ICT Newsletter, Spring 2010

Welcome to the spring Fourteen years ago, a group of ICT founders approached Prof. Uriel Reichman, the 2010 edition of the Interna- founder of the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya - a young, non-governmental academic tional Institute for institution which was then only one year old but already showing signs of being a Counter-Terrorism (ICT) leader in its field – with the idea of establishing the International Institute for Counter- E-Newsletter. We are Terrorism. We believed, even then, that there was an urgent need for the existence of pleased to present you with such an institute which would have one foot in academia and the other in the opera- highlights from ICT events tive world; an institute which would examine the phenomenon of international and that took place over the local terrorism as a multi-interdisciplinary issue. This unique approach would contrib- course of the past months. ute to the understanding of the phenomenon and the ways and means of dealing with it. This was a ground-breaking decision, which those in the know, academics, security- Please visit our website at related officials and even reporters, did not believe would ever get off the ground. www.ict.org.il for more Moreover, in the academic world, terrorism was not recognized as a discipline or even updates. an academic sub-discipline and the practitioners could not understand how an aca- demic body, which gathered and analyzed overt material, could contribute to their You can also join us on understandings of the terrorism phenomenon. Facebook: www.facebook.com/ICT.org.il and follow us on Twitter: Over the years, ICT has gained a reputation of being an outstanding Israeli and interna- www.twitter.com/ICT_org tional center in the research of terrorism and counter-terrorism. After the attacks of September 11, 2001, the institute found itself leading a developing worldwide trend in the academic world and became a cutting-edge guiding light for the many institutes and think-tanks which emerged in many universities worldwide. The institute's spheres of action expanded, the number of its researchers grew immeasurably, its regional and Inside this issue: international reviews and surveys were in great demand by decision-makers world- wide. ICT's activities in the research field, the legal assistance which it gives in claims made against the perpetrators of terror attacks, the increase in the public's resilience, Marshall Center 2 organization of think-tanks and brainstorming, the institute's international conferences Students visit ICT and its academic program, were all perceived as being state-of-the-art. Special Lecture Tour in 2 the United-States

Agreement Between 2 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and ICT

Meeting of ICTAC 3

Lectures Series in 3 Counter-Terrorism Dr. Boaz Ganor Recent Publications 4 Executive Director Interview with Dr. 5 International Institute for Counter-Terrorism Boaz Ganor Academic Programs in 10 Counter-Terrorism COMING SOON

ICT’s 10th Interna- 12 tional Conference ICT Online Database of Terrorists Incidents Over 30,000 Terrorist Incidents and Activists The Database will be available free of charge at www.ict.org.il

Marshall Center Students Visit ICT A special delegation of 73 senior military, government and law-enforcement officials in the field of counter-terrorism and security from 48 different countries came to as part of a special Mar- shall Center course between March 7 th and March 10 th . The George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, Program on Terrorism and Security Studies, based in Garmisch, Germany, is a Ger- man-American organization working to strengthen security cooperation between North American, European and Asian countries at the international level, especially in the field of defense and security . The program included lectures and briefings from Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Strategic Af- fairs, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Moshe Yaalon; Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, MK Daniel Ayalon; Former Head of the Israel Security Agency and Former Minister of Public Security, MK Avi Dichter; Former Head of the Mossad and Chairman of ICT's Board of Directors, Mr. Shabtai Shavit; ICT Founder and Executive Director Dr. Boaz Ganor; ICT Deputy Director Dr. Eitan Azani; Director of the Defense Marshall Center Students listening Ministry Diplomatic-Security Branch, Maj. Gen. (Res.) Amos Gilad; Divisional Commander of the Tel to the Israeli Air Force Band Aviv Division in the Israeli Police, Maj. Gen. Shahar Ayalon; and ICT Senior Researchers Col. (Res.) Lior Lotan and Col. (Res.) Yoni Fighel. In addition to these lectures, participants conducted a field study in Israel that included visits to the Israeli National Police and the Israeli Army, sites in the Go- lan Heights region, as well as in the cities of Sderot and Jerusalem.

Special Lecture Tour In the United States

The ICT and Counter- the Department of Home- traveled to New York and Terrorism Solutions Ltd. land Security and the De- Washington D.C. in an (CTS), the consulting and partment of Justice), law effort to improve under- training arm of ICT, con- enforcement agencies, first standing of global terror- ducted a special lecture responders, decision mak- ism and its ramifications, as tour in the United States ers, international and local well as to achieve interna- entitled "Combating Inter- business corporations, tional cooperation in the national Terrorism: The heads of security depart- fight against this growing Developing Threat of Ter- ments, universities (e.g. and fundamental threat. rorist Organizations," from Princeton University) and ICT Executive Director Dr. February 7-17, 2010. journalists (e.g. the Wall Eitan Azani lectures on the threat of Hezbollah Workshops were designed Street Journa l and the New for security agencies (e.g. York Times ). Our experts

Collaboration Agreement between Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and ICT On February 17, 2010, Prof. Pedro Gonzales-Trevijano, Rector of the Rey Juan Carlos Uni- versity, and Dr. Boaz Ganor, ICT Executive Director, signed a collaboration framework agreement.

