FEBRUARY 2006 No:308 PARISH NEWS & VIEWS Parish Clerk - Philippa Cullen Stephenson Crabtree Gate, Well Lane, Lower Froyle Tel:01420 520102

ST MARY’S VESTMENTS Following our first very successful vestment exhibition at St Mary’s last November we would like to thank those who helped in any way. Since then we have moved forward quite significantly, with interest from a number of sources offering help with conservation and advice. We also have several people interested in having a ‘private showing’ for their groups in the next few months. This will all help with the funding of items, which will need to go to a professional conservator. Linda, Sarah, Jean and Mary NOTICE As from 31st January, we are having to stop the use of the tip in Husseys Lane, which over the years has been used for dumping and burning etc. It is being done in compliance with the Agriculture Waste Regulations. There is a notice posted on the gate post at the entrance to the pit for anyone who would like more information - or interested. It is hoped at some time in the future to plant some trees and bushes in there. Roy Norkett, p.p. Caroline Goschen ADVANCE NOTICE! JUMBLE SALE in aid of Froyle Village Hall Saturday, April 1st - Doors open 2.00pm More details in the March Magazine, but start turning out your unwanted clothes, bric-a-brac etc. For more info contact Annette Booth, 22364

BRAMBLE We would like to thank everyone for their concern over the last year. We wanted to let you know that Bramble died peacefully on Saturday 14th January. Janet & John Dobson

-1- FROFROFROYLE VILLAGE HALL Bookings : Maureen Fry, Bentley 22557

HIRERS OF THE VILLAGE HALL Will hirers please make doubly sure that heating is shut off, lights, especially the gents and ladies toilets, are turned off, curtains opened and kitchen and front doors locked. Please return the key through the letterbox of Chapel Cottage as soon as your session has ended NO MATTER WHAT THE TIME. If you have any comments, queries or complaints about the hall OTHER THAN BOOKINGS please contact the Village Hall’s Housekeeper, Annette Booth, on 22364. PLEASE NOTE THAT, AS A RESULT OF MISUSE AND DAMAGE, WE NO LONGER LOAN TABLES AND CHAIRS. FROYLE ‘100 CLUB’ DRAW December 1st - Mr M. Pritchard (100); 2nd - Mr J. Arbuthnot (8); 3rd - Mr B. Clark (46) January 1st - Miss C. Bush (97); 2nd - Mrs E. Cray (18); 3rd - Mrs P. Pritchard (61) John Cresswell VILLAGE HALL NEWS As you will have undoubtedly noticed, work is well underway on the Village Hall Disabled Toilet extension. The work schedule is very much weather dependent and so, at the current time (January 16th) we do not have a date for completion, but we should be able to give a better idea in next month’s magazine. We very much appreciate the assistance of David Andrews and his team in keeping the main entrance to the Hall open over Christmas. There will, however, be a brief period in the next month where the Gents toilet will be closed, and the Ladies will have to function in a uni-sex mode. Chris Booth, Vice Chairman

FROYLE LADIES GROUP We ended the year with an excellent Christmas meal. Full credit to The Anchor for the food and service. On February 8th we begin with a talk by Mr Bernard Potter, “Travelling along the Basingstoke Canal to the Thames.” This is part 1 of 2 talks which have been highly recommended. Visitors, as usual, welcome. A little reminder! Subscriptions will be due that night. BJM

-2- THE MEETING PLACE Christmas seems ages ago now, but may I just thank all those people who helped at the Christmas Meeting Place:- Eira Cray for her delicious punch (I’ve already re-booked her for next year!); Lauraine Bourne & Jane Macnabb in the kitchen; Roy Norkett for running the Raffle; Janet Dobson for the Wine Raffle; Sue Sykes for playing the piano and Geoff Sykes for leading the carol singing with such enthusiasm; and last, but not least, Father Christmas for dropping in. Thanks also to all those people who donated food or Raffle prizes. Thank you all very much. New for 2006 We now have a range of books from Alton Library for your reading pleasure. These will be changed at regular intervals, so we would ask you to sign for them which will help us keep track of them!

CAKE BAKERS FOR FEBRUARY February 3 Kate Barnden Claire O’Donnell Bea Sword 10 Ann Roberts Anne Andrew Jo Mills 17 Cecily Robertson Lauraine Bourne Kath Rhodes 24 June Trim Anne Wetherall Nancy Rowson

HELPERS FOR FEBRUARY February 3 Cecily Robertson 10 Margaret Stanford 17 Maria Jefferson 24 Elizabeth Sealey

Annette Booth (22364)

THE REFECTORY AT CATHEDRAL A huge thank you to everyone who has helped this year especially the newcomers - 17 different Froyle ladies. A team of 8 - 10 ladies goes from Froyle to help in the restaurant at Winchester Cathedral three times a year. In 2006 the dates will be 19th January, 17th May & 16th October. It will be hard work, but fun - definitely different! I hope all the present helpers will continue but I would love to hear from anyone new - either for a 4 hour shift or all day! Anyone interested (not already on my list) contact Margaret Stanford (22139), or Elizabeth Avery (22210), and we can explain all! Just one stint a year would be a real help.

-3- FROYLE GARDENING CLUB By the time you read this, another year will have begun with our January party once again a great success, a big thank you to Chris & Annette and Geoff for the quizzes and to Jayne Williams for all her hard work, and to everyone who helped make it such a fun evening. Our next meeting will be Mr John Trim speaking on Vegetables - Growing for Showing, on Friday the 10th February at 7.30pm. If you would like to be part of a friendly group, (you don’t have to be a great gardener or even that good at gardening) do come and join us the second Friday of each month in the village hall at 7.30pm. June Trim

Froyle Gardening Club have arranged A Trip to Monet’s Garden 2nd- 4th June 2006. Itinerary includes • Executive coach travel • Eurostar Channel crossing • 2 nights B&B • Entrance to Marmottan Monet Museum • Entrance to Monet’s House and Garden • Afternoon spent in Paris The cost will be £100 for members and £119 for non-members. If you are interested, would like more information and have not already put your name down please ring June Trim on 01420 23336 - closing date for deposits is 10th February 2006.

M.E SPRING FARE On the 18th March there is going to be Spring Fare in Frimley in aid of AYME, (Assocation of Young People with M.E). I would be grateful for any donations of Bottles-any shape or size, Toys - old, new, big or unwanted, unwanted christmas gifts, books-old, new or unwanted. In fact anything you have, that you think we could sell would be gratefully recieved. This association works very hard supporting children with M.E. and is struggling for funds to carry on its good work. I am helping with this fund-raising event because they have helped me so much. Items can be left at 25 Westburn Fields or Greendown, Lower Froyle, or ring and we will collect. Megan Wimshurst 520068

-4- RIP FREDERICK KNIGHT 29th April 1927 to 25th December 2005 He was born in , and lived in the old workhouse with brother Eddie and sister May. He went to Binsted school. From an early age he sang in the choir and sometimes sang in Winchester Cathedral. When he was younger he played cricket and football for Binsted. During the war he was in the Home Guard. During his National Service he was in the military Police (Redcaps) and spent sometime in postwar Berlin. He enjoyed helping with the Binsted Flower Show and after a short time joined the committee (which lasted for over 40 years). He showed for over 50 years. He got married in 1954 to Jean and moved to Bentley, where he was a gardener at Broadhatch. From there he moved to as a gardener at the Lawns, where he stayed until he retired. One of the highlights of his service there was meeting Princess Margaret at the Lawns opening, and again some years later when she made a visit and remembered him from the earlier visit. Whilst there he brought up four children, Barbara, Tereena, Robert and Richard. On his retirement they moved to Froyle, where he joined the Froyle Gardening Club and enjoyed showing at both Binsted and Froyle Shows. He looked after Jean, whose arthritis had got a lot worse and enjoyed watching the grandchildren growing up. Both Fred and Jean joined the Kingsley Luncheon Club. Here they met old friends (from his football and cricket days) from the different villages. Also they met distant family in Kingsley. Lately, due to Jean’s condition only Fred attended. After a very short illness he passed away in Alton Community Hospital. Barbara Brown

THANK YOU The family would like to thank the Reverend James Campbell from Binsted for the funeral service at Aldershot Crematorium. Also they would like to thank the local people from the different villages who attended the service and for the support that was offered at this difficult time. We would also like to thank Mrs Fry for her help in in setting up and running the refreshments at Froyle Village Hall, after the funeral. Barbara Brown

-5- LENT LUNCHES We started Lent Lunches in Froyle in 1991 so this is our sixteenth year - and I’m sure there are a few people in the village who have been to all 90 of them! To remind everyone: they are a simple soup, bread & cheese lunch in aid of a charity chosen by the hostess. The lunches are from 12.30 - 2.00pm and we ask you to give £2 as a basic donation please (though do feel free to give more!). Pre-school children free. Anyone wanting to help in any way, give a lunch, offer/need a lift, donation if you are unable to come, please telephone Margaret Stanford on 22139. I much look forward to seeing lots of you during Lent. Ash Wednesday is on St David’s Day, so I feel I must do Leek Soup - not sure about the daffodils!

Ash Wednesday 1st March at Bamber Cottage, Lower Froyle in aid of Alton Cardiac Rehab (Margaret Stanford 22139)

THE 2005 PRE-CHRISTMAS CHARITY WINE-TASTING A big thank you to all who helped and all who came to the 2005 event, which raised £410; and in particular to Jane and Ian and Robbie and Charlie Macnabb who so kindly allowed us to use the barn and provided the prize for the blind biltong tasting (so ably won by Phil Elliott); to Mary and William Knowles and Caroline and Charlie Findlay for their invaluable tasting skills prior to the day; to Beth and Guy Butterwick of e-claret who steered us all so excellently through the dozen different wines on offer; and finally to Jenny Gove who again worked tirelessly through her address book at least twice to insure a good turnout. The recipient of your generosity was Whitedown School in Alton, from whom we have had a delightful acknowledgement: “…We like to take our pupils and students out and about. For some, this happens less often as they have life- limiting conditions. Therefore, we try to bring the world to them…Next term we are focusing on farms and farming and teachers have requested that we buy in Millers Farm, which is a mobile farm with lots of hands on opportunities for the children. The money that you have so thoughtfully raised for us will enable us to do this and will give pleasure to all, so again, thank you very much indeed.” Susie and David Robertson

-6- CALLING ALL TODDLERS AND BABIES! If you have a little one with plenty of energy that needs to be burnt up, and you fancy meeting some great people, then Bentley Toddler and Baby Group could be the answer. Bentley Toddler and Baby Group meets every Friday during term-time, from 9.45am until midday, in Bentley Memorial Hall. It’s a fun and sociable group for adults and littleuns alike, with refreshments (including real coffee for the grown ups!), plenty of toys and equipment, weekly craft sessions and singing nearly every week. There’s plenty of room for the bigger ones to dash about and we also have a carpeted area for babies, with toys just for them. If you’ve any questions telephone Siân on 01420 520347 or Melissa on 01420 22695. Come and join the fun! POPPY APPEAL 2005 The total raised is £951 and once again a record. Thank you all very much for your generosity, which has led to an increase of £123 over the previous year. I am very grateful to the following people who have directly helped in raising these funds:- Home collectors:- Jenny Gove, Maria Jefferson, Maureen Fry, and Linda Bulpitt. The landlords and staff of the Anchor and Hen & Chicken Pubs. The manager and staff of the Jet petrol station. The secretary and staff of the Lord Mayor Treloars School. The organisers of The Meeting Place. Why the Poppy Appeal and why the remembrance of those who died fighting? O Lord, remember not only the men and women of good-will, but also those of ill-will. But do not remember all the suffering they have inflicted on us; remember the fruits we have bought, thanks to this suffering, our comradeship, our loyalty, our humility, our courage, our generosity, the greatness of heart which has grown out of all this, and when they come to judgement, let all the fruits which we have borne, be their forgiveness. Written by an unknown prisoner in Ravensbrück Concentration Camp. A NOTE FROM ROZ Thank you to all my friends in Froyle for the many Christmas presents and greetings of the Season.

Carol Singing Thanks The Carol Singing round the village raised a total of £92.19 for the Samantha Dickson Research Trust. Thanks to Cecily Robertson and The Findlays for sustenance along the way and a big “Thank You” to everyone who joined us. Emma Arbuthnot

-7- FROYLE VILLAGE HALL BUILDING WORK Work on the construction of the Disabled Toilet Extension began at the beginning of December. We plan to keep the Hall open during this work, although there will be some limitations on access. The drawing below shows the entrances that will useable during this time. Entrance for the Doctor’s Tuesday afternoon Surgery will be via the Kitchen Door - the way in will be signposted. Our builder, David Andrews from Holybourne, hopes to cause the minimum of disturbance to users of the Hall. The current toilet facilities will not be affected until towards the end of the building phase, when the Gents will need to be closed for a few days and the Ladies will become a unisex toilet. Froyle Village Hall Committee

Froyle Village Hall Access Routes during Building Work

Entry prohibited to work area

Entry will be either through the Back Door or through the Patio Entrance as show. For the Tuesday Doctor’s Surgery, entry will be by the Back Door only.

-8- Dear Residents of Froyle I do hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends. As usual, that last few days of the term proved to be busy for both staff and students. Christmas parties were held, carols sung, and tea for the parents served before they took home very excited sons and daughters for the Christmas holidays. We also held our very popular concert at Glaziers’ Hall, London, when our students and students from Frensham Heights School entertained our guests. This is always a very nice start to the Christmas festivities - we are lucky enough to have the opportunity every other year. This year is going to be very busy for our small events team, with many exciting things planned for the coming year. I hope to keep you up to-date with these events, and that some of you may be able to join in the fun with us. Hell’s Kitchen comes to Treloar’s - one of the first events will be our ‘Cooks Against the Clock’ competition to be held at Treloar School on Thursday 23 February. Do try and come along, we can promise you a wonderful evening, you never know, you may be the one chosen to create a meal with one of our celebrity chefs. Tickets can be purchased from our Events Team on 01420 526511/523 All the best for a wonderful 2006. Best wishes Chris Huffam. If you should wish to contact me I can be r eached at the T reloar Trust, telephone number 01420 526405 or e-mail [email protected]

POLAND 2006 I am attempting to raise money for an expedition to Poland in 2006. We plan to go trekking for 8-10 days as well as doing two days of community work. This is likely to be with an organisation that takes sick children (who have been affected by pollution) from cities up into the mountains to convalesce. We also will visit Auschwitz, which should speak for itself. Part of the idea of this first challenge trip is for us to raise the money ourselves by a variety of fund raising ideas. I am hoping to raise the money I have to raise, £1135, partly by doing jobs around the village like walking dogs, cleaning cars and babysitting. I will be 14 in February. I am also hoping for opportunities to waitress at parties with the help of some friends also going on the expedition. Jo Barnden 01420 23309

-9- WHAT A DIFFERENCE A SUMMER MAKES We are now well into a second season of competitive football for AFC Froyle. After a particularly difficult season on the pitch last season, winning only one game in twenty-eight, we needed to improve both the quality and quantity of the squad. After some successful canvassing for players during the summer, things have taken a change for the better. With more players signed on than ever before, including seven from the village itself, there has been an instant improvement in the playing fortunes of the club. Having only won one game all of last season the team is currently 4th in the Aldershot and District Division III and with games in hand we will be looking for a top two finish and therefore gain promotion. Top of the table: Home Away Team Pl W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts 1. Hook Athletic 9 5 0 0 21 2 3 0 1 10 9 +20 24 2. Sandhurst Tn A 8 3 0 0 12 4 3 0 2 22 9 +21 18 3. Clarence Rovers 9 4 1 2 21 16 1 1 0 6 1 +10 17 4. FROYLE 6 3 0 0 16 3 2 0 1 8 10 +11 15 5. Res 7 1 1 0 5 2 2 0 3 14 11 +6 10 However, by far the biggest achievement to date is that the club has reached the Semi-Finals of the Junior B Cup. This is a county cup competition and we have already knocked out teams from the Isle of Wight, Southampton, Basingstoke and also local rivals Bentley Athletic. We are now one game away from the final and one of the biggest games in the clubs recent and long forgotten history. If you find yourself at a loose end, feel free to come down on support your village team on Saturday afternoon. We always looked to for new club members, whether that is playing, administration or social capacity. If you are interested in an aspect of our village side then my contact details are below. Up the AFC Froyle! Jason Smith, AFC Froyle, Secretary & Treasurer. Tel: 521056 Advance Notice On Saturday, June 10th, we shall be holding a Froyle Archive Open Day in Froyle Village Hall This is not another Village Reunion, but an Open Day for everyone in the village to come and have a look at the records, pictures, maps and other information about the village and its people that we have collected over the past thirty five years. More details in the months to come, but, in the meantime, don’t forget that you can visit Froyle on the web at:- Chris & Annette Booth


Local Outside Commercial

Morning £12.00 £18.00 £25.00 (9am - 1pm) Afternoon £12.00 £18.00 £25.00 (1pm - 6pm) Evening £12.00 £25.00 £36.00 (6pm - 10pm) Extended Evening £25.00 £50.00 £75.00 (6pm - 11:59pm) All Day £30.00 £50.00 £100.00 (9am - 10pm) All Day £45.00 £80.00 £120.00 (9am - 11:59pm) Daytime Private Party £15.00 £30.00 Evening Private Party £25.00 £50.00 All Day Private Party £60.00 £100.00 (9am - 11.59pm) A deposit of £25 (Childrens parties) and £50 (Adult parties) is required on placing a booking Art & Drawing Classes at Outside Rate September 2005

-11- THE SMALL ADS Drop your advert, along with £1, into Little Greystones before the deadline and we’ll include it in the Magazine! PERSONAL House Wanted Family looking to purchase a house within easy access of Bentley. Preferably Detached, 3+ beds, and not overlooked. If you are thinking of selling and would like a chain free, fee free sale, call Val and Andrew on 01420 23946.

FOR SALE Perfect Puddings For that perfect end to a perfect meal, why not let me make you the perfect pudding? From apple pie to zabaglione - and most letters in between - from larger parties to smaller parties, all requests considered, just give me, Susie Robertson, a call on 01420 520820

Peruvian Secrets Hand crafted Alpaca Silver & Gemstone Jewellery all under £10 Each piece is handmade by Peruvian craftsmen in Lima, Machu Picchu or Cusco and shipped directly to Lower Froyle, where it is gift boxed or packaged for your enjoyment. See my collection at The Meeting Place or host a party? Annette Booth 22364

Lovely Selection of Cards, Wrapping Paper & Notelets Jo Mills 01420 22384

Mixed Log Rings For Sale Cut to length to meet your requirements ~ £48 per pickup full Tel: Kendra 01420 23074


What about a HOLIDAY IN PEMBROKESHIRE? We let our cottage, which sleeps six, in Manorbier. A very peaceful setting with really glorious views and 5 minutes walk to the beach. Details from Margaret Stanford 22139


General Building & Property Maintenance E.J.Hatcher 9 Barnfield Close, Lower Froyle, Alton, Hants GU34 4LY Tel: 01420 22333/520146 Mobile: 07904668463

Elaine Karson Driving Instructor. Friendly & Patient Tuition Locally Based. Tel: 07879 450046

Karen Hatcher Personal Training, fitness classes, Pilates (classes, small groups and one to one sessions) Now also available Sports Massage Ideal to alleviate symptoms of stress, muscle soreness, tension etc 9 Barnfield Close, Lower Froyle, Alton, Hants GU34 4LY For more information contact Tel: 01420 520146 Mobile: 07759667219

N. Brown Window & Daily Office Cleaning Service Houses, Offices and Factories Office Cleaning, Carpet Shampooing 4 Nedfield Terrace Lower Froyle Alton Hants GU34 4LH Tel. 01420 82119/23302 Mobile 0780 8631014

Singing Lessons From Professional Soprano. Adults and Children Glebe Cottage Annexe, Lower Froyle Phone Kerry on 01420 520 902 or 07771 861 578

Wendy J. Wright Naturopath A naturopath will encourage and promote the body’s self-healing by treating the whole person, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I use flower essences, ear acupuncture, body acupuncture and nutrition. Come and be treated in a warm and relaxing environment by a friendly and knowledgeable practitioner Call 07967 966627

-13- St Mary’s Church Notes

Vicar The Reverend James Croft Tel: 01420 83240 Churchwardens Mrs.J.Dundas Brocas Farm, Lower Froyle Tel: 01420 520279 Mrs.E.Avery 4 The Barracks, Upper Froyle Tel: 01420 22210 Chaplain, Treloar Trust The Rev.Edward Pruen SERVICES FOR FEBRUARY 1st Sunday in month Eucharist 8.00 a.m. Family Service 9.30 a.m. All other Sundays Eucharist 11.00 a.m.

ST MARY’S FLOWER ROTA FOR FEBRUARY February 5th Olga Crowhurst 12th &19th Jenny Gove 26th Wedding

PLEASE NOTE Work is now underway on the new toilet facilities, boiler and oil tank

SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday, February 26th Please feel free to contact us for any further information - see you at Church. Jeanette (22709), Katie (23728), Kim (23315), Lucia & May

Holybourne Services each month 1st Sunday in month Parish Eucharist 11.00 a.m. Other Sundays Communion 8.00 a.m. Parish Eucharist 9.30 a.m.

-14- THE VIEW FROM THE VICARAGE Dear All,All,Dear During the latter part of last year I heard that my application for the 2006 London Marathon to be held on April 23rd had been successful. I was rather surprised by this because I had been rejected in 2001, 2002, 2004 and 2005 and that is quite a lot of rejection!! But no! - For this year in the ballot my name was chosen which just goes to show you that if you are rejected then just hang in there and who knows there may be light at the end of the tunnel! Now before I get too carried away - me running the London Marathon is not the main thing. The main thing is whom I am running for and I have decided this year to run for the Alzheimer’s Research Trust. “Why?” - you may rightly ask. “Well” - the main reason is a personal one in that two family members of mine suffer from this dreadful illness and I have heard about the effects this has had on those closest to them. It is out of a sense of not really being able to comprehend the suffering and thinking well I can at least do this that I am running. I have learnt a lot from the Alzheimer’s Research Trust that has further confirmed the rightness of my decision. I was unaware that research into this illness is very under funded especially when compared with what money is given to other illnesses like Cancer, Stroke and Heart Disease. Alzheimer’s is affecting more and more families. The hope is that our brilliant young scientists working currently in our universities with their teachers will not only learn so much about the causes of dementia that not only will the effects of Alzheimer’s be lessened but that a cure will eventually be found. Much progress has been made but further progress depends upon properly funded research. Thank you to all those who have supported be so far. If you want to help through sponsorship then the following in the village have so far very kindly agreed to “host” my sponsor forms.

The Meeting Place (Lower Froyle) The Hen and Chicken (Upper Froyle) The Anchor (Lower Froyle) The Church (Upper Froyle)

I have a personal sponsor form so you can contact me directly if you prefer on 01420 83240. With every Blessing. James

-15- FEBRUFEBRUFEBRUARYARYARY Details of these events appear in the Magazine



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THE NEXT VILLAGE MAGAZINE The deadline for the March Magazine is Wednesday, 15th February. Please deliver copy or disk to Little Greystones, Lower Froyle, fax us on 08714338956 before the 15th, or you can e-mail us at [email protected]. Anything received after the 15th will, unfortunately, not be included and will be held over until the April Magazine. Chris & Annette Booth


USEFUL NAMES AND PHONE NUMBERS Clerk to Froyle Parish Council - Philippa Cullen Stephenson - 01420 520102 District Councillor - David O’Donnell - 01420 520709 Editor, Froyle Village Magazine - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Alton Police - 0845 045 45 45 Community Beat Officer - P.C.Colin Gray (mobile) - 07979076264 Froyle Village Hall Committee: Chairman - Pat Morris - 01420 23222 Cancer Research UK - Margaret Stanford - 01420 22139 The Meeting Place - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 League of Friends LMTC - Jo Mills - 01420 22384 Froyle Archive - Chris & Annette Booth - 01420 22364 AFC Froyle - Jason Smith - 01420 521056 Froyle Players - Mark Cray - 01420 22709 Froyle Friends - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Should you or your club be on this list? Phone 22364 for inclusion MOBILE LIBRARY TIMES Upper Froyle 11.15am to 11.25am Lower Froyle 11.30am to 11.45am BENTLEY VILLAGE SURGERY TIMES Dr.J.W.A. Moore and Dr.M.Way Telephone calls taken from 8.30 a.m. every morning Tel.22106 for an appointment. Monday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Tuesday 8.30 - 11.00am Closed Wednesday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Thursday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Friday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Branch Surgeries Tuesday 5.00 - 6.00pm* Froyle Village Hall *No appointments necessary . PLEASE NOTE Closure of Surgery on Saturday Morning and at Binsted (Monday)

BENTLEY, BINSTED & FROYLE CARE GROUP If you should need this service simply call Bentley 23440. For the Farnham Shopping Bus - contact Mrs. Turner on Bentley 473062. FROYLE VILLAGE MAGAZINE

MARCH 2006 No:309 PARISH NEWS & VIEWS Parish Clerk - Philippa Cullen Stephenson Crabtree Gate, Well Lane, Lower Froyle Tel:01420 520102

After the last few busy months trying to get things sorted we can finally open the Froyle 11-16 Club. So if you are aged between 11 and 16 years old, and live in Froyle, you are invited to drop in to the Village Hall between 6.30pm and 8.30pm on Tuesday 7th March 2006. Admission will be free for the first month but from beginning April it will only cost you £1 on the first Tuesday of every month. We will have a small tuck shop with soft drinks, crisps and some sweets. So come and see. It’s a place for you to chill out. Teresa 520170, Karen 22507 FOOTBALLERS MARCH ON Five games have been played by AFC Froyle since the last update. Five league games all resulting in victory. This has now strengthened our high position in the division. As can be seen we are now in second place with two games in hand on the leaders: Home Away Team Pl W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts 1. Hook Athletic 13 7 0 0 32 4 5 0 1 16 12 +32 36 2. Froyle 11 6 0 0 28 8 4 0 1 19 14 +25 30 3. Sandhurst Tn A 11 4 0 0 17 4 5 0 2 28 10 +31 27 4. Clarence Rovers 14 5 1 2 27 19 3 1 2 16 14 +10 26 5. Fleet Spurs Vts 12 5 0 1 28 11 2 2 2 14 14 +17 23 There are two big games coming up. At the end of February we play at home against Hook Athletic, the league leaders. This is a big game that will go some way to deciding the division champions. On Saturday 4th March 2006 we entertain Kyngs Towne, from the Isle of Wight, in the semi-final of the County Junior B Cup. This is a massive game for the club and if you can get yourself down to the rec, your support would be very much appreciated by the lads. You can also monitor out progress at New members, young and old, are welcome at the club, so if you are interested in any aspect of our village team then do not hesitate to contact me. Up the AFC Froyle! Jason Smith, AFC Froyle Secretary & Treasurer, Tel: 521056

-1- FROYLE VILLAGE HALL Bookings : Maureen Fry, Bentley 22557

HIRERS OF THE VILLAGE HALL Will hirers please make doubly sure that heating is shut off, lights, especially the gents and ladies toilets, are turned off, curtains opened and kitchen and front doors locked. Please return the key through the letterbox of Chapel Cottage as soon as your session has ended NO MATTER WHAT THE TIME. If you have any comments, queries or complaints about the hall OTHER THAN BOOKINGS please contact the Village Hall’s Housekeeper, Annette Booth, on 22364. PLEASE NOTE THAT, AS A RESULT OF MISUSE AND DAMAGE, WE NO LONGER LOAN TABLES AND CHAIRS. FROYLE ‘100 CLUB’ DRAW February 1st - Mrs C. O’Donnell; 2nd - Mr B. Charles; 3rd - Mrs C. Findlay John Cresswell CAN WE HAVE OUR TABLE BACK, PLEASE? We are currently missing one of the small 2ft by 2ft 6in Village Hall tables - If you borrowed it in the past three months, could you please return it. Annette Booth 22364

BONFIRE NIGHT MAY SEEM A LONG WAY AWAY, BUT IN ORDER TO ENSURE A GOOD DISPLAY Froyle Village Hall is holding a JUMBLE SALE to raise much needed funds for this event So please support us on Saturday, April 1st - Doors open 2.00pm Stalls will include Bric-a-Brac, Jumble, Cakes, Toys There will also be a Raffle Start turning out all your unwanted bits and pieces Offers of Cakes and Raffle Prizes also most welcome For more info contact Annette Booth, 22364

-2- THE MEETING PLACE Remember that the Meeting Place is open in Froyle Village Hall on Fridays from 9.30 a.m. until 12 noon for coffee, tea, squash, home- made cakes, postage stamps, local papers, greetings cards and company. You can always contact me on a Friday morning at the Village Hall on 07724243948. We now have a range of books from Alton Library for your reading pleasure. These will be changed at regular intervals, so we would ask you to sign for them which will help us keep track of them! CAKE BAKERS FOR MARCH March 3 Marj Robinson Marian Cresswell Margaret Stanford 10 Susie Robertson Caroline Bush Annette Booth 17 Kay Goodall Sue Carr Jeanne Hudleston 24 Janet Dobson Ann Figgins Elizabeth Sealey 31 Gill Bradley Jenny Gove Brenda Milam

