My Nutrition

Diet and

A occurs when may change without warning. It is also someone’s immune system reacts to the important that you are able to manage in shellfish because it thinks it’s cross contamination to be able to choose harmful to the body, which causes a safe . Ask your dietitian for further range of different symptoms. guidance or refer to the NEMO resources Approximately 1% of the population suffer ‘Label reading for ’ and from a shellfish allergy and it usually ‘Allergies and avoiding cross remains a lifelong problem. A shellfish contamination’ for more information on allergy can develop later in life, even if these topics. If you do not feel confident someone has been eating shellfish about how to manage your allergy, talk to without problems for years. your doctor, allergy specialist or dietitian to get further help. Symptoms of an allergic reaction /skin reactions, swelling and My Shellfish allergy management NutritionMy gastrointestinal reactions are some of the NutritionIf you are allergic to shellfish, it does not most common allergic reactions to necessarily mean that you are allergic to shellfish and are considered mild. . This is because the protein in fish is However some people can experience slightly different to the protein in shellfish severe, life threatening reactions to and your body may not react to it the shellfish. This includes , same way. Again because of the small which involves breathing difficulties and differences in the , people that swelling of the throat and tongue. are allergic to (e.g. , , , crawfish, , General allergy management and yabbies) can sometimes tolerate For basic tips to manage your food molluscs (e.g. , , , allergy, check out the NEMO resource calamari, , ). However this ‘Food allergies – general information and cannot be confirmed without a specific management guide’. An important part of allergen test. Do not try different types of managing food allergies is reading all shellfish without consulting your allergy food labels carefully even if it has been specialist. used safely in the past, as ingredients

This is a consensus document from Dietitian/ Nutritionists from the Nutrition Education Materials Online, "NEMO", team. Disclaimer: Developed: September 2017 Copyright: Due for review: September 2019

If you are allergic to shellfish, any foods Remind your doctor and pharmacist containing shellfish should be avoided. about your allergy every time you get The table on page three features foods a new medication. which are naturally shellfish-free, foods • Glucosamine is a popular which may contain shellfish (molluscs and complimentary medication used to crustaceans) and foods which should be relieve joint pain in osteoarthritis. avoided. Made from the shell of some shellfish, it is often said that people who are It is possible for an allergic reaction to allergic to shellfish should avoid this. occur from inhaled cooking vapours or Although the shellfish protein that handling shellfish. Depending on the causes allergic reactions isn’t present severity of your allergy, it may be in the shell, there may still be traces of necessary to avoid areas where shellfish shellfish in the medication. Companies is cooked – your doctor or allergy don’t regularly test glucosamine to specialist can advise what is best for you. check for traces of shellfish. It is also important to remember the risk Vegetarian glucosamine is available of finger-to-mouth contamination. This is which is not made from shellfish when someone puts their hands in their My My products. mouth after touching an allergic food andNutrition Nutrition• Be cautious when purchasing foods accidentally swallows it. This is common that have been cooked in oil (e.g. in children, so it is very important to teach chips, fish) as the oil may have also kids to avoid touching allergens and wash been used to cook shellfish. These their hands well with warm water and traces of shellfish can still cause an soap. allergic reaction, therefore use caution

Other products to be aware of: before eating at restaurants. • • Lotions, shampoos, moisturisers and Individuals with a seafood allergy do similar cosmetic products can contain not have a higher risk of also having food allergens. Depending on what an allergy. This is an old myth your allergy specialist has advised you that has been proven false by many may need to avoid these products. studies. Examples of iodine products include x-ray contrast and topical • Some medications (prescribed and iodine-containing antiseptics (e.g. over-the-counter) and alternative Betadine). therapies can also contain food allergens. These should be avoided. This is a consensus document from Dietitian/ Nutritionists from the Nutrition Education Materials Online, "NEMO", team. Disclaimer: Developed: September 2017 Copyright: Due for review: September 2019

Food group Naturally shellfish-free May contain shellfish Contains shellfish – avoid READ LABEL – any shellfish present will be declared Breads and Oats Bread grains Psyllium husk Breakfast cereals and Rice mueslis Foods from bakeries Barley Baked goods (biscuits, Plain/self-raising flour cakes, scones etc.) Rice paper sheets Pasta and couscous Crackers, corn/rice thins /meat Barbeque chicken Deli fish and (due to All shellfish including: alternatives Eggs risk of cross- , Balmain bugs, Plain, packaged/ tinned contamination) barnacles, clams, , fish Marinated meats, fish and crawfish, crayfish, , Fresh plain meat tofu lobster, marron, molluscs, Plain tofu Sausages (check sauces Moreton Bay bugs, mussels, Vegetarian patties and and flavourings used) octopus, oysters, prawns, sausages Seafood extender , scampi, shrimp Dried/canned legumes (crevette), slugs, sea Falafel , snails, squid (calamari), yabbies Imitation seafood (e.g. seafood sticks) Dairy Cow’s or goat’s Marinated cheeses Soy or almond milk Rice or oat milk My Plain cheese NutritionMy Plain yoghurt Nutrition Milk powder Ice-cream Vegetables Always thoroughly Take-away potato chips wash vegetables (check for beer battered before using. and contaminated oil) All fresh vegetables Premade vegetable/ Canned/frozen potato salad vegetables Fruit Always thoroughly wash fruit before using. All fresh fruit Canned, frozen and dried fruit Fruit juice Sauces, Fats Nut or plant-based oil Shellfish oil and Oils (e.g. olive oil, oil, Marinara sauce sunflower oil, rice bran sauce oil) Pescatore sauce Butter Flavoured oil Worcestershire sauce (contains anchovies)

This is a consensus document from Dietitian/ Nutritionists from the Nutrition Education Materials Online, "NEMO", team. Disclaimer: Developed: September 2017 Due for review: September 2019

Miscellaneous Soft drinks Honey Cuttlefish ink Yeast extract spreads Fish stock (e.g. Vegemite, Marmite) Natural and artificial Gum flavourings Tea and coffee Seafood flavouring (e.g. ) Squid ink Asian and dishes Commercially made pizza Note: This is not a complete list of all foods to avoid but is intended as a helpful aid. It is NOT designed to replace medical advice given by your doctor, allergy specialist or dietitian.

For further information, go to: 3. FSANZ (Food Standards Australia 1. ASCIA (The Australasian Society of and New Zealand): a government Clinical and Allergy): the agency responsible for developing peak professional body of allergy and codes and standards for foods - clinical immunology specialists in Australia. They have lots of resources Disclaimer: available on their website to help with My This resource provides information on the living with an allergy - NutritionMy management of a diagnosed Nutrition – it is not meant to replace advice from 2. Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia: an your doctor, allergy specialist or dietitian. Australian organisation that aims to The food and ingredient lists included in improve awareness of allergies this resource are not exhaustive and may through education and research. They change. Individuals with food allergy assist with managing allergies for should always check food labels each individuals, families, schools, time a product is purchased. workplaces, the government and food

industries. Check out their website ( for further information and to become a member.

This is a consensus document from Dietitian/ Nutritionists from the Nutrition Education Materials Online, "NEMO", team. Disclaimer: Developed: September 2017 Due for review: September 2019