ICT holds similar agreements with the Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism at Syracuse University and with the International Centre for Political Violence and Terror- ism Research at the Centre of the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

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Meeting of the International Counter-Terrorism Academic Community

The International Counter- Krunglaski (National Consor- CeAS, with the cooperation Terrorism Academic Commu- tium for the Study of Terror- of ICTAC members, will pub- nity (ICTAC) is an interna- ism and Responses to Terror- lish an annual Global Terror- tional association of institu- ism (START), University of ism Report to be widely dis- tions, experts and researchers Maryland, USA), Prof. Robert seminated to national and in fields related to the study Friedmann (Georgia Interna- international political entities of terrorism and counter- tional Law Enforcement Ex- and to the general public. terrorism, founded in 2003 by change, USA), Prof. William For the more than 30 world Dr. Boaz Ganor. Between Banks (The Institute for Na- renowned experts that par- March 4 and March 6, 2010, tional Security and Counter- ticipated in the gathering, the The Centre for Higher Stud- terrorism at Syracuse Univer- conference served as a plat- ies for Combating Terrorism sity, USA), Dr. Anne Mande- form for a broad exchange of and Political Violence (CeAS) ville (Centre de Droit Pénal ICTAC Meeting views on the situation of hosted the 4 th ICTAC confer- International et d’Analyse des terrorism on a global, re- ence at the University Cam- Conflits, Université de Tou- gional (Europe, Middle East, pus "Selva dei Pini" in the city louse I, France) and Prof. Africa, the Balkans, South of Pomezia, organized in co- Dragan Simeunovic (Centre America, Caucasus) and local operation with the ICT. The for Security Studies and Ter- level (China, Afghanistan, conference's goal was to ex- rorism Research, Belgrade Israel, South Africa ahead of pand and strengthen the in- University, Serbia). The con- the forthcoming World Soc- ternational reach of ICTAC. ference was also attended by cer Cup). The discussions The new members of ICTAC representatives of two inter- also addressed specific issues will include 14 institutes and national organizations: Dr. “It takes a such as asymmetric warfare think-tanks and nine individual David Scharia, Legal Officer in and the concept of propor- researchers from five conti- the Counter Terrorism Ex- tionality; the fight against ecutive Directorate (CTED) network nents. incitement to terrorism, ex- of the United Nations Secu- The new organizational tremism and intolerance, the rity Council and Dott. Al- framework, based on a new de-radicalization process in to beat a berto D'Alessandro, UNICRI constitution, consists of a Saudi Arabia, presentations of Liaison Representative to the President, Dr. Boaz Ganor the CTED Global Implemen- Council of Europe. The con- network” (ICT, Israel); an Executive tation Survey 2009 Report, ference was saluted by high Director, Senator Maurizio and UNICRI's activities. level Italian officials. The con- Calvi (CeAS, Italy); an Aca- ICTAC is open to other insti- ference was saluted by high demic Director, Prof. Fer- tutional and individual mem- nando Reinares (Elcano Royal level Italian officials. bers with a recognized pro- Institute for International and ICTAC will open a head office fessional record in the field of Strategic Studies – Madrid); at the Campus of Pomezia, terrorism and counter- and a five-member Executive and Dr. Alfredo D'Ascoli terrorism research and will Committee: Prof. Arie Graziano will be the coordi- be glad to positively respond nator of this office. to such applications.

ICT’s Lecture-Series in Counter-Terrorism As the Deputy Dean of the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy and head of the Masters Program in Counter-Terrorism and Homeland Security at the IDC, Dr. Boaz Ganor launched a lecture series exploring the many challenges and dilemmas of ter- rorism and counter-terrorism, aimed at enriching the knowledge and understanding of graduate students in the program. As part of this framework, MA students from the IDC had the opportunity to attend lectures of: • Mr. Michael Kraft (Former Senior Advisor, United States Department of State, Office of the Counter-Terrorism Coordinator) on The Evolution of United States Counter-Terrorism Policy Former Head of the • Prof. Ofira Seliktar (Head of the intelligence section of the Association of Middle East & Mossad and Chairman of African Studies) on Terrorism as a Complex Deception System: The Case of the Islamists during the ICT Board of Directors, Oslo Peace Process Mr. Shabtai Shavit

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ICT’s Lecture-Series in Counter-Terrorism

