National Sections









EXTRA CONTRIBUTIONS FROM: PIANC-COPEDEC IX The Ninth Conference on Coastal and Engineering in Developing Countries (PIANC-COPEDEC IX) was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from 16 to 21 October 2016

87 PIANC in 2016

1. MEMBERS Membership 2016:

Authorities and Commission Members: Argentina’s National Section has increased com- pared to 2015, especially the number of Young • First Delegate: Raúl S. Escalante Professionals and Corporate Members. Currently • Secretary: Sebastián García there are 72 members: • RecCom: Esteban Biondi & Cecilia Norman • 63 Individual Members (among them 32 YP’s) • MarCom: Carlos Ginés & Marcelo Peyregne • 9 Corporate Members • InCom: Leonel Temer • YP-Com: Pablo Arecco, Marcos De Vincenzi and Francisco Weyland

Participation in Working Groups:

• WG 139 – ‘Values of Inland Waterways’: Leonel Temer • WG178 – ‘Working Group on Climate Change 2. EVENTS Adaptation for Maritime and and Navigation Infrastructure’: Matias Goyeneche National Activities and International Activities • WG185 – ‘Site Selection and Planning for New and Specialist Marine Terminals on Green- Argentina’s National Section organises several ac- field Sites – Technical Guidelines’: Pablo Arecco tivities during the year in collaboration with AADIP • WG 128 – ‘Alternative Technical-Biological Bank (Argentine Association of Port Engineers) and EGIP Protection Methods for Inland Waterways’: (Graduate School of Port Engineering – University Gonzalo Duró of ). • WG149 – ‘Guidelines for Marina Design’: Este- ban Biondi On September 5-7, 2016, our National Section or- • WG 181 – ‘Special Task Force on the State and ganised in Buenos Aires the IX Argentine Congress Perspectives of Waterborne Transport Infrastruc- of Port Engineering at the University of Buenos Ai- ture Worldwide’: María Alejandra Gomez Paz res.

IX Argentine Congress of Port Engineering – group picture 88 More than 170 professionals attended the Con- gation and a More Sustainable Use of Natural gress and 31 papers were presented during the Resources: Networks, Challenges and Opportu- three days of the congress. Almost 60 % of the par- nities for ’. ticipants were Young Professionals. • The YP National Section organised the 2nd YP- Com River Plate meeting, in coincidence with The event addressed issues related to port termi- the 3rd PIANC Argentina YP-meeting, held in nals planning, renovation projects of urban port Bahía Blanca, Argentina on November 25-26, areas, waterway infrastructure updating, new 2016. This meeting was attended by more than trends of inland navigation, dredging technolo- 20 Young Professionals from different parts of gies and environmental aspects in maritime and Argentina and representatives of , Brazil, fluvial infrastructure projects, among others. Francia and Uruguay. During the two-day visit, the attendees were able to visit the facilities of The YP National Section organised three meet- the port, made a navigation through the estu- ings in 2016, including the 2nd YP-Com River Plate ary and paid a visit to the dry docks of the naval meeting, that took place in Bahía Blanca and a base of the Argentinian Navy. meeting in Rosario, one of the most important port • With the support of PIANC, Rosario Board of areas of Argentina. During the second meeting of Trade, Corporate Member of PIANC, organised the Young Professionals of PIANC Argentina in Ro- a meeting in Rosario on July 16, 2016: ‘Com- sario, our Secretary, Eng. Sebastián Garcia, gave merce and Logistics to Boost the Development a presentation about PIANC, followed by other of Production in the Paraná-Paraguay Water- speakers, and the meeting ended with a visit to way’. Participating in this event as lecturers, the port of Rosario. were Helen Brohl, Executive Director of the Committee on the United States Maritime Trans- port System and Hans van der Werf, former Sec- retary-General of the Central Navigation Com- mission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR). • Taking advantage of the presence of Helen Brohl in Argentina, the YP’s also organised an informal meeting where Helen spoke about PIANC, the Young Professionals and their begin- nings in PIANC. • Our Secretary, Eng. Sebastián García, attended the Annual General Assembly 2016 in Bruges, Belgium. • Leonel Temer participated in both the Council Sebastián Garcia giving a lecture about meeting held in February 2016 in Brussels and PIANC in Rosario the one in September 2016 in Rio de Janeiro. • The Argentine National Section of PIANC fin- International Activities ished with the edition of the videos filmed in the different workshops dictated during PIANC- The Argentine Section participated in the follow- SMART Rivers 2015 and uploaded them to the ing events: channel of PIANC in YouTube.

• Several members of our National Section at- Raúl Escalante tended PIANC-COPEDEC IX, which took place First Delegate of PIANC Argentina in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on October 16-21, 2016. During this event, Leonel Temer also participat- Sebastián García ed as a lecturer in the workshop ‘Inland Navi- Secretary of PIANC Argentina

2nd PIANC YP-Com River Plate meeting – Bahía Blanca 89 PIANC Australia in 2016

1. PIANC AUSTRALIA NATIONAL SECTION • Scott Keane • Kate Panayotou PIANC Australia’s vision is ‘to be recognised as the • Jason Sprott regional organisation that is the source of lead- • Michel de Vos ing edge international knowledge for waterborne transport in the 21st century’. We welcomed 3 new Board Members during the year: Joel Bailey, Greg Britton and Michel de Vos PIANC Australia actively supports: following the retirement of Stuart Bettington, Gary Blumberg and Tim Green. The Board thanks the 3 1. Regional representation on Technical Working retiring members who all made significant contri- Groups butions to PIANC Australia. We welcome our NZ 2. Participation in the relevant Commissions of representative on the Board: Michel de Vos. PIANC 3. The provision of quality workshops, seminars, Our new Member Services Manager, Sally Ander- conferences and other networking events in our son, started work in February 2016 providing much region. needed support to the Chairman and the Board.

In 2016 the Board of PIANC Australia focused on 4. PIANC AUSTRALIA COMMITTEES widening membership particularly corporate membership and providing increased opportuni- The Board of PIANC Australia meets 4 times per ties for our members to meet in a workshop and year. Five committees report to the Board as fol- networking environment holding 8 events during lows: the year. • Membership and Communications 2. PIANC AUSTRALIA MEMBERSHIP (Chair – Richard Hill)

The Membership and Communications Commit- tee has been striving to increase membership in tough times through a combination of increasing value for existing members and a focussed mem- bership drive. Our members come from Australia and New Zea- land (NZ). A new recruitment strategy has been prepared which will be rolled out in 2017. This involves recruit- Our corporate membership increased significantly ment in Australia and NZ across all sectors active during 2016 partly from individuals converting to in the ports business. This is expected to result in a corporate membership and from our expansion to further increase in membership over the next 12 include our NZ colleagues. months.

3. BOARD MEMBERS OF THE AUSTRALIAN • Outreach (Scott Keane) NATIONAL SECTION (AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2016) Following a decision in 2015 to increase benefits • Neil Lawson – Chairman and Treasurer back to our Australian and NZ members, the fol- • David Anderson – Deputy Chairperson lowing events were held during 2016. • Joel Bailey • Greg Britton 10 June 2016 – the AGM for PIANC Australia was • Marika Calfas held in Sydney. • Assoc. Prof. Ron Cox • William Glamore This was followed by a technical session with two • Richard Hill speakers from legal and insurance backgrounds.

90 Marcus John (Thomas Miller Australasia), a PIANC Australia Corporate Member, and Jesper Martens (Special Counsel, HWL Ebsworth Lawyers) pro- vided interesting and insightful presentations with plenty of case study examples.

Participants enjoyed the networking event with drinks and canapes, that followed on from the presentations (35 attendees).

Panel Discussion at PIANC/COPEP Annual Seminar

8 November 2016 - Auckland, Half-Day workshop on Dredging (35 attendees).

A number of speakers from different backgrounds discussed various dredging aspects from approv- als and monitoring to planning and operations.

9 November 2016 – Melbourne – WG 121 – ‘Har- Jesper Martens presenting bour Approach Channels – Design Guidelines’ (55 attendees). 10 August 2016 – Sydney, PIANC YP Sundowner (36 attendees) 10 November 2016 – Perth, WG 121 – ‘Harbour Ap- proach Channels – Design Guidelines’ (Brendan 15 August 2016 – Sydney, PIANC/COPEP Annual Curtis, OMC International) and Recent Channel One Day Seminar. ‘June 2016 Coastal Storm – dredging in the Pilbara region (Lyle Banks, Pilbara Event, Damage, Response and Lessons Learnt’ Ports Authority) (50 attendees). (110 attendees). Pilbara Ports Authority encompasses the Port of The June 2016 coastal storm was a media sensa- Ashburton, the Port of Dampier and the Port of Port tion with dramatic images of damage across NSW. Hedland, and future ports of Anketell, Balla Balla However, it wasn’t the largest storm seen in NSW, and Cape Preston East. The presentation provided nor was the damage entirely unexpected. an overview of intended dredging projects within the Pilbara Region providing insight into the signifi- Recent advances in beach and structure monitor- cant amount of work that needs to be undertaken ing together with an abundance of imagery and to maximise the ports’ shipping capacity whilst en- videography provided an unprecedented oppor- suring strict environmental and safety compliance tunity to learn from the effects of this storm. within the current regulatory framework. The seminar reviewed the storm conditions, the damage observed across NSW, and the emer- gency response as it happened. A panel discus- sion explored what can be learnt from this event to make our coastal communities safer, maritime infrastructure more resilient, and how to achieve these within conflicting stakeholder expectations.

Perth, WG 121 Presentation – Brendan Curtis

June 2016 storm damage – Sydney Perth Pilbara Ports Presentation – Lyle Banks

91 14 November 2016 – Brisbane, WG 121 – ‘Harbour event theme is ‘Working with Nature’. The 6th BTV Approach Channels – Design Guidelines’ (34 at- coincides with PIANC’s Annual General Assembly tendees). Presented by PIANC Board member and the 2017 Coasts and Ports Conference, and Scott Keane. the event will be one of the largest gatherings of PIANC Young Professionals ever assembled with 30 November 2016 – Perth, Inaugural PIANC Aus- members expected from PIANC partners world- tralia YP Sundowner (45 attendees) wide. We would like to take this opportunity to again invite PIANC Young Professional delegates One of the key objectives of the Outreach Group worldwide to this unique and exciting event. For was the planning for the Coasts & Ports Confer- more information, please see the event website: ence to be held in Cairns in June 2017. Planning is well advanced for the Conference and the inter- est has been so great that a sixth technical stream • International Working Groups (Jason Sprott) has been introduced. The International Working Groups Committee • Young Professionals (William Glamore) overseas the nomination of Australian and New Zealand members to the International Working Australia’s Young Professional (YP) Committee is Groups. Australia/NZ has strong representation on a vital part of PIANC’s future. In 2017, PIANC YP the Working Groups with around 14 participants. Australia is moving into its fourth year. The commit- tee is chaired by Will Glamore, with PIANC Board In 2016 the Board accepted a recommendation members Kate Panayotou and Joel Bailey nomi- from the Committee to provide part funding of nated delegates and actively involved. travels costs for our members to attend overseas Working Group meetings. Overall, the YP group aims to: • NZ Committee • Provide networking and mentoring forums for Young Professionals across Australia The NZ committee commenced operations fol- • Promote and encourage Young Professionals to lowing the appointment of Michel de Vos to the contribute to PIANC publications/WGs Board in June 2016. • Play a key role in PIANC YP Asia • Provide an opportunity for PIANC YP awards NZ is an expanding part of PIANC Australia thanks • Liaise with PIANC’s YP International to the efforts of Michel and the NZ Port engineers. • Organise meetings and promote knowledge In November 2016, a Dredging workshop was held transfer amongst Young Professionals in Austra- in Auckland on 8 October 2016. This was followed lia and globally by the NZ Port Engineers Forum where the Chair- man was asked to address the group on the prog- There are currently over 94 registered Young Pro- ress of PIANC both in Australia/NZ and internation- fessionals in Australia, with YP membership con- ally. The majority of ports in NZ are now members tinuing to grow strongly (increasing from 63 mem- of PIANC. bers in 2015). • Governance & Risk Management Will presented YP Australia at the YP-Com Asian (David Anderson) Seminar in Manila in April 2016. During the meet- ing, Will led several sessions and presented twice During 2016, PIANC Australia achieved the follow- (both on technical content and on YP Australia ing: events). • Continued the drive for increased New Zealand A series of networking events were hosted by YP membership PIANC Australia in 2016, including events in Syd- • Continued planning for the AGA, Coasts and ney, Perth and Melbourne. Each of these events Ports Conference and YP BTV for June 2017 in was very successful and well attended. Those who Cairns came along enjoyed the opportunity to network • Maintained 4 YP eligible Board Members with other PIANC Young Professionals over a casu- • Maintained a balanced Board with representa- al setting. The committee looks forward to hosting tion from 4 of the 8 Australian States and Territo- more PIANC YP networking events in 2017. ries • Active participation on the Commissions of PI- During 2016, the YP-Committee has been busy ANC planning for the 6th Biennial Technical Visit (BTV), • Maintained a vigorous Board with high atten- which will be held on June 15-21, 2017 in Australia. th dance levels and good engagement The 6 BTV will be held in Sydney and Cairns, high- • Commenced review of our incorporation and lighting recent port and harbour developments our governance procedures and Australia’s unique marine environment. The


The AGA in Bruges was attended by the Chairman PTG CC and First Delegate of PIANC Australia, Neil Lawson. Neil Lawson presented the case for travelling to Cairns, Australia for the occasion of the 2017 AGA/ BTV. Associated with the AGA will be the biennial Coasts and Ports Conference and the YP BTV. Held in June, participants will be able to enjoy the warm winter weather of northern Australia.


