TDC Update Little Bentley – November 2018


Neil Stock, leader of Council (TDC), has written to the Secretary of State for Transport to raise concerns over the vital railway crossing at Manningtree (Lawford Parish).

Lobbying for improvements to the crossing, where the A137 meets the Norwich- London mainline, was adopted as a corporate priority by TDC earlier this year.

Currently motorists can face long delays when the level crossing is closed, as it is frequently, due to the busy railway line, with an alternative height and width- restricted underpass not able to cope with demand.

The road is busy not only with local traffic, but also provides a key link between and Suffolk and is a resilience route if there are closures on the A12 between and Ipswich.

Despite organising meetings with representatives from Network Rail, Greater Anglia, Essex County Council, local MPs and other stakeholders, Cllr Stock told a meeting of TDC’s Cabinet on Friday (October 12) progress had been too slow.

“We have made strenuous efforts to get some short-term improvements made now whilst working towards a longer-term solution that will solve the problem once and for all. But even getting a simple traffic light system installed to control the traffic flow under the rail line has so far failed to materialise and I find that failure of action to be totally unacceptable.

“Trying to make meaningful progress on this issue has not been helped by the failure of the rail industry to take their responsibilities seriously and to engage with us.

“I have therefore written to the Transport Secretary and asked him personally to look at this issue as a matter of urgency. I shall also set up a meeting to which I shall invite the chief executives of Network Rail and Greater Anglia, the leaders of Essex and Suffolk county councils, the MPs for that area as well as other key stakeholders and partners to attempt to thrash out a solution to this problem.”


Proposals to create new Garden Community developments across North Essex could go before the Government Planning Inspector next year.

Writing to the Government’s Planning Inspector following an agreement to continue work on the proposals, Braintree, Colchester and Tendring Councils have set out their timetable for completing the further evidence required after the first inspection earlier this year. The evidence and a new sustainability appraisal are expected to be completed by January next year and public consultation will follow.

Ahead of submitting the letter, leaders from the three councils met with Housing Minister Kit Malthouse and reaffirmed their commitment that any new garden community must be supported by key strategic infrastructure improvements.

They asked the minister to do what he could to join up with other Government departments to prioritise infrastructure projects which support sustainable housing growth, and to visit North Essex to see its potential in more detail. Mr Malthouse agreed to do so.

Cllr Tim Young, Deputy Leader of Colchester Borough Council, said: “We respect and understand the issues raised by the Planning Inspector and over the last few months we have carefully looked in depth at every single aspect of his letter. Today we are in a position to inform him of a revised timetable with the aim of re-opening the examination with further hearing sessions expected to be held in the summer.

“There is still much work to do over the coming months, but we are absolutely clear that the principle of the Garden Communities is the best way of ensuring a long-term strategy for housing and jobs over the coming decades, providing for future generations. It also protects our towns and villages from the speculative development that impacts so greatly on services and infrastructure.”

Cllr Neil Stock, Leader of Tendring District Council, said: “We understand and share people’s concerns about the impact of widespread new housing development happening without the necessary infrastructure improvements. That is exactly why we need to see a different approach to developing not just housing, but also jobs and new communities which, to use the Minister’s own phrase, will be ‘the conservation areas of the future’.

“The Government has a big part to play in providing commitments on large infrastructure, such as the A120, the A12 and the A120/A130 link road, and this was our clear message to the Housing Minister.”

Cllr Butland, Leader of Braintree District Council added: “The need for housing has, over the last few weeks, been stressed by all the main political parties. It’s not an issue that is going to go away, and we can’t put our heads in the sand and hope it will go away. The pressure and need is only going to increase - but it’s something that must be done in the right way so that it enhances and improves the local area rather than negatively impacting on it.

“That is why creating a holistically planned, stand-alone community is by far the best way of meeting future demand, ensuring we get the social infrastructure that people expect and need while also protecting existing communities.”