Prof. Rohan Gunaratna (Head of the International Centre for Political Violence and Terror- ism Research) on The New Face of Al Qaeda Mr. Shmuel Sasson (Former Director of Security, El Al Airlines) on the Trends in Aerial Ter- rorism Prof. Rafi Eldor (Professor of Finance, Arison School of Business, IDC and Academic Director, Former Head of the Israel The Rich Center for Trading and Research in Financial Markets, IDC) on The Economic Im- Security Agency and Former pact of Terrorism Minister of Public Security, MK Avi Dichter lectures to MK Avi Dichter (Former Minister of Public Security, Former Head of the Israel Security the MA Students in Counter- Agency) on Contending Suicide Attacks Terrorism Dr. Assaf Moghadam (Assistant Professor and Senior Associate, Combating Terrorism Center at West Point & Associate, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Uni- versity) on Fault Lines of Global Jihad: Fissures within and around Al-Qaeda. Prof. Asa Kasher (Laura Schwarz-Kipp Chair In Professional Ethics and Philosophy of Prac- tice) on Ethical issues in Fighting Terrorism: General Theory and Israeli Experience Lt. Col. Brian Steed (Training and Doctrine Liaison Officer, US Army) on Piercing the Fog of War: Recognizing Change on the Battlefield Mr. Ishmael Khaldi (Adviser to FM ) on One Man's Story of Israel's Cul- ture, Society & Politics, from the Perspective of a Minority in the Jewish State Prof. Jason Wittenberg (Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Berkley, ) on Barriers to Entry: Which States Build Fortified Boundaries and Why? Head of the International Cen- tre for Political Violence and Mr. Shabtai Shavit (Former Head of the Mossad and Chairman of ICT Board of Directors) on Terrorism Research, The Challenges of Intelligence Regarding International Terrorist Organizations Prof. Rohan Gunaratna

Recent Publications - News and Commentaries

The Madrid Bombings and Blind Destinies Al Qaeda in the Maghreb The Talibanization in the Global Jihadism and the terror abductions Balkans Prof. Fernando Reinares Ajai Sahni Dr. Shaul Shay Dr. Shaul Shay

Since 9/11/2001, there has been For centuries, outsiders have de- Statistics kept by regional security The government in Bosnia is cur- ongoing controversy over whether fined the critical turning points of services for 2007 show that 115 rently situated between a rock and the real threat of global terrorism is destiny across South Asia, and this people, mostly businessmen, were a hard place. On the one hand, the posed by al-Qaeda, its territorial does not appear to have changed. abducted by Islamist groups with US and Western European coun- extensions and affiliated organiza- There is an evident collapse of billions of dinars paid in ransoms. It tries demand the cooperation in the tions, or by decentralized groups leadership across much of the re- seems that AQIM is following Al- global war on terror, while on the inspired by, but unconnected to, gion, and an incapacity to capitalize Qaeda in Iraq's modus operandi, other hand, the authorities and the such entities. The 03/11/2004 Ma- even on the tremendous gains that after having imported suicide bomb- public have a problem to operate drid train bombings are often held have been secured in many of the ings to Algeria (mostly since the against the Mujahidin that stood by up as the archetype of an independ- constituent countries. Once again, it April 11, 2007 attacks), then re- them in their past struggles. ent local cell at work, and the per- seems, the decisions of outside cruiting teenagers, now AQIM is This “dichotomy” is reflected in the petrators have been depicted as forces will overwhelmingly deter- kidnapping foreign nationals. AQIM relatively low scale government self-recruited, leaderless terrorists. mine the trajectory of violence and has claimed responsibility for most activity against the terror infrastruc- Six years later new evidence con- the receding possibilities of peace, of the kidnappings across the region ture, which is conducted mainly to necting some of the most notorious in this vast, populous and troubled over the past few years. In most satisfy the West and to avoid a members of the Madrid bombing region of the world. cases, the jihadists make political crisis over the sensitive issue of the network with al-Qaeda’s senior demands as well as ransoms that global war on terror. This activity, leadership, along with features of run into millions of dollars. The which is local and limited, does not the terrorist network itself and abductions since 2008 illustrate deal with the problem in any depth distinctive elements of the likely AQIM’s extended geographical nor does it uproot the terror infra- strategy behind the blasts, suggest reach (Tunisian, Algeria, Mali Niger). structures that have gained a foot- that these assumptions are mislead- Whether the AQIM presence is hold in the Balkans. ing. direct or indirect, it has significant

operational implications.

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Recent Publications: Jihadi Websites Monitoring Group

A Jihadi Magazines Hints at The Focal Point of Activity of Mounting Efforts on Jihadi Periodical Report Terrorist Attacks at the 2010 the Concept of Global Forums to Target China May 2010 - No. 2 World Cup in South Africa Jihad in Nazareth for Terrorist Attacks

This report summarizes the most During the first week of April There are accumulating indica- Over the year, a concentrated prominent events posted on the 2010, several Jihadi forums pro- tions to the fact that Sheikh effort has been made by the Jihadi online forums in the first vided links for the downloading of Nazem Abu Eslim (called Abu Turkistan Islamic Party to focus half of May 2010. Among the the fifth issue of the “Al- Osama Al-Nasseri), the Imam of the attention of Global Jihad on central topics appearing in this Mushtaqun Ila Al-Jannah” Jihadi the Shihab Al-Din Mosque in the Chinese oppression. The TIP issue are: Magazine. The magazine contains Nazareth, and heading the is a militant Islamic Jihadi group, • A video clip presents the young a two page article by Ubada bin “Jama’at Ansar Allah – Bayt Al- mostly active in the Waziristan German Jihadi fighter, Eric Al-Samit, titled “The Global Qai- Maqdis – Al-Nasira” organization area and the north-west border Breininger dat Al-Jihad organization at the (“The Supporters of Allah Group with Pakistan, which is endeavor- • The Jihadi forums publish a 2010 World Cup”. The author – Jerusalem/Palestine – Naz- ing to establish an independent guide book titled "How to hide wishes that Al-Qaeda will operate areth”), tightens its affinity with Islamic emirate in eastern Turki- anything" at the World Cup, and especially the idea of global Jihad. stan. Seemingly, the aim of the • A new message from the leader against teams representing the campaign is to recruit Jihadi vol- of Taliban Pakistan countries taking part in the unteers from all over the world, • Appointing an heir to the Al- in order to expand the fighting “Zionist-Crusader campaign on Qaeda in Iraq leader framework against the Chinese Islam”.


