Appendix D Cultural Heritage Report ©2016 Google TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM DATE October 5, 2017 PROJECT No. 1772930-2000-M01 TO Tom Mahood, P.Eng. CH2M Hill Canada Limited Henry Cary, Ph.D., CAHP CC Hugh Daechsel, M.A. FROM Shannen Stronge, M.A. EMAIL
[email protected] CULTURAL HERITAGE OVERVIEW ONE RIVER MASTER PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT LONDON, ONTARIO Background & Scope In 2017, on behalf of the Corporation of the City of London (the City), CH2M Hill Canada Ltd. (CH2M) retained Golder Associates Ltd. (Golder) to provide a cultural heritage overview for the One River Master Plan Environmental Assessment (EA). The Study Area includes the “Forks Area” of the Thames River, as outlined in the Back to the River initiative, as well as the area where the water level has historically been influenced by the use of the Springbank Dam. The scope of Golder’s cultural heritage overview involved identifying cultural heritage resources within the Study Area, reviewing previous research and reporting, and recommending measures to ensure cultural heritage resources are considered in the preferred options. All analysis and recommendations followed guidance outlined in the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport’s (MTCS) Ontario Heritage Tool Kit series, municipal documents such as the City’s Official Plan, Cultural Prosperity Plan, and 2015-2019 Strategic Plan, as well as recognized conservation manuals such as Canada’s Historic Places Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada. Methods The cultural heritage overview involved the following tasks: Task 1 – Background Research Federal, provincial, and municipal heritage registers, inventories, and databases were reviewed to identify known cultural heritage resources in the Study Area.