District Census Handbook, Pudukkottai, Part XII a & B, Series-23
CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 SERIES - 23 TAMIL NADU DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK PUDUKKOlTAI PARTXII A&B VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY VILLAGE AND TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT K. SAMPATH KUMAR OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS TAMILNADU CONTENTS Pag,~ No. 1. Foreward (vii-ix) 2. Preface (xi-xv) 3. Di::'trict Map Facing Page .:;. Important Statistics 1-2 5. Analytical Note: I) Census concepts: Rural and Urban areas, Urban Agglomeration, Census House/Household, SC/ST, Literates, Main Workers, Marginal 3-4 Workers, Non-Workers etc. H) History of the District Census Handhook including scope of Village and Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract. 5-9 iii) History of the District and its Formation, Location and Physiography, Forestry, Flora and Fauna, Hills, Soil, Minerals and Mining, Rivers, EledricHy and Power, Land and Land use pattern, Agriculture and Plantations, Irrigation, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Industries, Trade and Commerce, Transpoli and Communications, Post and Telegraph, Rainfall, Climate and Temperature, Education, People, Temples and Places of Tourist Importance. lO-20 6. Brief analysis of the Village and Town Dirctory and Primary Census Abstract data. 21-41 PART-A VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Section-I Village Directory 43 Note explaining the codes used in the Village Directory. 45 1. Kunnandarkoil C.D. Block 47 i) Alphabetical list of villages 48-49 ii) Village Directory Statement 50-55 2. Annavasal C.D. Block 57 i) Alphabetical list of villages 50-59 iil Village Directory Statement 60-67 3. Viralimalai C.D. Block 69 i) Alphabetical list of villages 70-71 iil Village Directory Statement 72-79 4.
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