poverty 1 together we are ending

2 poverty Dear Friends,

What an extraordinary year 2012 was for CHOICE Humanitarian! We are excited to share this report highlighting your greatest accomplishments. Your generosity propelled the CHOICE team forward to its best year ever ending poverty around the world. Thank you!

CHOICE Humanitarian’s successful model is based on villagers creating their own path out of poverty. This strategy is one of empowerment, rather than robbing people of the experience of bringing self-reliance into their own lives. With CHOICE, communities are engaged in a dignified ‘learn-by-doing’ process.

As we seize every possible opportunity to accelerate the work of CHOICE, our overriding practice is to make every dollar count. We do this through one of our core principles of ‘linking and leveraging’ which establishes partners with individuals, corporations, governments, villagers, and other nonprofit organizations to multiply every dollar that comes through our door.

Watchdogs such as GuideStar, Great Nonprofits, and Navigator have all acknowledged our fiscal responsibility by awarding CHOICE their highest rating. This distinction places us among the top charitable organizations in the U.S. for being efficient and transparent in our work.

Looking ahead, our goal is to continue and build on such great successes. In 2013, the CHOICE Venture Fund will begin investing in small to medium enterprises across the countries we serve. The focus is to create economic development opportunities that will unlock the cycle of poverty for thousands of people. We look forward to sharing our results with you and others that have helped build the strong that is CHOICE.

We are humbled by your confidence in us to make good use of your dollars. We take this responsibility with tremendous pride. Thank you for your continued friendship.

We dedicate this report to you, because with you, ending poverty is possible.

Warm Regards,

Leah Barker CEO

3 leadership

4 together ending poverty network


Computers brought CHOICE and One Global Economy together (OGE). OGE improves lives through computer technology in 17 countries and shares with CHOICE a common vision of ending poverty. Thanks to OGE, CHOICE is harnessing the power of both the internet and youth groups. Yasmin Yepes is 18 living in rural Mexico. Her village has traditionally been without an educational system past primary school, making secondary education impossible. In light of this, CHOICE has developed a program establishing computer centers that provide and computer training. Yasmin and 32 other adolescents have turned this access to knowledge into real world startups like eco-tourism projects, beekeeping and goat breeding. PHOTO: Yasmin Yepes in Garbanzo. Leverage Partners: VCBO, Christopherson Travel, and Cisco facts MEXICO

33 villages choice contributions $183,000 8,600 people x 5 (approx. leveraged contributions) 24 projects = $915,000 value of all programs

noted projects: 20% choice funds Community-based Organization Training 50% other NGO’s Goat Cheese Factories 22% village participation Goat Cheese Production Training 8% government Community Water Systems Latrine System Veterinarian Internship Program In 2012, CHOICE multiplied $183,000 in program funding 5x to create $915,000 in total program value through partnerships with other NGOs, village committees, and government agencies.

5 opportunity

6 together ending poverty common vision


After CHOICE training, Chandreshwar Village Development Council in Nepal mobilized eight villages and raised more than $300,000 to complete the first-ever college in Lamjung District.

For many women in rural Nepal, the dream of acquiring an education after high school is often cut short. Amrita Dura, a young mother, says, “After high school graduation, I lost hope for the opportunity to continue my education. We don’t have access to that here in the village.”

Answering Amrita’s call, dedicated Nepalese families have built and completed Sarvodaya College! This village-driven institution provides opportunities for women to earn degrees after high school. Amrita, now studying at the college, adds, “Now I can act on my dream to be a teacher in my village and bring change in the communities.”

Leverage Partners: Peterson Family Foundation and Gopal Adhikari

facts NEPAL PHOTO: Women building their path out of poverty.

1,000 villages choice contributions $181,000 275,000 people x 7 (approx. leveraged contributions) 48 projects = $1,267,000 value of all programs

noted projects: Village Development Council Training 13% choice funds Beekeeping Micro-Enterprises 26% other NGO’s Trekking Route Cooperative 28% village participation School Construction 33% government Health Clinics Scholarships In 2012, CHOICE multiplied $181,000 in program funding 7x to create $1,267,000 in total program value through partnerships with 7 other NGOs, village committees, and government agencies. 8 access together ending poverty dignity


Spectrum Healthcare shares the CHOICE philosophy of creating self- reliant families through access to healthcare. Together, we are proud to introduce the Nueva Concepción Hospital.

The Nueva Concepción Hospital is a pioneer facility in the Polochic Valley, radically bolstering the health of communities and protecting future generations from easily preventable diseases.

This has been the wish of Rosa Alta. Rosa lost several children in the past due to complications with her pregnancies. Something as simple as unattended dysentery, a situation easily remedied when treated, turned fatal because Rosa lacked access to a hospital. With children now grown, Rosa once worried that her daughters would also experience the same pain of losing a child. “I think the hospital is amazing. It will change the lives of my children and grandchildren,” says Rosa.

Leverage Partners: Mayaniquel and Singular Humanitarian experience PHOTO: Mothers stand with pride outside of their new hospital. (SHe) facts GUATEMALA

17 villages choice contributions $216,000 13,600 people x 3 (approx. leveraged contributions) 27 projects = $648,000 value of all programs

noted projects: Community Development Committee Training Family Gardens 35% choice funds Community Water Projects 54% other NGO’s Hospital Construction 10% village participation Adult Literacy Program 1% government Reforestation Project

In 2012, CHOICE multiplied $216,000 in program funding 3x to create $648,000 in total program value through partnerships with other NGOs, village committees, and government agencies. 9 10 sustain together ending poverty gender equity


In 2006 the Leavitt brothers, Eric and Mark, took their families on a CHOICE Expedition to Bolivia. They helped the community of Las Piñas add a library to their primary school, which marked the beginning of a one-time experience turned into a lifestyle of . Due to the continued support of the Leavitt Family, now the villages are forming cooperatives, starting businesses and driving their own path out of poverty.

Using the CHOICE leadership model, 70 members of a new dairy cooperative, most of them Aymara women, created a cooperative, a plan for action, and are executing it. To date, the cooperative has maintained a consistent milk supply with the local government purchasing some of their milk production for its school-breakfast program.

Leverage Partners: Leavitt Insurance Group, Inter-American PHOTO: Members of the cooperative. Foundation, and Andes Fertiles facts BOLIVIA

485 villages choice contributions 128,000 162,000 people x 4 (approx. leveraged contributions) 33 projects = $512,000 value of all programs

noted projects: 27% choice funds Community-Based Organization Training 19% other NGO’s Weavers Cooperative 46% village participation All-Purpose Training Center 8% government Eco Schools Family Greenhouses Community Water Projects In 2012, CHOICE multiplied $128,000 in program funding 4x to create $512,000 in total program value through partnerships with other NGOs, village committees, and government agencies.