It was in September 2002 that PIANC Australia last hosted the PIANC Annual General Assembly at Darling Harbour, Sydney, immediately before the 30th PIANC Congress.

In 2017 we welcome the PIANC AGA back to Aus- tralia. This time we have chosen the tropical city SECRETARIAT of Cairns, in the north east of Australia. With easy Neil Lawson international air access, Cairns is the gateway to Chairman of PIANC Australia the World Heritage listed Great Barrier Reef and home to a busy cruise shipping and recreational Level 9, 203 Pacific Highway boating industry. St Leonards NSW 2065 Australia In addition, we are pleased to be able to welcome the BTV (YP Biennial Technical Visit) to Cairns at the same time as the AGA.

The AGA/BTV will be held at the Hilton Hotel over- looking the harbour and marinas. Our banquet dinner will be held at the historic cruise ship termi- nal building adjacent to the hotel. We have pre- pared an interesting programme around the AGA including a trip to the Outer Barrier Reef.

Whilst it is winter in Australia in June, you can ex- pect temperatures ranging from an average mini- mum of 18 degrees Celsius to a maximum of 26 degrees Celsius with sea temperatures of about 24 degrees Celsius in tropical Cairns.


Our members actively participate in internation- al Working Groups. In 2016, PIANC Australia was represented in 6 Commissions and a Permanent Task Group plus around 14 Working Groups with ambitions to further strengthen our representation where appropriate.

To strengthen participation in this critical techni- cal work, the Board approved a Travel Assistance Policy (TAP) in 2016 – and now offers limited finan- cial assistance for members who qualify through a selection process.

We are currently actively looking for an Australian or New Zealand representative for RecCom.

93 PIANC Belgium in 2016

With the organisation of the AGA, 2016 was a Finally, on November 18, 2016 the 7th ‘interna- challenging year for the Belgian Section of PIANC. tional’ autumn seminar of the ‘Service Public de Wallonie’ was organised in Namur by the Walloon 1. NATIONAL ACTIVITIES Directorate-General for Mobility and Waterways. The theme of this year’s seminar was ‘Inland Wa- The board gathered five times: in Brussels, Harel- terways, Future Roads, Paths to the Future of Wal- beke and Namur. lonia’. The seminar gave us a view on the water- way from various perspectives. The General Assembly took place on March 18, 2016 at the Congress Centre BEL in Brussels. About 50 members participated in the meeting. After the statutory part of the meeting, there was a presen- tation of the ‘Brussels Canal Plan’ and site visits of the Upsite Tower and the construction site of the new H. Teirlinck building in the afternoon. Accord- ing to good Belgian tradition, a tasty lunch was offered as well.

The speakers and organisers of the SPW seminar

The programme and the presentations of all these activities can be found on the website of PIANC Belgium at

2. AGA 2016

From May 17 to May 19 2016, the AGA 2016 took Presentation of the ‘Brussels Canal Plan’ at the General Assembly place in the cosy and historical city of Bruges, Bel- gium. The traditional summer event was organised at the construction site of the new lock in Harelbeke, On Tuesday, May 17, 2016, the ExCom meeting September 9, 2016. took place all day long at ‘De Caese’, the former official residence of the treasurer of the ‘Brugse Vrije’, the countryside around Bruges at the end of the 14th century, nowadays receiving house of port Authority of Zeebruges.

Participants in the Summer event 2016 on the new bridge on the river Lys in Harelbeke

After some explanations about the project, we were able to visit the construction site. The sum- mer event ended with a dinner. Welcome at the historical City Hall

94 The evening of May 17, all delegates and partners Sea”, as well as an introduction to and visit of the were invited at the reception offered by the city Port of Zeebruges. of Bruges in the historical City Hall, where Mieke Hoste, alderman of Bruges, and Yvon Loyaerts Chairman of the Belgian Section, welcomed all participants of the AGA 2016.

On Wednesday, May 18, 2016, the marvellous medieval Cloth Hall and Belfry of Bruges was the splendid meeting place for the 116 AGA Dele- gates, representing 24 PIANC Qualified Members worldwide. Apart from the traditional items, during the AGA, Ms Jo-Ellen Darcy signed the MoU of the Pittsburgh PIANC-SMART Rivers 2017 Conference, and the Italian, Spanish and French representa- tives signed the MoU of the Mediterranean Days for the coming years. Matthew McCarty received The participants of the seminar the De Paepe-Willems Award for his paper ‘Large Diameter FRP Monopile Systems for Ferry Berths’ Those who unfortunately skipped the lunch and and by the hands of Elio Ciralli (RecCom), Roxie the visit to the brand new Zwin, natural reserve Comstock from Bellingham Marine, received the and international bird airport, missed a great op- Marina Excellence Design ‘Jack Nichol’ Award portunity. Even before the opening of this interac- (MEDA) for the Singapore Marina at Keppel Bay tive exhibition building on June 10, the AGA 2016 project. gave a unique pre-boarding card for an interest- ing visit over the Zwin plain on the Belgian-Dutch border.

The delegates inside the Belfry Hall

In the evening, a banquet was offered at the Bru- The natural reserve ‘Het Zwin’ ges Concert Hall, in a socialising atmosphere be- tween the many delegates and their partners. A programme for the Accompanying Partners, 43 in total, was set up, including a visit to the city of Ghent on May 17 and Bruges on May 18 and May 19.

T The pre-banquet reception

On the last day, Thursday, May 19, 2016, we got a seminar and speech by Serge De Gheldere. “The transition to a fossil-free economy and the oppor- Visit to the city of Ghent tunity of sustainable energy in the Belgian North

95 The venue, Bruges, offered the AGA 2016 a stay in A11 construction site. The A11 is a new highway a wonderful city, a worldwide renowned cultural south of the port of Zeebruges. The A11, with a to- and tourist centre, as well as the contact with a tal length of 12 km, allows an easy connection of modern seaport at Zeebruges, connecting the re- the port of Zeebruges with the interior. gion with the entire world. In collaboration with the Dutch Young Profession- More photos and results about this 2016 PIANC as- als we organised a visit to the Maasvlakte 2 on sembly can be found on our Facebook page. June 30, 2016.

It was a pleasure for the Belgian Section to host the AGA 2016 in Bruges!

We thank all participants and collaborators, as well as our sponsors.


After the intense year 2015, with the organisation of the 5th BTV, a quieter year was to be expected. Nevertheless, 2016 offered a variety of interesting activities for the Belgian Young Professionals.

2016’s kick-off was on January 18, 2016 with the classic New Year event. This year the Belgian The YP’s visiting the Maasvlakte 2 Young Professionals met in Ghent for a culinary walk through the historical centre. 4. INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES

Shortly after the kick-off, a visit was organised to The entire Belgian board participated in the AGA the new Antwerp Port House (by Zaha Hadid Ar- in Bruges on May 17-19, 2016. chitects) on February 18, 2016. 5. FACTS AND FIGURES

Membership 2015

Platinum Partners: 2 Life Members: 21 Honorary Members: 3 Individual Members: 125 Student Members: 1 Small Corporate Members: 38 Large Corporate Members: 9

Board and General Assembly The new Antwerp Port House by night The Board met on February 11, April 29, July 13, September 9 and November 17, 2016. The Gen- eral Assembly took place on March 18, 2016 at Congress Centre BEL in Brussels.

Frederik Buffel Secretary of PIANC Belgium

The new viaduct of the A11

On April 20, 2016, The Belgian Young Profession- als gathered in Bruges for a technical visit to the

96 PIANC Denmark in 2016

The Danish National Section of PIANC, PIANC Den- Meetings and Conferences mark, is undergoing a transformation after the Danish governmental support ceased in 2016. A The Danish PIANC members participated in the group of Danish members supported a new or- PIANC-COPEDEC Conference in Rio de Janeiro ganisational framework that is now being imple- with contributions on a greenfield port develop- mented. This means that there will still be a Dan- ment, optimisation of port navigational channels ish Section to continue the century-long Danish and port planning. contacts with PIANC HQ and with the Nordic col- leagues within NordPIANC. he board members met at the Port of Esbjerg to review the day-to-day business of the Section. But PIANC DENMARK MEMBERS no meeting without spending a few hours on real port issues. The Port of Esbjerg experienced signifi- Individual Members: 11 cant growth due to the installation of renewables Corporate Members: 12 offshore. As the photos show, space is required and new types of vessels enter the port. The Danish members are mainly from port authori- ties and marine consultants, thus with main inter- est in port development, maritime transport and coastal and environmental engineering.

Section Board Members

• Kjeld Dahl Sørensen, Head of Technical Depart- ment, Port of Esbjerg (Chairman), Appointed by Danish Ports (association) • Hans Vasehus, Head of Construction, CPH City & Port Development A/S, Appointed by Danish Ports (association) • Peter Ydesen, Port of Hirtshals, Appointed by Danish Ports (association) • Jens Kirkegaard, Senior Consultant, DHI (Secre- tary), Appointed by membership


Port of Esbjerg, Hulvejen 1, 6700 Esbjerg, Denmark Att: Tina Pugh Høhrmann, Technical Assistant

ACTIVITIES IN 2016 The annual membership meeting was held in Co- Member of MarCom: H.F. Burcharth, Professor Dr. penhagen on May 9, 2016 with discussions on the Techn., Aalborg University future of our Section high on the agenda. Copen- hagen Malmö Port (CMP) hosted the meeting and Working Group members: invited the participants on a boat trip through the port to the new cruise terminal at the north har- • WG 47 – ‘Criteria for the Selection of Breakwater bour. We visited one of the three impressive tran- Types and their Optimum Damage Risk Level’: sit facilities and the quay area. The tour through Professor Hans F. Burcharth, Chairman the port also gave a waterside impression of the • WG 185 – ‘Site Selection and Planning for New transformation of the old harbour areas into new Ports and Specialist Marine Terminals on Green- neighbourhoods with modern apartment and of- field Sites – Technical Guidelines’: Guillaume Al- fice buildings. bert, COWI 97 Jens Kirkegaard Secretary of PIANC Denmark

98 PIANC Finland in 2016

PIANC FINLAND MEMBERS • ProCom: Mr Olli Holm • YP-Com: Mr Kim Andersson-Berlin In 2016, the Finnish Section of PIANC Consisted of 50 Members, among Which: Honorary Members of PIANC Finland:

• 2 Honorary Members • Mr Kimmo Mannola • 1 Life Member • Mr Keijo Kostiainen • 33 Individual Members • 14 Corporate Members Finnish Delegation at the AGA 2016 in Bruges:

First Delegate of Finland: • Mr Risto Lång

• Mr Risto Lång, Finnish Transport Agency GENERAL MEETING IN HELSINKI

Board Members of the Finnish Section of PIANC in The biennial general meeting of the Finnish Sec- 2016: tion of PIANC was held on June 8, 2016 at the Port of Helsinki. On the agenda of the meeting were • Mr Risto Lång (First Delegate of PIANC Finland) statutory items, including the nomination of the • Mr Veikko Saukkonen (Port of Helsinki) new board of the Finnish Section of PIANC. After • Mr Seppo Virmalainen (Finnish ConsultingGroup the statutory part of the meeting, Mr Veikko Sauk- Ltd.) konen gave a technical presentation about new • Mr Jarmo Yletyinen (Terramare Ltd.) investments in the Helsinki West Harbour. After the • Mr Tero Sikiö (Secretary PIANC Finland, Finnish meeting, a dinner was served at the Suomenlinna Transport Agency) sea fortress, which is a world heritage site on an island outside the city of Helsinki. Commission Members in 2016: NATIONAL WEBPAGES • InCom: Mr Tero Sikiö • MarCom: Mr Seppo Virtanen, Mr Kim Andersson- The Finnish Section of PIANC has reshaped and Berlin (YP) modified its national webpages. The new homep- • EnviCom: Mr Olli Holm ages (only in Finnish) have been put online at the • RecCom: Mr Harri Sane beginning of 2017 (

99 TECHNICAL VISIT TO RAUMA In Rauma, a € 40 million dredging project is going on. The Rauma entrance channel will be deep- On October 4, 2016, 11 members of the Finnish ened from 10.0 metres to 12.0 metres. At the same Section of PIANC took part in a technical visit, or- time, the Port of Rauma will invest € 13 million in ganised by PIANC Finland, to the fourth biggest new quays. The project is paying extra attention harbour in Finland, the Port of Rauma. The visit was to dredging and handling of 45,000 m³ of con- hosted by Mr Tommi Marjamäki, Division Manager, taminated sediments. In the project a study of the Ports and Marine Structures of Ramboll Finland. impact of underwater noise to fish behaviour is in- cluded.