HELPERS FOR MARCH March 3 Jean Norkett 10 Mary Wilde 17 Nancy Rowson 24 Pat Morris 31 Lori Taylor Annette Booth (22364) LEFT IN CHURCH There is a very nice pair of brown suede/sheepskin gloves (white fluffy cuffs) left during January. Also two umbrellas since Christmas. Please ring Margaret Stanford (22139) or collect from Church. FROYLE LADIES GROUP We started 2006 with a superb talk on the Basingstoke Canal. I’m afraid I had not realised we were not reaching the Thames until Part 3, so apologies for the misunderstanding. However, I think I was forgiven as the photography was superb. Mr Bernard Potter’s knowledge of wildlife, the local area and wild life photography was outstanding and much enjoyed by all. On March 8th we go to the “Jolly Miller”, North Warnborough at 7.30pm for skittles. Please assemble at the Village Hall at 7.00pm so we can arrange transport between us. We are all thinking of Jenny Shurgold, one of our most supportive members, who is ill in hospital as I write. Hopefully she will be better before we meet again. We all send her our love. BJM

-3- FROYLE GARDENING CLUB For our February meeting Mr John Trim gave us tips on how to grow vegetables for showing from 16inch runner beans to 6foot high leeks, so come on all you vegetable growers out there lets make this year the best vegetable show year yet. Next months meeting on Friday March10th will see Mr & Mrs Gilchrist telling us all about Penstemons, meeting as usual at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. PLANT SALE On Saturday April 22nd we will be holding our plant sale, all profit from the sale will go toward our Monet trip so get planting up unwanted plants the more we sell the less we will have to pay. Plant pots available from Geoff Hawkins if needed. June Trim DATE FOR YOUR DIARY Rogation Sunday Walk May 21st More information in the next Magazine As if life isn’t busy enough in the “Pratt” household, January was interesting to say the least. An operation and a spell in hospital certainly made me slow down. I have been so touched by all the good wishes, gifts and beautiful flowers and meals on wheels my pals in Froyle have shown not only to me but Martin and the children. Hopefully it won’t be too long before I am back up to full speed and out and about again. Lots of love, Kim (AKA Betty) M.E SPRING FARE On the 18th March there is going to be Spring Fare in Frimley in aid of AYME, (Assocation of Young People with M.E). I would be grateful for any donations of Bottles-any shape or size, Toys - old, new, big or unwanted, unwanted christmas gifts, books-old, new or unwanted. In fact anything you have, that you think we could sell would be gratefully recieved. This association works very hard supporting children with M.E. and is struggling for funds to carry on its good work. I am helping with this fund-raising event because they have helped me so much. Items can be left at 25 Westburn Fields or Greendown, Lower Froyle, or ring and we will collect. Megan Wimshurst 520068

-4- JUMBLE SALE in aid of St Mary’s Church Saturday March 11th at 2.00pm Froyle Village Hall Jumble, Bric-a-brac, Cakes, Plants, Raffle, Teas

LENT LUNCHES We started Lent Lunches in Froyle in 1991 so this is our sixteenth year - and I’m sure there are a few people in the village who have been to all 90 of them! To remind everyone: they are a simple soup, bread & cheese lunch in aid of a charity chosen by the hostess. The lunches are from 12.30 - 2.00pm and we ask you to give £2 as a basic donation please (though do feel free to give more!). Pre-school children free. Anyone wanting to help in any way, give a lunch, offer/need a lift, donation if you are unable to come, please telephone Margaret Stanford on 22139. I much look forward to seeing lots of you during Lent. Ash Wednesday is on St David’s Day, so I feel I must do Leek Soup - not sure about the daffodils! Ash Wednesday 1st March at Bamber Cottage, Lower Froyle in aid of Alton Cardiac Rehab (Margaret Stanford 22139) Wednesday 8th March at The Old Malthouse, Lower Froyle in aid of Treloar Trust Centenary (Gill Bradley 520484) Wednesday 15th March at St Katherines, Upper Froyle in aid of Naomi House (Janet Dobson 23340) Wednesday 22nd March at Beech Cottage, Lower Froyle in aid of Royal National Institute of the Blind (Caroline Findlay 22019) Wednesday 29th March at West End Farm, Upper Froyle in aid of MacMillan Cancer Relief (Liz Butler 22130 & Jenny Gove) Wednesday 5th April at Badgers Bank, Upper Froyle to be confirmed (Lauraine Bourne 22159)

-5- Dear Residents of Froyle I’m writing this piece early Thursday morning, 2nd February. We are about to welcome the Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman David Brewer. Also one hundred and twenty eight visitors and one dog! The largest number of visitors to date will accompany the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress when they tour both school and college. Planning for this day started way back in September 2005, when the first invitations were sent out. Update - Although the sun did not shine and it was a bitterly cold day, the day was a great success. David Cross, head gardener and his staff managed to find some amazing colourful plants and shrubs to decorate the main school foyer. How they managed that at this time of year I have no idea. A lot of work has been going on over the last few weeks by the school gardening team. The field opposite the school has been given a new fence and for conservation many new trees have been planted. Best wishes, Chris Huffam. If you should wish to contact me I can be reached at the Treloar Trust, telephone number 01420 526405 or e-mail [email protected]

Sincere thanks to all Froyle friends and neighbours for their greetings, letters, enquiries and get well cards during my recent stay in hospital. As a result of them I gathered strength, tunnelled my way out, and I hope soon to resume my daily village patrol propelled by my equally ancient dog. Ted Crowhurst

Outstanding, brilliant, wonderful, just cannot find the right words to express just how good Froyle Players Panto was this year. Well done to you all. The choice of a different theme on the panto scene was worth every penny. The vibrant colours of costumes were fabulous. So lovely to hear the fantastic voice of young Emily, her voice carried to the back of the hall I am sure. Good training from Karen, no doubt. After stepping down from the original team of players, Tanya and crew are doing a grand job. We are so pleased Froyle Players are ‘back on the road’ again. Last year’s performance was good, this year simply splendid. We shall now await news later in the year of what choice of Panto will be on the agenda for 2007. It’s very strange being part of the audience but we are getting used to it!! Jenny, Vince, Wendy, Margaret, Bob & Trevor

-6- Emma - School House, Upper Froyle! Dear Reader, My name is Emma Gibbs and “I can’t believe it,” I'm running in the Flora London Marathon! If you know me you would know this is going to be quite some challenge!!! I’m 36 years old, married with two children and live in Upper Froyle. I work in London for a small successful Recruitment Consultancy. I used to be very sporty, and as a child represented Hampshire in Netball and Athletics. I also enjoyed Show jumping competitively. All this activity stopped when I went to college! The social whirl and late nights took their toll on my physical fitness! 16 years on.... I catch the train from Bentley and last year I met Paddy and before I knew it he had contacted JDRF Juvenile Diabetes Foundation and I was filling out an application form and we have both been selected to run for them in their Golden Bond Team. Arghhhhh....Paddy and I have been in “training” for the last year.... Please sponsor me for this worthwhile charity. It's a once in a lifetime experience! Any donations and a good waterproof mascara and a long lippie will be most appreciated too!!! (NOT joking!) Lots of love, Emma xxx I have a sponsor form at home (School House) or you can visit my charity web page

We would just like to say a big thank you to everyone involved in the Pantomime, both on and off the stage and to everyone who supported it, by coming along to watch. We hope you all enjoyed yourselves as much as we did. DVDs of the show will be on sale soon (all profits to the next panto) call 01420 22709 for details. At the Panto party the cast and crew all voted for what to do next and the result was “ The Scarlet Pumpernickle” with Auditions being held on the 18th Sept in the Village Hall more details in future magazines. Once again, thank you to everyone in keeping the Froyle Panto alive and kicking.

Thanks to all who supported the Kidney Research stall and bought knitted goods etc. over the past few months. We raised £100. Thank you M.R.

Visit Froyle on the Internet at

-7- THE SMALL ADS Drop your advert, along with £1, into Little Greystones before the deadline and we’ll include it in the Magazine! WANTED House Wanted Family looking to purchase a house within easy access of Bentley. Preferably Detached, 3+ beds, and not overlooked. If you are thinking of selling and would like a chain free, fee free sale, call Val and Andrew on 01420 23946. FOR SALE Peruvian Secrets Hand crafted Alpaca Silver & Gemstone Jewellery all under £10 Each piece is handmade by Peruvian craftsmen Also Shell Necklaces from Bali and Real Silver Earrings See my collection at The Meeting Place or host a party? Annette Booth 22364

Lovely Selection of Cards, Wrapping Paper & Notelets Jo Mills 01420 22384

Mixed Log Rings For Sale Cut to length to meet your requirements ~ £48 per pickup full Tel: Kendra 01420 23074 SERVICES

General Building & Property Maintenance E.J.Hatcher 9 Barnfield Close, Lower Froyle, Alton, Hants GU34 4LY Tel: 01420 22333/520146 Mobile: 07904668463

Elaine Karlson Driving Instructor. Friendly & Patient Tuition Locally Based. Tel: 07879 450046

N. Brown Window & Daily Office Cleaning Service Houses, Offices and Factories Office Cleaning, Carpet Shampooing 4 Nedfield Terrace Lower Froyle Alton Hants GU34 4LH Tel. 01420 82119/23302 Mobile 0780 8631014

-8- Wendy J. Wright Naturopath A naturopath will encourage and promote the body’s self-healing by treating the whole person, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I use flower essences, ear acupuncture, body acupuncture and nutrition. Come and be treated in a warm and relaxing environment by a friendly and knowledgeable practitioner Call 07967 966627

Perfect Puddings From an apple pie to zabaglione, a lunch or a dinner party, or a freezerful of dishes for a busy family occasion. Let me help you!, Susie Robertson 01420 520820

Karen Hatcher Personal Training, fitness classes Now also available Sports Massage Ideal to alleviate symptoms of stress, muscle soreness, tension etc 9 Barnfield Close, Lower Froyle, Alton, Hants GU34 4LY For more information contact Tel: 01420 520146 Mobile: 07759667219

Garden Designs to enhance any garden - Plans, planting plans and supply of plants. Tamsin Saunders 0777 852 8063

For Nails & Beauty by Leanne Taylor Nail Treatment, Waxing Treatments and Ear Piercing 01420 22594 or mobile 07879642272

PILATES - NEW MORNING CLASS STARTS Thursday April 6th in Froyle Village Hall 9.45am to 10.45am (approx) £5 (Thursday evening at 7.30pm still running) This is a mat based class designed to improve tone, posture and flexibility using slow controlled movements. Suitable for all ages and levels of ability For information contact Karen Hatcher on 01420 520146

-9- St Mary’s Church Notes

Vicar The Reverend James Croft Tel: 01420 83240 Churchwardens Mrs.J.Dundas Brocas Farm, Lower Froyle Tel: 01420 520279 Mrs.E.Avery 4 The Barracks, Upper Froyle Tel: 01420 22210 Chaplain, Treloar Trust The Rev.Edward Pruen SERVICES FOR MARCH 1st Sunday in month Eucharist 8.00 a.m. Family Service 9.30 a.m. Sunday 26th March Mothering Sunday All other Sundays Eucharist 11.00 a.m.

SPECIAL SERVICES IN FROYLE OVER LENT, HOLY WEEK AND EASTER Ash Wednesday March 1st 9.00am Holy Communion Froyle 6.30pm Holybourne Eucharist Passion Sunday April 2nd 6.30pm Choral Evensong Palm Sunday April 9th 9.30am Family Service - the Blessing and Giving of Palm Crosses Maundy Thursday April 13th 6.30pm Sung Holy Communion with service of washing Good Friday April 14th 12.30pm Good Friday Liturgy Easter Saturday April 15th 10.00am Making of the Easter Garden and Easter Egg Hunt - Children’s Service Easter Sunday April 16th 11.00am Holy Communion ST MARY’S FLOWER ROTA FOR MARCH March 5th Lent

Church Flower Arrangers Ann Blunt has very kindly agreed to hold a workshop on Pedestals in September. Please can you let me know if you would be interested. I know September is a popular holiday month so it would be nice to know when you will be away. BJM SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday, March 26th Please feel free to contact us for any further information - see you at Church. Jeanette (22709), Katie (23728), Kim (23315), Lucia & May

-10- THE VIEW FROM THE VICARAGE Dear All, The season of Lent fall this year on March 1st – an easy date to remember! Lent, the time for ‘giving things up’. I am always surprised how many people do take this ‘giving up’ business seriously. It is as though we know, really deep down, how important it can be and the church can act as a healthy reminder. Perhaps, this is because we have learnt the importance of the very opposite, that is, ‘not to give up’. Many a time, we know, it is right ‘not to give up’; we need to carry on to see things through ‘thick and thin’. ‘Letting go’ or ‘not letting go’ is a deeply personal business. I was reminded of this whilst reading Jane and Mike Tomlinson’s recently published book ‘The Luxury of Time’. Jane Tomlinson was the person who ran the London Marathon with terminal cancer and, who with her husband have raised over a million pounds for charity. Running the London Marathon for Jane Tomlinson became the symbol of her fight ‘not to give up’ on life. For others, however, the decision might have been the very opposite. Yes, the season of Lent is about ‘letting go’. Yet, Lent leads into Holy Week and Easter, the time when in unison with the natural world, the church in its worship celebrates new life and the victory over death through struggle. This reminds us that all ‘letting go’ is for a purpose, it can lead to something greater, and, of course, in itself, ‘this letting go’ can be the biggest struggle of all. Think of Gethsemane! With every Blessing. James

THANK YOU A Really Big Thank You to all who have supported me so far in my attempt to run the London Marathon on April 23rd in aid of the Alzheimer’s Research Trust. There are sponsorship forms in the Church, the Meeting Place, The Anchor, The Hen and Chicken, Bentley School. I have already over £2000 pledged and hope to reach my next target of £3000 for the charity.

JACK THE RABBIT Some people in Froyle have been enquiring as to how the Vicarage rabbit is. He is fine although another magpie I noticed tried to have a bite out of him and failed miserably!

CONFIRMATION If anyone is interested in being confirmed or wanting to know more about this please do contact the Vicar on (01420) 83240

-11- MARCH Details of these events appear in the Magazine

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THE NEXT VILLAGE MAGAZINE The deadline for the April Magazine is Wednesday, 15th March. Please deliver copy or disk to Little Greystones, Lower Froyle, fax us on 08714338956 before the 15th, or you can e-mail us at [email protected]. Anything received after the 15th will, unfortunately, not be included and will be held over until the May Magazine. Chris & Annette Booth


USEFUL NAMES AND PHONE NUMBERS Clerk to Froyle Parish Council - Philippa Cullen Stephenson - 01420 520102 District Councillor - David O’Donnell - 01420 520709 Editor, Froyle Village Magazine - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Alton Police - 0845 045 45 45 Community Beat Officer - P.C.Colin Gray (mobile) - 07979076264 Froyle Village Hall Committee: Chairman - Pat Morris - 01420 23222 Cancer Research UK - Margaret Stanford - 01420 22139 The Meeting Place - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 League of Friends LMTC - Jo Mills - 01420 22384 Froyle Archive - Chris & Annette Booth - 01420 22364 AFC Froyle - Jason Smith - 01420 521056 Froyle Players - Mark Cray - 01420 22709 Froyle Friends - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Should you or your club be on this list? Phone 22364 for inclusion MOBILE LIBRARY TIMES Upper Froyle 11.15am to 11.25am Lower Froyle 11.30am to 11.45am BENTLEY VILLAGE SURGERY TIMES Dr.J.W.A. Moore and Dr.M.Way Telephone calls taken from 8.30 a.m. every morning Tel.22106 for an appointment. Monday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Tuesday 8.30 - 11.00am Closed Wednesday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Thursday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Friday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Branch Surgeries Tuesday 5.00 - 6.00pm* Froyle Village Hall *No appointments necessary. PLEASE NOTE Closure of Surgery on Saturday Morning and at Binsted (Monday)

BENTLEY, BINSTED & FROYLE CARE GROUP If you should need this service simply call Bentley 23440. For the Farnham Shopping Bus - contact Mrs. Turner on Bentley 473062. FROYLE VILLAGE MAGAZINE

APRIL 2006 No:310 PARISH NEWS & VIEWS Parish Clerk - Philippa Cullen Stephenson Crabtree Gate, Well Lane, Lower Froyle Tel:01420 520102

ALL ELECTORS of FROYLE are invited to take part in the ANNUAL PARISH MEETING to be held in Froyle Village Hall on Wednesday 26th April 2006 at 8.00pm. The agenda will include matters raised by electors.

MATERIALS RECOVERY FACILITY At the last Annual Parish Meeting some people expressed an interest in a visit to the MRF (on the A31 at Froyle). If they are still interested would they please let the Parish Council know as soon as possible as a visit is scheduled for May. MILLENNIUM PROJECTS The Parish Council still has a surplus from the Millennium Fund which provided money for the village’s Millennium Projects, the Play Area on the Recreation Ground, the Parish Map etc. We have a few suggestions already, but if anyone has any thoughts as to the best use for this money please contact any Parish Councillor.

BONFIRE NIGHT MAY SEEM A LONG WAY AWAY, BUT IN ORDER TO ENSURE A GOOD DISPLAY Froyle Village Hall is holding a JUMBLE SALE to raise much needed funds for this event So please support us on Saturday, April 1st - Doors open 2.00pm Stalls will include Bric-a-Brac, Jumble, Cakes, Toys There will also be a Raffle For more info contact Annette Booth, 22364

-1- FROYLE VILLAGE HALL Bookings : Maureen Fry, Bentley 22557

HIRERS OF THE VILLAGE HALL Will hirers please make doubly sure that heating is shut off, lights, especially the gents and ladies toilets, are turned off, curtains opened and kitchen and front doors locked. Please return the key through the letterbox of Chapel Cottage as soon as your session has ended NO MATTER WHAT THE TIME. If you have any comments, queries or complaints about the hall OTHER THAN BOOKINGS please contact the Village Hall’s Housekeeper, Annette Booth, on 22364. PLEASE NOTE THAT, AS A RESULT OF MISUSE AND DAMAGE, WE NO LONGER LOAN TABLES AND CHAIRS FOR OUTSIDE USE. FROYLE ‘100 CLUB’ DRAW March 1st - Mrs E.Charles (31); 2nd - Mrs K. Goodall (83); 3rd - Mrs L. Chorley (78) John Cresswell AT LAST THE END IS NEAR...... As you will have undoubtedly noticed work is nearing completion at the Village Hall. The major ‘bashing and banging’ has finished and we are now fitting out the new extension and finding all the little things we’ve forgotten! By the time you read this the front entrance should be available - we’re currently awaiting fitting of the flooring - and, all being well, we shall have definitive news for the May Village Magazine. Chris Booth, Vice Chairman, Froyle Village Hall Committee. TENDERS INVITED The Village Hall Committee is looking for a LOCAL person who would be prepared to give us a quote for decorating the re-furbished Gents toilets. We’re very keen that this should be someone from Froyle. For further information contact Tony Morris, our architect, on 01420 22662.

ALL YOUR EASTER NEEDS Annette has kindly said I can have an Easter Table again this year at the Good Friday Meeting Place. There will be cakes, pastries and preserves on sale. Ann Figgins

-2- THE MEETING PLACE Remember that the Meeting Place is open in Froyle Village Hall on Fridays from 9.30 a.m. until 12 noon for coffee, tea, squash, home- made cakes, postage stamps, local papers, greetings cards and company. You can always contact me on a Friday morning at the Village Hall on 07719164159.

CAKE BAKERS FOR APRIL April 7 Jeanette Cray Maureen Fry Pat Parrott 14 Kate Barnden Claire O’Donnell Bea Sword 21 Ann Roberts Anne Andrew Jo Mills 28 Cecily Robertson Lauraine Bourne Kath Rhodes

HELPERS FOR APRIL April 7 Jenny Gove 14 Marian Cresswell & Mary Knowles 21 Linda Bulpitt 28 Olga Crowhurst

THE EASTER MEETING PLACE On Friday, 14th April for your Hot Cross Buns, or home-made cake if you prefer, and good company. We will be open, as usual, from 9.30 a.m. until 12 noon. For the youngsters amongst you there is our Decorated Egg Competition. This will be judged in age groups again this year to make it fairer on all entrants. Classes will be: Under 5 years, 5 - 7, 8-11, and 11+. There will be a prize of an Easter Egg for the winner in each class and sweets to all competitors. You can decorate your hard boiled egg in any way, but it must be in some form of egg cup. Please bring your entry to the village hall by 10.45am. The competition will be judged at 11.30am by popular vote. We hope to see a lot of you entering!! There will be our usual RAFFLE to raise funds to keep The Meeting Place running smoothly. Once again we shall have our EASTER BONNET competition for the adults. You can make it out of anything or simply dress up a hat you already have. Wear it to the Easter Meeting Place and there will be a £10 Gardening Voucher for the winner. This will be judged by a small panel. We have so many talented ladies (and gentlemen) in Froyle - come on, show us what you can do!! Annette Booth (22364)

ADVANCE NOTICE There will be NO Meeting Place on Friday May 5th We shall be back as normal on Friday May 12th

-3- FROYLE GARDENING CLUB For our meeting on Friday 10th March, Mr & Mrs Gilchrist entertained us and amazed us with their knowledge of Penstemons. They showed us how to propagate them, gave us a short history and showed us slides using the latest technology. A very enjoyable evening. Our next meeting The Spring Show will be held on Friday April 7th in the Village Hall, staging is from 6.00pm, refreshments will be served from 7.30pm. The show is open to members only, Single membership £3 family membership £5, but everyone is welcome to come along have a cup of tea or coffee, and a slice of home baked cake and to enjoy the sights and smells of spring flowers. There will also be a bring and buy stall. Schedules are available from Mollie Court and from The Meeting Place. June Trim FROYLE LADIES GROUP Our Annual Skittles evening was once again held at our favourite venue, The Jolly Miller at North Warnborough. An enjoyable evening was had by all. For some strange reason I managed to win the skittles. Jenny Shurgold got the booby prize but deserved better as she nobly played so soon after her recent illness. Well done, Jenny! After supper we played “Sudden Death” and Jean Norkett was once again the winner, nobly donating her enormous cash prize to the Ladies Group. Next month on April 12th we will be delighted to receive Chris Booth, whose title is “I Cut it My Way”. For the uninitiated Chris was a BBC Video Tape Editor. This may appeal to a larger audience and all are welcome for the small visitors’ charge of £1. NOT TO BE MISSED. Men do regularly come, so don’t be shy. Brenda Milam FROYLE OPEN GARDENS 27th & 28th May We are once again asking for HELP! We shall be serving teas and cakes in the Village Hall on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Could you bake a cake and/or help on either day in the kitchen? This year, in addition to the gardens being open, the vestments will be on display in St Mary’s Church. So we could be even busier, but going on past year, it will be Great Fun! We will have sign-up sheets at the Meeting Place in May, or just give one of us a ring. Janet Dobson 23340 Gill Bradley 520484

-4- SUNDAY SCHOOL at St Mary’s Church get together every fourth Sunday of the month, from 11.00am until 12 noon. A wonderful was to make new friends and have a fun time, whether we get crafty with lots & lots of glitter and glue!!!! - or listen to stories. A lovely way to spend a Sunday morning. Hope to see you at Church Sunday 23rd April Kim 23315, Jeanette 22709, Tanya, Katie & Mary LENT LUNCHES As I write this we are two down and four to go. The first two have been very popular - 30 people at both. So please keep coming - the charities are most appreciative of the donations. The final one is:- Wednesday 5th April at Badgers Bank, Upper Froyle in aid of Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice (Lauraine Bourne 22159) Margaret Stanford 22139 BEATING THE BOUNDS On May 21st we will be walking the final part of our Parish boundary. This section we share with Holybourne and we hope to have some Holybournites joining us. We will be starting at Three Lanes End, so will need some kind drivers to ferry us there. The walk will take about 2 hours and is 3.75 miles long (this time we used a pedometer that worked!!), and, as usual, will finish at the church. We would be very grateful for volunteers to arrange teas and for any cakes lurking in your freezers. Get your walking boots out! Tamsin 22478, Jenny 23697 Date for your Diary - There will be a Safari Supper on September 16th. More details in following mags. A Big thankyou to everyone in Froyle who have been donating in anyway they can to the M.E fair. We have been overcome by the amazing amount of donations we have received. We will let you know how much we raise in the May magazine. We went to Camberley on March 6th and handed over the cheque from Froyle Players to Mary- Jane Willows the chief executive of AYME. She was very impressed that our small village was so generous and said thank you to all those involved. Megan Wimshurst PLANT SALE Saturday 22nd April from 10.00am until 12.00pm. Froyle Village Hall Do come along and get your interesting and unusual plants as well as some well-loved old favourites.

-5- Dear Residents of Froyle I would like first to express our thanks to Gill Bradley for hosting a wonderful Lent Lunch in aid of Treloar’s on Wednesday 8th March. Some of us ‘Treloar Ladies’ found our way out of the Whitehouse to enjoy lunch and meet some of you. Did you come to our ‘Cooks Against the Clock’ night? If not you missed a wonderful evening. Canon Roger Royle, (Treloar Chaplin 1991 - 1993) from Radio 2 was our compere for the first half of the evening, but due to adverse weather condition had to leave early and the role was taken over by Jon Colville, our very own Community Development Manager. Those of us who work with Jon already knew he had hidden talents but he certainly excelled his self that night and had the audience rocking with laughter. Few dates for your diaries Treloar School students will be holding a May Day garden fete in the school grounds from 2p.m on Monday 1st May; do you wish to learn about boccia, unravel the art of table cricket, hear the choir perform music from “The Little Shop of Horrors”, have your palm read, buy homemade cakes and home produced flowers? Then you must attend this extravaganza with all the family! Proceeds will be donated to two projects to help disabled children in Bolivia and Uganda; our students have genuine concern for those less fortunate than themselves. Cream teas and BBQ available! Treloar League of Friends will be holding their annual plant sale at College on Saturday 6th May from 10.00am - 12.30pm. This is always a well attended day, so come early and be one of the first to get your plants. Best wishes, Chris Huffam If you should wish to contact me I can be reached at the Treloar Trust, telephone number 01420 526405 or e-mail [email protected]

League of Friends of Treloar School and College Invite you to support their PLANT SALE on SATURDAY 6TH MAY 10 am – 12.30 pm at TRELOAR COLLEGE HORTICULTURE CENTRE, HOLYBOURNE Good quality plants at amazing prices! *Raffle *Cake and Produce Stall *Plant Stalls *Bring and Buy Plant Stall *Childrens’ Corner Entrance £2 (includes Tea/Coffee and biscuits)

-6- BENTLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL February and early March was a busy time for children, staff and parents at the school both in and out of the classroom. • In conjunction with First Partnership based at Crondall - Emergency First Aid Training was organised for all staff and a number of parents. • World Book Day saw most children come dressed as one of their favourite book characters. • Brass tuition has started in school with roughly 20 children deciding to take up playing. • EHDC have come in and run recycling workshops for children especially in Year 6. • Six sessions of Basketball coaching have been provided by EHDC for children in Year 5/6 • The school cricket team has qualified for the Hampshire Indoor Cricket Finals at Dummer. • Our netballers team played in a tournament at Eggars • 12 pupils from Year 6 went to Alton Convent for a Print Workshop • The football team entered in the Lions 5 a-side at Aldershot Sports Arena • A skipping workshop was held to encourage children to keep fit and enjoy their playtime • The EHDC RAPP van came for a day during half-term for a Fun Day for the children. More than a dozen came both mornings and afternoons and enjoyed the indoor and outdoor activities. BENTLEY PTFA Nearly 100 children thoroughly enjoyed a film night at the school on the first Friday in March. FUTURE EVENTS Beer Festival - Saturday 20th May ~ School Summer Fête - Saturday 16th June Monday 1st May Bentley Station Meadow Leader Lynn Fomison. Meet 10:30 ( approx 2 hours) in Car Park at Bentley Station.(SU792 432). Park in Station Road or pay in car park. Spring Saunter. A stroll through Butterfly Conservation's Bentley Station meadow reserve and the adjoining Alice Holt Forest to see spring flowers and butterflies. Kissing gates, but no stiles. Some wet areas.Children most welcome. Hampshire Branch web site DON’T FORGET - Froyle 11-16 Club meets EVERY Tuesday at 6.30pm in Froyle Village Hall

-7- THE SMALL ADS Drop your advert, along with £1, into Little Greystones before the deadline and we’ll include it in the Magazine! House Wanted Family looking to purchase a house within easy access of Bentley. Preferably Detached, 3+ beds, and not overlooked. If you are thinking of selling and would like a chain free, fee free sale, call Val and Andrew on 01420 23946. FOR SALE Peruvian Secrets Hand crafted Alpaca Silver & Gemstone Jewellery all under £10 Also Shell Necklaces from Bali and Real Silver Earrings See my collection at The Meeting Place or host a party? Annette Booth 22364 Lovely Selection of Cards, Wrapping Paper & Notelets Jo Mills 01420 22384 Mixed Log Rings For Sale Cut to length to meet your requirements ~ £48 per pickup full Tel: Kendra 01420 23074 SERVICES Everyday Cakes and Pastries Frozen or freshly baked Two days notice, or larger orders five days Call in and pick up a list or phone Ann Figgins 01420 22220

General Building & Property Maintenance E.J.Hatcher 9 Barnfield Close, Lower Froyle, Alton, Hants GU34 4LY Tel: 01420 22333/520146 Mobile: 07904668463 Elaine Karlson Driving Instructor. Friendly & Patient Tuition Locally Based. Tel: 07879 450046 N. Brown Window & Daily Office Cleaning Service Houses, Offices and Factories Office Cleaning, Carpet Shampooing 4 Nedfield Terrace Lower Froyle Alton Hants GU34 4LH Tel. 01420 82119/23302 Mobile 0780 8631014

-8- Wendy J. Wright Naturopath A naturopath will encourage and promote the body’s self-healing by treating the whole person, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I use flower essences, ear acupuncture, body acupuncture and nutrition. Come and be treated in a warm and relaxing environment by a friendly and knowledgeable practitioner Call 07967 966627

Perfect Puddings From an apple pie to zabaglione, a lunch or a dinner party, or a freezerful of dishes for a busy family occasion. Let me help you!, Susie Robertson 01420 520820

Karen Hatcher Personal Training, fitness classes, Sports Massage Ideal to alleviate symptoms of stress, muscle soreness, tension etc 9 Barnfield Close, Lower Froyle, Alton, Hants GU34 4LY For more information contact Tel: 01420 520146 Mobile: 07759667219

Garden Designs to enhance any garden - Plans, planting plans and supply of plants. Tamsin Saunders 0777 852 8063

For Nails & Beauty by Leanne Taylor Nail Treatment, Waxing Treatments and Ear Piercing 01420 22594 or mobile 07879642272

PILATES - NEW MORNING CLASS STARTS Thursday April 6th in Froyle Village Hall 9.45am to 10.45am (approx) £5 (Thursday evening at 7.30pm still running) This is a mat based class designed to improve tone, posture and flexibility using slow controlled movements. Suitable for all ages and levels of ability For information contact Karen Hatcher on 01420 520146

-9- St Mary’s Church Notes

Vicar The Reverend James Croft Tel: 01420 83240 Churchwardens Mrs.J.Dundas Brocas Farm, Lower Froyle Tel: 01420 520279 Mrs.E.Avery 4 The Barracks, Upper Froyle Tel: 01420 22210 Chaplain, Treloar Trust The Rev.Edward Pruen SERVICES FOR APRIL 1st Sunday in month Eucharist 8.00 a.m. Family Service 9.30 a.m. All other Sundays Eucharist 11.00 a.m. SPECIAL SERVICES IN FROYLE OVER HOLY WEEK AND EASTER Passion Sunday April 2nd 6.30pm Choral Evensong Palm Sunday April 9th 9.30am Family Service - the Blessing and Giving of Palm Crosses Maundy Thursday April 13th 6.30pm Sung Holy Communion with service of washing Good Friday April 14th 12.30pm Good Friday Liturgy Easter Saturday April 15th 10.00am Making of the Easter Garden and Easter Egg Hunt - Children’s Service Easter Sunday April 16th 11.00am Holy Communion ST MARY’S FLOWER ROTA FOR APRIL April 16th Easter Day - Congregation 23rd &30th Bea Sword

SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday, April 23rd Please feel free to contact us for any further information - see you at Church. Jeanette (22709), Katie (23728), Kim (23315), Lucia & May

Visit Froyle on the Internet at

-10- THE VIEW FROM THE VICARAGE Dear All, “Christ is risen – He is risen Alleluia!” The world cries out for love and hope. So many pressing problems and conflicts that we are reminded of on a daily basis. Tragedies abound and human cruelty seems to know no bounds but still the Christian faith says all this is not the final word. The final word lies with God and that word is Christ! Christ not the swear word but Christ the Word made flesh who has gone before us as the risen one and who now intercedes and prays for us. Death is not the signature written on all things but life won for us through the cross and the resurrection. Death is ultimately conquered! This is the Easter message that set alight the early Christian church and transformed it into a new creation, the new people of God. We are indeed as the late John Paul II reminded us an “Alleluia people”. Yet God’s way of victory is through shared suffering. In the light of this I am going to watch two films during Holy Week at the Vicarage to which you are most welcome to come along to if you want to. They are: - “THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST” on Tuesday 11th April “IRIS” on Wednesday 12th April I shall begin at 7.30pm and there will be a little bit of time left over for any thoughts and discussion. The first film I think needs no introduction, the second is about the life of the famous novelist Iris Murdoch who died of Alzheimer’s and her husband John Bailey who cared for her. Thank you to all who have continued to sponsor me for the Alzheimer’s Research Fund. If you have not already done so but wish to sponsor me there are plenty of sponsor forms around about the Village including the church. I wish everybody in Froyle a very happy Easter. With every blessing James

Holybourne Services each month 1st Sunday in month Parish Eucharist 11.00 a.m. Other Sundays Communion 8.00 a.m. Parish Eucharist 9.30 a.m.

