William H. Evartai was once goin. , AtrOTJST 1TC.OWEB. EAMMONTOH up tbe elevator at the State Departmeo "It ia a surprising fact." says Pro R-I'P-A'N-S . Houton, "that in toy travels in all parts Manufacturer and Dealer In Directory. which was loaded with npplicanta fo of tbe world, for the last ten, years,! baw appointment aa minietora and consuls met more peopl* having used Green' EEriaiois. Tarninc to a friend who accompanied August Flower than auy_Pther remed The modern stand- bito, Mr. Evatta said: "This ia-tb for dyspepsia, deranged liver and atom BAPTIST. Rev. T, H. Athey, pastor; Bun ach, and for constipation. I find ffl Posts, Pickpts, etc. day Borvicos: Preaching 10 30,Bunday-»choo largest collection for foreign mission ard Family Medi- tourists and ealeamon, or for persons fit 3ERBY OBATES. 11.46, Junior 0. E. S.OO p.m., Chrlitlan En- that I have seen takeu up for eom ing,offlce positiona, where beadaohoa an d*wor(f.30, Preaching J,30. Weekday puye cine: Cutest the Ejecting Thursday evening 7.30. Boyi Br time." general bad feelings from irregular tab Folsora, N. J. gedo; need Wednesday , in S. of V. Hall its exist, that Green's August Flower i common every-day A smart little boy IB (or was, rather] . CATHOLIC, ST. JOBEPU'H. ROT. — a grand remedy; It does not Injure th rector. Sunday mass 10.89 a. m., vespers a ambitious to be a postman. A shot system by frequent use, and is excpllet ills of humanity. ESw Lumber aa wed to order YOL.37. JSAMMONTON, N. J., SEPTEMBER 533, 1899. KG. 38, 7.34 p.m. time ago be secretly secured a bundl for soar ttomacb.a and indigestionn Orders received by mail promptly filled) Sample bottles free at Crowell'sPh,* EPISCOPAL, ST. MiHK's. Rev. Edwin C of old love-letters that his mother bad • lBwwi « , Aleorn, rootor. Celebration of Holy Eaebarle macj. Bold by dealers in all oivlliar Prices JLow. lit and 3rd Sundays at 10.-.HO a.m. Other San treasured since her courtship days, an countries. • - Base-Ball. Keep out of the crowd where vulgar- p. m. Sociable alternate Thursday evenings send to weak, sickly, and run, down Thomas, rf 00120 Trenton, on the New York Division of people, Every bottle guaranteed. Only Scythe Stones are nearly gone, At A. L. Patten's Tell,2b 0 160 1 the Pennsylvania Railroad. As in pre- WOMAB'II CHBIBTI&K TKHPEBAVCB Union vious years, every department will be re-, Mrs. Charles Smith, president, Mrs. W. 50 cents. Sold by Dr. GK Crowell, 8 H 27 16 6 Drnffgist. Wood&HerbageSale WEST JERSEY $ SEASHORE E. R. A new supply will arrive Bicycle plete with superior and instructive dis- Osbora eor secretary, Mrs 8 E Brown see. Belmont— plays. The blooded stook exhibit will Schedule in effect^September 12,1899 Carty, If... 0 14 0 o Taxes of 1897 DOWN TEAIN8. OF TRAINS. the latter part of next week. be particularly fine, and the daily pro- MUHIOIPAL. And Sporting Goods Store. Fltts. o 0 00 01 Attoraey-at-Law Biamark's Iron Nerve Sun. gramme of races contains the speediest Town of Hammonton dun. Suu 8UE> Slovell, o -I-' O 8 Ace. Ace. PJ_J1l classes obtainable. Circus acts of rare Official Town Attorney, CUBE. J.L.O'Donnell. Was the result of bis splendid health. Ace. Ex. Ace. Ex. Ace. Ace. STATION Ace. Ace. Kxp. Aco Ace. Aco Act Ayll.8b...... i 1 00 0" I " COLLECTOR i TREASURER. A. B. Davis. Indomitable will and tremendous energy p. m. m p.m. i.m. pjii. a.m. a.m. a. m p. m, p.m merit and daring, and vaudeville enter- Arlitz Building, Hammonton, MABBHAL. George W Swank, Jr Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a Washing Soda, Robinson, ea 2 16 1 0 tainments of all kinds .will be presented. are not found where Stomach, Liyer, 4 SO 630 6 HO 130 3 00 10 60 045 Pliilidclplilt 7 40 8 40 li) 15 1 50 Ehret, ot...... 0 1 100 Room 37 Real Estate & Law Building'. JUSTICES, a. W. Pressey, .T. B. Rynn, Jos warrant i>84*J by G. W. Pressey, Esq., to 433 fl SO !0 60 0 ..Winslow Jc.