The Government Planning Inspector is expected to respond to the Councils’ letter in due course.

NEW LEISURE AND TOURISM APP TO BE DEVELOPED BY COUNCIL A mobile smartphone app is to be developed by Tendring District Council (TDC) to promote leisure and tourism within the district.

The idea has been in development for some time, before being proposed to Cabinet in February, and Cabinet agreed to delegate to officers a decision on whether or not to proceed with the project after further talks with app developers.

Now after positive talks with the project team about the scope of the app – including negotiating down the price for development – a decision has been made to go ahead with the initiative.

Development will now begin on the app, which will focus on tourism events and leisure facilities, such as the Clacton Airshow, Princes Theatre and TDC’s leisure centres.

TDC has appointed Amido to lead the project, while We Are Mobile First and Plan Alpha Systems will provide further technical expertise.

Cabinet had set aside £120,000 for the project, but development of the app will now cost just over £89,500, with £6,000 per year running and support costs.

Events are a crucial part in underpinning the local tourism economy, and visitors today almost expect digital technology to support such events – developing an app now means TDC will not fall behind the curve.

It is believed the app will help increase income to the council, for example through increased theatre ticket sales, leisure centre membership and enabling e-donations to the Clacton Airshow in our increasingly cashless society, though at this stage it is difficult to accurately predict the return on investment.

The app has been made possible through the council’s digital investment, which began in 2013, and this project is part of the second phase of that work. Mick Skeels, TDC Cabinet Member for Leisure and Tourism, said this was an exciting project.

“Smartphone usage continues to grow rapidly, with the Office of National Statistics reporting that 78% of adults use a mobile or smartphone to access the internet, and developing an app helps to keep Tendring District Council relevant in this mobile, digital age,” said Cllr Skeels.

The app will feature event schedules, timetables and guides for events which it is hoped will help all users to take full advantage of the entertainment on offer within Tendring District.


A family-friendly procession and performance will celebrate Harwich’s involvement in the sailing of The Mayflower to America later this month.

The Illuminate Festival returns for the third year on November 23, the Friday after Thanksgiving, to commemorate the town’s link to the historic vessel and voyage.

An illuminated civic procession will lead the way from Ha’Penny Pier down to Harwich Green, and the public are invited to join the procession too.

Gathering from 6pm at the Ha’Penny Pier and by the lit-up LV 18 Lightship the procession will set off on its parade at 6.30pm, and will include a giant puppet lantern of Christopher Jones – captain of The Mayflower – and a lantern of The Mayflower too. Performers from the Dovercourt Theatre Group will also be there in period costume.

Processing along Kings Head Street, led by dignitaries and representatives from local organisations, the parade will pass Captain Jones’ House, which will be illuminated, before continuing on to the Guildhall before reaching Harwich Green.

On the Green, community choir Harwich Sing will perform four songs on a theme of light, with a backdrop of the Low and High Lighthouses and the Treadwheel Crane all being illuminated.

An Illuminate poem, inspired by a quote from Mayflower Pilgrim William Bradford – “just as one small candle may light a thousand, so the light here kindled hath shone unto many” – will also be read.

Michael Offord, from the Harwich Festival which organises the event on behalf of Tendring District Council (TDC), said he was looking forward to lighting up the town.

“Illuminate Festivals take place at Mayflower 400 destinations right across the country and I am excited that once again Harwich will be a part of it,” he said.

“I really encourage people to come along and join in the procession or spectate and bring their own lantern – though no naked flames please.”

Mick Skeels, TDC Cabinet Member for Leisure and Tourism, added that as this year’s Illuminate Festival stepped up from last year it would be a great preview of even bigger things in 2019.

“In 2020 we will be marking 400 years since the sailing of The Mayflower, and a year of celebrations will be bookended by magnificent Illuminate Festivals in 2019 and 2020,” Cllr Skeels said.


Plans to carry out internal alterations to Clacton’s Grade-II listed Town Hall will be decided upon later this month.

