rest. She puts in such long hours. I appreciate all she does for me. Blaine called to ask why I called his house Tuesday. Janice called about 3:30 pm to say Cami is in the Timpanogos Hospital in Orem. In labor with her first child. She wasn’t due until September 22nd. Cami called at 6:45 pm to tell me I have a new great grandson. Austin Gary Bingham, born at 5:37 pm. He is 7 lbs 7 ounces, 21 ½ inches long. I am so happy she and Phil have a lovely healthy boy. I will maybe get out to see them tomorrow. I am really enjoying the rain. It cools things off. I am watching the BYU – Florida State football game on TV. First game of the season, the start of Lavell Edwards, BYU coach for 29 years, last year. He is retiring end of this season.

These days are getting longer, but they are really getting shorter. I need to keep more active to pass the time. I am reading Gordon B. Hinckley’s biography, about half through. He has lived a wonderful, busy life and is still traveling all over the world at age 90. 7 pm, now I will watch Lawrence Welk on TV.

Austin is our 10th great grandchild. We are so blessed to have a family of good children.

Zane, Lindsey, Cameron, Jenna, Hannah, Weston, Bayli, Jaidan, Skylar and now Austin. GG children.

Julie, Sandra, Corby, Rebecca, Amy, David, Jessica, Alisha, Ronalyn, Cami. Grandchildren.

The BYU is 0 – Florida 22.

27 August 2000 – Sunday

Spent a long day, reading, resting. Talked with Diane, Gladys, Janice, Sis. A cooler day. Today was Iris Harris 90th birthday. She is a special friend from our ward. I send her a card.

28 August 2000 – Monday Janice called, she, Ronalyn, Bayli and Jaidan came about 1:30 pm. Jennifer Hunt, my visiting teacher was here when they came. I haven’t seen her for several months. She has a new partner, Anita Bird (in Porter’s house) but she couldn’t come with Jennifer today. Janice took me over to see Cami and Phil’s new baby. Cami came home today, so we went to Mapleton to their home. They have a darling baby. He looks so health. A lot like Phil. On the way home, we stopped at McDonalds and bout me some sandwiches to eat. Two double hamburger or grilled chicken, each 99 cents. They are really good. Now I have enough for three meals along with corn, tomatoes, cucumbers and grapes from my garden. I was glad to get away from home for a while. I gave Janice a bud vase and some money to go to the florist and buy Cami a single rose. She took it to Cami. I always do this for teach great grandchild birth. Home about 5:30 pm. Went to basement and washed some clothes. Moved everything away from heat vents and cold air returns as I am having my furnace and all lines cleaned tomorrow. They have never been cleaned ever. So I sure it will be beneficial and less dust. Read and watched TV until 11 pm. Went to bed tired out.

29 August 2000 – Tuesday

The furnace cleaner was to be here at 11 am, but called and said he would come at 1 pm as he is still on another job. Ralph came at 12:30. Put in new screen on my back storm door, put salt in my softener. Showed the furnace man around. Helped me put some of the furniture back in place. Cost me $114 for furnace all cleaned and sanitized. A very nice young fellow from Texas did the work, Nathan Kilchrist. Ralph went home about 4 pm.

Mildred Greenhalgh called and talked. She is a good friend in the ward. I had a surprise visitor, Thelma Loader, came to visit. She is a very nice person. Her husband, LaVerl, used to go hunting with Ray and my brothers in Deer Creek. He as Stella Kohler’s nephew. Thelma lives two blocks south of me on 360 South. They moved there about 4 years ago. He died last fall. I enjoyed visiting with her. She is older than me, 3 years. Spent the evening reading and TV. Talked with Sis, Gladys, Diane. Marie and Low Crandall were to come home teaching at 6 pm, but called and couldn’t make it. It has turned cooler and .27 inches of rain fell here. In St. George and south also northern Utah had some flooding. The rain is a blessing as everything is so dry and it may help put out some of the big fires burning across the state.

30 August 2000 – Wednesday

Rained a lot over nite. So I turned my sprinklers off this am. Put a lot of things back and cleaned the bedrooms and front room. Talked with Janice and Bayli. Faye Quarmberg called me to get my raw chili sauce recipe. She had lost her copy I gave her years ago. It really is choice.

Something wrong with my bedroom TV. Gary will come by tomorrow and see if he can set it up for me. I gave some cukes, zucchini and tomatoes to Jennifer Hunt. Read in my book. I can’t leave it alone. I can see why Gordon B. Hinckley is the man he is today. He has been prepared for his calling, “our prophet” all his life. Such stamina and intelligence. He is truly an amazing man. Ordained of God to lead us in these days.

Blaine called me about 11:30 am to take me to lunch, but I was just eating breakfast, so he will come another day. I get up and do work inside and out before I eat breakfast. I appreciate him asking me. Rained in the afternoon. Makes everything look so fresh and green. Ronalyn works at Allen’s market

31 August 2000 – Thursday A rainy morning. Turned my lawn sprinklers off for a few days. It is surely welcome after being so dry and hot. Did some housework. Reading at 6 pm. Marie and Louis Crandall came home teaching after cancelling two other apts. They are newlyweds, 7 months ago. Her fourth and his second marriage. They seem happy. Gary came to see what my bedroom TV needs to get the picture back on. He got the picture on, but not the alarm. I talked with Sis and Gladys. Read until midnight. Cami took Austin to Dr. He is very jaundice and not nursing. Put him on formula.

1 September 2000 – Friday

Today would have been mine and Ray’s 62nd wedding anniversary. We were blessed to celebrate 55 years together. Rained a lot during the nite. Gladys, Ronalyn, Bayli and Jaidan came at 12 noon, and we drove to Midway to Swiss Days. It was overcast and cool. We ate lunch there. A Navajo taco for $5. Very good. A big crowd as usual. On the way home a terrible cloud burst hit just as we got to mouth of Provo Canyon. Hard to drive. Rona went to work at 5 pm. Gladys took the two kids to Janice to tend. I enjoyed the day very much. It has really been a stormy evening. Hard rain, thunder and lightning. Gladys took some flowers to cemetery for Dad’s grave. Spent nite reading and TV. Talked with Diane. She, Jessica and Skylar went to St. George about noon. Shirley Sycamore is there visiting her mother. They will be back Sunday nite.

The Swiss Days is so big so commercialized. Saw two people I knew, Geneva Probst and Darlene Shelton.

2 September 2000 – Saturday

More rain, which I am glad for. Don’t have to water my garden and lawn. Did some washing. My bedding, etc. A long lonesome day.

4 September 2000 – Sunday

Diane called to see if I have some quart fruit jars she can have. Her neighbor gave her a lot of peaches.

5 September 2000 – Tuesday

Diane called to say Charles will be here by 12:30 pm to get the jars. I went out in the storage room and got them out for them. Did some watering, pruned a bush as high as I could. So Charles finished it for me. Samuel (Chilean) put it in the garbage. Surely helped me out. Charles had been up to Sis’ to measure for her kitchen. She needs new floor along with her whole house repaired. She has never kept it up over the years. It is about to fall apart.

Rested. Read. Talked with Sis and Gladys. Sat out on front porch until dark 8:30 pm. So cool and peaceful. Got rid of a lot of papers. I try to keep my house neat and clean. My bedroom TV won’t work. Need to get someone to look at it. Charles didn’t know anything about it. A lot cooler day. Fall is not far away.

6 September 2000 – Wednesday

A lot cooler. I went to the bank and made a deposit. Reams for some groceries. Allred’s fruit barn to buy some peaches to eat. A box of seconds for $4. They are lemon elbertas, small this year because of such a heavy crop. Went up to Sis’. Gave her half the peaches. Took her a bowl of good crab salad I had made and a few tomatoes. Couldn’t stay very long to visit as I have frozen groceries in my car. I came home so upset to see her living in the conditions she is. Simply because she won’t throw a thing away. She won’t spend any money to fix anything up. I just cried to see how she is living. When Ronalyn goes up to clean, she won’t let her do anything. She never gets dressed, just sits in a house coat all day. I realize she is 93, but this has been this way for years. With all her money she should be in an assisted living center where she could enjoy some company. It breaks my heart to see how she is. Came home and talked with Gladys, Diane, Janice. About 7 pm Rona, Cami, Austin and Janice came by on their way to JCPenneys to return some items we didn’t need. I sat outside until 8:30 pm. The evenings are getting longer.

7 September 2000 – Thursday

Up at 8 am to water my garden. It was really dry. Pulled up my green bean vines. Gary left this am for Albuquerque, NM on a Jeep safari. Phil went with him (Cami’s husband). Ralph came by with my lawn chairs and their big kettle so I can make some raw chili sauce. I didn’t even see him as I was in the garden and he was going to work. Talked with Gladys. She has been golfing. She, Ralph and their neighbors, Marci, Douglas, TJ, Torrey and Talia left at 6:30 pm to go to Torrey, UT to stay until Sunday. They took their motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles. Their neighbors grew up on Torrey and their parents still live there so they will all have a good time. It is nice and cool. 69 degrees high today. Really feels great. Diane called to talk. She won “Best of Show” at the state fair for her porcelain doll “Deborah.” She gets a big stadium blanket and ribbons. She does such good work. I watched “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” on TV. Read. Bed at 11:30 pm. Good sleeping now it’s cooler.

8 September 2000 – Friday

Up. Mopped my floor. Read. Dusted some. It rained a little this afternoon for about 20 minutes. Every little bit helps. Sis called to see if I had called her as she didn’t get to the phone. Must have been someone else. Bayli and Janice called to talk. Bayli is sleeping over. She started preschool Tuesday, but she won’t talk much about it. Trimmed a few more shrubs and got in the garbage. Tomorrow is pick up. My yard is really pretty, just getting its autumn flowers. Diane called to say she got me some tomatoes, peppers, etc., for my chili sauce. Got my jars out to wash them. So beautiful this evening. I sat outside for a while.

My cousin Berneice Kohler Thacker died September 3, 2000 in Salt Lake City. She was born September 23, 1918 in Midway. We went all through school together. I didn’t know she was one year older than me. I haven’t seen her for many years. She had two sons. Allan and Gary. Earl Kohler and Blanche K. Lindsay, her brother and sister area ll that is left now. Our generation is fading away real fast. Not many left. Berneice lived in Orem all her married life.

29 September 2000 – Friday

Changed bed linens. Went to basement and did wash. Watered garden. We have had some rain, so I didn’t need much water. Turned off my sprinkler timer. I will water just when needed. Washed out my garbage can so it will be ready for winter. Talked with Gladys. They poured the cement for a storage shed and fire pit last nite. Ralph burned his knees and legs with lime helping smooth the cement. They are swollen and running with fluid. He needs to go to a doc. But he is ice packing them. He needs something to neutralize the lime to stop it from burning. He had to go home from work this afternoon as he is in such pain. Talked with Janice, Diane. I am worn out. Did too much work today. 10:30 pm will go to bed.

Blanche Hawke called to talk at 4:30 pm. Stephanie Hunt and Anita Byrd (RS teachers) came. They stayed 2 hours. Janice and Gary came and took my bedroom TV to repair shop. Supper finally at 7:30 pm.

30 September 2000 – Saturday

Went to Von Curtis beauty school to get my hair done at 11 am. Home at 1 pm. A mix up with my apt. Stephanie #180 did it. Bought me two sandwiches at McDonalds. Allen’s grocery store. Home to rest. So much pain in my leg. A beautiful hot day. 94 degrees in Provo. The fall colors are brilliant in the mountains.

21 October 2000 – Wednesday

I came home at 4:30 pm. Bought me some tacos at Taco Bell. Cleaned up a few leaves and walnuts out of driveway. Talked with Janice and Diane. Gwen Murri called about 5:30 to tell me Clara Fuller (Ray’s sister) died this am. Funeral will be Monday, November 6 at 12 noon at Larkins Mortuary Salt Lake City. I called Blaine, Diane, Gladys and Janice to tell them. Clara has been in a rest home for over a year. She didn’t know anyone. She was the oldest of six siblings. 89 years old.

They found the little two year old lost boy in the mountains by Coalville dead. He had been missing since last Thursday. His father had taken him hunting on private land by Coalville, UT in only pajamas. Left him asleep in his truck in his child seat. When he came back, the little fellow was gone. They called the search off Sunday nite. Last night a man a man lost in the mountains found his little body under several inches of snow. So much sadness in the world, especially as I get older.

I think Sis will be happier at East Lake. Quin Warnick is her physical therapist again and she has a lot of trust in him. I talked with Quin. Filled out a lot of paper (admission information) for Sis. They brought her from Valley Regional Hospital from room 481 sitting up in a wheel chair in East Lake transportation van with just a hospital gown and a little blanket around her and it is such a cold day. I went to bed at 11:30 pm after a long stressful day. I’m glad Sis is by the nurse’s station. Just across the hall from where I spent 3 ½ months in room 406. I only know a couple of the staff. The staff is about all new. They have such a turnover of help.

22 October 2000 – Saturday, Vilate Kohler’s Birthday – 72 years

A long lonesome cold day. No one came to visit. Read. Watched conference talks rerun on TV. But always get so much more each time I listen. Such great advice and rules to live by. Talked with Sis. Janice had been on liquids only all day. Getting ready for colon tests tomorrow 7:15 am. Have so much diarrhea all the time.

23 October 2000 – Monday nite

Blaine, Debbie, Amy came about 7 pm with my quilting frames. Put them away in top of garage until someone else needs to borrow them. So cold. Blaine brought my big philodendron off the patio so it won’t freeze. It is 7 years old. Given to me when Ray passed away. They went hoe about 8 pm. Janice went through her tests ok. Now must wait five days for the results. Always a worry not knowing what’s going on inside our bodies.

24 October 2000 – Tuesday

A cool but beautiful day. I drove to the bank. Bought some chicken sandwiches and drove up to Sis’ to eat lunch with her. She is having pain in her leg. When I got there, she had showered and washed her hair. Cami and Bayli came shortly to do her hair for tomorrow. Must be club. I came home about 4:30 pm. Cami was just starting to do her hair. Spent a long evening watching TV and reading. Janice stayed home from work again today. Not feeling so good after yesterday’s tests. She and Gary were coming over to see about some old clothes I might have for Halloween costumes. But something with their truck and Jeep. Wrong. Will come tomorrow night.

25 October 2000 – Wednesday

9:15 am - Sis’ neighbor, Elaine Hoover, called me to say Sis’ dining room lite was on all nite and she had tried to call her but she won’t answer. So I called and she answered. Said she can’t get out of bed. Something wrong with her leg. I called Gladys and Becca. (Blaine gone fishing.) I hurried and went up to Sis’. Gladys and Becca came soon. Gladys called an ambulance and they took Sis to ER at 11 am. Took x-rays and found all 5 screws in her hip has broken loose. Dr. Douglas Schow came and said he could operate on her about 5 pm. Gladys stayed with her and Debbie was getting off work at 3 pm so she brought me home for a short rest. We were barely gone and they came and took Sis to surgery (two cancellations). Diane came down to be with Gladys while Sis was in surgery. They said about 1 hour and 45 minutes for surgery. When 8 pm came, I tried to call hospital, but they couldn’t contact Gladys. She and Diane were in the waiting room all the time, but no one answered the phone. Finally I called Gladys on her pager and she called right back. Said she had called the operating room nurses station and they said Dr. Schow was just closing. Would soon be back in her room. Gladys came about 9:30 pm on her way home. Tired out and she and Diane had not eaten yet. Diane went right home from hospital and Gladys left my house about 9:45 pm. She has been at the hospital all day long.

Gary, Janice, Blaine and Debbie are still out there. Everything is going fine, but it will be a long recovery again. At age 93 things take longer to heal. And Sis will be more discouraged and afraid to move about. This same thing happened to our mother, Mary Kohler year ago. Of course medicine has wasn’t so advanced back in the 1950’s and Mother wasn’t as old as Sis, about 70 years old. Her pin broke also. I pray all will go well with Sis. That she may be blessed with the strength to face what is ahead.

Gladys had a couple of Elders in ER give Sis a blessing before they took her to operate. I went to bed at 11:30 pm to a sleeping pill. What a stressful long day. I only hope all will go well with Sis. When we get older everything is harder to handle. Without faith and prayers, we would never make it through.

26 October 2000 –Thursday, Happy 81st Birthday to Me!!

A real cold windy day. Janice called to see if I was out to the hospital. Not yet. I bathed and went out at 10:30 am. Had to walk a long way to get to Sis’ room 481 (same one she was in before). Blaine and Gladys called her. Also Janice. Sis is doing quite well. She is so little and fragile now. But she is alert and talking well in between sleeping. She didn’t eat much lunch. A few bites of lasagna, green beens and orange sherbet. It will take a while to get her appetite again. I came home at 2:30 pm. My leg was so tired and I couldn’t elevate it out there. Diane called at 3:30 pm. She was up to Sis’ house and then going to the hospital.

The florist delivered me a beautiful floral arrangement for my birthday from all the children. I so appreciate all they do for me. They are so thoughtful. We are all going out to Chuck-A-Rama for my birthday dinner at 7 pm. The BYU is playing Wyoming football tonite at 6 pm. And is it ever cold and windy. Glad I’m inside in my cozy little home.

31 October 2000

So cold and stormy. Most of the malls and all of Springville Main Street roped off and trick or treators. The merchants gave out treats. Diane and her family went in a neighborhood they knew in Riverton. I left my lites off outside because I can’t answer the door and I didn’t buy any treats.

31 October 2000 (second entry for this date)

Halloween. Rained all nite. Winter is here. Jerry came and turned my sprinklers off. I talked to Sis. Too stormy for me to go out to see her. Diane called. Gladys called. She won the county dispatchers for best Halloween costume. $25. She was a black head hunter –leopard skin dress. Chicken bones in her hair. Three shrunken heads on a silver tray surrounded by red roses. Three county commissioners names on the heads on a silver platter.

1 November 2000 – Wednesday

Cold, windy and raining. Took all my Halloween decorations down and put away for another year. They mowed my lawn today. The last time this year. Debbie called at 12:30 pm to say they are moving Sis over to East Lake Rehab Center at 2 pm. I hurried and cleaned myself up and went out to be there when she came. She arrived about 2:30 pm in a wheelchair van. She is in room 403. Her roommate is ______Woodard from Provo. It will be another long recovery. One of her roommates for the last time she was there. Funeral was today. Lucille Johnson Whiting. Also old schoolmate Blanche Lindsay Frisby died last (Vivian didn’t finish the sentence). They were both 93 years old.

2 November 2000 – Thursday

Worked outside. Putting my garden up and getting it in the garbage. Filled the garbage can and now I can’t pull it out to the street. My arms and legs are so sore. Took a hot shower. Called Gladys. She and Rona, Bayli and Jaidan are going out to visit Sis at 5 pm. I will stay home and rest. Diane was coming down, but she has a bad sore throat and cold. I talked with Sis on phone twice. She seems alert. Quin took her to therapy and to the lunchroom for lunch. She is so little and fragile. I do pray they will handle her with care. Gladys called about 10 pm. She is home. Said Sis is doing good. Ate a good supper. Gladys is getting ready to go to Florida, Orlando to a law enforcement convention. She has to teach some classes while there. Bed at 10:30 pm. A cold day. High 49 degrees. Winter is here.

Gary came over and shut the outside water off under the house. Pulled my garbage out to the street. He isn’t feeling good. He has such a bad cold and congested. He needs to see a doctor.

3 November 2000 – Friday

I went out to see Sis at 2 pm. My, she is in bad shape in a very allusive state. Talking out of her head imagining all kinds of things. Maybe her medication is causing it. Will check and see if they have added something she wasn’t taking before. She didn’t show this while she was at the hospital. She has always been so sharp and alert. I stayed to see how she would do eating supper. She really has me worried. I called Janice, and she and Gary and Austin came out to drive me home because I can’t see well enough in the dark. She ate a good supper and seemed to come to herself about 7 pm. When she talked with Diane on the phone earlier, she was really out of it. Imaging dead people upstairs, etc. I talked to Quinn about her. We will try and find out something tomorrow. Janice drove me home about 8:30 pm. Gary and Austin followed. I hope Sis will sleep well tonite. Such a change in her. She doesn’t make much sense at times. I took a sleeping pill and went to bed at 10:30 pm. Talked with Gladys before going to bed. She leaves at 10 am from SLC airport for Orlando, FL. Will be back Wednesday nite. I’m really worried about Sis.

4 November 2000 – Saturday

Diane called and said she would be down today to get Sis come clothes, etc., from her house. Diane took Gladys to the airport so she has her van until Wednesday nite when she will pick Gladys up at the airport when she comes from Florida. Diane came about 4 pm. Had been down visiting with Blaine at his store and talking Sis’ condition with him. She went up to Sis’ house to get mail, clothes, etc. I tried to call her and found out Sis’ phone has been disconnected, so I guess she hasn’t paid her bill. She kept telling me she had. Diane couldn’t find any bills up there as her mail has been transferred to me since her operation on Wednesday, October 25. So will have to check this out Monday with the telephone company. Diane brought me and her a Hogi sandwich (I pd) for lunch about 5 pm. I was really hungry. Diane went out to Sis’ room. She and the nurse went over her medication. She is on just the same as she has been on. The nurse said as a person gets older, it takes longer for the anesthesia to wear off after surgery. It has only been 10 days, but Sis has never been in such a state of confusion. I hope it soon wears off, but at her age, it may never leave her alert again. Diane stayed with Sis until 9 pm. Said she was doing better when she left. I showered. Shampooed my hair. Washed clothes. Bed at 11 pm. Put out the Thanksgiving decorations. Sent a bouquet of mums out of my garden for Sis. Diane took them. I’m in so much pain the last couple of days. I can’t do much. Janice, Rona and girls came by a second on their way shopping at Penneys big 25% plus 10% off all merchandise until 11 am today.

5 November 2000 – Sunday

My stake conference downtown Provo in the tabernacle. It is a cold snowy day. Snow is not laying on the ground but a lot in the mtns. I called Debbie, she said she and Blaine will go out and visit Sis this evening and I will go tomorrow. I talked with Sis at 10:30 am, and she said she was just having breakfast.

Blaine and Debbie went to see Sis at 7:30 pm. She was so sound asleep they didn’t waker her up. I will try and get out to see her tomorrow. I talked with Sis at 3 pm. She has had a couple of visitors today, Elaine Hoover and ______.

Tonite is Clara Murri Fuller’s viewing at Larkin Mortuary in SLC. I’m not up to going. Diane will go to the funeral tomorrow at noon, and I told Gwen to include me on the family flowers. A long day. Watched replay of 170th general conference last session until noon. Talked with Janice, Diane and Blaine. A long lonesome day. I need to get around more, but my leg hurts so much. Must be the cold weather. I am trying to do as much as I can. What I can’t do will have to wait until I get around to it. 6 November 2000 – Monday

A rainy cold day. At 1 pm I drove down to 700 E 240 S Provo to the Seventh Day Adventist church to get a flu shot. Went on out to visit Sis at East Lake. She seems to be doing a little better. Her mind still wanders some, but at 93 anything can happen. I stayed until 4:30 pm. Went to Reams for groceries. Home at 5:30 just getting dark. Talked with Janice. Erma Johnson called to ask where Sis is. She didn’t know she was back in East Lake. Erma was Sis’ roommate when she was there before.

Diane called. She usually does every nite on her way home from work. I miss talking with Gladys every day. Today was Clara’s funeral. Diane went for our family. I paid $15 on family flowers.

7 November 2000 – Tuesday

Election Day. The first of the new millennium. New U.S. President to be elected. Vice-president Al Gore and George W. Bush governor of Texas are running for President. Cami and Austin came at 1:30 pm and took me over to Provost school to vote. I am in district #5. A large turn-out. Then she took me over to visit Sis whil she went to Orem to see about a job. I was there until 5:30 pm. We stopped at Taco Bell and got me some gullopis (?) for my dinner. Sis slept most of the time I was there. They were taking her to the dining room for dinner when we left. One of her pinocle card friends, Norma Giles Thomas, died this am. 76 years old. The therapist brought Viola Knudsen in to visit with Sis for a few minutes. She is 96 years old and they have played cars for over fifty years in a club. Home to another long evening. It is really cold.

8 November 2000 – Wednesday

The sun was out for a while, so I raked all the neighbor’s leaves, walnuts and debris out of my driveway into my garbage. Cleared the rest of my garden out. Suppose to get a heavy snow storm tonite along with colder than normal weather. Some of the ski resorts are already open. A real early winter. Talked with Sis a couple of times. Diane went to the Lindon church cannery to do pears. Then to SLC airport to meet Gladys at 9 pm returning from her convention in Florida. What a mess our country is in. The vote for President elect is too close to call in Florida. So they are calling for a recount. Which could take weeks. Bush is ahead and Gore is contesting the counts. Starting to snow hard at 11 pm. Will be a lot by morning. Blaine drove to Idaho Falls with a lot of merchandise for a new Sportsman’s store opening. He really got into some heavy snow thru Malad Pass but made it home safely.

9 November 2000 – Thursday

Paid all my current bills plus my property taxes for Provo and Wasatch. Blaine came up about 3 pm to move the snow for me. We got about 7”, and it is still snowing. It is so wet and heavy. All my ever green shrubs are really bent down to the ground. Blaine went out to visit with Sis then he and Debbie started their Christmas shopping. I am not feeling too good. Maybe I’m getting a cold.

The problems about the election is getting worse and more complex. It may go to the Supreme Court before it’s settled. Bush is still 329 votes ahead after the recount in Florida. But there are still a lot of absentee ballots to be counted up until the 17th. What a tangled mess our government is becoming. I moved all my snow last year, but I’m not up to it this year. I will try another time to do it. Diane, Janice, Gladys called. Snowing hard.