(l'v«).. 187 U 12 3? 5 in 133 5 oz president; Chas. W. Austin, secretary. Meets 545 765 780 553 341 1208! R08 ., Hanimuntou.. , 605708 301230 50.1,08 SB 455- I have taken the Jno.Walther Ham ...... 1 0300022 x— 8 grounds, thus avoiding street-car trans- Money for first mortgage loans at tbe h.'uf of one o'clock p. m., at the Town 5 86 «8 06 611 8 19 Elwcxid...... 057 162 8 than "Boyal Red." fer. The management of the Fair has 3rd Monday evening of each month. 1 44 shop; on Third St., and will do Belmont ...... J) 12 003 0 0 0—6 Council Room, sell the timber, Wood, herbage 80.) 8 U 621 |!!!!." 827 ...... Eeg Harbor. 650 9 16 4 -I5 (Iff put forth extraordinary efforts to make 'Independent Eire Oo. Meets first Wcdnes and other vandibla property found on the 023 884 MO 8 48 682 I 27 7 61 4 17 The price is Sacrifice blta...Naylor, AvlJ, Kedheffor, dayevraing in each month. 635 845! 151 iris 001 Atlantic Oily 820 Ml 4IH 05- all work in the wheelwright left on bnecB...Hum9, BelmontS thla year's exhibition even greater than premises taxed /to the tinder named pertona, last year's record-breaking display. lawn CODHCII,. Alex. H. Button, Chairman, The REPUBLICAN office is to make the taxes and costs annexed to theii * Stops only on notice to conductor or agent, or on slinml. x 14 cents per can. andt blacksmith line. Struct outj. Thomas, Nay lor, Tell, Carty, Oil Stoves •B WBatehelor, M K Boyer, Wuyland DePuy, names, with interest at tho rate ol JB HUTCHINSON.Oen'l Mftnnger. \ JB WOOD. Oen'l Pasa'r A«t. Ehret " ' ? - ' • Henry Leibfrid J E Watkis. twelve per ceiit per annum from Deo. 20th Horse-shoeing a specialty. s. ..Harrar, J Jefferson 2, Qlfford. Meets last Saturday eve each month. the only printing house 189T to th> date of sale. "' Nay lor 2, Thomas 2, Tell, Kobinson, Bring orders for BOARP or EDDCATIOS. 0 F, Osgood, presi- The codtbin each case nil bo 88 cents. Avll.Clegg Kepairecl dent; D. 8. Cunningham, olerk; Edwin Adams, Block Lot Acra Tax Atlantic K, Donble ploy ...Thomas to Herbert J Ii O'Donnoll, Mrs J H Ransom, Miss Anna in Hammonton. Atkinson. Hannah Est 11 21 6 CO 88 Blazer, Henry „...... ; .8 pt55 6V, 132 Saturday, July 1,188D HARRY CORDERT. Base on errors. ..Ham 1. Belmont 6 Pressey, Mrs E A Joslyn, Thomat C Elvlos, Brown, LW... 19 13,18 0 186 DOWN TRAINS. Base on balls...Cordery 8, Thomas 2, Carty, Printing Dr 3 A Waai. Meets 2nd Tuesday evening OP TRAINS. by Buccla. I/..... : 9 2 2K 10 1-J Suni] Suncl aund :tun| tiu Btovell 2, Conover «aoh month. Caporale, Joe. 6 Yatea 408 ). m. it. iii. A. m. p.m. p.m p.m p.m .m. n. m. a. m p, m. p.m.a nt p.m Clement, 8- :.. 17 308 hTATJONS. GEO.ELVINS • Bit by pitched bal)...Ebret to this office. FEAT|ENAL. Cnrpo, Ozario...... 13 22U 540 445 8 00 030580530800 1245 II 15 625 10 15 10 25 3 65 B M|ll 25 6 55- Wild pltohea...Jefferaou 2 Cdzzons, Julia T.:... 20 near I 308 4 68 0 10 0 42 5 42 5 40 3 10 1255 « 25 10 (III 10 13 SHOES. Passed butl...8tuvell WIU.IAM BAKER, We will try to fill every order Cross. Elizabeth n pt5 83 « 1C 7 8386 10'0 1411 40' ABIHABB OBDKR op MUTUAL PROTECTION. Duvl.lson. Alex..::. 