King Felipe Mixes Innovation and Culture on Visit to Malaga
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FREE COPY THE NEWSPAPER FOR Poor officiating SOUTHERN SPAIN robs Romero of Official market leader Audited by PGD/OJD first win as February 17th to 23rd 2017 Malaga coach The Blue and Whites were News 2 Health & Beauty 43 denied a clear penalty as they 22 51 Comment My Home led Villarreal 1-0, finishing the Lifestyle 24 Sport 56 What To Do 37 Classified 62 game with just a point P59 in English Food & Drink 42 Pastimes 70 Crime rate on the Costa rises with more thefts and drug crime Marbella was the town with the largest hike in figures but overall rates in Andalucía went down According to Interior Ministry fig- ures published this week, crime increased on the Costa del Sol and in Malaga province last year, with 78,365 criminal offences commit- ted in 2016, an increase of 2.7 per cent on 2015. Across the Costa del Sol, Marbella saw the most strik- ing rise in crime. However, Malaga province bucks the trend in Anda- lucía overall, where numbers fell. The data released also shows that Spain’s murder rate is the second lowest in the EU. P4 Serial arsonist leaves La Cala de Mijas residents on edge after a string of King Felipe greets crowds outside the new museum in the Aduana building on Wednesday. :: SALVADOR SALAS attacks on cars, containers and properties P6 King Felipe mixes innovation and culture on visit to Malaga :: I. G. Felipe VI opened King Felipe VI was in Malaga on praised the “dynamism” of the city go to waste. Wednesday morning to open the and stressed the importance of the The king made the most of his Men suffering erectile the Foro Transfiere sixth edition of the Foro Transfiere, development of science, technol- trip to Malaga to tour the collections a conference which celebrates in- ogy and innovation in shaping the of art and archaeology in the re- dysfuntion are still not conference before novation shown by research groups future. cently-opened Museo de Málaga. seeing urologists despite touring the and businesses. He also called for measures from He then had time to greet the delays bringing on Speaking at the conference in the the authorities to make sure that crowds who had gathered on the cardiovascular problems P48 Museum of Malaga Malaga congress centre, the king valuable scientific research does not streets outside the museum. P2&3 Bright colours, Experiment studies the flamboyance and the famous Andalusian wit. psychological effects of Carnival season gets the Caminito del Rey under way P24, 25 & 40 A neuromarketing Experts from Fusión have carried company is analysing the out a study on people walking on the Caminito to find out the effect way visitors perceive the the site has on their emotions. famous walkway Three points captured the atten- tion of 90 per cent of visitors. P13 The eye-tracking glasses. :: F. T. 22222222 February 17th to 23rd 2017 NEWS SUR IN ENGLISH King Felipe supports Malaga’s bid to become one of Spain’s key cities in the field of innovation At this week’s Transfiere conference the king called for “precise regulations” so as not to squander scientific progress as well as greater recognition for researchers :: ANTONIO M. ROMERO MALAGA. The king’s presence at the 6th Transfiere conference in Malaga this week served to high- light the city’s position as a bench- mark in Spain for technological in- novation. Felipe VI arrived in Malaga on Wednesday morning and inaugu- rated the conference attended by leading firms in the fields of tech- nology and innovation as well as numerous authorities. In his speech the king described Malaga as a “dynamic” city, whose initiatives, along with more in other Andalusian cities, link this “much- loved” region “clearly and solidly with technological development and innovation”. Felipe VI, accompanied by authorities talks to the managing director of Aertec about the firm’s unmanned aircraft, Tarsis 75. :: Á. CABRERA In a packed theatre in the city’s congress centre, the king’s inaugu- Wednesday’s was the fourth event manned aircraft model, which is al- ral speech was attended by authori- he had taken part in recently related ready being used in some countries ties including the Spanish minister to innovation, science and technol- for defence applications. for Education and Culture, Íñigo ogy, which, in his opinion, proves “The king asked about the tech- Méndez de Vigo; the president of that these fields are “elements that nical features, above all, and showed the Junta de Andalucía, Susana Díaz, permeate our lives and condition that he is very knowledgeable about the secretary of state for Research, our future”. everything to do with aviation,” said Development and Innovation, Car- He praised the progress already the company’s managing