11 November 2000 –Saturday, 31 high, 21 low. Record for this day.

Diane came down about 1:30 pm. She rolled up my hair. Went down to McDonalds and bought me two sandwiches (99 cents each) for my lunch. She went up to Sis’ house to get her some clothes, etc. She went out to East Lake to visit with Sis. Then she will go on home to prepare for Relief Society lesson. She teaches her first lesson tomorrow. Lesson 19 from the lesson manual, “Teachings from Presidents of the Church, Joseph F. Smith.” I’m sure will do a good job.

12 November 2000 – Sunday

A really cold day. At 2:30 pm I went out to visit Sis at East Lake. I was privileged to take the sacrament with her. They bring it around to the rooms. I always went to church when I was out there. I came home at 4:30 pm before dark. Janice, Diane and Gladys called to talk. Blaine called and said they came up about 7:30 and rang the doorbell knocked, but I didn’t hear them. I was listening to President Hinckley’s fireside for the youth 18-25 years old in the SLC conference center. It was wonderful. He really talked on body piercing, tattooing, immorality, etc. Everything is getting so out of hand. A long lonesome evening. All four children have my house key of their own. Bt Blaine didn’t bring it with him. Today was JCPenneys employee Christmas shopping nite. 40% off. I don’t shop on Sunday. So will go tomorrow.

13 November 2000 – Monday

Janice, Gary, Cami, Austin went down to shop about 6 pm. Gladys came and got me after she came from taking Sis to her appointment with Dr. Schow at 4:15 pm. East Lake transports her in a van. Gladys and I got down to JCP about 6:30 pm. Diane, Jessica and Skylar came soon after. I bought me two pair of shoes to wear when I’m dressed up. 1 black, 1 brown. I got them for 40% off. All the rest bought a lot of clothes they needed. All I seen I knew was Ted and Yvonne Morgan, downtown Provo manager.

Gladys, Diane, Jessica, Skylar, Gladys and I stopped at Taco Time and had something to eat. Home about 9 pm. Gladys went home. Diane and kids stopped at East Lake to see Sis. A tiresome evening. I’m really tired tonite. My leg can’t stand so much walking.

14 November 2000 – Tuesday

Went out to see Sis for a couple of hours. Stopped at Allen’s for my prescription and some groceries. It got dark before I got home. I don’t like to drive after dark. I don’t see too well. I’m afraid of slipping and falling. It’s so cold and slick. Blanche Hawke called to talk a while. She had her pace make replaced.

15 November 2000 – Wednesday

Took it a little easier today. This cold weather makes my leg hurt. Jeremy, the Root Master, came to unplug my washer drain. He didn’t charge me this time. Maybe I need to replace the pipe in the floor. Ralph came over for a few minutes to check and see if the pipe was out of the drain.

Gary came by and put some salt in my water softener. Gen Duarte called to talk. Talked with all the kids. I’m not up to doing much. The cold weather makes me so stiff and sore Our country is still trying to settle our presidential elections. So many false and ridiculous things going on. Only 300 difference in count. Cold and snowing.

16 November 2000 – Thursday

Rebecca came at 12 noon. She and I went out to East Lake to have Thanksgiving dinner with Sis. Becca is such a cute girl. We ate with Viola Knudsen and her son, Bob and wife. Becca was off for her lunch, so we left at 1:30 pm. Stopped at Knighton Optical in Provo to get my glasses straightened. One temple was broken, so I had to leave them. When we arrived at my house, Ronalyn, Cami, Jaidan and Austin were there. Becca went to work. Cami helped me cut some bushes off that were dragging on my car. Put them in the garbage and put it out in the street for pick up. They left at 2:30 pm to get Bayli from school. Janice called. Also Diane and Gladys. Gladys is in three days of certification school, 7 am – 7 pm. The driveway has melted. But it’s still really cold. 17 low, 29 high. Bed at 11:30 pm. Tired out.

17 November 2000 – Friday

Another cold day. A few snow flurries. I don’t feel good today, so I rested a lot. Cami, Ronalyn, Bayli, Jaidan, Austin came over for a short while to figure out their JCP bill.

Rona had to be to work at Allen’s in Springville at 5 pm. So they left. I talked with Gladys. Dr. Schow’s office called me to change Sis’ apt. Gladys said it is wrong, so she will call them Monday. Fern Kohler Lisonbee called to talk. Read. Watched TV.

18 November 2000 – Saturday

Cold. High 35, low 21. Winter came early this year. Our Presidential Election is not settled. Still hand counting ballots in Florida and absentee ballots in Florida. Gore has taken it to court now. What a disgrace for our country which every other country looks up to. Went to basement and did some laundry. Diane came down about 2:30 PM. We visited a while. She went up to Sis’ house then out to visit her in East Lake. Went on home. Called about 10 pm to tell me she was home. Talked with Janice, Gladys.

Today was Lavell Edward’s last home game as BYU football coach. He is retiring after 28 years. President Gordon B. Hinckley (LDS) renamed the Cougar Stadium the “Lavell Edwards Stadium, the home of the cougars” before the game today. The 65,000 fans went wild. A bitter cold day. But the games must go on. When Lavell became coach, it seated 6,000. 10 years as assistant coach before becoming head coach. 13 New Mexico vs BYU 37. BYU won.


2001 1 January 2001 – Monday

Already we are 1 year into the new millennium. Time goes by so fast. I spent New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2000 nite alone at home watching TV. Watched New York’s New Year Celebration.

20 January 2001 – Saturday

A beautiful, cold day. Watched the swearing in ceremonies for U.S. President (43rd) George W. Bush. He was Texas governor before running for U.S. President. A cold, rainy day in Washington DC. The Mormon Tabernacle choir rode in the parade. All 350 of them on one huge float. Bush’s father, George Herbert Walker Bush was our president. His father and mother, Barbara Bush, a former first lady wa there along with his wife, Laura and his 19 year old twin daughters. A very moving experience. Glad to be rid of Wm Jefferson Clinton, our 42nd president for two terms (8 years).

Diane came down about 6 pm. Had stopped out to East Lake to visit Sis. She brought us a hoagie sandwich for supper. She rolled my hair up for me. She went home about 7 pm. She had just left and Blaine and Debbie, Becca, Amy and Erin came to visit. Any brought her scrapbook for me to see. She spends hours cutting up pictures and putting them on pages. She has no sequence, just hit and miss. She is 24 years old. Little Erin, great granddaughter is 3 ½ months old now and weighs 10 lbs. Debbie and Blaine are keeping her until Sandy recuperates from her heart surgery as of January 8th 2001. They went home about 8:30 pm. I enjoyed them. The evenings are so long and lonesome. A very historical day. I pray that this new president can get things in order again. Clinton was such an immoral man.

21 January 2001 – Sunday, 42 high, 23 low

I went to church at 11 am. A little snow fell last nite, but I drove to church and stayed for all meetings, sacrament, Sunday school and Relief Society. I really enjoyed seeing my ward friends and feeling the warm spirit of our gospel. I have been away too long. Got home at 2:30 pm. Fixed me some lunch and rested for a while. Watched TV, read. Talked with Janice, Gladys and Blaine. Didn’t go out to see Sis. Too late. Talked with her on phone. Little Erin is doing so well, but she is still so tiny.

22 January 2001 – Monday

Spent morning putting out my Valentine decorations. Rested. Went to see Sis at 3 pm. An overcast, smoggy day. Came home at 4:30 pm. Stopped at McDonalds and bought me two 99 cent sandwiches. Vilate called me from Midway. Haven’t talked with her since before Christmas. Al is having some health problems. His blood so low and now he has a hernia that needs surgery. Their house is progressing.

23 January 2004 – Tuesday

Spent morning making appointments to have my eyes checked on February 1. Dermatology February 14 – spot on my face won’t heal. Mammogram tomorrow at 2 pm. Talked with Diane, Janice, Gladys. Gary came by to take my small TV to repair, but I decided to buy a new one for the bedroom. Too much to repair it. It’s 8 years old and the same thing happened as before. I just had it repaired in October for $116. I can buy a new one for a little more. A beautiful, sunny day. Stephanie Hunt, my visiting teacher, came at 4:30 pm and stayed until 6 pm. I enjoy visiting with her. The topic “Pass our love and good deeds on to someone else.” Ate supper. A Cup-O-Noodles and some celery. Vilate said Lucy Durtschi Daybell died Sunday. We sent to school in Midway. She was 2 years older than me. Martha, her sister, was my age. Ruth Coleman Phillips, my 5th grade teacher died last week. She was born November 3, 1908 in Midway. All the old ones are passing on.

24 January 2001 – Wednesday

A beautiful day. Drove out to Utah Health Clinic, 1300 South 500 West, Orem, UT for my yearly mammogram at 2 pm. Stopped at a little Dollar Mania store in Orem. Everything in it is $1 each item. Bought some teddy bear oven mitts and a small silk flower for Sis’ window. Stopped to visit with Sis. She seems in relaxed state. The therapists just stand her up, as yet she isn’t taking any steps. It has been 3 months tomorrow since she had it operated and repined. I doubt if she will ever get out of her wheel chair and on to a walker again. She doesn’t have the stamina she had before. I came home at 4:30 pm. Talked with Janice, Gladys. Faye Quarnberg called me to ask if I wanted to buy any candy for Valentines. No. I still have some left from Christmas. She makes it $9 per lb. Several different kinds. It is choice. Read and watched TV. I enjoy a fire in my fireplace each nite. Brought Sis’ clothes home to wash.

25 January 2001 – Tuesday

Gary came by to program my bedroom TV. After being off for two weeks. I was going to buy a new one and it suddenly came on at 1:30 am Tuesday. Hope it keeps working for a long time. It is only 8 years old. I missed it, as it came on at 8 am each morning. Gary moved the snow off my driveway. The wind blew so hard last nite and woke to about 3” of snow. Cleared out all the smog and haze. He put out my garbage can and brought me in some wood. Janice came by at her lunch time for about ½ hour. I get pretty lonesome, but I read a lot. I call Sis every day. Janice likes her new job with Metro National Title Company on North University Avenue. She is learning a lot about escrow, etc.

26 January 2001 – Friday

Austin Bingham is 5 months old today. He is a big baby.

1 February 2001 – Thursday

Awoke to a soft snow storm. About ½” fell. Becca came at 10:15 am to take me to the eye doctor, Dr. Theurer. Had an eye exam.

19 March 2001 – Monday

Justin came and sprayed lawn, 1st time this year. Gladys went to Orlando, Florida on March 10th to a dispatcher seminar. Came home on the 14th. Bad weather there all while she was gone.

10 April 2001 – Corby’s 29th Birthday

Dr. James Theurer did left eye cataract surgery on me. All went well.

16 August 2001 – Thursday

Up to a beautiful day. A little hazy from all the fires burning in the northwest. Forty huge fires burning. Out of fire fighters to (trained) put them out. Everything is so tinder dry and so much lightening has set them off. Utah will be in big trouble if we have any more like we did this spring. A little cooler. Only 91 degrees today. At 10:30 am, I drove over to Springville to Jim’s Hair Emporium to have Cami give me a permanent. She did a good job. She got her cosmetology license on the ______. So this is her first job. She has been working over one week. She started on the ______. I got home at 2:45 pm. A lot of traffic. Had more left over sandwich for my lunch. Rested. Talked with Janice. She had to go home sick at 9:30 am.

21 August 2001 – Tuesday, Becca’s 26th Birthday

Down to see Sis. Hard rains in St. George, etc. Bad in So. Jordan. W. Jordan, SKC flooding in many places. Not so much in Provo, just a gentle rain. A lot of wind. Put gas in car and washed it $15.44 gas $2.00 wash. Stopped Allen’s for prescription. Talked to Janice. She went to Price and Heber to record. Rona and girl went with her. Karolyn Kohler Wall getting married September 5, Timp temple for time (3rd marriage) LaMar or Brent, Kelly. Watched BYU Education week 7-10 pm. 3 speakers

22 August 2001 – Wednesday

Worked in yard until 11:30 am. Lunch. Rested. Read paper. Talked to Ronalyn. Diane called. Called Theurer about my eyes.

23 August 2001 – Thursday

Debbie took Sis to dentist. Me to eye doctor. Julie and Jenna down for fabric. Janice stopped by. Talked to Gladys and Amy.

24 August 2001 – Friday

BYU Education Week. 1st speaker Herbert Hamilton. Pornography and computers, 2nd speaker Robert J Matthews – The great millennium shall come, 3rd speakers Gary and Joy Lundberg. Simple steps to a happy marriage. I went to Allen’s for groceries and my eye prescription. $31.75 for my eye – a tube not as big as my little finger, but if it helps my eyes, I’ll be glad. I’m getting a good cold. Janice stopped by. They are moving office to Orem. Watered my garden.

25 August 2001 – Saturday

A good cold. Gladys came by on way to work at 1 pm. Corn, 2 watches. Took it easy. Janice and Blaine called. BYU 1st football game. Gary Crowton new head coach. Tulane – BYU. Score 35 – 70.


8:45 am EST, World Trade – Plane hit North Tower – Center New York

9:28 am Tower collapsed

9:38 Second Tower collapsed

Temples in Utah closed at 1:30 pm.

Attack on America worse that Pearl Harbor. Ronalyn called at 8 am and told me to turn on my TV. The World Trade Center in New York has been sabotaged. Passenger plane hijacked and flown into the North Tower. Second plane hijacked and flew into the South Tower. 3rd plane hijacked, flew into Pentagon Bldg. 4th plane crashed out of Pittsburg, PA. All airports in U.S. are closed. Thousands killed and injured. Utah Search and Rescue team leaving at 10 pm to go to New York. #1 task force of Utah going through rubble.

9:38 EST Pentagon bldg. hit. America on highest state of alert.

Flight #11, #93

All four planes headed for California full of 1000’s gallons of fuel.

America’s 5,000 airports closed down.

Special church services held all over America. President Hinckley will talk at 7:30 pm in SLC.

First plane A11 from Boston to California.

Yasser Arafat of Israel sympathetic.

Osama Bin Laden of Saudi Arabia 1st suspect.

The two tallest buildings in New York. New York Trade Center Twin Towers. Built in 1966. Took 6 years to build World Trade Center.

America’s first great test of this new century 2001 and new President Bush.

757 Plane flew into Pentagon bldg.. Eleven hours after initial crash. Fires are still spreading in Pentagon.

16 September 2001

Perm by Cami at Jim’s Emporium.

20 September 2001-Thursday

The total persons missing at World Trade Center in New York and on planes is now 6,333. Very few recovered. No one for the last eight days. All hope of even finding bodies is stopped. The fire is still burning down at the bottom. Thousands of tons of rubble have been removed. Everything was blown apart and are consumed by fire. Even very few body parts have been found. A Utah unit of special search and rescue joined the forces today in New York to help with the recovery.

Listened to President Geo. W. Bush speech at 7 pm. One of the greatest speeches ever given by a President. He said it will be along hard time. With a lot of sacrifices by the American people. He has put all branches of service on high alert. Already moving ships, troops, etc., to undisclosed places. He gave Afghanistan the ultimatum to give up Osama Bin Laden or suffer the consequences. Anyone who harbors terrorists will pay the price. The second World War in 1941 will be nothing in comparison to what the American people will face now. So many different missiles, germ warfare, etc. An the area they will be fighting in is al new to USA. The Iotola (?) is a country of terrorist. People trained since birth to handle guys and knives, etc. They said the boys at age 5 or 6 years old are excellent sharp shooters. A life means nothing to them.

I pray for our nation. That we may all unite in a strong bond, helping each other become more Christ like in our everyday lives. May we remain strong as a nation and be able to come thru this attack as a free nation. We have always been a nation to help the world be a better place. Our constitution was written by our forefathers to help us always be a free nation if we will live righteously and obey our Lord and Savior in all our dealings with our fellow men. We pray for Pres. Bush. That he may be guided by the Lord in all his decisions, so we will always remain a free nation.

I worked in yard and house. Talked with Gladys and Diane. Diane called to tell me about Bessie. Bessie Giles Bigler, wife of Earl Wayne Bigler (my cousins) died 9-18-2001 in Salt Lake city at age 93 years old. Earl died in 1993. Not many of us older family left. Buried in Murray, UT cemetery. Makes me wonder what our children and grandchildren will face to live thru. I pray that they may place their faith in God the Father and our church leadership. May they live worthy of the comfort and blessings.

I called Sis, but she had gone to a movie. The center takes all who want to go in their wheelchairs in vans. Good they can get out. The Pres. Speech was a call to arms. This is the first big crisis of Pres. Bush. Everyone seems to have a great confidence in him and his ability to lead our nation. He said we will win. It will take years to get the terrorists out of the world. The scope of what America much do is huge.

A hot day in Provo. 87 high, low 50. Above normal and no rain.

21 September 2001 – Friday, A hot day. 90 high, 54 low.

Everything is so dry. We really need some rain. The colors in the mountains are beautiful right now. Up at 8 am. Did laundry and some mending of little problems. Talked with Gladys. Janice called. Phil and Gary are sick with this achy flu that is going around. I vacuumed my carpets and mopped my kitchen floor. I must try to keep my home clean.

Today is the last day of summer. Fall starts tomorrow at __ pm. The seasons seem to get shorter as we get older.

Tonight at 7 pm on all TV stations, they are having a fund raising telethon for the New York victim’s families. Lasted 2 hours. All entertainers and movie stars. All of our nation and Canada are donating by phone or mail. It will take billions to rebuild New York. Today a lot of young people were enlisting in branches of the services. Just like they did in 1941 during the Second World War. But this will be a long drawn out war with a lot of sacrifices by everyone. No one can even think of what might be ahead with all the high tech weapons we have today. All we can do is pray and unite together and pray our God will bless us as a nation. That we will remain free and in his hands as to what the outcome will be.

22 September 2001 – Saturday, 88 high, 53 low in Provo

Happy 6th wedding anniversary Ronalyn and Robert Taylor!

Up at 7:30 am. Out to water garden. Picked about 6 cukes and 10 tomatoes. A very unusual season, all the plants are drying up as if lack of water, but this is not the reason because my garden gets a good deep watering every week. Justin Headman, my yard care fellow, came to spray the weeks and fertilize my yard my yard for the third and last time this year. Came in at 10 am. Ate breakfast, showered and got ready. Gladys and Diane came at 12 noon. Gladys made 150 ribbons to wear to represent our fight against the terrorist attack. They will sell them tonite at the rodeo in Spanish Fork. The Sherriff’s department sponsors this event for Christmas shop a cop for needy children at 2 pm. We three went to Springville for lunch at the steak house. Good sandwiches. Gladys went home to prepare her church programs for tomorrow and she has to be at the rodeo at 5:30 to help set up the food booths, etc., by 7:30 pm. Diane and I went to Jim’s Hair Emporium where Cami works. She did my hair and cut Diane’s. She is real good. Diane took me home at 4:30 pm. Went out to see Sis and took her out to lunch at El Azteca café in Provo. At 7 pm Diane and I drove to the rodeo in Spanish Fork at the fair grounds. Julie, Ward, Cameron and Jenna were there. Cami came about 7:35 with Austin, Bayli and Jaidan. A good rodeo. Really wild stock. Over at 9 pm. A lot of local riders. The ribbons Gladys made, people paid as much as they wanted as a donation so they could wear one. They made $320 total. One person gave $20 for a ribbon. Gladys always goes the extra mile for everything. She is a good organizer and worker. Diane left for home about 9:30 pm. She called at 10:15 and said she was home. I called Cami. She is safely home with the three little kids Gladys called at eleven to say she was home and so please with all the proceeds they have for the shop a cop fund come Christmas. A beautiful, cool evening and fast moving rodeo. I really enjoyed it. Diane does so much to help everyone have a good time. In bed at 11 pm. Tired out, but a very enjoyable day. Gladys brought me a box of peaches $5 and corn, 10 ears $2.50, the last of the season. Last day of summer. Miss Oregon is new Miss America. Diane brought me a new black and white dress $14.95, had been $70, Murer and Frank sale.

23 September 2001 – Sunday

Up at 7:30 am to turn sprinklers on. Had to after fertilizer applied yesterday. Back to bed until 9 am. To church at 11 am. The Primary children put on the program. A very good one. “About our Prophets.” Also released and sustained a lot of Primary, Relief Society workers. We have a large turn over in our ward. Sunday school and Relief Society lessons also about our prophets. Home at 2:15 pm. Made my lunch. Rested 3:30 – 4:30 pm. Read, watched TV. Another fall day.

30 September 2001 – Fast Sunday

Fast Sunday because LDS ward conference will be next weekend, Oct. 6 and 7. Diane came at 11 am and we went to church in my ward. Two babies were blessed. Big attendance to fast meeting, but a lot went home after for family activities. So many were just there for the baby blessings.

Diane brought my Halloween boxes out of the garage, so I can put my decorations out.

1 October 2001

Beautiful fall day. Down to see Sis and went to the dentist with her. She was in a lot of pain. Dr. Winger adjusted her denture and took her stitches out. She is doing well. Her mouth is still really sore. I got home about 4:30 pm. Talked with Gladys, Janice and Diane by phone.

I watched BYU devotional every day at 11 am. A lot of good speakers and advice.

2 October 2001 – Tuesday

Today was the Primary election day. Four men running for Provo mayor. Down to see at 3 pm. Went to the dentist at 4:30 pm with her in the East Lake van with Jody driving the same as yesterday. Sis is doing much better today. Got back to East Lake at 5:30 pm. I went to supper with her. She is eating real good. Came home at 6:30 pm after the traffic had thinned out some. Went to the grocery store. Talked with Gladys, Diane, Blaine, Janice. Put my Halloween decorations out. Windy and hot. I'm having a lot of pain in my leg. So I don’t like to drive in heavy traffic.

3 October 2001 – Wednesday A little cooler today. Only 87 degrees. We really need some rain. Took it easier today. Rested, read, watched devotional on TV. Talked to Don and Blanch Hawke. They are doing fine. Trimmed my shrubs on the east of my house. Talked with Sis. She is doing better. Watched the news. It is frightening to think how long this war might go on. If we attach Afghanistan to get Osama Bin Laden. Our church has been preaching for a long time to get food supplies for one year. Our state is in its 3rd year of drought conditions and my garden hasn’t produced like other years. I need to get my food storage up to date. I have been slacking off on it.

4 October 2001 – Thursday

Worked in yard putting all the yard ornaments away for winter. Picked the last 6 cukes and pulled the vines up. They were dead. Trimmed some more shrubs. Pulled the big garbage out to the street.

Blaine brought Dwight Butikofer up to visit for about an hour tonight. It was good to see him. He was down from Rexburg, Idaho. Brought his wife, Kathy, to the SLC airport to fly to ______to see their daughter-in-law and children. Their son, Nathan, is in the Navy. They don’t know where because of all the movement of troops since the attack in New York. Today, the 3 tall ships finished the ocean crossing to New York like our ancestors did 150 years ago. It was nice to see Dwight. He was Blaine’s missionary companion in Switzerland in 1963-65. They have always remained close friends.

Diane left at 6:30 pm from SLC airport to go to Los Angeles, CA to visit with her friend Shirley Sycamore. A little worried because the planes are just getting back to full schedules since September 11. A Russian plane went down in the Black Sea with 77 on board. No terrorist attack. Some missile maneuver hit the plane. So much crime going on. Today someone carried two 5 gallon containers of gas into Provo South Towne Mall. Poured one out in the building and got scared off before he lit it. Now they are trying to find whoever did it. Listened to Governor Leavitt’s speech. He just returned from Washington DC with a meeting with Pres. Bush about more security for the Utah Olympics in Feb. 2002.

5 October 2001 – Friday

To basement to do laundry at 8:30 am.

6 October 2001 – Saturday

Showered at 8 am. Ate breakfast and ready to listen to conference. 171st LDS World Conference held in the new conference center which seats 21,000 people. Under heavy security inside and outside. All along the streets near temple square – afraid of another terrorist attack.

10 am – 1st session conducted by President Thomas S. Monson. Presided over by our wonderful prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley. 1st speaker – Pres. Hinckley, Dallin Oaks, Charles Dieder, Sherri Dew, Henry Eyring.

A beautiful clear day, but really cool. I have a shawl over me while listening to conference.

Second sessions, Saturday afternoon: Thomas S. Monson conducting; sustaining of the authorities; 1st speaker – David B. Haight, 95 years old; Joseph B. Wirthlin, L. Whitney Clayton, Christoffal, Jeffery R. Holland, M. Russel Ballard.

26 October 2001 – Saturday My 82nd birthday. Halloween party at Gladys and Ralph’s.

20 November 2001 – Tuesday, high 48

Happy 47th birthday – Gary.

A beautiful warm day. The Olympic torch was lit in Olympia, Greece today. The sun was covered with clouds. The first time they had to light it from another torch already burning. They have always lit it from the reflection of the heat from the sun. It started its run through the 46 states. Each runner will carry it two tenths of a mile. Will be in Salt Lake City February 4, 2002 for the winter Olympics. Gladys came at 11:45 am. We went down to 85 E 300 S, Provo to Walker Mortuary to Nolen Peterson’s viewing. He died Friday nite at East Lake Care Center, Nov. 16, 2001. He was 84 years old. Their kids, Judy, Janis, John and Jill grew up with ours. Today was Thanksgiving luncheon at East Lake Care Center so I went down to meet Janice. We ate lunch with Sis, Gladys Turner. She is 94, a resident there. It was a good turkey luncheon at 1 pm. Each resident could have 2 guests eat with them. Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, cranberries, celery and carrot sticks, deviled eggs, juice and pecan pie. Janice had to go back to work and I came home at 3 pm. Janice was on her lunch hour. Gladys went to Nolen’s funeral. She and Janis Peterson work at the county sheriff’s dept. Also I came home tired out. My leg is really giving me trouble. I guess the cold weather. I rested. Read my book, “No Doubt About It” by Sheri Dew. I am reading it for the second time. Everyone should read it. Watched TV. Bed at 11:30 pm. I called Gary to wish him happy birthday.