11 12 self-reliance together ending poverty ownership


Infant mortality, water borne diseases, and pregnancy complications are rampant in the Samburu district of Kenya. These easily preventable fatalities are due to lack of health facilities and trained health workers in rural communities. Enter the SIDEP Group.

The SIDEP Group is a band of individuals that has funded the SIDEP Program (Samburu Integrated Development Program), which creates and trains governing health committees. Governing health committees provide a solid foundation of village buy-in, ownership and participation.

With CHOICE’s guidance, village health workers have been trained in areas like community nutrition, hygiene, and prenatal and child health care. They are now seeing a decrease in the child mortality rate, pregnancy complications, and easily preventable deaths throughout the Samburu District.

Leveraging Partners: US Synthetic and Hope Alliance PHOTO: facts KENYA

74 villages choice contributions $165,000 115,000 people x 4 (approx. leveraged contributions) 27 projects = $660,000 value of all programs

noted projects: Community-Based Organization Training 26% choice funds Mariakani Dairy Plant 11% other NGO’s Village Health Worker Program 6% village participation School Construction 57% government Community Water Projects Scholarships In 2012, CHOICE multiplied $165,000 in program funding 4x to create $660,000 in total program value through partnerships with other NGOs, village committees, and government agencies.

13 scaling up

14 together ending poverty a look ahead


For the past 30 years, CHOICE has learned how to end poverty. CHOICE is scaling up our impact in Nepal from a village level to a district level—increasing our reach ten-fold based on four principles of sustainable development: 1) Giving a Man a Fish will not End Poverty. Giving money for programs, such as relief aid, while necessary in disasters, does not eliminate the long-term consequences of poverty. What does work? Teaching those living in extreme poverty how to eliminate poverty. CHOICE does this using its hands-on, learn-by-doing model. 2) Transforming Villages will not End Poverty. Many programs only improve the infrastructure of villages. The programs help villagers cope with poverty, but do not move them out of poverty. What does work? Transforming villagers, not villages. Only when villagers and the leaders in a village learn how to determine their own needs, plan and implement their own projects, mobilize and leverage their own resources, and take responsibility for their own development, can poverty be eliminated in a sustainable way. CHOICE has developed a three-year curriculum that teaches villagers and their leaders how to eliminate poverty. 3) Increasing Economic Development in Villages will not End Poverty. Investments that encourage individual economic growth often increase poverty in a village, because the gap between the rich and the poor tends to increase. What does work? Poverty is eliminated when villagers learn to seek economic development that benefits the entire community. Learn more about CHOICE’s business opportunities through CHOICE Ventures, LLC. 4) Encouraging Villagers to Adopt our Values and Institutions will not End Poverty. When a village relies only on outside values and institutions, the probability of eliminating poverty is greatly reduced. What does work? The best way to eliminate poverty in a village is to ensure the villagers have determined the core values and community institutions that bring meaning and purpose in their lives. These values must reinforce norms of cooperation, kindness, concern for others, equity and fairness, and a strong commitment to help the extreme poor in their villages. Sustainable development based on the villager- determined core values will stimulate a sense of unity, responsibility, and commitment and will ensure all the villagers have a better quality of life.

YOU can be part of our scale up campaign in Nepal RIGHT NOW. Here’s how: • Commit to ending poverty in Nepal by donating at least $10 a month for the next three years. • Get updates about the scale up programs led by CHOICE founder Jim Mayfield and the CHOICE Nepal Staff. Join CHOICE in ending poverty the right way. We are committed to ending poverty in Nepal once and for all. With your help we can.

15 Statement of Financial Position as of December 31, 2012

Assets 2012 2011 Cash and cash equivalents $395,143 $168,041 Accounts receivable 13,752 31,484 Prepaid expenses 2,990 1,233 Deferred costs 0 3,075 Property and equipment, net 82,585 50,344 Total Assets $494,470 $254,177

Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities Accounts payable $4,970 $2,296 Accrued liabilities 15,256 4,248 Deferred revenue 18,294 25,444 Related party payable 0 0 Total Liabilities $38,520 $31,988

Net Assets Unrestricted 455,950 222,189 Total Net Assets $455,950 $222,189

Total Liabilities and Net $494,470 $254,177 Assets

16 investment together ending poverty transparency

Charity Navigator, Guidestar, and Great Nonprofits ALL endorse CHOICE Humanitarian with their highest possible rankings due to our fiscal responsibility and transparency. According to these distinguished rating agencies, your dollar is well placed with CHOICE.

Statement of Activities as of December 31, 2012

Revenues 2012 2011 Expenses Expeditions $583,758 $388,378 Program 1,768,916 1,506,957 Contributions 1,170,371 779,409 Management and general 119,144 80,302 Special event revenue, net 309,130 277,323 143,862 151,762 In-Kind contributions 199,282 160,486 Total Expenses 2,031,922 1,739,021 Other income 3,142 8,867 Total Revenues 2,265,683 1,614,463 Change in net assets 233,761 -124,558

Net Assets Beginning of year 222,189 346,747 End of year 455,950 222,189

Corporations $410,273 Program Services $1,768,916 Expeditions $583,758 Management & General $119,114 Individuals $708,419 Fundraising $143,862 Events $309,130 Foundations $214,103

17 18 together The expedition program is a unique way for volunteers to become intimately involved with CHOICE and witness firsthand the impact we have across the globe. In 2012, we welcomed almost 400 participants into rural communities around the world to work side-by-side with villagers for an entire week! Villagers are excited to receive these volunteers—members of an extended global family—and are motivated by the willingness of others to travel such great distances to work alongside them in support of their goals. Through this experience, volunteers come to realize that the work of CHOICE builds people, not just projects. This program continues to grow with 800+ participants anticipated in 2013!

5 countries visited 13 total expeditions To see the empowerment of the villagers 389 volunteers and their dedication to their own project was extremely powerful for me. I loved 18 villages impacted our group and I loved working with the some project highlights: amazing people of Guatemala. Complete Renovation of Jeeta Schoolhouse (Nepal) Initial Construction of Garbanzo Technological Center (Mexico) - 2012 CHOICE expedition volunteer Completion of Nueva Concepción Hospital (Guatemala) Water Projects New Stove Technologies Schoolhouse Construction Projects Medical Workshops & Clinics Economic Development Training 19 CHOICE Humanitarian 2012 Board of Directors Rich Israelsen, Chairman Diana Peterson, Past Chairman James Mayfield, Co-Founder Mary Bangerter Josh Cameron John Greene Linda Fogg-Phillips Marc Fuller Paul Henriod Paul Lovell Paige Pierce Louis Pope Sharon Spaulding Kristin Stockham Lew Swain Niels Valentiner

CHOICE Humanitarian Headquarters Staff Leah Barker, CEO Chris Johnson, Program Director Keith Ellis, Field Communications Specialist Megan Ah Mu, Development Director Rebekah Sosa, Director of Corporate Impact Wade Alexander, Expeditions Director Joanne Searcy, Volunteer Expeditions Coordinator

In Country Directors Bishnu Adhikari, Nepal Rita Lugogo, Kenya Willy Mendoza, Bolivia Juan Alducin, Mexico Jorge Chen, Guatemala

20 mentors together ending poverty impact investing


For decades now, the world has looked to micro-credit as the solution for ending poverty. CHOICE has learned that micro- credit programs can be effective in raising income for individual families and establishing good financial management practices, but they have little impact on the economic strength at the village level.

