Norfolk. Carleton St
• • DIRECTORY. J NORFOLK. CARLETON ST. PETER. 83 Saunders John, assistant overseer, Saunders John Thompson, farmer, Ward James., White Hart P.H Broadm.oor Broadm.oe>r Wright Robert, farmer, Manor farm Tolman Alfred, farmer, Hall fatm Wfl.Ce Leonard, farmer Wyer Isaac, fish & poultry dealer ' CARLETON FOREHOE is a village and parish 2 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Earl of miles north-east from Kimberley station on the Wymond- Kimberley, and held since 1893 by the Rev. Charles Henry ham and Dereham section of the Great Eastern railway Master B.A. of Queens' College, Cambridge. £5, the and 3 north-west from Wymondham, in the Mid division produce of fen land, is given to the poor in coal. The of the county, Forehoe hundred, petty sessional division 1 Ea,rl of Kimberley is lord of the manor and 5ole land and union, county court district of Wymondham, rnral own&. The soil is variO'Ils; subsoil, gravel. The chief deanery of Hingham (Forehoe division), archdeaconry of crops are wheat, barley, turnips and hay. The area is Norfolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. 734 acres; rateable value, £715; the population in 1891 Mary is a small edifice of stone, in the Perpendicular , was 121. style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a Sexton, George Bidewell. western tower, with pinnacles, containing one bell: the Letters through Wymondham arrive at 7 a.m, Wall Let- stained ·east window is a memorial to the Rev. Philip ter Box, near the school, cleared at 7·5 p.m.
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