22 November 2001 – Happy Thanksgiving

Woke to a cold drizzly day. Snow in the mountains. We are so thankful to finally get rain and snow. We have been so dry. Just rain, 1.2” in Provo. But what a blessing. Gary and Janice came for me at 12:30 pm. We went to Blaine and Debbie’s for dinner. I took 5 cans of cranberries. Janice took yams. Tracy made delicious rolls. Julie- pumpkin dessert and baked beans. Enid made dressing. Blaine even cooked some of his wild turkey he shot hunting. I had never tasted wild turkey before. A little tougher, but very tasty. We had a delicious meal, 19 of us. Turkey, 2 kinds, mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, yams, baked beans, cranberries, rolls/butter, jam, punch or soda, stuffed celery, pie or pudding for dessert. After the dishes were all washed and put away. We made ginger bread houses. An enjoyable craft, but a lot of work. Debbie cooked our gingerbread for me and Sis, Becca and Amy. Julie, Jenna and Cameron brought theirs. Amy made a Simpson’s house out of milk cartons. Turned out really cute. She is such a fan of the cartoon. Especially Bart Simpson. Cami didn’t make one.

Diane was going to Blanding, but decided to stay home and have dinner with their two children, David and Alisha. Jessica and Skylar are in Logandale, Nevada. Gladys had all of Ralph’s family to her house for the first time, just all of them alone. Merrill and Carol came to join all of them from Colorado.

Sandy, Pat and their 3 kids, Zane, Lindsey and Erin drove to Denver, CO to see Pat’s mother who is sick with Alzheimer’s in a rest home there. Ronalyn, Robert, Bayli and Jaidan went to Robert’s parents in Mapleton. Phil (Cami’s husband) had to work. He is a fireman in West Valley.

We all had a wonderful time and have so much to be thankful for. When we think of all the men and women in the military are in in Afghanistan away from their families defending our country. We are a free nation and pray we may always remain free. We are so blessed to be living in Utah near the church headquarters in these troublesome times. They are still working around the clock at Ground Zero in New York trying to recover more bodies after the Sept. 11th 2001 disaster.

We all enjoyed a great day Thanksgiving. Those at Blaine’s were: Sis, he had brought her from East Lake, Enid, Blaine, Debbie, Becca, Amy, Julie, Ward, Cameron, Jenna, Corby, Tracy, Hannah, Weston, Janice, Gary, Cami and Austin and me. A lot of work, but I really appreciate all the kids do for me. Janice and Gary brought me home at 6 pm. Seems like midnight, the evenings are so long. Blaine took Sis back to East Lake. A cold rainy nite. But so much to be thankful for every moment of every day. Watched Lloyd Webber concert on TV. Diane called to wish us a Happy Thanksgiving, also Gladys. She now has Ralph’s youngest boy, Daniel and his wife and baby living at her house for a while. She is good to help everyone out. I pray when she needs care, they will be there for her. Snowing outside at 11:30 pm as I go to bed.

23 November 2001 – Friday

Woke to snow covered mountains even some on valley floor, but to wet to stay. Soon gone off the lawns and road but has rained most of the day. Janice called. Ronalyn, Shawna and Gladys got up at 6 o’clock am for the opening of the stores for Christmas season. Gladys went home about 7 am, but Rona and Shawna shopped until about 10:30 am. Merchants concerned about selling everything because of layoffs and terrorist attacks. A worry some time. Has rained and snowed off and on all day. So thankful because we need it so badly. Cleaned up the walnuts and leaves in my driveway and put out the garbage for pickup tomorrow. I’m afraid I may step on a walnut and fall. They all fall off the neighbor’s tree on the west of me.

I can’t do much because my legs and arms won’t take it. As badly as we need the snow, I can’t move it. Everyone rushing to start the Christmas season off. We are in a depression. So many layoffs, Geneva Steele closed. Big layoffs at Kennecott Copper. Hill Field AFB and Delta airlines also big layoffs. So many people in financial trouble. I pray my family will be blessed with jobs. I guess Ward is still looking for work. Once you have lived through a depression, you are afraid what another one might mean. So many more people now. Many more mouths to feed. Talked on the phone with Sis. She is doing fine at her age.

24 November 2001 – Saturday

A Sunday day. All the leaves came down off my trumpet vine, so I had to go out about 3:30 pm and clean them up. Completely filled my garbage can. But looks better. BYU football game started at 7 pm. So thousands of people to it at Lavelle Edwards Stadium in Provo.

Diane, Gladys, Janice all called to talk. Debbie and Amy came by with my gingerbread house I made at their house on Thanksgiving. I looks about something a 4 year old would make. I can’t raise my arms high to go a good job. I get to tired. But I will enjoy it. The others all looked so professional. They brought me a bowl of turkey soup. They didn’t stay only a few minutes. The needed some apples. They bought a box full and put out in my storage room. I eat some. They are really good. Grown in Santaquin, UT. Gala apples.

Watched Lawrence Welk show on TV. It has been on for 40 years but is always a great show to watch. They are all reruns, but very seldom do you see the same show. TV is such a great invention. Went to Allen’s grocery store to get Vioxx prescription and groceries. 25 November 2001 – Sunday

Woke to a bad snow storm about 8” on my lawn at 3:30 pm. Went out to move the snow. Karl Wilson had cleaned off my front walk. I couldn’t make my snow blower run, so I had to clear my long driveway by hand. It is such a wet heavy snow. I could hardly do it. Will pay for it tomorrow with aches and pains. I couldn’t go to church today as I was afraid of falling, so slick. Talked with Gladys. Carol and Merrill went home to Grand Junction, CO today. They called back. They got into some severe storm over the high passes. A long lonesome day. I am reading a lot. I am so blessed to be able to everything so I can live at home. Wish I was able to have Sis live with me, but no way can I handle her. Do cooking, cleaning and all. I do well to keep things half clean, but livable.

26 November 2001 – Monday

Spent time in basement to do my and Sis’ laundry. Got some Christmas decorations out and upstairs. Towels, etc. Hard for me to bring things up out of the basement. Thank goodness I have a good strong raining down the side of the steps to hang on to. Janice called and talked. She is busy at work, so many people refinancing their homes. Interest rates are at an all-time low for over 10 years.

Gladys called. She is trying to get up some Christmas decorations. Also Diane and Janice, all anxious for the Christmas seasons. Blaine has been putting up all his outdoor decorations.

27 November 2001 – Tuesday

Happy 23rd Birthday Cami.

A beautiful warm day. Took Sis her clean clothes and visited with her and Norma until 3 pm. They were having a bowling activity at 3:15. I don’t know how they have it. In the main dining room with a small sized baseball. The rest center are good to keep them occupied with something to do each day. Helps their minds and bodies to keep a little active. Adam Phulispher is the activity director. He is a fellow, 27 years old, but he is so good and kind with the patients. They all like him.

Went to Reams to get me some groceries. Then home before 5 pm to struggle to unload them and put them away. Always thankful to be home safe once more. So much traffic everywhere. Brought all the boxes from the garage and packing all my Thanksgiving decorations away. Can’t believe Christmas will be over in one month. My, how time flies, especially as I get older and slower. I guess Janice’s family went out to dinner for Cami’s birthday. No wonder I’m so slow and old, all my grand and great grandchildren are growing old so fast.

28 November 2001 – Wednesday

Jessica Kimmerle’s Bridal Shower

Carried all my Thanksgiving boxes out to the garage to store away until next year. Brought some Christmas outside decorations on front porch. Gathered all the walnuts out of my driveway and put in garage. They fall all over my drive from the neighbor’s big trees. I and Ray used to gather them and hull them for our use, but now Ray is gone and I can’t crack them, so we have to throw them away. One year, I gathered six wheelbarrows full and Ray cracked them during the winter. We put them in our deep freeze and had walnuts for a couple of years. Now our neighbors can’t be bothered to rake them up until next summer some time. What a mess. Came in tired out. Shampooed and rolled up my hair up. Rested for 1 ½ hours. Showered and was ready when Gladys came at 5:30 pm for me to go to Diane’s at 10520 S. 2700 W. South Jordan to Diane’s home (we picked up Sis at East Lake Care Center) went in my car to Diane’s where Alisha and Gladys gave a bridal shower for Jessica, who will be married December 7th to Scott Whipple of Logandale, Nevada. They served a delicious luncheon at 7 pm. Visited and played a couple of games. She opened her gifts and we came home. There were about ____ present. Sis, me, Gladys, Janice, Cami, Ronalyn, Debbie, Julie, Sue Bingham, Wendy and her baby, Arlene and 2 boys, Becca (Jessica’s friend) 6 other ladies and their babies, all Jessica’s friends, Diane and Alisha and of course Jessica. Total. Gladys is always so good to help. Her legs are getting so bad, she does well to walk, yet she does for everyone. A very nice evening. Was a few snow flurries up to Diane’s as we were leaving home at 10 pm after taking Sis back to East Lake. Gladys finally got home at 11 pm. She called and said it is snowing hard at her house in Elkridge.

11 December 2001 – Tuesday, 28 high, 3” snow

Decorated and cleaned house. Ready for Christmas. 3 months since Trade Center bombing.

12 December 2001 – Wednesday

Diane on way home from Logandale, Nevada. Took 5 kids home Sunday in Gladys van. Talked to Gladys, Janice. Talked to Ronalyn, Jaidan fell on sidewalk and banged up her face.

13 December 2001 – Thursday

Ralph came to start blower. Won’t start by electric. Stephanie Hunt visiting teaching. To see Sis. Groceries. Hostess Outlet. Talked to Gladys. Janice stopped by for a minute to pick up things Diane left.

14 December 2001

Julie brought dinner 5 pm.

15 December 2001 – Saturday

Janice and Gary and me to T-Bone Café. Met Rona, Cami families. Spanish Fork Festival of Lights. Sam Agren and Dr. Gomez. Bernie Knapp moved. Snow. Addressed cards.

16 December 2001 – Sunday

Becca and Amy fudge cookies. Diane 6-7:30. Talked to Janice. Church. Home at 2:30. Rested. High 29, low 11.

18 December 2001 Tuesday

Moved snow 4”. Talked with Gladys, Janice, Rona, John Taylor. Couldn’t get Sis Xmas cards sent. Cold foggy.

20 December 2001 – Thursday, 55 high Provo

A warm overcast day. Ronalyn came at 10 am. She had been to the dentist. Robert was home with Bayli and Jaidan. She and I went shopping to JCPenney. I bought me a pair of navy blue shoes for $12.95. They were regular $29.99, but I had a $10 gift certificate and at $15 check from JCP for my birthday. We had lunch at Wendy’s. Then on to the bank to visit Sis and take her clean clothes to her. Then to the Dollar store, the grocery store Allen’s for my prescription. Home by 4 pm. I really appreciate her taking me. She enjoyed shopping without the little girls. I took a rest. Cooked me some macaroni and cheese. Wilted some lettuce. Had some grapes and radishes. Spent the evening ready and watching TV. Diane, Gladys and Janice called. Sis was doing fine.

21 December 2001 – Friday, 40 high, 24 low Provo with a trace of snow

Blaine and his family decorates his yard and house for Christmas. Their yard and house was pictured with Becca standing in the yard in The Daily Herald. A nice article about it. They were one of 10 in the Provo city area that won. A very good honor. They received a wreath for their front door. A great honor. Blaine cuts out the items from wood and Debbie and Amy and Becca paint them. A big job to put it all up. But is so pretty. So many people can enjoy seeing it. The have been doing it for about 10 years. They have been honored other years too. I called and talked with Becca about her picture in the paper.

22 December 2001 – Saturday

Up and ready to go over to Mapleton white church to my great granddaughter, Bayli’s preschool Christmas program. She will be 5 years old December 30th. She goes to preschool 3 days a week from noon to 2:30 pm, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It was a cute program. Kids 3, 4 and 5 years old about 35 of them. Janice and Gary took me and Gladys brought me home. We shopped at Kmart and stopped at Taco Time for me some tacos for lunch. It was a very cute program. Started at 10:30 am. So glad I got to go. Kids are what Christmas is all about.

Turned out to be a beautiful day. Provo 34 high, low 19. Gladys went home to get busy on her Christmas wrap. I wrapped a lot of my presents. Shampooed and curled my hair. Rested. Diane called. She and Charles had been to a movie. Bed at 10:30 pm. Tired out.

23 December 2001 – Sunday, Provo high 31, low 13

Church at 11 am to 2 pm. A very nice Christmas program in Sacrament meeting. Different people spoke on their favorite Christmas song and then the congregation sang the song. Very inspiring. Blaine, Debbie, Amy and Becca came to visit at 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Janice and Gary came at 4 pm with a large ham, rolls and drink for tomorrow nite’s party. I have been wrapping presents so I will be ready tomorrow nite. Gladys and Diane called. No storm, but really cold.

24 December 2001 – Christmas days, high 25, 10 low

Gladys/Ralph – backpack on wheels with heavy sleeping bag, first aid kit, house slippers, blouse, flag pine, Hinckley picture

Janice/Gary – chimney sweep log, Startup turtles, The Work and Glory Book by Lund, Tile certificate to replace, blue sweater

Blaine/Debbie – windmill

Diane – jacket pant suite, black slacks, pills

26 December 2001, high 29, low 12 Visited Sis. Talked with Gladys, Janice and Rona.

27 December 2001 – Thursday, 25 high, 18 low Provo

Blaine over to Gladys. Spanish Fork lites with Sis and Diane. Home.


Blaine 375-9440 Cell 361-2341 Diane 1-801-254-7128 Cell 801-631-9339 Gladys 423-1449 Work 851-4170, Beeper 851-2036 enter my # and push # key after Ralph 423-8828 Janice 489-7803 Work Gary Diane work 1-801-530-6431 Ronalyn 465-3241 Cami 768-0192 Corby 465-0294 Fed X Julie Dey 1-210-696-8253 Sandy 435-657-1028 Bp Eric Maymer 375-2640 Becca Scout Office

22 March 2004 – Monday, 76 high today

Ronalyn 28 BD and Phil 26 BD

Worked in yard until 12:30 pm. Had to go inside. Too hot and too tired out. So much to do in the spring. Still feeding the birds. All snow has been gone off my yard for a couple of weeks. We need rain or snow. Things are getting real dry. My forsythia bush is beautiful, in full bloom. Also some hychina and prim roses.

Janice came by at 5 pm and took me over to her house to celebrate Rona’s and Phil’s birthday. Gladys and Ralph came also. We had a good meal. Hamburger, crab salad, deviled eggs, chips, clam dip, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, relish. Everything for a good meal. Rona made a new chocolate cheese cake. It was good, but too much chocolate. Gentry and Rylee are such sweet babies. 1 month and 6 months.

They grow up so fast. I gave Phil and Rona each $5. Getting too many, so I give each a little for the special day. Ralph brought me home at 9:30. I was worn out.

Today East Lake Care Center called to tell me Sis has a lump in her lower abdomen. So she will go for a cat scan, 24th Wednesday at 11:30 am. I do pray it isn’t something malignant, but something that can be helped with medicine. Also something to keep us humble. Bed at 11 pm.

23 March 2004 – Tuesday Another hot day. Worked in the house. Paid bills, read, a little yard work. Put garbage out. Talked with Diane. She called. Put my St. Patrick decorations away. Too tired to visit Sis. I will go tomorrow after her tests to see what I can find out. Some bad thunder and a few sprinkles of rain early this morning.

In April 2004 – Vivian had a big project at her house. Painting, blinds, new furniture, etc. She wrote most of her journal entries on the back advertisements that come in the monthly mailer envelop pack (½ page ads) probably because she couldn’t get into her front room where she kept her notebook for her journals. There were two or three times in the month she wrote something down on a certain date on one piece of paper then later, I would find another page in the stack and she had the same date but wrote something different. jd

3 April 2004 Saturday –

RC Willey delivered my furniture at 11 am. Sofa, chair and recliner. Gladys came at 1 pm. Ate sandwich. Met Dian at So. Town mall. Hope Depot – bought rods and blinds for front room. JC Penney – 4 sweaters for Sis. Ralph came at 4:30. Started installing curtain rods, etc. Me up at 8 am. Shower, shampoo hair – set.

4 April 2004 – Sunday

Blaine, Debbie, Amy, Becca came by. Had been to Heber to see Sandy. Brought the Christmas wreaths from Midway cemetery. 174 General Conference. Janice and Gary came with Sis’ clean clothes. Put screen in front door. Hung gold lamp in basement. I watched General Conference and then the Ten Commandments. Beautiful day. Roasted me a turkey breast and made a vegetable salad.

5 April 2004 – Monday

Put all figurines in hutch. Cleaned out bottom of cupboard. Grant (painter) came at 2 pm. Check for $158. Work on top of cupboard. Painted second coat in hall. Watched Grapes of Wrath with Henry Fonda.

6 April 2004

Sis is looking so thin. Eats very little. Alone in her room. She likes it that way. Watches a lot of TV.

7 April 2004 – Wednesday

Did laundry. Grant came to paint at 2:30 and left at 6 pm. Talked with Gladys. She is still sick. Diane called. Charles uncle died in Monticello. Funeral is tomorrow. They leave in am. Janice and Gary left Moab at 3 pm. Gary to St. George this am. Mabet Lopez (lawn mower) came to cut my lawn Friday. Cloudy and windy. My red peonies have big buds. Tulips and daffodils in full bloom. All flowering trees and shrubs in full bloom.

8 April 2004 – Thursday

9 pm Diane called. Home from Monticello. Went to Charles Uncle’s funeral. Hard rain here today. Everything is so beautiful. Grant came at 1:30 pm to paint in Kitchen.

9 April 2004 – Friday Mabet mowed lawn. His wife and mother helped. Grant came to paint. Little daughter Maren came too.

10 April 2004 – Saturday

Watched Marjorie Hinckley’s funeral on TV. Worked putting things in cupboard. Showered. Did hair. Ralph brought me some milk. High winds and cooler. Tired out. To bed at 10 pm.

10 April 2004 – 2nd entry for this date

Blaine and Sis came. 2:30 went to Gladys and Ralph’s for Easter. Home at 7:30. Vilate called to wish Happy Easter and tell me about Frank Springer.

11 April 2004 – Easter Sunday

Church 9 am. Mark Pickup died last Tuesday in California. Found in swimming pool. Half cousin Lowell Franklin Springer died in Springville at 91 years. Same age as Russ.

Rod Newberry’s body found in snow slide of Dec. 26. The last of 3 kidded in slide. Cool and windy. 59 degrees.

12 April 2004

Grant (painter) came for 4 hours. I’m in such a mess.

13 April 2004 – Tuesday

Put things back in cupboard drawers. Helps a lot. Some dishes on first shelf. Hot and windy. Diane down to get Sis’ taxes and meet with Jim Ferrer. Came here about 7:30 pm. Brought me Chinese dinner, bananas and oranges. Gave me beautiful purse for Mother’s Day. She will be gone. Gave me sleep pills. Gladys, Janice and Blaine called. Painter trying to get walltex off kitchen wall. Here about 3 hours.

14 April 2004 – Wednesday, high 63

Put some dishes in cupboard. Watered yard. So dry. Peonies are wilted. Grant came for 2 hours. Marin with him.

16 April 2004 – Friday

Worked in yard. Watered some. Grant came 2-6 pm. Finally got all walltex off kitchen walls. Was chartreuse green years ago under the walltex. I have so much to do. Ralph came at 8:30 pm to put up new blinds in bedroom.

15 April 2004

Tired out. Really like new blinds. I bought supper for all. Grant didn’t come today. Cooler and windy. Everything so nice and clean. Bed at 11 pm. Didn’t sleep. Up at 2 am to 5:30 am reading. I’m worn out. Diane called also. Blaine. Too many decisions to make. Everything really dry. We need rain.

15 April 2004 – 2nd entry for this date Gladys came at 2:30. Dr. Marshall at 3:00 pm. Everything OK. Blood pressure a little high. We went up to Sis’ and got some gowns and clothes. Need washed before they can be worn. Brought tea cart home and 2 end tables. Janice, Gary and Ralph came at 5:30. Worked hard hanging blinds. Mirror changed lite switches. Put all dishes back in cupboard. I had a lot of them washed and worked hard. All done

20 April 2004 – Tuesday

Rain and cooler. Grant (painter) came. Worked in Kitchen. Janice called looking for Gladys. I spent time in basement washing some of Sis’ clothes we brought down from her house. Hope she can wear some of them. I will be glad when the painter is finished.

21 April 2004 – Wednesday

Blaine 60 years old. Joe Vera’s to celebrate. Sis, Enid, Blaine, Debbie, Becca, Amy, Sandy, Pat, Lindsey, Erin, Zane, Corby, Tracy Hannah, Weston, Hailey, Diane, Gladys, Ralph, Bayli, Jaidan, Gentry. Ronalyn was at work so Gladys brought the three kids. Janice and Gary brought Sis. Ralph picked me up. 25 Total. Very good time. Home at 9:30 pm. Grant (the painter) painted until 10:30 pm.

22 April 2004

Worked in yard. Weeds along fence/Unanders. Grant came at 3:30. Finished back hall painting. RC Willey picked up recliner and 2 end tables. I didn’t like them. Blaine/Debbie flew from SLC airport to visit Julie/Ward in San Antonio, TX.

23 April 2004 – Friday (This and the next entry have the same date – JD)

Grant came and hung kitchen curtains/blinds, calendar. As for pay, his boy, 15 years old, hit by car in St. George and brock his leg between knee and hip. In surgery to have a rod put in it. He hopes to be back to paint on Tuesday (family room).

23 April 2004 - Saturday

Gary, Janice came with truck and Ralph picked me up at 5:30 pm. Went up to Sis’ and got pink recliner and 2 blonde end tables. Her house is really in bad shape. The tables look well in my front room. Saves me $600. She will never be able to come home again, so I am glad to use her furniture. She said I could. The kids emptied the curio cabinet and emptied the book cases. I am really in a mess now. All piled up so Grant can paint 3 walls.

24 April 2004 –Sunday

Stake Conference. Didn’t go. Diane, Gladys called. I watched replay of Saturday morning session of world conference.

21 July 2004

Blood sugar 116 today.

Medications Meacalcine 1 nostril every other day Astelin 2 sprays each nostril twice daily Vioxx 25 mg 1 daily Atacand 32 mg 1 daily Vitamin B12 1 daily Tylenol Double Strength 2 three times daily Calcium 600 mg with Vitamin D 3 times daily Fish Oil Concentrate with Omega 3 Fatty Acids 180 mg EPA, 120 mg EPA Hyoscyamin e/o 125 mg When needed for urine control Lorazpan 1 mg As needed

22 July 2004

Visited Sis. Talked with Gladys, Janice and Irma Johnson about being Sis’ roommate. Hot day. 96 degrees.

23 July 2004

Picked my first 4 ripe tomatoes. Sure are good. They are late. Strange hot season.

1 September 2004

Ray and I would have been married 66 years today. Janice brought me a beautiful mixed bouquet of flowers to help me celebrate. The Sears stove repair man came to check my stove. Coils would heat, but my oven or other lites would come on. The wires were broken off in back from when the painter moved it out several times. Cost me $69.29 just for him to tell me that. Had to call an electrician, Lynn Hughes to come and fix it. He charged $35.00 to put a new outlet in the basement wall by my ironing board. A new nite lite in the bathroom. A very nice man. Will have him again if I need anything done. Gladys called and talked.

2 September 2004 – Thursday

Gunter furnace man came and serviced my furnace for winter. Turned off humidifier as I don’t need it and it was leaking. Put in new filter and vacuumed it good. Cost $87.00 for that. Everything is so expensive now. But I must keep things in good working order. Diane flew to Los Angeles to visit her friend and old roommate, Shirley Sycamore, until Monday nite (Labor day weekend). Talked with Gladys. She and Ronalyn and Janice Taylor and Gentry and her baby are all going to Midway to Swiss days tomorrow. I don’t want to go. Too many people and I never seen anyone I know anymore. Very few old Swiss people left in Midway. Mabet Lopez mowed my lawn. He comes every Thursday. $15 each time.

3 September 2004 – Friday, Hot Day 95 degrees

I visited with Sis at East Lake Care Center and her new roommate, Marie Gant (92 years). Sis is 97 years old, so they enjoy each other, but Marie is moving out to Seville Retirement Center in Orem on Monday, so Sis will be alone again.

Millie Bethers Gurr stopped by to bring me the Swiss days program. She didn’t even come in as her husband, Earl, was on his way to physical therapy. She and I were Wasatch High School friends. She was from Daniels and me from Midway. All Wasatch went to Heber to High School – Kietley, Hailstone, Wallsburg, Daniels, Centercreek, Lakecreek. 4 September 2004 – Saturday

Did Sis’ and my laundry. Watered my garden. So hot and dry. Blaine, Debbie, Becca and Amy left for West Yellowstone to spend a few days. Has turned cold. Talked with Gladys. They had a good time in Midway, but it was so crowded. They had to be back by 2 pm to get Bayli from school. Didn’t see anyone they knew.

5 September 2004 – Sunday fast

Stayed home all day. Did too much yesterday and my joints don’t want to go. I read, watched TV. A long day. Rained a little last nite. We surely need a good soft rain.

