Newsletter, Spring 2010.Pub

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Newsletter, Spring 2010.Pub ICT Newsletter, Spring 2010 Welcome to the spring Fourteen years ago, a group of ICT founders approached Prof. Uriel Reichman, the 2010 edition of the Interna- founder of the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya - a young, non-governmental academic tional Institute for institution which was then only one year old but already showing signs of being a Counter-Terrorism (ICT) leader in its field – with the idea of establishing the International Institute for Counter- E-Newsletter. We are Terrorism. We believed, even then, that there was an urgent need for the existence of pleased to present you with such an institute which would have one foot in academia and the other in the opera- highlights from ICT events tive world; an institute which would examine the phenomenon of international and that took place over the local terrorism as a multi-interdisciplinary issue. This unique approach would contrib- course of the past months. ute to the understanding of the phenomenon and the ways and means of dealing with it. This was a ground-breaking decision, which those in the know, academics, security- Please visit our website at related officials and even reporters, did not believe would ever get off the ground. for more Moreover, in the academic world, terrorism was not recognized as a discipline or even updates. an academic sub-discipline and the practitioners could not understand how an aca- demic body, which gathered and analyzed overt material, could contribute to their You can also join us on understandings of the terrorism phenomenon. Facebook: and follow us on Twitter: Over the years, ICT has gained a reputation of being an outstanding Israeli and interna- tional center in the research of terrorism and counter-terrorism. After the attacks of September 11, 2001, the institute found itself leading a developing worldwide trend in the academic world and became a cutting-edge guiding light for the many institutes and think-tanks which emerged in many universities worldwide. The institute's spheres of action expanded, the number of its researchers grew immeasurably, its regional and Inside this issue: international reviews and surveys were in great demand by decision-makers world- wide. ICT's activities in the research field, the legal assistance which it gives in claims made against the perpetrators of terror attacks, the increase in the public's resilience, Marshall Center 2 organization of think-tanks and brainstorming, the institute's international conferences Students visit ICT and its academic program, were all perceived as being state-of-the-art. Special Lecture Tour in 2 the United-States Agreement Between 2 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and ICT Meeting of ICTAC 3 Lectures Series in 3 Counter-Terrorism Dr. Boaz Ganor Recent Publications 4 Executive Director Interview with Dr. 5 International Institute for Counter-Terrorism Boaz Ganor Academic Programs in 10 Counter-Terrorism COMING SOON ICT’s 10th Interna- 12 tional Conference ICT Online Database of Terrorists Incidents Over 30,000 Terrorist Incidents and Activists The Database will be available free of charge at Marshall Center Students Visit ICT A special delegation of 73 senior military, government and law-enforcement officials in the field of counter-terrorism and security from 48 different countries came to Israel as part of a special Mar- shall Center course between March 7 th and March 10 th . The George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, Program on Terrorism and Security Studies, based in Garmisch, Germany, is a Ger- man-American organization working to strengthen security cooperation between North American, European and Asian countries at the international level, especially in the field of defense and security . The program included lectures and briefings from Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Strategic Af- fairs, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Moshe Yaalon; Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, MK Daniel Ayalon; Former Head of the Israel Security Agency and Former Minister of Public Security, MK Avi Dichter; Former Head of the Mossad and Chairman of ICT's Board of Directors, Mr. Shabtai Shavit; ICT Founder and Executive Director Dr. Boaz Ganor; ICT Deputy Director Dr. Eitan Azani; Director of the Defense Marshall Center Students listening Ministry Diplomatic-Security Branch, Maj. Gen. (Res.) Amos Gilad; Divisional Commander of the Tel to the Israeli Air Force Band Aviv Division in the Israeli Police, Maj. Gen. Shahar Ayalon; and ICT Senior Researchers Col. (Res.) Lior Lotan and Col. (Res.) Yoni Fighel. In addition to these lectures, participants conducted a field study in Israel that included visits to the Israeli National Police and the Israeli Army, sites in the Go- lan Heights region, as well as in the cities of Sderot and Jerusalem. Special Lecture Tour In the United States The ICT and Counter- the Department of Home- traveled to New York and Terrorism Solutions Ltd. land Security and the De- Washington D.C. in an (CTS), the consulting and partment of Justice), law effort to