Makes Weekdays Strong Days
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November16,1970:Our40thYear:$1.00 Broadcasting THE BUSINESSWEEKLY OF TELEVISION AND RADIO An indecisive fourth quarter ends iffy spot -TV year Fight shapes up on override of political- broadcasting veto Noncommercial broadcasters move into the target zone Promotion experts continue their search for relevancy Screen Gems makes weekdays strong days NOVEMBER 1970 MAGILLA GORILLA Screen Gems (150 color S M T W T F S has other strong 7- minute cartoons) shows that will Premiere week - work successfully tops in its time for you across - period on WPIX, the- board. New York. THE FARMER'S DAUGHTER (101 HUCKLEBERRY half- hours), THE HOUND! YOGI BEAR DONNA REED (276 color SHOW (175 half - 7- minute cartoons) hours), DENNIS THE MENACE (146 half- hours), THE FLINTSTONES FATHER KNOWS (166 -color half - BEST (191 half- hours) hours) and QUICK DRAW McGRAW (135 cartoons). THE FLYING NUN Call us. On a (82 color half- weekday. hou rs) Premiering now in 35 markets. Screen Gems HAZEL (154 color half- hours) A team of professional broadcast journalists presenting clearly and concisely the events and people that affect our lives. It cuts through the froth. Gets to the heart of an issue, problem or statement. The approach is more informal, relaxed,. conversational. Become a part of Washington's first and only... Steve Gilmartin Louis Allen 5:30 & 11:00 PM Joe McCaffrey Jim Steer Fred) Thomas WMALTV THE EVENING STAR BROADCASTING CO. WASHINGTON. D.C. REPRESENTED BY HARRINGTON, RIGHTER & PARSONS. INC. TRUST US This is the Buddah Group's promotional force. We're your most valuable record programming tool. We'll give you honest, up -to -date information on all our records. We'll try never to steer you wrong. It's important that we preserve your trust - it's the only way we can stay hot. (our family) Back row, left to right: Joe Bilello, Barry Abrams, Joe Fields, Stan Najolia, *Art Kass, Johnny Lloyd, *Neil Bogart, Jerry Sharell, Ron Weisner, Emmett Garner, Cecil Holmes. President Center row, left to right: Louie Newman, Richard Smith, Jack Hakim, George Morris, Joel Vance, Freddy "Boom Boom" Cannon. Front row, left to right: Buck Reingold, Ron Mosely, Ed Charles. UNPIN EYEWITNESS NEWS The Leader in the Southwest... Warren Fuiks Jerome Davis KDFW-TV Warren Fulks and Jerome Davis blend their spe- cialities on camera to report the "feeling" behind the "facts" on Channel 4's EYEWITNESS NEWS. Fast moving and informative, EYEWITNESS NEWS covers the Dallas -Ft. Worth market -a sprawling giant that ranks 11th in retail DALLAS -FORT WORTH sales. It's a new kind of newscasting that is making news! Con- The Dallas tact your H R representative for availabilities. Times Herald Station VES R. BOX, President represented nationally by ClosedCirci/it. Downhold year that global sales of their product compared performances of stations in will hit $100- million mark or better it. same markets in terms of news, public Because he feels executive departments sales reached estimated affairs and in- and independent agencies are spending International "other" (agricultural, million in 1969, and spurt in fea- too much for too little on public rela- $94 structional and religious) programing. ture -film business this year is expected And no one is prepared to say what tions, President Nixon has directed sharp to bring sales to magic $100 -million commission's next step will be, although curtailment of promotional expeditures level. Sales of filmed series are expected Chairman Dean Burch has indicated in fiscal 1971. Memorandum to all de- to remain at about $60 million, but fea- agency will seek to develop new, sharply partment and agency heads states that ture volume may run as high as $42 defined criteria for use in processing George P. Shultz, director of Office of million, up from estimated $34 million renewal applications. Management and Budget, has been in- in 1969. In sidebar report, Dr. Barry Cole, structed to cut funds of each agency special consultant on renewal -overhaul for broadcasting, advertising, exhibits, project, presented analysis of prime - films, publications, and similar efforts. Woman in wings? time public -affairs programing by sta- President makes clear he is hitting at In knowledgeable Washington quarters tions in top-50 markets. Analysis, drawn excessive promotions, fancy publications there's more and more talk that nomi- from TV Guide week of Oct. 10, report- and extravagant exhibits aimed at lim- nation of Sherman Unger to FCC will edly showed that of 150 network affili- ited audiences. Cabinet members and be withdrawn and vacancy left until it ates, 69 carried no public affairs, local agency chairmen are ordered personally can be filled by Representative Charlotte or network. to implement directive so it is not cir- Reid (R- III.). Mrs. Reid can't join FCC now: Constitution bars member of Con- cumvented through