6 September 2004 – Labor Day, Monday

Another long day. Talked with Janice and Gladys. I always fly my flag. Nothing prettier than a flag waving in the wind. Cooler today. Can’t tell fall is coming.

7 September 2004 – Tuesday

Received a letter in answer to mine from Lola McCormick (my cousin in Idaho Falls). She is 86 years old, living alone. Sylvia and Jessie Hanney are both dead. Sylvia 3 years ago, totally blind in her 80’s. Jessie gone 8 years ago. My cousins. Never found her granddaughter, Amber. Kidnapped 3 years ago in Idaho.

Ralph brought me some grape, corn, tomatoes and peaches on his way to work. Gladys bought them as my garden just isn’t producing anything. I only planted 12 tomatoes and 6 cukes, but only 3 cucumbers survived. But the tomatoes just don’t ripen a different season. Diane called. She is home from Los Angeles. Talked with Gladys and Janice. Visited with Sis. She isn’t feeling too good. Has a pain in her lower left back. She never tells the nurse or aids, so I told them and they gave her some Lortab to help her. Stopped at Smiths and bought me a Chinese dinner from their kitchen. Enough for 2 meals of chow mein, sesame chicken and beef and broccoli for $4.77.

8 September 2004 – Wednesday

A cooler day. In the 80’s. Blaine called about 7 pm. They had just gotten home from Yellowstone.

10 September 2004 – Friday

Watered garden. Vacuumed and dusted house. Gladys went to Midway to golf. Said it was really chilly up there. The leaves are getting their fall colors. I trimmed my mock orange bush on east side of south porch. It was so tall. Janice went for 2 hour interview with Lexington Mortgage Company. Will start working for them Monday the 13th.

9 September 2004 – Thursday

The space capsule, Genesis, returned to earth at Dugway, Utah after 27 months in orbit. Everyone was watching it on TV live. They have been practicing for 5 months on how to catch it with hoods from 3 helicopters. When it entered the atmosphere, it was traveling so fast and it’s chute did not open, so it hit the ground at 10:30 am. Broke open. They were afraid all was lost, but they removed it to a shed and have been able to salvage some of the shards to work with and examine to determine some of the things they had hoped for. A very disappointing time for so many who have worked so long. Watched a lot of TV about it all day. Landed at Wet Desert, Dugway Proving Ground in Utah.

11 September 2002 – Saturday

Diane came down and joined Gladys, Janice and Cami at Ronalyn’s Relief Society Super Saturday in Elkridge ward. Ronalyn taught some of the crafts. I did laundry, showered and did my hair. Diane brought me some lunch from Wendy’s about 3 pm. A chicken sandwich and an ice cream Frosty $5.00. She left to go visit Sis at 6:30 pm. She called me on her way home. Sis’ roommate, Marie Gant had gone to Seville to live. Spent a long evening reading and watched Lawrence Welk on TV. The days are already getting shorter. The weather is cooler. I must start putting things away for winter.

12 September 2004 – Sunday

Up at 7:30 am to get ready for church at nine am. I enjoy the lessons and having the sacrament. I miss it so when I don’t go. Home at noon. Ate lunch. Ralph and Gladys came at 2:30 pm. We rode to Midway up Snakecreek to see the beautiful leaves. They were at their peak for splendor. Eddie Epperson was out on his porch. We stopped and talked with him. He is 87 years old. Marie has been gone 3 years. He is living along in his home up Snakecreek. His Mother and Father, Mable and Morris were good friends of my family. His older brother, Robbie was Wid’s good friend. He died suddenly in his late teens. Lynn was his younger brother. Was killed in the Normandy invasion in WWII. We rode up to Jordanelle Dam. Went in the visitor’s center. A beautiful place. All the old towns are under water. Hailstone, Keetley, the river road, etc. Rode up on the Midway Memorial Hill. I haven’t been up there for years. Since they replaced all the name plaques that were stolen during the second W ward for the metal in them. They are beatufil now. All out of pot rock and under glass with lites on them.

Wm-Ray’s name, Ralph Murri, Dean Kohler, many names I knew in WWII. Most of them I knew Korean Ward, Bud Kohler, Neil Kohler. All veterans from Wasatch County in all the war. A beautiful monument to honor them. Surprising all I knew, even in WWI. I surely enjoyed seeing it. Gladys took some pictures. Hope they turn out good. We went down to Chuck-a-Rama in Provo for dinner. Got home about 7:30 pm. A very enjoyable day. Rained a little when we were at the Jordanelle Dam.

Midway is so built up. Very few people do I know up there anymore. I can name the old homes and who lived there, but after 85 years, so many changes. Hard to realize it is old Midway. A great town to have grown up in. Moved to Provo in January 1939.

13 September 2004 – Monday

Gary is home from his trip to Denver for his company with a load of signs.

Went to East Lake to visit Sis. She is doing well for her age, but she is so alone in her room. Thank goodness for TV. She doesn’t want to participate in the activities any more. Brought her laundry home to do. Filled my care with gas $1.85 per gallon. Down in price a little. Drove through the car was for $2.00. It was so dirty. Smiths for groceries and brought Chinese dinner home $4.77. Chow mein, rice noodles, sesame chicken and Mongolian beef. Very good, enough for two meals. A really windy day.

Janice started her new job with Lexington Mortgage. As you go up the Orem hill on 5th West, Provo. Hope she likes it and works in well. Got home at 6 pm. So much traffic. Watched TV. Bed at 11 pm. Gladys called to check on me. Blaine and Diane called. Janice called to tell me about her first day at new job.

14 September 2004 – Tuesday

10:30 am. Fellow from Intermountain Soft Water came to check the softener. Changed the setting a little and said I need to have a water pressure valve put on it for 75 lbs of pressure control. City sent two fellows out to check my water pressure. Paul Davis (went to school at Provo High with Blaine) and a younger fellow. Pressure was 105 lbs., so I guess I need the valve installed. Will have to call a plumber. A cooler day. My blood sugar was 148, so I must watch my diet more closely. Watched Education week rebroadcast on TV. 3 very good speakers.

Because of the Athens Greece World Olympics, the Education Week is being broadcast on TV. I enjoy them very much. Now at a later date. Was held in June. Also need a surge protector plug for water softener.

15 September 2004 – Wednesday

Watched Education Week from 7-10 pm.

16 September 2004 – Thursday

Watered garden. Went to see Sis. She is doing fine. Very lonesome but nothing we can do because I can’t handle her and her home is in such bad shape. She can’t live in it. She has never fixed it up. So it has just gotten in bad shape. Nothing works. We must clean it out and sell it before it gets worse. I was home by 6 pm. Tired out and ready to relax. Lawn mowed today. Watched Ed. Week. Bed at 11 pm. Talked with Janice and Gladys. In fact, Janice came by and visited for a while.

Such terrible hurricanes and destruction in Florida. 45 deaths. Declared disaster area.

17 September 2004 – Friday

Changed bedding, dusted, and vacuumed house. Did laundry.

Brad from Praxair came to bring me a new mask for my Apnea machine $171. Medicare pays for it, thank goodness. When I cleaned my old one this morning it fell apart and I couldn’t get it back together, so I called them and he brought me a new one and set the air up higher to 8. Watched Education week until 10 pm. Terrible winds are blowing as I was backing out of my drive, Judy Austin came to talk to say why her lawn is so burned up. Her water system brock so she has to have it replaced (Martha’s place).

18 September 2004 – Saturday

Went to see Sis at 2 pm. She was getting her hair done. I hung her clothes and cleaned out her night stand. I didn’t get to visit with her as she was still under the dryer when I left. Stopped at Smith’s for groceries and Chinese dinner. Home at 6 pm. Called Gladys to tell her I’m home safe. Such strong winds blowing. Blaine came up to get some info for his church talk tomorrow, but we couldn’t find what he wanted. Showered, shampooed and set my hair. Watched Lawrence Welk show on TV. Although they are 50 years old, they are such good programs. Comes on every Saturday night at 7 pm. I’m tired out. BYU football game tonight. Cold and windy. Glad I don’t need to sit to watch it. Bed at 11 pm. Hope to get to church in the am. Gladys is going to Syracuse to golf tomorrow. They will really be cold. 56 degrees tonight in Provo. Diane called to talk.

19 September 2004 – September

Up at 7:30 am. Church at 9 am. Home by noon. Strong winds all nite. Blew a shingle off my house and made the automatic light come on over my garage door. Cold. Only 65 degrees. Home to read and spend a long day. I’m so thankful I can live in my cozy home and do things for myself. Bed at 10:30. Tired out. Gladys called to say she about froze golfing. But it was fun, in Syracuse, Utah, Special Invitation. She loves to golf. She is losing a lot of weight is looking and feeling better.

20 September 2004 – Monday, 54 degrees am

Woke to a cold, rainy Monday morning. Turned my furnace on. Snow up on the mountains. Much needed rain in our valley.

Picked 5 tomatoes and 3 large cukes. Ralph came by at 7 pm and turned the lite off over garage door. It was full of rain water. Moved my plants back against the wall and covered them so they won’t freeze. Covered my tomatoes and cukes. Really a cold day. Only up to 57 degrees for the high. 6-8 inches of snow in the mountains at the ski resort, Snowbird. Talked with Janice and Gladys. The shingle came off the south side of my roof. Ralph said we can’t fix it until it warms up so we won’t crack the good shingles walking on them. Cooked me a good stew in the crockpot. Watched TV. Bed at 11:30 pm. Read. Nowlan Kelley Dean, 68 years old, died. Buried in Midway. School chum of Dean Kohler’s. Son of Merle Kelley and Clarence Dean. He was a Dr. and served in the Air Force until he retired. United States Army Medical Corp and as Air Force flight surgeon until retired. Grew up just south of Rex’s place in Midway. Buried in Midway, Sept. 17, 2004.

21 September 2004 – Tuesday

A cold nite. Woke at 8 am. Workers digging up Judy Austin’s water line. It broke and her lawn has burned up. No water. Still a cold day, but the sun is out for a few minutes, off and on. Bishop Eric Maymes, came to see if he can install pressure reducing valve over my water softener. Will tell me Sunday. Last day of summer. Maybe he can tell me someone to fix my dishwasher and disposal.

22 September 2004 – Wednesday, First day of fall, a windy cool day, 69 degrees high

Talked with Gladys. Showered and rove down to visit Sis at 2 pm. She had one someone else’s glasses. Way too big for her and they have lost her dentures again for the third time. There is no excuse because she doesn’t go down to the dining room anymore. Eats in a private dining area by the nurse’s desk. The aids feed her. I talked with Craig, the owner about things happening. Clothes missing, etc. No one should be in her room but the nurses and aids that care for her.

Stopped at Allen’s pharmacy to get me some Vioxx for 30 pills, one month supply, they cost me $87.16. Eighty-seven dollars and 16 cents. It is ridiculous, the terrible prices we pay for our medicine. I have to take them for the pain in my legs and arms. Gladys called at 6 pm to check on me. I was just getting home. Blaine called to see how I am doing. Janice saw my care at East Lake, so she came in to visit. It was her lunch hour. She took the big sac of Sis’ laundry home and will bring it by my house tomorrow so I can wash them. I called the Mayor’s office and Provo Utilities as our street lites are out. Julie Hawkins called me said they told her it would be 3 weeks to fix them. They told me one week, so we will see what happens. |We have to turn our porch lites on. Warmer today, high 60.

23 September 2004 – Thursday

Spent the day watering flower beds, uncovering tomatoes and cukes as it has warmed up. Read and watched TV. Janice came by on her way home from work. I had asked her to go by Dr. Gomez and buy me a rubber toe strip to wear on my second toe, right foot, to keep my big toe from rubbing it. My bunion is so big. Too bad I didn’t have it operated on years ago when I did my left one. Janice went home at 6 pm. She is feeling better about her new job. Fixed me a cheese, cucumber and tomato sandwich for dinner, some grapes and my pills. Watched TV and read a short book by George D. Durrant, “That Thine Alms May be in Secret.” A very good short pamphlet. The moon is so beautiful up in the sky. I look at it out of my south door as I close the drapes for the nite. Gladys called about 10 pm to see how I am doing.

Bed at 11 pm. The city truck cam to fix our street lites, but they didn’t it fixed, just checked the light globes. Picked two big beef steak tomatoes off a volunteer vine that came up in my front flower bed.

24 September 2004 – Friday

Had a good nites sleep. Took a pill. Usually I’m up 2 or 3 times a nite. Last nite, I slept through until 7 this morning.

Ate breakfast, took my pills, 8 kinds. Watched BYU devotional on TV at 11 am. The Bateman’s, 11th President of BYU and wife – Sharon, speakers. To the basement to do laundry at 1 pm. Finished at 4 pm. I am going to clean out the basement and give the kids what they want and take the rest to D.I.

Took my front humming bird feeder down as I think they have left during the cold spell. Have all my doors open. It is much warmer, high 70’s. Read, watched “Wheel of Fortune” and “Jeopardy” games shows on TV. Bed at 11 pm. Blaine went out to Flaming Gorge with his friend Doug Finch (his family has a cabin out there). They left after they got off work. A long drive out there.

25 September 2004 – Saturday

Our street light is back on – Saturday night. Surely glad. Watered garden, etc. Showered, shampooed and set my hair. Watched Lawrence Welk and Women’s General Conference on TV at 8 pm. It was great, such great leaders of Relief Society. Pres. Bonnie D. Parkin, 1st counselor Kathleen H. Hughes, 2nd counselor Anne C. Pingree. D&C 64:32-33 - There is no need to fear. President Monson, 1st counselor in 1st presidency was the speaker. He looked so tired or maybe he didn’t feel well. The meeting by satellite was in the stake center on 9th East and 150 South at 6:30 pm, but I wasn’t up to going down there and I get so much more out of it home alone where it is quiet. Diane called to remind me it was on. Their stake in South Jordan had a big dinner before and then watched it. I called all 3 after it was over and talked with them. They are going to clean Sis’ house on Oct. 2, Saturday, 2004. Hope it will be good weather. Gladys and Ralph are painting their big front room (brown). Their neighbors, Doug and Marcy Pace are helping them. They are such good neighbors. They do so many things together.

26 September 2004 – Sunday Up at 7:30 am. A beautiful day. Church at 9 am. Home at noon. Ate lunch, rested. Read some. I enjoy church. Such good lessons. Fast Sunday today because General Conference is next week. Talked with Janice. They bought a new storage shed so they have been painting it. Sunday doesn’t mean much to them. I wish they would change their ways. They would see a great change in their life style if they did. Also Gladys and Ralph. But it is their choice. A long evening. Much warmer up in the 80’s. Bed at 10:30 pm.

27 September 2004 – Monday, 86 high, 10% above normal

Up at 9 am after a restless nite. Vacuumed house. Was going to visit Sis, but I’m not up to it. A pin in my right back. Maybe I can tomorrow. Gladys called, she is at work. May come over later as she has a meeting in Provo. A hot day. Read. Saw a boy walking out my drive. Went to the front door. It was Devin Robbins from across the street. He saw two little girls (under 3 years old) in my backyard. They had broken my turtle lawn ornaments. I called their mother. (They live in Arlos Anderson’s house. They have 8 children under 17 years old. A baby just 3 weeks old.) She thinks she can glue them together. Made them in ceramic class. I surely hate to see them broken. Too many pieces to glue. Good luck to Sister Powell.

29 September 2004 – Wednesday

Talked with Gladys on phone. She is at work. We got a little rain which we surely need. Everything is so dry.

30 September 2004 – Thursday

Angie Bird came to visit me for the month of September. She came at 5:30 pm and stayed until 7 pm. When my phone rang. She is a good neighbor also. A cute girl who works for WW Clyde Construction in office. She and her husband, Jeff have 4 children under 14 years. 2 girls – Amanda and Hayley, boys – Shad and Zach. Cute family. They live at 1151 E 230 S. Across the street from me in Porter’s house. Her partner, Angie Carter, didn’t come with her.

Merc, the manufacturer of Vioxx cancelled and recalled it. I have been on it since 1999. Too many side- affects. Anyone who has been on it more than 18 months should be concerned. I stopped it. Still have a six week supply. $85.16 for 30 pills, 1 each day. Will sent them back for refund as soon as I get the information. Diane called to tell me early, at 9 am on her way to work, had heard it on the news. Cami, Gladys, Janice also called to tell me, but I had heard it on the news. Now I wonder what I will go on. Have a Dr. apt on Wed., Oct. 6th, so he will tell me then. Mabet came to mow lawn. Hadn’t been mowed for 2 weeks. It isn’t growing fast now. He will be back in 2 weeks. $15 each time. He does a good job. I put all my lawn ornaments away and trimmed the shrubs. Janice started a new job at Lexington Mortgage Company located on west side of 5th West going up the Orem hill. Works from 10 am – 5 pm with ½ hour for lunch. Will get more hours after 1st of January 2005.

2 October 2004 – Saturday

Today is Ward Dey’s birthday. I must send him a card – grandson-in-law. A cool autumn day. Gladys came for me at 9 am. We met Blaine, Debbie, Diane, Charles, Ralph, Gary and Janice up at Sis’ house to start cleaning it out. After 53 years of living in it. We rented a dumpster. We filled it to the top. Plus, Blaine took 2 truckloads to the land fill (dump) $8 to get a one day pass. All this was from the garage nd some in the kitchen. It has been over two years since Sis went to East Lake Care Center for the second time, so all the canned food, etc., had to be thrown away. Every little thing had to be gone through. I cleaned out the fridge and then went into the den and sat down and went through all the letters, etc., on the lamp table. Sacks of mail, etc., from years back. Sis paid for lunch. Charles went and bought dinner, hamburgers, etc., for all of us about 3 pm. All the others worked in the garage. Then they set up card tables and counted the money they found. Put it in Blaine’s safe along with Sis’ jewelry. Found Scotties ring we had been looking for. Sis gave it to Blaine, but we couldn’t find it. So it was a relief to find it. Got home about 7 pm. Tired out. Will go to bed early. So much junk. It was a fire hazard. They never threw anything away. I brought the sideboard home to match their tables in my front room. A sad day. Seems as if she is already gone, but it had to be done. As anyone could break into it and really make a haul.

We need to spend another day to do the bedrooms, front room, 2 baths, dining room and rest of kitchen. Then there is the entire basement and the storage shed yet to do. Weill take several more days. Lucky we had a nice cool day to do it.

Priesthood General Session at 6 pm. SLC conference center. I listened to conference while I worked in the den. 2 new apostles sustained.

3 October 2004 – Sunday

Up at 7:30 showered and shampooed my hair. Then set down to eat breakfast and watch 174th World Conference. Two new apostles- Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf and Elder David A. Bednar. They took the places of Elder David B. Haight and Elder Neal A. Maxwell who passed away. Two new temples announced. One more in Salt Lake Valley and one in Rexburg, ID. The growth of the church as grown so much, we need the temples to accommodate the people. Blaine, Debbie, Becca and Any came to visit about 6 pm. A wonderful conference.

Also announced, the renovation of the 137 year old tabernacle to begin January 2005 and take 18 months to finish making it seismic sound, but the historical character of the building will be retained. Merrill and Carol Coomes cam to spend a week with Ralph and Gladys.

4 October 2004 – Tuesday

Today Merc, the Vioxx manufacture, recalled Vioxx because of bad side-affects. I have been on it for 5 years since it came out in 1999 Dec. It has helped me, but was expensive $81.46 for 30 pills (1 a day). Don’t know what I will do now for the paid. I had on (no or one? JD) side-affects.

6 October 2004

Debbie took me to my apt with Dr. Kent Marshall at 3 pm. Everything is fine. He gave me a new prescription, Bextra. Hope it works. It is more expensive $91.66 for 30 pills. Janice and Gary, Cami and Phillip Bingham – Phil’s two sisters, Phil’s 3 nephews, Norm and Marsh, Gary Janice and me. Came at 6:30 pm to Rylee Bingham’s 1st birthday in Saratoga Springs. She is cute. I gave her $5. She is my great granddaughter. 18th great grandchild. Home by 10 pm. Coke and ice cream. Today was Ralph Coomes’ 61st birthday.

7 October 2004 Ven would have been 88 today. Worked in yard. Trimmed shrubs along garage. Watered garden.

10 October 2004

Janice started job at Lexington Mortgage in Provo.

17 October 2004 – Sunday

Didn’t go to church. I don’t feel good. Don’t know if it’s new pills or the stormy weather. Janice, Ronalyn, Cami, Bayli, Jaidan, Gentry, Rylee and Austin came to visit. They are all such cute kids. Blaine called me in the evening. He had been to see Sis between his meetings. She is failing, but she is 97 years old.

18 October 2004 – Monday

Rainy cold day. My eyes are blurry. Maybe from the new medicine. Hope not. Janice brought me a gallon of milk. I called Dr. Marshall about new medicine, Bextra. He said stop taking it. I have a lot of pain under my right shoulder blade. I will see how I feel in a couple of days. Maybe from all the storms we are getting. Old Arthur sets in my joints.

19 October 2004 – Tuesday

Rainy and cold after a long drought. Now it has been raining hard since Sunday. Really glad to see it, but it is flooding in some areas, like the Virgin river in St. George. Snow in the mountains, high Unitahs, etc., 36”. The deer hunting season starts Saturday, the 23rd. It will be bad for the hunters, about like it was when Ray and Scotty, Rex, Wid and friends used to hunt in Deer Creek, west of Midway. They got snowed in many times. I still have a lot of back and leg pain. Hope it soon stops. Talked with Debbie, Gladys, Janice and Diane.

20 October 2004 – Wednesday

Diane called. She finally found some flu shots for East Lake Care Center where Sis is. There is such a shortage of vaccine that just special people can get it. Children 6 months-1 year, elderly, etc. Rained all day and nite. Helps to fill up our reservoirs and lakes. Rested a lot today. Have so much pain. I took a hot shower. Rubbed all my sore spots with ointment and went to bed at 11 pm. Talked with Janice, Gladys. She had a Tupperware party at her house, but I wasn’t up to going. I’m about out of tomatoes. I surely will miss them. I eat 3 or 4 a day with my meals.

21 October 2004 – Thursday

Still raining, all nite and day. I’m feeling a little better today. Ralph came by to put a globe in my Kitchen lite. It went out. Janice called, she went to visit Sis today on her lunch break. She is doing about the same. I called East Lake to see if they got their flu shots. They will get them next Tuesday. Thanks to Diane’s phone calls. Talked with Janice and Gladys. The rain has let up a little. Dr. Gomez just called to remind me of my appointment tomorrow at 1:45 pm to have my toe nails trimmed.

22 October 2004 – Friday

Gladys came at 1:30 pm and took me to Dr. Gomez. Then we went to visit with Sis for a while. Then to Smith’s for groceries. $50.00 worth. Home about 7 pm. Gladys had to go to Weight Watchers. She is doing really great with her weight. She looks so much better. Today was Vilate’s 76 birthday. 23 October 2004 – Saturday

Janice and Jaidan came at 12:45 pm and took me to Springville to Jim’s Hair Emporium (where Cami used to work) to get my hair cut and set by Sarah. $12 for my birthday. Stopped at her house when she picked me up to join her, Gary, Rona, Bayli, Jaidan and Gentry for a sandwich. She brought me home about 7 pm. Everything tires me out lately. Watched Lawrence Welk. Read some. Bed at 10:30 pm. My kids are all so good to me.

24 October 2004 – Sunday

A stormy cold day. Didn’t make it to church. Watched repeat of General Conference on TV. Diane came at 1:30 pm and we went over to Gladys and Ralph’s to celebrate my 85th birthday. At 4 pm, Blaine, Debbie, Becca, Amy, Corby, Tracy, Hannah, Weston, Hailey, Cami, Phil, Austin, and Rylee, Ronalyn, Robert, Bayli, Jaidan and Gentry came. Ralph had been at work taking inventory since 3 am. We had a good ham dinner with all the trimmings. They each bring something for the meal. Sandy and Pat couldn’t come. Little Erin has asthma so bad and Lindsey has pink eye. They live in Heber. We called Julie in San Antonio, TX and we all talked with her and the kids talked with Jenna. The kids gave me so many presents. Blaine, Debbie, Diane, Charles, Gladys, Ralph, Janice and Gary all gave me a pant suit, a bronze statue of like on all the LDS temples, about 15” tall. An electric skillet, wallet, a dozen red roses, beautiful cards. (They make them on their computers.) Corby, Tracy –family pictures of the 3 kids.

Rona, Robert, Cami, Phil and kids a 20X16” picture frame for our family picture taken in 1963. (Blaine age 19, just going to Switzerland on a mission for 2 ½ years 30 months, Janice 8, Gladys 12, Diane 15.) I have had it in the cedar chest all these years. Now I can hang it in my bedroom on the wall and enjoy looking at it. Rona, Robert, Cami, Phil also gave me pictures of their kids, Baylie, Jaidan, Gentry, Rylee, Austin. We didn’t take Sis up with us because she hasn’t had her flu shot and she gets so tired. We will try and take her out for Thanksgiving. A lot of pretty cards. Janice and Gary brought me home about 8 pm. A very enjoyable day. They all do so much for me. I seem to tire so much without my Vioxx. Pain in my back, arms and knees. Hope I soon feel better.

Bed at 11 pm. Diane had Stake Conference. BYU president was their guest speaker. She said he is a brilliant man.

25 October 2004 – Monday

Up at 9 am. Vacuumed all my house. Watched BYU Devotional at 11 am on TV. Comes on every day. Only live on Tuesday. Looked over my gifts and enjoyed myself. So much to be thankful for. A cold rainy day again. Talked with Diane, Gladys, Janice. They always check on me.

