9th TRADE FAIR FOR MOTOR HOMES AND CARAVANS 2nd TRADE FAIR FOR BOATS AND WATER SPORTS 7th TRADE FAIR FOR FAMILY TRAVEL FINAL REPORT www.forcaravan.cz, www.forboat.cz, www.for-travel.cz 9-11 March 2018 INTRODUCTION The interest in independent travels is growing. STATISTICS OF FOR The PVA EXPO PRAGUE Exhibition Centre situated in Letňany belonged to the set of the trade fairs known as FOR CARAVAN, FOR CARAVAN, FOR BOAT and BOAT and FOR TRAVEL during the second weekend of March. FOR TRAVEL 2018 trade The interest of Czech people in independent travelling, camping and water sports is continually growing. This fact is confirmed also fairs by the number of visitors, which rose up to the limit of 30,000 for the 3 days of the trade fairs. The exhibitors presented the best what these sectors offer in 6 halls. And there were really a lot of matters of interest to see! Date: From 9 to 11 March, the PVA EXPO PRAGUE Exhibition Centre hosted another edition of popular trade fairs known as FOR 9-11 March 2018 CARAVAN, FOR BOAT and FOR TRAVEL. Venue: Altogether 200 firms presented their expositions on the area of 29,051 m2. It was possible to see attractive expositions full of shiny PVA EXPO PRAGUE in Letňany motor homes, caravans and boats. The event was accompanied again by the popular second hand marketplace focused on caravans and boats, visitors’ competition for the borrowing of a motor home for a one-week holiday or by a unique exhibition of historical motor Organiser: homes, which was very popular for visitors. ABF,a.s. The ninth edition of the FOR CARAVAN Exhibition took place in three halls of the Exhibition Centre. This means that no leading player of the Czech market was missing there. The offer included all from camping bodies, to caravans and luxury motor homes for Number of exhibitors: 200 millions of crowns. That is why the visitors had an opportunity of looking also into the most expensive vehicles which are owned only Number of foreign exhibitors: 4 Exhibition area: 29 051 m2 by several people in the Czech Republic. Number of visitors: 29 831 The second edition of the FOR BOAT Trade Fair showed that although we do not have any sea in the Czech Republic, Czechs are keen sailors and lovers of water sports. Three halls belonged to water scooters,FOR CARAVAN motor | FOR BOATboats, | HLUBINA sailing | FORboats TRAVEL as | KOLEMwell as SVĚTA to –luxurious cestovatelský yachts. festival A giant swimming pool was then constructed in one hall, where both children and adults could try9.–11. paddle boarding 3. or2018 windsurfing under professional supervision. The Czech Sailing Association prepared boats for children and their “small sailing”, which they FOR TRAVEL KOLEM FOR CARAVAN could try in the swimming pool. SVĚTA For the first time the event included also the FOR TRAVEL HLUBINA FOR BOAT KOLEM FOR CARAVAN SVĚTA Trade Fair, which offered pre- sentations of dozens of travel FOR BOAT FOR BOAT FOR CARAVAN agencies to all coming visitors. 4 On Saturday and Sunday the trio BAZAR LODÍ BAZAR KARAVANŮ of the trade fairs was completed KOLEM by the largest traveller festival SVĚTA KARAVANOVÉ entitled Around the World, which MĚSTEČKO attracted several thousands of impassioned travellers to the Exhibition Centre in Letňany during the weekend. And they could enjoy a very interesting programme – 4 lectures and projection of almost 50 adventurers4 and wanderers, presentations of dances or tasting of world cuisines. Also at the trade fair it is possible to support good ideas, for example just by walking round the Exhibition Centre. Thanks to the EPP mobile application – Help through Movement – the users can collect points PARTNER OF THE TRADE FAIR OFFICIAL CARS OF PVA EXPO PRAGUE through their energy and activity and subsequently they can devote them to some of the currently offered projects of not-for-profi t organisations, schools or communities. The points collected will then be converted by the ČEZ Foundation into the fi nancial support for specifi ed projects. The EPP application has achieved more than 350,000 users for not even 3 years of its existence and these users have managed to support 725 projects. OPENING CEREMONY The trade fairs were ceremonially inaugurated on Friday morning by Tomáš Kotrč, Chief Executive Officer of ABF, a.s.; Petr Novotný, Chairman of the Shipping Industry Association; David Křížek, yachtsman and Karel Wolf, organiser of the Around the World traveller festival. GALA EVENING Like every year, the first trade fair day was finished by the popular meeting of exhibitors, this time held again like last year on unique premises of the near SURF ARENA in Letňany. The main event of the evening was a possibility of using the indoor surfing simulator, which was tried by almost 50 interested persons from exhibitors. LIST OF EXHIBITORS EXHIBITORS FOR CARAVAN • CS katalogy s.r.o. • Městská část Praha 18 • Adventure Centrum • Česká centrála cestovního ruchu – CzechTourism • MORELO.CZ • Akromobil s.r.o. • ČEZ, a.s. • MotorCOM s.r.o. • ALFA-RESCUE s.r.o. • Dallmayr Vending & Office, k.s. • Motorsport, spol. s r.o. • APPEL TRADE, s.r.o. • Domanský s.r.o. • nest by egoé s.r.o. • Asociace kempů České republiky • DONAKO s.r.o. • NetWebs s.r.o. • Asociace turistických informačních center • FINASO, s.r.o. • OP servis s.r.o. České republiky • FLIGA spol. s r.o. • Polygraf Net s.r.o., vydavatel časopisu • ASTRA CAR s.r.o. • ForCamping s.r.o. 4X4 Automagazín • AUKRO s.r.o. • FORD MOTOR COMPANY, s.r.o. • Pražská čokoláda s.r.o. • Auto Moto Přikryl s.r.o. • GMF AQUAPARK PRAGUE, a.s. • Procamping • Auto Podbabská • Hafele Czech & Slovakia s.r.o. • PROKARAVAN s.r.o. • Autoklub České republiky • Halbich s.r.o. • Regina DAB Praha • Automodul.cz • HYKRO s.r.o. - KARAVAN CENTRUM • Retail Research s.r.o. • BARTH Caravan • HyperMedia, a.s. • RINEN s.r.o. • BAUER MEDIA PRAHA v.o.s. • Hyundai Centrum Praha s.r.o. • SINCLAIR CORPORATION LTD. • Bláha & Hudek s.r.o. • J.M.Trade s.r.o. • SKAO PRO s.r.o. • Blue Rent, a.s. • JABLOTRON ALARMS a.s. • SPACE 4U s.r.o. • BONOX Services s.r.o. • KaravanTravel.cz • STABLECAM s.r.o. • BURIMEX s.r.o. • Karel Missbach • STONES Catering s.r.o. • Business Media CZ s.r.o. • KOBRAS s.r.o. • TRIOCAMP s.r.o. • CAMP.cz - Pavel Hess • KÖNIG - SURF, s.r.o. • TURČAN - AUTO, s.r.o. • Camping, Cars & Caravans • KOV Velim s.r.o. • Turistika.cz, s.r.o. • Campingworld Neugebauer, s.r.o. • KPS Automobile s.r.o. • UNIFORM PRAHA spol. s r.o. • Caravan Centrum Pardubice s.r.o. • Kronium.cz - Svítilny Fenix • Václav Harmáček HvCARAVANS • Caravan Metropol spol. s r.o. • Lenti Gyógyfürdö Kft. • VISPA, spol. s r.o. • CCB, spol. s r.o. • Lukáš Tesař • Webasto Thermo & Comfort Czech Republic s.r.o. • Ceiba, s.r.o. • M - TECHNIK, s.r.o. ACCOMPANYING PROGRAMME FOR CARAVAN Exhibition of retro motor homes We would like to express our thanks to František Čečil, Vladimír Chomát and Alena Burinová for cooperation and assurance of exhibits and an attractive exposition of the Auto Club of the Czech Republic. Visitors’ competition for the one-week borrowing of a motor home from Obytné vozy s.r.o. www.morelo.cz Signing Event of racers of the BARTH Racing team from the 2018 Dakar Rally at the exposition of BARTH CARAVAN Caravan Park Every year we enable owners