Final Archaeological Monitoring Plan for the Kawainui Marsh Wetland
Final Archaeological Monitoring Plan for the Kawainui Marsh Wetland Restoration and Habitat Enhancement Project, Kailua Ahupua‘a, Ko‘olaupoko District, O‘ahu TMKs: [1] 4-2-013:005 (por.), 022 (por.), and 043 (por.) Prepared for Helber Hastert and Fee, Planners, Inc. Prepared by Trevor M Yucha, B.S., David W. Shideler M.A., and Hallett H. Hammatt, Ph.D. Cultural Surveys Hawai‘i, Inc. Kailua, Hawai‘i (Job Code: KAILUA 54 June 2015 O‘ahu Office Maui Office P.O. Box 1114 1860 Main St. Kailua, Hawai‘i 96734 Wailuku, Hawai‘i 96793 Ph.: (808) 262-9972 Ph.: (808) 242-9882 Fax: (808) 262-4950 Fax: (808) 244-1994 Cultural Surveys Hawai‘i Job Code: KAILUA 54 Management Summary Management Summary Reference Archaeological Monitoring Plan for the Kawainui Marsh Wetland Restoration and Habitat Enhancement Project, Kailua Ahupua‘a, Ko‘olaupoko District, O‘ahu TMKs: [1] 4-2-013:005 (por.), 022 (por.), and 043 (por.) (Yucha et al. 2015) Date June 2015 Project Number(s) Cultural Surveys Hawai‘i, Inc. (CSH) Job Code: KAILUA 54 Investigation Permit CSH will likely complete the archaeological monitoring fieldwork under Number Hawai‘i State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD) permit No. 14-04, issued per Hawai‘i Administrative Rules (HAR) §13-13-282. Agencies SHPD Land Jurisdiction The project area is owned by the State of Hawai‘i Project Location The project area is located at the south end of Kawainui Marsh in central Kailua Ahupua‘a, O‘ahu, bounded on the south side by Kalaniana‘ole Highway, on the west side by Kapa‘a Quarry Road (for the southern portion), and the west edge of Kawainui Marsh (for the northern portion).
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