26 October 2004 – Tuesday, Blood sugar 101 – Good

Julie called me and she and Jenna sang Happy Birthday to me. Julie is such a thoughtful person. Jenna is out of school with the chicken pox. A warm day, 60 degrees. I went down to visit Sis for a couple of hours. She has a nice new recliner chair that lifts her up. But she doesn’t like it. Says it is too big. I sat in it for a while. It is so comfortable. Diane got it through Medicare. Janice came by after work and spent some time with me. It gets dark so early. Makes for a long evening. Watched TV. Read Book of Mormon. Bed at 11 pm. Stopped at Allen’s for groceries and prescriptions. Just getting dark when I got home. Gladys called.

27 October 2004 – Wednesday

Worked in yard. Cut all the hydrangeas down along the front drive so I will have a place for the snow when it comes. Takes me so long to do anything. I must carry my cane when I got outside. Came in tired out. Blain called to check on me. Watched TV. Read Book of Mormon. Just about through it. Then I will start on D&C. The evenings are so long, but I am so blessed to live in my home and care for my yard and especially to be able to drive my car. So much to be thankful for.

I received a surprise letter from Newell Murri. A history of Grandma and Grandpa Murri. Will and Lecil as he remembered them as a child. Brought back a lot of memories. He lives in Springfield, Maine. He was 2 years older than Blaine. He has retired from public school as an art teacher. He never married, lives with a fellow. He was always so quiet and different. I haven’t seen him for years. The last was when his dad, Guy Murri, passed away. He looked like a little Southern gentleman then. It was good to hear from him. His mother, Mary, lives in Evanston, WY with her daughter Maryann.

29 October 2004 – Friday

Blaine flew to Austin, TX for his company to help open a new store, “Sportsman Warehouse.” Will be back tomorrow. Hopes to visit with Julie and family for a few hours while there. Janice and Gary left after work to drive to Farmington, NM. A friend of theirs passed away (a Jeeping friend, Allen Jenkins). A long ways to go. Beautiful weather. So that helps. The kids are also busy. Such a fast world.

30 October 2004 – Saturday

Blaine called. He got home tonite. Julie, Ward, Cameron and Jenna drove about 2 hours from their home in San Antonio to visit a couple of hours with him. They are doing well. Haven’t sold their house yet.

Janice called. They got home about 7 pm. They had cremated their friend, which was a shock to them. So they left right after the services and started home. Took about 7 hours. Said they will all meet in Colorado in July and spread his ashes over the mountains where they Jeeped together. Good they are all home safe again.

31 October 2004 – Fast Sunday

Stake Conference next week. Cold and rainy, so I didn’t go to church. Blaine and Debbie came to visit. Brought me some pictures Julie had mailed to Diane. She printed them and I took them to Blaine at his office in Salt Lake. Showed them placing the Statue of Angel Moroni on the San Antonio, Texas temple. It should be finished in March 2005, a little behind schedule. Always nice to have company.

2 November 2004 – Tuesday, Election Day

Janice came at 9:30 am before work to take me to vote at Provost School where we have always voted. They had changed us over to Farrer junior high school on Center Street. So it made Janice a little lake for work, about half an hour. I was glad to be able to vote. Presidential election. George W. Bush (R) and John Kerry (D). I worry who will get in. Millions of dollars spent campaigning in the last year. Watched the returns of the elections. No final result when I went to bed at 11 pm. Kerry’s wife owns Heinz Catsup Company. So they are billionaires. Her first husband died. Kerry is her second marriage.

3 November 2004 – Wednesday

Bush won. The state of Ohio was the deciding state, unless Kerry calls for a recount. I’m glad Bush won. Now we hope he will keep a lot of his campaign promises. We are the #1 nation in the world. May we always remain so. Worked in the yard for a while. I am tired out and have a lot of pain since I’m off of Vioxx. Bextra doesn’t seem to help much, but I must give it time.

4 November 2004 – Thursday, 60 degrees high

A beautiful day. Went to visit Sis. She was watching TV. She is getting so thin and wrinkled. Doesn’t eat much. They give her liquid substitute about 5 or 6 times daily, but she drinks very little of that. I have to leave about 4 pm to get home before dark. I have to stop for groceries at Allen’s and a Chinese dinner at Smiths. I come home tired out. Ate my supper and watched TV. Bed at 11 pm.

5 November 2004 – Friday

Worked some in yard. It is getting almost more than I can handle. Lucille Murri Gervais called me from Arizona. 2603 Davida, Fort Mohave, AZ 86426. She has been in the hospital with the flu or something. She says she really likes living in the desert. It was good to talk with her. I had to leave all the debris on the ground as I couldn’t get it in the garbage. I will ask one of the boys to come and help me. I received a letter (Murri history from Newell Murri – Surprise). He was reminiscing about when Grandma and Grandpa Murri and Grandma and pa Soloman lived across the street on Windsor Street in Salt Lake City. A lot of memories and a lot of laughs. I believe I received this letter on October 27th. Bed at 1 pm. Warn out.

6 November 2004 – Saturday

Did laundry. Corby, Tracy, Hannah Weston and Hailey came to visit for a while and get a picture of Blaine when he was 19 years old leaving for his mission to Switzerland in July 1963. They are making a surprise give for him for Christmas. It was a surprise to see them. They very seldom come to visit other than party times. They are a cute family. I am so glad they have been to the temple and sealed as a family.

Showered, set my hair. Watched Lawrence Welk on TV. He has been on for 50 years. Always such a good program. Of course, they are reruns, but very seldom do we see a duplicate. Bed at 11 pm. Cold and wintry outside.

7 November 2004 – Sunday

Stake Conference down at the Provo Tabernacle. I don’t go, too hard to find a parking place (an excuse). Gladys left today to fly to San Francisco, CA for the Sherriff’s department to train for disasters, etc. It is cold and raining. She will be gone a week. High winds, 67 mph at BYU station. Blaine called to check on me. It has been a long day.

8 November 2004 – Monday The high winds tour a lot of roofing off of Wilson’s carport. A lot of it in my garden. I went out to check on my roof. Luckily nothing came loose. I called Lola Wilson (Carl’s daughter-in-law) to tell her. They came down and checked it out. Raining and cold and such strong winds, almost blew me over. So I stayed inside and kept warm. Read and watched TV. This wind is unusual. It almost shakes the house.

9 November 2004 – Tuesday

Spent the day keeping warm and sorting through some of Sis’ cards, etc., that I brought home to check out before throwing away. Janice came by on her way home from work and pulled my garbage out for me. When I tried to check my blood sugar, my tester wouldn’t work. So I called the company and they are sending me a new one. Will be here tomorrow. Fast over-nite service. It is hard to believe how fast everything moves or is processed today. It is raining and cold. A lot of snow in the mountains. Some ski resorts are already open, the earliest ever.

10 November 2004 – Wednesday

40 degrees for the high today. Did some yardwork. Trying to get rid of the walnut leaves in my driveway off of Unander’s big tree, about 6” deep, so many good walnuts. I used to pick them up and Dad would set in his shop and shell them in the winter. Beautiful English walnuts. Now they don’t pick any up, just throw them in the garbage. I can’t crack them and besides I don’t do much baking anymore. But I surely hate to see them go to waste. I used to have enough nuts to last a year.

11 November 2004 – Thursday, Veterans Day

UPS delivered my new blood tester (One Touch) this am. My blood sugar is only 116 which is good. Hope I can keep down just by dieting.

12 November 2004

Had an appointment with Dr. Theurer to get Sis’ eyes checked, but cancelled it because it would be so stressful for her and she can see TV good, so why put her through it. She may never get used to new glasses anyway.

14 November 2004 – Sunday

Didn’t attend church today. Blaine and Debbie, Becca and Amy came to visit in the evening. Read, watched church on TV. At 9:30 am started with the Tabernacle Choir broadcast and went until noon with speakers from October conference. I don’t get to sacrament which I need. Always feel better after partaking of the sacrament. Becca is going to San Antonio, Texas to visit Julie’s family for Thanksgiving and to meet her boyfriend for the first time. They have been talking on the phone for several months. A close friend got them talking, so I hope it works out for them when they meet.

15 and 16 November 2004

Worked in yard and house. Sent Thanksgiving cards to Julie’s family, Lucille Gervais, Janet Johnson, Artie Craven, Don and Blanch Hawkes, Newell Murri, Iris Harris and Mary Murri.

17 November 2004

Gladys and I went down to East Lake to have Sis’ family meeting. She is failing some. We visited for a while after. Then we went to Wells Fargo to invest some money to see if we can get a little more income return. 0.25 percent is all the interest the banks or credit unions are paying on savings. It is terrible after you save all your life and now can’t live on interest. Went to Smiths grocery store and bought much needed groceries, also Chinese dinner for $5.38. It will do me for 2 big meals. Ate the last of my tomatoes with it. Gladys had to go back to work for a while. So she left about 6 pm. Then Weel of Fortune and Jeopardy. The college students from different colleges competing for $100,000 prize. Some brilliant young people. The fellow from Salt Lake City, Ken Jennings, won’t be back for 2 weeks. He has won almost $2 million. He has broken all records for money won on a quiz show ever. Wonder how much longer he will go.

19 November 2004 – Friday

Laundry day. Mopped kitchen floor, changed bedding, dusted and cleaned. Always tired out after. Beautiful day, bright and sunny, but cold. 45 degrees high. Elaine Hoover (Sis’ neighbor) called me to say the city was going to fine her if the bushes and trees along Oak Lane are not trimmed. It is obstructing the roadway.

18 November 2004 – Thursday

Had appointment with visiting teachers, Angie Bird and Andy Carter to come at 5 pm. They never showed up. Watched TV. Read Book of Mormon. Bed at 11 pm.

20 November 2004 – Saturday

Happy Birthday Gary – Big 50. Gladys and Ralph came at 3:30 pm. We drove up to West Jordan, Utah, 1100 West 7800 South to Gardner Village to Archibald’s restaurant for a surprise party for Gary Jacobson’s 50th birthday. A surprise – and he really was surprised. He thought his two daughters, Cami and Ronalyn and families were taking him out to dinner. There were 30 people there. Kathy and Terry Johnson from Logan, UT, Perry and Linda from Hopper, UT, Jake and Joyce Jacobson, Dana and Jay Archibald, Jeeping buddies. David and Celia Jacobson, his youngest brother, Blaine and Debbie, Becca and Amy, Diane and Charles, Gladys and Ralph. Janice and of course Gary, Ronalyn, Robert, Bayli, Jaidan, Gentry, Cami, Phil, Austin, Rylee, children and grandchildren and me. A fun party, but so cold and windy. We left at 7 pm to come home. Some stayed to walk around to all the little shops and stores. At one time it was an old grist mill. Now made into a lot of stores, very old, but good food, but expensive. Mine cost me $15 for a bowl of clam chowder, green salad, halibut au gratin. Then Janice brought a big birthday cake for dessert, decorated in black icing. They gave Gary a lot of gag gifts. He tot a beautiful clock with wolves on it (ceramic). We got home about 8:30 pm. I’m tired out. We had to go up and down steps to get to our dining room and to the rest rooms. Bed at 11 pm.

Really a bitter cold night. A fun time was had by all. Diane called to see what time we got home.

21 November 2004

Cold day. I stayed home tired out from last nite. Blaine called to see how I am doing. We received a letter from Provo City telling us the bushes and trees must be cut down on Oak Lane by December 2nd or she will be fined $30 per day for each day. So I called Mabet Lopez (my lawn mower) to see if he would go up and do it. He said he would go Monday nite at 7:30 pm with Blaine to see what needed done. He will do it Saturday, November 27th for $200. It is dangerous with all the shrubs and bushes to get out of Sis’ driveway and all along the bank going down Oak Lane. Blaine called me back after to tell me what Mabet said. Glad to get someone to do it. He will do a good job for us I’m sure. He does my lawn good.

22 November 2004 – Monday

Worked in yard again getting all the leaves, walnuts and grape leaves out of my flower beds and driveway. 3 hours, it took me. My garbage can is so full, I just pulled it to the front of my house. Couldn’t get it any farther. Came in and got me some lunch at 4 pm. Tired out. I hope this will be the last of the leaves.

Insert here

23 November 2004 – Tuesday

Sis called me about 11 am. Said she wanted to tell me where she was. Janice met me at East Lake at 1 pm to eat Thanksgiving lunch with Sis. It was her lunch hour. We had turkey, dressing, potatoes and gravy, peas, cranberry punch, cherry pie, rolls and butter. Sis hardly ate anything. She has no teeth. They threw her 3rd top denture away 2 months ago. So she has a hard time eating. Plus the food there gets so hard to eat. The same stuff all the time. Dr. Jeffery Johnson said he would make her some new ones, but as yet, he hasn’t done it. She weighs 99 lbs., but is maintaining it. Janice went back to work. Sis wanted to go to bed and rest, so I came home about 3 pm. Stopped at Allen’s grocery store. When I was unloading my groceries, Judy Austin came over to help me. I really appreciated it. The gallons of milk and water are heavy for me to lift. She bought Martha’s house 1139 E 230 S, Provo, UT. Mike Hawkins said he would come and pull my garbage can out to the street on his way home at 6 pm. He works at Allen’s and runs back and forth to work. A cool day. High 45, low 28.

24 November 2004 – Wednesday, high 43, 32 low

Cloudy and cold. Talked with Gladys. Becca left for San Antonio this am at 9 o’clock from Salt Lake airport. All excited about meeting her boyfriend. A cold day. Gladys getting ready for the big dinner tomorrow at her house.

25 November 2004 – Thursday, Happy Thanksgiving

Janice and Gary picked up Sis at 11 am them met at 11:30 am to go to Gladys and Ralph’s in Elkridge for dinner. We were the first ones there. They had put Sis in a dress which she seldom wears and she was so cold. Lucky I had some new slacks and a top that fit her. So we put them on her when we got over to Gladys’. She is so thin. She looks much better in slacks. Keeps her legs warm. We were to eat at 1 pm, but Diane’s family was late, so we started without them at 2:30 pm. They arrived a few minutes later in time for the blessing. There were 30 of us. Blaine, Debbie, Amy, Enid, Diane, Charles. Scott Jessica, Collton, Erin, Skylar, Monique from Logandale, NV. Gladys, Ralph, Robert, Bayli, Jaidan, Gentry, Cami, Phil, Austin, Rylee.

The tables were beautiful and bounteous turkey dinner was enjoyed by all. Terrill and Sarah Coomes stopped by for a short visit on there way to have Thanksgiving dinner in Mona, UT. Then they had to drive back to Las Vegas. We all visited and some watched TV. Blaine and Debbie took Sis home. Gary and Janice brought me home about 7 pm. So much to be thankful for. Jessica surprised us. She is pregnant again and started having pains, so Charles and Scott took her to Jordan River hospital emergency. She has a bladder infection, etc. Her baby, Monique, is only 13 months old. This will make 7 children for her and Scott between them.

Diane drove all her grandkids to her home in South Jordan. So many things going on we don’t know about. We called Julie and talked with her family in Texas. She had 14 for dinner. Her family of 4 and some missionaries and service men and Becca and her boyfriend, Burke, she went to meet in San Antonio, TX. All are doing fine.

26 and 27 November 2004 – Friday and Saturday

Did laundry. Cleaned house. Changed bedding, etc. Checked some more of Sis’ old cards. Surely are some pretty ones from years and years back. Watched Lawrence Welk at 7 pm. Saturday. Bed at 11 pm. Tired out. Doesn’t take much to wear me out.

28 November 2004, Snowy and cold 39 degrees high

Watched church on TV until noon. Talked with Janice, Gladys. Blaine came by to visit. Got my Christmas boxes out of the hall closet so I can start decorating for Christmas. He went home about 6 30 pm. The evenings are so long. I will really miss my piano after all these years of displaying my porcelain nativity scene on it each December, but I will improvise. I always enjoy December. It is such a holy month. Gladys called to talk. Bed at 11:30. She is working. She was called in. So much going on around the valley. Such a stressful job.

29 November 2004 – Monday

Went to East Lake to visit Sis. She is doing ok. A bitter cold day. Wind so strong almost blows me over. Spent 2 ½ hours with Sis. Stopped at Smiths grocery and bought me a Chinese dinner. Enough for 2 meals for $5.30. Also groceries. It was getting dark when I got home. I don’t like to drive after dark, so I didn’t stop at Allen’s for my prescriptions. Sis doesn’t join in the many activities any more. She just sets and watches TV or naps in her chair. I’m always glad to get home safe. Ate dinner. Watched TV. Ken Jennings of Salt Lake City finally got beat on Jeopardy after74 wins and 2 ½ million dollars richer by a California woman $2,520,700. The question, “What company that employs 70,000 white collar workers for all four months each year?” The answer, “H&R Block tax people.” Ken wrote FedEx, a mail pickup company. But he has so many offers ahead of him. He will be forever rich. He is only 36 years old. Bed at 10:30pm.

30 November 2004 – Tuesday

A warmer day. Visited Sis. Stopped at Smiths for groceries and Chinese dinner. Home to watch TV. Gladys and Janice called to talk. Windy and cold when I got home. Decorated my front room.

2 December 2004 – Thursday, 30 high, 13 low

Started putting things away so I can decorate for the Christmas holidays.

3 December 2004 – Friday Cold and windy. 20 high, 12 low More like January weather.

4 December 2004 – Saturday

Gladys arrived at 11 am with Ralph to put up my tree, etc. Ralph had to go to work. Gary and Janice and Austin came by. Blaine was supposed to come, but he didn’t. Gary worked outside putting up lites and neon signs. He did a good job, but very cold. Gladys and Janice decorated my tree and family room. The tree in soft frosted ornaments, green, pink, purple. Pink silk poinsettias. It is beautiful. They went home about 3 pm. Tired out. The work so hard. I will really enjoy the tree and lites for December until New Years. Austin helped in and out. He is 4 years old. I really appreciate all my children do for me. It is such a busy time of year. They all have so many parties and their own houses and yard to decorate.

5 December 2004 – Sunday

Cold and windy. Blaine, Debbie, Gary, Janice and Amy came to visit. Read and watched church on TV. I can’t get myself to church by 9 am on these cold days. I’m a lazy procrastinator. A little snow.

6 December 2004 – Monday

Rainy and a little snow. Cold. Worked around the house. As I was going to bed, flushed the toilet and the chain brock, so I have to reach down in the tank and flush it. Always something to fret about. Can’t do all I used to do. Everything seems to stress me out. So much pain and aches.

7 December 2004 – Tuesday

I called Ralph. He came by and fixed my toilet on his lunch hour. Had to buy a new part $7.00. He is so good to come and help me. Really snowy and cold, but doesn’t stick to the ground, too wet. Today was 63 anniversary of the terrible attack on Pearl Harbor Hawaii. That’s when the United States really knew what a terrible war were fighting. Second World Ward. Ray, Dean, Neil, Ralph Murri, many local men went and many never came back. We pray we will never have another conflict like that to endure.

8 December 2004 – Wednesday

Rainy, snowing and cold. Paid my monthly bills. Read and watched TV. Gladys and Janice always call me sometime each day to check on me.

9 December 2004 – Thursday

Cami, Austin, Rylee came to give me a permanent at 1 pm. They are such cute kids. Finished by 5 o’clock and left to drive home to Saratoga Springs and then got to Heber by 7:30 pm to ride the Santa Clause Express. The Heber Creep(er) for Christmas. I was worried she wouldn’t make it on time. The train waits for no one. They had a good time. The train backs down to Soldier Hollow and then pulls back to Heber, about 2 hours on the train. Gladys, Amy, Ronalyn, Robert, Bayli, Jaidan, Gentry, Cami, Phillip, Austin and Rylee. Several train cars full. Just special for Christmas time. They all had fun. Millie Gurr called to talk, but I was having my perm, so I will call her back.

10 December 2004 – Friday

Did laundry, changed bed linens. Went down to see Sis. When I came out to come home, my car wouldn’t start. Went back in and Craig sent two fellows out to jump it, but they couldn’t get it to even grunt. So I called Janice, she called Gary and he came. The batter terminals cables were so corroded. He cleaned them off and jump started it. By then it was getting dark, so I drove off and on without lites. Gary followed me home. I have a hard time driving after dark. I am so thankful Gary knows how to do things for me. Janice came by on her way home from work, right behind Gary. I had called my prescriptions in to Allen’s but didn’t stop. Too late. Will go get them tomorrow. Gary and Janice are going to Jackson Hold Wranglers concert at the McKay auditorium tonight. They took me a couple of years ago. A cold nite.

11 December 2004 – Saturday

Blaine came by about 10 am with 100 lbs. of bird seed and filled my feed for me. $15. It has warmed up and is beautiful today. I went to Allen’s for my prescriptions 3 for $201.60. Terrible – the price I pay for drugs. Also $76 for groceries. Today was the church’s food drive. I forgot to put mine out, so Blaine caught up with the scouts and gave mine to them. My car started right up. Gary said he don’t think I will have any more trouble. I hope not. Talked to Janice and Gladys.

Diane and Charles drove to Logandale, NV for Colton Whipple’s baptism. They left at 7 am and was back home at 11 pm. A long fast trip. (Jessica’s step son.)

12 December 2004 – Sunday

Woke up at 7 am. Went back to bed and didn’t wake up until Gladys called at 9 am to say she is sick and we won’t go to the cemetery today. She just does too much and her body finally tells her to stop. Such a beautiful day. Up into the 50’s. My forsythia bush on south of house is full of buds and a few blossoms out. Even the trees, etc., are mixed up. Diane called. She won’t be down. More meetings this afternoon. Haven’t seen a bird since we filled the feeder. It has warmed up like summer. I’ve had my south door open for a while. Blaine and Janice called to talk. I guess Rebecca got fired from her job at the Scout office. Here say. I’ll find out later. Read, watched Lawrence Welk. 50 years on TV. Always a good program.

13 December 2004 – Monday

Just like spring outside. Got my kitchen door open. Janice and Gary getting new furniture for their basement. Called to see if I wanted my old back. No thanks. They should give it to D.I. It was almost like new even after 34 years wear. I always liked it. Tried to call Merck about my Vioxx. The post office delivered it on October 20th at 3 pm. Merck just puts you on hold and never lets you talk with anyone. Just recordings. They owe me $200 refund. Will call them again.

14 December 2004 – Tuesday

My Christmas outside lite won’t come on. Gary came by to fix them. Just a loose plug. Needed spreading. 54 degrees high today. Surely enjoy my home and Christmas tree lights. I visited Sis today. She is doing ok.

15 December 2004 – Wednesday

Mailed some Christmas cards. Not as many as usual. Every year gets fewer. I sent eight Thanksgiving cards to some instead of Christmas. Julie never received her Thanksgiving one, so much mail this time of year. I guess some gets lost.

16 December 2004 Sis went to Dr. Olsen for checkup. Debbie met her there. I just couldn’t go so early in the morning. I’m too slow. Debbie called me and said Sis needed chest x-rays and blood tests. I will call East Lake tomorrow and find out about them. I really appreciate Debbie going with her. Debbie doesn’t feel to well herself. Is allergic to so many foods and clothes. Mailed my Christmas cards today.

17 December 2004 – Friday

Really cold out today. I called East Lake. The technician came yesterday afternoon and took chest x-rays and blood. Will know the results Monday the 20th. Sis is so frail, so we decided not to take her up to Diane’s (in South Jordan) for Diane’s Christmas party. Sometimes she gets so upset and we have to take her back to the center. Really windy and cold. More like January weather.

Received a Christmas card from Newell Murri and his partner Frank Brodley from Springfield, MA. He has retired from teaching art in high school. Guy and Mary’s son. I had sent him a Thanksgiving card.

18 December 2004 – Saturday

Blaine and Gladys came at 3 pm. We drove to the Midway cemetery with 7 wreaths and 3 poinsettia bouquets for the graves. My dad, mom, Mary and Ernest Kohler, brother Russell, brother-in-law L.O. Turner (Lola Obed), Ven and John Hinote, sister and husband. Lowell, baby brother and my dear one, Ray Murri. Not much snow there. Just a few inches and none under the trees. We hang them on big wrought iron crooks. Only Sis and I left in our family. Now she is 97 and I am 85. A ward day. A little windy, but mild for December. Blaine took us to Jerry’s barn (a novelty store across the street north of town square). Was the old Henry Zenger barn when I was young. Now this is his grandson, Glen and Emily’s son. He has restored it and made a good living selling knick-knacks. Gladys bought an antique clock, sleigh bells and I bought a novel canoe with a Papa moose, son and grandson in it fishing about 12” long for Blaine for part of his Christmas. Really enjoyed seeing it all. Home by dark. A nice day. At my supper, I watched TV and bed by 11 pm. Tired out.

18 December 2004 – Saturday (this entry was in the 2005 journal)

42 high, 21 low. Ralph and Gladys and I went to Midway cemetery to put the Christmas wreaths on the graves. Cold and snowy.

19 December 2004 – Sunday

Ralph and Gladys came for me at 5:30 pm. Went to Diane/Charles Christmas party. We always have lots of good food and fun. Each took a $2 gift to draw for. Becca and her friend Burke Trevort from Payson living in San Antonio, Texas going to medical school was there. Seems like a nice fellow. His grandparents in Salem, UT raised him. Others there were Blaine, Debbie, Amy, Diane Charles, Gladys, Ralph, me, Janice, Gary Ronalyn, Robert, Bayli, Jaidan, Gentry, Cami, Phil, Austin, Rylee, Enid. All the children and grandchildren decorate their homes and yards so beautiful. I still have my bell Happy Holiday neon sign Dad made years ago as do Diane, Blaine, Gladys and Janice. They really cost a lot now. We got home about 9 pm. Windy and bitter cold. Gladys has such a gold, we didn’t drive to see the temple lites.

