Volumes December, 1971 Number 12
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VOLUMES DECEMBER, 1971 NUMBER 12 Frank loob, President Roger Johnson, Vice President Ginny Billings, Publisher Bob Whiteley, Treasurer Roberta Cherney, Recording Secretary Dick Reutlinge r, Membership Secretary Mel luchetti, Advertising Secretary THE A1\tICA NEWS BULLETIN 1__-----------------------The AMICA News Bulletin __----.... Published by the Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors' Association, a non-profit club devoted to the restoration, distribution and enjoyment of musical instruments using perforated paper music rolls. Contributions: All subjects of interest to readers of the bulletin are encouraged and invited by the publisher. AU articles must be received by the first of the month. Every attempt will be made to publish all articles of general interest to AMICA members at the earliest possible time and at the discretion of the Publisher, in the following areas: * Letters to the Publisher *Research Findings *Questions and Answers *Biographical Sketches of Artists and Composers *Photographs, Old Advertisements * Technical Information * Anything elseof general interest to AM ICA Advertisements: Personal ads are accepted by the AMICA Bulletin Board. Businesses which are interested in placing ads must follow these rules: - Each ad will consist of one full standard pagein the bulletin. - Payment of $25 must be included with the ad copy. - Ads must reach the publisher by the first of the month. - Ad copy must be complete and ready for print. - At least 50% of the ad must consist of photographs or art work that will be of specific interest to AMICA readers. PUBLICATION OF BUSINESS ADVERTISING IN NO WAY IMPLIES AMICA'S ENDORSEMENT OF ANY COMMERCIAL OPERATION. However AMICA reserves the right to refuse any ad that is not in keeping with AMICA's general standards or if complaints are received indicating that said business does not serve the best interests of the members of AMICA, according to its goals and by-laws. I THEAMICA WHO & WHERE THE AMICA BULLETIN AMICA PRESIDENT PHOTOGRAPHS REQUIRING HALF-TONE Frank Loob Sam Thompson 219 Montecito Boulevard 6809 Iris Circle Napa, California 94558 Hollywood, California 90028 AMICA BULLETIN MUSICAL JIGSAW Ginny Billings, Publisher Ruth Bingaman Smith 1428 Liberty Street 206 Tuttle Road EI Cerrito, CaHfornia 94530 San Antonio, Texas 78209 AMICA BULLETIN PAST ISSUES PARENT MINUTES & MEETINGS Dick Reutlinger Ginny Billings, Publisher 824 Grove Street 1428 Li berty Street San Francisco, California94117 EI Cerrito, California 94530 NEW MEMBERSHIPS & MAILING PROBLEMS BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES Dick Reutlinger, Membership Secretary Bob Pye, Editor 824 Grove Street 342 Leon Avenue San Francisco, California 94117 Kelowna, B.C., Canada MEMBERSHIP DUES & TREASURY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CHAPTER Bob Whiteley, Treasurer Karl Petersen, Reporter 175 Reservoir 314 South Halladay Street San Rafael, California Santa Ana, California 92701 BULLETIN BOARD INSTRUMENTS Mel Luchetti, Advertising Secretary Bob Billings, Editor 3449 Mauricia Avenue 1428 Liberty Street Santa Clara, California 95050 EI Cerrito, California 94530 AMICA AUCTION TECHNICALITIES Gar Britten, Auctioneer John A. Patten, Editor 642 Diamond Street 601 Penn Street San Francisco, California Pasadena, California 91104 THE AMICA NEWS BULLETIN 2 BOARDMINUTES Roberta moved that local chapters be notified inunedi by Roberta Cherney, Secretary iately to hold elections for their National Director, in accordance with Article V, Section 4(b) of the new by-laws; seconded and passed. November 5, 1971 The President appointed the following Committee 1428 Liberty St., Chairmen, as provided for in the by-laws, Article VII: El Cerrito (a) Membership, Dick Reutlinger; (b) Public Relations, The November AMICA Board Meeting was called to order Mel Luchetti; (c) Publications, Ginny Billings; (d) by the President, Frank Loob, at 8:30 pvm, The minutes Liaison, Roberta Cherney; (e) Research, Mel Luchetti; of the last meeting were read and approved. (f) Auction, Garner Britten; (g) Technical, Bob Billings; Roberta moved that Genevieve Pitot be accorded Honor (h) Convention, Sally Lawrence. Each Chairman was ary Membership in AMICA; seconded and passed. Mel moved directed to select the people he wants for committee Pearl White be invited to be an Honorary Member; seconded members. and passed. Dick Moved Mathilda Locust be voted into The next meeting will be at 8:00 p.m. Friday, Novem Honorary Membership; seconded and passed. Ginny moved ber 19, at Dick Reutlinger's , The meeting was adjourned J. Lawrence Cook be an Honorary Member; seconded and at 11:50 p.m. All members were present, plus our host passed. Bob Billings, Barbara Whiteley (Secretary to the Dick reported 18 new members, making the current mem Treasurer), and Bill Wherry. bership 525. He then moved a re-run of the April 1971 Bulletins be authorized as he only had one copy left. ''''''''''"""""""""""""" The motion