-11- APRIL Details of these events appear in the Magazine

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THE NEXT VILLAGE MAGAZINE The deadline for the May Magazine is Saturday, 15th April. Please deliver copy or disk to Little Greystones, Lower Froyle, fax us on 08714338956 before the 15th, or you can e- mail us at [email protected]. Anything received after the 15th will, unfortunately, not be included and will be held over until the June Magazine. Chris & Annette Booth


MAY 2006 No:311

-1- PARISH NEWS & VIEWS Parish Clerk - Philippa Cullen Stephenson Crabtree Gate, Well Lane, Lower Froyle Tel:01420 520102 * Froyle's 60th Fete - & the 1960's * Get ready to rock and roll at Froyle's 60th fête! In keeping with this, our theme is the 60s. All the things that made the fête so special, way back then - but getting the kids involved right now. The Froyle 11 to 16 Club will be running their own stalls and are represented on the Committee. (So they'll laugh at the music and the way we dress up. We'll get over it). Grateful for all ideas and memories (Mary Knowles: 23164); and help with stalls (Jenny Gove: 23697).

BEATING THE BOUNDS On May 21st we will be walking the final part of our Parish boundary. This section we share with Holybourne and we hope to have some Holybournites joining us. We will be starting at Three Lanes End, so will need some kind drivers to ferry us there. The walk will take about 2 hours and is 3.75 miles long (this time we used a pedometer that worked!!), and, as usual, will finish at the church. We would be very grateful for volunteers to arrange teas and for any cakes lurking in your freezers. Get your walking boots out! Tamsin 22478, Jenny 23697 DVD DVD DVD DVDs of “Panto at the OK Corral” are now available at £8 each. Please call 0142022709 or email [email protected], to order your copy.

Monday 1st May Bentley Station Meadow Leader Lynn Fomison. Meet 10:30 ( approx 2 hours) in Car Park at Bentley Station.(SU792 432). Park in Station Road or pay in car park. Spring Saunter. A stroll through Butterfly Conservation's Bentley Station meadow reserve and the adjoining Alice Holt Forest to see spring flowers and butterflies. Kissing gates, but no stiles. Some wet areas.Children most welcome. Hampshire Branch web site

-1- FROYLE VILLAGE HALL Bookings : Maureen Fry, Bentley 22557

HIRERS OF THE VILLAGE HALL Will hirers please make doubly sure that heating is shut off, lights, especially the gents and ladies toilets, are turned off, curtains opened and kitchen and front doors locked. Please return the key through the letterbox of Chapel Cottage as soon as your session has ended NO MATTER WHAT THE TIME. If you have any comments, queries or complaints about the hall OTHER THAN BOOKINGS please contact the Village Hall’s Housekeeper, Annette Booth, on 22364. PLEASE NOTE THAT, AS A RESULT OF MISUSE AND DAMAGE, WE NO LONGER LOAN TABLES AND CHAIRS FOR OUTSIDE USE. FROYLE ‘100 CLUB’ DRAW April 1st - Mr D.Forester (13); 2nd - Mrs M. Hoare (1); 3rd - Lady Allan (73) John Cresswell ...... the final curtain The sharp eyed amongst you will have noticed that, from this month, we have a new drawing of Froyle Village Hall to head this page as the new extension is now complete and the entrance to the Village Hall is back to normal. The entrance and disabled toilet flooring has been fitted and, as I write this on Easter Sunday, we await a date for the decorators to arrive to paint the vestibule interior - they will also be doing the exterior woodwork as well. Some of this (fingers crossed) will already have been done before this edition of the Village Magazine hits the streets of Froyle. In the Disabled Toilet area we have also fitted a Baby Changing unit, which received its first ‘customer’ at the Easter Meeting Place. Chris Booth, Vice Chairman, Froyle Village Hall Committee VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE AGM This will be held in the Village Hall on Monday, May 22nd, at the earlier time of 7.30pm - all are welcome. The reason for the earlier start is that from 8.30pm until 9.30pm the Hall will be open for anyone to drop in, enjoy a glass of wine and take a look at the new extension, construction of which would not have been possible without your support. Pat Morris, Chairman, Froyle Village Hall Committee

-2- THE MEETING PLACE I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who supported The Easter Meeting Place, particularly Marian Cresswell, Jane Macnabb (not forgetting Charlie!) and Maureen Fry. Our Raffle raised a very creditable £104. Congratulations not only to Margaret Pruen who won the Easter Bonnet Competition but to all those ladies who entered as well. Perhaps we will see even more hats next Easter! Remember that the Meeting Place is open in Froyle Village Hall on Fridays from 9.30 a.m. until 12 noon for coffee, tea, squash, home-made cakes, postage stamps, local papers, greetings cards and company. You can always contact me on a Friday morning at the Village Hall on 07719164159. CAKE BAKERS FOR MAY May 5 NO MEETING PLACE 12 June Trim Anne Wetherall Nancy Rowson 19 Marj Robinson Marian Cresswell Margaret Stanford 26 Susie Robertson Caroline Bush Annette Booth

HELPERS FOR MAY 5 NO MEETING PLACE 12 Janet Dobson 19 Lauraine Bourne 26 Jane Macnabb Annette Booth (22364) LENT LUNCHES The six lunches raised an incredible £884.70 which is marvellous and THE BEST EVER since 1991. Very many thanks indeed to everyone who supported them in any way - but most particularly to the Hostesses and their helpers for all the soup-making, furniture moving, laying tables and washing up. As always the most delicious soups were provided in vast quantities - everyone has seconds!!!! Top marks go to Lucille Chorley, Pat Pritchard, Maisie Pritchard and Gwen Knight for attending all six. Apologies to anyone forgotten. The following charities benefited:- Alton Cardiac Rehab £192.00 Treloar Trust Centenary £140.00 Naomi House £156.70 RNIB £125.00 Macmillan Cancer Relief £110.00 Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice £161.00 £884.70 Very many thanks, Margaret Stanford

-3- FROYLE GARDENING CLUB SPRING SHOW 2006 The show was judged by Mr Tim Hooper who congratulated us on a fine display of spring flowers under such difficult conditions. Three shows he was scheduled to judge in the last two weeks were cancelled due to the very cold conditions. The tulip was one casualty of the weather, only one exhibit of the dwarf variety shown. Although the entries were down the quality of the daffodils and various other spring flowers were excellent. The results were as follows:- Pollock Plate for the best Daffodil: Marian Cresswell Caithness Paperweight for best in show: Marian Cresswell Garden Gift Token most points in show: David Menzies Froyle Beech Bowl for Class 15 (Mixed spring flowers): Jane Williams Photography: (By popular vote) “English Countryside” Barry Clark “Spring is Here” (Tie between) Mollie Court & Barry Clark The next meeting is Friday 12th May - the speaker - Carol Watson “Overdosing on Wild Orchids”. Mollie Court FROYLE LADIES GROUP We were very privileged to receive Chris Booth in April. He gave a very enlightening account of his life as a BBC Video Tape Editor which was a very unglamorous life indeed. He seemed to be imprisoned in the basement in a small area editing a tape which he couldn‘t see as other members of the team hurled abuse at him. Fortunately there were compensations like travelling round the world following major sporting events and meeting famous people. Chris went to great trouble to make the talk really interesting and it was really good that so many visitors were with us that evening to appreciate it. Thank you Chris. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday May 10th, 7.30pm in the Village Hall, where the speaker will be Mrs S Biddle with a talk entitled ‘Natural Healing’. We have already started taking names for our outing to Brock‘s Farm , including Barbecue, at £10 ahead. Please ring Brenda on 22216 if you would like to go on June 14th. Brenda Milam

DON’T FORGET - Froyle 11-16 Club meets EVERY Tuesday at 6.30pm in Froyle Village Hall

-4- OPEN WEEKEND FOR THE CHURCH VESTMENTS Saturday May 27th 11.00am - 6.00pm Sunday May 28th 2.00pm - 6.00pm As the liaison ‘officer’ between the Church and the Village, I thought I would let you know about a coming event. On the Open Gardens weekend, with the full support of the Gardening Committee, we shall be showing another selection of St Mary’s Vestments in the Church. A number of people in the village were disappointed that they couldn’t make the last exhibition, so we hope they will be able to come along this time. Apart from the vestments and again the history of the Miller family, we are also going to have workshop where you will be able to see the type of restoration work we are doing. Jean Norkett FROYLE GARDENS OPEN 10th Anniversary 27th & 28th May 2 - 6pm Five gardens will be open under the National Gardens Scheme. These are ‘The Cottage’, ‘Walbury’ and ‘Warren Cottage’ in Lower Froyle and ‘The Old School’ and ‘Treetops’ in Upper Froyle. The combined admission is £3.50 and visitors from the village will be welcome. Teas at the Village Hall and Vestments on display at St Mary’s Church (which will have a share of the proceeds this year) are added attractions. The gardens at ‘Brocas Farm’ will also be open - there is a separate charge of £2 for this. Last year nearly £3000 was raised for the NGS and other charities and we would like to maintain or exceed this if we can.

FROYLE GARDENS OPEN TEAS 27th & 28th May We are once again asking for HELP! We shall be serving teas and cakes in the Village Hall on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Could you bake a cake and/or help on either day in the kitchen? This year, in addition to the gardens being open, the vestments will be on display in St Mary’s Church. So we could be even busier, but going on past year, it will be Great Fun! Sign-up sheets will be at the Meeting Place in May, or just give one of us a ring. Janet Dobson 23340 Gill Bradley 520484

-5- Just to let everyone know we raised a massive £660 at the ME Springfair! Thank you so much again to all those people who helped raise this fantastic amount - we had so much support from everyone it was great. Megan Wimshurst

The Froyle Archive Open Day 2006 Saturday June 10th 10.00 to 6.00pm ~ Froyle Village Hall Over the past years we have had several Village and School Reunions where people who have moved from Froyle return to meet old friends and renew old acquaintances. These events have also been of use to us as we learn more about the village we live in from people who were here long before us. This year we are putting on what we hope will become an annual event - an Open Day for everyone in the village to come along and discover more about Froyle. Since we moved here thirty five years ago we have amassed a vast amount of information, maps, photographs, documents, and now, with the purchase of a ‘proper’ set of display boards (thanks to the Lottery Home Front Recall last year) we can display quite a few items from the collection. Not only will we have photographs but the Census records for Froyle (1841 to 1901), the records for Baptisms, Marriages and Burials for St Mary’s and family trees for many Froyle families. The picture below of the Scrivener family, taken in 1905 in the road outside Rye Bridge Cottages in Upper Froyle is but one example of many photographs that will be on display. We shall also be running throughout the day our collection of movies about Froyle, including some events that have not been seen before. So, do come along on June 10th - everyone is welcome. Chris & Annette Booth

-6- CHARITY COFFEE MORNING Treetops, Upper Froyle We will be holding our usual Coffee Morning on Saturday May 13th from 10 - 12 noon. This is to raise funds for NCH (formerly National Childrens Home) and Methodist Funds for World Church. Admission £1 to include coffee and biscuits. There will be Cake, Bring & Buy stalls, and a Raffle, plus a Plant Sale in the garden including bedding plants. Friends from the village will be most welcome and we look forward to seeing you on that morning. Marian & John Cresswell VILLAGE HALL JUMBLE SALE Our Jumble Sale, in aid of much needed funds to provide fireworks etc. for the village Bonfire Night, was held on April 1st. I have to admit, I was initially a little disappointed with the response we had from the village with only around 75 people attending. However, those who did support us did us proud and when I counted the takings at the end of a long day, there was no less than £400 profit. So, thanks to all of you who supported this venture, either by giving, buying or manning stalls. Annette Booth

DON’T FORGET Monday, May 22nd, Froyle Village Hall, 1.30pm tp 2.30pm

-7- BENTLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL Indoor Cricket The school cricket team entered the Hampshire Indoor Competition held at Dummer near Basingstoke. This was played over several evenings and Bentley progressed to the final winning their 3 group games. The final saw Bentley V Town End (Southampton) with Bentley emerging victorious by 45 runs. This meant the school won the competition for the 3rd year running. Congratulations to the team of George Austin, Sam Mealing, Matthew Goode, Felix Llanwarne, Paul Beagley, Stuart Bishop and William Hearne. Cross Country Bentley dominated the Eggars Cross Country Competition by winning all 3 races. The Fun Run for Year 3/4 boys/girls was won by Adam Murphy (Year 3) with Sophie Croft 2nd (Year 3) and Beth Saunders 3rd (Year 4) The Boys Race (including Year 6) was won by Alex Small, 2 years younger than many of the competitors. The team came 3rd overall. In the Girls Race, Bentley had 6 runners in the top 12 with Rosanna Stewart winning and Amy Fisher coming 3rd. Bentley easily won the team event. Year 6 Year 6 spent an exciting morning at Eggars where they learnt all about electricity and magnetism. The facilities allowed the children to do experiments that would not have been possible at Bentley. In addition Yr. 6 have worked with representatives from EHDC to learn all about re- cycling. They are now educating staff and children at the school and are organising our re-cycling. End of Term Service The term ended at St. Mary’s Church where children from the Infants played a leading role in the Easter Service. The church was packed with children, parents and staff.

Pupils from Bentley School Reporters, Camellia Hayes &Fleur Walker On the 14th March year 5 and 6 from Bentley Primary School attended a day out to Portsmouth. We took the trip up the Spinnaker Tower. Bravery was shown when children crossed the glass panel which was more than 100 metres above the ground! Secondly, we went to Cottage Grove School where we enjoyed our lunch. The children were very welcoming at Cottage Grove. Finally, our last port of call was to visit Portsmouth Football Club where one of the members talked to us about the stadium.

-8- Cardiac Rehab Plant Fair 2006 June 10th Rotherfield Park Our annual plant fair is bigger and better than ever with over 40 stalls and displays already booked and confirmed. As well as top class nurseries offering interesting and different quality plants there are super craft stalls to tempt people of taste and discernment. New this year are a number of Food and Drink stalls providing English wines, beers and tasty international produce. This event started under the patronage of the late Anne Lady Scott whose tireless support we miss. Fortunately we have been invited to continue the event at Rotherfield by kind permission of Sir James and Lady Scott. SAFARIADVANCE SUPPER NOTICE Saturday 16th September 6.00pm at Brocas Farm for a glass of wine and buying Raffle tickets Then three courses each at a different venue and with different companions And back to Brocas Farm to draw the Raffle at 10.15pm £10 per person Volunteers needed to do either Starter, Main or Pud - PLEASE! Tickets from Sarah Barter 23169 Jenny Dundas 520279 Jenny Gove 23697

-9- Dear Residents of Froyle By the time you read this our students would have had their Easter holidays and returned to school, some to exams! School is looking lovely with many of the spring flowers out; nice to think that spring/summer is on its way at last. On April 2nd,Treloar’s was lucky to be the beneficiary for Mozart’s 250th Birthday Celebration Concert given by the Waverley Singers and the Tilford Bach Orchestra. This wonderful event was held at the newly re-furbished St Andrews Parish Church, Farnham and I understand from those who attended it was a wonderful evening. Have you ever played Pass the Parcel? As part of our centenary appeal our events team is planning to break the world record by getting 4,000 children to pass a golden parcel along the streets of the City of London on Friday June 23rd 2006. This should be a really fun, if not hectic, day. The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress will travel along the chain with a giant parcel, handing our prizes when the music stops. If you are in London come along and watch us try to break the record, soak up the atmosphere with celebrities, entertainers and live music and watch us trying to keep 4,000 excited youngsters under control! Our students together with students from Bentley School will be getting involved in this unique event covered by Blue Peter on TV and the web.

Best wishes, Chris Huffam If you should wish to contact me I can be reached at the Treloar Trust, telephone number 01420 526405 or e-mail [email protected]

League of Friends of Treloar School and College Invite you to support their PLANT SALE on SATURDAY 6TH MAY 10 am – 12.30 pm at TRELOAR COLLEGE HORTICULTURE CENTRE, HOLYBOURNE Good quality plants at amazing prices! *Raffle *Cake and Produce Stall *Plant Stalls *Bring and Buy Plant Stall *Childrens’ Corner Entrance £2 (includes Tea/Coffee and biscuits)


Local Outside Commercial

Morning £12.00 £18.00 £25.00 (9am - 1pm) Afternoon £12.00 £18.00 £25.00 (1pm - 6pm) Evening £12.00 £25.00 £36.00 (6pm - 10pm) Extended Evening £25.00 £50.00 £75.00 (6pm - 11:59pm) All Day £30.00 £50.00 £100.00 (9am - 10pm) All Day £45.00 £80.00 £120.00 (9am - 11:59pm) Daytime Private Party £15.00 £30.00 Evening Private Party £25.00 £50.00 All Day Private Party £60.00 £100.00 (9am - 11.59pm) A deposit of £25 (Childrens parties) and £50 (Adult parties) is required on placing a booking Art & Drawing Classes at Outside Rate September 2005

PILATES - NEW MORNING CLASS Thursdays in Froyle Village Hall 9.45am to 10.45am (approx) £5 (Thursday evening at 7.30pm still running) This is a mat based class designed to improve tone, posture and flexibility using slow controlled movements. Suitable for all ages and levels of ability For information contact Karen Hatcher on 01420 520146

-11- THE SMALL ADS Drop your advert, along with £1, into Little Greystones before the deadline and we’ll include it in the Magazine! House Wanted Family looking to purchase a house within easy access of Bentley. Preferably Detached, 3+ beds, and not overlooked. If you are thinking of selling and would like a chain free, fee free sale, call Val and Andrew on 01420 23946. FOR SALE Peruvian Secrets Hand crafted Alpaca Silver & Gemstone Jewellery all under £10 Also Shell Necklaces from Bali and Real Silver Earrings See my collection at The Meeting Place or host a party? Annette Booth 22364 Lovely Selection of Cards, Wrapping Paper & Notelets Jo Mills 01420 22384 Mixed Log Rings For Sale Cut to length to meet your requirements ~ £48 per pickup full Tel: Kendra 01420 23074 For Sale - Collie Puppies born 30th March 2006 4 Bitches, 2 Dogs, Red/White Black/White Tri Red/White/Black Pups ready for new homes 18th May they will be fully vet checked at 6 wks and wormed £250 and £50 deposit secures pup Sue Creaser, 17 Westburn Fields, 07766382241 (mobile) or 01420520977 (Home)


Everyday Cakes and Pastries Frozen or freshly baked Two days notice, or larger orders five days Call in and pick up a list or phone Ann Figgins 01420 22220

General Building & Property Maintenance E.J.Hatcher 9 Barnfield Close, Lower Froyle, Alton, Hants GU34 4LY Tel: 01420 22333/520146 Mobile: 07904668463

-12- Elaine Karlson Driving Instructor. Friendly & Patient Tuition Locally Based. Tel: 07879 450046

N. Brown Window & Daily Office Cleaning Service Houses, Offices and Factories Office Cleaning, Carpet Shampooing 4 Nedfield Terrace Lower Froyle Alton Hants GU34 4LH Tel. 01420 82119/23302 Mobile 0780 8631014

Wendy J. Wright Naturopath A naturopath will encourage and promote the body’s self-healing by treating the whole person, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I use flower essences, ear acupuncture, body acupuncture and nutrition. Come and be treated in a warm and relaxing environment by a friendly and knowledgeable practitioner Call 07967 966627

Perfect Puddings From an apple pie to zabaglione, a lunch or a dinner party, or a freezerful of dishes for a busy family occasion. Let me help you!, Susie Robertson 01420 520820

Karen Hatcher Personal Training, fitness classes, Sports Massage Ideal to alleviate symptoms of stress, muscle soreness, tension etc 9 Barnfield Close, Lower Froyle, Alton, Hants GU34 4LY For more information contact Tel: 01420 520146 Mobile: 07759667219

Garden Designs to enhance any garden - Plans, planting plans and supply of plants. Tamsin Saunders 0777 852 8063

For Nails & Beauty by Leanne Taylor Nail Treatment, Waxing Treatments and Ear Piercing 01420 22594 or mobile 07879642272

Furry Friends Hotel Boarding for Small Animals Ferrets, chinchillas, chipmunks, hamsters, rats, gerbils, mice, rabbits, guinea pigs etc Phone Simon on 01420 521128 or 07775672946

-13- St Mary’s Church Notes

Vicar The Reverend James Croft Tel: 01420 83240 Churchwardens Mrs.J.Dundas Brocas Farm, Lower Froyle Tel: 01420 520279 Mrs.E.Avery 4 The Barracks, Upper Froyle Tel: 01420 22210 Chaplain, Treloar Trust The Rev.Edward Pruen

SERVICES FOR MAY 1st Sunday in month Eucharist 8.00 a.m. Family Service 9.30 a.m. All other Sundays Eucharist 11.00 a.m.

ST MARY’S FLOWER ROTA FOR MAY May 7th &14th Sarah Thursfield 21st &28th Kelly Smith

Choir in St Mary’s The Choir will sing on the third Sunday of each month at the 11.00am Parish Eucharist

SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday, May 28th Please feel free to contact us for any further information - see you at Church. Jeanette (22709), Katie (23728), Kim (23315), Lucia & May

Visit Froyle on the Internet at

-14- THE VIEW FROM THE VICARAGE Dear All, Over the last year it has been very encouraging to see our Sunday school develop within the life of the church. Currently the Sunday school meets on the fourth Sunday of the month at 11.00am and it has been so heartening to see our smiling youngsters in church in the front row! Children are not just the future of the church they are the church! Where do we learn the Christian faith these days? Not that long ago it was built into the very institutional life of the nation. The nurturing of the Christian faith existed in the press and media, in our schools and in the family but much as happened in our society that has made all this less certain to say the least. But, one thing is for sure, for many people, the basics of the Christian faith were learnt in Sunday school and that is why our present Froyle Sunday school is so important in the life of our village. When I meet the children after the Sunday school I ask how they have all got on and I am always told what they have been doing very eagerly. The energy of our children is always uplifting! They always seem to have done something that they want to show and show now! The emphasis in the Sunday school is to have fun. Yes, we can have fun and learn! We learn through play and we can learn the Christian faith through play – it’s called ‘Godly play’ and both Sunday school leaders and children alike enjoy engaging with this kind of learning. The emphasis is not on children sitting in rigid rows having to learn religious facts by rote and then being thoroughly bored and turned off in the process!! Rather through a ‘hands on’ and a joyful creative process Children are helped be put memorably in touch with the central truths of the Christian faith. I suppose it all makes me wish I were a child living in Froyle with the opportunity to go to Sunday school! If only we had had this in my day! If you are reading this and have children and would like to know more about our Sunday school please get in touch with me or one of our Sunday school leaders or just turn up on the Fourth Sunday of the month in church at 11.00am – we would love to see you!! With every blessing James

Holybourne Services each month 1st Sunday in month Parish Eucharist 11.00 a.m. Other Sundays Communion 8.00 a.m. Parish Eucharist 9.30 a.m.

