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The Franklin NEWS RECORD The Franklin News-Record 'The Princeton Packet Inc. 1990 All Rights Reserved IUSPS 573 BOO) Second class postage paid 50? at Manviiki H J Ottm Thursday, March 29, 1990 Vol. 35, No. 13 Sleep-out for the homeless DRIVE.. .Girl Scout Troops 507 in Somerset and 509 are sponsoring a blood drive Saturday; March 31, 10 By Donna Tunney a.m. to 3 p.m. at Hillcrcst Managing Editor School on Franklin Boulevard. The drive benefits the American Tom O'Leary will not rest as long Red Cross. as there are homeless people in the United States, in New Jersey, in Somerset County and in Franklin Township. He's the executive direc- NORSE., The play, 'Asgard-A tor of the Somerset-based Samaritan Tale of the Norse Gods,' written Homeless Interim Shelter (SHIP), and directed by Franklin resident and the Somerset County coordinator Andrew Parks, will be per- for Housing Now!, a national effort fonned by the Franklin Theater to benefit the homeless. Ensemble this weekend and also Mr. O'Leary is the guy local April 1, 6, 7, and 8 at Sampson people call if they've been burned out G. Smith Intermediate School. of their home or apartment or if the For tickets call 356-6487 or landlord changes the lock on their 545-4229. deadbolts. Dubbed the "big man." Mr. O'Leary's stature is not so im- posing as it is comforting. His size EXPO;..The Franklin Chamber only means more folks can lean on him for strength — and they do. of, Oamerce is having its an- Tom O'Leary nual business exposition today, Mr. O'Leary is dedicated to mak- Thursday. 4 to 8 p.m. at the ing the public aware of the plight of resurrcctand restore the $25 billion {Holiday Inn on Davidson Av- homeless people. He operates out of a taken out of the housing budgets enue. Admission is free and the small office in the First Assembly of since 1981." community it invited. Represen- God Church on Franklin Boulevard Mr. O'Leary said he and his col- tajryev from busuiesse*, clubs, and, with the help of church officials leagues will ask President George Otekflizatkmi, and* government and volunteers, will stage a sleep-out Bush to use a portion of the "peace wQ! set up exhibit. Product for the homeless on the church prop- dividends" for affordable housing (ample* will be given away and erty April 7-8. and homeless programs. "We want there wilt be door prizes. A similar event was held two some of the money that is being cut weeks ago at a Somorville church from defense spending this year and but, since most of Mr. O'Leary's in coming years to go toward these work is done in Somerset, he decided important programs. And we hope to DKP...A representative from to arrange a sleep-out here. push forward the Mickey Lcland the state Department of En- "Our intention is to raise com- Housing Act of I99O, which is named vironmental Protection will give munity awareness about the homeless after the Democratic congressman a demonstration at Rutgers Prep and the need for affordable housing. from Texas who died last year. This Tuesday. April 3, on the subject In Somerville, 15 people slept out the bill defines how the money should be I whole night and many others came of recycling household and haz- spent and also pinpoints the funding ardous wastes. The lecture will for an hour or two." Mr. O'Leary mechanism. That's the problem with be given to fifth through eighth said. housing bills — they never seem to crafct io J^w& HalL 1& J» The Somerset sleep-out is sponsor- actually say where the money is ed by SHIP, the First Assembly of going to conic from," said Mr God Church and the Somerset County O'Leary. chapter of Housing Now!, and will But Mr. O'Leary admits that sup- serve as a prelude to what Mr. port for affordable housing programs BENEFIT...A benefit dinner O'Leary hopes will be a massive and longterm projects to help home- for St. Peter's Medical Center in protest in Washington. D.C.. April less people needs to begin at the local New Brunswick is planned tor 14-15. level. The sleep-outs are one way of June 2 at the Somerset Hilton. "In Washington, we're going to getting people involved. Tickets are $130 and may be sleep outside the capitol building, "It was great at the Somerville reserved by calling 745-8542. Staff Photo • Patti Sapone which constitutes civil disobedience. church. We caused rubbernecking I may get arrested, but I really don't delays. People saw us and saw what Taking a break care." said Mr. O'Leary. we were doing and a lot of people "The reason we're