Artifact-Centric Modeling of Business Processes Using UML Diagrams
Proceedings of The 20th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2016) Artifact-Centric Modeling of Business Processes Using UML Diagrams David Grünert, Thomas Keller, and Elke Brucker-Kley ZHAW School of Management and Law Institute of Business Information Technology 8401 Winterthur, Switzerland {grud, kell, brck} Abstract and hidden in the process model. Accordingly, the positioning of information at the center of modeling was termed data- or infor- The modeling of business processes to date has focused on an mation-centric process modeling [2], [3], [4], [5]. Information activity-based perspective while business artifacts associated with entities are modeled by state charts. Transitions are triggered by the process have been modeled on an abstract and informal level. activities. Associated roles are defined by means of use case Ad hoc, dynamic business processes have recently emerged as a diagrams. In [5], the term opportunistic BPM (oBPM) was intro- requirement. Subsequently, BPMN was extended with ad hoc duced for this kind of approach. The duality between activity- sub-processes and a new standard, Case Management Modeling and information-centric models was shown in [6]. and Notation (CMMN), has been created by the Object Manage- Many artifact-centric approaches defined new or extended model ment Group (OMG). CMMN has an information-centric ap- syntax [6]. However, a new or extended modeling syntax increas- proach, whereas the extension of BPMN adheres to an activity- es complexity for all parties involved in designing, reading, and based perspective. The focus on BPMN and on processes in gen- implementing the modeled process and requires adapted model- eral has caused UML to fade into the background.
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