of motor homes and caravans to spend all the trade fair weekend free of charge in the Caravan Park on the parking area of the PVA EXPO PRAGUE Exhibition Centre. This offer was used by 250 crews this year and all parking places were fully booked in the course of one week already in January. LIST OF EXHIBITORS EXHIBITORS FOR BOAT • GMF AQUAPARK PRAGUE, a.s. • RF HOBBY s.r.o. • ADVANTAGE CARS s.r.o. • GUMOTEX, akciová společnost • Roman Ernest • Aeroprague • HARKENsport • Ředitelství vodních cest ČR • APL - Asociace lodního průmyslu, z.s. • Ing. Karel Liska • Seemaster • Asociace charterových agentur • Ing. Ondřej Suchomel • Schön-Boot s.r.o. České republiky, z.s. • Ivo Štorek • SITEL, spol. s r.o. • AUTA - LODĚ s.r.o. • JM20 s.r.o. • SMARTEO, a.s. • AVAR-YACHT, s.r.o. • KWS sports CZ s.r.o. • SNOWBOARDEL s.r.o. • AVENTURA Boats • Lodě s.r.o. - SeaHelp Office Ost • Softub CZ s.r.o. • BAUER MEDIA PRAHA v.o.s. • LODELEVNE.CZ • SPACE 3D s.r.o. • Beet, s.r.o. • Lodní noviny, s.r.o. • Sportmedia, s.r.o. • BEL, spol. s r.o. • LUKLAND, a.s. • Star brite • BEMEX BOOT s.r.o. • Marina DOCK, s.r.o. • Státní plavební správa • BG Technik cs, a.s. • MARINE s.r.o. • Surf Arena s.r.o. • boat Master s.r.o. / MASTERCRAFT • MOTORBOAT.cz / SCHELKALIN, s.r.o. • Tomáš Linhart - Lodní servis Linhart • Branislav Šťastný - BRAST • MSR Engines s.r.o. • UGO Truck • BTJ, s.r.o. • NEBOSCAR s.r.o. • UNIFORM PRAHA spol. s r.o. • Česká asociace námořního jachtingu z.s. • NORMARK s.r.o. • VennieSurfboards • Česká centrála cestovního ruchu - CzechTourism • O.A.K. s.r.o. - OAKBay.cz • VIG Travel s.r.o. • Česká lodní doprava - Charter s.r.o. • OLSON s.r.o. • Vodní záchranná služba ČČK, z.s. • Český svaz jachtingu • Pavel Ilinich • Vydavatelství CCB, časopis GOLF • ČEZ, a.s. • Pavel Klimeš - BOATSERVICE • Wavy Boats s.r.o. • Direct solution s.r.o. • Petr Nádvorník, Adventure - Vybavení • WESTELLA KFT. • Dmitri Sleta Aqua - Storm • Plavba a vodní cesty o.p.s.
6 January 8, 2018 Kyrgios Beats Harrison Iranians Pay Homage to to Win Brisbane Wrestling Icon Takhti International Tennis Title Gholam Reza Takhti at his grave in the country’s capital city of Tehran. President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Wrestling Federation (IRIWF) Rasoul Khadem and a number of serving and retired Iranian sports officials were also in attendance at the ceremony held at Ibn Babawayh Cemetery in southern Tehran on Sunday. Takhti, the most famous wrestler in the Iranian history, died on January 7, 1968. The Iranian nation was stricken with deep grief, when the news of Takhti’s death broke. Seven people reportedly even committed suicide because of unutterable sadness. The legend was known for his chivalry and sportsmanship Nick Kyrgios of Australia plays a shot in his final match against Ryan and continues to symbolize the essence of sports to the Iranian Harrison of the U.S. during the Brisbane International tennis people. tournament in Brisbane, Australia, Sunday, Jan. 7, 2018. Takhti claimed the gold medal in Melbourne 1956 Olympic BRISBANE, Australia (AP) He closed with his 17th ace. Games, overcoming Boris Kulayev from the Soviet Union in the -- Nick Kyrgios won an ATP Kyrgios had trouble with his final contest of the 87-kilogram weight section. title on home soil for the first left knee during the tourna- He also claimed two Olympics silver medals in 1952 Helsinki time with a commanding 6-4, ment, and needed to change and 1960 Rome. 6-2 victory over Ryan Harrison the tape on the joint late in the Takhti won two World Championships gold medals in 1959 at the Brisbane International on first set of the final.