-15- MAY Details of these events appear in the Magazine

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THE NEXT VILLAGE MAGAZINE The deadline for the June Magazine is Monday, 15th May. Please deliver copy or disk to Little Greystones, Lower Froyle, fax us on 08714338956 before the 15th, or you can e- mail us at [email protected]. Anything received after the 15th will, unfortunately, not be included and will be held over until the July/August Magazine. Chris & Annette Booth


USEFUL NAMES AND PHONE NUMBERS Clerk to Froyle Parish Council - Philippa Cullen Stephenson - 01420 520102 District Councillor - David O’Donnell - 01420 520709 Editor, Froyle Village Magazine - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Alton Police - 0845 045 45 45 Community Beat Officer - P.C.Colin Gray (mobile) - 07979076264 Froyle Village Hall Committee: Chairman - Pat Morris - 01420 23222 Cancer Research UK - Margaret Stanford - 01420 22139 The Meeting Place - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 League of Friends LMTC - Jo Mills - 01420 22384 Froyle Archive - Chris & Annette Booth - 01420 22364 AFC Froyle - Jason Smith - 01420 521056 Froyle Players - Mark Cray - 01420 22709 Froyle Friends - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Should you or your club be on this list? Phone 22364 for inclusion MOBILE LIBRARY TIMES Upper Froyle 11.15am to 11.25am Lower Froyle 11.30am to 11.45am BENTLEY VILLAGE SURGERY TIMES Dr.J.W.A. Moore and Dr.M.Way Telephone calls taken from 8.30 a.m. every morning Tel.22106 for an appointment. Monday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Tuesday 8.30 - 11.00am Closed Wednesday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Thursday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Friday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Branch Surgeries Tuesday 5.00 - 6.00pm* Froyle Village Hall *No appointments necessary. PLEASE NOTE Closure of Surgery on Saturday Morning and at Binsted (Monday)

BENTLEY, BINSTED & FROYLE CARE GROUP If you should need this service simply call Bentley 23440. For the Farnham Shopping Bus - contact Mrs. Turner on Bentley 473062. FROYLE VILLAGE MAGAZINE

JUNE 2006 No:312 PARISH NEWS & VIEWS Parish Clerk - Philippa Cullen Stephenson Crabtree Gate, Well Lane, Lower Froyle Tel:01420 520102 The Froyle Archive Open Day 2006 Saturday June 10th 10.00 to 6.00pm ~ Froyle Village Hall Light Refreshments available all day This year we are putting on what we hope will become an annual event - an Open Day for everyone in the village to come along and discover more about Froyle. Since we moved here thirty five years ago we have amassed a vast amount of information, maps, photographs, documents, and now, with the purchase of a ‘proper’ set of display boards (thanks to the Lottery Home Front Recall last year) we can display quite a few items from the collection. Not only will we have photographs but the Census records for Froyle (1841 to 1901), the records for Baptisms, Marriages and Burials for St Mary’s and family trees for many Froyle families. We also hope, subject to a successful visit to the National Monuments Records in Swindon, to have several aerial photographs of the area on display, one of which dates back to 1927. Throughout the day we shall be playing our collection of movies about Froyle, including some events that have not been seen before. So, do come along on June 10th - everyone is welcome. Chris & Annette Booth

THANKS After the Annual Parish Meeting I realised there had not been a vote of thanks to our very hard working Chairman, Mick Wells, and ALL members of the Parish Council. They do a huge amount for us, especially in this day and age of excessive rules and regulations. I am sure everyone would join me in thanking them so very much for an excellent job. We are very lucky in Froyle. Margaret Stanford

DON’T FORGET - Froyle 11-16 Club meets EVERY Tuesday at 6.30pm in Froyle Village Hall

-1- FROYLE VILLAGE HALL Bookings : Maureen Fry, Bentley 22557 HIRERS OF THE VILLAGE HALL Will hirers please make doubly sure that heating is shut off, lights, especially the gents and ladies toilets, are turned off, curtains opened and kitchen and front doors locked. Please return the key through the letterbox of Chapel Cottage as soon as your session has ended NO MATTER WHAT THE TIME. If you have any comments, queries or complaints about the hall OTHER THAN BOOKINGS please contact the Village Hall’s Housekeeper, Annette Booth, on 22364. PLEASE NOTE THAT, AS A RESULT OF MISUSE AND DAMAGE, WE NO LONGER LOAN TABLES AND CHAIRS FOR OUTSIDE USE. FROYLE ‘100 CLUB’ DRAW May 1st - Mrs P.Pritchard (61); 2nd - Mrs M. Stanford (4); 3rd - Mrs M.Jefferson (56) John Cresswell FROYLE GARDENING CLUB By the time you read this 30 members of our club together with friends and families will be packed and ready for our trip to Monets garden. For our last meeting until the September Flower Show we had Mrs Carol Watson showing us her excellent photographs of Wild Orchids from around the world. I am hoping to arrange an evening trip to Mr & Mrs Gilchrist’s garden in July, more information in the next magazine. June Trim FROYLE LADIES GROUP In May we welcomed back Susan Biddle for a talk on Natural Healing. Beginning with her background in healing she continued with demonstrations on Meditation and performed healing on one of our members. Something definitely happened! We learned that all healing is tapping into a ‘life force’ and giving a ‘healing touch’. On June 14th we will be visiting Mr & Mrs Tom Brock at Manor Farm, West Worldham. We will be given a tour of the farm followed by a Barbecued supper at £10 a head. Lets hope its fine. If you wish to join us please ring Brenda on 22216. Brenda Milam ADVANCE NOTICE Froyle Quiz Night - Saturday, October 21st

-2- THE MEETING PLACE Remember that the Meeting Place is open in Froyle Village Hall on Fridays from 9.30 a.m. until 12 noon for coffee, tea, squash, home- made cakes, postage stamps, local papers, greetings cards and company. You can always contact me on a Friday morning at the Village Hall on 07719164159. CAKE BAKERS FOR JUNE June 2 Kay Goodall Sue Carr Jeanne Hudleston 9 Janet Dobson Ann Figgins Elizabeth Sealey 16 Gill Bradley Jenny Gove Brenda Milam 23 Jeanette Cray Maureen Fry Pat Parrott 30 Kate Barnden Claire O’Donnell Bea Sword

HELPERS FOR JUNE 2 Sue Clark 9 Gill Bradley 16 Ann Roberts 23 Maureen Fry 30 Cecily Robertson Annette Booth (22364) A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY I just wanted to thank everyone who helped make my 60th birthday such a happy one with their good wishes, cards and gifts. My surprise card at The Meeting Place, full of so many signatures, is something I will always treasure and my thanks go to Gill and Janet and any other ladies who organised that and the two lovely tubs with their patio roses. It really was a day to remember. Thanks also to Ann for the lovely cake and, not least, to Olga, who worked so hard in the kitchen. It all really meant a great deal to me. Annette Booth

CANCER RESEARCH U.K. GARDEN COFFEE MORNING Walbury, Lower Froyle 10am - 12 noon Saturday 17th June Cakes, Bring & Buy, Raffle, Peruvian Silver Jewellery, Greetings cards & plants CHARITY COFFEE MORNING Treetops - 13th May Friends will be pleased to learn that we raised £302.20 on a rather cool and cloudy morning. Our thanks to our faithful band of helpers - Jean, Rosemary, June, Maureen, Pat and Shirley, without whom it would not be possible. Marian broke her ankle the previous afternoon and I am so grateful to Brenda, who took her to A & E with the usual long wait. John Cresswell

-3- Froyle’s Sixtieth Fete & Flower Show Back to the 1960’s on 8th July, 1:00-4:00 pm  It’s the Sixties for Fancy Dress this year. Meeting arrangements for the Children’s Parade in July’s Magazine.  Live music is by JAG, so get out your dancing shoes.  Start training your pooch for Katie Allan’s new canine competition. Begins at 2:00 pm. For further details see opposite. COLLECTIONS FOR STALLS Bottle Stall: We will be knocking on your doors beginning Sunday, 26th June. Champagne to ketchup. Thanks for any donation. Bric-a-brac Please call, or deliver to, Corinna & Nick Whines (23130),Day Love beads} Cottage, or bring on the morning of Fête Day. Books: Meeting Place, Fridays in June; or leave in the porch at Mary Knowles’ (23164), Park Edge. Not on the day, please (too late to price). Jumble: To Annette Booth (22364), Little Greystones or on the day. Please do NOT bring to the Meeting Place. Cakes: Please bring to Sue Carr (23116), The Cottage, Hussey’s Lane (who has freezer space), or bring on the day. Grateful for all your efforts. Tombola: Unwanted gifts (new-ish, please). Meeting Place, Fridays in June; or call Lauraine Bourne (22159). Teas: More cakes, please - bring on the day. Please call Jenny Gove (23697) if you can help serve for an hour. Many thanks. CLUES TO THE 60’s Get your 1960’s head together. Think back and fill in the name of the right creature. Across Down 2. Kennedy’s disastrous bay. 1. Desmond Morris’ naked ancestor. 4. Jefferson Airplane’s “White” song. 3. Ermintrude’s friend, Brian. 6. Part of a Hermann Hesse title. 5. Mike Sarne liked one on his bike. 7. Mmm…Nice band, Bonzo.

Next month’s puzzle: fruits and flower power. Any questions, ideas, donations or offers to help with the Fête: please call Mary Knowles (23164) or Jenny Gove (23697).

-4- DOG SHOW Village Fete 2.00 p.m. Requirements Bring Dog, water container and lead. Entry - each section 10p (entries on the day) Sections 1. Owner Agility 2. Owner Obedience 3. Dog’s Best Trick 4. Owner’s Best Trick 5. Dog and Owner Agility 6. Novelty Surprise 7. Scruffiest Dog and Messiest Owner 8. Best Sixties Dog 9. GRAND PARADE (extra prizes) 10. Dog most like its owner 11. Dog with the waggiest tail 12. Best turned out 13. Group Photo





JO MILLS: 01420 22384

-5- LET’S GET TOGETHER With summer almost here St Mary’s Sunday School Children are having a SUMMER PICNIC in the grounds of Treloar School on Sunday 25th June 2006 12noon - 1.30pm A chance to catch up with old friends and perhaps make some new ones Why not join us, young or forever young ~ Let’s hope for sunshine Kim 23315, Jeanette 22709 Dear Residents of Froyle Those of you who have visited the The Meeting Place may have bumped into our new Chief Executive, Tony Reid, when he paid a visit. Tony was keen to come down and meet the residents, have a chat and indulge in coffee and cake. The School May Day Fête was a great success, even the weather was kind to us, and everyone had a wonderful time. The facilities team were kept busy serving 230 burgers and sausages to hungry visitors throughout the day. Symbols

Have a look at these and see if you can guess what they mean.

Answers next month Best wishes, Chris Huffam If you should wish to contact me I can be reached at the Treloar Trust, telephone number 01420 526405 or e-mail [email protected]

-6- SAFARIADVANCE SUPPER NOTICE Saturday 16th September 6.00pm at Brocas Farm for a glass of wine and buying Raffle tickets Then three courses each at a different venue and with different companions And back to Brocas Farm to draw the Raffle at 10.15pm £10 per person Volunteers needed to do either Starter, Main or Pud - PLEASE! Tickets from Sarah Barter 23169 Jenny Dundas 520279 Jenny Gove 23697

PILATES - NEW MORNING CLASS Thursdays in Froyle Village Hall 9.45am to 10.45am (approx) £5 (Thursday evening at 7.30pm still running) This is a mat based class designed to improve tone, posture and flexibility using slow controlled movements. Suitable for all ages and levels of ability For information contact Karen Hatcher on 01420 520146

-7- THE SMALL ADS Drop your advert, along with £1, into Little Greystones before the deadline and we’ll include it in the Magazine! grazing offered Share of field with water supply available in Lower Froyle contact Philippa on 01420 23216 or email [email protected]

FOR SALE Peruvian Secrets Hand crafted Alpaca Silver & Gemstone Jewellery all under £10 Also Shell Necklaces from Bali and Real Silver Earrings See my collection at The Meeting Place or host a party? Annette Booth 22364 Lovely Selection of Cards, Wrapping Paper & Notelets Jo Mills 01420 22384 Mixed Log Rings For Sale Cut to length to meet your requirements ~ £48 per pickup full Tel: Kendra 01420 23074 For Sale Miscellaneous Wine making Equipment Any reasonable offer R.Robinson 22374 SERVICES

Everyday Cakes and Pastries Frozen or freshly baked Two days notice, or larger orders five days Call in and pick up a list or phone Ann Figgins 01420 22220

General Building & Property Maintenance E.J.Hatcher 9 Barnfield Close, Lower Froyle, Alton, Hants GU34 4LY Tel: 01420 22333/520146 Mobile: 07904668463 Elaine Karlson Driving Instructor. Friendly & Patient Tuition Locally Based. Tel: 07879 450046

-8- N. Brown Window & Daily Office Cleaning Service Houses, Offices and Factories Office Cleaning, Carpet Shampooing 4 Nedfield Terrace Lower Froyle Alton Hants GU34 4LH Tel. 01420 82119/23302 Mobile 0780 8631014

Wendy J. Wright Naturopath A naturopath will encourage and promote the body’s self-healing. I use flower essences, ear acupuncture, body acupuncture and nutrition. Come and be treated in a warm and relaxing environment by a friendly and knowledgeable practitioner Call 07967 966627

Perfect Puddings From an apple pie to zabaglione, a lunch or a dinner party, or a freezerful of dishes for a busy family occasion. Let me help you!, Susie Robertson 01420 520820

Karen Hatcher Personal Training, fitness classes, Sports Massage Ideal to alleviate symptoms of stress, muscle soreness, tension etc 9 Barnfield Close, Lower Froyle, Alton, Hants GU34 4LY For more information contact Tel: 01420 520146 Mobile: 07759667219

Garden Designs to enhance any garden - Plans, planting plans and supply of plants. Tamsin Saunders 0777 852 8063

For Nails & Beauty by Leanne Taylor Nail Treatment, Waxing Treatments and Ear Piercing 01420 22594 or mobile 07879642272

Do you need help cleaning? Then look no further I am young, reliable and very enthusiastic I can do cleaning, ironing, washing and even help with household pets Call me, Anna, today on 07886 908766

Visit Froyle on the Internet at

-9- St Mary’s Church Notes

Vicar The Reverend James Croft Tel: 01420 83240 Churchwardens Mrs.J.Dundas Brocas Farm, Lower Froyle Tel: 01420 520279 Mrs.E.Avery 4 The Barracks, Upper Froyle Tel: 01420 22210 Chaplain, Treloar Trust The Rev’d. Canon Edward Pruen SERVICES FOR JUNE 1st Sunday in month Eucharist 8.00 a.m. Family Service 9.30 a.m. All other Sundays Eucharist 11.00 a.m.

ST MARY’S FLOWER ROTA FOR JUNE June 4th &11th Maureen Allan 18th &25th Sue Carr

SUNDAY SCHOOL 2005 REVIEW St Mary’s Sunday school burst back into action in January 2005, and was greeted with enthusiasm. Myself, Jeanette Cray, Mary Menzies and Katie Rath had a wonderful year enjoying time with Froyle children aged between three and eight. During the year we worked closely with Church House in Winchester to introduce ‘Godly Play’ to the children. ‘Godly Play’ is away of telling Bible stories using thought provoking and imaginative depictions of an array of stories throughout our church year. Over the course of the year we used several stories - Creation - Easter - Nativity. We had a wonderful autumn tea party to introduce more children to Sunday school and invited thirty local children to join us at Brocas Farm for a fun afternoon of craft stories and fairy cakes! As a result our numbers are gradually increasing and we welcome around eight to ten children per month. We finished the year with a wonderful nativity during the early evening service on Christmas Eve. The children acted out parts of the nativity as an early piece of magic for their day to come, and due to its success with the children and adults alike, we would love to repeat this again in 2006. Kim Pratt SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday, June 25th Please feel free to contact us for any further information - see you at Church. Jeanette (22709), Katie (23728), Kim (23315), Lucia & May

-10- THE VIEW FROM THE VICARAGE Dear All, I would like to say a sincere and huge “THANK YOU” to all who helped me complete this year’s Flora London Marathon. Well I got round and OK it wasn’t the quickest ever recorded but I did get round in my fastest ever time by two minutes! Running it six years on, what I noticed was that it took me much longer to recover and by the time of writing I have not done a single jog since crossing the finishing line. It must be my age! But back to those ‘thank yous’ - thank you to all who sponsored me for the Alzheimer’s Research Trust and sent me notes and cards of encouragement. It is still hard to know quite how much you have helped me raise but I think with gift aid the figure could be nearer to £6000 than £5000. Thank you for your magnificent generosity and I know that Alzheimer’s would like to sincerely thank you all as well. I can definitely say I shall NOT be applying next year (do I hear sighs of blessed relief?) and I do not think I shall do it again but I am not going to say ‘NEVER again’ because I said that in 1998 and as a friend once said to me ‘never’ is a long time. Indeed it is. It seems that to complete the course in less than five hours (I was just a bit over) is something that is simply beyond me and I am just going to have to accept the fact. That is the spiritual bit of this letter! – Accepting certain facts in life is hard, necessary but ultimately freeing – and can therefore be redemptive and gracious. I was on target for four and a half hours (or at least under five hours) for a long long time but then I hit the dreaded “wall” at twenty miles and I found the last six miles a real struggle. Yes, it really is “a wall” for many many runners of whatever ability (even the good ones) but the pain experienced is far outweighed by what you receive in terms of crowd support and encouragement to keep going and complete the course. At this point in the story, as a Man, Women remind me that there is a comparison with childbirth! I couldn’t possibly comment!!! So there it is, I am convinced someone local is going to receive my application form for the 2007 Flora London Marathon. Who knows you the reader of this letter could be that lucky person! The last time I gave my application form away the person to my amazement did actually go on and apply and got on for the very first time of asking. I went up to watch him and give some support. The rest is history… With every blessing James

Holybourne Services each month 1st Sunday in month Parish Eucharist 11.00 a.m. Other Sundays Communion 8.00 a.m. Parish Eucharist 9.30 a.m.

-11- JUNE Details of these events appear in the Magazine

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THE NEXT VILLAGE MAGAZINE The deadline for the July/August Magazine is Thursday, 15th June. Please deliver copy or disk to Little Greystones, Lower Froyle, fax us on 08714338956 before the 15th, or you can e-mail us at [email protected]. Anything received after the 15th will, unfortunately, not be included and will be held over until the September Magazine. Chris & Annette Booth


USEFUL NAMES AND PHONE NUMBERS Clerk to Froyle Parish Council - Philippa Cullen Stephenson - 01420 520102 District Councillor - David O’Donnell - 01420 520709 Editor, Froyle Village Magazine - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Alton Police - 0845 045 45 45 Community Beat Officer - P.C.Colin Gray (mobile) - 07979076264 Froyle Village Hall Committee: Chairman - Pat Morris - 01420 23222 Cancer Research UK - Margaret Stanford - 01420 22139 The Meeting Place - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 League of Friends LMTC - Jo Mills - 01420 22384 Froyle Archive - Chris & Annette Booth - 01420 22364 AFC Froyle - Jason Smith - 01420 521056 Froyle Players - Mark Cray - 01420 22709 Froyle Friends - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Should you or your club be on this list? Phone 22364 for inclusion MOBILE LIBRARY TIMES Upper Froyle 11.15am to 11.25am Lower Froyle 11.30am to 11.45am BENTLEY VILLAGE SURGERY TIMES Dr.J.W.A. Moore and Dr.M.Way Telephone calls taken from 8.30 a.m. every morning Tel.22106 for an appointment. Monday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Tuesday 8.30 - 11.00am Closed Wednesday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Thursday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Friday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Branch Surgeries Tuesday 5.00 - 6.00pm* Froyle Village Hall *No appointments necessary. PLEASE NOTE Closure of Surgery on Saturday Morning and at Binsted (Monday)

BENTLEY, BINSTED & FROYLE CARE GROUP If you should need this service simply call Bentley 23440. For the Farnham Shopping Bus - contact Mrs. Turner on Bentley 473062. FROYLE VILLAGE MAGAZINE

JULY/AUGUST 2006 No:313 PARISH NEWS & VIEWS Parish Clerk - Philippa Cullen Stephenson Crabtree Gate, Well Lane, Lower Froyle Tel:01420 520102 MINI MOTOS AND POCKET BIKES Mini Motos can he great fun but can also cause problems to other residents in the area. Some of these machines can reach speeds of up to 60 miles per hour and can be dangerous, not only to the users, but to passers by. The Law says:- If you are under 16, the only place you can ride a Mini Moto is on private ground, and you must have permission of the owner of the land. If you are over 16 you can use them on the public highway but to do this the bike must be (a) registered with the DVLA (b) taxed (c) insured and the rider must; (a) have the correct driving licence for a bike (b) wear a protective helmet (c) have number plates, brake lights and indicators (d) must ensure that the Mini Moto accords with all other statutory requirements. It is against the Law to use a Mini Moto on footpaths, pavements, cycle routes, open spaces or in public parks. (For example The Recreation Ground in Lower Froyle.) Police have the right to seize vehicles if they are being ridden illegally and repeatedly used in a manner which causes alarm, distress or annoyance to other people. Police have the power to issue an £80 penalty notice for disorder likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress and the rider could be taken to court and fined or get points put on his licence. Froyle Parish Council RECYCLING On the 23rd of May, several Parish Councillors and Froyle residents met for a site visit at the Materials Recycling Facility on the site of the old Cold Store. The reason for our visit was to try to understand the difficulties dealing with the waste we all throw out, and the problem of paper lost from lorries taking it away to be recycled, on the carriageways to and from Alton. Aeolia try to address this problem by litterpicking, and by instructions to secure their loads given to haulage operators. We were welcomed by Aeolia’s (formerly Onyx) project manager Mr John Collis who spoke to us about recycling and took our questions regarding litter, noise and light pollution, before taking us on a tour of the facility. This is indeed a large and impressive operation, dealing with our waste is a dusty and noisy job. It was thought some information given here might help us to determine which waste goes into which bin, briefly… plastics, if it comes in bottle form, (no tops) it can be continued over

-1- recycled, even washed out bleach bottles, there are no facilities or a market for other plastics at the moment. Paper etc, all types of newspaper, pamphlets, office paper, magazines, flyers, junk mail can be recycled. Telephone directories, Yellow Pages, books, anything with a glued spine are not wanted, the glue contaminates the recycling process. To inform us further, every household will shortly be receiving a “whirly wheel”, a cardboard wheel with a window that can be turned to every type of waste with corresponding information as to where it should be put or where to take it. Mick Wells, Chairman, Froyle Parish Council FROYLE VILLAGE HALL Bookings : Maureen Fry, Bentley 22557 HIRERS OF THE VILLAGE HALL Will hirers please make doubly sure that heating is shut off, lights, especially the gents and ladies toilets, are turned off, curtains opened and kitchen and front doors locked. Please return the key through the letterbox of Chapel Cottage as soon as your session has ended NO MATTER WHAT THE TIME. If you have any comments, queries or complaints about the hall OTHER THAN BOOKINGS please contact the Village Hall’s Housekeeper, Annette Booth, on 22364. PLEASE NOTE THAT, AS A RESULT OF MISUSE AND DAMAGE, WE NO LONGER LOAN TABLES AND CHAIRS FOR OUTSIDE USE. FROYLE ‘100 CLUB’ DRAW June 1st - Mrs D.Snow (54); 2nd - Mrs M. Wilde (77); 3rd - Mrs T.Lucas (21) John Cresswell VILLAGE HALL NEWS By the time this edition of the Magazine is delivered, the external decoration and the decoration in the new vestibule and disabled toilet should be complete. Also, as I write, the Ladies & Gents toilets have been redecorated, free of charge, by Mark Chorley (many thanks from all the Committee, Mark). On July 21st to 23rd the Hall will be closed while the main hall is also redecorated by a team from Hampshire Probation Community Service - there will be no Meeting Place that week. Chris Booth, Vice Chairman, Froyle Village Hall Committee We would like to thank all our Froyle friends for the messages, cards, flowers, presents and offers of practical help which we have received during the last few weeks. We always knew Froyle was a lovely village in which to live - we certainly had proof of that. Thank you all very much!! John & Marian Cresswell

-2- THE MEETING PLACE Remember that the Meeting Place is open in Froyle Village Hall on Fridays from 9.30 a.m. until 12 noon for coffee, tea, squash, home- made cakes, postage stamps, local papers, greetings cards and company. You can always contact me on a Friday morning at the Village Hall on 07719164159. CAKE BAKERS FOR JULY July 7 Ann Roberts Anne Andrew Jo Mills 14 Cecily Robertson Lauraine Bourne Kath Rhodes 21 NO MEETING PLACE (Hall painting) 28 NO MEETING PLACE

HELPERS FOR JULY 7 Margaret Stanford 14 Maria Jefferson 21 NO MEETING PLACE (Hall painting) 28 NO MEETING PLACE CAKE BAKERS FOR AUGUST August 4 Marj Robinson Marian Cresswell Margaret Stanford 11 Susie Robertson Caroline Bush Annette Booth 18 Kay Goodall Sue Carr Jeanne Hudleston 25 Janet Dobson Ann Figgins Elizabeth Sealey

HELPERS FOR AUGUST 4 Jean Norkett 11 Mary Wilde 18 Nancy Rowson 25 Pat Morris Annette Booth (22364) ANNETTE NEEDS A MAN!! Chris is having a cataract operation on August 8th, so I would be grateful for a gentleman to put out and pack away my tables at the Meeting Places of Friday August 11th and 18th. If you can help me, please contact me on 22364. Annette Booth PLEASE NO MORE BOTTLE TOPS!!!! Thank you to everybody who collected bottle tops for Naomi House Children’s Hospice. Unfortunately they will no longer be collecting them after the end of June - so I shall have to stem the flow..... Many thanks, Gill Bradley Visit Froyle on the Internet at

-3- FROYLE GARDENING CLUB I have arranged an evening trip to Mr & Mrs Gilchrist’s garden on Friday evening, July14th; the garden is Rook Hill, Monk Sherborne, Tadley. The time of the visit and instruction on how to get there will be displayed at the Fete and Flower Show. If you would like to go but are unable to arrange transport please ring me on 23336. Our trip to Paris passed all expectations, words such as Fabulous, out of this world and thoroughly enjoyable are just a few of the words used by the members and friends who came on the trip, our chairman is hoping to arrange a presentation of photographs taken on the trip, maybe at our A.G.M. I would like to thank everyone on the trip for making my job easy and for the lovely thank you gifts it was very kind of you all. June Trim FROYLE LADIES GROUP Our annual outing this year was to Manor Farm West Worldham, the home of Mr & Mrs Tom Brock. The trip was both enjoyable and very informative. We travelled around the farm on a trailer to witness the operations of a mixed farm-cereals corn & sheep. There was good evidence of conservation work in line with the Countryside Stewardship Scheme & other environmental organisations. The fields really were lined with wild flowers and areas planted with birds in mind. Hedges too are cut at the right time for the wildlife. We discovered how the farm has developed to provide fresh beef & lamb to be sold at Brock`s Farm shop in Alton along with other natural local goods. To complete the picture Anna`s kitchen now provides excellent homemade meals using less popular cuts of meat. We then enjoyed a superb meal consuming Hampshire produce including icecream from Basingstoke & Hill Farm apple juice ably produced by Mrs Elizabeth Brock. Younger son Tim was on hand to inform us about his work for Hampshire Fare which is funded by Hampshire County Council to promote Hampshire food for Hampshire people. All in all an uplifting and satisfying evening . Hopefully we can have many more 21st Century Farming success stories. Next month on July 12th Evangeline Brown will give us a talk entitled “Changes in China since 1989” with examples of Silk embroidery All as usual are welcome at Froyle Village Hall at 7.30 pm. Brenda Milam ADVANCE NOTICE Froyle Quiz Night - Saturday, October 21st

-4- WATCH THIS SPACE from ST MARY’S SUNDAY SCHOOL Keep looking and listening for Summer news of our get together during the Summer holidays. We will be leaving clues around the village on notice boards, at church, perhaps even a message through your letterbox of a date, time and venue. KEEP looking St Mary’s Sunday School XXX

A MESSAGE FROM ROZ Some of my many friends around my delivery I know have already heard the sound of the jungle drums and the news that they are sending out. To those of you who have not heard the news yet, or are not sure if what they have heard is true or not, the answer is yes it is, if you have heard that I am getting married. Eddie and I will be getting married at St Mary’s Church, Upper Froyle, on Saturday, 19th August 2006 at 3.00pm. We would like to say to you, come to the church service if you would like to, it would be lovely to see you there. We are sorry but we cannot extend the invitation to the reception afterwards. THANK YOU A few weeks ago I held an open house tea day, and I would like to thank all those who came or made a donation. I managed to raise £120 for AYME (Association of Young People with ME). Megan Wimshurst

-5- Froyle’s Sixtieth Fete & Flower Power Show Back to the 1960’s on 8th July, 1:00-4:00 pm


The Fête will be officially opened at 1:30 pm, but yummy lunch from 1:00. Live music by JAG will start at 1:45 pm. Come in 1960’s gear - mini-skirts, tent dresses, bell-bottoms. Especially Stall-holders.  KIDS FANCY DRESS PARADE: Meet at the Anchor at 12:45. Use your imagination or your parents’ memories.  BOW-WOWS: Be ready with your main human for 2:15. RAFFLE PRIZES: Cash money, Paintball party, lots more. COLLECTIONS FOR STALLS Bottle Stall: We will be knocking on your doors beginning Sunday, 26th June. Champagne to ketchup. Thanks for any donation. Bric-a-brac Please call, or deliver to, Corinna & Nick Whines (23130),Day Love beads } Cottage, or bring on the morning of Fête Day. Books: Meeting Place, Fridays in June; or leave in the porch at Mary Knowles’ (23164), Park Edge. Not on the day, please (too late to price). Jumble: To Annette Booth (22364), Little Greystones or on the day. Please do NOT bring to the Meeting Place. Cakes: Please bring to Sue Carr (23116), The Cottage, Hussey’s Lane (who has freezer space), or bring on the day. Grateful for all your efforts. Tombola: Unwanted gifts (new-ish, please). Meeting Place, Fridays in June; or call Lauraine Bourne (22159). Crockery: To smash away your frustration. Can be collected before or bring on the day. Teas: More cakes, please - bring on the day. Please call Jenny Gove (23697) if you can help serve for an hour. Many thanks. CLUES TO THE 60’s: FRUITS AN FLOWER POWER (opposite) Across Down 1. Booker T and the MG’s green ones 1. Burgess’ timely fruit 2. Marvin heard through it 3. They’re all brown in California 4. The Battle band; played with Sandy 5. Small character on The Flowerpot Men Denny before she was famous 6. “Quantessential” flower of the 60’s 7. Holden Caulfield wanted to catch a body coming through it

-6- Please call with any offers, queries, etc: Mary Knowles (23164) or Jenny Gove (23697).

FROYLE OPEN GARDENS - TEAS 2006 Once again we would like to THANK ALL who made cakes for us and the volunteers who helped in the kitchen. Saturday got off to a slow start even though the display of vestments in the Church was open from 11am. The weather was humid with showers but at 4 o’clock the Village Hall was full. The warm sunny weather on Sunday brought in the crowds and the Hall was packed to capacity most of the afternoon. We would especially like to thank June Fenn and Martin Milam who worked tirelessly both days, but also a big thank you to: Annette Booth, Olga Crowhurst, Mary Chaplain, Rozi Dwerryhouse, Maureen Fry, Jenny Gove, Mary Knowles, Jill McKenzie, Patty Parrott, Pat Pritchard, Vivian Riley, Margaret Stanford, Lori Taylor and Danni Waugh. So many visitors, and some had come from far afield, complemented us on the quality of the teas and the hospitality shown to them in Froyle, and said how lucky we were to live in such a lovely village - but we know that, don’t we? Our final total after expenses came to £588.74, which will be divided equally between the National Gardens Scheme and St Mary’s Church. Janet & Gill TRELOAR TRUST SUMMER BBQ Friday 28th July 2006 Froyle House, Upper Froyle 12.30pm – 3.30pm The Chief Executive and Staff would like to invite you to our first summer BBQ to be held in the grounds of Froyle House. The Meeting Place is closed that day - come along and join us instead. BBQ – Childrens’ games – Enjoy the gardens Free admission by ticket only – donations appreciated Book early to avoid disappointment - places are limited Tickets available from the Meeting Place or from Annette Booth 22364 Look forward to meeting you!

