Cleaning the Linnean Stable of Names for Grass Snakes (Natrix Astreptophora, N
70 (4): 621– 665 © Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, 2020. 2020 The Fifth Labour of Heracles: Cleaning the Linnean stable of names for grass snakes (Natrix astreptophora, N. helvetica, N. natrix sensu stricto) Uwe Fritz 1 & Josef Friedrich Schmidtler 2 1 Museum of Zoology, Senckenberg Dresden, A. B. Meyer Building, 01109 Dresden, Germany; — 2 Liebenstein- straße 9A, 81243 Munchen, Germany; Submitted July 29, 2020. Accepted October 29, 2020. Published online at on November 12, 2020. Published in print Q4/2020. Editor in charge: Ralf Britz Abstract We scrutinize scientifc names erected for or referred to Natrix astreptophora (Seoane, 1884), Natrix helvetica (Lacepède, 1789), and Natrix natrix (Linnaeus, 1758). As far as possible, we provide synonymies for the individual subspecies of each species, identify each name with one of the mtDNA lineages or nuclear genomic clusters within these taxa, and clarify the whereabouts of type material. In addi tion, we feature homonyms and names erroneously identifed with grass snakes. For Natrix astreptophora (Seoane, 1884), we recognize a second subspecies from North Africa under the name Natrix astreptophora algerica (Hecht, 1930). The nominotypical subspecies occurs in the European part of the distribution range (Iberian Peninsula, adjacent France). Within Natrix helvetica (Lacepède, 1789), we recognize four subspecies. The nominotypical subspecies occurs in the northern distribution range, Natrix helvetica sicula (Cuvier, 1829) in Sicily, mainland Italy and adjacent regions, Natrix helvetica cetti Gené, 1839 on Sardinia, and Natrix helvetica corsa (Hecht, 1930) on Corsica. However, the validity of the latter subspecies is questionable.
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