SOFTENG 2016 : The Second International Conference on Advances and Trends in Software Engineering Unifying Modeling and Programming with ALF Thomas Buchmann and Alexander Rimer University of Bayreuth Chair of Applied Computer Science I Bayreuth, Germany email: fthomas.buchmann,
[email protected] Abstract—Model-driven software engineering has become more The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) [5] has been and more popular during the last decade. While modeling the established as an extensible platform for the development of static structure of a software system is almost state-of-the art MDSE applications. It is based on the Ecore meta-model, nowadays, programming is still required to supply behavior, i.e., which is compatible with the Object Management Group method bodies. Unified Modeling Language (UML) class dia- (OMG) Meta Object Facility (MOF) specification [6]. Ideally, grams constitute the standard in structural modeling. Behavioral software engineers operate only on the level of models such modeling, on the other hand, may be achieved graphically with a set of UML diagrams or with textual languages. Unfortunately, that there is no need to inspect or edit the actual source code, not all UML diagrams come with a precisely defined execution which is generated from the models automatically. However, semantics and thus, code generation is hindered. In this paper, an practical experiences have shown that language-specific adap- implementation of the Action Language for Foundational UML tations to the generated source code are frequently necessary. (Alf) standard is presented, which allows for textual modeling In EMF, for instance, only structure is modeled by means of of software systems.