POTOMAC INSTITUTE FOR POLICY STUDIES I NTERNATIONAL C E N T E R F O R T E R R O R I S M S TUDIES 901 North Stuart Street Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22203 Tel. 703-562-4513, 703-525-0770 ext. 237 Fax 703-562-1000 [email protected] www.potomacinstitute.org Prof. Yonah Alexander, Director

Daily Terrorism Weather

11 September 2014

Middle East

Syria conflict: Rebels release Fijian UN peacekeepers Aurhor/Source: BBC “Forty-five Fijian UN peacekeepers captured by an al-Qaeda-affiliated rebel group in the Syrian Golan Heights have been released, the UN says…”

Syria's opposition welcomes US air strikes on Isis militants Author/Source: Mark Tran, “Syria's main western-backed opposition group has welcomed Barack Obama's decision to bomb Islamic State (Isis) insurgents inside their country for the first time, but has also called for the removal of Bashar al-Assad's government…”

Kerry, in Saudi Arabia, Talks Strategy With Arab Leaders Author/Source: Michael R. Gordon, New York Times “Secretary of State John Kerry plunged into an intensive series of meetings here with Arab officials on Thursday to coordinate strategy against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria…”

Army, rebels clash as Yemen tensions run high Author/Source: Arab News “Shiite Huthi rebels clashed with Yemeni forces in a Sanaa suburb Wednesday as tensions ran high in the capital where they have set up protest camps, security sources and witnesses said…”

Syrian rebel group names new leader after deadly blast Author/Source: Sylvia Westall, Arab News “The new head of the Islamist group Ahrar Al-Sham, once one of the strongest militias in the Syrian civil war, has urged fellow insurgents to fight on after a blast on Tuesday wiped out its senior leadership…”

Kerry says anti-Islamic State alliance not sending ground troops Author/Source: “U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Thursday Arab states would play a critical role in a coalition against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria, but no country in the alliance was talking about sending ground troops to participate…”

Syrian Refugees Express High Hopes for Obama’s IS Plan Author/Source: Heather Murdock, Voice of America “Expectations are high among refugees fleeing the Islamic State in Syria after U.S. President Barack Obama laid out a plan to destroy the militants that have taken over large swaths of Iraq and Syria…”


POTOMAC INSTITUTE FOR POLICY STUDIES I NTERNATIONAL C E N T E R F O R T E R R O R I S M S TUDIES 901 North Stuart Street Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22203 Tel. 703-562-4513, 703-525-0770 ext. 237 Fax 703-562-1000 [email protected] www.potomacinstitute.org Prof. Yonah Alexander, Director

Barack Obama authorises air strikes against Isis militants in Syria Author/Source: Dan Roberts and Spencer Ackerman, The Guardian “Barack Obama announced an open-ended bombing campaign against Islamic State militants on Wednesday that will extend into Syria for the first time, despite acknowledging that the extremist group did not currently pose a direct threat to the US homeland…”

Human Rights Watch accuses Israel of war crimes in Gaza Author/Source: Reuters “Human Rights Watch accused Israel of committing war crimes by attacking three U.N.-run schools in the Gaza Strip in fighting in July and August, killing Palestinian civilians who had sheltered there…”

Hamas says ready to talk to Israel directly Author/Source: Fox News “A senior Hamas leader says the group is willing to talk directly to Israel, reversing a previous ban…”

Ahead of talks, Iran says West must drop 'illogical' nuclear demands Author/Source: Reuters “Iran said world powers should abandon their "illogical demands" over its nuclear program, ahead of talks on Thursday to try to bridge wide differences in positions and end the decade- old dispute by late November…”

South Asia

New al Qaeda South Asia arm claims Karachi Naval dockyard attack Author/Source: Pakistan Today “Al Qaeda’s new South Asia branch on Thursday claimed responsibility for a weekend raid on the Karachi Naval dockyard that left a sailor and three attackers dead, saying former military officers had helped in the attack…”

At least 11 Afghan civilians ‘killed by Nato airstrike’ Author/Source: BBC “At least 11 Afghan civilians including women and children have been killed and 16 injured in a Nato airstrike in the eastern province of Kunar, local security officials have told the BBC…”

India successfully test fires nuclear capable Agni-I missile Author/Source: Xinhua “India Thursday successfully test-fired its indigenously developed nuclear-capable surface-to- surface Agni-I missile from a military base in eastern state of Odisha, local media reported…”

