THREE BIGGEST CHALLENGES FACING JEWS TODAY PART 3 – LEADERSHIP: Four of its most essential ingredients Valley Beit Midrash 3-Part Series, March 1, 2016 Rabbi Pinchas Allouche, Congregation Beth Tefillah,
[email protected] INGREDIENT ONE: EVERY PERSON IS A LEADER Book of Kings I, 7:13 And King Solomon sent and took Hiram from Tyre. He was the son of a widow from the tribe of Naftali, and his father was a man of Tyre, a brass worker. He was filled with knowledge and understanding and intelligence, to perform all of the tasks involving brass. He came to King Solomon and performed all of his tasks. Abarbanel ibid. Who was the leading craftsman to build this most spiritual home? A simple Jew, Chiram, whose mother was an impoverished widow from the not very famous tribe of Naftali, and whose father was not even Jewish, but rather came from Tyre in Lebanon. Chassidic Commentary, based on Likkutei Torah, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi Chiram, who was chosen as one of the lead builders of the first temple, teaches us: Never underestimate your indispensable role; never denigrate your great calling and potential; never gaze at yourself as simple, little Jew with little affiliation to Judaism and its faith. It is from a Jew exactly as you that the future of the Jewish people was forged; it was the Jew like you—the one you call insignificant, small, alien, Jewishly illiterate, uneducated, who generated an explosion of holiness and goodness in the world through the Holy Temple in Jerusalem! Exodus 2:1-4 Now a man of the tribe of Levi married a Levite woman, and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son.