To meet village-level economic needs, CHOICE Ventures, LLC (“The Fund”) has been formed. The Fund has been organized to invest in for-profit businesses that will produce a positive economic impact on the local community, generate additional investment capital for The Fund, and provide program funds for CHOICE Humanitarian. CHOICE Ventures will align closely with CHOICE Humanitarian as it helps to fulfill the vision of ending poverty responsibly and building self-developing communities.

Impact investing: are investments made into companies, organizations and funds with the intention to generate measurable, positive, social and environmental impact and financial returns. facts

Current CHOICE Ventures Opportunities: Sikaab’e Entrepreneur Center (Guatemala) 20% choice funds Mariakani Dairy Cooperative (Kenya) 50% other NGO’s Commercial Solar Farming (Mexico) 22% village participation Weaver’s Cooperative (Bolivia) 8% government Homestay Trekking Route (Nepal)

To learn more about CHOICE Ventures, please contact Chris Johnson at CHOICE Humanitarian headquarters.

21 22 partnership together ending poverty businesses changing the world!

The Corporate Partner Program is designed to unite employees through meaningful giving and service. Our partners choose a focus area and a fundraising goal that fits their company culture. Employees are invited to participate in payroll deduction, humanitarian incentive trips, fund raising initiatives, and other activities throughout the year.

In 2012, more than 1,300 employees participated in this rewarding CHOICE program across the United States and Canada. Over 100 employees engaged in team building abroad, working together side by side on water projects, schoolhouse construction, and other village-driven initiatives. These experiences strengthen company culture, build relationships and improve employee morale and retention.

facts CORPORATE PARTNER PROGRAM 2012 contributions $264,610 employees 1,316 companies 9

23 24 relationships together ending poverty collaborations

Funding poverty is a massive effort. To accomplish our goals, CHOICE creates strategic partnerships in order to leverage each dollar raised. Below are the partners that enhance our ability to convert one dollar into five dollars!

FUND AID FOR VIETNAM CHOICE would like to recognize our longstanding partnership with T. Linh, founder of Fund Aid for Vietnam. Our relationship with Vietnam is unlike our operations in Bolivia, Guatemala, Mexico, Kenya, and Nepal in that Linh operates completely and independently of CHOICE. Nevertheless, we consider her an important and vital member of the CHOICE family. In the past, Linh has supported CHOICE expeditions in and around the city of Hue where she works. Hue is the capital city of Thua Thien – Hue Province, Vietnam. It was once the imperial capital of the Nguyen dynasty. Linh is passionate about improving the lives of Vietnam’s many orphaned and handicapped children and has devoted many years of service to these and other causes. Please join CHOICE in applauding and honoring the work, the successes, and the impact that Linh has had over the years in PHOTO: T. Linh’s work thrives. Vietnam.

FIRST HOPE YEHU MICROFINANCE Cecile Pelous founded First Hope in Yehu Microfinance was born out of CHOICE the 1990s to support fundraising for the Humanitarian in 1999 to empower poor orphanage she had established in Nepal. entrepreneurs in Kenya with access to micro- Cecile’s unique goals and methods of loans. Since its inception, more than 26,000 sustainable self-development for the people (90% of which are women) have numerous Nepalese orphans in her care came borrowed over 2 million dollars in funds with to the attention of CHOICE Humanitarian in a 96% payback rate. Thanks to this program, 2005. In 2009, First Hope officially joined the families have been able to start or expand CHOICE Humanitarian network. For years, small businesses to significantly increase their Cecile has rescued multiple children from family’s income. Yehu (meaning “ours” in a future of illness, starvation, and slavery. Swahili) is one of the few programs in the As a result, these same individuals can now world that works in rural areas where banking receive university-level education and career institutions are not accessible to the people development assistance, allowing them to who need it most. We are proud of our find jobs and build stable, happy families. association with Yehu and the power of the CHOICE model to ignite initiatives that end poverty! 25 NEPAL Nepal Action Autonomie Avenir The Hope Alliance World Vision Chess Nepal Nepal Hope Clinic Nepal Andhimul Program Medical Mercy Self-Help Nepal GHCH Nepal Mahila Aapasi, Lamjung Alternative Energy Promotion Center – Gov. Agency Latter-day Saints Charities VDC – Gov. Agencies DDC – Gov. Agencies DEO – Gov. Agencies Public Health Offices Nepal SEEDS First Hope MEXICO Gilberto, A.C. Irapuato Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Taman Consultores Gavatt Guanajuato Secretaría de Desarrollo Agropecuario Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas, y Pecuarias Utah Valley University Daniel and Karen May Foundation Engineers Without Borders, USA University of Utah Salamanca, GTO Tlaltenango, Zacatecas Hispanics in Municipalidad de Salamanca y de Irapuato Thanks for Water SEDESOL Secretaria de Desarollo Social GUATEMALA World Link Partners Próvida Internacional Mayaníquel, Sociedad Anónima Municipalidad de Senahu, Alta Verapaz Comisiona Nacional de Alfabetización, CONALFA KENYA Ministry of Cooperatives and Marketing Coast Development Authority Kwale County Council Kwale Town Council Kilifi County Council Kilifi Town Council