2018 Dakar // SS2: Orlando Terranova comes fifth Menzies/Mortensen forced into early retirement by an accident The dune programme is continued The second stage of the 2018 Dakar Rally, around the Peruvian city of Pisco, also proved to be a true challenge. In the 267-kilometre special stage across the dunes, Orlando Terranova and Bernardo ‘Ronnie’ Graue (both ARG) finished fifth, with their MINI John Cooper Works Rally while Mikko Hirvonen (FIN) and Andreas Schulz (GER) in a MINI John Cooper Works Buggy secured seventh place in today’s special stage. The two MINI JCW Rally crews Joan ‘Nani’ Roma / Alex Haro (both ESP) and Jakub ‘Kuba’ Przygonski (POL) / Tom Colsoul (BEL) finished 14th and 16th. “We made a good start into this tough second stage,” revealed Terranova. “Unfortunately I made a mistake with just 20 more kilometres to go and we lost some seven or eight minutes. A mistake I’m really annoyed about but things like this just happen. The MINI runs really well and there still are several days to go.” The Argentinean now holds sixth position in the overall standings. Just like yesterday, Hirvonen was happy with his achievements. “It was a tough and exhausting start into the Dakar. I don’t take any unnecessary risks. After all, the buggy is a new vehicle and I am not too experienced in this kind of dunes.” The Finn missed a waypoint in the early stages and had to turn back – what cost him several minutes. He now holds seventh place in the overall standings. Meanwhile, Roma had to cope with a dose of bad luck.
SCORE BOARD Terence Marsh, Born in Benoni in 1970 This Year Celeb
Media Information MARSH STILL TOP OF THE SA CROSS COUNTRY SERIES ‘100 CLUB’ SCORE BOARD Terence Marsh, born in Benoni in 1970 this year celebrates his 50th birthday and is one of a few Cross Country competitors to have competed in 100 or more National Cross Country Championship events since 2002. Terence Marsh CEO of Red-Lined International, a dominant company in the local and international Cross Country fraternity, and former professional cricketer is 112 not out and top of the score board when it comes to membership of the exclusive ‘100 Club’ in the South African Cross Country Series (SACCS). Terence who is passionate about motorsport started his racing career in 1999 and is one of the few competitors to have competed in both the Roof of Africa and Toyota 1000 Desert Race on a bike and in a car. He competed in The Roof of Africa, regarded by many as one of the toughest motorsport events in Southern Africa, five times on a bike and twice in a car and the iconic Toyota 1000 Desert race twice on a bike and 16 times in a car. The self-confessed ‘petrol-head’ and 2005 Overall Special Vehicle Champion has also participated in numerous international Cross Country events with the most notable being the 2017 Taklimakan Rally, also known as the oriental Dakar Rally, a rally raid stretching over 13 days and 6 500 kilometres in the Taklamakan Desert in north-west China and the 2018 Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge run over five days in the majestic Abu Dhabi desert and considered one of the world’s most prestigious international cross country raids.
Iran Unveils Armband for 2018 Pahlavani Wrestling Champion
6 January 11, 2018 Trail Blazers Silence Iran Unveils Armband for 2018 Thunder While Heat Pahlavani Wrestling Champion Edge Raptors champion of the tournament. the Pahlavani armband. Iranian President of the Interna- Pahlavani wrestling goes back tional Pahlavani Wrestling Fed- to ancient Persia, and was origi- eration, Alireza Heidari described nally used to train warriors. the armband as a work of art de- It combines martial arts and signed and produced by a group wrestling techniques, calisthen- of Iranian artists, noting that the ics, strength training and epic wrestler named Iran’s “Champion music. of the Year” will don it. The two competitors in a match The 2018 National Senior Pahla- try to take control over each other vani Wrestling Championship will by throwing the opposite combat- kick off in Mashhad on January 10, ant back on his shoulder. and will finish the next day. The wrestler is allowed to grab On December 30, 2016, Iranian his opponent’s pants or belt as a wrestler Jaber Sadeqzadeh over- grip. He can also use his own legs came compatriot Ahmad Mirza- to off-balance a rival, hence caus- C.J. McCollum of the Portland Trailblazers sparked a surge in the This picture shows the armband for the forthcoming Iran’s National pour in the over 100-kilogram ing him to fall to the ground. third quarter over Oklahoma City which ended 117-106 Senior Pahlavani Wrestling Championship in the country’s weight category of the competi- The United Nations Education- LOS ANGELES (AFP) - C.J. Slovenian guard Dragic led northeastern shrine city of Mashhad.