Mr Risto Lång First Delegate of PIANC Finland

100 AIPCN France in 2016

17 au 19 mai 2016: AGA de PIANC à Bruges française de l’AIPCN représentatifs de la diversité de l’expérience française en matière de transport Une délégation nombreuse s’est rendue à Bruges fluvial : Stéphanie Peigney-Couderc du Ministère pour représenter la section française lors de l’AGA en charge du transport fluvial, Renaud Spazzi pour de PIANC. François Lambert, conseiller technique VNF et Jean-Louis Mathurin pour la CNR. d’Alain Vidalies, Secrétaire d’État auprès de la Ministre de l’Environnement, de l’Énergie et de Les contacts se poursuivent avec VNF et CNR la Mer était accompagné de Paul Scherrer, pre- pour définir les modalités concrètes de cette coo- mier délégué de la section française, Guillaume pération. Le Réveillé, Président d’AIPCN France, Claude Gressier, Jean-Marc Médio, Jean Chapon, Guil- 12 juin 2016: Réunion de la task force laume Carpentier, Bertrand Marsset des Ports universitaire de PIANC Normands Associés, Renaud Spazzi de VNF, Jean- Louis Mathurin de la CNR, Mamadou Thioub et Le 12 juin 2016 s’est tenu à Caen une réunion du Mamadou Faye de la SOGENAV. groupe universitaire de PIANC [PIANC/Universities consortium (TG-PUC)] pour valider en interne sa Au cours de l’assemblée générale, François Lam- proposition de ‘Termes de Références’. bert est intervenu pour présenter la politique fran- çaise en matière de transport maritime et fluvial et Ce groupe était constitué en 2016 de: ses orientations. Il a aussi mentionné la relance de la société de projet du canal Seine Nord Europe. • Henk Jan Verhagen – Université de Technologie de Delft, Pays-Bas Au cours de l’AGA, a aussi été signé un mémoran- • Øivind Asgeir Arntsen – NTNU, Norvège dum d’entente (Memorandum of Understanding) • Guillaume Carpentier, ESITC-Caen, France entre l’Espagne, l’Italie et la France concernant • Andreas Kortenhaus, Université de Gand, Bel- l’organisation des Journées Méditerranéennes gique de PIANC. • Thomas Wakeman, Stevens Institute of Technol- ogy, USA 20 mai 2016: Séminaire sur le • Jean-Michel Hiver, Université Libre de Bruxelles, développement de la navigation sur le Belgique fleuve Sénégal • Gregorio Iglesias, University of Plymouth, UK • Miguel Ortega Sánchez, Université de Grenade, Espagne AIPCN France a organisé le 20 mai 2016 à Paris un séminaire avec la SOGENAV, société fille de Ces Termes de Références ont été approuvés lors l’OMVS (Office de mise en valeur du Fleuve Séné- de la réunion du 14 octobre à Rio de Janeiro par gal, organisation interétatique associant le Séné- ExCom, qui a également nommé entre autres: gal, la Mauritanie, le Mali et la Guinée), chargée de la restauration pérenne de la navigation sur le • Henk Jan Verhagen comme président fleuve Sénégal et de la gestion et de l’exploitation • Guillaume Carpentier comme secrétaire des ouvrages et aménagements afférents. • Philippe Rigo comme représentant de la com- mission exécutive La SOGENAV a défini un plan d’aménagement de l’ordre de 200 millions de dollars, pour la période 2012-2018. Des études, financées par Juin 2016: Workshop International ‘Port la Banque Mondiale, sont en cours pour passer Engineering & maritime Works’ au stade de l’avant-projet détaillé. Dans ce cadre, la SOGENAV souhaite mieux connaître Durant 4 semaines, 30 étudiants internationaux l’expérience française et explorer les possibilités (néerlandais, belge, bulgare, allemand, italien, de coopération pour le développement du pro- américain, chypriote, grec, espagnol, irlanda- jet, et l’exploitation future des ouvrages. is, écossais, gabonais, ivoirien, chinois, indien, panaméen) et 11 étudiants français ont travaillé Dans le cadre de ce séminaire, une délégation en « mode projet » dans le cadre d’un disposi- de la SOGENAV, menée par M. Mamadou Faye, tif pédagogique original proposé par l’ESITC Directeur Général, a pu échanger, sous la prési- Caen, et soutenu largement par les profession- dence de Guillaume Le Réveillé et en présence de nels du secteur. Geoffroy Caude, avec des membres de la section 101 Le vendredi 24 juin, les candidats finalistes ont L’état d’avancement de l’initiative a été présen- soumis leur résultat de leurs travaux à un jury de té le 10 novembre à Marrakech dans le cadre professionnels comptant un grand nombre de de la COP 22 par Geoffroy Caude lors d’un évé- membres de la section française de PIANC, dont nement parallèle organisé sur le pavillon de la son Président, Guillaume Le-Réveillé. France pour montrer les actions engagées en matière d’adaptation au changement clima- Ce Workshop international allie cas pratique, ap- tique dans le secteur des infrastructures de navi- prentissage théorique et visites techniques aut- gation maritime et fluviale. Le lendemain, Mon- our de la thématique : « Ouvrages Maritimes et sieur Mohammed Yousfi de l’agence nationale Portuaires». Les ateliers, animés en anglais, con- des ports marocains a également présenté ses sistent en des projets de groupe simulant une réalisations en matière d’adaptation des ports réponse à appel d’offres. Cours ultraspécialisés, lors d’un événement parallèle organisé le 11 no- conférences et tutorats se succèdent et sont ap- vembre sur le stand du Maroc. puyés par des visites techniques, etc. 17 novembre 2016: Journée de présentation Ce dispositif sera reconduit en juin 2017 (contact: et de réflexion consacrée aux thèmes du vie- [email protected]). illissement des structures et des techniques d’inspection subaquatiques 16 au 21 octobre 2016: PIANC-COPEDEC à Rio de Janeiro Le 17 novembre 2016, l’AIPCN France a organisé une journée de réflexion et de présentation sur La section française a financé la participation de le thème du vieillissement des ouvrages et des jeunes doctorants à cet évènement. techniques d’inspections subaquatiques.

La halle d’exposition comprenait deux grands Une trentaine de membres de la section se stands français: l’un tenu par les entreprises SO- sont réunis autour de leur président Guillaume LETANCHE-BACHY, MENARD, FREYSSINET, Terre Ar- Le Réveillé dans les locaux de l’Union des Ports mée et Sixense, grand mécène de la conférence. Français pour assister d’une part aux exposés de La filiale d’Artelia/SOGREAH CLI avait également TOTAL, de la CNR et d’EMCC sur le vieillissement un stand présentant les différentes solutions de des ouvrages dans les stratégies opérationnelles revêtement des parois des brise-lames et des et de maintenance et ceux du Grand Port Mari- digues extérieures. time du Havre, d’Ingérop, CTS et IFSTTAR sur les techniques auscultations modernes en contexte 7 au 18 novembre 2016: COP 22 à Marrakech maritime et fluvial d’autre part.

Sous l’impulsion de la Ministre de l’Environnement, Les sujets présentés ont été l’occasion de l’Énergie et de la Mer, chargée des Relations d’échanges fructueux, qui se sont poursuivis lors internationales sur le climat, Madame Ségolène des moments de convivialité. Royal, AIPCN France a réussi à constituer une co- alition d’acteurs et à regrouper à ses côtés plus- Il est à noter que l’intervention sur le projet de ieurs autres partenaires (associations sœurs avec rapport du WG 192, présenté en ouverture a lesquelles elle travaille régulièrement ou autres été particulièrement apprécié, et que ce retour partenaires occasionnels) et à les fédérer autour mérite d’être renouvelé pour d’autres groupes d’une initiative présentée à Paris à plusieurs re- de travail. prises lors des travaux de la COP 21. La journée a été clôturée par Geoffroy Caude, Sous le terme de « Navigating a changing cli- qui a salué la qualité des échanges et émis le mate », l’initiative regroupe aujourd’hui dix parte- vœu de voir ce type de format d’échanges se naires internationaux: l’IAPH et l’ESPO (pour les réitérer régulièrement. ports), l’IBTA pour les opérateurs de terminaux vracquiers), l’IHMA (pour les commandants de A la demande du président de la commission ports), l’IMPA (pour les pilotes maritimes), l’EuDa de la navigation de plaisance Elio Ciralli, Laurent (pour les entreprises de dragages), l’IWI (pour les Monsaingeon, ancien responsable des ports de voies navigables), Imarest (pour l’ingénierie des Nice et de Cannes a organisé au titre de PIANC technologies marines) ainsi que le Smart Freight avec M. Franck Dosne, actuel directeur des ports Center. de CCI Nice-Côte d’Azur du 27 au 30 septembre une visite de plusieurs ports des Alpes-Maritimes Un plan de travail à 5 ans a été préparé, qui dé- pour MM Adnan Al Abbar, premier Vice-Prési- taille les actions entreprises par l’ensemble des dent de DP World et Mohammed Al Mannaie, partenaires sur cette période. Ceux-ci s’appuient directeur de Port Rashid, lesquels étaient accom- en réalité sur quatre piliers : la durabilité, la résil- pagnés de Madame Fabiana Maccarini. ience, l’intégration et la capacité à développer le concept d’œuvrer avec la nature (‘Working Olivier Piet with Nature’). Secrétaire de AIPCN France

102 PIANC India in 2016

The Indian National Section of PIANC is headed Participation in Working Groups, Seminars by Mr Pravir Krishn, Joint Secretary (Ports), Minis- and Conferences try of Shipping, Government of India. The Indian National Section consists of one large Corporate The Indian National Section has nominated sev- Member, 10 Small Corporate Members, 10 Indi- eral experts for the Working Groups and Techni- vidual Members besides the Ministry of Shipping, cal Commissions of PIANC. Dr. R.D. Tripathi, Senior Government of India being the Qualifying Mem- Scientist, Andaman, Lakshadweep Harbour Works, ber of the PIANC. Mr Pravir Krishn is also First Dele- nominated for PIANC EnviCom Working Group gate representing India in the PIANC Council and 136 – ‘Recommendations for Sustainable Maritime Annual General Assembly, as well as other events. Navigation’, participated in the meetings of the Mr H.N. Aswath, Director (Engineering) in the Min- Working Group. Mr B. Poiyaamozhi, Development istry of Shipping, is Secretary of the Indian National Advisor (Ports)(Retd), member of the Indian Na- Section of PIANC. tional Section of PIANC and also member of the PIANC Maritime Commission (MarCom), has been taking part in the activities and meetings of Mar- Com.

H.N. Aswath Secretary of PIANC India

Mr Pravir Krishn, First Delegate of PIANC India

Participation in the Executive Committee (ExCom), Council Meeting and Annual General Assembly

Mr A.R. Rao, Co Chairman of PIANC Co-Com and an Individual member of the Indian Section, also attended the ExCom meeting on February 4, 2016 and the Council meeting on February 5, 2016 in Brussels, Belgium. He also attended PIANC- COPEDEC IX on October 16-21, 2016 in Rio de Ja- neiro, Brazil.

103 PIANC Iran in 2016


PIANC Iran Membership:

• 18 Individual Members • 5 Student Members

First Delegate of Iran:

Eng. Mohammad Reza Allahyar, Ports and Mari- time Organisation of Iran

Iranian Delegates:

• Eng. Afshan Khaleghi (Secretary) TH • Dr. Babak Banijamali (MarCom) 12 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON • Dr. Naser Hajizadeh Zaker (EnviCom) COASTS, PORTS AND MARINE STRUCTURES • Eng. Reza Sohrabi Ghomi (YP-Com) – ATTENDANCE OF PIANC DELEGATES • Eng. Abdolkarim Razazan (CoCom) • Dr. Sahar Mokhtari (ProCom) The presence of Mr Geoffroy Caude (President of PIANC) for the first time in this event, along with Mr Active Participation in International Meetings Louis Van Schel (Secretary-General of PIANC), Mr and Events: Freddy Wens (Chairman of the IOC) and Mr Geert Van Cappellen (Successor of PIANC’s Secretary- • 2nd YP-Com Asian Seminar, April 11-14, 2016, Ma- nila, the Philippines General) was a great honour for the ICOPMAS • Annual General Assembly, May 2016, Bruges, Secretariat. Belgium • PIANC-COPEDEC IX, October 16-21, 2016, Rio All PIANC members were invited to participate in de Janeiro, Brazil this event, and the Ports and Maritime Organisa- • ProCom and YP-Com online meetings tion of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the sec- retariat of PIANC Iran considered some special I.R. IRAN, THE HOST COUNTRY FOR PIANC- grants for PIANC members who were willing to at- COPEDEC X (2020) tend the conference.