Philippines Displays Ancient Maps to Debunk China's Sea Claims Author/Source: Voice of America “The Philippines on Thursday put on display dozens of ancient maps which officials said showed that China's territorial claims over the South China Sea did not include a disputed shoal at the center of an acrimonious standoff…”


POTOMAC INSTITUTE FOR POLICY STUDIES I NTERNATIONAL C E N T E R F O R T E R R O R I S M S TUDIES 901 North Stuart Street Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22203 Tel. 703-562-4513, 703-525-0770 ext. 237 Fax 703-562-1000 [email protected] www.potomacinstitute.org Prof. Yonah Alexander, Director

East Asia

China gives cautious response to Obama's Islamic State call Author/Source: Reuters “China responded cautiously on Thursday to a call by U.S. President Barack Obama for a broad coalition to root out Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria, saying the world should fight terror but that the sovereignty of countries must be respected…”

China's Xi repeats calls for political solution for Ukraine Author/Source: Reuters “Chinese President Xi Jinping has repeated a call for the crisis in Ukraine to be resolved politically via an inclusive dialogue, during talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, China's Foreign Ministry said…”

Australia would consider joining US air strikes in Iraq, says Tony Abbott Author/Source: Daniel Hurst, The Guardian “Australia has reaffirmed its willingness to consider joining US-led air strikes in Iraq or provision of military advisers, after Barack Obama vowed to enlist a “broad coalition of partners” to target Islamic State (Isis) militants…”

Philippines detains Canadian Muslim Author/Source: Bangkok Post “A Canadian Islamic preacher has been detained — and is due to be deported — in the Philippines, where authorities deemed him a potential threat to national security, the immigration bureau said Thursday…”

Gunmen kill four in troubled Thai south Author/Source: Reuters “Gunmen stormed a government office in southern Thailand on Thursday, killing four people in an attack police blamed on Muslim separatists whose low-level insurgency has caused thousands of deaths in the past decade…”

DPRK, Mongolia sign memo on science cooperation Author/Source: Xinhua “The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and Mongolia on Thursday signed a memorandum of understanding here on cooperation in science and technology, the official KCNA news agency reported…”

China, Russia to build seaport: report Author/Source: Bangkok Post “China and Russia will build one of the largest ports in northeast Asia on Russia's Sea of Japan coast, reports said, in a further sign of the powerhouses' growing alliance…”


POTOMAC INSTITUTE FOR POLICY STUDIES I NTERNATIONAL C E N T E R F O R T E R R O R I S M S TUDIES 901 North Stuart Street Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22203 Tel. 703-562-4513, 703-525-0770 ext. 237 Fax 703-562-1000 [email protected] www.potomacinstitute.org Prof. Yonah Alexander, Director


Nigeria’s Boko Haram puts Maiduguri under ‘siege’ Author/Source: BBC “Nigeria's militant Islamists have "completely surrounded" Maiduguri, the main city in north- eastern Borno state, traditional elders have warned…”

Oscar Pistorius Not Guilty of ; Court Adjourns With Lesser Charge Pending Author/Source: Sarah Lyall and Alan Cowell, New York Times “The judge presiding over the trial of , the Paralympic athlete, cleared him of the two most serious murder charges against him on Thursday, almost certainly sparing him a long prison sentence…”


Russia warns US against strikes on Islamic State in Syria Author/Source: BBC “Russia has warned that US air strikes against militants in Syria would be a "gross violation" of international law…”

Russia reduces gas exports to Poland Author/Source: BBC “Russia's gas supplies to Poland have dropped by 45%, Poland's state gas firm PGNiG says, amid tensions over Ukraine…”

UK rules out air strikes on Syria Author/Source: Patrick Wintour, The Guardian “Philip Hammond, the foreign secretary, has ruled out UK involvement in any air strikes being planned by the US in Syria, leaving open the possibility that Britain will be involved in strikes within Iraq…”

Turkey not taking part in combat missions against IS: official Author/Source: Fulya Ozerkan, Arab News “Turkey will not allow a US-led coalition to attack jihadists in neighboring Iraq and Syria from its air bases, nor will it take part in combat operations against militants, a government official told AFP Thursday…”

UK, Germany won't carry out strikes on ISIS Author/Source: The Australian “Germany and the UK Thursday ruled out carrying out air strikes on Islamic State militants in Syria, a day after President Barack Obama authorised the start of US air strikes in the country…”