gratitude Mariakani Town Council Ministry of Development Kinango Constituency Development Committee Ministry of Education Ministry of Health Coast Rural Support Programme (CRSP) AGA KHAN Foundation Yehu Microfinance BOLIVIA Andes Fértiles Ohio State University International Development Collaborative Gobierno Municipal de Batallas Gobierno Municipal de Laja Gobierno Municipal de Achacachi Altine Francia Universidad Agropecuarias de Francia Gobierno Municipal de Viacha 26 together ending poverty partnerships CORPORATIONS Academy Mortgage Daniel Ruesch Design, Inc Partnership Merit Medical Advanced AV Deseret Book Gold Cross Services Millcreek Home Health and Alpine Medical Group Deseret First Credit Union Good Hill Partners Hospice Fawson and Hancock Foods Deseret Health Group HEB MissionFish Bangs International Deseret Trust Company Henriksen/Butler Design Group Moa Architecture BCD Travel DownEast Outfitters Huber, Erickson & Bowman My Heartfelt Healing Bear Country Cookies Dunn Associates ING Okland Construction Company BNA Consulting E Financial Group Inside Sales Training, LLC Olympus Medical House Bowen Studios East West Communications Insight Group Insurance Agency Outside the Box Brighton Bank EmployBridge Intermountian Healthcare Pizza Pie Cafe Cambric Corporation Evco Development Inc. Investment Management Portfolio Investments Campbell Scientific Everyday Excavators Consultants Prince Yeates & Geldzahler Carrington Court Five Rivers Enterprises Jacobsen Construction RC Willey Castle Creek Winery Flax Services Corporation Company Reaveley Engineers and Christiansen Custom Dreams Fluidx Equipment Kem C Gardner Family Associates Christopherson Travel Focus Services Partnership REDD Engineering and Clifton House Fortegra Financial Leavitt Group Construction Colvin Engineering Associates Froghair Events Lodestar Capital LP Redmond Inc. Comcast Garlyn Family Limited Market America Redwood Pediatric Dentistry

RW Smith and Associates Saints Vivint Saunders Wangsgard & Associates The Resource Tank Wasatch Advisors Savas Greene and Company Tides Foundation Wellspring Realty SelectHealth Travel Guard Wheatland Milling Silverton Investments Travis Training Center Wheeler Machinery Spectrum Engineers US Synthetic Corporation Workers Compensation Fund Spectrum Health Care Utah Speech-Language Hearing Xango Springville Dentistry Associates Zions Bank The Boyer Company Van Boerum & Frank Associates The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day VCBO Architecture

FOUNDATIONS & TRUSTS A Charity For Charities Foundation King Family Foundation Peters Family Foundation American Express Charitable FeelGood World Lam Research Foundation Reach The Children Fund Fidelity Charitable Fund Leslie DeeAnn Mower Rotary Club of Sugarhouse Associated Students University First Giving Foundation Rotary Foundation of California Fredrick H. Barth Foundation Madsen Family Foundation Roy and Judi Kaufman Living Bank of America Matching G. Hanni Family Trust Marriott Daughters Foundation Trust Blaine N. and Barbara Gipson Family Foundation Marse L and Beth L McNaughton Schwab Charitable Fund W. Harmon Charitable Hemingway Foundation Trust Siemens Caring Hands Giving Foundation Hope Alliance Microsoft Giving Campaign Campaign Brigham Young University Intel Volunteer Grant Program Mike and Camille Cameron The Kennedy Foundation Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation John and Marcia Price Family Foundation The MZ7 Foundation Charity Gift Certificates Foundation Milne Family Foundation United Health Group Campaign Community Foundation of Utah JustGive Morgan Stanley Cyber Grants Match David E. Cumming Family Kaberamaido Cooperative Morgan Stanley Foundation United Way of Salt Lake City Foundation Kanter Family Foundation Mustache May Utah State Employees Dee R. Bangerter Support Kessler Family Foundation One Economy Corp Charitable Fund

27 FOUNDATIONS & TRUSTS CONTINUED Utah State University Charitable Foundation Support Campaign ZogSports Vern and Marva Wolcott Wells Fargo Community World Link Partners

IN-KIND DONORS Alan Croshaw Daily Method Lauren Benson Outside the Box Steve Hazlett Alta Resort Dee R. Bangerter Laurie Seron Paige Pierce Suann Adams Annette Bradshaw Support Foundation Lewis Swain Paul Henriod Sundance Resort Antigravity Yoga Del Sol Louis Pope Peter Watkins Terratron Bangs International LLC Edward Jackson Manju Varghese Real Salt Lake Tom and Kristin Bikram Yoga Sandy Foothill Oriental Rug Co. Marc Fuller REDD Engineering and Stockham Brent Bowen Froghair Events Marsha Holfeltz Construction Tiffany Baker Cariloha Bamboo HEB Matt Wunderli Ron McMillan Twin Pines Nursery Clothing & Accessories Joanne Searcy Microsoft Roy Jespersen VCBO Architecture, LLC Christopher Johnson Joshua Sarlo Mikell Stringham San Francisco 49ers Wheeler Machinery Christopherson Travel Kaberamaido Momentum Indoor Sette Neckwear Xango Color Graphics Cooperative Climbing Snell & Wilmer, LLP Cuisine Unlimited Keith Ellis Orange Soda Inc. Snowpine Lodge