SUNDAY 21 JANUARY 2018 SPORT 25 I’m almost dead. The TENNIS CRICKET feeling in my muscles is World No.1 Simona TODAY’S Nadal eyes last-8 stage Sri Lanka face Zimbabwe in gone and I don’t feel my Halep after surviving a ACTION as Australian Open Tri-Nation Series in Mirpur, ankle anymore titanic struggle against American Lauren Davis continues. Bangladesh. Federer, Djokovic sail as Kerber beats Sharapova AFP against 76th-ranked American Lauren Davis. MELBOURNE: Roger Federer She looked out for the count and Novak Djokovic kept up at one point but finally got over Christian Coleman their relentless march towards the line 4-6, 6-4, 15-13 in a gru- a semi-final meeting at the elling 3hr 44min epic that took Australian Open yesterday as its toll. Coleman Maria Sharapova suffered a “I’m almost dead,” the tena- crushing defeat by Angelique cious Romanian said after the Kerber. incredible battle, in which Davis breaks The two greats of the game lost a toenail and Halep served – who have won 11 Australian for the match four times. 60m indoor Opens between them – could The former quarter-finalist meet in the last four if they main- will now play Naomi Osaka after world record tain their winning ways. the Japanese star beat Austral- Defending champion Fed- ia’s Ashleigh Barty. REUTERS erer was never troubled by Sixth seed Karolina Pliskova France’s Richard Gasquet, who also had a tough test, beating LOS ANGELES : Double world has failed to take a set off him fellow Czech Lucie Safarova 7-6 silver medallist Christian since 2011, as he steamed into (8/6), 7-5.
Yoshimasa Sugawara RACING RECORD (as of May 2019) Year Month Race / Rally Vehicle used / entered Result Feb. 2019 Guinness updated its records in February 2019 to reflect the highest number of consecutive entries in the Paris‒Dakar Rally at 36 entries (excluding 2008 event, which was canceled) Jan. 2019 Dakar Peru 2019 Hino Ranger Retired Aug. 2018 Rally Mongolia 2018 Suzuki Jimny Placed 27th overall / 13th in Auto Class July 2018 Silk Way Rally 2018 Hino Ranger Placed 9th overall in truck division / Placed 4th in under 10L class Toyopet Master (1961) Apr. 2018 Guinness updated its records to reflect the highest number of consecutive entries in the Paris‒Dakar Rally at 35 entries (excluding the 2008 event, which was canceled) that Sugawara’s father drove. Jan. 2018 2018 Dakar Rally: Peru, Bolivia, Argentina Hino Ranger Retired Dec. 2017 2017 Winner of 50th Prime Minister's Cup, Grand Prize for Japan Professional Sports Winner of Sports Award from Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Aug. 2017 Rally Mongolia 2017 Hino Ranger Placed 14th overall / 9th in Auto Class / 1st in Category 3 Feb. 2017 Guinness updated its records to reflect the highest number of consecutive entries in the Paris‒Dakar Rally at 34 entries (excluding the 2008 event, which was canceled) Jan. 2017 2017 Dakar Rally: Paraguay, Bolivia, Argentina Hino Ranger Placed 29th overall in truck division / Placed 2nd in under 10L class Aug. 2016 Rally Mongolia 2016 YAMAHA YXZ1000R Placed 19th overall / 3rd in Auto Class / 1st in Category 1 Jan. 2016 2016 Dakar Rally: Argentina, Bolivia, Argentina Hino Ranger Placed 31st overall in truck division / 2nd in under 10L class Aug.