During the AGA 2016, PIANC decided to agree Speeches on the proposal of the Iranian National Section to organise the 10th International Conference Mr Caude’s Presentation at the Opening Ceremony on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (PIANC-COPEDEC X), together with the Mr Caude started his speech with a short history 14th International Conference on Coasts, Ports and on holding ICOPMAS since 1990. He also was im- Marine Structures (ICOPMAS 2020) in Iran. pressed with the large number of participants from 35 different countries including many prestigious The flag has been received by Mr Allahyar during university keynote speakers. PIANC-COPEDEC IX in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and the first meeting was held during ICOPMAS 2016 He mentioned PIANC as an international non-po- in the presence of Mr Caude, Mr Wens, Mr Van litical and non-profit organisation where govern- Schel, Mr Van Cappellen and delegates from the ments, universities and engineering or public works Ports and Maritime Organisation of Iran. companies share experience and knowledge on the waterborne infrastructures, mainly while or- The First Announcement was published and dis- ganising international conferences, such as ICOP- tributed during ICOPMAS 2016. Further information MAS and producing guidelines or reports on the will be announced subsequently at http://icop- best practices. 104 He added that in order to achieve these goals, neering community but also boost the economy PIANC needs strong National Sections in order and mitigate adverse environmental and climate to strengthen our co-operation on both scientific changes impact so that the world population will and technical fields while considering logistical, get full advantage of it. economic and environmental issues and to pur- sue our peaceful approach giving opportunity for each international event and AGA an occasion to share the way of life and the culture of each host country.

At the end, he confirmed Iran’s candidacy to or- ganise the 10th PIANC-COPEDEC Conference, to- gether with the 14th International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures (ICOPMAS 2020), which will be an important milestone in the history of PIANC and of its expansion in this part of the world.

Closing Ceremony: Mr Freddy Wens

3 YP-Com members attended this Conference as authors of accepted papers for oral presentation:

• Mr Marc Cucurella Vila: ‘Mataró Marina Bar- celona. Superyacht Marina. A Successful Case Of Transforming Old Basins For New Purposes’, Spain • Mr Francisco Sarrias: ‘Solutions To Challenges For The Implementation Of The Smart Port Strat- egies’, Spain Opening Ceremony: Mr Geoffroy Caude • Mr Jiri Kadlec: ‘Design Of Mobile Application For Pollution Reporting’, Czech Republic Mr Wens’ Speech at the Closing Ceremony PIANC IRAN BOOTH Mr Wens focused on organising PIANC-COPEDEC every 4 years. He talked about the 9th Confer- The 12th International Conference on Coasts, Ports ence, which took place in Brazil, which was a and Marine Structures (ICOPMAS 2016) was held huge success with 452 participants (300 from de- on October 31-November 2, 2016 at the Olympic veloping countries) and 150 presentations. Hotel in Tehran, Iran. The event was a great oppor- tunity for the Iranian National Section to expand He also mentioned the PIANC-COPEDEC constitu- the active contribution with the Association. The ency to hand over the flag to the representative of PIANC Iran booth at the side exhibition was aimed th I.R. Iran to host the 10 edition in November 2020, to get the participants acquainted with the latest th together with 14 Conference on Coasts, Ports activities and achievements of the Association and Marine Structures (ICOPMAS 2020). He added and the translated technical reports, using flyers that the active mission of the event is to provide and brochures in Persian and English. an international forum where coastal and port en- gineers form developing countries can exchange knowledge and experience among themselves and with their colleagues from industrialised countries and to enable the developing coun- tries to have a sustainable human resource pool of coastal and port development professionals. He also was happily surprised by the great diver- sity and high scientific quality of all presentations and he was convinced that the great success of this ICOPMAS 2016 Conference again provided a forum, not only for the coastal and port profes- sionals in Iran and the Persian Gulf region, but also for engineers from all around the world. Moreover, he assured that the benefits of this Conference will not be limited to the coastal and port engi- PIANC Iran booth at ICOPMAS 2016

105 PIANC IRAN FIRST YP-COM MEETING • ‘Harbour Approach Channels – Design Guide- lines’ The first YP-Com meeting of the Iranian National Section was held during the informal dinner at ICOPMAS 2016. The meeting was aimed to intro- duce the activities and goals of the Association to the members and to create an appropriate ground for members’ contributions and co-oper- ation in an open discussion.

• ‘Initial Assessment of Environmental Effects of Navigation and Infrastructure Projects’

YP-Com meeting during ICOPMAS 2016


Three technical reports have been translated into Persian:

• ‘Master Plans for the Development of Existing Ports’ The documents have been published in Persian and English, in order to introduce the Association to the scientists and experts working in the related fields of waterborne infrastructure and to share useful information about PIANC Iran activities and achievements.

1st Announcement of PIANC-COPEDEC 2020

106 PIANC Iran flyer Afshan Khaleghi Secretary of PIANC Iran

A Glance at ICOPMAS 2016 The 12th International Conference on Ports & Ma- well as the exchange of the latest scientific and rine Structures (ICOPMAS 2016) was held on Oc- executive achievements among countries all over tober 31-November 2, 2016 at the Olympic Hotel the world, especially coastal neighbouring coun- in Tehran, Iran. The event emphasised on invigo- tries. rating technical and professional cooperation, as

Opening ceremony of ICOPMAS 2016

107 PARTICIPANTS Monitoring of the Caspian Sea (CASPCOM), the International Association of Marine Aids to Navi- A total of 1,200 scientists, engineers, research- gation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA-AISM), ers and students from 37 countries (including Af- the Iranian National Commission for UNESCO and ghanistan, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, the Coordinating Committee on Hydrometeorol- Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Re- ogy and Pollution Monitoring of the Caspian Sea public, Denmark, England, France, Germany, (CASPCOM). Ghana, Greece, Indonesia, India, Italy, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Korea Republic, Malaysia, the ORGANISATION OF THE CONFERENCE Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, the Philip- pines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Spain, • President – Mohammad Saiednejad Sri Lanka, Sweden, USA and Venezuela), along • Vice-President – Noureddin Aliabadi with officials from international and relevant- or • Secretary – Mohamad Reza Allahyar ganisations attended the important technical • Alternate Secretary – Behzad Alvand event. • Executive Secretary – Reza Sohrabi


Moral sponsors of the ICOPMAS 2016 Confer- The exhibition consisted of two different halls with ence were: the World Association for Waterborne 52 booths allocated to different national and in- Transport Infrastructure (PIANC), the International ternational organisations, consulting engineers, Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH), the World contractors and all other participants. PIANC, Van Meteorological Organization (WMO), the Inter- Oord, Royal Boskalis, Liebherr, Siwertell, Kalmar national Association for Hydro-Environment En- and Holland Shipyards were the most notable cor- gineering and Research (IAHR), the Coordinat- porations joining the exhibition to show their ca- ing Committee on Hydrometeorology & Pollution pabilities.

Side exhibition of ICOPMAS 2016

108 9 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS FROM 7 COUNTRIES WORKSHOPS GAVE A SPEECH ON DIFFERENT SUBJECTS 9 Workshops Were Held By Consultant Engineers - Prof. Charitha Pattiaratchi – University of Western And Contractors: Australia – Australia Subject: Application of oceanographic drift 1 ‘Building with Nature (BwN) – How can Nature modelling do the Work?’ by Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. - Prof. Michael J. Risk – McMaster University – 2 ‘Scrutinising The Iczm Plan for Hormozgan Prov- Canada ince Sazeh Pardazi Iran.’ by Consultant Eng. Co Subject: Integrated aquaculture for Iran: Avoid- 3 ‘Special Experiences of Self-Compacting Con- ing pitfalls while preparing for the future crete for Repair of Berths No. 4,5 And 6 Of - Prof. Jun Sasaki – University of Tokyo – Japan Boushehr Port’ by Sazeh Pardazi Iran. By Con- Subject: Strategies and policies towards envi- sultant Eng. Co ronmental and fisheries restoration in Tokyo Bay 4 ‘Quay Walls Built over Soft Soils: A Case Study’ - Prof. Robert Kirby – Ravensrodd Consultants Ltd by Trevi Group & Enser Subject: Twin related aspects of engineered 5 ‘Makoran Coast’ by Maab Consulting Engi- mud suspensions for the NW European and Ira- neers nian port industry 6 ‘Aquaculture and Marine Gage Culture Devel- - Prof. Magnus Larsson – Lund University, Sweden opment Programme in I.r. Iran’ by Iran Fisheries Subject: Ship-generated waves and the effects Organisation on shore and bank erosion 7 ‘Applicable Process to Produce Topographical - Prof. Jacqueline Michel – Research Planning, Map with 1:5000 Scale & 0.5 Meter Contour Line Inc., USA from the Shoreline of Hormozgan Province (De- Subject: A Comprehensive Approach to Oil Spill sign and Aerial Imaging, Field Surveying, Pho- Preparedness – Planning, Response and Assess- togrammetry, Hydrography, Gis)’ by Naghsheh ment Pardazan Pars, Consulting Engineers - Prof. Lawrence P. Sanford – University of Mary- 8 ‘Integration of Tidal Observations in the Large land Center for Environmental Science – USA Area Hydrography Projects; Case Study: Makran’ Subject: Physical-biological interactions in mud- by Darya Tarsim, Consulting Company dy nearshore environments 9 ‘The Methods of Skimming Oil Pollutions from - Prof. Herman Ligteringen – Delft University of Water Surface’ by Iran University of Science Technology and UNESCO IHE, the Netherlands and technology Subject: Port Development in the 21st Century - Prof. Dano Roelvink – UNESCO-IHE – the Nether- lands Subject: Predicting coastal impacts at a range of scales

Side exhibition of ICOPMAS 2016

109 Building with Nature (BwN) – How can Nature do the Work? Workshop during ICOPMAS 2016

Closing Ceremony of ICOPMAS 2016

110 PIANC Japan in 2016

ABOUT PIANC JAPAN 3. New Vice-President from PIANC Japan

• PIANC Japan was established in November Mr Hayashida, Chairperson of PIANC Japan, was 1977. The membership of PIANC Japan as of elected as new Vice-President of PIANC during March 2016 is as follows: 120 Individual Mem- the AGA 2016 meeting. bers, 3 Life/Honorary Members, 50 Corporate Members, 1 Platinum Partner (Total: 174) • The National Delegation of Japan is headed by Mr Michio Kikuchi, Director-General of the Ports and Harbours Bureau, MLIT, since July 2015 • The Planning Committee of PIANC Japan, which deals with the activity’s direction, is presided by Mr Taku Nishimura (Director of International Pol- icy Planning Office, Ports and Harbours Bureau, MLIT) • The homepage of the PIANC Japan website is available in English at en


The activities of PIANC Japan in 2016 are listed be- low.

1. Attendance at Meetings New PIANC VP, Mr Hayashida, and the Attendance at the 75th and 76th Council meetings former VP, Mr Kawashima on February 5, 2016 and October 5, 2016, held in Brussels and Rio de Janeiro, respectively. 4. Participation in PIANC-COPEDEC IX 2016 in Brazil 2. Participation in the AGA 2016 At the same occasion of the ExCom and the The Japanese delegates participated in the AGA Council, PIANC-COPEDEC IX was held in Rio de 2016 between on May 17-19, 2016, held in Bruges, Janeiro, Brazil on October 16-21, 2016 with 452 Belgium. Nine delegates from PIANC Japan at- participants from a variety of countries including tended the meeting. those from developing countries. Participation by Young Professionals coming from Asian countries in particular, was encouraged with financial sup- port from the Japanese National Section.

There were 10 participants from the Japanese National Section, of which of 7 persons were re- searchers from the Port and Airport Research Insti- tute, the Universities of Kyushu and Waseda, and TOA Corporation, Platinum Partner of PIANC.

The Japanese researchers gave 5 presentations for the 4 sessions in the field of port and coastal engineering/environment, climate change and coastal zone, and coastal risk management for Participants PIANC Japan in AGA 2016 providing the conference with the mostly updated

111 input. PIANC Vice-President, Mr Hayashida, ac- 6. Planning Committee tively joined the session discussions as well. Mr Ono from Kyoto University, Japanese CoCom member, The Planning Committee was held on June 3, 2016 led one discussion as coordinator of the session to discuss about the following action plans: ‘Port Planning and Management’. 1) encouragement of active participation in PIANC WGs 2) dissemination of PIANC activities to Asian coun- tries 3) provision of PIANC’s activities to Asian countries 4) encouragement of application to DPWA

Hiroshi Horikawa Secretary of PIANC Japan

Mr Ono as coordinator of the session ‘Port Planning and Management’

5. Board Meeting, Annual General Assembly and Annual Report Meetings

The Board Meeting, Annual General Assembly and Annual Report Meetings of PIANC Japan were held on June 24, 2016 in Tokyo. The basic action plans of PIANC Japan were decided as below:

• Contribute to the activities of PIANC HQ through active participation in the formulation of a ba- sic action plan of PIANC and others • Contribute to PIANC’s technical activities with Japanese port technology and promotion of international exchange of technology through active participation in Working Group activities of PIANC HQ • Extend financial support to PIANC Japan mem- bers for contributing to the above actions • Promote information exchange among PIANC Japan members • Achieve organisational strengthening and en- hancement of activities of PIANC Japan • Achieve organisational enhancement of Young Professionals of PIANC Japan • Increase benefits for the members of PIANC Ja- pan

2016 Annual General Assembly meeting of PIANC Japan

112 PIANC Norway in 2016

2016 was a very good and active year for the In 2016, our members had the opportunity to take Norwegian Section. Representatives from PIANC part in several technical seminars and workshops. Norway, took part in international events like The AGA in Bruges was attended by 6 delegates PIANC-COPEDEC in Rio de Janeiro, and the AGA from Norway. It was a superb event, in a beauti- in Bruges. We have also experienced an increased ful setting. For us the AGA is a perfect setting to interest to take part and contribute to national meet friends and colleges with a common inter- conferences. est in maritime infrastructure. Networking and ex- change of knowledge between dedicated engi- PIANC Norway has adopted PIANC International’s neers, are always added value for our delegates. model by introducing the Platinum membership. Two firms have already joined as Platinum mem- bers, the international consultant firm ‘Norconsult’ and The Port of Borg.