INDIVIDUALS Rosa Abanto Val and Barbara Antczak Amy Barson Jack and Julie Bickmore Stuart Boyse Janet Abraham Lara Anthian Richard and Kristin Barta MaryAnna Billings Keith Bradburn Maryann Abts Valerie Antkowiak Kent Barton Suzanne Bills Kevin and Angie LaVona Adams Esgardo Aranda Jeffrey and Debbie Chris Bingham Bradburn Rachelle Adams Tiffany Arbuckle Barton Dut Aguer Bior Leslie Bradley Ashlee Adamson Shawn Archibald Bryan Bassett Adam Bird Samantha Bradley Gopal Adhikary Catherine Arveseth Michael Bateman Seymour Bird Annette Bradshaw Ryan Adkins Stephanie Asalone Rebecca Batt Tyler Birtcher Robert Todd Braun Jenica Adlard Lauren Ashley Rob Bay Lorianne Bisping Jamie Brady Jessica Aikhionbare Jean Ashton James and Trudy Beck Caroline Black Erin Braithwaite Cassie Ainscough Lee and Julee Attig Cathie Beecher Joseph and Stephanie Diane Brewer Allison Alderman James and Margaret Steve Beery Black Michele Brewer Robert and Cavell Avent Katelyn Behunin Curtis and Lisa Blair Ariel Brim Alexander Kathy Aumont Ariana Beirens Shelby Blanchette Allison Brinkerhoff Tom and Julia Alexander Paul Ayrton Haylie Bell Crystal Blank Phillip Brinkerhoff Wade and Tania Beverly Bachmayer Julianne Bell James Blaylock Trudi Brinkerhoff Alexander Breeannon Bailey Brittney Belliston John and Janice Blum David Broadbent Aslaen Alfaro-Garcia Laurel Bailey Rachel Benator Karli Blum Jane Brog Nathan Allen Mary Bailey Connie Bennett Daniel and Carolyn Bluth David Booksby Natilee Allen Wayne Bair Wade and Marcey Calvin and Laura Daniel Brown Cooper Allred Jeni Baird Bennion Boardman Dustin Brown Jamie Allred Christine Balbag Brittany Bernstein Eileen Bodell Jay Brown Drake Allsop Douglas Baldwin Eric and Lauren Benson Aaron Bodily Lora Brown Brent and DeAnn Alm Mara Balfe Thomas Benson Vaneta Bodine Sandra Brown Adam Amendolito Darryn Tyler Berg Mandi Bollinger Peter and Olga Brunjes Brandon Andersen Hayden Ballou Peter and Rebecca Tricia Bommarito Andreas Brutsch David Anderson Stephen and Wanda Bergquist Vu Dinh and Mau Thi Bon Mark Bruun Corey and Patricia Bamberger Donald and Denise Samantha Bond Frank Bryant Anderson Sheila Banister Bermant Cora Bondie Laurel Bryant G.W. and Ida Anderson Keenan and Carol Barber Lorne and Leah Berry Nichole Booren Jessica Budke Jamie Anderson Brian and Karey Barker Zane and Ruth Berry Alex and Tammy Booth Amy Buchmann Jessica Anderson Leah Barker and Cory Bryce and Heather Melinda Booth Heidi Buchanan Lisa Anderson Worsencroft Betteridge Heidi Boren Miriam Bugden Mark and Pamela Philip Barker Leona Betteridge Heraldo Botelho Kristen Bunting Anderson Celeste Barlow Loren and Merlene Brandon Bowen Ashlee Burgener Matthew and Kacey Andrea Barnard Betteridge Brenda Bowen Jay Burghardt Anderson Jenny Barnett Nathan Beus Brent and Danielle C.B. Burrell Susan Anderson Carolyn Barney Russel Beutler Bowen Angie Burton Nathan Andrew Dallas Barney Jason and Shantel Daniel Bowers Natalie Burton Jeremy Andrus Arthur Barrett Beutler Nate and Lezlee Bowler Serge Bushman Elise Angerbauer Todd Barrow Thomas and Mary Bickes Nola Boyd Richard Butler 28 Mandi Buttars Paul and Susan Kaliska Day Tanya Evans Ann Garner Taylor Bybee Christensen Dean and Jeri Dayton Joni Fairbourn Julio and Robin Miriam Cabrera Sara Christensen Eileen De Castro Ken and Karla Farley Garreaud Melissa Caffey Ann Christopher Jane Dea Sheila Farley James and Maria Garrett Arthur Calcagnini Katherine Chudoba Bobbi and Monte Deere Brad and Deborah Anton and Dustin Garrity Ferrin Calder Douglas Clark Dustin Deets Farnsworth Analese Gibbons Steven and Jenny Call Julia Clark Heather Deets Reed Willis Farnsworth Melanie Gibson Ronda Callister Michelle Clark Charlene Degen W.D. and Glenona Shilo Gifford Josh Cameron Michael Clark Katherine Degen Farnsworth Marcus and Kerry Gillette Mike and Camille Nica Clark Patrick Demara Kati Farrer Devon and Julie Glenn Cameron Ben and Carrie Clement Amy Demke Kelly Feeney Brian and Jenni Ronald Camomile Trevor and Kristen Connie Denmark Toby Fender Gochnour Lowell and Barbara Clements Carol Del Giudice Karen Ferguson Klaus and Constance Camp David Clough Eric and Stacy Delange Jaime Fernandez Goeckeritz Bryan Campbell Peter Coats Mauro Delao Richard Fetzer Pamela Goldman Jonathan Campbell Katy Cohen Tiffany Deloach Hailey Ficklin Maria Gomez McCall Campbell Kristy Coleman Erin Deneke Robin Ficklin Robert Gomm Rob Campbell Joanne and Michael Mark Dibble Carlos Fida Stacie Gomm Helen Campos Colemere Lindsay Dick Pamela Fife Maria Gomez Mykelti Cannon Matthew Coles Melanie Dixon Ana Figueroa Viveros Cristina Gonzalez Rebecca Cannon Chad Collotzi Ray Dodd Melissa Fillmore Guadalupe Gonzalez Ron and Jennifer Canter Vu Con Anna Dollins Mike and Trish Fine Luis Gonzalez Debby Carapezza Stefanie Condie Caitlin Donnelly Kayden Finlayson Emily Gooch Christin Carbiener Emilee Cooke Paul and Terrell Dougan Marty Fisher Marcia Goodhue David and Raelene Card Brandon and Tricia Cope Shauna Dougherty Nancy and Timothy Karl Goodman Jaime Cardenas- Chrystin Costley Craig Douglass Fisher Shelly Goodman Pedraza Mikel and Traci Covey Leah Downey Lexi Flake Robert and Connie Goss Oscar Cardova Megan Cousin Lindsay Downs Royce and Martha Taylor Goss Gabriella Carmigniani Jill Cox Melisa Doyle Flandro Cory Gower Sam and Aleatha Kamee Cox Robyne Driggs Cynthia Fleming Monica Goudelock Carpenter Larry Cox Carmela Dubbs Alan Flores Alyxandrea Gray Katherine Carpenter Caroline Craven Donald Dunn Bryndi Folkersen Braden Gray Dan Carrasco Michelle Crawford Stanford and Dianne Lynn Forbes Evelyn Green Marta Carrero-Meissner Mindy Crockett Durrant Jeffrey Forman Kenneth Green Georgia and Rebecca Alena Crompton Dwayne and Melody John and Mary Fortuna Karen Green Carrington Kandise Crosby Dyer Cameron Foster Natalie Green Celestia Carson Alan Croshaw Alexandra Ebel Kendal Foster John Greene Hailey Carson Andrew Croshaw Cathy Eberhardt Christopher Fox Stacey Greenland Jessica Carter Whitney Crowley Collin Edwards Nicole Fox Brooke Gregory Joseph Carter Matt and Charlotte Lindy Edwards Bradley Frampton Avery Griffeth Joshua Carter Culberson Rachel Eggett Colby Frank David and Susie Griffin Mary Catherine Carter John Cunniff Katie Ellett Frank Frankhauser Emily Groat Madalyne Carty John and Kim Dahlstrom Dean Ellis Emily Franson Jennifer Grubbs Calli Case Katelyn Dais Keith Ellis Becky Frasier Emily Gudmundson Lea Castellanos Ruth Jane Dall Brandon Ellsworth Charlie and Shannon Doug Guild Mindi Cella Kelly Dallenbach Jean Elsener Freedman Rebecca Guevara Sharon Chaffin Nichole Daniel Mindy Emery Jonathan Freedman Cynthia Guldberg Noel Challis Ariane Dansie Cassidy Emett William Freedman Anne Marie Gunther Laura Chamberlain Daniel and Marta Dansie Morgan Empey Candy Friedli Jessica Gunther Jeaneen Chambers Elbert and Shanna Bridget Ence Shannon Fronapfel Paxton and Kelly Richard and Carolyn Dansie Hannah Engel Ron and Becky Frost Guymon Chambers Sarah Dansie Cassidy England Marc and Cammy Fuller Roger Haglund Carlee Chase Shanna Dansie Corey and Carrie Darren Funk Kurt Hale Dolores Chase Ken and Lorna Darling England Bruce Galbraith Amy Hall Nate Checketts Jorge and Carolynn Amanda Ensign Larrie and Nell Gale Andrea Hall Louis Chestney Daskalakis Brandon Erickson Parth Gandhi Ashley Hall Kimberli Cheung James Davenport Erick and Joyce Erickson Alejandro Garcia Rocky Hallows Kristin Chew Alisa Davis Andreas Ermler Candance Garcia Kevin Halverson Michael Chidester Andrew Davis Brent Esplin Eduardo Garcia Anthony Hamilton Micaela Choo Morgan Davis Bonnie Esquibel Erika Garcia Kimberlee Hammond Candice Christensen Nancy and Charles Angela Evans Jennifer Garcia Roy and Glenda Kendal Christensen Davis Joyce Evans D.R. and Pamela Hammond Kerry Christensen Morgan Davis Kelly and Shelly Evans Gardner Lisa Hancock Marnee Christensen Scott and Mary Davis Rosemary Evans Danielle Gardner Mackenzie Haney

