Allentown Area Corvette Club, Inc. ‘Vetter’s Letter February 2017 Volume 24, Issue 02 President Laura Hegyi From the val Office 610-730-2695
[email protected] Hello Corvette Enthusiasts, Vice-President Mike Cutro It’s hard to believe that the first month of 2017 is behind us. As we 610-365-8659 begin February, this also marks the beginning of two meetings per Secretary Carol Jenkins month (again, the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays). This schedule runs through Novem‐ 610-317-9277 ber. We are also one month closer to Spring. Treasurer Janet Mohring Speaking of Spring, our 16th annual Springfest Corvette Show is a mere three 610-965-8593 months away. On May 7th, we return to DeSales University! Please support Joe Membership Marty & Laura Hegyi and Denise Iervolino as they chair this event for the first time. Begin to think of 610-730-2846 items for our all‐important tricky tray auction. Gift cards to grocery stores or res‐
[email protected] taurants, oil changes, car detailing supplies, wine baskets, and anything else you Activities Mike Cutro can think of are truly appreciated. 610-365-8659
[email protected] Although our Corvettes are in hibernation for the winter, Mike Cutro and the Merchandise & Clothing Activities Committee have several indoor (non‐Corvette) events planned for the Marge Wakeling
[email protected] coming months. Please read this newsletter for further details. NCM Ambassador I hope to see everyone at one or more of our upcoming meetings and events. Rich Ringhoffer 610-867-6494 Be safe and Save the Wave! Newsletter & Web Editors Kevin & Michelle Minnich Laura Hegyi 610-530-0923 Laura Hegyi
[email protected] AACC President Webmaster Michelle Minnich 610-530-0923
[email protected] AACC Meetings The Allentown Area Corvette Club meets at 8:00 pm at the Best Western Lehigh Valley Hotel & Conference Center, Sponsored by: 300 Gateway Drive Bethlehem, PA 18017.