was seconded and passed. The price of a proposed self-sealing membership form was prohibitive, so Dick moved Ginny be authorized to 1972 MEMBERSHIPS: SEND DUES NOW print 1,000 membership application forms which can also by Dick Reutlinger be used as notices for member renewal; seconded and passed. Dear Members wherever you are: Mel agreed to undertake the collecting of technical The 1971 membership year of AMICA is drawing to a information articles from past Bulletins with the idea close--a year that has seen the membership double in of pUblishing them in a separate booklet form. size. Our current membership strength stands at 525 • Mel moved the Corporate Seal for AMICA designed by I would like to thank all of you for your support during Ginny be approved; seconded and passed. this tremendously active year and most particularly for Bob reported a balance of $651.24 in the checking your patience. I apologize for the slow response to many account and $12,672.82 in another account(representing of your inquiries, but the volume of correspondence the money sent in with orders for roll recuts.) The never lets me catch up. Your Board has set up a member Treasurer presented the fiscal statement for this year, ship committee for the coming yoar which will have which show that each member has cost the club about representatives from each chapter as well as extra per $11.50 to service. Dues for 1972 were discussed and sons from this area--this will be a great help in keeping Ginny moved they be set at $12.50 per member; seconded membership activities up to date. and passed. At our last board meeting, we discovered that it had Bob presented a proposed budget for 1972; after some cost us $11.50 to process and service each individual amendments were made Roberta moved it be accepted as membership during 1971. Without the extra income from amended; seconded and passed. the clUb auction, you can see we would be in the hole. The club's attempts to establish a roll recutting The Board had no alternative (save cutting down the service were discussed; since Durrell Armstrong was un Bulletin which I believe would be unpopular) to raising able to meet his commitment, Ginny moved our agreement the dues to $12.50--it appears likely that there may be with him be cancelled; seconded and passed. Roger was another postal increase during 1972. authorized to pick up the rolls that club members had A new membership/renewal form is being mailed with so graciously loaned for recutting [this has since been this Bulletin for your convenience. Please fill it out accomplishedl. A letter will be sent out to all members exactly as you wish your membership listing to appear in who have roll orders pending, explaining the current the annual list. Please list your collection carefully, situation and urging them to give the Board time to try noting any changes within the past year. to find a new source for roll recutting; if they choose, their money will be refunded on request. The 1972 Membership List will be issued as of Feb Mel moved the request from Ivan Shapiro for his refund ruary 1, 1972, so please get your renewals in early. The be sent by the Treasurer with the notice that the refund forms, complete with your check made out to AMICA, should permanently cancels this roll order; seconded and passed. be sent to Bob Whiteley, 175 Reservoir Road, San Rafael, Dick moved the Treasurer be authorized to refund roll California 94901. JANUARY BULLETINS WILL BE SENT OUT ONLY recutting money if the orderer so requests; seconded and TO THOSE MEMBERS WHO HAVE RENEWED BY THE FIRST OF THE passed. YEAR -- we have found that no Bulletin is the most In accordance with the new by-laws, Article VI, Sec effective reminder. If you wish to receive your Bulletin tion 6, Dick moved that Garner Britten be appointed by by first class mail, please include an additional $5.00 the Board to fill the Director's position of Auctioneer; ($10.00 for foreign airmail) with your form. seconded and passed. Here's to an even bigger and better year in 19721 Election of a new slate of officers will be held at the next annual meeting, which will be in conjunction with the 1972 National AMICA Convention. 3 THE AMICA NEWS BULLETIN 1971 FINANCIAL STATEMENT California have had added growth also and are very by Bob Whiteley, Treasurer stable, solid chapters with many active meeting~ for their membership. INCOME AMICA has sponsored a public program through the University of California that was a success and even Spiral Bound Bulletin Sales •••••$ 735 made money for the association. We have had recitals by Auctions •••••••••••••••••••••••• 717 Honorary Members and have welcomed more Honorary Members Bulletin Board Ads •••••••..••••• 40 into the club. Leaders Sales ••••••••••••..••••• 40 I could go on and on about the work done by many of Special Event at U.C.Berkeley ••• 150 our members - but Just let me say that it has been a Mernbe rsh ips •.•••••••••••.••••••• 4480 privilege to work with our fine Directors and the many -- TOTAL: $6162 members who have corresponded with me.