Please click here to access the report Please click here to access the report Please click here to access the report Please click here to access the report

Interview with Dr. Boaz Ganor Q: Why did you decide to bring these different Q: What is the role of study terrorism and approaches to the table. academics in confronting counter-terrorism? When I finished my service in terrorism? My interest in the subject of the IDF, I said to myself, this It is a fair question with an terrorism started approxi- is something I want to do in answer that I am afraid many mately 30 years ago. I was my life – bring academic tools, people and scholars are still serving in the military when I approaches and knowledge to debating. When I founded the encountered the topic of the field of counter-terrorism ICT, together with some of terrorism and I found the and then, the practitioner, my friends, in 1995 (six years subject matter fascinating. I worldwide, will have better before 9/11), we thought that was fascinated then and I am counter-terrorism policies there was a need to bridge “Terrorism and still fascinated now, 30 years and practices. So, that was my the gap between the academic counter-terrorism, in later, because it is a very chal- interest in this field, and we world and the practical world my view, is the most lenging subject matter, both are talking about many years in order to combat terrorism. theoretically and practically. prior to 9/11 when the topic Easier said than done, because interdisciplinary and But it's mainly because terror- of counter-terrorism was not the practical world – namely multidisciplinary ism and counter-terrorism, in as popular as it is today – security services, practitio- my view, is the most interdis- when scholars and think tanks phenomenon that I ners, police, and the army – ciplinary and multidisciplinary and research themes hardly did not really understand how can think of”. phenomenon that I can think dealt with these subject mat- people that deal with open- of. You'll find that almost ters. There was not a com- source information and un- every academic discipline is mon understanding that this classified material could con- relevant: psychology, political was relevant in the academic tribute to their knowledge science, law, computer sci- world or that there was an without access to classified ence, criminology, biology, interest in the academic documents. The academic chemistry, sociology, philoso- world to deal with it. After world, on the other hand, did phy, medicine – you name it. 9/11, everything changed; this not really understand as well All have to do with the sub- subject matter become more why they needed to deal with ject matter of terrorism, and and more acceptable and in- the practical subject matter of in order to comprehend the demand within the academic counter-terrorism. They overall picture and gain in- world. largely believe that this sub- depth understanding of the ject has to be left with practi- phenomenon, you need to

