Landscape Architecture Masterplanning Ecology Basingstoke and Deane Landscape Character Assessment May 2021 hankinson duckett associates t 01491 838175 e
[email protected] w The Stables, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8BA Hankinson Duckett Associates Limited Registered in England & Wales 3462810 Registered Office: The Stables, Howbery Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, OX10 8BA Basingstoke and Deane Landscape Character Assessment 2021 i CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Introduction page 1 1.1 In 2019, Basingstoke and Deane Council commissioned Hankinson Duckett Associates (HDA) to undertake a review of the Borough’s 2001 Landscape Character Assessment. The updated 2 Basingstoke and Deane Landscape Overview page 1 Landscape Character Assessment will be part of the evidence base for the Local Plan and will help guide spatial planning and development management decisions within the Borough. 3 Landscape and Townscape Types page 19 1.2 The original 2001 study was prepared by Landscape Design Associates in association with 4 Landscape Character Areas Wessex Archaeology, and forms the basis for the revised Landscape Character Assessment, 1. Highclere and Burghclere page 34 updated as appropriate. 2. Ecchinswell page 40 3. Wolverton page 46 1.3 The 2001 study has been updated taking into account both changes to the landscape, and the 4. North Sherborne page 52 current best practice landscape character assessment guidance set out by Natural England's 5. North Silchester page 58 'An approach to landscape character assessment' published in 2014. 6. Loddon and Lyde Valley page 62 7. The Clere Scarp page 68 1.4 The landscape overview and Landscape Types from the 2001 assessment have been reviewed 8.