going to Wash- joined in." MARKET...The Franklin Girl Scout Ashley Siems enjoys a slice of pizza during Scouts Fun Day held March 17 at St. ington that weekend is because it's Township Department of Social Matthias School. Troops from the Somerset area gathered for games and fun activities. See How many homeless folks are Easter weekend, and we want to ask there in Somerset County, or in the Services Neighborhood Preser- more photos on the Lifestyle page. our representatives to symbolically vation Program ud Working See O'LEARY, Page 24A Single Parent Group are spon- »oringsFleaM«jietApf,l2I.8 MO/ to 3 J».m. « the social service* otm, 935 Hamilton Candidates present views at PTO forum St.' Table rentals are $10, space is SS. Make reservations by By Laurie Lynn StrasMr times arc happening in Franklin ot a viable team," she continued. The candidates also forwarded calling Mary Eads at 246-7139, on the board. It will take the collec- Staff Writer Township. I hope we can continue "I'm looking to enhance my leader- tive capabilities of the board mem- their views on increasing parental Marian White at 828-6286. or the momentum we now have, ship and organizational skills us a involvement in the district. the' social services office at Candidates' Night gave the public bers to give their wisdom and judge- especially with the new super- good team lender." ment to serve you people correctly." "I've been to every school in this 873r2300, Ext. 310. No food a chance Tuesday to meet intendent and present member!!. It has "As an engineer and doctor," said district." said Mr. MacDonald. "I'd ftrt allowed. Rain date is faee-toface the contenders in the This is not the time for retrench- been a pleasure and an honor to be Mr. Kane."I've served in many cor- ment," he declared. "Times have walk through the halls and simply upcoming Board of Education elec- part of that group." porate positions, The board needs observe. 1 don't know if the board tion. Sharon Potter, president of the changed. Let's move forward and not "It takes an ample amount of time team players; perhaps it's not the nickel and dime the board and pro- MacAfce Road PTO. explained that to learn all the skills to be a member right time to have any real disscntion See CAMPAIGN, Page 24A the purpose of the forum was to allow grams to death." i Township Pop voters to make an informed decision, football and Cbetrlead- Sponsored by the joint Franklin -mim will t* held Juw Schools Parent Teacher Organiza- 8 p.m. The program tions, the event took place in the How the budgets boyi and girt* aged 8 MacAfce Road School gymnasium. H '- ' r'gBWIan With four competitors for three ,„_. .... child at seals, voter* face a "musical chairs" nimtm mi should bring a diminution. In uddilion to two in- add up for 1990 I* W«h certificate and a cumbent;. — board president Karen tot pho»o. Physical ex- Ikxlnar and board member Rebecca By Donna Tunney aid lo municipalities. Hut the Town- ams eft required. Children may While-Johnson ~- former two-term Managing Editor ship Council WHS able lo avoid regitter, HMM tabn* *e reiulit board member Hugh McDonald seeks layoffs of municipal employees, und u come-back, and newcomer Richard It takes a lot of money to keep retain Ihc municipal services thai are ofa physical exeat. CMI of the Franklin Township and Somerset program' (i $33 pef child, with Kane is campaigning hurd to establish currently funded. himself for Ins first run. County running —$173 million lobe Proposed cuts in slate mil to the family (rfaai avaiUbte. Ptof more exact. The combination of school, details, cell 846-9927. Mr. MacDonald *aid llmt (he board school district arc ulso largely should strive to become more pol- municipal and county taxes in the responsible for the 9 percent increase icy •oriented. "I've served two limes coming year is expected to cost in this year's school budget, which ' • * *.• before, and twice, I've tried unsuc- Franklin homeowners $3.08 per $100 stands ut $40.45().(XX). II approved cessfully to get the board to undertake of assessed valuation. by the voters April 24. the 1990-91 RRTIRB A retVttntm dinner The municipal budget udoptcd by U being planned by ttwRrankln lungtcrni planning," he dialed. school budget will iransluic lo u hike "There arc volume* of information (he Township Council Tuesday is in Ihc tax rale of I5J cents per SMXI TowrJIlp PotlM D*partm«nl to $22.9 million — a 9.8 percent In- hono* U firneat Uvw end Ht. sent In every board member every of assessed valuation, for a total week.