20 December 2004 – Monday Sent a few more cards and wrapped presents for my neighbors. Bernie and Louise Knapp bring the Deseret News every Saturday morning so I get the church news. John and Ruth Brinkerhoff bring my garbage can in every week and sometimes moves the snow with his blower. Mine broke down. The auto starter. Shawn and Kristina Elgaan – home teacher and she sends me fresh baked bread. Kyle Hunt – other home teacher. I gave a box of chocolate and Christmas story and poem. He gave me a story of the Book of Mormon, a Christmas ornament and fudge.

I gave the Elgaans and Knapps a larger jar of pasta (5 kinds) with a Santa hat on top. Box chocolates, Christmas story and poem/with card. They are so good to me. We will deliver them Friday the 24th.

21 December 2004 – Tuesday

Angie Bird and Angie Carter, visiting Relief Society sisters, came at 6:30 pm. Gave a lesson. Angie Bird gave me a Kitchen towel with a reading to tell about it. They were here about one hour. A really cold nite. Watched TV. So many good Christmas programs on now.

23 December 2004

Went down to visit Sis at 2 pm. She was having her hair done. Visited until 3:30. Cold and foggy, so I came home. Stopped at Allen’s for groceries. I always must get home before dark because I can’t see well after. It is cold and wintery. Filled my bird feeder up. So many hungry little birds around. Enjoy my decorated home. So cozy and warm. I am so glad I can still live in my home.

24 December 2004 – Christmas Eve, Friday

We all met at Blaine and Debbie’s to exchange gifts. My four children and spouses draw names. I have PJ’s to all the great grandchildren. They really liked them. They all got in them to go home. Amy, Zane, Lindsey, Erin. Corby’s family wasn’t’ there. Left their presents at Blaine’s. Julie, Ward, Cameron and Jenna live in Texas so I sent them money to buy their own. Sent Julie and Ward a year’s subscription to the Church News. Also Jessica, Scott and their family in Nevada.

Bayli, Jaidan and Gentry, Austin, Rylee - Ronalyn and Roberts 3 kids and Cami and Phil’s 2 kids. I gave all grownups money. Grandchildren each $20, children each $50, Enid a butterfly broach, Sis garments (3 pairs) a necklace, chocolates. Sis really enjoyed being there. Took her back to East Lake at 10 pm. Everyone gives her so much and she gives each one money. All left for home by 10 pm so kids could get to bed so Santa can come.

27 December 2004 – Monday

Baby boy 8 lbs 9 oz, 19 1/2“ long born to Jessica Kimmerle and Scott Whipple in St. George, UT hospital at 10:30 pm Mountain Standard Time.

Notes on the last page of Vivian’s notebook journal in 2004:

Wednesday, January 21, 2004 Tracy Murri (Johnson) endowed in Mt. Timpanogos Temple.

Saturday, January 24, 2004 Corby and Tracy sealed, also Hannah 6 years, Weston 4 years, and Hailey 16 months sealed to them. Mt. Timpanogos

16 September 1994 Corby and Tracy civil marriage

January 2004 Corby set apart as 2nd counselor in Elders Quorum presidency, Payson 10th ward. Bishop Craig Hiatt.

Gunthers installed furnace 1990

Cory Tanner winterized furnace September 2, 2004

November 2004 Janice and Gary had aluminum siding put on their house. No more painting.

December 9, 2004 Cami gave me a permanent. $25

1 January 2005 – Saturday

Cold and raining. Another year has gone so fast. Always wonder what is in this future year. Spent the day home alone. Seems my arthritis is getting worse each day. Probably the weather has a lot to do with it.

9 January 2005 – Sunday

Ray would have been 89 years old today. It has poured rain all day. Home alone. Reading, watching TV. Just keeping warm. Unusual for so much rain this time of year. Melting the snow too fast.

15 January 2005 – Saturday

Gary and Janice gone to Moab for the Jeep Christmas party. A beautiful sunny day. 49 high. I went down to visit Sis for 2 ½ hours. Took her a malt. She was in bed, so I fed it to her. She ate about ½ of it. Then she wanted to sleep, so I came home. Stopped at Allen’s for prescription Bextera and groceries. Home at 5 pm. The days are getting a little longer. Called Gladys to tell her I am home safe. Watched TV. Lawrence Welk show. Always good. Read. Bed at 11 pm. Tired Out. Diane called to say she will be down Monday.

16 January 2005 – Sunday Up at 8 am. Went to church at 11 o’clock. So nice to see my friends. Wore my new scarf Gladys had made for me. A lot of compliments on it and looking to see how it was made. Paid on gift for Elaine Parcell Jensen $2. Her husband, Howard’s funeral was yesterday, but the ward gives flowers and money if we want to give. Home at 2 pm. Ate lunch. Blaine, Debbie, Becca and Amy came about 6 pm to visit. Blaine filled my bird feeder. Read and watched television. Gladys called to talk. Bed at 11 pm. A long day. 50 degrees warm and sunny. They found the body of one fellow in the Canyons avalanche.

17 January 2005, Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday – A holiday

Diane called. She won’t be down, isn’t feeling well. Ralph cam early to put a clean filter in my furnace and to meet a fellow from Lindford Plumbing to give me an estimate on installing a washer and dryer in my upstairs south bedroom, so I won’t have to climb up and down the basement stairs. It’s getting to be really hard for me. He took my computer home finally. I paid him $175 for it, but never learned to use it. So he will sell it to someone else. Dr. Marshall’s nurse, Mariam, called to tell me to take Bextra with the new medicine pac, but I’m afraid to take it again because of the way things went after taking Prev______for only 4 days. I will just take Bextra for a few days and see how things go. A beautiful day. 50 degrees. All snow melted in the valley.

18 January 2005 – Tuesday

Another warm, sunny day. Watched the State of the State address by new governor, Jon Huntsman Jr. in Fillmore, UT the first state capitol of Utah. The Territorial Statehouse of Utah. The State Capitol in SLC is closed for renovations to make it earthquake safe. Brigham Young delivered his opening address for the first legislative session in the same building in 1855. Jon gave a good speech. Now we will see if he can do what he said he would do. I think he has a lot to learn the way he has been firing people – some have worked for 25 years as state employees and now are left without benefits, etc.

Dave Baglino from Heber called to see if he could buy my 10 acres in the Mountains of Midway. I told him yes for $15,000. It is non-buildable to high on the mountain side. He will come down Friday the 14th to make the deal.

19 January 2005 – Wednesday

I finally called Dr. Kent Marshall to find out about my MRI test. No broken or chipped bones in my back, just a lot of arthritis. Called to tell Debbie as she took me for the tests. Talked with Gladys, Janice and Diane and Blaine. They all agree to sell the Midway land. It was my Dad and Mom’s. Have paid taxes on it all these years. $340 last year. Midway has made so many laws about where and how you can build and the taxes just keep going up more every year. 7 pm Angie Bird and Angie Carter came to visit teach me. Stayed about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Janice went to see Sis today. She seemed to be doing quite well. Bed at 11:30 pm. The nites are so long.

20 January 2005 – Thursday

Up at 9 am. Forgot it was Geo. W Bush inaugural State of the Union address. Saw most of it on rerun news. I watched the parade. The high school band of American Fork was one of only 10 bands invited to march in the parade. It was a bitter cold day in Washington DC. Watched most of the day about the reception, etc. 55 inaugural ceremonies for 43 Presidents. Roosevelt 3 terms, some two terms. This is George W. Bush’s second term. Shawn Elgaan, my home teacher, came to visit. His partner, Kyle Hunt forgot to come. Shaw stayed for about 45 minutes. I enjoy his message. He seems to be sincere.

21 January 2005 – Friday

Dave Baglino was supposed to come to buy my property in Midway at 4 pm. He never showed. Gladys called his number and his wife said he was in Salt Lake working on the restoration of the Tabernacle, making it earthquake proof. He is a contractor from Heber. His wife said he would contact us at a latter date. A warmer day. Read, watched TV. Bed about 10:30 pm.

22 January 2005 – Saturday

I went to East Lake to visit with Sis. She seemed to be feeling ok. She is so thin, can’t eat much. No solid foods. Everything must be pureed (ground up). Home about 5 pm. Showered and did my hair. Bed.

23 January 2005 – Sunday

Up at 8:30 am. Ready for church at 11 am. Glad the weather is warner so I can go. Home at 2:30 PM. Ate lunch. Debbie, Blaine, Becca and Amy came to visit about 6 pm. Gary and Janice came for a while. Read. Talked with Gladys and Diane by phone. A beautiful warm day.

24 January 2005 – Monday

Gladys came at 4:30 pm to take me to Dr. Kelly Gomez to get my toe nails cut. He had a lot of emergencies, so we spent over an hour in his office. We have never had to wait before, so I won’t complain. He took two x-rays of my bunion on my right foot. It gives me a lot of trouble. My bit toe rubs up in the top of my shoe. I don’t know if I can handle surgery on it. He wants to fix it for me. I should have had it done years ago when I had the other foot done. We went to Smith’s for groceries and Chinese take-out supper. Got home about 7 o’clock. Tired out. Watched TV. Bed at eleven. Gladys went right home. She is so good to take me to appointments.

25 January 2005 – Tuesday

A beautiful warm day. Cloudy. 33 for high today. It has been so foggy in SLC and north. Just foggy in Provo along the foothills. I opened the newspaper this am and Janet Johnson died yesterday. I was her visiting teacher by mail. I just sent her a card Saturday. She was in Heritage Care Center in American Fork. 69 years old. Funeral will be Thursday at 11 am in our church.

26 January 2005 – Wednesday

Foggy and cold today, 34 high. Another cloudy day. Debbie came at 3 pm to take me to the dentist, Dr. Jeffery Johnson for the checkup (6 month). No cavities just needed a cleaning. Home by 5 pm. Debbie is so good about taking me when I need her. I can’t drive only where I’m used to going. Too much traffic. Salt Lake is socked in with heavy fog. We need a good snow storm to clear the air. Talked with Gladys and Janice on phone.

27 January – Thursday

34 high, raining and cold. Janice came by on her way home from work. Gary is in Reno, Nevada with a load for highway signs for his company. He will be home tomorrow. Donna, Sis’ nurse from East Lake, called. Sis has a urinary infection, so they have started her on antibiotics that Dr. Olsen ordered. Hope it clears up as it can be so painful. Always something going wrong to make us humble. At age 97, you can expect anything. Blanche Hawke called about 9 pm to visit on the phone. She and Don are doing ok. They will be 91 years old this year. We have been friends for many years and had many good times together. Always nice to talk with them.

28 January 2005 – Friday

A cloudy, grey day. Cleaned some in my house. Vacuumed, etc. Debbie is doing Sis’ wash now. She says she washes so often that she will do it so I don’t have to go down the stairs to my basement so much. I really appreciate her doing it. Millie Gurr (an old high school friend) called to talk. It’s always good to talk to her. She had surgery on one of her eyes so she isn’t feeling too good right now. We reminisce about all our old friends. Not too many left. Since Dec. 9, 2004, eleven of my friends have passed away.

Margaret Thomas Sumsion 89 years Dec. 9, 2004 Roger Clark (Blaine’s old school friend and our neighbor) 60 years Dec. 12, 2004 Lucille Phillips, my friend Dec. 18, 2004 Nellie Hecken Bennett (my high school cooking and home management teacher) 97 years Dec. 25 2004 Ava Attwood Winterton, high school Dec. 24, 2004 Lucille Clift McMillian, high school Dec. 30 , 2004 Beatrice Coe, my first roommate in East Lake when I broke my leg 95 years Dec. 30, 2004 Eddie Epperson, a neighbor and school chum 87 years Jan. 6, 2005 Jack Heckert, second cousin – son of Wilma Hamey and Spud Heckert 69 years Jan. 9, 2005 Delvene Hanney, Budd Hanney’s wife (my second cousin) Jan. 2005

29 January 2005

Diane came to visit with Sis and me. Bought herself a new refrigerator from Sears. Blaine bought one too. A really good price. She rolled my hair up for me. Brought me KFC chicken dinner $5, I paid good to have a good meal once in a while. Tired of my cooking. She said Sis is doing good. Had her hair done so nice. A new beautician at East Lake, Michaline Assey Christian, sued to be my neighbor. The prices are so reasonable. Shampoo set used to be $13.50, perm $34 when Paula was there. Now it is $3 for a shampoo set and $5 for a perm and Michaline is such a sweet person. Blaine and Gladys called. Gladys has been working such long 12 hour nite shifts. I don’t know how she handles all the stress.

30 January 2005, Sunday

A cloudy day. Church at 11 am. Home by 2:15 pm. At lunch called my sisters to get their visiting teaching report for January. Called Kristine and gave it to her. I am supervisor over 7 districts and she is over all the visiting teachers. Now Janet passed away, they gave me Iris Harris, a ward friend. She is in a rest home in Orem, so I will send her a card each month. A long day. Read. Gladys and Blaine called to talk. Janice, Gary, Ronalyn and Robert came for Sis’ house keys so they can get her washer and dryer out as theirs quite working. I hope Sis’ will work. It has not been used for several years. Bed at 11 pm.

31 January 2005, Monday Already one month of a new year has gone buy. Time flies. I went down to visit Sis. She was in bed resting. She had her hair done and was tired out. Michaline did it again today because whomever showered her had washed her hair. They do such dumb things. Michaline was disgusted. She had just done it on Friday. I stopped at Smiths for a Chinese take-out dinner. Then Allen’s for my prescriptions, Bextra and Atac and $158.37 for 1 months supply. It is outrageous the price we pay to help us keep well. Home by 6 pm. Sis was talking a lot about mom, dad and the past. She was so tired. I left at 4 pm.

1 February 2005 – Tuesday

A beautiful warm, rainy day. Talked with Janice, Gladys and Blaine.

4 February 2005, Happy Birthday Amy – 27 years

Ralph took me down to East Lake at 2 pm. I visited with Sis and then Micklelyn cut and set my hair $10. Gladys picked me up at 4 pm to go to Dr. Theuer for my yearly eye exam. I needed my right lens changed, but my left eye is the same. After we went to South China Café for dinner. Then down to Blaine’s at 7 pm for Amy’s 27th birthday party for cake and ice cream. Just Enid, Gladys, me, Becca, Debbie and Blaine. I gave her $7. She can buy what she wants. Home by 9 pm. Watched TV and bed at 11 pm. Tired out. A rainy day.

5 February 2005 – Saturday, Bayli’s Baptism

Today Scott would have been 100 years old. Janice and Gary came for me at 11:30 am. Went to Payson.

8 February 2005 – Tuesday

I visited with Sis at East Lake. Stopped and bought groceries at Smiths and prescriptions at Allen’s market. Sis is failing some each time I visit her. But she is 97 ½ years old and she is tired. Talked with Blaine, Diane, Gladys and Janice in the evening.

9 February 2005 – Wednesday

Rainy and cold. High 45 so I spent my day reading and housework. Mopped my floor, etc. Janice came by and visited for a while. Talked with Blaine on phone.

10 February 2005

Raining and cold. High 17. I talked with Dave Baglino about the Midway property. He wants to buy it. Talked with Janice and Diane by phone. Vacuumed my house. Cleaned off papers from my kitchen table. Read and watched TV.

13 February 2005 – Sunday

Up at 8:30 am. To church by 11 am. A beautiful day. 49 degrees. Home at 2 pm. After a feast of talks and lessons on the D&C by Keith Slade. He is a really good teacher. About 6:30 pm I had locked up for the night and Blaine, Debbie, Becca and Amy came to visit. Brought me some homemade cookies. Stayed about an hour. Talked to Gladys. Read and watched TV. Bed at 11 30 pm. Sometimes the nites are so long. I’m up 3 or 4 times a nite.

14 February 2005 – Monday, Happy Valentines! Up, showered, ate breakfast,got ready to go with Gladys at 2:30 to get my new lens in my glasses. Janice called at 1 pm to say she had been to see Sis and she isn’t doing very good. In about 15 minutes, the nurse – Donna- called from East Lake to tell me Sis is really bad. I called Gladys and Janice. Gladys called Diane and Blaine. We hurried down. Sis was scarcely breathing and was about gone. Blaine gave her a priesthood blessing and in a while she seemed to relax some. By 5:30 pm she was answering and talking some. Ralph brought me and Diane home. We stopped and got Kentucky Fried Chicken take out. When Gary came, she knew him and talked to him, also Ralph. I had to come home to eat and take pills. Diane has vertigo so bad she can’t drive. She came with Blaine from Salt Lake, so Charles came at 7:30 pm and took her back to East Lake to visit with Sis until 9:30 pm. Gladys, Janice and Gary were there until then. Sis was watching TV. Ate quite a bit of chocolate pudding, yogurt, ice cream and drank some juice. Can’t believe they had given her Lortab. I’m sure that’s what brought this on. Soon after Blaine blessed her, she started to respond. It is amazing what a priesthood blessing will do. We all spent the nite in our homes. It was not Sis’ time to be called home. She is so little and fragile. Talks so much in the past. Today she was 97 years and 6 months old. She was born August 15, 1907. Married August 14, 1928 so today was a bad Valentine’s Day.

15 February 2005 – Tuesday

Woke up to 8-10” of snow. I can’t go down to see Sis. Called and talked with nurse, Donna. Sis is doing better. Janice, Cami, Austin and Rylee went to visit Sis and she was having her hair done. What a recovery. Talked with Janice on the phone. Cami, Austin and Rylee came by. Cami shoveled the snow off my driveway. Austin and I played Old Maid cards. He is 3 years old. Rylee is 1. They went home at 4:30 pm. John Brinkerhoff moved the snow off my front walk. The sun melted it soon on the roads, etc. I vacuumed my house. Spent the evening reading and watching TV. Blaine called and talked. I called Debbie and Gladys and Diane to tell them about Sis. Maybe I can go down to see Sis tomorrow. Cami brought my glasses to me. Janice had taken them when she went to work.

16 February 2005 – Wednesday, Happy Birthday Jaidan – 6 years old today

Woke to a snowy day, about 3-4” new snow and still snowing. I called East Lake. Donna said Sis ate breakfast and is doing all right. Janice went to see her at lunch. She was just being put to bed for a nap. About the same today. I can’t drive in bad weather. The snow is melting. Today is Jaidan’s 6 year birthday. I talked with her and Ronalyn. They are getting ready for her kids party at 4 pm.

I showered and cleaned up. Vilate called to tell me Bud fell Saturday and pulled all muscles in his groin, punctured a lung and broke his hip in his bad leg. He is in the American Fork hospital. They operated on him this morning. He went through the surgery ok. He will be in intensive care until tomorrow. Jolyn Kohler (Dean’s daughter) is head nurse over intensive care. The doctor who did the hip surgery was Paul Ritchie, Elizabeth Kohler’s son from Heber. Bud’s second cousin. I hope he gets over this. He has had so much. Doyle Kohler is really bad. Blood clots in his legs and back pain. I talked with Debbie. My home teachers are coming tonight at 7 pm. Sis lost her toy rabbit, but it showed up today.

Maryann Murri’s husband Beherens died suddenly in Evanston Wyoming. Feb. 24, 2005.

30 March 2005 – Wednesday

I called Donna Collier (nurse at East Lake Care Center) to see how Sis was doing. I could tell by her voice Sis wasn’t doing very good, so I went down. Sis was in bed. She would answer when I talked to her, but just wanted to rest. She was so tired. I held her hand and sat by her until 6 pm when I needed to leave to get home before dark. Hated to leave her but Donna said she would call if any changes. Stopped at Allen’s store for groceries and prescriptions. Bed at 11 pm. Didn’t sleep much, so much going thru my mind.

31 March 2005 – Thursday

Janice called at 6:30 am. Donna had called her and said Sis wasn’t doing good. We had better come. Blaine came for me about 7 am. When we got to Sis, she was so grey and pallid looking. Janice, Gladys came. Debbie, Diane came. She hardly responded. We all talked to her. I told her I loved her and it was all right to go. Blaine had to go to work in Salt Lake to send some orders, so he left. Debbie went home to Amy about 9:30 am. Janice went to work and Gladys ran to the store leaving Diane and I with Sis. I was going to leave also. I went around to the other side of the bed and looked at Sis. I knew she was about gone. I moved away from her bed after kissing her goodbye and telling her it was all right to go. I sat across the room in a recliner. Diane and John (an aid) sat by her bed. Diane said, “Mother, I think she is gone.” She was gone at 9:45 am. After everyone let her go. Gladys, Janice, Debbie, Gary came right back. We just needed to let her go. A sad day, but we know she is in a better place with all her dear ones who have gone on before. What a happy reunion. Scott has been gone 16 years, 1989. Dad, Ernest Kohler 1956, Rus 1957, Grandpa Murri 1958, Scotty’s dad 1959, Wid 1962, Rex 1963, Ven 1986, John 1987, Mother 1970, Lowell 1905 so it was a great reunion, but a sad day for us left here.

Sis only weighed 84 lbs, but she was small all her life, 5’ 2” tall. Sis passed away at 9:45 am at age 97 ½ in East Lake Care Center 1000 N 500 W, Provo. Room 205, phone 377-9661.

31 March 2005 – Thursday

John (the aid) who was with her had a hard time. His first experience with death. Donna, her good nurse, pronounced her gone at 9:45 am. John cried and cried. Berg’s came for her after the aids and family had dressed her to take her to the mortuary to care for her. We left about 11:30 to come home. All came to my house and made phone calls. Wrote obituary.

1 April 2005 – Friday

Debbie, Diane, Gladys, Janice, Gary and me went to Berg’s Mortuary to pick out (choose) the casket, clothes and arrange for funeral, etc. Gladys and I went to East Lake to bring Sis’ things home. We cut her name labels out of most of her clothes and left them there for anyone who could use them. A hard thing to do. So much stress. I don’t think her roommate, Margie Schwass, even realized Sis was gone. She slept through it all.

2 April 2005 – Saturday

175 General Conference of LDS Church. Julie Murri Dey came from San Antonio, Texas to SLC airport. Blaine, Gary, Ralph brought Sis’ furniture home. Automatic recliner to my house. TV to Janice and Gary. Chest of drawer to Sis house. Wheelchair to my garage.

6 April 2005 – Wednesday Diane stared new job. Same department, new area, changes made by new governor, Jon Huntsman Jr. Politics make so many changes. She don’t like it, but at least she still has a job. So many state employees lost theirs. New phone at work 1-801-530-6680.

17 April 2005 – Sunday

Raining. Didn’t go to church. Too tired after yesterday at Sis’ house. So much to do up there. Blaine came by after his church to visit a while. Janice called me on phone. The days are so long now. Day lite savings time. Wish they would leave the time alone.

18 April 2005 – Monday

Physical therapy at 1 pm. It is helping me a lot. The hot pool makes it easier to exercise. Finished at 3 pm. Stopped at Allen’s for a few groceries. Home by 4:30 pm. Called Janice to tell her I am home safe. Watched the news, ate dinner. Read my book until 10:30 pm . Bed. Tired out.

19 April 2005 – Tuesday

New Catholic Pope Benedict XVI sixteenth elected to govern over the world Catholics today. The new pontiff is received as a hard liner on Catholic doctrine. What a false belief. Thank the good Lord fro our LDS faith. The only true faith on earth. We are such a blessed people to belong to the Mormon faith. Such a simple faith in our Savior Jesus Christ. A beautiful sunny day. All the shrubs, early flowers, and trees are in full bloom. So beautiful this time of year. Joe Cardinal Ratzinger Habemus Papami a German from Germany. Hard to tell what will happen with a German over the Catholic church.

21 April 2005 – Thursday, Happy 61st Birthday Blaine

Beautiful cool day. Changed bedding and dusted and vacuumed. Went to basement to do laundry at 1 pm. Came up at 4 pm. A lot of dish towels from Sis. Some not even hemmed. I needed to wash them all and then hem them because I am low on towels. Becca came for me at 5:45 pm to go down to Blaine’s birthday. A delicious spaghetti dinner. Just the five of us, Blaine, Debbie, Becca, Amy and me. Corby, Tracy, Hannah, Weston and Hailey came about 8 pm. Becca brought me home at 9 pm. A happy day. Gladys, Janice, Larry LeDuc and some more of Blaine’s friends called and talked.

Becca finally got a job at Utah Valley Hospital in their building, but for some other company that leases to do work for them. She started Monday the 18th. She likes it very much. Hope she stays with it. Becca carried my laundry up for me. I can hardly do it, my stairs are too steep. Read my book, The Bee Keeper by Gene Stratton Porter until 10:30 pm. An intriguing book. I had just finished the “Harvester” by same author. Diane brought them to me. Also “The Girl of the Limberlost.” I remember my 6th grade teacher, Ruby Probst Rex reading it to the class after lunch for one half hour to settle us down to study. Very good books. Diane has all of the series. So I will read them all. 6,000 students graduated from the BYU today. The Y on the hill was lit last nite and tonite.

22 April 2005 – Friday

Bright and shining day. Mabet Lopez, lawn mower, was here at 7 am mowing my lawn. I put all my laundry away, rolled up my hair. Talked to Janice to tell her I’m going to therapy at 3 pm. Stopped at Allen’s market for groceries, bananas 3# $1, milk $2.98 1 gallon, cottage cheese 1# 1.29, TV dinners $1.39 each, prune juice $2.39 ½ gallon, 60 watt lite globes $1.29, pitted prunes $4.15, Tide $6.99, canned pickled beets .59 cents, globs 100 watt $2.78. Home at 4 pm. Called to tell Janice I’m home. My therapy for today made me feel a lot better. I go again next Tuesday. Gladys went golfing today. I ate lunch. Read Wasatch Wave. Watched Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. Did my dishes. Spent the evening reading my book. Mabet moved lawn 2nd time. Gladys did not go golfing, too cold and windy.