29 Halvor and Colleen Robert and Rachel Chelse Jensen Stacey Kirk Celeste and David Hansen Hokanson David Jensen Lynn and Lesle Kitchen Lewis John Hansen Stephen and Christine Julie Jensen Melvin and Verda Ron and Anna Lewis Justin Hansen Holding James Jensen Kitchen Todd Libby Monica Hansen Marsha Holfeltz Kayleen Jenson Newell and Suzanne Keith Liebert Regan Hanson Beverly Hollister Kelly and Mary Jensen Kitchen Heather Lightbody Meredith Hardy Jeffrey Holmstead Kenneth and Catrina Patricia Kleckner Dan and Brooke Kate Hargadon Michael Holmstead Jensen Norman and Kristin Liljenquist Amy Haro Mark Holt Layne and Sarah Klein Brent and Rosemary Jeremy Harper Torin Holt Jensen Kyle Knowles Lind Shanel Harries JoNell Hone Paul Jensen Jaren and Cortney David and Laralee Lind Mark and Sarah Harris Spencer and Ann Pia Jensen Kochevar Nicole Lindquist Paul Harris Hoole Rees Jensen Christian Koehle Darrell Lindsey Rebecca Harte Kristin Gale Hoopes Sterling Jenson Jennifer Koeppe Chet Linton Angela Hartley Arielle Hope Wayne Jespersen Steven Kohler Camillia Lish Thomas Hartman Melanie Hopkinson Roy and Anne Dayna Kraus Kristin Liszkowski Andrew and Jen David and Katherine Jespersen Fred Kraut Janet Little Hartsfeld Horne Elizabeta Jevtic Dave and Robyn Ryan Little Clyde and Merilyn Paul Horstmeier Veronica Jimenez Kremer Jacob Lloyd Harvey Ashlyn Howarth Garcia Hanna Kresse Kenneth Lloyd Meaghan Harvey Hanna Howell Barry and Tonya Dana Kristensen Kristina Lobendahn Kelly Harwood Lewis Hower Johnson Gregory Kroll Leesa Logan Addam Haskell Doug and Ann Hronek Christopher Johnson Theodore and Win Sheng Loh Danielle Hastings Dana Hudson Connie Johnson Elizabeth Kulju Michael Lopeman Amy Hatch Lora Hudson Eryn Johnson Gloria Kummer Antonio and Jody Zachary Hatch Eric Huefner Joanna Johnson George and Merle Lopez Thomas Hausknecht Mel Huffaker Joseph Johnson Kurzrock Doreen Lopez Sierra Haverfield Lauren Hughes Kara Johnson Steve Labrum Evita Lopez Breeana Hawkes Jeremy Huish Kent and Jeri Johnson Marie LaCrue Christian Lopez-Garcia Jamie Hawkes Ruth Humpton Kirstin Johnson Michael and Mary Lake Katryna Lott Susan Haynes Gary Hunter Lori Johanson Scott and Joan Lake Paul and Heather Marissa Heaston Genevieve Hunter Marijke Johnson Erica Lamb Lovell Shaun Heaton Sheryl Hunter Natalie Johnson Julie Lambert Warren and Mary Luch Tim Heaton Cathy Huntsman Nicole Johnson Ronda Landa Kristen Luck John Heid Paul Huntsman Paul Johnson Roxanne Lane-Brink Susan Luke Neil Henderson Scott Huntsman Rees and Annie Bruce Langone Cammie Lund Robert and Kim Christopher Hurzeler Johnson Kenneth Langone Madison Lund Henderson Brent Hyatt Suzette Johnson Dean Larsen Kelli Lundgren Joe Henriod Kristina Hyer Casey and Lori Jones Catherine Larsen Duong Luong Paul and Shelley Juan Ibarra Don and Shirley Jones Dave and Michelle Paul Luscher Henriod Susan Imhoff Jed Jones Larsen Garrett and Dana Justin Heppler Jeffrey Ipsen Kim Jones Jamie Larsen Lyman Thomas Herche Anne Isenhour Sarah Jones Larry and Marilee Hope Lytle Martin Hernandez Marcy Isom Dustin and Senja Larsen Renee Madison Paul and Martha Hess Rich and Jenni Jorgenson Michael and Teresa Evan Madsen Molly Hetrick Israelsen Kathleen Jorgensen Larsen Palma Madsen Benjamin Heuston Boyd and Carma Joseph Kaminski Sierra Larsen Shawna Madsen L.R. Heyn Israelsen Patricia Kang Alisha Larson Terry May Madsen Jim and Pauline Anna Jackson Ilona Kanjo Crystal Larson Misty Mahaffey Higgins Edward Jackson Duane Karren David Larson Megan Maldonado John Hill John Jackson Steven Karren Jeffrey and Tera Larson Gary Malkin Braden Hillebrant Ladawn Jacob Josiah Kawamura Bonnie Lawson John Malooly Stacy Hillquist Justin Jacobs Amy Keith Garit and Erin Lawson Geri Margetts Laura Himelman Kathy James Ken and Kristen Keller Pat and Sue Leary Camden Markham Mimi Himelman Juan Jara Elizabeth Kelly Rebecca Leavitt Mary Flanagan Charles and Deborah Peter and Kristen Quinn Kelly Rodney Leavitt Markwardt Hitchcock Jarman Seta Kembikian Keith Ledet Susan Marshall Alex Hixson Sara Jarvie Janice Kimball Shae and Darren Lee Rachel Martel Quynh Hoang Melanie Jeffs James Kenagy Jewelya Lees Janet Martin Merideth Hobbs Trudy Jeffs Michael and Alicyn Kristin Leiferman Megan Martin Callianne Hodson Troy Jeffers King Timothy Lemon Greg and Lydia Emily Hodson Scott and Jamie Chante King Brinkley Lester Martinez Kelsey Hodgson Jenkins Stacie Kingdon Edward Levin Sergio Martinez- Daren and Lisa Hogge Carol Jensen Josh Kirk Michael Levinthal Gutierrez