-7- Auditions for

A fun packed, action packed panto set against the backdrop of the French Revolution!! Will be held on Monday September 18th at 7.30 in the Village Hall. So if you fancy being the hero, “Sir Percy Breakneck” or the Evil “Citizen Chauvelin” or perhaps one of the “Three Fops” do please come along on the night. There are many parts large and small for both young and old (and those inbetween) male and female. If you can not make it on the night call 0142022709 FROYLE GARDENS OPEN 2006 Once again we gardeners are greatly indebted to Gill Bradley & Janet Dobson for organising the teas so efficiently. We know how hard everyone had to work on the Sunday because of the better weather. We really are grateful to all concerned; cakemakers, tea makers washeruppers and all. We know the teas are renowned and contribute greatly to the total of £2,660 which was shared with the church for the renovation of the vestments. The rest went to The National Gardens Scheme. Thank you Peter Bradley for giving up time to deal with our book-keeping. CANCER RESEARCH UK Thank you very much indeed to all who have given so generously to our Froyle collections during the last year. In Lower Froyle we collected £388.70 and the Meeting Place tin was £12.91. I was helped by Kate Barnden, who, this Spring, collected £44.42 in her end of the village. Claire O’Donnell is also helping this year at the Copse Hill end. Upper Froyle collected £238.73 - thanks to Ann Roberts and the tin at the Jet petrol station. If anyone would like to help me with a small part of Lower Froyle next year, PLEASE ring me. Margaret Stanford, 22139 *** Our Committee sent £13,660 to Headquarters for the year Jan 05/06 ***

-8- SAFARI SUPPER Saturday 16th September 6.00pm at Brocas Farm for a glass of wine and buying Raffle tickets Then three courses each at a different venue and with different companions And back to Brocas Farm to draw the Raffle at 10.15pm £10 per person Volunteers needed to do either Starter, Main or Pud - PLEASE! Tickets from Sarah Barter 23169, Jenny Dundas 520279, Jenny Gove 23697

Because we have to arrange who goes to which hostesses for which courses, and this will be a “towel round the head” job, there will be a cutoff date, beyond which no more tickets will be sold. This date is August 31st, so book up now!! We still need more people to do courses, please, so contact any of us to volunteer. If any of you have life threatening allergies to any foods, please make it known when you buy your tickets. Thank you. Sarah, Jenny D, Jenny G 8th July Walk in Bentley Station Meadow Leader Lynn Fomison. 10:30. Meet in Car Park at Bentley Station. (SU792 432). Park in Station Road or pay in car park. A stroll through Butterfly Conservation's Bentley Station Meadow nature reserve and the adjoining Alice Holt Forest. Kissing gates, but no stiles. Some wet areas . 27th July Walk in Bentley Station Meadow Leader Lynn Fomison. Meet 10:30 (Approx 2 hours). Sharing Nature with Children Come and celebrate National Butterfly week with us - a leisurely short walk & butterfly games for parents and children. Carry a small picnic with you to eat towards the end if you wish. Kissing gates but no stiles parents & kids general walk.

-9- ST MARY’S CHURCH TEXTILE GROUP During the recent Froyle Garden’s Open Weekend in May, we held an exhibition in St Mary’s Church of some of our priceless church vestments. In spite of a wet Saturday morning, a steady stream of visitors arrived before opening time and that pattern continued throughout the day and was repeated on Sunday afternoon. As we closed the doors to the last visitor (well after our advertised time), we were delighted to learn that we had raised in excess of £800 for our Textile Restoration campaign. Our day got even better when the Open Garden’s Committee awarded us a very generous donation to our funds. We heartily thank them for their support. We would also like to thank everyone else involved in this exhibition; the furniture movers, lighting technicians etc (and for their help putting it back afterwards), the Stewards, Froyle’s Archivists Chris and Annette Booth for the information display boards on Sir Hubert Miller who gave the collection to St Mary’s. Finally last, but not least, the visitors, who showed such a keen interest and gave so generously. If you would like to join our small Textile Group we meet every Wednesday morning at the Church from 10am – 12noon (barring holidays and sickness, so it’s worth telephoning one of us to double-check!). No previous conservation experience is required, nor do you have to be good at embroidery either. A lot of what we do is simple “house-keeping” checking the drawers for moths and dust-vacuuming the delicate collection plus basic stitching and mending. We are over halfway to having enough money to send the first of our vestments to the Conservator for professional repairs. All of the vestments are C18th and C19th but the oldest is a C16th altar frontal. All require serious repair work to preserve them for future generations, so fundraising is an ongoing commitment. We now have postcards of some of these beautiful vestments on sale at the back of the church and we had a workshop last month from an Arts group who spent the day photographing and sketching the vestments. If you would be interested in a private viewing of the collection for your group or perhaps putting together a workshop we are happy to discuss this as a fundraising option. Linda Bulpitt (22725), Jean Norkett (22591), Sarah Thursfield (23294) ROGATION SUNDAY MAY 21st On a filthy wet day, a few intrepid souls stomped their way around the final part of the Parish Boundary. We met up with even fewer Holybournites, and got round in record time. The children had a great time getting as wet and muddy as possible, and we finished up at the church for a typically sumptious tea, courtesy of Sarah and Linda. Thank you both very much, because that was definitely the highlight of the walk!! In fact we enjoyed the wildness of the day, and it gave us an excuse to have a long languid bath, and stiff drink!! There is a possibility that we could do the whole boundary next year - watch this space!! Tamsin & Jenny

-10- Dear Residents of Froyle How did you get on with last months quiz? Here are the answers: Like Do not like Big Friends Play

Treloar School could not function without a large number of very dedicated staff. In the coming months I thought I would give you an in-sight into the various departments to see how they function, starting off with our Porters. Our three porters work a system of shifts, two on early shifts and one on late. For the early porters their day starts at 06.30. One starts by cleaning the swimming pool while the other unlocks all the doors around the site so that the domestic staff can begin their cleaning routines. Our two porters then visit every corner of school collecting rubbish, rounding up and delivering laundry, distributing stationery, sweeping, lifting, carrying and generally being at the beck and call of everyone. At 2.00pm the late duty porter starts his shift. His duties are much the same as the others, but this time his duties include the added burden of security. I am reliably informed that you could track his progress around the school by the slamming of doors, shutting of windows and the jangling of keys. This shift ends at 10.00pm when he can wend his weary way home. We must not forget that they also manage parking, directing visitors, setting up chairs and generally being available to help out at the many functions which occur either during the school day or in the evenings. Best wishes, Chris Huffam If you should wish to contact me I can be reached at the Treloar Trust, telephone number 01420 526405 or e-mail [email protected]

Grateful thanks to Ron Figgins, who has cleared the footpath beside the pottery so beautifully. It was becoming almost impossible to walk there, but it is now clearer than it has been. From one who walks it daily, thank you Ron. Jenny

PLEASE NOTE The Froyle Estate is carrying out forestry operations in Row Wood, which is situated to the rear of the houses on the Old Odiham Road. The work involves a mixture of felling and thinning. In order to achieve natural regeneration it is necessary to burn the unusable waste on site. All relevant licences and permissions have been issued.

-11- THE SMALL ADS Drop your advert, along with £1, into Little Greystones before the deadline and we’ll include it in the Magazine! FOR SALE

Peruvian Secrets Hand crafted Alpaca Silver & Gemstone Jewellery all under £10 Also Shell Necklaces from Bali and Real Silver Earrings See my collection at The Meeting Place or host a party? Annette Booth 22364 Lovely Selection of Cards, Wrapping Paper & Notelets Jo Mills 01420 22384 For Sale - seasoned mixed wood Log rings(unsplit) £58 per pickup full Split Logs £65 per pickup full Kindling £4 per bag Delivered to your door Tel: Kendra 01420 23074/07940 048106

SERVICES Everyday Cakes and Pastries Frozen or freshly baked Two days notice, or larger orders five days Call in and pick up a list or phone Ann Figgins 01420 22220

General Building & Property Maintenance E.J.Hatcher 9 Barnfield Close, Lower Froyle, Alton, Hants GU34 4LY Tel: 01420 22333/520146 Mobile: 07904668463 Elaine Karlson Driving Instructor. Friendly & Patient Tuition Locally Based. Tel: 07879 450046

N. Brown Window & Daily Office Cleaning Service Houses, Offices and Factories Office Cleaning, Carpet Shampooing 4 Nedfield Terrace Lower Froyle Alton Hants GU34 4LH Tel. 01420 82119/23302 Mobile 0780 8631014

-12- Perfect Puddings From an apple pie to zabaglione, a lunch or a dinner party, or a freezerful of dishes for a busy family occasion. Let me help you!, Susie Robertson 01420 520820

Karen Hatcher Personal Training, fitness classes, Sports Massage Ideal to alleviate symptoms of stress, muscle soreness, tension etc 9 Barnfield Close, Lower Froyle, Alton, Hants GU34 4LY For more information contact Tel: 01420 520146 Mobile: 07759667219

Garden Designs to enhance any garden - Plans, planting plans and supply of plants. Tamsin Saunders 0777 852 8063

For Nails & Beauty by Leanne Taylor Nail Treatment, Waxing Treatments and Ear Piercing 01420 22594 or mobile 07879642272

Do you need help cleaning? Then look no further I am young, reliable and very enthusiastic I can do cleaning, ironing, washing and even help with household pets Call me, Anna, today on 07886 908766

Furry Friends Hotel - Boarding for Small Animals Rabbits, hamsters, rats, gerbils, mice, guinea pigs, chipmunks, chinchillas, ferrets, birds, goldfish etc Rates based on cage size - local collection and delivery available Phone Simon on 07775 672946 or 01256 389782

Too little space for full details but don’t forget that THE ALTON SHOW is at Froyle Park on Sunday, July 9th Adults £6 Children under 15 and Senior Citizens £4, Car Park FREE For full details see the Alton Herald

-13- St Mary’s Church Notes

Vicar The Reverend James Croft Tel: 01420 83240 Churchwardens Mrs.J.Dundas Brocas Farm, Lower Froyle Tel: 01420 520279 Mr.C.Barter 2 Rookery Cottages, Mill Court, Upper Froyle Tel: 01420 23169 Chaplain, Treloar Trust The Rev’d. Canon Edward Pruen SERVICES FOR JULY/AUGUST 1st Sunday in month Eucharist 8.00 a.m. Family Service 9.30 a.m. All other Sundays Eucharist 11.00 a.m. ST MARY’S FLOWER ROTA FOR JULY/AUGUST July 2nd &9th Susie Robertson 16th &23rd Jenny Dundas 30th Wedding August 6th Wedding 13th Madeleine Black (Patronal Festival) 19th Wedding 27th Brenda Milam Saturday 11th November at 6.00pm St. Mary’s Church, Froyle An evening of music and readings for Remembrance Day led by the choir of Guildford Cathedral under the direction of Stephen Farr. Minimum donation of £5 per ticket to include a glass of wine

SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday, July 30th Sunday, August 27th Please feel free to contact us for any further information - see you at Church. Jeanette (22709), Katie (23728), Kim (23315), Lucia & May Holybourne Services each month 1st Sunday in month Parish Eucharist 11.00 a.m. Other Sundays Communion 8.00 a.m. Parish Eucharist 9.30 a.m.


Dear All, Recently I attended two local church meetings on the theme of Islam. I found both meetings interesting. I was heartened and encouraged by some things that were said, disappointed by others. Yet from both these meetings I came away with the feeling that Islam and our relationship with this world faith really is the theme of our times. How do we begin to relate to Islam? Christians and Muslims share one very important belief. Both religions believe in a creator God. Christians go on to say much more about this creator God and how this God relates to our world but both share the same belief in the God who creates. This is so important for both faiths for one simple reason. If we acknowledge that there is a creator God we can then go on to say that we can have a personal relationship with this God. Yet, there is the other side to all this, something that I tried to express recently at a meeting of fellow clergy! If God created us and God is good then what he has created is good. Every human being shares with another human being a common humanity, and this humanity is essentially good and a given because it is has been created by a good and creating God! Now, I know this avoids really fundamental issues like sin, evil and suffering but when ever I have tried to think through these issues (as any Parish Priest worth their salt has to) I have tried never to let go of that fundamental belief. When we see people as essentially sinful or evil because of the suffering we think they have caused our own perception of God becomes distorted and the tragedy is that we seem to loose (in our own loss of our own self perception) a little something of the goodness of our own humanity. Last February I had the opportunity to visit the town of Mostar in Bosnia Herzegovina. For centuries Christians and Muslims have lived peacefully together as they have done in many other parts of the world. Then in 1992 and 1993 ‘a vile convulsion’ took place as the old Yugoslavia broke up and Mostar became the centre of bitter conflict. Mostar means ‘old bridge’ and the beautiful old bridge built in 1561, a symbol of harmony between peoples and the genius of Islamic architecture was destroyed by a barrage of tank shells. The destruction of the Mostar Bridge seemed to become a symbol of all that was utterly senseless and sinful about the conflict. Today the bridge has been restored to its former glory. People are trying to live again in peace and the bridge has become a symbol once more of that common humanity we all share whatever our gender, sexuality, race, nationality or religion. Visiting Mostar Bridge helped me understand more about the essential goodness of the creator and reconciling God and for that I am really thankful. With every blessing James

-15- JULY Details of these events appear in the Magazine

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THE NEXT VILLAGE MAGAZINE The deadline for the September Magazine is Tuesday, 15th August. Please deliver copy or disk to Little Greystones, Lower Froyle, fax us on 08714338956 before the 15th, or you can e-mail us at [email protected]. Anything received after the 15th will, unfortunately, not be included and will be held over until the October Magazine. Chris & Annette Booth


USEFUL NAMES AND PHONE NUMBERS Clerk to Froyle Parish Council - Philippa Cullen Stephenson - 01420 520102 District Councillor - David O’Donnell - 01420 520709 Editor, Froyle Village Magazine - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Alton Police - 0845 045 45 45 Community Beat Officer - P.C.Colin Gray (mobile) - 07979076264 Froyle Village Hall Committee: Chairman - Pat Morris - 01420 23222 Cancer Research UK - Margaret Stanford - 01420 22139 The Meeting Place - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 League of Friends LMTC - Jo Mills - 01420 22384 Froyle Archive - Chris & Annette Booth - 01420 22364 AFC Froyle - Jason Smith - 01420 521056 Froyle Players - Mark Cray - 01420 22709 Froyle Friends - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Veolia (Recycling) - Sue Jones (sec to John Collis) - 01962 76400 Should you or your club be on this list? Phone 22364 for inclusion MOBILE LIBRARY TIMES Upper Froyle 11.15am to 11.25am Lower Froyle 11.30am to 11.45am BENTLEY VILLAGE SURGERY TIMES Dr.J.W.A. Moore and Dr.M.Way Telephone calls taken from 8.30 a.m. every morning Tel.22106 for an appointment. Monday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Tuesday 8.30 - 11.00am Closed Wednesday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Thursday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Friday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Branch Surgeries Tuesday 5.00 - 6.00pm* Froyle Village Hall *No appointments necessary. PLEASE NOTE Closure of Surgery on Saturday Morning and at Binsted (Monday)

BENTLEY, BINSTED & FROYLE CARE GROUP If you should need this service simply call Bentley 23440. For the Farnham Shopping Bus - contact Mrs. Turner on Bentley 473062. FROYLE VILLAGE MAGAZINE

SEPTEMBER 2006 No:314 PARISH NEWS & VIEWS Parish Clerk - Philippa Cullen Stephenson Crabtree Gate, Well Lane, Lower Froyle Tel:01420 520102

IMPORTANT NOTICE Was your child born between 1st September 2002 and 31st August 2003 If so, it is important that you apply for a school place by midday on Friday 17th November 2006 If you need more information contact the Hampshire Admissions Team, telephone 01962 846004/846001/846020/846038 FROYLE PLOUGHMAN’S HARVEST SUPPER FRIDAY, 6TH OCTOBER 7.30PM FOR 7.45PM There will be salads & yummy puds as well! Tickets £6 adults £3 children

Available from The Meeting Place or Linda Bulpitt (22725) A choice of wines will be available for sale so please do not bring your own ALL PROCEEDS TO ST. MARY’S CHURCH

I’m sorry the price of the Harvest Supper has had to go up but it’s been the same for over 10 years and the new licencing laws this year have more than doubled the cost of a licence. I’m sure you’ll agree the evening is still a great bargain - where else could you eat such splendid food in such convivial company for £6 and walk home afterwards! Linda Bulpitt

Visit Froyle on the Internet at

-1- FROYLE VILLAGE HALL Bookings : Maureen Fry, Bentley 22557 HIRERS OF THE VILLAGE HALL Will hirers please make doubly sure that heating is shut off, lights, especially the gents and ladies toilets, are turned off, curtains opened and kitchen and front doors locked. Please return the key through the letterbox of Chapel Cottage as soon as your session has ended NO MATTER WHAT THE TIME. If you have any comments, queries or complaints about the hall OTHER THAN BOOKINGS please contact the Village Hall’s Housekeeper, Annette Booth, on 22364. PLEASE NOTE THAT, AS A RESULT OF MISUSE AND DAMAGE, WE NO LONGER LOAN TABLES AND CHAIRS FOR OUTSIDE USE. FROYLE ‘100 CLUB’ DRAW July 1st - Miss J.Fenn (16); 2nd - Miss A. Smith (37); 3rd - Mrs M.Black (53) August 1st - Mrs M.Cresswell (85); 2nd - Mr I. Macnabb (66); 3rd - Mr N.Southern (35) John Cresswell VILLAGE HALL NEWS It is finished! The Probation Service working party in July not only painted the main hall but the kitchen, the entrance hall and the radiators in the toilets. They then went on to weed the patio and do quite a bit of tidying up on the Recreation Ground. There are still a couple of small jobs to do like the front door and the paving outside, but, basically, the project is now complete. Chris Booth, Vice Chairman, Froyle Village Hall Committee Sunday School Picnic On a warm sunny Sunday afternoon in June, St Mary’s Sunday School children held their first “Summer Picnic”. A fun couple of hours was had by all. A chance to play in the secret garden at Treloars or catch up with some friends over a wonderful sticky lunch. On the menu, jam sandwiches and beautifully decorated biscuits all prepared during Sunday School. Thank you to everyone who came along to make the children’s afternoon so special and a big thank you to Treloars for the kind use of their garden. St Mary’s Sunday School For any Sunday School information please call Jeanette 22709, Katie 23315, Kim 23315, Tanya 23874

-2- THE MEETING PLACE Remember that the Meeting Place is open in Froyle Village Hall on Fridays from 9.30 a.m. until 12 noon for coffee, tea, squash, home- made cakes, postage stamps, local papers, greetings cards and company. You can always contact me on a Friday morning at the Village Hall on 07719164159. CAKE BAKERS FOR SEPTEMBER September 1 Gill Bradley Jenny Gove Brenda Milam 8 Jeanette Cray Maureen Fry Pat Parrott 15 Kate Barnden Claire O’Donnell Bea Sword 22 Ann Roberts Anne Andrew Jo Mills 29 Cecily Robertson Lauraine Bourne Kath Rhodes

HELPERS FOR SEPTEMBER 1 Lori Taylor 8 Jenny Gove 15 Marian Cresswell 22 Mary Knowles 29 Linda Bulpitt Annette Booth (22364) Auditions for

A fun packed, action packed panto set against the backdrop of the French Revolution!! Will be held on Monday September 18th at 7.30 in the Village Hall. So if you fancy being the hero, “Sir Percy Breakneck” or the Evil “Citizen Chauvelin” or perhaps one of the “Three Fops” do please come along on the night. There are many parts large and small for both young and old (and those inbetween) male and female. If you can not make it on the night call 0142022709. I would like to thank all those who sent me good luck messages and cards when I had my recent cataract operation. As you can see it all went well and I am able to type this magazine with great ease! However, no operation will ever remove the typos!!! Thank you all. Chris Booth

-3- Another Summer Gone, Another Season Commences Some of you may think that football has not stopped this year, particularly with the World Cup dominating the summer. Well…. It did for AFC Froyle and we are just getting ready to start again. Last season did not bring the trophies we had hoped for. After losing in the semi-finals of the county junior cup competition we eventually finished a very respectable third place in the league. However, the boys were disappointed and had hoped for more. This attitude shows just how much the club has developed over the past twelve months. At our annual presentation evening the awards went to the following players: Most Improved Player - Aaron Grocott Top Goalscorer - Tom Cox (32 goals) Managers Player - Graeme Wearn Players Player - Richie Dennett The third place league finish rewarded us with promotion and we will be playing in the Aldershot & District Division II from September. The season starts on Sat 2 Sept 06 and we commence with five home games in a row through September. So, if you find yourself at a loose end we would welcome your support. We look forward to the new season with anticipation, especially as the Parish Council are providing some much needed modernisation to the Pavilion. For this, the club would like to publicly express our deepest appreciation. New members, young and old, playing and administrative, are most welcome at the club, so if you are interested in any aspect of our village team then do not hesitate to contact me. Come on you Froyle! Jason Smith, AFC Froyle, Treasurer. Tel: 521056 FROYLE CHARITY QUIZ NIGHT Saturday, October 21st at Froyle Village Hall in aid of Naomi House Children’s Hospice Doors open 7pm. Prompt supper start 7.30pm Only 12 tables available. Teams of 6 (max) Tickets £6 per person to include hot supper Your money, not a promise, secures your table Call Jenny Gove - 01420 23697 Please let Jenny know if you would be happy to join forces with another small group to make up the table to 6 Bar - Raffle (let us know if you would like to donate a prize)

Date for your Diary Froyle Wine Tasting - Friday November 24th More details in the next Village Magazine

-4- Froyle Fete & Flower Show Once again the weather held fair for the 60th Fête and an excellent afternoon was had by all. An initial list of each stall’s takings is shown below. The Dog Show was a great success and you can see the winners in the picture on the right. See you all next year! 514th Army £39.82 Rolling Raffle £140.00 Beer Tent £535.36 Tombola £189.35 Teas £248.81 The Apprentices £101.30 Bouncy Castle £30.50 Craft Stall £8.00 Inflatable Slide £33.28 Ice Cream £60.00 Tractor Rides £25.00 Cakes £166.65 Beat the Goalie £99.01 BBQ & Hog Roast £626.10 Books £233.31 Dog Show £20.36 Bottle Stall £315.45 Go Karts £18.09 Bric-a-brac £246.02 Garden Club Treasure Hunt £50.00 Coconut Shy £142.92 Crockery smashing £118.25 Table Fee £20.00 Face painting £42.20 Donation £500.00 Grand Raffle £1063.76 Sponsors £200.00 Human Fruit Machine £34.79 Takings £5432.78 Jumble £134.45 SUMMER FLOWER SHOW 2006 Gardeners have to be optimists, the weather is always throwing up extremes at this time of year - the very hot dry weather, heavy rain, wind and thunder storms but were we down hearted? ‘No’, our members turned up trumps again in the ‘Summer Flower Show’. Roses did particularly well, sweet peas, pinks, mixed garden flowers filled the hall with a lovely aroma. The judge was very complimentary on the quality of all the exhibits and congratulated us on the overall appearance of the hall. The children’s section was a little down on last year but it was good to see one of the youngest, who was only four years old, won a cup for her decorated carrier bag (‘Mrs Lewarne Cup’) well done Kitkin!.. The next important date to remember is the 9th September for our ‘Autumn Show’. To register call in the Village Hall between 7pm & 8pm on Wednesday 6th September, even if you only have one good flower, vegetable or you enjoy cooking, do give it a try, its quite painless honestly!! Mollie Court SUMMER SHOW RESULTS 2006 Section A Vegetables & Fruit 1st 2nd 3rd PeasR.Cranford B.Milam A.Figgins Broad Beans G.Hawkins C.Robertson A.Figgins Potatoes R.Cranford J.Norkett G.Hawkins Cabbage R.Cranford J.Norkett A.Figgins Lettuce (Cos) G.Hawkins A.Figgins

-5- Lettuce (Any) R.Cranford A.Figgins D.Robertson Onions R.Cranford Carrots R.Cranford BeetC.Robertson R.Cranford Rhubarb G.Hawkins A.Figgins Any other Veg J.Norkett A.Figgins Herbs A.Figgins G.Hawkins S.Macnabb Gooseberries G.Hawkins K.Allan A.Figgins Raspberries G.Hawkins D.Robertson Blackcurrants S.Macnabb Strawberries G.Hawkins A.Figgins R.Bennett Any other fruit G.Hawkins A.Blunt R.Cranford Section B Flowers Hybrid Tea Rose I.Macnabb S.Macnabb Floribunda R.Bennett J.Thorneycroft I.Macnabb 3 Stems Roses I.Macnabb S.MacNabb C.Robertson Vase of Roses R.Bennett S.Macnabb I.Macnabb 12 Sweet Peas M.Jefferson B.Milam G.Turville 6 Pinks M.Court R.Bennett S.Macnabb Lily one stem G.Bradley S.MacNabb B.Milam Mixed Garden Flowers S.Macnabb G.Hawkins R.Bennett Mixed Foliage B.Milam M. Cresswell A.Blunt Six Violas/Pansies M.Court M.Cresswell J.Wright Four Clematis Blooms D.Robertson R.Bennett M.Browning Pot Plant in Bloom A.Figgins M.Jefferson R.Bennett Foliage Pot Plant M.Court D.Court Cactus or Succulent M.Court J.Cresswell Three Penstemon M.Browning G.Hawkins Section C Domestic Jar of Marmalade A.Figgins D.Robertson M.Browning Jar of Strawberry Jam O.Crowhurst A.Figgins Jar of Jam (Exc Strawberry) A.Figgins M.Browning J.Norkett Jar of Jelly S.MacNabb J.Norkett Jar of Chutney A.Figgins J.Norkett Four Chocolate Muffins J.Trim A.Figgins Gemma Williams Plain Jam Swiss Roll A.Figgins J.Norkett M.Court Four Shortbread Biscuits S.Macnabb D.Williams G.Williams Something new from something old Example of Handicraft G.Williams G Turville Section D Flower Arrangement “Peace” B.Milam “Psychedelic” B.Milam “Flower Power” M.Court E. Crowhurst “Anything Goes” P.Mattin B. Milam G.Bradley/J.Norkett Froyle Girls Decorated Carrier Bag Kitkin Thorneycroft Gemma Williams Froyle Boys A Model in any medium Hugo Mills Robbie Macnabb Model made from fruit or vegetables Hector Thorneycroft Charlie Macnabb Kitkin Thorneycroft “A Garden on a Plate”. Hector Thorneycroft Robbie Macnabb Kitkin Thorneycroft Flower Arrangement in a Tea Cup Gemma Williams Robbie Macnabb

-6- Bootle Wilbraham Cup exhibitor with most points in sections A&B Ann Figgins Dr Lewarne Cup Best table decoration Class 45 Brenda Milam Kay Newton-Davis Trophy Judge’s Choice in Section D Pat Mattin Robertson Rosebowl most points in section C Ann Figgins Hollis Cup Froyle amateur gardener gaining highest points in Section A Ann Figgins Mrs Lewarne Cup Froyle girls, best handmade article Kitkin Thorneycroft Bush Cup Froyle boys, best handmade model Hugo Mills Goschen Cup Amateur gardener with most points in Section B Mollie Court Holland Cup Most points by Froyle resident aged 60 years and over Ann Figgins Graham Blunt Award Exhibit judged to be the best in Section A Roy Cranford Certificate of Merit Table Decoration Class 45 Pat Mattin Diploma for best in Section B Brenda Milam Dear Residents of Froyle Many of you joined us on Friday 28th July when the Trust opened the doors (or should I say gardens) to welcome you to our first Summer BBQ. For those of you who did attend we hope that you enjoyed meeting up with our staff on a beautiful summer afternoon.

During the last few days of term the fundraising team led by Jon Colville, Community Development Manager, laid on a summer picnic for year 11. This gave us time to wish them well as they leave school and move on, some to college in September to continue their education. It was a real old fashion picnic with sandwiches, sausages, jelly with ‘squirty cream’ and plenty of cake and ‘pop’. School is now closed for a well-earned summer break. Although, there are some departments that do not close, the facilities department being one of them. The summer break gives the facilities team time to work on all those jobs that cannot be done while school is working. Best wishes, Chris Huffam If you should wish to contact me I can be reached at the Treloar Trust, telephone number 01420 526405 or e-mail [email protected] Many thanks to all in Upper & Lower Froyle for a superb collection, £218.77, for the Men and Women Lifeboat Crews, R.N.L.I. It took a lot of walking, but it was worth it. Ron Figgins, R.N.L.I. P.S. All Triangle Boxes, many thanks again.