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-tioners and not be dealt with the magnitude of the threat ICT is embedded in the IDC, at the academic level. and the magnitude of the which is the first private aca- Personally, I do not believe in challenge of dealing with that demic institute in Israel and an ivory-tower type of acade- threat. My Ph.D. dissertation the most prestigious one. This mia. The academic world deals with the Israeli CT synergy between ICT and needs to use its tools and strategy, analyzing efficiency IDC has helped to promote approaches in order to con- versus liberal democratic both the academic prestige of tribute to the possibility of values, which was finalized a the ICT and enhance the people in the world living few years prior to 9/11. This teaching skills of IDC, espe- better lives. It is true in every has become the biggest chal- cially, in the school of govern- academic field – sociology, lenge of the whole world, and ment. From that point of psychology, law, medicine, especially in Western, liberal view, I would say that the biology. And this is why I and democratic societies. academic education in CT that is being conducted at thought that there was a need How can one find a way to IDC is based mainly but not to bring these academic skills bridge the gap between effi- US Ambassador in Israel H.E. only on ICT skills that have to help the international com- ciency in counter-terrorism James Cunningham, IDC Presi- become the spearhead of munity deal with this subject and liberal democratic values? dent Prof. Uriel Reichman and academic education and Dr. Boaz Ganor matter. The U.S. suffered from this From day one, we named ICT blow in the face since 9/11, counter-terrorism. the International Institute for and since then, has invested a We have today in the school Counter-Terrorism and not large sum of money in every of government and in the the Israeli Institute for niche of CT and HLS. It cre- international school a cluster Counter-Terrorism. Even ated the DHS, and until today, of courses in CT and HLS at then we believed that terror- it has supported the establish- the BA level, which gives BA ism is an international prob- ment of almost two dozen students the ability to get a lem and not a local problem. centers of excellence in degree in government with a Even when you deal with local American universities that are specialization in CT and HLS. “From day one, we terrorism and local organiza- dealing with different aca- We have the executive pro- named ICT the tions, you cannot turn a blind demic approaches to CT and gram, which is mainly de- eye to the international rami- HLS. signed for practitioners, which International Institute we run twice a year, in both fications, ties, networking, Some of them have been cre- for Counter-Terrorism winter and summer. The connections and so on and so ated based on the model of three-weeks condensed edu- and not the Israeli forth. And this is why from ICT, which was the first think- cation program has become Institute for Counter- day one, we saw ourselves as tank focusing on CT prior to most-wanted by practitioners dealing with international 9/11. Unlike these centers of Terrorism. Even then all over the world, and we terrorism and not Palestinian excellence - some of which we believed that usually have a long waiting list. or Middle Eastern terrorism. are doing a remarkable job – And the jewel of the crown is terrorism is an When we analyze the phe- ICT is a one-stop shop. The our MA in CT, which is being international problem nomenon of terrorism and centers of excellence in the conducted in English. It is a and not a local use those interdisciplinary US focus on one approach specialization over one year, academic tools, we can con- and analyze one factor of CT problem”. three semesters, being taught tribute a lot to understanding and HLS, like behavioral sci- by the best Israeli and interna- the problem of terrorism ence and CT, or risk and tional scholars, and combines altogether and finding best threat analysis in CT, or ter- academic theoretical analysis practices and policies to rorism and technology, or with practical Israeli experi- counter them. non-conventional terrorism. ence. And this is, by the way, We, at ICT, are dealing with what ICT is all about. Q: Can you elaborate on all of the above. On top of that, ICT is en- ICT was created as an NGO, the activities of the ICT? gaged in different research and unlike these centers of Going back a little bit, I was projects, some of which I excellence, ICT does not get describing the need to over- would like to elaborate on. any funding from any Israeli or come obstacles from both One of our projects is our other state or government sides: the practical arena and public resilience project. For agency. From time to time Dr. Ganor’s book, the the academic arena, when we many years ICT experts have ICT conducts activities and Counter-Terrorism Puzzle first founded the ICT. But been engaged in teaching in research, for international and - A Guide to Decision everything changed in one high-schools in Israel in order state agencies and is paid for Makers day, and that day was the 11 th to create counter-terrorism that, but the ICT is not spon- of September 2001. On that sored by any state and keeps resilience. It is a unique sad day the world understood its independence as a NGO.

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approach that does not come one of the leading websites in dozen countries and it is be- If you would ask Ishmael from a psychological point of terrorism and CT. And we do ing chaired by CeAs. So in a Haniyeh, who is running view as many resilience pro- believe that by publishing this nutshell that is what we do at Hamas in Gaza, he would grams do, but instead from database free of charge for ICT, and we keep ourselves vouch for that and say he too knowledge expertise based on the use of scholars, experts, busy. is against terrorism, although the understanding of terror- and students from all over the he is one of the biggest ter- ism as psychological warfare – world, it will expand the im- rorists in the world today. getting to understand terror- portance of the website even Q: Why is it important to And if you ask Osama Bin ism as an effort to create fear beyond what it is today. have an international defi- Laden himself, he would say and anxiety within society, nition of terrorism? that he is not a terrorist. and granting the tool of On top of that, ICT is also a When I started my academic knowledge to the public at meeting place for experts and The paradox is that not only interest in the early 1980s, I large, in order to process the students from all over the are the terrorists and terror- was amazed that although terrorist input and become world. We have an extensive ist supporters emphasizing everyone was talking about more resilient to this subject program of internships at the the differences between ter- terrorism and everyone was matter. Over the last two ICT from which we have stu- rorists and freedom fighters – agreeing on the need to fight years, the ICT, with the help dents from ivy-league univer- and calling themselves free- and contain terrorism, there of the Pratt Foundation, has sities coming for a certain dom fighters – but scholars was still no international combined the knowledge that period of time. We are con- and decision-makers from the agreement or acceptance of we accumulated into a special ducting international work- other side are saying the same one objective definition. We website in Hebrew (http:// shops, some of them with the thing. Let me quote Senator know the important book of ict.cet.ac.il/ ) designated for support of NATO, dealing Henry Jackson who said 20 Schmidt and Jongman, Political high schools kids, and now we with challenges in CT and years ago: "The idea that one Terrorism , and the fact that are starting to educate teach- HLS. The most prestigious person’s ‘terrorist’ is an- there are more than 100 defi- ers in high schools on how to project that we have in this other’s ‘freedom fighter’ can- nitions of terrorism. The work independently on this respect is our international not be sanctioned. Freedom conference, which is being problem is not that there is fighters or revolutionaries website. conducted on the symbolic one definition, but that there don’t blow up buses contain- Another field of activity is date of the week of the 9/11 are endless definitions, and ing non-combatants; terrorist prosecuting terrorism, and attacks. Now we are prepar- not one acceptable agreement murderers do. Freedom fight- here we are working with ing our 10 th Annual Confer- of a definition. Actually, most ers don’t set out to capture prosecution authorities mainly ence, which has become a of the scholars worldwide, and slaughter schoolchildren; in the U.S. but also in other world summit meeting of decision-makers and legal terrorist murderers do. It is a countries, helping them to academic scholars, decision advisers, agreed on the need disgrace that democracies build files coming from open makers, practitioners, and for a definition. There is no would allow the treasured source information against members of the private sec- way to reach an agreement. word ‘freedom’ to be associ- terrorists and their support- tor, who are coming for three Why? Because it is such a ated with acts of terrorists." ers. Another mission that we days to have an in-depth dis- subjective term. We all know I beg to differ; sometimes carry out is advising decision cussion on the new trends the saying, "one man’s terrorist freedom fighters do slaughter makers worldwide in order to and challenges of terrorism, is another man’s freedom children and bomb buses. We help them build better poli- but at the same time elaborat- fighter" – meaning, everything need to distinguish between cies and practices in CT. We ing their international ties is subjective in life. also advise and consult for the goals and means . Terrorism is under the slogan that we are It was clear to me back then, public sector in how to better not a goal; it is a mean to using at ICT: “It takes a net- and clear to me today, that analyze the threats and risks achieve a goal and freedom work to beat a network” . effectively combating terror- posed to their facilities and fighting is a goal, nor a mean. Through these international ism will never work without The definition I use is the manpower. activities, we are helping to an internationally accepted- following: “terrorism is the On top of that, we have built, construct an international CT short, precise, objective, and deliberate use of violence aimed in the last ten years, an exten- network that is needed in clear- definition of terrorism. against civilians in order to sive and comprehensive data- order to stand up against the Without this, we will not be achieve political ends”. Short, base on terrorism and international global Jihadi able to reach the level of precise and objective. It is counter-terrorism which network. In that respect, in international cooperation that based on international hu- includes events, profiles of 2003, after we were ap- is needed to fight terrorism. manitarian law that distin- terrorist organizations, etc. proached by many new think How can we outlaw a terror- guishes between attacks Until now, it was for internal tanks and institutes on ist organization without defin- aimed deliberately at civilians use for ICT scholars only, but counter-terrorism, I created ing what terrorism is? How - referred to as war crimes - we are planning in this coming another organization, ICTAC. can we have international and attacks aimed at military year to publish all this infor- ICTAC is an umbrella organi- cooperation? If you ask Presi- personnel, which unfortu- mation on the ICT website. zation that brings together dent Assad, who is deeply nately at times of war are This website was one of few, many of those institutes. To- engaged in supporting terror- permitted. if not the only one prior to day it holds approximately 20 ism, he would that say he is 9/11, that was dealing with institutes from more than a against terrorism. terrorism and has become 7 7