2018 Dakar: X-raid launches second drive concept Now with two-wheel drive too: MINI John Cooper Works Buggy MINI John Cooper Works Rally improved In the 2018 Dakar Rally, X-raid dares to make the first steps into a new era by presenting the MINI John Cooper Works Buggy! In the past 15 years, the Trebur based team fully focused on four-wheel drive vehicles but in the 2018 Dakar that will start in early January at Lima, Peru, it will enter – for the first time – a X-raid designed two-wheel drive desert racer! “We are absolutely delighted with having the opportunity to present our buggy today, a vehicle our entire team worked really hard on, in the past months,” said X-raid Team Principal Sven Quandt. “This development is unique in the X-raid history as never before so many engineers were involved in the development of an X-raid vehicle.” Although investing a lot of time in the development of the buggy, the MINI John Cooper Works Rally was also improved in many areas and drastically redesigned whilst keeping its reliability. MINI John Cooper Works Buggy “Due to the regulation advantages, we came up with the idea of building a buggy for quite a while,” Quandt revealed. And in late 2016 the idea began to take shape. The work on the project began February 2017. Altogether, more than 45 engineers of X- raid and numerous partners worked on the new buggy. “The aero package was of major importance and was enhanced together with KLK Motorsport in many simulations,” says Quandt, “And the final looks of the vehicle was created in cooperation with MINI design.” BMW Steyr designed – within the framework of the regulations – a completely new engine, based on the well-known BMW six-cylinder power unit.
Toyota Gazoo Racing Announces 2020 Dakar Rally Team
Thursday, October 24, 2019 Toyota Motor Corporation GAZOO Racing Company TOYOTA GAZOO RACING ANNOUNCES 2020 DAKAR RALLY TEAM TOYOTA GAZOO Racing today announced an all-star line-up for the Dakar Rally scheduled to take place for the first time in Saudi Arabia in January 2020. The works team features four crews consisting of Nasser Al- Attiyah and navigator Mathieu Baumel; Giniel de Villiers and navigator Alex Haro; Bernhard Ten Brinke and navigator Tom Colsoul; and Fernando Alonso and navigator Marc Coma. The team has been competing at the Dakar Rally since 2012 and, as TOYOTA GAZOO Racing South Africa, achieved Toyota’s first overall victory earlier this year with Nasser and Mathieu. Since its first Dakar Rally entry, the team recorded best overall results of 3rd (2012), 2nd (2013), 4th (2014), 2nd (2015), 3rd (2016), 5th (2017) and 2nd (2018). For the upcoming edition of the legendary rally, TOYOTA GAZOO Racing will field a mix of experienced rally- raid specialists, together with relative newcomers to the discipline. Nasser and Mathieu will be looking to defend their Dakar Rally title to add to their impressive list of achievements, including multiple FIA World Cups for Cross Country Rallies and Dakar Rally victories. Giniel is another experienced campaigner with the 2009 Dakar Rally victory to his name and four Rally of Morocco crowns, the latest coming earlier this month with his new navigator Alex. Bernhard, also a former winner in Morocco, is reunited with Tom, who hails from a rally dynasty and has been competing across different rally disciplines over the years with multiple successes in the truck category.
BEIJING Your Beijing Bible • Insightful and interactive – real voices from the capital’s expat community • Issues, life and style • Culture, eating, nightlife and more Metro Beijing appears in the English edition of the Global Times here in Beijing, Monday to Friday. Nation InDepth Life Business Last coal- Rehabilitating New US auto makers at fired plant the landlords bronze risk if Trump targets closes 6 12-13 age 18 China’s industry B1 www.globaltimes.com.cn VOLUME 8 • NO. 2248 • THURSDAY MARCH 23, 2017 PRICE 2 YUAN London alarm Chinese recall Rockefellers’ contribution to medical service By Yang Sheng As many in the US mourned the death of banker and phi- lanthropist David Rockefeller, a top hospital in China joined in the remembrance for the busi- ness tycoon. After Rockefeller passed away on Monday at the age of 101, Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMCH) in Beijing posted an article on its official Sina Weibo account with the title “Thanks to Rock- efeller family for establishing the best hospital in China.” The article reviewed the founding of PUMCH and thanked the Rockefeller family for their con- tribution to the development of medical services in China. Experts say the contribu- tion of the Rockefeller family to China’s medical services is only part of the people-to-people ex- changes between China and the US, which have lasted through A police officer sets up a cordon outside the Houses of Parliament in central London on Wednesday during an emergency incident the times and re- in which a police officer was stabbed by an alleged assailant.
