Giants and Yankees Start Active Work at Southern Training Quarters in Few Days Largest Squad in Many Years Cornell Vietor Faces ------Huggins To Answer McGraw's Roll Call In Track Meet The Days of Real Sport b7brjggs Two Problems Frisch Only Regular in Party Leaving This Morning Held at Boston tn for San Antonio; 42 Athletes Mustered Yoo Kmou> Thjs is FlagFight Dartmouth Finishes Second, S/SToKDAV aJtGHT - YOO« by Veteran New York National B*TH NIGHT- COrV»B Left-HandrdPitcherNVeded- League Players Less Than Point Behind; Outfirld Also a Charles A. Thomson and GBJ up Thc Tob Cause of By Taylor Individual Star VUHK& J*T\S MIC6. AnD l/x Worry to Ya?'1 With the departure of the Giants for their, spring at HERC fj0?g training camp BOSTON, Feb. 26..The Cornell track \\AJAPf*A San Antonio, Tex., to-day spring for greater New York may be By R. J. considered well under The lirst Yankee toam won the annual triangular con¬ Kelly way. squad, which left this city test with Harvard and Dartmouth at ST' ""b- -v- 'ii"* soW is due at itr base in Friday afternoon, spring Shreveport, La., to-night. Mechanics' Building to-day, with 36 1-5 COntmgent of the Yankee,, co John J. and< oi Iraffic McGraw, vice-president points. Dartmouth was second, with Managera Mark Roth and of the Giants, as haa always 35 3-5 and Harvard tralled, with 20 1-5. Charlcs Mc.Manus, Trainer Al Woodt, been hands were his cusjtom when his The Ithacans' success was unexpect- Groundkeeper Phil Schenck, a not swathed in National red do»a League "Home Run9 Baker ed, as Cornell had little indoor train¬ newspaper correspond< nts and an as. an of the sortment cf tape, plans old-fashioned trip ing. The running specialists, who have rookies, arrived ht re iBt4 kind that brought three consecutive Sold to Senators; boen the principal factors of strength this afternoon on thc first leg of tha pe.nnants to the metropolis during the with Cornell teams for a decade, journcy to Shreveport, La. Among tht years 1911-'13, inclusive. Countirig brought their team victory, as almost youngsters are Pitch. Price Is $30*000 two-thirds of Cornell's points were Alex r;fford himself, assistant manager Kugh gained in three events, the 600 yards, Ferguson, Tom Godfrcy and Ed Jennings and Jcsse Burkett as 1,000 yards and relay races. Cornell Le Pard, Eddie G-asglck and all will bo active in unir- CINCINNATI, Feb. 26. won the last in a fairly close finish, Gault, and 0 players (and with Earl J. Charley form), McGraw will have no less >han Captain Thomson, of Dart¬ ton. The last named was Just before leaving Cincinnati mouth, pressing hard in second place. picked u forty-two athletes at San Antonio when Thomson was the individual star, tho last night at Harrisburg. all answer the roll call. Of th;?se, no to-night, , man¬ Olympic hurdling champion equalling The party, which is scheduled to less than fifteen will be can¬ the reputed world record of six seconds leave here late pitching ager of the New York Ameri¬ for the non-regulation 65-yard to-night for thc train- didates; there will be five ca.tchcrs, ten hurdles high ing carnp via the Missouri event, gaining second place in in this Pacific, tru infielders and nine . can League baseball team, ac¬ the broad jump and running as anchor joined city by another hatch o' Assistant business Manager Eddie* in the relay. His negro team mate, U. rookies, and the entire squad is slated an offer A. lo arrive at some Biannick will have of the dele- cepted of $30,000 Shelburnc, brought 10 points to Shreveport time to¬ charge Dartmouth, dashing in first in the 40- morrow afternoon. Many of the other gation which is to depart from the from Clark Grimth, of the yard event and putting the shot far- youngsters have been ordered to report Station at 8:45 this thest. at the Grand Central and it is Coiach and his Washington club, for the re¬ The only real break in Cornell's ¬ expected that some of thern morni-ng. auccesses will arrive there within Frank Frisch, Alex. Gas- lease of ning was by Captain D. F. the next few