What I am saying is that the you see yourself as a freedom domly attacking civilians, but constraints that the state and fighter. Me, as an Israeli, I actually intentionally targeting regular army have and need believe that I am a freedom civilians. Goldstone was able to have in reference to at- fighter and that I am still fight- to lead this blood libel against tacks on civilians should be ing for my freedom, because Israel because of the lack of Without defining applied to non-state actors as you do not accept my right to international acceptance on what terrorism is, well. And this is why I differ exist as a Jewish state, even what terrorism is. between terrorism, which is on one square inch in this counter-terror deliberate violence against region. But for the sake of becomes no more civilians, and guerilla warfare, argument, let's say that you Q: What are, in your than lip service. which is deliberate violence are freedom fighter. And if views, the main trends in against military personnel. I you are a freedom fighter, both regional and global am arguing that as a state that then you have a legitimate terrorism? is fighting a defensive war goal. In my view, any freedom As said by now, there is against terrorism and guerilla fighter that is a genuine free- hardly a phenomenon of local war. From an Israeli point of dom fighter has a legitimate terrorism, because local ter- view, anyone attacking their goal and has justification to rorism has international unifi- soldiers is an enemy, and they use violence. However, there cations and ties, but we have the right to defend is one type of violence that should point out that one themselves by attacking back should always be forbidden, concern is the growing level or launching proactive activ- and that is the deliberate use of threats related to global ity, but morally I think there is of violence against civilians- Jihadi terrorism. Today the a big difference between de- meaning terrorism. problem of global Jihadi ter- liberate attacks against civil- Last but not least, when we rorism is far more than a ians and against military per- analyze the evolution of ter- problem of one person sonnel. rorism, we see that classical threatening the safety of the Just to further explain the wars against states focused on world, mainly bin Laden, or paradox, let me quote the the goal of winning a victory one group, mainly al-Qaeda. definition of terrorism from by defeating the other army. Today, the problem has be- the Muslim World League, as Modern terrorism has trans- come a trend that is widely it was distributed in a NGO ferred its goal from defeating accepted among thousands of Dr. Boaz Ganor in meeting in Durban. The defi- the other army into defeating activists all over the world, conversation with ICT Deputy nition I suggested is one sen- the will of the people to fight, tens of thousands of support- Director Dr. Eitan Azani tence; theirs is four pages by creating fear and anxiety. ers, and millions of Muslims long. I will quote just one We are now seeing a new that maybe are not ready to article: “terrorism is an outra- transition in the concepts of take an active part, but defi- geous attack carried out, by these modern campaigns of nitely support the cause and either individuals, groups, or terrorism and guerilla insur- means of global jihadists. So if states, against the human being, gencies; instead of focusing on there is a challenge here, it is against his religion, life, intellect defeating the will to fight, they to find a way to make it clear property or honor. It includes all are now trying to defeat the to the Muslim masses world- forms of intimidation, harm, legitimacy to fight. We saw wide that they need to stand threatening or killing”. that with the Goldstone re- against this negative trend in port and all those lawsuits the Muslim world, in Muslim This is a very wide definition, against Israeli soldiers and society, in Islam, in order to but then they add: “without a Modern terrorism just cause”. So if you have a officers in different countries. save Islam from Islamists. just cause, all of the above is The Goldstone report, a non- It reminds me of when I was has transferred its ok. You can kill, you can com- objective, non-professional invited to give a talk in goal from defeating mit arson, you can harm, you report, was based on the lack Europe. Just before I gave my the other army into can hurt the honor, you can of a definition of terrorism. It talk, there was a Muslim reli- hurt the intellect; you can do holds Israel responsible for gious cleric that came from an defeating the will of all of the above. This is inten- alleged war crimes, but it Arab country in the Middle the people to fight, tionally misleading, and shows doesn’t even mention the fact East. He was preaching to a by creating fear and confusion between means and that Hamas, as a terrorist Western European audience goals. organization, was focusing on and said: "How dare do you anxiety. launching ongoing campaigns refer to Islam as the root Ishmail Haniyah would say against Israeli civilians on a cause of this violent terrorism that he is not a terrorist but a daily basis for years, using phenomena. How dare you freedom fighter. My answer suicide attacks and missile refer to Jihad as the root to him would be: Maybe you attacks. They were not ran- are a freedom fighter; at least cause of this problem?