Tendring District Council’s Planning Committee at its meeting on October 16 will consider proposals for alterations to the 1930s building in Station Road.

The application has been put forward by Tendring District Council (TDC) as part of its Transformation Project, to modernise working methods and its buildings.

Building work began on Clacton Town Hall in 1929 and the building was opened by Prince Arthur of Connaught in 1931 – and one of the civic rooms bears his name to this day. The building is formed of two wings with the popular Princes Theatre in the middle.

Over the years the building has been altered in a number of ways and part of the planned works will be to reverse some of those changes. A number of areas of internal partitioning will be removed to make larger, more open offices.

In addition, the former council chamber, which is currently the housing reception, will be restored to make a new meeting room. No changes to the outside of the building are planned.

Carlo Guglielmi, TDC Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Corporate Resources, said it would be good to see the Town Hall return to its more original internal design.

“The council has invested in technology in order to become more efficient,” Cllr Guglielmi said.

The Transformation project aims to use more technological solutions to improve services and to be more efficient. The programme will also see the redundant offices at Westleigh House in Carnarvon Road make way for more town centre parking in late 2018, and a move out of the Weeley site in late 2019.

An initial phase of works at the council’s Pier Avenue offices is nearing completion, and work on the Town Hall phase is scheduled to begin in early 2019.


Residents in Tendring are able to find out now whether or not they will have a wheelie bin when a new waste collection system is introduced next summer.

In June 2019 Tendring District Council (TDC) will move from weekly to fortnightly collections of general waste, while food waste collections will remain weekly.

Alternate weekly recycling collections will continue as they do now. The majority of households in the district will receive a wheelie bin for their general waste, and the roll-out will take around three months to complete.

However, some properties - those which have no side access and no front boundary, along with some rural routes – will remain on a weekly black sack collection.

Now residents can check online whether or not they will receive a wheelie bin at - which also has a wealth of other useful information about the new system.

To start publicising the changes early, new posters have been added to several refuse lorries operated in Tendring by contractors Veolia.

Michael Talbot, TDC Cabinet Member for Environment, encouraged people to check whether or not they would be having a wheelie bin.

“Although the new waste contract does not begin for several months yet, we want to encourage people to read up on the changes now so they are ready come June,” Cllr Talbot said.

“This new system allows us to continue our waste contract at hardly any extra cost, and I believe the introduction of wheelie bins to most areas of the district will be welcomed as it should reduce the amount of rubbish caused by split bags.

“There is no need at this point for people to take any action, though if they have mobility or similar issues and are concerned they will not be able to manage with a wheelie bin then they can apply now for assisted collections in readiness for June.

“The website also contains a whole host of other information, and I really would urge people to look at it.”


Companies whose business involves animals are being written to advising them of new national rules.

The Animal Licensing Regulations came into force from October 1, replacing a number of existing laws and replacing them with a single licensing regime – setting nationally applicable conditions.

A ratings system is also being introduced dependent on how well businesses meet certain criteria.

Those affected include pet boarding homes and day care facilities, firms which sell animals as pets, horse hiring, dog breeding, and keeping or training animals for exhibition. Firms with a zoo licence or a dangerous wild animal licence are unaffected until their permits expire, at which point they will move over to the new Animal Activity Licence. Similarly, those with a Performing Animals (Regulation) Act licence will move across on March 31, 2019.

The new regulations could also affect the public who may sell animals from their private home or online, such as rabbits, guinea pigs or dogs, who will need a licence if they make more than £1,000 a year from sales.

Pet shops which sell only food and items, not animals, are unaffected.

Tendring District Council’s Animal Licensing Team – which this year won a Gold RSPCA PawPrints Awards for the sixth consecutive year for its work – has written to existing licence holders informing them of the change.

The team will be responsible for processing applications and inspecting premises, as well as giving advice.

A schedule of fees for the new licence will be available on the Tendring District Council (TDC) website.