-7- THE SMALL ADS Drop your advert, along with £1, into Little Greystones before the deadline and we’ll include it in the Magazine! FOR SALE

Peruvian Secrets Hand crafted Alpaca Silver & Gemstone Jewellery all under £10 Also Shell Necklaces from Bali and Real Silver Earrings See my collection at The Meeting Place or host a party? Annette Booth 22364

Lovely Selection of Cards, Wrapping Paper & Notelets Jo Mills 01420 22384

For Sale - seasoned mixed wood Log rings(unsplit) £58 per pickup full Split Logs £65 per pickup full Kindling £4 per bag Delivered to your door Tel: Kendra 01420 23074/07940 048106 SERVICES Everyday Cakes and Pastries Frozen or freshly baked Two days notice, or larger orders five days Call in and pick up a list or phone Ann Figgins 01420 22220

General Building & Property Maintenance E.J.Hatcher 9 Barnfield Close, Lower Froyle, Alton, Hants GU34 4LY Tel: 01420 22333/520146 Mobile: 07904668463

Elaine Karlson Driving Instructor. Friendly & Patient Tuition Locally Based. Tel: 07879 450046

N. Brown Window & Daily Office Cleaning Service Houses, Offices and Factories Office Cleaning, Carpet Shampooing 4 Nedfield Terrace Lower Froyle Alton Hants GU34 4LH Tel. 01420 82119/23302 Mobile 0780 8631014

-8- Perfect Puddings From an apple pie to zabaglione, a lunch or a dinner party, or a freezerful of dishes for a busy family occasion. Let me help you!, Susie Robertson 01420 520820

Karen Hatcher Personal Training, fitness classes, Sports Massage Ideal to alleviate symptoms of stress, muscle soreness, tension etc 9 Barnfield Close, Lower Froyle, Alton, Hants GU34 4LY For more information contact Tel: 01420 520146 Mobile: 07759667219

Garden Designs to enhance any garden - Plans, planting plans and supply of plants. Tamsin Saunders 0777 852 8063

For Nails & Beauty by Leanne Taylor Nail Treatment, Waxing Treatments and Ear Piercing 01420 22594 or mobile 07879642272

Do you need help cleaning? Then look no further I am young, reliable and very enthusiastic I can do cleaning, ironing, washing and even help with household pets Call me, Anna, today on 07886 908766

Furry Friends Hotel - Boarding for Small Animals Rabbits, hamsters, rats, gerbils, mice, guinea pigs, chipmunks, chinchillas, ferrets, birds, goldfish etc Rates based on cage size - local collection and delivery available Phone Simon on 07775 672946 or 01256 389782 FROYLE FÊTE TEAS As usual, the standard of cakes delivered to the Tea Stall at the Fête was amazing. Thanks to all of you who baked frantically and productively, and kept us well supplied. I could not have managed without the help of all those who volunteered their time on the stall during the afternoon. I hope I have thanked you all verbally, but in case I have missed someone, please accept my appreciation for your time cheerfully given. Special thanks must go to June Fenn and Jean Norkett. who have run the Teas much longer than I have, and to Martin Milam, for his diligent and professional disposal of grubby crockery! You all make my job so much easier. Finally, thanks to all of you who agreed, often without pressure, to run stalls. It was nice to have some new people getting involved this year; hope it is the beginning of a trend!? See you all next year. Jenny Gove

-9- St Mary’s Church Notes

Vicar The Reverend James Croft Tel: 01420 83240 Churchwardens Mrs.J.Dundas Brocas Farm, Lower Froyle Tel: 01420 520279 Mr.C.Barter 2 Rookery Cottages, Mill Court, Upper Froyle Tel: 01420 23169 Chaplain, Treloar Trust The Rev’d. Canon Edward Pruen SERVICES FOR SEPTEMBER 1st Sunday in month Eucharist 8.00 a.m. Family Service 9.30 a.m. All other Sundays Eucharist 11.00 a.m. ST MARY’S FLOWER ROTA FOR SEPTEMBER September 3rd Brenda Milam 10th &17th Jo Mills 24th Jean Norkett

FORTHCOMING DATES Friday 6th October Harvest Supper Harvest Festival - Sunday 8th October. The church will be decorated for Harvest Festival on Saturday 7th October.

Saturday 11th November at 6.00pm St. Mary’s Church, Froyle An evening of music and readings for Remembrance Day led by the choir of Guildford Cathedral under the direction of Stephen Farr. Minimum donation of £5 per ticket to include a glass of wine SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday, September 24th at 11.00am Please feel free to contact us for any further information - see you at Church. Jeanette (22709), Katie (23728), Kim (23315), Tanya (23874) Holybourne Services each month 1st Sunday in month Parish Eucharist 11.00 a.m. Other Sundays Communion 8.00 a.m. Parish Eucharist 9.30 a.m.


Dear All, I have just finished reading Dan Brown’s book ‘The Da Vinci Code’. Like most people I had heard quite a lot about it and the reaction it had caused. I was intrigued to learn that the book had been turned into a film and that a small part of it had been filmed in our very own Cathedral in Winchester. I haven’t said very much about the book because I don’t like talking about books (or films) that I have not myself read. Well now I have read it and consider myself an expert! For a start the novel reminded me of another author, Morris West some of whose novels I had read many moons ago. Like Morris West, Dan Brown takes religious themes and turns them into a good read. As light fiction goes I thought the book was quite good although I have to admit I have read a good deal better. What I think Dan Brown does do effectively is press the right buttons; medieval symbolism, conspiracy theories, religion – it’s all there set within a surreal world of hi-technology. As a light read, for me, it did the trick and helped me relax but I was left puzzled as to why this work had apparently left so many people completely stressed out! Dan Brown is certainly a very clever author. I have mentioned ‘the pressing of buttons’ he is also able to weave into the narrative suggestive material from the world of art criticism and religious history. Perhaps this is where we might enter difficult terrain although I have to say I thought this was the fun bit! All the stuff on the code I found a bit boring and I have to admit I did tend to skip ‘the too clever by half stuff’. I do have to admit though I was enticed by some of the art theories. Would I recommend it? Not really. As I say I have read a lot lot better light fiction. If one wanted to explore art or religion further there are other places to go and begin and really explore the issues. I feel it would be as mistake to begin with ‘The Da Vinci Code’ as I find it is helpful to distinguish between fact and fiction and the novel in what it suggests can easily blur the two in our minds. With every blessing James Flora London Marathon 2006 Once again thank you to all the people in Froyle who sponsored me for the Marathon. I raised £4967.40p for the Alzheimer’s Research Trust. In addition the charity was able to reclaim a further £859.98 through Gift Aid. I have pinned up the correspondence from the Charity on the church notice board at the back of the church should anyone wish to read it. The Charity thanks all who sponsored and supported me. James Croft

-11- SEPTEMBER Details of these events appear in the Magazine

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THE NEXT VILLAGE MAGAZINE The deadline for the October Magazine is Friday, 15th September. Please deliver copy or disk to Little Greystones, Lower Froyle, fax us on 08714338956 before the 15th, or you can e-mail us at [email protected]. Anything received after the 15th will, unfortunately, not be included and will be held over until the November Magazine. Chris & Annette Booth


USEFUL NAMES AND PHONE NUMBERS Clerk to Froyle Parish Council - Philippa Cullen Stephenson - 01420 520102 District Councillor - David O’Donnell - 01420 520709 Editor, Froyle Village Magazine - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Alton Police - 0845 045 45 45 Community Beat Officer - P.C.Colin Gray (mobile) - 07979076264 Froyle Village Hall Committee: Chairman - Pat Morris - 01420 23222 Cancer Research UK - Margaret Stanford - 01420 22139 The Meeting Place - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 League of Friends LMTC - Jo Mills - 01420 22384 Froyle Archive - Chris & Annette Booth - 01420 22364 AFC Froyle - Jason Smith - 01420 521056 Froyle Players - Mark Cray - 01420 22709 Froyle Friends - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Veolia (Recycling) - Sue Jones (sec to John Collis) - 01962 76400 Should you or your club be on this list? Phone 22364 for inclusion MOBILE LIBRARY TIMES Upper Froyle 11.15am to 11.25am Lower Froyle 11.30am to 11.45am BENTLEY VILLAGE SURGERY TIMES Dr.J.W.A. Moore and Dr.M.Way Telephone calls taken from 8.30 a.m. every morning Tel.22106 for an appointment. Monday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Tuesday 8.30 - 11.00am Closed Wednesday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Thursday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Friday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Branch Surgeries Tuesday 5.00 - 6.00pm* Froyle Village Hall *No appointments necessary. PLEASE NOTE Closure of Surgery on Saturday Morning and at Binsted (Monday)

BENTLEY, BINSTED & FROYLE CARE GROUP If you should need this service simply call Bentley 23440. For the Farnham Shopping Bus - contact Mrs. Turner on Bentley 473062. FROYLE VILLAGE MAGAZINE

OCTOBER 2006 No:315 PARISH NEWS & VIEWS Parish Clerk - Philippa Cullen Stephenson Crabtree Gate, Well Lane, Lower Froyle Tel:01420 520102

FROYLE CHARITY QUIZ NIGHT Saturday, October 21st at Froyle Village Hall in aid of Naomi House Children’s Hospice Doors open 7pm. Prompt supper start 7.30pm Not many tables left. Teams of 6 (max) Tickets £6 per person to include hot supper Your money, not a promise, secures your table Call Jenny Gove - 01420 23697 Please let Jenny know if you would be happy to join forces with another small group to make up the table to 6 Bar - Raffle (let us know if you would like to donate a prize) FROYLE PLOUGHMAN’S HARVEST SUPPER FRIDAY, 6TH OCTOBER 7.30PM FOR 7.45PM There will be salads & yummy puds as well! Tickets £6 adults £3 children

Available from The Meeting Place or Linda Bulpitt (22725) A choice of wines will be available for sale so please do not bring your own ALL PROCEEDS TO ST. MARY’S CHURCH

Visit Froyle on the Internet at

-1- FROYLE VILLAGE HALL Bookings : Maureen Fry, Bentley 22557 HIRERS OF THE VILLAGE HALL Will hirers please make doubly sure that heating is shut off, lights, especially the gents and ladies toilets, are turned off, curtains opened and kitchen and front doors locked. Please return the key through the letterbox of Chapel Cottage as soon as your session has ended NO MATTER WHAT THE TIME. If you have any comments, queries or complaints about the hall OTHER THAN BOOKINGS please contact the Village Hall’s Housekeeper, Annette Booth, on 22364. PLEASE NOTE THAT, AS A RESULT OF MISUSE AND DAMAGE, WE NO LONGER LOAN TABLES AND CHAIRS FOR OUTSIDE USE. FROYLE ‘100 CLUB’ DRAW September 1st - Mrs G.Bradley (59); 2nd - Mr A. Gibbs (90); 3rd - Mrs R.Dwerryhouse (96) John Cresswell VILLAGE HALL NEWS We would like to thank the Fête Committee for their superb work in July which has benefited the Village Hall accounts by some £1,500. This means we can keep Hall charges at the same rate for next year, despite continuing vandalism that has effectively doubled our running costs this year. Our grateful thanks also go to The Meeting Place, who paid the costs of the recent redecoration. Chris Booth, Vice Chairman, Froyle Village Hall Committee BONFIRE AND FIREWORKS Sunday, November 5th Froyle Recreation Ground 6.30pm ADMISSION FREE! Guy competition! Plenty to eat and drink! Volunteers for bonfire building needed (Contact Nigel Southern 520620) Meet on the Recreation Ground 10am on Saturday 28th October Please only bring easily combustible garden waste no mattresses, paint, sofas or other junk.

-2- THE MEETING PLACE Remember that the Meeting Place is open in Froyle Village Hall on Fridays from 9.30 a.m. until 12 noon for coffee, tea, squash, home- made cakes, postage stamps, local papers, greetings cards and company. You can always contact me on a Friday morning at the Village Hall on 07724243948. Meeting Place Birthday The Meeting Place will be celebrating its 16th Birthday on Friday October 13th. In the past this has always been a day when everything is “on the house”, but we thought that, in future, it might be nice to think of people less fortunate than ourselves on that particular day each year. This year we are supporting CANCER RESEARCH UK. We do hope you will come and celebrate 16 years of coffee and cake with us, at the same time supporting this charity. NOW WEWENOW ARE 1616ARE

CAKE BAKERS FOR OCTOBER October 6 June Trim Anne Wetherall Nancy Rowson 13 Marj Robinson Marian Cresswell Margaret Stanford 20 Kay Goodall Sue Carr Jeanne Hudleston 27 Janet Dobson Ann Figgins Elizabeth Sealey

HELPERS FOR OCTOBER October 6 Olga Crowhurst 13 Janet Dobson 20 Lauraine Bourne 27 Jane Macnabb Annette Booth (22364) LADIES GROUP In September we welcomed Mr Gregory who travelled from Andover to show us his excellent slides of curios from the length and breadth of Britain. He was very knowledgable about Inn signs, Post Boxes, Telephone Boxes and many other curiosities from churches to milestones. On October 11th Mrs Christine Leonard will demonstrate Simple Icing Techniques. As always Visitors are very welcome. Froyle’s Christmas cakes should excel this year !! B.J M

-3- A MESSAGE FROM ROZ & EDDIE Saturday August 19th 2006 has come and gone and we have started our new life together as husband and wife, and as many of Roz’s friends in Froyle will have noticed we are back from honeymoon and continuing every day life such as working. We are both so very grateful that so many of you came to the church to share in our special day and we both thank all of you for that. We are glad that you came to the service and did not just come to see your Roz arrive at church, what a lovely sight it was to see the church full and hear the hymns sung with such warmth and with enough volume to raise the church roof. So many people other than just members of both families and friends played their very own important part in our wedding, that there are to many to mention everyone by name for fear of forgetting someone and in turn offending them. There are the people who clean and polish the church, the bell ringers, the choir, the organist, the flower ladies & Tony, James who allowed our guests to park in his field, the various gardeners and grounds men and the Treloar Trust for allowing us to have photos taken in their grounds, Nigel Roz’s very own stand in page boy and we must not forget James who performed the ceremony. What a wonderful day it was and you all played your part in our special day, thank you to all of you for what you all did for us, and to anyone that we may have unintentionally missed, we will never forget your kindness. Rehearsal night and we thought things had not gone too bad and were just about to come to an end, think again folks, a group of lovely people from Froyle poured into church. What a surprise to see so many people turn up just as we had finished, not least the reason why you all turned up, we can tell you now it brought a lump to our throats. Thank you to everyone for your kind wishes and thoughts and the wonderful gifts that you have given us, not forgetting the card signed by almost if not everyone in Froyle, at the moment we have not decided what to spend the money on, but we will spend it wisely. Finally thank you from both of us, Roz & Eddie

Harvest Sunday Do come to Choral Evensong in Froyle Parish Church on Harvest Sunday 8th October at 6.30 pm. The Froyle Choir will be joined by singers from Alton Parish Church.

-4- June Trim and Family Would like to thank Friends, Neighbours and Carers for their support, offers of help and kindness following the sad loss of Reg.

Reg Robinson The family would like to thank everyone who sent cards and letters of sympathy and donations in Reg’s memory. Also all those who attended the church service to pay their last respects. Marj

Jayne, David and Gemma Williams would like to thank everyone for their kind donations to Gemma’s Charity for Skin. We raised £400 plus; many thanks to everyone.

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY IN NOVEMBER More details in the next Village Magazine

Froyle Wine Tasting Friday November 17th

ST MARY’S AUTUMN FAYRE Saturday November 25th More details in the November Village Magazine

-5- FAREWELL As many of you will have seen or heard, the O’Donnells are on the move! It has been a special place for us to live as Miles has grown up here since a baby whilst Phoebe has blossomed into a young lady, now at Lord Wandsworth. We have really enjoyed being part of a village community. It’s something Claire has known for most of her life, but for a Londoner like me, having no street lights took a bit of getting used to. However, you haven’t got rid of me yet and I’m hoping you won’t for another few years. As many of you will know, since May 2003, I’ve had the privilege of representing you on District Council. It has given me the chance to get more involved in local issues from the future of the Quarry to the recycling plant, and from persuading the Council to support the Village Hall development to working with you on planning applications. Not only have I really enjoyed the experience but hopefully I’ve made some positive differences to the life of the Village and more people know me as David rather than Claire’s husband! Two of the conditions I gave to Claire when searching for our new house were that it must be in East Hants and as close to Froyle as we can get. In that way, I can continue to represent you at least until May next year and for another four years if you’ll have me when I stand for re-election. We started here with a village Safari Supper and we are ending our stay with the same event; quite a coincidence! Seriously, thanks to you all and we shall miss Froyle enormously David, Claire, Phoebe, Miles, Arthur & Punky the ponies and Roxy the Dog News from the Froyle Archive This item has been delayed from the July/August magazine through lack of space. Our first Open Day in June was a great success and we will definitely be repeating it each year from now on. Next year’s event, again in June (date later on) will have as its theme “Froyle, Now & Then”, and will record some of the changes in the village in the last 100 years or so, as well as having all the usual documents and, hopefully, some new ones, on show. In July we finally sold the last copy of the millennium book “Froyle, 100 years of Memories” and this will not be re-printed. However, we have re-launched it as an e-book on CD-ROM, and, in the process, it has gained the added bonus of becoming searchable. The price remains the same, at £9.99, but postage will be slightly less, as a result of the new postal arrangements, at £2.00. We still have to sort out if the e-book needs a new ISBN (we have a few left!), but if you would like a copy, contact Annette Booth on 01420 22364. We still have plenty of copies of our second book, “A Village School”, in hardback, at the same price. Chris & Annette Booth

-6- Love in a Box 2006

Filled shoeboxes were sent last year to Romania, Bosnia, Croatia, the Ukraine …….. They represent a practical sharing of love from individuals in our communities to children in very different circumstances to our own. Please give them some thoughts as you prepare your shoebox this year

How to pack your shoebox: • Cover box with Christmas paper wrapping the lid separately • Place items (unwrapped) in the box, with a photo, letter/card and a self addresses envelope (if you’re hoping for a reply) • Clearly mark the age-group and boy/girl • Place your envelope with your contribution towards transportation and distribution (£1.50) on top of the gifts – gift aid forms can be found on the website • Secure lid with an elastic band. • Take box to: Holybourne Vicarage or to church by or before November 5th contact: Jenny Croft 01420 83240 Ideas for your box Boys/Girls 2-5 Toy cars, ball, jigsaw (not small pieces), picture book, chocolate or soft sweets, thick wax crayons or pencils, drawing paper, soft toy, soap, hair brush or comb, flannel, toothbrush and toothpaste, hat /gloves Boys/Girls 6-11 Toy doll/car, skipping rope, yoyo/jewellery, ball, playing cards, sweets, book, felt-tip pens, pencils, pencil case, paper, soft toy, hat, scarf, gloves, flannel, toothpaste /toothbrush, soap Boys/Girls 12-15 travel games (draughts, ludo etc). juggling balls, baseball cap, playing cards, geometry set, notebook, gloves, scarf, pens, pencils, soft toy, sweets, soap, flannel, toothbrush and toothpaste Hair accessories, jewellery, new make-up, perfume stick, deodorant

Please don’t forget that you can write a letter or a card to the child who will receive your box.

Mustard Seed is a UK registered charity 1040805

-7- AUTUMN SHOW RESULTS 2006 Section A Vegetables & Fruit 1st 2nd 3rd Family exhibit Mr & Mrs E Milam Ugliest Vegetable G.Hawkins Collection of vegetables 6 Cherry tomatoes A.Blunt J.Cresswell B.Milam 6 Tomatoes A.Figgins G.Hawkins 3 Onions J.Rowell G.Hawkins R.Cranford 2 Cabbage J.Rowell 8 Runner beans R.Cranford J.Rowell M.Court 6 French beans G.Hawkins 3 Beet R.Cranford 3 Potatoes R.Cranford G.Hawkins J.Rowell 4 Carrots M.Court 2 Marrows 6 Shallots G.Hawkins Longest runner bean A.Figgins 3 Leeks J.Rowell 4 Dessert apples A.Blunt G.Hawkins R.Cresswell 4 Cooking apples G.Bradley G.Hawkins 4 Pears A.Blunt R.Cresswell R.Cranford 12 Cane fruit G.Hawkins A.Figgins A.Blunt 4 Stone fruit A.Figgins R.Cresswell P.Bradley Any other fruit A.Figgins Section B Flowers 3 Dahlias - Decorative F.Bye G.Hawkins 3 Dahlias - Min. ball F.Bye G.Hawkins 3 Dahlias - Cactus F.Bye G.Hawkins 3 Dahlias (not above classes) F.Bye G.Hawkins 3 Chrysanthemums 1 Large Hybrid tea rose (Figgins cup) J.Cresswell Any other rose G. Hawkins J.Cresswell P.Mattin 5 Annual asters B.Browning Berried shrub (one spray) M.Cresswell G.Bradley M.Browning 6 Fuchsia flowers J.Cresswell G.Bradley P.Bradley 9 Stems mixed flowers (grown from seed) M.Browning 6 Garden flowers (may inc. shrubs) M.Browning G.Hawkins A.Blunt 3 Penstemon G.Hawkins Pot plant in flower J.Cresswell A.Figgins M.Browning Cactus or Succulent M.Court G.Hawkins Pot plant Foliage M.Court M.Browning J.Cresswell Plant of the year G.Hawkins M.Court M.Wilde Domestic - C Jar of jam (exc. Strawberry) A.Blunt A.Figgins M.Court Jar of jelly Preserves - two kinds M.Browning J.Norkett A.Figgins 4 Cheese scones M.Browning B.Milam A.Figgins Bakewell Tart A.Figgins M.Browning M.Court Decorated chocolate sponge A.Figgins B.Milam M.Browning 1lb White loaf M.Browning A. Figgins

-8- Flower Arrangement D “Oriental Influence” B.Milam P.Mattin M.Court “Aspects of Autumn” M.Cresswell M.Milam “Garden Jewels” P.Mattin B.Milam M.Cresswell Photography “Animal Antics” A.Blunt M.Cresswell J.Cresswell “Plant Portrait” A.Blunt M.Cresswell G.Hawkins “Leisure Time” P.Bradley J.Cresswell M. Browning “Peaks & Valleys” J.Fenn M.Wilde P.Bradley Rose Bowl - G. Club member with most points in the Hort. Section Mr J. Cresswell Tuke-Hastings Family Trophy Mr E.& Mrs B.Milam Newton-Davies Trophy - most points in the Flower Arrangement Section Mrs B.Milam Figgins Trophy - winner of class 25 Blachford Trophy - most points in the Domestic Section Mrs M. Browning Pollock Rose Bowl - Judge’s choice in the Photographic Section Mrs J.Fenn Graham Blunt Trophy & Diploma for best exhibit in Section A Mrs A.Blunt Dipoma for Best Exhibit in Section B F.Bye

Although the number of entries were up slightly, once again the roses proved hard to find, consequently, there were no entries in the 'Hybrid Tea Rose' class for the 'Figgins Cup. A big thank you to the rest of the team for there sterling work with the setting up and the clearing away - when it all happens again next April!! The next meeting is Fri 13th October 7.30pm - “A Haven for Wildlife” the speaker is Dennis Bright, do come along, all are welcome. Mollie Court

Volunteer Trainee Advisers Wanted If you have a few hours to spare and would welcome the opportunity to work in a friendly and stimulating environment, Alton CAB would like to hear from you. You do not need formal qualifications, as we offer full training and will pay all your travel and training expenses. It would help, but not essential, if you have some basic IT skills. We aim to start a training course this autumn. Last year the bureau dealt with approximately 14,000 enquiries including welfare benefits, housinq, money advice, employment questions and family problems. We help you use and develop your skills in return for a commitment of eight hours a week. Advisers from all backgrounds work at the CAB, so why not visit or phone to find out more? Alton CAB, 7, Cross & Pillory Lone. Alton, Tel 01420 84399

-9- Dear Residents of Froyle In July, after many years of sterling work, Treloar School Headteacher Neil Clark resigned. The Trustees would like to thank him sincerely for his dedication and committed service to Treloar’s over the last 17 years. We wish Neil and his family well for the future. Heather Boardman has subsequently been appointed as Head Teacher. She is living on-site so is joining the community as well. In common with all secondary schools, Treloar’s has an Exams and Assessment Department. We record the assessments of all our students and some take external tests at key points in their school career. Gill Bushby, our Exams Officer, explains how well our students have performed in the last round of exams “I am the Exams Officer and Assessment Co-ordinator and one of my jobs is to ensure that the exams and tests taken at Treloar School run as smoothly as possible. Many of our students take GCSEs and their r esults this year varied fr om A* to G. Each result marks the culmination of years of hard work by students, their teachers and support staff. Those with high grades can pr ogress to A Levels and to Higher Education, but all our students have moved on to a college of their choice this year, to take a huge variety of courses. Even an appar ently low exam grade can mark a tremendous achievement by a student who has overcome enormous problems. This is also true of the work of the Entry Level candidates, and the students whose class work is assessed by exam boards for the National Skills Project and Assessment for Living and Learning. All Treloar students leave the School with nationally r ecognised qualifications and can look forward to returning for a Presentation Ceremony in November, to receive their well-earned certificates. After the tension of the exam organisation, this event is the high spot of my year!” I would like to thank Gill for letting us have an insight into the way of Exams and Assessments. Best wishes, Chris Huffam If you should wish to contact me I can be reached at the Treloar Trust, telephone number 01420 526405 or e-mail [email protected]

GENERAL NOTICE To ALL the people who use the grass strips and set-aside on Husseys Farm for walking, riding, bicycling etc. Please be advised that access will be closed from 21st - 28th October 2006. We ask everyone to respect this closure and thank you for your co-operation. Public footpaths are still open and are not included in this notice. For any information, please ring 01420 22591. Roy Norkett, for the Estate of the late Mrs E.M.Goschen

-10- North East Hants Agricultural Association ANNUAL PLOUGHING MATCH To be held on Sunday 22nd October 2006 Commencing at 8.30 am at Penncroft Farm, Crondall, Farnham (by kind permission of Penncroft Farms, Crondall)


Details of all sponsors will be provided on the programme which will be available at no charge at the Ploughing Match

President: Mrs Elspeth Lane Deputy President: Mr Tim Butler

Secretary: Mrs J M Butler 33, Highland Road, Emsworth, Hampshire PO10 7JL Telephone: 01243 430926 Tel/ Fax: 01243 430806 email: [email protected]

Ploughing Match Organiser: Mr R Stevens

After the success of the Ploughing Match in 2005 we hope to encourage a good entry of ploughmen, with sponsors and supporters. A successful day will ensure the continuation of the Annual Ploughing Match, which gives ploughmen a chance to demonstrate their skills and maintains those skills in a time of changing farm practices.

Classes will include vintage classes and give a chance to see the farm machinery of yesterday as well as the latest equipment from companies (to be arranged). Refreshments and toilet facilities are available on site

-11- THE SMALL ADS Drop your advert, along with £1, into Little Greystones before the deadline and we’ll include it in the Magazine! WANTED Selling your house? We have just moved into rented accomodation in Froyle and are looking to buy a 4/5 bed property or smaller with potential to add on. I f you are considering selling, please call Emma on 01420 520237


Wood from a felled Oak tree, surplus to requirements. FREE to anyone wishing to collect Enquiries to Gay Turvill 01420 22201 (evenings)


Peruvian Secrets Hand crafted Alpaca Silver & Gemstone Jewellery all under £10 Also Shell Necklaces from Bali and Real Silver Earrings See my collection at The Meeting Place or host a party? Annette Booth 22364

Lovely Selection of Cards, Wrapping Paper & Notelets Jo Mills 01420 22384

For Sale - seasoned mixed wood Log rings(unsplit) £58 per pickup full Split Logs £65 per pickup full Kindling £4 per bag Delivered to your door Tel: Kendra 01420 23074/07940 048106

SERVICES Everyday Cakes and Pastries Frozen or freshly baked Two days notice, or larger orders five days Call in and pick up a list or phone Ann Figgins 01420 22220

-12- General Building & Property Maintenance E.J.Hatcher 9 Barnfield Close, Lower Froyle, Alton, Hants GU34 4LY Tel: 01420 22333/520146 Mobile: 07904668463

Elaine Karlson Driving Instructor. Friendly & Patient Tuition Locally Based. Tel: 07879 450046

N. Brown Window & Daily Office Cleaning Service Houses, Offices and Factories Office Cleaning, Carpet Shampooing 4 Nedfield Terrace Lower Froyle Alton Hants GU34 4LH Tel. 01420 82119/23302 Mobile 0780 8631014

Perfect Puddings From an apple pie to zabaglione, a lunch or a dinner party, or a freezerful of dishes for a busy family occasion. Let me help you!, Susie Robertson 01420 520820

Karen Hatcher Personal Training, fitness classes, Sports Massage Ideal to alleviate symptoms of stress, muscle soreness, tension etc 9 Barnfield Close, Lower Froyle, Alton, Hants GU34 4LY For more information contact Tel: 01420 520146 Mobile: 07759667219

Garden Designs to enhance any garden - Plans, planting plans and supply of plants. Tamsin Saunders 0777 852 8063

Furry Friends Hotel - Boarding for Small Animals Rabbits, hamsters, rats, gerbils, mice, guinea pigs, chipmunks, chinchillas, ferrets, birds, goldfish etc Rates based on cage size - local collection and delivery available Phone Simon on 07775 672946 or 01256 389782

-13- St Mary’s Church Notes

Vicar The Reverend James Croft Tel: 01420 83240 Churchwardens Mrs.J.Dundas Brocas Farm, Lower Froyle Tel: 01420 520279 Mr.C.Barter 2 Rookery Cottages, Mill Court, Upper Froyle Tel: 01420 23169 Chaplain, Treloar Trust The Rev’d. Canon Edward Pruen SERVICES FOR OCTOBER 1st Sunday in month Eucharist 8.00 a.m. Family Service 9.30 a.m. All other Sundays Eucharist 11.00 a.m. ST MARY’S FLOWER ROTA FOR OCTOBER October 1st Jean Norkett 8th &15th Lauraine Bourne 22nd &29th Elizabeth Sealey

FORTHCOMING DATES The Choir of Guildford Cathedral, directed by Stephen Farr, will be performing a programme of choral and organ music including the Requiem by Gabriel Fauré in Froyle Parish Church at 6.30 pm on Remembrance Day Saturday 11th November. Faure’s setting of the Requiem Mass is justly renowned, and the concert will provide a special opportunity to enjoy hearing it performed by one of the country’s finest Cathedral choirs whilst, at the same time, remembering loved ones who are no longer with us. Tickets at £5.00 are available from Ian Black (01420 23371) and Patrick Hodson (01252 733598), and also at The Meeting Place. All proceeds from ticket sales will go to Church funds. SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday, October 29th at 11.00am Please feel free to contact us for any further information - see you at Church. Jeanette (22709), Katie (23728), Kim (23315), Tanya (23874) Holybourne Services each month 1st Sunday in month Parish Eucharist 11.00 a.m. Other Sundays Communion 8.00 a.m. Parish Eucharist 9.30 a.m.