30 Mark Matley Shane Mills Dan and Cassia Brian Peterson Lucinda Redd Justin Matthews John Millsaps Nielsen Brianna Peralta Megan Reese Lisa Mauvais Stephanie Moates Keith and Beverly Brenda Perez Casilla Keima Reeves Larry Maxfield Marilyn Momeny Nielsen Rachel Petak Paul Reich Gilbert and Coralee Edward Monks Paul and Landy Nipper David and Sarah Gary and Jolene Reif Maxwell Heidi Monsivais Kent and Sarah Nitta Peters Linda Reilly Alexis May Martha Montero Volkmar and Laura Nitz Brian and Claire Julie Reves Ammon Mayfield Danna Montgomery Scott Nix Peterson Wendy Ribera Gary and Marge Robert and Kristi Willi Nixon Bryce Peterson David Richards, Jr. Mayfield Montgomery Deborah Noertker Craig and Maradee Jeremy Richey James and Rosalind Steven and Debbie Kyle Nordhagen Petersen Jessica Riehle Mayfield Montgomery Benjamin Nolte Elyse Peterson Craig and Kristin Riggs Marjorie Mayfield Suzanne Montgomery Chelzee Nye Jack Petersen Julie Ringel Paul Mayfield Katy Moon Craig Ogan Joel and Diana Shelli Ringel Scott Arthur Mayfield Nathan Moon Rita Ogden Peterson Marc and Marilee Ben and Julie Nealani Moore Randy Okland Mary Peterson Ritchie McAdams Sarah Moore Margo Olea Russ and Trina Maria Rivas Elliot and Neylan Paul Moote April Ollivier Petersen Ross Rivers McBaine Drew Morby Dixie Olsen Scott and Christina Margaret Roach Charles McClelland John Morgan Leanne Olson Peterson Lynn Robbins Miles and Liana Dennis and Ann Mori John Olson - Bartlett Wendy Peterson Jennacy Roberson McCracken Paul and Janna Morrell Sean Onyon Mark Petroske Albert Roberts, IV Charles McClure Jenny Morris Ryan Orullian Steve and Katrina Pfost Gail Roberts Adam McDonald Carly Mortensen Lilie Osborn Phat and Ann Pham Kathleen Roberts Jean McDonald Laura Mortensen Jase Osborne Amanda Phan Jon and Shauna Michael and Gerri Tonya Moseley Anmaree Osmond Shari Phippen Robertson McDonald Kim Mowry Kathy Ostler Linda Pickett Christopher Robinson Shayla McDonald Melissa Mullins Sarah Otley Karl and Paige Pierce John Robinson Frank McEntire Brittany Munkres William and Lynda Ott Kim Pincetl Carri Robison Dennis and Kim Alina Murdock David Overly Andrew Pixton Michael Roe McEvoy Scott Murdock Devin Overly Carolyn Pizzuto Deana Rogers Anthony McEwan Jeffrey and Karen Don Overly Dave and Kathy Pliler Ross Romero Jackie McGill Murphy Jeff and Allexis Owen Walter Plumb Benjamin Romney M’Kay and Angela Jennica Murphy Susan Owens Heidi Poelman Robert Romney McGrath Karin Murphy Layne and Teresa Pace John and Martha Francis and Janae David McKenna Klane Murphy Kaitlyn Packer Poelman Rosado Freada McLin Steven and Jennica Kaisha Packham Donna Poll Anna Rosales Ron and Bonnie Murray Brent and Julie Brent and Sondra Poll Rainy Rosenbaum McMillan Sara Muse Palfreyman Glen and Linda Poll George Rosenberg Macoy and Marjorie Keven Myhre Rachel Parcell Jack Polton Greg Ross McMurray Brandon Neel Anthony Park Laurel Pope Robert and Valerie Annie McPherson Emily Neibert Rachael Park Amanda Porter Ross Walter and Marilyn Judy Schvaneveldt Neil Janice Park-Blanchard Marci Porter Gregory Roth McPhie David and Susan Neill George Parkinson Scott Porter Clark and Angela Arthur Meacham Carlos Nelson Suzann Parkinson Shirley Price Roundy Elizabeth Meissner Cory Nelson Carrie Parramore Jane Priem Stanford Rovig Kim Meissner Dan Nelson Ellen Parrish Andrew Proctor Brandon and Janelle Heidi Meissner David and Leslie Nissa Parson Brent and Hillary Pugh Rudd Rodolfo Mendoza Nelson Alexis Patterson Christina Proctor Cassandra Ruiz Megan Menegassi Jessica Nelson Aaron Patton Michaela Proctor Kirk Rule Alan Menzies Laura Nelson Kori Patrick Scott and Maurine Marie Rule Chase Meredith Matthew Nelson Elizabeth Paulson Proctor David Russell Kelli Michanowicz Ryan and Misty Nelson Kaitlin Pearson Eliza Pullman Deanne Russell Richard and Jayne Shaline Nelson Natalia Peck Wendy Pugmire Jennifer Russell Middleton Carli Neugebauer Jefferson and Heather Rose Pylidis Kendall Russell Jay Midgley Brynn Newell Pedersen Selina Quist Stephen Foster and Therese Milad Judy Newton Esteban Pedraza Jacinto Ramirez Urbina Trudy Russell Lindsay Miles Rachel Ngo Cabrera Aydee Ramos Josh Ryan Amy Miley Thuyan Nguyen Emily Pehrson Greg and Emily Daniela Saavedra Jacquelynn Millard Lan Huong Nguyen Sara Peltier Randall W.J. Saccomanno Amy Miller Ryan Nichols Christian and Courtney Charles Rardin Allison Sahagun Kevin Anne Miller Laura Niederhausern Pena Julie Ray Rebecca Sackett Ray and Mary Milliner Patricia Nield Karli Pendleton Merrilee Rease Tyson Sadler Lynn Million Amber Nielsen Jeanne Pepper Alexis Redd Fred Sakaki

