Imam Sadiq and the Development of the Islamic Schools of Thought Objectives of Tonight’s Talk

? مذھب What is a Madh’hab (1

2) How and why did the Madh’habs develop?

3) What are the similarities/differences between the Madh’habs?

4) Are Madh’habs relevant today? 3:132. And obey Allah and the Messenger. that ye may obtain mercy.


Qur’an = 6,000 to 6,236 verses total. Depending on criterion of classification. All words are the same.

Out of these, ~80 to 500 verses have legal content pertaining to the Divine Laws of .

What do you do when a matter is not directly addressed in the Qur’an?

مذھب Practical guidance is provided by the Geographical Distribution

The Connection


Abu Hanifa Al-Maaliki

Abu Yusuf and Al-Sheibani


Al- Holy Quran

Tradition () of the

Shi’a Sunni

Zaidi (Fivers)

Ithna Ashari Maaliki Ja’afari

Ismaili Shafi’i ()

Hanbali How and why did the Madh’habs develop?

Holy Quran


Shi’a Shi’a of Companions (Partisans of Ali) “Shi’a Uthman” “Shi’a Mu’awiya”


Imam Imam Ja’afar al Saadiq Imam Abbasids

Imam al Shafi’i Imam ibn Hanbal What is a ? Matn + Sanad = Hadith

... ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni - may God be pleased with him -from Muhammad ibn Yahya, from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn 'Isa, from Ibn Mahbub, from 'Abd Allah ibn Sinan, from Abu Hamzah al-Thumali, from Abu Ja'far (A) that he said: "It is written in the Torah that has not been altered that Moses (A) asked his Lord (saying): 'O Lord! (Tell me) art Thou near me, so that I should pray to Thee in whispers, or art Thou far, that I should cry out. to Thee?' Thereat God Almighty revealed to him: 'O Moses! I am the companion of one who remembers me.' Moses said: 'Who are those that shall be in Thy refuge on the day when there shall be no refuge except Thy refuge?' He replied: 'Those who remember Me, whom I do remember; those who love one another for My sake, whom I love. They are those whom I remember whenever I wish to strike the earth's people with affliction, and consequently spare them on their account.'" Hadith Classification

The genuine Traditions, the صحـيـح :Sahih authentic ones. Almost like the Sahih butموثـق :Moothaq the narration is not as strong as those of the Sahih. The fair Traditions although حـسـن :Hasan inferior in matter of authenticity. The weak Traditions which ضـعيـف :Dha'eef are not so reliable. History of Hadith Classification How and Why Did the Madh’habs Develop?

االحـــاديـت المــخـتلـــقه:THE FABRICATED

By the year 200 AH.: Total of 600,000 Hadiths were in existence, out of which 408,324 Hadith were fabricated (counterfeit) Hadiths by 620 forgers, whose names and identity are known.

Most Notorious Forgers: Ibn Jundub, Abu Bukhtari, Ibn Basheer, Abdullah Al-Ansaari, Al-Sindi. One of them, Ibn Au'jaa, professed before he was hanged (for his heresy) that he alone had forged 4,000 Hadiths. Hadith in the 1st Century


•Al-Zuhri, Al-Hazm were both commissioned by Khalifa Ibn Abdul Aziz to collect the Hadith but the work was probably not done, due to early death of the Khalifa in 101 H. No record of their work exists.

•Ali ibn Abu Talib (a.s.)  Saheefa of Ali.

•Fatima al Zahraa (a.s.)  Saheefa of Fatima.

•Imam Zainul Abideen Risalat Al-Huqooq, Saheefa Al-Sajjadiya Hadith in the 2nd Century Collected by Book Comment Imam Malik ibn Mu’watta Will discuss later Anas Ibn Jarih Lost to history

Al Thawri Two Major Books Lost to history

Imam Al-Baaqir Tafseer Al-Quran Having references to Hadith. Incomplete. Zaid Ibn Ali Mus'nad Hadith and . Incomplete Imam Al-Saadiq Al-Tawhid Writing mainly by his Companions. Incomplete Al-Saadiq's The 400 Usool (400 Completed over 90- Companions books) Elaboration on 100 years Hadith Sunni Hadith Collection During The 3RD Century AH.:

The Hadith was collected and categorized in the later part of the third century of Hijrah resulting in six canonical collections called (Al-Sihaah Al-Sittah):

(Selected 7275 (2712 Non-duplicatedصـحيـح بخارى :Sahih of Al-Bukhari, d.256 A.H out of 600,000 available Hadiths he was aware of.

(Selected 9200 (4,000 Non-duplicated صـحيـح مسـلم :Sahih of Muslim, d.261 A.H out of 300,000 available Hadiths he was aware of.