People who are unsure if they need a licence are urged to contact the Animal Licensing Team for advice.

Full details on the legislation can be found at while advice and guidance notes can also be found through the Pet Industry Federation website at


A multi-agency action day was held in Jaywick Sands to target illegal waste carriers operating in the area. (Although this took place in Jaywick, it is of interest to local parishes)

Tendring District Council (TDC) teamed up with partners including the Environment Agency and Essex Police to carry out stop checks on commercial vehicles passing through the Brooklands and Grasslands area.

Staff from the agencies also went door to door giving information to residents on the warning signs of those dumping waste or dealing in scrap metal without the correct licences, and to collect intelligence about the crime.

Jaywick Sands was chosen for the action day as the area is targeted by fly-tippers and illegal waste carriers, and the event was a follow-up on work carried out by TDC earlier in the year to clear an illegal waste site in Brooklands Gardens. The action day also ties in with the #CrimeNotToCare campaign run by Love Essex, a partnership of all Essex local authorities, which encourages people to take responsibility for their own waste. This includes making sure anyone who disposes of their rubbish is properly licensed.

Michael Talbot, TDC Cabinet Member for Environment, said those dumping waste illegally needed to get the message that it would not be tolerated.

“Illegal waste carriers and fly-tippers are an absolute blight on our communities, and the council and our partners will always take a robust response against them,” Cllr Talbot said.

“Fly-tipping is bad for the environment, lowers the quality of life for residents, costs taxpayers to clear up and denies legitimate, responsible businesses work.

“I am grateful to the Environment Agency and Essex Police for their support with the day of action.”

Andrew Raine, Environment Manager for Essex at the Environment Agency, said: “Fly-tipping and illegal waste disposal remains a scourge on our society and we are always keen to work with our partners on multi-agency days of action such as this to tackle a serious and costly environmental problem.”

Paul Honeywood, TDC Cabinet Member with special responsibility for Jaywick Sands, said the action day was an example of the council’s effort to work with the community.

“Engagement with residents highlighted this issue as being a high priority to tackle, so I am delighted we were able to hold this event around Jaywick Sands,” Cllr Honeywood said.


The house which once belonged to the captain of The Mayflower – the ship that took the Pilgrim Fathers to America – is to be opened as a tourist attraction to mark the 400th anniversary of the boat’s historic sailing.

Captain Christopher Jones, from Harwich, led the voyage to the New World in 1620 which carried the people who would become the founders of the United States of America.

Now Tendring District Council (TDC) has agreed a lease of his former home in King’s Head Street which will allow it to be opened to visitors in 2020 for the 400th anniversary celebrations.

A significant part of the house has already been restored to expose its original features, and TDC will now carry out works on the home to make it accessible to visitors and look at developing the offer – such as with exhibits – while the Harwich Society will manage the attraction.

The arrival of The Mayflower is celebrated every year with Thanksgiving and millions of Americans can trace their roots back to the sailing.

There is much interest in the USA and elsewhere in The Mayflower story, and already travel operators are marketing tours of Harwich and other relevant destinations for the year 2020 and beyond.

TDC, and Harwich, are part of the Mayflower 400 Compact, an international consortium of destinations working together to promote tourism related to the historical moment.

There is also interest from the Netherlands, with Leiden and Rotterdam among the Mayflower 400 Compact members, because the Pilgrims lived there before the voyage to escape religious persecution in . Research has shown an authentic attraction such as Captain Jones’ House will appeal to US visitors.

A year of events will kick off in November 2019 with an Illuminate Festival.

Diary Note The Police, Crime and Fire Commissioner will be attending Manningtree (venue to be determined) on Wednesday 16th January 2019. He will be addressing public questions concerning Policing and Fire & Rescue cover in our area. All are welcome to attend.

General Information: If anyone witnesses any fly tipping occurring, please contact TDC’s Waste Management Team on 01255 686768. Alan Coley & Carlo Guglielmi