PHIL 149 - Special Topics in Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics: Nonclassical Logic Professor Wesley Holliday TuTh 11-12:30 UC Berkeley, Fall 2018 Dwinelle 88 Syllabus Description A logical and philosophical exploration of alternatives to the classical logic students learn in PHIL 12A. The focus will be on intuitionistic logic, as a challenger to classical logic for reasoning in mathematics, and quantum logic, as a challenger to classical logic for reasoning about the physical world. Prerequisites PHIL 12A or equivalent. Readings All readings will be available on the bCourses site. Requirements { Weekly problem sets, due on Tuesdays in class (45% of grade) { Term paper of around 7-8 pages due December 7 on bCourses (35% of grade) { Final exam on December 12, 8-11am with location TBA (20% of grade) Class, section, and Piazza participation will be taken into account for borderline grades. For graduate students in philosophy, this course satisfies the formal philosophy course requirement. Graduate students should see Professor Holliday about assignments. Sections All enrolled students must attend a weekly discussion section with our GSI, Yifeng Ding, a PhD candidate in the Group in Logic and the Methodology of Science. Contact Prof. Holliday |
[email protected] | OHs: TuTh 1-2, 246 Moses Yifeng Ding |
[email protected] | OHs: Tu 2-4, 937 Evans Schedule Aug. 23 (Th) Course Overview Reading: none. 1/5 Part I: Review of Classical Logic Aug. 28 (Tu) Review of Classical Natural Deduction Videos: Prof. Holliday’s videos on natural deduction. Aug. 30 (Th) Nonconstructive Proofs Reading: Chapter 1, Section 2 of Constructivism in Mathematics by Anne Sjerp Troelstra and Dirk van Dalen.