POTOMAC INSTITUTE FOR POLICY STUDIES I NTERNATIONAL C E N T E R F O R T E R R O R I S M S TUDIES 901 North Stuart Street Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22203 Tel. 703-562-4513, 703-525-0770 ext. 237 Fax 703-562-1000 [email protected] www.potomacinstitute.org Prof. Yonah Alexander, Director

Ukraine says Russia pulling forces out, sees boost for peace Author/Source: Arab News “Ukraine’s president said on Wednesday Russia had removed the bulk of its forces from his country, raising hopes for a peace drive now underway after five months of conflict in which more than 3,000 people have been killed…”

Hollande to Announce France’s Stance in Fight against IS Author/Source: Latin America Herald Times “French President Francois Hollande is to decide later Thursday whether his country will intervene and fight against the jihadists of the Islamic State (IS) in Syria and Iraq, government spokesperson Stephane Le Foll said…”

Suspected recruiter of French jihadists for Islamic State in custody in Paris Author/Source: Reuters “A man suspected of being one of the main recruiters of French jihadists for Islamic State was placed in the hands of judicial authorities in Paris on Thursday after his arrest in Turkey last month, France's interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve said…”

Britain has not rule out air strikes in Syria: PM's spokesman Author/Source: Reuters “British Prime Minister David Cameron has not ruled out military action against the Islamic State in Syria, his spokesman said on Thursday after Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said Britain would not take part in any air strikes there…”

Czechs to send first shipment of ammunition to Kurds next week Author/Source: Reuters “The Czech government will send the first shipment of ammunition to Kurdish forces in Iraq next week, the Defense Ministry said on Thursday…”

Catalans to demonstrate and demand right to hold referendum Author/Source: Stephen Burgen, The Guardian “Hundreds of thousands of Catalans will take to the streets on Thursday, the National Day of Catalonia, to demand the right to hold a referendum on their future, with some hoping that the sudden surge in support for Scottish independence might boost their cause…”

RBS, Lloyds to move south if Scots vote for independence Author/Source: Matt Schuffham, Reuters “Scotland's two biggest banks have said they would relocate to England if Scots vote for independence next week, adding to the economic uncertainties the country faces if it decides to end its 307-year union with the rest of the UK…”

Ukraine crisis: EU to slap new sanctions on Russia ‘on Friday’ Author/Source: BBC “The European Union has agreed to impose further sanctions on Russia on Friday over its role in the Ukraine crisis, diplomats say…”


POTOMAC INSTITUTE FOR POLICY STUDIES I NTERNATIONAL C E N T E R F O R T E R R O R I S M S TUDIES 901 North Stuart Street Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22203 Tel. 703-562-4513, 703-525-0770 ext. 237 Fax 703-562-1000 [email protected] www.potomacinstitute.org Prof. Yonah Alexander, Director

EU says could scrap Russia sanctions if peace plan implemented Author/Source: Reuters “The European Union could scrap sanctions on Russia if a review to be carried out by the end of September shows that a peace plan in Ukraine is being implemented, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said on Thursday…”

US & Canada

Raid on ‘drug money laundering’ nets millions in Los Angeles Author/Source: BBC “Police in Los Angeles have arrested nine people and seized around $70m (£43m) in cash during mass raids on a series of businesses…”

Latin America and the Caribbean

Colombian Victims Demand Ceasefire and Urgency in Peace Process at Cuba Author/Source: Latin America Herald Times “A group of victims of Colombia’s long political violence have called on the government and leftist rebels for an immediate ceasefire so that the peace process can go forward…”

Venezuela extends night closure of Colombia border to stop smuggling Author/Source: Andrew Cawthorne, Reuters “Venezuela said on Thursday it would extend an overnight closure of its border with neighboring Colombia for another three months in a campaign to stop widespread fuel and food smuggling…”

Chikungunya infections spread to Colombia Author/Source: BBC “Colombia's health ministry has confirmed the first four cases of chikungunya virus in the country. All four are thought to have contracted the mosquito-borne virus locally…”

Argentina defies US court in dispute with creditors Author/Source: BBC “Argentina's Congress has passed a bill designed to defy a US court ruling that pushed the country into default in July…”

Authorities in Dominican Republic searching for missing jet registered in US Author/Source: Fox News “An official with the Civil Aviation Authority in the Dominican Republic says a small executive jet is missing after taking off from Las Americas airport in the capital…”