director, men Vela; the mayor of Malaga, achieved but warned that this is not Antonio Gómez-Guillamón. Francisco de la Torre, and the presi- the time to “rest on laurels” as there María de los Ángeles Martín Prats, dent of Malaga’s provincial govern- are more challenges ahead. an expert in aeronautical engineer- ment, Elías Bendodo. The king stressed the “key role” ing at the University of Seville, spoke With this captive audience the of the education system and uni- on behalf of the research commu- king seized the opportunity to urge versities in acting as catalysts for nity at the inauguration of the event. the public administrations to cre- young scientific talent. She called for the authorities to de- ate “precise regulations” so that the After the opening ceremony, the velop programmes to prevent “brain great advances made in scientific king toured the stands at the con- drain” out of Spain, and invited the development and research “are not ference. He paid special attention financial sector to invest in research squandered or lost due to a lack of to the display put on by the Malaga- and development “to support new necessary and sustained support”. based aeronautical multinational discoveries”. The head of state pointed out that Aertec, including its Tarsis 75 un- The Transfiere conference took place in the city’s congress centre. :: Á. C. “The time is now,” she said. February 17th to 23rd 2017 3 SUR IN ENGLISH NEWS Provincial road improvement plan to affect forty towns and villages The Diputación is to of last week affects 63 of the 118 all the people who have to use these spend 9.1 million euros roads that make up the network that roads to go to school, to the shops or is the responsibility of the provin- to their homes.” on road improvements, cial authority, whose numbers start Other funds will go towards of which one million will with the letters MA. maintenance and safety improve- go towards barriers, Measures in built-up areas will ments on 80 per cent of roads in the include the installation of barriers, provincial network. The most im- crossings and signposts raised pedestrian crossings, new portant of these schemes is im- in villages signposting and resurfacing of these proved access to Benaoján and re- roads used by both through traffic pairs and improvements in Monte- :: A. M. ROMERO and locals. corto, Cartajima and Júzcar. Vil- MALAGA. The provincial govern- The president of the provincial lanueva de Algaidas, Cuevas de San ment (Diputación) has announced government, Elías Bendodo, said, Marcos and Triana (Vélez-Málaga) a 9.12 million-euro plan to improve “It’s vital to guarantee the safety of will also benefit as well as Casara- Felipe VI admires some of the pieces in the museum. :: S. SALAS roads in numerous parts of the bonela and Antequera. province. The third part of this package of One million of the total will go measures involves repairs to weather towards improving safety on the The scheme is designed damage on 30 roads affected by Janu- The monarch tours the new art stretches of roads that pass through to improve pedestrian ary’s rain and snow. The main areas around 40 towns and villages, mainly safety where roads pass to benefit from this section are the and archaeology museum in the Serranía de Ronda, the Axar- Guadalhorce valley (with 2.8 mil- quía and the Antequera area. through village centres lion euros) and the Serranía de Ronda The project announced at the end (2.1 million). :: I. LILLO MALAGA. King Felipe made the most of his morning in Malaga and went on from the Transfiere con- RUTA DEL SOL BRINGS ference to the new Museum of Malaga that opened in December INTERNATIONAL in the old Aduana building. CYCLISTS TO Crowds lined the streets outside ANDALUCÍA the museum where some had the chance to greet the monarch and even take selfies. It was an exciting start to the The king visited the archaeology Ruta del Sol cycling competition section of the museum before tour- on Wednesday as the first stage ing the fine art collection. set off from Rincón de la Victo- The museum’s director, María ria into the mountains towards Morente, said that Felipe had Granada. Alejandro Valverde fin- shown a great interest in the ex- ished first, ahead of his compa- hibits throughout his visit. triot Alberto Contador who “He asked about a lot of pieces,” came seconds behind in sixth. she said, adding that he had been The king greets the crowds. :: S. S. The second phase on Thursday particularly enthusiastic about took in Jaén province while to- the 19th century paintings. seum and heading for his car. Juan day’s stage will be around Lu- The section recalling the years José Acedo, a photographer from cena before the tour moves to of campaigning and marches to call Álora, took the opportunity to give Seville on Saturday.