The Board of PIANC Norway is proud to announce that our YP-Section is growing and is very active. Not in the least thanks to Onno Musch, who has taken the responsibility for the Norwegian YPs by arranging several seminars and technical tours. At the end of 2016, PIANC Norway consisted of 63 In- dividual Members, 14 Corporate Members, 3 Hon- orary Members and 10 YP-Members in addition to our 2 Platinum Members. Our aim is to further in- crease the number of members in 2017.

Technical seminar 2016 in Longyearbyen, Svalbard PIANC Norway’s technical seminar was held in Longyearbyen in the high Arctic at 78’ north with the Port of Longyearbyen as our host. The Port Director, Kjetil Braaten, contributed to make this seminar the most popular in decades. In addition to different technical lectures and presentations, we took part in technical tours, in which The Port of Longyearbyen was the main attraction. As with The Port of Borg Director Tore Lundestad receives the most PIANC events the social aspect is very impor- proof of the first Platinum member of PIANC Norway! tant and popular. ‘The House’ in Longyearbyen, known for its exquisite cuisine and extensive wine cellar, was the venue for the gala dinner.

Tore Lundestad – Vice-President of PIANC, Kjetil Braaten – Port Director of Longyearbyen, Fridtjof Wangsvik – First Delegate of PIANC Norway and Roar Johansen – President of PIANC Norway, during the Gala dinner I Longyearbyen! PIANC Norway in the high Arctic! 113 PIANC NORWAY – YP

2016 has been a year with many activities for YP- Com Norway, from active recruitment at the an- nual student career fair to interesting and social events for both existing members and potential recruits.

The Coastal Engineering Day, on May 26, 2016 brought together the coastal engineering profes- sionals and students from NTNU to discuss new de- velopments in the field, as well as focusing on the academic options and possibilities for coastal en- gineering in Norway. The day ended with the ‘Best Technical visit at the Port of Longyearbyen Master Presentation’ competition, where master students presented their papers and participants We also attended a beer-tasting session at the voted on the best presentation. Congratulations northernmost brewery in the world. The Svalbard to Athul Sasikumar for his winning presentation! Beer was indeed worth a taste – and a few pints! During autumn, PIANC Norway held a technical In August, YP-Com Norway arranged a techni- seminar on fenders and fender systems. One of cal visit to the Kongsberg Maritime ship-simulator PIANC International’s Platinum Partners, Trelle- facilities where participants were able to try out borg, was the main contributor and sponsor of the various simulations of shipping scenarios. After the seminar. The programme was very well received technical visit participants were invited to dinner by the participants. at the newly opened Dahls Brewery.

The Annual Meeting was held at the end of No- Thank you to all those who participated in the vember and was hosted and sponsored by the events and let’s keep it up in the coming year! Port of Oslo. As usual, the board of PIANC Norway made the Annual Meeting more interesting by adding lectures and presentations on port infra- structure and coastal engineering.

At the Annual Meeting, the board of PIANC Nor- way underlined the importance of active mem- bers. We have introduced a financial support scheme to make it even more attractive for our Individual Members to attend Working Groups.

Members at the Annual Meeting at the Port of Oslo

PIANC Norway expresses its gratitude to our inter- national colleagues and ‘family’ members for their contribution in making 2016 such a good year for our ‘congregation’. We are already preparing for the AGA in Cairns and NordPIANC in Stockholm! Fridtjof Wangsvik First Delegate of PIANC Norway

114 PIANC Romania in 2016


Participation in Working Groups (WG):

1. WG 184 – ‘Design Principles for Dry Bulk Marine Terminal’ 2. WG 164 – ‘Upgrade of Port Berths by Increasing Dredged Depths’ 3. WG 194 – ‘Composite of Hydraulic Structures’ 4. WG 178 – ‘Climate Change’ 5. WG 186 – ‘Mooring of Large Ship of the Quay Walls’

Participation (Prof. R. Ciortan) in the PIANC- COPEDEC IX Conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Participation in the XIII National Conference on Geotechnics and Foundation on Septem- ber 7-10, 2016 in Cluj, Romania: two papers on port infrastructure

Romeo Ciortan First Delegate of PIANC Romania

115 PIANC Singapore in 2016

2016 was a good year for PIANC Singapore. Sig- in the industry with various background to meet nificant milestones, like being awarded the title of each other and share their knowledge and experi- the Qualifying Member, were achieved, several ence. It was a special day as they had the honour networking sessions were organised and a techni- to welcome the Secretary-General of PIANC, Louis cal exchange were organised. Let’s take a look Van Schel, as well as Chairperson of YP-Com, Pab- back at the key events organised by PIANC Singa- lo Arecco, to grace the event. Their attendance pore which took place locally. confirmed the success of the event and theef- forts of local YP-Com in creating an influence and The most momentous milestone which was awareness of PIANC in Singapore. To top it off, reached, was the establishment of PIANC Singa- Pablo took this opportunity to officially share the pore as a Qualifying Member. In June, two major role and products of PIANC, the structure of the local companies became Corporate Members local organisation, as well as to discuss the future – Jurong Port and Surbana Jurong, of which two plans of PIANC on the international level. individuals were appointed as Secretary and Del- egate for PIANC Singapore: Mr Yang Zi Qian and Ms Yeo Ying Sze. This membership will enable the committee to take a step further to establish a greater presence locally, as the team is working towards setting up a National Section in Singa- pore.

PIANC YP 2016 networking event at Sentosa Broadwork Singapore with Mr Louis Van Schel (Secretary-General of PIANC) and Mr Pablo Arecco (Chairman of PIANC YP-Com)

One of the goals of PIANC as an organisation is to provide a platform for sharing technical knowl- The above picture was taken when Surbana Jurong edge. As it has always been in the PIANC YP’s heart and Jurong Port became Corporate members of to wanting to provide opportunities for knowledge PIANC Singapore. sharing, they organised a technical exchange (L-R: Mr James Lam (Surbana Jurong), event by Mampaey on the topic of Intelligent Au- Ms Yeo Ying Sze (Jurong Port) to-Mooring Systems (iDL). This automation mooring and Mr Yang Zi Qian (PIANC Singapore)) system is a relatively new topic to be introduced in Singapore, so it provided a fresh perspective on One of the efforts from PIANC-YP Singapore to the future technologies in the marine sector. The bring together people from the marine industry talk by Mampaey definitely inspired players in the was to organise a networking event held in Sen- industry and led to very interesting discussions be- tosa Broadwalk. This event allowed professionals tween the audience and the presenter.

116 PIANC YP technical event on auto-mooring Systems

Moving forward, the official PIANC members in Singapore held a meeting to wrap up the year and discuss about the future plans. The team is ea- ger to organise more technical talks and site visits in 2017 and to forge greater ties with the educa- tional institutions and the industry. This way, PIANC Singapore want to be in line with the objectives of PIANC – joining forces around the world to facili- tate the growth of waterborne transport.

PIANC Singapore Committee meeting at the end of 2016 (On the left row from the front: Ms Yeo Ying Sze, Mr Yang Zi Qian, Ms Vera Wong; on the right row from the front: Mr Poh Khian Meng, Ms Ricia Lee, Mr James Lam, Mr Tommy Phun)

Yang Zi Qian (ZI) PIANC Singapore

117 PIANC South Africa in 2016

PIANC SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL - Secretary – M. Magenthran Ruthenavelu SECTION - YP Representative – Mr Kishan Tulsi - Linkage to SAICE Railways and Harbours – Mr 2016 at a Glance Keith Mackie and Mr Arie Burggraaf • Hosting of the WG 178 Seminar in Stellenbosch How fast this year has fleeted by, at a time of so in September. many hardships and uncertainties! Faced with • Awareness of the new Marine Division of the challenging economic times, the local (and glob- South African Institute of Civil Engineers being al) maritime sector has had its fair share of hard- chaired by Mr Keith Mackie ships and this may still linger on. Yet in the face of adversity, many local marine and coastal en- YOUNG PROFESSIONALS gineering specialists find themselves soldiering on and fortunate to be busy with interesting and de- The YP-group has gone from strength to strength in manding assignments. recent times. They have formalised their structure with active participation from a number of local At a time when the economy is depressed, the YP’s playing varying roles within their grouping. For port sector has contributed positively to this situ- now this group comprises of 13 members ranging ation. This contribution is the pursuance of numer- from the YP Chairman to R&D Lead to Event Or- ous infrastructure projects port-wide. The intention ganisers. The thinking behind this large group was of this strategy is twofold, firstly to provide much- to have sufficient redundancy at times when work needed opportunities for work and activity, and activities and responsibilities take priority. secondly, to provide port infrastructure and ca- pacity ahead of demand. Many notable projects The YPs have had numerous successful events in are in the execution or feasibility stages across the the past year, some of which are highlighted be- South African port system some of which include: low. the General Maintenance Quay Upgrade in the Port of Saldanha; Refurbishment of Ship Repair In- Dredger Visit frastructure and Equipment at a few ports; a new Admin Craft Basin in the Port of Ngqura and the An opportunity was made available for a small Berth Deepening Project in the Port of Durban. group of engineers to board a grab dredger whilst she was busy in the Port of Cape Town. This was a The PIANC South African National Section has also great learning experience for the group to get up enjoyed a busy period with the Young Profession- close and personal with the dredger and experi- als (YP’s) leading the way. But first some informa- ence the operations and control of the new work- tion on the National Section. ing dredger first hand.

National Section

Membership remains healthy and consistent with the past years. At present, the National Section has 46 members with at least 15 of them being YP’s – this bodes well for the sustainability of the Section. One Corporate Member must be noted.

The annual meeting was held mid-year in Stel- lenbosch and was well represented. As usual, the meeting stimulated robust discussion and resulted in a few important discussions being held:

• Election of Office Bearers: - Vice-Chairman – Mr Kobus Rossouw - Treasurer – Dr. Andre van Tonder 118 Fender Talk by Trelleborg ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

A huge thank you goes out to Trelleborg for spon- The National Section owes much gratitude to the soring a fantastic event which was attended by two ladies that have been devoting their time over 80 engineering professionals. In a lovely set- and effort in supporting the local PIANC activities, ting in Cape Town, fender experts from Trelleborg Ms Jennifer Weber and Ms Annamarie Zeelie – a took the group through a series of theoretical and hearty thank you! practical talks relating to: Thank you to all the sponsors and presenters • the latest docking and mooring technology through the year, your contributions are treasured • fender quality and updated specifications and most appreciated. • fender types • designing concepts and And finally… • how to identify low quality fenders Wishing all of you a peaceful and restful holiday Site Visit: Quay Upgrade season and a productive and prosperous 2017!

More than 20 YPs travelled almost 120 km to the Magenthran Ruthenavelu Port of Saldanha for a technical presentation of Secretary of PIANC South Africa the quay upgrade followed by a walk through the construction site. The group was fortunate to have the Lead Design Engineer talk them through the design and specification process and the Construction Manager to give a ‘contractor’s perspective’ of the works and activities on site. An informative site tour was held witnessing the various activities on site such as sheet piling, con- crete placement, dredging and earthworks just to name a few.

WG 178 Seminar

Thanks to Ms Marli Geldenhys (YP member of WG 178) for spearheading the initiative of hosting a seminar at the Annual Ports and Coastal Engi- neering course at the University of Stellenbosch. This one-day seminar was attended by more than 140 course attendees who took a keen interest in the various presentations made around Climate Change and its implications for port and coastal infrastructure. A number of industry specialists volunteered their time to talk at the seminar and gave insightful presentations on this important topic. A comprehensive article was prepared and shared with WG 178 for their consideration.

119 PIANC Spain in 2016


March 1, 2016. Instituto Eduardo Torroja (Madrid)

Co-organised: PIANC Spain (ATPyC) and the Sci- entific Association of Structural Concrete (ACHE)

Four technical papers and a final round table were presented, covering several aspects about the use of concrete in maritime works (projects, construction methods, properties of the materials, developments and new solutions, etc.). 100 par- ticipants attended the event. Attendees


The Spanish Young Professionals organised the 13th edition of the ‘Technical Sessions for Young Profes- sionals’ in Seville (June 1-2, 2016), in close co-op- eration with the Port Authority of Sevilla. The elec- tion process for the new YP-Com of the Spanish Section was organised during this event. Over 85 participants attended the event. The sessions ana- lysed a wide range of topics related to port and coastal design, construction and management, including a visit to Sevilla Port facilities.