-14- THE VIEW FROM THE VICARAGE Dear All,All,Dear This month sees both our parishes of Froyle and Holybourne celebrating Harvest. I do hope that you can come along to some of our Harvest events. Our churches look absolutely wonderful at this time of the year with all the harvest decorations reminding us of our closeness to creation and so inevitably to our closeness to God. Our gardens, too, remind us of our closeness to God the Creator. Yes, indeed, they are a lot of hard work especially to an unkeen gardener like myself and my gardening extends to little more than trying to ‘keep it all under some sort of control’ type, but then again, I think, well I am here and God has entrusted this little bit of his creation to me to look after so I better get on and do something about it. God, in short, allows me and you to be his co-creators. Put another way, perhaps when we garden we’re involved in some kind of marriage between a heavenly Father and an earthly mother. Indeed maybe we’re the kids all part of the family! - Loved by our parents but infuriating them at the same time! Who knows? - But when we look at the state of the world (rainforest devastation, pollution etc.) perhaps there is more to this muse than meets the eye. Well, what does this reluctant, not very good co-creator want to say to the parents? I don’t like rats especially when they make their home at the bottom of my compost bin. I wish the heavy rain in May had not devastated my newly sown and sprouted Tarragon and Dill. On the other hand, I do feel that I have contributed in some way and I am proud of five ‘very vulnerable’ looking leeks. I feel satisfied that the chard worked. I suppose I have learnt to let things ‘be’ a bit this year – like leaving colourful sections of the garden, unmown. After all why not give the weeds a chance? You made them! I am constantly amazed how birds catch on so quickly to what’s going on around them and wish we human beings could sometimes do likewise. Because when it comes to this fragile planet, that is Yours, if we don’t, we are in for trouble. Please show us the way! Guide and direct us! “Lord my God, most merciful, most secret, most present, most constant, yet changing all things, never new and never old, ever in action, yet ever quiet, creating, upholding and perfecting all, who hath anything but thy gift? Or what can any man say when he speaketh of thee? Yet have mercy upon us, O Lord, that we may speak unto thee, and praise thy Name” – Jeremy Taylor (Anglican Priest) 1613-1667 With every blessing James Friday 6th October Harvest Supper Saturday 7th October The church will be decorated for Harvest Festival Sunday 8th October Our Church Harvest celebration this year takes place 11.00am Eucharist - please bring harvest gifts 6.30pm Choral Evensong Everybody welcome!

-15- OCTOBEROCTOBEROCTOBER Details of these events appear in the Magazine



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THE NEXT VILLAGE MAGAZINE The deadline for the November Magazine is Sunday, 15th October. Please deliver copy or disk to Little Greystones, Lower Froyle, fax us on 08714338956 before the 15th, or you can e-mail us at [email protected]. Anything received after the 15th will, unfortunately, not be included and will be held over until the December/January Magazine. Chris & Annette Booth


USEFUL NAMES AND PHONE NUMBERS Clerk to Froyle Parish Council - Philippa Cullen Stephenson - 01420 520102 District Councillor - David O’Donnell - 01420 520709 Editor, Froyle Village Magazine - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Alton Police - 0845 045 45 45 Community Beat Officer - P.C.Colin Gray (mobile) - 07979076264 Froyle Village Hall Committee: Chairman - Pat Morris - 01420 23222 Cancer Research UK - Margaret Stanford - 01420 22139 The Meeting Place - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 League of Friends LMTC - Jo Mills - 01420 22384 Froyle Archive - Chris & Annette Booth - 01420 22364 AFC Froyle - Jason Smith - 01420 521056 Froyle Players - Mark Cray - 01420 22709 Froyle Friends - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Veolia (Recycling) - Sue Jones (sec to John Collis) - 01962 76400 Should you or your club be on this list? Phone 22364 for inclusion MOBILE LIBRARY TIMES Upper Froyle 11.15am to 11.25am Lower Froyle 11.30am to 11.45am BENTLEY VILLAGE SURGERY TIMES Dr.J.W.A. Moore and Dr.M.Way Telephone calls taken from 8.30 a.m. every morning Tel.22106 for an appointment. Monday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Tuesday 8.30 - 11.00am Closed Wednesday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Thursday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Friday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Branch Surgeries Tuesday 5.00 - 6.00pm* Froyle Village Hall *No appointments necessary. PLEASE NOTE Closure of Surgery on Saturday Morning and at Binsted (Monday)

BENTLEY, BINSTED & FROYLE CARE GROUP If you should need this service simply call Bentley 23440. For the Farnham Shopping Bus - contact Mrs. Turner on Bentley 473062. FROYLE VILLAGE MAGAZINE

NOVEMBER 2006 No:316 PARISH NEWS & VIEWS Parish Clerk - Philippa Cullen Stephenson Crabtree Gate, Well Lane, Lower Froyle Tel:01420 520102

DOG MESS Parish Councillors would be grateful if dog owners would pick up their dogs’ mess on the Recreation Ground and put it in the special bin provided. Otherwise, regrettably, the Parish Council may feel obliged to make use of the new Dog Control Orders (Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005) to keep dogs off the Recreation Ground. Thank you, Froyle Parish Council BONFIRE AND FIREWORKS Sunday, November 5th Froyle Recreation Ground 6.30pm ADMISSION FREE! Guy competition! Make sure you bring your Guy to the Recreation Ground ready for judging soon after 6.30pm Fantastic Barbecue! Great Mulled Wine & Hot Chocolate! Glow Necklaces on sale, also soft drinks & sweets Mulled wine, burgers and hot dogs on sale Donations towards fireworks gratefully received on the night PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY!

-1- FROYLE VILLAGE HALL Bookings : Maureen Fry, Bentley 22557 HIRERS OF THE VILLAGE HALL Will hirers please make doubly sure that heating is shut off, lights, especially the gents and ladies toilets, are turned off, curtains opened and kitchen and front doors locked. Please return the key through the letterbox of Chapel Cottage as soon as your session has ended NO MATTER WHAT THE TIME. If you have any comments, queries or complaints about the hall OTHER THAN BOOKINGS please contact the Village Hall’s Housekeeper, Annette Booth, on 22364. PLEASE NOTE THAT, AS A RESULT OF MISUSE AND DAMAGE, WE NO LONGER LOAN TABLES AND CHAIRS FOR OUTSIDE USE. FROYLE ‘100 CLUB’ DRAW October 1st - Mrs C.Robertson ; 2nd - Mrs J. McKenzie ; 3rd - Mrs Cousins John Cresswell COFFEE MORNING in aid of Cancer Research UK at Cherida Cannon, Bonham’s Farm, Holybourne Wednesday 15th November 2006 10am - 12.30pm Food/Produce Bring & Buy * Christmas Card * Raffle Lavender products * Peruvian Jewellery * Phoenix Cards Entrance £2 to include coffee & biscuits Please support us - Margaret and Gill St Mary’s Summer Games At the end of a wonderful summer break St Mary’s Sunday School held their first Summer Games and what fun we had ..... From the egg and spoon to the wheelbarrow race to the fancy dress followed by a very comical three legged race with a very competitive Vicar entering into the spirit of the afternoon. All our athletes truly gave 110%. At the end of the afternoon medals were awarded to all who competed. Thank you to all who came and cheered the children on - it was truly appreciated. Summer Games highlights The Reverend James Croft in goal - conceding only 2 goals out of 30 penalties!!!!! Proud children at the end of the afternoon with huge smiles if not tired legs.

-2- THE MEETING PLACE Remember that the Meeting Place is open in Froyle Village Hall on Fridays from 9.30 a.m. until 12 noon for coffee, tea, squash, home- made cakes, postage stamps, local papers, greetings cards and company. You can always contact me on a Friday morning at the Village Hall on 07724243948.

CAKE BAKERS FOR NOVEMBER November 3 Janet Dobson Ann Figgins Elizabeth Sealey 10 Gill Bradley Jenny Gove Brenda Milam 17 Jeanette Cray Maureen Fry Pat Parrott 24 Kate Barnden Bea Sword Any offers? HELPERS FOR NOVEMBER November 3 Sue Clark 10 Gill Bradley 17 Ann Roberts 24 Maureen Fry ROZ & EDDIE - For all of you who missed the opportunity to see Roz & Eddie’s photographs, they will be bringing them to The Meeting Place on Friday, November 3rd arriving between 10.30 and 11.00am. WILL YOU CARRY ON HELPING THE MEETING PLACE NEXT YEAR? May I take this opportunity to thank all of you who have helped ensure that The Meeting Place stayed open during 2006 - I really want you to know that it simply could not happen without you! If you would be willing to continue in 2007, YOU DON’T NEED TO DO A THING and I will give you your new rota in December. I only need to hear from you if you would like to give it a break for a while. We are always looking for new ladies to join our team in the kitchen or baking cakes. If you would like to join, please either ring me, Annette Booth, on 22364, or sign the lists that are at The Meeting Place every Friday from now until December. November 17th- Royal National Lifeboat Institution. Once again Annette has kindly offered to have an RNLI morning at The Meeting Place on Friday 17th November. There will be Christmas cards and other gifts on sale, also cakes. We hope to see you there to support us. Ann & Ron Figgins FROYLE LADIES GROUP Christine Leonard came for our October meeting. A very experienced cake artist, she was able to give many of us good tips to make life easier for ourselves. On November 8th we will be holding our A.G.M. and Cheese & Wine Party. All members of the committee are willing to stand. Would members please bring a small plate of food. Drink will be provided. There will be no Raffle or Sales table. BJ M

-3- FROYLE GARDENING CLUB Mr Dennis Bright showed us some amazing photographs and had us all wanting to rush off to Tichfield Haven to see the vast number of rare and interesting birds, from Bitterns, Terns, and Reed Warblers, to Spoonbills, Alpine Swifts and even a Flamingo. A very enjoyable evening. For our next meeting on Friday 10th November at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Mr Peter Chivers will be telling us about “Autumn Fireworks”, Autumn colour in the garden, June Trim CANCER RESEARCH UK Thank you VERY MUCH indeed to The Meeting Place 16th Birthday Morning which raised £50 for us. It was a lovely surprise and very generous of everyone. Margaret Stanford.

ST MARY’S TEXTILES Just a quick update to let you know how we’re getting on with the vestments. We are currently working on an early 18th Century set of silk and satin vestments, probably of French, or maybe Italian origin. They are purple with intricate gold stitching and embroidery, but as you can imagine, being 300 years old, they are very delicate and just a little tatty round the edges. We are aiming to have them restored and strong enough to use for the Church’s next “purple” season, which will be the four weeks of Advent in preparation for Christmas. All will be revealed on the Sunday 3rd December. Some vestments require more TLC than we are capable of and we are currently meeting a number of specialist conservators to discuss prices and timetables. Jean Norkett (22591) SAFARI SUPPER We were blessed by wonderful weather - warm and dry, on Saturday September 16th for the Safari Supper, in aid of St Mary’s Church; which meant that many of us could perambulate around the village, in various states of inebriation. Grateful thanks to Jenny & Jamie Dundas for providing their wonderful barn as a start and finish venue, and for all the wine. Thanks also to Sarah for the magnificent raffle prizes, and their presentation, and to Clive for fleecing everyone so successfully. Obviously, without all the hostesses, there would be no supper, so many thanks to you all. The final total raised was £1600 - pretty good for one night; Froyle certainly knows how to party! Jenny Gove

-4- ST MARY’S CHURCH FAYRE SATURDAY NOVEMBER 25th at 2.00pm Cakes - Gifts - Children’s Toys and more...... CAKE & DELICATESSEN STALL Please can we have lots of goodies from all you brilliant cooks - not only cakes and biscuits, but jams, marmalades, sweets, mince pies, meringues, casseroles...... almost anything sweet or savoury. Please deliver to the Village Hall. Margaret Stanford 22139 BOTTLE STALL I would be grateful for donations of bottles - any size or shape. Please ring me if you would like me to collect or bring to The Meeting Place in November. Janet Dobson 23340, Elizabeth Sealey 22236 TOY STALL Toys, old or new, big or small, wanted for this stall please. Turn out those cupboards and toy boxes! Items can be left at Beech Cottage or we’ll collect, and there will also be a box at the Meeting Place for 2 weeks before the Fayre. Caroline Findlay 22019, Jane Stewart-Smith 22072 GIFT STALL May we please have your unwanted Christmas or birthday presents, or things you bought yourself and found were a mistake! Someone might love these, so please let us sell them. Toys go to the Toy Stall this year, but all other gifts would be very welcome to us. Ring and we will collect. Jean Norkett 22591 ANTIQUES & BRIC A BRAC We’d be very grateful for any good Bric a Brac for the Autumn Fayre. Old pots and pans and dusty treasures we’ll find a home for at the Spring Jumble Sale! Deliver any time to Copse Hill Farm and do ring us if you’d like anything collected. Jane Macnabb 23195, Nick Whines, Sarah Thursfield BOOKSTALL Please let me have your old, and new, unwanted books. We can collect and there will be a box at The Meeting Place two weeks beforehand. Lauraine Bourne 22159 CHILDRENS TOMBOLA Run by Froyle Sunday School with all proceeds going to the Church. Any donations, packs of pencils, a bag of sweets or any other small token that you think a child might like to win would be greatly appreciated. If you do have a donation please either contact Jeanette on 22709 or Kim on 23315 or you could leave it in the box provided at the Meeting Place on Friday mornings. Many thanks for your support.

-5- At these times of Mediterranean temperatures and the continuing put-put-put of lawnmowers, Christmas does seem a long way off, but… to help kick start off your festive season, PLEASE make a date in your diary to come to the 2006 PRE-CHRISTMAS CHARITY WINE-TASTING (in association with claret-e) At Brocas Farm, Lower Froyle Friday 17th November, 2006 I’m dreaming of a white Christmas… but if the from 7.00 - 9.30 p.m. white runs out I’ll taste the red… in aid of local charities Tickets £ 6.00 (to include tasting 10 wines + eats + entry to the blind, non-wine, tasting competition) from Jenny Gove 23697, Mary Knowles 23164, Jane Macnabb 23195, Susie Robertson 520820 and at The Meeting Place or on the door (All orders taken will be delivered in time for Christmas)

Please come to a CHRISTMAS SALE In aid of Treloars At Jo Mills, Brecklands, Lower Froyle, 0142022384 Thursday 23rd November, 9.00 am - 1.00 pm. Come and have a coffee and do some Christmas shopping. Decorative Accessories for the home and garden, Jewellery, Wooden Gifts & Phoenix Cards and more.

Reminder - Love in a Box 2006 Filled shoeboxes with £1.50 (transport costs) to Holybourne Vicarage, to church or School by or before November 5th For more information please contact: Jenny Croft 83240 Thank you on behalf of the children of Eastern Europe who will receive your box.

-6- Dear Residents of Froyle Autumn mornings are definitely with us and it’s sad to think that thoughts have turned to putting on the central heating! Students new and old have begun to settle into their daily routine. The Fundraising team are busy planning our visitors’ diary and the Events team are already hard at work planning forthcoming events – a very busy lead up to the Christmas period. Our Christmas cards, Christmas Puddings and other merchandise are already and just waiting for the orders to arrive with each morning post. In last month’s magazine I introduced you to Heather Boardman, Treloar School’s new Headteacher. Heather would like to tell you a little about herself and has penned the following words. I have a background in working in schools with children and young people with Special Education Needs and I also have some experience of working for charities. I am thrilled to be working at the School and working through the year to ensure Treloar’s is recognised for its outstanding contribution to children and young people with physical disabilities My husband and I are looking forward to being members of the Froyle community and becoming active participants. Heather is hoping to join me on my next visit to the Froyle Meeting Place. Symbol of the month - “where?”

Best wishes, Chris Huffam If you should wish to contact me I can be reached at the Treloar Trust, telephone number 01420 526405 or e-mail [email protected]

PLANT SALE (IN OLD BARN) & GARDEN OPEN WHEATLEY HOUSE (between Binsted & Kingsley) Sunday, November 5th 2-5.30pm Come and help us find homes for lots of perennials etc Plant donations welcome Experts on hand to answer your garden queries Entrance £2.00 (to include tea/coffee) Children Free Home made cakes available ALL proceeds to Binsted Church

Visit Froyle on the Internet at

-7- THE SMALL ADS Drop your advert, along with £1, into Little Greystones before the deadline and we’ll include it in the Magazine! FOR SALE

Peruvian Secrets Hand crafted Alpaca Silver & Gemstone Jewellery all under £10 Also Shell Necklaces from Bali and Real Silver Earrings See my collection at The Meeting Place or host a party? Annette Booth 22364

Lovely Selection of Cards, Wrapping Paper & Notelets Jo Mills 01420 22384

For Sale - seasoned mixed wood Log rings(unsplit) £58 per pickup full Split Logs £65 per pickup full Kindling £4 per bag Delivered to your door Tel: Kendra 01420 23074/07940 048106

For Sale Adjustamatic Bed with headboard. 2ft 6ins x 6ft 6ins. with massage keypad. Any reasonable offers, please. M.Robinson 01420 22374.

For Sale Snooker table (folding legs) plus cues, balls, etc, very good condition. £25 (negotiable) Card table (collapsible) 2ft (60cm) square. £5 (negotiable) Lauraine Bourne 01420 22159

FREE HORSE MANURE in Lower Froyle, in various stages of rotting, free to collector. Phone Philippa on 01420 23216

SERVICES Everyday Cakes and Pastries Frozen or freshly baked Two days notice, or larger orders five days Call in and pick up a list or phone Ann Figgins 01420 22220

-8- General Building & Property Maintenance E.J.Hatcher 9 Barnfield Close, Lower Froyle, Alton, Hants GU34 4LY Tel: 01420 22333/520146 Mobile: 07904668463

Elaine Karlson Driving Instructor. Friendly & Patient Tuition Locally Based. Tel: 07879 450046

N. Brown Window & Daily Office Cleaning Service Houses, Offices and Factories Office Cleaning, Carpet Shampooing 4 Nedfield Terrace Lower Froyle Alton Hants GU34 4LH Tel. 01420 82119/23302 Mobile 0780 8631014

Perfect Puddings From an apple pie to zabaglione, a lunch or a dinner party, or a freezerful of dishes for a busy family occasion. Let me help you!, Susie Robertson 01420 520820

Karen Hatcher Personal Training, fitness classes, Sports Massage Ideal to alleviate symptoms of stress, muscle soreness, tension etc 9 Barnfield Close, Lower Froyle, Alton, Hants GU34 4LY For more information contact Tel: 01420 520146 Mobile: 07759667219

Garden Designs to enhance any garden - Plans, planting plans and supply of plants. Tamsin Saunders 0777 852 8063

Furry Friends Hotel - Boarding for Small Animals Rabbits, hamsters, rats, gerbils, mice, guinea pigs, chipmunks, chinchillas, ferrets, birds, goldfish etc Rates based on cage size - local collection and delivery available Phone Simon on 07775 672946 or 01256 389782

-9- St Mary’s Church Notes

Vicar The Reverend James Croft Tel: 01420 83240 Churchwardens Mrs.J.Dundas Brocas Farm, Lower Froyle Tel: 01420 520279 Mr.C.Barter 2 Rookery Cottages, Mill Court, Upper Froyle Tel: 01420 23169 Chaplain, Treloar Trust The Rev’d. Canon Edward Pruen SERVICES FOR NOVEMBER 1st Sunday in month Eucharist 8.00 a.m. Family Service 9.30 a.m. All other Sundays Eucharist 11.00 a.m. Remembrance service Sunday November 12th 10.45am gathering at the memorial, 11.15 at the church The Church Christmas Fayre Saturday November 25th Services for December 2006 including Christmas Advent Service of Light Sunday December 3rd 6.30pm Christmas Carol Service Sunday December 17th 6.00pm, collection to Naomi House Christmas Eve Service for Children Sunday December 24th 5.30pm collection to Naomi House Midnight Service Sunday December 24th 11.30pm Christmas Day Eucharist Monday December 25th 11am

ST MARY’S FLOWER ROTA FOR NOVEMBER October 5th &12th Gill Bradley (Remembrance Sunday) 19th &26th Cecily Robertson (Please remove flowers for Advent) The Choir of Guildford Cathedral, directed by Stephen Farr, will be performing a programme of choral and organ music including the Requiem by Gabriel Fauré in Froyle Parish Church at 6.30 pm on Remembrance Day Saturday 11th November. Faure’s setting of the Requiem Mass is justly renowned, and the concert will provide a special opportunity to enjoy hearing it performed by one of the country’s finest Cathedral choirs whilst, at the same time, remembering loved ones who are no longer with us. Tickets at £5.00 are available from Ian Black (01420 23371),Patrick Hodson (01252 733598), The Meeting Place, and also at the door on the night. All proceeds from ticket sales will go to Church funds.

-10- THE VIEW FROM THE VICARAGE Dear All, I think November often seems to be a sombre month. Long Nights and ever decreasing daylight hours do have an effect on us. Colder days mean that we have to wrap up warm and summer seems an awfully long way off – both the summer that has gone and the new one that has still yet to arrive. Creation ‘sleeps’. In the temptation to hibernate, however, November calls us to remember the dead with its feasts of ‘All Souls’ and “All Saints” and with the secular commemorations of “Remembrance Day” and “Remembrance Sunday”. We hear the distant sound of the bugle, the toll of the bell, and perhaps, the silent memory of a church at prayer. To get up at 7.30am in order to attend an 8.00am Sunday service in the local church during the winter months does seem a crazy thing to suggest, I know. Yet this is precisely what I do suggest! The church holds a unique atmosphere as we use minimal electric lighting to optimise maximum holiness! The light of candles, sacred words and vessels remind us of a world aching to be consecrated to the Lord through “being” and “prayer”. Nothing much is demanded of us, simply our presence, our little offering and a dim recollection of God. Even with that God can and does make a miracle – think of the loaves and the fishes! November is too precious a month to ignore. Evidently it is a month when increasing numbers of people suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Perhaps, important though the act of remembering is, too much dwelling on the past can and does have a detrimental effect on our lives… and… perhaps too much being caught up in the pressure and excitement of Christmas launches us into the future too soon. We need to wait for Grace that must not be demanded or grabbed for then it ceases to be Grace and we are made all the poorer. Grace works through the silence of “being” and “prayer” and maybe that is what November and all the winter months offer and call us to be in and through our daily lives. Our 8.00am church service takes place on the first Sunday of each month. With every blessing James

SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday, November 26th at 11.00am Please feel free to contact us for any further information - see you at Church. Jeanette (22709), Katie (23728), Kim (23315), Tanya (23874) Holybourne Services each month 1st Sunday in month Parish Eucharist 11.00 a.m. Other Sundays Communion 8.00 a.m. Parish Eucharist 9.30 a.m.

-11- NOVEMBER Details of these events appear in the Magazine

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THE NEXT VILLAGE MAGAZINE The deadline for the December/January Magazine is Wednesday, 15th November. Please deliver copy or disk to Little Greystones, Lower Froyle, fax us on 08714338956 before the 15th, or you can e-mail us at [email protected]. Anything received after the 15th will, unfortunately, not be included and will be held over until the February 2007 Magazine. Chris & Annette Booth


USEFUL NAMES AND PHONE NUMBERS Clerk to Froyle Parish Council - Philippa Cullen Stephenson - 01420 520102 District Councillor - David O’Donnell - 01420 489711 (New number) Editor, Froyle Village Magazine - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Alton Police - 0845 045 45 45 Community Beat Officer - P.C.Colin Gray (mobile) - 07979076264 Froyle Village Hall Committee: Chairman - Pat Morris - 01420 23222 Cancer Research UK - Margaret Stanford - 01420 22139 The Meeting Place - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 League of Friends LMTC - Jo Mills - 01420 22384 Froyle Archive - Chris & Annette Booth - 01420 22364 AFC Froyle - Jason Smith - 01420 521056 Froyle Players - Mark Cray - 01420 22709 Froyle Friends - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Veolia (Recycling) - Sue Jones (sec to John Collis) - 01962 76400 Should you or your club be on this list? Phone 22364 for inclusion MOBILE LIBRARY TIMES Upper Froyle 11.15am to 11.25am Lower Froyle 11.30am to 11.45am BENTLEY VILLAGE SURGERY TIMES Dr.J.W.A. Moore and Dr.M.Way Telephone calls taken from 8.30 a.m. every morning Tel.22106 for an appointment. Monday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Tuesday 8.30 - 11.00am Closed Wednesday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Thursday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Friday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Branch Surgeries Tuesday 5.00 - 6.00pm* Froyle Village Hall *No appointments necessary. PLEASE NOTE Closure of Surgery on Saturday Morning and at Binsted (Monday)

BENTLEY, BINSTED & FROYLE CARE GROUP If you should need this service simply call Bentley 23440. For the Farnham Shopping Bus - contact Mrs. Turner on Bentley 473062. FROYLE VILLAGE MAGAZINE

DECEMBER/JANUARY 2006/7 No:317 PARISH NEWS & VIEWS Parish Clerk - Philippa Cullen Stephenson Crabtree Gate, Well Lane, Lower Froyle Tel:01420 520102

The Froyle Players 2007 production of

Will be held on Friday 26th January at 7.30, Saturday 27th January at 2.30 & 7.30 at the Newton-Davis Hall (by kind permission of the Governors) . Tickets go on sale from the 1st December and can be obtained from the Box Office (or Kim, as we call her) by calling 01420 23315. Tickets range from £3 to £6 and all profits go to the Treloar Trust. The Scarlet Pumpernickel is a fun packed, family Pantomime, set against a backdrop of the French revolution (think along the lines of “Carry On” meets “Blackadder”). As in all Pantomimes the audience are a big part of the cast, so please come along and support your Village Panto and help “Sir Percy Breakneck” and his chums defeat the Evil “Citizen Chauvelin” from doing what Evil baddies do best, in this case, amongst other things, banning “Mayor Legrooms” Boules! Much to “Mimi Blancmanges Horror. DECK THE HALL We shall be decorating the Village Hall Christmas Tree on Friday, December 1st, during The Meeting Place. If anyone would care to help us, we would be most grateful. Annette & Chris Booth HEDGES, VERGES AND BONFIRES Froyle Parish Council and the Village Hall Committee would like to thank Tony Goodsell and Scribelands for not only their work in cutting the hedges and verges in the village, but for the loan of the loader which made the bonfire building much easier. Mick Wells, Chairman Froyle Parish Council

-1- FROYLE VILLAGE HALL Bookings : Maureen Fry, Bentley 22557 HIRERS OF THE VILLAGE HALL Will hirers please make doubly sure that heating is shut off, lights, especially the gents and ladies toilets, are turned off, curtains opened and kitchen and front doors locked. Please return the key through the letterbox of Chapel Cottage as soon as your session has ended NO MATTER WHAT THE TIME.

If you have any comments, queries or complaints about the hall OTHER THAN BOOKINGS please contact the Village Hall’s Housekeeper, Annette Booth, on 22364. PLEASE NOTE THAT, AS A RESULT OF MISUSE AND DAMAGE, WE NO LONGER LOAN TABLES AND CHAIRS FOR OUTSIDE USE.