11 pt 18 505 0 60 6 61 ;.. 1 01 « 82 ..West Colllngtttood fl 0(1 1000 3 31 0 ()3'U 07 II 31 Muffed fly balls...jeffer8on, Herbert 170 6 IS 6 68 (I W 09 8 4!) ..... Undilcm IJt'iiruU 5 5S 062 3 235 68 8 68023 D 6 Cunningham, M A ; A B Davis, Beo'y. Elvlus, WmAEsl » 6.0 526 7 12 0 14 23 U ,S r, 4:1 Wild tlirowB...Ciegg, Puts, Magruder Meets first Tuesday evening in eaeb month m satisfactorily. 7 S3 748 ...... Laurel 8|>rltiga_ 9 911 8 08 5 40 8 43 « Oth No. 25 Third Street, English, Rosette ™- 4 Byrnes 580 7 16 (I 18 27 " 5!IU 0!)fj 5 04 6 80 8 39 6 Off, Always a Good Stock Fumbles sod missed grounders... Uordery, PUBLIC SALE Meohanios'Hall. 88 641 7 20 fl 20 m 7 05 ilown Jnuc... 5 110 » 2fi ""264' • -«27S'67 J Jefferson 2, Tell, Avll • Turohl, Antonio:.:....-.. >l 29 ; 352 a ot'R RA . t^Wmsioir lonan, I.O.O.F. N C Boldridgc, 132 547 7 31 0 !lfl 41 ? 00 ...... Ccdat Brook 24 022 2 475208 2l|5 50 Umpire, Galigne. Time, 2 h. OF Hammonton. Marisborn. IWlBhJ.'.'.'.'.'J.'.V.V.'ll 07 5' 568 7 40 8 -H 0 07 50 7 17 .Wlriilov Jnnr. (I'TO).. 5 IB .. 9 12 2 37 B 10 8 12 S^ N. Q.; Chan W Austin, Financial Secretary. Si 002 841 7 ".7 8 40 fl 13 3 41 2 02 7 24 5 107 : 844 2 80 4 88 8 04 i•> 1IK Orville B Hoyt. Reo 600 Meets every Wed- HoplilnB.OD..il.'.".: 18 17 20 . ...... Klwood 5 Oil 8!M 4 21) 7 61 65 OOfCf An Autumn Outing. BHAWMUHKIN TRIBH Imp 0 R M. Jesse Lawrence, Mrs J.H...... 15 4,8 18 440 022 158 R 147 05 7 45 ...... IKK Harbor ...... 463 K 28 023 4 44 t Kl Shoes mam to Order is my An eleven-day personally-conducted [N CHANCERY of New Jersey. Matthews, O W.: 17 43 04 030 8 21 7 11 631) 753 ....Rriiintli:* Jonc 82ii U 111 4 10 7 864686 4 60 M Loir, Sachem; Chas VV Austin, Chief of 040 883 7 21 405 8 UK ...... PloauntTlllF_ 4 Jl/i K HI 0 118 8 W 7 255 tt 8»8»-- Real Estate and tour of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com. On the premises known us the "Louis Confectionery - 10 43 5 8 SO 650 0 20 8 M ------Atlantic City Records. Meetovery Tuegday'caleepla Red Between i McFarland.Wm...: 3 P137 6 1711 781 o'S 4 15 8 1 4 257 W) 8CU U 10 3 60 7 15 4 :»• Specialty, and full pany to the Battlefield of Gettysburg, Doerr Farm," situate on the road lead- Mena' Hall. larion J. Bacoo, Complainant, dcNamara, May 8 Irons 1-6 88 Lnray Caverns, Natural Bridre,Virginia and Moleno, H „,.:.. 2 II 12 Insurance Agent satisfaction is guaranteed, ing from Hammonton to Woymonrh.ono Only the choicest. M. B. TATIOJI LODGE, F. & A. M. Robert 0 20 1080 iPnves Atlantic at 11:00am, Hnmmonton 11:30, Philadelphia 12;1G Hot Springs, and the cities or Richmond mile south of DaConKi station on the W. Bteel, W Master ; Alonso~B. Davis, Seo'y. Thornton W. Fay, ei ols., Defendant!. Moneo, Jos_ H Brown id Bxprcns leave Atlantic 81% p m. Kite Harbor 0:62, Ham 10:07, Phlla 10:60 1 ljnu and WaRbington will leave New York On Bill, Ao. Bundny Kxp. All Clty7:15n m.«;.'tOim 21, 22 20 3(14 Commercial Electric Lights. Hammonton. : : N. J,at Luray and Natural Bridge to view lead, aneircr, or demur lo tbe bill of said 'lohnor, AN • a Byrnoa 8 K8 tbe wonderons natural formations, and Gray mare Jennie, 13 years old, on extra WOMAN'S BELIEF Conpa. Preilde.it, Miss good worker. Bay horse Jim, a good Always the besl Nora Moufort; Secretary, Mies Nellie DePuy. omplalnunt on or before the elitioith day ol 'niBH, 1, 15 12 20 OCO at the Hot Springs two' days will be 'utober next, or the Bold bill nhl bo taken us iViilker, MrB 8 ..,;. 