Selected 4,800 of 500,000 سنن ابو داود .Sunan of Abu Dawood, d.276 A.H available Hadiths he was aware of..

ســــنن ابن ماجه .Sunan of Ibn Maajeh: d.273 A.H

Tirmidhi was the first man to جـــامع التــــرمـذى .Jami' of Tirmidhi, d.279 A.H determine the identity of the names, surnames, and titles of the narrators of Traditions.

ســـــنن النـــــسـائي .Sunan of al-Nisaa'i, d.303 A.H Shi'a Hadith Collection in the 3rd and 4th Century

Collected by Book Comment

Al-Kulaini Al-Kaafi 16,199 Hadith or sayings through Ahlul Bayt, 2577 Sahih, 1118 Moothaq, 302 Qawiy, 144 Hasan, and 9380 Weak.

Al-Siddooq Mun Laa Yah'dharhu 5,973 Hadiths, with 3913 Al-Faqeeh References

Al-Toosi Tah'dheeb Al- 12,590 Hadiths, in 93 Ah'kaam chapters

Al-Toosi Al-Istibsaar 5,521 Hadiths Holy Quran

Tradition (Sunnah) of the Prophet

Shi’a Sunni

Collected Book Years Collected by Years by Bukhari 194-256 AH Al-Kulaini Al-Kaafi 250-329 AH Muslim 204-261 AH Al-Siddooq Mun Laa 310-380 AH Ibn Maajeh 209-273 AH Yah'dharhu Al-Faqeeh Abu Dawood 203-276 AH Tirmidhi 209-279 AH Al-Toosi Tah'dheeb 385-460 AH Al-Ah'kaam al-Nisaa'i 215-303 AH

Al-Toosi Al-Istibsaar 385-460 AH Sanad of Shi’i Hadith Sanad of Sunni Hadith

1. Abu Hurayra: 5,300 hadiths 2. Ibn ‘Umar: 2,600 hadiths 3. Anas b. Malik: 2,300 hadiths 4. : 2,200 hadiths 5. Ibn ‘Abbas: 1,700 hadiths

Abu Bakr: 142 hadiths Imam Ali: 536 hadiths Umar ibn al Khattab: 537 hadiths Why is Fiq'h variable?

Fiq'h is formulated through a process of deduction from Quran and Hadith. Each Faqeeh (scholar) uses his own knowledge and methodology. Deductions come after much discussion in the Islamic circles. USOOL (FOUNDATION) OF FIQH Shi’a Sunni Ja’fari Hanafi Maaliki Shafi’i Hanbali 1. Quran, 1. Quran, 1. Quran, 1. Quran, 1. Quran, 2. Sunnah, 2. Sunnah, 2. Sunnah, 2. Sunnah, 2. Sunnah, 3. Al-Aql (sound 3. Ij'maa (consensus 3.Ij'maa (consensus 3. Ij’maa’ (consesus 3. If'taa of Sahaaba reasoning or of the religious of the religious of the religious (Companions), perception of the scholars), scholars) scholars). 4. Preference of Ja'fari Fiqh 4. (analogy of 4.Qiyas (analogy), 4. Qiyas (analogy of weak Hadith over Specialists), decision), through through the following decision). Qiyas (analogy), 4. Ij'maa the following steps: steps: 5. Qiyas (analogy (consensus of Istih'san (equity), a. Istih'san (equity), of decision), the religious Urf (local common b. Urf (local through the scholars, not to knowledge/practice), common knowledge), following steps: be exclusive of 5. Raa'y (personal c. Consensus of a. Istis'haab, the ' (association/ teachings). opinion). U'lamaa, d. Massaa'lih presumption of Mursala (public continuity), interest), b. Massaa'lih e. Sad al-Dhari'ah. Mursala (public interest), c. Sad al- Dhari‘ah. Adapted from Dr. A.S. Hashim ( Five Categories of Fiqh Rulings

An obligatory duty the فرض او واجـب :Fardh or Wajib• omission of which is Islamicly punishable.

An action which is rewarded, but مسـتـحب :Mus'tahab• whose omission is not punishable.

An action which is permitted butمـباح ::Mu'baah• legally is indifferent.

An action which is disapproved by مكـروه :Mak'rooh• the Shari'ah but is not under any penalty.

•Haram: An action which is forbidden, and Islamicly punishable. Spectrum of Belief

Theistic Subjectivism Rationalistic Objectivism Traditionalism

Dha’hiri Hanbali Ithna Shafi’i Hanafi Ithna Mu’atazili Salafi ‘Ashari ‘Ashari () ()

Athari Ash’ari


16:93. If Allah so willed, He could make you all one people: But He leaves straying whom He pleases, and He guides whom He pleases: but ye shall certainly be called to account for all your actions.