improve under- training arm of ICT, con- enforcement agencies, first standing of global terror- ducted a special lecture responders, decision mak- ism and its ramifications, as tour in the United States ers, international and local well as to achieve interna- entitled "Combating Inter- business corporations, tional cooperation in the national Terrorism: The heads of security depart- fight against this growing Developing Threat of Ter- ments, universities (e.g. and fundamental threat. rorist Organizations," from Princeton University) and ICT Executive Director Dr. February 7-17, 2010. journalists (e.g. the Wall Eitan Azani lectures on the threat of Hezbollah Workshops were designed Street Journa l and the New for security agencies (e.g. York Times ). Our experts Collaboration Agreement between Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and ICT On February 17, 2010, Prof. Pedro Gonzales-Trevijano, Rector of the Rey Juan Carlos Uni- versity, and Dr. Boaz Ganor, ICT Executive Director, signed a collaboration framework agreement. ICT holds similar agreements with the Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism at Syracuse University and with the International Centre for Political Violence and Terror- ism Research at the Centre of the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. 2 2 Meeting of the International Counter-Terrorism Academic Community The International Counter- Krunglaski (National Consor- CeAS, with the cooperation Terrorism Academic Commu- tium for the Study of Terror- of ICTAC members, will pub- nity (ICTAC) is an interna- ism and Responses to Terror- lish an annual Global Terror- tional association of institu- ism (START), University of ism Report to be widely dis- tions, experts and researchers Maryland, USA), Prof. Robert seminated to national and in fields related to the study Friedmann (Georgia Interna- international political entities of terrorism and counter- tional Law Enforcement Ex- and to the general public. terrorism, founded in 2003 by change, USA), Prof. William For the more than 30 world Dr. Boaz Ganor. Between Banks (The Institute for Na- renowned experts that par- March 4 and March 6, 2010, tional Security and Counter- ticipated in the gathering, the The Centre for Higher Stud- terrorism at Syracuse Univer- conference served as a plat- ies for Combating Terrorism sity, USA), Dr. Anne Mande- form for a broad exchange of and Political Violence (CeAS) ville (Centre de Droit Pénal ICTAC Meeting views on the situation of hosted the 4 th ICTAC confer- International et d’Analyse des terrorism on a global, re- ence at the University Cam- Conflits, Université de Tou- gional (Europe, Middle East, pus "Selva dei Pini" in the city louse I, France) and Prof. Africa, the Balkans, South of Pomezia, organized in co- Dragan Simeunovic (Centre America, Caucasus) and local operation with the ICT. The for Security Studies and Ter- level (China, Afghanistan, conference's goal was to ex- rorism Research, Belgrade Israel, South Africa ahead of pand and strengthen the in- University, Serbia). The con- the forthcoming World Soc- ternational reach of ICTAC. ference was also attended by cer Cup). The discussions The new members of ICTAC representatives of two inter- also addressed specific issues will include 14 institutes and national organizations: Dr. “It takes a such as asymmetric warfare think-tanks and nine individual David Scharia, Legal Officer in and the concept of propor- researchers from five conti- the Counter Terrorism Ex- tionality; the fight against ecutive Directorate (CTED) network nents. incitement to terrorism, ex- of the United Nations Secu- The new organizational tremism and intolerance, the rity Council and Dott. Al- framework, based on a new de-radicalization process in to beat a berto D'Alessandro, UNICRI constitution, consists of a Saudi Arabia, presentations of Liaison Representative to the President, Dr. Boaz Ganor the CTED Global Implemen- Council of Europe. The con- network” (ICT, Israel); an Executive tation Survey 2009 Report, ference was saluted by high Director, Senator Maurizio and UNICRI's activities. level Italian officials. The con- Calvi (CeAS, Italy); an Aca- ICTAC is open to other insti- ference was saluted by high demic Director, Prof. Fer- tutional and individual mem- nando Reinares (Elcano Royal level Italian officials. bers with a recognized pro- Institute for International and ICTAC will open a head office fessional record in the field of Strategic Studies – Madrid); at the Campus of Pomezia, terrorism and counter- and a five-member Executive and Dr. Alfredo D'Ascoli terrorism research and will Committee: Prof. Arie Graziano will be the coordi- be glad to positively respond nator of this office. to such applications. ICT’s Lecture-Series in Counter-Terrorism As the Deputy Dean of the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy and head of the Masters Program in Counter-Terrorism and Homeland Security at the IDC, Dr. Boaz Ganor launched a lecture series exploring the many challenges and dilemmas of ter- rorism and counter-terrorism, aimed at enriching the knowledge and understanding of graduate students in the program.
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