CAMPINGVOGNER 2019 #inspiringadventures Så mange opplevelser, så mange historier. Living in Motion er ikke bare en filosofi på Adria, det er en livsstil. Vi tror at det å reise beriker sjelen og gir et pusterom i vår stadig mer hektiske hverdag. Våre nye 2019 modeller er designet med tanke på opplevelser. Produsert i vårt "state of the art" produksjonsanlegg, støttet opp av klasseledende garantier og over 450 Adria forhandlere over hele Europa og utenfor, Adria logoen er din garanti for kvalitet på dine reiser. Alle våre campingvogner er designet for å bo i og designet for å yte. Så mange opplevelser, så mange historier å glede seg over. Sonja Gole, Administrerende Direktør, Adria Mobil FINN UT MER I DEN NYE UTGAVEN AV "INSPIRATIONS MAGAZINE", ONLINE PÅ WWW.ADRIA.NU 4 ADRIA 2019CAMPINGVOGNER ADRIA FINN UT MER FILM PÅ WWW.ADRIA.NU Hvorfor velge Adria? Det er selvsagt, mange merker å velge mellom, men grunnene for å velge Adria har aldri vært så overbevisende. LIDENSKAP & ERFARING INTELLIGENT DESIGN VERDENSLEDENDE KVALITET SINNSRO Adria har produsert Adria leder an med PRODUKSJON Adria Campingvogner har et Adria Campingvogner fritidskjøretøy i over femti år. intelligent design, teknologi, Adria har de mest avanserte rykte for kvalitet, pålitelighet kommer med en konstruksjonsmetoder og produksjonsfasiliteter, ISO og lang levetid ved bruk klasseledende garanti og materialer. 9001, 14001 & EFQM av anerkjente automotive over 450 Adria forhandlere 5 stjerners sertifisering produksjonsteknikker. over hele Europa og utenfor. for business, kvalitet og miljøstandarder. Adria vinner regelmessig uavhengige priser for design, innovasjon, kvalitet og valuta for pengene. PRISVINNENDE PRODUKTER 2019CAMPINGVOGNER ADRIA 5 6 ADRIA 2019CAMPINGVOGNER Designet for boende DETALJENE TELLER.
9,000 tough reasons to celebrate Sainz, Walkner, Casale and Nikolaev win 40th edition of the Dakar Rally in style. After 9,000km of brutal racing across Peru, Bolivia and Argentina the competitors finally crossed the finish line of the 2018 Dakar Rally in Córdoba. Carlos Sainz, Matthias Walkner, Ignacio Casale and Eduard Nikolaev all carried big leads heading into the final 120km special stage around the home of rallying in Argentina and were not to be denied. For Walkner it was a maiden victory in the toughest rally raid on the planet, a second for Sainz and Casale while Nikolaev now has a hat-trick of truck titles. For full detailed results, click HERE. Car Experience was the name of the game for Carlos Sainz claiming a second Dakar victory and his first since 2010. The Spaniard had it all to lose going into the final few stages but kept his cool and controlled the race perfectly. Sainz, 55, said: “I am extremely happy for me and everyone behind the victory. It was hard when you have such a big lead as it is easy to start making mistakes. This was the hardest Dakar I have ever done, including the ones in Africa.” Nasser Al-Attiyah enjoyed four stage wins in 2018 to finish second overall, while final stage winner Giniel de Villiers edged Mr Dakar Stéphane Peterhansel to the final podium spot. Peterhansel said: “We did two big mistakes and lost a lot of time. This is the race though. At the end, I still don’t know if I will continue, I need time to think about it.” Bike Matthias Walkner created a little bit of history in Argentina by becoming the first Austrian to ever win the bike category of the Dakar Rally.