23 April 2005 – Saturday

Up at 7:30 am. Ralph came at 9 am. Went up to Sis’ to work again. Gladys, Diane, Blaine, Debbie, me. Cami, Ronalyn and Becca came to try on clothes and shoes, etc. All took some home. Ronalyn just about Sis’ size only taller. We all divided linens and clothes. Took a big load to Deseret Industries. Vickie Taylor (Ronalyn’s mother-in-law) came to buy the refrigerator $150. They bought a new battery for the 1978 Lincoln and it started right up. They each took a short drive up the hill and back. Gary, Janice then Blaine, Debbie. Such a large car, such a long hood. Scotty bought it for Sis for their 50th golden wedding. It was gold color. We ate lunch about 1:30 pm. Fast food sandwiches. Rona and Becca took Gentry and went and picked them up.

Came home about 5 pm. Tired out. Diane and Gladys brought me home with two large boxes of towels, etc., purses, stockings, underpants, sheets, quilts, purses, table cloths, towels clothes, all such things. They went to the Sizzler at 7 pm to eat with Ralph, Blaine, Debbie. I was too worn out to go. Janice and Gary brought me some left-overs at 9 pm. I read some and went to bed at 10:30 pm. We accomplished a lot today. But it will take many more days to get it all cleared out. Sis was such an impulsive shopper. I don’t think I’ll ever have to buy panty hose or house coats or underpants again. So much still in bags. A beautiful, hot day.

24 April 2005 – Sunday

Raining in the nite and most of the day. Surely makes the flowers look beautiful. Up at 9:30 after pretty good sleep. Only up twice last nite. Emptied two boxes of things to be laundered and threw them to the basement. Read paper. Showered, shampooed and set my hair. Watched replay of 175 church conference, April 4, 2005. Rested in my chair. Gladys and Blaine called to see how I was doing. Kyle Hunt, home teacher, called to make appointment next Friday at 6:30 pm. Jeralyn Morrison called to report her visiting teaching for April 100%. Washed dishes. Read my book. Wrote to Lola McCormic and Arthella Craven, cousins, to tell them about Sis. Arthella will be 95 in August. Lola was 86 last March. Arthella was Lenabell Eppersons and William Bigler second child, sisters Utahna and Dorothy. Lola was Alice Bigler and Eli Corok daughter of Aunt Al. Lives in Idaho Falls, ID and Artie in Bellingham, WA. I surely miss Sis. Will help when I can get out in the yard and do a little work.

25 April 2005 – Monday

Cold and raining off and on. Ate breakfast. Got all my pills down, nine to be exact. Listed and watched the BYU devotional at 11 am. A talk given in 1986 by David B. Haight. A wonderful talk about Joseph Smith’s live. Paid some bills. Sent in my application for a rebate on my Provo property taxes. Talked with Janice on phone. My every day watch finally stopped and I miss it so much so I asked her to go to a store and buy me a cheap one. Bed at 11 pm. Finished my book, The Keeper of the Bees. A very good book. Talked with Janice, Gladys.

26 April 2005 – Tuesday Therapy at noon. Finished at 2 pm. It is helping me feel better. Stopped at Smiths for a few groceries and Chinese dinner. Home by 3 pm. Called Gladys and Janice to tell them I’m home. Gladys on her way to her opening golf social on Elkridge golf course. I nice cool day. Diane called and talked. Bed at 10:30 pm. Pulled my garbage out for pickup in the morning. Tired out.

27 April 2005 – Wednesday

Went to basement to do laundry and get some things ready for DI’s. Washed all the towels etc. that I brought home from Sis’. Got two large boxes of things for DI’s. Now just need someone to take them out for me. Spent 3 hours down there. Janice came by on her way home from work 5:30 pm. She bought me an everyday watch for $3.75 to war. My other one wore out. Cheaper to buy a new watch tan a battery for the old one. She carried a large sack of laundry up for me. I had brought one up myself. But it is so hard on my arms and legs. She stayed until after 6 pm. She isn’t very happy with her job. They are such petty people. My home teachers came at 6:30 pm. Shaun Elgaan and his six year old son, Jacob. His partner Kyle Hunt was working. It has been raining hard off and on all day. I watched Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. Read. Bed at 10:30 tired out.

Talked with Gladys and Debbie, she will take me to my appointment with Dr. Gomez as Gladys has meetings. Raining and thunder and lightning. Mabet Lopez lawn care came with mine and Sis’ bills. He had mine figured wrong. $80 instead, it should be $65. Three times mowed at $15 and one $45 aerated at $20. $65 total. I called him and he apologized. I don’t think he can figure very well. I have to watch him. His bill for Sis’ lot $966. He cut trees and bushes, etc. So much to do up there. Dead trees etc. Aerated lawn and mowed. Blaine and Diane will have to check his bill. I enjoy my home teacher. He is a good fellow. They stayed about ½ hour.

28 April 2005 – Thursday

Up at 9 am. Tried on some of Sis’ pant suits I thought I could wear, but too long and tight for me. Kept 5 blouses and house coats. Ate breakfast at 10:30 am. Watched BYU devotional at 11 am. Neal A. Maxwell given in 1986. They are always worth watching and inspirational. Most of them have passed away now. Showered at 1 pm and was getting ready for my doctor appointment. They called and cancelled as the doctor was in emergency surgery, so I will have to schedule another day when Debbie can take me. I called her so she won’t make a trip up here for nothing. Read some. Had a rain shower about 3:30 pm. Janice called me about 2 pm. She thought I had therapy today and hadn’t called her. Talked with Gladys at 6 pm. She went to work at 1 pm today and gets off at 1 am tomorrow. Such long shifts. Dr. Kelly Gomez, foot doctor.

29 April 2005 –Friday

Therapy at 1 pm. Ultra sound and massage on my right side from hip to hair line on my neck. Then exercises in pool for 1 ½ hour. I feel better when I get out. |Drive myself to and from. Stopped at Allen’s market for groceries. Got home about 4:30 pm. Fixed me some supper. Watched TV until 10:30 pm. Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. $2 million dollar tournament on. Mabet Lopez mowed my lawn even though it was real wet. Bed at 11 pm. Tired out. Talked with Janice and Gladys on phone. Called my Relief Society sisters to get their report for April. 100% all 7 districts.

30 April 2005 – Saturday Ralph came at 9 am. We went up to Sis’ house to clean and divide up some of their possessions. Blaine and Debbie, Gladys, Diane, Charles, Janice, Gary. Cami and Phil came up for a while. Accomplished a lot today, but it will take a lot more work up there. Vincent, Blaine’s neighbor is working on the outside sprinkler system so it will work. Everything up there is in a bad state. Had to have septic tank pumped out. Was backing up in basement. They couldn’t unplug it, so had to call the Roter Rooter. They had a difficult time unplugging it. We all left for our homes at 7:30 pm. A lot of things for me to clean and put away. Each one chose the thing they wanted by turns. Tired out. Bread and milk and went to bed.

About 10:30, after I called my report into Kristine Elgaan. I am really worn out. I can’t handle all this hard work. My pain is much worse. I think a lot of it is emotional stress. So many memories with everything we see up at Sis’. I don’t think she every discarded anything. So many beautiful clothes and knick-knacks. Two whole life times – hers and Scotty’s. A lot of valuable things plus a lot went to DI and the dump. Moths and mice had gotten into a lot of things. I came home feeling sad and depressed. Can’t realize Sis is gone. I still think I must go down to East Lake to see her. She’s been gone one month today. Sometimes it seems like forever.

Received a letter from Lola McCormick in answer to my letter about Sis. Lola is 87 years old now. Says she won’t be down to Midway cemetery this year. She feels safer at home. She has always come for years. We all have to stop sometime.

March and April – read two books of Gene Stratton Porter’s, “The Harvester” and “The Girl of the Limberlost.” Diane brought them to me. Very good reading.

18 May 2005 – Wednesday

Gladys came at 3:45 pm. We met with Deana Lindsay at Jim Ferrins office to review my portfolio. All looks good. No changes to be made. Went to Beesley Jeweler in Orem to have our rings sized and cleaned. Also my watch. Diamond/wedding ring, ruby ring. They will be done in a couple of weeks. Went to the grocery store. Home about 7 pm. Watched TV. Bed at 11 pm. Tired out. The weeds grow so much faster than the plants.

19 May 2005 – Thursday

I worked in garden trying to get ready to plant tomatoes and cukes. Judy Austin, neighbor across the street in Martha’s house came over to visit for a while. She is a traveling nurse, single and bought the house. She is really fixing it up. Works like a man, carpenter, work and all. A very good neighbor.

20 May 2005 – Friday

The usual morning ritual. Went to physical therapy at 2 pm. It always helps me for a couple of days. The pool exercises does me much good and especially the ultra sound on my whole right side, shoulder to hip and in between. I guess it is just old age and arthritis. I’m sure it won’t go away. I must keep going, so much to do. Stopped at Allen’s market for prescription and groceries.

21 May 2005 – Saturday, 79 degrees high

I was in the basement doing laundry when Gladys, her neighbor boy Torrey Pace 14 years old, Ronalyn, Bailey, Jaidan, Gentry came to rototill my garden and plant my 10 tomatoes and 6 cukes. Torrey moved some plants for me. They all worked so hard. I paid Torrey $10. Bayli and Jaidan $2. They said they worked so hard. I really appreciate all they did for me. Gladys had to go to work at 7 pm and work all nite until 4 am. I don’t know how she does all she does. Now I hope my plants grow and produce more than last year. My cooler feels good. Watched Lawrence Welk show, My Three Sons, Perry Mason and The Andy Griffith show, I Love Lucy show. Showered, shampooed and set my hair.

22 May 2005 – Sunday

Worn out. Stayed home all day. Blaine came to visit. My cooler sprung a leak in hose outside. I turned the water off. Blaine says he will fix it tomorrow. He said Enid’s sister Rosie died. I will have to watch the paper for her funeral. Watched church review of general conference on TV. Thank goodness for TV. Can see so many great apostles speak. Helps me feel a little spiritual when I don’t make it to church. A long day. I am reading (re-reading 2nd time) “The Radiant Life” by Truman Madsen. Martha gave it to me when I broke my leg at Hale Theater in 1998. She was with me. She was such a special friend and neighbor.

23 May 2005 – Monday

Blaine came about 6:30 pm to fix my cooler. He made two trips to Home Depot before he got it done. It’s been hot, so I’m real glad to have it fixed.

24 May 2005 – Tuesday

Smiths have mums on sale for Memorial Day. I called Janice and she said she would go buy me some for 3 for $10- 6” pots. They are beautiful. She bought me 14 and stopped at Allen’s pharmacy to pick up my prescription. Put the mums in the garage where I can water them.

25 May 2005 – Wednesday

Janice and Gary came for me at 5:45 pm. We drove over to American Fork to Austin Bingham’s preschool (4 years old) graduation in the Recreation Center room #2. It was a very cute program. About 1 hour long. They all word graduation caps they had made. There were 17 graduates. After we went to Ihop Café (Austin’s choice) because he wanted American Fork. There were Phil, Cami, Austin, Rylee, Janice, Gary, Ronalyn, Jaidan, Bayli, Gentry and me. I really enjoyed it. Austin is such a loving little boy. A wise little guy. Got home about 9 pm. My first ride in Janice’s new car. Brought my leftovers and Gary’s home. Will have enough for two good meals. Shrimp and chicken and fries and green salad. I’m always glad for easy fixins. They are so good to take me along. I missed final 2 million dollars Jeopardy tonite so Gladys will tape it for me. Ken Jennings wins. He is from SLC, the largest winner so far.

26 May 2005 – Thursday, 89 high

Went to therapy at 1 pm. Always feel better. Home at 4 pm. Ralph came by at 8 pm to get the memorial baskets out of the garage. We have them in plastic bags on a shelf up in the top. He put them on the patio. Took my lawn mower out of the garage. Gives me more room and if none of the kids want it, I will sell it. I need to clear a lot of things out. Judy and her father came over to visit. Vilate called on her way to Idaho to granddaughter’s graduation. Chris’ daughter. Will be up to the cemetery sometime Sunday. Hope we will get to see them up there. Hung flag out today. So proud to be an American.

27 May 2005 – Friday Cool breezy day. Iris Slade and Elaine Parcell Jensen, my RS teachers came at 4 pm. Were supposed to come at 2:30 pm but couldn’t make it. Judy came over while we sat on front porch. She is have 4 tree roots removed from her yard. I enjoy my sisters who visit me. I sent a graduation cart to Kyle Hunt, my home teacher and neighbor. He sent me an announcement from Timpview High today. He lives in Russ Jacob’s house. Always good to see the younger generation move forward. Changed my bedding and dusted the house. I talked with Bud Kohler. He is doing ok, but not great. Don’t know when they will go to cemetery.

28 May 2005 – Saturday, 89 degrees

I was in basement washing. Gladys came about 1 pm to make up the floral arrangements. I finished my wash, shortened my green pant suite. Came up to help Gladys. She made up 14 beautiful baskets. She is so talented. We are so fortunate to have our baskets (metal and plastic) as they don’t make them anymore. We hope no one takes them off our cemetery lots. They only allow them to be on the graves for one week. Gladys bought a lot of new silk flowers this year. Gladys went home about 5 pm to get cleaned up and go to work at 7 pm. I showered, shampooed and set my hair. Watched Lawrence Welk at 7 pm. I love Lucy, My Three Sons, Andy Griffith Show and Perry Mason. Bed at 11 pm. A cooler nite. Am sleeping with my window open, but locked to be safe.

So much flooding in St. George, UT. So much rain and wind. Twenty 20 houses washed away. Fifty 50 condemned. One man drowned. $1,560,000 in damages. The worst disaster in years.

29 May 2005 – Sunday

Blaine, Debbie, Becca, Amy, Gladys and Ralph came at 1 pm to go to the Midway and Heber cemeteries. It was nice and cool. A little windy. Decorated all the graves, Ray Murri, Mom -Mary and Dad-Ernest Kohler, Russell, Lowell, Turners – Scotty Lolan, Sis – Gladys, Venus and John Hinote, twins Kaye and Karen Hinote. All the graves looked beautiful. The cemeteries are just an ocean of flowers. A great difference from when I was a child. Then just lilacs and wild flowers we gathered in the mountains. No grass on the cemetery, just hard clay and weeds. Now everything is so beautiful and well cared for. We put a mum on Grandma Rosetta Bigler. Then went to Heber to put mums on Grandma and Pa. Wm and Elizabeth Carlile and Wm and Lecil Murri. Ray lived with G & G Carlile until we were married in Sept. 1, 1938 in SLC temple. We met Marie Popp Carlile’s nephew and wife as their graves are there. He was the son of Jack and Trudy, Marie’s favorite nephew (Edward Carlile). She left all her property to him when she died, just two weeks shy of 100 years old. It was then five o’clock, we rode by Sandy’s (Blaine and Debbie’s daughter) place in Heber, but they wasn’t home so we came on home. Gladys had to go to work at 7 pm and work until 4 am again.

Fixed me some dinner. Read some in my book. A very nice day. Always so many memories. Sis has been gone 2 months tomorrow. Seems like forever. We didn’t see any of our folks at the Midway cemetery. Stopped at Rex’s (Vilates) and Stell’s place, but now one was there. Looked around the old milk house and a lot of memories of better days. Spent the evening resting and watching TV. Bed at 11:30 pm.

I am so thankful for my children who take me with them. Janice and Gary left for Yellowstone Friday with their 3 grandchildren, Austin 4, Jaiden 6, Bayli 8. Hope they have a great, safe holiday. Will be home Monday nite. Diane and Charles are in Logandale, NV for Skylar’s baptism on Saturday the 28th. Hard to believe the gg children are growing up so fast. Life goes by fast when you watch children now. Diane will be home Monday nite also.

30 May 2005 – Monday, Memorial Day

At 6 am a regular cloud burst and hail started. Closed my window. It continued to pour until about eleven o’clock am. Then it gently rained. This only increased the flooding in Toole and Pleasant Grove. All the reservoir’s and rivers are full. Deer Creek is coming over the spillway, the first time in many years. All the mountains are beautiful and green. A fire hazard later in the fall, but so great now. Saved me from watering my garden today. Almost had to turn my furnace on, but didn’t. It is now 5:30 pm and the sun is finally coming out. Gladys called to check on me. I tried to call Vilate in Midway, but she has had the phone disconnected as she isn’t up there much. Ralph is a work. Blaine’s family is having a nice relaxing day. I am being lazy today also.

10 June 2005 – Friday

Rained a little. Mabet mowed lawn 7 am. I did my laundry. The kids came at 6 pm. Gladys, Ralph, Janice, Gary, Blaine, Debbie, Diane – to help clean some things out of my house so I can have a washer and dryer upstairs in my southeast bedroom, so I won’t need to go to the basement much. Gary and Janice took the Queen sized bed out of the bedroom downstairs. Took the double bed out of S.E. bedroom to basement. Making room for my new washer and dryer. So much stuff around. I must get rid of it. They were all here until about 8 pm. Talking and deciding what to do next up at Sis’ next Saturday, 18, will be the day. Ralph glued my turtle lawn ornament for me. Diane took the rocking chair out of the basement that was given to me by my mother and Sis at a baby shower given for me when Diane was born so it is 57 years old and really in good shape. I ate supper. Read and watched TV. Always so glad when they all come to help me.

Now must go buy new washer/dryer. Diane called to talk after she got home. Sis left me some money. Bed at 11:30 pm. Tired out. Woke up at 1:30 am. My apnea mask broke. Tried another one, but the nose piece was too small. Finally found another one that fit and went back to bed at 5:30 am.

11 June 2005 – Saturday

Raining some. Springville Art City Days celebration. Up at 8 am to eat and take medication. Gladys came at 9:30 am. We went to Sears 3 hour sale to buy me a washer/dryer stackable. Paid $1,148.52 total. Paid down $248.52. Balance $900. Gladys bought Ralph a gas BBQ for Father’s day coming up June 19. A secret.

Went to car wash, my car was so dirty. Allen’s grocery store. Maverick for gas fill up. Home. Tired out. Gladys went home to clean her house etc. Blaine up canyon teaching a fly fishing class. Today is Utah’s free fishing day. Also Springville’s Art City days. Parade was at 10 am. Janice and Gary’s family all went to it.

Showered, did my hair. Watched TV and read until 11 pm. Lawrence Welk, My Three Sons, I Love Lucy and Perry Mason.

12 June 2005 – Sunday Raining and cold. Missed church. I slept in. Breakfast at 11:30 am. Read, slept some more. Lunch at 5:30 pm. It has cleared off. The sun is out but not warm. I have my furnace set on 66 degrees, and it has come on a couple of times.

A long lonesome day. Talked with Diane, Gladys, Blaine, Janice. The free tickets to President Gordon B. Hinckley starts Saturday, June 18 at 10 am. They all want to go. It will be July 22 in the conference center at 7:30 pm. I hope they can get tickets. Prophet Hinckley will be 95 years old. A marvel at his age. Still travels around the world greeting the saints, dedicating temples, etc. A rainy, cold day, and I didn’t get up in time to go to church. I am getting very lazy. Watched church on TV. Wrote a 38th birthday card to Julie Dey, our oldest grandchild. She lives in San Antonio, TX. Read more in my book by Truman Madsen. I am getting so stiff and sore since they took Bextra and Vioxx off the market because of too many side effects. Hope they find something else to help our arthritis. Rubbed all my joints good with Bioflex and went to bed.

13 June 2005 – Monday

I was supposed to go the therapy at 1:30 am. Called and cancelled it. Blaine called. He and his family are brining pizza and to help me weed my rock garden tonite. I will really appreciate their help. A cool day. Vacuumed my house. Read some. Called electrician to get someone to come and put in a 220 line for my washer upstairs. Janice called, she is tending Rylee and Austin while Cami works a few hours.

Blaine and Amy came about 7 pm with chicken sandwich, fries and a drink from McDonalds for our dinner. Then we worked in yard. Amy and I trimmed the peonies off. Blaine really worked in the rock garden. Had it looking great in a couple of hours. I am afraid to get up in the rocks because maybe I couldn’t get out. Afraid of falling.

14 June 2005 – Tuesday

Happy 38th birthday Julie!!. She is our oldest grandchild. Lives in San Antonio, TX. She is such a sweet girl. Iris Slade and Elaine Parcell Jenson, my RS visiting teachers, came at 3:30 pm. Always nice to have them. They are two good ladies. Read. Watched TV. Bed at 11 pm.

15 June 2005- Wednesday

Went to therapy at 1:45 pm. It seems to help for a couple of days. Don’t know what to do for pain now Bextra and Vioxx have both been discontinued. Just Tylenol extra strength for me. Stopped at Allen’s and Smiths for groceries and prescriptions. Hope at 5 pm. Called Gladys and Janice to let them know I’m home safe. Ate dinner. Watched TV and bed at 11 pm. Tired out.

16 June 2005 – Thursday

Up at 8:30 am to face another day. Quite windy and wind seems to make me have more pain. Cami came at 2:30 pm to give me a perm and cut my hair. I really needed it. She does a good job and she can use the money, $35. Phil, Austin and Rylee came to get her. They are a cute family. Bed at 10:30 pm. I’m always tired out after a perm. Just complaining a little. I feel so thankful I can do as much as I do.

17 June 2005 – Friday

A hot day. Up in the low 95 degrees. We haven’t had much warm weather yet. A group of scouts from Bountiful, UT are camping in the High Uintahs. One is missing. Eleven year old Brennan Hawkins was last seen about 6:30 pm. They called for search and rescue help about 8:30 and started looking for him. Thank goodness it isn’t stormy and cold. Just 10 months ago, a 13 year old scout from Elkridge got lost and was never found, Bardsley was his name. Such a big country for a small boy alone. Such sad news. Hope he will be found.

18 June 2005 – Saturday

Gladys came at 9:30 am and we met Diane, Blaine, Debbie, Janice and Gary at Sis’ house to go through some more things. So much jewelry, dishes, etc. We each took some turquoise and varisite jewelry. Sis and Scotty had made the varisite and they had bought the turquoise from the Indians in Arizona, etc. Beautiful squash blossom necklaces, bracelets, rings, etc. Didn’t get very much accomplished. They all had to leave about 5 pm. Diane picked up Eric (Jessica’s) girl at BYU clogging meet and took a bouquet of alum sweet peas, etc., up to the Midway cemetery for our graves.

Gladys and Ralph has to have their cat, Tinkerbell, put to sleep. She was 17 years old which is a lot in animal years. Showered, rubbed my legs and arms good and went to bed at 10 o’clock. Tired out. The Hawkins boy is still missing. We must pray we will be found. So much more to be done at Sis and Scotty’s house. Takes a long time to sort out everything. But we keep at it.

19 June 2005 – Sunday, Father’s Day

I went to church at 11 am. I miss it when I don’t go but it is hard to sit so long. The Primary children sang to their fathers. Bishop Eric Maymes and counselor Brad Slade spoke. Got home at 2:15. Ate a snack so I could take my medication. Janice and Gary came for me at 3:30 pm to go to Gladys and Ralph’s house for Father’s Day luncheon. Julie and Scott Christensen and family, Kyle and family, Blaine, Debbie, Becca, Amy, Enid, Ronalyn and girls (3), Cami and Phil, Austin, Rylee, Bayli, Jaidan and Gentry. Everyone brought some food. Ralph BBQ’d hot dogs and hamburgers. A very good time was had by all visiting. Home by 7 pm. Started reading “Michael O. Halloran” by Gene Stratton Porter. Read D&C 121 and Relief Society lesson by David O’ McKay. So much to read and learn. The Hawkins boy is still missing. Poor little guy. Wonder where he is.

20 June 2005 – Monday

9:30 am Shane Farley and Josh Blauvelt, just young fellows came to see what they need to bring my electrical system up to par so I can bring my washer and dryer upstairs and install central air. They worked a lot outside and in the attic. So hot, don’t know who they stand it. They had to cut down my big climbing rose bush on the southwest corner. Janice and Gary gave it to me years ago for Mother’s day. Maybe it will grow back. I watered garden. Too hot to stay out past noon. Read, watched Little House on the Prairie, Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. I enjoy those programs on TV. Bed at 11 pm. Thousands of searchers looking for Brennan. Some wards in Bountiful dismissed church. They are probing in the big river. He may have fallen in.

21 June 2005 – Tuesday

Worked in yard a little. Praxair picked up Sis’ wheelchair. She had just rented it. I had it in my garage. My yard is getting too much for me. At times I think my right knee will let me down. They found the cub scout, Brennan Hawkins alive and doing quite good after 4 nites and days in the high Uintahs. Found him standing in a path at Lilly Lake about 2 miles from where he disappeared. What a blessing. Said he saw horses and ATV but he hid because they were strangers. I believe he is a little retarded.

22 June 2005 – Wednesday

Up at 7 am. Provo City electrician here to cut my power off so Josh and Shan can wire my house today. They moved my meter to the southwest corner of my house. They worked hard all day. Finally called another fellow to help them. I hope it works now. Cost me $2050, but I won’t have to worry now about fires, etc. They finished about 6 pm. Very nice boys. They only cut the power long enough to hook up the meter which was a relief for me. I thought it would be off for all day. Read some. Watched TV. A lot of fires in California from lightening. Such a wet spring everything has grown so rank.