L-R: Mr Francisco Esteban Lefler (President of the Spanish Section), Mr José Romo (President of ACHE)

L-R: Mr Francisco Esteban (President of the Spanish Section), Ms Pilar Parra (Chairman of YP-Com Spain), Mr Angel Pulido (Chairman of the Port Authority of Sevilla)

L-R.: Mr Antonio Aguado, Mr Luis Peset, Mr Manuel Arana Burgos, Mr Hugo Corres and Mr Antonio Corredor 120 Attendees

ANNUAL ASSEMBLY OF THE SPANISH SECTION ON JUNE 22, 2016 L-R: Mr Manuel Arana Burgos, Mr Francisco Esteban Lefler and Mr Abel San Romualdo Collado (co-winner Modesto Vigueras Award 2016) The Spanish Annual General Assembly took place at the Headquarters of Puertos del Estado in Ma- drid on June 22, 2016.

The most important points on the agenda were the following:

• Report 2015 – Activities of the National Section (President and Secretary) • Annual fees for 2017 • Budget approval • Report of the activities of the Technical Com- mittees • Report of the activities of the YPs • Modesto Vigueras Award 2016: - Abel San Romualdo Collado: ‘Environ- mental System for the Management of Water Quality in Marinas and Fishing Ports’ L-R: Mr Francisco Esteban Lefler and Mr José Luis Suárez - José Luis Suarez Doval: ‘Innovation in Port Doval (co-winner Modesto Vigueras Award 2016) Management and Port Operations. Case Study: Smartport Project in A Coruña’ • Strategic Plan 2014-2025 • Conference: ‘Chairing PIANC’s Working Groups’ - Francisco Esteban Lefler, Chairman of PIANC MarCom - David Pino Roca, Chairman of PIANC WG 152 – ‘Guidelines for Cruise Terminals’ - Ignacio Sanchidrián Vidal, Chairman of PIANC WG 172 – ‘Design of Small and Medium LNG Terminals Including Bunkering Facilities’

L-R: Mr Manuel Arana Burgos, Mr Francisco Esteban Lefler, Mr David Pino and Mr Ignacio Sanchidrián


The most important activity of the Spanish Na- L-R: Mr Manuel Arana Burgos (Secretary) and Mr Francisco Esteban Lefler (President) tional Section in 2016 has been the organisation of the 6th National Congress, in co-operation with 121 Puertos del Estado (Ministry of Public Works) and the Port Authority of Baleares. The event took place on October 19-21, 2016, and the chosen venue was Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands). According to the port activities of the port of Pal- ma, the main topics focused on the cruise sector, recreational navigation, port-city developments, technical aspects of the design of maritime works, use of LNG, etc. The presented papers were pub- lished in the Congress Book.

Opening Ceremony. L-R: Mr Xavier Ramis Otauza, Mr José Llorca Ortega, Mr Francisco Esteban Lefler and Mr Joan Guall de Torrella Guasp Technical visit to the Port of Palma de Mallorca Manuel Arana Burgos Secretary of PIANC Spain


Congress Book 122 PIANC Sweden in 2016

In 2016, the Swedish Section of PIANC consisted of 31 members, among which 22 were Individual Members and 9 were Corporate Members.

On March 10, 2016, the Swedish Section held its Annual Meeting. Following the tradition, the meet- ing was hosted by the Port of Gothenburg. After the formal Annual Meeting, Axel Andersson from SSPA gave a very interesting presentation about simulations of vessel traffic according to the Mon- te-Carlo Model.

The Board of the Swedish Section held two meet- ings in 2016. The Board consisted of five members:

• Nikol Nielsen Gulis (Port of Gothenburg) • Jim Sandkvist (SSPA) • Marielle Svan (Secretary/Treasurer, Swedish Maritime Administration) • Mattias Sandell (Port of Stockholm) • Jon Granstedt (First Delegate and Head of the Swedish Section, Swedish Maritime Administra- tion). Anna-Karin Norling Jonsson (Swedish Mari- time Administration) assisted the Board with im- portant administration

In addition to participation in meetings within Working Groups, Commissions and the PIANC AGA, The Swedish Section of PIANC, the Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises, Ecoloop, and the Port of Trelleborg arranged a port con- Pictures from the Conference in Trelleborg. ference in Trelleborg in the beginning of October. Photo: Sandra Frost, Ecoloop Of course, PIANC’s Platinum Partner Trelleborg – named after the city – also attended the confer- In November 2016, Nikol Nielsen Gulis held a pre- ence. The conference gave an overview of the sentation about PIANC at the Trelleborg Smarter most current topics when it comes to construc- Approach Technical Seminar in Gothenburg. tion of ports and fairways and the event was an opportunity to meet colleagues in the industry. Jon Granstedt Among other topics, there was a presentation First Delegate of PIANC Sweden about PIANC as an organisation, as well as a pre- sentation by Onno Musch from Norway/the Neth- erlands regarding the ongoing work with the new ‘Guideline for Climate Change Adaption for Ports and Waterways’ – PIANC WG 178. The conference was fully booked in advance and over 100 partici- pants from ports, consulting firms and government agencies attended.

123 PIANC The Netherlands in 2016

At the beginning of 2016 the Dutch Section con- Topics like robotics, autonomous sailing and a sisted of 180 members, among which: changing economy were touched upon in the talks. With stimulating tenets, the audience was able to participate during the event by voting on different statements. The input of the audience combined with the presentations of the visionaries gave the 90 attendants a glimpse of the expect- ed future of transport over water.

The second event was organised by Van Oord and provided an insight on the prospects in the dredging industry worldwide. They also gave a presentation about the expansion of the Suez The Dutch Section organised two events in 2016 Canal. The evening was attended by around 70 for its members and associates. people from a broad range of work fields.

The first event was held on April 14, 2016 and was The Dutch Young Professionals had a very success- organised around the theme of ‘Transport of the ful year with 3 activities and 1 promotional event Future’. During the event, three visionaries from at TU Delft for the community of the Hydraulic En- different areas of the field of work shared their gineering master. The traditional Working Group prospect for the future of transport over water. Event was hosted in the beginning of the year in Utrecht. Two interesting presentations were given by Young Professionals:

• MarCom Working Group 172 – ‘Design of Small and Medium LNG Terminals Including Bunkering Facilities’, by Suze Ann Bakker • InCom Working Group 154 – ‘Mitre Gate Design and Operation’, by Jos Vorstenbosch-Krabbe

The evening was very well attended by both young and ‘older’ PIANC members, with more than 50 participants.

Young PIANC Belgium and the Netherlands or- ganised a combined visit for 40 attendees to a newly built terminal for monopiles (foundation for wind turbines) at the reclaimed area of Maasv- lakte 2. This new terminal is an expansion of the existing Cif-group facilities in the Netherlands. The 500-metres long deep-sea quay wall consists of an 18-metres wide concrete relieving floor and a sub- structure comprising a combined wall, concrete foundation piles and 60 metres long steel tension piles. With a retaining height of 30 metres and a surface load of 10 tonnes per square metre, it is one of the world’s largest quay walls. The quay wall is designed for the largest jack-up vessels op- erating in the North Sea. The visit ended with a din- ner for the attendees.

124 On July 1, 2016, the yearly Young Holland Ports For more information visit or send an event took place during the DelfSail 2016 event in email to [email protected]. the harbour of Delfzijl, Groningen. For the event, a special waterside location was arranged in the Johan Boon and Remi van der Wijk floating dock of Royal Niestern-Sander in which PIANC Netherlands Secretariat a container ship was being built at the moment. During the event, interesting lectures were given on the impact of modern shipping on the climate and the necessity of energy transition in the ship- ping business. Next to that, there was plenty op- portunity to see the tall ships that had gathered in the harbour from up close.

125 PIANC The Philippines in 2016

LIST OF DELEGATES IN 2016 Alternate Delegate Eng. Adrian P. Cayanan Board of Directors PPA Principal Engineer A Atty. Juan C. Sta. Ana Eng. Tomas B. Carlos ACTIVITIES Mr Raul T. Santo Mr Armando L. Guzman On June 2014, the former General Manager of the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA), Atty. Juan C. First Delegate Sta. Ana, together with the former Assistant to the Atty. Jay Daniel R. Santiago General Manager for Special Projects, Mr Hector PPA, General Manager E. Miole, attended the 33rd PIANC World Congress in San Francisco 2014. After attending the said President conference, they saw the importance and benefit Eng. Apollo S. Enriquez that it will give PPA to join PIANC. GM Sta. Ana im- PPA Board Member mediately informed Secretary-General Van Schel that PPA would join PIANC as a Corporate Mem- Vice-President ber. Atty. Nicasio A.Conti st PPA Board Member The 1 PIANC Philippines workshop, hosted by PPA, was held in October 2014 at the Traders Hotel. This Secretary event was attended by engineering managers of PPA, consultants, stakeholders, such as Asian Ter- Mr Hector E. Miole minal Incorporated (ATI), ICTSI, etc. Moreover, the PPA, AGM for Operations nomination and election of officers for PIANC Phil- ippines took place during this event: Eng. Apollo Treasurer S. Enriquez was elected as the first President of Mr Joel Piñon PIANC Philippines. J.C. Piñon Construction, Inc. PIANC Philippines and PPA continuously support COMMISSION REPRESENTATIVES PIANC activities by organising seminars and events in the Philippines, such as the following: Environmental Commission (EnviCom) • April 12-15, 2016: the 2nd PIANC YP-Com Asian Alternate Delegate Seminar, held in the Philippines and jointly or- Eng. Reynand C. Parafina ganised by PPA and PIANC Philippines, was at- PPA Department Manager tended by about 80 international and local par- ticipants. The event was supported by sponsors Maritime Commission (MarCom) from the local and foreign companies such as Trelleborg, Tencate Philippines and FW-Nicol. Alternate Delegate • July 12-13, 2016: the PPA, together with PIANC Eng. Reynand C. Parafina Philippines, organised a two-day seminar/work- PPA Department Manager shop about climate change awareness and adaptation for ports and harbours, which was YP-Com Observer held at the 7th Floor of the PPA Corporate Build- Eng. Christopher H. Ornum ing, Metro Manila. Professionals from the differ- PPA Principal Engineer A ent parts of the country joined to exchange knowledge and experiences about climate sci- Young Professional Commission (YP-Com) ence. In total, there were about 40 participants from around the archipelago and some other Main Delegate countries, such as the Netherlands, UK and Aus- Eng. Christopher H. Ornum tralia. PPA Principal Engineer A 126 • November 20, 2016: a YP-Com meeting was Working Group 178 entitled ‘Climate Change Ad- held at the 7th Floor of the PPA Building, which aptation for Maritime and Inland Port and Naviga- was attended by about 30 YP members/guests. tion Infrastructure’, mentored by Mrs Jan Brooke Highlights of the meeting were updates from of PIANC UK. WG 178 increasingly acknowledges the YP-Com meeting held in Brazil, the 6th BTV in that the consequences of climate change will Australia and the proposed YP-Com Christmas affect both existing and new seaport and inland Party 2016. waterway infrastructure. Adaptation (to reduce • December 22, 2016: the Annual General Assem- vulnerability or increase resilience) will therefore bly was held at the 7th Floor of the PPA build- be necessary. New designs will need to take into ing. The said event also included the members’ account the effects of climate change and some Christmas party, as well as the election of officers existing infrastructure may need retrofitting. Non- of YP-Com. YP-Com Delegate, Eng. Christopher structural measures including modifications to Ornum, was elected President of the Young Pro- management activities, maintenance regimes fessionals Commission in the Philippines. and other port, harbour and waterway operations are also likely to be required to facilitate the con- PIANC Philippines, together with PPA, would like to tinued function of the physical infrastructure. assure that it will continuously support upcoming events of PIANC. “This leads to the conclusion that the climate change challenge can best be addressed in the Two-Day Seminar/Workshop about ‘Climate broader context of sustainable development. The Change Awareness and Adaptation for Ports linkages between climate change and the three and Harbours’ pillars of sustainable development – environment, social, and economic – are numerous and deserve On July 12-13, 2016, the PPA, together with PIANC in-depth, expert discussion. It is our hope that this Philippines, organised a two-day seminar/work- workshop can play small part in this regard.”, PPA, shop about ‘Climate Change Awareness and Ad- AGM for Engineering, for his part, said. aptation for Ports and Harbours’ at the 7th Floor of the PPA Corporate Building, Metro Manila. Profes- The two-day seminar brought together experts sionals from different parts of the country joined from government agencies, such as the Depart- to exchange knowledge and experiences about ment of Environment and Natural Resources climate science. In total, there were about 40 par- (DENR) and private sectors, such as the Asian Ter- ticipants from around the archipelago and some minal Inc., World Bank, etc. other countries, such as the Netherlands, UK and Australia. Christopher Ornum Young Professional PIANC Philippines The event featured Presentations about climate science and gave us an overview about the PIANC

The PPA, in coordination with PIANC EnviCom, hosted the two-day seminar on ‘Climate Change Awareness and Adaptation for Ports and Harbours’. PPA GM Jay Daniel R. Santiago and Mrs Jan Brooke of PIANC UK graced the event.