1 41) W 124 HOIIHO f*tor« Lighting driver. Good Jersey cow, Bess, 4 years Alternate Friday eves, Mechanics Hal). •Vorblll, Orlanilo 1 ... 10 182 Frantz A. Lehman spent. The season at this great Autumn onfeieed cgalnat you. vVharUm, Jurnc-a 10 2 10 10 0. P. 82 O. P. 6 nlulitH to 8:,'u), 1 nlfilit to IU.,...!!ilc. oncli GS o rc«<>rt In the beautiful mountains of old; a good butter maker, very gentle. QBH. D. A. RUSSELL CAMP SODS or VBTEH- 5 jilght'bto 10, 1 nlitlit to 12 45 c. (men....76 O/ The People's Bank AHS, No. 14. Capi., Harry 0 Leonard ; First Tho bill Is filed to obtain a dooree of oale Vhliney.TlioH ,ll> 0 10 88 >'lrnt & jjlelitu 81.00 pr month $1.75 pr mo. Virginia will bo at Its height. At Rich- Berkshire sow, 0 plga will be five wooka nd partition of the proceeds of the gale there- old . 8 Berkshire and Jersey ahoata. 60 Bergt., Clmilcs 0 Combe. Meets every Friday A. B. DAVIS, Collector. ext fi lJi:htH IR o. each pr inn 2A o. cucli, Practical ui'ind nnd Washington opportunities f among tbe heira of Cyrus J. Fay, dcceaned, Street IJ^htlui; Oi'Hammoaton. N. J; head of poultry. 15 pigeons. eve, Altken't lloll. who have equitable Interest uu0iiti0ned in a lammonton. N. J.. AIIL-. II). 180U. lout 10. 10 o 17 c. will bo presented to visit all poiuta ot DoAiin OF HEALTH, M. L. JaoVaon, Presi- crtuln lot of land in tbe Town of Haiuuion- Next 10 8 a 12 c. 820 a year for a 111! 0. P. nvcry nl|;lil to 13 iuterest under intelligent guidance. Farm Machinery, Tools, etc. .11 additional.... 5o 8c. Authorized Capital, $50,000 dent! .lobn T. 1'ronoh, J. 0. Anderson, Win. County of Atlantic, inlhlnStato. A N OTIDINA.NO B to suppress trampe $10 a your for n 111 0. P. every night to 12 The round-trip rate, including all neo- nearly new. .two-horse wagon, two J.B. SMALL, Cunningham, (loo. boinebuuse, Jus. II. JOHN J. CKANDALL, J\_ ia tbo Town of Hammontou. Blacksmith Paid in, pO.OOO. cesury expenses, is |05 from New York, bodies, set bottom boards, bay shelving, Oarton, Or. OUrin. Cuinluglmin. Bolioiior for Complainant, "JCntroduoed July 2», 1809. §00 a year for a 2000 0. P. Aro every night except Bundny to 10 o'clock. $03 from Philadelphia, aud proportionate 312 Market Bt., Oamden, N. J. Vasaed Augnii 6, 1809. Surplus, $17,000. sot bolster springs, one-horso market Sisterhood Branch, No. 60, 0. Iron Hall of Meter Hutua, 10 o. por 1000 Watta. rates from other points. wagon, road cart, aide-bar buggy, heavy Baltimore. Buruli A. Mood, Prox't. Carrie A. Section 1. Be It ordalneJ, Tlmt ull purlona and For detailed itinerary apply to Ticket Cor. Second and Bellevue, King, Heo'y. Meets In Muoliantoo' Hall first B TO OI115I)ITOH8. who dlmll come from Any pl'inu x'l'hout this We do all kinds of Electrical Work, such ns Telephone, doubl eharnoss, 3 seta hamea aud traces, U. J. BYHNES, President. Agents; to Tourist Agent, 110(1 Broad- V seta single humous, sot single carriage and third Wednesday eve's, 8 o'clock. tato, or front any oily, oi"i»iy, tow'idhlp, Annunciator, and Bell work, at lowest poimiblo rutes. way, New York ; 4 Court Rtreot, Brook- Little Ha-Ho Council, No. 27, D. of P. Kate Althcn, executrix of Alexander oioujjU or placi tilthln till- B'II 10, onJ tiava harnoHH, lot collars aud bridles, Nearly .itlien,dooun>o notloi monton, and UvoJiJIy aud iyltbo.it oniployiuent Hurno rake, steel tooth. Morgan spading u ti.« crctllinrii of tlio