23 June 2005 – Thursday

The sewer men, Eric Christensen’s partner from city to TV my line, but their machine was too large for my drain and their smaller one is sent to be repaired, so they will be back next week sometime. Always something needing fixed. Watered my garden. So much wind. 70 miles an hour. Dries everything out so quickly. Talked with Janice, Gladys, Blaine, Diane.

24 June 2005 – Friday

Up at 8 pm. Showered. Ate breakfast. Janice came at 10:30 am. We went out to University Health Center in Orem form our mammograms. Has been a year since I had one. Six months for Janice. They have to keep close check on her as she has little lumps she can’t feel but the mammogram picks them up. Stopped at Smiths for groceries and Chinese lunch. Home by 4 pm. She helped me put away my groceries. I get so tired doing so little. Wish my legs would get stronger. Watched TV. Read. Talked with Gladys, Blaine and Diane. Gary and Janice came and got my lawn mower for yard sale tomorrow.

25 June 2005 – Saturday

Watered my garden. Talked with Gladys, Blaine. Ronalyn is having a yard sale at her house. Gladys, Janice, Gary are helping her (in Payson). Sold my lawn mower for $35. Would not turn, would start motor, but blade would wouldn’t turn. So Gary helped the guy fix it and sold it to him. Diane left for Los Angeles this am to visit Shirley Sycamore, her roommate for 7 years. It is her 61st birthday. She will be home Tuesday nite. Windy all day, rain in late afternoon and evening. Read. Watched TV. Lawrence Welk Show. Always good. Did some laundry. Don’t feel too good. Was going to Clair Pickups 90th birthday open house, but Gladys was called into work at 2 pm. So many wild fires. Windy up to 60 mph at BYU weather station.

26 June 2005 – Sunday

Stayed home all day. Don’t feel so good. Strong winds all day long. Makes my arthritis hurt worse. Blaine and Debbie came at 7 pm to visit a while. Debbie set the timer on my yard sprinklers for Monday, Wednesday and Saturday for 30 minutes at each station. I have four stations, so that is 2 hours. I don’t know how to set the timer, but Debbie is good to do it. I read after they went home. Reading “Lady of the Land” by Gene Stratton Porter. Very entertaining book.

27 June 2005 – Monday Sears delivered my stackable washer and dryer at 3 pm. As they brought it in, they noticed a slight dent in the front, so they sent me a check for $175 off. No one even notices it and it doesn’t do anything to the performance of the unit. Put it in my southeast bedroom upstairs so I don’t need to go to the basement to do my laundry.

28 June 2005 – Tuesday

Linford plumbing came and installed my laundry unit in the bedroom. Van Linford and his helper. Phone 375-1543, Randy 400-5102. They also installed a pressure valve, surge protection in my water line. Pressure should be 75 PRV and mine is 105 PRV. Could do damage to my appliance. $800 glad to get it taken care of.

29 June 2005 – Wednesday

Shawn Elgaan and 5 year old son Jacob came to visit me at 7:30 pm. My home teachers. Stayed about 1 hour. He has five children under seven years old. He comes from a family of 11 children.

1 July 2005 – Friday

Today they demolished the Geneva Steel Company. It was built in September 1941 during World War II and was a great source of employment for many Utah families for over 30 years. They built in inland where the enemy couldn’t bomb it so easily. A great blessing to the Utah people. Watched it deployed on TV. A lot of sad people who worked there so many years. They always had hopes someone would buy it and get it going again. Cost too much to rebuild it.

3 July 2005 – Sunday

Church – home to read and rest.

4 July 2005 – Monday

Happy 50th Birthday Janice.

Second driest July since 1963. No rain. Just a trace. Can’t keep the yard watered.

1 August 2005 – Monday

Out in my yard and garden by 8:30 am. Watered and trimmed some bushes and garden. Picked my first cuke and about 8 tomatoes. They aren’t ripening. Too hot they say. Came in about 11:30. Tired out and like a mud ball, so I washed my clothes, fixed me some breakfast and took my pills. Too tired to do much more. Rested and read in my book by Ardith Greene Kapp, “My neighbor, My Sister, My Friend.”

1 August 2005 – Monday (2 entries for 1 August 2005)

Jerry and Craig Connelly came by and put a digital thermostat on my cooler $30. Green Sticker on furnace cost me $3,196, but I’m sure I will enjoy my cool house. The swamp cooler has been good for years but my doors and drawers swelled up and was hard to open and close. Too bad I have had it years ago. Maybe my arthritis will be better, not so much humidity.

Talked with Blaine and Debbie, Diane, Janice and Gladys.

Julie and kids didn’t leave for Texas today. Got to stay one more day. 2 August 2005 – Tuesday

Julie called to say Sandy is on her way to Provo for emergency appendicitis at Utah Valley. I talked with Amy, Debbie, Blaine and Sandy. She is doing fine. Will go home to Heber tomorrow. Julie and Cameron and Jenna left for home about 4 pm. Will take them at least 24 hours to drive. They are with a friend and her two children. They drive straight through. Glad Sandy was home when her appendix got bad and not in Denver where she was supposed to go today for her company. They have had so much in their family lately. I pray this will be the last for a while.

Carl, Debbie’s brother died. Then Debbie tore a ligament in her foot and leg and now this. But all are getting better now. Thank goodness. Janice came by with my groceries and prescription $269 worth for one month. She went home to tend Rona’s 3 kids so she could go to a class for her work at the Sherriff’s office. Read and watched TV.

Janice is getting so discouraged. She can’t find a job. It has been three months now since she worked. Terrible electric storms in Salt Lake and high Unitahs. The lightning struck a cabin at Steiner’s Scout Camp. Killed one scout and injured 3 others. This has been a bad year for scouts. Three leaders and 1 scout were killed at the World Jamboree in Virginia when their tent pole hit an electric wire. They were from Anchorage, Alaska. So sad when they are doing such great work with the scouts. Gladys has finally had time off to go golfing today. She loves golfing.

3 August 2005 – Wednesday

Called Janice, she is going to SLC to see about a job. It will be a long commute if it works out. About 11 am, talked with Debbie. Sandy is going home today and she said Julie and group were just leaving Oklahoma, so they have at least six more hours to drive before they reach home in San Antonio, TX. Another hot day. My central air really keeps me cool. Debbie is feeling better, just using one crutch now.

Washed a batch of clothes. So nice to have my laundry upstairs. Janice didn’t go to SLC. Gary is in Fort Morgan, CO for his work. Took a trailer load for supplies. Blaine called at 9:30 pm and said Julie and all got home to Texas about 8 pm. So glad they had a safe trip. I worry so much about fast traffic everywhere you go. Sandy is home and doing ok.

4 August 2005 – Thursday

Watered garden. Janice came at 3:30 pm. Took me to Dr. Kelly Gomez, podiatrist (food Dr.) to have my toe nails trimmed. Did grocery shopping. A hot day, 91 degrees. Home to read and watch TV.

6 August 2005 – Saturday

Sixty years ago today, 1945, the U.S. dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima Japan to end World Ward II. The first nuclear bombing ever.

7 August 2005 – Sunday

Blaine set apart as High Priest group leader in the Provo Lakeside 1st Ward, Provo, UT. Set apart by Richard Jensen. Ronald Millet 1st counselor, Roy Madsen 2nd counselor.

15 August 2005 1945, 60 years ago gas rationing was stopped and the 35 mile speed limit ended. The second World Ward had ended.

18 August 2005 – Thursday

Watered my garden. Janice, Gladys and Ralph are up cleaning out Sis’ house, bringing everything to my place for a big yard sale. Ralph has brought several trailer loads. They finally came at 8 pm with the last load. All worn out. They have worked so hard. Blaine helped after he got off work at 6 pm. Now to get everything priced and out for Saturday. So much stuff. Hard to believe what one collects over the years. So stressful to think two life-times (Sis’ and Scotty’s) collected stuff. Will be sold at a yard sale. We all have kept what we wanted, nieces, nephews and also great nieces and nephews and great, great. Each got a ring, necklace or bolo tie that they had made out of variscite or black onyx. Still so much to do and dispose of.

19 August 2005 – Friday

9 o’clock Gladys and Janice came to start setting things up in my yard for sale tomorrow. Gladys called Ralph from work on his break and he came and set up all the tables and lifted boxes off trailer, etc. Blaine came after work. Spent a hard, hot day to get so much priced and out for people to see. Gary came after work and made signs to put out on streets in the morning, Saturday 20th. They all went home so tired and will be back in morning 7 am. People come early to yard sales.

20 August 2005 – Saturday

Gladys, Bayli and Jaidan was here at 7 am to start the sale. I was up at 7:15 am. I didn’t hear them come in. My apnea machine keeps me from hearing a lot. Janice, Gary, Blaine came. Also people by 8 am. A lot of people. Sold over $600. A lot when you sell items shoes, purses, etc, $1.00 some items 10 cents and 15 cents, 25 cents. My swamp cooler $40. Blaine’s couch and chair $40. Vacuums $10. Fridge $50. Didn’t sell any of Ralph’s computers for $10. They change so fast.

We stopped selling at 3 pm. Put everything left in my garage and on patio. Will sell again next Saturday. My car is in my driveway for this week. It is always in the garage. I gave Ronalyn my rose China set, service for 12. She took it home. Glad to get it out of my cupboards. Still have three sets of stoneware and one of China in there. I showered and shampooed my hair at 3 pm. Gladys rolled it up for me.

They all went home to get cleaned up and back to Joe Vera’s Café on West Center Street (Mexican food, Pete, Sis’ friend owns it) for Rebecca’s 30th birthday surprise party at 7 pm. Gary and Janice picked me up at 6:45 pm. We gave her a gift certificate for $60 to Target store. Janice, Gary, Ronalyn, Gladys and me. Had to climb a lot of stairs at the Café. Hard on me especially coming down. She wasn’t too surprised as she had heard a few things. Her friend Sarah was here from Durango, CO. She played her violin for us. Blaine, Debbie, Amy, Enid, Gladys, Ralph, Janice, Gary, Corby, Tracy, Hannah, Weston, Hailey, Cami, Phil, Austin and Rylee. Kevin Prichett’s parents and granddaughter and 3 nieces and me. A good meal. We enjoyed it. Blaine paid for it all. Home by 9 pm. Tired out. Read, bed at 10:30 pm. Becca’s birthday is tomorrow, Sunday, August 21st.

Saw some people we haven’t seen in years at the yard sale. Ellen Sorrel. Pharis Anderson, etc. Janice starts a new job Monday, August 22, so Debbie will take me to my Dr. appointment with Russell Eyre, dermatologist, Monday at 4:15 pm out in Orem. So much stuff to still sell or take to Deseret Industries after next Saturday.

21 August 2005 – Sunday

Up at 8:30 am to go to church, but my toilet upstairs wouldn’t work, so I called Gary and he came over and fixed it. The ball was loose and bent and twisted. He is so good to help me. I really appreciate all everyone does for me. I am slowing down. Don’t get too much done in a day. Read, rested and watched church on TV. Edgley 1st counselor Presiding Bishopric talked. Lawrence Welk program also. All reruns. But I always get something out of the talks again. So much to learn and remember. I’m reading the Book of Mormon thru by December 2005 as our prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley has asked us to do. Every time I read it, I learn more and understand the meaning of the way it is written. Our power went out for 2 hours because of a bad wreck on 9th East. A cooler day, 86 degrees high. Talked with Gladys. Almost finished with my book, “My Neighbor, My Sister, My Friend” by Ardith Greene Knapp. Very good. Bed at 10:30 pm. My joints are getting so stiff and sore.

22 August 2005

Up at 8:30 am. Sprinklers were on, so I didn’t go out to water the garden. Will do it tomorrow. U.S. President George W. Bush and 1st Lady Laura Bush came to Salt Lake today to deliver remarks at the Veterans of Foreign Wars National Convention. Explaining why your military are still in Iraq. He says we must stay the course so they will not attack our country. He met a lot of protestors headed by Salt Lake’s mayor, Rocky Anderson. Bush was in SLC for two hours then flew to Idaho to speak tomorrow.

Debbie came at 3:45 pm to take me to Dr. Russell Eyre, dermatologist at 486 W 800 N, Orem. I have had a sore on my nose for two years. He said it is cancerous, so he deadened by nose and removed it. Will do a biopsy on it and will let me know it two weeks if more needs to be done about it. About the size of a dime when he got through. He is a nice Dr. Explains everything as he does the procedure. Needed to fill prescription he gave me for sores in my ears that don’t want to go away. Stopped at Allen’s on 7th East and 300 Sough. Bought groceries. Home about 6:30 pm. Debbie’s feet are doing better. She can walk without crutch. Janice called. Her first day on new job.

Gladys called, had been golfing after work. Blaine called to see how I’m doing. He is good about calling me. Diane called about 8 pm. They just got home from Yellowstone Park. Her, Charles, Skylar and his friend. They went last Friday.

27 August 2005 – Saturday

Yard Sale – Ralph, Gladys, Diane, Janice, Gary here at 7:30 am to put things out. People started coming soon. Moved it all out on the front lawn. Sold a lot for a small price. Boxed all up at 3 pm and took to Deseret Industries all that was left. Sold items for as little as 25 cents. All went home. I showered, shampooed hair and watched TV. Lawrence Welk, My Three Sons, I Love Lucy, Perry Mason. Bed at 10:30 pm. Tired out.

Dr. Russel Eyre’s called to say my nose biopsy was cancerous, but he feels he got it all, so not to worry. Come and see him on October 18th unless I have trouble before.

Never sold any of Ralph’s computers, so he will come and haul them to D.I. Tuesday nite. He had about 50 or so, but they get upgraded real often. 28 August 2005 – Sunday

Home all day. Watched church on TV. Talked with Blaine, Diane, Gladys, Janice. Started reading book, “At the Foot of the Rainbow” by Gene Stratton Porter. All Book of Mormon as Pres. Hinckley has asked us to read it by December, years end. Also Doctrine and Covenants for Sunday school lesson and Relief Society lesson by David O’McKay. A long lonesome day, but I needed to rest. I ache all over. My arthritis seems to be getting worse. I seem to understand the scriptures better the more I pray and study them. Sometimes I can hardly stop reading.

President Gordon B. Hinckley dedicated the Newport Beach California Temple. The sixth temple in California and the 102 for the church worldwide. To read the dedicatory prayer in the church news really inspires one to try to do better. So many beautiful temples and churches built with our tithing and offerings. I am so glad I can help in some small way.

29 August 2005 – Monday

A cooler day. Watered the flower beds and shrubs. Didn’t do much. Washed a batch of clothes. I’m getting slow and don’t accomplish much. Would rather read. My blood sugar is a little high, 157, maybe that’s why I don’t feel so good.

30 August 2005 – Tuesday

Went out to water my garden. Picked three cukes and about 12 Roma tomatoes, not hardly worth the water. As I was coming out the garden, I stepped down with my bad leg and it let me down. Luckily, I just set down in the mud and water. Called Wilson’s but they didn’t answer phone. I heard them drive in so I called Maudie, Jodie and Carl came over and helped me up. I’m so lucky. I didn’t fall forward and break something. I will have to stay out of the garden. Carl turned off all my water. They are good neighbors. Ralph came after work and took all his computers to D.I.’s. Two trailer loads. I called Bernie Knapp and he came down and Ralph gave him two complete computers. He is so good. Has been bringing me the Saturday’s Deseret News for a couple of years, so I get the church section. Bernie brought me some tomatoes to eat. Read and watched TV. The terrible hurricane in New Orleans and Mississippi is unreal. Hard to comprehend the devastation and horror of Katrina. The worst disaster in U.S. history.

31 August 2005 – Wednesday

Got a phone call about 9:30 am from Wanda Murri telling me her dad, Ralph Murri passed away this am at 1. He was Ray’s youngest brother. 82 years old. Now they are all having a reunion in heaven. Lucille Murri Gervais is the only one left. She lives in Mojave, AZ. She and Ray were born the same year so they were the same age for two weeks. Ralph has been sick for some time. They brought him home from the hospital yesterday and he passed away last nite at home. Don’t know when the funeral will be as it is Labor Day weekend. I called my kids and told them. I won’t go to the funeral as I’m not up to it. We will send flowers from our family.

I called Lucille and talked for a while. She is on a walker now and won’t be coming either. Said she wouldn’t be out on the highways this biggest holiday of the year as far as traffic. Gas is almost $3 a gallon for unleaded, but it doesn’t slow the traffic. Gen Duarte called and talked a long time. Also Millie Gurr. She is going to Midway Swiss Days program tomorrow nite, September 1st. I talked with Blanch Hawke. She and Don are getting along fine.

1 September 2005 – Thursday

Today would have been our 67th wedding anniversary. Janice called to wish me a good one. Talked with Blaine and Gladys. Read and watched TV. Too hot to go outside.

2 September 2005 – Friday

Gladys, Marcy Pace, Ronalyn and Gentry went to Midway to Swiss Days at 9 am. Wanted me to go, but I’m not up to it. Rona fell yesterday and injured her ankle, but she still went. On their way home at 2:30 pm, they brought me some corn, tomatoes, and peaches from the Barn in Provo. Also some bratzles from Swiss Days. They saw Vilate, Candy and Heather up there. I was glad to get the fruits, etc., to eat. They had to come home by 3 pm to bet Bayli and Jaidan from school in Payson so they couldn’t stay and visit. A cooler day. Shucked my corn and put it in bags in the fridge. It keeps a long time that way. I eat one ear each day. Janice came by with my pills she bought at Sam’s Club for me $35.83. Just missed Gladys and Ronalyn. She came on her lunch break. My neighbors, Uanders, in Witt’s house put a “For Sale” sign up on their front lawn. They both work in SLC. Hope I get some good neighbors. Changed bedding, vacuumed my house. Read, watched TV. Bed at 11:30 pm. Tired out. Watched Mrs. Miniver with Irene Dunn and Walter Pigeon, WWII picture.

3 September 2005 – Saturday

Raining a little when I got up at 8:30 am. Not really enough to water much, so I will have to go out Monday and water my shrubs. Washed some clothes. Read. Today is BYU’s first football game of the season at 1:30 pm with Boston College. Read and watched the New Orleans and Mississippi and Louisiana Hurricane Katrina. It is hard to believe the devastation. Thousands of people trying to just survive. Utah Governor, Jon Huntsman, has offered to bring 2,000 refugees and house them at Camp Williams, point of the mountain. The church has sent truck loads and plane loads of aid. Everyone worldwide is offering help. It is the worst disaster in U.S. history. Utah has sent National Guard members to try and help discipline and control the crowds. All trying to stay alive until help arrives and help start the cleanup. I will give some with my church donations to help a little. I can’t comprehend such conditions. Everyone is trying to raise money to help the situation. No one knows how many are dead.

They are worried about diseases because of all the mosquitoes and pollution. Tonite about 6 pm the first plane load of Hurricane Katrina arrived at SLC airport. 150 people on it. Took them to health clinic on the base. Fed them, then bused them to Camp Williams where they will live until they can get back to their homes. They had no idea they were coming to Utah, but so thankful to be safe and have a place to stay. They are so thankful for the help. They haven’t eaten or bathed since the hurricane hit. No one knows each other. Five were taken to the hospital in poor condition. They expect the dead to be in the thousands when the water goes down.

BYU football season started today at 1:30 pm. Lost to Boston College 20 to 3.

Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist died today, Sept. 3 of cancer. He was 80 years old in Arlington, VA. He had been on the U.S. Supreme Court for 33 years. Appointed in 1971 by President Richard Nixon. He was elevated to Chief Justice in 1986 by Pres. Ronald Reagan. His death creates a rare second vacancy on the nation’s highest court.

1999 Food Storage

Vegetables, Fruits, Juices Cans Cans Green Beans 26 Peas (green) 12 Whole and Cream Corn 48 Pork and Beans 21 Tomato Sauce and Paste 120 Garbanzo Beans 2 Chilli Con Carn 26 Dried Mashed Potatoes 6 gal New Potatoes 9 Bean sprouts 1 Lemon Juice 1 Apple Juice 1 Cranberry Juice (cocktail) 2 Fruit Cocktail 10 Homemade Relish 16 pts Pickled Beets 7 qts Home Apricots 8 qts Canned Apple Sauce 24 Home Grape Juice 17 qts Bartlett Pears 11 qts Mandarin Oranges 28 Peaches 12 qts Home Tomatoes 25 qts Cranberries 15 Old Peaches/Pears 45 qts Pineapple 42 Maraschino Cherries 2 Pumpkin 1 qt Pie Filling (Cherry) 1 Dried Apricots (mine) Soups, Meats, Cooking Oil, Crisco Minced Clams 4 Chestnuts 2 Tuna Fish 2 cases Turkey (mine) 16 cans Ravioli 3 Olives 3 Mushrooms 24 Ragu Tomato Sauce 1 Salsa 24 Beef Substitute Granules ¾ qt Vienna Sausage 31 Corned Beef 1 Deviled Ham 2 Spam 6 Manwich 2 Dried Egg Product 4 gal Cream Mushroom Soup 22 Tomato Soup 10 Chicken Noodle 20 Lipton Dry Onion Soup 4 pkg Crisco 6 cans Wesson Oil/Canola 3 gal Spices and Sweeteners, Condiments Large Bottles Large Bottles Mixed Spices 2 Mustard Seeds 1 Black Pepper 2 Cinnamon 2 Sage 1 Mustard Powder 1 Poultry Seasoning 1 Allspice 1 Barbeque Spice 1 Bouillon Cubes 2 jars Garlic Salt 1 Banquet Gravy Seasoning 1 Salt (table) 23 Soy Sauce Sweet and Low 24 pkts Twin Sweetener 24 pkts Dry Sage leaves (out of garden) 1 gal Tartar Sauce 3 Wishbone Salad Ranch Dressing 3 Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup 1 Marshmallow Crème 2 Miracle Whip 2 Ranch Dressing 1 Vanilla 3 Catsup 6 + 3 A1 Sauce 4 Vinegar – Cider 2 gallon 2 dark Worcestershire Sauce 1 4 white Syrups, Jello, Drink Mixes Molasses 1 qt Knox Gelatin ½ gal. pkgs Kool Aid Punch 15 Green Tea 2 boxes Pero 4 lg cans Jello 48 pkgs Tang 3 gal White Karo Syrup 4 Pancake Syrup – Butterworth 2 Log Cabin Syrup 1 Peanut Butter 11 sml 2 lrg Jams/Jellies 8 Macaroni and Cheese 10 boxes Cup O Noodles 2 Uncle Ben’s Rice 1 Rice 2 ½ gal Stove Top Dressing 2 Dried Split Peas 2 lbs Dried Beans (navy, baby limas, Lots in large can Chili, white northern, pinto Flour, Corn Meal, Cereal Yellow Corn Meal 10 lbs White Flour Kelloggs Raisin Flakes 1 Pop Corn 2 cans Cornflakes 1 Quaker Oats – round 1 Wheat Chex 1 Puffed Rice 1 bag Oatmeal Crisps 2 Stove Top Dressing 2 Shake and Bake 1 Soda Crackers #2 1 Honey Grahams 1 Mixed Nuts 2 gal Milk and Baking Aids Condensed Milk 19 Eagle Condensed Milk 12 Carnation Pwd Milk Instant 2 pkg = 6 qts Soda – Baking 2 Cornstarch 1 Chocolate Chips 10 pkg Cocoa Powder 3 qts Cake Mixes 13 Icing (cakes) 6 Soaps, Softeners, Matches, Cleaning Supplies and Household Supplies Matches 2 qt bottles 1 Clorox 1 gal Pre Spot 5 Basic H Cleaner 1 Liquid Downy bottle 1 Dish Soap 4 Cascade Dish Washer Soap 4 Tide Soap 92 oz 6 Washing All Purpose Soap 1 tub Murphy’s Oil 1 Cleaning Ammonia 3 Pinesol Cleaner 2 Mop and Glow 1 Spic and Span 1 All Purpose Cleaner 1 Woolite Soap 1 Linsol Cleaner 1 Furniture Polish 1 Outdoor Trash Bags 100 qt 4 pkgs Downy Sheets 1 Paper Towels 18 rolls Kitchen Garbage Bags 20 qt 75 Bath and Tub Cleaners – Lysol 2 Soft Scrub Bowl Cleaner 1 Vanish Toilet Bowl Cleaner 1 Liquid Plummer 1/3 bottle Brooms 2 Mop/Shammy 1 Hand Soap Bar 20 Fels Naptha Soap Bar 2 Cleaning Sponges 11 Cleansers – Freezer Bags – Wraps Aluminum Foil 3 Saran Wrap 1 Wax Paper 2 Ziploc Sandwich Bags 1 box Freezer Bags 1 qt 1 Storage Bags 4 Comet Cleanser 3 Drink Straws 80 Paper Plates Napkins Paper Cups Candle Globes 2 + 2 Cutter Insect Spray 1 Candle Tip Globes small 2 3 way Globes 50-100-150 1 8” and 6” Candles Regular Globes 100 6 Regular Globes 60 & 75 2 + 2 Wok 1 Butane lighter 1 Table Fans 2 Cosmetics – Medications - Pills Mary Kay Cleanser 2 Freshener 2 Aspirins 2 Lotion 3 Shampoo 4 Peroxide 2 Shaving Cream 2 Rubbing Alcohol 11 Listerine 2 Deodorants Mitchum 3 Cotton Squares 4 pkgs Vaseline – large jars 2 Qtips 2 pkgs Cough Drops 2 + ½ lb Orange Cough Drops Halls Cherry Drops 1 pkg Kleenex 15 Toilet Tissue 4 per pack 2