127 PIANC UK in 2016


• Greg Haigh – Chairman The UK Committee met four times in the course of • Chris Frith – Vice-Chairman, Deputy Treasurer the year. In addition to its focus on representation • Peter Hunter – MarCom Representative on international Working Groups and educational • Ian White – Government First Delegate, FinCom events in the UK, a number of initiatives were put Chairman and Treasurer in place. The UK Committee continues to make it • Jan Brooke – EnviCom Representative/PTG CC easier for those outside London and the south east Representative of England to access seminars and other events. • Jim Stirling – InCom Representative With this in mind, a well-attended seminar and site • Tim Beckett – RecCom Representative visit took place in Hull in September 2016 to see the • Christian de Meyer – ProCom Representative new Green Port development jointly with ICE York- • Andrew Wareing – YP-Com Representative shire. This is being undertaken by Associated British Ports and Siemens to build the new service wharf • Tom McKay and blade manufacturing centre for the next gen- • Chris Boysons eration of North Sea windfarms. Plans are being • Paul Datson developed for further regional events in 2017. • David Byrne • Howard Richings During the last year, the membership of the UK • Mike Thorn Committee has changed. At last year’s Annual • John Lovell General Meeting, six candidates put themselves • Nigel Bodell forward for election to the UK Committee. The • Ian Gillespie three successful candidates, all YPs, were David • Christian De Meyer Middlemiss of HR Wallingford, Heather Armour of • Stuart Byrne CH2MHill and Laure Herbert of Mott MacDonald. • Tim Beckett The Committee decided to co-opt Graham Hol- • David Middlemiss land of The Canal & River Trust (now replaced by • Heather Armour Fran Littlewood following Graham’s retirement) • John Berry and Jordan Gillespie (YP) of Boskalis. As a result, • Laure Herbert the inland waterways of England and Wales are • Ian Cruickshank now represented again and there are now five YP • Steve Osborn members on the UK Committee. Efforts to ensure • Tally Mairs (nee Watson) that the UK Committee is more representative of • Graham Holland the members and of the wider industry will con- • Fran Littlewood tinue. In particular, further representation from the ports would be most welcome. • William Evans – joined 2016 AGM • Mark McBride – joined 2016 AGM WORKING GROUPS • Borbala Trifunovics – joined2016 AGM PIANC International functions through its Commis- UK MEMBERSHIP sions and the UK has representatives on all but one of them. Ian White chairs FinCom, Peter Hunter sits The membership of PIANC UK has increased slight- on MarCom, Jim Stirling on InCom, Jan Brooke on ly over the past year. The current membership is EnviCom, Tim Beckett on RecCom, Andrew Wa- as follows: reing on YP-Com and Christian de Meyer on Pro- Com. The involvement of PIANC UK with PIANC • 188 Individual Members: 1 Honorary Member, International and the Working Groups is principally 5 Life Members, 38 YPs and 144 Full Individual coordinated through these individuals and it is Members worth recording the thanks on behalf of the en- • 24 Corporate Members: 6 large, 18 small tire UK Committee and the members, for their hard work over the last 12 months.

128 The core function of PIANC International is the pro- At the Annual General Meeting held in November duction of its well respected technical reports by at the ICE London, which was attended by the international Working Groups. Despite the relative- President, the Secretary-General and the desig- ly small size of PIANC UK, over 50 members from nate Secretary-General of PIANC, a presentation the UK are involved with these Working Groups, was made by Greg Haigh on behalf of PIANC UK some of them as Working Group Chairmen. The to Louis van Schel to mark his retirement and his UK Committee is currently looking for UK represen- contribution to PIANC over the past few years. tatives to join 3 MarCom and 3 InCom Working Groups.


Three PIANC half-day seminars, two evening semi- nars, one conference and one site visit were held during the year and these continue to be popular with members and guests, particularly the evening YP seminar:

• February: Conference – ‘BS6349: Maritime Works – Essential Update for the Ports and Maritime Community’ • March: Seminar – ‘Climate Change Adaptation for Ports and Navigation Infrastructure’ • June: PIANC Technical Seminar – ‘The Use of Navigation Simulation and Physical Models in Project Design’ • September: Visit to the Hull Green Port and eve- ning seminar – ‘Maritime Projects in Yorkshire & Ian White Humberside’ First Delegate of PIANC UK • October: PIANC UK Young Professionals Evening Seminar • November: Seminar – Port Operations REPORT YPs UK – SEPTEMBER 2016 EVENT

PIANC UK was represented by a delegation of six The annual PIANC UK Young Professional’s (YP) members at the PIANC Annual General Assembly evening seminar was held on October 19, 2016 in Bruges, Belgium in May 2016. In addition to the and the event was attended by around 80 YPs – normal AGA business, the Port of Zeebrugge, or- another great turnout. ganised a comprehensive tour of the port and its ferry terminals. Young Professionals from leading UK maritime in- dustry were invited to present on projects they have influenced, and provide an insight into the contribution they are making to the industry, as well as some specific challenges they have over- come.

The format for this year followed a similar format to the previous year’s event, with a total of 6 pre- sentations on a wide range of topics relevant to water infrastructure.

The challenge was set: to deliver a ‘snappy’ pre- sentation to the audience, comprising of a total of 20 slides with only 15 seconds available for each slide! Given the wide range of topics presented, this proved more of a challenge to some than oth- ers – but all of the 6 presentations made were de- livered well, and appreciated by the audience.

The first presentation was given by Josh Groom of Proserve; he discussed the use of concrete formwork and the construction of a wharf using the landfill method, for the development of two PIANC UK visit to Green Port, Hull new container berths in Haiti and Guatemala

129 to accommodate the new Panamax size contain- er ships.

The second presentation came from Olwen Row- lands, based in CH2M’s Swindon Office. She has worked closely with Network Rail over the last two years to deliver the Geo-Environmental Resilience Study for rail infrastructure from Exeter to Newton Abbot.

Maria Garcia-Mateo delivered the third presen- tation. Maria works for Ramboll and has recently been involved with the regeneration of South- ampton’s waterfront at Mayflower Park and Tra- falgar Dock.

Lucas Ginestet provided the fourth presentation, and discussed some of HR Wallingford’s work look- YP Event – Audience ing at the challenges of operating, assessing and modelling marine facilities in icy parts of the world.

Tim Johnson provided the fifth presentation, and covered CH2M’s work on inspecting the Thames Barrier and ensuring is operability until at least 2070.

The last presentation was given by Dr Ed Rodg- ers, of Marico Marine who discussed the marine navigation hazard assessments and methods by which they are undertaken, and used the Central Thames as a case-study.

The PIANC YP Committee once again would like to thank all those who presented, and also those who attended for providing some interesting ques- tions and discussions.

If you would like access to the presentations given during the evening, they can be found at: http://

The PIANC YP Committee looks forward to organ- ising the next YP event – if you have any ideas, or suggestions for PIANC YP events please get in touch: [email protected]. YP Event – Dr Ed Rodgers presenting

130 PIANC USA in 2016

PIANC USA LEADERSHIP US YOUNG PROFESSIONAL MATTHEW MCCARTY WINS THE The United States, a member of PIANC since 1902, DE PAEPE-WILLEMS AWARD is a very active section in terms of international in- volvement, as well as its domestic activities and Matthew McCarty, P.E., S.E. was the winner of this partnerships. The United States National Commis- year’s PIANC USA De Paepe-Willems Award for his sion constitutes the governing body of the U.S. technical paper on ‘Large Diameter Fiber Rein- Section. forced Polymer Monopile Dolphin Systems for Ferry Berths’. The paper explores the benefits of com- In January 2016, we welcomed two new members posite-material monopile dolphins over conven- of the U.S. National Commission: Lillian Almodovar, tional timber pile dolphins for ferry boat berthing a USACE retiree and lead on Latin American out- operations. McCarty presented his winning paper reach, and Ron Coles of W.R. Coles and Associ- to members of the PIANC Annual General Assem- ates. bly on May 18, 2016 in Bruges, Belgium. The leadership in 2016 consisted of:

• Chair, The Honourable Jo-Ellen Darcy, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) • President, Major General Donald E. ‘Ed’ Jack- son, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Deputy Com- manding General for Civil and Emergency Op- erations • Secretary, Ms Anne Cann, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Matthew McCarty

Other members of the U. S. National Commission PIANC USA ACTIVITIES AT THE PORTS 2016 included: CONFERENCE

• Mr Ron Coles, Principal, W. R. Coles and Associ- PIANC USA partnered with ASCE-COPRI (Ameri- ates can Society of Civil Engineers- Coasts, Oceans, • Ms Lillian Almodovar, Retired, US Army Corps of Ports, and Rivers Institute) on the PORTS 2016 Con- Engineers ference, which was held June 12-15, 2016 in New • Mr Mike Leone, Retired Port Director of the Mas- Orleans, Louisiana. The theme of the conference sachusetts Port Authority was ‘Ports: Gateways to a World of Opportunities’, • Mr Edward Schmeltz, Senior Vice-President of and attendance was excellent, with over 600 par- PIANC, AECOM ticipants. • Ms Helen Brohl, Executive Director of the U.S. Committee on the Marine Transportation System PIANC USA First Delegate, the Honourable Jo-Ellen • Mr Nicholas Pansic, Vice-President, MWH Energy Darcy, spoke at the Opening Plenary Session. She and Industry now part of Stantec introduced PIANC to this broad audience, empha- • Mr James Marino, President, Taylor Engineering, sising the benefits of participation in international Inc. technical Working Groups. She also discussed in • Ms Jessica McIntyre, Project Engineer, Moffatt some detail PIANC’s Think Climate Initiative and and Nichol the ‘Navigating a Changing Climate’ Action Plan. She encouraged all to learn more about PIANC The U.S. Commission held two meetings in 2016 and specifically invited everyone to attend the (one in January in Washington D.C. at the Trans- PIANC Technical Breakfast. portation Research Board conference and one in June in New Orleans, LA at the PORTS Confer- The PIANC Technical Breakfast was held on Tues- ence). These were supplemented with several day morning and it attracted a room full of peo- teleconferences. ple. The programme was kicked off by Ms Darcy 131 and PIANC USA President, MG Donald E. Jackson, PIANC USA ACTIVITIES AT THE gave an introduction to PIANC. Commissioners 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON Nick Pansic of MWH Global (now part of Stantec), COASTAL AND PORT ENGINEERING IN Mike Leone of HNTB and retired Director of the Port of Boston, and Ron Coles, Principal of W.R. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES (PIANC-COPEDEC) Coles & Associates led a panel discussion focused on TG 181 – ‘The State and Perspectives of Wa- The 9th International Conference on Coastal and terborne Transport Infrastructure Worldwide’. Nick Port Engineering in Developing Countries (PIANC- Pansic presented the TG 181 Charter and some COPEDEC) was held in Rio de Janeiro on October preliminary results and participants were given a 16-21, 2016 in conjunction with PIANC. There were short questionnaire on ‘The Future of Waterborne a number of PIANC USA members in attendance Transport Infrastructure’. Ron Coles discussed the including PIANC USA Commissioners Helen Brohl, economic value of inland waterway transport, Ed Schmeltz, and Lillian Almodovar and staff from with reference to a case study of moving rocket USACE IWR and ERDC. engines on the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway. Mike Leone discussed the challenges of prepar- The conference began with a PIANC Council ing ports for larger ships and more cargo, using the Meeting on October 15, where topics of discus- Port of Miami as a case study. A general discussion sion included changes to PIANC Rules and Regu- followed. PIANC USA YP representatives Andrew lations, updates of the Think Climate Coalition, Thomas and Chris Siverd explained YP-Com and and upcoming conferences. Short courses were held on October 16 and the conference officially the event coming up on June 23-24, 2016 in Wash- began on October 17 with the plenary address ington, DC and Baltimore, Maryland. PIANC USA being given by Dr. Todd Bridges (ERDC) on ‘Adap- Commissioners also held a meeting in conjunction tation to Climate Change in the Port and Naviga- with the Ports Conference, and a joint lunch with tion Sector’. the COPRI Board. Kevin Knight and Lillian Almodovar held a PIANC Another PIANC USA member, Dr. Todd Bridges, workshop on October 18 to administer a question- spoke on a panel at the Closing Plenary Session. naire to determine what participating member The topic was Resilience, which presented an op- countries perceived the biggest challenges and portunity for Dr. Bridges to discuss the new PIANC opportunities of waterway transportation for the Task Group 193 – ‘Resilience of the Maritime and future. Inland Waterborne Transport System’. On October 19, a number of technical tours were held throughout the city. Helen Brohl (CMTS and PIANC USA Commissioner) was a panelist on a workshop entitled ‘Inland Navigation and a More Sustainable Use of Natural Resources: Networks, Challenges and Opportunities for ’. Technical presentations continued for the next two days with the conference ending on October 21.