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Islam is a peaceful religion That is the formula of terror- If I take Israel for example, I that preaches clemency; Jihad ism. From the formula of think it serves as the best is doing good deeds and not terrorism, we can conclude model in the world for coun- those violent activities." what the formula of counter- tering terrorism. It is a liberal I spoke immediately after him, terrorism is. In this respect, democracy that after long I praised him and said, "My the formula of counter- years of suffering from terror- friend, thank you for traveling terrorism is trying to either ism and having been forced to all the way from the Middle lower the motivation that deal with terrorism has the East and letting us know leads to terrorism or lower best counter-terror capabili- these two important facts – the operational capabilities of ties, based on good intelli- that this is not Islam and this the terrorists. On the face of gence and good offensive and is not jihad. But between you it, it is enough to lower one defensive capabilities. But and me, I do not know why factor; if you have a group of Israel is an example of a state you flew from the Middle people that have the motiva- that has failed to counter the East, instead of going to tion to launch a terrorist motivation that leads to ter- Yemen, Saudi Arabia or Iraq attack but do not have the rorism. And when I am saying to tell those people who are operational capability (or vice countering the motivation beheading others in the name versa), then you are not going that leads to terrorism, I am of Islam, raising the flag of to suffer from terrorist at- not necessarily referring to Jihad, to tell them that what tacks. just the political solution. A political solution is important, they are doing is against Islam But dealing with one factor is but it is not the only way of and is a misuse of Jihad. If not a solution – it is only a countering motivations; many there is a mission in life for temporary solution to terror- things can and should be done you my friend, it is to stand ism. For those that have the to counter the motivation of against those extreme violent motivation and not the capa- terrorists and I am afraid that Islamists and save Islam from bility, so long as the motiva- Israel missed a lot of opportu- tion is there, they will seek to those extremists." nities in this respect, as other improve their capabilities, and The formula of countries have also missed after a while, – days, weeks, terrorism has two Q: If you could give one months or years – they will such opportunities. factors – motivation piece of advise to decision- probably try again. For those makers, what would it be? who have the operational and operational Please understand the formula capability without motivation, capabilities of terrorism and find the best they are basically sitting on a policies to counter terrorism, time-bomb; anything can based on that formula. Let spark the motivation, and the me explain that. If you would outcome can be very danger- ask me to summarize anything ous. So my piece of advice: I know about terrorism, from please establish an effective anything I have learned in policy that combines both – more than 25 years of re- countering motivations and searching and teaching. This is capabilities. This is easier said what I would say. than done, because there is an integral contradiction be- The formula of terrorism has tween the two. Offensively, two factors – motivation and you can attack them. Like it operational capabilities. This or not though, you are going means that when a certain to raise their motivation to group of people have the retaliate – that is the boomer- motivation to launch terrorist ang effect of counter- attacks and that they have the terrorism. So this is the big- operational capabilities to gest challenge, finding the Prof. Uriel Reichman, MK Avi allow them to launch these Dichter, Mr. Shabtai Shavit and common bridge between attacks, then a terrorist at- Dr. Boaz Ganor those two elements. tack or campaign will occur.