FROYLE ‘100 CLUB’ DRAW November 1st - Mrs T. Lucas (21); 2nd - Mrs G. Knight (80); 3rd - Mrs S. Carr (36) John Cresswell

NEW MEMBERS NEEDED! Unfortunately some people move and some sadly pass away so I anticipate some vacancies! Please do ring me if you would like to join from January next; £1 a month, £12 a year; with 100 members this raises £1200, £600 goes towards the upkeep of your Village Hall, the other £600 is distributed as prize money of £50 monthly - £30 (1st), £15 (2nd), £5 (3rd), so the odds of winning are good (in theory anyway). The draw each month is made at The Meeting Place. John Cresswell 23218

FROYLE LADIES GROUP We had a brief but successful A.G.M. The club is now in a better financial position due to the generosity of speakers this year and a 2nd successful Jumble Sale. The committee remains unchanged. We ended with the customary Cheese & Wine Party. On December 6th we will be having our Christmas meal cooked for us. Could we assemble at the Village Hall at 7.15 for 7.30 & PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN DRINKS. Enjoy! BJM

-2- The Christmas Meeting Place We do hope you will be able to join us on Friday, 22nd December, any time from 9.30am until 12.00noon, when we shall be getting into the Christmas spirit! Once more, we shall be serving MULLED WINE, as well as our usual tea and coffee, for those who prefer it. This will be accompanied by mince pies, cakes and savouries. Music and Carol Singing are on the agenda and there will be our usual raffle. If you are not a regular helper or cake maker and feel you would like to contribute to The Meeting Place, we would be very grateful for either a small raffle prize, or a promise of mince pies, savouries etc. We hope you will find a few moments at this very busy time of year to pop in, along with friends or family, and share the happiness and friendship of a real village Christmas. Before this, on Friday, December 1st, we shall be decorating the Christmas Tree in the Village Hall - all helpers gratefully welcomed!!

CAKE BAKERS FOR DECEMBER December 1 Ann Roberts Anne Andrew Jo Mills 8 Cecily Robertson Lauraine Bourne Kath Rhodes 15 June Trim Anne Wetherall Nancy Rowson 22 Any offers of sandwiches, savouries, cakes etc.

HELPERS FOR DECEMBER December 1 Cecily Robertson 8 Margaret Stanford 15 Maria Jefferson 22 Elizabeth Sealey & Jean Norkett We shall be back as normal on Friday December 29th. Annette Booth (22364) There will be a CHRISTMAS PRODUCE Sales table at the Meeting Place on Friday 15th December. On sale will be cakes, pastries (mince pies), preserves and chutneys. Ann Figgins

IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO MEETING PLACE MUMS Money is so tight at The Meeting Place this year (we paid for all the Hall re- decoration!) and as the numbers of children are rising, I would be grateful if you could help Santa with his presents. Perhaps you could ring me for more information, or catch me on Fridays. This really is important as I would hate any child to be disappointed on December 22nd. Annette Booth 22364

-3- FROYLE GARDENING CLUB Mr Peter Chivers was our November speaker showing us some interesting slides from shows and gardens from around the area. Our next meeting will be our A.G.M. on Friday 8th December at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. After the business side of the evening, tea, coffee and mince pies will be served and there will be a slide show of member’s photographs of our trip to Monet’s garden. Please do come and put forward your ideas for the future of the club. June Trim

NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Froyle is very lucky that Colin Gray, our local police contact, is very keen that ANYBODY noticing something suspicious should contact him directly on his mobile (07979076264). Perhaps for this reason the Neighbourhood Watch scheme has been pretty dormant over the last few years. It is important to keep the scheme going, if for no other reason that some insurance companies offer discounts where a scheme exists in the area! To keep going more local coordinators are needed, particularly from the Upper Froyle and Westburn Fields/Barnfield Close areas. If you are interested in becoming (or continuing to be) a local coordinator and so help keep this important village service, please contact Peter Bradley (520484) or John Thursfield (23294).

ST MARY’S TEXTILES Last month, we were delighted to receive a handsome cheque from The Mercers’ Company. This grant means that we can now send two of our much loved and much used vestments off to a professional textile conservator (before they completely fall to pieces!). The first item will be a fiddle-back shaped French Chasuble. Thought to be circa 1740-50, it is made of ivory silk and richly embroidered with gold and silver thread, wire and sequins. The next vestment is a Cope and it has been booked in for late 2007. Made in rose pink silk with gold thread brocade and gold lace, it is believed to be 18th Century and of Spanish origin. All the Textile Restoration Studio workshops have long waiting lists but we have received enormous help from Sarah Howard the Textile Conservator for Hampshire County Museum Services. Jean Norkett (22591)

-4- IMPORTANT NOTICE CONCERNING FROYLE VILLAGE MAGAZINE Twenty eight years ago Annette was asked by the then Vicar if she would produce the Parish Magazine. She began with edition number 34, produced on a Banda machine, then moved on to a Roneo duplicator and, since 1993, the Magazine has been produced by a Desktop Publishing program. You are reading this in edition 317 and the time has come to hand over the reins to a new team as Annette & Chris will be ceasing publication of the Froyle Village Magazine with the March 2007 edition, which marks the end of the magazines year. Froyle Parish Council, who fund the magazine which, as you know, is delivered free to every household in Froyle, is looking for someone (or a group) to take over the job of producing this valuable village resource from March 1st 2007. If anyone wants to find out exactly what is involved in getting the existing magazine to ‘press’ please contact Annette (22364). If you think you would like to take on this very worthwhile task, please contact the Clerk of Froyle Parish Council, Philippa Cullen Stevenson (520102). We will keep you updated on the progress of this in the New Year, but if no-one is found to take this on, the March magazine will be the last. Annette & Chris Booth (for Froyle PC)

The Anchor, Lower Froyle Many of you will have noticed that “The Anchor” has changed hands. It has been bought by the same company that run “The Peat Spade” Inn at Longstock, just to the north of Stockbridge. A group of villagers, including representatives of the Parish Council, were invited to meet the new owners last month (November). Those of you who have internet access can visit the “Peat Spade” website at and there is also a link from the Froyle website at We also have received, thanks to David Snow, the following statement from the new owners:- The Anchor will be of a similar standard as The Peat Spade Inn. The work will not commence until after the New Year, as we want to get through Christmas here first. We are looking to be open approx March 2007. I hope that will not be too long a wait for you, but please do come and introduce yourselves at that time. Clair Saunders, The Peat Spade Inn Longstock, Stockbridge, Hampshire

Visit Froyle on the Internet at

-5- THE REFECTORY AT WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL A huge thank you to everyone who has helped this year especially the newcomers - 17 different Froyle ladies. A team of 8 - 10 ladies goes from Froyle to help in the restaurant at Winchester Cathedral three times a year. In 2007 the dates will be in January, May & October. It will be hard work, but fun - definitely different! I hope all the present helpers will continue but I would love to hear from anyone new - either for a 4 hour shift or all day! Anyone interested (not already on my list) contact Margaret Stanford (22139), and I can explain all! Just one stint a year would be a real help.

ADVANCE NOTICE LENT LUNCHES Ash Wednesday is 21st February 2007. So please will all soup makers start thinking up new recipes! All details in the February Village Magazine. Margaret Stanford.

NAOMI HOUSE CHILDREN’S HOSPICE COFFEE MORNING “Oklahoma” Lower Froyle 10am - 12noon Saturday 2nd December Christmas Cards, Cake & Raffle

LOST Missing cat, male 2 year old light grey tabby last seen on Tuesday 12th October, called Milo. We would be very greatful if any could let us know if you have seen him or have any information. Jessica would be very happy to have him home as she misses him very much. Thank you, Samuel Chiverton, 01420 525318

-6- BONFIRE NIGHT THANKS The Village Hall Committee would like to take this opportunity of thanking EVERYONE who was in any way involved in ensuring that our Bonfire Night Celebrations went with a bang - and they certainly did that!

Thanks also to those of you who supported the evening financially. At a time when the Village Hall has just completed an expensive upgrade and re-furbishment, your donations were very welcome.

FROYLE VILLAGE HALL 2007 (and beyond) On Friday, October 20th, Ferris Cowper (Leader of East Hants District Council) , Mark Kemp-Gee (our Hampshire County Councillor) , Mick Wells (Chairman of Froyle Parish Council) and Pat Morris (Chairman of Froyle Village Hall Committee) unveiled plaques at a short ceremony to mark the official opening of the Village Hall extension. This project, which has taken four years to realise, provides an essential disabled toilet and a much more attractive entrance to the hall. The completion means that, at the Village Hall’s AGM in May 2007, four of the six elected members of the Village Hall Committee will not be standing for re-election. During the time the project has been running the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Vice Chairman have been re-elected automatically to maintain continuity - in fact the rules of the Committee were waived in order to do this. It was always understood that, once work was completed, Pat Morris, Annette Booth, Sue Carr and Chris Booth would retire. Between us, we have clocked up some seventy years on the Village Hall Committee, so it is time to hand the reins over to a new team. The Committee has six elected members, plus representatives from the various village organisations who are users of the Hall. So, in May, we shall need four new additions to the Committee which will also have to select new officers for the posts of Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary - the Vice Chairman’s post is not essential. If those amongst you who would be interested in taking a role in the running of a facility described in our grant application as “The Hub of the Community” want to find out what is involved, they can contact the retiring Secretary, Annette Booth on 22364. Obviously, to achieve a smooth transition, it would be most helpful for potential Committee members to make themselves known early in the New Year. Pat Morris, Chairman, Froyle Village Hall Committee

-7- BENTLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL November 2006 The school is getting ready for its Christmas celebrations with both infants and lower juniors doing separate plays that will hopefully play to packed audiences. Children in Years 4, 5 and 6 have had the opportunity to visit Eggars for ICT and Drama lessons. Years 5/6 enjoyed a memorable afternoon watching a Theatre production of Sir Isaac Newton. 6-7pm has seen many of our keen footballers enjoying their Sports Hall facilities for 6 a-side football. The PTFA Bonfire was a great success with the weather being ideal. Hundreds of people attended and all the refreshments were sold out. The fireworks were the best ever and were paid for by Hamptons. The school also wish to thank the Parish Council for paying the insurance bill. The following Friday saw a very successful table top/craft fair organised by Deborah Robinson. Many children and parents were kind enough to send in contributions for ‘Love in a Box’ and more than 70 of these were sent from the school. Children in Need was another event thoroughly enjoyed by the children - both coming in mufti and various things organised by the children themselves. The school has been adopted by Alton Cricket Club for the Chance to Shine Scheme in the Summer Term. This will provide our youngsters with at least 3 hours of quality cricket coaching a week. Current Year 5 and 6 are enjoying basketball coaching from a qualified coach provided by EHDC. Our X-Country teams won both the boys and girls events at the recent Alton Competition held at Eggars. Indeed we had the winners of both individual events - Rosanna Stewart the girls and Alex Small the boys. The children and staff of Bentley School would like to wish all readers a Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for 2007.

Book Ideas for Christmas Books about Froyle from The Froyle Archive Don’t forget that we now have the millennium book “Froyle, 100 years of Memories” as an e-book on CD-ROM, and, in the process, it has gained the added bonus of becoming searchable. The price remains the same, at £9.99. We still have plenty of copies of our second book, “A Village School”, in hardback, at the same price - if you would like a copy of either (or both!), contact Annette Booth on 01420 22364 or at The Meeting Place on a Friday morning.

-8- Dear Residents of Froyle How is your Christmas preparation going? If you are like me, each year I have good intentions of getting everything ready well before time but the reality is that it never happens! Our popular Mansion House concert was held this year on Monday 6th November. This was a very special concert for us as this was the last major event that the Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman David Brewer, would attend for his Lord Mayor’s Appeal. The evening’s concert brought down the curtain on a busy programme of 66 events in support of Treloar’s. They ranged from auctioning a rusty nail on e-bay to our attempt to break the world record for Pass the Parcel! The programme began with an introduction from ITN newscaster Alastair Stewart OBE and featured students from Treloar’s School and College, the famous Sylvia Young Theatre School and The Elastic Band, a very lively mini orchestra from the Royal College of Music. School’s Head Girl, Jessica, started the evenings entertainment by performing her poem “Extraordinary Autumn” followed by College student Jordan reading a poem that had been composed by a group of students at College. Finally, School Head Boy, Christian, presented the Lord Mayor with a gift as a thank you for all the hard work, over the last year, that he and the Lady Mayoress have put in on our behalf. Our thanks to everyone who helped make this a wonderful evening. Symbol of the month - “Animals?”

Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year Chris Huffam If you should wish to contact me I can be reached at the Treloar Trust, telephone number 01420 526405 or e-mail [email protected] More Book Ideas for Christmas A Cookery Book to Inspire You ‘Aga Easy’ by my great friend Lucy Young has just been published and includes a recipe called Lower Froyle Ginger Pork! Lucy has worked for 16 years as assistant to Mary Berry and this is her second cookery book. The book does include conventional oven techniques and timings, so not just for Aga owners. The book costs £20 and would make a great Christmas present. Please call me if you would like to buy a personally signed copy of the book. Katrine, 01420 22121

-9- WANTED: COMMUNITY PLACEMENTS FOR STUDENT POLICE OFFICERS Would your organisation like to be involved in the training of your local police officers? is looking for community placements for student police officers throughout Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. The Initial Police Learning and Development Programme (IPLDP) is a student officer training programme, which produces externally accredited, competent and community focussed police officers at best value. Students spend five days with an organisation observing and taking part in activities involving the local community. The aim of the programme is to give student officers an understanding of other organisations, diverse communities and groups within their police area, thereby increasing trust and improving police performance. The concept of the community placement is to fully immerse the student officer within an organisation engaged with hard to reach and diverse members of the community. During the placement they will learn how the organisation works, and how the police service can work in partnership with the organisation and the communities it serves. The programme started in May and has proven very successful. The programme coordinators have received a number of great comments from both students and organisations. A worker at Devereux House, a residential home said “It was almost like losing a member of staff when he went and I hope he enjoyed his stay with us as much as we enjoyed having such a pleasant capable young man. It was a very refreshing experience.” A student police officer who completed their placement at Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth said, “The knowledge I have gained will give me awareness in my role as a Police Officer that I will make use of whenever I am dealing directly with member of the public. I will be careful never to make assumptions about a situation or person based on how they at first appear. I have realized that people can change quite quickly based on one or two words in conversation.” You can decide how often you would like a student police officer to join your team and there is no cost to the host organisation. An assessment is carried out on the student officer to ensure that they will be placed somewhere that will benefit them. The assessment is based on the individuals personal interests, background and work experience and the aim is to put each student into a brand new environment. An officer at Vitalise, a respite facility for disabled people and their carers, who currently take part in the scheme said, “May the link between the trainee officers and ourselves continue for a long time, as I feel it is beneficial to all concerned.” For more details about the programme please contact The Community Engagement Co-ordinator on 023 8074 5081 or email [email protected]


Local Outside Commercial

Morning £12.00 £18.00 £25.00 (9am - 1pm) Afternoon £12.00 £18.00 £25.00 (1pm - 6pm) Evening £12.00 £25.00 £36.00 (6pm - 10pm) Extended Evening £25.00 £50.00 £75.00 (6pm - 11:59pm) All Day £30.00 £50.00 £100.00 (9am - 10pm) All Day £45.00 £80.00 £120.00 (9am - 11:59pm) Daytime Private Party £15.00 £30.00 Evening Private Party £25.00 £50.00 All Day Private Party £60.00 £100.00 (9am - 11.59pm) A deposit of £25 (Childrens parties) and £50 (Adult parties) is required on placing a booking Art & Drawing Classes at Outside Rate September 2005

BABYSITTING AROUND FROYLE My name is Caroline and I am 16 years old. I am currently a student at Alton College training to be an early year’s practitioner. I have 2 weeks work experience with children and am going on to do further work experience with children. I am available on Mondays and Fridays after 3 o’clock and Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday I am free after 5.30pm. I am also available anytime on Sunday. If you require babysitting then please call me on 07776014496. Many thanks, Caroline Gould

-11- THE SMALL ADS Drop your advert, along with £1, into Little Greystones before the deadline and we’ll include it in the Magazine! FOR SALE

Peruvian Secrets Hand crafted Alpaca Silver & Gemstone Jewellery all under £10 Also Shell Necklaces from Bali and Real Silver Earrings See my collection at The Meeting Place or host a party? Annette Booth 22364

Lovely Selection of Cards, Wrapping Paper & Notelets Jo Mills 01420 22384

For Sale - seasoned mixed wood Log rings(unsplit) £58 per pickup full Split Logs £65 per pickup full Kindling £4 per bag Delivered to your door Tel: Kendra 01420 23074/07940 048106

FREE HORSE MANURE in Lower Froyle, in various stages of rotting, free to collector. Phone Philippa on 01420 23216

FOR SALE: ELECTRIC RIDE-ON CHEROKEE JEEP £50(negotiable) Spacious 2 seater with rechargeable battery and charger. Features include forward & reverse gears, seatbelts, engine & horn sounds. Very good condition. Tel: Sharon on 01420 23726


DESPERATE HOUSEWIFE SEEKS LAWNMOWER MAN (person) Needed, someone to mow the grass and generally to keep the lawn edged and tidy. Small formal lawn, and larger rougher area. Approx. 8 hrs per month. Mower provided. To start as soon as grass starts growing again. Please contact Lori Taylor on 22148

-12- SERVICES Christmas Cake, Iced Rich Fruit, Iced Sponge, Chocolate Log, Carrot Cake with cream cheese frosting, Christmas Pudding & Mince Pies etc. Frozen or freshly baked Two days notice, or larger orders five days Call in and pick up a list or phone Ann Figgins 01420 22220

General Building & Property Maintenance E.J.Hatcher 9 Barnfield Close, Lower Froyle, Alton, Hants GU34 4LY Tel: 01420 22333/520146 Mobile: 07904668463

Elaine Karlson Driving Instructor. Friendly & Patient Tuition Locally Based. Tel: 07879 450046

N. Brown Window & Daily Office Cleaning Service Houses, Offices and Factories Office Cleaning, Carpet Shampooing 4 Nedfield Terrace Lower Froyle Alton Hants GU34 4LH Tel. 01420 82119/23302 Mobile 0780 8631014

Perfect Puddings From an apple pie to zabaglione, a lunch or a dinner party, or a freezerful of dishes for a busy family occasion. Let me help you!, Susie Robertson 01420 520820

Karen Hatcher Personal Training, fitness classes, Sports Massage Ideal to alleviate symptoms of stress, muscle soreness, tension etc 9 Barnfield Close, Lower Froyle, Alton, Hants GU34 4LY For more information contact Tel: 01420 520146 Mobile: 07759667219

Garden Designs to enhance any garden - Plans, planting plans and supply of plants. Tamsin Saunders 0777 852 8063

Furry Friends Hotel - Boarding for Small Animals Rabbits, hamsters, rats, gerbils, mice, guinea pigs, chipmunks, chinchillas, ferrets, birds, goldfish etc Rates based on cage size - local collection and delivery available Phone Simon on 07775 672946 or 01256 389782

-13- St Mary’s Church Notes

Vicar The Reverend James Croft Tel: 01420 83240 Churchwardens Mrs.J.Dundas Brocas Farm, Lower Froyle Tel: 01420 520279 Mr.C.Barter 2 Rookery Cottages, Mill Court, Upper Froyle Tel: 01420 23169 Chaplain, Treloar Trust The Rev’d. Canon Edward Pruen SERVICES FOR DECEMBER 1st Sunday in month Eucharist 8.00 a.m. Family Service 9.30 a.m. All other Sundays Eucharist 11.00 a.m. Sunday December 24th Eucharist 8.00 a.m. in place of the usual 11.00 a.m. service 9.30 a.m. morning service at Holybourne

Advent Service of Light Sunday December 3rd 6.30pm Christmas Carol Service Sunday December 17th 6.00pm, collection to Naomi House Christmas Eve Service for Children Sunday December 24th 5.30pm collection to Naomi House Midnight Service Sunday December 24th 11.30pm Christmas Day Eucharist Monday December 25th 11am

ST MARY’S FLOWER ROTA FOR DECEMBER December 3rd Advent Sunday 25th Christmas Day The Congregation

Holybourne Services each month 1st Sunday in month Parish Eucharist 11.00 a.m. Other Sundays Communion 8.00 a.m. Parish Eucharist 9.30 a.m.

-14- THE VIEW FROM THE VICARAGE Dear All,All,Dear This is just a short introduction to Ed’s Letter. It is simply to wish everybody in Froyle a very happy Christmas and New Year. Please hold the Holy Land in your thoughts and prayers at this time and all who work for peace and justice there. With all good wishes James “O Little Town of Bethlehem ….” I have recently spent ten extraordinary days with the Amos Trust * visiting Israel and the West Bank. We were privileged to have a Palestinian guide who enabled us to face up to some of the horrors of what is happening there. Going behind the scenes of the Land we once called Holy was a shocking experience. Nothing can prepare you for the nightmare of modern day Hebron, the resting place of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and others, names sacred to Muslims, Christians and Jews. There I experienced being attacked by Zionist extremists, I met families with loved ones in prison without trial, and children who have been tortured. Modern day Bethlehem has now been under siege for over five years. It is almost completely surrounded by the monstrous apartheid wall. The Israeli authorities are building what they call a security fence. But in reality it is a 700 kilometre, 9 metre high wall of concrete ugliness that eats its way through Palestinian communities. It divides them from their families, schools, hospitals and places of worship and work. Consequently there is malnutrition in Bethlehem. I stood in the Shepherd’s fields where the Angels announced peace and goodwill to all. But the apartheid wall has ripped its way through the olive groves even here. Near the birthplace of Jesus, I spent some time in a refugee camp talking with families and children. They showed me their front door keys, but they belonged to their original homes from one of the 400 villages destroyed in 1948. They long to return from exile. I thought of Jesus. I met families whose homes had been deemed “security threats” and had been destroyed during the night by Caterpillar D9s. Many of the fathers had been imprisoned because they had refused to pay the bill for the bulldozers. I thought of Jesus, with nowhere to lay his head. But we also visited one of the luxurious but illegal Settlements. It separates Bethlehem from Jerusalem. There are shopping malls, leisure centres, libraries and a museum celebrating “a history of tolerance”. (Although that particular museum is built on top of a Moslem cemetery). To visit the Land of the Holy One was a stunning, terrifying, beautiful, life-changing but traumatic experience. I took sides, but I took sides with those who work for peace, whatever faith they belong to. For me, Christmas will never be the same again and I will never be able to sing “O Little Town of Bethlehem” without remembering the generous, compassionate and extraordinary people I met there. Some were Jews, some were Moslems, and many were Christians who ask to be remembered to you. And we must remember them. And I ask you to pray for these “Living Stones” this Christmas, that ultimately goodness and laughter, peace and compassion, joyfulness and forgiveness will have the last word. Canon Ed Pruen, Chaplain for the Treloar Trust *

-15- DECEMBERDECEMBERDECEMBER Details of these events appear in the Magazine



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THE NEXT VILLAGE MAGAZINE The deadline for the February Magazine is Monday, 15th January. Please deliver copy or disk to Little Greystones, Lower Froyle, fax us on 08714338956 before the 15th, or you can e-mail us at [email protected]. Anything received after the 15th will, unfortunately, not be included and will be held over until the March 2007 Magazine. May we take this opportunity to wish all those who contribute to, deliver, or read the Village Magazine, where ever you are in the world, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Chris & Annette Booth


USEFUL NAMES AND PHONE NUMBERS Clerk to Froyle Parish Council - Philippa Cullen Stephenson - 01420 520102 District Councillor - David O’Donnell - 01420 489711 (New number) Editor, Froyle Village Magazine - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Alton Police - 0845 045 45 45 Community Beat Officer - P.C.Colin Gray (mobile) - 07979076264 Froyle Village Hall Committee: Chairman - Pat Morris - 01420 23222 Cancer Research UK - Margaret Stanford - 01420 22139 The Meeting Place - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 League of Friends LMTC - Jo Mills - 01420 22384 Froyle Archive - Chris & Annette Booth - 01420 22364 AFC Froyle - Jason Smith - 01420 521056 Froyle Players - Mark Cray - 01420 22709 Froyle Friends - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Veolia (Recycling) - Sue Jones (sec to John Collis) - 01962 76400 Should you or your club be on this list? Phone 22364 for inclusion MOBILE LIBRARY TIMES Upper Froyle 11.15am to 11.25am Lower Froyle 11.30am to 11.45am BENTLEY VILLAGE SURGERY TIMES Dr.J.W.A. Moore and Dr.M.Way Telephone calls taken from 8.30 a.m. every morning Tel.22106 for an appointment. Monday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Tuesday 8.30 - 11.00am Closed Wednesday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Thursday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Friday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Branch Surgeries Tuesday 5.00 - 6.00pm* Froyle Village Hall *No appointments necessary. PLEASE NOTE Closure of Surgery on Saturday Morning and at Binsted (Monday)

BENTLEY, BINSTED & FROYLE CARE GROUP If you should need this service simply call Bentley 23440. For the Farnham Shopping Bus - contact Mrs. Turner on Bentley 473062. FROYLE VILLAGE MAGAZINE


USEFUL NAMES AND PHONE NUMBERS Clerk to Froyle Parish Council - Philippa Cullen Stephenson - 01420 520102 District Councillor - David O’Donnell - 01420 489711 (New number) Editor, Froyle Village Magazine - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Alton Police - 0845 045 45 45 Community Beat Officer - P.C.Colin Gray (mobile) - 07979076264 Froyle Village Hall Committee: Chairman - Pat Morris - 01420 23222 Cancer Research UK - Margaret Stanford - 01420 22139 The Meeting Place - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 League of Friends LMTC - Jo Mills - 01420 22384 Froyle Archive - Chris & Annette Booth - 01420 22364 AFC Froyle - Jason Smith - 01420 521056 Froyle Players - Mark Cray - 01420 22709 Froyle Friends - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Veolia (Recycling) - Sue Jones (sec to John Collis) - 01962 76400 Should you or your club be on this list? Phone 22364 for inclusion MOBILE LIBRARY TIMES Upper Froyle 11.15am to 11.25am Lower Froyle 11.30am to 11.45am BENTLEY VILLAGE SURGERY TIMES Dr.J.W.A. Moore and Dr.M.Way Telephone calls taken from 8.30 a.m. every morning Tel.22106 for an appointment. Monday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Tuesday 8.30 - 11.00am Closed Wednesday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Thursday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Friday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Branch Surgeries Tuesday 5.00 - 6.00pm* Froyle Village Hall *No appointments necessary. PLEASE NOTE Closure of Surgery on Saturday Morning and at Binsted (Monday)

BENTLEY, BINSTED & FROYLE CARE GROUP If you should need this service simply call Bentley 23440. For the Farnham Shopping Bus - contact Mrs. Turner on Bentley 473062. FROYLE VILLAGE MAGAZINE


USEFUL NAMES AND PHONE NUMBERS Clerk to Froyle Parish Council - Philippa Cullen Stephenson - 01420 520102 District Councillor - David O’Donnell - 01420 489711 (New number) Editor, Froyle Village Magazine - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Alton Police - 0845 045 45 45 Community Beat Officer - P.C.Colin Gray (mobile) - 07979076264 Froyle Village Hall Committee: Chairman - Pat Morris - 01420 23222 Cancer Research UK - Margaret Stanford - 01420 22139 The Meeting Place - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 League of Friends LMTC - Jo Mills - 01420 22384 Froyle Archive - Chris & Annette Booth - 01420 22364 AFC Froyle - Jason Smith - 01420 521056 Froyle Players - Mark Cray - 01420 22709 Froyle Friends - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Veolia (Recycling) - Sue Jones (sec to John Collis) - 01962 76400 Should you or your club be on this list? Phone 22364 for inclusion MOBILE LIBRARY TIMES Upper Froyle 11.15am to 11.25am Lower Froyle 11.30am to 11.45am BENTLEY VILLAGE SURGERY TIMES Dr.J.W.A. Moore and Dr.M.Way Telephone calls taken from 8.30 a.m. every morning Tel.22106 for an appointment. Monday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Tuesday 8.30 - 11.00am Closed Wednesday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Thursday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Friday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Branch Surgeries Tuesday 5.00 - 6.00pm* Froyle Village Hall *No appointments necessary. PLEASE NOTE Closure of Surgery on Saturday Morning and at Binsted (Monday)

BENTLEY, BINSTED & FROYLE CARE GROUP If you should need this service simply call Bentley 23440. For the Farnham Shopping Bus - contact Mrs. Turner on Bentley 473062. FROYLE VILLAGE MAGAZINE


USEFUL NAMES AND PHONE NUMBERS Clerk to Froyle Parish Council - Philippa Cullen Stephenson - 01420 520102 District Councillor - David O’Donnell - 01420 489711 (New number) Editor, Froyle Village Magazine - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Alton Police - 0845 045 45 45 Community Beat Officer - P.C.Colin Gray (mobile) - 07979076264 Froyle Village Hall Committee: Chairman - Pat Morris - 01420 23222 Cancer Research UK - Margaret Stanford - 01420 22139 The Meeting Place - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 League of Friends LMTC - Jo Mills - 01420 22384 Froyle Archive - Chris & Annette Booth - 01420 22364 AFC Froyle - Jason Smith - 01420 521056 Froyle Players - Mark Cray - 01420 22709 Froyle Friends - Annette Booth - 01420 22364 Veolia (Recycling) - Sue Jones (sec to John Collis) - 01962 76400 Should you or your club be on this list? Phone 22364 for inclusion MOBILE LIBRARY TIMES Upper Froyle 11.15am to 11.25am Lower Froyle 11.30am to 11.45am BENTLEY VILLAGE SURGERY TIMES Dr.J.W.A. Moore and Dr.M.Way Telephone calls taken from 8.30 a.m. every morning Tel.22106 for an appointment. Monday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Tuesday 8.30 - 11.00am Closed Wednesday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Thursday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Friday 8.30 - 11.00am 4.00 - 6.00pm Branch Surgeries Tuesday 5.00 - 6.00pm* Froyle Village Hall *No appointments necessary. PLEASE NOTE Closure of Surgery on Saturday Morning and at Binsted (Monday)

BENTLEY, BINSTED & FROYLE CARE GROUP If you should need this service simply call Bentley 23440. For the Farnham Shopping Bus - contact Mrs. Turner on Bentley 473062.