31 Paul and Lisa Salisbury Lon Snow Swalberg Heather Valentine Alicia Williams David and Michele Salo Charlene Snyder Rita Swallow Niels and Char Ashley Wilson Brigitt Salt Yorn Sophaneth Marianne Swenson Valentiner Joshua Wilson Annick Samson Ean Sorensen Bill Swinyard Tim and Christianne Kylie Wilson Dirk Samson Kaleena Sorensen Rosemary Tafoya Valentiner Laney Williams Julio Sanchez Karoline Sorensen Malia Tago Jere Van Puffelen Megan Williams Craig and Torri Sanders Kirby Sorensen Mike Tall Leah Christine Varney Merissa Wilson Christina Satko Janeva Sorenson Seth Tanner David Vaughan David Wilson Tim Saunders Gary and Winnie Sosa Norma Tapia Kathy Ventrano David and Jeralynn John Saxton Rebekah Sosa Jessica Tate Norma Vera Winder Eva Sayes Kristina Southam Ira Tattelman Juanita Verma John and Michelle Sherrie Schaub Lincoln Spencer Andrea Taylor Melissa Vermillion Winger Kenndyl Schofield Robert Springmeyer J.B. and Hillary Taylor Alicia Vest Warren Winegar Rick Schorr Patricia Stapley Paula and Alan Taylor Elizabeth Vincent Cameo Winn Heather Schultz Amman Starr Stephen Taylor Hang Vinh Roberta Wintrup C.M. Schwartz John Stasiuk Travis and Kathy Taylor Nghi Vo Dick and Judy Winwood David Scott Emily Stauffer Martha Tejeiro Joseph Voitehovich Kendra Wischmeier Michael Scott Whitney Steck Dennis Tenney Michael Vowles Mark Witt Sam Scott Jacob Steffes Kara Tenny Robert Wakeland Jack and Rosemary Grace Seals Scott and Wendy Stein Jeff Thayne Tiffany Wakeling Wixom Joanne Searcy Suzanne Steiger Chris and Laura Thomas BreAnna Walker Dennis and Celeste Ashlee Sears Connor Stein Heather Thomas Greg Walker Wolfe Rebecca Sears Julie Steinmetz Matthew and Jane Gordon and Carlene DiAnna Wood Christine Seethaler Aimmie Stephens Thomas Walker Elisabeth Wood Laurie Seron Bryan and Lisa Stephens Richard Thomas Layne and Koreen Heidi Wood Clay Sessions Lisa Stephens Tracy Thomas Walker Kent and Melanie Wood Sharianna Sessions Richard Stephenson Sean and Michelle Spencer Walker Rebecca and Rich Wood Dustin and Mandy Jeffery and Julie Stettler Thompson Tamara Walker Scott and Lynn Wood Sexton Lana Stevens Stephen and Janette Katrina Walser Paul Woods Mandy Sexton Shaley Stevens Thompson Leisel Walser James and Carolyn Matthew Seymour Clayton Stevens Troy and Jerilee McKenna Walter Woodward Steven and Lisa Shapiro Ford and Rosie Thompson Loren Walters Warner Woodworth Chelsey Sharp Stevenson Carol Thomson Jim and Carol Warburton Geoff Woolley Natalie Sharp Ryan Stevenson John Thomson John Warby Sarah Worlton Nathan Shatto Cailey Stewart Sheryl Thorell Britni Ward Allison Wright Randall Shirts Dallas Stewart Richard Tillery Whitney Ward Bryan and Noelle Wright Lindsey Shores Gail Stewart Melissa Tillman Nancy Waterfall Cody Wright Steven and Adrienne Elizabeth Stincelli Brent Tippets Michael and Pam Colleen Wright Shrader Katherine Stinson Harmon Tobler Waterman Courtney Wright Kristin Shuman Tom and Kristin Bailey Toland Sandie Waters James and Janet Wright Andrea Shumway Stockham Torrey Tomlinson Rachel Waterworth Kenneth Wright April Shumway Stanford and Justine Jeremy and Rachel Ann Watts Mark and Jacky Wright Lyle Silcox Stoddard Tomsick Bret and Sunny Watts David Wunderli Lannel Silva Anthony Jacob and Mindi Kathryn Toone Donald and Marie Weber Steve and Jennifer Pamela Simcoe Stokely Denene Torgenson Janica Webster Wunderli Susan Simmons Ernest Stokely Megan Torgersen Ali Weeks Clement Yang Kathleen Simpson Sandra Stolworthy Vicki Tracy Ashley Weekes Andrew Woo Yong Tyler Singleton Daniel Stone Katelyn Trafelet Kelly Weir Cheng Brooke Slabbert Lauren Stover Hai Tran Marci Weir Andrea Young Bradley Smith Cathy Straup Tiffany Tran Alexandra Weldin Lori Young Chelsi Smith Kerry Streng Bobby Jo Traut Anna Wengreen Mike and Sandra Clifford Smith Brian Strickland Ronald and Czarina David and Christine Zakowski Courtney Smith Diane Stringham Trinidad Wesemann Shari Zieff Derek Smith Kendra Stringham Alexandra Troska Teresa Weseman Tara Zirker Donna Smith Mikell Stringham Cynthia Tsien Steven and Gloria West Brad Zobrist Heather Smith Jason Stroud McCayla Turnbow Steven and Alison West Jason Smith Alysha Stucki Cassidy Turner Michael Westbrook Kathleen Simpson David and Angelic Marvin and Maxine Amy Westerby Khiah Smith Sullivan Turner Aleesha White Marilee Smith Lewis and Patrice Swain Penny Tygesen Shareesa White Melissa Smith Russel Swalberg Charles Ulrich Sheila Wiegand Ambie Snell Spencer and Olivia Christian Ulrich Bracken Wilde Edward and Janice Swalberg Emily Ulrich Kristy Wilder Snoddy Randy and Mary Jane Matthew Ulrich Denise Wilkerson

32 together we are ending poverty

CHOICE Humanitarian is a Utah-based non-profit organization with 30 years experience working with rural communities around the globe. We work in Kenya, Nepal, Mexico, Bolivia, and Guatemala in villages that live on less than $2 a day. The CHOICE model maintains an integrated approach to ending poverty by focusing on five core areas: health, education, environment, culture, and economic development. We recognize that our organization only acts as a catalyst for change, developing strong local leadership empowers communities to create their own vision out of poverty and become the authors of their own lives.

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CHOICE Humanitarian is a 501(c)3 801.474.1937 | [email protected] 7879 South 1530 West, Suite 200 | West Jordan, Utah 84088 USA

Much of the preparation of this publication was generously donated by a variety of CHOICE supporters and partners including photographs, design, and layout. We thank them for a beautiful effort! The printing of this publication was donated. 33