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MA in Counter-Terrorism & Homeland Security Since terrorism burst into collaboration with the In- from the private sector the world's public con- ternational Institute for and international corpora- sciousness on September Counter-Terrorism (ICT) tions have participated in 11, 2001, there has been a and directed by Dr. Boaz ICT's executive programs. growing need for expertise Ganor, provides a cutting- In continuing to break new in Counter-Terrorism edge graduate program ground, Israeli and over- (CT) and Homeland Secu- that combines academic seas students can now rity (HLS) matters in gov- study, simulations and earn a full Masters degree ernment and the security workshops to offer special in CT and HS in Israel sector, as well as in acade- tools for critical thinking in from among the best fac- mia and the business sec- this field. ulty in the world. Students tor worldwide. Yet despite For the first time, qualified in the Counter-Terrorism the countless books, arti- students may earn a Mas- and Homeland Security cles and theories that have ter's degree in Govern- Studies specialization will appeared since then, CT ment from an Israeli insti- gain state-of-the-art ana- and HLS as an academic tution of higher education, lytical tools for under- field has remained in its taught entirely in English. standing the phenomenon infancy. ICT is internationally re- of terrorism and the chal- The specialization in nowned for its CT and HS lenges of counter- Counter-Terrorism and coursework and educa- terrorism, based on the Homeland Security tional opportunities. Many unique experience Israel through the MA program students from security has accumulated in the in Government, at the In- agencies and police units, field. terdisciplinary Center as well as decision makers, (IDC), Lauder School of first responders, academic Government, Diplomacy scholars, legal and security and Strategy in advisors, and professionals

Specialization Courses in Counter-Terrorism and "What remains unique about the MA program in Counter- Homeland Security Studies: terrorism is the combination of theoretical and practical • Issues in National Security knowledge students gain. Students learn from professors with vast experiences, specifically in the government and military, • Terrorism Ideology both in Israel and abroad. Students have the opportunity to • Democratic Dilemmas in Counter- listen to world-class guest speakers and are provided intern- Terrorism ship opportunities at the ICT. They attend field trips related to the security field, such as visits to the Security Fence, as well • Counter-Terrorism and Issues in National as participate in international conferences that the IDC hosts. Security The combination of education both in and out of the class- • Post-Modern Terrorism - CBRN room is truly an invaluable experience." • Negotiation with Terrorists Marissa Hight, Class of 2010 • Psychological Aspects of Terrorism

• Terrorism Fundraising

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Counter-Terrorism Studies Program

The ICT and the IDC (ICT) and the • Counter-Terrorism Issues "The instructors’ Lauder School of Government, Diplo- and Challenges for Homeland academia and real-world macy and Strategy, at the Interdiscipli- Security with Prof. Bruce Hoffman experience creates an nary Center (IDC), are proud to open • Shifting Battle Lines: Responding innovative course that is enrollment for the upcoming Eleventh to New Challenges in Terrorism practical and much Counter-Terrorism Studies Executive and Counter-Terrorism with Certificate Program, to be held from needed for the Counter- Lt. General (Ret.) Orit Adato, Ms. June 27 to July 16, 2010. Yael Shahar & Col. (Ret.) Gilead Terrorism arena." (See brochure for more details ) (Gili) Shenhar Detective Alex Vargas This high-level, intensive program at- • Arab & Islamic Cultural Environ- Anti-Terrorism Intelligence tracts an international group of practi- ment with Mr. Yoav Mimran Section tioners, executives and scholars deal- Los Angeles Police Department ing with homeland security, most of • Radical Islamic Ideologies & whom have prior counter- Strategies: From Da'awa to Ji- terrorism experience. The pro- had with Dr. Col. (res.) Eitan gram applies a multi-disciplinary ap- Azani & Col. (res.) Jonathan Fighel proach to address core issues fueling • Terrorist Organizations and Op- the threat of global terrorism. It offers erations with Prof. Rohan Guna- “This Course gives keen insights and analyses of counter- ratna insight into fundamental terrorism efforts on multiple levels. • Terrorism and Extor- issues fueling global The upcoming program is taught in tion with Col. (res.) Lior Lotan, English and is rich in content. terrorism and opens up Adv. new possibilities and It offers participants a unique opportu-

models or countering nity to learn from world-renowned experts from Israel and abroad. The the threat” six courses for the summer 2010 term include: Cary Gleicher FBI’s Legal Attaché to Israel

The program combines academic study, simulations and on-site briefings. It provides concentrated, in-depth exposure to the phenomenon of modern terrorism, including an examination of its characteristics, modus operandi, scope and proliferation throughout the world. The Counter-Terrorism Studies Executive Certificate Program creates an ideal atmos- phere for practitioners and researchers from all over the world to interact, exchange ideas and build international, professional networks. ICT’s instructors and guest lectur- ers have established an internationally renowned standard in terms of both the quality and the timeliness of the presented content. Due to limited space, we encourage you to apply as soon as possible. We invite you to visit our website to learn more about ICT’s Counter Terrorism Studies Executive Cer- tificate Program and other courses at www.ict.org.il

You can register for the upcoming program by visiting our website or by following this link For more information or questions please feel free to contact us at [email protected]

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