PIANC USA First Delegate, the Honourable Jo-Ellen Darcy, speaks at the Opening Plenary Session

Helen Brohl (CMTS), Kevin Knight (USACE IWR), Emily Vuxton (USACE IWR) and Alex Renaud (USACE ERDC)

PIANC USA Commissioners Dr. Todd Bridges (USACE ERDC) gives the opening plenary address 132 PIANC USA ACTIVITIES AT THE AAPA a tour of the Maritime Administration U.S. Reserve 25TH LATIN AMERICAN CONGRESS Fleet Roll-on/Roll-off ship named Cape Wrath; and a tour of the U.S. Coast Guard Surface Forces In late November 2016, Kevin Knight and Ron Logistics Center. Approximately 30 Young Profes- Coles participated in the American Association sionals took part in the various activities that took of Port Authorities’ (AAPA) 25th Latin American place throughout the three days. Congress in Mérida, Mexico. Nearly 500 represen- tatives from over 30 countries throughout Latin PIANC USA SPONSORS BARBECUE America, as well as North America, Europe and Asia attended the annual Congress in which the The Women’s Aquatic Network (WAN), the U.S. theme was ‘Latin American Ports in the Next 25 Committee on the Marine Transportation System Years’. Panel sessions highlighted recent trends (CMTS), and PIANC USA hosted the 2016 Barbe- in trade, regulations, logistics, trade agreements, cue in Washington, DC, at the Capital Yacht Club. shipbuilding and port operational practices and The purpose of the event is to recognise and cel- capital improvements throughout Latin America, ebrate the marine transportation community. This including an update of the recently-completed was the second year of sponsorship from PIANC Panama Canal expansion and the consequences USA. PIANC USA is interested in demonstrating the of the expansion. value of and developing an interest in PIANC to the many Young Professionals who attend WAN Information gathered from the event will improve events. PIANC USA Commissioner Helen Brohl on PIANC’s Action Plan for Latin America, which (CMTS Executive Director) was in attendance. lays out strategies of how PIANC could better serve the region. In addition, PIANC USA Commissioner, CELEBRATING PIANC USA WORKING Ron Coles, delivered a rousing presentation on GROUP MEMBERS’ EFFORTS the recently-published PIANC Working Group Re- port 158 – ‘Master Plans for Existing Ports’. In doing PIANC USA awards certificates each year to thank so, Ron also encouraged greater participation in U.S. members who served on Working Groups PIANC Working Groups and in PIANC overall. Many which completed their reports in that year. The port officials and policy makers among the AAPA certificate is signed by the Assistant Secretary of Latin Congress have already contacted Ron and the Army (Civil Works) and the Deputy Command- expressed a strong interest in helping PIANC. The ing General, Civil and Emergency Operations, next annual Latin American Congress is scheduled and framed with the PIANC USA coin mounted to take place in Punta del Este, Uruguay in early- below. Since the mission of PIANC is to provide ex- December 2017. pert guidance and technical advice by bringing together the best international experts to produce PIANC USA YOUNG PROFESSIONAL EVENTS high quality technical reports, the U.S. Section IN BALTIMORE, MD AND WASHINGTON, DC felt it was important to highlight the efforts that its members have contributed. The following U.S. PIANC USA Young Professionals (YPs) attended a Members served on Working Groups which com- number of events beginning on the evening of pleted their reports in 2016: June 22 through June 24 in Washington, DC, and • InCom WG 139 – ‘Values of Inland Waterways’ – Baltimore, MD, in conjunction with the ‘From Sail David Grier to Satellite: Delivering Solutions for Tomorrow’s • MarCom WG 144 – ‘Classification of Soils and MTS’ Fourth Biennial Research and Development Rocks for the Maritime Dredging Process’ – Conference, co-hosted by the Committee on the Gregory A. Sraders and Majid Yavary Marine Transportation System and the Transporta- • MarCom WG 152 – ‘Guidelines for Cruise Termi- tion Research Board of the National Academies nals’ – Gary Ledford, Andrew McTigue Pedrick, of Sciences. On the evening of June 22, YPs joined and Don Oates participants of the conference and several PIANC • RecCom WG 149 (Parts I & II) – ‘Guidelines for USA commissioners on a boat tour of the Potomac Marina Design’ – Jack Cox River. On June 23, they were given a tour of the • MarCom WG 172 – ‘Design of Small to Mid-Scale 9/11 Memorial and the Pentagon and spoke Marine LNG Terminals Including Bunkering’ - Bob with the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Beasley and Marc Percher Works, the Honourable Ms Jo-Ellen Darcy. Follow- • MarCom WG 153 – ‘Recommendations for the ing this, they were given a tour of new develop- Design and Assessment of Marine Oil and Petro- ment in Southwest D.C. at the Wharf by Michael chemical Terminals’ – Ron Heffron (Chair), Gay- Bruce and Jessica McIntrye (who is also a PIANC le S. Johnson, and Martin L. Eskijian USA Commissioner) of Moffatt & Nichol followed • MarCom WG 162 – ‘Recommendations for In- by a networking social hour at the Capital Yacht creased Durability and Service Life of New Ma- Club. On June 24, the YPs took a trip to Baltimore rine Concrete Infrastructure’ – Thomas Spencer where they were given a tour of Baltimore Harbor • MarCom WG 196 – ‘Criteria for the Selection of (hosted by the Baltimore District, Colonel Cham- Breakwater Types and Their Related Optimum berlayne, and the Maryland Port Administration); Safety Levels’ – Jeffrey Melby 133 REPRESENTATIVES TO INTERNATIONAL COMMISSIONS

The U.S. Section is represented by Principal and Al- ternate Members of the Commissions managing technical Working Group activities. In 2016 the U.S. representatives were:

• Environmental Commission (EnviCom) – Dr. Todd Bridges, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ERDC, Burton Suedel, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ERDC, Young Professional Representative: Ed- ward Brauer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District. • Inland Navigation Commission (InCom) – Dr. Craig Philip, Vanderbilt University, Jose Sanchez, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ERDC, Young Pro- fessional Representative: Brian Ball, City Engi- neer, Mount Vernon, OH. • Maritime Navigation Commission (MarCom) – Ronald Heffron, Moffatt and Nichol, Dr. Richard Styles, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Young Pro- fessional Representative: Christopher Thomas, Bechtel. • Recreational Navigation Commission (Rec- Com) – Jonathan Armbruster, Taylor Engineer- ing, Mark Pirrello, P.E., Moffatt & Nichol, Young Professional Representative: Matthew Trammell, Taylor Engineering. • International Cooperation Commission (Co- Com) – Kevin Knight, US Army Corps of Engineers, Abbas Sarmad, AECOM, Edward Schmeltz, AE- COM, serves as the Co-Chair of the Commis- sion. • Promotion Commission (ProCom) – Anne Cann, USACE and Nicholas Pansic, MWH • Young Professionals Commission (YP-Com) – Dr. Jason Giovannettone and Chris Siverd.

Anne Cann & Emily Vuxton PIANC USA Secretariat


1. BRIEF OUTLINE OF KEY ISSUES AND The event had 43 sponsors and 7 supporters. CHALLENGES ADDRESSED IN THE EVENT The overall theme of PIANC-COPEDEC IX was ‘Enhancing Waterborne Transport and Coastal The 9th Conference on Coastal and Port Engineer- Development – The Challenge of Reaching In- ing in Developing Countries (PIANC-COPEDEC) tegrated Solutions’. The conference had eight dis- was held in Rio de Janeiro on October 16-21, 2016. cussion topics: Port Engineering, Port Planning and The PIANC-COPEDEC IX Conference registered Management, Inland Navigation, Short Sea Ship- 452 delegates, coming from 37 countries, includ- ping and Coastal Navigation, Coastal Engineer- ing Brazil. 54 fellowships were granted to authors ing, Coastal Zone and Coastal Risk Management, from developing countries. The most represented Port and Coastal Environmental Issues, Climate countries, on delegates count, after Brazil, were Change and Port and Waterborne Transport Lo- the Netherlands, the United States of America, In- gistics and Multi Modal Transport. dia, France and Japan. 2. KEY MESSAGES, OUTCOMES AND Among the participants were professionals of RECOMMENDATIONS port and maritime infrastructure, suppliers of port and navigation sectors, consulting firms, maritime During the opening ceremony of the conference, contractors, dredging companies, environmental Mr Geoffroy Caude, President of PIANC, pointed specialists, researchers and students. Therefore, out the main activities performed by PIANC over PIANC-COPEDEC IX was an excellent opportunity the past years, its mission and projects. He high- for professionals in the coastal, port and naviga- lighted the connections between the conference tion businesses to meet. and PIANC publications and mentioned ports and waterways as pillars for ANTAQ and for PIANC. The objectives of the conference were to provide an international forum where coastal and port en- Among the keynote speakers were the Director- gineers from developing countries can exchange General of National Waterway Transportation knowledge and experiences amongst themselves Agency – ANTAQ, Mr Adalberto Tokarski, the Di- and with their colleagues from industrialised coun- rector of the Center for Contaminated Sediments tries and to enable developing countries to have (CCS) and Program Manager for the Dredging a sustainable resource pool of coastal and port Operations Environmental Research (DOER) pro- development professionals. gram, Mr Todd Bridges, and the chairman of the

Opening ceremony PIANC-COPEDEC IX

135 Opening reception (L-R): Mr Geoffroy Caude (President of PIANC), Mr Louis Van Schel (Secretary-General of PIANC), Mr Todd Bridges (PIANC EnviCom/ Director of the Center for Contaminated Sediments (CCS) and Program Manager for the Dredging Operations Environmental Research (DOER) program), Mr Adalberto Tokarski (Director-General of National Waterway Transportation Agency – ANTAQ), Mr Edward Schmeltz (Co-Chairman PIANC CoCom/Vice-President of PIANC), Mr Rafael Galvão de Santana (ANTAQ – Chairman of the Local Organising Committee)

PIANC-COPEDEC Paper Selection Committee and torate of Hydrography and Navigation (DNH) of a longstanding member of PIANC Australia, Co- Brazilian Navy. Com and PTG CC, Mr Ron Cox. Parallel to these technical tours, a workshop was Mr Adalberto Tokarski gave a presentation on the organised in the framework of PIANC-COPEDEC, Brazilian port and navigation sectors and depicted entitled ‘Inland Navigation and a More Sustain- ANTAQ’s role on such areas. Mr Todd Bridges lec- able Use of Natural Resources: Networks, Chal- tured about the Adaptation to Climate Change lenges and Opportunities for South America’. at Port and Navigation Sector. During the clos- This workshop was promoted in a joint effort of ing ceremony, Mr Ron Cox gave an overview on the World Association for Waterborne Transport PIANC-COPEDEC, highlighting the results obtained Infrastructure (PIANC), the Brazilian National Wa- with the edition in Rio de Janeiro. terway Transportation Agency (ANTAQ) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the The issues addressed by the keynote speakers in- Caribbean (ECLAC). cluded: (i) Attraction of private investments; (ii) Im- provement in port management; (iii) Integration of The event also included two short courses: one transport modes; (iv) Reduce costs and increase regarding ‘Innovative Developments in Port & productivity; (v) Adaptation to climate change Waterway Planning and Design’, including a and better alignment of natural and engineered Workshop on ‘Nature-Based Solutions for Ports & systems; and, (vi) Importance and benefits of edu- Waterways and Coastal Zone Management’, and cation at various levels and targeted at different a second one on ‘Dredging’ and related issues. stakeholders and awareness campaigns. During PIANC-COPEDEC IX two prizes were grant- 145 articles were presented at PIANC-COPEDEC ed. The International Association of Dredging 2016. The most represented discussion topics were Companies (IADC) offered the Young Author Coastal Engineering, with 53 articles, followed Award for the best paper presented by a young by Port Engineering (25 articles) and by Port and author at the event. The winner was Lucas Silveira, for his article entitled ‘Integrated Method for the Coastal Environmental Issues and Climate Change Development of Optimal Channel Dredging Proj- (21 articles) and Port Planning and Management ect – Case Study: Terminal Portuário do Mearim’. (21 articles). His article also received a fast track to be pub- lished in ‘Terra et Aqua’, the only technical jour- Five technical tours took place during the Con- nal on dredging. Another prize offered was the ference. The hosts of the technical visits were Summa Amarasinghe Award for the best author Porto Sudeste, Sepetiba Tecon, Porto Novo, Lab- article from developing countries. The winner was Oceano – the Laboratory for Ocean Technology Adriana Pina, for her article entitled ‘A Procedure of the Ocean Engineering Department at Federal for Evaluation of The Technical Feasibility of a Ves- University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), and the Direc- sel Approach Harbour Entrance’.

136 The PIANC Young Professionals were also represented at the PIANC-COPEDEC Conference

This year, the PIANC-COPEDEC IX had a smart- Thanks to all participants, fellows, sponsors, sup- phone application available for Android, IOS and porters, PIANC’s members and the Professional Windows platforms. With the app, the delegates Conference Organiser – GAP Congressos – for could have access to the conference schedule making PIANC-COPEDEC IX a successful event and the updated news related to the event. and pleasant experience.