Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Heroic Roleplaying: Stardust Crusaders
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Heroic Roleplaying: Stardust Crusaders Adventure Book By Lonesome Blues DM (feat. Blue Man) !1 JJBAHRP - Draft 0.0.9b - We’ll Do It Live Edition JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Heroic Roleplaying: Stardust Crusaders is a fan creation based on the 1987- “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure” manga series written, illustrated, and created by Hirohiko Araki. All images and names of characters, locations, and Adventures, unless expressly stated are TM and (c) Hirohiko Araki, Shonen Jump, Shueisha, and Subs. Used without permission. All references to people, places, and things including titles, lyrics, and other media are the property of their respective copyright holders. Used without permission. This game material references the Cortex Plus® game system, available from Margaret Weis Productions at Cortex® and Cortex Plus® and all associated logos and trademarks are solely owned by Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd. and are used with permission. Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd. makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability of the purpose of this product. Stands contributed by Deepo, elementsguy, Ozzy Crowley, and Anon. Stand Creation Rules are a highly modified form of those found in JOJO’S BIZARRE TABLETOP. All rights reserved. Special thanks to Zealot Vedas and all of / SSS/ and /WWW/. Stay fabulous, my friends. Text by Lonesome Blues DM (aka TK Nyarlathotep) and Blue Man (aka J Frost). Support the creation of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Heroic Roleplaying by going to TombOfNyarlathotep !2 ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERS Transition: Enya’s Hospitality…Pg. XX Preparing for the Adventure…Pg.
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