changes in position Who's in charge? or titles or reallocation of resources in- gress from moving to other federal job tended for other purposes. Question created or improved during that con- Appeals -court decision rapping FCC for arises whether directive also covers far- gressional term. (FCC salaries were paying more attention to Atlanta listen- ranging speaking tours such as those raised during this term.) She could go ers concerned about losing classical - indulged in by some members of inde- after resigning from next Congress to music station in sale of WGKA -AM -FM pendent agencies -including FCC. which she was elected two weeks ago. Atlanta (BROADCASTING, Nov. 2) is al- As of late Friday Mr. Unger was still ready having repercussions. Commission staff has asked Juan Racing Asso- Easy pickings in limbo to which he was consigned San soon after his nomination went to Senate ciation what it plans to do about 100- Reporters on assignment from national nearly four months ago. White House 150 complaints received regarding asso- desk of Washington Post have been dig- put hold on his confirmation after it ciation's proposed purchase (for $175,- ging into television- station records to learned he was in dispute with Internal 000) of WKAT -FM Miami. FM, now find out how much was spent on TV Revenue over tax return. under common ownership with WKAT- advertising for candidates in several (AM), duplicates that outlet 50% of heavily contested races for Senate U.S. Erratic record time and programs classical music other in recent election. Some broadcasters 50 %. Association plans to install good - whose stations have been visited say re- This year's slowdown in advertising has music format -which it uses at its porters have no orders to dig as deeply imposed some strange patterns on broad- WJMD(FM) Washington and WKLS(FM) into other types of spending in same cast- billing charts of individual agencies. Atlanta -and replace old monaural campaigns. Fear is that finished article Some that registered big gains in 1969 equipment with stereo gear. will distort TV costs in relation to others -and often for years before that -are But protesters, alerted by Miami Her- and be published in time to influence showing equally big, and in some cases ald columnist, don't want to lose even congressional vote to override President bigger, declines this year. Some are half- station with classical music. So as- Nixon's veto of political- broadcasting turning 1969 declines into 1970 ad- sociation is now attempting to decide bill, aimed exclusively at broadcast vances, and here and there one has whether to change format to provide media (see page 26). added big gain to relatively small one for some classical music, attempt all- Post reporters and editors say they last year, but gains on whole are on classical format for six -month trial picked on TV costs because other fig- modest side. This may be changed when period to determine whether station can ures are harder to come by. By FCC count is completed, but returns proc- be operated profitably on that basis, or rule stations must exhibit records of essed thus far in BROADCASTING'S annual throw in towel. political broadcasting to anyone who agency-billings report divide almost shows up and asks. Reporters searching equally between those showing gains Inflation for comparable estimates for spending and those showing losses. Report will on billboards, newspaper ads, throw- appear in Nov. 23 issue. Not all Washingtonians will be happy aways or anything else can only go to about recent high -priced player acquisi- political organizations -which are prac- tions of Senators baseball team owner, Loaded for what? Mr. work, ticed in hiding such details. Among Robert Short. If Short's plans FCC staff has tab for Denny and Flood states where Post team is working are completed massive study McLain Curt California, New York, Florida, Indiana, of television program service in top-50 will, in part, be passed along to broad- and Texas. markets -first step in plan to overhaul casters in bigger rights demands in 1971. commission's renewal procedures Senators last summer got around $350,- (BROADCASTING, Oct. 12) -and pre- 000 for both full radio schedule and Flicks abroad sented findings to commission in meet- curtailed TV slate. One figure for 1971 U.S. distributors of TV programs abroad ing Thursday (Nov. 12). Officials de- reported unofficially is $10,000 per are optimistic that 1970 may be first clined to divulge results of study, which game for 30 -game TV schedule alone. BROADCASTING, November 16, 1970: Vol. 79, No. 20 Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to BROADCASTING, 1735 DeSales Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036 tie football games are for the birds" WTOP TV sports commentator The Big News. WTOP News is a different, and Warner Wolf says what he thinks. WTOP TV's Big News is a unique better, approach to television news ..